wezard · 2 years
helpppp lol ahhh :p
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mifhortunach · 2 years
lol sorry, not to continue IT posting BUT:
1- INSANE that mike & bill fucked raw onscreen while richie was in the background sobbing his eyes out over eddies gross corpse, but theyre bro-fived & said 'this is the furthest extent of the platonic bond between men: we're not gay' - very strange choice
2- theres this fcukn Old Bullshit b3ach/death post calling richie horror's first 'final gay', which is - imo - straight up untrue, and we can argue about how things might be seen as more or less empowering thru how they moved certain actions to him so he kills his original homophobic bully in the film, etc etc - BUT, what hits me over & over, and its 1/2 a time thing & honestly similar to the g-o shit from ages ago, but the man is barely even Fucking gay ygm?? ygwifm???? I'm not saying its not in the film or anything, im not saying its the worst fukn rep in the world, but knowing that the best they could be Bothered to do was have a guy get slurs shouted at him, and try to attempt to articulate a (dead!) love thru a bridge-carving (verbal confo is for losers!) is so fuckin depressing to me, i genuinely dont have the words
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sweetie-peaches · 3 months
Rating things my brothers done:
Climbed into my cousins car to get her graduation tassel after she got into a wreck. Breaking the rearview mirror it was hanging on off and taking it to the hospital to visit her - 8/10 you tried buddy.
Cut half of his finger off with a weedeater - -1000000000/10 fuckass showed me pictures.
Pulled a man and his wife out of their flipped over on the side truck - 10/10 oooo look at me first responder over here
Be born 5 minutes after me - 11/10 I’ll always be older ugly bitch
Fist fought most if not all of his friends bc they were mean to me - 7/10 loser.
Imbed a wooden pike in his foot on accident - -111111/10 SENT ME MORE PICTURES
Pole danced on a light pole at 1 am in our school parking lot. And then ran from the cops when we were going to get in trouble for breaking the at the time curfew - 9/10 deducting a point bc he left me to fend for myself
Play baseball. - 0/10
Be the likely only one in our family who will continue the bloodline - 5/10 this family should die out with me.
Shot and ate a squirrel. cleaned and cooked it over fire - -10/10 you freak
Danced around in our pond during a thunderstorm, peered into the depths for a few minutes then reached down and grabbed a fully grown bass. - 11/10 what the fuck
Bottle fed a baby cow and nursed it back to health after its mother abandoned it - 100/10 miss you Ferdinand 😔 you tasted good tho…
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cherrysmokesaconha · 1 year
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2x4plank · 1 year
TWDG S1 Character Opinions
At first, I was gonna do a ranking but I soon realized how fruitless that was as I enjoyed pretty much every main character in Season One and don't wanna do any injustice any character.
Lee - Literally who doesn't love Lee (except Larry). He is a rational, patient father figure who takes it upon himself to take care of Clementine. And to the end of his life, he keeps that purpose at the top of his mind, crossing a sea of dead and devising a way to get her out of Savannah safely. He also gets points for the open sesame joke ( and his great sense of humor in general), the way he raises his hand when questioned about his interest in civil war history, being a black protagonist, and so on and so forth.
He has the unsaid sadness of losing his family and not even the chance to lean on anybody because he doesn't want his past crime to be revealed. He has to perform a balancing act of keeping the group together through starvation and their arguments. He stacks the responsibility of a child ontop of that. 111111/10 character!
Clementine - She's literally my daughter. She's everybody's daughter--you adopt her the moment you see her. She's quiet at first but has streak of mischief and resilience. When you find out she's been led on by the stranger with her parents being the carrot on the stick, you realize that the disappearance of her parents affected her way more than what she let's on. She might seem "tough" (and to some degree she is), but she's also a child and we shouldn't expect her to just get over anything. I find the stranger leading Clementine away after stalking your group to be one of the stronger horror elements in TWDG and its an aspect I think about a lot.
As time goes on, we see Clementine grow up with Lee no longer around. The man who protected her will be replaced with adults who don't treat her like the child she is. She suffers from their incompetence and toxicity and is forced to make calls she shouldn't have to make. This constant reliance on her factors into her adoption of AJ, as not only have his parents died, but she wants to take care of him just as Lee took care of her, and sees herself as the most fit to do so.
Kenny - Oh goodness. He makes me feel confused, and not even when talking about his season two incarnation. I like him lots and lots. I hate him, sometimes, also. I feel confused. He has a very funny onscreen presence, but sometimes, quite an offensive one. I'm speaking from the place of someone who would be affected by his bigotry for a multitude of reasons.
Kenny starts as a cowardly man, but someone who is willing to run into the fray for those who are on his side. He comes back to save Lee and considers him a good friend. If you agree with his decision to kill Larry and protect everyone in the locker room, he'll work with Lee to kill Danny and grow even closer to him, making him one of your closest comrades and a ride or die once his family's gone. Being there for his family was one of the caveats that kept him from coming to the rescue, outside of general self preservation. I don't think if they were still around he would've jumped down for Christa.
Another big thing with Kenny is his explosive dogmatism. You need to agree with him and do it HIS way. If you don't, it's a whole argument. I love when he starts shit in Episode Three with Lilly and then he's like, "We can work this out! Everybody calm down." KENNY!!! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO STARTS STUFF! YOU'RE THE AGITATOR!
Katjaa - I love her so much! I love her design, I love her voice, and I love the way she handles shit to the best of her ability. Not only is she willing to get sad and bloody (even before the apocalypse, being a vet and all), but her awesome bravery (is that the word I should use?) when she's holding onto Duck as he's dying. That is an incredibly painful thing to do but she remains so memorably steel-faced (like that expression she gives is seared into my brain), knowing that as a parent that she should provide Duck comfort in his last moments (UNLIKE KENNY, WHO CHICKENED OUT AT THIS POINT!) even though she has to be so close to his suffering.
She's often gentle but she can be stern when the time comes. 12/10 no notes!
Duck - Awh, he's adorable! I will never understand why people could hate this kid. He's literally just a busy body. I was personally on the other side of the spectrum, being pretty low-energy at that age, but I'm not gonna hate on the little guy. He didn't do anything wrong. I will always get a laugh at how no matter how explicit you were that they were all eating Mark that Duck will pause for only a second, look slightly confused, and then resume eating. It's so funny and I respect his disengagement with the situation at hand. He's perfect.
Carley- My favorite thing about Carley is the fact that she never dropped the reporter voice. She's locked in. She's one of the most "regular" people--and not in a bad way. She's kind, funny, and thoughtful. I don't know how she didn't figure out that there were no batteries in that radio, though. I like her lots and lots.
Doug - My experience with Doug was secondhand because one of my relatives picked him by accident. Poor Doug! Anyway, I like him a lot. He's very funny (I say that a lot don't I?) but he's got that reasonable bravery. He saves Carley and in his last moments, he protects Ben. Personally, I like Lilly shooting Carley on purpose better than accidentally shooting Ben but I think its something more interesting and scary for Ben to grapple with.
Glenn - For the short time we spent with him, he was incredibly funny. I liked him a lot and how he just always spoke his mind no matter the circumstances.
She has obviously been treated like terribly by her dad despite how much love she has for him, and because she acts tough about it, she expects the same of others. The fact that Larry is so quick to tell her to "shut up" and that whole anecdote she tells in the fourth season does reflect something nasty about her home life. I didn't read much into the "he's probably gonna keep treating you like shit" line in reference to Larry and just thought it was funny because it's a weird thing but I soon realized that was her reaction and she just expected others to cope like she did.
Now, do I think Lilly's toughness is just a front? No. I do think she was actually tough, but too much is too much. Starvation, apocalypse management, and watching your dad be murdered while you're restrained/trying to revive him is pretty traumatizing--no matter how much of a dick Larry was. I don't think her anger, sadness, or general mental breakage lessens her toughness in the slightest, but her actions eventually run counter to morality (see: shooting Carley in the face).
Mark - lol this guy had it rough! He was introduced and eaten within the same episode. I like his smile when you offer him rations and his small jokes. He's one of the more average characters but 1) that is not a bad thing at all and 2) we don't get a lot of time with him. I really liked getting to know this guy before he got hammed.
Mr. Parker - Loved his jumpscare!
Travis - Talking all tough and he didn't even learn the rule of not tripping during the apocalypse. Better luck next time.
Ben - Jeez. I should have been nicer to this guy.
Starting out, Ben is very awkward and clumsy but that's to be expected of a high schooler. He fumbles and is not held in the kindest regard by the rest of the group, who seem to see him as incapable. He struggles to prove otherwise.
Yes, trading with the bandits was wrong, but there is a question of if his isolation from the group made the desire to have his friend back that much stronger rather than telling the group about the offer and seeing how they handled it or even if they would be concerned about his problems as a newcomer. Sure, Lee, Glenn, and Carley were willing to help that woman in the motel, but there are a lot more caveats to dealing with human enemies.
I love the shock of his initial confession and even though he picked the worst possible time to tell everyone else, the guilt of all those deaths would weigh on anybody and I don't think he was equipped to make the best decisions.
Looking back, dropping him was a terrible decision and I probably would have pulled him up if the zombies weren't so close. Maybe I was also a little jealous at how tall he was.
I'll pull him up next time. His death was also way more painful than expected and I do really believe he didn't deserve to die at all.
Andy - He's my favorite of the St. Johns which is a hard ground to clear. He is just so unapologetically evil it rounds back into comedy. Nothing is ever his fault and nothing he ever does is wrong. And he could've kept getting away with it if it wasn't for that meddling Georgia State professor.
Danny - He was so committed though! I heard they had some icky things planned for his character originally but I'm glad that it didn't make it into the game or canon because him being the "loyal dog" to cannibalism makes him a character you can love and hate. Also he talks to the cow.
Brenda - Literally all she wanted was to run her dairy, man. It's hard raising two kids and managing a farm. I love her voice and I would totally be eating like Duck because I know her barbecue was blue ribbon worthy.
She likely has the most conscious of the St. Johns which is...not a high bar but she seems to not want to be involved in the act of murder. She wants her hands clean and her men slow-cooked.
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Joleeeene - Love her crossbow. Her story is horrifying but well told as an aside to the episode. I wish she got to see her daughter again because what happened there is terrible.
Bandits - Ew.
Chuck - I like him. I love his speech about "you're not boy, you're not a girl"--he said nb rights! But anyway, he popped in and died in like the next episode with his body discovered in like...the episode after that. Shame what happened to him but I like the time he had.
Christa - Tough but incredibly fair! I like her lots. I like how she was portraying herself as willing to walk away from the group but she's also willing to cut Lee's arm off for him after like...a day of knowing him. She was a rider.
It's hard to find the words to talk about her, but don't take that for disinterest.
Omid - Funny. I have said that a lot in this writing, but it is still true. He is very cushy and pleasant and definitely a well-placed bright spot after everything that happened in Episode Three.
Vernon - I love his name and his dry sense of humor. And also he got that devious lick in the end.
Okay, so I wouldn't give him flack for stealing the boat for his crew if not for the fact that he was leaving a child, or possibly two children, without any food.
I like the small taste of betrayal before the bigger one in S2.
Brie - I love this cheese. I like her design a lot too.
The Stranger - Bro this is why stranger danger PSAs are so important. GET OFF OF MYSPACE MAN! He was CREEPY and deranged and though I understand why somebody would think he came out of nowhere I do like his conclusion and think his part is very well done.
I think it was an extremely interesting thread of the story that I wouldn't expect in apocalypse media. To take a child away using means well known to us in current year. The parallel of a guardian who sought to protect her as soon as he met her to a man who had bad intentions as soon as he got the opportunity. Pretty good!
And also the bowling bag head reveal was hilarious. Way to respect your spouse.
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aeschylus · 1 year
i still haven't watched the finale but i've been reading all the spoilers and like what's interesting is that shiv's original s1 plan was to get tom as ceo as her "meat puppet" with a d!!ck and s1 tom was still in love with her and pliable and she married this man "fathoms beneath her" and capable of such a human thing as love so that she wouldn't be betrayed but she broke his heart so many times b/c she doesn't understand love that isn't abuse and in breaking him she made him into an adversary capable of Roy-level betrayal like by the finale her initial plan worked out but tom is no longer clay he's been put through the kiln, he's still a puppet but one that is autonomous enough to choose who controls his strings , reverse gone girl "I made you into the man of dreams" shiv I-made-you-into-the-man-of-my-nightmares-wambsgans-roy!!!!!111111
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prettytanuki · 2 years
Kage no Jitsuryokusha, Episode 17
Yay, finally we'll see what will happen after the protagonist, Mundane Mann, removed his power limiter!
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Cid u ok?
So much effort put into fantasizing running mental simulations of what cringe-inducing chuuni spell to spew. Sasuga Shadow-sama!
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Someone is coming. Considering it's a girl, someone from Shadow Garden?
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lol he ran away.
I completely forgot about her!
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Piano? Wait I think I heard this song before...
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Cid's pianodere adventure:
piano sux
piano useful because it lets me have zero friends
piano cool
you can't really call yourself the Eminence in The Shadow if you can't play Beethoven's #14 sonata
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Expectation vs. reality.
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I wonder if Cid is hoping to find someone else who's been reincarnated.
Is there a single letter in this alphabet that doesn't commit plagiarism???
Epsilon is really trying to make herself look good to Shadow by saying she'll work hard and he's like "ok, go for it." Poor Epsilon.
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Cid what did you see in that piano, why are you smiling so devilishly eminently? You can't bring a piano to the fight. I mean, you probably could, but that would look weird. I mean how would you even. I don't get it. He clearly got some idea about what to do from looking at the piano, but I haven't gotten the slightest what it would be. Entrance song??? (my actual thoughts when I saw this.)
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Beta's acting skills never cease to amaze me.
Rule 1 of going into a maze where you might get lost and die a horrible death: inform someone OUTSIDE the maze that you're going in.
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What is this thing she is looking so fondly at.
Okay so this is an extremely template conspiracy. Still odd that the evil guy is so handsome. He should be ugly.
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Yeah, he does, in more ways than one, but not in the ways he should.
I can't believe she actually likes Cid. I thought she would be in love with the masked knight that saved her, who was also Cid, but not the Cid she knows.
So she's possessed? How did this happen? Did they drug her or something? I thought the possessed were created in the labs and she never went to one... or did she?
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The feathers that were going up start going down when the song ends. THIS IS SO EXTRA. JUST...... SOOOOOOOOOOO EXTRAAAAA
...and then everyone clapped...
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Shadow is just built different. Normally you wouldn't interrupt someone who is clapping at your extraneously unnecessarily extra performance.
God I love this eminent OST.
>I wanted to protected them. >But I couldn't. >And your fight ends there?
My god what a chuuni-fest. Hard to imagine she didn't rehearse for this.
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says dude who didn't stop gaining power until he could rival a nuke. (he stopped, right?)
You know, Cid being blissfully unaware SOMEHOW that the girl he just saved from possession will actually believe this chuuni crap he made up on spot can only mean on thing: he's literally insane. No joke. Dude's a psycho. But he's a funny psycho to watch from the other side of the screen where his I AM ATOMIC doesn't reach (hope this doesn't jinx it).
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She didn't even join the cult yet!
Is that her natural talent? A disposition for edge?
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Dear god, woman, do you have any idea how much his Lord Darkness, Shadow-sama, has to practice to say this sort of stuff with a straight face and you just...
Is this it? Finally Cid has a worthy rival? A chuuni who doesn't even realize how chuuni she sounds because she isn't even trying to sound chuuni?
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*casually evades debris*
Poor Alexia is the only one of the trio who isn't part of it.
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This was the work of Carmen Sandiego.
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^v^ Does this look like the face of mercy?
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Is the fake smile genetic?
Man, I love it when anime take bold steps like... killing the protagonist. R.I.P. Cid, you'll be missed. Po Tato will be the protag starting next week.
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gumiboomy · 2 months
1ST actual post... #fictionalcharactersexymanlist
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I've managed to compile a list of all the fictional characters I actively go feral for..... And it's still growing ummm yea.
Fictional people I simp for (not ranked).
Dante Limbus Company
Master Chief
Any halo Spartan with their mask on
Konig MW2
Keagan COD
Choso JJK
Geto JJK
Power CSM
Aphrodite HADES
Geto JJK
Mahito JJK
Nobara JJK
Megumi JJK
Sidon BOTW
Welt Yang HSR
Denji OW
Mcree OW
Risk AL
Inhaus AL
Queue A AL
Wesley BAPC
Crispín BAPC
Howl HMC
Kaoru OHSC
Kyoya OHSC
Spider Gwen
Viktor Humphries
Callie Splatoon
Marie Splatoon
Marina Splatoon
Spyke Splatoon
Toast BAPC
Rose Quartz SU
Mercy OW
Widowmaker OW
Sniper TF2 (genuinely, yes)
Scout TF2
Mei OW
Yumeko KG
Nana from NANA
Majima Yakuza 0
Kiryu Yakuza 0
Skyler Gabicito
Ren mati
Wheatley PORTAL
Zagreus HADES
Dionysus HADES
Protagonist of DeadCells
The main character of DIMENSIONAL SLAUGHTER
Snatcher AHIT
Gabriel Ultrakill
V1 Ultrakill
Minos Prime Ultrakill
Valentine SkullGirls
Zuke NSR
Vergil DMC
Dante DMC
Lady DMC hehe based
Zulf Bastion
The Kid Bastion
Calculester MP
Damien MP
Cute ghost boy MP
Zoey MP
Polly MP
Joshua Graham
Kyoya OHSC
Witch Doctor Terraria
Megurine Luka
The Zoologist Terraria
SpiderPunk ITSV
Tex Red VS Blue
Weiss RWBY
Shockwave Transformers
StarScream transformers
Allen Smiling Friends
Jorge HALO
Church Red VS Blue
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sorry not sorry...... heh... toodles!!!!!!!!!111111
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alpinezro · 8 months
🎯🥊❤️✂️🍀🧠 LUNO !!111111!!!!!!
🎯- by the time we get to him he's been in bounty hunting for around 10-20 years so he's best at kicking ass and restraining people. probably hleped by the fact that hes been wrangling livestock his whole life. smile
🥊 - he LOVES constellations and astronomy!!! hes autistic and its his special interest. his main form of navigation is by the stars! he hates his job. lunos like 40 or 50 years old and hes SO fed up with everyones bullshit so when he picks up a bounty its liek. ughhh. plus theres some moral mindfuckery to the whole thing bc obviously not all his targets are bad people.
❤️ - best memory, probably teaching his daughter corva how to ride an ornithopod
✂️ - worst memory, definitely the day she died and his ranch was burned down.
🍀 - as for what originally inspired him, kinda hard to recall because hes been through multiple rewrites over the course of 5 years. his current iteration is inspired by joel miller, lee everett, bigby wolf, old man logan, and arthur morgan! i think red dead really played a role in me leaning into the western theme in solstice/burning stables.
🧠 - I LOOOOOVEEEE THAT HS A GRUMPY OLD MAN WHO CARES. I LOVEEEE DAD CHARACTERS!!!! hes gotten me through so much stuff luno is definitely a comfort character for me. seeing how hes changed throughout the years is also cool because he was origially a bcakground character
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dumbbitchfrommars · 2 years
i love myself i love myself i love love love myself!!!! i love my self more than love it self more than life it self more than anything! i love how beautiful i am inside and out. i love how hard i work every day to be the best version of myself. i love how patient i am with myself. i love how i parent myself when i feel ive done myself or the world wrongly. i love how much i support myself. i am proud of all the work ive done on myself. i am proud of how far ive come in the past year. i am proud of how far ive come in the past 4 years. i am proud of myself for finishing uni. for making the decision to do honours. for making money moves. for working hard for my future. for working hard for my mind and my happiness. for working hard to make my life exactly what i dreamed it could be. for making my life wonderful by existing as my perfectly imperfect and special and unique self. for showing up for myself in the ways i might need. i love myself so much. i am so dedicated to myself. i am so proud of myself. i love you, i love you, i love you!!!!111111. i love my love for music. i love my life. i love to romanticise my magical wonderful special interesting and charming little life. i am so excited for whats to come. i am so so so inlove with myself and my life. i am a beautiful, magical. wonderful, special, interesting, confident, and BOLD person. i deserve every little bit of happiness i desire. i am making my dreams a reality. and i am so damn proud of myself for that. i love you so so so so so so much. i am living my life in honour of all those before me who couldnt. i am living my life in honour of those i love and have loved. YES!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES!!!! (i am a yes woman) (and an aries and a capricorn and an aquarius and a woman and a man and gay and straight and confident and shy and every silly little contradiction about me)
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kondo-hijikata · 7 years
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floofygeck · 2 years
Absolutely going bonkers over this little animation of Spamton damcing
FUCiNG G gOOOOOOOOOOOO LITTLE MaN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!!!!!11111!!!!111!11!!!!!1
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the-blind-geisha · 2 years
Technically, I am an anon so you're not that far from the truth xD But I know you know I'm more than that <3
Hooo, you have my attention then! It sounds good! Really good! Damn I'll have to expose myself faster to bother you properly so you will tell me more about your ideas XD And honestly, as you mentioned Alice in Wonderland, I now think of Alice: Madness Returns' version of Cheshire. Loving that character to the bits <3 So, gather your ideas, dear! I'll be there soon, to get more ideas out of you!
Hey, I think redrawing your art is nice cuz you can see the progress your skill went through. Also, it's good you still have these pieces cuz AAAAAAA THEY WERE AMAZING (you gonna really make me hack your hard drive huh? XDD)
Oh my God, it'd be so fucking hilarious if Ulbert programmed some keyboards in Demiruge that immediately make him go with LET'S CONQUER THE WORLD!!!!!111111 Oh, right, I checked the tag cuz eh, I'm like on the volume before this season so XD and yeah, you're right XDDD Also, is that panic in Ainz I can read there? Good old Ainz not changing even in vol15. No, seriously, I need to rewatch all these scenes in which Demiurge explains to everyone the plan that Ainz has. These are really comedy gold.
Renner surely is a breath of fresh air but holy eff, seeing how much different she is from everyone is always so shocking, at least to me XD Like I said, never been into yanderes, but Renner is a damn good yandere. (Oh no, I think I know who you mean, yikes). About Ainz, that's why I love how overpowered he is! The enemies are taking out their last card, their super-duper-ascending-tier-magic shit and they are so super confident it'll allow them to win, only for Ainz to kill it with a snap of his fingers XDDDD Ainz manifesting 'gg noob' is always so wonderful to watch <3
Oh man, I think I got the idea of what I'm gonna do to expose myself. But eh, if only I was good at using graphic apps XD
Oh yes, I cannot wait to see how Demiurge uses someone's body as a baseball bat <333
Hm... I guess I need to check some Dead by Daylight videos XDD. I used to watch it a lot on streams, but I never heard those... injury moans... hmmm. ;))) As long as he had fun, that's all that matters. Not the fact that we are not being tortured by it XD
I heard stuff and watched a bit of gameplay of RE: Code Veronica, and I want to try it one day! But it'd be nice if they decided to remake it </3. But, hm, I cannot say I'm a big fan of RE... (remembers they have a nsfw alphabet with Carlos to finish)... yeah, that's right cuz I really don't like anything that has horror in it XD Still, omg, the atmosphere and the LORE is amazing there. I could spend my time reading wiki and I'd be so damn happy.
I have no effing idea who agreed to make Chris punch a effing bolder in RE5 and I also have no effing idea who made him such a dilf in Village but, Capcom will forever own my soul for doing these things. <333
Ah, another reason to expose myself. Hm, it's so temptingg ahhhhh!
Honestly, I'd love to write some snappy stuff with Demiurge for you, but uh, I'm sure I won't cover his personality in the right way XD After all, I watched Overlord so long ago (let's not even speak about LNs, I'm waiting for the series to finish to reread it but XD)
Enjoy your days off, dear! Do whatever you want, as long as you're having fun <3 - Pandemonium
Yesss! Exactly that Cheshire cat! I almost wanted to model Cheshire closer to that version, as he's my fave, but neh. Just did a 'close enough' idea. XD But my bestie gifted me an Alice Cheshire Cat bag and plushie, and omg, I love them both SO much! Take your time, hon!
PEFT. I mean, they are actually on my external. X”D All old art from fandoms I no longer participate in drift off my main PC just for the sake of room, but I do still have them! ♥
Ulbert did have the desire to take over the world so—who knows! Maybe he did do that! >3 Put that info in Demi's bio somewhere! Haha Vol15, Ainz does get a bit more bold saying 'what if I screw up' or 'what if I die' sort of stuff to get them to respond levelheadedly. XD It's just...a progress. It's like trying to tell children Santa's not real.
Renner is super cool, and I adore everything she does! I also love she actually kind of becomes Albedo's first real friend. In the latest season, while I got far more Albedo than I wanted, I still loved seeing her different personalities outside of 'omg, Imma jump Ainz'. Even if it was an act to be a political figurehead for Nazarick before humans, seeing her so reserved and kind was...so nice?? I dunno, it awakened something. But I'm already a sucker for succubi, so that wasn't hard for her to do. LOL
XD Take whatever time you need.
I will say, RE games are like my nostalgia. Will I write/draw for them? Neh. Not unless commissioned. I just prefer the atmosphere, like you said! It's so enjoyable and creepy. Those creepy letters you find scattered throughout some of the games to set the background are always a great read. They've stuck with me for years. X3;
Oh, come now! I am sure you'd write an amazing Demiurge! More importantly: it'd be written by you, so I know I'd treasure it! ♥
Thank you, hon! I am certainly vegetating as we speak. X3 I hope your day continues to go well!
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just-antithings · 3 years
Re: peridot - they do this with Entrapta from She-Ra too. She's supposed to be in her late twenties, but they see her short stature and the fact that she's autistic coded, and go "omg this is a CHILD why r you shipping this straight up Nazi (Hordak, who's basically chronically ill and brainwashed by a cult) with this child!!!!111111"
Oh yeah I was also ran out of a fandom once for shipping a short skinny female oc in her early 30s with an old man.
I think I even saw one person from that fandom on the DNI shame list lmao.
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cylas · 3 years
tw & cw: cursing, sexual themes and dark content, minor self harm and mass genocide joke
Quick rant.
I'm quite saddened by the prospect of this fandom (jjk) being extremely hypersexual and showing almost little to no restraint to the point where sometimes, shit I don't want to see is leaked into my dash regardless of if I blacklist it or not and a chunk of fanfics are riddled with untagged smut and dark content, therefore making the fandom experience a little less enjoyable.
Now I'm an adult. I block, blacklist, and filter my shit so I can have a good time and people who eat that stuff up can have a good time without having to hear my bitch ass bitching. I do dislike the fact that some of my favorite characters' tags are clogged with a bunch of shit that makes me want to douse myself in gasoline and light myself ablaze, but I know when to stay in my lane. What I absolutely hate, is when people don't take the necessary precautions to ensure that those outside of their targeted audience don't make contact with their nsfw content.
I know Tumblr's tagging system is absolute dogshit, so please put your stuff under "keep reading" as a precaution so I don't have to scroll past your long smutty fic. Not to mention, the hentai panels as headers just aren't it, man. There's a workaround if you're on mobile because believe me, I do it, so there is absolutely no excuse that you can't do it either. If you need help, I could sit down and write tutorial just so I can easily scroll past your shit.
My AO3 people, tag your shit. And I mean TAG IT. Fucking tag it.
I will happily put on my filters, click on a fic, and a few paragraphs in, fem student Y/N is getting fingerbusted in her poopchute by Satoru Henry Gojo on a desk during school hours. I do not want to fucking read this shit with my 400 blind ass eyes as I physically restrain myself from committing mass genocide out of pure unadulterated rage while simmering in my bloody concoction of sulfur and salt. THE AUDACITY! SOME OF YOU! FUCKING! HAVE!!!!1!111111
Okay, but really. I'm gonna give some of you the benefit of the doubt because honestly, stuff can be difficult, but please do your due diligence if you haven't already started. It's all I ask.
Nonetheless, my respect goes to those that make sure their stuff is properly tagged and kept away from entities like me for the most part. You know who you are and you're doing great.
—Sincerely the world's most wholesome biblical angel
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niobiumao3 · 3 years
A final round of thoughts (I swear)
I'm about certain that Bucky's not 'in trouble' for releasing Zemo. He was way too prepared for it already, and way too resigned to needing to do it. No, I suspect the entire point of him getting to keep the arm, and no doubt to repay Wakanda for the grace they showed in sheltering him, was that he agreed to help them, ah, 'extradite' Zemo. They have no reason to trust the EU can keep a lid on him, and as it's been revealed he's megarich, the second he does get out he'll just hole up somewhere and never come out. Bucky is the ideal person to get someone like Zemo out and into their hands and would no doubt have little issue with helping on that front.
The issue now is, he kind of needs Zemo for a little longer. So I hope we get to see him negotiating with Ayo about that, rather than some sort of angle where he's done Wakanda dirty. That'd be just lame on many fronts.
Zemo makes an interesting and veiled threat early on: it's pretty obvious he still has plans, ultimately, to kill Bucky. (From his comment about ending 'most' of the Winter Soldier program.) Bucky is a loose thread as far as Zemo's 'work' is concerned. He's definitely planning to kill him...once Karli and company are dealt with.
I'm hoping the Karli plot takes a twist somewhere. Car bombing a building full of GRC security is like, sloppy writing and plainly meant to make us wonder OMG WHAT IF SHE IS a bad guy!!!111111!111! which is super dull. I hold out hope this will change.
I suspect this episode is meant to contrast to what I hope is Episode 4 or 5 being a Sam-centric/Sam's situation episode.I mean, I hope so, we got a lot more about Bucky's time as the Winter Soldier here. It would be nice to see this placed alongside an episode of Sam dealing with the fallout of that call with Sarah, of struggling to decide if he should tell anyone about Isaiah, etc. Of Sam really breaking down and lashing out while Bucky is the one to calmly accept that Sam also needs space to process.
Another thing I did like was, the episode only spends a little time reminding you how Bucky is still quite deadly to anyone who isn't enhanced. It's only 30s or so, tops, between the centerpiece fight scene to the Winter Soldier theme and bits here and there otherwise. This frames Sam's concern that the situation is sending Bucky into a dark place in another light, which we get an echo of when Bucky is completely calm about firing a gun next to Nagel's head to encourage a conversation. Anthony Mackie did an amazing job expressing Sam's growing concern that, as Zemo himself commented, the Winter Soldier is still in there. This doubles down on the idea he was holding way back in Episode 1: he was trying not to kill people. And as Isaiah reminded him, "Do you think they'll let you?"
Which is, I think, what we'll find out about the US government: they wouldn't have cleaned out Bucky's programming like Shuri and Wakanda did. They'd have put him to work. And this just all circles back to Sam's concern: if he takes up that shield, what country is he really representing? One that still refuses to treat Black Americans like people (called up by how Nagel refers to Isaiah)? One that no doubt accepted Bucky back and pardoned him only due to pressure from Steve and Wakanda, and would have happily made the same use of him? One that makes a man like Walker--someone happy to knock aside anyone in his way for the success of the mission--their Captain America? That country?
All around very good though quite busy; I almost wish it had been 2 40m ones.
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