#although im the most stable rn ive been in my life but i keep having weird thoughts and then they freak me out and causes me great anxiety
faerieguts · 1 year
I have an appointment with a psychiatrist for the first time in like 10 years. Im really scared because my last experience was ummmm traumatic but!! I think i may have ~ocd~ and honestly just wanna figure out wtf is wrong with my brain because my thoughts are disturbing. (: am i paranoid or what is it i do not know.
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zzencat · 2 months
Literally forgot to add: emoji 🧙‍♀️ sun sign Leo, initial: S.M
Questions (organized, I wrote them in a big long paragraph earlier)
Is the business venture I want to pursue the right one right now? And will I be okay (financially and stuff)
Will that creep leave me and my family alone?
What's my future spouse like?
Bye now!
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hi sm!!! if you haven’t read a novel recently, get ready for a bit of reading 😅 other than that, thank you for participating! (ive also seen your other ask so dw)
ok so i have wild news my friend. i don’t recommend you going down this path, even though you’d have a lot of pride in your work here. if you want to be financially ok, this is not it. you’re being asked to have a lot of strength if you do. you’ll be in financial stress and overwhelmed. furthermore, you’ll be faced with a bit of oppression and competitiveness- overall, just people treating you badly. you could be faced with a lot of power imbalance as well and your communication efforts aren’t gonna pay off enough. future relationships or potential collaborations will have a slim chance of succeeding as well. it’s looking like a bad ending for…pretty much every aspect. it’s a shame that you can’t exactly capitalize off of this and maintain an ounce of good mental health. chances are things will start to break apart, and you’re having doubts even now. i suggest making this a side hustle or hobby, but not as the main career choice. you’ll be treated very unfairly going down this road.
the best outcome for you at the moment that brings you comfort, confidence, and stable income, is to come to either leave home and move somewhere else, OR resolve conflict that’s currently going on (esp w/ family members) and pursue something more practical and although the environment isn’t as creative or fun as you’d want it to be, you’ll be a lot happier. cards also suggest better planning skills and looking at this logically. you should also act on a well-thought out plan asap. you might think it’s sad that you can’t pursue whatever it is you wanted (creative and emotional attachment) but you’ll be a lot better off financially and with more confidence too, trust. things will play out from there :)
this is also the 2nd time i’ve seen a suggestion for you to get out of your environment. you or with your family as well. there’s been a big stagnancy going on for a while. i also suggest not making any bad moves against this creep and it will resolve on its own. it might take a while and it’s kinda pissing me off too even now, but despite everything weird or terrible that might happen (like a huge loss of something), you guys will have a happy ending. also, don’t let anyone screw with you or destroy your light! keep your head up and you should be pretty good!!
some qualities of your future spouse!! :
*note: cards came out SO easy damn
- your fs is not ready yet but this person is on the way. slowly though. they’re very careful with love but very easy going as well
- i get that they’re confident and chill and make all the right moves! i have a feeling they’re also pretty experienced with life and will lead you too! this person is going to be a mentor for you in many ways and will teach you tons
- it seems you’re not ready at the moment either, but they ABSOLUTELY will be in your life
- this person could be traveling rn btw
- they move fast too. they’re efficient in work and thinking
- this person could be from a different culture as well, but im getting the most on them teaching you something
- i think you’ll also live in prosperity in the future with this person! either that, or this person grew up in a family that’s well off
- they’re working at the moment and not resting. they’ve either got one main job or they can make decisions with ease
- this person might show up in your life when you need help or are at one of your weakest moments
- stable and ready to take it on
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