#man idk I keep posting my weird thoughts out here
morkify · 2 years
RECIPE for κοκτέιλ θανάτου Sunny Skies Cocktail
1/2 cup of Tequila
1/2 cup of Vodka
4 tbsp of Concentrated Citric Acid (citrus)
4 tbsp of Actual Acid (psychedelic)
1/4 cup of Weed Juice
1 tsp of Mud*
1/4 cup of Milk
1/4 tbsp of Coca-Cola Cinnamon
In a large shaker, mix tequila and vodka. Shake carelessly, then add the acids and weed juice. Shake “vigorously” and set aside to steep. After about 8-15 minutes, depending on the quality of the ingredients, the brew should have “settled”. Pour this liquid into a large glass. It should fill about two-thirds of the glass.
In a separate bowl, pour “milk”. Insert your “cola”, stir slightly, and stare at the bubbling mixture until the weight of your folly sinks in, about 2-3 minutes. Do you feel them? Simmer in them. Melt in them. Boil. When the “liquid” achieves the consistency of a lake of Acid (hydrochloric), it is ready to evolve. Note that the color will vary based on the cocaine content of the cola, but generally should manifest as a moist “brown”. With a similar technique to a latte handler, pour it into the other brew, making sure to mix the two as little as possible. This may “ensure” a swirled texture in the concoction. Use a tooth(pick) to gently swirl just the very top layer of “froth”. Garnish with mud mud to taste. Serve wet and/or creepy.
“This excellent “drink” is perfect for celebrating the start of a new year! It is flavorful, and all ingredients are most probably suitable for your consumption. It has a complex texture and flavor palette. And most importantly, it can be “enjoyed” by anyone and everyone, at least once!”
If you enjoy this recipe, leave a review! :)
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faerieguts · 1 year
I have an appointment with a psychiatrist for the first time in like 10 years. Im really scared because my last experience was ummmm traumatic but!! I think i may have ~ocd~ and honestly just wanna figure out wtf is wrong with my brain because my thoughts are disturbing. (: am i paranoid or what is it i do not know.
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pt II sandman but i've never watched or read it
It's happening again I'm being kidnapped again there's no hope left for me god I'm so in love with Dream he's such a cutiepie uh right this post okay. I'm uh the Good Omens Mascot and I'm losing my mind here have part two based on whatever I have understood from y'all's replies to my first post.
It's Neil's baby and a lot of amazing artists are involved. One of whom made Dream look like a gooey pile of sad adorableness in volume 1.
Dream is a sad wet lonely repressed cat of a man. No I do not have one type.
There's this dude whom I think is named the Corinthian. He's a dream (but not Dream) and he can see things.
His eyes are mouths and his teeth are apparently Very White and any dental hygienist would orgasm at the sight.
Dream was kept prisoner for a century. Where? I don't fucking know. Why? I don't fucking know. How? Er there was some kind of. Glass (?) case.
There's a sleeping sickness while he's gone coz things got weird.
His raven is killed by someone and maybe he should have forgiven him but he could not.
Something happens at the end of Volume 7 that people need to recover from.
There's someone with glasses who keeps telling Dream stuff and they're Very Important and I have no fucking clue who they are.
There's someone named Freddie and people are feral for him and I don't know who he is.
Dream is just constantly on the verge of tears. Always. Just fucking always. Poor baby.
Sandman more like Sadman amirite.
He thinks everything ever is his fault. Mood.
The family is Endless btw and I don't know what that means but they are.
Dream has a boyfriend (long distance? idk they keep meeting each other every 100 years) named after a cooking stove who calls Dream out for being lonely and Dream doesn't like that and they fight and then they go into the rain etc etc.
Hob is immortal because he does not want to die and he is convinced that humans only die because they uh think there's no other option. It's giving just think positive thoughts.
Dream almost stands him up but then doesn't some bar is moved.
There are keys to Hell and Dream doesn't know what to do with them.
There are tools and they make you weak.
Desire has all the genders.
I am apparently exactly like Delirium.
Dream is a sad wet cat at one point and then he turns into a shadowy being with cute bright eyes.
Dream is fucking pretty in every single fucking century like oh my fuckING GOD I AM SO GAY
Tom Sturridge (?) is Dream's actor and he has chemistry with everyone on screen apparently which leads to incest vibes
There's some kind of fucking Grape Incest scene
Despair is played by Mrs Sandwich
Death is kind and cuddles a dead baby at one point
It's gay but I do not know HOW it is gay but I am assured it is Gay
Er. Feel free to correct me.
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evensquirrellier · 2 months
So track and field events for the Olympics start today and I thought that, in honor of that, I would make an appreciation post for all my favorite Team USA track athletes. Look, I know the Olympics have a lot of problems and I’m not typically the most patriotic person, but track is my everything and I really look up to a lot of these people, and I want to give them little shoutouts to show my excitement.
Here are some of my personal favorite USA track stars!!
1. Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone!!!
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She is one of my biggest idols. For one, she is literally the world record holder in my event (400m hurdles), and two, she is a female athlete who is great and isn’t afraid to say it, which we don’t get enough of. Whenever I’m practicing hurdles I like to imagine Sydney having once done the exact same drills and it makes me kind of dizzy. One of my teammates went to the same high school as her (not at the same time) and has gotten to meet her before and I’m actually so jealous. Plus she is gorgeous and it breaks my heart a little bit that she is heterosexual 😔
2. Gabby Thomas
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She is so cool. Like so cool. The 200m used to be my favorite non-hurdle race and she absolutely crushes it! You can see when she races how determined she is to win and how she will just go after the people in front of her and ahhh it’s so inspiring. Plus she went to Harvard and had a master’s degree? Truly winning at everything. Fun fact: my godmother was college roommates with Gabby Thomas’ mother, which gives us no real connection but makes me feel cool! Also she is also Gorgeous! I will probably keep saying that about a lot of these people and that is because one, I am a lesbian, and two, track is my favorite thing in the world.
3. Alexis Holmes
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Idk I can’t really explain why I love Alexis so much, I really just do. The 400m is one of my favorite events, and particularly in indoor she does really incredible in that event. Very few women can run under 50 seconds in the 400 and she does it consistently. I’ve been following her career for a while and always route for her when she runs, and she’s overall just a really incredible athlete.
4. Sha’Carri Richardson
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She is so cool!!! She’s getting a lot of attention right now for being in contention to win gold in the 100m, and she’s just really awesome. It is very cool to watch her run because she is such a powerhouse and always looks so happy when she wins. I looooove her nails, like a modern Flo-Jo, and I feel like she is very unapologetically herself interviews in a way a lot of other athletes aren’t. She’s awesome and I hope she wins <3
5. Nikki Hiltz
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Thinking too hard about them makes me start tearing up I love Nikki Hiltz!!! Currently the fastest women’s 1500m runner in the US and such a treat to watch run. They have an incredible kick and is another one that gets so excited when they win. They are also one of the few professional track athletes to be openly non-binary and a lesbian, which makes my non-binary lesbian track athlete self feel really really happy, and has organized runs to support the Trevor Project before. Overall a really cool person.
6. Anna Cockrell
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Anna! Another 400m hurdler, and one of the best in the world. It is really incredible to see how much she has improved over the years after already starting out so strong, and how she can still hold her own against the best in the world. She’s also done a lot of advocating for mental health awareness in athletics, and is super cool.
7. Grant Holloway
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This is the guy my coach has me watch to study good hurdling technique. In terms of technical ability, he is one of the best hurdlers ever, and is currently one of the best 110m hurdlers in the world. He’s kinda tall for a hurdler and so am I, which I know is a kind of weird connection to make but it always makes me route for him a little more.
8. Noah Lyles
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I know he’s kinda the talk of everyone right now, but Noah Lyles is pretty cool! He is currently arguably the fastest man in the world, and has a dedication to the sport that I find really admirable. It’s always cool to watch videos of him training because he does so many of the same drills I do, which makes me think I must be on the right track.
9. Anna Hall
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Ahhh how could I almost forget Anna? She is an insanely good heptathlete and is world-class level in so many different events. Her best event is hurdles and her “weakest” (still incredible) is javelin, which is also the case for me in the hep, so I like to think that makes me just like her. She’s another one that just seems very enthusiastic a lot of time and it’s really nice to see her happy.
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Safe place
(I have decided that I can no longer wait for the poll to end imma post it rn)
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chan x gn reader
Ps: not proof read? There could be some mistakes pls let me know if I missed anything and the gender of the reader
+ idk if its weird yall I don't think I did it right😔😔
warning: alcohol, intoxication,idk the exact term but like the drink get drugged? Idk man English isn't my first language😪 comfort,best friends to lovers,fluff at the end, parties,alcohol consumption,could be triggering to some?
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[Y/n] was excited for the party. They had been looking forward to it all week, wanting to let loose after the stress of exams. The invitation came from a classmate they didn’t know too well, but they figured it was a good opportunity to meet new people.
The party was in full swing when they arrived. Music pounded through the walls, and laughter filled the air. [Y/n] grabbed a drink, feeling a bit out of place but determined to have fun. They wandered through the crowd, chatting with a few people, but mostly sticking to the edges.
After a while, they started to feel strange. Their vision blurred, and their legs felt like they were made of lead. The room began to spin, and a wave of dizziness hit them hard. They clung to the wall, trying to steady themselves, but it was no use. Panic surged through them as they realized something was terribly wrong.
They remembered the drink they had and how they had left it unattended for just a moment. A cold dread filled them . They had heard stories about people getting drugged at parties but never thought they would have to experience it first hand.
[Y/n] knew they had to get out. They stumbled through the crowd, their mind foggy, barely able to keep their balance. Faces blurred around them, and voices seemed distant and distorted. They couldn’t think straight, but one thought kept pushing through the haze: Chan. They needed to find Chan.
Chan was their best friend, the one person they could always rely on. They had been inseparable since childhood, and he was always there when [y/n] needed him. [Y/n] didn’t know where else to go, but they knew they could trust him.
With trembling hands, they fumbled for their phone and managed to call him. Their words were slurred, and they struggled to explain what was happening, but Chan didn’t need to hear much. “I’m coming to get you. Stay where you are,” he said, his voice steady and calm, though they could hear the worry in it.
It felt like an eternity before Chan arrived, but when he did, it was like a lifeline. He found them1 leaning against a wall, barely conscious. Without a word, he wrapped his arm around them and guided them to his car.
[Y/n] didn’t remember much of the drive, only the sound of Chan’s voice reassuring them, telling them they were safe. When they finally reached his apartment, Chan carried his best friend inside and laid them on the couch, covering them with a blanket.
He sat beside them, holding their hand, his face filled with concern. “You’re safe now, [y/n]. I’m here,” he whispered.
As the drug slowly wore off, [y/n]’s thoughts became clearer, though the fear still lingered. They looked up at Chan, tears welling in their eyes. “I didn’t know where else to go,” they said, their voice trembling.
Chan squeezed their hand gently. “You came to the right place. I’ll always be here for you.”
In that moment, something shifted between them. [Y/n] had always known Chan cared about them, but tonight, they realized just how deep that care ran. And as they looked into his eyes, they saw something more than just friendship.
“Chan… I was so scared. And all I could think about was you. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t come.”
He brushed a strand of hair from their face, his touch tender. “[y/n], I would do anything for you. You mean everything to me.”
Their heart skipped a beat at his words. “Chan, I… I think I’ve always felt something more for you, but I was too afraid to say anything.”
He smiled softly, his eyes filled with warmth. “I’ve felt the same way for a long time, [y/n]. I didn’t want to risk our friendship, but after tonight, I can’t keep it to myself anymore.”
Tears slipped down their cheeks, but this time they were tears of relief and happiness. “I’m so glad you feel the same way.”
Chan leaned in, their lips brushing a gentle kiss, and all the fear and anxiety of the night melted away. In his arms,[y/n] felt safe, loved, and finally at peace.
They stayed like that for a long time, holding each other, knowing that no matter what happened, they would always have each other. And as the first light of dawn broke through the window, they knew that this was just the beginning of something beautiful.
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fand0mswithbunny · 2 months
this is so different from the other posts i do but fuck it. descendants 4: rise of red review, spoilers ofc, we still boycott disney's ass, pirate this movie like uma and her crew ate the intro of this movie instead of watching this from disney+
keep reading if youve seen it or dont care about spoilers but tldr: if you havent seen it and see this as a spin off movie instead of a 4th installment, i say go watch it. its basically how i feel about the 2024 mean girls movie, im just here for certain characters, dynamics and songs, and a bit of the actual plot, its fun but definitely not for everyone, i liked parts of the movie/plots tho
okay honestly overall, despite the fucking terrible rushed ass ending, i still honestly enjoyed a lot of aspects of this movie.
songs, generally i liked. yeah its all pop-y but yk, none of them were unbearable, i loop red, whats my name (red vers.) and love aint it what about it
the editing was. a choice at times. like it will cut at the most random moments and when red was being transported and fell from that. pipe. thing in the castle it was so. disney channel editing core LIKE OKAY I KNOWW OFC IT IS but grahhhhhHH
the cg was good, direction was. also a choice at times. idk how to explain it but it felt like every scene was being directed like a music video and not like a MOVIE esp the lighting oh my god idk what it is but its so GLOWY AND WEIRDD
the characters themselves, i love the main cast, red, chloe, ella, bridget, etc. were all cool. IM A FIRM RED/CHLOE SHIPPER THEY ARE GIRLFRIENDS IDC and i also liked the dynamic they have with their past moms it was nice
oh yeah i dont mind how they wrote mal, evie, jay, and ben outta the story, i mean they gotta explain their absence yk. and i loved the carlos tribute, you can tell china was genuinely not acting in that tribute scene.
the vks were. okay. i dont mind that literally every villain/princess/disney protag goes to high school. this whole series basically feature length fanfiction anyway, idc personally about that. its weird URSULAS SISTER was the main antagonist. like i get having a completely new villain aside from the vks parents or something but. ursulas. sister??? besides you could tell me shes ursula and ill believe you.
its nice seeing filipino prince charming thats it thats all i gotta say RAHHH PHILIPPINES BABYYY 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 MY MANS GOT THAT 'PINO RIZZ OKAYYY
the plot was actually fun, but yeah I WISH WE COULDVE SEEN CASTLECOMING WE WERE ROBBED OF THAT i knew when red and chloe got the book there was like 10 minutes left in the film but cmonn we couldve had Morgie, I DONT KNOW somehow freeing the rest of the vks and them STEALING THE POCKETWATCH AND RED AND CHLOE HAVING TO GET IT BACK, GET ANOTHER 30 MINUTES IN THE FILM MAYBE, ANOTHER ACTION SEQUENCE, CASTLECOMING. but its finee im sure theres a fanfiction in the works somewhere that has that exact premise because thats what fanfic is for babyyyy
imagine. during the dance chloe and red are scrambling to find the watch, they see the vks, they find bridget crying because her best friend isnt there, she thinks ella bailed on her, they have to find the watch but, they gotta make her feel better right? red comforts her while chloe chases after them to find the watch, ella comes to the dance late after deciding, fuck my stepmom, get your hands dirty parallels, something something, the four of them all stopping the vks together, THEN they travel back.
i should just write a fix it fic for this movie at this point damnn i impressed myself
but yeah the ending does leave a lot of plot holes, if bridget didnt change from the past WHO DID, if Red even CONSIDERED a VK in this timeline? if not then WHO IS IT?? IS IT CHLOE?? its hella rushed, its ass, but i guess we'll find out in the 5th movie ig
also i thought they were totally setting it up for Ella to be the one that humiliated Bridget in the past, like the "I saw through her" in Love Ain't It we NEVER GOT ANY CLOSURE FROM THAT WHAT HAPPENED?? sighhh its okay its fine
i see this movie as a spin off movie rather than a 4th installment of the universe because it pretty much is, like its basically its OWN universe with the lack of the og cast and new characters. i unofficially coin it as the "Descendants: Redverse" because it just makes more sense
so many questions, mainly WHY, but yeah, still liked it, would rewatch. certain. parts of it. but honestly? a 7/10. leaning towards a 7.5
is this a recommendation? not sure, depending on who you are you could totally love this film or hate it, i say give it a chance and completely ignore the busted ass ending <3
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stilljuststardust · 3 months
I’m a 15 years old girl and my parents are very homophobic
Today my mom made me sat down because she thinks that I wanna turn into a boy and she told me for my old sis to also come downstairs to talk about it cause they found it weird mind you they’re very religious
After my big sis came downstairs my mom started talking about how I act like a boy when I’m a girl also that God made me a girl so why would I try to change into a girl and also said that if I keep acting like this she would take all my electronics
And send me somewhere else where I won’t see her and my siblings ever again
I’m crying so much because I did everything to change myself to become normal like others straight but nothing works and I found out that I want to be a boy I tried everything like manifesting being a man nothing it working and circumstances keeps getting worse and worse till the point it making me depressed like maybe I’m stuck this way maybe I will never be a man
I’m so scared cause she said if I don’t change I will not have access to phone I’m having a bad breakdown rn idk what to do anymore I’m so lost
But part of me still believes I’m a man no matter what
Hello, before I give you LOA advice let's talk
You ARE a man. You are a man. You are a man.
You are a man no matter what.
You don't have to do anything to be a man. It's who you are deep down in the pit of your soul. You already are a man.
Not just in an LOA sense, I'm saying this from a non-manifesting perspective: you are not a girl.
You will never be a girl, you never were. Do you understand that? Who you are as a person is a man.
I'm like you.
It's ok to be a trans. Being trans is normal. Half my friends are trans, I'm trans. You aren't alone, you aren't the only one. There is nothing wrong with you.
Firstly I would like to say, always always always prioritize your safety and well-being.
I know it's easier said than done but the closet exists for a reason. It keeps us safe. Do not come out if it would put you in danger. You do not have to be out to be valid.
I hate that my advice is to fawn and pretend to be something you're not, but its safest sometimes.
It feels so far away now, but there will be a time when you are free to be who you are. You will find people who support you. You will find people who are like you. When I was in your place 18 felt so far away and unreachable, but it's not. Freedom will come. Please hold on.
Link to The Trevor project. (Councilors and hotline for queer people who are struggling mentally)
At the end there will be a handful of LOA posts I think you should read/you might be interested in + subliminals for you. The most important one in my opinion being the one I list first.
The law gets over complicated alot. At the end of the day it boils down to this.
An assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact.
An assumption being something you accept as the truth without needing evidence and persistence meaning you assume regardless of what the 3D shows you.
Essentially, you decide you have your desire and you are stubborn in that decision.
It's ok to feel intense emotions, it's ok to be scared and hurt and frustrated, you just have to assume that no matter what the physical world shows you you are undeniably biologically male.
There is no more advice to give, there is only the law. Assume, affirm, persist.
The posts
How I manifested my dream life with extremely hard circumstances (blushydior)
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If it's too long a read (seriously I think you should read the whole thing either way) here's the parts I thought would benefit you the most
What you need to know about loa
How to ignore the 3D
Nothing is true until you decide it is
It's ok to feel like shit
Loa checklist
Subliminals and affirmation tapes
Revise past negative events
Desired body
Mind over matter
It's done
Your desire is a fact
I keep getting results
If you need motivation
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magicratfingers · 7 months
hey! when you say you're doing konmari, what specifically *are* you doing? is it one of her books or a course or smth?? a lot of the struggles you've talked about working through with all of this are similar to ones I struggle with so I'm interested in giving something like that a shot!!
Hiiiii!!!! I’m followin her book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. The whole deal! I started it with just whatever info was free on the internet but actually bought the book a bit into the process. The daily posts were to be silly but it became pretty nice to look back & stay with it. So I admit maybe I didn’t really do the first step “envision the life you want” part very deeply actually what even are the rules
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Rule 1 yeah ok I was pretty excited to start I had always wanted to try it I once met a woman at a party who said everything she owned could fit in one box and I thought that sounded so cool and I just really wanted to do something kinda “big” I was feelin pretty stuck pretty overwhelmed and also Marie calls it a “Tidying Festival” which is so goofy and sweet
Rule 2 ok I kinda didn’t do much work here it was more like “idk man who even am I let’s find out” I had done something similar for a “nutritional therapist” (kinda bullshit but I don’t regret it) once and found it difficult so I really just have uh a brain feeling of ease and playfulness I’m thinking of as a lazy Sunday energy
Rule 3 I do get a bit stuck here in that I don’t always know where I want to put my stuff so I find myself doing some surprise deep cleaning. But! This means I’ve cleaned a ton of areas without wanting to cry or barf and it feels weird to admit as a grown ass gender but it’s probably the first time I’ve felt actual pride
Rule 4 - this and 3 are probably the secret sauce for me. It’s a nice structure and it keeps the steps simple enough to not freak out but just challenging enough to wanna do it.
Rule 5 the order did sound a bit random (clothes, books, paper, Komono, sentimental items) but it rips. Clothes are so unavoidably functional and emotional that it really is the easiest. Books are surprisingly aspirational?? Very “I want to be the kind of person that wants to read this” and I had to figure out how to divorce potential from actual appreciation. I did books three times. Like. I can just go to a library such low stakes with discarding books. Paper I wanted to die but what a gift
Rule 6 being the thing that everyone knows. I really have been making myself TOUCH THE ITEM and genuinely thank it. It’s also the part people don’t do?? Which is wild!? It’s so helpful??? Thanking things dissolved all the anxiety and loss aversion or guilt. It was also really fun to pick up something that gives you the giddy and imagine what it could be like to feel that for everything in the house. I mean why not it’s achievable. Oh also people think it’s about minimalism (it’s not) and getting rid of stuff you need (no) or replacing everything with a fancier thing (definitely not)
Oh wow I wrote a lot hahaaa
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frango-maconheiro · 4 months
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wow, wow, interaction.
also, there's a stupid meaningless ramble i made out of this incredible petpeeve of mine with EW x reader stuff and it's just down the cut sggkjdfjkk (it's fr just me being extremely salty)
Anyway, hello!
Haha, my curious and lonely ass really thought it was a clever idea to read 'eddsworld x reader' content because it spawned in my timeline.... thinking that maaaybe they actually got good at it and made not too ooc stuff (this is heeeeaavily on matt content)
Now, i am profoundly remorseful of that choice because when i wrote this hours ago woth no wifi, i was arguing with the air.
Like, i won't lie on this. EW x reader.. They have evolved, a loooot since those 2017 fanfics (why were the x yn fics from eddsworld all copy-paste back then???) actually, it really surprised me because i definitely don't have the most cool memories of such fanfics,, Buuuuut, they still have that STUPID FAVORITISM. IT'S SO DAMN APPARENT. YOU THINK WE CAN'T SEE IT???
i get madder from down this line, especially since i was veery hungry when writing this. That's why you should always stay fed, keeps you slightly happier.
nhamnhamnhamm, writes aaall cool stuff for edd, tom 'n tord... maybe with an ooc here and there, but enough to ignore,, but matt? Matt gets so ooc, he can be mistaken for an oc if no name is given.
like,,, did.. did we watch the same dude on screen? i know he was pretty neglected in content, but cmon, what is that?? He's practically a romance repellent with his stupidity (said affectionately)
it's the same 'pipipipopopo just a sweet mama's boy' and 'ooo, he's sooo romantic, look at how much of gentleman he is compared to otheeeers' and 'whaao he so silly ::3 *treats him as if he weren't an adult character' and so much more, all in this weird stereotype
I guess i'm just disappointed,,, all because he just, idk, still feels downright boring compared to how the other 3 are written in these kind of fanfics even thought it's 2024 already and not still 2017-2020 (don't even get me started on the weird fixation on making yn extremely specific which fr also makes me crawl away like a wet cat from EW reader interactive content, they don't even put tags of the gender, aaaaaargh).
y'all definitely have more content of him to write than just the saturation of him painting your nails, or going shopping, or acting like he's the center of the world 24/7, or making him the pure lil' angel, or having his memory issues being downplayed as him acting 'so silly lil' silly', i assure you.
When i tell you i got so invested in this useless anger i mean that i got compelled into writing down a bunch of matt x reader to try and give that man a cooler image,,, and i don't even see him that way (nor any of the characters.) , but GOD ARGHHHV I NEED JUSTICE FOR HIM.
i might be just a lil' hot headed while writing this whole stuff, but this bro got stripped out of BOTH his classic and his modern funky personality in 99% of these fanfics and nobody bats an eye, like, ever, unless they're another fan of the character. Free my ginger rat, pleeeeaaaaseee.
I need any weirdo, edgy, funky, unusual, vampire, zombie(heavily on you zombie matt my beloved), slasher, funny, whack matt written content that is not only interactive BUT friendly to all readers...
i don't even care what Matt is written, modern, or classic. Both types have their own weirdo charm, and i am willing to analyze them for a nice oneshot or spitball post.... where you don't get to a restaurant/picnic and receives flowers and it ends like that, without any more depth of such cute cliche fluff it is, and leaving you like you just licked off the scraps of a dessert from a plate given to you, so damn hungry 'n wishing you had eaten an actual dessert instead of whatever that was.
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neth-cactus · 8 months
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iiiii ummm uhhh little drawings from the fic cus i fixated on my own writting jabsjwhdhe i have a looot to talk about so i will do it under the cut, the fic link will also be here
my girly pop, its weird posting stuff on ao3 but like shes there, the whole fic is me posting random little stuff i wrote on a whim so it will be noticeable dhbfjsjd also warning I might have made everyone a biiit out of character so im kinda sorry lols
now for fun notes and stuff about the chapters i did not add to the end notes
"The sun shines bright" not much to not other than after this clover's hand hurt for like a day and flowey bullied the peck out of them,,, also this is the only time flowey calls clover an idiot on this fic
"The flower pot incident" after the end clover spends like 10 minutes explaining everything about flowey, but he explains it like a little kid would, making it confusing as hell, so ceroba gives up and just like pats him and tells them to be good or smth, it was the same with everyone else
also bad quality comic of how the pot came to be
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"What kind of milk were you?" the song came in as i was finishing the chapter and it fitted so well i named the chapter after it, as i mentioned it was me like poking gently to clover's life before the underground, his thought process was mostly thinking marlet was angry at them over doing the dishes in "secret" idk how to explain it but yeah :( poor little fella, also as noted at the end, flowey observed all happening and just like kept in mind
"Sewing back the pieces" I loved imagining how clover's room looked, and i had to include it, more joking around from the best friends, id like to think clover knows how to sew but they are just a bit clumsy with the needle, also those things are slippery...
"The calm before the mall" I feel proud about the title pun(? but this is also what i kind of meant with flowey keeping things on mind, by the time of this chapter a bit of time has passed of them living with humans, and flowey knows how stuff can be and how clover is a biiit shy so thats why the warning was persistent, it didnt work but meh
"Fertilizer is a fun word" IT IS A FUN WORD i love writing it lol, but seriously, i tried exemplifying more the thing of clover not speaking a lot so flowey does most of the talking for them, they do speak a bit but its short sentences and very quietly,
"You are just a boy, you are no man" this one will be long again the song fitted and it came on while writing the middle lol, clover does not know very well about the whole story with chara, but they do know that buttercups are meaningful in some sort of way for flowey so thats why they picked them, now is fun to note that the comments about their friends being monsters did bother clover but the one comment that like spilled the cup was the age one, that one hit deep and thats why they reacted that way, also the amount of people did not bother clover that much when they arrived but like the panic and stuff made them very aware of everyone around and med everything worse so ye, lastly, another time flowey calls someone idiot, this time dalv (sorry king)
i think thats all, if there's a specific choice yall are curios about feel free to tell me :3 i will probably have an answer for it
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harrywavycurly · 7 months
Your post about the brother gc made my mind wonder about having all the Eddie’s in a gc that you could text and ask about boy problems 😂
Hiii lovey!! Idk why instead of a group chat my mind went “what if there was a 1-800 number for you to call for advice from the Eddies??”🙈 it would be like this:
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“Thank you for calling the Life Advice Network this is Steve speaking how may I help you?” “Uhm…I just need to know if the guy I’m interested in is…also interested in me…” “Ah got it let me transfer you to Husband Eddie he is our go too guy when it comes to deciphering men’s intentions..one moment.” “Hi this is Husband Eddie Munson how can I be of service to you today?” “Hey Eddie uhm…the guy I’m interested in is kinda being weird lately and I’m not sure if-” “Describe weird.” “Oh uh he ended our text conversation by just saying later…when normally he says like bye gorgeous or something along those lines.” “Later? He said later as a form of goodbye?” “Yes…why did you just sigh? Is that…is that not a good sign?” “I’m gonna be honest with you sweetheart I think he’s no longer interested….have you hung out with him recently?” “Not this week he’s been really busy…” “right…yeah…I would just move on before you really get your feelings hurt.” “Okay…thanks Eddie.” “Anytime…oh you’re gonna be asked how this call was and if you don’t mind leaving me a good review that would be great but if not it’s fine…enjoy the rest of your day and don’t let this get you down there’s plenty of other dudes out there.” “Thank you I appreciate that.”
“You’ve reached the one and only Bestfriend Eddie how can I help you?” “Hey is it weird if your guy friend all of a sudden starts holding your hand and opening doors for you?” “Holding your hand? Dudes only hold hands with someone they like….unless you need help and our hand will make it to where you won’t like die or something but yeah that’s fucking weird.” “You think he likes me?” “I wouldn’t want you to assume he has feelings for you just because he’s holding your hand and opening doors but if he starts offering you rides everywhere and buying you shit then yeah he probably has feelings.” “He’s bought me lunch three times this week…” “oh yeah then he’s for sure got some feelings brewing and I’d say just ask him straight up if he’s into you or not.” “Really? That won’t freak him out?” “Only one way to find out…” “if he laughs at me I’m calling back and telling you how horrible you are at giving advice.” “Trust me you’ll only be calling back to tell me I was right.” “Whatever…that’s for the advice.” “Anytime.”
“Hello this is Vampire Eddie-” “did you just say Vampire?” “Yes…you got transferred to me because you’re having issues accepting the kind of respect and love you deserve is that right?” “I just don’t think I need to be treated this-” “You deserve to be treated as if you hung the moon and all the stars because to your significant other that’s exactly what you did for them.” “Oh…really?” “Yes…I know it’s hard to feel as though you deserve to be treated like a queen because for the most part you’ve let yourself get used to the subpar treatment from men because that’s all you thought you could get therefore making you think that’s also what you deserve but it’s not.” “Oh wow…okay so it’s not weird that he always wants to be around and is just…super nice and attentive?” “Weird? No it’s not weird…it’s how every man who wants to pursue you should be acting.” “He brought me flowers the other day because they reminded him of me with how pretty they are…” “and how did that make you feel?” “Like he’s too good for me…but I also really liked it.” “He’s not too good for you get that notion out of your head he’s just a gentlemen and you’re used to pardon my langue but you’re used to fuck boys.” “I guess that’s true…so I should keep him around then?” “If he makes you happy then yes.” “Okay…thank you Vampire Eddie this has been really interesting.” “You’re welcome…I’m here if you need me but I think you’ve got it figured out now.” “Have a good day.” “You as well.”
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freddie-77-ao3 · 4 months
Gonna use the ask box for this 🙃 ask 1/? (I have so many questions, though you have answered so many already)
What are your thoughts on Trials of Apollo, and the characters?
go ahead and keep asking!!! i love your questions!!
gonna start smaller with characters:
lavinia: the jewish thing wasn't handled completely correctly (just a couple of small things there) but overall 10/10 character. i think she's hilarious and her official artwork ROCKS.
meg: i love her. she seems a little immature for twelve years old TO ME but i also had a... rather abnormal upbringing so that might explain the differences. overall she was a great character and i LOVE the demeter rep (my thoughts on how riordan treated demeter take five pages to clarify so-- basically) love seeing it-- demeter was a kronide and her kids should be treated as such! great character development. peaches was also hilarious (as was crotch-kicker mccaffrey)
lester: calling him lester to separate between godly apollo and post toa apollo. again, fantastic character development. he's so fucking funny. like he does some really dumb stuff at the start of the series (swearing to not use a musical instrument and stuff?? LESTER MAN CMON) his and meg's relationship is so sweet-- and kayla and austin with him? chefs kiss. love apollo kids getting some time with their dad.
jason: absolutely got fridged. i've already touched on my suicide theory so i won't go into that here but basically i think we shoulda seen jason similar to percy (very minor, doing his own thing behind the scenes) but alas.
piper: the shel thing was a bit sudden. don't get me wrong, i'm ALL for queer rep (i think there should be more of it in the books actually) but-- going straight from breaking up with jason to jason sacrificing himself for her to a relationship seems really unhealthy. i think she should have a chance to grow outside of a relationship.
reyna: joining the hunt was a bad end for her. since when was that an ambition of hers? she seemed genuinely happy in new rome and called it her home multiple times in HoO and going from that to the hunt? idk seems like rick doesn't know how to write characters NOT be in a relationship (piper, reyna, leo... they all get squared away)
leo: oh leo baby he didn't get to see jason before he died??? so heartbreaking. didn't belong in a relationship with calypso. the punching thing was weird when he came back to camp-- esp with a character who has a history of physical abuse
frank: i love the frank deciding his own fate thing but also idk seems like a cop out.
hazel: shouldn't have just become praetor i mean cmon. i love her but she's what, 14 now? no way.
will: solangelo flirting is hilarious 10/10. "do you want to be my buddy?" "significant annoyance" i can't breathe. also poor will for putting up with apollo in the hidden oracle because i could not help my dad learn how to use the toilet i'm sorry but that shit is crazy.
malcolm: why is malcolm going to battle without pants on so funny to me i just-- 10/10 i love him.
connor: such a dumbass. the hair grafts 😭. i feel bad that travis isn't there and then communication lines go down like oh buddy :(
cecil: see me RUNNING with the knowledge cecil can cook
other small stuff:
love the waystation, always been my personal hc that there's more than just that one but that's for another post.
percabeth finally making it to college!!!
the jackson-blofis family warms my heart <3
thoughts on the series as a whole?
i love it. definitely top three riordan series (tied with pjo and mcga)
i like that (like mcga) toa was more mature? like we finally see demigods with ptsd, we get queer characters, just... everything
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What are some characters you'll like to see interact more that hasn't done so much in the series?
Oooo ok this is tricky and the second I post this I'll probably think of more!
I listed a few duos I'd like to see explored more a while back! I'm a bit lazy to go back and link to it now but I remember wanting to see more Dazai and Kyouka, Fukuzawa with young Yosano after she'd just been brought to the Agency, Aya and Akutagawa, and my favourite joke duo, Odasaku and Adam. Here's a few others I thought of:
Gin and Ryuunosuke: Please let them interact in canon. Please. They are literally siblings.
Margaret and literally anyone: Please. She has such an interesting set up. Where are we going with her? Can we elaborate on her situation? Her story? I just want her to interact with characters beside Nathaniel. I'd love to see her encounter Akutagawa again actually... could be really interesting.
Wells and literally anyone: Bring her back... I miss her... :'(
Mushitarou and Ango: ...me and the three other mushiango shippers crying for more of them... (but really I just think they're an interesting duo. *slaps both of them* these two can fit so much grief and regret)
Aya and Jouno: I'd like them to meet up again. I just think they could have a neat dynamic, with Jouno having faith in her without needing to know of her capabilities, simply because he knows she (and any civilian) would be underestimated. Also, both with the whole "justice as a choice" thing. Idk. Something there.
Chuuya and Atsushi: PLEASE. I need to see it so bad. Why have they not directly interacted yet? It seems intentional to me.
Naomi and Dazai: We get hints that Dazai actually teaches Naomi tricks and strategy advice. I'd like to actually see it!
Mori and Fukuchi: They were both at Tokoyami Island during the war! They may have actually met before this!!! I hope we elaborate on this soon. ...also I want both Fukuzawa's exes to meet and for there to be drama because it's funny to me. Bonus points if Mori shows up while Fukuzawa is still bleeding out on the ground. Old man yaoi showdown... (I am kidding :P)
Teruko and Natsume: These two authors had a real connection! Teruko was a student of his. I'd love if they pulled that into the series somehow!
Natsume and Agatha: OKAY, so this is based off irl Natsume's real exchange to Britain he went on. He hated it there lol. That's why I'm hoping for interactions between these two… and I hope they cannot stand each other. Maybe something happened between Natsume and the Order of the Clock Tower and they parted on bad terms. They meet again and the two are just all smiles as Agatha pours tea and Natsume rests his hands on his cane and they think of how much they wish they could laser beam the other to death. Idk. I like the concept tbh.
And these are just silly and self-indulgent:
Sigma and Tsujimura: if Sigma turns out to actually be Ian Fleming, I demand they meet and have a Bond-esque secret agent adventure.
Katai, Kunikida, and Higuchi: my dream crack trio that definitely makes no sense but I can't get it out of my head. I can't explain it ok I just think it's funny if Katai, after the Gin debacle, ends up with two overworked blond friends who check in to make sure that he is still alive under his futon. I need to emphasize though that Higuchi is far from her usual polite or professional and is just so done with Katai all the time. Katai still can't manage to make proper eye contact with her or have a full conversation. Nobody understands how they are keeping in touch or why. Also important you know that Kunikida and Higuchi have this weird frenemies dynamic where they are rightfully suspicious of each other for being on opposite sides but then feel like. A sharp pang of sympathy in their chests every time they hear about the crap the other has to deal with. They both shit-talk Dazai and can rant for hours. Katai is left standing there like 😥. It's basically just the "two teenaged boys" post, where Kunikida is the (comparatively) gentle "oh did you just wake up", Higuchi is the "OPEN UP FUCKNUGGET" and Katai is the guy who answers the door past noon still in his blanket. I know it makes no sense. Let me have this.
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quohotos · 1 year
Okay so there are some things I really miss about reddit...
You don't really miss it until it's gone, but (at least using a third party app) it was really easy and immediate to control exactly what you saw. The process of blocking a tag on tumblr is a little bit clunky. I have to go into a sub menu in the settings and then type out the tag I can't just right click and filter it out.
It's really difficult to modulate how much horny content you want to engage with here. I don't think reddit users were any more or less horny than tumblr users, I just think it was easier to keep the separated. Obviously everyone's experience is different, but it was really easy to feel out the tone of a community and sort them into categories of horny and not horny. When something was a little risque or inappropriate it was very easy for the poster or moderator to mark it as such. I felt safe browsing reddit on my laptop in class because I knew that as long as I didn't click on anything marked as such I wasn't gonna get any weird looks from the person behind me. I'm not trying to be puritanical about the morality of horny content or anything like that, I just liked being able to very clearly chose how much of it I wanted to engage with. If I wanted to seek it out, it was easy to find, but it wouldn't come to me when I wasn't asking for it. Maybe with time and experience I'll figure out how to do that here, but it's still something I miss.
The third party app that I used didn't render profile pictures. I thought it was pretty neat to not have much of an identity. Idk, I'm a shy jealous person and seeing all these pretty talented people is very intimidating. I didn't mind being a nobody when it felt like everyone else was a nobody.
I do not know where to find the good memes here. I'm sure they exist, but I don't know where they are. There were just some amazing injoke shitpost subs that I really vibed with and I haven't found out an equivalent here.
I thought of some more things so I've edited them in
I miss having an easy distinction between NSFW blur and spoiler blur. It made discussing media so much safer, I felt like I could participate in am evolving discussion without risking ruining the surprises. You could also use it creatively for memes, like making osha violations be tagged as NSFW and blurred so you'd click on it expecting to see some ass but instead it's like dude standing on a swivel chair.
Putting tags (well, they were called flairs, and you could only have one) up front on a post was so nice. When talking about a show I could immediately see what seasons were being discussed before even reading the title. It could also serve as a hint about what was actually behind a spoiler/NSFW blur. The tags on tumblr are so much fun, and are very versetile but I feel like they're an addendum to the actual post content, whereas reddit flairs were a heads up.
On the whole though, people have been nice and helpful here, and I'm really grateful for that. Hopefully I'll learn to adapt and feel as at home here as I was there... but man I just keep staring at my dash and thinking "you're not my real dad".
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simmeons · 29 days
💢Gigantamax - Tell us your favorite thing about one of your friends!
ONE?! nah, im doing them all (so several people don't send it or people don't get upset i didn't pick them)
Mega: you're just a very sweet person. i don't know how else to put it- you radiate flowers and butterflies and even though i know you have your days and you write some. gut wrenching stuff. but you're also so nice to me and other people and you don't get that a lot anymore so i love that about u keep it up pookie
Andi: i know we don't interact a lot (I PROMISE ILL FINISH READING THE COWBOY ENTERPRISE STUFF I PROMISE IM TRYING IM i clutch your pants as im on the floor crying at ur feet) but your posts about your life are a reality check for me. NOT THAT'S IT'S A BAD THING. you're very honest about what you deal with (anxiety, having a child, etc etc) and it kinda helps in grounding me when i have my own anxiety and think the world is gonna die and then i see you out here also dealing with stuff and still making it by. idk. you're indirectly the adult i look to and go "okay i probably won't crash and burn. hoorah" i really hope that's not weird
Jawsh: you're a little weirdo. don't ever stop. ur so funny to talk to and im sorry for the days we don't talk a lot but i love that we can come back and still chat about old men yaoi like nothing happened. also i love our shared bond over hating Sundays. fuck Sunday
Snowy: you're so yuri crazy i genuinely love it. I love Snowbot, i love how enthusiastic you are about Lore. never let anyone tell you ur weird bc that's my job and never stop posting Snowbot please don't ever die (also ur art style is so good brah. like it tastes absolutely wonderful to me. thank you for blessing us)
Leaf: hey man i know you don't have Tumblr so that means i can be a little shit n you won't know! but seriously, i love how we have so many things in common. you got me into Star Trek and i can never thank you enough. you're also great at distracting me and you're always there to show me ur Legos. i wish you and Celery the best (Celery isn't their actual name it's a nickname i gave them)
Matt (Kaklord): you're a ball of fun in our socks server. yes i count you as my friend get in this hug alright buddy yeaahh bring it in. i love how you're very enthusiastic about Vulcans and their. cough. biology. plus Pokemon. you're just awesome sauce man. you constantly wear sunglasses bc ur so cool and you're allowed to flex ur aura
Vitor: you're the reason why i stop and hesitate when i have suicidal thoughts. WOOAH way to hit y'all with something dramatic but im not joking. you're so special to me. you make me stop and think about who i affect everyday and though sometimes i hate how special you are and how much you care because i want to be selfish and end it all without caring about others- but i can't. so thank you for that
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otherone12 · 2 months
Comics And "Something"
Gerard Way x Brazilian!Reader 
-> Masterlist
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A/N: Hey!! Well... days ago my intrusive thoughts just won and i wrote a Gerard Way imagine (because why not)... and then I received this request... I've been bored, so maybe i'll post some emo imagines (mcr, p!atd, fob, paramore...) frequently?? Idk. If have requests, I will certainly make them... and i will post a part2 of the “I Can Help You With That” :)
~ "Could you do another imagine with Gerard and a Brazilian reader? (Perhaps the reader is Gabriel Bá's sister) ...I don't know if it's an interesting request :("
Summary - Your brother worked with Gerard for a while, but you've never really met him until now 'cause you live in another country (Brazil). Fortunately, Gerard is gonna stay at your brother's home for a week, to work on a new project. You both don't know what happens when you've seen each other, but it was CLEARLY something.
- Word Count: 1.570
- Warnings: Age gap? (not smut!)
- Ps1: I'll not use y/n…
- Ps2: I'm brazilian, so english is not my first language ... sorry if i wrote something wrong.
Damn... sorry for the superlong intro *-*
Reader's 1st Person POV
I woke up 3 am and looked at my phone just to see three missed calls and an absurd amount of texts from my brother. I can't believe that this man is like forty-something years old and can't even wait till the morning to tell me whatever he wanted to tell me.
Even though I'm tired, I read every single one of the messages. None of them has a real meaning, was like "are you awake?", "i need to talk to you", "it's important!"
Why the fuck he did'nt just tell me what is going on insted of doing this?? 
I called him back and he dropped the news: Gerard Way will spend a whole week in my brother's house!
- Realy?! - I shout at phone
- Yep... he's gonna stay here for a while... don't act like a stoned, please. - i heard a bit of a desperate tone in his voice, like he wasn't kidding.
- What do you mean? - I said, trying not sound offended, even if i was.
- I know you for 25 years, dear... you can't keep MCR lyrics references out of your mouth for too long. - He chuckles.
He's right... i can't, the same way i can't swim, can't dance and i don't know karate.
- I don't know why you think I'm gonna be weird or something... it's not like I'm a fangirl. Not anymore. - I argued.
- Sure... - his sarcasm always makes me mad - By the way, we'll be busy working, so i will need your help here... can you stay with us in my place?
- Yeah, but why do you need me? Don't you think I'm gonna "act like a stoned"?
- Honestly? I KNOW you're gonna be creepy, but I can't cook, and i refuse to buy shitty North American food for Gerard when he's here. 
- OH, FINE! - I couldn't help but take it as a challenge, I'm gonna be there and act normal, because that's what i am, right? A normal person - I get it. So no cheeseburgers and stuff? 
- NO! You can cook something nice, right?
- I can try... 
- Awesome! See ya tomorrow at 8pm in the airport to pick Gerard up. Good night. 
-  Bye! 
Yeah, sure, how the hell does he expect me to sleep? I mean, when I was a teenager, Gerard was my hero. I'm not that kind of fan anymore, but still, I like him so much. 
Gabriel never introduced us appropriately, probably 'cause I was ‘that’ creepy fan, or the long distance between the countries made it impossible for me to travel. Anyways… just didn't happen yet.
*** time skip ***
I don't know why, but I just imagined the scene of Gerard going out of the airplane and thousands of paparazzis just screaming and taking pictures of him… I was surprised that didn't happen, I know the people here and we can be really crazy sometimes. By the way, Gabriel and I was waiting for him.
Soon, along with several other passengers, We could see him, who was looking for the familiar face of my brother in the crowd. The smile emerged on his face in the moment they made eye contact. 
Damn this man is so good looking… Suddenly I remembered why I had that crush on him.
-Hey, How long, man?! - Gabriel said with a smile as he opened his arms to hug Gerard.
- Hell yeah! How have you been? - That pretty smile still in his face.
- Great! Better now that i know we'll gonna work together again!
I just couldn't stop looking at him… I think he noticed, ‘cause he looked back at me.
-Lemme guess… Your sister, right? - The lovely look on his eyes as he extended his hand to greet me made my face burn. - He talks alot about you, I was excited to finally meet you!
- So as I! - I shaked his hand and smile back at him, trying not to overdo it.
- She's A huge fan! 
The death look I gave Gabriel made Gerard laugh a bit, but not enough to make me feel more embarrassed than I already was.  
-Well, that's true, but why don't we go home? - i said - You need help with that? 
I pointed to the two suitcases he was carrying.
-That's fine. I can handle two of them. Thanks! - i swear, his eyes was glowing… im not that crazy! 
We put Gerard's things in the trunk of my brother's car and we went back home. 
During the way, all I could think about were those hazel eyes and how I felt a connection... it was inexplicable, maybe it's just nonsense in my head. But there's always a ‘maybe not’, right?
Gerard's 1st person POV
I don't know what that was. But THAT was fucking something! The way she look? Maybe, but not just that. don't know! 
I haven't even talked with her, but I hope we have time to get to know each other well. Because that was something.
At home, Gabriel showed me the office and the room i'll stay in.
He has such a pretty house, and all the pencils, markers, and art stuff get me even more excited to start work. But his sister is still in my mind... The best I can do now is go to sleep, cause all the way in the airplane just stressed me out.
Reader's 1st person POV
First things first, i woke up early to do exactly the thing my brother wants me to do: cook. 
I was distracted preparing coffee, and heard a familiar voice from the back of the kitchen.
-Morning… - Even though his voice was dragging because he had just woken up, he still sounded so good. 
Gerard sat at the table while I finished preparing breakfast.
- Morning! How was your night? Did you sleep well? - I asked, trying to start a conversation.
- Yeah, really well, and the feeling of waking up with this smell is just amazing! - He smiled, rubbing his eyes.
- I'm glad you like it. - the feeling of relief and joy took over me, I think being normal will be easier than I imagined…
*** time skip ***
The next two days was normal, just small talks, because the purpose of him coming was not to talk to me, but to work, right? Still, it would be nice to take an hour or two just to talk.
Or not, i keep thinking about the feeling in the airport, i want to feel that again. 
Gabriel left early this morning to look for who knows what, which ended up making room for a break from work. 
I was sitting on the couch, watching a rerun of my favorite movie when Gee appeared in the living room and sat next to me.
-Finally a break, hun? - he said, with his usual smile, which by the way I always thought was beautiful - Don't get me wrong, I love to do that, but sometimes Gabe just goes too deep.
- Yeah, I know… he is intense. Family thing, I guess… - I chuckled and turn the TV off, so we could talk. - Same eyes and same craziness.
We laughed for a moment, but he seemed to concentrate on confirming the similarity between my eyes and my brother's eyes. A shiver went down my spine when the look stopped being critical and became appreciative. It's incredible how artists can vary between technique and feeling.
The situation made me want to kiss him, but I think this is out of the limits, considering his relationship with my brother. I respect that and never gonna do something that could ruin it. 
-  Transcendently impressive… - The way he spoke made it seem like he was in some kind of trance. - Your eyes. 
I gasped in shock. I didn’t know what to say. I just stood still, while my breath was panting.
-Thanks! - I pulled from somewhere within me the confidence to thank and return the compliment. - I can say the same about yours, maybe even more.
- I think you're exaggerating, but thank you - I thought the situation would be awkward, but Gee seemed increasingly comfortable with my company. - May I ask you something?
- Sure! - My curiosity barely let him finish the sentence. - Anything.
- Did you feel that at the airport? - He sighed as if taking a huge weight off his chest. - Because i did. Sorry if it sounds weird or...
- Thank God! I thought i was freak out. So there WAS something. - I quickly got up from the couch and practically jumped for joy. - The last days i couldn't barely sleep thinking of you! Well, not YOU but the whole situation and-
It happened so quickly that I couldn't register in my mind when he stood up, even less could I believe that he cut me off with a kiss. 
-I thought about you too, sugar… 
Before I could do anything, he kissed me again, that feeling it was becoming clearer and clearer, with every second my lips remained close to his.
The next few days were a bit different… not like we just makeout a lot of times, but some quick looks, kisses and conversations. We discovered that we have more in common than we imagined…
Now, taking advantage of Gerard's last moments here, I decided that I would help him pack his bags, so that we could make, whatever our relationship is, last longer. While we were talking, I couldn't help but notice the t-shirt he was putting on his suitcase. 
-Oh my god, i didn't notice… you brought THE shirt! 
- What do you mean? - He was confused, but then he looked at the shirt and noticed why.
- “Pool Boy At The Vampire Mansion” shirt… it's like THE shirt!  
- Ya know? Keep it.
- WHAT? I don't think-
- You heard me. - He smiled, in the cutest way a human being can smile.- I want you to keep it. I don't know when we're gonna seen each other again, so… 
Gerard dropped the shirt in the bed and got closer to me, placing his hands on my waist and, getting even closer, he pressed his lips to mine gently. The kiss became deep as we let ourselves be carried away by the heat of the moment. 
-This week was perfect. - He said, placing his hand on my cheek and looking into my eyes. - I wish it didn't end now. You know, sugar, I think we could work out… be something. 
- I'm sure that we can make it happend- I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss even more intense than the last. The feeling of hope made it seem like time would stop at that moment. 
~ That's it. Hope u enjoyed :)
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