#makkari x eternal!reader
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if was your boyfriend, never let you go keep you on my arm girl, you'd never be alone
druig recomendations
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perfectly busy - @tokkiotears
lemme just say, HUSBAND DRUID OML. and I'm just a sucker for a confident and king Druid behavior. absolutley adoring this to no ends, smn send help, I forgot how to function. the not really complete without you got me. oh god. just o h g o d. i just feel like i should comment on the narrative, it was so well done and just hit the spot i didn't even know I had.
not proofread, annoying men, druig in a button-up with the sleeves rolled up
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"this isn't over" - @peterparkersnose
bro this slapped in so many different levels, like excuse me. And druig who shares books and annotates? and smug druig? godamn. the sexual tension- smn keep him away from me before i fall in love.
angst, privacy invasion, accidental nudity, sexual tension, falling in love with something you could never have-?
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sunshine - @itsapeterthing
firstly, i fell in love with the writing, its so stunning. it has such a fun and flowery vibe surrounding it which makes me just gush oml. it was just so sweet. AND how he gets flustered- literally hit all my marks and exceeded them. i hope you never stop writing these, they make my soul lighter.
warnings: eternals insulting druig as always, fluff
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how could they not know? - @saintlike78
to start of, i love a vocal man who can tell you that he missed you. the scene itself was so soft. just love sick druig running back to your arms and you're wearing his shirt mwahh. i find it hilarious how no else has even noticed this happening before, my oblivious fools. its so adorablee.
nothing but fluff really, dialog heavy.
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hold - @redheadspark
bro, my love, angel, the gif itself got me a blushing mess, you have no idea what the fic did to me sheesh. i love a man who was so acceptable about her fear and so re-assuring, that's so perfectly written. i also love how the author has written these thoughts in her head as well as the internal debate. it just left me in awe i swear.
Just a hint of angst but mostly fluff
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warmth - @stranger-nightmare
these are one of my favorite's that I've encountered. the end was just lovley. Just the plot of this drabble has me on my knees. it was wonderfully thought and wonderfully written. the author has left no crumbs.
one case of swearing, a lil bit of fluff, a whole lotta angst, nakedness but it’s not in a sexual way
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boyfriend headcannons - @luventi
just a bunch of head cannons which i thought were amazing. overall its just so cute and has me screaming, crying and throwing up. honestly very underated.
druig x gn eternal!reader, au where everyone is alive and happy and together, there will be dashes of suggestive content admits all the fluff so be warned!
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shy lover - @writing-wh0re
[ it didn't have a title so I gave it this, I hope the author doesn't mind]
felt that this was just a must included, i don't wanna really have to summarize this cause there wasn't a single line that did not fail to have me hypnotized. just lovley work
Smut18+, Unprotected Vaginal Sex, Male Performing Oral, Praise Kink (both), Begging Kink (?), Slight Cocky Druig, Cum kink (?)
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keto-keyes · 2 months
Do people even read Eternals fics anymore???
I was going to publish an Eternals x reader fic I've had in my drafts for quite a while now, but if nobody reads them anymore I'll keep them in drafts.
Please let me know, dear readers!!
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Part 1
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redrydersrequiem · 9 months
Golden eyed phantom ch 1
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Pairing Druig x reader
Rating explicit 18+ only minors ageless blank and non unadapted blogs will be blocked.
Plot: phantom of the opera au
Warnings: Some smut (im still learning how so go easy on me) fingering, dream sex, mind control but not dark)
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The opera de popular was one of the crown jewels of paris, a place where dreams and nightmares can become a reality. It’s also where young (y/n) (l/n) found themselves living after the untimely death of their only living relative, their father.With no living family and no prospective husband (y/n) would have been homeless if not for Madame Ajak,the kindly dance instructor of the opera and a dear friend to the girls late father.
Madame Ajak became the mother you never knew, kind, caring, always able to cure any physical ailment that seemed to bother her or anyone else, with Madame came Sersi. She was another girl that had grown up in the opera. Madame Ajak was unable to have children of her own so she adopted Sersi when she was just a baby. The young woman was only a few years older then (y/n) and the two became fast friends. Sersi showed you the ins and outs of the opera house, really the ins and outs of Paris. Many times she would take you out and about to learn about your new home and everything in it including the rest of the people that would make up your new family. The first members you met came in the form of Gilgamesh and Thena.
Gilgamesh was the chief of security for the opera house. He was a giant boulder of a man well built and very intimidating at first glance, that is until he smiles at you and turns into the giant teddy bear he is. Always making sure all of us are safe and sneaking in baked goods every now and then. You wouldn’t know just from looking at him but he was an amazing baker, especially his pies they were to die for. With Gilgamesh came his partner Thena,she was gorgeous a goddess without even trying. She was the stunt, fighting and weapons expert for the opera and many other production houses in Paris. Many people thought she was a model but the mere thought made her grimace, “Why would I want to be a model and have to care what everyone thought of me?” Even though she had a tough exterior she was also very kind in her ways. Thena was determined for all of us younger girls at the opera to be able to protect ourselves, teaching everyone basic self defense and warning signs and so on and so forth. She was truly a ferocious mama bear if she wanted to be, to you she just became a protective aunt.
Next up was, without a doubt, your favorite trio, Phastos,Sprite and Makkari. All three worked backstage, keeping the opera house running as fabulously as it does. Phastos was the head engineer/ prop master. If something needed to be built he was the guy, his creations awe inspiring, some looking as though they had come straight out of the future, but he was still humble enough to answer any questions you or anyone had about the devices. Alongside Phastos worked sprite. She was young that was undeniable but boy was she talented, A true artist she was the head set designer and painter. Everything she created was so stunning you couldn’t even tell it wasn’t real. While Phastos was somewhat humble, Sprite was spunky, quick witted and sharp tongue when wronged. She halted being looked down on because of how young she looked and would lay into anyone who belittled her.
Makkari was a completely different story, even though she was deaf that did not stop her. Always with a kind smile on her face she ran around helping pull everything together. She was the resident lighting and stage hand always in the right place at the right time, almost like there were seven of her. When she wasn’t working she would be in the shopping district, dragging (y/n) with her to oogle all the shiny and sparkly Knick knacks, all the beautifully colored fabrics and imports coming in. In fact that's how Kingo was introduced.
Kingo was a fashionista, a real eye for how to make everyone look their best with one look.he was the opera's resident costume designer / understudy. Kingo dreamed of being on stage; he knew all the words, all the songs, everything, but sadly his time in the spotlight had not yet come. Everyone always reassured him his time would come, in fact you would always run lines with him whenever he was feeling down, he was over the top dramatic for sure but so entertaining. Probably the only thing more entertaining was picking on him with sprite and makkari. His reaction to the twos joke always brought a smile to your face, and was almost a bonding experience with the other girl.
During the day there was enough to distract you from your sullen thoughts. In particular the formation of a new found family, always there to relieve you of your boredom and loneliness but at night it was a different story. About a month after you had arrived you sat in the opera's small chapel, lighting a candle for your fathers soul. You guess your gentle weeping is what brought forth the angel's song, but all you really remember is the gentle glowing gold of the candles or at least you think it was the candles but you didn't really care as the feelings of calm wash over you with the soft timber of the angel's voice. At night or really whenever you were alone the angel would speak to you. Teach you the ways of the opera house and the music that went along with it. He was a mystic presence, always there but never in reach.
He invaded your whole life, when not learning from him at night your dreams started turning to him.
It would start with his voice, hearing it in your head as you drifted to sleep, the scene would change to a candle lit backdrop, soft smells of vanilla fill the air, a dreamy feeling wanders around you, then you would feel hands wrap around you. They were strong, long fingers as they wandered up and down your frame. You dare not turn around not wanting the feelings he provokes from you to end too quickly.
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You watch as those glorious hands gently slide up your leg taking your thin night shift with them until they reach your core. A branding iron of heat in eloping you as he probes you. Fingers lightly playing with your clit as his lips caressed your ear, words ringing through your very soul it felt
“My beautiful beautiful muse, I've waited so long for you. I’ll never forget the day I first heard your voice, it was like hearing a blessing.”
You couldn’t even articulate words to reply to him shivering as hard as you were from merrily his touch.
“I can not wait for the day you truly belong to me. Mind. Body. And soul”
You feel his fingers stroking in tune to his words. Marking his point deep within your walls, but before you are able to climb to the peak a loud ringing sounds from beside you
“Ignore it”
You try of course but the ringing doesn’t stop. With each ring the scene around you shakes, deteriorating back into the blackness that waits behind your rapidly opening eyes. You sit up in shock, eyes trying to adjust to your bedroom as your alarm rings beside you. Your body still shivering from the after effects of the dream you just had.
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Five years had passed, under your teachers guidance your gift bloomed but the only people you would even attempt to try to sing for would be your new family, and that was only light humming. The dreams became normal as well. Usually they happened after working with your mysterious and gracious master. You never learned anything more about him. All you knew was his voice but the one in your dreams seemed to evolve.
First was his hands and then his arms then his legs,his back,even a head of dark brown hair. But never his face. It was starting to vex you honestly, every time waking up from the pure euphoria of those dreams too have reality slap you in the face of how lonely you felt. Not that your new family did not appease your heart, in fact being with them was as natural as breathing. To be honest you couldn't describe what was wrong with you, all you could summarize it as was that it felt like part of you was missing.
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A week after your 24th birthday the new owners of the opera appeared and with them came someone familiar.
“Listen up everyone!” Mr Richard's the old owner calls to everyone, all of us currently gathered on the main stag rehearsing the latest show
“I would like to introduce the new owners of the opera Monsieur Nelson and Monsieur Murdock.”
Everyone claps all clambering around to get the best views of the two young owners. You had to admit neither were horrible looking, you thought it was interesting for a blind person to want to buy an opera but it made sense to, even if he couldn’t see the performances, listening to them was the next best thing.
‘Thank you all, thank you we are both very happy to start our adventures in the arts.” Mr Nelson started “We would also like to introduce our generous backer Count Ikaris de solar.” Finished Mr Murdock to when a handsome brunette stepped onto stage to everyone’s approval and applause.
“Ikaris?” You gasped out as everyone continued to clap and awe over the count
“Do you know him (y/n)?” Sersi asks confusingly
“Yes, we knew each other as children. We were somewhat close before his family moved away, I can’t believe that's truly him.”
Before you get another word in, a loud clearing of the throat silences everyone. Mademoiselle Ayesha and her pompous son Adam, step through the crowd in their fine costumes. The madame was the current lead soprano for the opera even though you thought she couldn't sing for shit. Her voice was almost as grating as her attitude towards everyone. Sprite assumed the only reason she was given any parts was because of her stupidly wealthy family and late husband. But you choose not to comment on that. The woman stands there covered in gold and signals to the maestro to start at the top of her aria once more
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Oh no she's starting again Sersi says from beside you already getting ready to cover her ears. In fact you can even see the housekeeping staff in the audience stuffing Cotton in their ears. The woman doesn’t get but a few lines in the aria her screeching tone ringing through the stage before the rolled up backdrop above her comes crashing down. The light but sturdy fabric lands on top of the soprano pinning her belly flopped to the stage floor to the shocks and screams of everyone around.
They rush to help the woman up but the damage to her pride is too great. She starts screeching about all the previous accidents directed at her, of all the misfortune and indignity that has befallen her and how she will not stand for it any longer. Mr Murdock simply stands there letting the scene unfold as Mr Nelson loses his mind along the diva as she. Stomps her heel gathering all her things, her son and their people and promptly leaving
The new owners were in a tissy (mostly foggy) wondering how they are supposed to open tomorrow with no star. How this whole adventure is now wasted. Madame Ajak promptly interrupts, saving Mr Nelson from a full melt down, handing the duo a dark black envelope with a giant red wax seal on it.
“Where did that come from?” You ask Sersi
“That confirms it then, It must was the phantom”
“The phantom?”
“Have you honestly not heard the others talk about this?
She just shakes her head at you before filling you in on the details
“He's a mysterious person, some say he’s a ghost, others a demon but no one knows for sure. They say he's been here forever always making his presence known. In fact the previous owner used to pay him a monthly wage just to appease him, that and that box number 5 be kept empty for him whenever he wishes. Everything was going well but this past couple years he has gotten a little more devious.
No one really knows, and everyone’s afraid to ask or look around afraid they’ll never be seen again.
Before you can ask sersi more your name is being called.
“(Y/n)(l/n) can do it.”
What?” You had missed the conversation between the two new owners and Madame Ajak
One of your dances can replace the star diva from the past 5 years.? Your sure about that?
“Foggy why don't we give the girl a chance”
“Matt this is doing nothing for. My nerves
You stand there like a deer in headlight hoping you could somehow slip to the back and out of sight but Sersi sees you growing anxiety and gently but firmly directs you towards Ajak.
Madame gently took you from her daughter and lead you to the center of the stage
“Madame what,,,,but,, I,,,”
“It will be alright dear. I've heard you practice these last couple of years when you sneak off at night, and i know your teacher has taught ypu well”
“My teacher?”
Ajak just gives you a knowing look before she turns towards the maestro and nods at him leaving you standing there as everyone watches.
You hear quiet cheer from stage left where your little opera family all stand giving you thumbs up and right smiles, trying to ease your nerves, though it doesn’t really help, it's not till you look up towards the grand chandler that that gentle calming glow envelops your senses once more.
“From the top of the aria mademoiselle”
The band picks up and the music begins to play
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To be honest you don't remember much after that. It was a whirlwind of activity. Being swept off stage and quickly fitted into costumes, stage managers telling you where you need to stand, color spotting you with lights all the fixing basically to make it seem like you were always meant to be in the role.
You didn't know that while you sang your heart out on stage a certain young count had finally taken notice of you
“That’s the girl that used to follow you around?” Count Arishem Ikarus’s father ask begrudgingly
“Yes father that's the daughter of that famous violinist tha lived near our old summer home.”
“Well, well we may have found ourselves a diamond in the rough after all. The elder count scrutinizes the crowd all gawking at the peasant, like she's a princess. All he sees is an opportunity to boost his family further, the gears of his plan already forming in his mind.
Phantoms pov
There she is at last! Right where she belongs, my beautiful beautiful muse.
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cdragons · 10 months
More Eternals Memes & Incorrect Quotes
Ft. Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader & the kiddos
Notes: Ya girl got bored and she doesn't want to work on her presentations that are like 35% of her grade. PS: If anyone recognizes which scene I used in Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends in that one gif, y'all are the real ones.
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Sephia, playing with baby Jack: So how the ride from the hospital?
Phastos: Oh you know, pretty uneventful.
*20 minutes earlier*
Ben: *on the phone* We locked our baby in the car and people are judging us!
Ben: Do not break the window! You'll get glass on him.
Phone operator: Sir, please tell your wife to relax. Everything is going to be okay.
Ben: That's a man.
Operator: Really?
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Laurie: What are you in the mood for?
Mara: World Domination
Laurie: Seems a bit ambitious
Mara: Laurie, you are my world
Laurie: Awwww
Laurie: OH
*Bonus scene*
Ikaris: I sense a disturbance in the force
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No One:
Arthur & Uriel meeting for the first time and already vibing:
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Arthur: I guess I’m too tough to cry
Agalia: 20 minutes ago you were crying about snakes
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Ikaris: Hey Gil, I brought Laurie for that playdate
Mara: *Snarling & Feral & Foaming*
Gilgamesh: She don’t bite
Ikaris: YES SHE DO
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I'm sorry, is this not what happened?
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Laoise: Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
Aisling: You are not a burden!
Hamish *blinking in morse code*: Murder is a-okay
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*Ikaris and Mara arguing about something*
Mara: Tell him where he can put his grapes Uri!
Uriel *signing*: In the fridge!
Mara: Yeah! In the fridge
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Kaetlyn: I'll just be a few minutes, you won't even notice I'm gone!
*Not even two minutes later*
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*Coming up with the Unimind Title*
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*Kingo in his ho era*
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Tagging: @ethereal-athalia, @valeskafics, @chompchompluke, @aphroditesmoon, @littlewitchoftheweast, @disco82, @arcielee, @asa-do-your-thing, @beananacake, @getawaycardotmp3, @mitchh12, @jolixtreesunn, @tesha-i-guess, @vikingqueen28, @sydthesciencekid05, @n-1d1-1, @deanthomaswhore, @emilysanay143, @lavenderwisteria,
Please reblog and like! Do not repost!
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Empty Space by James Arthur
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“I don’t regret the day I left, I don’t believe that I was bless, I’m probably lyin’ to myself again”
Druig was the one who decided to break things off. He felt that there was nothing good coming from the relationship. He felt nothing when he said that he didn’t love you anymore. He just walked away. He continued on with life as if nothing happened.
That was over 5,ooo years ago, you were long gone, and he could never get you back. He spent those years filled with alcohol, drugs, and sex. He can’t even get properly drunk, but he likes the burn when it goes down his throat. He’s fucked any mortal he could persuade; he won’t use his mind-control because he knew you would hate it. If there was a drug he’d take it, not caring how dangerous it could be. He tried to fill the void in his heart that you once filled, with bodies and pleasure. No matter how many people he fucked you were the only one who had his heart, he was just too dumb to realize that you were the best thing to happen to him. He knew he couldn’t hold you one more time nor could he apologize for his foolishness, so instead he roamed the Earth waiting for his death so he can be reunited with you in the afterlife, hoping he’ll get it right that time.
“I’m alone in my head Looking for love in a stranger’s bed But I don’t think I’ll find it ‘Cause only you could fill this empty space”
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multi-fandom-enjoyer · 8 months
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Sersi: Are you sure this is a good idea?
Druid: Don't tell me you've never wondered who's faster.
Ajax: Even I'm curious.
Y/n and Makkari are side by side waiting for the race to begin. All the remaining Eternals are standing on the side, spectating the race.
Kingo: On your mark.
Makkari(signing): See you at the finish line.
Kingo: Get set.
Y/n(signing): Not if I see you first.
Kingo: Go!
He shoots a blast of energy into the air as Y/n and Makkari take off.
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Alone and Broken
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Ajak’s voice came out clear and firm “This is where I say goodbye. You are free to go. I want you to go out there and live a life for yourselves. Not as soldiers, not with the purpose you were given. Find your own purpose and one day when we see each other again, I want you to tell me what you found”
As everyone begins to leave, and I quickly follow Gilgamesh and Thena who are speaking in quiet tones, down the steps and into the forest. Walking deeper into the trees they both seem to have finish their conversation before turning to me. “You’re not coming with us (Y/N)” Thena’s voice is low and cold
“I’m not afraid of you Thena, I know who you are, I know who I fell in love with.”
Gilgamesh glances at Thena before gesturing to the side and walking off.
“I don't love you; it was nice while it lasted a warm body after a battle but now that the deviants are gone, I have no need for someone as weak as you.”
I strike my head in disbelief. “I don't believe you it was never about a warm body and I’m not going to let you push me away when you need someone the most.” I stepped towards Thena attempting to touch her arm only for it to be slapped away.
“Maybe I wasn't clear I don't want you you're a burden thinking about you following me around for the next 100 years makes me sick to my stomach. I never loved you I only used you.” Thena’s voice is cold, and her face twisted into a disgusted angry expression.
My blood runs cold I start to feel sick to my stomach. Thena turns and walks away without another word leaving me standing alone in forest.
Every day since then I have been alone, I would forever be grateful to Ajak for giving us our freedom, but I was alone. The last words me and Thena exchanged running through my mind on a loop. I have been in love with Thena for as long as I could remember and for a while, I thought she was as well. I was one of the eternals aggressively against her losing her memories despite the fact of her Mahd Wy’ry, but she used me. I was always just a background character in the eternals. My powers concerning the elements were never much help, Ajax always told me that my heart was my greatest power but now I can't help but disagree because here I am three thousand years in the future and yet I'm still alone. Not one of my so-called eternal friends has ever come to look for me, not even Ajax.
I’m brought back to present day with a sharp knock and the door of my cabin. I shake my head to get rid of the memories like brushing away cobwebs before standing. I take a few steps towards the door before pausing and remembering I live in the middle of the woods there's no civilization for two hundred miles out. I grab a knife from the table I’ve been seated at and make my way towards the door before speaking. “Who’s there?” my voice come out raspy and dry, like sandpaper against a wall.
“It’s Sersi…. from college.” The voice says a bit hesitant at the end “Everyone else is with here too, well except Ajax and Gilgamesh.”  
My mind raced as I stumbled back from the door, bumping into a table, then a chair as I tried to process this. Several thoughts swirled around my head as I stepped closer to the door. Why were they here? None of them care about me, they all disappeared never caring abut me. As these thoughts run through my mind, I start to get angry.
Twisting the doorknob, I tear the door open, nearly taking it from its hinges. “What do you want, I’m not quite in the mood for company.”
They all stand there, surprised at the venom in my voice. I glance around taking in the faces of Sersi Kingo, Makkari, Druig, Ikaris, Sprite, Phastos, and Thena. The air catches in my throat as the sight of Thena, and it's like no time has passed and I've just had my heart broken all over again. She attempts to meet my eyes but ignore her and everyone else in focus on Sersi.
“We need your help, Ajax and Gilgamesh were killed by deviants and...”
“Why should I help you?” I cut her off before she can finish. “Why should I care about two dead people who didn't care about me, as a matter of fact why should I care about any of you.” I scoff shaking my head.
Sersi flinches as if slapped and looks over her shoulder to the rest of the group for help. Kingo steps forward a wide smile on his face. “Come on (Y/N) you know we've missed your…”
“Missed me? Ha yeah right, I hate liars been three thousand years and now you miss me. More like you just remembered I existed I need more help on your little mission. Now Druig and Makkari I can understand, but the rest of you just didn’t care enough to check on me.” As I speak ice grows around my feet and wind starts to circle around me forcing them to step back from the door as I step forward.
“(Y/N).” Thena says her voice holding none of the chill it did when we last spoke.
As I force myself to meet her eyes all the feelings, I've tried to hold back seem to rush back filling my ears with a roar. “You don't get to speak to me ever again, or did you forget what the last thing was you said to me. Let me give you a little reminder ‘It was nice to have a warm body after battle, I have no need for someone so weak’. Or hey this was my favorite ‘Thinking about you following me around for the next one hundred years makes me sick to my stomach. I never loved you’.  
By the time I'm finished speaking there is a cyclone circling around me while my fingers start to spark with the beginnings of fire. Thena’s face is twisted as I repeat her words back to her the same ones that have been running through my head for hundreds of years. Then Ajax’s words which were always kind and soothing Appear in my mind ‘Your heart, your compassion is your greatest gift never lose the love you have for others.’
Shaking my head once more I finally speak again. “I'll help you but after I want you all to leave me alone. Since you were all so good at it before it shouldn't be that big of a problem. I refuse to be a second-rate person in anyone's life especially people I used to consider my family.” Glaring at them all before my eyes rest on Thena once more.
“Please don’t look at me with such hatred. I didn’t mean to hurt you I didn’t mean any of what I said I was trying to protect you. We can still fix this.” Thena’s voice cracks as she looks back at me with despair
“Maybe in another life but you made me miserable, and I still loved you. How could you have thought this wouldn't hurt me? This can’t  be fixed you've ruined what was between us for good now.”
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cabispace · 1 year
Ikaris : You know what would be cool ?
Makkari : More books
Gilgamesh : Food
Phastos : More time in the day
Kingo : To have a goddam network
Druig : You to shut up
Y/N *whispers* : Hooking up with your mom
'Everyone else hear it and turn to you'
Ajak : I would love to dear
'Ikaris pass out as well as you turned bright red'
Phastos : That's an interesting developement
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evilregal2002 · 2 years
Hcs of how the eternals women would react to the reader making them flustered? I feel like this would be really cute!
So I just want to apologize for literally taking forever to answer this, I kinda forgot it was in my inbox cause I usually only use Tumblr on my phone and it didn't show up there. but anyway I'm really sorry and I haven't watched the movie in like forever so if this is kinda ooc I'm really sorry.
So I feel like she would look kinda shocked at first
like she would look at you with this look of what did you just say/do
and then def blush
but not hard
just enough where you would notice
cause let's be honest you notice everything about this woman
and then of course she would mutter something in Spanish and gently smack you on the arm and tell you to stop
especially if you're around anybody else
cause we all know the other Eternals won't let her live it down
And I kinda feel like she would get payback somehow
like when you guys are eating and no one would notice she would put her hand on your thigh under the table
and you can't do a damn thing about it
or when you guys get home you try to ya know have some sexy times
but you're in the dog house
not for long though cause you both can't go that long without each other lol
So I feel like she would get the most flustered tbh
like big blush
and maybe a little giggle
and she'll probably gently hit you like Ajak depending on the situation
though she probably won't retaliate as much as Ajak does
doesn't mean she won't try and make you flustered too
but it won't be in a sexual way I guess if that makes sense 🤷‍♀️
As we all know she loves her phone
and I can totally see her taking an embarrassing picture of you and showing people as payback
and she would totally have this like shit eating grin while doing it
I do kinda headcanon Sersi as a more in-charge personality
but when it comes to her s/o
she's a complete mess
Okay this woman doesn't get flustered
and when it happens there is no what in hell is she admitting it
cause for some reason when she is flustered you can't really tell
she doesn't blush (in my opinion at least)
which is impressive
all you get is a small smirk and some side-eye
which you know means trouble
last time you tried to fluster her in front of the other Eternals she just smirked and gave you this look
when everyone left she tickled you for what felt like eternity
it wasn't but felt like it
she'll also probably say something in response that makes you even more flustered than you were trying to make her
you should really know better by now not to do it
it usually doesn't work out in your favor
I headcanon her as someone who would totally look at you and immediately start planning her revenge
like non of these ladies aren't going to do something in retaliation
and Makkari is no different
honestly, I feel like she would be the most dangerous one to try and make flustered
I say this because I can see her pranking you and it being intense
and she'll wait
so you won't know when it's coming
But sometimes
if you say or do something slightly sexual to make her flustered
she'll speed you both off somewhere and make you go through with what you said
I don't know about this but I hope it's okay, I tried. But I think I need to work on Makkari's character a little bit more.
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keto-keyes · 2 months
I Am You - Eternals Fanfic
Synopsis: 1,000 years after the Eternals split off, Deviants defeated, the unfortunate family comes back together to save humanity from its biggest threat. But they can't do that without talking, and if old rivalries still stand, that might be a little hard.
[This might be a two-parter or more] [Use of y/n, reader is nonbinary]
Let's GO!
"I will never leave you"
It had been about 500 years since Sprite had stopped believing those 5 words. And another 500 years on top of that since she'd last seen the person, Eternal, rather, who'd spoken them. But now she was following Ikaris and Sersi through a crowded Osaka airport towards the taxi port and bus terminal, trying to find the exact person who'd made that flaky promise - Y/N. "They're not gonna be here," Ikaris growled, "Why can't we just go get Kingo? He's agreeable at least."
"We need Y/N," Sersi reminded the Eternal of Flight, "Besides, if there's anyone who can get through to Druig, it's them."
"You just don't like that she's got more powers than you," Sprite teased, but secretly she was a little nervous. It hadn't just been a century since she'd last seen Y/N, it had been a century since Y/N told her where they were going to disappear off too. They'd specifically instructed her not to tell anyone, and now she'd broken that promise. "Uhh, hello, we need to get to Hyogo..?" Ikaris tried asking a taxi driver in english. Sersi covered for him with google translate.
An hour and 45 minutes later, they had arrived in Hyogo prefecture. Sprite looked around nervously. "There isn't enough ... EARTH for this to be where the fearsome Eternal of nature lives!" Ikaris mocked, rolling his eyes as he got out of the taxi.
"IKARIS!" Sersi scolded.
They kept walking. Sprite led them through the small city to a modest house near the school down the road. Ikaris knocked sharply. Sprite knew it was wrong to lead him and Sersi to Y/N, but they really needed to get their family back together, or else everyone on Earth was going to die. After a moment, the door opened enough to see Y/N's silvery-blue hair surrounding their features, then it promptly shut again. Ikaris stuck a foot in the door and heaved it open despite Y/N's hearty attempts to close it using their nature-given strength. They shot him a dirty look as he shoved his way into their house. Sprite pushed past Sersi and wrapper her arms around the shocked and annoyed Y/N, gripping their waist tightly. A second later, Y/N was returning the hug, gripping the shorter Eternal's hair in their fingers and pulling her close. "We need to talk," Sersi said as she too stepped into the room, breaking off the hug.
Y/N rolled their eyes. "We," they indicated between themself, Sersi and Ikaris with a finger, "Don't have anything to talk about. Please leave."
Sprite pulled Y/N down to eye height and murmured, "I'm really sorry I had to bring both of them, believe me, but we really need you. Everything's changed, Deviants are back, and we need to save the world again. Please help us."
Y/N breathed for a moment, contemplating. Then they nodded. "Make yourselves at home, I guess," they said finally, "I'll..uhh, I'll make tea."
"I'll help!" Sprite offered, eager to get away from the two ex-lovers and to spend more time with Y/N, who had always been her favourite.
The kitchen was silent except for the beeping of the oven and hiss of the kettle. Sprite didn't know what to say, or how to act around her sibling. They seemed so much more grown up than everyone else, especially Sersi. Maybe being apart had changed them. "Y/N... Ajak is dead," she said, internally cringing at the suddenness of the reveal.
Y/N didn't say anything. Then they did. "And the deviants are back and the emergence is happening," they added, finishing Sprite's thought, "I know. The question is, what are we doing about it?"
They glanced at Sprite, who was tearing up a little. "I'm sorry, I know it's hard for you. I wasn't as close to Ajak as the rest of you, that's all," they murmured, wrapping Sprite in a side hug.
The two Eternals stood like that, staring out the window into Y/N's small garden and watching the world go by together. Then the tea kettle started whistling and they were shocked back into the world. "We'd better get back to the two star-crossed lovers, hadn't we?" Y/N teased, nudging Sprite's shoulder, "I'll take the tea, you grab the cookies."
They walked back in to the dining room with the trays. "Break time's over lovebirds~" Sprite crowed, clanging the cookie platter down on the table and sitting loudly next to Ikaris. Y/N casually placed the four cups in front of the others sitting at the table like the leader of a parent's club setting up for a meeting, then took their own place. "So," Sersi started awkwardly, "The-world's-about-to-end-and-we-need-to-save-it-from-being-destroyed-in-the-emergence."
"And Ajak is dead," Ikaris added.
Y/N just stared at the two of them. Sprite couldn't help glancing in between Ikaris and Y/N like a child between fighting parents, and waited for someone to speak. "..I know," Y/N said finally, "What I was going to say was - how do we stop the birth of a celestial?"
Awkward laughter from Sersi faded into silence. "Ah... That's what we don't know. We were thinking maybe Druig could put the celestial to sleep, or Phastos could think of something," she murmured, pushing a useless strand of hair behind her ear.
"So why do you need me?"
"We need all of us to come up with a solution, Y/N!" Ikaris man-splained, "And Sprite said you were closer than Kingo."
"To Britain? Definitely not. To sanity, maybe," Y/N replied sassily, "But I would like to see Makkari or Kingo again. It's been too long since I spoke some decent slang. And, I can feel you wishing you were anywhere but here right now."
They pointed right at Ikaris' chest, causing everyone else to turn to them. "You can sense emotion?" Sprite asked incredulously, "Since when?"
"I can't. I can just tell cos the air soured around him."
Dull silence. Then Sersi pushed out from the table. She cleared her throat, dusted imaginary crumbs from her pants, and pushed her plate closer to the cookie platter. "Well, we'd better get going if we want to have saved the world this time next week."
Part 1 - fin
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playbucky · 2 years
First Love.
Requested by Anon – Can I ask for a with Druig x Eternal reader where he always been in love with her but never say or do anything and everyone take separate ways and when is time to find her all the Eternals go to her home and find that she's had a life with someone, and that he knows what she is and know about them. Characters – Druig x Reader. Word Count – 2k.
‘Baby, you have some visitors.’ Nikolai called, you lifted your head from the large pot. Moving away from the cooker, you made your way through your house, rearranging the flowers on the way past. Looking at the bright yellow tulips, a smile made its way onto your face. Arriving at the front door, Nikolai moved out the way and the smile quickly dropped. ‘Could you go and look over dinner?’ You asked Nikolai, he nodded. Placing a kiss to the side of your head before he disappeared into the house. ‘What are you guys doing here?’ You asked the group of eight, who were looking at your hardly changed appearance. ‘Ajak was killed.’ Ikaris said, your brows furrowed together. ‘What?’ You questioned. ‘We found her in her garden.’ Sersi said, you lowered your head. ‘Why are you here?’ You asked them. ‘We need your help Y/N.’ Druig said, your eyes snapped to him as he lifted the sunglasses up onto his forehead. ‘You don’t need my help.’ You told them. ‘We do.’ Sersi said, you shook your head as you lifted a hand and rested it on the doorframe, forming a barrier between them and your life. ‘No.’ You said. ‘The creatures are coming back, one of them attacked Sprite and I in London.’ Sersi told you, you looked over your shoulder. ‘You are more than welcome to stay for dinner, but I can’t ruin this life.’ You told them, Sprite smiled at you. ‘I’ll gladly stay for your food; all we’ve been eating is crisps and sandwiches.’ She said, you gave her a smile as you moved to the side allowing her to walk past you. ‘Oh wait, does he know?’ She asked, you looked over your shoulder and nodded. ‘Yeah.’ You replied, she nodded before heading in as you turned to the group. ‘He knows?’ Sprite asked, making sure she heard you correctly. ‘We’ve been together five years, can’t keep that from him.’ You said, Thena looked at you and smiled.
‘Where’s Gilgamesh?’ You asked, looking around the table. You noticed Thena freeze and look blankly at the plate in front of her and your stomach dropped. ‘When?’ You asked, Nikolai looked at you. ‘Two days ago, we were attacked by three creatures when we were getting Druig.’ Phastos said, you clenched your jaw and nodded. Nikolai’s hand landed on your thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. You looked up at him, you had silent conversation and he sighed before nodding. He cleared his throat and stood up, the group watched him. ‘It was lovely meeting you guys but I need to go pack.’ He said, he lifted his plate up before taking it to the kitchen and cleaned up quickly. ‘Why is he packing?’ Sprite quizzed, you clenched your jaw. ‘He’s going to stay with his family.’ You told them, pushing the food around on your plate. ‘Why?’ Ikaris questioned. ‘Because he loves her and knows that when he’s safe she can focus.’ Thena stated, you looked at her through your eyelashes. ‘So, you’re going to help us?’ Sprite asked, you nodded and lifted your head to look at her. ‘I can’t let them destroy the world that we built, that we created and that I have fallen in love over and over with.’ You explained, your gaze slipping to Druig at the end of the table.
‘Is he willing to stay with you when he’s old, wrinkly and cannot move but you’re still the gorgeous woman that never ages?’ Druig asked, you knew he was giving you a compliment, all be it back handed whilst berating your lover. ‘No.’ You told him, your voice void of emotion as you looked at your old friend before you looked away. ‘I’ve told him I won’t be around then because I can’t bear the thought of seeing him die.’ You informed him, he watched as you avoided eye contact with him. ‘So why did you fall for him?’ Druig asked you, you shrugged your shoulders looking at the man you were in love with then to the man who had been your first love. ‘I don’t know Druig, why did I fall for him? Why did I fall for you?’ You asked him, lifting your gaze and finally made eye contact with him. ‘But what should it matter, I haven’t talked to you in thousands of years.’ You told him, his gaze dropped, ‘yet then again you did believe that you always knew better, didn’t you?’ You asked him, his bright gaze snapped up to you as you watched it darken. ‘I never tried to control you.’ He hissed, you arched an eyebrow. ‘No, I’ll give you that but I would bet my life that you would’ve tried to keep me stuck in your village?’ You said, he shook his head quickly. ‘No.’ Druig snapped, he pointed a finger at you before he took a breath and dropped his arm. ‘I would have never harmed you, not when I loved you so much.’ He said, you took a small step back. ‘Druig, we never loved each other.’ You told him. ‘We believed that we had to be together, right, no one else understand us since we were created together?’ You quizzed, his eyebrows flickered. ‘So you don’t believe that Icarus and Sersi don’t love each other?’ Druig questioned, you opened your mouth before a knock at the door stopped you. ‘Come in.’ You said, you turned to the door to reveal Sprite, she looked concerned. ‘Everything okay?‘ She asked, you gave her a tight smile. ‘Oh yeah, just having a well overdue conversation.’ Druig commented, Sprite looked at him then to you. ‘We think we’ve found something.’ She stated, you nodded and Druig pushed past you, Sprite stepped to the side before he bashed his shoulder against hers. ‘Are you sure your okay?’ ‘Yeah, hard truths always come out and well I realised them before he did.’ You told her, you turned and offered your arm which she took, both of your made your way to the large room where everyone had gathered. ‘I hope you can sort it out, we’ve all been routing for you.’ Sprite told you, you tried to smile but it came out more of a grimace than anything. ‘I don’t think so Sprite, he’s had years to apologise or to even reach out but now, with this fight where we don’t know what we going against-,’ you told her. ‘But you were each other’s first love.’ She commented and still looked hopeful. ‘Exactly,’ you sighed, ‘when Ajak found out that we were puppets having our minds wiped it was in our design to fall in love with each other.’ You finished. ‘Or fate.’ She added. ‘Fate doesn’t exist.’ You replied as you shook you head. ‘Come on Y/N, every restart, life and planet we’ve been in, you would think that they would programme that out, stopping any emotions.’ Sprite said, your brows furrowed as you sighed. ‘I wish it was that simple, I really do but I’ve gave up Sprite, I’ve spent too much time hoping.’ You said. ‘And with Nikolai?’ Sprite quizzed, ‘With him I don’t have to hope, we support each other and love each other.’ You explained, she looked down at her feet. ‘But he’ll die.’ She whispered, almost afraid to say it. ‘Yes he will.’ You agreed with her, ‘but until then I want to be loved by him, I want to settle down and maybe even get a dog or two.’ ‘What about a kid?’ She quizzed, you shook your head. ‘It’s impossible, we aren’t designed to reproduce but that isn’t a bad thing.’ ‘We should join the others before the send a search party out.’ You joked, Sprite smiled and you both continued on the short walk.
You and Makkari watched as Ikaris pushed Druig into the mountain, the rock crumbled with the force and Makkari screamed as she dropped to her knees. Everyone froze and watched as Ikaris floated down, his lips pulled into a smirk. ‘Oh don’t too upset Y/N, you don’t love him.’ He taunted, you stood taller and squared your shoulders as you slowly blinked. ‘Y/N.’ Ringo called out, Phastos started to make his way over as well. You looked back to the mountain that now had lava spurting from the top, you then looked around for Thena but you couldn’t see her anywhere. Everyone was dishevelled and tired, their clothes burnt and tattered. ‘Sersi?’ You called out, Ikaris raised an eyebrow. ‘Yeah?’ You heard her reply, you faced Ikaris again. ‘Stop it.’ You replied, Ikaris looked amused. ‘She won’t be able to stop it, not when I’m here.’ Ikaris stated, the corner of your lips curled up as you turned back to him. ‘Good thing you wont be here for long then.’ You told him before he could react you surged forward, you shoulder collided with his chest, as you wrapped your arms around him and lifted off. ‘What are you doing?’ He grunted out, you tight grip around him was pushed off, both of you floated in the air, the clouds floated around your feet. ‘Stopping your mistake.’ You snarled, he tilted his head to the side. ‘Mistake?’ He questioned.
‘We were to let this happen.’ He pointed down below him, a low groan could be heard of the ground breaking apart. ‘I’m not letting you kill the world that I’ve came to grew and love, not when I’m still breathing.’ You replied, he shot lasers at you which you quickly dodged, you swept his feet, the force caused him to twirl around. ‘You awfully angry Y/N.’ Ikaris stated, you pursed your lips. ‘Of course I am, you killed Ajak and Gilgamesh, even twisted Sprite’s mind.’ You reminded him, he smiled. ‘Sprite willingly joined me.’ Ikaris reminded you, you shook your head. ‘She joined you because she loved you Ikaris.’ You told him, he shrugged. ‘Isn’t it you that said love isn’t true?’ He quizzed, you bared your teeth to him. ‘Yes, but you seem to have a pattern of using love to get to people.’ You said, he held up a finger. ‘Once, I’ve did it.’ ‘Sersi.’ You spat out, he froze and you tilted your head to the side. ‘Oh, you forgot about your first love, didn’t you?’ You asked, ‘the woman gave you everything, but yet you broke her heart and now your back agains trying to send us back for what?’ You quizzed. ‘To get her to fall in love with you again?’ You said, his eyes darkened. ‘It’s for her own good.’ He grunted out, you arched an eyebrow, the clouds were climbing at your sides. ‘Yeah, no, I’m not falling for that bullshit.’ You told him, he bared his teeth at you as he squared his shoulders and you watched as his eyes redden. Taking a deep breath you surged forward again, the cool air brushed against your side before a steering hot flash went down your side but you continued on your path. You shoulder dug it’s self into his chest again, your arm wrapped around his waist, fingers interlocked as you pushed up. The pair of you continued to rise, Ikaris fought against you but he didn’t break the grasp you had on him. The air suddenly turned freezing as you broke the atmosphere, you looked down and you could see the earth as it continued to get smaller. ‘Y/N.’ Ikaris said, he started to sound panicked. ‘Y/N, please, I’ll hand myself over.’ He said, you ignored him as you fought against him as he wrinkled. ‘You’ll die.’ He said, you titled you head back and looked at him. ‘I know.’ You replied, with one last push you felt the warmth of the sun hit you, taking a deep breath you unwrapped your arms and pushed him backwards. Ikaris didn’t fight as he disappeared into the bright orb, you smiled when you could no longer see him. A weight had been lifted off your chest before a a large laser shot out, it connected with your chest and sent you spiralling backwards, which caused you to pass out.
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blackbat05 · 2 years
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m0chaminx · 2 years
Kinktober Day Seven | "Wishing"
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*•.¸♡Kinktober Prompt : Masturbation
*•.¸♡Prompt : None
*•.¸♡𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 : Porn with no plot, just 200 words of Druig fucking himself
*•.¸♡Paring : Druig x GN!reader
*•.¸♡𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 : With you gone for the week, Druig is left to please himself
*•.¸♡words : 215
Druig bit down on his lip, his fist getting faster as it pumped his cock. He could feel the growing pressure inside of him, the intensity growing with each twitch of his cock, every throb of his nerves. "Ugh," he grunted. He closed his eyes, forcing his eyes shut as he clenched his teeth. Druig could feel his high growing closer and his fist tightened around his hard cock.
He wished you were here, that it was your delicate hands fisting his cock. That you were clenching around him as he fucked himself inside you. Instead, it was left to him to imagine you below him, whining and moaning for him.
Faster and faster he pumped, his rhythm increasing. His breathing came faster, more ragged, and he could feel his orgasm building with each stroke. He stroked and fucked into his fist.
His orgasm hit him like a hard fist to the chest, and he moaned, collapsing back against the pillows He was panting, his skin damp with sweat. He felt as though he had run a marathon or something, and now he was spent.
He clenched his eyes tight as the orgasm crawled through his body. He gasped, and it was a high-pitched noise. His toes curled, and his breath came in deep pants.
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*•.¸♡ Kinktober Masterlist ♡¸.•*
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skylarinfinity · 2 years
*eternal reunion at m/n house after three decade apart*
phastos: *nervously confess* i don't like woman.
m/n: *dramatic gasp* you're a misogynist?!
thena: *amused and shake her head* i really don't expect that from you.
phastos: what?! of course not, what i mean is i only like men.
druig: *try to tease phastos further* i so disappointing on you.
*phastos look the other with pleading eyes*
makkari: *signing* don't look at us we respect all gender expect you.
phastos: *sigh and get up from the sofa* well fuck this, all i want to do is coming out to you guys!
*eternal laugh theirs arse off*
ajak: *shake her head at other and shout to phastos* we proud and love you!
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tags: @sonicqaulan
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siswritesyanderes · 11 months
So I'm curious because of how playful druig and makkari can come across in eternals do you think they'd tolerate there little darling in the age regressed au being mischievous and playing tricks on people when they get bored. Like would they try to stop it or maybe join in? It amuses me thinking of kingo sitting somewhere only for darling hand to come out of a empty cuppard next to him to scare the bajeezus out of him. Meanwhile he looks at druig like "you didn't stop them?!"
Oh, they would definitely be all about it. They would help with the little pranks; they'd find it adorable and fitting, for someone as playful as Makkari and someone as...I'm gonna say peevish? as Druig to have a mischievous little. Occasionally they might lightly chide their darling, depending on the nature/impact of the pranks, but it's all in good fun. And if anything goes wrong, Mommy and Daddy will always be there to tidy up.
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veryberryjelly · 1 year
Heyyy! First and foremost congratulations on graduating!! I saw your cafe event and wanted to join in on the fun! I don’t mind poly marauders or poly wolf star (I love them)
okay stuff about me: I’m female, 5ft 6, I LOVE reading like it’s an addiction haha I’m autistic and my personality is very introvert (hate social gatherings, talking to people I’m not comfortable with) which leads me to say I have severe anxiety. Like to read the occasional comic (marvel) love learning about Witch craft and the regency era (love watching tv shows/movies and books about these subjects) love broadway musicals and I’m apart of a musical theatre company as I want to be an actress/broadway star. Only have a small circle of friends but I prefer it that way and I have been told I’m very mature for my age and that I’m easy to talk too.
Can’t think of anything else lol but congratulations once again on graduating! ❤️
𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
i ship you with...
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poly!drukkari !!!
you didnt specify a fandom but i saw that you liked poly and marvel and after reading you're description i am certain that you would suit both druig and makkari !!
i feel like they both have an incredibly calming energy
if you're ever feeling incredibly anxious druig can actually help with his powers to try and calm you down.
both druig and makkari are both happy to stay home from social gatherings with you.
and will both 100% go to see you at a show. front row so makkari can have less disturbing vibrations so she can focus on you !
ah! also, because they were literally around during the regency era they can answer any questions you have about it and point out inaccuracies and then go on little rants about the time with you <3
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