#manga chapter 150
uu-tella · 8 months
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Full panel under the cut
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komuite · 2 months
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HELLO??? completely not normal about the newest chapter excuse me
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kensukuna · 2 months
He is just pretty attractive when he's mad and all beaten up (150 chapter spoilers!!!)
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chodzacaparodia · 2 months
Honestly, I can relate to Sakura in this panel, because I would totally react the same way if someone said they fell for me
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Like WTF? You fell for ME?
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shadowmoonarts · 2 months
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pockethep · 10 months
FUCK BAREM. THIS IS NOW A BAREM HATE PAGE. This is more evil than the orphanage lady killed Asa’s cat in her backstory. If Meowy got hurt in that fire it’s over and, aside from Nayuta, those dogs were quite literally the only good thing Makima left behind. Even the apartment was bought with Aki’s money. The last remnants of Part 1 are now possibly ashes.
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With everything from his “normal life” gone Denji deserves to snap. For someone who wants Denji to transform in to Chainsaw man so bad he better be ready…
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Cause it’s coming.
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101suouexpressions · 2 months
Symbols of Takiishi and Umemiya in Ch.150
Contains Chapter 150 spoilers!!!
I was working on symbolisms in WBK and chapter 150 came out and I LOST MY MIND GRRRR
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Continue under the cut.
The panel of Takiishi vs Umemiya was directly accompanied with another panel:
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In my previous post, it was (not really subtly) implied that Umemiya, being the Boufuurin leader and surrounded by the Four Heavenly Kings, carries the same role as Buddha. Thus, you can see Budda on the right.
But what about Takiishi? We have so little information of him, but from this frame, I'm pretty certain that here, Takiishi is Garuda, or Karura in Japanese Buddhist version.
Garuda in Buddhism is invoked as a symbol of impetuous violent force, speed, and martial prowess.
Karura (迦楼羅), sometimes can go by the name of konjichō (金翅鳥, lit. "gold-winged bird", is a gigantic, fire breathing bird that feeds on dragons/serpents. In Journey to the West, Garuda was subdued by Buddha and served Buddha from then on.
"Ume is associated with fudo myoo, not buddha. He has a sword and fangs, which is how he's usually depicted." - Anon
TYSM anon this really sheds some light into me, I'm rewiring all my thoughts rn!
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derikisu · 2 years
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manga-meow · 1 year
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shiro249 · 2 months
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seishiroses · 9 months
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I actually want these ghost alien stickers so bad I wish they were real :x
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uu-tella · 8 months
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Full panel under the cut
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buhbuhbright · 10 months
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i saw a tiktok on my fyp and i had to make this credit to wizzy on tiktok for the meowy picture https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT859q4HN/
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sioboi · 10 months
denji in part 2 is such a great continuation of his character in part 1. being chainsaw man is so important to him because it’s the only way he’s ever gotten to be in a position of status and power. ever since he was a kid, he was forced to do others’ bidding. forced to pay a debt that wasn’t his.
early p1 denji believed that the key to his happiness was some sort of sexual gratification, but his experiences in public safety taught him the value of emotional connection. he learned what it was like to love another person as an equal, as a friend, as family. however, all those dreams shattered when makima broke them apart. he didn’t know what else to do with his life except take on a role of complete submission. he had nothing else.
denji wants to be chainsaw man so bad because he’s already had a family of his taken away from him. normal isn’t enough for him because he knows what it’s like for your normal life to get lost completely. being chainsaw man is all he has left. it’s the only way he can have some sort of control in his life. whether or not it’s the right choice , i don’t know. but control is what he needs.
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akane-kurokawa · 5 months
Chapter 150 thoughts!
Glad to be back in the nightmare hell scape! Fun Tokyo Blade vibes.
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Bro is so BORED of the horrors. He looks at his sleep paralysis demon and goes “augh you again??”
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The most obvious answer to 123 that we’ve all been waiting for for like a year.
Seriously though, on one hand it’s a bit annoying that we’re matter of facting this conclusion after a whole volume worth of playing the ‘What is Aqua thinking?’ game during the aqrb section of filming, it feels disproportionate to the buildup (a very common criticism for subplot resolutions lately)
On the other hand, they’re finally saying what everyone with reading comprehension has been thinking! Aqua doesn’t want this stupid badly written ship to happen, and neither does fucking Gorou!
But Gorou changing the subject from the big revenge life dream to “so what girls do you like” after he just admitted he was like, fading away is a little jarring to me. Maybe it’d read better with voice acting but right now it’s just a little tonally weird.
“You don’t need to act anymore” goes hard though, all things considered. Tbh, I don’t even really dislike the conversation, it just feels a little fast to me. It’s a dream sequence though so I’m being nit picky.
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You and the girl who’s telling you not to worry about
Akane aggressively playing matchmaker is a pretty funny role for her, it utilizes her knowledge of people and Aqua adjacent manipulation skills while keeping her motives as well meaning yet overbearing as I’d expect from her.
The current dynamic of her Kana and Aqua has a very Kaguya feel, which I mean positively. It’s refreshing and reminds me why I like this cast and their interactions in the first place. Again, it’s a pretty stark contrast to the rest of this volume which has been steering into horror territory, but I’m suspecting this is probably to set us up for another tone shift later.
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The dual flashbacks of their building crushes and feelings is very cute, I think their ship still walks the line of healthy and toxic, but it’s still built on a strongly established foundation. That said, there’s no way they get out right now and it works out. Not without at least one more solid complication first.
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So happy for you to admit that, babe. Not gonna go well for you though.
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shadowmoonarts · 2 months
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