#malevolent dragon au
koszmarnybudyn · 2 months
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Sooo this was just suppose to be some sketches/ideas for an au i had thought of a while back but then it turned into this.
Also a rant about design choices:
John as a dragon has been on my mind for ages now, and today i thought of the masks as armor/scales idea, plus the deer mask because i do love me a creepy dear mask. He also has freakish human hands because i really enjoy that in my designs for him. And of course the colors are the artist that made the kiss inspired. He's a bit more cute i think, than how i usually draw him because the tendrils look more fluffy.
Arthur's a knight, in rusty armor, because he still needs to look scrappy, yes this was an excuse to give him longer hair and a beard. The creast is all messed up because well i think he used to work for a Saltzman's maybe (i think he was just a normal guy but then he married Bella and she was a noble/rich and he was kinda forced to become a knight, he was a bard before maybe, so after she died this armor's been basiclly just rotting somewhere). Theres Yorick because i enjoy him a lot. And i gave him a copper colored sword in a yellow sheath (because of course). I think he's still blind here.
Idk the plot honestly, this is mostly the rule of cool and my love of au making so hope you guys enjoy.
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shy-sapphic-ace · 2 years
Hi everyone! Hope you're doing good!
I'm looking for new queer fiction podcasts to obsess about! So far I've listened to:
The Adventure Zone (that was a while ago, and I'm still not caught up on Steeplechase and everything after that)
Welcome To Night Vale
The Penumbra Podcast (Juno Steel and Second Citadel now!)
Wolf 359 (that was supposed to be my HAPPY COMFORT PODCAST jeez)
King Falls AM (Also was supposed to be my comfort podcast...)
Kaleidotrope (This one's really a comfort podcast)
Dragon Shanty (Thanks for the rec!)
Dark Ages
The Lavender Tavern
The Two Princes
Second Star To The Left
RADIO: Outcast
The Bright Sessions
The Magnus Archives
The Strange Case of Starship Iris
Stellar Firma
Me And AU
Trice Forgotten
Maxine Miles
Light Hearts
Wooden Overcoats
Faux & Stallion
Camp Here And There
The Night Shift
The White Vault
Old Gods of Appalachia!
Archive 81
So if there are any suggestions, I'd love to have new stuff to check out! (Finished podcasts would be great but if it isn't that's fine)
Edit: Wow! Thanks for all the recommendations! Now my to-watch list is much, much longer than it was before!
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radioactivespino · 1 year
Alright, hear me out...
Dragon John Au
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Where the king in yellow (the alpha of John's former pack) ousted John, trying to kill him but failing (but he is very much still on the hunt). Arthur has to help because there are mystical bonds 'n stuff, idk (not me thinking about eragon and saphira's dragon vision and stuff). And John picked his name because Arthur can't pronounce his dragon name and it was one of the first three human names he heard.
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ofstarsandskies · 7 months
ToB AU Skit -- A Real Drag(on)
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Based on a thread I've got with @talesofourworlds where the trio fight a dragon. Little lore, Victor does know the Abbey's innards... from years ago. So his info's out of date (he has no idea Magilou left and thinks "Magilou" is an alias not to get hounded by passersby) and he's in no rush to fix it. Dragon killing doesn't care whether the Abbey exists or burns to the ground.
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barbika1508 · 11 months
Vicious malevolent dragon (Dragon!Min Yoongi x Reader)
Words: 6,1k
Genre: Dragon AU, Romance, Soulmates/ Mates, Smut
Pairing: Dragon!Min Yoongi x Reader
Warnings: Mention of torture and abuse // Knotting, Possessiveness, Praise kink
Summary: Rural villages all hide secrets. Not this one. This one rejoices in the taking of a life once a year to pay for their foolish assumption of safety very much delusional. Not only does the chosen maiden get to live, she finds the love of her life who would burn the world down for her.
Author’s note: Hydria – water jar (pottery) This was inspired by a fic on AO3 which for the life of me I can’t track down.
/ BTS Masterlist /
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The smell of smoke fills my lungs from top to bottom making it hard to breathe the burning taking up my attention as my eyes spill with tears, cries choked out of me specially thanks to the jostling of my body, tremors and harsh holds leaving nasty bruises and wounds in their wake.
Though haziness my attempt at escaping has been prevented as they’ve captured me. My feeble attempts at punching and kicking earn me harsher push backs, as I’m slammed onto the ground, my limbs pulled uncomfortably as restrains fasten inhumanely leaving me bound, unmoving and crying out in pain. The self-preservation part of me has me wiggle around.
In retaliation I receive a punishment in the form of a hit delivered to my right side cracking my ribs. Another follows as my legs get pulled twisted one over another the restraints digging into my ankles splitting skin and drawing blood.
Another scream leaves my parted mouth as the smoke remains enveloping me, the dizziness it’s bringing hurting the most. The ash-iness of it almost comforts me, lack of warmth terrifying as my body rests bare to many unwanted eyes the chill of the night air keeping me further awake into the nightmare.
Grubby hands force rings, bracelets, necklaces pounds of golden jewellery over my restrained limbs, breaking and twisting fingers and bones the added weight another restraint from freedom.
The chanting and cheering from people rise in volume, gleeful laughter piercing the air, manic in comparison to my torment and despair sinking its claws in me air something I’m able to sob for barely getting any as the townsfolk swing their blazing torches near my face my body, forcing me to inhale the smoke that’s ruining and eating up my lungs.
Through half blinded gaze I spot disfigured greedy grins, colourful and flower-patterned attire’s mocking me as they lead me towards death.
Even children aren’t merciful their giggle’s terrifying in the back as they shout insults that I’m sure they will get chided for come tomorrow. The devils come out at night they say.
A cry tears its way from my throat leaving me with an iron taste. I barely am able to spit it out the bile of the smoke halted as they slam me onto something metallic, the hit to the back of my head leaving my vision spinning as well as my thoughts, pain mercilessly keeping me awake. I register the way they pull my hands above my head, my twisted legs fixated.
The smoke of torches returns drying out my tears, as my head gets positioned to lie facing the empty vast night sky, stars beyond unrecognizable as the darkness overpowers the fog before my eyes. I can spot licks of flames from the torches that for the first time since regaining consciousness reman at bay as a man’s voice booms in the clearing, his croaking laughter ending whatever speech or words of supposed wisdom he pridefully spoke.
It goes eerie quiet while dark spots begin to swim in my eyes, consciousness finally slipping as I’m ready to accept death, to be relieved of the evens and the final moments of my life. I am almost thankful for the lack of vision as I’m spared from clear images of my disfiguration – of my own murder.
The roar from a beast is heard loud and clear rattling everyone till the bones, the sound petrifying as it echoes in the clear of the night.
As the crowd of murderess roar in triumph, cheers of supposed victory overpowering, deafening me in the protest only then do I feel fear sink into me. Pain demands to be felt there is no way out of it but to endure. But panic has its way of crawling under one’s skin, seizing up the body and mind taking mindless control of one’s actions and reactions.
The roaring of the beast whom we were all told since birth to always hide and run away from. And yet those fears I’ve had since I was a babe don’t compare to the horrifying shouts of joy and delight coming from none other than humans.
The monsters, devils that begin to leave to their festivities, they are the terrors to fear – their ruthlessness harsher than any mindless creature can deliver.
Still persistent my mind stays awake even if everything else begins to shut down, body ablaze with pain I cannot even comprehend anymore – cannot begin to describe as it has no beginning and no end.
I barely flinch at a whistle ringing out near my ear something like a breath fanning near my right side, a touch to my entangled hair adorned with jewels and gold unfazing me.
‘’You should have said yes to my marriage proposition.’’ The voice says with elation tutting after ‘’Such a shame.’’
The roar and flap of what I can only assume are wings sound closer the humming of the man taunting renewing tears behind my eyelids ‘’Sacrifices are always fun don’t you think?!’’
For starters I wake up gasping for air, lungs working double the speed to regain the loss of oxygen. My body lunges forth sitting upright fingers curling in fists as my eyes dart around the dark room searching for the danger present. Lucky, nothing of sorts looms anywhere near besides the dying embers coming from my left and the midst of the spacious room the bonfire serving to warm me during these cold nights and to cook meals from.
Despite the emptiness my senses remain on alert even as my hands fall over my lap exhaustion following. Drenched in sweat I smack my dry mouth a few times the taste unpleasant the nightmare having rattled me, the remnants of it causing shivers to run down my spine, goosebumps a side effect.
I contemplate moving not really wanting to leave the safe haven of the makeshift bed built from rich furs but the dryness in my throat only gets more persistent and the uncomfortableness of my night shirt clinging to my back growing.
Pushing myself up I crawl over until my bare feet press against the stone of the carved-out floors that have been smoothed out. Reaching for my boot’s my body aches muscles tense, even as I push myself onto my feet.
Stopping near the dying heart, I blow onto the embers a few times adding two smaller logs onto them the fire quick to catch on rekindling and growing anew providing more light to the closed off space.
The cold in the air isn’t bothersome or all that noticeable to my overheated skin, but it brings back that familiar odd sensation of feeling too exposed. Even if I am the only occupant of the mountain. Heading to the opposite side from the furs I peek into the closed off chamber the mountains of gold and treasures strewn across the cave room, additions of books and weapons thrown to the side the piles noticeably smaller signalling the novelty to the hoard.
Sidestepping past them, I reach the makeshift wardrobe that has been halfway built clothes lying folded instead of hung. By passing them I grab for the fur cloak I’m most familiar with, one than completely covers my body and keeps me warm no matter what I wear underneath.
Feeling slightly more comforted I make my way back into the living space towards a particular chest which contains some meat to be eaten tomorrow, along with one piece of bread and randomly picked fruit from two days ago. At the cheat’s side lies a hydria thankfully replenished with water from the stream just outside around the corner of the hidden cave I’m safely tucked in.
I greedily drink the cool liquid not caring of the possibility of a sore throat as I’m more starved of liquid than I assumed I was.
Once the water spills past my lips I slow down my haste catching my breath, at least feeling somewhat better. Tucking the jar back into its place I offer a glance at the empty furs, the appeal non-existent anymore.
My feet lead me towards the exit on their own passing the narrow passage newly built, a huge boulder having been laid in front of what used to be a vast open space into the cave now concealed.
The bite of the cold I welcome as it nips at my cheeks and nose awakening me further. The tiredness still lingers it always does but the change is welcomed as I lay my eyes on the vast forest stretching bellow. Walking to the edge of the ledge my knees buckle as I make myself comfortable sitting on the ground burrowing in the cloak, consoled by the smell of smoke that clings to the fur.
Yawning quietly, I observe the area my eyes drawn to the light protruding in the darkness peeking over hilltops neatly tucked away in shelter. I scoff turning my attention upwards to the half full moon my heart always fluttering whenever I see it and the stars. The constellations as always draw themselves inside my mind connecting right in front of my eyes brining a smile to my lips.
To think I almost lost my sight.
I sigh as my body begins to ache the familiar ghost of old pains arising, specially whenever the moon is nearing its fulness the magic tug from it always demanding to be felt. But as I once felt fear of its power, I’ve embraced its light instead.
I shudder as a breeze wafts past ruffling my hair that lays unruly around my head and shoulders. My teeth chatter together for a mere moment. I welcome the cold that cools my skin having turned it rosy, pink.
Closing my eyes, I let my head lull towards the sky, an old lullaby surfacing in the back of my mind brisk to make an appearance as my voice comes out in a hum the melody getting lost in the air.
Soon enough the familiar flapping of wings pierces gently through the odd haze I’ve lulled myself into. Upkeeping the melody my hum softens as my eyes fall open upturned towards the moon, a shadow passing by it – something that would alarm any normal being.
And yet here I am with my heart fluttering in my chest, my woes melting away, tension lessening from my entire being. As I fall silent the sound disappears leaving me all alone the whispers from the wind playing with the mountain peaks making its own song along. I try pinpointing his entrance liking to pretend I have a keen sense for him. As I glance above my head half expecting his descend to be dramatic, I’m left with a smile as I turn to look to my left straightening my back meeting with silver orbs resembling igneous silver.
The hulking beast that towers higher than any common house, larger than three wagons combined, bigger than life itself I’d say begins to shift, shrinking in size the sounds of bones shifting and cracking not fear inducting as it used to be. Throughout its change I keep my eyes fixated on its eyes relieved of the loneliness from the past two days getting erased instantaneously.
Remaining seated on my spot with my legs crossed – mostly due to his many chidings and scolding’s whenever I sit near the edge – I watch silently as a humanoid form of a man appears from the shadows two horns remaining atop of the male’s head his silhouette entrancing as always.
Stepping closer I pick up on coins cluttering together a sack revealing itself thanks to the light of the moon a moment further. Besides, it lay a couple of dead rabbits strung together they being small prey animals eliciting a raised eyebrow in question as I look up once more, glad to set my eyes on my beloved’s softened features.
‘’Looking out to get sick again?’’ his voice comes out gruff almost animalistic his loot and prey left forgotten dropped as he walks over quick to kneel, bare arms making contact as he attempts to pull his own fur cloak which I’m wearing tighter together as if to protect me.
‘’Alas not tonight.’’ I tease him, frown remaining on his face as his irises remain glowing silver taking me in. His warm hand comes to cup my cheek switching up as he presses the back of his fingers over my forehead ‘’I’m alright.’’ I roll my eyes pushing at his hand trying to reassure him knowing full well where this is going as he lets out a growl as I intertwine our hands together ‘’You’re here, I’m more than fine.’’ I switch tactic but smile genuinely as I take him in, his dark hair familiar horns sticking upwards, features sharp as he is not entirely convinced.
‘’As sweet as your words may be, don’t keep me a fool human.’’ He growls sounding annoyed but for a fact I know he isn’t. Keeping back a chuckle I end up nodding trying to put on a serious expression breaking immediately feeling nothing but love and adoration for him.
‘’I’d never ever dream of doing that oh mighty dragon from the north.’’ I find myself playfully squeaking in laughter as he growls threateningly but makes quick work of grabbing me. With ease I get lifted into his embrace thrown over his shoulder the change of position eliciting giggles to rush past my lips.
‘’She giggles.’’ He grumbles stepping over to his loot ‘’You should be begging for your life, human not giggling like a child at my presence.’’
Picking up his things I muse at the dragon holding onto his hips to not swing so wildly ‘’Can’t help it I’m afraid. You’re a very charming dragon after all.’’
His chest grumbles I’m sure pleased with my words. He carries us inside silent making sure to lay me down gently on the furs his handling bringing brief vertigo, which gets chased away swiftly his hand touching under my chin ‘’Be good.’’ Is all he says as he gets up and walks across the room storing the rabbits first while at the same time granting me the view of his bare skin and glorious backside as he bends over.
I tut to myself grinning widely once he spares me a look grumbling something to himself.
‘’Practically oozing charm.’’ I compliment further even as he straightens and ignores me heading off to check on his hoard.
Smiling to myself feeling hot thanks to his mere presence – as the fire is dying once more – I shrug of his cloak throwing my boots from the furs to burrow beneath them the difference of having him here tremendous.
And yet as I lie down and wait for him wearing nothing but his shirt, my joy diminishes the space I’m back in bringing the nightmare to resurface as I remember the clammy feeling and terror I felt when I woke up. My gaze darts to the small fire and the smoke as it rises towards the ceiling, a small opening a crack in the rocks enabling some to escape.
I can hear coins and heavier object in various sizes clattering. It should be reassuring that he is here, I should be fine just knowing he is at arm’s reach. But as I sit up my limbs begin to shake, cold sweat making an appearance as what I feel like my soul gets weighted – the heft of the gold I was forced to wear that night remains as a ghost feeling over my skin.
A whole-body shudder runs through me my vision getting slightly blurry but not from tears. I tear my gaze away from the fire sniffling quietly pushing at the furs prompting the makeshift pillow behind me lying on my hip.
Yoongi stalks forward silently still nude as the day he was born – hatched as he’d explained once – gaze intent as it fixates on me. I preoccupy myself with fluffing up the furs not wanting to have the conversation right now. Reaching the end, he’s quick to lie down and crawl closer taking my hand gently into his stopping me from moving.
Unable to look at him I stare at our joined hand’s letting him pull me into his embrace the warmth he is emitting familiar and like a fresh breath of air itself. Greedily I wrap my own arms around him hating that my body begins trembling, hating the lump in my throat and numbness settling in my chest as flashes of colour appear before my eyes.
‘’Shhhh I’m here beloved.’’ His voice is soft ‘’I won’t let anyone ever hurt you again.’’
 His caresses mean everything chasing away the torturous heavy weight of gold feeling from my skin, soothing my body tremors, easing my breathing as I match his heartbeat hand splayed over his bare chest between us. He attempts to hum a melody which impresses me tremendously given he has spent some time in his dragon form voice having gone unused.
It’s his effort and willingness, patience that keep me comforted and with a fluttery heart. Vicious malevolent dragon huh?
His tongue darts out licking a part of my cheek the action still after all this time having me jerk away his arms preventing me from backing away too much. Scrunching up my nose as I smile turning, he’s utmost serious as he stares at me, silver reappearing in his mostly brown irises.
‘’I don’t think you can fix night terrors that easily, my love.’’ I note reaching up to cup his face running both thumbs over the apple of his cheeks, the growl and showing of sharpened teeth not at all intimidating even as his frown deepens.
‘’You don’t know for sure.’’ He’s quick to retort long tongue making an appearance to which I attempt to cover his mouth, not at all bothered as his tongue brushes over the inside of my palm brining more chuckles to resurface.
‘’My love, my heart, my everything it’s alright.’’ I speak softly feeling how my heart blooms for the dragon holding onto me tightly ‘’You’ve done more than enough truly.’’ I pull my hand back and point silently at myself ‘’The dreams will pass, your mage friend said so himself. Don’t fret to much over me. Your scales are going to go grey to soon.’’ I muse towards the end, making a point to grab onto his left horn him letting me get away with it telling me he’s putty in my arms.
‘’I don’t care about that.’’ he grumbles remaining serious ‘’You’re my only concern of course I’m going to fret.’’ Leaning in I don’t stop him as he’s quick to connect our lips sharp teeth making an appearance but never drawing blood, as he kisses with somewhat of a buried need that’s only growling given the way how his grip tightens around me, strong hands firm but not hurtful.
It’s easy for him to upkeep the kisses his passion bringing a smoky thang to how he taste’s something I’ve gotten used to. Gasping once his tongue prods at my lips he breaks it off moving over my cheek, licking over the small cut I’ve manage to achieve by descending to the woods yesterday to pick some pomegranates.
I quiver upon feeling the skin healing itself, his saliva having magical proprieties. It’s how he literally mended me together so to speak.
Left broken and chained to an altar barely clinging onto my life he descended that very same night to claim the offerings of the village having been mostly of produce and gold, the year clearly being twisted into something vile – a human sacrifice.
It wasn’t hard to hear or feel him his beastly form something out of this world my brain far too gone to comprehend him in the first place. But through my blurry gaze his eyes were the first thing I’ve set my gaze upon. His deafening roar filled me with some type of energy – it was as if he called out for my soul to tether itself right back to my body. The warm he exuded felt scorching hot unbearable but not like the torches – his heat and warmth were like a blanket draped over me.
The few times I’ve asked him, prodded more so for an answer why he saved me in the first place given I was broken and beyond salvation even in my own opinion I’ve never gotten a clear reply. He either smiled knowingly or set his jaw tight remembering the night something causing him pain, himself.
‘’You were meant for me.’’
Those famous words of his still to this day keep ringing in my head from time to time.
‘’Holy fuck you feel so good.’’ I hiss in the beginning ending up whining, my body feeling like it’s on fire. Given the man in front of me literally can breathe fire, is just a bonus.
His chest grumbles against the palm of my right hand where it rests near his heart. Going past that detail my mind is entirely preoccupied with the feeling of him, as I continue for right now slow descent onto his cock, which is filling me already impossibly so. But given our practice and mainly his determination not to harm me I’m left tearless and aching for the pleasure, for the extasy that’s promised and within my grasp.
‘’Hmm, do I?’’ comes his raspy tone, a hint of smoke leaving past his lips his struggle with staying still evident in the tight hold he has over my hips upholding me more so than I am myself, as I sink down on him, stopping just above his knot the actions coming from his side. I reopen my eyes to look at him in question and amusement, finding his eyes screwed shut his control slipping which he’s trying to desperately reign in.
But there are more black scales making an appearance, humanoid form morphing into his dragon side the sight only arousing further, the tinge of danger always present in these moments, making it addicting whenever he begins losing some of his saint like control.
Speechless my mouth opens and closes uselessly, thighs starting to shake increasingly the harder I try to ride him, his hands pulling me down not entirely helpful.
‘’AH FUCK!’’ I find myself shouting at a particularly harsh pull coming from his end, making me sink almost entirely onto him, knot kissing my lower lips ‘’Ahhh Y-Yoongi-yahh…’’ I cry breathless tears glossing my eyes, my body trying to fold together which of course his hands prevent to do so, his right one suddenly getting placed over my chest.
‘’You are doing so great, beloved.’’ He praises coming closer, muscles tensing under my hands as his hands switch from my hips, arms wrapping around me touch tender tracing my skin ‘’So amazing. My pretty mate.’’ His tone lowers but grown more affectionate, kisses beginning to be spread over my face.
‘’Mate.’’ I repeat after him, enjoying the vibrations emitting from his chest, letting my hands trace his defined chest. I notice the amused smile he sports letting me to my own devices, the need to reach our releases momentarily not a priority.
‘’Yes, my mate. Mine. You are mine.’’ He confirms words holding heaviness. Without fail it makes me feel that we were destined for each other since birth. It’s what he loves to remind me, oh big dragon with an inkling to prophecy Yoongi is always so assured we are meant to be. I’ve long ago started believing him.
‘’Mine.’’ Again, I repeat eyes fleeting to his own, the power he holds nothing for me to be afraid of, the heaviness his irises hold. But also, the love, the amour, the baring of his soul I see whenever I look at him. I must admit it is the most amazing feeling in the world to know, be aware and accept someone’s love and adoration the only hard thing not to get to overwhelmed with it at times.
‘’Mine.’’ He agrees closing the distance mindful of bumping his head against my own – something he’s always been cautious about – horns a thing of magnificence even in their trait of harmfulness that could bring me. I’ve never shied away from them, eagerness a human trait he told me. It hasn’t stopped me before and it won’t stop me now, as I meet him halfway. It has been barely 2 days that he was absent but each time he leaves an emptiness appears in my chest. An emptiness I know he’s always willing to fill right up.
Its why I’m ready for our kisses to transition from sweet and almost timid into ones of hunger and lust his tongue shameless swiping over my lower lip, earning himself a wanton moan as I grant him entrance, tongue twisting with mine not keeping this at all shy anymore or reserved.
He is a beast after all, a mighty dragon known to take what belongs to him – and what doesn’t – known to be monstrous, strong, invulnerable. He is going to take what he wants.
He has taken my heart.
At his hands landing onto my hips again fingers slipping into the juncture where my thighs meet my torso my body gradually tenses up, knowing he has something up his sleeve the kiss getting broken ‘’Shhhhh, don’t fret beloved.’’ He calms kissing me once more ‘’Relax Y/N-ah, relax…’’ like a siren luring its prey with its voice alone Yoongi has this effect on me but not thanks to magic or his draconic abilities.
It’s because I’ve learned to trust him wholeheartedly, my body in-tune with him more so than my own thoughts at times proven now as my muscles loosen listening to him before I can register his words entirely, his actions clicking in my mind a moment after as he begins pushing me onto his knot.
My hands redirect from resting against his chest to wrap around his neck, having done this quite a few times I’ve learned to arch my back and focus on my breathing ‘’Ah that’s it, what a good girl you are for me.’’ The praises keep on coming, the kiss he presses to my temple a human gesture he picked up from me, sending my heart into a fluttering spiral.
I let my head fall sideways trying to watch how he begins to stretch me impossibly wide, pain always a factor in our intimacy but not to an unbearable point. It always promises pleasure to accompany and overshadow it.
As I sink onto his bulbous knot further whines arise automatically, being vocal something I can only do with Yoongi.
‘’My pretty mate.’’ He breathes out losing the composure he has gained, voice sounding strained finally his hands steadily pushing me down I’m certain listening to the way I’m breathing watching how I’m reacting. Known to be greedy, my dragon mate is anything but when it comes to me his love overpowering his most primal traits – he has proven it time and time again, love having overtaken us both entirely, Eros’s arrow entirely wound into our hearts.
‘’Ah p-pretty huh…’’ I half-chuckle ending up groaning as I sink on the widest part, whining in protest as it doesn’t stop, bottoming out not always my favorite part.
‘’Fffffff…you’re so tight.’’ Yoongi grunt’s his hold on the verge of leaving my skin bruised. He avidly tries to avoid marking me in such way, rather slathering his scent – or semen – or love bites in a controlled manner over my skin.
‘’N-noo…’’ I chuckle ‘’You are just big.’’ I grin widely, knowing my words always raise his confidence. And there’s nothing that I prefer more than seeing my mate happy ‘’F-fuck you’re b-big…’’ the realization always weirdly daunts me, as he shifts his hips the slightest my body in tune with his entirely.
It’s a sensation I’ve grown accustomed to – like many things – to be in sync with him, to be relaxed or calm as he is, temperature catching up to his but in a safe manner, body accepting more strain. It’s a whole another thing to be connected to him like I’m now feeling as one with my mate always a magical experience. Even if he finds my description of it being magic funny, he agrees it carries those types of properties.
‘’You keep flattering me tonight, beloved.’’ Chest rumbly his lowered raspy tone sends a shiver down my spine, my cunt clenching around him ‘’Have you missed me that much? Did I leave you alone for too long?’’
Instead of teasing me he turns soft. Regaining some thinking capabilities, I lift my head not concerned with my expression neither the way I look right now as I let my eyes feast upon him, how handsome he is and collected again.
‘’Hmm possibly.’’ I begin honestly ‘’I always miss you when you leave, my love. 3 days, 1 day, 1 hour.’’ I pause seeing a shift in his eyes surprise something that always delights me ‘’I always want you by my side, my mighty dragon. Call me greedy. All I want is you.’’
Speaking from the heart is not something I usually do, emotions hard to deal with most of the time. But never when it comes to him. I’ve always found it rather straightforward when it comes to Yoongi, the fear, the confusion, the realization when I started falling for him, and even after coming to terms with my soul calling for his it’s been blissfully easy.
Something suddenly fills my chest. Pride? Love? Complete and utter adoration? It can be all of those, his emotions reflected in his expression and eyes, heart feeling like it’s going to burst, our link stronger than ever my confession causing his dragon part to let out a roar, as he howls at the sky looking magnificent, and terrifying to whoever dares to send a look his way.
Like before giggles bubble up my chest, even as he manhandles us around mouth hot as he begins his assault of delivering as much kisses as fast as he can, to an overwhelming degree his antics always welcomed. He’s bubbling with emotions, another rarity that Yoongi’ doesn’t show too often.
‘’My pretty, pretty mate. All mine.’’ He begins to growl, and mutter under his breath like a man crazed hands having flipped us around, resulting in my upper torso lying on the piled-up furs comfortably, whist he keeps my lower part and legs wrapped around him, bodies still very much so tightly wound together and connected, his hard cock not having softened a bit.
‘’Yahh Yoongi-yahh…’’ I call out teasingly, the disrespectful title I’m addressing him with always softening him, till some degree ‘’Wahh, I’ll take it you’ve missed me too.’’ my giggles get cut short, as his hands begin to knead my breasts, the dragon always happy to pinch my nipples that are already sensitive enough his touches at times downright cruel.
‘’Missed you…’’ he finally slows his frenzy of kisses ‘’…I always miss you.’’ The confession follows as he slows to a stop, hands exploring my body touch more sensual.
I let my hands drift to his cheek’s thumbs caressing his warm skin ‘’My heart belongs to you, love of my life.’’
Lowering onto his elbows he comes closer expression neutral. It’s his eyes that reflect what he’s feeling, chest full of emotions, I can feel the heat radiating from him can almost hear how his heart is thundering ‘’As mine does to you, my soul.’’
Buckling his hips, I’m startled pleasantly the spark between us regaining igniting our bodies and their needs coming to the front, emotions taking a step back. We’ve deprived ourselves to long, almost cruelly so holding back, lust a gluttonous thing growing impossible to ignore.
Pulling back slowly he’s still mindful of my body even if he lightly begins to tremble vibrations from his chest something primal from within him, that he cannot always control. His eyes silvery and deadly, indicate he is ready to devour. And yet in all his glory, his power, reputation, his proving and sheer strength Yoongi holds himself back, until his knot pops back out making him hiss, heat hitting my face as he gasps, my body shuddering at the feeling of brief emptiness.
I have to raise my head to see where we are connected, ending up surprised how wet my folds are. The sight causes warmth to hit my cheeks and chest eyes almost shy as I look up watching him as he sits up, readjusting ending up hovering over me, propped on his left hand right holding me.
‘’Come on.’’ I breathe out before I can stop myself, his predatory eyes fixing on my own ‘’Please. I need you please take me, Yoongi-ah.’’
He grunts as in warning, everything he’s displaying shouting ‘DANGER’ loud and clear.
He’s going to wreck me, absolutely destroy me, that much I can see is a promise in his eyes. And I can only bite onto my lower lip in anticipation, awaiting the destruction.
Gone is time for words, for begging, or normal human function as a matter of fact. More dragon than human, Yoongi isn’t gentle as much anymore as he pulls back and thrust back in the flare of pain at his quickness and assertiveness making an appearance, sparks beginning to roll fucking finally, my body only now showing signs of depravity as I’ve began going sensitive, breath hitching.
His hips hitting against my own, begin echoing around the spacious cavern skin slapping against skin not a sound I find shameful anymore. The growling that’s coming from deep within his throat is an indicator I’m doing something right, that I’m giving my mate pleasure even if he is chasing it himself. He is absolutely mesmerizing, holding himself above eyes focused on where we are connected, brows furrowed in concentration. His body built, shoulders and torso muscular thanks to his dragon form he feels like some sort of divinity above me, enveloping me in all his might, protecting me from everything, my soul delivering an onslaught of pleasure that begins spiking my heart rate, my skin feeling like it’s on fire, nothing else mattering in the world, only him.
It’s not even humanly possible to register the amount of pleasure he delivers initially let alone now that he speeds up, grabbing me under my knees spreading my legs further apart changing the angle he’s pistoning into me with the intention of ruin.
My voice gone, moans the only form I’m able of communication tears have already painted my cheeks and the side of my face with trails of salty water, while my body is his to control, not many function left besides the burrowing of my hands in the furs the need to hold onto something for dear life an automatic response as I’m sent hurling into the abyss of pleasure that keeps on rolling out, thanks to my mate.
He is not so far from me either, the pressure bellow beginning to increase halfway through the haze I’ve fallen into, the world spinning only around us two at the moment, his panting bringing me back to reality, whines softening my heart all at once.
Letting go of the furs I open my arms wide eagerly accepting as he falls into me, hips for the last time hitting my own as he bottoms out, making me cry out as he fills me oh so good knot engorged locking us together, his own bliss achieved as my dragon, my Yoongi lies safely and warm in my arms, eyes floating into his own haze of pleasure.
Shuddering I attempt to readjust the furs to make us more comfortable, his warning growl once more brining out giggles from me, as I proceed to accommodate us despite my tummy beginning to grow. I’ve got us rather quickly and with practiced ease covered up and not at all dislodged in the process, Yoongi’s face buried in the furs next to my head body a welcomed weight atop of me.
Loving the warmth, the heat, and most importantly his embrace I always am fascinated when I feel his heart beating against me, our chest somewhat aligned. Patient like he was with me, I keep still hands treading through his hair occasionally running up his rigged horns silently appreciating him as I hum the lullaby from before.
‘’I should teach you common sense.’’ Is the first thing he says, voice half muffled by the furs. I hum in question curious at his words, hands stopping briefly as he moves his head to the side his breath ghosting over the right side of my face ‘’Giggling when facing dragons, or growling beasts. It is not a wise thing to do.’’
At his explanation I burst into laughter, my lover catching me entirely of guard, my voice echoing as light begins to flood slowly but surely into the cave morning rising.
‘’Ah human.’’ He growls affectionately ‘’My beloved human.’’
Copyright 2023© by barbika1508. All rights reserved.
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John Egbert -> Púca or pooka, is a creature of Celtic folklore, are Fae tricksters and shapeshifters, who take the appearances of horses, goats, cats, dogs, and hares. They can also take a human form, which includes various animal features, such as ears or a tail.
Rose Lalonde -> Eldritch / Warlock, A being that is strange or unnatural especially in a way that inspires fear : weird, eerie. As well as a warlock, one who also practices magic, power fulled by an outside source.
Dave Strider -> Harpy In Greek and Roman mythology, is a half-human and half-bird. Often sirens look harpies and are conflated. So for this au, this harpy is able to sing songs to lure prey.
Jade Harley -> Werewolf or lycanthrope, in folklore, can shape-shift into a wolf (or wolf-like creature), on the night of a full moon. Jade is also a Witch, a woman who practices magic.
Jane Crocker -> Faerie, Fae, or sprite in Celtic Folklore, is a creature with metaphysical, supernatural, or preternatural qualities. and a penchant for trickery
Roxy Lalonde -> Wizard Tressym is a cat-like Monstrosity and a practitioner of magic.
Dirk Strider -> Dullahan in Irish folklore, is depicted as a headless rider on a black horse, who carries his own head. often seen as a symbol of death.
Jake English -> Bigfoot or Sasquatch, in American and Canadian folklore, is a large and hairy human-like mythical cryptid alleged to inhabit forests in North America.
Aradia Megido -> Mothra, a Japanese based Kaiju depicted as a large moth. To be conflated with Mothman, a West Virginian cryptid, for the sake of this au. Currently a Ghost, a spirit of the dead that can appear to the living.
Tavros Nitram -> Minotaur, in Greek mythology, is a creature portrayed with the head and tail of a bull and the body of a man.
Sollux Captor -> Cross roads Demon, found in several folklore, religion, and literature, are often malevolent supernatural entities, who collect souls.
Karkat Vantas -> Cherub Angel, in religion, is an unearthly being. For this au they are similar to cupid. Winged beings who match make. please note that this au will NOT be referencing christianity heavily for this.
Nepeta Leijon -> Nekomata, in Japanese folklore, are a type of yokai, depicted as a shapeshifting cat with two tails. while they can take any form, they will always have the tails.
Kanaya Maryam -> Vampire, in European folklore, are undead humanoid creatures that subsists by feeding on the blood of the living. often able to shapeshift into a bat. and unable to go out in the sun.
Terezi Pyrope -> Dragon is a magical legendary creature that appears in the folklore of multiple cultures worldwide. This one is a western dragon, often depicted as winged, horned, and capable of breathing fire.
Vriska Serket -> Arachne / Jorōgumo. In Greek myth, Arachne is a woman turned into a spider by Athena. In Japanese myth, Jorōgumo are often yokai of a half woman half spider. please note Vriska is not a yokai nor is she Arachne... she is simply a half woman have spider creature, likened to these two examples.
Equius Zahhak -> Centaur, in Greek mythology, is a creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body and legs of a horse
Gamzee Makara -> The bogeyman is a creature used by adults to frighten children into good behavior. Bogeymen have no specific appearances but they are most commonly depicted as masculine or androgynous monsters. In this case, they look like a clown.
Eridan Ampora -> Selkie, in Celtic and Norse mythologies, are creatures that can shapeshift between seal and human forms. For this au, Eridan is part seahorse instead, and often takes the form of a elf instead.
Feferi Peixes -> Leviathan. A very large sea serpent noted in theology and mythology. Feferi is also likened to a mermaid / siren, when not the size of 10 whales.
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usagirln12003 · 3 months
Tomura Shigaraki: Hogwarts AU
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Tomura Shigaraki was a Pureblood wizard that was born on the 4th of April 1965 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1976, being sorted into Slytherin House.
He had a Yew wand with a Dragon Heartstring core.
His Patronus was Non-Corporeal.
His favorite subject was Defense Against the Dark Arts and his least favorite was History of Magic.
Tomura Shigaraki was a very twisted, malevolent, and maliciously warped young man, who was considered to be the polar opposite of Izuku Midoriya. He didn't care for his or almost anyone else's life, having no qualms about performing evil deeds like murdering innocent people. Tomura was initially perceived to be a "man-child": arrogant, selfish, dependent, and demanding, becoming angry if things didn't go his way and likening reality to some sort of game. Unlike his mentor, Tomura lacked subtlety, preferring to eliminate problems through force. Much like a child, Tomura seemed unable to cope with his own feelings, instead lashing out and abusing both others or himself, tearing at his own neck when he becomes frustrated. This particular meltdown stemmed from the abuse he suffered from his father and being alone during his childhood, with All For One claiming that it represented his suppressed urge to kill and destroy. A very irritable person at the beginning of the Izuku's story, Tomura would learn to be more patient and self-controlled in subsequent appearances, as a consequence of multiple failed plans and All For One's arrest.
Tomura was proud of the League of Dark Wizards, wanting to prove that his organization had the necessary power to shake society and taking pleasure in mocking those standing in his way. He didn't tolerate others making light of the League's name and loathed the idea of certain personalities joining him, as was the case with Dabi and Himiko Toga at the beginning, which was made worse by the fact that they were both inspired by Stain, who had previously refused membership and overshadowed Tomura's goals in terms of media exposure after the Diagon Alley Incident. For similar reasons, he looked down on the wizarding mafia for their intentions of ruling the underworld over the League. In the end, however, Tomura was able to set his pride aside in order to do whatever was needed to accomplish his goals, having adopted Stain's ideology to enlist more members to his cause and forming a deal with the mafia for the development of the Magic-Destroying Drug.
Initially, Tomura seemingly caused destruction just for the sake of it and felt directionless about the League's path forward after Stain's arrest. It would take a fateful meeting with Izuku in Hogsmead for him to develop an epiphany and become aware of his true convictions: to crumble hero society through Toshinori Yagi's death. Tomura always had a desire to kill All Might, but out of an impulsive expression of anarchy towards a society that hurt him and caused his mental instability. After hearing from Izuku, Tomura realized that Yagi is what he hated about both Izuku and Stain, wishing to see them, as well as the wizarding society as a whole, lose their Symbol of Peace. Following Yagi's retirement and during the League of Dark Wizards' encounter with the Meta Liberation Army, Tomura's convictions grew from crippling society to completely destroying it, apparently as a result of an innate sense of pain and suffering caused by the past memories of his abuse. By Tomura's own admission, he hated everything that breathes, displaying an extreme form of nihilism.
Despite Tomura's general disgust of life, there were a select number of people he held in high esteem. He had a close relationship with his mentor, All For One, the one person who came to his aid when he found himself alone and lost as a child. Tomura held a great amount of respect and attachment for All For One, always referring to him as "Sensei"/"Master" and being concerned for his well-being. Incidentally, Tomura happened to carry All For One's family name (Shigaraki), which symbolized a relationship close to father and son. Tomura also had Kurogiri as a trusted confidant and adviser, despite treating him harshly at times. Kurogiri's capture was noted to have made Tomura upset as the latter valued the former's company and abilities.
Aside from those two and Kyudai Garaki, who all had a hand in raising him, Tomura initially appeared rather distant towards his other allies in the League, however he did show to care about them in his own ways. He bonded with Spinner over their shared love of muggle video games, to the latter's surprise. He also cared about them enough to prioritize their comfort once he obtained the necessary finances, and became enraged when Overhaul killed Magne and destroyed Mr. Compress' arm. Beforehand, when Kurogiri labelled the other League members as disposable pawns, Tomura corrected him by saying that they are instead valued allies. Tomura displayed both faith in the League's capabilities and trust in them to do right by him and their group, as seen when he confided in Himiko and Twice before appointing them to aid Overhaul (knowing they would intentionally sabotage the Hassaikai from within, even without his orders).
Furthermore, when Himiko questioned Tomura on his newfound goal to destroy everything, he revealed that his allies were exceptions, saying that he always has room for them and their goals while telling them to live life however they see fit. This proves that Tomura had developed a true form of care towards his allies, even if he only seldom showed it. This further set Tomura apart from All For One as he actually had goals and desires beyond himself, and genuinely values his allies, while All For One saw his "friends" as nothing more than disposable tools. His exclamation that he "won't be corrupted" by his master's influence implied that, while Tomura was potentially more dangerous and destructive than All For One, the latter was far more darker and evil for caring about nothing but himself.
As a child, Tenko was shown to be relatively normal, even kind and compassionate. He held a great love for his family and a strong desire to become an auror someday, not unlike Izuku. However, the constant abuse he suffered from his hero-hating father made him psychologically fragile, being terrified of his mere presence. Because of this oppressive upbringing and the inaction from the rest of his family, Tenko felt that his whole family had never been supportive of his desires, becoming increasingly frustrated when the abuse grew worse. Eventually, his magic manifested for the first time, and Tenko's sanity finally snapped, destroying his household and all his family members.
At first, Tomura expressed heavy remorse for accidentally killing his family upon losing control of his newfound magic. The severed hands that Tomura wore all over himself were the only physical remnants of his dead loved ones, and he claimed that they made him feel simultaneously sick and calm. Despite his sadness, Tomura experienced a partial relish in his family's demise since he considered them responsible for letting him suffer at his father's will. Tomura admitted that he felt a cathartic pleasure while ending Kotaro's life as retaliation for his abusive treatment. During his fight against Re-Destro, Tomura overcame his past shackles of guilt after getting his memories back, having used his childhood feelings to further fuel his hatred and becoming even more driven to end society.
Despite his past, however, Tomura held no hatred towards his family. This was shown when he assured his sister in his visions that he wasn't mad at her for framing him and also assured his mother that he was fine while turning back into a child in front of her, proving that a part of Tomura still cared about his family. However, he was willing to reject their pleas in order to continue the pursuit of his evil conquest, telling them not to reject who he had become and showing that he wouldn't let them hinder his goals. Upon meeting his paternal grandmother, Nana, for the first time, he coldly expressed his hatred for her regardless of the circumstances that allowed them to meet.
After becoming one of All For One's horcruxes, as well as the enhancements to his body, Tomura began to show traits similar to that of his master, such as a condescending and mocking demeanor, along with a terror-inducing presence and a desire to steal any magical artifact that piqued his interest, such as the Philosopher's Stone and the Elder Wand. Regardless, he still maintained his nonchalant yet menacing attitude during battle and was capable of showing a savage anger towards his enemies, as demonstrated during his fight against Izuku and Shota Aizawa. Even after having been incinerated and inches away from death, Tomura refused to give up and vowed to destroy the wizarding society that had caused him so much suffering, believing that his sheer power and determination would see him through.
Despite feeling grateful towards All For One, Tomura outright stated to him that he wished to carve his own legacy and become even greater than his master. However, Tomura quickly began to detest All For One after learning that his true goals were to use his body as a vessel and take it over permanently. Tomura even went as far as to try and attack All For One's vestige and later refused to be his master's "pawn" whilst trying to regain control of his body. When he sensed his master's death, Tomura expressed no remorse or sympathy for him, though blamed himself for failing to break Katsuki hard enough. Nonetheless, he was indebted to All For One for raising him and granting him his power, because if it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have become the strongest dark wizard.
As their time sharing the same consciousness continued, Tomura had shown to have entered a state of identity crisis, being unsure of whether or not he was actually Tomura Shigaraki, All For One, or even Tenko Shimura. This was shown to be the result of Tomura and All For One's wills merging together, with the elder Shigaraki summarizing that they would combine to become a new evil entity altogether, with Tomura's hatred accelerating the process. Despite this, Tomura still continued to fight his former master's control, unwilling to let this happen.
By the time of the Final War, Tomura and All For One's minds had nearly melded together as one, creating an entity that featured a mix of Tomura's nihilism and desire to destroy everything, and All For One's will to use his power to rule over all. However, deep within the vestige lies another entity, that of Tomura's previous form as a young Tenko.
During their first encounter in the vestige world, Izuku revealed that he could hear a crying child deep within Tomura, and following the latter's fight against the main auror of the United States, Tenko was shown to be surrounded by an onslaught of hands, thinking about Izuku. During the fight against the light side, Mirio Togata unintentionally caused Tenko's personality to re-emerge after he claimed he didn't have any friends, which Tomura furiously denied, bringing up his childhood friends Mikkun and Tomo, and his pet dog Mon. This suggested that a part of Tomura still wanted to be saved and that his previous scared and lonely self wasn't completely gone.
Despite that, Tomura affirmed that he and Tenko both held the same goal upon reclaiming his body from All For One: the destruction of everything. "Tenko" was representative of his origin that he implanted deep within All For One's vestige as a means of winning back control of himself and the his magic. Even though Tomura acknowledged that a part of him was still in pain, he didn't desire anyone's pity and saw the rest of the world as no different from the abusive house he grew up in, desiring to eradicate everything associated with it while claiming that this would be the only thing that would grant him salvation. He also claimed that he had no desire for the Elder Wand, and that his previous obsession with winning it over was just a forced extension of his master's will, but was still willing to steal it in order to rid himself of Izuku, the only one capable of stopping him.
Tomura also took the opportunity to taunt and mock Izuku during their final battle, being impressed by his opponent's strength, but annoyed that he was holding back and still treating him as a human being despite his desire to decimate Britain. Despite this, he still had his fellow comrades from the League in his mind, having expressed his desire to make the "flattened horizon" that Spinner was looking forward to.
Once Izuku successfully breaks through Tomura's shell of hatred, he gets him to explain his desire for destruction. It's revealed that Tenko and Tomura were one and the same, with Tomura having deluded himself into thinking that he wanted to kill his family because he couldn't understand why he was born that way otherwise. Eventually, he genuinely opened up to Izuku and revealed that he would continue to destroy because he insisted the dark wizards need a hero of their own, in a way showing that Tenko never truly lost his desire to be an auror.
However, Tomura became truly broken when All For One returned and revealed that he had put him under the Imperius Curse when he was a child, and was the one who had orchestrated the events of his birth and upbringing, including encouraging his father's strict attitude, leading to the abuse and misery he suffered in his childhood, and causing the death of his entire family. In his supposed final moments, Tomura remembered everyone he ever hurt as he disintegrated, presumably reflecting upon his own agency when he committed those actions.
Even when all seemed lost for him however, Tomura would be saved from vanishing by his grandmother and later decided to aid Izuku in destroying All For One for good. As his body proceeded to crumble away, Tomura faced Izuku one last time in the vestige world, recounting how he never managed to destroy anything while also admitting that he may have been a crying child after all, possibly accepting that a part of himself as Tenko still exists. Izuku stated that even though he managed to reach Tenko and shatter his hatred, he remained the leader of the League of Dark Wizards to the very end. As a final request, Tomura tells Izuku to let Spinner know that he never gave up on his goal to destroy and even encouraged Izuku and everyone else to do their best while genuinely smiling at him. Yagi surmises that even though Tomura's life couldn't be saved, Izuku still managed to save his soul, allowing him to pass away in peace.
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grizzersmamma · 4 months
Hi I love your Nikto fic! Can you tell us what a zmei is though? I've never heard of one before
That is a most excellent question, anon!
Not too many people seem to know what a Zmei is, but that's understandable, it's a bit of a more niche legend. Obviously, if you don't want any details spoiled for the fic at all then you're more than welcome to skip this ask, but it'll be a while before it's fully explained in the main story. Honestly, it's not much of a spoiler since I've already touched on it a bit in some of the baby fics.
I'll be mentioning some concepts and characters from @ghouljams (obviously lol) so head up for that!
To begin, Nikto isn't a fae himself, despite this being the fae AU. I looked at different types of fae and faeries found in Russia and the surrounding areas, but nothing really jumped out at me until I came across the legend of the Zmei.
In Russian mythology, the Zmei is a three headed hydra who typically features as dangerous, malevolent creature, intent on tricking and killing humans. There's multiple stories that have the Zmei as the antagonist and stories vary about his exact appearance, but it's typically a large, black, three headed hydra - sometimes he can breathe fire, sometimes lightning - and can vary in size from a large horse to a mountain.
As mentioned by Ghoul in one of their asks, dragons and their kin were probably a thing in the past, but have since died off because of how difficult it would be for them to hide among humans. However! An important part of the Zmei legend, is that he can change his form from a hydra to a human accompanied by a black dog, a raven/crow, and a large black stallion.
In my version, the animals are extensions of Nikto himself. Each of the three heads are all Nikto, just different parts of his mind, which I found fitting given his potential DID. When in a human form, these animals are just those other parts of his mind. The human is Nikto, the dog is Nikto, the crow is Nikto and the horse is Nikto.
Since Zmei is capable of becoming human, the lack of other dragons/wyverns/hydras in the world doesn't prevent him from reproducing, hence how Nikto was born: his sire was Zmei and his dam a young Russian woman. Hence the title of the fic, Son of Zmei.
Their human forms aren't perfect - Nikto has some black scales on most of his body, including his face, which is why he prefers to wear a mask and clothes that cover every inch of his body. He's inherited the same ego and sense of superiority that most hydras have, along with a highly possessive and obsessive nature. He collects anything and everything that he finds interesting and, recently, he's found his attention drawn to the cute human running the antiques store.
The Zmei is actually the main inspiration for the design of King Ghidorah from Godzilla! So, just think of that bad boy and you'll get an idea of what Nikto looks like in his proper form.
Hope that answers some of your questions!
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Glad you found that AU idea fascinating! Its probably my most well developed conceptually even if the plot structure is a mess XD Also slight correction it should have been Six-Teen Heroes cos pun.
The team is: Dragon - Kagami Tiger - Juleka Snake - Luka Horse - Nino Bee - Chloe Fox - Lila
Marinette will eventually get the Mouse, but Mullo divided themselves into several thousand when escaping Scarlet Sovereign (Gabriel) and took awhile to both come back together & pick a user.
There's some noted shifts in some of the powers because of both the changed circumstances & adapted world building/story needs.
Horse can do solo teleports, not just portals. Mouse can duplicate itself or multiply other things. Tiger is more like manufacturing an explosion via chemical reaction. Dragon is mostly the same, but it can channel lesser attacks through the sword. Snake is literal, you only get 1 second chance not infinite, but you also get excellent premonition. Bee can 'subjugate' objects, essentially imbuing them with magic that lets Chloe command & direct them. Turtle can make its wearer vastly more durable rather than just shields & also create a wider variety of protections and traps. Fox is a bit iffy, I keep oscillating on either it being able to tap into people's minds to make mirages, or to super charge illusions and make them real.
Also users can utilize their powers several times (Barring Second Chance) if they do more small scale versions of them. But doing so reduces their overall energy pool, meaning they may not be able to do a full power version.
For example:
Bee can sting five enemies for one minute, or one enemy for five minutes, or command objects more easily than it can bind living foe, ETC.
Horse can single person teleport and depending of mix of distance can do this many times, but long distances or too many & they become unable to open a portal.
Some other factors I like for the AU:
The Kwmai while not malevolent do have their own morals, ideals or goals not totally aligned with Fu's. Though all want to free their family. This informs some of their choices.
Tomoe Tsurugi has the butterfly and is opposed to Gabriel but is not on the Heroes side, if anything she wants to take them over or take their Miraculous. This is also why Kagami is in Paris early.
Lila was picked cos she's good at spinning lies at the drop of a hat & Trixx is amused. But Trixx also primarily uses the truth to manipulate people & is trying to basically trick Lila into genuine heroism.
There's a much stronger focus on trying to reduce civilian causalities in this AU as there is no Miracle Cure available. So the team tends to be divided up into the main fighters & emergency evacuation/defense.
Scarlet Sovereign mostly uses what he calls Charm Constructs at first & later upgrades to "Shikigami". The former involve using a charm to transform a mundane objects into an automaton, while the latter is basically creating a quasi magic 'spirit' to fight for him.
Debating Audrey having the Peacock and doing her own thing with a fixed version, or otherwise being a problem too, but not sure.
One theme I want to explore is how secret identity and powers affects behavior.
Like Chloe as Queen Bee is much more responsible and respectable, but this does not bleed over into her civilian life for awhile. Or how Juleka feels so confident as Tigress she gives up on pursuing Rose as herself & tries to do so as a hero exclusively. Or how Nino is not above utilizing the Horse for more childish or selfish ends, but also sort of questions if power corrupts, ETC.
All of them have identity, self esteem, trauma or behavioral issues is what I am getting at XD
Oh dope!
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cjcroen1393 · 1 month
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While I was hyperfixating on Monster AUs, I did one for Homestuck (I think I did this one around the same time I did the Vocaloid one).
I had fun assigning monsters to Homestuck characters, and I even learned about a few cool monsters I'd never heard of before!
John and Jane are both still human, so they're not in the pictures; if I had made them monsters, John would be a living doll and Jane would be a ghost
Rose is a demon (because she likes dark/spooky stuff)
Dave is a tengu (because crows and katanas)
Jade is a witch (I know it's unoriginal, but hear me out! Jade already had some witch qualities even before she ascended -- gardening = potion ingredients, Becquerel = magical familiar, etc.)
Roxy is a sphinx (Roxy was a little harder to place, but I felt like a sphinx fit best -- a cool cat lady who speaks in mysterious riddles)
Dirk is a dullahan (Dirk was another one who was harder to place, but I ultimately settled on a dullahan, since Dirk loves horses and has been decapitated twice)
Jake is a werewolf (because it was the only fitting option for him honestly)
Aradia is a grim reaper (because it's basically canon)
Tavros is a faerie (but like, the twist is that he's an unseelie faerie, the types of faeries that would normally be malevolent; but he's still his sweet self and he's always like "but what if I don't want to steal people's names, blight their crops and kidnap their children just because they were mean to me once? Why can't I be nice to the humans instead?" and the other faeries think he's weird)
Sollux is a mothman (because he can sense impending doom, just like the Mothman!)
Karkat is a kanibozu (Karkat was THE toughest one to assign a monster to, since there weren't a lot of crab monsters I thought were suitably "anthropomorphic" enough. I decided to make him a kanibozu, a yokai that takes the form of a giant crab that kills temple priests and then impersonates them. I like to think Karkat sees himself as a "good" kanibozu who only kills corrupt temple priests, but the thing is his standards are really high, so his definition of "corrupt" tends to include shit like "littered once")
Nepeta is a werecat (Nepeta was going to be a sphinx, but I decided that suited Roxy better, so I looked for something else for Nepeta. I learned that werecats were a thing and apparently a subset of witches, so I went with that instead)
Kanaya is a vampire (duh)
Terezi is a dragon (specifically a dragon who operates under American Dragon: Jake Long rules, in that she's sapient and can disguise herself as a human)
Vriska is a jorogumo (a beautiful, man-eating spider lady who charms men into her lair so she can eat them? That's Vriska's dream life right there!)
Equius is a centaur (STRONG horse!)
Gamzee is a goatman (I thought about making him a killer clown, but that would be boring; plus, as a goatman, he can keep his horns!)
Eridan is a gill man (because he's fishy, but not as fishy as Feferi)
Feferi is a mermaid (again, it's unoriginal, but come on, is there any other monster she would be?)
Calliope is an angel (because she's a messianic cherub)
Caliborn is a fallen angel (because he's Calliope's opposite)
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honey-minded-hivemind · 6 months
New idea for a HiveMind/Drone/Wings of Fire and Platonic Yan X-Men AU:
Imagine that the HiveWings and SilkWings kinda ended up back together, having enough hybrids, who slowly made their own tribe: The VenomWings.
The VenomWings have two variants: bee and moth, or Hive and Silk. The traits that are shared between all of the VenomWings are:
• Three eyes
• Four wings
• A tail stinger (doesn't always mean they have venom)
• Silk glands
• Grow their wings at around 4 or 5 years old (12 to 15 in human years)
• Have antenna
• Are part of a tribe-wide hivemind
• Have small honey glands nestled under their silk glands
Special traits of the bee/Hive variant include:
• A HiveWing ability (such as a different venom or stinger, stench powers, can shoot acid, have parlayzing/deadly/knock-out toxins, etc. )
• Thinner wings than the moth/Silk variants
• Are mainly warmer colors, such as red, orange, or yellow, but always have some black
• Have a tail stinger that has converting venom, which when injected into a dragon from another tribe, will change them into a VenomWing
Special traits of the moth/Silk variant include:
• The ability to spin all the different kinds of silk
• Wider wings than the bee/Hive variants
• Can be any color, mainly lighter or neutral, but always have some black or darker scales
• Have the ability to sense the vibrations in the air with their antenna
The VenomWings aren't exactly malevolent. The adult mutants are VenomWings (born that way or converted). Their idea of spreading peace and safety is to convert any dragons who enter their territory into VenimWings as well. If the dragon is an adult, they are put in a special adult Chrysalis room, where they will, once having been fully turned, join the HiveMind and fall into line. If the dragon is a young adult or younger, they will be taken to a special (and heavily guarded) dragonet Chrysalis room, where they will be in their Chrysalis longer than an adult would be, due to having to grow down their wings and have what is essentially child-safety locks in their mind.
The Chrysalises are formed by a VenomWing around a dragon who has been injected with the conversion venom special to the Hive variants, as well as given a sedative or drug to keep them calm and less fearful. The Chrysalises are like sleeping bags, where they can hold the dragon's full body, but can be sealed up from the outside, thus cocooning them inside. A dragonet Chrysalis is called a Cocoon. The Chrysalises/Cocoons are breathable, so a dragon may be sealed in completely. The Chrysalises/Cocoons are then wrapped in/stuck to thicker, stretched strands of silk, which suspend them between the walls of the Chrysalis/Cocoon room, above the ground. These are monitored and checked on regularly, being cleaned or moved if needed.
The honey produced from the VenomWing honey glands is fed to the dragonets after their conversion, as it acts as a sedative, is full of nutrients and vitamins, and also strengthens the hold of the HiveMind. Dragonets are treated with utmost care and gentleness, having a special hatchery room just for them, which is guarded by the strongest, most dangerous of the VenomWings. If a scavenger (human) were to harm a dragonet, a dragonet in a Cocoon, or an egg... they'd be tortured and killed in the most painful ways possible.
This AU, called the 🍯Honey and Venom🧪 AU, has its own 🥚Tiny Talons🐉 AU which I will call the 🥚Tiny Sting🐝 AU, and it would have the converted dragonets turn into baby dragonets as well, instead of sticking to their original age.
When the dragonets emerge from their Cocoon in either AU, they have a Naming Ceremony, where besides their original name, they gain their VenomWing name, which they will slowly start to be called by. Depending on the au, the honey and possibly venom helps to muddle the dragons' thoughts, slowly fading their pasts from their minds, until until can only remember being a VenomWing, and having their loving Hive care for them...
These AUs are kinda sweet, kinda frightening, and have different ways for their paths to go...
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macawritesupdates · 22 days
Writing Update 8/29/2024
Back to work full-time and off my break so writing updates have become slower! Still going to push onward with big fic updates u_u
Requests are on hold a bit, working at them, but at a rather slow pace as I want to finish up some longer fics and one-shots first <3
Seven Days to Fall in Love ends tonight! I have it done and working on edits to post it and bring that quick fic to an end. I feel the ending is a touch rushed, but I'm also running out of steam on it, so giving it an ending I feel wraps everything up nicely c: Malevolence of love is 50% done for next chapter. Going to be working on this one to finish it out before the end of September! I have it planned out, just need to get it written. I want to give it some love and bring it to its angsty conclusion 83
Can't Help a Cuddle/Jealous is a Bad Friend BOTH are nearly done and I'm very happy with how they both are coming out! There is some big emotional feels in both that I'm happy with how they played out and just the scenes in general <3 I hope they meet the expectations of all the suggestions given!
Cuddle is a bit harder as I got over twenty suggestions to weave into a coherent narrative, but think I did it justice!
Lessons in Accidental Seduction is nearly done! Finishing up the last scene <3
Spouse Wanted has me possessed and I just write out chapters and edit them in a sitting because I'm giggly over it
Who's a Good Boy is making good progress, as well as Broken in the Ways No One Can See. So should see those maybe next weekish? Depends on how well I write the rest of the week. I've just been on a ROLL for want to write and inspiration! The Yuuji Files has slowed down after writing the silly Toji being forced to look for a job scene....but I think once I get some other long fics cleared, will make it easier to focus on this one <3
Careful What you Joke About is being completely redone for this next arc. I have taken it apart and been redoing the outline for the final two arcs for better flow and to hit the points better. I think it will be a much more solid end when done <3
Mirrored Lives....going to sit down and rehash the ending and figure it out as I think my mental block on it is just dissatisfaction with a few things. MHA ACADAMIA FICS
Jealousy is Not a Good Friend Updates soon and I'm starting to poke at Unsung Heroes again! I SO WANT TO WRITE IT but it is on a backburner for when other things clear up! ONE-SHOTS Pull Me Along if I Can’t Move Forward (MHA: Bakugo/Deku): On a slow boat to getting done haha! But it is still being written! Heatwaves and Curses Don't Mix: A one-shot PWP of Nobara, Yuuji, and Sukuna :b That's it. When You Suddenly Get Another Grandson: The poll idea winner after doing the math.... told from Wasuke's POV of Yuuji suddenly showing up with a moody second twin after eating some mummified finger at school. Desperate Prom Date: Giftfic for an awesome person on twitter who has wanted this story so much.... writing it as thank you for comments and nice art c:
FUTURE FICS TO COME Culturally Insensitive: The sequel to Historically Inaccurate with Yuuji and Sukuna trying to figure things out while meeting with others who have their own possessions going on. Follows along the Culling Game Arc.
Blossoms Born on the Dragon Mountain: The Dragon AU c: Law Meets Disorder: STILL working on it 8I it is a very complicated work to get through. Going to def let some of the big fics finish before it goes out
A Sukuna/Nobara Fic...just feeling the mood to write some more about em :b
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tumblingxelian · 4 months
How to make Hawk Moth Relevent - ML Rewrite:
I Had some ML AU thoughts, specifically on how to have Gabriel keep the Butterfly & feel like a threat & be 'sympathetic' if one wants.
Character wise, its pretty simple, S1/2 era Gabriel. He's proud, stubborn, controlling, & never left the bargaining stage of grief. His decisions are bad, but he either thinks he's doing what's best for Adrien or if he's doing something wrong that he can outsmart the fallout. Also uses kids less in general, but still does it.
He's also learning about his powers the same as the heroes, though some of his weaknesses with it come from struggling with some of the necessary emotional skills. As well as not liking to listen to things that challenge his world view.
IE, "Why did you not tell me this could happen?" - "I tried to tell you it was a danger, you tuned me out!" - "I don't have time for this." - "There you go again! You are so obnoxiously frustrating!"
Finally, he's not using the butterfly right anyway, because doing so would risk his identity. Its meant to make champions, but if he used someone who shared his goals then it'd eventually become obvious who he is. So he has to keep working through bargains and deceptions with people in a manic state. So his defeats are less on him.
Moving on, status quo updates: Introduce some other rogues to pad out the episodes.
A sorcerer who wants Miraculous. A temple monk survivor who wants to get Fu. A left over Nazi who Fu & Marianne defeated; some rogue Miraculous Users & perma-Akuma, IE Imago.
Also have Audrey be there from the start of the season, either she's around to try and cajole Gabriel back into design work, or just splits her time between Paris & New York & introduce some players early.
Specific Story Beat Changes: At the end of Origins show several other soon to be notable figures:
A sorceress pondering their orb, a militant looking bastard smirking, a monk meditating and opening their eyes. Tomoe contacting Kagami & saying they will be moving to Paris. Then cap it off with Lila & Trixx staring open mouthed at a TV, fast food raised halfway to their mouths just staring boggle eyed.
Mentor-Fu Because of these new issues and threats cropping up, Fu is a more active mentor, possibly with Marianne at his side, to serve as foils/counterparts to Marinette & Adrien.
Hawk Moth He makes a strong debut & has some fairly impressive Akuma, but is also clearly experimenting with the power. He also picks several adults like the movie villains. He's also clearly running into walls VS how much he can actually get them to do.
He blames their unhinged state until Antibug when Chloe goes "No U" at the Akuma trying to control her & refuses to un-mask Chat Noir. She wants to prove a point to the heroes not actually help Hawk Moth, & he can't call back the Akuma.
Besides that, the major shifts would be some of his fellow villains compromising his Akuma for their own ends. Him finding out Akuma can become Imago, thanks to Audrey just staying Style Queen. She is having a blast, no one else is.
Lila-Volpina-Chameleon & Trixx She found Tirxx's Miraculous in a second hand shop & since accidentally awakening him the pair have become con artists and mischief makers all over Europe.
They aren't malevolent, but they aren't good either, and Lila goes to Paris in part cos she's being pursued by a sorcerer after Trixx & she wants the others to help protect her.
She's on the team for awhile before losing Trixx in battle and ends up claiming an Akuma to try and get power back. Leaving her straddling a line between humanity & monster-hood.
The Tsurugi's: They have at least two Miraculous, perhaps three, this playing a part in why Fu would even put Tikki & Plagg out there given the risk. The dragon is a must, but beyond that it could range from tiger, to mouse to snake or some combo there-of.
Their goals are enigmatic, with Kagami's stance being that the Kwami are divinity and being their chosen is an honor. While Tomoe is more cold, still respecting the Kwami's power more than the Order, but very pointedly aiming to use said power to benefit her family line.
As a result they are more anti-villain's/antagonists than full on villains.
Audrey & Chloe: Thanks to Audrey being present, the toxic nature of the family is on display from minute one.
With Andre passively rolling with every horrid thing Audrey says or does to Chloe, then using Chloe's rejection to make himself feel big. All while Chloe desperately seeks her mothers affection & allows her fathers self serving idea of 'love' and heeds his terrible advice.
This makes Chloe's redemption arc faster as where she's coming from is obvious from parents day at earliest. Audrey becoming the first on screen Imago helps. No jail time cos no one but Hawk Moth knows at first. She abuses her powers & becomes a key Chloe villain.
Final Note: Awhile ago I realized that one could re-work the Peacock's power into the Butterfly so I'd probably do that too. IE, its power is transmission & transformation.
So in the case of making Sentimonsters it transmits Butterfly energy in to the subject, then the emotions back out of the subject, then transforms them into a 'Familiar'.
This does remove the mind control rings, but there may still be an Akumatized object which can allow a butterfly user easier access to the target, or they are just not a thing.
This also means Gabriel only needs one Miraculous, & Nathalie instead of being Mayura stays on as Catalyst. Letting him make small teams of villains, familiars, or super strong Akuma.
There could still be negative health ramifications from this, either from being constantly Akumatized or from getting powers up to so often. If sympathetic Gabriel is intended, he's the one getting sick.
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the-wayward-arc · 1 year
Can you do an AU AU of the what if the 11th Legion remain loyal to the imperium? Want to see if they remain as a legion or see multiple chapters and how they can affect all the way to the 41-42nd millennium?
The 11th was split into 5 different chapters in the beginning; The Remnant Knights, Celestial Knights, Iron Dragons, Thunder Lords, and the Shield hosts. The chapters were a mix of codex compliant, non-codex compliant, and viewing the codex in their own ways, though all held the core beliefs of their Legion and Primarch. Overtime, many chapters were created from Jaune's geneseed: The Light bearers, Void Paladins, Space Dredges, Storm Wardens, etc. The Sons of Jaune continue their defense of mankind itself, they don't cater to the Elites of the Imperium and have pure hatred for the inquisition. A few chapters have come to blows with the Inquistion when it comes to the treatment of their fellow man, even going as far to nearly start a small Civil War against them with their rivals, the space wolves during the war of Armageddon.
All the chapters know their lineage due to two things; The dark-blue eyes all scions of Jaune develop after the geneseed is implemented and the the genetic flaw known as "Fury of the Primarch".
All chapters are fleet based except the Remnant Knights chapter. The reason behind this is that Remnant is considered the chapter world for all the chapters, this was done entirely on purpose as before Jaune disappeared, he left a Protocol that was similiar to The Last Wall Protocol created by Rogal Dorn. Known as Remnant's shield, all scions of Jaune would come to Remnant's aid should their a time it would face utter annihilation. So as such, no successor chapters of the Remnant Knights have a chapter world but do take aspirants from other worlds. The successor chapters of the Remnant Knights go where they are needed, despite their differnce in beliefs and cultures, they all strive to defend the common citizenry of the Imperium. Those forgotten by Imperium itself.
The successor chapters will aid other marines in need and do try to work with them, however some they do outright hate and will never work with, rumors even suggesting any and all Marines Malevolent interactions are always hostile and Skirmishes have broken out. Jaune's disappearance was a crippling blow to the early chapters but nonetheless, All still hold out hope their Primarch will return. The Return of Roboute Gulliman and the Lion have fueled the belief Jaune will return and reunite his sons back.into the Remnat Knights legion.
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nonbinarytoast · 2 months
Get to know me tag game
Tagged by: @watchful-crown 
Rules: answer plus tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with
Favorite color: the purple and blue you get just before sunset and the green in the trees as the sun goes through the leaves.
Last song: last listened to: feast or famine — merge worship. Last sung: red wine supernova — Chappell Roan. What I want to hear as I die: the moss — cosmos sheldrake.
Currently reading: Dracula — Bram Stoker (alternatively, “how much trauma could a Jonathan get if a Jonathan could get trauma”)
Currently watching: Dungen Meshi (not the English dub, I’m not a monster)
Currently craving: My house. I’m in Chicago. I do not live in Chicago. I need my dog. GET ME MY DOG.
Coffee or tea: never had neither. The closest I’ve gotten was a mocktail made with redbull. You know what I realized? CAFFEINE HAS NO EFFECT ON ME. I AM IMUNE.
Any hobby you would like to try: I’m sewing my first dress when I get home :)
Any discipline you’ll follow during the Olympics: I don’t follow the Olympics but I pray for all gymnasts. Godspeed that woman who went outside of the box on the mat. Godspeed.
Any AU you’re plotting for: currently writing a TMA/ Spider-Man crossover fic so that’s happening (also I have a malevolent Royalty/dragon trainer AU) (yes Faroe still dies)
No pressure tags: @ace-in-a-very-distressing-hole @s4m4m4-kh4lid @wistfxlwishes @arthur-lesters-pinky-finger @arthur-lesters-scarred-throat @arthur-lesters-intestines @arthur-lesters-prefrontal-cortex @arthur-lesters-coccyx @arthur-lesters-partner
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riaarivic · 1 year
HATE 7: BUTTER (M) I MYG x F!reader
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🌙 Pairings YoongixReader
🌙 Genres Mafia!AU, Smut, Angst, Action, Thriller, Enemies to lovers
🌙 Rating 18+ minors DNI
🌙 Summary  You were an INTERPOL Agent assigned to infiltrate the depths of the most powerful Gang in South Korea: The Seven Moons. Your objective: to impersonate the daughter of one of their leaders and destroy the operation from within. That is, if they don't discover you first.
And Traitors won’t have the mercy of a quick death
🌙 Warnings For this chapter: mentions of death, drugs and vioence, foul language, mentions of organized crime.
🌙 A/N At no time do I (the author) encourage this activity in life, it is important that you know that the criminal acts in this book are that, a crime, as well as harmful to health and should not be romanticized. This is all a work of fiction for entertainment. Keep studying, stay away from drugs and if you are sensitive to this topic you better continue in the next chapter.
Love, Ria
🌙 Chapter wordcount 3.7k
🌙 Series Index
1  2 3 4  5 6 7 8 9 10 11
HATE 7: BUTTER (M) I MYG x F!reader
"Smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover Gon' pop like trouble breaking into your heart like that, ooh."
Shipping Port, Incheon Bay, South Korea.
The cold wind whipped through the shipping dock, sending chills down the spines of those unfortunate enough to be present. Under the dim, flickering lights, Suga stood in the middle of the warehouse with a menacing aura.
It was so quiet you could probably hear a pin drop on the other side of the dock.
Everyone knew it was the calm right before the thunder.
You see, Kim Namjoon was raised to be Kim Dohan’s right hand. He took charge of all the business matters of the clans. Meeting with corrupt government officials, blackmailing the police chief and practically having most of Seoul’s most important CEO’s practically eating from his palm.
But Suga was not only the clan's trafficker.
He was his father’s shadow. 
And shadows ruled the underworld. 
Every thug, gangster, trafficker, hitman.
They all knew him. 
They all feared him. 
That is why today he was on a mission to find out who had betrayed The Clan.
As simple as that, the Leader wanted a name.
And revenge.
His father told the rest of his brothers that Suga he would be traveling with him to Russia to retrieve the gun shipment they recently lost. As if the situation wasn't absurd enough, there were whispers of the rival Chinese clan, the long-extinct "Jade Dragon.” was the one behind it.
Yes, in quotes. 
Suga didn’t buy any of that bullshit.
That, and the fact that his father wanted to keep today’s mission a secret from his own brothers. 
That told him his father was suspicious of something too.
The night from two days ago was far from ordinary. No one who valued their souls would ever try to cross the Seven Moons or the Devil himself: Kim Dohan. Nevertheless. A shipment that was supposed to contain an arsenal of illegal firearms had instead arrived filled with dirt. 
And don’t forget the dragon head.
Made of gold and real jade. 
A little too dramatic for Suga’s taste, if you asked him.
Everything around it was fucking suspicious. 
All of Asia knew, Kim Dohan had personally made sure to wipe out the Jade Dragon twenty years ago, and Suga knew well enough that dead snakes couldn't bite.
That is why he was going to spend the night interrogating a shivering, terrified security worker who claimed to have seen something the night before the shipment arrived. The man's eyes darted around nervously, as if expecting to find a savior in the shadows. But the only thing the night held was darkness and the malevolent laughter of fate.
"I-I swear, I saw it, Mr. Kim!" the security worker stammered, his voice barely audible. "Your brother, he was there! Talking to three other men… They looked Korean, not Chinese!"
Suga raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips as he leaned in closer to the trembling man. "My brother, you say. Isn't that interesting? I wonder which one of my six brothers could have been here" he said, his voice dripping with dark sarcasm. "Tell me more about these 'Korean' men."
The security worker gulped, trying to recall the details as sweat pooled on his forehead. "W-well, they were all dressed in black, and they… they had this sinister air about them, like they were up to no good."
Suga laughed, the sound rich and full of mockery. "Oh, men in black with a sinister air? How very illuminating! Like they were up to no good. Did you hear gentlemen? Like anybody here is actually up to anything good" The rest of Suga’s men laughed with him. He leaned back and crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing the light of a fire illuminating his scar. Making him look like a sadistic prince from hell. He walked closer as he studied the man before him. "You wouldn't happen to be leading me on a wild goose chase, would you?"
"N-no, sir!" the security worker squeaked, desperation etched on his face. "I swear, that's what I saw! And your brother, Mr. Kim there is no way I would not recognize him "
Suga sighed, rolling his eyes as if he were dealing with a particularly annoying child. "Fine, I believe you," he said, his voice dripping with insincerity. "But if I find out that you're lying to me or leading me astray, just remember that I have a penchant for making people... disappear. So from now on, everything out of the ordinary that you see. You’ll report back to me. Do you understand?"
The security worker nodded frantically, sweat now pouring down his face. "Y-yes, sir! I understand!"
As Suga turned away, he couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. One of his brothers, conspiring with mysterious Korean men, and shipments full of dirt instead of guns. 
Life was nothing if not a dark comedy.
And he was simply waiting for the punchline.
Serendipity Club, Itaewon, Seoul South Korea
Park Jimin’s Club was Opulent.
Tonight serendipity is packed with more people than usual, it's not every day you see all so many of the young leaders in the same place and that was an event for the nightlife in Seoul.
To be able to meet one of them in a situation like this was a strike of good luck. But six in one place, it was almost a divine sight to meet those beautiful men  all dressed in sharp designer suits, their hair perfectly styled. They are laughing and joking, clearly enjoying themselves.  The VIP lounge of the club was filled with clansmen and bodyguards.
You were watching them from the other side of the glass door. In that moment you can feel the weight of the situation on your shoulders. You are here to gather information on the  Seven Moons clan's activities in Seoul, and you know that any misstep could be deadly.
What happened last night with suga was Only that. A means to an end. Nothing more than you doing your job and collecting information. 
You noticed that the six leaders were surrounded by more alcohol than a horde of twenty-something frat kids could consume and enough dope, courtesy of one of Suga’s shipments, to put them all in rehab.
Today the seven Moons were going to have fun.
They were going to celebrate the arrival of their heiress.
And what a way to welcome her to the clan.
In that private room there was enough money to pay for an entire college degree.
At Harvard.
About 30 times.
Or fund a small country.
Anything was possible for the Seven Moons.
From the giant window that adorned the room they could see what was going on below them on the dance floors. They were surrounded by more opulence than the mansion at Versailles, with huge crystal chandeliers and sculptures that cost a fortune. Leather sofas and mahogany tables. The walls are adorned with paintings and sculptures, all of which look like they were purchased at a high price.
Or stolen. 
But everything was classy at Park Jimin's club.
Even the small trays where they served a fine white powder were made of gold, with the symbol of the clan.
Class and style.
People used to say that this was Mount Olympus and up there resided the Gods. But no commoner could see what went on inside their VIP room.mSomething that was quite convenient if you stopped to think about the kind of entertainment that went on from time to time behind those security gates.
Of course, also the occasional murder or torture. With prior permission from the owner and of course you had to swear Park Jimin you will not stain the new upholstery.
Normal stuff.
“Hey Hyung, let's serve another round of shots for everyone” exclaimed Jungkook over the sound of the music raising the bottle of Vodka towards Jhope, who smiled openly feeling the bubbly effect of one of his favorite pills.
“Shots for everyone!” shouted the older one, pouring some of the contents of the glasses he had just poured. The others toasted with them, it had been a long time since they had had fun together and the night was just beginning “So Park, what time will the show start?” Jin asked with one of the club owner's angels sitting right next to him.
“Hyung, please don't torture us with your dance steps today” Jimin joked and the eldest of the seven moons replied with a light punch on the shoulder.
“Easy boss, Jin-ssi's dance steps are my favorite” your attention is drawn to the woman sitting next to the oldest of the seven on the table. She is stunning, with long black hair and piercing eyes. She looks regal, like a queen holding court. You realized she was one of Park Jimin’s angels and couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sympathy for her, knowing that she is being used as a pawn in this dangerous game.
Her big cat eyes and sensual body were covered by her elegant black dress. Jade was a femme-fatale who loved the adrenaline rush of working for The Seven Moons.
Don’t be mistaken. Nothing was obscene in Park Jimin's club.
He was famous for never allowing any of the attendees to get rough with his angels, not even his own siblings.
Everyone followed the rules.
Unless they wanted to be beaten out of the club.
Or turned into a bloodstain on the marble floor.
That's why people literally killed themselves to work there, it wasn't just the money they made or the protection of the clan.
Park Jimin’s angels were independent, they could come and go as they pleased, they belonged to no one. Unlike other places where the women and men who worked in that world did not have the same luck.
Jimin knew that sincere loyalty was much better than fear. The angels were happy and so were their customers. The money kept flowing and so were the secrets. A job well done you could say.
“Shit, if she's an angel kill me now and I'll die a happy man” The comment from one of the clansmen at the next table made all the moons turn to look at you as you crossed the sea of bodyguards to make way to where they were sitting.
Your skin glowed under the Serendipity lights, your hair cascaded almost reaching your waist. All your curves and long legs could be seen to perfection thanks to how short the satin dress she was wearing was.
Versace, something very appropriate for a...
“Goddess, she's no angel," Namjoon's deep voice answered her before taking another sip of Whiskey without taking his eyes off her, "And she's completely out of reach for all of you... unless you want to lose the hand you're touching her with." 
You mentally cursed Anya and Garam for convincing you to wear that piece of fabric that was called an excuse for a dress and left nothing to the imagination. You didn't even want to think about how much it had cost
Of course, an agent's salary would not allow you to pay for even one of the earrings you were wearing.
“Today is your formal presentation in Seoul’s underworld. You can't go wearing these nun school rich girl dresses. Please” Anya had told you when they were still in the Boutique “Besides, Namjoon gave you his black credit card, let's call it retribution to justice”
“All for the sake of good and justice” You had sighed in surrender and the two women jumped up and down in celebration.
“Welcome to my club, Miss Lee, if you want to have a good time in this boring city” Jimin greeted you with a kiss on her hand “This is your home” You noticed that the man had made different colored locks in his hair, if anyone else had tried it he would probably look ridiculous but for some reason he looked amazing.
Jungkook surprised you with a hug as he approached the table “Noona, you look very beautiful tonight” a mischievous gleam crossed the younger man's eyes “You must promise to dance with me first okay?”
“No, this is my club. Miss Nari Dances with me” Jimin opened his eyes, offended as he continued to argue with his brother.
“I'm sorry children, but I'm the eldest. It is a show of respect and tradition. I would be the first one to dance with Miss Lee.'' Jin interrupted both of them with a matter of fact tone. The three of them began to fight and laugh among themselves. At first you found the behavior of these mobsters, who were usually too serious and respectful, too strange.
But then you saw some little bags with colored pills on the table and raised an eyebrow.
Ah, ecstasy.
You noticed that Namjoon was still staring at you sitting with his arms outstretched on the couch rest “Nice dress, Lee Nari.” the penetrating gaze of the clan's second-in-command made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up “Can I invite you a drink?”
Smiling, you nodded “Pour me whatever you are drinking, Kim Namjoon” As you sat next to him you realized at that moment that they were going to ask you to try anything else on that table. 
You can't help but think about the dangerous position you were in. Accepting to use drugs with the clan is a slippery slope that you know very well you shouldn't even consider. But you need to maintain my cover, and the pressure to fit in with the clan is intense.
So you had to play along, even if you knew it could go horribly wrong  “Also, you can share with me whatever you are on right now”
“I didn't know you liked Molly, but I guess there is enough of that in the pretentious universities of America” Taehyun's turn to speak had been listening to you silently watching your every move, as usual. 
“That's true, we like to have fun at pretentious colleges in America” you replied by dropping the pill on your tongue and shrugging your shoulders. You got up and took Namjoon’s hand to walk to the center of the dancefloor. With the other brothers joining you right behind. 
As the music fills the room, you feel the heat of the Right Hand's body pressed against yours. You dance together, your bodies swaying in sync, but your mind is far from the moment.
Here 's the thing. 
You knew perfectly well the dangerous game you were playing right now. Letting yourself loose when you knew perfectly well that every man in that room was heavily armed. You learned during your training back in the headquarters that this was a show of trust inside the Clans.
You had to play your part to perfection. Because men let their guard down when they feel free.
And if they feel free they start talking.
Which reminded you. Your team in France has not responded to your last message, and you find it odd that my boss, the Lieutenant, did not warn you about the arranged marriage between Mr. Lee’s daughter and one of the seven sons.
Your heart races as you realize that you are in deeper than you thought. The consequences of being caught are simple: One misstep and you will be dead. 
As the song comes to an end, Namjoon leans in close to you, his eyes burning with intensity. "I need to go outside for fresh air. By myself." he looks surprised for a second but then he turns around and barks an order to one of the bodyguards to take you outside, and you feel a mix of fear and excitement ripple through you.
You are led by one of Namjoon’s bodyguards across a sea of moving bodies and gangsters to get to an emergency exit in the back of the VIP room. You go down the stairs and once you are at the door the man tells you you have 5 minutes.
The pounding music and flashing lights of the club faded behind you once you stepped outside. 
That’s when you saw him leaning against the wall, a cigarette between his fingers. You noticed that for the first time you’ve seen him he was wearing a suit. Hair sleek to the back. His deep black eyes stared directly at you.
That was the last thing you needed to see while high on molly.
You almost whispered, approaching him carefuly. “What-”
“You look surprised, little flower. Like if you just saw a ghost. Were you expecting someone else” He interrupted you and you felt a shiver down your spine. 
You could feel the effect of the drug spreading through your bloodstream “No, you're exactly the person I wanted to see tonight” Your words were sincerity mixed with alcohol. He took a step closer and you felt his hand tugging at the fabric of your dress that covered your hips. 
Why do you have to be so fucking beautiful?
The man let out a laugh and held her tighter by the waist “You're going to have to share with me whatever they gave you upstairs, little flower,”
Did you say that or did you think it?
Suga brought his lips to your ear. So close you could feel their ghost touch on your skin “It has to be pretty good shit. For you to admit that you think I'm fucking beautiful and I don't want to be left behind in the fun” You gasped and he gave you one of those devilish smirks you were starting to like. 
“Weren’t you supposed to be in Russia?” You said eyes locked in his “And miss all of today’s fun. No way in hell I would miss you in this dress, pretty flower. But before she could respond, he stepped closer, his hand reaching up to brush a strand of hair from her face. "You're a beautiful woman, Lee Nari," he murmured, his voice low and dangerous.
Ah, fuck it.
You were in too deep on the effects of the pills mixed with alcohol. 
Probably what you were thinking at the time was a terrible idea.
But the effects of the drug made you feel so damn good.
And Suga usually had a mysterious aura to him, something dark and alluring that attracted you to him.
Like a moth to a flame. 
You had burned before. 
And you really liked the pain.
You took another pill that you had hidden on your dress and placed it on your tongue. You knew that she was playing a dangerous game, but you couldn't help the attraction you felt for that man. In a moment of impulse, you leaned in with your hands reaching up to tangle in his hair.
And kissed him.
Kissed him as if you were alone in that place full of people.
As if you couldn’t be seen by absolutely everyone who was there.
The effect of the drug deliciously amplified the sensations and you could swear that the Suga’s lips tasted like chocolate strawberries, your favorite dessert. 
“You're getting me in trouble little flower." said the man As you broke apart, you could see the surprise and suspicion in his eyes.
“Good thing I love trouble," but before you could move again a hand grabbed Suga's arm, pulling him away from you.
Turns out your five minutes were up and the bodyguard had gone upstairs to tell Namjoon you were kissing his brother outside of the club. 
Didn’t snitches get stitches in this clan?
Or lose a finger or something.
The Right Hand eyes were looking directly at you. He was furious, you could see the veins of his neck pop, blood rushing through them filled with anger. 
Oh you’d fucked up. 
Big time.
Now the both of you were really in trouble “May I know, what the fuck are you doing here, you bastard?” Namjoon grabbed two fists full of Suga’s shirt.
“Having fun like everyone else at this party, or isn't that what we all came here for, Daddy's boy?” replied the older one with his sarcastic chuckle.
“Call me that one more time and I'll break your fucking face” Namjoon so close to Suga's face while he looked amused by his reaction. 
As if he had been waiting for it.
“Oh your majesty, I'd love to see you try....”
Before chaos could form the rest of the siblings approached to separate them. You were still standing in the middle of the two, unsure if you should try to calm things down. 
But you knew you’d only make it worse.
“Let's calm down a little, you know the rules: no fighting in my club - Jimin intervened trying to calm them down a little “If you are going to break each other's faces or measure each other's dick or whatever it is you are doing right now. Do it somewhere else” he finished with a tone of authority.
Kim Namjoon might be the right hand of the clan, but this was Park's kingdom. But it didn't help anyway...
“You just love to play with what doesn’t belong to you, don't you?” Namjoon responded in a mocking tone.
To that you raised an eyebrow, you were nobodies. But before you could speak Jhope put a hand on your shoulder giving you a sympathetic look “Not now, princess Nari” he whispered. 
Suga grabbed the hand that was still holding him by the collar “Are you sure of what you’re saying, Kim? Do you want me to remind you who you are and who I am?”
You had a feeling they were no longer talking about you. But all you could do was look at them terrified realizing that you had provoked something you couldn't stop.
They both meant much more.
“I'm going to kill you tonight, you son of a bitch” Namjoon growled and Suga had a smirk on his lips but the expression of his eyes wanted blood.
“Hope, take Miss Lee out of here. That's an order” Namjoon said without looking at you.
The young gangster approached you with an apologetic  look “I'm sorry princess Nari, but we'd better go” He took you by the arm to take you out of the place and ushered you to a SUV that was already parked and ready for you to leave.
“I knew you'd be trouble." Taehyung whispered as you passed him.
Your eyes stung from tears that were trying to come out.
You felt humiliated.
You had screwed up completely.
Suga was your fucking weakness and your needed to get him out of her system.
The faster this mission would be over.
Faster she could get away from all of this.
And away from him.
I have a confesion to make: This August D concept photos are making me feel things. What a good moment to be alive honestly. Because I would gladly let gangster August D Kill m... Ahem.
Here's another confession. Butter is actually one of my fav chapters, because its all the build up to the real deal of the story. But I got inspired by the pictures of this beautiful, beautiful human and decided to add a new scene to the chapter.
For the ones who don't know Hate is actually a story I've aready finished on wattpad and I am translating (from spanish) and cross posting it here on tumblr. Also, the original story is actually an OCxSuga and not a reader POV. But I really am enjoying this changes. I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I am enjoying writing.
There is so much more to come and I am excited to show you!
For the ones who are interested, the tag list is open If you want to be on it you can leave a comment or send me an ask! 💌💌
Tag list: @allamericanuniverse @drunkzseok
Love, Ria.
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