#man oh days them's some gooood themes
aperturecity · 4 months
Umineko Spoilers!
Tonight I am thinking about Umineko's "Kiri no Pithos" PS3 Anime opening, specifically the line, "It's a story of my love."
"Umineko is a story about love" is, in itself, a mystery given to the reader. A solvable, rewarding challenge for everyone.
Thinking about "It's a story of my love" is perfect. Beato wants Ange to avoid the heartache of "the singular truth" so she makes up the legend of the witch, to make herself the bad guy, to give Eva an ever growing sliver of plausible deniability that she didn't kill everyone like how ep3 theorizes. how ange herself theorizes until after Eva's death…And the other part is that, instead of just writing endless "happy endings" in the message bottles she humanly, personally, wants Battler to remember his promise. she wants his love, it's a story of her love, that she tries to reconnect with him over their shared interest in crime whodunnits. Beatrice has been hurt so much but still wants to forgive Battler…without love, it cannot be seen.
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reimahowaido · 3 years
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I’ll get to those Magic Crafter Dragons I sweeeear But first, fun stuff from Discord. Dunno who made the original, it was just posted on a server, but yeet I did it anyway First of all, I don’t play a lot of games. I like games and the idea of them. I enjoy people playing stuff, I love watching others play. It’s that little sibling culture. But lemme toss a word or few about all of these. Though first of all, I only own 4 of the 8 games listed and even still I’ve only played 3 of them xD R.I.P. Pokemon Cafe Mix - The game is just Super Cute. Like oh my god Aesthetics! Adorable, every pokemon looks so nice and I just want to go to the cafe and taste everything and just chill. Please. It looks so cozy and relaxing. Gameplay is fairly simple too. Sometimes things seem a bit BS but in one way or another I’ll get through every stage etc. so it’s not too bad. Most of the time relaxing, can be addicting because of how simple things are. But really I love the game and I hope one day they’ll add more of the pokemon I like xD Buizel is my current favourite <3 It’d be nice seeing Mienshao or Mienfoo for one, maybe Glameow as it doesn’t get a lot of attention. We got Gogoat, but I wouldn’t mind a Sawsbuck or Deerling Pokemon Black 2 - To keep the Pokemon trend going, this is my fave out of the mainline games. I’ve been a fan ever since the first generation, I’m older than Gen 1 at that. But yeah, we did buy games but Nintendo stuff was too expensive and so I never really got to play those growing up. Black 2 was the first game I ever bought, for myself, with my own money. It was my first game and I loved it dearly. Still do and man I’d Love to replay it, but the curse of only 1 save file is cruel. I don’t want to restart my first ever save file. Currently I have no way of transferring anything over and I even have a Shiny Gothorita there (as underwhelming as it is, it was my first ever shiny). I love these games~~ Lots of different pokemon to choose from, great story, the fact that it’s a sequel is so freaking cool and unique I Love It So Much. Of course it’d be cool to have some extra things to do in it, like cleaning my badges, contests would be cool, I loved the mining stuff in Gen 4 when I got to try it on my friend’s Platinum save file as a kid. Speaking of, Gen 4 games would probably be my favourites, if I ever had the chance of owning and playing any fully. They have soooo much to do in them! Gen 5 is good and certainly up there in faves, but bruh, Gen 4 had all sorts of extra stuff, especially Platinum, and in HG/SS you had Pokemon following you like bruh that’s Crazy and I’d love to have that for a game I own, it’s like a dream Honorable mentions to Mystery Dungeon and Gen 6′s Pokemon Y for some grand memories. Firstly Pokemon Y, the second game I ever owned I think, great fun. I played that game for hooooooooours and it’s the only Pokemon Game that I’ve both played as a Nuzlocke and actually reset to play again. Also the first gen where I actually really got into competitive stuff, breeding for natures and stuff, and I’ve caught so many shinies in Y and Omega Ruby (mostly Y, OR has 1 shiny in Pidove, while Y has Ninetales, Pachirisu, Burmy, Gligar, and perhaps some other ones I caught/hatched myself). Mystery Dungeon games get a mention for having cool stories and I like the idea of the personality test and stuff. I’ve never played or owned any of these games, but I’ve watched Marriland play a handful of the games and currently am enjoying MDB playing through the first games in the series. Also a quick bloop on Colosseum being Cool as heck, and Battle Revolution gets a shoutout for looking so freaking good, having amazing music and making me search up videos with my favourite pokemon and just looking and watching hundreds of videos just because they looked so nice
Fire Emblem has to be the 2nd series of games I’ve gotten the most into. Although I’m a fairly new fan and my experiences and knowledge are limited, I do still enjoy the series and games - both old and new - a bunch. I only own Awakening, Conquest and 3 Houses, but I’ve again watched others play the past games a bunch, so I have some knowledge and memorable moments from those games too. Now I haven’t actually gotten myself to play 3 Houses yet, I’ve seen playthroughs of the game already and know the story etc. But yeh. Still, I’d say that I’ll probably like 3 Houses more than Awakening and Conquest. Awakening is nostalgia galore for me, but it does have its things with the story and characters and stuff. It’s nice, but I dunno, I just feel 3 Houses has an edge on it in some way. Maybe it’s just... Less controversial? Less Flame Wars? Maybe? Fates games, well, we all know the big glaring thing here. The story. And some of the characters suffer from this too. I kinda do wish that the Player had a biiiit more control in how the story went and played out, like I feel you definitely could have saved Scarlet in some way still, and all that. But eh, there’s enough stuff for me to go and prefer 3 Houses over it. And yes, I like choosing the members of my team and playing however I like, so giving me the ability to class my characters however I want is going to be a mistake as I’ll just make everyone a mounted unit and get destroyed but hey! Options :2 Variety :22 Great tiiiiimes~ Also it’s Blue Lions for me, Golden Deer Second Now for the games I don’t own. I chose Radiant Dawn because the Tellius games are just so good. I love the character in them, the story is pretty solid and the worldbuilding is cool too :2 I like both of the games, and while Path of Radiance is more coherent and doesn’t give split the characters up a bunch, Radiant Dawn has More of the great characters :2 Yes I know, not all of them are as fleshed out and thought out as the first game’s characters, but yo I still love them. I love a good continuation to a story. I love a ‘hey maybe it wasn’t as Black & White as we were made to believe’ twist. Also just hella good memories from watching BigKlingy play these games. The audience memed Aran to the final levels. We did it, he did so well, Aran deserved to be there xD Radiant Dawn also brings us Nailah, who is just. Yeah, you speak to me on so many levels, I’m easily readable. But also, woman, wolf, strong, yasss~~ Also I love the idea of the Jaegan character being a Thief/Assassin. That’s just so different and cool to me after all these Horse Units. And I’m the one guy who likes Levail and would love to see more of him. Give us more of Levail, the man who almost made it to being playable. Man. Levail is probably the one reason I’d pick Radiant Dawn over Path of Radiance xD The other game I’ve watched BigKlingy play through (and that’s my only experience on that game) is Sacred Stones. Pretty solid game all in all. Story, characters, but speaking of that story, if you really think about it, it’s Hella Dark, and that’s actually kinda cool in a way. I’m not that into dark stories, but here it worked. Also watched PhoenixMaster1′s playthrough on the Echoes game. I do like the game, if i find it one day I Might buy it but I’m not like in a hurry to get it. It was cool though, different for reasons but hey~ Also, Berkut, yes. I’m one of those people who like this angry man. But come on, he was really good xD Spyro I’ve already talked about in my lengthy little thing that I’ll get to continuing eventually xD But yes, I freaking love Spyro, my childhood, still very enjoyable experience full of great memories Metroid Fusion - Oh boy here come the nostalgia~ I’ve actually never played any Metroid games myself. I got introduced to the series in the early 2010s through youtube videos. I’m fairly sure it was me looking through dozens and dozens of Top 10 videos, several of which were on ‘the scariest bosses’, either unexpectedly scary or something else. But guess what, Nightmare from Fusion was in there, and I Think the person in the video said something on not wanting to even show the final forms of Nightmare’s face because it was that horrifying to them. And honestly? The fact that they didn’t show how bad it got, mixed with my morbid curiosity and woop, here I go~ Down the Metroid rabbithole where I watched a lot of videos on people fighting Nightmare and the other bosses in the game, eventually going into watching full run-throughs of the game and enjoying my time. Game looked pretty good, soundtrack was really nice too. And so I ended up on listening to a lot of the game series’ music and getting more familiar with the other games and the lore too. Learning to know that Samus was a lady was also hella badass. Fusion started it all for me, and while Super Metroid is cool, people also just play it a loooot, especially the Speedrunners, there’s also plenty of hacks based on that game and yeah I get it the game is Good, but that makes Fusion all the more special to me~ Devil May Cry 3 - Ok so again, I’ve not played any DMC games myself. This one again though is nostalgia ocean for me~ 2010 or such, I’m on some forum, said forum has a forum game based around songs or such and someone links one from this game. I Think it was the Doppelganger battle theme, or then I just found that one and listened to it for hours among the other battle themes these games have because they’re soooo gooood~~ DMC 4 was fairly new at that time, but I remember Gredo’s and Agnus’ themes being up there in songs I listened to a lot too. My experiences and stuff on this series was fully based on the songs, images on said songs, bits and pieces of the cutscenes of these games I saw and comments I read. I didn’t get too deep into DMC back then though, but I did have a bit of knowledge here and there, even if my idea of the stories in all the games was, well, I wouldn’t call it warped, but I definitely had imagined the story going differently to how things actually went xD Still, as a few years back I returned to DMC out of that feeling of nostalgia, and discovered DMC 5 had Just been released, boi, I was In. And I watched through cutscene compilations, playthoughs and what have you on all the games (Except for DmC, boot to you ReBoot), and it was quite the hype time~ I enjoy the chracters, the story that there is around them, and just how carefree and fun stuff can be. The party sure did get crazy~ Lost Dimension - The last game I have on the list there. This might be a weird one and I get that yeah. How many have even heard of this game? I sure wouldn’t have ever known of it without BigKlingy’s playthrough of it. But that playthrough was full of memories, I should really rewatch it one day~ I may not remember an awful lot about the game, but I do keep coming back to it in one way or another. I liked the character designs, the fact that all of them were unique and had their own abilities, there was a bit of story around all of them, the traitor system had you thinking & made each run a little different... That’s some Cool Stuff! The game might be a bit obscure and seriously not known at all, but for what it was, it was great and I enjoyed it a bunch! And now for stuff that wasn’t on the list but I kinda still want to mention. Because why not~ IB - This Almost made it onto the list, but I felt a little closer of a connection to the other games on it. But IB is one of those games from the early 2010s that I also got introduced to through the wonderful world of Youtube. I have forgotten the name of the person whose playthrough in the game I watched. But I watched a ton of people play this game. It was just. So cool. The puzzles in this game were nice and the fact I myself could solve and understand them too was pretty nice to me, and for some reason I just enjoyed watching other people react to the game and try solving stuff. It also had a couple different endings so watching and seeing what the other people got was also interesting. Great memories~ Witch’s House / Ao Oni / Mad Father - And all sorts of other horror games that kinda fall under this grouping and style and stuff. Yeah, IB kinda opened a bit of a thing for me as I realized I greatly enjoyed the horror games with puzzle elements to themselves + a bit of story here and there. There’s definitely much much more than these 3, I watched soooo many of these games being played by others. Ao Oni I may have discovered through my Hetalia phase though, HetaOni, if any of you still recognize that name. Daym. Although at first I didn’t want to watch HetaOni because of the portraits. Pfffff I thought the person who made them was being mean to some of the characters, but nah, I’d later learn that those were simply just mimicing the ones from the original game. But yeah, Ao Oni had a dozen variants and things inspired by it so those kept me busy for a whiiiiiile Hades - Now here’s a cool recent game! Again, haven’t played it, but it looks cool. The story is nice, character designs are God Like (hehe), soundtrack is super cool, aesthetics and oh my god everything is voice acted oh my gooood. This game is just. So cool. And the team who did it seems really cool too and are seemingly full of nice amazing people. This is definitely some great example work on how things should be done :2 Definitely something to look up to, I love everything about them~ The only reason Hades isn’t up there is because of its recentness and my brain not managing to think of it somehow even as I struggled to come up with stuff (I was mostly trying to think of stuff I had played, so that’s one thing. I even struggled to remember DMC because my current hyperfixations are elsewhere and that’s freaking Wild considering how much I enjoy DMC) But yeah, Hades is Super Freaking Cool Crash Bandicoot - These games I did play as a kid actually, the 1st one was way too hard and the 3rd one was my favourite. I like Crash, these games were nice too and I have plenty of good memories with the game, just not enough to make it up there on my list. Yeah it sounds stupid that I’d take out a game I actually played and replace it with stuff that I didn’t, but... Hey, my list Minecraft - Watched several videos on other people pllaying this game, I know of it, I respect it, but I’ve never played it myself and stuff. It’s cool but didn’t make it on the list Animal Crossing - Riiiiiight, these games seem adorable and I wouldn’t mind owning an AC game one day. I’d probably reset continuously though to get Skye in my town/village/island, she’s my favourite xD If the recent game had cost lest I might have gotten it. 60-70€ is just, a lot of money Persona - I guess I’ll mention these too. My experiences are through Bigklingy’s videos again. 3 is a fave, 4 seems cool, 5 I don’t know a lot about but it seems nice too. I probably wouldn’t be able to play these games myself, since some fights kinda need certain things and strategies and you can’t really just pick whatever and whom ever and roll through with brute strength. I mean, I Guess you could, but that might not be as fun in the long run? Who knows, but it’s not exactly like Pokemon or Fire Emblem in those regards you know The big conclusion is that I like all sorts of different aesthetic looks, mostly probably natural with some brighter colors in it. Stories are good, I love stories! Good characters with nice designs and backstories are really nice too. Things being thought out and built nicely is great you know? A little bit of strategy, fantasy here and there. Nothing too dark and gloomy or ‘hyper realistic’ or what have you. I guess no first person shooters either, though combat is fine. Games where I can pick and choose what to use and what kinds of ‘teams’ I build and the ‘members’ I use in them is nice. I do love watching others play, but with games like Pokemon & Fire Emblem I have that drive of choosing who to use and having my own unique experience kinda gets me to buy the games.
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 46 - watching notes
Full disclosure: I'm not in a particularly good mood today. Have you seen that "no productivity. Only guild." Meme flying around? That's me today :|
Hopefully this will distract me (though distraction was the problem in the first place 🙈)
I apologise for any typos you'll finde in this post 😅
To recap, the last thing I learned was that apparently, Jiggy married his own sister because Jin Guangshan was a scumbag who raped more women than he could possibly remember
I was told by several people that this episode is their favourite. No pressures or anything :D
The way someone is dragging up Jiggy's secrets has a lot of poetic justice to it. Everyone is outraged and gossiping. Consensus is reached quickly. Kinda makes me feel that that someone (who probably also wrote the letter to jgy) knows exactly how to use the sect world's worst qualities as a weapon
Yao what's-his-name, resident gossip queen, at it again
Don't look at me my memory is as bad as wwx when it comes to names :D
I was about to write who is Lianfang Zum again and then I remembered that it's jiggy's honorary title. See what I mean? ^^
What does it say about me that my heart makes a leap when I simply see wwx leaning close to lwj to whisper to him? 😅 I'll probably die reading the novel, that's what that says
Oh so it was the maid who sent the letter
Come on Wei Wuxian! That was cruel
Yeah Yao what's-his-name, why would you need to know the identity of who ever is behind this? It's not like you've ever been deceived before!
What's... with that bracelet?
I love it how everyone looks positively startled when Lan Wangji says something unprompted :D
Wait ... Zwei Jun is in his hands? Shit, i don't remeber what happened there. Where did Xichen go again? 😬
I'm so confused right now 🙈 I can't watch and read the subtitles and type
Okay, watched the whole conversation again, now I'm following
I reiterate my earlier statement that whoever is pulling the strings here knows exactly what strings to pull to get the clans to act
Great, another mob 🙄
NOW you want his help? 😂
Sure, as soon as he can serve YOU with his "evil tricks", that's okay!
You can see how much wwx changed because he does not hold their hypocrisy to their faces. He mostly seemed tired of it
And Jiang Cheng just realised that wwx might indeed not be responsible for Jiang Yanli's death, didn't he? He's almost stunned 🥺
Or is BEAUTIFUL to see Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji move in such unity! 😭
Oh ... those are the graves of his foster parents, right? :(
And Yanli ... oh God I forgot about Yanli 🥺
I'm crying again. Nothing on this show will ever hit as hard to me as the Yunmeng siblings' fate
I couldn't help myself, I legitimately just stroked my laptop screen where Yanli's plate was 🥺
So many conflicting emotions
Thanks to a friendly anon, I know that these three bows together are marriage thing! 😭😭😭
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So yeah, they're married now. I dont make the rules :')
Somehow, this feels like them asking wwx's foster family's blessing
And now I'm imagining Shijie smiling back at them gently and I'm crying 🥺
And by God, I love lwj's gentle teasing :')
This whole scene, he's so soft! 😭
And it think that Wei Wuxian probably thought that he'd never get to step into Lotus Pier again. But here, he can finally say his goodbyes to his Shijie properly. He can heal! 🖤
And again, I cannot stress enough how wonderful that is! And how rare and precious in a show like this. So often character's get put through unimaginable trauma, but they either brush it off no problem or the show/movie ends immediately after the main action and you are left to imagine the number it did on the character's psyche. There are so rarely fantasy shows that really dive into the emotional fallout the plot has on their characters and then give them time to heal. Thus show does both and I'm so goddamn overjoyed my it!
Come to think of it, it reminds me of a very good hurt/comfort fic 🤷‍♀️
Jiang Cheng pleae, fir once, try not to be angry immediately when you're hurting :(
He still takes special offence that lwj is there. Makes me wonder if he still feels like wwx chooses lwj over the Jiang sect and is still hurt by it 😔 (note that at the same time, he reminds wwx that he's very much not a member of the Jiang clan anymore. God, the man has not worked through his own feelings ...)
For once, as much as I love it when lwj defends wwx (especially when it's not against any physical harm, but because he doesn't want wwx to be hurt emotionally) I think him interfering with this particular conflict does not help
Okay sorry, but no! lotus pier was not destroyed because wwx saved lwj in that cave. That was just an excuse for the Wen sect. They would have come eventually anyway
So there's my answer
He's still hurt because he feels wwx chooses anyone else over his family, which is to say him
And he probably can't understand because their positions are so different. The (future) sect leader and the son of a (dead) servant and a rogue cultivator who never felt quite like he belonged 😔
It's so goddamn tragic how much between these two was destroyed simply because they have such a different status in society and could never quite understand each other's perspective
And again, wwx just takes it 💔
Until, that is, lwj's honour gets besmirched
Don't fight in front of Shijie 🥺
Jiang Cheng's every action screams that he still loves his brother and that amidst all that pain for his lost family, is also deep betrayal and grieve for the brother he thought he could always count on 🥺💔
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Can we appreciate for a second how much this shot tells us? From Jiang Cheng's angry desperation, to Wei Wuxian's quite acceptance of his rage (which must be so confusing to Jiang Cheng and probably hurt him even more. Because fighting is always how these two resolved their issues!) to Lan Wangji who is in full on protective mode (which I find more than heartwarming,but still think probably isn't helpful rn)
He ... what?
I still don't quite understand when exactly wwx's lack of golden core shows. Why does he have a nosebleed here?
Wen Ning 😱
I get what he wants to do!
Have we ever seen him this calm and determined before?
Abd they understand 😱😱😱
The look on all of their faces! Shiiiiit
I'm crying again
Oh wangii is crying 🥺
Wen Quing 💔💔💔 I'm crying even harder just looking at her. I've MISSED her 🥺
Lan Zhan your FACE!! 😭
The way he's looking at wwx in his arms, as if he's seeing him fir the first time
And by god, I can only imagine what he must be thinking
He must be reevaluation every single interaction they had since wwx started down the path of demonic cultivation 😭
I'm a bit in awe of Wen Ning here and how much he must have been holding in. That's the steadiest and most confident he's ever been
Oh Jiang cheng 💔
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That looks like a man whose entire world has just been shaken to its core
And Lan Wangji is crying so much 🥺
God I hope he doesn't blame himself even more 🥺
Aaaaaaahhhh, so that is why he wouldn't just carry the sword for appearance sake and why he just had a nosebleed!
Jiang Cheng probably needs about a month to process all that :/
And therapy ...
Aaaaaaahhhh! The boat scene! I've seen gifs! 😍😍😍
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A penny for Lan Wangji's thoughts ...
Oh I'm so so so so glad that Wen Ning gets to say thank you to the man who raised his ... cousin (?) :')
Oh god we get to see!!!!
Oh little a Yuan 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I wonder now, did Lan Qiren know who the child was that his nephew suddenly brought back to cloud recess?
I'm glad that we all learned from this that keeping secrets from the people we love, especially secrets that concern them personally, will eventually come back to bide us in the ass. Than you for delivering that important lesson, wen Ning!
Which reminds me that I hope they eventually tell wwx that they know 😬
I swear to god, one of these days I will melt from the gentleness in lan Wangji's gaze :')
Shit. He had to be awake? 😳
You can pinpoint the moment Lan Wangji's heart breaks for all the suffering wwx endured and how close he came to loosing him even then 🥺
Waking like that in you lovers arms in the middle of a lotus pond - that's the dream *sighs* (minus the passing out bit)
It's weirdly cute that wwx thinks that it's Jiang Cheng's insults that have lwj so upset 😅
I can't
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The moment Yanli's themes started to play and she appeared I started to bawl 😭😭😭
And he's sharing the lotus pods with them ... oh please, lwj, please understand what he's saying. That's his pove language! His sister's food was how he received love and right now he passes it on to you! Please, please understand it! 🥺
Oh lwj, don't 🙈
Awwwwww ....
He's breaking the rules for you!!! Just to make you smile!!! 😭😭
And holy shit look at their expressions 😭
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By now you should know that he's willing to break the rules for you :')
And poor third wheel Wen Ning 😂
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Now there are glittering butterflies???
Do they have some kind of romantic aesthetic bingo going on in this episode???
Oh okay, messenger butterflies
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Please appreciate wwx almost climbing into lan Wangji's lab in excitement :D
Thay scene transition was pretty af!
Hey! Why do they bully wen Ning? 😤
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*shakes wwx by the shoulders* DO YOU GET THAT HE LOVES YOU NOW???
Huh, this episode was a roller coaster. you guys did NOT exaggerate! I loved it to pieces. I'm floored once more by all the actor's performances. Wen Ning revealed a lot about his character, Jiang Cheng broke my heart, Lan Wangji made it melt and Shijie is still able to make me bawl in an instant. But ... I'm not left with a bitter feeling. Sure, jiang Cheng and wei Wuxian havebt reconciled, but the truth is the first step to even have that possibility. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are both healing and whatever happens in the last 4 (4!!!😭) episodes, I'm not dreading it that much right now. I feel like we're climbing upwards :)
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose thank you guys for staying with me for this crazy ride 💙🖤💙
Also one last thing: please don't tell me what happens differently in the novel in any given scene. I am still reading it (about half way through rn) and I'd like to still be surprised by stuff like first kisses and love confessions 💙🖤
I should have put something like this at the end before, but I always forgot. That's on me 😅 so don't feel bad, if you've shared something before :)
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rawiswhore · 4 years
Various WWF Wrestlers x Fem Reader- “RingRat”
When you joined the WWF in 1996, there were some hot guys in the company that year.
Granted, there were a few hot men in the WWF before that year, but not only are there some hot men in the WWF this year, some men are getting hotter and sexier.
What do hot men do?
Increase your lust, sexual appetite, make you horny and make you wanna fuck.
You actually have had sex in quite a few public places with a few wrestlers since you've joined the WWF, but never like this.
Before this little rendezvous, you've told these sexy wrestlers your plan involving them, and they loved your idea.
One day, when there weren't thousands of people filling the seats up, in fact, the seats were all completely empty, there weren't cameras filming the ring and this wasn't a "Monday Night Raw" episode, during you and these other wrestlers' free time, Shawn was lying down in the middle of the ring, his back pressing on the mat.
You were straddling Shawn's lap, your legs were sitting and propped up next to his legs, where you were riding and bouncing up and down Shawn's cock, his hands were holding onto your hips.
That wasn't all, Davey Boy Smith was right behind you, sitting on his knees on the mat and in between Shawn's spread out legs, pumping and thrusting his cock in and out of your asshole.
He, too, was holding onto your hips while he bucked in and out of your anus.
The New Rockers, Marty Jannetty and Leif Cassidy (not to be confused with 70's teen heartthrobs David and Shaun Cassidy as well as Leif Garrett) were sitting on their knees next to both of your breasts, sucking on your nipples.
Here's a fun fact for you: The wrestler who played Leif Cassidy would later on become Al Snow, yes, THAT Al Snow, the one who carried a female mannequin head into the ring with the words "help me" written on her forehead and started those "Whadda we want?" "HEAD!" chants.
Finally, Hunter Hearst Helmsley was standing above Shawn, his feet were on opposite sides a few inches away from Shawn's head, where you were busy sucking on Hunter's cock.
Hunter had his hair laying out, no ribbon tying his hair back in a ponytail, just letting his locks flow and cascade down.
You could add even more wrestlers to this orgy and have 2 others masturbate and jerk off on your face and tits, but could they even fit next to Hunter while two other men are sitting on the mat sucking your tits?
Plus, you don't want to waste sperm.
You had taken your shirt off while you were being fucked so two other men could suck your tits, you wore no bra underneath.
Your shorts were pulled all the way down to your ankles, luckily you didn't wear any underwear under those shorts.
Shawn was also raising his pelvis up from the mat to help thrust himself in and out of you, though, should he really be doing this?
Despite having Hunter's dick in your mouth, you let his cock slip out of your mouth, only to open your eyes and look down at Shawn, patting him with the tip of your index finger.
He looked at you.
"Shawn" you said to him "Should you thrust your cock in and out of me or should I just ride you?"
Good question, he thought.
He wants sexual pleasure too, and to take part in fucking you.
"Rather have you ride me" he decided.
"Me too" you replied.
Shawn then let his body lay on the mat while you rode up and down his cock.
Meanwhile, Hunter was irritated you stopped sucking his cock, though he heard your conversation you were having with Shawn all while you rode him, so he understands.
When you were done talking with Shawn, you went back to sucking on Hunter's dick, your lips wrapped around his shaft.
While you were riding up and down Shawn's cock, your eyes were looking at Hunter's face while you blew him.
Precum was seeping out of the slit of his penishead and falling onto your tongue, but your mouth and tongue swallowed his clear precum down.
Meanwhile, other people, wrestlers included, could see what was going on in the ring.
Some of their jaws dropped and eyes grew wild, their hands covering their mouths, others really seemed to enjoy this.
You could hear their enjoyment, roaring out "yyyyyyyeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!" and making a few cheesy "wolf whistles" at you.
"Welcome to Monday Night Raaaaaaaaaaaw!" one wrestler shouted to you, trying to sound like Vince McMahon, though you're having sex on a Thursday.
While you were riding up and down Shawn, despite that his eyes were closed thanks to him fucking you, he could see your tits bouncing up and down while you rode him, which turned him on so much.
Hunter, too, could see your tits bouncing up and down while you rode Shawn, and that really sexually aroused him as well, despite that Hunter was trying to
Marty Jannetty is jealous that Shawn's fucking your twat, but don't worry, he'll get his turn soon.
You're feeling pretty guilty that you're sucking off Hunter when he could be fucking your cunt right now, though maybe next time he'll get to fuck your cunt.
As you ride on Shawn's dick, bouncing up and down his crotch, Marty and Leif's mouths were trying to stay wrapped around your nipples so they could suck then.
They, too, saw your tits bouncing up and down while riding Shawn, which sexually aroused them so much.
They'd love to lean into your neck and kiss you there, though they can't, maybe next time.
They'd also love to maybe try to lick the tips of their tongues in circles on your areolas, but that would be difficult considering you're bouncing up and down Shawn's cock.
When you rode Shawn, since his dick was thrusting in and out of your pussy and you had someone else's cock shoving in and out of your ass, as well as two men trying to suck your nipples, your head was leaning back and your eyes were closed, moans were released from your mouth.
Hunter's cock was still in your mouth, his shaft could feel your breath thanks to you moaning on it, not to mention, you moaning also made his penis feel a vibrating feeling, which felt so good.
Davey was leaning his head back, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he quietly groaned and clapped your cheeks as they say.
His torso was sometimes colliding and crashing into your back while he slammed his cock inside your asshole.
Shawn, too, was releasing some quiet little groans, sometimes mumbling while you rode him.
Hunter, meanwhile, his eyes were rolling in the back of his head while you sucked his cock.
Some other wrestlers had to keep their kids away from you because of you having sex in the ring.
Wonder if you and these other wrestlers are gonna get arrested for indecent exposure?
Believe it or not, D Generation X's "suck it" gesture existed before they even formed, and Hunter would love to do that and shout that at you, even though he's still his classy Hunter Hearst Helmsley gentleman character.
Although, he isn't playing Hunter Hearst Helmsley character in the ring, even though his gentleman character is hot and sexy.
"Uhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhh, Shaaaaaaaaaawn!" you heard one wrestler mimic and cry out from far away, imitating those women at the beginning of Shawn's entrance music.
Yep, you actually have tried doing those same moans at the beginning of Shawn's entrance theme before while he fucked you.
Shawn honestly got so much hotter and sexier the next year, so did a few other wrestlers.
You had so much sexual pleasure: the sex symbol of the WWF fucking your pussy while another pretty hot wrestler was fucking your ass, and two cutie patooties were sucking your sensitive nipples, and sucking off the 2nd hottest man in the WWF behind Shawn Michaels.
All of this sexual pleasure was bound to have a reaction to it, right?
That reaction was you releasing this rather strong, high pitched moan that sounded like a cry, and that moan made people's heads turn because it almost sounded like you were in pain.
But you weren't, not at all.
When you let out that head turning moan, you creamed on Shawn's cock, your vagina releasing your cum, your clit pounding rather hard when you had came.
Shawn would love to probably eat out your twat, but he's busy fucking you right now.
You moaned the same "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" sound over and over again while you rode Shawn, dragging out the "ohhhhhhh", sometimes releasing a few quick "yes!"'s and "fuck me!!".
"You're so wet" Shawn purred and murmured while you rode him.
"That's a good girl" Hunter muttered quietly while you sucked his cock.
When you were sucking Hunter throughout this orgy, one of your hands was wrapped around the bottom of his shaft, so your hands won't get dirty.
Your other hand, however, was placed on Shawn's bare chest, where you proceeded to caress and stroke your hand up and down Shawn's chest.
You want to make him feel good as well, maybe this well even make him cum.
Though Shawn's gonna cum either way.
Shawn could feel tingles when your hand roamed up and down his chest, his chest hair in between your fingers.
Marty is tempted to rub his fingers up and down your clit, though he should ask for your permission first.
Davey, however, while he was holding onto you, started to caress his hands up and down your torso and on your sides, you could feel tingles on your body over his touch that felt so good.
"Oh Davey!" you moaned "That feels soooooo gooood!"
Shawn actually heard what you're saying, and his eyes even opened, only to see Davey's hands roaming all over your body.
Shawn wanted to put his hands on your body and caress your skin, so he lifted his hands and slid his hands on your torso and hips, trying to make his hands not crash into Davey's.
"Hey, isn't that mat pretty dirty?" you heard a wrestler shout from far away.
"Mind your own business!" Leif barked back at him.
"Hey y/n" Marty said. "Can I rub your clit?"
He raised his voice so you can hear him, and yep, you can hear him.
"Yes you can" you replied, nodding your head.
A smile grew on his face, where he moved his hand towards the top of your vulva.
The pads of his index and middle fingers, which were attached to each other, proceeded to rub up and down your clit, all while you were still riding Shawn.
Even the outside of your pussy was so damp, slick and plush.
Marty was smiling over rubbing your clit, his fingers tickling your clitoris.
"I-I'm gonna cum!!!" Hunter exclaimed, his mouth grimacing and his eyes shutting tight.
His cock jizzed inside your mouth, some of his cum flinging down your throat.
Luckily, he came inside your mouth, but you gulped and swallowed his cum in your mouth, be it his official jizz or precum.
Your tongue licked up Hunter's shaft, licking up any precum or jizz that trickled down his penis and swallowing his cum.
It was a bit too much information that he announced that he was gonna cum, but when you gotta cum, you gotta cum.
Later on, Davey was the next one to cum, whereas the last one to cum was Shawn.
After they came, Shawn put his hands on your hips and lifted you off of his lap, your pussyhole gooey and dripping out his seed, his cum dripping onto the mat's floor.
Your asshole was dripping out some cum as well, of course some of it got on the floor.
The next one to fuck your pussy was Marty Jannetty, and while you rode up and down Marty, you sucked and cleaned off Shawn's cock while he was standing up.
Yep, you were getting "spitroasted" as they say by the Rockers!
That's why you let Marty be next after Shawn, so this former tagteam duo can spitroast you!
Hunter, meanwhile, crouched down to the mat and sucked on one of your tits, whereas Leif was still sucking one of your breasts.
This was a huge treat for Hunter, because he loves women's tits.
However, Davey couldn't get his cock sucked since his cock has been dirtied thanks to being inside your germy asshole where poo and farts come out.
Luckily his penis left without having anything brown or green smeared on his shaft.
Davey also joined Hunter in sucking one of your tits.
You have invited another wrestler to come fuck you up your asshole, and it's Brian Pillman.
Brian did come to bang your asshole with his cock, he fucked you like the animal he plays in the WWF and you told him to do that.
You feel guilty for letting him fuck you up your ass, because you'd love to suck his cock, too bad it's getting dirtied by your bacteria filled asshole, despite there really isn't any shit up your ass.
Next time, you'll let him fuck your pussy and do the other things the men did to you.
Later on, when Marty was done, you let Shawn and Brian suck your tits while you rode up and down Leif Cassidy's cock, his penis fucking your pussy, and the wrestler you fucked you up your ass?
Bret Hart.
You later invited more wrestlers to bang you, one of them being Billy Gunn of the Smoking Gunns, luckily he fucked you in your pussy.
You feel pretty guilty that you let the least hottest wrestlers fuck you last, but, maybe next time you'll save the best ones for last.
By the time the 1990's were coming to a close, the WWF was getting a lot more risqué, edgy and adult oriented.
Even in 1996, they were getting a bit edgy.
Just look at Stone Cold Steve Austin giving middle fingers, Goldust being some strange homoerotic space alien, Mankind and Brian Pillman playing mentally ill nutcases, and even The Ultimate Warrior saying "South Park" curse words like "shit" and "fuck" in the ring.
By the time it was 1998, and the WWF had a new logo, a new name and was vastly different from what it was by only a few years ago, your new character you were playing in the WWF was a slutty nymphomaniac, like a female version of Val Venis.
You had done some REALLY outrageous things on "Monday Night Raw" that made headline news and made you a household name, becoming the most controversial and maybe even downright bravest person of the WWF's Attitude era, and one thing you did think of doing during the WWF's Attitude era was something really outrageous.
What was it?
Actually having sex in the ring, with someone like Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Billy Gunn, or even Val Venis.
Filmed in front of a live studio audience with thousands of people, including even some prepubescent kids, watching this, and being broadcast all around the world for everyone to see.
You talked this over with the WWF's creative team, Vince Russo absolutely adored this idea, Vince McMahon was quite skeptical.
He liked your idea, though, what if it was Sable having sex in the ring instead of you?
Vince Russo and McMahon probably would've made you actually have had sex in the ring considering they're both men that are infamous for doing anything for shock value and anything that pushes the envelope, much like the Attitude era itself.
You having actual sex in the ring makes Edge and Lita's notorious live sex celebration from 2006 look like "WWE Saturday Morning Slam".
You in general made those bra and panties/evening gown/bikini matches look like Strawberry Shortcake, and you're talking about what you did filmed on television on "Monday Night Raw".
The reason I posted that "sex in the gym locker" fanfic yesterday, is because on Wednesday, I did type it and post it, but I posted it to my main blog by accident.
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kumkaniudaku · 5 years
Pop Off
Summary: Tasha ends up in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. 
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Monday evenings in the Boseman household were typically quiet affairs. Now that CoCo had assumed the role of full-time stay at home mom, she was in charge of orchestrating the daily schedule. After all of the children had been assisted with homework, fed, bathed, and put to bed, the adults were afforded the opportunity to enjoy peace as the final hours of the day ticked away.
Tucked into soft Egyptian sheets on top of a spacious Wyoming king bed, Tasha and Chadwick lay cuddled in the middle preparing for sleep until the buzz of an unseen cell phone disturbed the atmosphere.
“Oh, what the fuck,” Tasha grumbled in the dark bedroom as she extended her arm to search the nightstand for her device.
Chadwick chuckled at his wife’s outburst and shifted in bed to flick on the bedside lamp, “Who is it?”
“It’s Tiana. She better have a reason for interrupting my sleep or I’m gon’ cuss her ass out.” Chadwick continued to laugh at his wife’s tantrum knowing that his sister-in-law was in for less than enthusiastic greeting. He’d been a victim of CoCo’s wrath after waking her prematurely on several occasions.
Reluctantly sliding her finger across the screen, she quickly tapped the speaker icon to answer.
“What, Tiana?”
“I’m gonna tell daddy that you yelled at me.”
“Sis, I have two kids and a husband. I can yell at who I wanna.” Realizing her statement’s implications, Tasha changed her tune. “But, like, we don’t need to get him involved. Stop being a tattletale!”
“If you take me with you to the spa, I’ll keep quiet.”
CoCo looked over to Chadwick who smiled and nodded. “Fine. But make sure you thank Aaron. Because your ass would’ve been grass. Now, what do you want this late at night?”
“Tasha, it is 9: 30 pm. The sun has been down for thirty minutes TOPS! Why are you already asleep?”
“My baby needs her beauty rest, TiTi,” Chadwick laughed. “Sixteen hours is the minimum for the lady of the house.
“I’ll never understand how you spoil her so much but I think it’s cute. Anyway, T, have you seen the season premiere of Basketball Wives Atlanta.”
“Girl, what,” Tasha exclaimed, turning her nose up at the mention of the franchise. “You know I don’t watch that trash.”
“Well, friend, you might wanna take a look at this one. It’s on right now. Call me back when it’s over.”
Before Tasha could press her sister for more answers, Tiana hung up with no further explanation. Chadwick was the next person to move, pulling the remote out of the nightstand drawer to turn on their seldom-used television. When the show’s main theme rolled through the soundbar speakers to signal its return from commercial break, Tasha winced at the sound.
Living in Los Angeles, especially after marrying into a lifestyle characterized by exposure to all types of celebrities, had resulted in a plethora of run-ins for CoCo. She’d met and partied with Hollywood’s elite at event after parties, sipped a beer at more intimate events with Black entertainment’s finest and, unfortunately, brushed elbows with those that desired fame and would do anything to attain exposure. Some of those brush ups were resolved with quick but concise warnings. Others took a bit more...convincing.
“Living in Atlanta and starting this new single period in my life is fun, so I called up a couple of my girls and we had a little roof-top party to bring the boys out.”
Tasha’s eyes snapped up toward the TV in horror, “Oh no.”
“Right. I think I see the lace in her wig. Is that what y’all call it? The shit that looks like a screen door? You gotta tell your girl Malaysia that she missed the mark with this one.”
Chadwick’s sudden interest in the reality tv show caused him to miss his wife’s obvious discomfort as memories pushed to the darkest recesses of her mind came forth.
“Tasha, you want another drink?” Wrapped up in scrolling through her cell phone to view pictures of her family, CoCo completely missed her friend’s question until her space was invaded with a tap to her shoulder. “Hey, d’you hear me? Want another drink?”
“Wha-uh, yeah. Please, be heavy on the D'usse this time. And a glass of water please.”
Malaysia nodded and smiled, “Ya know, for somebody who is hell-bent on sitting over here by their damn self, you sure are turning these back.”
“It’s just the cameras and shit. I’m not used to it like you.”
“Girl, don’t worry about them. They’re just here for some b-roll and then they’ll be out. Gotta catch me meeting some of these menzzzz!”
“You sure that’s it? None of that arguing shit the girls like to do for the blogs?”
Tasha was well aware of the typical reality show antics and wanted no part in them. She came out to celebrate her friend’s housewarming and decision to get back on the dating scene, not entertain a bunch of young girls looking for their fifteen minutes in the spotlight.
“That’s it, housewife!”
“Excuse me? That’s Mrs. Housewife to you,” Tasha laughed. “Alright, I’ll get up and mingle a little for my girl. My outfit is too cute to not be seen anyway.”
The pair shared a laugh as CoCo’s glass was quickly replaced with a new, stronger concoction. It wasn’t long before Tasha began to welcome conversation, moving between groups to discuss whatever was on the docket. She even served as the host of an impromptu speed dating game to help Malaysia narrow down the potential partners in the room. With a buzz from the dark liquor in her fourth glass, Tasha was the center of attention and unaware of the cameras that she spent so much time worrying about.
At some point, when the flow of alcohol and conversation were at their peak, Malaysia turned to CoCo to give the group advice.
“Okay, Tasha, tell us how you ended up with like, the best man available. I need the secret.”
“Girl, there is no secret. We’re a regular couple with regular problems.”
“Yeah, right,” Malaysia responded with an accusatory look on her face. “Let me tell y’all, those two will argue and make up in the same sentence. Then 3 business days later she’s in new Balenciagas. So, sis, I’ll ask you again, what is the secret?”
Just as Tasha prepared to offer up a little piece of advice her mother shared with her before tying the knot, a low murmur from an unfamiliar face across the circle caught her attention.
“I’m sorry, you wanna say that again? I missed the conversation.”
“No, I’m good. Continue.”
In her mind, Tasha wrestled with her next steps. Whoever the young woman was appeared to be well below the age where common sense was actually common but old enough to know the meaning of respect. Feeling loose and open for
“I insist, sweetheart. Please, share with the class. We could all use some advice.” Prolonged silence from the offending party drew curious stares from the rest of the group and a satisfied smirk from Tasha. “Nothing? Great. As I was saying, the secret is to su-”
“The secret is to steal another woman’s man right before he’s about to propose to his girlfriend. Right, CoCo?”
At the sound of her nickname, Tasha placed her glass on the table and straightened her back, “See, baby, you called me CoCo. That means you either know me or know somebody that wishes they were in my position. So, which one is it?”
“I know that your husband was in a relationship until you came around. I know that he was about to propose to my friend but you fucked him during your charity party to stop him.”
“What I’m hearing is not only are you dumb but you’re a liar too. You know what I do to children that lie in my face? I whoop their asses.”
“Okay, that’s enough,” Malaysia exclaimed in an effort to deescalate the situation. “Tasha, let’s go get you some more water.”
Feeling like she’d made her point, CoCo allowed her friend to gently pull her off of the wicker couch and attempt to lead her away from the budding confrontation.
“Get her old ass out of here. All bark and no bite.”
“Bitch, please! Do you really think I’d scuff these shoes to fight a little girl in Fashion Nova leggings,” Tasha asked as she yanked away from the grip on her arm.
“I’m not gone be too many more bitches.”
“You gon’ be as many bitches as I decide to call you, bitch. Now what?” When her words were met with little more than a childing stomp and pout, Tasha took it upon herself to be dismissed from the festivities. “Malaysia, girl, I will talk to you later. How’s dinner tomorrow?”
“That works girl! Drive sa-”
The loud shatter of glass and subsequent debris from its collision made both women stop in their tracks and slowly turn to face the rest of the party.
“This little bitch gon’ make me whoop her ass. Hold my bag.”
Chadwick’s laughter and the television competed for Tasha’s attention while she hid her head underneath the duvet.
“Honestly, I’m not even mad at Tasha. I would have beat her ass too. But that’s my girl and she has a reputation to uphold so...unfortunately security had to step in the mix.”
“Okay, that’s enough. Turn it off. Please.”
“You ‘re faster than I thought, baby. And that lunge was very graceful.”
“Turn it off, Chad!”
“Alright, alright.” His hands went up in playful surrender before shutting the TV off and turning to his wife. She’s finally emerged from her blanket coffin but with a glossy sheen covering her eyes and a pout identical to Micah’s. “Aww, come here, baby girl. Come here.”
“I’m a reality tv show bitch,” Tasha wailed as Chadwick pulled her into his chest for a hug. “I should just move out and be on B-bad Girls Cluuuub.”
“You are not moving out, Mike Tyson. I need you here to keep us safe.”
“Oh my Gooood. My kids are gonna think I some...some...guttersnipe!”
“A what?” There was no use in trying to calm Tasha while she was in full panic mode. Any words of encouragement would be disregarded and only serve to exacerbate the already tense situation. So, Chadwick absorbed all of her tears in the cotton of his t-shirt until she had cried all of her embarrassment away and unveiled a thin layer of anger.
“I can’t believe I let her get me out of my element like that. I mean...I’m me! I’m Tasha fucking Greene Boseman.”
“Greene Boseman! That’s right, baby. You are that bitch.”
“Right! I like when you say that. I’m that bitch! The motherfuckin’ prototype!”
“Gahdamn prototype!”
“These lil’ girls hope and pray to be this fine in their 40s.”
“God please let me be as fine as Tasha Boseman,” Chadwick chimed in a comically high-pitched voice.
“Tuh! I’m a bad bitch.”
“Mhmmm. Now come here and show me how bad you can get.” His little kisses up her arm on the way to her collarbone made Tasha giggle, nearly completing Chadwick’s mission. That was until the soft ring of her phone alerted her to an incoming FaceTime call. “Nuh uh. Let it go to voicemail.”
“It’ll be quick, babe. I promise.” Pulling his face from the crook of her neck, he gave her a look of disbelief. “It’s just the girls. I’ll get them off the phone in five minutes!”
Chadwick grumbled an incoherent sentence about never getting what he wanted before dramatically setting a timer on his cell phone and placing it in his wife’s lap. “Five minutes, Cookie.”
“I’ll make it four, baby,” she answered in the sweetest voice she could muster.
Pressing the answer button on the call, the line sat silent for a few seconds before all of the women let out a long “biiiiiitch” in unison. Chadwick knew what was coming and silently pleaded with his wife not to go any further. His attempts were futile as she began a lengthy rant that propelled her out of the bed and into her vanity area in the closet to finish the conversation.
When she was out of earshot, Chadwick grabbed the remote to rewind the episode and begin at the height of the conflict. He smiled at his wife’s aggression, feeling his heart soar and excitement stir in his belly.
“My girl, the fighter. Use your left, baby. There you go!”
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thefinalkey16 · 5 years
KH3 Re:Mind spoilers/Reactions
So Xemnas gave the order?? To find the box?? But why??
So did Xigbar actually lose the box? YOU HAD ONE JOB
Oh we’re starting HERE HUH
I forgot how pretty the graphics are
Why is Riku so pretty???
Nomura really went “this DLC is about SOKAI and I’m gonna make sure you KNOW IT.”
Nomura really cares about his ship and I appreciate it so much
I love the music in this game so much
Why does MOM adopt smol children lol
It bothers me that MOM has no actual face behind the hood. It’s like Ansem’s original form
So Xehanort is where Xemnas’s confusion of the heart comes from lol
I’m sorry, Xehanort is more powerful than darkness?
I’m sorry MOM is too scared to take off the coat???
MOM is a psychology teacher who gets exasperated by his dumb students
A lost..Master?
Well we know where Xehanort got the hands behind the back walk from
I’m 100% sure that MOM told him his name was “Noneya,” and it took a few decades before he realized what he actually said
I’m sorry they have holograms??
Did they actually call him Riku Replica lol
Wait they were actually nobodies
“Why we have assembled here,” because Xemnas and Sora destroyed your sick castle
Poor Terra got possessed TWICE?
Demyx! You get Demyx!
I’m sorry 20??
No. I
Oh so they don’t actually remember Xion
Does.. does Xigbar remember Xion?
Wow they got Vexen just to get his daughter in their gang. How rude
Xehanort fell asleep while they chatted I’m cackling
Crazy old man
Now when do I get to save Kairi? :3c
“Back so soon?”=you died again?? You’re lame
Chirithy is a mood
Sora you watched your GF get shattered
Oh so that’s why Sora dies
Oh my god he’s Sailor Pluto
Lose powers? He’s done that so many times 😂
Getting banned from one world? He had a phone and friends with gummi ships lol
NOOO VEN That still hurts to watch
Wow he’s a ghosty ghost
Oh I love Ven’s heart station so much
Wow Vanitas really said that Ven is Baby
Also wow Vanitas is protecting Ven’s heart and I love that
I beat him by using Meow Wow. meow wow is best boy
Oh no oh no it’s this pet
Gotta love Big Bro Lea
I forgot they call him Axel
It’s Donald’s Safrifice ;-;
Donald Really channeled his inner Molly Weasley and said “Not my son you WITCH.”
Also aw Sora got to see what Donald did for the first time
Poor Aqua ;-; this is the moment where everyone hates her for
Also aww she trusts Kairi to protect them
We love Big Sis Aqua
I’m literally screaming and I scared my grandma
Oh my god She lost Kairi and she immediately went to Sora cause she knew she’d be safe there ;-;
Namine’s Really here bringing everyone together
Agsisgsjdg I forgot Terra can do the keyblade whip thing lol
AND the cannon
Wow they’re really fighting in the sky
Anyone else getting Star Wars vibes
I still hate Terra’s pants
Imagine your heart crushing your body. Like really
Wow Sora you’re so cocky
I forgot that Marluxia is an Ouran Host Club character
Wait, that Mickey finisher was new, wasn’t it?
Okay but I still have no idea what Xemnas did to Luxord
Cards: *Appear*
Sora: PTSD from watching his friends get destroyed from the cards in the manga
Mickey: *is captured*
Sora: PTSD intensifies
I’m really happy that we get to replay all of the Organization battles, they’re so much fun!
I’m so soft for Replinami ;-;
He loves her so much, and all he wants is for her to be safe and happy ;-;
Ven: we aren’t the same. You’re Edgy. I’m Baby
Aqua when Sora appears: TWO Baby’s :0
“If I’m a traitor, then Kairi’s the trump card.” LEA DRINKS RESPECT KAIRI JUICE
Aww Kairi’s so confused. She doesn’t see how she could be a trump card ;-;
Ohhh Isa’s jealous.
Jealousy mode has been activated in Isa
“Yup” Kairi really just wants this over with so she can go home 😂
The way Kairi’s face lights up at seeing Sora gives me life.
Wow Xemnas was really hurt by Axel’s betrayal. Frankly? I’m shocked.
Xemnas does NOT drink Respect Xion juice
Lea cares about the small girls he adopted as his little sisters
Wow Nomura really got tired of people dissing Kairi so he amped her up with cool stuff
“Oh? Tired of Kairi not doing anything?” Heres her literally overpowering Xemnas and him having to restrain her with a stop spell and magic to stop her
Oh and in case you think she’s weak? Here’s the same thing for Sora too.
God I love Nomura
Oh my god she’s in so much pain because of the darkness
I can not believe i was forced to relive watching Kairi die
I love Donald and Goofy so much ;-;
They aren’t gonna leave their son alone
Also wow Xehanort was just staring there forever
Getting KH1 vibes with this
“The heartless that is radiating light” how is that possible??
Okay but this is such a good parallel to the first game, with him saving Kairi ;-;
Except for the fact that HEARTLESS SORA DIDNT GET BEAT UP
Okay so her heart is a thassala shell. Will we have to collect the pieces to make her wayfinder?
Oh my god I see the thing at the top of the screen. We totally are making her wayfinder ;-;
Okay so I love the puzzles they have here
I’m sorry you hid her heart? What are you, five?
What do you MEAN almost out of time?!
Oh no not these guys again
So many keyholes
Oh my god Lea is so overwhelmed lol
Okay so for the team ups, I love how all of them were mix and matched from the trio’s
I loved Terra and Riku, the Master and apprentice
I loved Ven, Roxas, and I can’t remember who else was in it. “Thanks Roxas.” “Youre welcome. You’re not too bad yourself.” THAT WAS ADORABLE
Xion, Aqua and Mickey being mages and protecting everyone
Aqua and Lea, him trying to talk and Aqua telling him to shut up and focus
We now present: Kingdom Hearts 3: connect he dots
Connect. Connect the dots. Get it?
“I can do this.” YES YOU CAN
I’m sorry you think I want to play as Sora? After waiting my whole life to play Kairi? HA
Seven wishes saved me in that fight
Now we just need Rikai and Sorikai and it’ll be complete ^^
“I was trying to give you some privacy” awwww
Chirithy has my soul and I love it
Every scene with Chirithy adds 7 years to my life
Afsjsgsajg Sora DONT PUSH THE CAT
Aaand he’s gone and I’m crying again
Oh my god Riku and Terra being bro’s are my favorite thing
Wait what are they gonna do
OH they’re going to search for Sora!
“The Twilight Town gang” ITS OFFICIAL
They’re searching her heart?
Riku’s been all ALONE
Battalion oh my god lol
I’m mad about Kairi being asleep for a year though
Wow. A video game inside of a video game
I spent the rest of the day failing the Data battles and making funny Data Greeting pictures. Hopefully I’ll be better st the battles tomorrow!
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hermionegranger56 · 5 years
Just overall as an album here: HOLY. SHIT. that one vanity fair article that said this is gonna save pop music???? THEY’RE RIGHT OK?? this is just a solidly GREAT album all around. It’s lyrically smart, incredibly catchy, heartfelt and vulnerable and empowering. And the best part?? You can tell that Taylor is so genuinely, sincerely HAPPY and IN LOVE and it is downright INFECTIOUS. Even the songs that sonically I didn’t like as much, I couldn’t help but like since you could just feel her palpable joy in every note. I saw someone say that Rep was her finding her voice and Lover is her finally being able to use it how she wants and I couldn’t agree more.
I Forgot That You Existed: soooo catchy!! and god if realizing you forgot about That person ain’t the best feeling! this song perfectly shows that freedom, that joy. the laugh! the “…so yeah”! i live! a strong start
Cruel Summer: A MOTHERFUCKIN BOP THIS SONG MAKES ME SO HAPPY AHHHHH!!! (recommend it at full volume, in the car. really helped my commute today lol) the chorus is just such a good melody. HE LOOKS UP GRINNING LIKE A DEVIL!!!! MURDER ME THE DELIVERY OF THAT LINE WAS SO GOOD can’t wait to scream it on tour
Lover: perfect. perfect. perfect. see here. oh god she’s so in love. I see you Speak Now Taylor, I see you. this song is acoustic folky perfection and i want it at my wedding
The Man: ok moral of the story: fuck men lolol. THIS IS A JAMMM! look, I understand the critiques people are going to have for the message of this song. Without getting too into it, it’s true the song certainly doesn’t cover everything and there are areas of feminism and social awareness she (especially as a successful white woman) can continue to grow and make more of an effort in. HOWEVER, to say that Taylor Swift has not been affected by sexism is just untrue? Her whole reputation was defined for a long time on the double standards that society had for her that she lays out in this song, she went through a sexual assault trial with grace and dignity, she still is put in the pigeon hole of being “overdramatic”, “the victim” etc etc which perpetuates double standards. Taylor Swift has something to say about her valid experiences as a woman in this industry, and we DEFINITELY should not be trying to silence the voices of any women in this day and age. And the song’s simple sentiment of MEN HAVE IT EASIER is something that lots of her fans can relate to, so why not write something relatable, ya know?? idk man i support it, rant over, don’t fight me plz
The Archer: oh boy the ATMOSPHERE. OOF. the perfect 3 am-lightening skies-melancholy soundtrack. and my god if it doesn’t hit every late night insecurity I’ve ever had, like any good track 5 should. “who could ever leave me darling, but who could stay” hits like a sucker punch, by the crescendo at “all the kings horses and all the kings men” I’m screaming the lyrics or sobbing or both. one of my fave track 5s aside from All Too Well and Delicate
I Think He Knows: a BEAT hot DAMN. go GET that man tswift, we stan a confident queen!! BOY I UNDERSTAND?!?!?!? GET IT BITCH YOU’RE HOT SHIT!!! a solid bop!! i wanna dance!!
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince: this is a MASTERPIECE. holy FUCK. its. there’s just so many LAYERS?!?!? it’s a like a freaking meta analysis of her past image, her current self and today’s fucked up society. I could write a paper about this. I’m endlessly impressed by how she can continue to surprise me with her lyrical skill even after all this time ahhhhhh. also the go! fight! win! cheer is so clever, i love it
Paper Rings: HELLO STAY STAY STAY AND OURS’ POP ROCK LOVECHILD. SOOOOOO INFECTIOUSLY HAPPY OH MY GOD. it’s a romcom come to life, idk i get love, rosie vibes, no idea why. but god i’m 22 full years old and i just danced around my room using a hairbrush as a microphone to this. I’m smiling ear to ear ahhh @ taylor and joe get married rn PLEASE
Cornelia Street: for some reason I didn’t love it at first, but it’s growing on me!! i think “i get mystified by how this city screams your name” sounds so great how she sings it though like that part is incredible. and it’s such a fragile message, that love that you fear might go away at any second and take all the happy memories with it. a sad bop
Death By Thousand Cuts: also growing on me!! I think most people can relate to this so i think it’ll do well. the “trying to find a part of me you didn’t touch” part was also good
London Boy: AHAHAHAHA I LOVE IT it’s cheeky, it’s fun and damn she wants you to know how much she loves her london boy and everything about him!! i also love that motherfucking IDRIS ELBA IS HERE?!?!? “DONT THREATEN ME WITH A GOOD TIME” so. good.
Soon You’ll Get Better: hoo boy. wow. I can only imagine this is about Andrea’s cancer diagnosis and my god my heart goes out to the whole Swift family. I’ve been there with my grandfather and watching him loose that battle in front of me was one of the hardest thing’s i’ve ever done. it’s surreal, the insistence that they HAVE to get better, it’s the ONLY way, that’s how it’s going to be. and now that I’m a nurse and I’m on the other end seeing families go through this, I just…god I don’t think this is going to be one I can listen to often. I said I was “sobbing” during The Archer, well here I actually, physically was. It’s been a long week, nurse-wise :( oh god the sigh right before the last chorus oh god. my true only complaint here is the underutilization of the Dixie Chicks, cause i love them :)
False God: THE SAX. THE SEX. AMAZING hahahaha. this is just a whole ass VIBE, it’s so smooooooth. I’M NEW YORK CITY, damn I love that!! GOD I DON’T EVEN HAVE SPECIFICS THIS IS JUST SUCH A FUCKING GOOD SONG!!! def in my top 5 from this album.
You Need to Calm Down: HEEEEELLLLLLL YEAHHHHH BOP OF THE SUMMER!!!! the chorus makes me SO SUNSHINEY HAPPY!! And I’m glad Taylor is being so vocal about her support for the LGBT community and sending this message of love/renouncing people who spread hate! CAUSE *screams from a mountain* SHADE NEVER MADE ANYBODY LESS GAY!!!!!!
Afterglow: i think this song is absolutely lovely! It takes so much maturity to be able to admit you’re wrong or that you hurt the one you love but that you’re going to continue to fight for them and I love to see Taylor explore that
Me!: ok honestly?? I have never liked the first song Taylor’s released from all of her albums Red and after. BUT they’ve all grown on me! that said, this is probably my least favorite song on the album WHICH IS SO IMPRESSIVE THIS IS STILL A REALLY GOOD SONG!! the me-e-e-e makes me unreasonably happy (similar to the sunshine vibes of yntcd). I just can’t get past the spelling is fun WAIT SHE TOOK IT OUT I’M ABSOLUTELY SCREAMING
It’s Nice To Have a Friend: SIMPLE. BEAUTY. this feels like an interlude of sorts and I love it. it’s first 3 seconds reminded me of the Big Little Lies theme song lolol. this is such a perfectly visual song, it’s like a tumblr list of aesthetics. i REALLY LOVE this one, in ways I can’t put into words
Daylight: ohhhh baby a GOOOOD ENDING. STEP INTO THE DAYLIGHT AND LET IT GO FINALLY MADE ITS DEBUT I’M SO HAPPY. and her words of wisdom at the end, wow. you are what you love. wow taylor truly has come through all of her experiences, good and bad, processed and grown, let it go and is thriving and in love in her own daylight
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lovelytiefling · 6 years
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okayy i was tagged by @inspireigen but my phone wouldnt let me copy paste the questions all at once onlyone at a time and i was too lazy to do that so took a screenshot lol
1. Okay so my url before this one was sapphicsunflower (or it mightve been a variation on that like svnflower? cuz i think someone else had the regular word ANYWAYS) but before that i had the url queen-quasar, and i wanted to go back to that one. only to find that it was taken…. but like, me and outerspace man we go hand in hand, so i decided to keep quasar in the name and keep the alliteration by making it quasi-quasar. its also kinda a joke cuz quasi- means like “somewhat” or “kind of/almost [something]” so like my url isnt totally what it was before bUT it kIND OF is
2. oof. OOF. im bad at like picking stuff, like im super indecisive. theres just a lot of good songs out there man. hmm ill just say the first that comes to mind is “This Life is Mine” from the RWBY soundtrack. ive always rly enjoyed the rwby music, “Home” from rwby is also a song that brings tears to my eyes haha
but for something a little different, theres a song that i performed in choir senior year that pulls at my heartstrings. its called “Homeward Bound” and im not one to like toot my own horn lmao im not a great singer on my own but as a choir i think we did an amazing job, my teacher said it was an audience favorite that night. and i mean you can look it up and listen to it, but like it wont be the same as the way i got to hear it man (not just cuz we had it arranged a little different) we just… we did a good job and the song evoked emotion from a lot of us. its a song about leaving to go on a journey but promising to come back to your loved ones. granted it talks about like not wanting to be stuck on a farm, but like the overall theme a lot of us could relate to. and we even had a class discussion about different meanings and interpretations for it and ngl some folks cried. so uh yeah haha its not exactly somethin im jamming out to all the time but i just thought it was worth mentioning
3. Controversial? Apple pie sucks ass. Every person whomst the fuck ive ever mentioned hating apple pie to looked at me in dISGUST
4. i cant remember hmm… its not that i dont see people doing nice things, its just almost 3am so my brains all stupid and also i just cant remember exactly having that thought recently uhh. yknow, that post about the person who played runescape and the higher level player that casually gave them some rly good stuff without anything to gain has been circulating again recently. i think that. sure its just a game, but it had a positive impact on a kid yknow? also, thats something thatd just make someones day, even as an adult.
5. UHHHHHHHHH UUUUHHHHHHHHHHHH i can draw better than a stick figure no but yeah…. i think drawing is my rly only like good skill… im glad im decent at it
6. oh gooood. okay. so me and my parents were gonna go see thor: ragnarok like months ago right. but the theater was full so we decided to see another movie. they picked. like. bad moms: christmas?? i think it was called that?? and uh IT WASNT GREAT LOL. NOT WORTH IT
7. Fullmetal Alchemist. FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST. FUUULLMETAL ALCHEMIIIIST. Like ive watched the first fma once and fma brotherhood 3 times. like. i lOVE it. in fact i want a tattoo from it (human transmutation circle).
other notable mentions would be like zelda, atla/lok, and zero escape. oh but maybe as far as like movies, mad max:fury road, pacific rim, uhhh bands. panic! at the disco, (it didnt say singers bUT) florence + the machine. also. just gonna throw in the adventure zone.
i like a lot of things lmao
8. first fandom. hmm. im having trouble with this question cuz its like, what counts as fandom. like ive been a big fan of things but only talked about them among friends. ive just reblogged stuff without making art/posts about it myself. like rn im thinking back to when i had deviantart in like middle school. man idk. thats hard to say. im gonna have to pass on giving a direct answer on that one sorry!!
9. working (ever… so… slowly) on a webcomic. still planning stuff out for it. ive got a long way to go. ive also got just regular ol drawing ideas that id like to do real soon
10. Some type of magic user for sure!! Like a mage/witch/sorcerer or anything. I mean if were talking like dnd, i havent played it but i already know i wanna try out bard, warlock, and wizard if i get the chance to, all of which involve some kind of magic. and in video games if i get to pick a class then yeah lol i 99% of the tome choose some kind of mage
im supposed to tag people but im lazy and just gonna tag @fulmentus
and uhh, its 3am now i dont feel like coming up with new questions, kas if you do this game just use the ones i did lol
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andygenn-blog · 7 years
life lately
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Hey ho! It’s ya girl Andy G and I’m back! I’ve been dying to go back to blogging but every time I try to, I fail. It’s probably because I get too pressured to come back and this time with my own domain, all polished and really LEGIT looking. But what the heck, whatever. I’d have to just make do with what I have. I just really miss the ~diary style~ blogging and some of my friends reached out to me that they miss it too. I recently visited my old tumblr and I had a load of fun laughing and “aww!”-ing at my own posts. I guess I miss documenting my life too. So here it is! My first attempt at going back to documenting my life. No pressure. Just a lot of stories and photos.
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I just recently launched an online shop! It’s full of thrifted, hand-me-downs & pre-loved clothes. I’ve been meaning to do this too for the longest time and now that I have all the time in the world (icymi, I graduated last April and I’ve been bumming around ever since) I finally worked on it! I really like thrifting and sometimes I tend to hoard a lot so this is my way of cleaning my closet. It’s also where I get to practice taking photos, styling and making collages. Everything’s cheap and no item is more than 350 pesos so if you wanna cop some dainty lookin’ clothes, check out Fad Folly’s No.1 Collection at IG @fadfolly! I plan to change themes every collection so watch out. Heehee. This is also a sort of ~practice~ for me as I’m planning something bigger, something I’ve always dreamed about.
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Besides launching an online shop, above are some photos of what I’ve been up to from the month of September.
 Chasing sunsets and hanging at rooftops. That’s me with my automatic film camera that Jimbo got me for my birthday! He also owns one now so whenever we travel, he’d have a camera with him too. I just started using film back in March I think! And I couldn’t be happier. As far as I can remember, I’ve also been wanting to try film photography. AND oooh lala, writing this post is making me feel giddy inside. Apparently, I’ve been slowly doing what I’ve been dying to do. Guess being unemployed is doing me gooood.
Daz me hanging out with strangers! JK! That’s my high school barkada. SO last April my family threw me a celebratory party because I graduated and none of these fucks went. And of course that saddened me! I was mad at them, especially those who committed but flaked out. (that’s why I keep referring to them as strangers) So they were scared to invite me for Rommel’s despedida. LOL. But being the good friend that I am, of course I had to see Rommel before he leaves for New Zealand. Everyone was apologizing when I came. But iz all goooood. I love them. And oh, this was such a fun night. Made us realize how old we were getting too. Half of us are graduates already, some are starting work soon.
For the last four photos I really don’t have much kwento. Those are just some stuff I ordered from Sephora because I’ve been dying to try Mario Badescu’s Rose Water, a trip to the thrift shop, Jimbo after playing a set at 12 Monkeys and a photo of a sunset.
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This month I also got to, finally, hang out with Jasmine! I fucking love this girl and I missed her so much. She was away for, I’m not really sure, 3 months? For her OJT and I’m really glad she’s back. Although she’s less fun now because she’s serious with school. JK. Get that diploma girlfriend! Last year we spent a lotttaaa time together when we were both single and we mostly just reminisced about the good ol days. (Not saying I miss being single, I love my bebeshka, I’m super fucking in love if you can’t tell)
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This month, I also got to visit Bicol for the first time. (TY Ballecer & Alarde family! TY Sud!) For this trip I only brought my Pentax k2 and my automatic film camera, and mostly used my phone for taking videos. I’ve decided to just bring my film cameras whenever I travel because the last time I travelled, I had my Pentax k2, Nikon d5100 and a mirrorless camera with me and boooooooooy was it exhausting! Jimbo and I spent a lot of time switching cameras and taking photos and I must admit, it was pretty tiring. So I thought, why not get rid of my slr whenever I travel and just use my phone (since I like posting right away) and my film cameras so I can enjoy the moment? Heehee
I’ve also really been enjoying creating short films about my day, or in this case, our trip to Bicol. The idea of creating short films has always been in my head but filming with my camera and editing with premiere was too much work for me! So I’m glad that I found apps that really worked for me. I received a lot of questions regarding those so for everyone asking, I’ve been using the apps 8MM and InShot for my videos!
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OKAY going back to our Bicol trip, it was pretty chill. The last time we were all together for a trip was in July for Kohl and I’s birthday and that vacation was preeettty hectic. Lotsa touristy stuff. But this one, we mostly just hung out. We ate a lot of good food, drink, listened to Sud play the guitar while everyone else sang along, and oh, we finally surfed again! BUT MAN, I’ve tried surfing several times and this one was the most exhausting. Besides the fact that it was the 2nd day of my period, it was a day before the storm hit so the waves were crazy strong. I was so tired I had to stop even though I had 15 minutes left. We also played a lot of Secret Hitler (a board game you should definitely check out!) and when I say a lot I mean A LOT. We stayed up ‘til 3AM playing (which meant we couldn’t wake up to surf the next day). Jimbo and I got the board game a month ago I think and we couldn’t be any happier that we finally got to use it! It’s such a good game and I’m such a good player. HAHAHA. But no, seriously, I’m good.
We ended our trip hanging out around the empty beach watching the beautiful pink sunset. We even caught a glimpse of a few lightning strikes from the horizon as our afternoon descended into night. It was all sorts of colorful lovelies.
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I’ve also been bugging my boyfriend to take photos of my outfits whenever we’d go out! So here are two of my outfits from last week! First one we just went thrifting (naka aura pa ako, ang arte ko) and the second one we went to UP Town to buy some stuff before we travelled to Bicol!
So yup, that’s all. That’s a lot of kwento. I just really missed doing this.
Hope you enjoyed reading this really lengthy post!
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When they find out their s/o is great at baking
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Finding out you can bake is such a pleasant surprise for him.  He already thinks you’re amazing, but now he has one more reason to adore you.  I see Junmyeon being the type to not have a crazy sweet tooth, but at the same time knows how to appreciate a well crafted baked good.  Maybe you were just in the mood to bake that day and made entirely too much (which is always my problem tbh).  You didn’t know what to do with all the extra brownies so you took them over to the dorm for the guys to (hopefully) share.  He’d probably be somewhere in the back rooms, but the second he hears Chanyeol screaming ‘OMG I LOVE YOU’ he’s going to come investigate just what the hell the giant is up to.  When he the children with the brownies, two thing are going to go through his mind: 1. Oh shit the sugar rush these kids are going to have and 2. Just where the hell did these even come from?  Of course, then there’s you offering him a brownie, too, and he’ll take a bite and FALL IN LOVE ALL OVER AGAIN.   “You made these, jagiyah?” “Yup!” “Ugh, these are so gooood~!” (cue happy groaning)
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He’s someone who probably would enjoy a good pastry.  He’s definitely health conscious but we all know he likes his treats.  He would have called you one day to see what you were up to, wanting to take you out and spend time together, when you tell him you can’t go out.  Your mother’s birthday is the following day and you are busy in the kitchen making her cake.  I think he would pause for a second, the little dots popping up over his head (...) and then he’d break out into a grin! He’d ask if he could help you and most likely the two of you would spend the majority of the day baking away (and making a mess just so you can see him go into super cleaning mode).  By the time you both are done you’ve managed to make a three tier cake with fondant icing, little hearts and flowers decorated haphazardly all over it.  Honestly, you two giggle about how cheesy it looks, but secretly you know your mother will love it.  There was even enough batter left over for cupcakes!  He wouldn’t really question that you’re a baker, he would just enjoy the benefits of such a talent.   However, now that he knows you like to bake expect a lot of baking dates.  Why buy pastries when you can have them freshly baked with your own ingredients?  “We have to do this more often, jagi.  This was really fun!  Plus, look at all the goodies we have left over!”
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Cheeky bub.  You wouldn’t expect it from him, but he’s going to take full advantage of your baking skills.  He strikes me as someone who has a sweet tooth.  He’ll be the one who begs for your baking when he’s sad or upset or stressed or frustrated or had a shit week or he misses you or generally just anything.  Also beware of allowing him in the kitchen with you while you’re baking.  The cookies will slowly start to disappear one by one, but he’ll give you one of those dimpled smiles and tell you he doesn’t know what you’re talking about.  Cheeky, cheeky, I’m telling you.  It all started rather innocently, too.  You sent him cookies while he was away in China as a ‘keep your spirits up’ sort of thing, but that turned into an hour long facetime/skype/etc where he grilled you about why your cookies are so delicious!  He’ll be adamant that there’s magic in there cuz ‘there’s no way these cookies can be this soft and moist and yummy after being mailed’.  Nope no way.  He’ll buy you cute little aprons, probably any appliance you want (or didn’t ask for but he bought it anyway).  Yixing is a dotting guy in general, so just expect a lot of him supporting you in this hobby.  It’s not just because he wants more delicious treats, but because he realizes how much you really like to bake.  He just wants you to be happy.  “Baobei, this cobbler is the best!  Can you make me one for my birthday?” “Of course!” “That I don’t have to share?” “...” (cue cheeky, dimpled grin)  
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Proceed with caution honestly.  Sugar and this guy are a dangerous combo.  The guys wanted to throw Junmyeon a birthday surprise and were throwing ideas around.  Of course they had the most lavish ideas about the venue and theme, but when the topic of cake came up you interjected saying it would be more meaningful if it was homemade.  This prompted Kyungsoo to start nodding in agreement, but before he could say he’d take it on, you told them you would make the cake.  Now, this is a surprise to everyone.  You weren’t someone who liked to cook too often.  It wasn’t that you couldn’t, but more that you didn’t have a lot of interest in cooking.  Baekhyun is going to be thrilled!  He’ll insist that you allow him to be your taste tester, because ‘hyung can only have the best and since I know hyung so well I’m pretty much over qualified, but don’t worry cuz I’m just your awesome boyfriend so of course I’ll lend you my expert opinions’ … ‘or you just want free handouts’  Anyway! Baking with Baekhyun will be super fun!  Expect a mess because this is the King of Beagles we’re talking about, but also don’t worry.  Baekhyun is a super sweetheart and he’ll help you clean everything up in the end.  Over all he’ll be super proud of your creation.  Any future baked goods will probably be shared with other people with the lone goal of being able to boast about how HIS jagi made them.  “Yeah, you taste that deliciousness?  Huh? My jagi made it!  I bet you wish you had a jagi like mine!”
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Sweetheart.  The sweetest of sweethearts.  He’ll find out you can bake one night after a long practice, when he’s extremely tired and just wants to go to bed.  He’ll walk in the door and just stop...and sniff cuz like, that’s not how your apartment usually smells, but like he’s not upset.  It smells good, but there are so many scents he’s just confused as to what exactly he’s smelling.  In the kitchen you’re bustling this way and that, stacks of brownies and cookies littering every inch of counter space, tubes of icing of every color, little paper ramekins in pastels are on the table next to the cutest little plastic bags along with a few rolls of various colored ribbon.  Your friend had called you at like seven thirty and told you they had completely forgotten about the bake sale tomorrow and they didn’t have the means to actually bake anything and you can’t bring anything store bought (AND DON’T EVEN TRY TO FAKE IT CUZ THEY’LL KNOW), so you kindly offered to whip something up last minute.  He’s surprised at first because this was never something that ever came up, but then slowly that surprised look just melts into the most loving stare possible because as you explain the whole situation to him hurriedly, running around and icing the cupcakes and checking on the cake in the oven, Jongdae can just imagine having a family with you one day.  The image just settles in his head and he feels so content.  He’ll make you pause for a second so he back hug you and kiss you sweetly before offering his help.  “You can’t go making all this for our children, okay baby?  You know what I’m like, can you imagine a mini me on a sugar high?  That won’t be good for either of our health.”  *he just starts talking about the future like it’s the most natural thing ever.  Precious husband material right here ladies and gents.  Appreciate this man, please*   
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You know the nursery rhyme “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”?  Those are his eyes when you present him with a bag of sweets for his tour.  You had made them fresh the night before under the guise that you were still angry at him for not telling you about their surprise tour.  He had thought you weren’t going to see him off, but there you were standing with the carefully wrapped treat box in your outstretched hands and an apologetic smile on your face.  It had been silly to get mad at him over something he couldn’t control, which was why you wanted to do something special for him.  You knew how much he liked a particular sweet, so you spent a good portion of the previous afternoon/evening perfecting a large batch for him to take with him.  Expect teary eyes and a huge bear hug.  Also expect for him to pout, cuz yeah, that was a little mean, but he loves you and he promises to eat your goodies joyfully on his trip.  ALSO expect him to video call you an hour into the flight with crumbs on his face and eyes the size of saucers because holy shit this stuff is good and ‘did you make this?’ ‘are you sure?’ ‘please make this for me everyday of the rest of my life!’ ‘yes I am proposing to you over a box of sweets!’.  This is just another reason for the giant to fall in love with you, honestly.  “What do you mean I can’t eat them all right now?” “you’ll get a stomachache, Channie” “So?” “What do you mean ‘so’?” “You’ll take care of me, right? So it’ll be worth it!”
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This one is a foodie.  He loves to cook!  I don’t know if he bakes, but we all know he enjoys experimenting in the kitchen for sure.  I think finding out you can bake would just make him fall for you more.  It would be a day where he’s off and he wants to spoil you with some food, so you decide that it’s only fair to spoil him back by baking for him.  We all know that surprised look he gets sometimes.  The one where his eyebrows raise and his mouth droops at the corners.  It’s all a very pleasant surprise for him.  The way he sees it is this is just another way for the two of you to spend time together.  He doesn’t like to share his kitchen, to be honest, but if it’s you, it’s okay.  The two of you will probably end up dancing around each other, learning the other’s movements with ease and just coexisting.  Something the rest of the guys are going to think is absolutely flooring, because 1. No one is allowed in the kitchen when Kyungsoo is cooking and 2. How the hell are you two not running into each other?  Kyungsoo will make you a deal going forward.  When he makes a new recipe for a meal, you have to make a new recipe for dessert.  It’s competitive in the smallest of ways, only because it’s almost like a test to see who’s first time recipe turned out the best.  It honestly doesn’t matter if it’s terrible, Kyungsoo seems like the type to come up with some way of improving it so it’s edible and just being over all so encouraging.  He knows from experience that the kitchen can be just as challenging as learning new choreography, so don’t ever worry about him hating your food.  This guy looks like a menace, but he’s the most cuddly muffin ever.  “Wah! Jagi, these are delicious!  Is this a new recipe?” *shy nod* “Hmm, then you need to make these more often.  I think I’ve found a new favorite.” (cue proud temple kiss)
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He’s more quiet about his love for your baking.  He loves it so much, but in true Jongin fashion he’s just very quiet.  He loves to watch you in the kitchen, bustling around.  What he loves the most about it is the fact that your creations are always so pretty.  He didn’t even know you could bake until you showed up after one of their album releases with a bunch of cupcakes that were designed like the album’s artwork.  He was floored!  Of course, don’t expect him to be too quiet.  He’ll whine and pout if you don’t have any around the house, cuz ‘they’re so yummy and I have a craving’ ‘what do you mean you don’t have any left’  ‘can’t you make some more’ *cue puppy eyes*  ‘pretty please?’  You can’t say no to this guy at all.  But like I said, he likes to watch you bake.  If you question him about it, he’ll just shrug and give you one of those sheepish smiles we all know and love.   Jongin is your taste tester, your guinea pig, your everything when it comes to baking.  If you’re struggling with a new recipe, he’s right there to encourage you to keep going because ‘it’s okay, you’ll get it don’t worry’.  When you do succeed in perfecting it, he’ll celebrate with you happily, cutely hugging you and giving you soft kisses.  Jongin just strikes me as a gentle, calm lover, so he’d be the same way in his encouragements and comforting.  But, like, don’t forget he’s a Capricorn.  They don’t look like it, but they can be pranksters of the worst kind.  So if you ever burn a batch of cookies or a cake, pray for everyone who surrounds him.  This devious boi is going to cover the burned food in icing/melted chocolate/whatever it takes to cover it up and leave them in the break room for his victims to contemplate their life’s choices.  “Ninni, you know that’s really mean, right?” “I only want them to enjoy a tasty treat, jagi.  Sharing is caring.” *he’ll say this with a completely straight face*
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Honestly, you can’t keep this shit to yourself.  He’s going to in your kitchen constantly cuz he’s a ‘growing boy’, which basically just means he’ll eat you out of house and home.  He’s going to discover that you bake, but not tell you he knows.  Not directly anyway.  You’ll find out when you run out of cookies.  He’ll have his hand in the jar and he’s just swishing it around and around with this disgruntled expression on his face.  He’ll turn to you quite suddenly and demand where the cookies went, cuz they’re his favorite, but he’ll likely never admit that to your face.  If you make him cookies, make more than necessary, because like Yixing, he’s going to be eating them as you make them.  You might even have to force him out of the kitchen just so there will be some left for later.  When you offer to send him home with some, he’ll look at you like you’ve lost your mind cuz ‘why the hell would I do that?’  he doesn’t want to share his goodies with anyone and he knows the second he walks through the door ‘those bloodhounds are going to be after my cookies’.  Honestly, he loves that you bake.  He thinks it’s pretty amazing seeing as he’s pretty much shit with baking, too many instructions to follow.  He won’t want cakes that aren’t yours and he’ll definitely be super snobby about other people’s cookies.  “Huh, you call these things cookies?  They’re rocks with chocolate in them.  You obviously don’t know what a real cookie tastes like and no, you can’t have mine.  Buzz off.”
--Admin MM
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nightwingswing · 8 years
“The family’s girl” (Batfam x reader) Part5
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Hi there!
Sorry for the short hiatus. College was murder! But here I am again!
Have you heard the news??? A Nightwing movie!!!! i’m so used to give and now..
i’m scared they’ll mess up .
Nonetheless! Thanks for you support, ask and coments. Really, I love reading them. So, i’ve found a pattern. @hamsterforlive seems to coment in almost all the chapters and! reads them repeatedly. Their last comment in the part 4 made me laught, so... you got a little something in the story. ;) Probably this Sunday or Monday will come the part 6, as this one is a bit shorter than the others.
Love you, little wings!
(Promps open!)
Part1 Part2  Part3 Part4 Part5 (here you are!) Part6  [Interlude] Part7  Part8  Part9  Part10
A wild hamster appeared between the two of you, hitting Dick straight in his face, you grabbed the pet before it hit the ground as Dick sweared and grabbed his nose. 
Following the wild hamster came someone who was wearing a hamster hoodie and a mask. They apologized profusely to the two of you, you smiled at them and said that it was alright and then ran away, blushing and hamster in hand... Then Dick looked at you, and realization got to him and blushed he then said,
“Well, I have to go. Tomorrow I gotta go to work early” Dick smiled, but if you looked deep in his eyes, the frustration was there. Because, God, what does a guy gotta do to get laid with the girl he likes, dammit!
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then. Good night Dick.”
“Good nigh-“You pecked him in the lips before blush hard and run inside your house. As the door closed you leaned on the door.
Dick had frozen, fingers touching his lips. Realization seemed to get to him and suddenly he was yelling happily, dancing and giggling. After his little happiness dance and act like a crazy person, Dick entered his flat.
You smiled as you saw everything through the peephole.
God, he was such a dork!
The next day.
As you were walking home you remembered you had to go shopping…aaand you had forgot the money back home.
“S*ht” You facepalmed.
“What troubles the most beautiful girl in the universe?” A guy dressed in red and blacks, medium black hair and what seemed like wing as a cape landed in front of you, smiling at you as he flipped his hair out of the way.
“Who are you? I thought Nightwing was the only superhero in the ‘Haven.”
“I’m Red Robin, achanté m’lady” He kissed your hand sweetly. You blushed at the same time your stomach decided to be a b*ch and roared like a tyrannosaurus rex.
“…sorry” You smiled awkwardly.
“You hungry? I know a pretty fine place not to far” Red robin suggested.
“I-I don’t have money on me…” Red robin smiled at you before messing your hair.
“Don’t worry about it. Is on me”
That were the thought that were battling in your head as Red Robin had bought you..
To a batman themed McDonald’s.
Oh my f*cking god
“This isn’t as classy as you deserve, but I-I didn’t bought to much cash. This suit is really tight you know?” Tim-I mean Red Robin rambled, a soft blush on his cheeks.
“Red, don’t worry. I love it” You touched his cheek sweetly as his face broke in the cutes smile and the reddest blush.
“C’mon lets go inside! “ You grabbed Red’s arm and dragged him towards the door.
He got a cheeseburger and you got a Batmeal, It’s like a happy meal but batman themed.
 You two were sitting in one of the ‘Haves highed rooftops eating you food, joking and laughing. He told you embarrasing stories about Nightwing and some about his other partners. He asked what you were doing and if there was someone for you.
You blushed as you said no, Red smirked flirtatiously.
“I don’t understand, how someone so beautiful is single” You laughed embarrased at his flirtaious coments.
“Thanks, red. But I don’t think I’m that beautiful” Your smile became strained and sad. 
“You’re kidding right? I’ve meet aliens, superheroines, amazons and you are the most beautiful of them all. With that adorable face, those sparkling (e/c) eyes that silky (h/c) hair....gosh” Red sighed dreamily.
“heh” You said as his declaration leave you speechless, realization got to his brain and his face matched the red of his uniform.
You broke in a laughing fits and after a few seconds Red started laughing with you, his fit was more out of nerves than of finding this funny.
After the two of you calmed down, you found yourself sitting close to Red with his hand around yours.
“What toy did you get?” Red asked you, whishing it was his toy and not his brothers.
“Look! I got a …..”
Tim smiled
Tim smile disappeared.
He frowned as you started playing with the toy.
“pew pew! Hahahahaha”
“How about we do this every Wednesday? Just you and me” Red asked, his warm hand wrapping around yours.
“I-I don’t want to be a burden”
“Y’know, you remind me of my best friend. His name is Tim.” You smiled sweetly and Tim felt cold sweat run through his back.
“TIM? NO, I DON’T KNOW HIM!!!!!1 WHATEVER IS A TIM???!! HAHAHAHAHA TIM DRAKE???! WHAT? I’M CUTER THAN HIM! HAHAHAHA-Sorry, normalyi’mmore seriusandintelligent,youjustaresobeautiful,idon’tknowhowtoact.” Tim rambled, blushing.
“Hey, it’s alright. I-I think you’re handsome to.” Tim face sparkled happiness all over.
Tim thought while smiling softly at you and kissing your cheek, then your nose and then your hand.
“I have to go now, but I can’t wait to meet again”
Tim grabbed you bride style and flied out of there.. He bought you back to your place, entering through the windows.
“Well, goodbye (Y/N). I hope to see you soon.”
“Likewise, Red!” You kissed him European style and Red Robin jumped out, his silhouette disappearing in the sky.
Your phone started ringing.
Tim Drake said:
(y/n)!!! Are you home? I bought movies and popcorn!
You said:
Timmy! Yea come up! I’ll prepare the couch and the blankets.
Tim Drake said:
Meanwhile you got everything done, a nervous Tim Drake was changing in the alley next to your flat. He tried to change at Flash speed, but no. He fell to the ground trying to get out of the stupid tights.
He fought his pants a bit more before successfully changing to his civvies.
“I’m ready. (y/n) get ready to be sweep out of your feet!”
The doorbell rang as you finished preparing everything. You got the blankets ready, you had your comfy pajama and (f/d).
You smiled and went to get the door.
“Hey Timmy!” You smiled at the young man, dressed in a red hoodie and black pants. His hair was a mess and he looked out of breath.
“Hey, (y/n). bought the popcorn!” He said dangling the popcorn in the air.
“Great!” You grabbed it and went to your kitchen. Tim took a deep breath and looked in the mirror, arranging his hair and encouraging himself to confess.
“Timmy! Come in, don’t stand there.”
“oh right! What do you want to see? Tim sat in the conch
“What did you bought?” You sat next to him, covered the two of you in your favorite blanket and put the bowl between the two of you.
“W-Well, we got “Bridget Jones” “The conjuring” “Lego” and “Noah’s diary”. So which one?”
“hmm I feel like seeing a scary movie, so… “The conjuring” I know I’ll regret it but… YOLO”
“hahaha.” Tim laughed at your funny face.
You got up and put the movie in the DVD player. Then sat again next to Tim, but this time your head was tucked in his shoulder, he smiled and put his arm around you. In his head he was high fiving himself and doing a little victory dance.
In the most scary parts, you and Tim sat closer and closer until you were in his lap and Tim was caressing you shoulder absentmindedly. The two of you made a cocoon of the blankets. Tim mussed up the courage to kiss you.
Tim kissed you cheek first then his kisses trailed down to your neck. Sweet little kisses draw a map on your skin. Soft moans escaped you and Tim’s courage increased exponentially.
The movie played in the background as Tim kisses distracted you, playfully you kissed his neck, making him the moaning mess. Most when you found his sweet spot, wich you used against him when you felt like it or he did moved under you, breaking your concentration.
As the movie was almost finished, it had started raining. Loud thunder and lightning painted the sky.
As you were sitting in Tim’s lap and your head was hiding in his neck, your kisses had stopped as the first loud thunder broke the peace of the night. Tim was hugging you his face tucked in your hair, he had stopped kissing you and now was trying to calm you down, when suddenly the light went out.
“AHHHHHHHHH” You and Tim screamed.
Someone was hitting the door.
“OH MAI GAT, TIMMY PROTECT MEEEH” You screamed as hugged Tim tighter, your legs came around his waist.
“SSHHHHH” Tim shushed you.
You went towards the door, your phone’s flashlight illuminated your way. You looked at Tim for reassurance, he gave you a thumps up as he grabbed a frying pan and came next to you, ready to hit the monster.
“1…2….3” You whispered before opening the door.
“AAAHHHHHHIYAAA” Tim tried to hit the shadow in the door but it stopped the pan before it hit it. It growled menacingly and Tim grabbed you and put you behind him, you used the distraction to go get a weapon, that turned out to be a vase, with flowers and everything.
“WHO ARE YOOUU?” You screamed as Tim thought of ways of fighting the shadow without blowing his secret identity.
Lighting and thunder decided to appear now as the shadow of a man entered your flat, it smirked at your despair.
Tim grabbed your phone and illuminated the intruder’s face.
“YOU” Tim said outraged.
“me” It smirked evilly
It was-
To be continued….
Who do you think is the shadow??
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oceans11 · 8 years
helloowww... ive barely been online all weekend bc i was roadtripping sorry. while i was gone i watched some movies & wrote some thoughts on them so i remembered them better! they’re under this readmore but like. don’t worry about it
the bad sleep well (4/5): took me like, 3 days to watch bc of technical difficulties but FUUUUCK THIS WAS GOOOOD i've been looking forward to this one since we started reading hamlet for english class & i feel like it deserves as much esteem as throne of blood and ran wrt kurosawa-shakespeare stuff (tho maybe im not looking in the right places). very nice-looking as usual & like ran i got extremely emotionally invested lmao. also toshiro mifune-hamlet is extremely great in this movie & qualifies as a top 5 mifune, a Perfect Justice Boy 
looper (4/5): also had technical difficulties with this one but oh man! also pretty freakin good! it opens kinda dull & i was really worried it would be boring but it takes a TURN.. the time travel meta it creates is v neat, super interesting themes, bruce willis's resentment for his young self is hilarious, he really die-hards it up in this movie. i have some personal issues with the writing but overall i trust rian johnson with the last jedi now
john wick 3.5/5: watched this while i was having technical difficulties w/ looper but this one kept lagging a lot at times! i cannot catch a break huh! i actually tried watching this last year but i couldn't finish it, wanted to give it another chance bcos of sequel.. its ok! action is well done & the whole thing is fucken GORGEOUS, writing is corny at times but still it's well made. kinda wanna watch the new one
the good the bad and the ugly: actually im only halfway through this movie & got home before i could finish but im gonna go ahead and give it a preemptive 3.7/5 oooh sergio leone. sergie buddy. im back one last time. maybe more cause even though this dude constantly pisses me off (thanks for the weirdly sympathetic portrait of the south in the civil war?? fucker) i loooove this stylism... but like, watch a tarantino movie instead though.
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