#mama bear mode
Sneak Peak to Solar Opposites in Mighty Solars Issue #20 Cheer Up Jesse
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Jesse collapses on her bed cries into her pillow as Yumyulack runs up to her and started to feel sorry for his sister. He rubs her back softly back and forth with his hand as comfort thing to do for Jesse. Phoebe comes in the kids’ room and gasp in shock as she sees Jesse crying. Korvo and Terry, who is carrying Pupa came up the stairs after hearing about what happened at school.
Yumyulack: Oh sis, I am so sorry about all this. Our adults and I had no idea about all this.
Phoebe: comes towards the Replicants Aw Jesse, sweetie, are you okay?
Terry: What’s wrong Jessebear? Did something terrible happened at school today?
Jesse: sniffles I didn’t what was going on with these nine girls but it turns Morlak manipulated those girls into thinking I’m a fungus spewing pink monster! cries back into her pillow
Korvo, Terry, Yumyulack, Pupa and Phoebe gasp in horror as Terry dropped his coca-cola can as it spills soda on the floor.
Korvo: What?!
Terry: Ugh! That bitch! How dare they manipulated our little lady!
Yumyulack: Morlak?! How could she?!
Pupa: Oh no. Jesse.
Phoebe: Those motherfuckers! kicks a lamp If they make one more insult on Jesse, clench her fist furiously I swear to God.
Korvo: We can worry about it later. Right now, to Jesse you have to tell us what’s wrong Jesse.
Terry: Yeah, what’s the matter sweetie? You’ve been depressed ever since Morlak attacked Earth-4. You gotta tell us what the fuck’s wrong with you sweetie.
Yumyulack: Yeah, we’re family. You have to tell us.
Pupa hugs Jesse in worry as Phoebe puts her hand on Jesse’s shoulders in a concern manner. Jesse sighs and gives in.
Jesse: Fine. I’ll tell you guys. It all happen when those nine princesses ran away. Cuts to the flashback of issue #19; voiceover They didn't really get too far, they only made it as far as the alley way. But then they started hearing voices stating everything in their lives meant nothing and everyone would abandon them. They were so scared, they didn't know what was going on, but then some vortex opened up and pulled them in. After that, they blacked out, they didn't wake up for a quite a while, but they must've gotten petrified or something because they couldn't say anything or move. When they were eventually able to move again, the girls found ourselves back at an abandoned Castle. Sadly, that's when Morlak show up. They tried to stop her from starting whatever her plan was, but she use the illusion spell on them before we had the chance and lied to them that I was a total pit of control monster and that I would completely destroy them and Earth-4 and that everyone didn't truly care about them. They tried to resist her, but it was no use. She was too strong for them to resist. Their memories after that are a bit of a blur. But from what you recalled, that bitch used fake memories of me with fungus powers to scaring them into giving into her control. And once she told them to give into the darkness within their hearts, they did so without a second thought. When they returned to normal and then two weeks later, when they told Monica what they had become and how, I felt awful. Marlok was making me look like a monster and they were used as weapons to fucking murder us and destroy the entire planet.
The flashback ends as Jesse sighs and lies down as tears stream down her face. Terry places his left hand on Jesse’s head as he soothes it with his fatherly love for his daughter while Korvo sat down sadly, Yumyulack and the Pupa gently pats Pupa and Phoebe continues to look at Jesse in concern
Jesse: I just don’t know how I’m going to live with this... What am I going to do now?! sighs Everywhere I go, I just feel weak….
Korvo, Terry, Yumyulack and Phoebe: WHAT?!
Pupa: gasp in shock
Yumyulack: Weak? Jesse have you lost your mind?!
Korvo: How dare you call yourself weak?!
Terry: Yeah honey. That’s not true.
Phoebe: I can’t believe you would say that about yourself. Why would you think about yourself as that?!
Jesse: in a depressed tone Because I… I always feel like I am a weak person all the time. Throughout our lives. I’m just a kid. I just don’t have the right stuff. I’m not even a superhero. I’m not as strong as Terry, or smart as Korvo, or brave like Yumyulack. How am I supposed to be a brave teenager, help people, stand up to the Stacies, tears burst from her eyes if I can’t even feel courage inside of me?
Jesse tearfully fell on her haunches as tears fell from her eyes, leaving the rest of the Solar Opposites staring at Jesse in sadness, concern and disbelief, this was worse than they thought. She were doubting everything she knew. For Korvo and Terry, it was the aftermath of the Knothole Aftermath incident all over again. But now, Jesse is the one that has even worse emotional trauma than Yumyulack had before, and the fact she has been plagued by nightmares didn't help with her depression at all.
Jesse: tearfully All this time, I thought I could do those things, but I was wrong.
Jesse continues to cry as the family pulls Jesse into a comforting embrace.
Korvo: Don’t be silly Jesse. That’s not true.
Phoebe: If anyone can do it, it’s you.
Jesse: sniffles But, how do you know?
Yumyulack: Are you kidding?! Look what you did for the past years.
Terry: Fight a bunch of zombie teenagers with your family like a teenage badass!
Yumyulack: Save me from a giant dick and saved Korvo and Terry before they were about to be devoured from napadoodles!
Korvo: Did an amazing job at the pronunciation bee!
Phoebe: Defeated an evil Deenosaur!
Korvo: Even a white goobler and how you set me straight with how much you wanted to me to treat you.
Terry: hugs Jesse You’ve grown up so much Jesse. You’re not my little girl anymore, but you always will be in my eyes. You can do this.
Phoebe: Just don't feel too down, I know your well-being and feelings aren't in the best shapes right now, but we'll always stay by your side and support you no matter what happens.
Yumyulack: Yeah, if you ever feel down, just remember that you've got us, because we’ll always have your backs.
Korvo: And no matter where you go, or what you’re doing, we’ll be with you the whole way, points at Jesse’s heart right here.
Jesse: sniffles Oh, thanks guys. I can always count on all of you. Come here.
The Solar Opposites and Phoebe gets into a group hug as Jesse finally cheers up.
Phoebe MacCarthy belongs to @themagicwolf6677
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bluerosefox · 4 months
Little Danny's Big Adventure
New idea.
Okay now hear me out.
-Pulls out AU idea cauldron and tosses stuff into it-
Let's put in some Ghost King/Prince Danny.... But also some deaged to toddlerhood Danny that gets yeeted into the DCverse!
Like imagine, tiny baby Danny with his tiny crown of ice floating above his head and his galaxy cape wrapped around him and uses it like a baby blanket. He didn't mean to fall into a different universe, a natural portal opened up and he was being a curious little thing! He didn't mean to trip and fall in during his nap time.
Nor was he expecting to fall into this realm during a rogue attack and knock out said rogue cause they were being a meanie and harming people and now Danny just wants his nap time cause he spent a lot of his tiny engery and he wants to find a nice spot.
Danny finds a place to crash, snuggling himself into his cape and the astronaut bear Danielle got him during her last visit that he takes everywhere since.
He's out like a light as the door to this safe house that belongs to one of the Bats opens up.
Meanwhile. In the Infinite Realms, Queen Regent Jazz is going into Mama Bear Jazz Mode trying to find her deaged brother, keeping the Realms in check, and is resisting the urge to put CW in time out Soup Time because he's being cyptided again about Danny whereabouts!!! UGH!
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Okay hear me out. Imagine a story where a scientist is leading a tour of kids through his lab, showing off all the inventions that will hopefully one day help humanity! In this tour is his son, who is very excited to be with his dad at his job, while also technically going to school? Win Win!! His dad has been a bit overprotective of him, but he sort of enjoys the attention. Although he isn’t too keen on his classmates who bully (perhaps one of the bullies is his brother or something) him for it, still poking and teasing him during the tour.
After awhile the dad shows off a portal machine which can open a portal to a whole new world, or at least that’s what they think it leads to anyway. The lab hasn’t fully tested it and is making a robot to send in first. The kids all ask if they can see it and the science team agrees as long as no one goes over the rails towards the portal, cause it seems to have a suction. (You can see where this is going I bet) The science team flips on the machine and the portal lights up, and while everyone is distracted the bully decides to have some fun, whispering into the Scientist kid’s ear something like “Maybe you’ll see your mom over there” or “Perhaps I should just take out trash like you. You’re just wasting dad’s time anyway” before the kid can really process what happens he is pushed over the rail into the portal, disappearing. The machine shuts off with a clunk and the dad is pissed. He is shouting at the bully about how stupid that was and how they have no idea if it’s even life sustainable on the other side! A guard nearby says that the kid is in real serious trouble for so many reasons, only for the dad to chime in that the bully better hope his kid is alive cause if he isn’t, he’ll get a murder charge. The bully explains he didn’t mean to only for most of the class saying that the bully always does this and one student even repeats what he said before he pushed the kid in. They decide to end the tour early and send everyone home, while the bully is escorted out by the guards and won’t be going home soon.
The science team asks what they’re gonna do and the dad says they’re gonna make something. Perhaps a suit or vehicle so that he can go into the portal and find his son. The team nods and quickly gets to work, they know it’ll take more than a few weeks, but maybe if they are lucky the kid will be okay, and maybe they can get it done faster.
Meanwhile, the kid flies through the portal and lands on a soft ground. Panicking he sits up and looks around, only to notice he’s on a huge bed. The portal sent him to a world that was way bigger than his own. Fear strikes him as he realizes where there is a big bed, there’s a big person. He’s right when he looks over across the room and sees a huge person sitting at a desk mumbling to themself. He’s frozen in fear and can’t move, even when the person swings around from their chair and walks over to their bed only to pause and stare at him.
The giant just stared at him, confused as to why there is a tiny child in their bed. They swear they didn’t put them there and are about to say something when the kid just burst out crying and the giant panicked. They quickly kneel by their bed and try to hush the child and tell them that it’s okay. The child keeps sobbing and soft hiccups can be heard, but eventually the kid quiets down a bit. The giant carefully asks how the kid got there, and the boy answers between sobs. The giant listens and the boy eventually bursts into tears again, crying out that they want their dad. The giant gently scoops them up, and holds them close saying “hey, hey, it’s going to be alright. You said your dad was a scientist…sooo he must have seen you get pushed in. I bet he’s trying to get back to you, he just has to figure out how to.” The kid sniffles and asks if the giant really believes that and they nod. They then reassure the kid that they won’t hurt them and that they’ll watch and care for them, until their dad comes to save them. The boy nods and the giant pauses and asks if he likes movies. The boy says yes and that he likes action like movies. The giant then decides that maybe they could watch a movie, to help the boy calm down, they’ll even let the kid choose the movie. He gets a little excited over this and the two of them go and do exactly that. Through this we learn that the worlds are almost identical, but some things are changed like Superman is Aceman, and Ice Cream is Frost Gel. All still the same thing, just named differently, which both the giant and boy find amusing.
The boy stays with the giant for little over a week, getting used to the large surroundings and the movements of the giant. The giant provides a small house to the boy, made of a box and Legos, which the boy had fun playing with and designing that part of the little home. In the other world the dad and his team finally finished the suit. It was built to survive space, acid, lava, and other possibilities. It had a backpack built into the back that held food rations, weapons, tools, and other things for survival. There was also the case, which contained all the parts for a small return portal back home. Which had been tested multiple times….just not cross dimensionally. The suit also had a built in camera that would send live video feed back to the team while the dad, who wanted to be the one who went through, was over there looking for his son. He’d also do some science stuff, like take samples and explore a bit.
The day finally arrives and the dad walks through the portal. He finds himself behind a large plush wall, and he starts to walk around it when he hears booming voices. Meanwhile the giant is laying in bed scrolling through their phone. The kid is sleeping in their little house for a quick nap. Then out of the corner of their eye they see something move out from behind their pillow. The dad looks up and catches the giant’s eye glancing at him. He freezes, and then grabs a weapon from the bag. This causes the giant to freak out and quickly flop out of their bed and onto the floor. The dad runs over and, using the mic in his suit, shouts “WHERE IS HE?!?!?” The giant, confused as hell, asks that the “crazy living action figure dude” please put down the weapon, while also asking what he means. The dad just shouts “IF YOU DID ANYTHING TO HIM I SWEAR I’LL..” the threat falls from his lips as the giant rises above him and cautiously walks over to the little house. They open the top and reach in, carefully waking the boy up and whispering that they have a surprise. The dad, still in a fighting stance, watches as the giant approaches with something in their hands. He’s about to fight, when the giant opens their hands and reveals his son, causing him to freeze. The boy pauses, not recognizing him cause of the suit, but once the dad rips the helmet off, the kid jumps off the giants hand and rushes to embrace his dad.
Both the kid and the dad just tightly hold onto each other as the giant just smiles softly, watching them. They then comment how much of a strong and loving dad the kid has and how the dad has such a brave and smart son. They both look up at the giant, who gives them a sweet smile. The dad explains they can go back home and the son is excited to tell his dad everything he learned about the place. The giant asks if there is anything they can do to help, which the dad asks if there is a safe place to setup a portal device somewhere that isn’t, well, a bed. The giant nods, and offers their hand to the pair. The son quickly hops on and the dad, carefully steps on after a bit of encouragement from his son. The giant takes them to their desk and says they can set it up in the free space near the wall.
After some time the portal is up and running and the dad has some samples, including a hair from the giant, and the small pair is ready to go home. The giant remarks that they’ll probably be seeing more of the tiny people, but says that they are welcome to visit. The boy hugs the giants hand and thanks them for taking care of them. The dad also thanks them for watching over his son, and says that he’s glad that the giant was the one to find his son. They take their leave and the story comes out in their world about what happens. The bully is still charged for some things, mostly messing with official government science stuff, but everything seems fine in the end. Plus the boy made an amazing friend, and the dad found someone he can trust to watch his son.
Anyway, basically what if a portal led to a giant world similar to our own, but it was discovered because some kids decided to mess with a kid. Resulting in the kid getting lost in that world, having to wait to be found or find a way back themself?
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teecupangel · 6 months
Random thing: I just wanna imagine that scene where Desmond gets hit by Bill and just the second that his fist connects Desmond’s mom appears ready to go mama bear on this jackass for punching her son.
Desmond has no idea what just happened.
One moment, he felt then the pain blossoming from his cheek, his feet staggering a few steps back, his mind reeling as his body reacted instinctively to weaken the blow he just received.
Shaun and Rebecca shout.
For a moment, he had thought they screamed because of what happened to him.
But that was impossible.
Their reaction was a second too late.
They did not expect Bill to hit him but they also didn’t believe they had any right to go between them.
His head was still ringing when he saw her slap Bill with enough force to topple him to the ground. She wasted no time, kicking him while he was down.
Their shout had been a warning of her appearance.
Her movements were meant for speed, not strength, but she had always used that to her advantage. She tried to teach him that.
She also taught him to fight dirty and always aim for the weak spot. And that was what she was doing.
Her first kick was aimed between his legs.
As was her second.
Her third.
On and on, she continued to focus her quick strikes between Bill’s legs.
It was the Assassins who came with her that tried to drag her away from Bill, begging her to stop and to calm down.
It took three of them to drag her away.
He recognized them.
They were from the Farm.
What were they doing here?
Desmond has no idea.
She didn’t bother to say anything, pulling away from their hold and walking away from Bill who remained on the ground, twitching as he coughed up saliva.
She walked towards Desmond and placed her hands on his neck, his hands warm.
When he was growing up, he had always found her to be cold and distant.
But reliving Altaïr’s memories…
He finally recognized the softness in her gaze. The way her tone would becomes a bit gentler.
She reminded him of the many Levantine Assassins Altaïr had seen, unable to show their love for their children under Al Mualim’s reign.
So he smiles even if his cheek ached.
“Hey, mom.”
(Desmond’s mom’s main combo is Altaïr’s bitch slap followed by nuts or nothing)
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pipartuuli · 1 year
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Kloktober 2023 Day 7 - Missing AOTD scene
They'd let him get too close. They'd been so focused on Nathan's injuries - serious injuries, enough to have downed the vocalist - that none of Dethklok had noticed one of Salacia's fanatical devotees creeping close, machete in hand, raising it in preparation to strike--!
The would-be assassin, sporting a new fist-sized hole in the center mass of his torso courtesy of the buckshot that had ripped its way through him, collapsed onto the snow with a soft thud, dead. The four still-conscious members of Dethklok wheeled around to determine the source of the gunshot. There on the ridge were two familiar figures: Nathan's mother and father. Rose, her entire five-foot-two frame trembling with maternal rage, still held a double barreled shotgun leveled, ready to fire another round if their attacker dared to show any residual signs of life.
Over the cacophony of the battle raging behind them, the band could just make out her battlecry: "Not my baby you don't, you bastard!"
Would have LOVED to see the parents in the final battle! Could totally see them all cresting the ridge, holding various makeshift weapons. They might not always be the best parents or easiest to get along with, but no one - NO ONE - touches their babies, dammit!!
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
So I have this one scene in my head, that won't go away unless someone writes it😅
So it's like 10 years after season 4. Everybody is "grown up" , moved away, married, have kids, etc. They have a reunion at the park in Hawkins/Indy Idk?
Eddie is watching the kids. Suddenly a woman comes up to him saying his kid hit/pushed her kid. Eddie who saw the whole thing, says his kid was just defending them self from her kids bullying. The woman asks Eddie, if the kids mother would agree to this behavior. Cue Eddie calling out Honey! And then introducing Steve as their kids mother🤣
Its not much to go on plot vice, but I'm hoping your amazing brain can fill in the blanks😅
I am a Steve secretly likes being called mom truther. Sorry to everyone who isn't. I full believe Eddie started it as a joke, but he noticed the blush on Steve's face and kept doing it, and then the kids just naturally picked up on it and refer to him as both mom and dad depending on the situation. Imagine the confusion on a teacher's face when their troublemaker tells the principal "my mom is gonna be so mad that someone pushed me" and in walks a raging Steve. It's giving comedic relief. I didn't really include a whole lot of everyone in this, just mentioned it was a reunion and had a few moments with the Party. Hope that's okay, it's just difficult to include EVERYONE in a short ficlet. - Mickala ❤️
They came back to Hawkins as often as they could to visit Wayne, especially once they adopted Hannah. Shortly after Nancy offered to be a surrogate for them, they ended up adopting Hannah’s baby sister, Lucy. In case that wasn’t enough, they still decided to take Nancy up on her offer, and they ended up with twins (“can’t do anything halfway, can you?” was Robin’s reaction) Ben and Molly.
Everything happened so quickly, all within two years, that Steve and Eddie turned to Wayne often as their calming presence.
At six years old, Hannah was a spitfire. She had Eddie’s personality despite not being theirs until she was four: unapologetically herself, loud, dramatic, and so fucking smart it scared them both. Lucy, at two (and a half!), was already well on her way to being the same way.
But this visit to Hawkins was different.
Everyone was back.
All the kids, who were far from kids now, and their significant others and kids decided to have a reunion over Labor Day weekend.
Eddie just got off a tour a few weeks earlier, a tour that proved to be quite chaotic when he insisted his entire family join him for two months on the road. Steve argued that it wasn’t necessary, that they would be fine for two months as long as he called every day, but Eddie wasn’t having it.
They took up a whole tour bus by themselves, but the rest of his band loved the kids. They brought Hannah on stage for soundcheck, they even had special headphones made just for her to be able to watch and play the instruments.
Steve usually used soundcheck time to walk with Lucy, find a place where she can run around and let loose all that toddler energy. Most venues they stopped at had a large backstage parking area for the buses and equipment vans, so while Lucy would run around and find weird bugs and sticks, Steve would push Ben and Molly in the double stroller so they could get some fresh air.
Once the doors opened, Eddie brought Hannah back to him and they went back to the bus so Steve could make them all their dinner, give them their baths, and put them to bed. They’d converted the bottom bunk spaces of the bus to a crib space for the twins and Lucy, and made the top bunk more kid friendly for Hannah.
It worked, and it was fun, and it was an experience that they all were happy to have together, but it was exhausting for all of them.
Being back in Hawkins was almost like a vacation.
Compared to the rush, rush, rush environment of tour, Hawkins was sit back, relax, enjoy the breeze.
Especially because everyone wanted their turn holding and playing with the kids. There were some points in the day that Eddie didn’t even know which adult his kids were with, but he was fine with it because Steve was sitting in his lap, more relaxed than he’d been in close to a year.
“Love you, Stevie,” Eddie mumbled against his hair, smiling as Steve curled further into his chest.
“Love you, too, baby.”
“Well aren’t you two just adorable,” Wayne said as he took the seat next to them, Ben asleep in his arms.
“When did he fall asleep?” Steve asked, voice low so he wouldn’t startle Ben.
“About 20 minutes ago.”
“You can go set him in the pack and play.”
“Nah. I wanna get as much time with these kiddos as I can,” Wayne said as he smiled down at Ben.
“Is Molly sleeping anywhere?” Eddie asked.
“Last I saw, Max was trying to get her to crawl in the living room, but I don’t think Molly is very interested.” Wayne started rocking back and forth slightly, like he did anytime he held a baby, whether they were asleep or not. “I heard Hannah ask if she could go to the park. If you wanna take her and Luce, we can keep the babies here for a bit.”
Eddie patted Steve’s back, silently asking him to let him up.
“I can take them. Stevie, you can stay here and get some rest.”
“No, I’ll come. Lucy will want someone to push her on the swings the whole time and Hannah won’t want to even look at the swings. It takes two with them.”
They made their way into the house to collect Hannah and Lucy, smiling at the way Max and Will were trying to bribe Molly to crawl with toys.
There was only one actual park in Hawkins, and the playground had only been added about five years ago as more people started moving back into town. It wasn’t impressive, especially compared to their Chicago parks and playgrounds, but Hannah and Lucy weren’t picky.
As expected, Lucy ran straight to the swings, yelling “Ma! Push me on swings please!”
Steve rolled his eyes fondly, but followed her over to them, preparing himself for the next 30 minutes of pushing her back and forth.
Hannah, well, she was a wild child. Literally, Eddie has had to drag her out of a hole she dug in their backyard once because she thought it could be her new bedroom. She cried when she thought that the bugs would hate her for leaving them. She found fun in any outdoor environment, which was good because the playground didn’t have a whole lot to offer other than one slide, a small set of monkey bars, and one tube to run through.
There were only a few other kids playing, all the parents standing off to the side or sitting on the bench.
All moms who would probably not want to talk to Eddie, especially if they recognized him and had been living in Hawkins during the whole, well, thing.
He stood away from everyone, just keeping an eye on Hannah, but occasionally looking over to Steve and Lucy. Lucy was ecstatic, he could hear her yelling “High! Up! High!” and Steve smiling as he pushed her just a tiny bit higher.
It was during one of those moments that he heard a yell and then heard someone walking over to him.
He turned to see a woman, probably pretty close to his age, coming up to him with a stern look on her face.
Oh boy.
He sighed as she stopped in front of him, her arms crossing over her chest.
He glanced at Hannah, who was being shoved by a boy maybe a year or two older than her. Hannah just raised her brow and shoved him back.
He looked back at the mom in front of him, assuming she was the boy’s parent.
“May I help you?”
“You may. Your daughter just pushed my son!”
“Is your son the one I just watched shove her?”
“If he did, it was to defend himself.”
“Hm.” Eddie glanced back up to see the boy crying and Hannah walking towards him. “Maybe your son should keep his hands to himself if he doesn’t like being pushed.”
“Maybe your daughter should learn to move out of the way.”
Eddie smirked as Hannah came up next to him.
“Hannah, wanna tell me what just happened?”
“He told me that I was too fat to go on the slide so I told him I would show him that I wasn’t. And then he tried to pull me away and I didn’t let him so he said that he was going to push me off the top. He tried to, but I’m strong, so he couldn’t. I pushed him back.”
Eddie nodded.
It’s not that he thought his kids were perfect. Far from it.
He got calls frequently from Hannah’s school that she was being too rough with the kids, and he had to remind her that a lot of kids don’t play that way. She never had bad intentions, she just didn’t know how strong she was. Kind of like a large breed dog thinking he can still sit in your lap when he’s fully grown.
But he also knew that because she had never had bad intentions, there was no way she did anything that wasn’t in defense of herself.
“It sounds like your son was rude and put his hands on her first,” Eddie said to the woman, who was turning a violent shade of red.
“There is no way her mother would allow her to act like this. This is inappropriate for young girls.”
Even Hannah knew that was the wrong thing to say.
She covered her face and shook her head and Eddie couldn’t hold back a laugh.
“What is so funny?” the woman asked angrily.
“Her mother is the one who taught her how to defend herself, but if you’d like to talk…” Eddie turned to the swings, where Steve was focused on Lucy. “Sweetheart! Can you come here for a second?”
Steve looked over to him with a frown, grabbing Lucy from the swing and mumbling something to her when she looked disappointed that they were done.
“What’s going on?” Steve asked as he looked down at Hannah, who was patiently waiting to see what Steve was about to do to this woman.
Eddie absolutely loved his children equally, he really did. But Hannah was something else entirely. He felt connected to her in ways that he hadn’t expected when they first met her. If it were possible, he would think she was his biologically with how similar they were in personality, how they both had the same dark curls, brown eyes, loud laugh, and smirk.
The woman seemed surprised to see Steve come over, but quickly went back to the angered demeanor of a moment ago.
“Your daughter tried to hurt my son.”
This woman was not going to convince Steve of that even if she somehow managed to record it on camera.
“What did your son do?”
“I beg your pardon! He didn’t do anything except try to take a turn on the slide.”
“Right.” Steve looked at Eddie, who gave a small shake of his head, then down at Hannah who did the same. “My sources seem to remember things differently.”
“Ma, he said I was too fat and then tried to pull me away!” Hannah was getting more upset now, not because she was in trouble, but because it was interrupting her playtime.
“Which one is your son?” Steve asked.
Oh no. That was the bitchy tone.
Eddie loved where this was going.
“The one getting off the slide,” the woman pointed, but immediately tried to start arguing. “She had no right to push him no matter what he may or may not have said.”
“The kid who is currently pushing another girl out of his way?”
The woman looked over and gritted her teeth together.
“Daddy, Ma, he’s mean!” Lucy yelled as she held Hannah’s hand.
“Yes, baby, he is being mean. That’s why we taught you and your sister to stand up for yourselves when someone is bullying you,” Eddie said pointedly.
“Kids like that grow up to be mean adults who don’t have friends and raise their own kids to be mean,” Steve added with a glare at the mom.
“We all have to take turns on the slide,” Hannah nodded in agreement.
“Ma! Ma! Swing again!” Lucy suddenly yelled, totally over the way this conversation was taking away from her valuable swinging time.
“Sure, baby.” Steve turned to the seething woman in front of them. “Are we done here or do I have to go on about how your son is going to peak in high school just like you did?”
She stormed off without another word, no match for Steve when he was in Mama Bear Mode.
It was so fucking hot.
Steve sighed.
“I’m proud of you Hannah Banana. You okay?” Steve knelt down so he was eye level with her, and pulled her into a hug.
“Can we go to another park, Ma?”
“Sorry, baby, this is the only one here. We can go back to Papa Wayne’s house, though.”
“Can I swing with Lucy?” Hannah asked.
“Of course. How about we swing for another ten minutes and then we get some ice cream?”
Eddie perked up at that.
“Ice cream!”
“You’re worse than the children,” Steve smirked at Eddie.
“Ice cream!” Lucy yelled.
“Can I have strawberry?” Hannah asked excitedly.
“Sure,” Steve ruffled her hair. “Strawberry’s my favorite, too.”
“Brownie!” Lucy yelled, eyes wide.
“That’s my girl! We’ll get brownie ice cream,” Eddie said as he lifted her up into his arms and walked her over to the swings.
The rest of the afternoon was uneventful, which is exactly how they liked it.
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 11 months
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It's the fact that Vanilla didn't even have to do any physical fighting to reduce these punks to sobbing and apologizing on their knees that says a lot about her person
(I love her btw)
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thatsrightice · 5 months
The Assistant Group Navigators and Lead Navigators tugging on Rosie’s sleeve and leading him over to Group Ops because Crosby has been holed up in his office ever since Rosie went down.
When he sees that gosh darn cot in the corner he swears to take it out on the hardstand and burn it to the ground.
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girl-drink-drunk · 7 months
i'm not crying, i'm just remembering the episode of the librarians where cassandra leaves for a while after a bad artifact retrieval and jenkins is worried about her the entire time and then it's her memory of him that helps her through a panic attack and at the end he takes her home gushing about how extraordinary she is
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rosetta-j-stone · 10 months
Interviewer: Have any lines been crossed?
Bojan: You mean apart from the line of what it's acceptable to ask people you've just met about their private life?
Interviewer: ...
Bojan: Then no, I don't think so
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guardian-angle22 · 1 month
favorite badass/iconic tommy moment?
Apologies for how long this took to reply to, anon! I was busy with life and also didn't want to answer this without the proper visuals.
Personally, I think my favorite badass Tommy moment was when she walked down the church aisle looking hot as fuck to take the mic and tell a bunch of stuck-up busybodies to mind their own damn business in front of the whole congregation.
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This scene where she tells Grace, "You are not Jesus!" is up there for most Iconic Quote for me:
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Can we talk about this ICONIC LOOK? The dream sequence in 4.02 was so fucking iconic. she is so stunning and my jaw drops every time I see this one.
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now you might say, "but wait... there's no field moments here?" yeah. that's cause I just don't remember specific calls as well to be completely honest. they don't stick with me as much as these characters being themselves off the job does.
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Sneak Peek to Solar Opposites in Mighty Solars Issue #29: Starburst Rises
Phoebe then notices her body glowing teal as she gasp and looks down to see a glow in her hands.
Phoebe: What the fuck is happening?
A lasso appears in Phoebe’s hand as she gasp and transforms into in a glowing light, a new Mighty Solar woman.
Phoebe/???: looks around herself as she grows amazed by her new superhero suit Oh my God, I look awesome. whips her lasso Alright, I can use to this! suddenly sees a lightning and uses her new iron wrist cuffs as she grows amazed as it reflects the lightning away from it Cool! Alright, time to go save my alien family, stop Brea and save Earth-4.
Phoebe got on a new Mighty Solar teal motorcycle and made it to the Mighty Solars as she sees them tied up and quickly heads up to them.
Terry/Mighton: struggling to use his strength to break the ropes in half Aw man, this is fucking hopeless! Even my strength can’t even can’t break these goddamn ropes!
Korvo/Qausarblast: Grr! We have to get out of here and stop Brea! suddenly hears a noise and sees Phoebe untying the ropes Huh? Who are you?!
Phoebe/???: try untying the ropes I’m a friend!
Jesse/Fung-irl: suddenly recognize Phoebe’s voice Wait a minute, that voice!
Mighty Solars (except for Phoebe): Phoebe?!
Phoebe/???: finished untying the ropes as it falls apart and free the Mighty Solars Miss me?
Mighty Solars: Phoebe! gives Phoebe a giant group hug
Phoebe/???: D’aw thanks guys! I’m just glad y’all are okay!
Terry/Mighton: Us too!
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: No way, you’re a Mighty Solar now?! That’s awesome!
Pupa/The Mighty Pupa: Phoebe! hugs Phoebe by the legs
Phoebe/???: chuckles Yep, from now on, as Mighty Solar, y’all can call me… Starburst!
Phoebe does a Wonder Woman-like pose as the Mighty Solars express joy expressions in their eyes.
Jesse/Fung-irl: Yeah, our nanny is a Mighty Solar! hugs Phoebe
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: joins in on hugging Phoebe You’re the coolest nanny in the world! Isn’t Phoebe the coolest super nanny in the world?!
Korvo/Qausarblast: Yes, but I hate to break this up! But there’s an out of control motherfucking teenager destroying everything!
Phoebe/Starburst: Korvo’s right! We gotta stop Brea before she is lost darkness forever!
Terry/Mighton: You got that fucking right! Let’s do this!
Korvo/Qausarblast: Alright! Mighty Solars, move out!
Mighty Solars: Yeah! Alright
The Mighty Solars move out as they head onto their motorcycles and drive off together to stop Brea, now with their nanny Phoebe, now Starburst, by their side. Determination rises in Starburst’s eyes as she looks back at her alien family driving their motorcycles and heads back to looking at the road.
Phoebe MacCarthy belongs to @themagicwolf6677
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beneathsilverstars · 1 month
u know it's bad w loop bc i am constantly breaking out the "honey darling sweetie" in the tags of loop posts. oh loop.. pumpkin.. sugar.. buttercup.. baby.. sweet pea.. honey bunches of oats.. i won't ask if you're ok bc i know you aren't but can i like. get you a candy bar or a warm blanket or something. do you need a HUG. can i call someone for you. can i lift the burden off your shoulders even just a bit even for just a moment. ohhh sugarplum :(
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spawksstuff · 1 year
Atlanta Parents See Star on Screen
Atlanta Journal 28 February 1947
They're so proud.
Best part is the last two paragraphs!
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zikadraws · 2 years
Alright so @nilotheberryboy has made an AU in which Agent 4 basically gets exposed to the Fooze and I was very enthusiastic with this concept, so I just wanted to show the ton of absolutely not f*!&ed up fanart I did about it.
So here it is, hope y'all don't mind Agent 4 basically suffering. Also check out their story it's pretty sick.
(- Cw Angst, Body Horror (+ Splatoon spoilers kinda) -) (And a few non-serious stuff because c'mon)
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I may have gotten a little crazy with the body horror but hey, y'knew that was coming.
I like to hope that later in their forceful stay at Grizz's, Four's body is going to evolve to get even more bear-like, but that they will keep struggling against the change so hard that they will eventually get more control over the Fooze, maybe even become able to bend it, to come at their foes with cool bending attacks combining walls of Fooze and more bear-like features than it's probably conceivable. I expect them to actively plot Grizz's death and attempt Plug's retrieval at least once a week. I'm sure Grizz will experiment on them, that's so of him *cringes*.
I also think Grizz will try to get them to join his side because that'd be way more interesting than a mindless puppet, so ultimately he's gonna pull the "Papa Bear" card and it's gonna be more effective than it should and cause 4 awfully mixed feelings. It's gonna be an extremely hard to look at pseudo-parental mind trap, though Grizz's expectations will NOT go his way in the end.
I want 4 to kick his gaslighting, self-absorbed ass with the very Fooze he created.
Anyways, I hope you like it @nilotheberryboy ! I am certainly enjoying myself =) Looking forward for the rest of the story. Have fun !^^
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dryramengurl · 3 months
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Edwin may be a jerk and all but hearing another person being a jerk to her robot is too far for her and now their life is in danger
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