#mali answers stuff
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oceandiagonale · 8 months ago
Actually, Guzman is his spanish name.
OH YEAH some other folks pointed that out too, makes sense since it's an irl Spanish name (probably why I see it around a lot!) 😳
(normally it's a surname, I've only seen it used as a first name once in a blue moon -- but also in the pokemon world it's pretty clear that naming conventions aren't the same lol)
#oceandi answers#radicalldreamer#still harder for me to connect it to him since I played all the games in english -- it's only one letter away but it still feels just a#smidge closer than 'bromley'#frankly I hope someone out there calls him 'bromley guzmán' as his full name. and he just GOES by 'guzma' bc it sounds cool#that'd be neat#tag rambling#rambling ahead ->#speaking of guzma I spent a long time talking about aus with some friends and well. I think his dad's from johto skdjfksjdfskjd#iirc that was a HC back in the day amongst a small group of guz enjoyers.... but I think it makes SO much sense for gene's guz specifical#ly bc listen . hear me out okay he somehow knew about the bug trainers' convention and he wanted to go and usu'ally they#hold it in JOHTO. he's never won a gold medal for BATTLE but got the dawn stone as his first ever victory -- guess what region you can#get a dawn stone from in a competition that's based on more than just battling? YEAH -- JOHTO BUG CATCHING CONTEST BABEYYY#(hgss edition)#TWO of his main team are johto pokemon#he moved from melemele island to ula'ula where malie city/garden are -- inspired by johto and even including a johto-style gym#(I mean yeah he STAYED bc po town had a sudden amount of free real estate but why did he GO THERE in the FIRST place to join the#proto-Team Skull.)#though ig if he hates his dad maybe his dad's Not from johto and is from paldea instead ('rents could've been inspired by the name guzmán#and just wanted to make it sound more unique lol)#but either way he totally used to go to johto with his dad which is where he won a bug catching contest with his pinsir.#and then started winning battles there but always getting second/third place in actual like. /competition/ competitions. so not#getting the grand prizes/money/stuff/fame that his dad wanted him to earn for the family#ANYWAYS.
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ausrache · 8 months ago
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the man can’t play video games to save his life, he would have no idea what to do when shown a real rabbit, he will play lego though it’s between making something a child could make or being far too pedantic with it and he doesn’t wear alt fashion but damn does he love looking at mali in her alt fashion clothes 😌
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"only two spots left? it's quite perfect." a dark brow was cocked, gaze narrowing at the filled out bingo sheet as a smile softened upon crimson lips. to say that she was content . . . it was perhaps an understatement. "hm, perhaps i shall introduce to moon? then we'll see . . . he's a very easy to handle bunny, also mostly consisting of pure fluff." lips parted for a light chuckle, already pondering about which lego set they could put together as a team. together . . . it sounded so nice. "would you want me to model some of the clothes i got? i think i have some new dresses & skirts —"
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ardenssolis · 11 months ago
@metrictita said (inbox):
❝ is there good and evil within us all? ❞ (from mali, maybe when she was still an eldritch god? or her fantasy verse!)
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❝ONE HAS TO ASK the question of what is the meaning of good? And what is the meaning of evil? Is such a concept universal to all, or does it shift and change based on location and people? A good person could still harbor darker intentions beneath their pleasant façade just as one who harbors the opposite on the surface, could do good. And if one gives into their darker thoughts or one who is ‘evil’ does good, does that change whether they are good or evil? Such philosophical debates could go on forever with each individual you speaking to, holding their own thoughts and opinions on the topic.❞
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bookwyrminspiration · 9 months ago
Hi there!
I had some questions (or statements I wanted to discuss I’m not sure what to call them) because I genuinely don’t know much about the subject. I’m on anon right now but I may comment on my own account later. Also don’t feel obligated to answer if this makes you uncomfortable.
So I was wondering if you could articulate any thoughts on proshipping in the kotlc fandom? I wanted to know your thoughts as from my understanding (and please correct me if I’m wrong) you see it pretty positively, and I wanted to better understand the ‘issue’ (idk what to call it)
Anyways I thought I should include what I already know.
So I understand that when people participate in proshipping it does not reflect their actual worldview.
I understand that it is fictional and really doesn’t affect real life.
I think my issue with proshipping has to do specifically with it happening in the kotlc fandom, and this has to do with Keeper of the Lost Cities being a kids series. My problem isn’t specifically with that, but mostly with the amount of “kids” participating in our fandom space (not actual kids like ten year olds but from my understanding we have an array of people from ages 13-16 who I would consider pretty young)
I just worry about when people make posts about, for example, one of the main cast and an adult in the series, because the Keeper casts ages may closely reflect the actual ages of people in the fandom, we’re creating an unsafe environment and these posts may affect what these ‘kids’ think is okay in real life or for themselves.
Anyways, I wanted to share my thoughts but I really mean it when I say I want to hear your thoughts, I don’t think I know enough about the ‘issue’, especially from the other perspective.
(Also, this isn’t really about your call out post about call out posts, I’ve just seen you liking some pro shipper stuff so I thought you might be interested in that sort of thing)
Hi! Thank you for being respectful about this. First, I avoid labels like "anti" or "proship," as they tend to create an unhelpful us vs. them dichotomy. Especially when, like these terms, they have strong associations and generate strong reactions upfront. It's not, in my opinion, conducive to productive conversation
I believe that all fiction, including disgusting, depraved, uncomfortable fiction, should be allowed to exist without restriction. Whether that's incestuous, predatory, or otherwise.
We don't have to read/watch it. We don't have to like it. Or be comfortable with it. But it needs to be allowed to exist.
It's existence does not harm us (the most that happens is we realize, we are uncomfortable, and then we stop watching/reading/etc. and move on), and there is no way to reliably moderate fiction. It will always be arbitrary, and those arbitrary distinctions will always be enforced by the privileged with power, who will use it to create their narrative and silence others.
The issue many people get stuck on, like you, is about children. Now I'm not saying this is what you're doing, but I'd like to bring up the Think Of The Children logical fallacy. It's a more recent one, so it's less known, and I'm just linking the wikipedia.
What it does is switch to emotional thinking, creating this idea of these helpless little things in danger we need to protect. It creates moral panic, because what are you gonna do? Argue against the children? You monster! It can shut things down.
And while children are young and still learning and need guidance, they're also people. They have their own thoughts, reactions, and choices. They use their childhood to practice that, which is aided by fiction. Fiction is a practice run for the real thing; it can be that learning and guidance
Children take what they see in fiction, where no real people are hurt or in these scary situations, and react. They form opinions, determine what they think is right or wrong, and they have more room for error. For example, it is safer for them to misjudge an actually malicious adult in a story, learn what the warning signs were, and be more cautious going forward with no real life consequence than to make that mistake for the first time with a real person.
This is just a general overview. To specifically address this fandom and its ships, I'm going to start with this: when you were 14, did you think it was okay to date an adult? Did you ever see incestuous art/fic and start wondering if it was okay to date your sister?
Yes, consistent, repeated exposure of concepts from influential places can normalize them. Is that a genuine risk here, or what is happening? Have you seen it happen before on a wide enough scale to be generally applicable? I, of course, cannot speak for everyone, but I already knew those weren't okay by the time I joined the fandom at 13. Yes, 13 is young, but 13 year olds are capable of complex thought and reasoning. Their minds aren't going to be changed that easily, and a lot of them would probably resent the implication (even if unintentional, this is nothing against you) they couldn't figure it out for themselves. At least I would've
And more specific to keeper again: we have maybe a handful of these "weird" and "gross" ships/aus/etc. Posted by a number of people I could likely count on one hand, incredibly infrequently. This is a genuine invitation to think it through: what is that going to do?
Is that from enough places with enough power to normalize these ideas? Who is seeing it? How impressionable are they? Have they already formed ideas of right and wrong? Will this change that?
The conclusion I've come to is: 13 years old is young in the grand scheme of things, but at 13 years old you are capable of complex thought. I don't think the limited number of these "objectionable" topics and posters, which/who can be easily avoided, is going to normalize or make people think it's okay irl. It didn't happen with us, did it?
And I think, to some extent, limiting exposure or controlling media access takes away agency and choice, and that young people being able to experience difficult concepts in fiction before seeing them in real life is beneficial. This often then leads to "but what if they read something really icky they hate!" to which I say, kids aren't going to do things they don't want to. They won't watch movies, shows, or read books about things they're uncomfortable with or disinterested in. I simply put the book down and read something else.
And if they're being forced to, that's a different problem, and the solution is not to make sure the media doesn't exist or they can't access it.
This has been long, broad, sometimes specific, and more all in the attempt to be thorough. What it boils down to is: I don't think what you're worried about is going to happen, or is even slightly likely enough to genuinely plan for or worry about (not that you're unreasonable for worrying, though), and I don't think there's any trustworthy course of action that would separate the "good" from the "bad" and reliably, fairly decide who can see it and when.
I hope this helps answer your questions :). I'm happy to talk about it more, though I don't want to devolve into arguing, so if that starts to happen (with you or anyone else), I will likely end the conversation.
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clazberryk · 5 months ago
My lovely Baldurs gate peeps. I need you to answer me something.
So in my recent replays of the game I never seem to trigger stations simple plan speech. It is always the you are a complication I never saw. Speech. The one where he says thank you after telling that drow he is his own person.
Now I think it’s down to 2 things. When I do the shadow cursed lands I always go to the house of healing first (for the lute) and I kill malis. Then I do the bar and then the roll collector. After that I go to the mausoleum to prompt Raphael’s cut scene regarding the orthon. Then o do not go in.
I infiltrate moonrise. Do everything in them. Saving the prisoners the very last thing before I leave. Then I take the boat to last light with them and then long rest. Which prompts the thank you scene with our favourite vampire.
I will then speak to gallon and do the shadow not cursed thingy then finally move into general thos tomb and do all the lady shad stuffs Orthon Included.
Now my question is. Should I kill the orthon first when I originally prompt Raphael’s cut scene. Then leave the mausoleum once Yurgir is dead and then do everything else?
Or has that simple plan cut scene just been written over because my approval rating with Astarion is always exceptional by this point?
Please can someone clarify this. Because o do like that nice simple plan/can we talk scene.
@roguishcat @shewhowas39 @slothquisitor @loquaciousquark @asweetlovesong
Any help would be grateful.
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beardedmrbean · 3 months ago
[Huey Zoomer Anon]
I deadass seen people online goes “Let me act like the stereotypes that Boondocks was taking a piss on!”
And this fucking video
Also yes let all of black culture be about our Urban gang subculture, shitty dances moves, the creepy sexualization we broadcast everywhere….and the huge CSA issues against our boys….
Aaaaaaah! So many stories make me goes “Did y’all just celebrate the fact this man was raped by his babysitter as a kid?”
And history slavery, segregation, and our contemporary issues
Also why do so many white peoples think we don’t know about our enslave ancestors until like 4th grade? Our elders told us in the womb!
Seriously…why like this shit https://youtu.be/uFGzptNTh4A?si=TbOcrOCpkS3yr2iL
I made a joke how in I wonder make a multinational kids team in like a cartoon but actually acknowledge the culture clashes ie the Palestine character would try to kill the Israeli one when he think no one is looking…
Actually feel like the Israeli character would get jump on by most kids from Arab nations in the show
But here one joke similar to the skit
The adult character that mentors the kids: Okay kids we are going to talk about slavery!
The African American boy character who was reading a book noticing the set of eyes on him: uuuh, that was about 200 years ago, also we got a former slave right here! Beside the Saudi teammate country’s had slaves until the 1960’s(publicly)
Those two: HEY!
AA boy: Beside the Chinese kid ancestors probably ate humans and in his homeland, a battle that lead to 2 million dead is called a skirmish! And I read about the Mongolians boys Khan ancestors…
Mongolian boy: We have several great statues to the Great Genghis Khan! Wanna see!
AA Boy: Also why my people enslavement? The Israeli boy got that Moses’s stuff!
Israeli: Hey I’m not related-wait my last name Cohen, damnit!
Adult character: Language young man! You there see to know about other people cultures and history.
AA boy: Got bored with my slavery ancestry, can we learn about the Mali Empire?
Probably needs to tighten some stuff…but I don’t understand this idea African Americans don’t know about it. In fact I’m more interested to learn about pre colonial cultures like Yoruba and what we did beyond being enslaves
Of course I have, but mainstream push please
“White people used to enslaved us!” and we gave them peanut allergies in return.
One of the saddest bits about all of this is you see people saying, ya that's right we are like this and point out shit like the whole Huey r kelly thing.
Boondocks held up a mirror and people said it's terrible how accurate this is, and then did nothing to change their own behaviour that was being lampooned.
Aaaaaaah! So many stories make me goes “Did y’all just celebrate the fact this man was raped by his babysitter as a kid?”
That was a rage inducing and incredibly confusing thing when I learned about it, celebrating these boys having their first sexual experience being raped by someone that's a 'family friend'
Everyone leaves that kind of thing out in their discussions of 'rape culture' too. Doesn't fit the narrative.
Also why do so many white peoples think we don’t know about our enslave ancestors until like 4th grade? Our elders told us in the womb!
I couldn't answer that one really, kinda dumb to think that imho.
These are both sad and funny at the same time.
The adult character that mentors the kids: Okay kids we are going to talk about slavery! The African American boy character who was reading a book noticing the set of eyes on him: uuuh, that was about 200 years ago, also we got a former slave right here! Beside the Saudi teammate country’s had slaves until the 1960’s(publicly) Those two: HEY!
To be fair Mauritania still has them, not officially but they only criminalized slavery in 2007, it was illegal already but not really.
Probably needs to tighten some stuff…but I don’t understand this idea African Americans don’t know about it. In fact I’m more interested to learn about pre colonial cultures like Yoruba and what we did beyond being enslaves
There's finally information being recorded and such about all of that on a actual level that people can absorb.
Still slow going, but that's going to be one of the issues we run into with lots of people and societies that didn't really write things down or interact much with other cultures that wrote things down.
The folks the Romans encountered because the Romans wrote all that stuff down, same with the Egyptians and Babylonians, Assyrians, Greeks, Persians, Chinese, Aztecs, Maya, Toltec's, and so on.
Most of them did not venture too far south of the Sahara, that way lay disease and all kinds of wacky animals that up until the invention of Australia were the scariest things ever.
Of course I have, but mainstream push please “White people used to enslaved us!” and we gave them peanut allergies in return.
Other black people sold you and you got malaria eradicated where you live a few generations before them.
Still get a chuckle out of the African nations seeking reparations for the transatlantic slave trade. Some of them at least.
They're either the ones that sold the slaves so they got their 30 pieces of silver already or if they're the ones that were taken to be sold then they need to take it out of the 30 pieces of silver the other guys got.
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necronatron · 1 month ago
Can't make this shit up. I run around and bike around to assist or help feral, abandoned and wild animals throughout the city by providing them with good food that they usually can't get or by catching them and treating their wounds, then re-releasing. I find one of my pigeon friends has a nasty hole in his neck (food was falling out of his crop through the neck), from either getting attacked by a falcon or getting shot, so I snatch him and quickly want to get him taken to a rehab facility. Of course, I don't have photos, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking about photos then. Took him home instead because I was denied by a veterinary clinic (their protocol) and he's now in the zoo getting his treatment. In 15 minutes, someone comes over and steals my stuff. I couldn't leave two cans and a bag of DOG FOOD without someone stealing it.
I give humans the benefit of the doubt, someone still manages to shatter my hopes for basic decency. Still, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt again that maybe they're poor and want to feed their dog or that they thought it was free to take. I'm all for helping poor people out, if that's the case, have at it. But if they did that to fuck with me or just to resell for personal gain, I- I don't know what to tell you. Like, they threw the other bag with my seeds into the grass.
I'll keep you updated. Maybe I'll get an answer, I just don't know. I have a feeling I should start giving the option for people to donate to the cause because, with the current situation in the world, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to do good things without getting fucked over. Here's my Mum's Paypal if you can throw in even a dollar so I can get more seeds, equipment and medication in case I need them for these guys: https://paypal.me/thepigeonhub?country.x=HR&locale.x=en_US
Here, have my pigeons:
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From top to bottom: img 1: Biser (left) and Glava (right) img 2: just Glava img 3: Glava (left), Sivo Thick (middle) and Mali Sivi (right) img 4: Bijeli Tupi (left) and currently unnamed (right) img 5: Bridge Gang img 6: me holding Prst img 7: Prst's untangled, disinfected, gangrene-affected foot img 8: Prst today (notice that his toe is gone) img 9: Noga 2 img 10: Noga 2's untangled and disinfected foot
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victoryriders969789blog · 4 months ago
Urgent help is needed for my family🚨
✅ Verified campaign – please check the end of the story 🔍📌
Hello dears! I am Alaa and thank you for looking at us with compassion and I ask you to support my campaign to help me achieve my goal. I am in a dire need of your support now to help my family survive and be safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place to live in. I need your financial support to enable me to get the basic needs for my family until the Rafah crossing is reopened to transport my family to safety and peace. Please help my family survive through your small donations and sharing with others. Thank you so much for standing by those who in need😭🇵🇸
Vetted by @Gaza-evacuation-funds, my number verified on the list ( #4 ) and posted on my profile.
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seenwip · 5 months ago
Below is some writing on addressing the fears of someone reading my journal, schadenfreude, malicious laughter, an exploration of ignorance, and a few words of encouragement.
Sometimes while I am writing in my journal I think about someone reading my journal. Maybe it's a family member or a curious neighbor as they're cleaning my stuff out. Maybe it's the person at goodwill that somehow got a hold of it when my stuff was donated, maybe it's a scientist in the future and they're holding it up and laughing with their colleagues. Best case scenario (or is it?) - my journal is trashed.
I know I'm not the only one that fears having my journal read (and sometimes this is from trauma and I am not talking about that in this instance because an invasion of privacy is a different matter). More specifically, I have this idea - or fear? That they'll know what's wrong with me. Not in a way like I was hiding secrets in my writing or whatever; but like they'll see what I don't see. They'll read between the lines where I am unable to. This fear stems from the idea that I think (feel) there's something wrong with me and I can't quite place what it is and trying to get help for it doesn't work because I can't explain it if I haven't figured it out and especially not enough to put into words.
As I type that, it sounds like paranoia. Let me give you an example. When I was young, I didn't know I was lactose intolerant. I just knew that eating every morning made me sick. At the time, I didn't have the understanding that something could make you sick besides a sickness. So I did not have the words to describe what was happening and was often dismissed to the point that I stopped eating breakfast in the morning. After several years (approx. 5 years?) I was in middle school and one of my friends told me she was lactose intolerant. I'd never heard of it & at the time I couldn't Google what was happening to me because I didn't have access. But there it was - the words and answer to what I was suffering from. Regardless of having neglectful parents in that situation (like seriously why the hell not take me to a doctor?) I could then tolerate breakfast. By tolerance, I mean at 27 I also found out I was gluten intolerant too (ha, yay - but that's another story).
I often think that maybe I don't have the right words to describe what is happening / what is wrong because I can't understand what is normal / not normal. It's like an awareness that there is more to the story but it's inaccessible. Do those details matter or could they make all the difference? So I keep exploring and journaling. Maybe I will stumble on the solution that psychologists, psychiatrists and doctors didn't. Maybe I'll finally come up with the right words to take to my care team and get things sorted!
OR.... Maybe I'll be laughed at by someone who reads my journal when I'm hopefully not here anymore. Specifically I imagine being judged or that they'll perceive my problems as stupid, irrational, lazy, or ignorant. Worse though, the laughter is what i'm afraid of - I don't want to be the source of someone else's pleasure based on my own pain or unintentional ignorance.
The thing is, I've judged others and laughed at others like this too. Now, my father was a sadistic butthole and sometimes I wonder if he's the one that taught me that. I don't laugh AT others nearly as much as I used to being away from him because I've learned others are struggling just as much as I am. The other side of this though, is that maybe it's human nature? Perhaps we laugh because it makes us feel better about our situation. I'm not saying it's right - it's wild to me that laughter may be morally wrong.
I'm still growing and learning - now with internet access - so it's faster.
I researched Socrates a bit and a passage where he was explaining the pleasure of malicious laughter to Protarchus.
"But this pleasure in the face of the bad things belonging to neighbors – did we not say that it was the product of malice? [P: Necessarily.] Our argument leads to the conclusion that if we laugh at what is laughable about our neighbors, by mixing pleasure with malice, we thereby mix pleasure with pain. For we had agreed earlier that malice is a pain in the soul, that laughing is a pleasure, and that both occur together on those occasions (49d-50a)."
It reminded me of a word I learned from Brené Brown's book "Atlas of the Heart." The word is Schadenfreude, pronounced sha-din-froy-da. It's combo of German words that mean "harm" and "joy."
What I'm getting at is if someone laughs at my journals or takes pleasure/joy in my suffering through life at times & doing my best to learn and grow - that's taking pleasure in my pain. I am not doing wrong by trying to live a better life and process my own life.
Ultimately, it should not deter me from writing in my journal thinking or knowing that someone could potentially judge me or laugh at me. It's a reflection of themselves rather than me, I guess I could also say it's a projection. I'd have to research those two words to see which one fits, but since the topic is ignorance. Heck, I'll leave it. Yes, I am ignorant. As we all are. That's okay & that's human nature. We grow and learn as much as we can - or at least some of us do. The rest seem to just laugh at those of us trying.
To myself and you - keep writing. Keep learning. Damn those that laugh at us for trying because that means they're not and that's a them problem, not a me or you problem.
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lightichor · 1 year ago
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hi! this is my blog for my oc universe which as of now ill dub the blacklightverse, however this will mostly focus on my rhythm adventure game concept that is currently going by the name of ‘Misitu Mash’ (this may change in the future) . its a vacuum world where my characters live that can interact with the human world as well as having characters from different time periods as well. it is mostly what one describes as a vacation spot.
what youll see here is probably goofy stuff that ive grabbed from my friends and i, but also lore sprinkled in as well. ill try to keep it tagged consistently but im pretty bad at it
not all characters have designs yet, and the story is still being tweaked and developed as i go. its a long passion project for me about generational trauma and defiance of destiny thats mostly centered around latinos and other people of color.
please feel free to ask questions ! i develop my world often by thinking of ways to answer stuff
want to get a feel for some characters? check out their playlists ! (wip!);
tekua , mango , tripl3 , mali , kina , clef , yu , vicente , oleander , niza , ajay
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graftisms · 2 years ago
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how are you feeling in your decision to couple up or stay single ?
“ really fucking good, actually, ”   josh laughs, unable to hide the pride from his voice.   “ things with naomi have been better than i had thought they’d be. it’s like we’re back in the first few weeks of being here, getting to know each other, but she’s no longer holding back from me. the hideaway was... wow, that place is insane. i hope you guys powerwash everything in there afterwards, ”   he smirks.   “ i had been a little afraid we got it at a shitty time, after the mali stuff, but i think it made us stronger than ever. i’m just... yeah, i’m really happy. ”   as if the big grin on his lips doesn’t show it enough.
are you happy in your couple or do you think your head could be turned ?
he’s quick to shake his head.   “ no, thank you. no more bombshells for me. naomi and i aren’t even coupled up right now, granted, but when i told her she was it for me here, i meant it. if she had left last night like rhys, i would’ve pulled a seb too. one of the few things i’ve ever respected him to do, frankly. but i’m also not in a rush to recouple with naomi, because it gives us an excuse to sleep outside, away from everyone else... ”   his voice trails off, with another smug smile.   “ let’s just say we’ve been making use of the alone time. ”   not that it’s going to stop them in the bedroom, either. 
what are your thoughts on seb & bash & rhys’ exit last night ? 
the smile on his lips wilts a bit.   “ uh, i think you can guess how i feel about that. it sucked seeing rhys go, obviously. even today, i keep expecting him to pop up wherever i go. making my coffee this morning ?   sucked. he was one of the few friends i had when i was at my lowest here, so yeah, ”   josh swallows,   “ i’m gonna miss the guy. even if he’s off getting laid with his new boyfriend in jersey or doing wherever. seb’s still on my shit list, though, even if him leaving with rhys was a good move. i don’t care what people think about naomi, but if he keeps running his mouth about her, he’s going to find me on his doorstep once i get out of here. ”   and not in the fun visit rhys way.   “ but bash was a good kid, i’ll miss him too. i told him he should’ve brought back another bombshell. this whole thing could’ve ended differently. ”
out of everyone left, who would be the hardest person to see go ?
“ you mean besides naomi ? ”   he asks, already knowing the answer to that. josh has already made it clear her leaving would be the end of the line for him, too.   “ romi and marcus, for sure. we’ve all been here since the beginning now, i’d kill me not to have them by my side, romi especially. though i don’t know what she’s doing with marcus and the italian dude over there, but hopefully she lets one of them off the hook soon. i vote mario, ”   he snorts.   “ miles, too. he’s only been here for, what, a week ?   and i can’t imagine being here without him, especially with rhys gone. frankie too, i guess. ”   spoken like an afterthought.   “ she’s grown on me. ”
who seems like the strongest couple right now and why ?
“ with marcus and romi in limbo, i don’t think there’s a clear winner, ”   he considers the question, scratching the back of his neck.   “ maybe i’m biased, but i do think once we’re actually coupled up together, naomi and i have a pretty clear advantage. everyone else is just so new. miles and frankie seem pretty strong, too, but it could be because i hang out with them so much. they’re the same brand of weird, ”   josh shrugs.   “ i still vote naomi and me. i don’t care what people say. ”
who seems like the weakest couple right now and why ?
“ well, i think the public made that one kind of obvious. gotta say, i was surprised to see dylan and adela below naomi and charlene, but that probably just means people like naomi more, which i get, ”   he smirks.   “ maybe adela will listen to me now when i tell her to keep her options open. no offense to dylan, but he’s starting to look like a bad luck charm in these relationships. ”   so much for friendship there.
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benefits1986 · 1 year ago
Third Wheel, Free Will
Shattered love stories make my hidden heart and soul bleed wildly.
As an empath with a wicked mind and mouth, I still find it curious when some people come and share their stories that revolve around being cheated on and cheating. And by share, I mean too much TMI that is not only cringe, but, ego-crushing and heart-wrenching, too. There'd be times when I know that even my rare super tight empath hugs will never ease their pains, anguish and self-loathing. Ganun kalala.
While XXs are the usual suspects and prospects of being "kabit," I guess hearing XYs bare their souls about this matter is really a different ballgame. 'Di pa rin ako sanay kasi nga, it's a cheater man's world, after all naman talaga e. LOL. Must be because some XY who are part of my smaller inner circle have had serious cases in this department, too. That said, let me try sharing some answers to questions that have been asked to me by so-called victims of love: XX and XY edition. Let me disclose din na I am not part of any third party kahit kailan, kahit saan at kahit sino. It makes me cringe kasi talaga as in. It's not part of my ecosystem mula noon hanggang mamatay ako. Also, simple lang naman ang view ko sa love: 'Pag akin, akin lang pero 'wag clingy. Saktong cling wrap lang. Markahan lang namin isa't isa. Period. 'Yung alam ko at alam niya na kahit we're not home, we're each other's home. As an old soul ako kahit walang bakas ng ganun. LOL. Okay.
Masaya ako 'pag kasama siya. Ngayon ko lang 'to naramdaman pero alam ko namang mali. Mali bang maging masaya? Hindi mali maging masaya. Emotion 'yan pero ang tanong: what comes after 'yung masayang pagsasama n'yo? Paranoia? Mocking yourself? Rationalizing shit? Masaya ka sa idea na limited time kasi, limited offer. Scarcity is sexy pero 'di naman sa ganitong takada, pakiusap.
Alam kong mali pero bakit 'di niya ako pinipili? Still falls under the human nature na 'pag hindi mapasayo, may certain level ng excitement, ng challenge, ng thrill. Nasabi ko na 'to several times irl: 'Di ka talaga pipiliin kahit kailan kasi ang asawa pa rin ang only one sa mata ng Diyos at sa mata ng batas. Gusto mo kasi na piliin ka para magkaroon ka ng self-worth. Sadly, walang ganun. Gumising ka.
Karma ba 'to? I don't think this would fall under karma because all is fair and unfair in love and hate naman. Bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to bad people. People are both good and bad, parang Wicked lang 'yan. Lahat may Elphaba and Glinda. Are people born wicked? No. People are made of good and bad choices. Sarte pasok.
Bakit 'di ako puwedeng sumaya? Happiness is an emotion. Sadness is an emotion. Love is an action. Love is a choice. Doon ka sa pipiliin mo lagi't lagi AT pipiliin ka lagi't lagi. Be with someone who you outgive and i-outgive ka rin. Period. Doon ka sa bubuo ng 100% partners in crime araw-araw. Doon sa 100% na sa'yo at 100% ka ring kanya. Baseline 'yan. Non-negotiable 'yan.
Kaya ko pa bang makahanap ng ganitong vibe? Iba talaga e. It's a solid yes. Ano bang meron sa kabitan kagulo na vibe? Exciting, hindi boring. Challenging kasi ng limited time, limited offer. May chances of getting caught so that means may inclination ka sa something kinda feisty, baseline. Or gusto mo ng thrill. So hanapin mo 'yan. Chase is an XY thing so, gawaan mo ng paraan na ikaw ang hahabol kesa ikaw 'yung hinahabol. For XX naman, reco ko eto irl is gusto mo kasi 'yung "full attention" nasa iyo, so hanap ka naman ng XY na 'di nagpho-phone 'pag kausap ka. NOTE na super important: 'Pag magkasama kayo, nakabackside up ang phone and naka-silent lalo 'pag naguusap kayo ng mga importanteng stuff. Also, 'pag naman nagsagot ng call at work or family matters, 'wag kang mag-maarte kasi 'di naman ikaw lang ang mundo niya.
Naniniwala kasi akong vibe is just a matter of being mutually weird together and apart. 'Di ko sure kung idealistic ba ako o baka dahil ito sa very graphic-fantastic first meet-cute ko nung Prep. Hahahahaha. Parang nadala ko na siya sa flow ko be it an XX or XY get-to-know stage. 'Di 'yan about sa dami ng commonalities or differences niyo. Bonus points na lang kung pareho or similar kayo ng gusto at 'di gusto. Nasa paguusap 'yan na naguugat sa willingness ninyong maging vulnerable. LUH.
Bakit parang gusto ko siyang iligtas sa shit niya? Never been married, never been kissed. CHOZ sa kissed. Hahahahaha. Pero, based on the TMI married couples stories ay married life is not a joke. Rewarding siya rarely kasi nga people marry for fucked up reasons like convenience, not wanting to grow old alone kahit lonely sila sa kasama nila, fame, fortune, having kids because pressured ng social constructs atbp. Ayoko na i-exhaust ang list kasi we don't have time for that.
So, ang sinasabi ko: There's always two people who have faults sa bawat broken marriage vows. Nood ka ng The World of the Married and Marriage Story sa Netflix o sa kung saan mang platform mo gusto para free. I watched both with dad kasi nga bonding namin manood ng Netflix 'pag may time. Sabi ng tatay ko: Iba na talaga generation ngayon. Grabe ang sakitan. Ano 'yan? Nakakasakit ng dibdib, anak. Hahahahahaha.
Bottomline: Iligtas mo muna sarili mo because this shit of yours is a sunken ship. Period. Kung gusto mo talagang iligtas 'yung isa, tigilan mo na siya kasi 'di mo siya "mahal" kung everytime magkasama kayo e, a demerit sa legal husband or wife niya. Hintayin mo na lang mag-divorce or mag-annulment sila. Tapos. 'Di ba, willing to wait ka naman? Patunayan mo ngayon na ngayon na 'yan.
'Di ba ako worthy mahalin? Bakit 'di ako 'yung pinipili at the end of the day or night? Simple lang sagot. Lagot. 'Wag ka mag-expect na mamahalin ka ng kahit sino maliban sa magulang mo at aso mo kung mismong ikaw e hindi mo mahal sarili mo. Iba naman 'yung self-loathing sa allowing yourself in external situations na literal and figurative na sumasawata sa pagkatao mo.
Hindi ka rin pipiliin kasi nakapili na siya. Sorry. Sorry not sorry din.
I've witnessed this super up close. Maayos na XY, established as in. Matayog ang lipad. Pero, nagkaroon ng anak sa iba. Nung natrouble ng malala, umuwi sa pamilya. Bumalik sa asawa at mga anak. 'Yung kabila, never na nakita 'yung "ama" ng kabilang bahay nila up until the day he died. Hindi rin inamin nung XY ever na may iba at may anak siya sa labas hanggang sa hukay. JUSQ. Ang saklap kasi witness ako mismo ng BTS and "in front of the scenes" netong paganaps na 'to. I wept so badly and until now, I'm bearing the pain of this story. 'Di ko tatay 'yan a. Para clear and super clear. :D Kung tatay ko 'yan, 'di ganyan turn of events kasi... hahahahahahaha.
Kaya ko ba 'tong lusutan? Parang wala ng way out. Kahit naman deadend ang kabitan kagulo, isang good choice to turn around and walk away lang 'yan each and every time. 'Di naman 'yan agad-agad. Minsan pa nga, narealize mo na lang nung nagkaroon ka na ng anak na bunga ng maling pag-ibig. LOL. Pipiliin mo lang talaga 'yung sarili mo at gagawaan mo ng paraan na mawala na 'yung pagpili mo sa isang bagay na ikaw din naman ang gumusto at nag-try lumusot. Kaya nga may wedding ring, may marriage bans, and all, e para maiwasan ang ganitong shit. 'Pag may wedding ring, ekis na agad. Kung 'di naman suot, aba, magtaka ka na.
Ayun lang naman for today kasi sumasakit na naman puso ko sa mga ganitong usapan. 'Di ako product ng shitty kabitan kagulo pero dad ko way back nung college siya is dalawa girlfriend. 'Yung isa nanay ko. 'Yung isa, highschool shitheart niya. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I've seen how my super duper confident mother dragon went down in shambles at the slightest pakaliwa ng dad ko. Hahahahahaha. Sabi ni dad, pumipili pa raw siya noon. Hayup siya. Pero, kaya niya pinili si mom kasi sa kanya siya naging mas mabuti at buong tao 'di umano. LELS. So, siguro, eto rin 'yung part sa akin na sobrang cringe ako 'pag may mga paganaps na pagpapaselos or may ibang gusto ang mga nakaka-interact ko sa sphere ng love life. Matic alis ka na dito sa harap ko real quick. Naging 99.9% faithful naman tatay ko sa kanilang marriage vows lalo nung nagkasakit mom ko ng malala. Karma. CHOZ. Hahahaha. Joke lang 'yun a. Kidding aside, ayoko lang kasi nakikita mom ko na sobrang hyper vigilant sa dad ko. Isang maling kaliwa o kanan lang 'pag dating sa "girls" tepok talaga dad ko. Sabi nga niya: Takot talaga ako sa nanay mo, 'nak. Me: Awaw. Talaga ba dad? Parang hindi naman kasi 'di pa kayo kasal, pusakal ka na. Sabi naman ni dad: Nak, 'di naman masamang pumili e. Kung baga, tinitignan kung sino ba talaga sa dalawa ang pinaka okay maging nanay ng mga anak ko. Me: Tacca. 'Di lang dalawa kwento ni mommy.
Natawid ko na rin naman itong shit chapter ng parentals ko, so, all goods. Good deals na tayo. And andun na rin ako sa point na gusto ko balikan ni dad 'yung balo niyang highschool shitheart para malaman niya talaga kung tama decision niya mula noon hanggang ngayon. Actually, noon vindictive ako e. Pero ngayon, kung saan siya masaya since officially single naman siya, go lang. Excited din akong malaman ang sagot sa tanong na 'to. Pero sabi ng dad ko: Sabi ng nanay mo, kahit sino basta 'wag lang si... LOL. Aba. Defying death ba si dad or death-defying? Abangan! Buti na lang 'di chixxx 'yung HS shitheart niya. LOL. Mom ko kasi 24-36-24 nung college siya e, so 'yung pa lang, alam na this. Sanaol may ganung vital stats. LELS. Hahahaha. Hiyang-hiya ako e. Parang mga Grade 3 ko yata vital stats 'yan tapos no turning back na from there.
Anway, tapusin ko na 'tong shitpost na 'to because... marami pang labada at try kong matulog ng hindi lampas 1 AM. :) Bukas ulit!
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xladymalice · 6 years ago
Well, as an artist, you draw what you want! If you want to draw a flower, you draw a flower! Nobody can oblige you to do something. And if this personn isn't happy with it, she can get the fuck out of your blog. Stay awsome ~!
Thanks :) I’m glad people understand.
It’s especially hard for younger people/young adults to understand, that time it limited. If they aren’t artists neither writers or in general creators they most likely will not be able to understand, that you need to be motivated in order to produce actually GOOD content.My motivation pretty much died to limited to zero feedback and stress due to RL issues. I am back to drawing, whatever I like.So I am happy if people tolerate and accept that. Or rather:
I am happy that you are still with me and look forward to see my content. I gladly will share whatever I create just for you to see that I am alive.
Actually I do not believe that follower meant harm. They are probably very hyped about my story which flatters me as a creator. I know I created good content people want to see. But well... it is unfortunate for that user, that my tastes changed again (as it always does. It’s life, duh) and that I don’t feel like working on it at the actual moment.
And that - peepz- is also a thing happening through the circle of feeding the creator with love and feedback (which lacked extremely, although I tried to reach out) and followers who start to starve, because I am a greedy shit who needed confirmation.
Whatever :’D My time is limited, so deal with the god damn bullshit I am throwing at you, hahaha
Thanks for your words!
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snoopyracing · 7 years ago
umm calum hood who??? mali koa should be my girlfriend
sleepover night!!
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soccer-love · 2 years ago
Alexandra Popp x reader 
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Request from @themoinsen
“Y/N Y/L/N?” I look up from my phone, a women is walking towards me. 
I try to remember her but I really don't. 
“Sorry?” I ask, she comes closer and I notice the symbol of the DFB-Team on her jacket. 
“I’m Angela, normally I work for the national team as Psychiatrist, Martina Voss-Tecklenburg asked me to pick you up from the airport.” she says and I nod. 
“Did she tell anyone else, that I’m coming?” I ask and she shakes her head. 
“Nope, my car is waiting over there.” She answers and I leads me to a black car. 
We get to the stadium in less then an hour, the German womens national team is playing the last qualification game for the World Cup next year, against Bulgaria tonight. 
We stop at a small flower shop and I get a bouquet of red and white roses. 
I feel excitement run through my body as we stop at the stadium but I’m also really nervous. 
Excitement, because I’m able to see my girlfriend again, nervous because I plan on proposing to her, tonight, after the game. 
I’ve been in Mali as a soldier for the last eight months, I love my job but its really hard when I only get to see my girl over FaceTime. 
Angela leads me through the locker room and to a door that leads into the stadium, I see the national team of both countries and Martina standing on the side of the field. 
“I’m gonna tell her that your here, but you may wanna stay here so nobody sees you yet.” Angela says and I nod, my eyes glued to the field, searching for my girlfriend. 
Angela walks outside and I hear the cheering of the fans, she says something to Martina who turns around and gives me a smile before focusing back on the game. 
I asked her if its okay if I come to surprise my girl today and when the idea with proposing to her crossed my mind I also asked Martina if its okay. 
“She says, welcome home and good luck.” Angela says as she comes back into the room. 
I lay my hand over my pocket, feeling the small box in it. 
The more the time went bay, the more terrified I get. I was deeply calm when I sat in the plane back home and even on the way here but now....
Everyone I know told me she said yes, her brother, her dad, I even asked one of her team mates. 
“Three more minutes.” Angela says, I almost forgot that she's here.
I take a deep breath as we watch the last minutes, when the referee blows her whistle three times, the games over. 
“Germany wins eight to zero.” the stadium speaker, the fans cheering and screaming loud, the players from the bench run onto the field celebrating their team mates. 
I see Martina following them but she turn back towards me, giving me a thumbs up. 
“I think that's your moment.” Angela says, giving me the flower bucket we got before heading here. 
“Thank you.” I say and check myself in the reflection of the glass door before walking outside. 
“WORLD CUP. WORLD CUP. WORLD CUP.” I hear fans, players and stuff members screaming. 
I’m not even on the field when I see that one of her team members noticed me, and is now looking at me like I’m a ghost.
“Oh my god.” I hear someone else saying as I walk towards them. 
“You look like you saw a ghost.” I remember this voice within a second, my girlfriend, Alexandra Popp. 
“I think I do.” Lena Oberdorf answers, stopping in the middle of her celebration move, one arm around Lea Schüller the other one in the air. 
“Is that...-” Almuth Schult trails off, and finally Poppi turns around. 
Her jaw drops and now she looks like she just saw a ghost. 
I smile at her and after a couple of seconds, she realizes that I’m really there and she runs towards me. 
She almost nocks me over, as her arms wrap around my neck and she holds onto me like her life depends on it. I pull her closer as she presses her face into my shoulder. 
We pull back but only met again in a soft but loving kiss, the fans cheer even more around us and suddenly I feel the strength and courage to do it. 
“Hey.” I say we brake apart, her blue eyes looking with mine. 
“Hi.” she answers “I didn't knew that you were coming home today.” 
“I wanted to surprise you.” I explain, her smile gets wider. 
“I love that surprise.” 
“Well I hope you like the next one too.” I see and get a step back, as I pull the tiny ring box out of my pocket and go down on one knee. 
I feel like the whole stadium goes silent, trying to hear my words. 
“Alex, I love you from the bottom of my heart, you’re my favorite person and the love of my life, your the first one I think about in the morning, the last thing in the night and a million times in between.” 
I take another deep breath and see tears running down her face. 
“I’m very lucky that I get to call you mine for the last four years but I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so will you marry me?” 
Probably every human being within a one mile radius hold their breath, waiting for an answer.
I get up and as I slight the ring onto her finger the stadium literally explodes, everyone, fans of both sides, referees, trainers and even the Bulgarian team cheers and screams as I wrap my arms around her. 
“A thousand times yes.” Alex whispers against my ear, holding me as close as possible. 
Her team jumps around us and pulls us into a group hug, screaming “Welcome Home”s and “Congrats.” 
“Oh and congrats that you're going to the World Cup.” I say, remembering that they won the game. 
“Can we marry before that?” she asks and pulls back, looking at me with pure love in her eyes. 
“I would marry you in ten minutes if you asked me to.” I answer and cup her cheek with my hand. 
“Okay you two I know you just got engaged but stop being so cute, I want to hug the Capitan.” Almuth says, pulling me away from Alex. 
I got the nickname “The Capitan.”, because when we startet dating, Alex only talked about me by using my army rang. 
I let Almuth pull me into a hug while the rest of the team, hugs my fiancé. 
After more of celebration and some media stuff I wait outside the locker room, while they shower and change. 
Not even ten minutes after they went in there, Alex is already back, her hair still wet but she looks happy. 
“Hey, beautiful.” I say as she wraps her arms around me. 
She looks around if anyone is near us before showing me the ring on her finger. 
“We’re engaged.” I remind her and she smiles at me. 
“One of us has to change the name on their cloths.” she says, looking down at the name badge on my uniform jacket. 
“How does Y/N Popp sound?” 
“Absolutely perfect.” 
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saturrnss · 2 years ago
Young, dumb, and rich (chapter 2)
shuri x poc!fem!princess
(please reblog!)
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They leave, saying their last goodbyes and you're left alone in your room, heart still beating fast from the last couple of minutes you just went through. Your open window lets you hear a slight commotion that's happening at the front of the castle, gradually growing louder and louder. You look through your window to see what's going on.
People crowd around a figure that you could barely see because people's bodies were blocking your view. Your mother comes to see what all the noise is all about, people clear the way for her and she freezes. She hugs the figure for a long time and starts to- kiss them? .
you walk out of your room to the front door of the castle to see who she could be kissing, you walk closer and closer to see that the person was your father, laughing as he kisses your mother back. "BABA!" you run to jump into his arms and he gets into a position ready to catch you. you almost clash into him.
when you lift your head up you see he's grown a beard, and is wearing a vibrant pattern of clothing. "baba where have you been?!" "you'll see. Soon" he puts you down and goes into the castle to see your other siblings, everyone following him bombarding him with questions and important stuff.
You do your stuff as usual for the next day and a half but something was, different. Everyone was hiding something from you, it was like it was this really big inside joke but everybody in the world gets it but you. Even staff you considered your friends would run away or change the topic whenever you even as so as to hinted a question about it.
Mali knew about it too, the only person who seemed just as confused as you was was power. It started to really get you down so you just spent more time in your room, The guilt slowly started to eat at your parents so, they called you to their room and had a talk with you.
"as your parents, we think you are responsible enough to make the right decision," your mother says while looking at your father for guidance. "and we fully understand if you get mad at us." your father says.
"About what??'' you say dumbfounded. "...we're going on a trip" your mother blurts out. "...oh,ok?" that's what it was all about, a trip? "well you should probably get going now!" your mother says taking your hand and speed walking you out of the room and closing the door
Still a little bit suspicious but overall okay with the answer given, you go back to your room, doing whatever random shit you were doing before because it's the 1600s and you can barely do anything
You servants help you get into you, take off your clothes, take a bath, put on your night clothes and get into bed, they exit your room and turn off the lights but you still can't sleep, tossing and turning- unsure of what tomorrow is going to bring, you don't know why but you can't shake off the feeling that somethings gonna happen, something different
but exciting.
A/N: I know this is very short but i promise that shuri will get introduced in the next chapter
(wattpad is saturnshaze)
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