#making memories: photo album
bruciemilf · 7 months
How do think everyone in the batfamily would react to meeting Thomas and Martha?
Tim: [Conspiracy theorist noises, no one knows if they’re good or bad]
Jason: great, more rich people. Not like we have enough of those. [Loves Martha and wants to know if Catherine is okay, if there’s even a possibility of knowing.]
Dick: sorry I knocked off your ashes while doing gymnastics, grandpa. I think you were in the vacuum cleaner for a while :/
Thomas: meh, it happens :D as long as you’re having fun!
Duke: ok so wait. You’re telling me Gotham used to be WORSE?
Damian: [Keeps getting his cheeks pinched] Can you purchase the government and make animal abuse punishable by hanging?
Thomas: I’m sure we can make that happen! Anything for my little man!
Bruce: Father :|
Thomas: What, I miss the death penalty. Now those were the days.
Bruce: Mother!
Martha: Don’t look at me. I made Luigi Maroni drink a bleach cocktail for kicking a cat.
Damian: …You’ve earned my admiration, Grandmother.
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strawbebbiesart · 1 year
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a memory 🪴🌞
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seven-oh-four · 1 year
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SUNNY tells BASIL things too. BASIL doesn't just dump all of his problems on SUNNY. They talk to each other.
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artist-rat · 1 year
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never quite finished this, but it’s been about 3 months since we had to part with our beloved kitty, Minni, and i sketched this a bit after she had passed and a lynx happened to visit our family members’ yard
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patrickztump · 1 year
screw it: fake fall out boy ticket
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doing what livenation can’t be bothered to do anymore.
didn’t know what to make the codes so they’re references to songs played + their albums. “tp 2520” is “the phoenix” and total minute runtime of save rock and roll. hs 5i co354abb: “headfirst slide into cooperstown on a bad bet,” track 5, 3 minutes 54 seconds. cha8262, charlotte, zip code 28262. event code, idk. fob0721.
i also only put bring me the horizon on there because we arrived late and only heard/saw them.
i’m sure most of this information was on my ticket somewhere, but i didn’t think to do this until after it became unavailable. so hidden nuggets over random letters and numbers 😌
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edandstede · 4 months
brought home a boxload of old family photos. there’s one of baby quill with a puppy, another proudly holding a tots tv easter egg (very 90s) and another with the worst fringe you’ve ever seen
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real-life-cloud · 10 months
:) 🧡
#the sky speaks#hiii i felt like rambling#im so busy lately!! retail job is exhausting and im working with my mom twice a week again#went to a yoga class with her on Sunday that was fun!! hard tho#and AUGGH. Christmas presents.........#i need to draw print and frame 2 pieces#make a blanket#and then when my mom isnt looking i need to organize her recipes. type them all up and print them out and find a like#pretty photo album type thing to put them in i think#i just bough stuff for my dad bc im making too much 😞#and i hav other atuff i need to do too#i need to take lucy to the vet. i need to help my mom finish painting the kitchen.#i need to clean out my garden bc i never got to it in the fall. i need to text my friend and plan a gift exchange probably after new years#and FUCK. i need to get stuff for her cousin. i told them id get them a Christmas gift... but idk what theyd like ......#its their first Christmas too!!!!!!!! (theyre an adult but we were all raised in a cult and they only just got out. long story)#so i defo wanna get them smthn#im a little bummed tho bc my friend never texted me for my bday#shes super busy + has memory issues + is not used to celebrating bdays (aforementioned cult stuff) so like i get it but now i feel awkward#cause like im fonna remind her when i do text her and its gonna make her feel bad but like. there is no hiding it#hmm i also need to make Christmas cookies for family n neighbors#and ive always wanted to look into mailing cookies!! i wanna send my internet friends cookies.... but again im so busy idk if i can thisyear#maybe i could do belated Christmas cookies.. new years cookies#on a sadder note ive been feeling very gender (bad edition) lately. especially todya#so weird that my family still calls me by my full name most of the time. and introduces me that way#and at work everyone calls me layn :) which is nice. some of my coworkers r trans too !!#i think i wanna get a pronoun pin for my uniform#but idk part of me wants to always introduce myself as layn and another feels off or insincere in that want. bc ive been helayna for so long#its just second nature to introduce myself with my full name. its less want and more muscle memory#speaking of names. ive thought of adding a new name. tryin one out. its been stewing for a while but i like the name owen#im running out of tags now whoopsie.. but yea theres a little life update ty for reading 💞
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cubedmango · 1 year
From what I heard it was taken on from keita’s suggestion because after he was informed abt the story/manga he said that it seemed as though kurosawa had loved adachi for a really long time with everything that he knew and how he acted etc so I guess the production team really liked that idea and boom but I think even he was surprised they settled on seven years😭 I love it so much though it’s like the Most Kurosawa Yuichi thing ever like of course he’s even the most dramatic of them all when it comes to pining because why wouldn’t he be… and god that whole mashup of scenes where it showed him watching adachi from afar and the part about how when he smiles he gets all soft and fluffy like god I love the drama so badly what a crazy gay little man
of Course it was machidas idea why didnt i realize it sooner. man knows kurosawa better than any other person on the planet of course he suggested making the pining longer . he changed the trajectory of the drama forever w this and i will thank him for it my whole life
augh the little pining compilation its playing in my head again .... idk what they put in it but u can understand kurosawa so much in that scene hes so real ....... every day i wish we got more scenes from the 7 yrs in between like the vday ep flashback stuff i want to see how his yearning got to such a lethal level I Need To Know
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cardboxshelter · 2 years
This month I helped my sister and tried to locate the old pictures of our bedroom back in her backstreet boys phase(context: she went to their tour which she dreamed to do ever since her teenage years and back then she put a bunch of posters in every wall) and other than that I just found it so funny that so many of the older photos are clear cut and have a nice resolution but the moment we got a digital camera the photos were all out of focus because our parents had trouble dealing with it ^^'
So many memories have only hazy out of focus physical records because of that welp
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nancywheeeler · 2 years
is it gonna annoy me just a little that the band is called daisy jones and the six but there’s only five members of the six? yeah. will i try to be brave about it? no not really.
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robinsnest2111 · 2 years
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early winter sunset - warm & cool - 27•11•2022
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
I think I really miss taking photos =/
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queseraphita · 11 months
I'm thinking about polaroids and i feel like thats a profound way to be loved
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rayveneyed · 4 months
sukuna ryomen is somewhat of an infamous bachelor.
it’s not surprising to see him with a new beau every few months, if not weeks — almost trope-like in their frequency, his image bouncing between playboy and manwhore. he doesn’t take it personally, and he makes sure to let people know: he’s young and sexy and he has two oscars, for fuck’s sake, so he thinks the world can cut him some slack when he wants to mess around. and mess around he does.
between obvious paparazzi shots of panties tucked badly into his back pocket, and instagram posts with fellow actors and models pressed tightly against his chest, most are divided between thinking it’s either damn good pr, or a simple man living a life most would wish for. regardless, nobody is surprised when sukuna arrives alone at the mugler show for paris fashion week, and leaves with someone on his arm.
the only thing that came as a bolt from the blue was that it was you hanging from him.
the photos are undeniable, a story in parts; sukuna finding his seat in the front row, you on one side and kendall jenner on his other. his eyes drifting from the models to your face, as if taking a clandestine peek. you, meeting his underhanded gaze with a smile as sweet as spun sugar — and, gasp, sukuna returning it. the display is so out of character for him it feels almost voyeuristic to see it plastered all over twitter.
you, with your vintage, girl-next-door-esque image, big hair and big eyes and demure, calf-length hems, a voice that evokes the memory of helen forrest or ella fitzgerald. him, with his smudged eyeliner and tattoos and all-black attire, persistently typecasted as the panty-dropping bad-boy or devil-smiled brute. it shouldn’t work. for all intents and purposes, he should be spotted with a new supermodel the next week, leaving you in the dust of his philandering. most expect it, wait for the other boot to drop — expect an album of heartbreak from you, but—
a month passes. and another, and another. and suddenly sukuna ryomen, notorious rake, is photographed backstage at your shows. suddenly there’s an anklet hanging from your ankle, his initials in garnet. it’s early morning paparazzi pictures of you both in sweatpants and hoodies — yours, suspiciously oversized — one of his hands engulfing yours, the other holding a bag of takeout from a local breakfast spot, a lit cigarette in his mouth. hickies on your neck and a shit-eating grin on sukuna’s face. candid snaps taken at intimately sized parties, with his chin hooked over your shoulder and his large hands cupping your stomach. tiktoks of you both on the red carpet in the background of somebody else’s interview, sukuna leaning in close to brush an eyelash from your cheek.
neither of you confirm anything, but then — you don’t need to, do you?
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utvarpcity · 1 year
just saw a neat little trio of sweden’s best bands live
#my phone died during the very last song lol but now i’m on the train and charging it again#it’s the sounds + mando diao + the hives btw and they were all really big in the 2000s which is when i started listening to them#so it was a very nostalgic experience even tho they all played a lot of new songs too#i’m so happy theyre all touring together bc they are really the top three bands from here imo (that are still active anyway)#sounds are from my neck of the woods and make indie rock/neo punk/new wave ish music and have such a fun and charismatic frontwoman#md have a very old school rock sound w influences from 60s garage and rnb. theyre super OG for me bc i heard their music when i was like 9#(ode to ochrasy album) and was like wow. this is music. this is the music i like#theyve dabbled in other styles since then and keep being p high quality but their og sound has a special place in my heart#hives def have the biggest cult following and are the oldest of the three i believe#they have a very high energy garage/punk sound and are more of a concept band than the other two w lore and stage names and all#all were great live (didn’t expect less) but the hives were obv the headliners and put on the biggest show#i always arrive early to concerts to queue so that i don’t have to stand super far away but i arrived there only an hour before#the gates were supposed to open (which was at five - then the show started at 6:30) and there was no one there???#i thought i couldn’t find the entrance so i walked around the whole area LOL but then i asked someone and turns out i was right at first#and there were only like 5 people there so when i entered i got right on up there yknow lol#at the railing at the front… wtf. was very surprised by this#and tbh it’s not something i want bc i’m afraid theyll ask me to sing during the audience interaction bits lmao#so i placed myself right behind a little lady so i had an excellent view of the stage#all of them def saw me. i take photos and film a little every now and then bc i’m obsessed with creating tangible memories which felt a bit#awkward i guess. but it was so cool to stand so close… howlin pelle of the hives grabbed my hand and also stood on the railing right in#front of me twice. but i was so taken aback i didnt take any pics of that lol#and i got lots of smiles from both maja of the sounds and björn of mando diao :)#actually björn noticed my retro sunglasses wearing ass dancing my heart out when they came out and smiled and nodded at me :)#there were a lots of people just standing there not committing so i at least tried to give some energy back#anyway i was exhausted this morning but now after standing and dancing for 7+ hours i still feel energetic
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uhohdad · 2 months
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Borrowing Loser!König’s computer and stumbling upon thousands of photos of you. All of them featuring you sleeping peacefully in your dimmed room, the covers pulled back and your pajamas nudged down. Months worth of photos, some where you dawn the cozy pajamas of past winters, to the thin shorts and loose tops you wear in the summers.
They’re dated, each night featuring an album of pictures, every photo more revealing than the last. A little more of your skin exposed with every swipe in the camera roll until he’s freed your tits and cunt, your nipples at attention from the chill night air.
As you comb through the months, the photos get even raunchier, his exploits more daring. His hands cupping the entirely of your little cunt, a few fingers diving into your slit. Hardened hands palming your breasts and tweaking your nipples while you’re lost to blissful unconsciousness, snoring away and oblivious to his perversions.
The photos eventually feature his thick, swollen cock, his hands wrapped around the shaft as he rubs the tip along your exposed skin. Swiping his precum over your thighs, your nipples, your parted lips.
The most recently dated albums always end the same, a picture of you coated in König’s finish, creamy droplets painting your chest, your face, your cunt. Marking you as his own with his cum and making sure the memory is never forgotten, a perfect moment frozen in time for him to enjoy over and over again ♡
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