#making this list caused a mental crisis
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Pick Nine: Characters I Dream About
🐠 Dori's List
When playing a recent tag game, @nabi-unveiled mentioned that their "dream about" list would be very different from their favorite character list and that made us very curious. So we said, I'll show you mine if you show us yours! So they did! Here's @nabi-unveiled's Characters I Dream About and 🐈 Kat's list. This post will be mine :)
Wanna play too? Consider this your official invite! Just make sure to tag us so we can follow along ❤
Is it hot in here?
Let's go!
As usual, I spent WAY too much energy and time overthinking this list 😁 I also had to come up with some rules for myself. When you make your list, do it how ever you want. No need to follow my self imposed rules. Also, I apparently feel the need to explain some things about making this list for anyone actually interested. Skip ahead if you don't care to find out how my brain works! LOL. In my mid 40s, I learned some things about my current self while making this list.
Dori TMI Ahead
First, when trying to come up with my list, I hit an immediate wall when trying to decide who I want to dream about. If I let my dreams include myself, anxiety and other factors made me immediately uncomfortable and caused a momentary crisis if I am honest. What I like to think about is not the same as what I want to experience, apparently even in my imagination, so I needed to take myself out of the equation. In my list, I'll be dreaming about getting a bonus scene with their partner. 😜
My brain has decided it doesn't want to memory right now. I must be spending so much time and energy mentally living in what I am currently watching because I could only think of characters I have watched semi recently.
Also, I am apparently too lazy to be creative. Generally, I don't think of people in a sexual way unless given a reason. Something about their actions or words has to spark that thought process for me or I have to intentionally go there, it doesn't happen accidentally. So for that reason, when I ask my brain for this type of character, I am finding it harder to consider characters outside the more spicy series. They just aren't popping into my mind right now.
Since my brain is lazy and wants to think about only characters I have watched lately AND have shown me their sexy side, my list is apparently limited to the spicy thai BLs I have watched. 🤣
Notes about my preferences:
Bodies are bodies and although I find many of them beautiful and sexy and I enjoy looking at them, this does not directly connect to sex in my brain. For me, I need context of what those bodies are doing to connect those dots. For this reason, attraction to the physical image of a person will not give them access to my fantasies.
I'm need more than a pretty meat suit to be attracted to a human. It takes personality and usually some kind of emotional connection. A pretty package is just bonus.
In real life, I am a green flag girl. I have a DEEP love for my green flag characters, but I don't mind some red flags in my fiction. Butterflies come from the safety part of our brain, so sometimes a red flag is exactly what gets my sexy spidey senses tingling. 😜
Who made the list? I find desire sexy as hell. My favorite character to "dream about" will always be characters that know what they want, aren't shy about it, and enjoy being physical. These are characters I want to see lose themselves in their desire, whether through taking control or surrendering.
Finally, the Characters I Dream About in no particular order and only for today because I reserve the right to change my mind tomorrow 🤣
1) King from Bed Friends. King has no shame when asking for what he wants while also caring for the wants of his partner. He doesn't run from his desire even when what he desires changes from something physical into something more emotional. Love Uea in this series too, but he's holding back from fully leaning in to what he wants (initially and for reasons). So the guidelines I set for myself made this an easy choice for once. I spent way too much time thinking about these two while making this list and now I think I need to re-watch this.
2) Ming from My Stand-In. Ming's one of my favorite red flags. Also, one of my first BLs. His want turned to need in a way that had me pretty obsessed. I want some more please.
3) Great from 4 Minutes. My favorite Great when it comes to something I want to dream about is the original timeline Great. He is really just there for the pure enjoyment of the moment. Zero shyness or shame and doesn't even care about secretly being recorded. Frick... I need to re-watch this one too 🙄
4) Johan from Fourever You. Excuse me Sir, that was hot! We will not be discussing what that did to my sexy spidey sense 😳
5) Kant from The Heart Killers. Not going to lie, this one surprised me and I am both confused and not confident about his appearance on this list. This show is overflowing with characters that give themselves over to what they want with many that seem to fit my tastes/guidelines better; Style's over the top unquenchable need, the intensity of Fadel's early episode pent up energy, or Bison and is barely contained emotions that take over in the blink of an eye. Plus half the scenes we got of Kant, he was scared or overwhelmed by guilt, so he should be completely ruled out. Maybe I just want to see him back at episode 1, just there for the pleasure of moment. Or maybe I am fooling myself and it is really all about that top lip and butt grab! But I think he's the one I would want to see the most... right now... in this moment... I may change my mind in 30 seconds. Also, why am I so fascinated with his top lip?!? Like I need that in 3D.
6) Namping from Every You, Every Me. I can't talk about him. It was love at first sight and I desperately wish I could have seen him just give in and live in that moment. 😭😭😭 Fuck this show.
7) Meunfah from Your Sky. I just saw these two as the cutest ever, right up until they weren't. 😳 For someone that finds desire sexy, these two had me unhinged. Fah went from completely consumed by love to completely consumed by passion and I could watch these two all day. When trying to choose between the two, Fah won with his straight forwardness, how he is so tuned into his partner, and his self control when it's necessary. Though the way Teerak gets absolutely swept away makes me want to live in that body.
8) Phu from The Boy Next World. It's about how badly they want each other. And Cir has some unreal levels of self control when it comes to reigning himself in, which I apparently find hot as fuck. But this time, it's the way Phu hits the gas when Cir is trying to pump the breaks that I can't stop thinking about... today, in this minute.
9) my brain is done braining so I will go with an easy pick Lian from Cutie Pie. They spent so much time showing us beautiful loving scenes between these two, but I definitely dream about Lian letting go and getting lost in the intensity of his need for Kuea. 🥵
Honorable mentions that didn't make the cut:
Thame from ThamePo. Thame is 100% my every dream when it comes to a partner. If there was one character I could be, it would be Po. I WANT SOMEONE TO BE TIRED FOR ME!!!! Fuck. That show was relationship porn. And the butterflies I got when he touched Po's hand to hold it for the first time... my sexy spidey sense did things that defy logic or reason. And it may have taken him a minute, but once he decide to go for what he wanted, there was no hesitation.
Sian from Every You, Every Me. Damn my own self inflicted rules forcing me to choose between him and Namping. But it was a hard choice. Sian's don't give a fuck confidence and willingness to go after what he wants was hot as hell.
I really wanted a woman on my list and I know there are many that I could come up with if I gave it more thought, but I am tired. My lazy brain is filled with my current watches, which don't have any women I think of in this way. But one did come to find from a couple years ago... Dao Ming Zhuang from Meteor Garden. I was already in love with her badass self and then she showed up in front of my eyes dancing like that. I might be scared of her, but that's what would make it fun right?
@nabi-unveiled, thank you so much for playing along with us! Loved seeing your list ❤ People like you are what makes Tumblr so fun!
I showed you mine... your turn!
Wasn't going to tag anyone, but then I remembered I wanted to officially tag @my-rose-tinted-glasses after the last game! Come play if you want or feel free to pass 😁
#i accidentally wrote a book#bless you if you actually read all of it 🤣#making this list caused a mental crisis#100% overthought this as usual#these are my answers for the next 30 seconds#Characters I Dream About#tag game#GMD list#gmd post#gmd rambling#gmd dori#thai bl
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Pick Nine: Characters I Dream About
While doing the recent tag game, I mentioned that my "dream about" list would be very different from my favorite character list. @dramalove247 and myself decided we needed that list in our lives too. I noticed @thisautistic had went for it with their version of that list so why not. If you decide you want to do it, go for it! Tag me so I can see your list. Pretty please 🥺.
Note: We decided to NOT restrict ourselves to BL characters.
Since "type" is going to become abundantly clear on this list, I'm not really posting this as a guessing game. 😅
There are a few things I need to fess up to before diving into my list:
Confession #1: Many, many people in dramaland are objectively works of art with fantastic bodies. However, most do nothing for me. It's like looking at a beautiful stained glass window. I'm definitely, 100% NOT ace so make of that what you will.
Confession #2: I know I should be attracted to our cinnamon roll and puppy characters. People like Muenfah in Your Sky are the total package as people.
But....I'm not. With the exception of maybe Shao Peng (See Your Love), I find cinnamon roll characters to be adorable but not particularly attractive (in fiction). I KNOW the reason why. Feel free to guess that if you want. Lol.
Now that the confessions are out of the way, let's go over the rules I set myself. There was NO way I could narrow down this list without giving myself some guidelines.
Rule #1: I had to be attracted to/dream about the CHARACTER not just the actor. So no matter how delicious I'm finding Jae-min in Secret Relationships currently, he's out. I recognize that attraction is actually to the actor NOT the character. It's like my eternal crush on Park Seonghwa (Ateez) 🥵. This criteria removed about 80% of my candidates. Lol.
Rule #2: However, I do need to find the actor attractive. It's a "dream about" list after all. This is pretty much the flip of Rule #1. Remember my confession? There's a lot of beautiful people in the world that I'm just NOT attracted to for reasons unbeknownst to me. There are a lot of shows that I adore with characters I love that meet a lot of my sexual preferences with amazing NC scenes that I don't actually find attractive. Segasaki from My Personal Weatherman is probably the best example of this. That show is my comfort watch. As a character, I absolutely love everything about him. I will defend that man against ALL of the haters. I'm INVESTED in their romance. The NC scenes are 🥵. He's probably the closest to my husband's physique on this list. On paper, he 1000% SHOULD make this list, but...he doesn't.(@dramalove247 this is where my first emotional crisis occurred while making this list).
Rule #3: It had to be about more than the NC scenes or at least more than a single scene. Otherwise, that meant I was dreaming about "the scene" or swooning over a line of dialogue rather than the character.
So no matter how swoon worthy I find a good whisper or lines like Xiao Yuan's in Unknown...
or how much the NC scene(s) in Together With Me rocked my world...
The characters don't make the list. I WILL rewatch those scenes more times than I care to admit, but it's not about the character. (Note: Xiao Yun DID almost make this list. It's just the best example I have of hot "dialogue").
Rule #4: I had to think of the character on my own without any prompting. So no going through other lists or looking up things. I recognized that this would open up the door to recency bias, but I was ok with that. It is a current "dream about" list after all.
So what's left after those rules.....still WAY TOO MANY. 🫢 But choices were made. I reserve the right to change my mind at any time.
So here's the list...
Character #1: Sebastian Valmont (Cruel Intentions - 1999)
I've dreamt about Sebastian since I was 15. I watched this movie at a sleepover, tricked my grandmother into letting me buy the movie, watched it WAY too many times in the following weeks, and then threw the movie away when I became overcome with guilt and too scared about my parents finding it. "Colorblind" by Counting Crows will ALWAYS take me back to this movie. It'd be an entire essay requiring a lot of personal exposition to fully explain WHY this character is important to me, but he is THE singular most important character on this list.
Character #2: Cha Chi-soo (Flower Boy Ramen Shop- 2011)
I didn't find a great GIF for him so screenshots it is.
And most importantly...
This is the second most important character on this list. I don't even have to rewatch it to know this show has not stood up to the test of time (although now I want to). It was questionable when I first watched it in 2012. I was already married with a kid, but I learned A LOT about myself from this character. My life has never been the same. That's not an exaggeration. For those that watched this show - I'm a shallow pan. I boil fast and hot. I've spent most of my life keeping a lid on it.
From here on out, there's really no order of importance. I'm not really going to expound on each one. I'm figuring most people will notice a fairly obvious trend.
Character #3: Sian (Every You, Every Me)
The fact that Every You, Every Me has the same actors throughout makes it VERY easy for me to figure out that it's the character that I'm attracted to here. Honestly, this is probably the character that's closest to my ideal.
Because I appreciate his style as well. Unfortunately, most of my stylish characters didn't make the cut. I love them, and I'm attracted to them. But they don't play the games I need for them to enter dream territory. Sian does though. Honestly, I need more characters like him in dramaland. (This was mental crisis #2. Where are my Seonghwa's of dramaland?)
Character #4: Miw (Three Will Be Free)
I've never been with a woman. That doesn't mean much in my world though. My tally of men to women is 1 - 0. Truth is - I loved Three Will Be Free and it wasn't because of the men.
Character #5: Johan (Fourever You)
The hardest part of this decision was which GIF to use. I didn't find what I really wanted, but I gave myself a time limit. This was my second choice. Johan is the reason I watched this show. End stop.
Character #6: Win (Until We Meet Again/Between Us)
Another one where the hardest part of the decision was which GIF to use since I didn't find the GIF I wanted fast enough. I'm sure it exists. Anyways - I love a brat tamer. Win is my ultimate in that category.
Character #7: Mahasamut (Love Sea)
Mut won the MAME wars since I only allowed myself one MAME character on the list. I have a love/hate relationship with these shows, but that's an entirely different post. There is a LOT I dislike about Love Sea, but Mut was great (Meena is also an adorable wingman). I'll fully admit that there are several MAME characters that could have ended up on this list if I didn't restrict myself. Yes, I am fully aware of what that says about me.
Character #8: Ritsu (End of the World With You)
Ritsu is the definition of a red flag. He's not even one I can excuse his red flags. I can't even pretend he's good for Masumi. Outside of the premise of this show, everyone should run FAR from him. But as I've said before - if the world was ending, I'd have no qualms.
Character #9: Geralt (Witcher)
I had to think about this one for a minute to make sure he qualified. Was it just because I find Henry Cavill attractive? I've admired Henry Cavill since he was a young one in I Capture the Castle. We've grown older together. I appreciate MANY of his characters. But I decided it wasn't just Henry Cavill here. Because a lot of those earlier characters wouldn't make it on this list. Superman can take a hike. But Geralt? Well, I have a daughter named Triss for a reason (even if it was my husband's suggestion). Just saying. (Side note - our daughter was born before this show existed. Another sign that it's the character.)
Honorable Mentions (because we make the rules right?):
Shao Peng [my lift king]
Fadel (the early episodes particularly)
Jae-young (the king of eye contact)
Tang-yi (the finale never happened)
And SO many more.
In any case, the time I allotted myself to make this post is up. I must go pretend to be a responsible adult now.
#my kinks are showing#making this list caused a mental crisis#i could easily change my mind tomorrow#so many other great characters that could easily be here#tag game#i love a good list#japanese bl#thai bl#taiwanese bl#korean bl#every you every me#three will be free#bokura no micro na shuumatsu#fourever you#until we meet again#geralt#cruel intentions#flower boy ramen shop#love sea
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For the sake of my own peace of mind I wanna let you guys know that. now that im 18 I went through my f/o list and removed everyone under 18. so i see them as platonics now. i tried to go through my past posts with my romantic f/o tag (#🩷) and remove them but it proved to be. very time consuming. so just keep in mind that my past posts with the #🩷 tag were from before i turned 18 and that i dont ship with the ones who are minors anymore
#i kept the ones that were over 18 ofc#i was a little puzzled over botw/totk zelda bc of her being 17 in botw. but considering that totk seems to take place. 3 years later atleast#considering how much tulin grew up; the fact that hudson and rhondson have a child that seems to be. atleast 5-6 y/o (?)#i think its safe to assume shes over 18 at the time of totk. ;-#anyways. this all started with my. yknow. i miss my f/os tails post. and then i started making an actual list and was like.#WAIT A MINUTE. THIS IS WEIRD NOW. STOP EVERYTHING. and then i had a small mental crisis but not really. cause i just made them all platonic#simple as that. anyways. now maybe ill actually start making that blog now#other than that uh. hey guys whats up. (sonic voice) long time no see!#i am once again the busiest girl alive. unfortunately. taking a shortened term college class was not a good idea 😭😭😭#cherry chortles#im sorry if this post makes me look really weird. i promise i dont wanna be those weirdo adul/ts who s/hip w mi/nors.#<- slashes to keep the freaks away
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Aftermath - Chapter 5
Aftermath - MV33 - Chapter 1 Aftermath - Chapter 2 Aftermath - Chapter 3 Aftermath - Chapter 4 Master List
When Lando leaves you heartbroken after you get tired of trying to make something out of nothing for far too long, Max steps in to help you pick up the pieces.
warnings: this chapter contains language and descriptions that illustrate abuse (mental and emotional). please don't engage with my work if you find any of the topics triggering. lando is, once again, an absolute asshole in this. i'd also like to point out that this is a character i am writing, i in no way am insinuating or implying the real lando is like this in any way.
pairing: max verstappen x leclercsister!reader
word count: 4k or something like that?
(Everyone say ‘thank you’ to @lestapiastrisgirl for beta reading and helping me through late night plot crisis so this can come out today!!)
f1.gossip.source posted

f1.gossip.source It's been months since @/Lando and @/MissLeClerc have been spotted togtether and we're starting to wonder...are they even together anymore?! Lando was spotted out alone in Monaco, looking annoyed at fans calling his name while his (ex???) girlfriend was papped out and about with none other than...Max Verstappen. Again. Rumors about the LeClerc sister and Dutch driver started to swirl right around the time her and Lando stopped being seen out in public...What do we think, chat??? Has little miss leclerc finally ditched the cocky British pilot for a new Dutch beau??? user029 maybe she got tired of having to parent her boyfriend??? user220 if it's true, she's really upgraded. 4 time world champion vs...what??? 4 time race winner. please. user0298 he never supported her art or anything, i'm not surprised she's moved on. max always looks smitten with her.
“Lando, you have got to get this under control.” The head of McLaren’s communications team hisses, her glare shooting daggers at the driver who’s just walked into the the hospitality building ahead of the race in Belgium.
Lando glances up from his phone, face pale and eyes worried. “How the fuck am I supposed to control what the gossip pages post?”
Marina throws her hands up in the air as she paces, her McLaren team kit wrinkled from lack of sleep thanks to the British driver. In the four weeks since your argument with Lando after Austria, things have only gotten worse. You’re still not talking to him and he still hasn’t figured out where the hell you’re living. You’re not staying with Charles and Alexandra or Jade, he’s been subtly watching both buildings. He knows you’re still in Monaco because you’ve been papped out with your family and friends but most maddeningly Max Verstappen.
Everyone seems to have noticed you’re not living with Lando anymore, your appearances in his streams have dwindled down to nothing. Fewtrell has had to start banning people form his chat because they won’t stop asking about you and what’s going on. Everyone knows that something went down but you’re straight up refusing to behave like an adult and come back to Lando, where you belong and it’s infuriating.
“You can’t, obviously.” Marina sighs, sitting down at one of the high top tables in the middle of the suite.
Around her, the Thursday afternoon crew of engineers and communications people buzz, all prepping for their weekends. Everyone seems to be acting normal but Lando can feel their glares on his back as he walks through the building. They all know he’s causing the entire team grief by causing so much drama with you, taking the attention away from the decent start to the year they’d had before all hell had broken loose a few months ago.
“But,” She continues, leveling a glare at Lando. “You either need to bite the bullet and release a joint statement with her announcing your breakup or you need to get her to the track this weekend and make a big show of a united front. It’s up to you Lando, but you need to do something. I can’t keep saying ‘no comment’ whenever we’re asked about the distraction this is causing the team.”
Lando pulls at his curls, like hell he’s going to admit that you’d left him. He supposed he could go rogue and release a statement without you. That way he could control the narrative and try to get the fans back on his side if he made something up like a cheating scandal or something. The moment that the thought flutters through his mind, he forces it out. For some fucking reason, the fans seem to have a soft spot for you and it’s maddening. Lando knew there was no way he could get public opinion on his side, not with how he was getting ripped apart on socials right now.
“We’re not broken up.” He bites out, taking a sip out of his water bottle as he contemplates what he can do.
Marina glances up from her phone, brow lifted in question. “That’s not what it looks like here.” She turns her phone towards Lando and shows him a photo of you descending the stairs of a private jet that’s just landed in Belgium. In front of you, already down the stairs and waiting on the tarmac for you is your brother with Leo cradled in his arms.
And behind you? A fiery rage burns bright and hot in Lando’s chest when he sees who’s behind you.
Fucking Max Verstappen.
The look you’re giving him makes his heart twist and for the first time since this entire thing began, Lando actually misses you. He misses the way you used to smile up at him like that, like your entire world revolved Lando and no one else. He missed the way your eyes would follow him around a room, how your body would center towards his. The way you looked at Max was how you used to look at him and it made jealousy twist violently deep in Lando’s gut just looking at the photo.
“I’ll take care of it.” Lando spits before stalking off to the privacy of his drivers room.
f1.gossip.source posted

f1.gossip.source Alexandra, Charles, and his little sister were seen arriving in Belgium this afternoon on Max Verstappen's private jet. It's yet another instance where the LeClerc sister was spotted without boyfriend Lando Norris, sparking new breakup rumors. Neither party has confirmed if they're still together, with McLaren PR insisting that the personal lives of their drivers are off limits. user019 honestly, I'm here for a LeClerc sister & Max relationship. >>>user028 me too. at least Max seems to actually like her, unlike Lando user0029 I mean, we all can see it. Why can't they just confirm it already??? user2333 fully on board the 'get her away from Lando train' ROOTING FOR YOU MAX!!! Get your girl!!! user029 my friend was out at the restaurant they were all at a few weeks ago and said that Lando crashed the dinner but left after a few minutes looking PISSED. >>>user029 honestly, Lando is kind of unhinged rn. get over her my man, move onnnnnnn!
“I can’t believe you got me to agree to come this weekend.” You grumble as you follow Max towards the paddock gates Friday morning before practice.
“You’ve barely been to any races this year and it’s almost the end of July!” Max shoots over his shoulder, grinning like an idiot he’s so happy you decided to come this weekend.
“I was at Monaco!” You protest lamely, shoving your elbow into your brother’s ribs when he laughs.
“You live in Monaco, that doesn’t count Little Dove.” Charles chuckles, rubbing at the sore spot where you’d just assaulted him.
“Whatever.” You mutter, rolling your eyes.
After arriving in Belgium last night, you had gone straight to your hotel room, needing a bit of alone time ahead of what you were sure was going to be a stressful weekend. As usual, you’d been papped arriving on Max’s jet, which you were certain Lando had seen because the moment you had checked your messages in the SUV Max had rented for your little group, there had been a text waiting for you from him.
I know you probably don’t want to see me and I get that. I’m sorry, from the bottom of my heart. Can we please get together this weekend and talk? Somewhere neutral if that’s what you want…
As you settled into the hotel room that was yours for the weekend, a war was being fought in your brain. On one hand, you didn’t trust a single thing coming from Lando’s mouth. Not a single thing. He hadn’t given you any reason to trust anything that he said for months, so why should you start now? But on the other hand…
On the other hand, you and Lando had so much history. His message seemed remorseful. You knew everyone in your life would kill you if you even entertained the idea of getting back with him but somewhere deep in your chest a little voice was saying maybe you should hear him out. He was finally leaving you alone, finally backing off, why did he have to pop up right when you thought you had finally gotten him fully out of your system?
You didn’t tell anyone Lando had texted you. Had been texting you all morning as well. You knew no one would understand. But you also hadn’t returned a single text either. The energy that responding to Lando would take was something that you just didn’t have today.
Your little group is captured by photographers as you walk in, a few even call out your name asking where you’ll be spending your time this weekend. Since dating Lando, you liked to split your time between the McLaren garage and Ferrari but this weekend was going to be different. Your VIP pass had Charles’ face and name on the back, not Lando’s. You had credentials from Ferrari like normal but this morning, Max had also slipped a Red Bull card around your neck, telling you if you got sick of looking at all that red this weekend, you could spend time with him.
“Are you going to come to the dark side this weekend and use those Red Bull credentials to whip up some gossip?” Max murmurs in your ear, watching as Charles trots off ahead of you after Leo.
You bump your shoulder with his, rolling your eyes and laughing lightly. “Stop.”
Mischief plays in Max’s pale blue eyes as he smiles down at you, enjoying the way your cheeks flush under his attention. Ever since the race in Austria a few weeks ago, you and the Dutch driver had been spending a lot of time together, all casual but he’d really begun to look forward to the nights you spent curled up on his couch eating takeout and watching bad reality tv with him.
Before he has a chance to reply though, he sees the color drain from your face as you freeze in the middle of the sidewalk. Whipping his head around, Max searches for what, or more accurately, who has spooked you. He already knows who he’s looking for so when his eyes settle on the McLaren driver standing just outside the sliding glass doors of the McLaren hospitality building across the paddock, his stomach lurches.
You had known you’d see Lando this weekend. How could you not? This was literally his workplace too. There was no way to avoid him, you knew that but you hadn’t expected to see him so quickly and before you had managed to work out how to respond to his text from the night before.
Your brother is between where you stand and McLaren’s hospitality so he clocks Lando staring after you at about the same time as you and Max. Turning on his heel, he scoops up Leo and makes a bee line back to where you stand, utterly frozen.
“Dovie.” Max coos in your ear, twining his fingers with yours in an attempt to pull you out of the state you’re in. “Hey, sweet girl, look at me.”
You ignore him, gaze locked on Lando’s frozen frame.
Charles steps in between you and Lando, instantly cutting off your line of sight. This seems to yank you back to reality and your brother snaps into action. “Shit. I’ve got a meeting in five minutes. I don’t want her alone.” Your brother sounds panicked, like the way you’re just staring blankly ahead is really freaking him out.
So, he improvises. “Here, take Leo and go take a walk. There’s tons of open space on the other side of the paddock.” Charles presses the small dog into your hands and you drop your gaze away from Lando for the first time in several moments.
Your gaze drops to where your hand is still clutched in Max’s larger one. The steady warmth from his presence grounds you, allowing you to pull in a full breath for the first time in several minutes.
“No, she’s not going off on her own.” Max cuts in, tone sharp. “I’ve got some time before I need to be in the car. Come stay in Red Bull with me until practice, then you can watch from my garage, okay?”
The force of his words leave little wiggle room for argument and Charles can’t help but smirk a little. He should have known Max would step right up to make sure you were taken care of.
“Yeah.” You agree weakly, finally tearing your gaze away from Lando, who is still starting at you, light eyes sharp and observant. You can feel the way his gaze drops to where Max’s hand is curled around yours possessively. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
Without waiting for Lando to get any more ideas like wanting to try to come talk to you, Max tugs on your hand. He knows you well enough by now to know that you need a distraction and you need it fast. “Come on, you said you wanted to stir up some gossip this weekend, well here’s your chance.”
You laugh despite yourself, nuzzling your face into Leo’s soft fur. “I’m keeping the dog.” You tell your brother as you allow yourself to be led away by Max. All Charles does is nod, relieved to know that you’re in good hands while he’s busy.
missleclerc posted

24,029 likes liked by maxverstappen1, charlesleclerc, redbullracing, and others missleclerc in my defense, I was kidnapped ☝🏻 maxverstappen1 whatever, you wanted to be there. >>>missleclerc lies. It was a hostage situation. >>>maxverstappen1 is that what the kids are calling it these days? >>>user299 chat, are they flirting in the comments??? WE CAN SEE YOU TWO charlesleclerc can't believe you subjected your nephew to this. please make sure you take a shower before dinner tonight. >>>missleclerc rude. user0209 ya know, I'm kinda here for this ship. >>>user987 did you see how utterly distracted Max was during the one interview where she walked past him? couldn't take his eyes off her >>>user0209 lando's gonna be crashing out after seeing that interview tonight >>>user3443 GOOD. bro deserves it
“I think you may need to roll me up to my room after that dinner.” You groan, rubbing at the food baby making your black leather skirt pinch painfully at your hips.
After qualifying Saturday evening, when the boys were all finished with their media and team duties, Max had insisted that you, your brother, Alexandra and himself all go out to dinner. He’d wanted to insist it just be the two of you but he wasn’t blind to the gossip you two had stirred up in the paddock Friday afternoon so he’d figured bringing your brother and his girlfriend along would be a bit safer.
“I think I ate my weight in spaghetti.” Alexandra groans beside you as you plod towards the front doors of the hotel. “Carry me up to the room please, Cha?” She coos, throwing her arms around your brother’s neck as if she can’t go on one step more.
Charles laughs, snaking his arms around her waist and pulls her close, dropping a kiss on her forehead, a gesture so tender and intimate you have to turn away. Your gaze immediately connects with Max who is standing a few paces behind your brother and his girlfriend. A small smile tips up at the corner of his full lips when you make eye contact at him and your stomach swoops at the affection for you in his eyes.
You’re imagining things, you think instantaneously. There’s no way Max sees you as anything other than a friend, after everything that you’ve endured while he’s watched. How could anyone like Max be attracted to someone who had spent an entire year drowning in a failing relationship? It was likely a pity smile, something he gives you because he feels sorry that you haven’t found what your brother has found in Alexandra.
“There you are…” A smooth British accent interrupts your thoughts, jarring you out of your spiral. “You stopped answering my texts.” Lando says pointedly as he joins your little group in the lobby of the hotel.
Your eyes shutter closed as you blow out a breath. You had been hoping to avoid this confrontation all together but it was just another nail in the coffin of why Max wouldn’t even want to begin to get involved with you in the first place. Why would he willingly want to be with someone who was still so intertwined with her ex still? You’ve spent so long with Lando, were so intertwined with him it would certainly be easier to just go back to him, wouldn’t it? Maybe he was all you deserved after wasting three years of your life.
“I was at dinner, Lando. It’s rude to text during a meal.” You carefully control the tone of your voice, not wanting to instigate yet another public altercation with him.
“Ah, yes. I’m sure the company was riveting.” His eyes flicker over to where Max stands, stiff and unmoving, the smile that he’d just been showering you with totally gone from his face. “So, what do you say, can we finally talk like two adults?”
“She doesn’t want to talk to you, Norris.” Charles cuts in, voice sharp and short.
“I think your sister can answer for herself, LeClerc.” There’s a challenge in Lando’s eyes that you don’t miss and you know you have about five seconds to diffuse the situation before it gets out of hand. Again.
Placing your hand on Lando’s elbow, you tug him away. “If you promise to chill out and actually listen to me, we can go to the bar and get a drink. One drink, Lando. Can you do that?”
If you had been looking at Max then, you would have seen the light flicker out of his eyes. He’s grateful that his hands are tucked away in his pockets when he hears your words because the way the ball up into tight fists would be embarrassing had anyone seen it. He wants to say something, anything, that might convince you to not walk away with him. He wants to tell you how he’s feeling, how this afternoon with you in his drivers room and then garage was the best start to a race weekend he’d had in recent memory. He wants to beg you not to go with Lando.
But he can’t. He can’t because he still hasn’t worked up the courage to tell you how he feels. Max is stuck in this painful sort of limbo where you two spend time together and he craves any bit of attention he can glean from you but it’s not enough for him to risk your fragile state of being right now. He knows you’re still recovering from leaving Lando. Three years is a long time to spend with someone, even if the last year was as painful as Lando had made it for you. He knows you’re not ready for him to tell you how he’s feeling but he’s afraid if he doesn’t, you’ll go running back to Lando.
While the internal debate about what to do with his feelings rages on inside, Max watches as a cat-like grin spreads slowly across Lando’s face. He’s won. Lando’s won and they both know it.
“Of course, baby.”
You bristle at the name but without the energy to fight him, all you do is roll your eyes. Max’s mask of indifference somehow staying in place when he hears the nickname, but it tears him up on the inside. He’s not sure how he manages it.
“I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Thanks for dinner, Max.” Taking a step towards Max, you fold yourself into him, enjoying the way his arms come around your waist without hesitation. The hug is firm and he holds onto you for several moments longer than necessary.
“I can stay down here if you want me to.” He murmurs in your ear, his breath tickling the shell of your ear, sending a cool shiver of pleasure down your spine.
“I’m a big girl, I can handle him.”
“It’s not you I’m worried about.” He responds, looking down at you. You’re surprised to see a stark look of concern all over his face, like he’s genuinely worried about you.
“Max, I’m fine. It’s just one drink.”
But Max knows Lando. It’s not just going to be one drink. But what other choice does he have? Reluctantly, he releases you and takes a step back, forcing himself out of arms length. You instantly miss the grounding warmth of his body and fight to keep your expression neutral.
Max watches you walk away, shoulder brushing with Lando’s and has to resist the urge to rub at the painful clenching sensation that wraps itself around his heart.
“You don’t have to watch her leave.” Charles murmurs, standing off to the side with a worried looking Alexandra. They both share Max’s opinion that this is a bad idea but like Max, what else can they say?
Max scrubs at his face, suddenly so overwhelmingly exhausted that all he wants to do is climb into bed and sleep until the race tomorrow. “What am I supposed to do, Charles?” He throws his hands up in defeat as you disappear around the corner just as Lando’s arm slips around your waist. “I don’t have a single claim on her, she’s not mine to miss.”
His stomach twists painfully at the thought of having to go back to his hotel room knowing you’re touching him.
“She won’t go back to him.” Charles says with more confidence than Max can muster up himself. “She’s been doing so well lately and we all see it’s partially because of you, mate.”
“Don’t give up on her, Max. Not yet.” Alexandra offers quietly, stepping closer to Charles before reaching out and placing a hand on Max’s shoulder. “She’s stronger than we all think but she’s going to need your patience right now. It’ll be okay.”
The way it physically hurt watching you walk away had alarm bells ringing in Max’s head. He hadn’t realized just how attached to you he’d become in the time since you’d left Lando and it terrified him. If you went back to Lando tonight, he had this gut feeling he’d lose you forever and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to endure that.
Max barely sleeps that night, tossing and turning for hours trying to convince himself he hadn’t just watched you walk right out of his life again. He knew he was, once again, getting ahead of himself and that he needed to wait before going into full spiral mode but he couldn’t quite get himself there.
By the time he’s downstairs in the hotel lobby the next morning, waiting for the car that Red Bull had hired for him, he’s exhausted and on the brink of biting someone’s head off.
“You doing okay over there, Verstappen? You seem a little…irritated.”
Max turns and has to stifle a groan. “Why can’t you just leave well enough alone, Lando?”
Lando has the nerve to look confused, brows furrowing as he tilts his head to the side. “I have no idea what you’re on about, mate.”
It takes every ounce of control Max has honed over the years not to punch the British driver square in the face. “Why are you so fixated on her now that she’s finally trying to get away from you?”
Lando smirks, quick and ugly, before he shakes his head. “See, now that’s where you’re wrong Max.” He reaches over and pats at Max’s shoulder patronizingly. “I don’t think she really wants to get away form me anymore. Not after last night.”
It feels like the breath has been sucked out of Max’s lungs at Lando’s words. “What the fuck are you talking about?” He hisses, heat creeping up his neck.
“You’re a smart man, Max. Use that big brain of yours. I think you know exactly what I’m talking about.” Lando grins like the Cheshire Cat as he shrugs. “Oh look, my ride’s here. Good luck out there today, Verstappen.”
Without waiting for a response because he knows full well he’s caught Max completely off guard, Lando saunters off, hands deep in his pockets, without a second look back at the Dutch driver.
Tag list: @shelbyteller, @martygraciesversion381, @samantha-chicago, @stelena-klayley @dark-night-sky-99 @luckylampzonkland, @aykxz98 @forensicheart @cheer-bear-go-vroom @lieutenantchaos @willowsnook @linnygirl09 @meglouise00 @mixedstyles @secret-agents-stole-my-bunnies @mrosales16 @charlesgirl16 @leclercdream @daemyratwst @dramaticpiratellamas @mochimommy2002 @llando4norris @iamaunknownsecret @maxivstappen @imlonelydontsendhelp @nina-or-anna-or-nora @a1leexxa @littlegrapejuice @sunflowervol18 @freyathehuntress @finn-dot-com @swiftie-4-lifes-stuff @chirasama @lauralarsen @dr3wstarkey @saskiaalonso @rbv3rstappen @ilovechickenwings @guaaafiiburg @mcmuppet @mindless-rock @piastri-fvx @mel164 @schumi-angel @myescapefromthislife @supertrashbread @sunny44 @tinystudentblaze-stuff @sarx164
#f1#formula 1#lando norris#max verstappen#f1 fanfic#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#max verstappen x reader#max verstappen fanfic#max verstappen fic#max verstappen imagine#max verstappen angst#max verstappen smau#max verstappen x leclercsister!reader#max verstappen x you#lando norris x you#lando norris x reader#lando norris imagine#lando norris fic#lando norris fanfic#lando norris angst#lando norris smau
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We need to expand our use of dilirium within the whump community I think.
When people see the prompt "dilirium" or "dilirious" in a whump event most jump to fever, illness, infection. And that's fine. That's valid. But there is SO MUCH MORE to dilirium.
Delirium is a complex psychological state that can indeed be triggered by illness and fever, but it can also result from a wide array of other causes. It’s a state where cognition and coherence deteriorate, where reality may start to frey at the edges leaving the whumpee confused, disorientated, maybe unable to even distinguish reality.
You can drive a character into a dilirious state without any external factors. A characters cognition and coherence can be picked to the brink by so many things.
1. Extreme Sleep Deprivation: this is a favourite of mine. A whumpee kept awake for days on end, their cognitive functions begin to deteriorate, the boundary between wakefulness and sleep blurs, leading to fractured and disjointed thought processes. The mind starts to struggle to maintain coherence, resulting in hallucinations and a profound disorientation.
2. Substance Withdrawal: Not one I've explored much, but can totally count. The body and mind in chaos, craving what they can no longer have. The physical symptoms can be brutal, but the psychological torment can drive them into a state of delirium, where reality becomes a shifting, unreliable landscape.
3. Psychological Torture: Another one I tend to gravitate to. Intense psychological manipulation, sensory deprivation or overwhelm can also drive the mind into delirium. Continuous gaslighting, isolation, or exposure to disturbing stimuli can erode a characters grasp on reality, leading to a state where they can no longer distinguish between truth and illusion.
4. Emotional Trauma: this a mental breakdown. Severe emotional trauma pushing a whumpee into a to their mental limits. The overwhelming stress and fear fracturing their mind, causing confusion, disorientation, dissociation, hallucinations as their psyche tries to protect itself and struggles to make sweetheart if what's happened/happening.
5. Overwhelming Physical Pain: Pain, just pain, if relentless and severe enough, can lead to delirium. A whumpee in constant, excruciating pain might find their mind breaking under the strain, leading to confusion, disorientation, and a detachment from reality.
6. Fever: and just because it can't really be left of the list, fever. Infections, illness, etc. But did you know there is more than one kind of dilirium? Yes there is the sick whumpee who is too weak too most and admits all their insecurities and secrets in a slurred disjointed major. But there is also the type of dilirium where the character becomes energetic, erratic behavior, pacing incessantly and speaking rapidly, refusing to rest. Frustrating and worrying for those trying to help.
And this is just the ones of the top of my head. There's so much potential here! And yes this is a very self indulgent and selfish post that I wrote while writing a fic where I am inducing dilirium in a character through acute stress and an identity crisis 😅 but in short - I want to see more varied portrayals of dilirium in whump.
An extension of this post A similar post about hallucinations A similar post about fever
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With FS 2 finally out I wanted to share some of my thoughts, I think it would be fun to talk about the possible mental state Angeal is in around this time in his life and subsequently how it reflects Sephiroth, as well as the meaning behind Angeal's dream sequence.
Since a lot of the details of Angeal’s backstory are hidden in external material, I’m going to use it as a point of reference. Crisis Core has a lot of content they were not able to include at the time of it’s release, so it will be fun to see if they follow up on these things they wrote about but couldn’t include in game.
We already see from the get go that Angeal is serving as a contrast to Sephiroth’s outlook, demeanor, and manners. Angeal’s energy and passion he has for teamwork, his comrades, and genuine care he has for doing his job all directly contrast Sephiroth’s whatever attitude. Even small acts of chivalry are made to highlight this, showing Angeal going the extra mile to help Alissa across the bridge vs Sephiroth’s refusal to engage with anyone socially. Sephiroth was brought up to function independently, made to be a one man army, no use for friends, families, or allies. Especially with the recent loss of friends, he is going to be distant.
This is extremely important for contrast with Angeal, who has likely recently left home and is missing his family, not to mention he is someone he deeply values his connection to others. There is no set age for when Angeal left home, but it is likely within the last 2~ years. His sword in game is listed as type 90, this is comparable to Zack’s sword in CC which is type 99, the type number likely reflects the year the sword was created or the year of when that model was created. Assuming that it's updated every year, leans towards the fact they've been in SOLDIER since at least that year. Meaning Angeal likely left home at 14~, which is closer to around the age Zack and Cloud left home for SOLDIER anyways.
Angeal is someone very sentimental, he is very defensive of his home and his family. CC showed us he was quite nostalgic about Banora on several occasions. This is another contrast to Sephiroth, who doesn't have a hometown or a family. According to the CC ultimania, Genesis was one of the motivators for Angeal to leave and find a better way of living. The new chapter confirmed Angeal left home because he wanted to help pull his family out of poverty. In CC, Angeal's father was said to fall sick from overwork to pay off debt from the buster sword; however, the ultimania mentions an important detail: his father has always been weak and sickly. It’s partly due to his father being chronically ill/disabled that they aren’t able to make a lot of money. The buster sword isn’t the sole cause of his death but rather an extension of working in a system that likely exploits disabled people. Genesis might have been the push Angeal needed to leave far away from home rather than staying and trying to take care of his sick father.
Which gets us to Angeal’s dream, there is debate on how much of it is real because Sephiroth’s wasn’t real. In my personal opinion, the dream being real is a very important contrast to Sephiroth. We know that whatever Alissa is, she is preying on the desires of them. Especially in the case of her being Jenova, who uses memories of her victims to her advantage. Angeal doesn’t need to make up a scenario of his family loving him or being proud of him, because it’s already a reality, Sephiroth doesn’t have this luxury. Angeal's father pushed himself to the brink just so he could support his son in his endeavor, there is no doubt his family loved and supported him. So, what is Angeal's actual desire then? In CC it is never really specified when Angeal's father died, but in Gillian’s profile in the ultimania, it mentions his father died shortly after Angeal left for SOLDIER, even the dream is hinting towards something bad happening on the horizon. Angeal's dad is probably already dead and it is mirroring Sephiroth wanting to see his mother. Possibly reinforced by the fact he is already refusing to use the buster, while it's not confirmed if he didn’t use it all because of his cheapness, I think his father's death added significant value to the sword, making it irreplaceable. They are two kids who just want to be with their parents again, one's desire being entirely fictional and the other's being in the past. It is another contrast between them with their dreams: Sephiroth's being all he lacks, and Angeal's is all he had, but left behind. Both unattainable but in a different sense.
This dream is likely some of the last stability Angeal had before leaving home, along with possibly being one of the last times he saw his father alive which is probably why he is yearning for it. I think if the dream itself symbolized only wanting stability Angeal wouldn’t mention leaving for SOLDIER, I don’t think he wanted to leave home to provide for his family if given the choice. Instead "Jenova" is preying on something that is tangible. However, there is still a possibility it is exaggerated a bit with Angeal having the money for donations and plenty of food. I don't think this is true either, the dream implies Angeal was already working at this age to support his family, so it’s not entirely out of the question he uses what little he has to give back or that he helped with saving for Gillian's birthday party. In contrast nothing in Sephiroth's dream was real besides the fact he lives in the Shinra building, we know Angeal has loving parents, we know he is a hard worker, we know he left for soldier, and we know he loves his village and his family, more was real than just the setting. Also, I think there's a point that this is a special occasion, they could've opted to save up for her birthday. It really didn’t feel too wild to me that one day in particular they had extra food, especially considering they live in a farm village. When and the exact reason why Angeal stole when he was younger is honestly not clarified at all. He could have been afraid of asking for extra food, it could have been during droughts, or even when his father was too sick to work. It is very common for poor families in remote villages to grow their own crops, we even see people in Gongaga growing their own supply, so these things are not really out of the question. I think if any of these details were fake Angeal would be confused or surprised by having these things like how Sephiroth did to make it clear to us as the viewer, but that didn’t happen. The dream closes with remarking his desire to provide for his family so they live happy and healthy… and we know that didn’t happen, which is the point. I think it's also worth mentioning there are some small discrepancies in the localization. He isn't just giving out expensive equipment to multiple people individually, instead, it's a donation that is meant to be shared by everyone. Angeal is building community with farmers who might also be struggling, and I feel like this is an important detail that's missing.
(small disclaimer: I'm not fluent, I only know basics, but I did my best to break down the sentences to make sure these were accurate)
I think it’s clear Angeal isn’t yearning to be rich (or someone else that’s not even relevant in the current narrative… especially when their focus currently is to compare and contrast him with Sephiroth). If Angeal wanted to be rich or famous why isn't he chatting up the PR guy to hope it gets him more attention to the point of promotion? Instead Angeal cares about doing his job and making sure it’s done right, he even gets angry at Bachman and tells him his priority is the rescue mission. Angeal cares deeply about protecting and caring for the people around him, especially those important to him. The dream is only reinforcing this. They even made his gameplay reflect his narrative by being the one to provoke and tank damage for his team, which shows how he views his role as a leader. I want to preface this with there being nothing wrong if the dream ends up being exaggerated, I think regardless it is a good insight on Angeal's character. He loves his family and friends, he wants to support them and make them happy. It shows how they were a positive influence on his life and how they affected his motivations. I think narratively speaking though, Angeal having something that is at very least somewhat more real is another important contrast with Sephiroth, especially when a point of contention between them is how they grew up in different worlds. I think the turmoil of Angeal’s father being most likely dead is going to carry a lot of weight for this story and is meant to parallel Sephiroth's desires for wanting family, it possibly being how they find common ground. While Angeal did grow up in a loving household, he is going through a lot right now with his father's passing. The focus on the Buster sword is incredibly important since it is going to represent why Angeal fights. To protect and to care for what he couldn’t back home, for what his father wanted for him. A dream of a better future and to not lose sight of his morals.
In my personal opinion, it makes a lot of sense that Genesis might not be joining for this section of the story. It's shining a light on some of two most iconic swords in gaming history, and how Angeal’s outlook related to his struggles is going to shape Sephiroth. Angeal’s character and his trauma shape the foundation of the Buster sword and future wielders, and it shaping the Masamune too will be an extension of that. He is the heart of SOLDIER, and I am excited to see this story continue to reinforce that.
#angeal hewley#sephiroth#final fantasy vii#final fantasy 7#ff7#ffvii#crisis core#ever crisis#ff7ec#first soldier#ffvii first soldier#analysis#long post#i hope this is good insight#i tried my best to cover everything#i know i use the word contrast a lot but thats the point
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vogue (chapter two) — boss/fashion designer!geto suguru x reader ; REASONS
series synopsis ; even without much knowledge in the world of fashion, you decide that it's in your best interest to work for the country's fashion magazine powerhouse to propel your career as a journalist. however, you begin to second-guess your decision when you're faced with the grueling labor of its one and only editor-in-chief who expects nothing less of perfection. can your efficiency meet his standards or will you be out the door before you can even blink? masterlist
contains ; editor-in-chief!geto, fashion designer!geto, assistant!reader, assistant turned muse!reader, platonic roommate!ino, modern au, angst, slowburn, co-workers-to-lovers, some crack if you squint
chapter synopsis ; it's chaos at kaizen magazine and the entirety of its staff, including its editor-in-chief is stressed. you meet a particular individual at the coffeehouse who seems all too the familiar for some reason whose strange words encourage you to dabble in the world of modelling in a desperate moment.
chapter tags/warnings; she/her pronouns, afab!reader, blood mention (reader gets mild cut on finger), reader models but no mention of body descriptions, some parts not edited
chapter word count: 8.9k
now playing ; reasons - minnie riperton
↩ previous chapter next chapter ↪
Somehow, you think that your boss has it out for you more than usual this week. Granted, he’s been giving you a stink eye at all times since you first started, but you’re getting the gut feeling it’s more prominent this time around. Be it the upcoming charity gala tomorrow or the stress of pushing out this month’s issue due to some last minute… adjustments—you wouldn’t be surprised if Geto is using you as his punching bag for his own relief.
He has never yelled at you, per se, but his soft-spoken insults and scoldings hurt you far more than anything. Whether it be you stumbling ever so slightly over your own two feet in front of him or something as miniscule as simply accidentally taking out a pen that’s lacking ink when jotting notes, Geto always seems to have some sort of reprimand at the ready.
“Why is this packet stapled so awkwardly? You could be covering vital information.”
“Coffee spoons exist for a reason. There’s no reason why I should be using a dessert spoon for my latte.”
“I do wish you spoke with less ‘um’s and ‘uh’s every now and then. It’s quite bothersome.”
You just wish that the job application had listed “Must take on editor-in-chief’s emotional baggage 24/7.” if you knew that this job would just be mentally draining as it is physically. And to think it’s only been only around four and a half months since you’ve started! Obviously, being editor-in-chief of one of the largest and powerful magazines in the nation is going to be mentally depleting, but is there such a need to take it out on the poor associates?
Your mind reflects back to witnessing an intern accidentally running into Geto amidst last night’s crisis when the office was busy about attempting to piece together the issue into one piece before the publisher’s deadline today, the intern’s impact causing a confetti of cut-out paper to fly about everywhere and making Geto’s afternoon matcha pick-me-up splatter green all over his cream white top. He had gently told the shaking intern, amidst his many apologies, that it was no worries before quietly telling you to head down to HR to terminate him by the end of this week.
Chills run down your spine when you remember how quickly Geto’s smile faded and gentle eyes disappeared as they morphed into amethyst daggers the moment his back was turned to the intern. Though… you do give credit to the intern for making his shirt still somehow look fabulous with the earthy green splatter—a feat only a former fashion model was able to do.
You don’t remember when the last time you came home before 11:00pm was or when was the last time you ate three complete meals in a day and not just crumbs of convenience store snacks. It’s been such a hectic week wrapping up the month’s issue that you’re suddenly back to your college days slurping ramen and drinking any drink that contains any amount of caffeine to give back your energy.
You hear the beep of the microwave sing through the kitchen right next to yours and Manami’s desks, signaling your instant ramen was done, but before you can even get up, you hear the muffled sound of a something being broken inside Geto’s office, causing you and Manami to jump. Gazes suddenly flicking toward each other, with neither of you daring to make another move, a moment of complete silence drifts by before you dare to breathe out ever so quietly and almost instantaneously, Manami shouts, “Not it!”
“Not—oh, fine…” A groan drags out of you and your eyes roll as you brush off the prideful look Manami has on her face.
With great hesitation, you avert your direction to the frosted glass window of Geto’s office that sits a little too politely between you and Manami’s desks. Somehow, with each step you take, the impending doom that sits at the bottom of your churning stomach grows bigger and bigger and you can just barely brace yourself for the scolding that you’re about to receive—even if the cause of Geto’s frustration may have not even been at your own fault.
Your shaking knuckles go to rap at his door. A grumbled “come in” barely seeps its way through the door. You allow yourself with great reluctance to open the door to reveal a heavily breathing Geto Suguru, veins visible on his neck and forehead from the pent-up irritation that has been boiling for the past few days with the double whammy of the charity gala and the month’s issue attempting to be push out on time, which may not even be the case given that many columns had to be changed due to a specific supermodel’s recent scandal.
Upon entering your boss’s office, it was near impossible to miss the shattered glass of cucumber water that was clearly thrown at the wall behind himself, a splotch of the carpet now darkened slightly from the original color. Geto caved inwards towards his desk, his blazer from his three-piece set now draped messily over his chair and his usually neatly-made hair a little more frazzled out of its hair band than usual. On his desk were an array of magazine splits with a pile of cut-outs dedicated to said model. It startles you how many pages she had appeared in given how hefty the pile was.
“Why couldn’t she behave after the issue was printed…” Geto seethes under his breath as a poor page of the magazine draft crumples under his grip.
You can see in his trash can the tabloid that featured the supermodel, who allegedly slandered her fellow upcoming star of a colleague backstage of a recent fashion show with the cameras still rolling in order to document the behind the scenes of all the glitz and glamour. While it was normal for models to shade one another to fight for the spotlight, her remarks in particular were rather nasty and brutish, so much so that it caused outrage amongst the public and with the latter supermodel’s fans who ended up revealing her rather… dishonorable social media presence.
Needless to say, having her as the starlight of this month’s issue before it entered the public eye would prove disastrous for Kaizen. She decorated a large portion of the magazine from front cover to back, but the magazine couldn’t afford to have such a trashy person as their graphic ambassador—especially since there has been little to no dirt on the magazine up until now. Geto works hard to make sure any possible slander against the magazine was dealt with as soon as possible before the public could hear about it. You didn’t know how—preferably, you don’t want to know—but he does it somehow.
But the news and the outrage regarding the supermodel had been leaked only a mere eight days before the issue was to be printed, giving the entire department only eight days to fix up the issue before the deadline. To make matters worse—the issue had to be sent to the publisher before the charity gala, which were both on the same day, Friday, meaning that everything had to be finalized before 3pm that day to give ample time for the start of the gala’s last-minute organization at 5:00pm before it started at 7:30pm and for the publishing company to print the thousands of copies to be released to the city come Saturday morning.
It’s Thursday, the day before D-Day, and the office just reached noon. You have yet to eat properly, given that all you ate this morning amidst the morning rush (Geto demanded asked you to arrive at the office an hour earlier to compose the most time to work on the issue) were two pieces of toasted bread and a badly-made cup of instant coffee.
You stare at the broken crystal on the dampened floor before going back to get the dustpan from the kitchen. Without a word, you clean up the remnants of Geto’s frustration quietly so as to not poke the beast even further with one wrong move, but of course, you somehow end up slicing your finger on a stray piece of glass.
A loud yelp from your lips slips through the tight atmosphere of Geto’s office and blood draws fast, so fast that a few drops of crimson fall and miserably stain the pristine white carpet.
You swiftly poke your finger in your mouth and suck on it before more can ooze out, but unfortunately, your little titter was enough to break Geto out of his trance and snap his head back towards you. He spots the splotches of red on his carpet first, but then averts his gaze to you with your fingertip between your lips.
“What happened?” he urges as he approaches you. “Did you cut yourself?”
You nod shyly, a little startled at how quickly his concern for you came to him given that your presence usually arises some sort of mild vex from him. “I apologize for staining the carpet. I’ll get a cleaner right away for it.”
“No need,” Geto mutters before beginning the dust the glass remnants himself. “I’ll call them myself. Just fix yourself up. First-aid kit is in the kitchen. Go get a bandaid—quickly.”
For a split second, you swear you could’ve seen a grain of sympathy in his normally-cold gaze, but the illusion quickly dissipates the moment you see his eyes harden again before he snaps at you for staring.
“Go now. Before your finger gets infected. You can’t use your hand properly with an infected finger.”
Biting the inside of your cheek, you nod lightly and dash out of his office, fighting horribly the urge to mutter curses at him under your breath.
The cut proves rather long and deep, you notice, as Manami gently rolls a strip of tape down a page of gauze on it as she chides you akin to a mother to take care of yourself properly and that this isn’t the week to be injuring yourself like a child. It takes up at least two-thirds of your right index finger and you’re just hoping you’ll be able to use your right hand as efficiently as possible given you still have an extensive list of emails to still send out.
Two hours somehow pass by quicker than expected but you know that your actual day isn’t even halfway done, knowing well that you won’t be clocking out until later in the evening after everyone is gone from the office. For the most part, it looks as though some spare stock images of well-known models were able to suffice the pieces that the scandalous one left them in the columns, but there was one that needed a more specific set of poses given that it was a perfume ad and unlike the other columns, the bottle had to be held in a certain manner that would prove hard for the photo editors to attempt.
Given that the work day was ending, there weren’t many models on-call that could do a last-minute shoot on time and the magazine was running out of time. Geto… was running out of time.
And if Geto, who was known for being rather cool-headed and rational most days, was stressed, that only meant the rest of the office had to follow—whether they liked it or not. Ultimately, his stress became infectious and it was hard to keep a mellow mind in the days filled with chaos. You were already stressed on a day-to-day basis being his junior assistant, but you were basically required to amp it up to the max with the last-minute editing of the magazine and the charity gala.
You’re in line to get Geto’s afternoon pick-me-up, with the minor adjustment of two extra espresso shots for the kick of caffeine to get him through the rest of the working hours. You can hear your name being called up, but with how drained you’ve been from the past few days, the granola bar and Redbull you had for lunch today proves not to be the most efficient source of energy and you end up tumbling over your own two wobbling legs when you rise from the waiting bench.
You crash into the chest of someone taller than you who was passing by and just barely manage to avoid the escaping coffee from the cup of the person you bumped into. Unfortunately, it doesn’t prove well for the latter, as the remainder of the coffee settles itself on the front of their shirt Panic sets in swiftly and you start bumbling apologies left and right before you can even look up to see who exactly you’re apologizing to.
When you do, you’re met with a pair of eyes hidden behind darkened sunglasses ogling at you. It struck you as rather odd—considering it was the middle of winter and that the sun was hiding behind the grayed clouds today. Maybe it was just some sort of fashion statement?
But it’s not the glasses that captivate you. It’s the snowy locks of white hair that belong to a rather tall and leggy figure that belong to it. And despite the pure ivory, he still looks incredibly young. A man of at least six feet and three inches stands before you—a height that easily can rival your boss’s. He’s adorned in a simplistic outfit; black dress shoes with matching slacks held by a glimmering silver buckle, topped with a cool white collared shirt that’s now evidently ruined by the horribly large light brown stain you caused from his coffee.
And judging by the stitching and material of the shirt, you know damn well that the shirt isn’t cheap.
“I-I-I…” you blubber out, teary eyes widened in horror at how fast the stain spreads and how much attention you’re getting from the cafe’s customers. “I’m so sorry…”
The silence that penetrates through from onlookers is terrible and you think you’re getting a fever from how hot your face is burning up.
Thankfully, the man breaks through it with a soft, (dare you say—handsome?) laugh. “I was looking for an excuse to get rid of this shirt anyways,” he says. “Don’t worry ‘bout it.”
What he says baffles you and your apologies suddenly transform into sounds of confusion to his amusement. “Huh?”
“It’s been two years since it was in season, it’s finally time to throw the old girl out,” the man shrugs nonchalantly.
Suddenly, in front of all the leering eyes of the customers in the coffeehouse, he begins to unbutton his stained shirt and you can only watch in horror with the rest of everyone else. While he still did have one last modest garment beneath the shirt, it was still a sleeveless white undershirt that showed off his visibly sculpted and lean biceps that made a couple of the women in the coffeeshop form heart eyes and bite their lips.
The man flickered his eyes, now shown to be a brilliant shade of crystal blue, to you from atop his glasses and a glint of playfulness shone through, along with a whimsical grin. “Maybe I should’ve been a little more decent. Hope you don’t mind.”
You think that the heat that flushes your cheeks is no longer from embarrassment but… bashfulness?
You attempt to gather what to say in this rather awkward moment, but the bell of the entrance door rings and in comes a young man with spiked noir locks adorned in a midnight blue suit with a visible frown on his face. His eyes skitter through the coffeehouse before landing on not exactly you… but the man before you.
“What the hell Gojo?” the young man scolds as he stomps his way over. “You said you weren’t gonna take long, so why are you stripping in a cafe?”
Gojo… why does that name sound so familiar for some reason? Now that you think about it, the entirety of the man himself seems so vaguely familiar, but you swore you’ve never seen such a unique human being before in real life.
The man turns his head over as he crumples the stain garment in his hands. He perks up in delight at the sight of him, contrary to his furrowed-brow companion. “Megumi! Sorry bud, got wrapped up in a little accident here. Take this and chuck it in the trash, will ya?”
Before “Megumi” can protest, “Gojo” tosses the shirt to him and exclaims for the onlooking baristas to make him another drink if they can. A teenage girl nods excitedly and dashes back to gather the order for the handsome, sleeveless stranger.
Megumi hisses an annoyed insult under his breath before glaring one last time at the taller man and searching for a nearby trash can. The man turns to you again with the same smile that has a lick of mischief to it. “Sorry ‘bout my intern. He’s usually a little sour, so don’t mind him. You okay though?”
“Uh…” your eyes glance around and notice that the commotion in the coffeehouse has started up again. “Yes, thank you. I apologize again for not watching my step.”
He chuckles. “I think you’ve apologized enough. Again, don’t worry about it—it was an old shirt anyways. Has anyone told you you’re quite cute?”
You choke on your saliva. What an odd thing to say in such a moment.
“Wh-what?” you stifle out.
“You’re rather pretty,” the man continues, the same grin still plastered on his face; as if he means every word he says. “Have you modelled before?”
Your jaw is somehow melded into an image that replicates a gaping fish. Somehow, you can’t find the correct words to say at this moment. And it’s not quite like you’ve never been flirted with before, but for some reason, the way that this “Gojo” says it, it doesn’t quite have that tone of flattery, but more like… offering something?
“Thank you?” you say with half-confidence. “And no… sorry.”
“Ah, what a shame,” he sighs wholeheartedly. “Have you considered it though?”
You shake your head, and you’re appalled that the gesture only makes his eyes light up again and his smile grow wider.
“You should try it someday! You know what—hold on. Where’s my wallet?”
The man shoves his hands in his pants pockets to attempt to look for it, but the intern from earlier suddenly appears and shows off his phone to his senior. It visibly reads 2:34 pm.
“The meeting started,” the intern seethes. “We’re late… again.”
“Oh shoot,” the tall man snaps his fingers with pursed lips. “Alright, we can get going soon. But can you do me a favor and get my wal—”
The intern glowers at him. “No. Let’s go.”
You’re surprised at how much guts the intern has, who seems to be rather younger than you by a few years and certainly significantly younger than the man before you, considering he’s the one to command his superior so strictly. Usually, it’s the other way around, is it not? Unless you’re doing something wrong?
“Aw, but—”
“Gojo. If we’re late again, the board of trustees might kick you off, remember?” Megumi says as he pinches the back of his superior’s undershirt and begins to drag him away from you.
The mysterious man pouts childishly and whines. “Ohhh c’mon! They’re not serious! You know those old geezers are practically terrified of me!”
You’ve never seen such a grown man act rather foolishly before, but you suppose there’s a first time for everything. As you watch him be dragged away by the intern, he salutes a goodbye to you with an all-knowing wink to finish things off before he’s shoved into a black Cadillac in nothing but his undershirt for a top amidst the chilly winter air.
As you attempt to process what on earth just happened, the young teenage barista calls at you suddenly.
“Hey! Did that Michizane Sugawara guy leave? The one with the white hair?” she asks you, pointing to her own brown hair. She holds what looks to be milk with a hint of coffee in it, judging by how there’s just barely a tint of brown in the plastic cup.
“Oh… him.”
Wasn’t his name Gojo? There’s no way you could’ve misheard “Michizane Sugawara” as “Gojo” you think, with the six other syllables just simply flying in from the window out of nowhere. Unless the fatigue has finally caught up to you and you’re hearing things wonky.
“Yeah. It seemed like he was in a rush of sorts.”
The barista leans over the counter to see and eventually shrugs. She pushes two cups towards you—your original coffee for Geto you nearly forgot about and the newly-made coffee for the mystery man. “You can just have it then. Not too sure you’ll like it though, it’s pretty sugary, but I don’t want it to go to waste.”
Your eyebrows perk up. With how much suffering you’ve been enduring lately from your work, you might as well indulge yourself in a sweet treat as you think you’ve earned it. Plus, with how much there is more to complete for today, you’re most definitely going to need the caffeine and the communal coffee pot isn’t exactly acquired for your tastebuds.
When you finally settle yourself down back in the comfort of your desk after the coffeehouse fiasco, you take a soft sip of the free coffee…
… only to pull a face at how ridiculously sweet it is. The barista was right. You think that there’s probably only a drop of coffee in the entire cup melded with milk and a variety of syrups and sugar. And to think this was for a grown man?
Sighing miserably, you pour the free drink down the kitchen drain, ignoring the glob of sugar that slugs out of it before you return back to misery.
“And there’s absolutely no models left that are in proximity to us? In any of our partnering agencies?” Geto asks as he rubs his temple.
The head of the PR team shakes his head, ashamed. “All of our current models are either abroad or they’re simply unavailable as of this moment.”
He mutters to himself before gritting his teeth. “And did you try bribing them with additional pay?”
“We tried, sir,” the head says. “And with other compensation like a guaranteed column for next month’s column or brand partnerships, but they wouldn’t budge.”
Geto sighs loudly and slides a hand down his face in exasperation, fatigue visible. It’s currently 5:51pm and the magazine has yet to find a model to try and replace the perfume advertisement. The partnering modelling firms had absolutely no models to offer at the last minute and it was too late to try and get in contact with freelance models considering communication with them proved much more difficult than those in agencies.
“What about recycling an older ad with a similar posed model and just photoshopping the fragrances out?” Geto suggests.
It gets shot down immediately to his dismay. “Unfortunately, that’d be violating some copyright issues.”
You watch with fidgety hands as you stand next to Manami as your boss and the PR team examines the idea board carefully, trying ways to fill in the missing column. Of course, you could chime in with your own ideas, but with how stressed Geto is currently, you didn’t want to risk adding fuel to an already violent fire.
Geto’s eyes scan the board left to right, taking in every single piece pinned onto it for some sort of genius idea, but nothing comes to him on the third try. A rigid silence fills the meeting room that keeps everyone on edge, anticipating his next move. When Geto finishes his fourth scan, in comes another blank page, until the corner of his eye catches you standing idly in the corner.
His gaze moves to fixate on your squirming self as you attempt to look anywhere but his stare. It proves unsuccessful, however, considering that Geto calls your name and motions you to come forward.
Geto presents you like a doll of sorts to the PR team. “(Y/N) here seems to have similar proportions to her,” Geto says, keeping two firm, large hands on your shoulders. You shiver at the strange contact “What if we…?”
One of the team members catches his drift uneasily.
“I don’t know Geto,” he starts as he stares at you incredulously, as if you’ve grown three heads all of a sudden. “Does your junior assistant even have any modelling experience?”
“Well no,” Geto confirms. “However, we’ve attempted to use all that we have available. I think this is our last resort.”
Somehow, you’re a little offended that your being is just simply a “last resort” to him, even if it is true.
The PR team’s director's shifty eyes land on each of his team members with visible hesitation. With a cracked voice, he softly announces, “Well, technically speaking, there is… one more option.”
Geto cocks his brow, his hands still firmly locked onto your shoulders with a whisper of a tighter grasp, as if you’re some sort of scurrying mouse ready to escape his hold at any given moment. “Well?”
The director’s mouth opens and closes for a given moment, attempting to choose the right words to say.
“Technically, we don’t have to use just our partnering agencies,” he begins quietly. There’s now a visible sweat misted on his receding hairline.
The way Geto’s eyes narrow so suddenly makes everyone hold their breath for what comes next. Because, from the looks of it, everyone seems to know what the director is going to suggest and Geto’s reaction.
“We’ve got contracts with every single management in the city. What? Are you saying we reach out to other cities’ talent managements? That’s rather tedious.”
“No, sir, that’s… not what I meant,” the director swallows thickly. “There’s technically one agency that we don’t have a con—”
“Absolutely fucking not.”
Geto’s stern words ring loud and clear. While his voice volume is still the same as always—soft with an obvious austere to it—his words are tight and evident. The emphasis of the curse word gives more than just a sharp edge to it, leaving no room for negotiation.
Yet, one of the female team members pries anyway. She was hired around the same time you were, but because she didn’t interact with Geto as much as you did, so she didn’t know about how no meant an absolute no when it came from Geto Suguru just yet. Poor thing.
“But this agency has an abundance of models to choose from at their hand!” she exclaims with wide, desperate eyes. “I do think it’s a better decision to contact Infi—”
“I said no.” Geto turns to her and gives her a hard scowl before she can even finish her words. “Do not even say the name around my presence. I have forbidden any contact with that agency for a good reason. They only bring trouble and mayhem and disorder. Remember the Mei Mei scandal? The Kinji Hakari incident?”
Everyone except for you tightens their shoulders and lips at the mention of the particular models. This isn’t the first time you’ve been kept in the dark, since you’re still just as a new hire as the female team member, but something is telling you that this news is much more hush-hush than the other gossip you’ve heard. Geto sighs again, their tensing bodies giving him a clear answer.
“We have done well without them for how long this magazine has existed for the past few years under my leadership,” Geto says. “I see no need to get in contact with them when we have a perfectly good substitute right here.”
His hands pat your shoulders again to properly show you off once more. The PR team goes to scan you up and down with their beady eyes, mutters of half-confident approvals and some other comments that you’re a little offset by rumouring around the meeting room.
The director eventually sighs and gives in, considering that there weren’t many hours left in the day and that he and his team just wanted to go home. “Okay, we’ll use your junior assistant for the replacement shoot. We’ll tell Miguel, the photographer, and the fashion stylists to get ready for her.”
Geto turns to Manami. “Go with them. Just ensure that the creative team will not cause a fuss with the choosing of the model. We don’t have time to dabble in feuds now.”
Manami nods and begins to lead the PR team to the studio, leaving you and Geto in the awkward quietness of the meeting room. Eventually, he releases you from his grasp and lets you breathe normally once they all leave.
Geto leans on the table and returns to rubbing his forehead, muttering to himself at what he just did. You plant your stiff self back to your original position firmly.
“Sir,” you cough out with a voice crack with the lack of use from your voice. A heat rushes to your face and you clear your throat to properly speak. “Sir… I… don’t think I’m the right choice for this job.”
Geto lifts his head up from his hand and stares at you dully. “Excuse me?”
A shiver goes down your spine. Of course you forgot your consciousness and dared to question the Geto Suguru, editor-in-chief of the powerhouse fashion magazine in the country. But… even so. There were some limitations that you dared to even ponder about and though you were a lowly assistant, you still deserved to try and voice your own opinion on this matter.
Especially since you’re going to be affected in more ways than one.
“I…” you start slowly. Your gaze meets the carpet of the room to try and ease yourself out of the intimidating stare of your boss. “I truly don’t think I’m the right fit for this particular feat. Like what they mentioned, I don’t have any modelling experience and I’m sure it’d cause the shoot to be more prolonged than it should be.”
“You don’t need modelling experience for this,” Geto begins. “I’m not asking you to be a model. I’m asking you to be a replacement.”
The familiar odd hurt singes at you again when Geto labels you as nothing more than a prop. Something about him shoving you in a magazine filled with well-experienced and trained models feels like cramming a piece of plain cardboard in a nearly-done puzzle, its individual pieces adorned carefully with each other to create something beautiful and ornate, only to be interrupted by a spare piece of something that just barely imitates it. You may have all the right curves and edges crafted by Geto’s hands, but you know that you don’t belong properly amidst the magazine at the end of the day.
The perfume ad takes up three pages of the entire magazine—two pages for the actual photoshoot and one for the description of it along with its reviews—not much in comparison to the articles written in it. But it’s still enough to composite a significant chunk for the magazine. And enough to make you feel overexposed to a public that in your rational mind, is not going to give you a second glance much more so than the actual product when reading the magazine.
But right now, that unwanted attention is all you can think about.
“But still—” you start with a tight throat. “Manami might be a better suit than I am. Or quite literally anyone in the office.”
“Manami has been feeling under the weather as of recently,” Geto interrupts and shakes his head. “If we had more time, believe me, I’d be searching for a better fit for the ad as well, but right now, given the current predicament and since most of the employees have gone home, we don’t have many options left.”
Geto turns to you and though his face remains stony, his iris eyes gleam with a hint of desperation.
“You’re my best choice right now, (Y/N).”
Time goes still for a moment and you can hear a voice echo in the back of your mind as Geto gazes at you.
“Have you modelled before?”
When you blink, a crystalline blue pair of eyes flashes through your vision all of a sudden. You step back a little, slightly startled at the hazy vision you have of the “Gojo” man from earlier and his proclamation to you.
The tone of the man’s voice echoes through your mind. In a typical male fashion, that sort of sentence would most likely be played off as a flirtatious intent. But the way that he said it made it seem like some sort of actual encouragement, like an urge of sorts for you. It felt genuine. Sincere, even, as if he wanted you to do it for no one but yourself.
And though as of now, you’d technically be doing it for Geto… you can’t help but feel an urge just to try it to see how you yourself would like it. To see whether or not you’d actually fit into the mold of a “model”—even an amateur one.
You suppose… that there’s a first time for everything.
Shuffling your feet, you swallow the last bit of qualms down and let most of your nerves go, choosing to settle in what could be as of this moment. Even if you’re not ready for it, you think you should at least try.
And in the end, if not for Geto, perhaps for yourself.
You lift your head up and lock eyes with Geto’s with a more determined look on your face. The hesitation is still faintly there, but the ghost of it is overpowered by your resolve.
“Alright, now peek your eyes over the newspaper a little bit, sweetheart! Make it playful!” the photographer chimes as he readjusts his position with his camera.
The photoshoot set is a makeshift cafe, to properly highlight the coffee and sugar notes of the new fragrance you hold in your hand. The backdrop is a fake interior window of the cafe looking out into a winter wonderland. Makeup and clothing took awhile to prosper considering you had to take off your previous makeup and let the MUAs do their magic on you and that you had to test multiple layered clothing sets before the photographer approved of the final one appropriate for the shoot. It didn’t help that you put up a fight to keep your glasses on and that the MUAs had to attempt a look that would highlight your features with your glasses.
You can’t tell whether it’s the nerves of you modelling for the first time or the heat of the lights that’s making you flushed. Something about the flashes of lights felt almost exhilarating to you. It’s foreign, but somehow, they embrace your being like a long lost friend of sorts. You have yet to get used to the blinding white lights from the flashes, but you only have to endure it for a good hour or so. The repetitive mantra of “You’re just trying this out.” echoes in your mind over and over again, even though you already know you seem to not be cut out for this sort of position.
It’s much too hot in the studio, you feel your body being rather awkward, and you don’t appreciate the onlookers that watch your every move as you reposition yourself to the photographer’s demands. You’ve already knocked over a couple of fake cappuccino mugs since your limbs still aren’t working correctly and you can’t seem to make the right facial expression to your degree.
It’s clear your nervousness is evident, considering you can see Geto discussing quietly with the creative director as they examine you closely from the corners of your eyes.
“She’s rather… stiff,” the creative director mutters. “You sure there wasn’t anyone on call?”
Geto hums monotonously as he watches as you attempt to find the right position to try and capture your side profile while showing off the perfume itself. “If there were, they would’ve been here by now.”
“Yes I understand, but,” the director fights the urge to wince as your bracelet gets caught in the chair handle. “I don’t know if this shoot will be proper enough to display in the zine this issue. Can’t we just talk with them and discuss moving the ad to next month’s?”
“No, they’re releasing it the same day the issue comes out. They want people to know about it as soon as possible,” Geto murmurs. “To ask that from us is to ask them to push back their release date. We don’t have that sort of power.”
The creative director sighs and silences himself, wallowing himself in a state of doubt as he and Geto continue to watch the scene before them. Perhaps it’s the state of weariness that Geto has accumulated from the past few days, but he genuinely doesn’t think you’re doing too bad of a job for your first (and probably last time, given the anxiety still within you) time modelling. He thinks the angles of your face hit the light just right when it counts properly, and that the clothes that drape you fit you more than accordingly; it’s surprising given that there was no time to tailor them to properly suit you but somehow, you made it work.
There are certain moments that your nerves fade from view when the director asks you to make a certain facial expression. The little surprised face you make when you hold the perfume up to your face was most likely the money shot, but there were much more shots that could be used for the ad that he didn’t anticipate.
There was one where your eyes stared directly into the camera from a three-fourths angle, a certain warmth to them compelling him to look further into you. Another one was a mild bokeh effect of you sipping coffee from a mug from a lower point of view, where the perfume was fully into view. But Geto was still somehow locked onto your figure from the background despite how crystal clear the bottle was. Either way, there was still a plethora of good shots to use despite you not being a professional model.
“But I do have to admit,” the creative director starts slowly, capturing Geto’s attention and breaking him from his gaze as he fixates on you repositioning yourself on the cafe bench, legs crossed to show off the mocha boots that adorned your calves. “She’s not really all that bad. I can see some potential in her.”
Geto’s body remains still, but his eyes shift to stare at the director from the corner of his eye, watching carefully as he examines you from the set. He narrows his purple eyes as he picks up on a mild lip bite from the creative director as you shed the trenchcoat to reveal a black fitted mini dress with a turtleneck, a vintage cowboy belt cinching your waist. While you’re still modestly covered, it’s the way you show off your long legs emphasized by the short skirt of the dress and the fitted heeled boots.
“I wonder if she’s single…” the director murmurs so softly that Geto just barely picks up on it.
“I completely forgot,” Geto interrupts rather loudly, making the director’s fixed stare falter as the shoot continues. “I believe I left a file in regards to the perfume’s licensing in the meeting room. Would you mind getting it for me? I’ll keep an eye on the shoot.”
The creative director’s brows raise. “O-oh! Yes, of course. I’ll be right back then.”
Geto watches as the director shuffles out of the room and out of view from you. Truth be told, the file was finalized a while ago. But something about how the director was looking at you made Geto wary of his intentions with you, if he had any at all.
Something about it made him a little aware that your temporary spotlight shone a bit brighter than he originally thought it’d be.
The shoot finishes up within the next hour, giving the team a good handful of images to choose from for the column before the issue is printed. Manami is with you in the dressing room as the MUAs carefully take off your makeup and reveal your raw face to everyone, peeling away the heavy amounts of concealer that hide the darkness embedding the rim of your undereyes.
“Christ, how many hours did you sleep last night?” she questions when you give a large yawn.
“I should be asking you that question,” you quietly remark back, studying her equally tired features. “If anything, you need the rest more than I do.”
Manami had been feeling quite ill as of recently, possibly due to the colder weather. She claimed that it was just the new diet she had been trying out to properly fit into the dress that she was planning to wear for the charity gala, but it was clear that no diet was capable of causing stuffy noses, consistent sneezing, and a mild fever. You had encouraged her to try and take some medicine and go home yesterday, but she specifically said that, “Geto will have a guillotine ready come tomorrow morning if I dare to even think about taking a day off right now.”
“I’m fine,” she sniffs with half-assurance as she snatches a tissue from nearby. “Besides, people say you burn more calories when you’re sick so hopefully I can lose another half inch off my waist by tomorrow.”
“Oh, so you admit you’re sick,” you point out with a mild smirk.
“I-I’m not sick—!” she falters before her nose begins to twitch. “Ahchoo!”
You hum, ignoring her protests. It’s currently nearing seven in the evening, and you’re sure that work is just beginning to wrap up as of this moment. Thankfully, everyone agreed to do the work for the perfume ad tomorrow before the finalized issue is shipped to print, but you still had to edit some articles, as well as help Geto still gather materials for his newest fashion line that he only tended to work on in the evenings of the weekdays.
He leaves earlier than you and Manami do, since he often piles the nonsensical work to you and her. You wouldn’t be surprised if he left the office without another word considering he was attempting to push out his new line by the end of next month.
In the past few months, you can’t say your work as a journalist has improved since your time at Kaizen, but you can at least say that your friendship with Manami has blossomed and sailed a little more smoothly than your first few weeks of working with each other. She was still a little snippy towards those below her like the college interns and the other entry-level employees, but you were specifically her junior, so you suppose it gave you special access to a much more kind, yet still sassy, side of her.
You spot the paleness of Manami’s usually glossed lips and how fatigued she looked. It didn’t help that the dressing room was quite warm so she looked rather blushed in the face. She leans back on the couch and puts a hand over her eyes to block out the glaring white light of the vanity.
“God, shut that thing off,” she quips as she lazily wags a finger to the vanity lights. “Feels like I’m staring right into the Sun itself.”
The lights are turned off and the room dims. You chew on your lip before deciding to sacrifice your time a little longer in order to help her out since you knew how badly she wanted to attend tomorrow’s charity gala and show off her new Emilio Pucci dress.
“You should go home,” you say quietly. “Get some rest before tomorrow. I can take care of the Book and the rest of his bullshit.”
She chuckles at your mild cursing regarding you-know-who. “Yes, because that went great last time…”
“I swear I won’t mess up again! That day was just out for me, I swear,” you pout, “But really, you should go home and get some sleep. I know you’re gonna come in tomorrow regardless of what I say, so at the very least take some medicine and sleep.”
Manami pokes an eye out of her hand to study your pleading ones. She gives in rather easily, sighing heavily. “Fine. But if you mess up anything, it’s all on you,” she states pointedly and unlocking her phone to notify Geto you’ll be taking care of her duties tonight.
She shortly leaves the office when you clean yourself back up to your day’s attire. The company car comes promptly on time and you begin to wave goodbye to her, but she opens the window halfway and motions you with a shaky finger to come forward.
“No funny business,” she mutters sternly through her mask. “I mean it. He’ll have your head first, then mine if you pull anything.”
“I swear, nothing will happen,” you promise to her. “Now go home. Or else that that cold will be taking more than just a half inch off your waist.”
She rolls her eyes but you can see the faintest grateful grin from the inside of her mask as she rolls the window back up. You watch until the black car disappears from view and into the city traffic before you go back into the office to wait for the Book to be finalized with its editors.
It reaches your hands eventually just a quarter to 10:00pm, a little earlier than expected. Another company car comes by and picks you up to get his dry-cleaning as well, and you arrive at Geto’s apartment just shy of 10:30pm.
The heavy doors seem much more intimidating the second time around. Perhaps it’s because they knew what happened last time and are just waiting to see what incident occurs today this time around. But you shake your head out of your apprehensiveness and decide the only thing that will be happening behind those doors is just you placing the Book down on his coffee table and leaving to go home and sleep before D-Day.
The entrance was the same as always—decorated with a great assortment of artistry of different mediums. In the corner was the marble dragon and beside it was the archived Basquiat piece that must’ve cost an arm and leg to purchase for the typical person. Up ahead was the entrance to the living room and in the center of it stood the coffee table.
The coffee table.
All you have to do is just simply put the Book on the coffee table.
Then leave.
Then just leave. Do not do anything more than that.
“No funny business.” Manami’s warning chimes in your mind again with each step you take to the living room.
“No funny business,” you repeat to yourself under your breath, clutching the Book tightly to your chest as if it was the most fragile thing on earth.
You eventually reach the beginning of the living room and spot the very ottoman that had caused you to have a much more humiliating night than anticipated during that one day you were given the simple task of dropping off the Book from Geto himself. You hadn’t been asked to do so since then, shamefully. It’s tucked away safely on the side of the sofa, meaning you had to intentionally yourself into it to try and re-enact your foolishness again.
The coffee table stands before your knees and you stare at yourself in the reflection of its glass.
“No funny business.”
You gingerly put the Book down on the center of the coffee table, your fingertips brushing against the many pages of its draft and a relief begins to fill your nerves the moment you’re about to break contact with it…
… until a familiar voice calls to you just as your fingers let go.
“(Y/N)?” Geto calls from above. “Is that you?”
You freeze on the spot. You swore to yourself and Manami that there would be no funny business today, and you were doing such a good job! Did you accidentally leave mud tracks behind? There wasn’t any rain today. Did you leave something else at the office that you needed to bring? No, Manami said he only needed the book… so did you do anything at all that would cause your boss to randomly call out to you during such a menial task?
With a rigid neck, you turn to him slowly with a pained smile and the Book officially set on the coffee table. “Yes, hello. Sorry to interrupt… I was just dropping off the Book.”
Geto peers down at you from the second floor’s staircase. He’s shed his waist coat and has left himself in his grey button up that’s relieved of three buttons at the top, just shyly showing the beginning of his chest and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. A rare sight—considering that Geto was often covered from head to toe in fabrics then even seeing him in a short sleeved shirt was a rarity.
“I see,” he says, scanning you from above with his cat-like eyes.
You don’t know what to do. You just needed to drop the Book off and you were so unbelievably close to completing it without trouble. “Did you… did you happen to need something else by any chance?” you ask nervously.
“Ah, well,” Geto starts to your dismay. He pauses palpably before motioning you to come up. “I actually may need your aid on a piece I’m working on. Come upstairs.”
And miraculously, your throat closes up as you struggle not to burst into tears.
All you wanted to do is just drop the Book off!
Despite all the curses that marathon through your head that you aim at your boss, you gather up the courage to shove down any questions of doubt and take your tired legs up the winding staircase. Something is telling you that this is a trick—that when you reach the top, Geto is actually just standing there with your termination letter, telling you that you forgot a vital rule to never go anywhere more than the living room in his house. But because you can rarely ever refute your boss in an effort to spare your sanity, you do as he says willingly like an obedient dog.
By the time you reach the top, there is no pink slip for him to display to you, but instead is an open door that faces the staircase directly. Inside, Geto stands in front of something, and you can see a tape measure around his neck more clearly, as well as a pin cushion on his wrist that usually holds an expensive watch. The room itself is rather large, with a variety of supplies garnered across a pegged wall with rolls of fabric decorating two of the walls. It’s Geto’s atelier room for his fashion line, you detail, the one that he stormed out of with Shigemo that time you had to drop off the Book.
Without turning around, Geto calls to you, “Well don’t just stand there.”
Another thick swallow just barely passes through your dry throat. You prompt out an apology and slowly shuffle into his studio, where you see where the magic happens much more clearly and what exactly he was crafting on so late at night.
Geto moves aside for you to take a proper look at the mannequin adorned in a beautiful A-line black dress with a square neckline and ghostly, sheer sleeves. Around the waist was a loose string of pearls with a matching pearl necklace. It was a simple-looking dress from afar, but up close, you can tell that only a creative genius like Geto himself was capable of making something so minimalistic look so regal.
“Oh my…” you murmur softly as Geto pins a piece into place in its sleeve. “It’s beautiful.”
Geto hums flatly.
“I’m glad you like it,” he begins as he lifts his head to properly face you. One of his arms goes to lean against it (are those tattoos?) and you can feel his eyes scan you up and down like what he usually does in the morning as he examines your outfit. But something about this particular feat feels a little more intimate than usual, and you shift uncomfortably under his gaze. “You don’t happen to have an outfit for tomorrow’s gala, do you?”
“Well, um,” you mumble, fidgeting with your fingers. Initially, you were just going to use a plain white, sleeveless dress you had used for a work party you spoiled yourself with before you left your former workplace since it was a rather expensive and nice dress, but as you second-guess, you’re sure Geto wouldn’t approve of a dress that you had bought on clearance at the nearby outlet mall. So you meekly reply with, “... no, not really.”
You’re expecting some sort of scolding from him, possible Geto telling you that you need to be more prepared for such an event and that the last few days’ events were no excuse for sloppy planning, but instead, you’re even more startled when he says something completely unexpected that makes your eyes widen beyond your glasses’s frames.
“Good,” he says and gestures to his creation. “Because I want you to wear this for tomorrow night.”
↩ previous chapter next chapter ↪
a/n ; i have rewatched the devil wears prada for the 123894th time before the year ends and have decided to bring this series back to life because i think it's much to good to give up on 🙂↕️ i don't know if i'll start a taglist just yet, but maybe, we shall see.
i'll also will be using she/her pronouns with an afab-hinted!body from this point on. i'm also still in debate of writing smut since 1) i'm not very good at writing it, 2) i don't usually like to write it lol, and 3) but i still do consider it as some sort of breaking point eventually between geto and reader. so if there will be in the future, it will be tagged and most likely will be extremely mild.
thank you for reading as always! i hope you enjoyed this chapter and this series so far. likes, comments, and reblogs are always noticed and heavily appreciated! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ !!! until next time!
#jjk#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen#geto suguru#getou suguru#geto suguru x reader#geto x reader#geto x you#getou x reader#geto fluff#geto smut#takuma ino#manami suda#gojo satoru#gojo x reader#nanami x reader#gojo satoru x reader#toji x reader#gojo smut#gojo fluff#nanami fluff#female!reader#f!reader#series ; vogue
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→ 𝘏𝘪𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵… . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁

First aid, advice and journal prompts for when you need to pick up the pieces.
I have been through a hell of burnouts, breakdowns and life crises, and I'm here to give my two cents on resetting your life, how to do it, and what not to do. My qualifications: I am a high-functioning autistic teenager with Functional Neurological Disorder and Tourette's syndrome, as well as a host of other mental and physical problems that hide away, build up and come out in the most dramatic, painful and disastrous ways possible. I am well-versed in the arts of falling apart.
Check-up: am I still alive?
When is the last time you've had a drop of water? No soft drinks or coffee, those are dehydrating and don't count. Don't listen to your lack of thirst - that is a classic symptom of dehydration, along with those headaches and bouts of fatigue you may have been having.
When was the last proper meal you've eaten? With this I mean a dish that took longer than five minutes to prepare and that is built on whole foods. Have a simple vegetable like some leftover broccoli, a wholegrain like quinoa or rolled oats if you have access to it, and a protein like beans, split peas, nuts or meat. (Not all on the same plate, necessarily.)
Am I physically hurt? You may not be hiding a stab wound, but overworking or staying in the same position for hours takes a toll on your body. Do some stretches (Child's pose, upward dog and shoulder stretches recommended). If you've been having posture difficulties for a long time, don't sleep on it - it can seriously affect your muscles, bones and even breathing. Physiotherapy is quite expensive, but oftentimes a medical opinion is so worth it.
Am I mentally hurt? Have a look at the last couple of weeks (Or days, or years) and assess the damage. What are you still healing from? What hasn't even started healing yet? What looks like it's healing, but is actually eating away at your energy? Important: you have to give your brain time to run down what happened, process it thoroughly, otherwise it will never catch up. Lie down, put on some white noise, let it run.
Do I need to rest? Most of the time, this is the case, and you just need to figure out the when and how. However, if your crisis is rooted in not being able to do anything (Boredom, fatigue and depression, total lack of motivation), you need to find something that revitalises you. Go completely into nature for a while, do sports, have some positive social interaction or just take a cold shower and put your phone on do not disturb.
Journal prompts: what happened?
Can I recount the events leading up to my breakdown?
What was I doing wrong, and how can I stop doing it?
What was I doing right?
Am I happy with the way I handled the situation / my emotions?
What do I think was the cause of this situation?
...And what should have happened?
What is the highest version of myself like?
What does a day in the life look like for my ideal self?
How would my ideal self have handled the difficulties leading up to this point?
Checklist: life reset
If you've rested well enough, and you think you're up to it, it's time to start resetting. Put on a podcast or some music, and take as much time as you need.
Declutter your phone: delete those photos of your ex, block your toxic ex-friends, and if you've been mindlessly scrolling, set an app limit on your social media of choice.
Declutter your space: best is to make a to-do list beforehand. Tidy drawers, your closet, sweep the floor, wash the dishes/laundry, get everything done. Clean space = clean mind. If you've been living in a cluttered or dirty space for a very long time, it will obviously take more effort, but believe me, it's worth it.
Revive your planning system / get one in place: A bullet journal, Notion, a digital calendar and writing system, whatever you prefer. Having a way to organize your tasks is essential if you want to get anything done in life.
Set up routines: be it morning, evening or after-school, routines really help me get through the day and actually enjoy it. It can be as simple as 1. Wake up, 2. Drink tea, 3. Read, or as complex as you can think of. Just to have a framework to build your life around.
Get back into your old healthy habits / build new ones: the essential habits (In my opinion) are eating well, drinking enough and doing exercise. However, those aren't the only options: one chapter of a book daily, 15 minutes of sunlight, journal 200 words, eat 60 grams of protein etc.
Remember: 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it'; don't restart your life again and again hoping to do everything perfect on day one, then dropping the whole thing. The title was clickbait, I confess: restarting your life doesn't happen on the click of a button.
#self improvement#becoming that girl#it girl#glow up#self care#wonyoungism#manifestation#becoming her#that girl#hell is a teenage girl#this is a girlblog#coquette#just girly things#sadgirl#(I say)#(being nonbinary)
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So basically the entire character list of The ballad of songbirds and snakes is the exes from hell
1. Coriolanus Snow
-Mansplain Manipulate Manwhore
-Great hair and fashion sense
-Love bombs you
-Old money
-His (grand)mom hates you because her son can do no wrong so clearly you're the problem
-His favourite hobby is emotional and mental abuse
-Snitches on you when cheating at family board game night (he's deflecting that he's also cheating)
-Emotionally stagnant (narcissist with mommy and daddy issues)
2. Sejanus Plinth
-Loves you to bits, so does his mom (your waistline will never truly recover)
-Indecisive about where to grab dinner always
-New money and it shows in his insecurity
-Supportive asf
-Breaks up with you because he can't be with a non pacifist/vegan
-Daddy issues
-Condemns Shein hauls
-Identity crisis every other week, you'll have to talk him out of a buzz cut, jumping off the ledge or giving all his money to scammers (if you collect all the stamps you'll get a financial compensation from his dad on the wedding day)
3. Lucy Gray Baird
-Her Ex is a dick, will stalk and harass you
-Her family is a bunch of hippies, will make you eat with your hands, on the floor, while singing Kumbaya
-Sings you to sleep, braids your hair
-Almost poisoned you thrice cause she doesn't understand you shouldn't mix cleaning products together
-Old soul
-Thrifts, recycles
-Puts salt in your coffee after arguments
-Ghosts you after your make or break argument
4. Casca Highbottom
-Never asks about your day, his is always worse
-Drug addict in denial
-Weird beef with his old classmate's son (he never lets anything go)
-Dislikes people, which would be fine if you weren't included
-Always on some sardonic shit, probably a business major with a psych minor
-His pills take all the space in the shared bathroom, your makeup will be shoved in the far lowest drawer next to the TP
-His ancient ass coworkers hit on you at symposiums, he's too high off bathroom cocaine to stop them (or gets off, either way you're tired and want home)
5. Dr Gaul
-Devil Incarnate
-You somehow rizzed her up at a function and she's been showing up at your house ever since (you don't how but she has both the address and a key)
-Petting zoo type of owner
-She always smells like chemicals and latex
-Asks you unhinged "Would you rather" questions and refuses to drop it (makes your Would you love me if i were a worm ex cute by a long shot)
-Will perform experiments on you without your knowledge or consent
-Insists her pet snake shares your bed
-Freak in the streets and the sheets (the restraining order won't even go through cause she's in cahoots with half the Government)
-Definitely wanted for war crimes somewhere, the G in Geneva convention stands for Gaul
6. Lucky Flickerman
-A clown.
-His hair and skincare products take over the entire bathroom/vanity
-He can't dress to save his life, but he sure thinks he can
-Golden retriever boyfriend energy
-Steals your concealer, refuses to admit it
-Would you like to see a magic trick? What do you mean this is a serious fight, there's a quarter up your nose
-Impulsive buyer, has 13 snow globes of panem because they were on sale and looked shiny
-Even his pet thinks he's a dumbass
-Cries during movies
7. Tigris
-Yes she do the cooking, yes she do the cleaning
-Insecure about her appearance (critical, will cost you)
-Her family is a bunch of snobs
-Anything she touches turns into gold
-Her cousin can do no wrong, you have to accommodate everything for him or she'll die (and he never even visits, "just in case")
-Her grandmother is a package deal, I hope you like boomer propaganda and info commercials early on Sunday morning
-Empathetic asf
-Puts everyone's needs above hers (and unfortunately yours)
#I'll probably do more characters#the hunger games ballad of songbirds and snakes#the hunger games#tbosas#tbosas memes#tbosas fanfiction#thg#thg memes#thg fanfiction#coriolanus snow#coriolanus x reader#coriolanus snow x reader#coriolanus snow imagine#sejanus plinth#sejanus x reader#sejanus plinth x reader#sejanus plinth imagine#lucy gray baird#lucy gray x reader#lucy gray baird x reader#lucy gray baird imagine#casca highbottom#casca highbottom x reader#tigris snow#tigris snow x reader#tigris snow imagine#dr gaul#lucky flickerman#lucky flickerman x reader#incorrect quotes tbosas
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thronecoming heritage hall gifts (rewritten)
The Thronecoming heritage hall gifts bug me. Most of them don’t feel like a parent has gifted them. They are so uninspired for the biggest moment in their child’s life.
I’ve listed my replacements below. I’m hoping for the gifts to have a, if had-to-do-it-again-here’s-what-I’d-want vibe.
blondie lockes
OG gift: running shoes
rewritten gift: a new piece of tech that helps her with her mirror cast. A shiny new microphone or even just a cute news reporter accessory that acknowledges her unintended break from destiny (or rather extremely developed hobby/career because her story can be over in like 30 minutes) it also gives off the initial impression that blondie’s story is “just right” the way it is until.. boom! There’s a note.
That mentions that as Goldilocks has reflected on her role and how she regrets hurting the bears the ways she has* and with an extra perceptive daughter like blondie she is sure to find a worthy story (within bounds) that won’t cause baby bear to develop a complex. *insert long list of things here that blondie could comment on in her stead because the story book of legends didn’t write every worthwhile critique of the bear house and the bears despite “forgiving” her won’t let her talk to them about this* and a small comment of how she is super proud about blondie that hopefully eases some of her attention seeking behavior so she’s less of a brat later on.
cerise hood:
OG Gift: picnic basket with an electronic mirror lock.
revised gift: honestly I have no comment. This is a great gift. My only question is how recently the presents are placed in the hall seeing as how that basket spit up a whole bird leg. Maybe it has a special note of the picnic menu they have in celebration once the whole shebang is done.
o hair twins:
OG gift floating hair brushes
rewritten gift given how Rapunzel’s story is that she was locked away her whole life because her bio mom ate a magical plant while pregnant that the witch wasn’t sure of the side effects of and had to lock her away because damn sure bio parents couldn’t do anything if the witch was second guessing herself. What I think should be there are odd bits an bobs function like an Easter egg hunt of a map and post fairytale notes one what they are that Rapunzel is certain her girls can figure out because they have her plant powers (though probably diluted hence the helpful notes incase they have to solve things like their adoptive grandma ).
briar beauty
NOW FOR THE GIRL WHO INSPIRED THIS POST. Her gift makes me so angry. It is the most nothing gift of the whole bunch. You mean to tell me that a hundred year sleep doesn’t come with any regrets at all? Not one thing?
OG gift A neck pillow.
revised gift: A SCRAPBOOK. The first few pages could be filled with pictures of her family. Bonus points if they’re are people Briar wouldn’t have gotten the chance to meet but knows who they are by virtue of her mom. It hits home exactly how big her sacrifice is. Also all the storybook imagery? The intro? Imagine if there was a dark time line where we were being told everything that happen through briar who missed all of it and is trying to piece back something familiar?
either way, mental breakdown and existential crisis guaranteed.
also bonus. It’s totally merchandisable. Half the book mercy was essentially scrapbooks/concept art anyhow.
Cedar wood: revealer rays
it’s a good gift but something she wouldn’t be able to use in her story at all. They are not subtle and most everyone who knows about Cedar knows that Pinocchio didn’t mess up her eyes to the point she’d feasibly need glasses. Revised gift: letters from the blue fairy (well wishes, maybe an helpful hint or two) Gepetto and Pinocchio (things to to try (and not repeat) once she’s no longer wooden and how to lie effectively) I can’t think of a physical possession for Cedar to have. But I feel she’d appreciate these. Maybe a special cricket/donkey whistle?
duchess swan:
no gift shown but what I have in mind is a mix of briar and blondie’s gift.
a collection of letters (written on leaves and paper or something) from both her mom and her bio dad detailing the bitter sweet love in the tragedy to reassure duchess it’s not all bad. And a special pair of dancing shoes for her last night as a human. I imagine this gift would only make duchess mad.
Madeline hatter:
no gift shown and honestly idk what the mad hatter gives his daughter it’s probably perfect. An old hat that looks very normal actually? A crazy new teapot? Who knows?
raven queen:
og gift wand wishing well coin
honestly I want to know the logic behind the wand. Is it a back up battery in case apple thwarts raven through zapping away her powers somehow?
I have multiple suggestions
Something that contains directions to the true SBOL
recipe for the poison apple
something that originally belonged to someone in the Snow White family that she is proud enough to share with her daughter (raven would probably give it back).
*blondie branches out mentions how Goldilocks promised to be a better person.
#ever after high#eah#blondie lockes#briar beauty#cedar wood#cerise hood#duchess swan#holly o'hair#madeline hatter#poppy o'hair#raven queen#thronecoming#eah headcanons#eah parents
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Can you please do genshin impact characters zhongli, raiden shogun, and childe listing to listing Enemy by Imagine Dragons and JID. Thank you

.·:🎼¨༺ Songs from the heart ༻¨🎼:·. | Enemy!
Characters: Raiden Shogun, Childe, Zhongli
Song: Enemy by Imagine Dragons & JID
Warnings: Yandere themes, Angst, possessive thoughts, a mental spiral, murder
A/U: Self aware genshin AU
a/n: Enemy is one of my favorite songs! Thank you so much for requesting this!!

You were exploring with Zhongli, as he heard music surround him. It wasn’t out of the normal for you to play music as you played, but one particular song played. He was startled, however, when he noticed your reaction to it. He was frozen, seeing you having what looked like a panic attack. One lyric in particular caught his attention because of your reaction to it.
“Pray it away, I swear I'll never be a saint, no way”
That one lyric hit him real hard. Zhongli always had trouble with the fact that people idolize the name Morax, even after retiring from the Archon title. He always felt like a lousy Archon after retiring, and hearing something that related so close to his feelings shook him. Especially from you, the all mighty god and creator. The self-pity feeling dissipated when he heard your breathing become even faster.
Zhongli turned his gaze to see if you were getting worse. You were, and it only made Zhongli become even angrier. Your tears enraged the Geo Archon. He didn’t know how to interpret this song, but he took it as a cry for help. He wanted to kill those who were picking on you, hurting you to the point of a mental break-down. Zhongli wasn’t sure if this was from recent events, or past events, but all that mattered was this song reminding you of pained memories.
His eyes widened when you started to hurt yourself with your own hands. His mind started to spiral along with yours. Someone was going to get very hurt if they pissed off Zhongli after you logged off. His hands trembled as this wave of violent urges came over him. He tried to keep a fixated gaze on your tear stained face, plotting the revenge of those that caused you to look like this.
“Those lowlifes will regret ever making an enemy of you, my dearest god.”

He was humming to himself as you were completing commissions easily with him. He loved listening to the music you picked while you played. Childe, however, had caught on to your feelings quite quickly. He was keeping a close eye on you, but noticed you starting to spiral as this song started to play. A substantial amount of anger arose in his mind as one lyric connected with him.
“Everybody wants to be my enemy”
Childe’s mind went to very dark places, his eyes dulling in rage. His smile morphed into a neutral line, his lips quivering with the shaking rage. It didn’t matter what caused you to feel so upset. But there was this sense of sympathy, being seen as the enemy himself by others. There was this need to hold you and comfort you. To tell you that it’s okay to be seen as the bad guy.
His thoughts were full of paranoia now. What if you hated him for being part of the bad guy organization. He started a crisis alongside you, but it got worse every time he looked into your pained eyes. Childe’s hands trembled, his bow still transformed into his double swords. Childe’s mind became more and more violent the more the song went on.
He was seeing red, wanting to bring those down that made you cry. Childe wanted to take you away from the world that hurt you. He was working so hard to find a way to bring you into his arms with the Fatui. His elemental skill was activated automatically, but your mind was too busy with the panic. He brought one of the surrounding enemies down by himself, without your control because he was so upset that someone could bring you to this panicked state.
“If everyone sees you as an enemy, then we will be enemies together and let those who disagree fall below our feet.”

Ei was in an all happy mood as you used her puppet to wonder around Teyvat. You were taking photo’s loving the game’s scenery and Ei was happy that she was the subject of those photos. She was intrigued by the music you were playing. It was so foreign to her because no place in Teyvat had music like this. Her ears perked up as she heard you becoming distressed as one particular song played, and one lyric connected the most with her.
“Your words up on the wall as you're praying for my fall And the laughter in the halls and the names that I've been called”
Ei’s whole mood changed, seeing you having a panic attack. She felt her puppet come back as there was a coldness of murderous urges rise. Ei tried to keep control, but she felt the same murderous intent. Thunderstorms started to form within the Inazuman sky, representing Ei’s anger. She was fighting so hard not to lose it in front of you. But for some reason, there was a sense of relatability with the lyric.
Ei understood the feeling of people hoping for her downfall, especially during the era of the Sakoku Decree. Her mind went to the past, the mistake of letting the puppet she created to reign over Inazuma without her influence. There was so much resentment for herself, as well as for those who hurt you. Her thoughts focused on every single possibility where she wasn’t there to help protect you.
Her mind was splitting with so many overwhelming images. She had this sense that she failed you. She fell to her knees, eyes wide and teary with disbelief. Ei begged for you to stop crying, but alas you couldn't hear her through a screen. There was one last thing she muttered, however.
“Those who ruin my eternity with your happiness shall face the wrath of the Electro Archon.”
Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
#🪸.mermaid time#🪸.mermaid event#🎼.song from the heart | 200 followers event#genshin impact#genshin#self aware genshin au#sagau#self aware genshin impact au#yandere sagau#genshin impact x male reader#genshin x male reader#genshin x gn reader#genshin impact x gn reader#genshin x reader#genshin impact x reader#yandere genshin x reader#yandere self aware genshin au#self aware genshin x reader#self aware genshin x male reader#self aware genshin x gn reader#yandere genshin x male reader#yandere genshin x gn reader#yandere genshinx reader#yandere x reader
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Everything feels so hopeless right now. I spend every day angry and depressed while I look at my dash and see fundraisers with sick and injured children. How do you cope? How do you keep writing and making art in a world like this?
Before my current job I worked at a crisis center so even before being aware of the genocide going on in Palestine I already had exposure to suffering and despair and lost battles and I learned something very valuable from that experience. It serves no one to get wrapped up in your own feelings of anger or helplessness. Do not spend the time and mental energy on the things you can't do, turn your focus on to the things you can. Do what is in your control. If money is tight boost and share fundraisers. Sign petitions, look up the BDS list and boycott, go to protests, participate in strikes, do your daily clicks. There are always material things you can do if you can't spare money. You as an individual cannot save everyone but it's ultimately better to make the efforts to save SOME than to save NONE. Every drop in the bucket helps, no matter how small. if you see posts that are angry, aggressive or hopeless just keep scrolling. People need to vent sometimes, it's not about you, just push forward and remember to focus on what is in your immediate control and let go of anything that isn't. If you need to you can put aside time grieve, cry, scream or do whatever you need to release the pressure valve later but if you've allotted time out of your day to focus on support that needs to be priority. if you feel yourself burning out step back, it's ok to do that. Do it quietly, take care of yourself however you need to, and come back when you have the energy. No one wants or expects you to be "on" all the time. Take breaks, do the things you enjoy, it's not hurting anyone if you stop to enjoy life or do some self-care. Likewise it's not helping anyone to run yourself ragged obsessing over guilt or anger. And remember we're all doing this together. Look around and see how many people are on our side and let that remind you that even when things look bleak there are helpers. You are one of many and small victories add up. It's bad, it sucks, it's completely unjust and we're right to be upset, but we need to work from a mindset of "we've got this and we're going to keep doing what we can until it's over" because if we give up and write it off as a lost cause then it really will be.
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More Than You Wanted
Request: HALLO MY DEAR! Welcome back to writing 💛 May I HUMBLY request either 7 or 9 (or both cause we all love that hurt comfort spice) with the one and only Mr. Kim Mingyu? He's moved into bias zone, I am ASHAMED /s
7) "Doesn't matter what happens...if you call me, I will always answer."
9) "I don't want them. I want you."
Prompt list can be found HERE.
Pairing: Seventeen Mingyu x Reader
Genre: Angst/Steamy
The carpet in your apartment building was disgusting. Covered in dirt (at least you hoped that's what the stains were) and always kind of moist, you avoided contact with it at all costs. But now, you were sitting on it. Slumped against the wall behind you with your head in your hands, you were sitting on the world's dirtiest carpet and crying.
It had been approximately two hours since you had contacted your building's repair man, and an hour since you talked to anyone in management. You had locked yourself out and were completely exhausted. All you wanted was to lay down and maybe binge watch your favorite drama. You hadn't signed up for enrichment time outside of your enclosure today.
Cringing as the idea came across your mind, you looked helplessly down at your phone. It would be just so easy to text your ex-boyfriend. The two of you had never met up to exchange each other's things, so he still had your key.
Taking a deep breath and blowing it out slowly, you lifted up your phone and scrutinized the battery life. It was running below 10% at this point, so if you were going to do it, you needed to suck it up. Scrolling almost to the bottom of your saved text messages, you found Mingyu's name and tapped.
you busy?
That was safe, right? You didn't want to make him worry and you certainly didn't want to inconvenience him. You had done enough of that in your past relationship.
You weren't surprised when you saw typing bubbles appear before you had even locked your phone. Of course, he was going to be hyper available during your crisis.
Depends. What's up?
What a terrible non-response.
i was wondering if you could stop by and drop off my key?
Want me to bring the rest of your stuff?
not if it's not already with you...
"Why would it already be with him?" you muttered. "Please use your one active brain cell before you hit send again."
i just really need my key
Contrary to what you may believe, I have no plans to break into your apartment. Can I drop it off at the end of the week?
You groaned, leaning back and lightly bonking your head repeatedly on the wall behind you.
Resisting the urge to reply with "that's fine" and leave your fate in the hands of your apartment complex, you quickly typed out a message.
i locked myself out of my apartment.
Give me 10 minutes.
Breathing a momentary sigh of relief, you commended yourself. Texting Mingyu had not been easy, but it was a necessary evil for your own mental well-being. Surely you could play nice for approximately 45 seconds while he handed you your key and walked back down the stairs. You had 45 seconds worth of gratitude in your system, didn't you?
Closing your eyes, you tried not to think too hard about seeing him again. Naturally, that had the opposite effect, and you began dragging out memories that you hadn't touched in weeks. Your relationship had started out innocently enough. You had been an English tutor for the entertainment company that Mingyu was signed to and tutored him weekly. After spending hours upon hours with each other, a natural closeness formed between the two of you. While yes, you had been close to all of the artists in one way or another, something with him was different. It was something warmer, something more incendiary.
You found yourself actually paying attention to how you dressed or how you styled your hair. Starting to become overly interested in your personal appearance likely should have been a red flag. You knew better than to start anything with an idol.
Against your better judgement, your sessions quickly turned into flirting for hours. Mingyu was incredibly smart, so it wasn't a surprise when he was ahead in his English lessons. With the spare time, you got to know each other. Finally, one day he asked you out for dinner.
With time, the two of you had become inseparable. That was until the company found out about the burgeoning relationship. It only took days for them to threaten Mingyu until he said he couldn't see you anymore. It came as no surprise that a few weeks later, they had alienated you so entirely that you put in your notice.
"Stupid," you muttered to yourself. "How could you have been so stupid."
"People forget their keys all the time, Y/N," you heard a familiar voice say above you. "Do you know how often I lock myself out of places?"
"But you have twelve other people to rely on," you sighed, opening your eyes. "And I have...well, you."
Mingyu looked down, a sad smile playing over his lips. God, why was he allowed to look so good? You could tell he had showered only minutes ago judging by his damp hair. He had thrown on a pair of fitted joggers and a t-shirt. It should be against the law to make casual wear look so expensive just by being hot.
Using the wall as leverage, you pulled yourself up to stand. "Thanks for doing this. I didn't mean to disrupt your whole afternoon."
"Don't" he said softly, shaking his head. "Doesn't matter what happens...if you call me, I will always answer."
He dug around in his pocket, producing the pink Hello Kitty key you gave him ages ago. It looked so small in the palm of his hand.
"Well anyhow," you said quietly, taking it. "Thanks."
He nodded, signaling the end of the conversation. You went to turn away from him but paused. He wasn't moving.
"Y/N, this whole thing" he motioned between the two of you. "When did this happen?"
"What do you mean?"
"When did we become strangers?" he sighed. "Because honestly it is hurts so bad."
An unknown feeling of annoyance bubbled up to the surface. "Mingyu, you broke up with me."
"You had to have known that it wasn't really me," he whispered, looking away. "I didn't have much of a choice at the time."
"Whether you did or not, we knew it wasn't going to work out in the long run."
"Don't say that!" he snapped. "I loved you...I still love you."
"Mingyu," you said quietly, deflated by his reaction. "You have millions of people out there wanting you. You're an idol. If your company discourages you dating noncelebrities, that is what it is."
"I don't want them. I want you," he said hoarsely. Stepping closer, he took your face in his hands.
You could feel tears beginning to gather at your lash line. "Mingyu-"
"Let me talk to them. The management team and everyone above and in between. Let me fight for us like I was too scared to do before," he whispered.
You tried to shake your head, but your face remained caught. Reaching up and placing your hands atop his, you sighed. "I wish it were that easy."
"It's not easy at all" he said, furrowing his brows. His eyes searched yours. "Nothing about love is easy. Nothing worth fighting for is easy."
"Mingyu," you whimpered, tears starting to fall. "I just wanted my key..."
"Yeah, well," he breathed. "You're getting more than you wanted for once."
Before you could clock his advancement, Mingyu's lips were on yours. You felt your tears falling even faster as you reached to grasp the fabric of his shirt. Because of you, the kisses were much wetter than normal, but it didn't stop his urgent need. He was manic with his movements; afraid you may slip away at any point. After every labored breath, his lips found yours again and again. Biting, licking, groaning against your mouth, you thought you would simply unravel in the dingy hallway.
Eventually the two of you had to take a break, all of the emotion was just too much. His hands sliding from your face and resting on your hips, he looked down at you, his expression hopeful.
"Why don't you come inside?" you asked nervously, unsure of what would happen moving forward. "We can talk."
"Sure," Mingyu nodded, a genuine smile spreading across his lips. "I'd like that very much."
#kim mingyu#mingyu#seventeen#svt#seventeen mingyu#svt mingyu#mingyu fanfic#mingyu oneshot#mingyu scenario#mingyu fluff#mingyu x reader#mingyu angst#seventeen fanfic#seventeen scenarios#seventeen oneshot#seventeen angst#seventeen fluff
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E.1.1 Is industry the cause of environmental problems?
Some environmentalists argue that the root cause of our ecological crisis lies in industry and technology. This leads them to stress that “industrialism” is the problem and that needs to be eliminated. An extreme example of this is primitivism (see section A.3.9), although it does appear in the works of “deep ecologists” and liberal greens. However, most anarchists are unconvinced and agree with Bookchin when he noted that “cries against ‘technology’ and ‘industrial society’ [are] two very safe, socially natural targets against which even the bourgeoisie can inveigh in Earth Day celebrations, as long as minimal attention is paid to the social relations in which the mechanisation of society is rooted.” Instead, ecology needs “a confrontational stance toward capitalism and hierarchical society” in order to be effective and fix the root causes of our problems. [The Ecology of Freedom, p. 54]
Claiming that “industrialism” rather than “capitalism” is the cause of our ecological problems allowed greens to point to both the west and the so-called “socialist” countries and draw out what was common to both (i.e. terrible environmental records and a growth mentality). In addition, it allowed green parties and thinkers to portray themselves as being “above” the “old” conflicts between socialism and capitalism (hence the slogan “Neither Right nor Left, but in front”). Yet this position rarely convinced anyone as any serious green thinker soon notes that the social roots of our environmental problems need to be addressed and that brings green ideas into conflict with the status quo (it is no coincidence that many on the right dismiss green issues as nothing more than a form of socialism or, in America, “liberalism”). However, by refusing to clearly indicate opposition to capitalism this position allowed many reactionary ideas (and people!) to be smuggled into the green movement (the population myth being a prime example). As for “industrialism” exposing the similarities between capitalism and Stalinism, it would have been far better to do as anarchists had done since 1918 and call the USSR and related regimes what they actually were, namely “state capitalism.”
Some greens (like many defenders of capitalism) point to the terrible ecological legacy of the Stalinist countries of Eastern Europe and elsewhere. For supporters of capitalism, this was due to the lack of private property in these systems while, for greens, it showed that environmental concerns where above both capitalism and “socialism.” Needless to say, by “capitalism” anarchists mean both private and state forms of that system. As we argued in section B.3.5, under Stalinism the state bureaucracy controlled and so effectively owned the means of production. As under private capitalism, an elite monopolised decision making and aimed to maximise their income by oppressing and exploiting the working class. Unsurprisingly, they had as little consideration “first nature” (the environment) as they had for “second nature” (humanity) and dominated, oppressed and exploited both (just as private capitalism does).
As Bookchin emphasised the ecological crisis stems not only from private property but from the principle of domination itself — a principle embodied in institutional hierarchies and relations of command and obedience which pervade society at many different levels. Thus, ”[w]ithout changing the most molecular relationships in society — notably, those between men and women, adults and children, whites and other ethnic groups, heterosexuals and gays (the list, in fact, is considerable) — society will be riddled by domination even in a socialistic ‘classless’ and ‘non-exploitative’ form. It would be infused by hierarchy even as it celebrated the dubious virtues of ‘people’s democracies,’ ‘socialism’ and the ‘public ownership’ of ‘natural resources,’ And as long as hierarchy persists, as long as domination organises humanity around a system of elites, the project of dominating nature will continue to exist and inevitably lead our planet to ecological extinction.” [Toward an Ecological Society, p. 76]
Given this, the real reasons for why the environmental record of Stalinist regimes were worse that private capitalism can easily be found. Firstly, any opposition was more easily silenced by the police state and so the ruling bureaucrats had far more lee-way to pollute than in most western countries. In other words, a sound environment requires freedom, the freedom of people to participate and protest. Secondly, such dictatorships can implement centralised, top-down planning which renders their ecological impact more systematic and widespread (James C. Scott explores this at great length in his excellent book Seeing like a State).
Fundamentally, though, there is no real difference between private and state capitalism. That this is the case can be seen from the willingness of capitalist firms to invest in, say, China in order to take advantage of their weaker environmental laws and regulations plus the lack of opposition. It can also be seen from the gutting of environmental laws and regulation in the west in order to gain competitive advantages. Unsurprisingly, laws to restrict protest have been increasingly passed in many countries as they have embraced the neo-liberal agenda with the Thatcher regime in the UK and its successors trail-blazing this process. The centralisation of power which accompanies such neo-liberal experiments reduces social pressures on the state and ensures that business interests take precedence.
As we argued in section D.10, the way that technology is used and evolves will reflect the power relations within society. Given a hierarchical society, we would expect a given technology to be used in repressive ways regardless of the nature of that technology itself. Bookchin points to the difference between the Iroquois and the Inca. Both societies used the same forms of technology, but the former was a fairly democratic and egalitarian federation while the latter was a highly despotic empire. As such, technology “does not fully or even adequately account for the institutional differences” between societies. [The Ecology of Freedom, p. 331] This means that technology does not explain the causes for ecological harm and it is possible to have an anti-ecological system based on small-scale technologies:
“Some of the most dehumanising and centralised social systems were fashioned out of very ‘small’ technologies; but bureaucracies, monarchies, and military forces turned these systems into brutalising cudgels to subdue humankind and, later, to try to subdue nature. To be sure, a large-scale technics will foster the development of an oppressively large-scale society; but every warped society follows the dialectic of its own pathology of domination, irrespective of the scale of its technics. It can organise the ‘small’ into the repellent as surely as it can imprint an arrogant sneer on the faces of the elites who administer it … Unfortunately, a preoccupation with technical size, scale, and even artistry deflects our attention away from the most significant problems of technics — notably, its ties with the ideals and social structures of freedom.” [Bookchin, Op. Cit., pp. 325–6]
In other words, “small-scale” technology will not transform an authoritarian society into an ecological one. Nor will applying ecologically friendly technology to capitalism reduce its drive to grow at the expense of the planet and the people who inhabit it. This means that technology is an aspect of a wider society rather than a socially neutral instrument which will always have the same (usually negative) results. As Bookchin stressed, a “liberatory technology presupposes liberatory institutions; a liberatory sensibility requires a liberatory society. By the same token, artistic crafts are difficult to conceive without an artistically crafted society, and the ‘inversion of tools’ is impossible with a radical inversion of all social and productive relationships.” [Op. Cit., pp. 328–9]
Finally, it should be stressed that attempts to blame technology or industry for our ecological problems have another negative effect than just obscuring the real causes of those problems and turning attention away from the elites who implement specific forms of technology to further their aims. It also means denying that technology can be transformed and new forms created which can help produce an ecologically balanced society:
“The knowledge and physical instruments for promoting a harmonisation of humanity with nature and of human with human are largely at hand or could easily be devised. Many of the physical principles used to construct such patently harmful facilities as conventional power plants, energy-consuming vehicles, surface-mining equipment and the like could be directed to the construction of small-scale solar and wind energy devices, efficient means of transportation, and energy-saving shelters.” [Bookchin, Op. Cit., p. 83]
We must understand that “the very idea of dominating first nature has its origins in the domination of human by human” otherwise “we will lose what little understanding we have of the social origin of our most serious ecological problems.” It this happens then we cannot solve these problems, as it “will grossly distort humanity’s potentialities to play a creative role in non-human as well as human development.” For “the human capacity to reason conceptually, to fashion tools and devise extraordinary technologies” can all “be used for the good of the biosphere, not simply for harming it. What is of pivotal importance in determining whether human beings will creatively foster the evolution of first nature or whether they will be highly destructive to non-human and human beings alike is precisely the kind of society we establish, not only the kind of sensibility we develop.” [Op. Cit., p. 34]
#environment#climate crisis#climate change#environmentalism#faq#anarchy faq#revolution#anarchism#daily posts#communism#anti capitalist#anti capitalism#late stage capitalism#organization#grassroots#grass roots#anarchists#libraries#leftism#social issues#economy#economics#climate#ecology#anarchy works#solarpunk#anti colonialism#mutual aid#cops#police
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Finally, I have compiled a list of songs for my Shinsengumi playlist and I’d like to share it. As usual, I'm using Spotify because it’s easier for sharing and curating public playlists.
There are some overlap choices with the Joui4 playlist, but otherwise, it’s mostly different songs. For the Shinsengumi, I chose songs based on the “fighting spirit,” so to speak, on enduring change – sometimes tough and tragic – and moving forward toward a hopeful future. Some songs speak to various story arcs, invoking characters like Mitsuba and Itou. I also included some that reminded me of Isaburo and Nobume, adding in the Mimawarigumi alongside our thorny men.
There’s a mix of genres, but a lot of hard rock, classic rock, J-rock, with a touch of ambient, post-rock, metal, and prog. I also sprinkled Gintama soundtrack themes throughout with a few notable Gintama OP/ED songs associated with the Shinsengumi and related characters. I tried to place all the songs in order of story arc with some unconnected songs in between. It ended up being a far more upbeat playlist than the Joui one, which I flooded with angsty songs, lol.
Let me explain the selections a bit:
(Before we get into it, here are my other playlists for reference: Joui4, Diamond Perfume, HijiTae, and a Kamui playlist based on a fic I wrote for him.)
We begin with some familiar Shinsengumi anthems along with a couple of song choices that ignite hope and beginnings. Then, we dive right into the Mitsuba arc with her theme and then some songs focused on Hijikata’s love and Sougo’s sorrow. I used Anathema’s “One Last Goodbye” for the Joui4 playlist, too, but for this one, I chose the acoustic version to capture the gentle sorrow of Mitsuba’s passing and Sougo’s feelings (the original version was more akin to the vibe of Joui4).
I thought long and hard about adding in “Impressions II” by Lunatic Soul, and I’m sure some may think I’m cruel for even considering it. But I think it explores grief in a beautifully heart-wrenching way, especially if you’ve been in the room with a loved one about to pass away. I have, and Sougo has, so I kept it in. I didn’t want to shy away from the pain of grief. (Maybe don’t listen to it if you’re highly, emotionally sensitive about the Mitsuba arc.)
Next up: Shinsengumi Crisis arc, beginning with another Gintama soundtrack choice. I then chose songs that invoke Itou’s character, his family history, and his complicated connections with Kondou and Hijikata.
You might be wondering about “Child in Time” by Deep Purple. If you don’t already know, it’s a famous anti-war song by an equally famous band. For this, I thought of Itou (and Isaburo, though his selections occur later), and the wholescale conflict he caused. Gillan’s masterful vocals combined with the rich instrumental make me think of that conflict and Itou’s mental and emotional state. It’s an amazing song. You might also remember it from Twister. Plus, it ties in with Bansai’s words about each character’s songs; he associated Hijikata and Itou with rock and metal, so this suits the chaotic battle in an ironic sense.
“Exit Suite” by Gazpacho wraps up Itou’s story arc. It’s a song I chose as inspiration for my Itou fic.
Next, the Anpan theme! Then some songs that give me Shinsengumi vibes.
Now we’re at the Baragaki arc. I featured “Somewhere I Belong” by Linkin Park in my Tetsu fic. “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother” is pretty self-explanatory, and I went with The Hollies’ rock ballad version because I found it suited the Shinsengumi more. I initially wanted “Raize” by Inoran instead because it was also in my Tetsu fic as inspiration, but Spotify doesn’t carry the original version. (Same with LUNA SEA – I had a different song choice, but they don’t have the album there, so I went with “Into the Sun” for Itou’s arc. Several incredible LS songs aren’t even on the app!)
Saitou’s theme! Then Jimi Hendrix’s “Purple Haze” for Hijikata as Tosshi and maybe Kondou being head over heels infatuated, lol. I added some songs I featured in other Shinsengumi-centric fics of mine, like “Linda Linda” by The Blue Hearts. Both songs are such classics that I found fit right in with the Shinsengumi and this playlist's vibe.
A little post-rock from Eleventh Vibration to prepare us for the Farewell Shinsengumi arc, which opens with a Gintama soundtrack choice. “Locking Up the Sun” by Poets of the Fall is a song I think nicely encapsulates Kondou’s arrest and threat of execution. Ayden’s “Awaking” to symbolize the Shinsengumi reawakening and preparing to rescue Kondou. Hotei’s “Howling” because of the Shinsengumi’s wolf image (as is consistent with the historical Shinsengumi), plus I just had to have either Hotei and/or his band Boøwy on the list.
Now we’re getting into the Mimawarigumi side of things. I chose High and Mighty Color’s “Dreams” for Nobume and LUNA SEA’s “Be Gone” for the ensuing disarray of the island battle. The bittersweet instrumental at the end of it was also another reason for choosing it as a transition into Isaburo’s section and a nod to Kondou and Hijikata’s emotional reunion. Pineapple Thief’s “God Bless the Child” makes me think of Isaburo’s entire life and his fate in saving Nobume and Tetsu (not to mention the “mark” imagery and Isaburo’s other weapon of choice).
Anathema’s “Wildfires” was used in my Tetsu fic for the end of the island battle and other things, followed by Kamelot’s “Season’s End” for the final goodbye to Isaburo, concluding with a Gintama piano piece. Farewell, email buddy.
Noel Gallagher’s “Fort Knox” represents the Shinsengumi leaving and promising to return. Long Distance Calling’s “Welcome Change” (with two guest vocalists who are also faves of mine, Petter Carlsen and Vincent Cavanagh) speaks to the tough and inevitable change that comes with death, departure, and beginning anew. There’s also a fantastic instrumental in the middle to further drive that point home.
Laugh if you want! But I always think of the Shinsengumi when I hear Thin Lizzy’s “The Boys Are Back In Town” when the Shinsengumi return to Edo, stronger and thornier than ever (I know what other word you thought of there).
J’s “Never End” for the legacy of Gintama’s Shinsengumi. It’s hard to find lyrics, though, because of Onose Jun’s stage name of ‘J’ and search engines giving me other artists. Incidentally, J’s LUNA SEA’s bassist and Inoran, who appeared earlier in the playlist, is their rhythm guitarist. Anyway, the song just feels like it belongs.
And, of course, it begins and ends with DOES. Enough said. Bill Wither’s “Lean on Me” is a heartwarming conclusion to the brotherhood of the Shinsengumi, especially for our main boys.
Just kidding -- it TRULY ends with Hijikata’s mayonnaise cooking show theme. 🤪
Hope you find some familiar or new favourites among my selections, and I hope you overall enjoyed listening! I have really eclectic music taste, I know.
#gintama#shinsengumi#hijikata toushirou#okita sougo#kondou isao#itou kamotarou#saitou hajime#sasaki isaburo#sasaki tetsunosuke#imai nobume#okita mitsuba#mimawarigumi
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Q in TikTok by TERYX⛈️King of Rain Dragons⛈️:
Which spider has suffered the most in its past?
Definitely Isabella, but I think they all suffered pretty bad. ( thanks to me ✨🫦✨ )
Imma make a list of all the shit they went through ( 🌺Note: some lore are changed and or new 🌺 ).
💜 Itsy
-Witnessed the death of her kid sister and revived her.
-Has this whole existential crisis of having the soul of a demon.
💛 Beetsy
-Excluded by most of her bee peers/ neglected because is a spider.
-Dyed her hair & tail to fit in ( didn’t really work ).
-Banished from colony village after causing an accident.
-Physically, emotionally, and mentally abused by Jack for years.
-Her nyctophobia is constantly taken advantage of. ( Jack traps her in a closet )
-Almost died??? in the cold???
-Born with the abilities to soothe & heal, making her immune to any negative emotions for 24 years.
-Seen as a priestess in the island she isolated in. It was basically almost like a cult (???) 💀
-Her blood was exploited since she was 6 years old, thanks to her present, greedy mom.
-Gets hit with said emotions days before her wedding, and then messing it up thanks to one of her psycho, absent mom.
-Gets shot at the center of her spine by her fiancé, screwing up her webbing, and gets swept away by the ocean and separating her from beloved supposedly-fiancé.
-Lost Jack.
-Meets Harold/Home/It.
-Lived in a forest by herself for 2 years in her demon form, and only being half-conscious, whilst also turning or reverting her pigment to more grey, and killing lots of living organisms to gain color and food.
-Captured by the Rainbow Factory crew and was brutally experimented on.
-Taught herself how to get used to pain and totally screwing up her sleep schedule.
-Lost Mottheaus.
-Single mother who is grieving.
-Almost lost Weather.
-Had her wings ripped off and exiled from Heaven for helping a demon.
-Lost memories of her past life and her Husband.
-Gets brutally punished whenever she did a job wrong.
-Possessed by Home, which makes her appear to be two-faced.
-Has the memory of a goldfish.
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