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dave-the-tech-guy · 2 years ago
adam. what are you doing here. im not makOKAY FINE . IM MAKING A DEAL. IT DOESNT MATTER ITS GONNA WORK
do NOT exchange on this brother there's another way
i dunno.........................i could make two systems fight over custody of me AND save a god
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buckedmundo · 2 years ago
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#sea husband things
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During a temporary truce.
Heiji: As much as I dislike working with a criminal.. We might just need KID's skills for this one.
Kaito, bowing: Happy to be of service.
Shinichi: We all know the routes and hiding spots, correct? Then, let us split up in groups and search the area.
Shinichi: Heiji, you go with Kazuha and Hakuba.
Shinichi: I will go with Ran and Sera.
Shinichi: KID, you'll go with Makoto and Sonoko.
Kaito: Ok-
Sonoko: Yes! My fantasy three-way!
Sonoko: Of... teamwork.
Kaito: I mean, I'm up for it if you are.
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shionsky · 4 years ago
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achillean ships
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dcmk-hoard · 4 years ago
Okay, just because you are making me very sexually confused does not mean that you are intimidating.
Kaitou Kid, to Kyogoku Makoto
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brotato-chibs · 4 years ago
What of Sonoko joins Makokai? Sonmakokai where both Makoto and Sonoko take solidarity in trying to fluster their criminal boyfriend while Kaito is just helpless against two intense lovers trying to flirt with him. Sonoko takes every opportunity to give him the most expensive gifts and Makoto can and will just pick Kaito up just because he's baby and Makoto is protective like that. The moment both discover the existence of Sniper and that Snake had killed Kaito's father (completely reluctantly from Kaito's end because he'd rather take the existence of Snake and his connection to his father's death to the grave than tell anyone his true motives) the Organization is dead. D.E.A.D. Makoto is gonna rampage through them and Sonoko qould use her connections to find the members and sic him on them
Ah man, my unattended crackship-Makokai... I don’t really have much thought on this since it’s only for shit and giggles 😂😅 So anyone can come up with whatever ideas they want haha (( I like the bit with SonoMako flustering Kaito though. Very cute. Though he would want to make them both fluster in return because //gestures at him// Kaito. ))
Also i don’t think snipers at KID heists are canon at all lmao Plus... I think Kaito would not want them to find out about the Organization. If he didn’t want Aoko to know anything, i think the same would apply to Sonoko and Makoto too? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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wickfursfanfics · 5 years ago
04.08 - Bet
My entry for the #DCMKEmogust2020 event!
Prompt of the day - Bet
Aoko searched around the vast crowd around them of screaming KID fans. When she spotted her quarry wrestling himself through the crowd, her face split into a huge smile. "Kaito!" She screamed happily trying to overpower the voices around her. She waved her arms for good measure trying to get his attention.
When his gaze landed on her he waved back with a smile. He disappeared again into the crowd however, when a few people started to tussle around him. He was impossible to spot again after that.
Suddenly behind her she heard a loud shout of "Aoko!" From her childhood friend. Turning around she spotted him again, now he was way closer than before. 
She called his name again in a vain attempt to steer him in the right direction. He spotted her and used the elbow technique to get through. "Excuse me!" He proclaimed loudly while battling through the throng of people.
He sighed a huge sigh of relief as he was finally at her side. "Sorry Aoko, the crowd is huge tonight" he panted. 
She hit him playfully on his arm "You shouldn't make a lady wait you know" she said matter of fact.
A grin split his face before he blurted out "What lady" she promptly hit him upside the head"
"Ow, Ahoko!" He complained.
"You deserve it" she sniffs haughty, completely ignoring his complaints.
"I bet Ahoko can't go five minutes without hitting me" 
"Is that a real bet Bakaito because Aoko can too"
"Alright, you're on. A hundred yen you can't"
"Right back at you Bakaito"
He proceeds to flip her skirt. Aoko has her fist already up when Kaito drawls "it hasn't been five minutes yet"
She has to physically restrain her own wrist to keep from whacking him. She clenched her jaw and hands together in seething frustration.
Kaito snickers and dyes someone's hair in the crowd. Aoko takes a deep breath and holds it, then lets it out explosively when he loudly announced "Ahoko?! You're on your period?! I wouldn't have guessed!" She tenses up ln barley contained rage, like she wanna strangle him.
"Five minutes are up" he mutters and hands her the 100 yen. She whacks him on the head for good measure. "Ow! Ahoko!"
"Again, you deserve it" she sneers before she continues with "Aoko bets Bakaito can't change that woman's clothes without her noticing" she points to a very snobby looking woman who has literally been checking her hand mirror 12 times in the last 30 minutes. "200 yen you can't"
Kaito grins "No problem Ahoko"
Before she can change her stakes he masterfully, without moving from his spot changes her clothes to a sexy clown outfit. Though when she turns around only the back half her clothes are changed. She is none the wiser of the change. 
Aoko gapes "How did you even…" she sighs and gives him his 200 yen.
He cackled delightfully as he gets his money "I bet 300 yen Aoko can't walk up to that guy and ask him to change shirts with you" he pointed to a guy with a black 'I love KID' shirt that was in about the same size as his childhood friend. She was wearing a very pink frilly shirt so there was no way he would wanna switch his black shirt with her.
She smirked "Aoko can too" she says walking up to him. Kaito watches with growing trepidation as she talks animatedly with him for a few minutes. And then lo and behold they switched shirts. Kaito was speechless.
She looks smug as she walks up to him again with the shirt "How did Aoko do?"
He drags a hand over his face and gives her the 300 yen. Muttering all the while.
It just escalated from there...
"Aoko bets 400 Kaito can't make it to that lamp post and climb it to the top in 5 minutes" The lamp post was about 100 meters from them, a short distance if you didn't account for the mass of people.
"I'll make it in two" he announced and sprints into the crowd. 
He did it obviously.
"SEE AHOKO! I MADE IT IN TWO!" He yells unnecessarily.
And escalated…
"I bet 600 yen Ahoko can't climb that tree"
"I bet 700 yen Bakaito can't scale that building in-"
"I bet 1000 Ahoko can’t-"
"I bet 1300-!"
"I bet 1500-!"
“I bet 1800-!”
By now their betting session had escalated so much they had formed a crowd around them. Everyone was watching the spectacle with laughter and their own little bets on who would win this time.
They both panted and was at a standstill. They had totally forgotten where they were at this point.
Suddenly Aoko gets a sly grin on her face. Kaito feels dread in his veins at her expression "You wanna bet again Bakaito?" She asks all smug. "You get 2500 yen if you can do it" 
Kaito narrows his eyes, she was way to smug right now. He was wary "Alright, bring it on Ahoko" he challenges.
She looks around and spots a random fellow in the crowd "Aoko bets 2500 yen Kaito don't have the courage to kiss that guy!" She says loudly and points towards a guy a few meters from them. Damn it, she knew he was too afraid of the damn looks people would give him if he admitted to liking guys. Did she want to win that badly?
The guy she had pointed to had his back towards them, and what a nice back that was. It was perfectly sculpted by his tight t-shirt. He looked ripped, tall, darker skinned and he could just imagine the handsome face he would have. But, that was besides the point.
Kaito glares at her and she glares right back with a smirk on her face in challenge.
"Alright! Fine!" he declared "I'm gonna prove Ahoko wrong!" He says with way more courage than he feels.
Makoto was chatting with his friend when he hears someone say "Excuse me" behind him, tapping his shoulder. He turns around, a polite question on his tongue when he suddenly gets pulled down by his shirt, into a kiss. Tongue and all. what the…
Suddenly the moment is broken as the guy breaks the kiss a little breathless with tinted cheeks. He suddenly shouts "There Ahoko! I did it!" To a girl further away who sticks her tongue out at him in response. Makoto can feel himself starting to blush.
"Sorry man" he guy apologises with a sheepish grin, how cute. "You are just so handsome-" he backtracks "I mean... It was a bet or maybe more like a dare" he pats his shoulder in an awkward apology. He then proceeds to walk up to his friend again and start his shouting match anew.
What was that...
Kaito starts his bet with Ahoko again. As he starts shouting again he gets interrupted mid sentence by a tap on his shoulder. He turns around with a loud "what?" On his tongue. He doesn't get a chance to utter it before he suddenly gets kissed by the same tall and handsome guy he kissed earlier. The kiss is hot and needy and oh my god so right. 
They break apart in the end, needing to breath. And everything around them is tuned out as they gaze into each other's eyes. "My name is Kyogoku Makoto, what's yours?" 
Kaito who is on cloud nine just answers him just like that "Hi Makoto, I'm Kuroba Kaito"
Unfortunately the moment is broken when three officers walks up to the trio. Aoko looks starstruck at the side 
"Are you the ones who have caused such a commotion?" One of the officers asks with a frown.
Kaito and Aoko chuckles nervously.
Despite all of Aoko and Kaito's protests or otherwise, they get thrown out of the heist premises. "Great, this is your fault Ahoko"
"How is this my fault Bakaito!" She seethes.
Kaito ignores her in favour of Makoto "You weren't causing any trouble so why did you follow us out?"
Makoto fidgeted a bit "I just wanted your number" he says with a soft smile.
Kaito is dumbfounded and melting at the same time. He is adorable. The magician grins happily and jotted down his number on a playing card and gives it to him "Here, it would be nice to see you again"
He received the card with care in his movements, like it was precious "Likewise, Kaito-kun" he says with a blush, his smile is blinding. "You will have to excuse me, I need to get back before the heist starts" and with that he leaves Aoko and Kaito to their own devices.
Aoko hits his shoulder "Way to go Kaito! You scored a looker" Kaito puts his embarrassed face in his hands to hide his happy grin. Oh man he did, didn't he.
Suddenly reality hits him in the face "Aoko… what time is it?"
She looks at him in curiosity before she checks the time on her phone "It's a little past 11, why?" 
Kaito panics. Oh shit. "I just remembered something I need to do! I'll see you later Aoko!" He calls back over his shoulder as he sprints full speed away from the heist location. "Wait Bakaito!" Aoko calls.
He ignores her, way too focused on the need to double back quickly so he can get to his heist. Mildly on time.
This was the first time in a long long time that Kaitou KID was late to his own heist.
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Sonoko: Wow, those pants sure look great.
Kaito: Thank you, they were 50% off.
Sonoko: I kinda wish they were 100% off.
Kaito: They can't give away pants for free,  Suzuki-chan.
Sonoko: No, I-
Makoto: He's right, Sonoko. That would be a terrible business decision.
Sonoko: You're not helping!
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brotato-chibs · 6 years ago
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Someone ship this crack ship with me 
Crack HC: Kaito crushes on people who can kick his ass easily. The more badass the better. 
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brotato-chibs · 6 years ago
Oh my goodness Makoto and Kaito as a crack ship? I love it! I haven't laughed at a crack ship like that in ages
Hahaha welcome to SS. CrackShip
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brotato-chibs · 4 years ago
for that crackship (makokai? makaito?) 1) i love it and 2) HOW WOULD SONOKO REACT
Either heartbroken or ships it. Or both
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brotato-chibs · 5 years ago
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships. // Z: What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
R: Hmm... I'd say MakoKai but I've seen some people shipping them already so.... Kaito x Sonoko or Sonoko x Shinichi, just to explore their dynamics.I have an idea or two in mind but KaiAo just seems to win everything lately lol
Z: I ain't hiding any of my ships lol Closes would be Kaito and Ran???
But even if I did have a ship everyone somehow hates, I'd still share it 😂😂 No one can stop me from creating what I want tbh. They are all obviously self indulgent
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wordpress-blaze-233553194 · 46 minutes ago
U.S. Consumer Sentiment Plunges to 2-Year Low: What It Means for Inflation, Jobs, and Your Wallet in 2025
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As of March 28, 2025, the United States is experiencing a sharp decline in consumer sentiment, indicating increasing anxiety about economic stability and future expectations. The University of Michigan's most recent survey shows a dramatic fall in its Consumer Sentiment Index, falling to 57.0 in March from 64.7 in February, the lowest since November 2022. ​ Understanding the Consumer Sentiment Index The Consumer Sentiment Index, which is provided by the University of Michigan, is a principal gauge of confidence in the U.S. economy held by the American public. It tracks personal finance, overall economic situation, and buying attitudes. A decline in the index means that consumers are pessimistic regarding their financial situation and the overall economic situation, which can lead to decreased spending and slower economic growth. Reasons behind the Decline Some of the most significant reasons that the consumer confidence has dropped recently include: Inflation Anxiety: Persistent inflation eroded purchasing power, making the average consumer spend more on goods and services. During February, the Personal Consumption Expenditures price index grew by 0.3%, maintaining its 2.5% year-over-year gain. Core PCE, the measure of prices minus volatile food and energy costs, grew 0.4% in February and 2.8% from a year ago. ​ Trade Tariffs and Global Agitation: Placing new trade tariffs has added economic uncertainty. President Donald Trump's recent tariff declarations have increased worry about increased prices of foreign-made goods and potential retaliatory moves by trade partners. Such trade activism has ignited consumer  uncertainty about the general economic situation. Labor Market Anxiety: Rising fear around the labor market has also impacted consumer confidence. Two-thirds of consumers reported that they expected more unemployment over the next year, the most apprehensive since 2009. Fear around employment opportunities might lead to reduced consumption, hence even weaker economic growth. ​
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Impact on Financial Markets Financial markets have experienced the fall in consumer confidence rebound through them: Stock Market Drops: The big indexes have dropped. The S&P 500 fell 2%, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Nasdaq Composite also took large drops. Investors are frightened by economic slowdown fears and a possibility of stagflation—a condition characterized by slowing growth and rising inflation. Bond Market Trends: The yield on the 10-year Treasury note declined to 4.26%, reflecting a shift into safer assets as investors seek shelter from market risk. ​ Financial Times Consumer Spending Trends Despite the decline in sentiment, consumer spending increased by a modest 0.4% in February. Adjusted for inflation, real spending growth was modest, which means that even though consumers are spending more in nominal terms, their real consumption has not been increasing significantly. Such mediocre growth in spending is worrying for the sustainability of economic growth. Inflation Expectations Inflation expectations have increased, with consumers predicting a 5% average rate of inflation in the next year and 4.1% in the next five years. Such higher expectations can affect the behavior of consumers, leading to reduced spending and increased demand for higher wages, which can, in turn, propel inflationary pressures. ​ MarketWatch Regional Perspectives In Florida, and in towns like St. Cloud, the ramifications of deteriorating consumer attitudes are being experienced. Local shops can observe slower traffic and sales as local consumers grow more cautious in their spending. The state's tourism industry, a staple of the Florida economy, could also be affected if consumers nationwide curtailed travel spending.​ Strategies for Consumers In light of these occurrences, consumers might utilize the following strategies: Financial Planning and Budgeting: Recalculation and recasting personal budgets to incorporate rising costs can help keep expenses under control. Emergency Fund: Establishing or restoring an emergency fund can provide a measure of financial protection if a job is lost or unexpected expenses occur. Investment in Human Capital: Investment in additional education or skills can improve employability and job security in an potentially more constrained labor market. The latest decline in consumer confidence emphasizes the troubles facing the U.S. economy, such as persistent inflation, trade tensions, and labor market challenges. As consumers progress through this complex setting, being very well-educated and exhibiting good financial practices will be crucial for minimizing the impacts of these economic headwinds.
Source: U.S. Consumer Sentiment Plunges to 2-Year Low: What It Means for Inflation, Jobs, and Your Wallet in 2025
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brotato-chibs · 5 years ago
I have a question for you. I've noticed a lot of ShinRan as well as KaiShin in your posts. Do you ship both?
Of course! ! !
I'm a multishipper, I'll ship anyone mostly. So ShinRan, KaiAo, MakoSono, KaiShin, HakuKai 🤔🤔🤔 what else...
The crack ships I do are MakoKai (Makoto x Kaito) and Kaicest (Kaitou Kid x Kaito)... maybe KaiRan too if I feel it.
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brotato-chibs · 6 years ago
oooh makokai is the greatest crackship I've seen yet! Y'know, Sonoko would probably be down for it if it was a threesome~
Welcome aboard the crackship but please never include Sonoko or Makoto with the word threesome again ( ᯣ - ᯣ )💦
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