#malina fanfic
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daensan · 1 year ago
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence Category: Multi Fandom: Shadow and Bone (TV) Relationship: Nikolai Lantsov/Mal Oretsev/Alina Starkov Characters: Alina Starkov, Mal Oretsev, Nikolai Lantsov, General Kirigan (Shadow and Bone TV), Ivan (The Grisha Trilogy), Fedyor Kaminsky Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Criminals, Alternate Universe - Road Trip, Polyamory, Blood and Violence, Mentions of sexual abuse, Hurt/Comfort Chapters: 1/1 Words: 6,882
Alina never thought she would be able to let someone else into her life.
Mal always had one destination; now, he had two.
Nikolai was starting to realize that the ones who saved him would also be his ruin.
Alternatively: Alina and Mal are running away from their past when they find a battered and almost lifeless Nikolai on the streets. After saving his life, they convince him to join their escape plans, their hunt for revenge and, maybe, their bed too.
Some considerations:
This fic was inspired by the song "From Eden" by Hozier. Feel free to listen to it during your reading.
If you have any kind of sympathy for Kirigan/Darkling, this fic probably isn't for you. Be warned.
Although there isn't graphic depictions of sexual abuse, it comes very close and it's widly mentioned through the fic. Read at your own discretion.
This is supposed to happen in a modern day version of Leigh Bardugo's universe, but it's not explored at lenght, so just have in mind it's in a modern setting.
This is only my second work in English, since it's not my first language, so please be kind.
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thechaoticrow · 2 years ago
for people who haven’t read the shadow and bone/ six of crows books, but have seen the show:
- inej ghafa is a survivor of childhood sex trafficking. she has ptsd and reacts in a panic attack at even walking past the menagerie
- kaz’s trauma isn’t just pekka rollins being responsible for jordie’s death, and waking up on the barge. he had to swim to shore, age nine and barely alive, using jordie’s body as a float
- the darkling has done far worse things than are shown on screen. he is not a ‘lost man’ and alina is not his ‘balance’
- alina was seventeen upon the darkling being nsfw/ romantic with her
- matthias helvar did not lead drüskelle, that was jarl brum- matthias is only just barely an adult himself
- the crows are not their own separate gang, they are part of the dregs, who per haskell leads and kaz takes over from haskell after haskell sold out his lieutenant (kaz) to pekka rollins
- zoya, genya, and alina have personalities outside of either being traumatised or hating each other
- alina never wanted any of the power and fame and idolatry, and in the end of the books is stripped of it all. she is very happy about this
- jesper is a gambling addict and somebody who watched the death of his mother
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someonefear · 3 months ago
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wh0refornikolailantsov · 2 years ago
Compass Of Pirates - Nikolai Lantsov
Summary: Nikolai is given a compass that he was told would solve all his problems, and yet he cannot figure out why it doesn't seem to work. Yes, I am merging with Pirates Of The Caribbean because I fucking can.
Content Warnings: No Beta/Proof Reading.
Nikolai Taglist: @hauntedenthusiasttragedy
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The brass points across the centre of the compass are centred by a sundial, which as far as Sturmhond can tell is the most functional part of the compass. He holds the compass in the clutch of his palm, staring at the red arrow as it gently swings between two points, neither of which are north. He had picked it up from someone in one of the markets in the last port they docked in. It was this rocky, mountainous island, just off the northern coast of the mainland. The name of the port escapes the captains mind, but it was some fishing port with a name not unlike a weapon of some kind. But that isn't really important, what is important is the illusion of help this compass had been acquired under. "It will bring you to what you most desire," they had said, "the compass never leads you wrong." He had been dubious but nevertheless he has hope he isn't sure he has a right to, and yet he was finding the outcome very disappointing.
"This thing doesn't even point north," Sturmhond says, staring again at the compass in his hand. Mal shrugs, offering out his open hand.
"May I?" he asks. He hands it over, without pause and the dial spins to quickly into a new direction the moment it touches Mal's palm. Mal watches the dial and follows it's direction. He knows exactly what the privateer has observed, that this compass does not point north, but instead it is now pointing at Alina, who is leaning over the edge of the ship, staring at the way the waves are breaking onto the boats side, creating the white foam of sea spray and she is smiling like she has never seen the ocean before. "Oh, Sturmhond," Mal says, "it points north alright," he chuckles, "true north."
The Captain frowns. "True north?" he questions, staring the tracker down. "What kind of navigational system are you working on Oretsev?"
"The only one that hasn't ever lead me wrong," he hands the compass back to Sturmhond and the moment it enters his hand it changes direction back to where it had been previously pointing. Mal taps the fabric of his shirt, directly over his heart. "I told Alina about true north once, she asked me what scared me most, and I told her I get the most scared when I am lost, but I don't really get lost. Yet, getting lost happens even if you know where you are sometimes. So I told her about cardinal north and true north."
"Cardinal north is a direction on a map," Sturmhond says. Mal nods, not letting his eyes leave the Sun Summoner. "So, as for true north?"
"True north is home," Mal says, sounding more like a poet than a tracker, "it is where you feel safe and loved."
"Miss Starkov is your truth north," Sturmhond says with a nod. Mal doesn't even need to respond to that. "So you think this compass points to what exactly?"
"Whatever you most desire, that's what the translation says on the side isn't it?" Mal says, finally looking at him. "You did see that, didn't you? Since you're always six steps ahead of everything, and ever so flawless Captain?"
He is too eager to test the theory to even care about Mal's teasing of him. He just thanks him absentmindedly and follows the compass forward. "Don't walk off the edge of the ship," Mal calls after him, "or do..."
He spends a good while walking the length of the decking, trying to figure out why the dial spins into a change of direction, seemingly without link. "Maybe you don't know what you want," Mal teases, observing him.
"Doesn't this interest you?" Sturmhond asks, running a hand through his tousled hair.
Mal shrugs. "What use is a compass what would be pointing right beside me all of the time?" he asks. "Besides my heart always brings me back to her."
"You're good with your words when it suits you, aren't you?" Tamar asks, coming to stand beside Mal, bored of her card game and far more interested in whatever it is that has gotten the Captain all pacing and flustered. "Still staring at the broken compass?"
"It's not broken," Mal says, "it's just not helpful."
"A compass's only purpose is to point north, and it doesn't, so it's broken," Tamar argues.
"It's a heart compass, not a compass," Mal says. The Heartrender laughs.
"Those are legend," she says, taking some walnuts from her pocket to snack on. She offers him one and he shakes his head to dismiss the offer.
"Wasn't the Stag legend too?" Mal retorts. Tamar gives him a shrug.
"That means nothing of all legend," is her response, but she keeps watching Sturmhond.
"It doesn't even make sense," he says finally holding the compass up and above his head to see how the dial moves. "It's not pointing to anything, I thought it might've been pointing to Ravka but I was wrong."
"You're suggesting your truest love is a country?" Mal asks, "what kind of excessive patriotism is that?"
"You're not patriotic?" Tamar asks, her tone littered with laughter.
"No," he admits, not feeling pulled down by the admission, "I came here for Alina. She's my flag, my nation, she is the one thing I remain loyal to."
Tamar's question was to sway Mal from paying too much attention to the captains words, but he doesn't throw her a look of gratitude, instead he returns to his fixation on the compass, as it spins to point towards the ships bow. Some of the crew start to appear on deck, changing placement as the time passes, and Tolya walks beside you, as you tell him something out of their earshot.
He takes his eyes off the compass, staring directly at you, forgetting what his original intentions had been, he offers you a smile and you grin back, all teeth and cheer. Even after the days at sea nothing seemed to sway your mood.
Tamar elbows Mal in the side and before her can take issue with it, she nods his attention to Sturmhond, who has lost interest in the compass altogether in your presence.
"Got it working yet?" you ask, coming closer to the three of them Tolya by your side.
"Think it might be a lost cause," the privateer admits, holding the compass down and to his side, as if to hide it's direction from those around you.
"Come on, Captain, plenty have said that about broken things, but often you just need time or the right pair of hands," you say, "show me?"
He hesitates and Mal and Tamar share a look, a look that spreads into matching grins. "Oh, he is not as smart as he gives himself credit for," Mal says in hushed words.
"Most of the time he is, but any heart can get blind sighted, and when the heart is blind, the mind can fog," Tamar says, voice equally low.
You look at him and he is smiling at you like you're a sunrise, like he is seeing you for the first time, and you wonder how he always manages to look at you like this. Look at you in a way that makes your head spin and your stomach twist. You know Sturmhond, and you know the man can flirt like second nature, that no one you've yet to meet have been susceptible to his charms, so you try not to let go to your head. But that's not easy when he looks at you like he has just discovered what love is for the very first time.
He holds out the compass out and you look at it, not reaching to take it from his hands, you move around to his perspective for the dial to swing back in your direction. You lean around him, to get a better look and then stare out at the ocean. But he just watches you, not as much are daring to confirm what he suspects by glancing to the compass.
You move back in front of him, and the dial points to you, and you turn your head to look at the big blue expanse behind. "Compass doesn't know north that's for sure," you say, giving him a wild smile and a shrug. "But I guess it's no better than most of us in that."
"It doesn't know north," he agrees, shoving the compass back in his pocket, "but it seems to know things I should have before now."
"Hmm?" you ask, turning back to him from the waves.
"Nothing, now, tell me, what was so funny?"
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anaharaeicons · 1 month ago
heey, vii os icons de filmes e poderia fazer uns de Desventuras em Série (2004)? obrigadaa 💋
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 8 months ago
Me literally like two days ago: Give me a week or so to finish this book before I start planning a new fic, and then I'll probably finish at least one of my current wips on ao3 before I start posting this one
Portrait of a Dead Girl is (hopefully) going up on AO3 today folks! This is my first time writing a fic for the Shadow and Bone trilogy instead of Six of Crows (really branching out, I know) but I am so so excited about it at this point I'm really writing it for myself more than anyone reading it but ah well, and anyway I thought I'd share a lil snippet on here before I post it so I hope that you enjoy! :)
Note: I have completely warped the backstories of these characters and the worldbuilding of the Grishaverse in order to have it mimic the landscape of Western Europe in the mid 1500s, just bear with me I promise it makes sense so long as you lean into it <3
Archive warnings: Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Alina Starkov was given to Duke Aleksander Morozova of Os Alta in marriage when she was fifteen years old. Within a year, she was dead. The official cause of Alina's death was marked as putrid fever, but many at the time believed, and many in the future will go on to believe, that she was poisoned by her husband.
This fic is completely inspired by The Marriage Portrait by Maggie O'Farrel, which is a work of historical fiction based on the real lives of Duchess Lucrezia d'Este (née de' Medici) and Duke Alfonso ii d'Este of Ferrara. You don't need any prior knowledge of The Marriage Portrait or history to read and enjoy this fic, but know that my writing is very much going to mimic that of O'Farrel in format and although I'm hoping to write the story in my personal usual writing style I will definitely be borrowing a lot of my descriptors, symbols, and so on and so forth from O'Farrel - there will be some of mine too though :)
Snippet from chapter one:
She understands, now, the reason for their sudden journey to such a strange, lonely place as this. He has brought her here, brought her to a stone fortress far away from anything she even vaguely knows, to murder her. It is here that she will die. 
He leans towards her, resting his fingers on the bare skin of her wrist as he says something. She doesn’t listen, though she is aware that she can hear the words. The astonishment of her epiphany has thrust her right up out of her body, and she is fighting the urge to laugh at the sheer absurdity of it all as she floats above the couple at the table and bumps against the ceiling beams like the clumsy ghost she is surely destined to become. She watches herself nodding at him, mumbling a polite and customary reply to whatever it was he said, sipping her wine and taking a bite of her bread. The couple sit together and talk, eat, drink - as though nothing at all is amiss between them, as though this is a normal dinner on a normal day, that it will be followed by a normal evening and a normal night. The Alina sitting at the table is talking about the journey here, about pretty landscapes and her enjoyment of the ride he has taken her on. The Alina floating at the ceiling knows that the version of herself below is a liar; the ride here was dull, through blank and stark fields beneath an ugly grey sky. Her husband had set the pace at a trot, mile after mile of it, Alina’s back aching and her skin chafed by wet stockings. Even inside her squirrel-lined gloves, the fingers clutching at her reins had been frozen with cold. She kept looking at the mane of her horse, half expecting it to have stopped in place, encased by ice. 
Alina had wanted to spur her horse, once they’d reached the countryside and Os Alta faded into the distance. She’d wanted to dig her heels into its flank, feel its hooves fly over the stones and soil, to move over the flat landscape at real speed. She’d wanted to feel giddy and alive and drunk in the wind and rain and sky. But she did not. Because she knew that she must not. Her husband had ridden ahead with two guards either side of him, and her place was behind him - or next to him, if invited. But never in front.
Now she wishes that she’d done it anyway, that she had urged the mare into a gallop and streaked past him cackling like a madwoman, that she had released her hair into the wind as she rode, that her cloak had lashed out behind her and the hooves of her horse had flung mud across him and his guards. Even more than this, she wishes that she’d had the foresight to turn her reins towards the distant hills, where she could have lost herself off among the rocky folds and peaks somewhere he would never find her. 
But, of course, she did not. And now here she is, condemned by the manners she always has to try so hard to remember.
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pbielik · 10 months ago
zbiór one shotów
o najlepszej polskiej rodzince🥰
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smartylina · 1 year ago
Dear Readers!
I found such a shocking story!
You know Kuzco gets quite a few interesting fanfictions right?
the one I saw was about him
Romancing a Spanish girl...
And to think he got super mad around Ramon 🤨
The audacity!!
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sissytobitch10seconds · 1 year ago
Yellow and Orange Make You
Fandom: Grishaverse: The Grisha Trilogy and Shadow and Bone (TV) Summary: Every day, the girl sits in the meadow and watches the sky be painted. Every day, the boy finds her and sits by her side. Warnings: Mentions of orphaning Word Count: 1,003 Ship(s): Mal Oretsev/Alina Starkov
Archive link!
Mal stepped through the line along with all of the other boys from his dormitory. He loaded up a single piece of toast onto both of the plates that were balanced precariously on his hand. He then stole an extra sausage and slipped it under the bread of the second one without a single person noticing. He ducked his head and hurried towards the other side of the table so that he could get a spoonful of eggs when he noticed one of the meaner boys heading towards him with a scowl.
Once both of the plates were full, he made his way towards the door. If he hadn’t already almost gotten caught by one of their bullies, he would have tried to bring out two cups of tea as well. The last time that he had tried that, he had spilled the near scalding liquid all the way down the front of his shirt and had spent an agonizing hour trying to wring it out before anyone noticed.
The door opened when he pried it open with the side of his foot and then closed, joining with the clatter of silverware and voices as the other children ate their breakfast. Mal was overwhelmed with the sounds and feelings of the outside, of finally being away from the stifling indoors that he spent most of his time in. He could hear the swaying of the grass in the breeze, the echoing of critters in the woods that surrounding the estate, and most of all he could feel the breath of life that came with the wilderness. 
He walked carefully down the little stone path to the opening that led into the surrounding meadows and fields. The place that he was going to was just west of a cluster of aspen trees, before the creak and the willows with their long dancing branches. He saw Alina sitting with her back up against one of the massive trees, her head tilted up towards the massive sky that roofed them. 
Mal felt like his breath had been stolen from his lungs when he got a good look at her. She was wearing the plain peasant dress that all of the girls wore, a white undertunic and a red overdress that she basically swam in. Her long black hair was loose down her back and cascading over her shoulders so that it tickled the tips of her hands where they were resting in her lap. For a brief moment, he thought that he saw a flash in her rich brown eyes so that they were burning white and her hair perfectly matched them in color and vibrancy, but he couldn’t imagine her face with any wrinkles.
He shook himself from his thoughts and then finished the last of the journey over to her. “Hey,” he greeted as he sat down next to her. He placed one of the plates onto his lap and then handed her the one that had a little bit of extra food.
“Thank you,” she gasped when she saw what he had done for her. She always acted like she was surprised when he brought her food or made sure that she had slept the night before, he didn’t quite understand it but was eager to accept it nonetheless.
They began to munch on their breakfasts as they watched the shifting and changing of the sky. It was edging towards winter, the air around them almost too cold for them to exist in but no snow had fallen yet. That meant that the sun rose after them and they were able to eat while they watched instead of returning back to the house so they could get their morning meal. A handful of toddlers had arrived at Keramzin the other day and Ana Kuya had her hands full with them. Mal and Alina were only ten, just barely too young to help with the rearing of the children but old enough that they were expected to do as they were told. They weren’t friends with any of the other orphans so they were allowed to wander about as they pleased.
“Why do you like the sunrise so much?” Mal asked as he set his cleaned plate off to the side. Alina had only eaten about half a piece of toast and the extra sausage patty that he had stolen for her. He wished that there was a way for him to find a solution to whatever plagued her so that he could cure all her ailments. For now, all he could do was sit with her.
“Just look at it,” Alina shrugged. She pointed up towards the horizon, which was striped with golds and pinks in a beautiful array. The searing bright yellow of the sun itself was only barely beginning to spike over the high treetops of the forest around them.
“Because it’s pretty?” Mal asked. He wanted to know everything that he could about Alina. He wanted to hold her secrets in his hands, meld their hearts into one. She had always been by his side and though he could still vaguely remember a time when she wasn’t, he never wanted to live like that again. Something, the same thing that let him procure animal markings out of the world that were invisible to others, told him that they would be together for a while longer at least.
“Just look,” she giggled. She didn’t let go of his hand, instead threading their fingers together before she snuck the rest of her toast onto his plate. He didn’t say anything about it, just stared at the sky while he chewed on the burned bread. He’d understand it eventually, he would do anything for her. He knew that he looked at Alina like she was the sunrise without being told that he did. He let himself look at her, worship the ways that the hues of the coming morning bounced off of her, because he knew that her attention was always tilted heavenward.
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ravenyenn19 · 2 years ago
Celebratory One-Shots: ‘A Crow’s Treasure Trove: Grishaverse One-Shot Collection”
I’m excited to announce the beginning of a new one-shot collection on ao3! These are the requests I received when opening my ask box to celebrate “Dealing With Our Demons” reaching the 750k reads milestone! 🥹 (thank you again, I’d blubber forever but this post is supposed to be informational)
ANYWAYS. These will all be of varying length/AU/pairing/relationship style. This is based off what was requested but also what I saw in the prompt! A quick disclaimer!: if your prompt receives a shorter chapter, please know it is not a dislike of the prompt in comparison to another. I really tried to write what I first thought of with these & some are longer, some shorter. I just hope you love them! 🫶🏻
Thank you again, dear readers.🖤
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mal-alina-katniss-peeta · 12 days ago
Someone help me!!!!!!
I need someone to write a good fanfic of After the plot of Ruin and Rising. I just finished reading the trilogy and don’t get me wrong I love the series. But after 3 books of them being madly in love but something is always in their way! I feel as though I have been driven into insanity. The fact that the only time there are actually just happy is right before they think Mal is going to DIE and then again in the epilogue. And that’s it that’s the only time they are happy I just need to see them happy. 
BUT EVERY FANFIC is either about them breaking up! Or it’s just some random ass thing!
And if this fanfic does exist and I have just not found it yet, someone please be kind and send it to me. Thank you.
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someonefear · 1 year ago
i've got an idea some time ago.
Basicaly there is a dayshift employe in SuperStar Daycare, they're friends with Sun BUT not with Moon, they try to befriend the lunar animatronic but i never goes well.
There is also a night time security employe that patrols the Pizzaplex along side Moon and these two are BFFs but the night time security doesn't get along with Sun whenever they meet.
Sun and Moon would absolutly HATE each other, they would be still forced to share a body.
1. The Dayshift and Security aren't friends, they think badly of one another, so Sun and Moon will be still on seperate path and they won't fix their relations ship and problems. Basicaly a lot of angst.
2. Security and Dayshift would be prety good friends, maybe family or lovers, who knows. So when they realize the problems between these two, they'll try and help them figure out how to cooperate toghether.
3. in this one after some time Sun and Moon get seperate bodies and due to some unexplainable circumstances Fazbear is forced to close for a bit Pizzaplex and sends animatronic to their employees to take care of them for a while. AND THEN:
- Sun would be sent to Dayshift, Moon to Security and then it's either scenario 1 or 2.
-Sun would be sent to Security, Moon to Dayshift and they somehow work out their diffrences and get to be friends, after they go back to Pizzaplex, everyone is friends with each other.
I don't know of any of this makes sense but well.
Also there would not be any Glitchtrap virus.
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again-and-then · 8 months ago
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part one of several, my redesigns/outfit edits of the Hazbin Cast as they appear in my Fanfic: Pride, Envy, Wrath.
my design commentary under the break.
going from Left to Right.
Lute: Classic Angel Lute design as she appears at the start of the fic. fairly unchanged from her canon appearance (my style just has some more notable curves.) She's picked up a new silver arm as is a pretty common fandom prediction but in my tale, Lute takes up Adam's old guitar in place of her sword. Just felt right, even if i hate drawing that fucking thing.
Alternate Lute: spoilers I guess, but this will be the look Lute opts for much later into the Fic. You can guess at what went down to lose her wings and Halo... she will be working for the Hotel eventually, but it has no official uniform, so I think Lute would opt for something official looking but styled off Charlie's outfit and color scheme as its Charlie's Hotel. I will admit, Lute's new fit is heavily inspired by Helltaker outfits, particularly Justice and Malina. its just good fashion.
Vaggie: Vaggie's design is one that I think is honestly pretty good, she had a unique silhouette and a cute outfit. Mostly all I've gone is give the girl the curves she deserved, particularly in the hip department... and cute new boots :]
Charlie: I adore Charlie, her new design for the show was what sold me Hazbin Hotel as I thought her old pilot look was.. pretty not great. I really didn't want to make any drastic changes beyond some color changes (her old undershirt seemed to imply a white button up but red cuffs? the fuck girl.) a lot of people have really unique ideas when it comes to Charlie redesigns but they all lean towards making her more obviously inhuman... which she isn't human, but i feel that misses the mark. its personally been my opinion that Charlie's primary form is entirely by choice, she wants to look human to seem more appealing to the former humans around her.
Husk:... Husk, oh Husk. one of my favorite characters, one of my absolute least favorite designs. Fucking Hell. I will fight Vivziepop personally to get her to stop adding minature top hats and bowties to every other goddamn character. also, think about Husk without fur. man is going bare chested, wearing a child's top hat, a bowtie, baggy pants with suspenders and no goddamn shoes. I get pathetic drunk is the idea, but give the man an ounce of dignity. if we must keep the top hat, then make it big enough to be used as a magician's top hat and get his fucking hand in. Also, a shirt. was that so hard? I don't care if his fur has little dots that look like buttons.
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ryuucollapse · 1 year ago
𝖳𝖧𝖤𝖸 𝖣𝖮𝖭'𝖳 𝖪𝖭𝖮𝖶 𝖠𝖡𝖮𝖴𝖳 𝖴𝖲 — Charlie Bushnell fanfic (parts of instagram and chat au)
Malina Weissman as Antonella C. LaRue
Twenty | 2004 | Actress | Brazilian 🇧🇷
Tangled (voice actress) | Into The Woods| Once Upon a Time | Cruella | Sandman | Percy Jackson & The Olympians
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Charlie Bushnell as himself
Nineteen | 2004 | Actor | American
Je Suis Ici | Diary Of a Future President | Percy Jackson & The Olympians
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Hi darlings, it's my first time posting here and I'm about to start posting a fanfic about the boy who steals our hearts. I'm sorry if my English isn't 100% perfect and feel free to correct me.
The story will take place in 2024, initially during the recording of the second season of Sandman. Will alternate between written stories, Instagram and chats.
I hope you like it, if you want me to tag you in the chapters just comment here. Do you want some spoilers of what's to come?
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smartylina · 1 year ago
Is not! But Kuzco and Kronk are strong enough to survive. She's impressed. I-It was all his paperwork's fault! It drained her energy way too much she couldn't stand the peasants. But let him enjoy his victory for now. She has other plans for later.
That's actually a pretty nice Kuzco analysis, true she has no idea how his mind works or that he has developed a coping mechanism against the ones who asked too much of him. Villagers are so hard to please, in fact, that reminds her of her dad, he has been one of the few that pestered the Emperor with his demands in the past and complained to her that Kuzco looked as if he didn't care at all. Malina understands Kuzco has potential in him and he has shown that to her at school many times, she had believed he was very clever, and a good emperor. Still, she needs to study him a bit more to fully comprehend some of the things he does.
Well, Malina's smile turns into a grimace as she gives Kuzco a judgy expression as he baby talked to his crown. 'He seriously needs a pet' Malina counts to three in her head while she waits for the inevitable, his dance and gloating. Which, true to her prediction, happened.
"HaH-HAH!" She says as she imitates his voice. "At least I'm glad we didn't do any bet". She crosses her arms, even though she feels humilliated inside, she was amused at his performance. Malina pulls slightly away when he sits on the arm of his throne.
She mantains her gaze towards the servants as Kuzco gives orders to them again. However, his comment about her still doing great makes her cheeks flush and she offers him a proud smile.
"I think they'll forgive YOU for doing that to them... bad Kuzco". She teases him back and gives him a disapproving look. When the servants return with Kuzco's stuff and one of them offers food and water to her as requested, she politely raises her hand and shakes her head no, uttering an exhausted 'thanks' as she rises from the throne.
"It was all fun and games, but I want to take a shower, or bath. So if you excuse me, your majesty..." She proceeds to lift her robes to avoid dirtying them and makes her way to the stairs.
She will play dumb and pretend she doesn't owe him a foot rub.
The stare still scares him, he should admit that haha.
He never gives up, HUH? how incredible it is that a day has her exhausted when Kuzco had managed to do this much and a little bit more all these years, despite that there must have been days where he got lazy, but she was starting to understand why he chose to be that way.
Despite her being tired, she unconsciously offers Kuzco a smile as she sats on his 'Throney' and feels his pat. She then returns her gaze to the long line of peasants. As time passes and the line is getting shorter, Malina sleeps for several miliseconds when peasants talk to Kuzco instead of her only to wake up at the feeling of Kuzco's nudges, forcing her to offer solutions to peasants' issues. Malina also checks on him in secret, worried that his feet are killing him by now. All because she's too proud to admit this job is difficult for a former peasant like her.
Guess both will soon find out if the whole empire knows what the heck is happening. Malina doubts Kuzco might want to give any explanations about it, hehe.
However, she has a feeling she's doing a decent job at least, until now that is. She might need those praises coming from Kuzco. This is tiring and she's not used to it. As much as she hates to admit, she needs more preparation as she's only a former peasant girl who's still studying at college. Malina might finally confess she gives up once the audiences are ove-
WHAT?! HOURS?! Malina glances at Kuzco as if he's nuts and whines irritated as she's starting to have a headache. She gives up entirely. Half a day is an abuse too, is he serious? "ENOUGH!" She yells rather harshly everyone stops in their tracks. Even the peasant who was talking to her shuts his mouth and looks at Malina in a mix of confusion and fear as the rest of the subjects and palace staff alike. Silence fills the air and someone coughs out of the blue.
Malina clears her throat and resists the urge to laugh nervously. She gathers some force to stand up from her seat and declare.
"You must pardon me, dear subjects! But audiences are canceled for today!" Naturally, the villagers begin to complain loudly but Malina gestures to the guards stationed in front of the line of people to force the furious crowd out of the throne room and the palace. Malina lets out a sigh of relief when everyone leaves the room. That's when she sits again on the throne, takes Kuzco's crown off her head that grew too heavy for her to carry and looks at it shortly before she casts a sleepy look at Kuzco who is still beside her. She grins at him regardless.
"Here, Kuzco. I give up". She says and hands him his beloved headdress, waiting for him to take it. He must take it quick or she will threaten him with throwing it away.
"Is too much for an ordinary girl like me. The complaints drain a lot of energy, ugh". She admits as she braces herself for his gloat and dancing about her admitting he was right all along.
She could've managed to do much more in more days but... the audiences... ew (as Kuzco would put it). She would seriously think twice about becoming Empress, unless Kuzco has a plan so they both won't suffer.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 8 months ago
Chapter One of Portrait of a Dead Girl is now on AO3! <3
Archive warnings: Major Character Death, Rape/Non-con, Underage
Alina Starkov was given to Duke Aleksander Morozova of Os Alta in marriage when she was fifteen years old. Within a year, she was dead. The official cause of Alina's death was marked as putrid fever, but many at the time believed, and many in the future will go on to believe, that she was poisoned by her husband.
This fic is completely inspired by The Marriage Portrait by Maggie O'Farrel, which is a work of historical fiction based on the real lives of Duchess Lucrezia d'Este (née de' Medici) and Duke Alfonso ii d'Este of Ferrara. You don't need any prior knowledge of The Marriage Portrait or history to read and enjoy this fic, but know that my writing is very much going to mimic that of O'Farrel in format and although I'm hoping to write the story in my personal usual writing style I will definitely be borrowing a lot of my descriptors, symbols, and so on and so forth from O'Farrel - there will be some of mine too though :)
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