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fullmetal-scar-simping Ā· 9 months ago
Fma 03 Writers: Ok we've shown the various atrocities and concentration camps run by the Amestrian military, with the assault on Liore having been well established by this point. So in this scene, just after Ed attempts to argue against mass killing the military forces, we show that rape is also an act of war wielded by the invading army. Following this horrifying truth, Scar states "My sympathy will not be spent on soldiers. Neither should yours." From there we build up to the creation of a philosopher stone, where he sacrifices hundreds/thousands of soldiers as his final act.
Arakawa: Very cool! Love what you guys have come up with for the show.
Arakawa: Ok, now to write my version. Here Scar will be captured by the Amestrian border forces and get lectured by a Good Minority Ishvalan who solves racism by joining the murderous racist institution, and Scar will be all "Damn man, that's such a good idea. Wish I didn't suck so bad so I could be a Good Minority like you. Unfortunately I'm monstrous garbage and will burn in hell for eternity. :(" This leads to his redemption as a good dog who barks when asked by the Amestrian military. Also Ed says reverse racism is bad to the Good Minority and gets lauded for it.
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fmaoldficarchive Ā· 2 months ago
As the Ruins Fall
By sky dark - posted 2009-05-16 Live fic link unavailable Rating: K-L Teen Category: M/M, past F/M Warnings: None, all characters are of age Relationship(s): Edward Elric/Roy Mustang Character(s): Roy Mustang, Edward Elric Original tags: Fullmetal, post-series, Ed/Roy, rival-love, romance, Ed/Various Summary: "You're getting quite the list," Roy said. "Not that I am any sort of advocate for monogamy, but you certainly are taking full advantage of playing the field."
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frumpyfrumpkin Ā· 8 months ago
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walk it off pal
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corbeaucat Ā· 2 months ago
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Been practicing drawing these blorbos lately. As you can see I have a thing for people with sharp teeth and claws.
(Also if I can recall, the location of a homunculusā€™s philosophers stone isnā€™t always where the tattoo is and even with Gluttony was in his torso when he got eaten.)
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eldritch-sanctum Ā· 2 months ago
Interesting details about certain peopleā€™s hands in FMA/B:
Kimblee mimics the clapping transmutation that those who opened the gate at their own cost can do. Of course he does this by joining two transmutation circles together. With just one he can make objects as well like he did with the prison guard. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if early on fans thought he had opened the gate in the past. I feel like this is rather intentional.
Greedā€™s ouroboros mark is on his hand; which bears some striking resemblance to how alchemists, at least state alchemists often carry transmutation circles on their hands. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if people saw that ouroboros and thought it was a transmutation circle and maybe asked if he was an alchemist.
I wonder if the remark Ling makes about Edā€™s clapping transmutation looking like a prayer is ever brought up again but I also think this means something.
Anyway just thinking these things might be chock full of meaning.
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rizaposting Ā· 10 months ago
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Happy Royai day!!! šŸ’™šŸ’›
Also works nicely for today's Royai Week prompt: Appreciate... Roy is very, very appreciative. Be sure to grab your Lieutenant firmly to let her know.
insp picture under the cut
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saw this picture going around as a "draw your ship like this" meme and knew it was perfect for royai, even if this wasn't my original idea for today (I ran a bit short on time aaaaa). I'm still glad I was able to do something this year! šŸ˜Œ
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stackslip Ā· 5 months ago
can i be an fma (manga by hiromu arakawa) hater on main rn. more than usual i mean
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orphetoon Ā· 11 months ago
people thinking i made ed so short in the fullmeal au just to emphasize half elf growth rates dont know iā€™m an short edward elric truther
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tetitous Ā· 2 months ago
Funny tidbit I just realized:
In FMAB and the manga, it is physically impossible for an alchemist to transmute anything while in an airplane or an air baloon
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fmaoldficarchive Ā· 2 months ago
By night_ink - posted May 9th, 2010 02:19 pm Live fic link Rating: G general audiences Category: F/M Warnings: None Relationship(s): Riza Hawkeye/Roy Mustang Character(s): Riza Hawkeye, Roy Mustang Original tags: challenge: comment fic, character: riza hawkeye, character: roy mustang, fandom: fullmetal alchemist, pairing: roy/riza, rating: g, three weeks for dreamwidth Summary: Roy and Riza when Roy was studying under her father.
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chirpingchorus Ā· 6 months ago
> looking for an fma 03 fic > ask author if their fic is 03 or mangahood > they don't understand > pull out an illustrated diagram explaining what is 03 and what is mangahood > they laugh and say "it's both, ma'am" > read the fic > it's mangahood
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lesbianfakir Ā· 1 year ago
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I'm a fan of both adaptations but I am an agent of chaos if nothing else
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homunculusalphonse Ā· 5 months ago
idk how ppl think 03 scar is a downgrade physically speaking. like ppl mock 03 scar for not being buff or even for being kinda "feminine"? remember that very popular tumblr post calling him "bishie". like ridiculing 03 scar for looking feminine/androgynous (and literally not commenting on how amazing his character arc is???? almost like OP didn't even bother WATCHING 03?)
like i'm sorry but mangahood scar is literally the big scary brown/black man and they barely deconstruct that (and even if i haven't fully read the manga brotherhood does not know how to humanize him). besides, almost EVERY male character in brotherhood is buff with square jawlines. they're not unique imo.
i'm sorry, i just don't like how ppl talk about 03 scar's design. it's like they don't like the fact that scar looks like a regular dude. i'm begging you ppl to take off your mangahood glasses in order to engage with the 2003 adaptation.
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joker-of-gotham-2 Ā· 1 year ago
Kimblee: The nature of conflict and war provides some interesting philosophical questions about our profession. Morals are relative and the way we shackle ourselves to them only holds us back. Combined with the hypocrisies of man, I believe in the truth of living without compromising yourself or your convictions. I may not agree with them, but it is important to stick to your guns.
Also Kimblee: Blowing up civilians is fun, lol
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eldritch-sanctum Ā· 2 months ago
Some post-canon Greed survives AU headcanons/speculations:
With the power of alkahestry, Greed and Ling do get separated. However, they can only do this by essentially cloning Ling and having Greed occupy the artificial body. So Greed is stuck as a doppelganger of Ling but does try to differentiate himself.
Sometimes Greed is intentionally a double of Ling to protect him and cause mischief, or to actually stand in when Ling wants to run off to Amestris without notifying anyone else.
Greed and Ling learn how to imitate each other for maximum shenanigans.
Greed and Ling are still connected metaphysically and can even sense each otherā€™s presence and have a good sense of each otherā€™s thoughts and feelings at the moment. As a result, if Greed touches Ling, he can extend his Ultimate Shield to him and even can heal Ling from fatal damage. He has saved Ling from many assassination attempts this way.
Some people call Greed a taotieā€”a creature that represents greed and gluttony.
Over time Greed builds up a reputation and legend around himself. People begin telling stories about him, some true, some false, some exaggerated. Greed gradually is seen as some kind of trickster spirit in Xing and even beyond. Over centuries people begin setting up shrines and giving him offerings. Of course, he is very happy to take them, and people get caught off guard when this trickster minor deity shows up from the roof, in the flesh, and eats the offerings right in front of them with the biggest shit-eating grin on his face and then gives some words of wisdom. Then vanishes without a trace in the blink of an eye.
Greed says he owns the entire Yao clan if you ask him.
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fullmetal-scar-simping Ā· 5 months ago
In regards to Ishval potentially being framed as an equal power against Amestris in that ask about WWII;
Itā€™s more obvious in Mangahood but thereā€™s a detail about how Ishvalan soldiers are a lot more skilled than Amestrians due to their training; It was said 1 Ishvalan could take down 10 soldiers, something like that. And the idea was that this made Amestris resort to the State Alchemists to win, this was why Bradley signed order 3066.
And I canā€™t help but be reminded of how Vietnam veterans will talk about how scary it was to occupy a village because the viet cong boogeyman could be any one of the villagers! They would ā€˜hideā€™ among them and attack! So the Americans just HAD to raze down villagers to keep themselves safe!
Also IIRC there was a moment in the manga during the genocide flashback where some soldiers barge into an Ishvalan congregation, and the priest makes a prayer to Ishvala before he and all of the civilians blow themselves up. And we see a soldier scared and dying from the explosion from the perspective of our traumatized war criminal protagonist who was there, I forgot which one.
"Ishvalan soldiers are a lot more skilled than Amestrians" Based
"1 Ishvalan could take down 10 soldiers" EXCEPTIONALLY BASED
Imperialists are pathetic in every way possible. Real world imperialists will cry and shit themselves about their precious veterans (may they die alongside their wretched nations) having "suffered" at the hands of resistance/guerilla fighters and I have to laugh. And of course when their foot soldiers can't wipe a people out, in come the chemical weapons, the endless missiles, the war planes, the horrifying array of bombs, the embargoes, and so forth. And still, they can lose. That's important to remember.
May every empire fall, and may its profiteers, politicians, its wealthy, its cops/militarymen suffer a hundred-fold as their classes one day disappear. And may liberation come to those who suffered the wars and the boots of these powers.
some soldiers barge into an Ishvalan congregation, and the priest makes a prayer to Ishvala before he and all of the civilians blow themselves up
I'm sorry WHAT
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Arakawa. Arakawa, answer me. Why the fuck would you use the "evil muslims brown people do a suicide bombing in their mosque temple to harm the poor white soldiers" trope?! Are you fucking kidding me?
Awesome, so the prowess and strategies of the Ishvalans once again circles back to a racist caricature of the "powerful, merciless savages". Great. Fantastic. Cool.
Reading this manga is going to feel like a goddamned lobotomy
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