sidondix · 3 months
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mikelitt222 · 5 months
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juanitahass · 7 months
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llewelynpritch · 1 year
https://lnkd.in/e3pjsqeUhttps://lnkd.in/eqp97FKB Explain why the Coronation of King Charles III represents both colonial history and on-going ecocide in the form of corrupt colonial, British Crown, capitalist, racial genocide in Canada exemplified by Crown corporations such as Nalcor, acts of impunity, ‘man camps’, Murdered And Missing Indigenous Women and Girls facilitated by UK and Canada’s unjust constitutional and criminal legislation. #AI #OpenSource GPT Chat Llewelyn Pritchard MA 7 May 2023
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tmbgdotlove · 11 months
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You knew that KMSU has a hamster who runs the texting machine, right?
Mancamp gets a special treat every time he jumps on his wheel and relays a request up to the studio. If you can guess what his treat will be on Nov. 17, 2023... YOU'LL get a treat! Check out all the #HamsterDelights details at https://www.tmbg.love/contest
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expfcultragreen · 6 months
I love neil but he's clearly nutty af in a way i SEEM nutty af; he seems to actually believe theres some fountain of humanitys evil, some great satan making bad things happen
Dude, evil is a perspective issue:
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Those guys arent out there cutting down trees because they demons in human skinsuits, having signed a wicked covenant with a horned he-devil, theyre just regular people who think trees exist for them to cut down, because they dont understand anything real, they dont know bamboo etc is more sustainable for timber applications and they resent learning because they hated school and being told what to do, they have oppositional defiance about tree hugging etc, most of them have mASSive, unaddressed social trauma thats being compounded by mancamp life etc
Theyre all jenga towers of baggage and misinfo, not monsters....but i doubt sitting them down in front of fern gully is going to cut it. Its a problem for the green CIA brainbugs
Get into it m8
Id start with "dyou believe in carbon based climate change" and build up to "old growth is actually keeping the planet habitable for humanity you re-re"
Admittedly itd be more fun to snipe them
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fcb4 · 2 years
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Mad or Manly Men?
This is part of the ManClan’s “Call of the Wild” literary journey using the writings of Jack London’s novels and adventure tales to explore themes that will undergird upcoming ManClan gatherings and meet-ups and ManCamp 2023.
Selection from ‘In a Far Country’ by Jack London
“When the world rang with the tale of Arctic gold, and the lure of the North gripped the heartstrings of men, Carter Weatherbee threw up his snug clerkship, turned the half of his savings over to his wife, and with the remainder bought an outfit.
There was no romance in his nature, — the bondage of commerce had crushed all that; he was simply tired of the ceaseless grind, and wished to risk great hazards in view of corresponding returns.
Like many another fool, disdaining the old trails used by the Northland pioneers for a score of years, he hurried to Edmonton in the spring of the year; and there, unluckily for his soul’s welfare, he allied himself with a party of men.
There was nothing unusual about this party, except its plans. Even its goal, like that of all other parties, was the Klondike. But the route it had mapped out to attain that goal took away the breath of the hardiest native, born and bred to the vicissitudes of the Northwest.
Even Jacques Baptiste, born of a Chippewa woman and a renegade voyageur (having raised his first whimpers in a deerskin lodge north of the sixty-fifth parallel, and had the same hushed by blissful sucks of raw tallow), was surprised. Though he sold his services to them and agreed to travel even to the never-opening ice, he shook his head ominously whenever his advice was asked.
Percy Cuthfert’s evil star must have been in the ascendant, for he, too, joined this company of argonauts. He was an ordinary man, with a bank account as deep as his culture, which is saying a good deal.
He had no reason to embark on such a venture, — no reason in the world, save that he suffered from an abnormal development of sentimentality. He mistook this for the true spirit of romance and adventure. Many another man has done the like, and made as fatal a mistake.”
Thoughts to ponder:
What kind of man are you? Has your soul, status and station in life positioned you for success, stagnation or suicide?
Is your job killing you?
Do you hear “the call of the wild”, a compelling yearning for adventure, challenge, and community that tests you and tempers you into a more courageous, confident, competent and content man?
Are your “plans and routes” ill advised, self-defeating and reckless?
Do you have wise and wild men as guides or only wild men or wise men?
Do you have a “company of argonauts”?
You can read the short story here: https://www.artofmanliness.com/living/reading/a-manly-sunday-read-in-a-far-country-by-jack-london/
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skagus · 7 months
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tumblr ads can be fucked, but mancamp postings for colonial land grabs?? another level
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kikotapasando · 9 months
Entrega di Material na tur Liga di Baseball Little League na Mancamp (cru)
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Container Family Accommodation Remote Man camps
Container Family Accommodation Remote Man camps
Welcome to Container Family Accommodation, your trusted destination for mobile, comfortable, and family-oriented living spaces in remote mancamps. Whether you’re overseeing construction projects, managing remote work sites, or need temporary accommodation for your family in a mancamp, our containerized solutions are designed to provide a secure and adaptable living experience wherever your projects take you.
Our Commitment to Container Family Accommodation:
At Family Living Solutions, we understand the importance of creating a homely and supportive environment, especially for families residing in remote and challenging work settings. Our containerized family accommodations are meticulously designed, ensuring a safe and welcoming living space for families in need of temporary housing solutions.
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beautifulbadlandsnd · 2 years
Is Mondak haunted? #1 Reason to visit Mondak Snowden Bridge--Stand at spot of murder and lynching
Is Mondak haunted? #1 Reason to visit Mondak Snowden Bridge–Stand at spot of murder and lynching
Is Mondak haunted?  That spooky feeling you get between the Snowden bridge and the Mondak town site may be from this double murder and lynching. It’s a two-part story gleaned from a stack of old newspaper accounts.  JC takes his troubles north JC had been in trouble before. It’s why he was here at the mancamp, just south of the Canadian border in the winter of 1913-1914.  That mess in Kansas may…
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tmbgdotlove · 11 months
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ARE YOUR SENSES TINGLING??? KMSU's 12 hours of They Might Be Giants by global request is just a week away!
Time to visit https://www.tmbg.love to: 1) Submit your questions for the Johns; 2) Share your TMBG stories; 3) Enter the coloring contest; 4) Wrap up your sound design contest entries; 5) Guess what Mancamp the hamster's treat will be; 6) Order some sweet swag with Henrieke's 10th anniversary illustration; and 7) Download the KMSU app!
Oh, and you need to start thinking about what TMBG songs you're going to request on November 17th! There's a lot on your plate, everyone -- LET'S GO! 😊
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savege · 5 years
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West Up!!!!! #Mr2Dubbs #Indigenous #FirstNations #DinéHastíínNishłį ready to Smash on these #ManCamps that be hurting my #Indigenous Females just Know a #Navajo #Diné building his #War Chest sk I Can make you 🤡 shallow some #Lead aka #Bullets Trust me I’ve been Riding and F@&King you’ll so Let’s #SkoDen#StuDis Ya #BIT@Ches!!!!!!!!!! 🦅 #WarEagle #DaWasatchWarrior Been Ready #Mr2Dubbs #FIRSTNations Before any 🤡 A$$ #Pioneers 🖕🏾You!!!!!! Holla Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! S.A.V.E.G.E. #SAVEGE My #DNA been Here #Decades or even #Centuries before your Lightness!!!!!!!!! Sincerely a #Laminate 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🦅💯🐻😎 (at Utah State Capitol) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2LCsuohczT/?igshid=e1nsngbtu87c
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znoe · 5 years
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The tiny home on the Artfarm....the new housing solution for the ensuing migration from urban to rural. I’m loving the organic nature of this community building. #MuffinRanch rocks. This tiny house movement, while sweet, it is a sign of the economic times. As the American dream of owning a home gets farther out of reach we will need more of these solutions. It’s given birth to mobile home parks filled with pre fab tiny homes! It reminds me of the “Man Camps” of North Dakota’s fracking boom. I wonder if FEMA experience can be sold through Airbnb...😆😬 it was that what #fyrefestival was all about. Ha! . . . #politicsofhousing #tinyhousedesign #mancamps #livingrural #theamericandream #americanbones #artfarm (at Santa Rosa, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv4iEZ8Bq14/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1x2hxkelicffq
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fcb4 · 2 years
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Eating Mother’s Bones
"Wildness is the capacity to go into joy, sorrow, and anger fully and stay there as long as needed, regardless of what anyone else thinks. Wildness carries sobriety as well as exuberance, and has allowed loss to mark its face."-Martin Shaw
“Cremation doesn’t always reduce everything to ash, sometimes there might be bits of bone or teeth.”
-My brother Marc
Eating Mother’s Bones
Grit of earth and death
mingle memory and moment
the hewn wooden bowl
a half skull in my hands
Wine, water and oil
mixed with ash and dust
an alchemy of witness
scooped out
by trembling hand
Ritual smearing
of forehand and face
grasp the ancient past
opening the present
to the threshold
before me
Standing darkly marked
suspended between what was
and what will be
I pass through smoke and flame alone
Under moonlit mountains
I wash in the waters born
out of the roots of the past
fitting elixir of new
From bowed soul
wearily penitent
of the unhealed wound
I rise
Turning towards welcome
embraced and kissed
as the cry of the lone wolf
receives me back
into the pack of brothers
Together we walk forward
with the hard bones of mother
still in my mouth
10/7/22 by Eric Blauer
At ManCamp 2022 I passed through an intentional ceremony prayerful crafted to support men in processing vice, victim and victory in their personal lives.
Pulling from the Hebrew Scriptures ritual of covering one’s self with dust and ashes as outward sign of an inward anguish or confession that accompanied a rending of the outer garments. A perfect ceremony of transition and turmoil given to act out. This is especially helpful for men who often struggle matching meaningful words to moments or memory.
In a hand crafted bowl we mixed dust from the ground with ashes from our fire circles. To that I added the biblical symbol of witness: Wine(blood), Water(birth) and Oil(Spirit). Mixed together I called men to cover their faces as an outward sign of an inward commitment.
Then they were pointed to the “Threshold” crafted out of wood, moss and elements gathered from camp and forest. A physical place to pass through and wash off the markings in the water. Another biblical picture pulled from tabernacle and temple rituals with water. A cleansing act, a leaving behind of the past and a renewed face to walk forward.
Then the participants would turn and walk back through the threshold into the welcoming embrace, praise, support, prayers, prophesies and love of the brothers.
It was sacred
It was powerful
It won’t be forgotten
But I didn’t just craft this for others. I had planned to participate myself and put to rest a deep and difficult storyline in my life connected to my journey with my mother, her impact on me and matters revolving around her death.
After all the men had marked themselves. I added some of my mothers ashes to the bowl and shared with those gathered a moment of horror out of my life where I was forever shaped by a terror and tragedy that took place when my mother attempted suicide and I found her. She lived, but our relationship died.
At that dark night, around the fire circles at ManCamp, I confessed, I grieved and mourned and I marked my self with dust and ashes.
I lead the way to the threshold and was first to cross as symbol and witness. Real resurrection requires men who want to lead to show their wounds and invite others to touch or be touched by them. Christ made it so.
I passed through the threshold and washed. Decades of hell and horror were cleansed and left in those mountain waters. Then I rose and was received back by the brothees in healing accompaniment that touched me deep in the places of those scars.
It was holy and healing.
When I went to bed that night there was still grit in my mouth. This poem comes from this whole experience.
I share this all, in hopes that anyone who has passed through the underworld of hell and horror will be encouraged to pursue wholeness through the healing offered in Christ, community, creation and the creativity of meaningful ceremony and ritual that includes helpful and memorable signs and symbols.
My mother was far more than this thread of my experience. She deserves to be memorialized for all the good, beautiful and true that she also brought to this world. Hopefully someday there will be a time and place for that kind of moment.
But I had to deal with this personal thread in order to truly walk out a more whole life of memory. One that’s more true to my own experiences and spiritually settled in my body, heart, mind and soul.
I think this honors the truth and allows for love and forgiveness to fully mature.
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midwxstmilf · 4 years
keystone xl pipeline being canceled! would be! amazing!
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