#make up obsession palette review
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partyhardyontitanic · 1 month ago
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been havin fun with the alt palettes by also adding some alternate outfits along with it. and also being gay, of course
explanations of the references are below the cut
first pic: nathan's first design was immediately compared to markiplier so i just made the little description his classic intro
second pic: since annie's shrek-like palette is donkey it was only natural to make nate the dragon. and then the palette name is the "dragon my balls" meme, but i thought it'd be more snappy as dragma
third pic: remember when i said it took me ages to figure out nathan's palette? one palette i went through was purple and oranges and honestly i'm still partial to that one. maybe nathan's design will drastically change to be purple some day
fourth pic: made nathan mother brain mostly so i could draw annie chomping on his head. i don't know anything about metroid except that mother brain turns into a trex like beast at some point
fifth pic: so i was wracking my brain for a wario land character to associate with nathan but in the end i couldn't get the image of a waluigi nathan out of my head. so that's not so much the mother of antonblast and moreso mom's weird brother. the uncle. so the description (and i feel so fucking clever for this) is a little nod to the fact that while waluigi is always connected to wario, hes not a part of wario land at all, so that's cheating. and its also a reference to the fact that waluigi is obsessed with everyone except for him being a cheater
sixth pic: i just really wanted to recreate this screencap with annie and nathan because i feel in my heart they'd do this
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seventh pic: personally, as someone who wasn't even born in the 90s but grew up on 90s gaming reviewers of a. certain modern reputation. when i think of annoying 90s platforming mascotts desperately trying to be sonic the hedgehog, i think of bubsy. so nathan got forced into that little horrific cosplay. also i just wanna say i fucking hate the pose and face he does on the title screen of his first game he looks like hes being held at gunpoint and silently blaming me for it
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beastabyss666 · 2 years ago
Ok......So, the new HB episode is out, how unexpected for me. I apologize to my fellow readers for not reviewing the previous episode, but I was so tired and busy, having to deal with a lot of work. The cat must have got my tongue when I saw the dildo scene, I'm sorry. And what can I say......Actually, this episode is the best one in the 2 season at this moment. I mean, at least it wasn't that cringe and plot ruining as the other ones. ‼️TW‼️: Abuse, **cest
The animation looks pretty good in action scenes(and not so good in other, especially when some characters speak). The backgrounds look good, and I somewhat like the fact that the Sloth Ring is pink. Looks so sweet, bubblegum and cotton candy-like. But the floating pieces of ground are very cliche for a fantasy world. Also I think there were too many sound effects, when sometimes it feels like there's a lack of them. In principle, everything is as always. Stolas is a damsel in distress again, Moxxie and Millie are boring, Stella is evil(and extremely stupid for some reason), Blitzo is loud and annoying and spits cuss words every second because the authors think it's funny. Also Loona just...... didn't speak in this ep at all. No words. Don't know if it's good or not. The plotline of her going to doctor and being afraid of shots is pretty boring, tbh. I still have no idea why hellhounds are treated like some pets in this universe when they're competent and sensible beings. Also, I don't know if anyone told that or this is just me, but I absolutely hate the idea of putting fucking westerns in "Hell". I know Vivzie isn't so original and her universe is super bland and uninteresting, but shit, westerns just don't stick in the setting of Hell at all, it's not that vibe and it looks ridiculous. And that's not because I don't like westerns. Striker's song felt absolutely redundant, and Striker himself seems....unnatural? Seems like Vivzie made him that masculine bigot guy who's bigheaded and is obsessed with having a huge cock(because dicks are funny according to the writers). They have finally showed Andrealphus, Stella's brother, and there's nothing interesting about him to say. I'm just glad they didn't make him a stereotypical gay. Knowing Vivzie's "rep" and how feminine he looks, it would be predictable. As I've said before, he looks like a shameless Elsa ripoff, as his blue ice castle(covered with red fucking sky, god, these palette choices burn out my eyes). I've heard some controversial and suspicious stuff considering him and Stella(more precisely, someone says that originally they were going to have **cestuous relationship). Not sure if it's true, and I do hope that Vivzie won't go so far in making Stella an unredeemable villain.
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I didn't see anything "weird" or vulgar in their conversation, it felt like puerility. I like to imagine that their relationship is like a niminy-piminy brother always cheering up and complimenting his little sis because he can. I've seen some cartoons with a similar character dynamic and a certain part of their fandoms found indecent connotation in this, and that's their problems in their depravity. And yeah, I know that my thoughts aren't true and they obviously have a manipulative relationship. Andre straight up insulted Stella and manipulated her, btw. If Viv really wanna do them having **cest – fine, another reason to quit watching this show. But something tells me that she won't dare to lose a bunch of fans and be yet again cancelled in social networks.
Summing up, this episode was pretty good by the standards of the season and bad by the standards of..... something qualitative I guess? Viv still hasn't learned how to separate drama from comedy, which makes it difficult, no, impossible to feel Stolas' sad shit. This character is one of my personal winners in the list of the most repulsive and annoying creatures and him always being sex-crazed about Blitzo pisses me off. How the hell are we supposed to take him seriously if all he wants is a dick? The rest of the time he whines about how unhappy he is and pretends to care about his daughter. Season 2 continues to look like terrible Wattpad fanfiction and it discourages from watching this series. It's not even fun to hate or criticize it anymore, it's just...... Ehh.
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they-them-that · 1 year ago
Reviewing and Ranking the Hatsune Miku x Pokemon Designs because I'm a procrastinator lol
(pictures from @hapuriainen)
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Grass: It seems like they were going for the Sword and Shield look with the jersey motif and I think it's smart to blend that with cheerleading. That being said, I wish it was... grassier? It feels a bit like wasted potential as the look is too focused on the region over the type. I like the elements of the design though.
Fire: I love the idea with the stockings but that's about it tbh. Her hair is supposed to look like fire but it doesn't come off that way and her bangs are disjointed from her pigtails. The colours are too muted and I feel like not enough effort was made to make her blue hair blend in with the rest of her colour pallet. The idea is there but it ended up being pretty underwhelming imo.
Water: definitely the best of the starter types! I love every part of the design and it all blends together perfectly! I especially love the design of the swimsuit! Simultaneously sporty and dainty!
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Flying: absolutely gorgeous and I can definitely see Articuno in her design! I love the light and silvery colour pallet so I'm a bit thrown off by that strong blue tone in the tie and glove. I think those should've been the same grey as her hair or maybe the hair ties (which I find a bit too dark but is alright).
Electric: a really cool and new idea that doesn't follow the expectation of a Hatsune Miku design! I really like the cartoony elements of her design but it does come across as a bit simplistic. The hat also feels too big and doesn't really look like she's wearing it? It also looks too feminine for the rest of her appearance imo.
Trainer: she blends right into the world of pokemon while still being Hatsune Miku! I especially love the signature trainer hat with headphones and the colours of her skirt being her actual colour palette. It's not too plain or overdone, it's just perfect!
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Poison: Obsessed! It diverges from Miku's typical design expectations and creates a character that I'd actually love to see in pokemon! Her design is just so cool and exotic and the colours are so bright and fun. Those shoes are sickening!!
Ground: the concept of this design is a bit weak imo and the whole thing feels pretty flat. The clothes feel very basic that it comes across as a half-assed, generalized idea of a nomad. The shoes especially ruin the look for me..
Ice: really cool design (pun not intended)! I like the geometric shapes and the androgynous business attire. I'm not too sure how I feel about the green accents though (although the red on the bag makes it better but it's also weird that it's the only place with red so idk if that actually fixes it) and I wish the long pigtail bits weren't there and it was just the short hair. The pants could have more details too but overall, a really interesting design!
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Normal: super cute, I especially love the glasses! It's a "normal" outfit which I assume was the intention so even though the saturated colours and simple outfit may keep it from being a favourite, I do think it's a strong design!
Ghost: it is a really cool design but to me, it doesn't give me "Pokemon". It feels like it's just a Hatsune Miku design that is ghosty and not enough innovation was put into actually merging the Pokemon aesthetics into this. Even as a stand alone Hatsune Miku design, there isn't actually a lot to it.
Bug: So precious! I love the simplicity and creativity put into this design. It's just perfect, head to toe!
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Steel: love it! Every part of its execution is well done and I love the soft colours! It's simultaneously a cool and sweet design that I can just keep staring at!
Fairy: it's definitely cute and I like the idea of making her this gyaru school girl. It would've been cool to see something more extravagant for a fairy type look but it's still nice.
Rock: I love the princess design, she looks like she can be a gym leader or elite four member! It's so beautiful and the look is still great even without the dress and frills. I wouldn't understand how Miku can move with those things on her knees though lol. I also think the blue legging should've been black or have that blue present elsewhere in her outfit.
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Dragon: I love a lot about the look but there are parts that also make it a bit disappointing. The shirt and pants in particular really wash out this look for me, they're so plain and bright (I hate that she's wearing a collared shirt). I feel like this should've gone all the way with its extravagance and medieval vibes, especially since it was the final revealed design and it's with a legendary Pokemon.
Dark: a stunning design that I didn't expect to be paired with Obstagoon! I love the slick shapes and the big fluffy hat and umbrella to contrast it (also the umbrella being a microphone is so clever)! The choker and shoulder straps make the look too modern but it's still overall really pleasant.
Fighting: Love the design and I'm obsessed with the colour palette! She looks so cool and I love the way sirfetch'd's leek was taken advantage of. My only nitpick is the shoes being a bit out of place from what's overall a slick design.
Ranking (lowest to highest):
18. Ground
17. Ghost
16. Dragon
15. Fire
14. Grass
13. Electric
12. Fairy
11. Flying
10. Ice
9. Rock
8. Fighting
7. Normal
6. Dark
5. Steel
4. Water
3. Bug
2. Poison
1. Trainer
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lonerwolfjay · 2 years ago
The Little Mermaid: Premiere Screening
On May 8th, 2023, I attended the premiere screening of Disney’s The Little Mermaid: Live Action and I’m here to share some of my thoughts. Just to be clear, I’m not here to spare anyone’s feelings and I could care less about how you perceive what I am about to tell you. These are my thoughts and my opinions and if you don’t like what I have to say, then that’s on you.
First off, I’ve been seeing other reviews that have said that this film is perfect. I’m here to disagree. The film wasn’t perfect. It definitely had its flaws. More specifically, the bland color palette and some pacing issues. But overall, I would say the the film was indeed enjoyable.
I can’t say that I’m 100% sold on the animals, however, they do emote and have their own unique personalities which is much more than I can say about that sorry excuse of a remake that was The Lion King.
My least favorite performance in this film would have to be Javier Bardem who plays King Triton. In almost all of his scenes, he only has one facial expression (I don’t think I saw him not frown once) and it comes off as very one dimensional. However, I have to give him credit where it’s due, he plays the overbearing father figure very, very well. And there is a scene where he gets a bit choked up when talking about Ariel’s mother, however, that’s pretty much the only scene where his character conveys any kind of emotion, that and at the end when he’s saying good-bye to Ariel as she leaves with Prince Eric.
The acting in this film is pretty decent. Melissa McCarthy definitely surprised me. I wouldn’t be surprised if she starts to play more villainous roles after this film.
Halle Bailey doesn’t act in this film. In just about all of her scenes, more specifically the fun ones, her persona on screen comes off as very natural and you can tell she’s just being herself. However, in the more serious scenes, it’s pretty apparent that drama isn’t her forte and that she’s still very green. But even still, it is somewhat believable.
Jonah Hauer King and Halle Bailey do have chemistry. While the trailers haven’t done a good job at showing really anything, it is there.
The land scenes look pretty dull. I don’t get why Disney’s become so obsessed with making their live actions look so stale. The Peter Pan and Wendy film that released last month had this same problem. But the difference between that movie and this movie was that this movie actually managed to push out a pretty decent story. The heart of the original tale was there.
Awkwafina as Scuttle was surprisingly hilarious.
Giving Ariel’s sisters new identities and letting them represent the seven seas, I got to say, was a genius move.
Newcomer, Jessica Alexander, delivers a chilling performance of Ursula’s human counterpart, Vanessa and quite frankly looks like she stepped right out of the animated film. I only wish she got to stick around a little longer.
I remember seeing all these articles about song changes that would be in the film. If there were song changes, they had to have been very minor because I didn’t even notice them.
The underwater world could be its own movie, quite frankly. While at times, the CGI was quite off putting, the world building that went into this film was quite impressive and in my opinion, that puts it at a bit ahead of the 1989 film. A bit. Not a lot.
A lot of audience members were in tears listening to Halle Bailey sing the new Part of Your World Reprise. Halle executed this scene beautifully and though it nearly took the entire movie, it was at this point that I finally came around to accepting the race-swap of the character Ariel. Trust me, I didn’t want to like this movie. I didn’t. In fact, I went in with the full intention of hating it. But after seeing it in its full capacity, I can definitely say that I was surprised by what I saw. I had my doubts, but Disney pulled it off. However, that shouldn’t suggest that Disney needs to start race-swapping all of their already established characters now. Don’t get me wrong. Halle Bailey did deliver. She WAS Ariel. But if Disney wishes to keep their brand, they need to start creating new, fresh characters that people can relate to instead of being lazy and making the same stories over and over again.
All in all, the live action Little Mermaid was a decent film. As far as adaptations go, it’s definitely one of the better ones and I’d put this right there with the 2015 Cinderella movie, maybe even a little above because of the music score and the effects.
Halle Bailey and Melissa McCarthy saved this movie. Again, while I don’t necessarily support race swapping, I will say this. You can cast whoever you want as Ariel, but if she doesn’t that voice, then the whole movie is pointless. I applaud Rob Marshall for finding the Ariel that was in Halle Bailey. Her overall performance I would say was outstanding.
Based on how the film ended, there is a possibility that a sequel might get pitched.
Nonetheless, If this film hits a billion at the box office, we may be in for a big problem with Disney.
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alelelesimz · 1 year ago
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splatoon 3: side order ~ ale's 2024 game reviews II
oooooh guess who finished side order (like, actually 100%)! me baby! and yes i've technically been playing splatoon 3 since 2022 and this is for games i finish this year BUT side order is a totally different game mode so it counts :p also it's my review i make the rules
spoilers ahead! although if you've paid any attention online there's no huge spoilers going on.
i finished the tower on my 4th run i think, i'm not that good at this game okay. but i did finish it on the day it released! i got a bit sad because i thought it was too short but then i realized you're supposed to replay this a bunch of times and the story keeps going! so it ended up lasting a couple weeks for me. it could've been faster if it wasn't bc i needed to finish my catalog before the season ended, but hey that's better i think!
i like that the game forces you to do a run with each weapon, cause otherwise i would've done only the shooter and MAYBE the roller. but it was fun! i hate chargers and splatlings, but once you learn how to use the chips and get a bunch of hacks, it becomes easier even with weapons you suck at. also i love overpowering Pearl, it's fun.
the game itself is absolutely gorgeous. i found myself staring at the ink before starting almost every level. i'm a sucker for glittery pastel ink are u kidding me!!!! the design of all the characters outside KILLS me like what the hell they're all SO adorable i want one of those jellies in real life. also cypher's design rules.
the world is so pretty too, i love all the backgrounds in the levels (and that they reused animal crossing fish ugh!!!!), the outside of the building, THE LOBBY????? i can't start a run without running around with the cool lights and music!
i LOVEEEE that we got so much Acht! i was already obsessed with them before the dlc, like their design and persona was such a cool concept for me, and now we get to hang out with them and learn about them before getting sanitized omg i love it so much. also we love an enby in a nintendo game
i also love Pearl and Marina so much, fight me all you want but they're truly the superior idols of splatoon. i love that nintendo let them be so incredibly fucking gay in this game. yeah yeah it's not said out loud but i've never seen two characters more in love than those two bitches. good for them
oh and i fucking love Smollusk wtf. why is it so adorable????????? specially at the end aaaaa him and small fry are my sons
the only things i didn't like about the dlc are that they kinda teased something going on with agent 4 but then there's nothing about them? we have a palette and the clone thing looks like them and then there are a couple mentions here and there but that's it? i would've preferred if they don't mention them at all instead of this. i also would have liked a little cut scene once you finish all the weapons. i was a bit disappointed once i finished eight's palette you're just done with it and well. that's all! smollusk is now friendly and nothing more :/
aaaanyways i really enjoyed myself with this dlc! i'd say i enjoyed it more than return of the mammalians which i still haven't 100%. i've seen people say octo expansion was better but idc cause i never played it! so side order gets 4.5/5⭐️ from me :D love u splatoon
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ashcadence · 1 year ago
More of, Ash reviews random shows/movies! Today's edition, Hazbin Hotel!
(Disclaimer 1, Make sure you look up the trigger warnings for the series.)
(Disclaimer 2, I didn't know there was controversy surrounding the creator when I watched it. I'm not in the independent animation YouTube scene which is where the original pilot episode is, but I've decided to not let that affect my enjoyment of the series. If it will affect your enjoyment that's okay! Everyone has different opinions about separating the art from the artist.)
With that out of the way onto the review!
If you like adult shows, and musicals, then you'll like this show. I personally do like both so I LOVED it! I mean, with that cast alone the music was going to be amazing. There are arguably some of the best voices from Broadway in the cast!
The music is the thing that really stuck out to me me. Almost every single song was a banger. I've had the song More than Anything on repeat since the episode came out. The singing was top tier for the entirety of the show, and I could write an entire essay on just that.
I also loved the characters! I thought they were all really fun and unique. They felt very fleshed out and all had very distinct personalities. With a cast of characters that large, sometimes that's hard to do.
It was very fun to look at. The character designs were creative, and the animation was extremely smooth. Also I'm a sucker for things with bright colors. It's impressive they set a show in hell, and gave it such a bright color palette.
For me, I really enjoyed the humor, but that's incredibly subjective. Some of the jokes were a uncalled for and insensitive, but for all of the edgy jokes, they did make a tasteful asexual joke and I was happy about that.
Speaking of that, it has a canonical aro/ace character which is a bonus point for me! Also Alastor canonically being around/ace, but not knowing what that means is hysterical to me, and also me for most of my life.
My only complaint is it felt rushed. Six months takes place between the eight episodes, and off screen the characters are developing bonds with each other, but you as the audience don't really get to see that. I think the only one we did see was with Angel and Husk. Then later with Charlie and Lucifer. But it's clear all of these characters have developed bonds with each other, we just rarely see that happen and are just told it's happened. I think it could have benefitted from "filler" episodes that would serve the purpose of cementing the relationships between characters.
Overall I really enjoyed the series and I've already rewatched it...multiple times... Listen, I'm a sucker for musicals and it's probably my inner theater kid who never got to do theater. Also it's basically My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic for adults and I was obsessed with My Little Pony in my early teen years. So it was a given I was going to enjoy Hazbin Hotel.
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dustedmagazine · 2 years ago
Listed: M. Sage
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Colorado musician, artist and educator Matthew Sage produces a unique form of ambient music, one that focuses on personal experience rather than obscure intellectual objectives or new age mysticism. Through both his own sounds and those he curates via his Cached Media imprint his goal is to unearth the beauty within the seemingly mundane. With Paradise Crick, his latest and most fully formed release, he casts his gaze on the great outdoors, envisaging a camping excursion. In his review, Bryon Hayes found that the record was “his most visceral work, as he ornaments his typically ambient palette with an assortment of palpable shapes, colors, and textures.” In addition to making music, Sage also enjoys seeking it out, often from non-traditional sources. For this edition of Listed, he runs down some of the more interesting records that he picked up on recent thrift store diving excursions.
10 recent thrift store finds in no particular order — I hit the flea markets and thrift stores once or twice a month and get weird CDs and cassettes. I like buying stuff that I would otherwise listen to on streaming… or never listen to from these local companies. We have CD players in our vehicles and I listen to CDs a lot driving. Cassettes mainly happen in my office when I am writing or drawing. So… a lot of what I look for is sort of “functional music” that I can do stuff to. I also snag up favorites from bands I love… I found 3 Wilco CDs at one shop last week!
Anyway, here are some recent favs.
Bonnie “Prince” Billy — Master and Everyone
Found in Longmont at the thrift store with the curated CD selection. Long time BPB fan, and I especially like how subdued this one is. Maybe not my all-time fav Oldham out there, but it’s great and the CD is in great shape.
The New American Orchestra — Blade Runner Soundtrack
Found at one of the flea markets in Fort Collins. Maybe the one with the lavender? This is an orchestral adaptation of the original Vangelis score, and it is about as smooth jazz as it gets. Incredible sweeping melodies. This version of “Blade Runner Blues” feels like something hiding on “In a Silent Way.” Ambient jazz for sure.
Chet Baker — Let’s Get Lost
Another one from the Longmont spot. Been obsessed with Chet Baker for a while now in that when I don’t know what I want to listen to, I just throw on any Chet’s greatest hits album and feel content. I love the arrangement on “My Ideal” with the toy piano and Chet’s voice and trumpet.
John Coltrane — The Gentle Side of John Coltrane
Also from the Longmont spot. I, of course, love wailing Coltrane. But I also think his sweet songs are some of his best. “After the Rain” is especially informing some of the arrangement choices I’ve been making on some new Fuubutsushi songs.
Shanghai Film Symphony Orchestra — An Dun (Calming the Emotions)
I buy a lot of random CDs like this, and I can’t remember where exactly this one came from. But yeah, foreign/new age/private press, etc. weird CDs… and most of the time they aren’t great… but this one is very good. When I find something like this that I like I google it later. When I did that with this CD, I found it on YouTube and this is my favorite comment about it: “Whenever I play this on a construction site, at first the guys complain. Then later they thank me for playing it. Saying they've never felt better.” My toddler seems to enjoy it in the car… I do too.
Claude Debussy — Images pour Orchestre. Preludes: La Fille aux Cheveaux de Lin
70 minutes of Debussy from Longmont ARC. Lots of solo piano from Peter Schmalfuss. I like that these recordings feel soft. Sometimes classical piano feels really hard, lots of attack, almost like microscopic. These recordings are more spacious. Chris from Fuubutsushi swears by Ravel, but I am team-Debussy.
Georgia Kelly — Seapeace: Music for Harp
Can’t remember where but found this in Colorado in a stash of pretty heady new age tapes. Later found out it’s a cult classic. It is a self-released one — the album was later reissued on other formats by new age labels — so I love knowing Ms. Kelly herself released this copy into the world and it has since ended up in my possession. The whole thing is on YouTube!
English Meadow: Environments — Environments 1, 4, 12: Slow Ocean, English Meadow, Intonation
I have all the Environments titles on LP and have since started collecting cassettes when I see them in the wild. These 3 are specifically my favorite Environments, so finding them all in one go felt like a thrifting triumph. I feel like English Meadow specifically sounds nice on cassette.
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oasis-nadrama · 2 years ago
‘The Cerulean Motley Crew’, by Cerulean Snake - All aboard, mateys!
Review by Oasis Nadrama, 04/12/2023 (up to page 255)
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[Drawing by CeruleanSnake] When they were a young troll, Chever always wanted to become a pirate... but ended up at the opposite end of life, as a prison guard, when the hard rules of the Alternian Empire took their toll on their dreams of liberty. One day, in the orbital penitentiary, they are tasked with welcoming a particularly dangerous prisoner, and this encounter will uncover the secrets to their past, future and present life. Can the call of the sea be heard amongst the stars?
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[Drawing by CeruleanSnake] The large fictional universe engendered by Homestuck opens on many worlds, eras and sapient species, and opens even more doors for inventive storytellers. But rare are the fanworks to make full use of this potential, and in this area as in many others, the stunning fan aventure The Cerulean Motley Crew excels. It proposes a rarely explored political context, the period of the Summoner who challenged imperial tyranny, and an even rarer genre in this general setting: PIRATES! Chever, our nonbinary protagonist, improvized buccaneer and self-proclaimed pirate captain, organically assemble a colorful crew along their quest, and the cast is, again, one of this adventure's strengths. Flintlock, an uncontrollable anarchist, fights against slavery and general political power with reckless abandon (not to mention a certain thirst for gratuitous bloodbath). Rat escaped a futureless life in a nightmarish complex and is now along for the ride, despite her general consternation towards the chaotic, childish and sex-obsessed nature of her two comrades The efficient yet comical trio will cross the path of many more memorable figures, some of them friends, some of them neutral, some of them enemies, all of them enjoyable, up to and including the apparent main antagonist, as despicable as they go, all united in a dynamic, fluid, rhythmic dance, events intertwined for maximum impact, drama and suspense but never forgetting to remain entertaining. The structure and pacing are flawless, the tone perfectly mastered, the lore absorbing, the dialogues lively... What's not to love here?
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[Drawing by CeruleanSnake] The drawings are on par with the writing: intense, refreshing color palettes are a feast for sore eyes. Character designs are extremely distinct with various morphologies and clothing styles; the different body types really shine in both action scenes and dynamic dialogues. There may be some errors in proportions or simplistic environments, but these little flaws pale in comparison to the overall visual quality. Perspectives are good and dynamic, action poses effective... But the really exceptional thing is the faces: they are all different, flexible, and incredibly expressive! The author makes good use of the media with gorgeous animated backgrounds which adapt to the various scenes: at dusk, the waves of the decor will meet darkened sand bathed in the red light of the alien sunset; by midnight, the foliage on the shore will be lightened only by the shining firmament. This work on the interface does wonder for the general immersion. Other uses of the form include short panel animations and ondulating, shaking, distorted lines in the conversation. CeruleanSnake's maestria culminates in the insult-off minigame. This stunning moment of interactivity, frontal homage to Monkey Island, is funny, balanced, brimming with details! It represents full days of work by the artist and it shows.
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[Drawing by CeruleanSnake] The Cerulean Motley Crew is a work of love and a beautiful story, full of life and surprises. Looking forward to the next episodes of this big adventure!
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wahlpaper · 2 years ago
Belle of the Ball Review
Belle of the Ball by Mari Costa
CW: Cheating, Toxic Relationship, Struggles with Grades, College Acceptance Stress, Vomit, Underage Drinking, Accidental Underage Drinking, Classism, Social Anxiety, Gossiping, Manipulation, Cursing, Break-Up
It'd been too long since I had sat down and gotten lost in a good graphic novel, so thank you Belle of the Ball for breaking that fast. Mari Costa whisked me away to her world for a few hours and I couldn't be happier! This book was dedicated to the gay kids who were obsessed with High School Musical in middle school, a category I'm proudly a part of. I was promised relationship drama, school sports, and kids that don't realize how rich they are. All were delivered with so much more in store!
Belle of the Ball is the story of three high school queer girls with very messy love lives. Chloe and Regina have been dating on and off for several years, but they are the "It Couple" as far as the cheer squad is concerned. Hawkins is the school mascot and secretly a huge nerd, and while she prefers to stay under the radar, she asks Regina out to the Fall dance. Regina tells her that Chloe and her are currently dating, but befriends her instead. Will love be able to bloom in this stressful high school environment? Will it matter that Hawkins and Chloe have a forgotten history?
Reviewing graphic novels gives me the chance to talk about visual arts and put both my Art History Minor and my Graphic Design Certificate to use. An unfortunate feature of thick graphic novels is that you're going to miss the middles of some great 2-page spreads. I can tell that Costa knows this because she follows these up with insert shots and montages that better explore the scene. The whole book is done in a pink gradient color palette, which is very pretty and was potentially chosen to reflect the themes of femininity in Belle of the Ball. Overall, the art style is cute, playful, and pairs nicely with the story it's being used to tell.
Belle of the Ball is beautifully diverse, truly living up to its dedication and taking it further than a DCOM would dare to go, even now. I mentioned that a main theme of the book is femininity, but please keep in mind that there are many different ways to be feminine. Chloe sees herself as both the princess and the knight, Regina loves dresses and makeup and proving that women can do it all, Hawkins longs to be the brave little princess she once was. This graphic novel is queer, body positive, racially diverse, super feminist, and even Jewish! All very worth the wrist and finger pain I have from holding the novel!
If you enjoy stories of love finding its way in unexpected places and queer nerds who could use a day to relax, Mari Costa's Belle of the Ball should absolutely be on your TBR list. This book can make you laugh, sigh, and hold your breath in anticipation. Reading this will be soul cleansing!
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critiques-of-a-sophomoric · 29 days ago
Film Review #1: Late Night With The Devil
My first entry for my ‘Movies I’ve Watched in 2025' list: a supernatural horror film about the dangers of joining elite cults and selling your soul to the devil in exchange for fame. It was supposed to be a supernatural horror film about the dangers of signing divorce contracts written in an ancient language you cannot read and selling property to a centuries-old vampire in exchange for gold, but it was only after I had invited my unpaid therapist, Sushi, to a Google Meet session so we could watch Nosferatu together (because we are both cowards who do not dare to watch supernatural horror films alone) that I realized the 2024 remake of the 1922 illegal adaptation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula had not been officially released on digital sites yet. I was not going to watch the non-HD camera-recorded version, obviously, so I suggested to Sushi that we watch other films in the same genre instead. Somehow, we ended up choosing this one.
The concept seems quite interesting: a famous late-night talk show host desperate to revive his declining career features a literal demonic entity as his special guest and unwittingly unleashes infernal chaos on live television. It is a postmodern take on the classic demonic possession trope that simultaneously warns about the pitfalls of extreme clout-chasing and excessive TV screen time.
The film frames itself to be presenting a found footage of the final episode of the top-rated show “Nights Owls with Jack Delroy”, which premiered on the night of Halloween in 1977. Since the story was set in the 1970s, the visuals of the film reflected the aesthetic dominant at that time, down to the muted earthy color palette and the intentionally reduced video resolution. I personally love the 1970s obsession with warm autumnal shades, so the film’s visuals was a delight to behold. It felt like opening a time-capsule from the past, the sets and costumes perfectly retro in design.
Aside from the visually vintage vibes, the show feels almost authentic as it incorporates pop culture elements accurate to the time period. Situated between the late 1960s New Age spiritual revolution and the early 1980s Satanic Panic, the 1970s is notorious for producing the iconic punk counterculture, as well as breeding several religious groups led by charismatic narcissists that later revealed themselves as cults guilty of committing mass suicides and murder sprees for fun. The protagonist, Jack, unfortunately, associates himself more with the latter, which is not very punk of him.
Moreover, the jokes and commentaries made by the hosts to amuse the audience seemed corny and rather outdated, in the perspective of a 21st century zoomer at least. For a seasoned entertainer, Jack spoke in a manner so languid it was testing my fried brain’s patience to avoid clicking the 2x speed option. No wonder why his ratings were on the decline.
In addition, by taking a unique documentary approach, the film gives a bit of a realistic aspect to the story within the story, making the viewers not only suspend their disbelief, but also feel as if they are witnessing events that happened in real life, thus, urging them to question what is true and what is fiction.
Moving on to the plot itself, the film depicts how cutthroat the entertainment industry was back in the day. Growing up, I often heard of famous Western celebrities being accused of having ties to the Illuminati, an ancient secret society of wicked origins with enough power to achieve world domination (depending on who your sources were). According to these conspiracy theorists, to achieve that level of fame and wealth means you have probably signed a one-time deal with Satan himself and paid for it with your soul. Disregard the hard work, exploitation, and nepotism (optional) behind a celebrity’s rise to stardom; the Lord of Evil gets all the acknowledgement.
And that is approximately what happened with Jack: his wife being the inevitable sacrifice in exchange for the promise of a successful career. Unfair, really, that the devil can select an innocent individual as the settlement for someone else’s credit charges.
Due to his inability to foresee the horrible consequences of the bargain he entered into, Jack went on a months-long mass media detox to mourn and reflect on his life decisions. Upon his return, however, Jack fortuitously reunites with the same demonic entity who claimed the soul of his beloved wife. Now inhabiting the body of a poor teenage girl named Lilly, the devil, also known as Mr. Wriggles, taunts Jack and threatens to bring out the skeletons hiding in his closet in front of the whole world watching. Rather than taking this as a sign to cut the broadcast short and send the guests and crew on their way home, Jack proceeded with the show after learning the TV executives’ favorable opinions about the current segment.
It did not go well for them, of course. Moments later, the devil took complete possession of Lilly again even without being summoned and wreaked havoc in the studio, killing the sidekick, the skeptic, and the parapsychologist in the process. It was a total pandemonium, violating numerous TV rules and regulations. I highly doubt they will be getting a renewal for a next season after that unannounced display of R-rated content.
In the midst of the chaos, Jack hallucinated a distorted little trip down memory lane that revealed the truth about his connections with the mysterious demon-worshipping cult The Grove and how his greed was ultimately responsible for his wife’s illness and eventual death. The film concluded with Jack standing over Lilly’s corpse with a ceremonial knife, his hands now twice stained with blood.
When the credits started rolling, the first thing I blurted out to Sushi was, “Wait, that was it? What do you mean the runtime was barely 2 hours?”.
With the ending being vague and ambiguous (failing to explicitly state the true identity of the devil, the reason for the presence of the ghost of Jack’s deceased wife, and the role of the creepy skeleton-costume-wearing dude among the audience), I was left confused about what really transpired. Just as the skeptic tried to convince the audience that the demonic possession was a hoax, I find myself questioning whether Jack manipulated everyone’s perceptions and actually perpetrated the murders himself, considering he was able to survive the devil’s dramatic outburst despite being the primary target. And did he literally stab his wife on her deathbed or was that all metaphorical in the sense that he was able to set her soul free upon vanquishing the malevolent spirit in control of Lilly?
One could only speculate the real answers to those questions, but perhaps the fact that we will never know for certain is the underlying charm of it all.
Overall, I rate the film 3 out of 5 stars. It’s definitely one-of-a-kind in terms of the concept, and I think the whole thing was wonderfully executed, but the plot still left me rather dissatisfied and craving for more. Nothing serious to trade my non-existent lover’s soul to the devil, thankfully.
Watched: January 11, 2025 Published: February 7, 2025
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existentialmagazine · 7 months ago
Review: Plant Dad and Art Grad collaborate for shining indie-pop tune ‘That’s Right’, a groovy but vulnerable summer anthem
With names that slip off the tongue like Art Grad and Plant Dad, it’s no surprise these smooth-talking, groove-making musicians would come together for a collaboration that’s equally as easy on the ears. Between their Ohio-native and Baltimore-based sounds, the pair know how to make art with a song that’s utterly timeless, bringing out the best of what they both create separately and pouring it wholeheartedly into something for both their listeners to fall in love with - or fall in love to, while it plays.
From the start of ‘That’s Right’, the eclectic funky ambience is hard to ignore, dancing between scattered drum beats and pops, distorted synth notes and the duo’s united spoken-sung vocals, an instantly fluid sound with lyrics that are so chant-along that you wouldn’t dare not to join. This instant chorus is a daring but obvious choice, pulling you in with the ‘that’s right’ lyrical hooks and low-key but warm sound, the perfect kind of anthem for a low-energy day with the potential to pick you up, get you dancing and turn the rain into sunshine. The words are just as playful and carefree, humorously poking fun at self-perception with an attitude that’s infectious, making anyone feel like their confidence is through the roof.
This lighthearted energy only continues into the only verse, picked up by bright synth keys before settling into gentle keyboard notes, relaxed beats and a softer, sung vocal delivery, a smooth and charismatic performance that’s more relaxing than the opening’s desire to mindlessly groove. That more ease-filled atmosphere brings out an intimacy in it too, the gentleness of the sound allowing for lyrical vulnerabilities as the protagonist seems to overthink newfound feelings: ‘you promised you’d miss me, but you’re gonna treat me differently.’ With this potential lack of reciprocation their words spiral without any answer back, looping a constant train of thought while too afraid to speak up and know for sure.
As one final vibrant high sees things out, Plant Dad and Art Grad reflect as they sing ‘can’t believe I waited for you’, the colourful palette of sound matching this newfound revelation and new shift for their life moving forward. It’s hard not to be obsessed with such a short but sweet little tune, perfect for your summer playlists and new memories, just keep listening for yourself here.
Written by: Tatiana Whybrow
Photo Credits: Ceci Clark
// This coverage was supported and created via Musosoup, #SustainableCurator.
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flutteragency · 1 year ago
Fluttering into Action: A Step-By-Step Guide to Installing and Configuring Flutter SDK on macOS
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Flutter has attained immense popularity in the software industry. Big tech corporations are investing large sums of money to hire a Flutter developers team. As a result, the developer community has become obsessed with mastering the skills necessary to harness the full potential of the platform. However, software developers face a steep learning curve when they select Flutter app development. This comprehensive guide will teach you how to install and configure Flutter on macOS and efficiently migrate your project onto the platform. Let’s go ahead and understand the installation process of Flutter on macOS.
Step-By-Step Guide For Flutter Installation On MacOS
Before you initiate the installation process, you must make sure that your current hardware and system fulfill the minimum requirement of Flutter.
Operating Systems: macOS (64-bit), version 10.14 (Mojave) or higher.
Disk Space: 2.8 GB (excluding space for IDE/tools).
Tools: Git for macOS or Xcode.
Now that you have verified that your hardware and system meet the basic requirements for the installation, you can proceed to the first step of the process.
Start by downloading the installation bundle from here — Flutter SDK for macOS.
The newest version of Flutter 3.16.3 for macOS was released on the stable channel on 12/06/2023.
If you are using the Apple Silicon processor, download the latest version from here — flutter_macos_arm64_3.13.7-stable.zip
Extract The Zip File
Extract the downloaded Zip file to a folder of your choice.
cd ~/development
$ unzip ~/Downloads/flutter_macos_3.13.7-stable.zip
Append Flutter Tool to your assigned path
export PATH="$PATH:`pwd`/flutter/bin"
To verify if the PATH is already set correctly, you must run the program once.
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Using this command is vital because the installer appends the Flutter repository as the default PATH. This prevents Flutter from working in another terminal directory. Once you are done with this step, you can deploy Flutter commands successfully.
Run Flutter Doctor
If any dependencies are missing, Flutter won’t work. Most firms hire Flutter developers team after getting stuck on this step. However, you can use the following command to check for the missing dependencies-
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This useful command runs a full diagnostic on the system environment and generates a full report on its findings. The report is supplied at the terminal window, and it tells the developer if he needs to download or update an existing dependency. You cannot skip over this step even if you downloaded Flutter through the Dart SDK. There might be some other software missing or additional tasks you need to perform to get the platform up and running.
For example, you may face the “Android license status unknown” message in case the sdkmanager shell script crashes in the $android_sdk/tools/bin directory.
Review PATH Environment Variable
A skilled Flutter developer from Flutter Agency will always validate that your system’s PATH environment variable incorporates the path to Android SDK’s bin directory. Look for this output –
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/android-sdk/tools/bin
Install Flutter Plugin
IntelliJ, Android Studio, and VS Code each have their unique editor plugin. For our guide, we shall use the VS Code or Visual Studio Code.
Run VS Code.
Press Command+Shift+B buttons to activate View>Command Palette.
Type ‘install’ on the command palette, and when the ‘Extensions: Install Extension’ comes up on the screen, click on it.
Type ‘flutter’ on the search field and then click on the ‘Flutter’ option in the list.
Click on the Install button.
Reload VS Studio by clicking on the ‘Reload’ button.
Android Studio
Flutter Doctor often reports on two common issues associated with Android Studio. If you see ‘Flutter plugin not installed’ or ‘Dart plugin not installed’ flashing on the Flutter Doctor console, follow these steps to rectify the error –
Launch Android Studio
Click on ‘Preferences’, and from the drop-down, select ‘Plugins’.
Click on ‘Browse Repositories’, and then select the Flutter plugin and click ‘Install’.
Click on the ‘Yes’ button when prompted to start the Dart plugin installation process.
After the installation, a dialogue box will appear with the restart option. Click on the “Restart’ option.
Verify Your Setup
You must run Flutter Doctor again to validate your setup thus far. Most software development companies need to hire flutter developers team because they skip over this step and face issues in the later stages of the app development.
iOS Setup
To start this process, you must first download and configure Xcode. These are the steps involved –
Install Xcode
Download Xcode from the 9.0 version onwards from the Mac App Store to create Flutter applications for iOS.
Configure Xcode using sudo xcode-select –switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer command.
Use the command line to sign the Xcode license agreement by clicking on the ‘Agree’ button.
Configure The iOS Simulator
You need to test out your Flutter app on your iOS simulator first. Follow these steps — Use the open -a Simulator command to launch the simulator on your Mac.
Click on the Hardware option and then Device to check if your simulator is using a 64-bit device.
Select the Scale Menu on the Window option to set the app’s dimensions.
Launch A New Project In VS Code
Utilize the Flutter starter app template to initiate a new project.
Press Cmd+Shift+P.
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Click on Flutter: New Project and then select ‘Enter’.
Set a Project name and location.
Execution and Debugging
When you run a Flutter project on VS Code for the first time, the status bar will show Flutter-specific entries. You might also see the ‘No Devices’ error message. We will share a secret tip to overcome this error that only a skilled Flutter developer from the Flutter agency knows.
Click on ‘No Devices’.
On the command palette, click on iOS Simulator.
Press F5 or click on the Debug menu on the IDE window to start debugging.
Now, you are ready to take advantage of Flutter, which has been instrumental in the success of other companies. Alternatively, you can also hire a Flutter developers team to take care of this massive undertaking.
Content Source: Complete Tutorial For Flutter Installation Guide on macOS
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eazy-group · 2 years ago
James Charles Tries the Newest ELF Cosmetics X Chipotle’s Burrito Inspired Makeup [Review]
New Post has been published on https://eazybeauty.net/james-charles-tries-the-newest-elf-cosmetics-x-chipotles-burrito-inspired-makeup-review/
James Charles Tries the Newest ELF Cosmetics X Chipotle’s Burrito Inspired Makeup [Review]
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(Photo : ELF Website)
James Charles gets honest as he reveals his thoughts about the newest collaboration with E.L.F. Cosmetics and Chipotle.
The beauty guru recently announced on his social media that he did a makeup review with the brand’s burrito-inspired collection.
A self-confessed Chipotle fan himself, the YouTuber shared that he hasn’t done makeup reviews for such a long time; hence, he vowed to give the viewers his honest opinion about E.L.F.’s latest collaboration.
“CHIPOTLE Launched A MAKEUP Line!? I’m a little bias because I love a burrito bowl, but… HONEST REVIEW is now LIVE on my channel!” James Charles’ Twitter reads.
RETWEET to be the next video’s sister shoutout!!
CHIPOTLE Launched A MAKEUP Line!? 🤯 I’m a little bias because I love a burrito bowl but… HONEST REVIEW is now LIVE on my channel! https://t.co/ywPao8dPsV pic.twitter.com/ysp67TgBvz
— James Charles (@jamescharles) March 9, 2021
  READ MORE: Beauty Guru James Charles Reveals Reason Behind Controversial Bald Head
James Charles Makeup Review: E.L.F. Cosmetics X Chipotle
The 21-year-old internet celebrity shared that he was thrilled with the newest team-up of E.L.F. since he was a diehard fan of the Mexican food chain.
Moreover, he blurted out his obsession and mentioned that he had a phase where he used to eat Chipotle about four to five times a week.
Extra Guac Sponge Set, $10
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(Photo : ElF Website)
James Charles started off his makeup review by blending his foundation using E.L.F. and Chipotle’s guac avocado sponge.
While gently beating his face with the sponge, he shared that it is softer than the usual blending sponge but preferred a more dense beauty tool.
He then followed up with a concealer and set it with a Laura Mercier translucent powder.
Chipotle Eyeshadow Palette, $16
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(Photo : ELF Website)
After contouring his face, the beauty guru tested out Chipotle Eyeshadow Palette.
This limited-edition product comes in 12-piece eyeshadow shades that are inspired by Chipotle ingredients.
The 21-year-old makeup artist started off by applying the pinto beans shade, which has a medium brown tone and applied it along his crease for creating bold eye makeup.
He then mixed it up with a hot salsa which has a hint of a brown and orange tone. Blending the colors using a Morphe brush, James Charles added black beans shade, which features a deep brown tone.
Capping off his burrito-inspired makeup, which he described as the orange, mild salsa eye, he applied pinto beans shade along his lower lashline to create a smokey eye makeup effect.
Moving on to the next eye, he used a green eyeshadow in the shade of lettuce. As for his transition, he used guac, featuring a shimming shade of lime green.
For a pop of color, he then used a shade of gold called corn salsa at the middle part to brighten up the eye makeup. Finishing off the look, he popped on some eyelashes and mascara for his burrito-inspired makeup.
Make It Hot Lip Gloss, $8
However, let’s not forget the lips. James Charles used E.L.F.’s Make It Hot Lip Gloss that has a hint of red-hot color with a high-shine finish.
Moreover, this limited-edition gloss has a lip-plumping effect, making your lips fuller ala, Kylie Jenner.
Aside from the plumping effect, it also has a moisturizing and hydrating formula that will leave the lips feeling soft and nourished.
READ MORE: Top 3 Effortless Makeup Trends as Seen on Beauty Influencers
See Now: 100 Most Beautiful Women In The World
TagsJames Charles, elf cosmetics, Makeup Review
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maryelizaglam · 2 years ago
Makeup on my mind…
I want to talk about trends but I also just want to talk about my “makeup thoughts” … products that maybe aren’t the newest hot thing but should be
Gucci lip is my fave
Charlotte pillow talk is pretending to be one size fits all
What is the point of pink powder??
How do I feel about cream blush
Is beaming highlight old news or in again
“Bare” beauty trends- hailey Bieber, Kim k, skin care, rare beauty
What is your makeup mood? I feel like there are so many different expressions of beauty and the artistry or identity that goes into makeup, there are great products out there that turn into a viral sensation, but truly everyone has their own unique vibe and I love seeing it all come together. What makeup products make up your vibe or makeup identity the best?
Indie brands I’m obsessed with: highlighters in the cool packaging and the odens eye
Auric beauty
Transfer proof lip, transfer heat budge proof makeup water proof
I don’t like silicone primers
Can’t find a noncomedogenic sunscreen, help
Patrick Ta blushes don’t hype me up
Bobbi brown primer over hyped?
Drunk elephant overhyped?
Skin care favorites
I feel like makeup is all about feeling and sensation
Eyeshadow palettes that didn’t impress me
Rainbow by too faced, naked (I miss the old naked), lady gaga eye shadow, urban decay shadows, Clinique
Drug store blush???
Dior blush, overhyped or just right?
UK makeup trends….
Do lashes make you look prettier, or older?
Cutest brand ever: beauty bakerie, too faced, and baddie b lashes, Kylie, Huda, color pop, kaja, and
Marc jacobs coconut line was everything
Mac fix plus, overhyped? Urban decay… testing overhyped setting sprays and popular makeup gripping primers
Hyped skin care that’s worth it vs not worth it, essence, elemis, fresh toner, Michellar water, beauty makeup removers
Nikki tutorials glitters
Are Mac eyeshadows overhyped?
Orange packaging makeup, good or bad
Target beauty products I hate
Testing Revolution
Testing KKW testing Arianna beauty
KKW fragrance reviews
Jackie sims candles, jeffreee star, Jaclyn hill, influencer makeup James Charles, Tati, Nikki’s tutorials, beauty bay, mmmitchell,
Fave bath products: Kylie, tea tree oil
Fave candles with candle warmer
Are we steaming our bed sheets
Staying inspired with beauty and slow TLC and cleanse
The best brow products vs overhyped
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linuxgamenews · 2 years ago
Murtop has its own challenges to test Linux players
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Murtop fast-paced arcade game launches onto Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the dedication and hard work of developer hiulit, this game has become a sensational hit. Available on both Steam and itch with 100% Positive reviews. Imagine stepping back in time to the 1980s, where arcade games ruled the gaming world. Murtop is an exciting and action-packed arcade game that launches you straight into that era. It combines the best elements of classic games like Dig Dug and Bomberman. In Murtop, you play as a character named Murti, and your mission is to save the world from an invasion of moles that are obsessed with eating carrots. How do you save the world? Well, with your unique ability to drop bombs! The game launches you into 256 different stages, and each stage in Murtop has its own challenges. But here's the catch: you have a limited amount of time to complete each stage. It's a race against the clock! And if you're skilled enough to make it through all the stages, there's a special "kill screen" waiting for you at the end. Can you reach it? But wait, there's even more! Every 5 stages, you'll encounter a bonus stage that gives you a chance to earn extra points. And if you're really good, there's a secret bonus stage hidden somewhere in the game. Keep your eyes peeled for it!
Murtop - Trailer
To make your gaming experience even more thrilling, Murtop features five fast-paced chiptune tracks that provide the background music while you play. These tracks add to the retro atmosphere and get your adrenaline pumping. If you're the competitive type, you'll dig the local high scores leaderboard. You can see how your scores stack up against other players in your area. Can you reach the top spot and become the ultimate Murtop champion on Linux? The Murtop fast-paced arcade design is all about playing on arcade cabinet machines, just like the classic games of the past. It also has a vertical screen with beautiful bezels that fill the empty space around the game. The graphics use a 16-color palette, giving them a nostalgic look. And if you want to enhance that old-school feel, you can enable the CRT filter, due to simulates the appearance of a cathode ray tube monitor. Just like the old arcade machines, Murtop also has an attract mode. When you are not playing the game on Linux, it will showcase gameplay footage and attract potential players with its exciting action and explosions. And if you're feeling really adventurous, you can even rotate the screen to play in TATE mode, just as the game was originally meant to be played.
But what is it like to play?
Murtop really is an old-school fast-paced arcade game for Linux. Its all about getting the highest score and becoming the ultimate champion. You start with nine credits, which each give you three lives. You can earn credits by inserting coins. In the game, you control a cute rabbit character named Murti. Linux players will move around on a grid and dig up the ground as they go. You also have to be smart and use bombs and rocks strategically to defeat the different types of enemies: the Chaser, the Thrower, and the Pesky. You also have to be quick because each stage only lasts for one minute. Every five stages, you get a bonus stage where you can collect carrots and avoid falling rocks. The game can be really frustrating at times, but it's also a lot of fun and a good challenge. The graphics, sound effects, and music is really good, which makes it worth playing in short bursts of gameplay. In Murtop fast-paced arcade, you'll experience lots and lots of explosions as you strategically drop bombs to defeat the carrot-hungry moles and save the world. Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled arcade adventure that will transport you back to the golden age of gaming! Available on both Steam and itch. Priced at $3.99 USD / £3.43 / 3,99€, including the 25% launch discount. Feel free to try the Demo first.
Murtop by hiulit
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talonted · 8 years ago
Highstreet Gems: Affordable Beauty Favourites
Highstreet Gems: Affordable Beauty Favourites
Boots and Superdrug are my happy places and I could spend hours wandering around them, swatching products, seeing what’s new, phone in hand to read reviews as I go. Although I’m just as much of a sucker for the expensive, luxury products as the next person, there is a certain giddy excitement when I find some highstreet gems. So this blog post is dedicated to the products I use a lot that can be…
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