#malnutrition in africa
sbrown82 · 8 months
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dailyworldecho · 3 months
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xtruss · 4 months
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Nakba, the forced expulsion of a million Palestinians from their own land, marks the beginning of the tragedy for the Palestinians, who continue to suffer at the hands of the Israeli occupiers.
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Türkiye 🇹🇷 has filed application of intervention for South Africa's Genocide Case against “The Terrorist , Fascist, Apartheid, War Criminal, Liar, Conspirator, Genocidal and the Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 Isra-hell” at International Court Of Justice (ICJ) — Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan
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Five “The Terrorist , Fascist, Apartheid, War Criminal, Liar, Conspirator, Genocidal Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 of Isra-hell’s” soldiers were killed by “The Terrorist , Fascist, Apartheid, War Criminal, Liar, Conspirator, Genocidal Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 of Isra-helli Army Tank,” and went straight to hell to stay, rot and burn forever, in a friendly fire incident in Gaza's Jabalia on May 15. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have fled Jabalia after Israel relaunched an assault on the town last
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agentfascinateur · 1 year
"Every month 55,000 children require treatment for the most lethal form of malnutrition, and yet in Khartoum, less than one in 50 nutrition centers is functional. In West Darfur it's one in 10,"
Honour your pledges.
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torusbitch · 7 months
Sudan-a country located in northeastern Africa at the southern edge of Sahara- has been facing an ongoing civil war since April 15th of 2023. About 13,000 citizens have been killed, including children, elderly, woman, and men. More than 8 million citizens have been displaced. About 70,000+ children are facing life-threatening malnutrition, the numbers are steadily increasing. The war in Sudan is triggering the ‘world’s largest hunger crisis.’
It’s a civil war between two rival factions of the military government of Sudan, the Sudanese armed forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Even before the war started, the Sudanese government was in complete shambles. In almost daily protests for peace and justice, at least over 50 citizens would be killed ‘accidentally’ (they would have bullet wounds in their heads, chests, and other vital areas), women would be kidnapped and harassed by the ‘RSF’, children and citizens would randomly go missing only to be found in underground freezers meant to be used for fruits and other resources.
Right now, more than 25 million people are facing starvation and dangerous disease. We’re almost 11 months into Sudan war, yet not many people are speaking about this. Please take your time to open the link down below, you don’t even need to donate, just share the link to other people who might be able to.
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khizuo · 9 months
(this article was published on Nov. 3, 2023. I highly recommend reading the whole thing to get a good overview of conflict in the DRC as of that date.)
Almost seven million people have been internally displaced in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) — the highest number on record— amid an escalation of fighting in a war that has been ongoing for two decades.  The country’s eastern provinces have been the worst-affected following a resurgence of attacks by the M23 rebel militia, internationally acknowledged to be a proxy force backed by neighboring Rwanda, in 2021. The DRC currently also has over 100 armed groups operating within its territory. 
In Masisi for instance, there has been a “worrying increase” in the cases of severe acute malnutrition, according to Doctors Without Borders (MSF). Reduced trade amid the ongoing conflict has also led to a major increase in food prices, with the cost of cassava flour rising by four times.  The ongoing fighting has also had a severe impact on the health and disease response, with the DRC reporting the highest number of suspected cholera cases and deaths in West and Central Africa region. The country alone accounts for almost 80% of disease transmissions and approximately 60% of all deaths, as per a report released by UNICEF last month. The provinces of North and South Kivu alone accounted for 80% of all cases in the country and 33% of all deaths. 
The current mandate of the EACRF is set to expire on December 8. Meanwhile, the DRC has also called for a removal of the UN peacekeeping force, MONUSCO, whose current mandate will expire on December 20, around the same time as the country is set to hold its elections.  The Congolese government has indicated that it wants the EACRF to withdraw from the country after its current mandate expires. On November 1, government spokesperson Patrick Muyaya said, “some Congolese are now questioning why we even asked to join the EAC […] When we joined the EAC, it was to connect our country with the region. The regional bloc was committed to peacebuilding but unfortunately, we have little progress.” 
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specialagentartemis · 3 months
Fat, as an element of your diet, is a crucial food group though. I’ve been putting together lectures about human evolution for my class and the sources keep emphasizing the importance human ancestors and Ice Age hunter-gatherers put on getting enough fat in their diet.
Fat is crucial to being able to metabolize protein from meat. When the savannas replaced the forests and human ancestors started walking upright full-time, they also started relying a lot more on animal products. All that protein was super important for nourishing bigger and bigger brains—but protein without fat can’t be properly metabolized. There’s a condition that’s commonly called “rabbit starvation” that can happen if you eat too much lean meat and not enough fat—you can’t metabolize all the protein from the meat and can die of malnutrition and protein poisoning. And unfortunately animals like gazelle and giraffes that you’d hunt on the plains of Africa tend to not be very fatty. Deer and rabbits are very lean too. Getting enough fat was difficult and humans evolved to crave it and eat it whenever we could get our hands on it. Humans evolved to think fat tastes delicious because we need it!
Of course, nowadays we are very good at putting fats in our food (because it tastes good), and you can’t just turn off a million years of evolutionary pressure. But also, if you’re craving something like ice cream—if what you’ve eaten today are all lean meats or fish, fruit and vegetables, beans, and grains, maybe your body is telling you that you need some fat in there to help digest it all!
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magz · 7 months
March 5 to March 7, 2024 update from Let's Talk Palestine (instagram channel)
March 5
• 97 Palestinians killed, 123 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
• Israeli forces recapture 2 Palestinian women who were previously released in the November hostage exchange deal — total 11 Palestinian women and children recaptured since their release, a clear violation of the agreement
​​• WHO: 1 in 6 children under age of 2 is “acutely malnourished” in north Gaza; 16+ kids killed by starvation in past week. Israel continues to block entry & distribution of aid + attacks aid convoys & aid seekers attempting to receive what little aid reaches the north
• Journalist Mohamad Salama killed by Israeli strike in Deir el-Balah; 133 journalists killed in Gaza since Oct 7
​​🇦🇺 Australian lawyers refer Australian PM to ICC for “accessory to genocide in Gaza”, citing the halt of UNRWA funds, military aid to Israel & deploying Australian troops
• Israeli airstrike on home in southern Lebanon killed a Hezbollah fighter and 2 family members amid rising Hezbollah-Israel tensions
March 6
• 86 Palestinians killed, 113 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
🇺🇳 UNRWA accuses Israel of detaining & torturing its staff to extract false confessions on ties to Hamas. The unpublished UNRWA report details multiple incidents of abuse incl. torture, sexual abuse & deprivation of basic needs
🇺🇸 Washington Post: US quietly approved 100+ foreign military sales to Israel since Oct 7, disclosed in a classified congress briefing. The sales bypassed public scrutiny as their value didn’t meet the threshold requiring congressional notification, yet in total they amount to a “massive transfer of firepower”
• 20 Palestinians killed by starvation from malnutrition & dehydration, while Israel continues to block aid + attacking aid seekers, injuring 8 in Gaza City
🇨🇦 Canada was meant to announce its reinstatement of funding to UNRWA on March 6, but last minute decided to cancel the press conference. Leaving this decision unconfirmed. Canada was originally planned to announce they would resume UNRWA funding with a scheduled payment of $25m for April. Canada was one of the first countries that followed the US in halting funding due to the unsupported allegations made by Israel in January.
March 7
South Africa has once again requested the ICJ for additional emergency measures against Israel, urging the Court “to do what is within its power to save Palestinians in Gaza from genocidal starvation.” Its previous request was denied by the Court.
This was prompted by the harrowing deterioration in Gaza since the original measures in January. Using powerful language, South Africa highlights to the Court that “Palestinian children are starving to death as a direct result of the deliberate acts and omissions of Israel.”
Underscoring that Israel is “massacring desperate, starving Palestinians seeking to obtain food for their slowly dying children,” referencing the ‘flour massacre’ that killed 118 Palestinians and injured 760.
South Africa concluded by saying it “fears this Application may be the last opportunity that this Court shall have to save the Palestinian people in Gaza.”
Read the full request here:
March 7, part 2
• 83 Palestinians killed, 143 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
🇳🇴 Norway issues official advice against any trade or business with Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, which risks contributing to violations of international law. This was prompted by Israel’s recent approval of permits for 3,500 new units in 3 settlements in the West Bank, the first since Oct 7. This has faced global condemnation incl. from close allies like the US & Germany + many Arab countries
• 60,000 pregnant women in Gaza suffer from dehydration, malnutrition & lack of healthcare; 5,000 women give birth every month in Gaza in extremely unsafe & unhealthy conditions
🇪🇺 EU Foreign Minister says they will probe into Israel’s compliance with human rights obligations stipulated in EU-Israel trade deal following requests from Spain & Ireland
🇪🇸🇶🇦 Spain to send $22 million + $25 million from Qatar in extra funding to UNRWA
• Israel granted access to only 6/24 aid operations to north Gaza last month
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workersolidarity · 4 months
[ 📹 An Israeli warplane fired three missiles into a United Nations school sheltering thousands of displaced Palestinian families in Camp 2 of the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, late on Wednesday night, resulting in more than 100 casualties in total. The casualties included more than 40 civilians who were killed, including 14 children and 9 women, while another 74 citizens were wounded, including 23 children and 18 women. The strikes come after weeks of fighting in Gaza's north and south have driven tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of civilians into the central areas of the enclave. ]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On 244th day of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 6 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 68 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, while another 235 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
It should be noted that as a result of the constant Israeli bombardment of Gaza's healthcare system, infrastructure, residential and commercial buildings, local paramedic and civil defense crews are unable to recover countless hundreds, even thousands, of victims who remain trapped under the rubble, or who's bodies remain strewn across the streets of Gaza.
This leaves the official death toll vastly undercounted as Gaza's healthcare officials are unable to accurately tally those killed and maimed in this genocide, which must be kept in mind when considering the scale of the mass murder.
Spain will join South Africa's lawsuit before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague, according to an announcement made by Spanish Prime Minister, José Manuel Albarez.
Albarez is quoted as saying that “It seems that the application of the International Court of Justice’s precautionary measures towards Israel is still far away," adding that he hoped the decision would help the Court.
Spain becomes the second European country to join the South African lawsuit at the ICJ, while Ireland has also joined the suit. Chile and Mexico also recently joined the South African suit.
In other news, 90%, or nine out of ten children in the Gaza Strip, suffer from deficiencies in the nutrients that ensure their healthy growth and development. That's according to the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, also known as UNICEF.
In a statement issued on Thursday, UNICEF cautioned that “in the Gaza Strip, months of hostilities and restrictions on humanitarian aid have led to the collapse of the food and health systems, leading to catastrophic consequences for children and their families.”
The United Nations Children's Fund stated that data collected between December 2023 and April 2024 discovered that 9 out of 10 children from the Gaza Strip suffer from extreme food poverty and food insecurity, which means they consume two or fewer food groups each day to survive.
"This is evidence of the horrific impact of conflict and restrictions on families' ability to meet children's nutritional needs and the rapid rate at which children are at risk of life-threatening malnutrition," UNICEF warned, adding that "27 percent of children worldwide suffer from severe food poverty in early childhood, which amounts to 181 million children under the age of five."
Similarly, medical personnel in the Gaza Strip warned on Thursday that as many as 25'000 sick and wounded Palestinians in Gaza must travel outside the besieged enclave to receive treatment in foreign countries.
This comes as the Israeli occupation forces continue the closure of the Rafah and Karm Abu Salem border crossings, south of Gaza, preventing thousands of trucks loaded with humanitarian aid supplies from reaching desperate civilians, and also preventing the thousands of sick and wounded citizens from leaving Gaza for treatment abroad.
The medical sources pointed out that thousands of lives could be saved by allowing the severely sick and wounded to travel abroad for treatment, while their situation worsens under continued intense bombardment in Gaza, with the vast majority of hospitals in the enclave no longer functioning.
Previously, just 4'895 sick and wounded civilians were allowed by the Israeli occupation to travel to other countries for treatment during the period when the Rafah border crossing was still open.
Since then, the Israeli occupation has not allowed any Palestinians to travel abroad as a result of the closure of the crossings, beginning in early May.
Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation continued its assault on the Gaza Strip, with new ground offensive launched into Central Gaza after many weeks of fighting in the north and south of the enclave drove tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of Palestinian families into the central areas of the enclave.
According to reporting in the occupation media, the Zionist army carried out new ground offensives, launched by the 98th Division, focusing on the areas of the Bureij Refugee Camp, in addition to neighborhoods east of Deir al-Balah, both in the central Gaza Strip.
The occupation army earlier battled Hamas and other Resistance forces in the Bureij Camp back in January, but have not operated in Deir al-Balah until now.
Previously, the 98th Division was deployed to the Jabalia Camp, in the northern Gaza Strip, where occupation forces destroyed the vast majority of the camp's housing and infrastructure, leaving behind a shattered landscape of skeletal building frames and charred remains that included upwards of 70 decomposing bodies scattered around the camp.
The same Division also fought in the city of Khan Yunis, in Gaza's south, in an extraordinarily destructive ground operation that saw large sections of that city obliterated as well.
Although Deir al-Balah has not witnessed ground advances until now, the city has often been targeted by the occupation's bombing, shelling, missile and drone strikes.
The Zionist occupation army says the ground operation was launched in response to "intelligence on operatives and infrastructure" belonging to local Resistance forces in the area, both above and below ground, according to the army's claims.
The occupation army also admitted to launching a large wave of airstrikes against Resistance forces, including a strike that targeted a United Nations School housing displaced Palestinian families in the Nuseirat Camp, killing dozens of civilians and wounding many others.
The latest Zionist army massacre targeted the Al-Sardi prepatory boys' school in Camp 2 of the Nuseirat Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, where thousands of Palestinians were taking shelter from the occupation's bombs and bullets, resulting in the deaths of at least 40 displaced civilians and wounding scores of others.
Initial reports put the number of dead at 32, with at least 50 wounded from the assault, while the death toll continued to rise as the wounded succumbed to their injuries and the true toll of the strike came into focus, raising the number of killed overnight to 40.
Among those killed in the strike were 14 children and 9 women, while another 74 citizens were wounded from the occupation's criminal attack, including the wounding of at least 23 children and 18 women.
Gaza's media office says the Israeli occupation's bombing of the UN school was conducted by Israeli combat warplanes, which fired at least three American-made missiles into the school, resulting in over 100 casualties, many of whom were women and children.
At the same time, occupation attacks continued at dawn on Thursday, as occupation forces resumed their genocidal campaign for a 244th day.
In another atrocity, Zionist fighter jets bombed a residential house belonging to the Al-Madani family, also in the Nuseirat Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, killing at least 6 civilians and wounding a number of others.
IOF artillery detatchments also launched a violent bombardment of neighborhoods east of the Bureij Camp, also in central Gaza, while an occupation quadcopter drone opened fire near the Nakheel Hall in the Bureij Camp.
The occupation's artillery shelling also targeted east of the Bureij and Al-Maghazi Camps, in central Gaza, while occupation soldiers stationed along the so-called Netzarim axis fired several artillery shells into residential buildings belonging to civilians in the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood, southwest of Gaza City, as well as towards homes in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of the city.
Zionist warplanes similarly launched several raids targeting the eastern and central neighborhoods of the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, while the Israeli occupation's armored vehicles fire heavy machine guns towards civilian residences east of Khan Yunis, south of Gaza.
Israeli artillery also shelled residential homes belonging to Palestinian citizens east of Al-Qarara, northeast of Khan Yunis.
Another citizen was killed when occupation warplanes bombed a civilian riding a motorcycle in the Nuseirat Camp, in central Gaza.
Between the series of devestating airstrikes that targeted the Al-Bureij, Al-Nuseirat and Al-Maghazi Camps, as well as east of Deir al-Balah, to Al-Qarara and Khan Yunis, more than 100 civilians were killed in total.
As a result of the occupation's assaults, all hospitals in the Rafah Governate, south of the Gaza Strip, have ceased functioning aside from field hospitals.
The Israeli occupation army also bombed an entire residential square in the center of the Shaboura Refugee Camp, in central Rafah, south of Gaza.
In the meantime, north of Gaza, Zionist occupation forces bombed several residential buildings in the al-Rimal neighborhood of Gaza City, resulting in the deaths of more than four civilians, while another airstrike targeted a residence in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, killing another three Palestinians.
Local civil defense personnel said they were able to recover a number of dead and wounded after an assault by Israeli occupation aircraft that targeted a residential building belonging to the Khala family, near the Khalla Station, north of Gaza City.
As a result of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the endlessly rising death toll now exceeds 36'654 Palestinians killed, including over 15'000 children and at least 10'000 women, while another 83'309 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.
June 6th, 2024.
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theramseyloft · 8 months
hello, a friend was asking me about actual sources pertaining to the claims that pigeons benefit from living with humans. is it ethical to just scoop one off the street? i personally believe it is, but i also think it's totally fair to want a credible source and not just "i read it on twitter". the work you're doing is great, by the way!
That's honestly a really complex question.
Feral Pigeons (Columba livia) in North America, South America, and Australia are the descendants of birds brought from Europe that had already been fully domesticated for thousands of years at the time.
The Rock Dove from which the domestic birds descend is native to Asia, Europe, and parts of Africa, and on those continents, there are still wild populations that can mix with the domestic ones, and the type of habitat to which pigeons are adapted for feral or semi feral pigeons to return to and live out their lives.
Feral pigeons in these locations may be treated as wildlife.
But feral pigeons in North America, South America, and Australia do not have the wild Rock Doves to interbreed with or access to natural habitat that would allow them even the most remote chance of 'reverting' to something like the wild baseline.
Domestication is achieved by breeding wild traits out.
However many generations any number of dog breeds may be allowed to mix, no litter will ever result in wolf pups, unless full wolves are reintroduced to the breeding population.
The same logic applies to feral pigeons.
You are never going to get wild Rock Dove out of a feral clutch.
So, I honestly apply the same morals in regards to feral pigeons that I do to feral and stray dogs.
They are so human dependent that they can't survive anywhere that we aren't.
Concrete buildings, bridges, signs, and barns are the closest thing to natural nesting habitat available to feral pigeons, who are cliff side crevice nesters.
Food they would be able to forage for in the wild isn't really available to ferals.
In places where feeding them is banned, populations die out because they starve to death.
Feral pigeons eat garbage out of desperation, not because they can actually digest any of it.
So the question to whether or not they benefit from human care is a resounding "Yes!!".
They genuinely do need us, and do suffer if we just ignore them, unlike actual wildlife, which thrives when left alone by humans.
I could die happy if street pigeons were taken in like stray dogs are in the US.
But with out enough shelters or homes, the moral issue of whether or not to bring any given pigeon in off the street comes down to answering: "What will do the most good and the least harm?"
Taking a healthy adult off the street is usually stranding a mate and offspring regardless of the time of year.
Pigeon babies eat SO much that both of their parents can lose a LOT of body mass!! The adults tend to end up weighing significantly less than their offspring, even in a situation where food is always abundant.
So removing one healthy parent is extremely likely to cause the starvation of one or both offspring and severe malnutrition to the other parent, directly causing more harm than good over all.
An adult caught in something or tangled in string with no serious injuries probably still has a mate and young. The best thing for them is to be detangled and released.
A severely injured or sick adult cannot take care of partner or young, and in the time it takes to heal a serious wound or treat a severe illness, chances are that their mate will have taken them for dead and found a replacement.
I keep birds that came in this condition, though they are not likely to ever like me or any other human.
No harm is being done to other pigeons in the flock of origin, and that individual will live a longer, healthier life in an outdoor loft with a constant supply of food and access to medical care when needed.
I would consider it more cruel to release disabled adult pigeons or young in any condition than to keep them as pets.
Remember, they are already domesticated, and physically adapted to human care. Young birds and disabled adults adjust very well to human households.
So, my advice to some one wanting to rescue and adopt a pigeon off the street is to check local laws and make friends with a local flock in a place where there are no regulations against feeding them.
Lost performance breeds can often be recovered from the outer edge of a feral flock, and birds who know you as a food source will be more willing to approach or desperate to eat if they have an injury or illness that makes keeping up with the rest of the flock difficult.
It puts you in the prime position to rescue a bird who definitely needs your help.
Anyone looking to take on the responsibility of rescuing a pigeon directly off the street needs to expect there to be vet bills!
Make sure you have access to a vet who will see pigeons, and specify that the bird is your pet, not a drop off you plan to just leave with them.
If you want to rescue, but do not think you can afford immediate trips to the vet, take a step back and reach out to a rescue organization.
The birds they have available will already have been treated for what ever injuries or illness got them there.
Great Lakes Pigeon Rescue is pretty solid, and you don't have to live in the Great Lakes region to adopt from them.
I previously butt heads with Palomacy on two serious issues, but the facts remain that the birds there need homes, food, and medical care, and having allowed that to prevent me from pointing Californians looking to adopt a pigeon in their direction was frankly petty of me.
@shayvaalski States in the comments: "Palomancy states very clearly that "Pigeons were the first domesticated bird" and "They are domestic and unable to live in the wild." While they also say that they don't think birds should have been domesticated, they also uh, understand that they were and talk about street birds as feral. They do not recommend parrot feed. They say "Pigeons eat seeds and grains and you can buy pre-mixed blends called pigeon feed"."
Both of these are changes since my last interactions with the organization, so I appreciate the correction.
For further reading, Rosemary Mosco (who writes the adorable Bird and Moon comic) wrote a fantastic book detailing our history with pigeons.
Hope that helps. ^v^
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good-old-gossip · 2 months
His evilness will shame the DEVIL!!!
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Israeli minister Bezalel Smotrich has said letting two million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip die of hunger might be “justified and moral”.
Speaking at a conference hosted by the Israel Hayom outlet on Monday, he expressed support for blocking aid to the Gaza Strip but said Israel lacked international legitimacy to do so.
“We are bringing in aid because there is no choice,” the far-right minister said, according to the Times of Israel.
“We can't, in the current global reality, manage a war. Nobody will let us cause two million civilians to die of hunger even though it might be justified and moral until our hostages are returned,” he added.
He said that Israel needed “international legitimacy for this war”.
For nearly 10 months, the Israeli military has imposed a tight siege on the Gaza Strip, extremely limiting the flow of life-saving essential food and medical items.
Aid delivery is scarce, unprotected and restricted. In June, independent UN investigators said Israel was using starvation on the Palestinian population as a weapon of war.
The hunger crisis has led to the death of dozens of people due to malnutrition, mostly children. A high risk of famine persists across the Gaza Strip as almost the entire population faces high levels of acute food insecurity or worse, including half a million suffering starvation, the UN-backed Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) said in June.
Smotrich is one of many Israeli ministers and officials who have made statements described as genocidal against Gaza's Palestinians since 7 October.
On 9 October, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said Israel was fighting “human animals” as he announced a “complete siege” on Gaza. “There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant said.
Other ministers and officials have advocated using a nuclear bomb on Gaza, turning the enclave into a “slaughterhouse” and “erasing the Gaza Strip from the face of the earth”.
South Africa said these statements are evidence of genocidal intent in its ongoing case at the International Court of Justice accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. Israel denies the accusation of genocide.
Smotrich has also been accused of making genocidal statements about the occupied West Bank.
In March 2023, he said the Palestinian village of Huwwara near Nablus "needs to be wiped out".
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survivingcapitalism · 5 months
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a major influencer and funder of agricultural development in Africa, with little accountability or transparency. Leading experts in food security and many groups in Africa and around the world have critiqued the foundation’s push to expand high-cost, high-input, chemical-dependent agriculture in Africa. Critics say this approach is exacerbating hunger, worsening inequality and entrenching corporate power in the world’s hungriest region.
This fact sheet links to reports and news articles documenting these concerns.
What are the main critiques of Gates Foundation’s agricultural program?
The Gates Foundation’s flagship agricultural program, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA, which recently rebranded to remove the term “green revolution” from its name), works to transition farmers away from traditional seeds and crops to patented seeds, fossil-fuel based fertilizers and other inputs to grow commodity crops for the global market. The foundation says its goal is to “boost the yields and incomes of millions of small farmers in Africa… so they can lift themselves and their families out of hunger and poverty.” The strategy is modeled on the Indian “green revolution” that boosted production of staple crops but also left a legacy of structural inequity and escalating debt for farmers that contributed to massive mobilizations of peasant farmers in India.
Critics have said the green revolution is a failed approach for poverty reduction that has created more problems than it has solved; these include environmental degradation, growing pesticide use, reduced diversity of food crops, and increased corporate control over food systems. Several recent research reports provide evidence that Gates-led agricultural interventions in Africa have failed to help small farmers. Critics say the programs may even be worsening hunger and malnutrition in Southern Africa.
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taviamoth · 3 months
Day 260
‼️ israeli forces heavily bombarded north Gaza; massacring 42+ Palestinians majority women & kids in 2 attacks targeting residential blocks in Shati & Tuffah (Gaza City). Later attacks on Gaza City killed 3 in a home + 2 killed in Zeitoun
• 101 Palestinians killed, 169 injured in Gaza yesterday
• 4 kids killed by malnutrition in 1 week in Kamal Adwan Hospital as israels aid blockade is starving north Gaza
🇹🇷 Turkish goods being shipped to israel despite Turkey's claim of banning exports to israel
🔻 israel says 1 IOF soldier killed. Resistance fighters fired rockets at IOF troops in Rafah, Karem Abu Salem crossing & israeli corridor separating north & south Gaza
🇨🇺 Cuba says will join South Africa's ICJ genocide case
🇺🇸 Top US State Dept. official on israeli-Palestinian affairs resigns
West Bank:
• IOF used an injured Palestinian as a human shield by strapping him to an armored truck (🎥👆) amid raid of Jenin, 2 others injured
• IOF shot & killed 12 y/o Palestinian in Ramallah
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adropofhumanity · 4 months
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for moderate and severe acute malnutrition in southern Gaza, putting them at risk of death as harrowing violence and displacement continue to impact access to healthcare facilities and services for desperate families," the UN's agency for childrens' relief says in a statement.
"Horrific images continue to emerge from Gaza of children dying before their families' eyes due to the continued lack of food, nutrition supplies, and the destruction of healthcare services," said UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa Adele Khodr.
"UNICEF has more nutrition supplies prepositioned to arrive in the Gaza Strip, if access allows," she added.
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lightofraye · 2 months
Fine. If we shouldn't stan Danneel, then who SHOULD we stan?!
Hi anon!
I’m glad you asked.
Audrey Hepburn.
Where should I begin?
Did you know that she did what she could to help to resist the Nazis? She performed ballet to raise money to support the Dutch resistance. She worked, first by studying ballet at the Arnhem Conservatory, then with Sonia Gaskell in Amsterdam and then Marie Rambert in London. She also performed as a chorus girl in West End musical theatre productions.
She studied and then worked. All while surviving World War II, nearly dying of a severe infection, suffering from malnutrition, in the meantime.
Audrey did so well in her first starring film (she did do small roles beforehand) in the romantic comedy Roman Holiday that she was the first actress to win an Oscar, a Golden Globe Award, and a BAFTA Award for a single performance! She also won a Tony Award for Best Lead Actress in a Play for her performance in Ondine.
Later in life, she devoted much of her time to UNICEF, which she contributed to since 1954. Between 1988 and 1992, she worked in some of the poorest communities of Africa, South America, and Asia.
She once said: “The 'Third World' is a term I don't like very much, because we're all one world. I want people to know that the largest part of humanity is suffering.”
In October 1989, Hepburn and Wolders went to Bangladesh. John Isaac, a UN photographer, said, "Often the kids would have flies all over them, but she would just go hug them. I had never seen that. Other people had a certain amount of hesitation, but she would just grab them. Children would just come up to hold her hand, touch her – she was like the Pied Piper."
We should be turning our adoration to people like her. I hope it’s clearer now, anon.
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mariacallous · 6 months
Famine is already probably present in at least some areas of northern Gaza, while other areas are in danger of falling into conditions of starvation, the US state department said on Friday a day after the world’s top court ordered Israel to admit food aid into the territory.
“While we can say with confidence that famine is a significant risk in the south and centre but not present, in the north, it is both a risk and quite possibly is present in at least some areas,” a state department official told Reuters.
The US comments add to a growing and powerful consensus that Israel’s military offensive in the Palestinian coastal territory has triggered a famine.
The number of trucks distributing aid in south and central Gaza had nearly reached 200 a day, an increase on a month ago, but more were needed, the state department official said.
“You need to address the full nutrition needs of the population of Gaza of all ages. That means more than just that minimal survival level feeding,” the official said, adding that malnutrition, and infant and young-child mortality was a significant, growing problem.
“It has to be addressed by additional assistance coming and the right kind of assistance coming in,” he said.
The official added that a maritime aid corridor promised by the US president, Joe Biden, which includes the construction of a floating port, would be ready in mid to late April, making efforts to deliver substantial aid by sea a race against time unless there is a meaningful increase in deliveries by road via Israeli border crossings.
The comments from Washington come despite Israeli claims that it is allowing sufficient access of food and other aid into Gaza. Last week Unrwa – the main aid agency delivering aid to Palestinians – said that it had been prevented from delivering aid.
The US warning follows hard on the heels of a ruling by the international court of justice (ICJ) in The Hague, which also warned that famine was becoming a fact in parts of Gaza.
On Thursday a panel of judges at the UN’s top court, which is already considering a complaint from South Africa that Israel is committing genocide in the Palestinian territory, issued a unanimous ruling ordering Israel to admit humanitarian assistance.
“The court observes that Palestinians in Gaza are no longer facing only a risk of famine … but that famine is setting in,” the judges said.
That, in turn, followed a report by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, the global authority on food security, assessing that famine was imminent and likely to occur by May in northern Gaza, and could spread across the entire enclave by July.
On Friday the head of Unrwa, Philippe Lazzarini, tweeted that the ICJ’s ruling was “a stark reminder that the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is man made and worsening”.
Israel has faced accusations, including from the UN’s top rights official, Volker Türk, that it is potentially committing “a war crime” by continuing to obstruct food aid to Gaza’s population of 2.3 million.
The latest comments come amid mounting frustration in the Biden administration with Israel, which is a recipient of substantial military, financial and diplomatic support from Washington.
In a statement marking Arab-American Heritage Month, Biden said: “We must pause to reflect on the pain being felt by so many in the Arab American community with the war in Gaza.
“The trauma, death and destruction in Israel and Gaza have claimed, and continue to claim, far too many innocent lives – including family and friends of Arab Americans across our nation.”
Biden, who is facing significant disillusionment among US voters over the war in an election year, said that his administration was “working with partners across the region to respond to the urgent humanitarian crisis, deliver desperately needed aid to Gaza, free the hostages taken during the brutal Hamas terrorist attack on 7 October, and establish an immediate ceasefire that would last at least six weeks, which we would work to build into something more enduring”.
The latest famine warnings came as the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, approved new talks on a Gaza ceasefire, and heavy fighting continued in the strip including at several hospitals.
Netanyahu’s office said new talks on a Gaza ceasefire and hostage release would take place in Doha and Cairo “in the coming days … with guidelines for moving forward in the negotiations”, days after they appeared stalled.
On Monday the UN security council demanded an “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza, the release of hostages held by militants, and “ensuring humanitarian access”.
Member states are obliged to abide by such resolutions, but the Doctors Without Borders charity said nothing has changed on the ground.
Aid groups say only a fraction of the supplies required have been allowed in since October, when Israel placed Gaza under near-total siege.
Israel has tried to blame shortages on the Palestinian side, namely a lack of capacity to distribute aid, while humanitarian groups say that Israel is not allowing enough trucks in to make deliveries.
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