#make her some tea. tell her how amazing she is. he already does that but do it more.
vickyvicarious · 6 months
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Susato not meeting her dad until she was six hurts me... But also, she met Kazuma not long after? So they've basically grown up as siblings together since then. That's super cute and also makes me even madder that she didn't get a hug from him just now.
I wonder if Kazuma was living in London with his father when he was a small child. Also, his whole career being the result of a promise between their fathers? That's... a lot in and of itself.
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burnthoneydrops · 4 months
A Shame Indeed (c.b. x fem!reader)
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pairing: colin bridgerton x fem!reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: use of female descriptors (miss, young lady, etc)
a/n: Part II to this post for colin! also a continuation of this series! i hope you enjoy and a reminder that requests are open! (both in general and for my 200 celebration :)) )
The Bridgerton drawing room is a wonderful net for beautiful sunlight. At least, that is what you gather while sitting there early one morning, a few weeks into your new role as governess. No main member of the family is awake, just the staff that keep the house afloat. It is rather peaceful, and you are grateful for the moments of solitude away from your room where you have piles of old curtain fabric surrounding you. As you finish stitching two panels of a Hyacinth size dress together, there are footsteps traipsing down the carpeted floor, alerting you of someone else’s arrival. You’re quick to your feet, lest it be a Bridgerton and you appear disrespectful. Though you have gained their trust and appreciation, it still feels as though someone might pull you back out of this dream scenario at any second. 
“Ah, good morning Mr. Bridgerton,” you nod, smiling lightly as Colin appears in the doorway. 
“Good morning Miss Y/N. It is rather early is it not? Is Hyacinth even awake yet?” He asks, looking down the hallway before walking closer into the room. 
“Alas, she is not. I figured wasting time while awake rather silly, however, so here I am”.
“With…” he looks behind you, back at the couch, and his eyebrows raise in confusion as his head tilts to the side. 
“Oh, those are curtains that Mrs. Wilson was going to have thrown out. There was a stain on them, apparently, but I have yet to find it”. 
That does not seem to lessen Colin’s confusion. 
“And what exactly are you doing with them?” 
“Hyacinth has been begging to go to the modiste with Lady Bridgerton and Miss Bridgerton, but the focus is on those who need new dresses for the season. So, in the absence of the actual modiste, I figured I could stand in and make her a new dress. It is, however, a surprise so please do not tell her,” you look between him and the curtain, hoping you hadn’t just spoiled your plan. 
Instead of verbally responding, Colin drags his fingers in front of his lips and twists an imaginary key, signalling his sworn secrecy. You laugh quietly, before turning to sit back down with your work. Now that you no longer have to fear the undermining of your surprise, you are free to work on it in the open, or at least in front of Colin. As a member of staff passes, Colin orders tea and scones, muttering something about how if the two of you were going to stay awake you might have some fuel. One thing you have learned throughout your few weeks is Hyacinth and Gregory’s love for mischief is rivalled only by Colin’s love of food. You say nothing, choosing to politely nod in agreement instead as you create the puff sleeves of Hyacinth’s dress. The scones and tea are brought quickly, you assume already prepared. You don’t think it will ever fail to amaze you how on top of everything the people who run Bridgerton house are nor the fact that you are now a part of that. 
“Do you care for cream or jam first?” Colin breaks the silence, almost startling you. 
“Oh, um, do not feel obliged to offer me any Mr. Bridgerton”. 
“Colin, please. We did agree to get to know each other on more adult terms, did we not?” 
“Well, I suppose we did. But that does not remove anything in the series of respect and class differentials Mr. Bridgerton”. 
“Yes, but if I am insisting, and you work for my house, then you must listen to me. Yes?” He looks quite pleased with himself as he pours milk into his teacup. 
“Fine, Colin it is. But if anyone asks, you are to inform them of your wishes immediately. I will not have people thinking I disrespect this house voluntarily,”. 
“Yes ma’am,” he laughs, “now, cream or jam?”  
The conversation carries on easily enough between the two of you, and for a second you forget yourself. You forget that you are inside the previously terrifying Bridgerton home, making clothes out of old curtains and drinking tea with one of your employers. It feels easy, relaxed, and you wish that you could perpetually stay in this moment. The warm sun on your back is the same that makes Colin appear glowing, making his laugh even that more heavenly in appearance. You pause, internally slow blinking and hoping that you’re not physically translating that on your face. You did not just call Colin Bridgerton’s laugh heavenly, did you? You push the thought out of your mind, remembering there is no place for thoughts like that while doing your job. 
That is until Lady Bridgerton makes her way into the drawing room and pauses at the sight before her. You notice her before Colin does, standing at attention immediately, dropping the dress down on the couch beside you. Colin stands cooly, walking over to greet his mother with a soft hug and a light kiss on the cheek. You do not think you’ve seen him do anything with much more force than that since your arrival, and you wonder if he is that gentle with every person he meets. Quickly checking that train of thought and registering it unhelpful at this current moment in time, you look back solely at Lady Bridgerton, apologising for the possibility that you had any part in waking her. 
“Oh no, my dear, it was not you,” she reassures you, choosing not to question why she found her third eldest and her newest hire alone together, but rather allowing Colin to excuse himself with the claim that he is to meet his brothers for a round of fencing. “May I ask why you have some of our old curtains in your possession?” She asks instead, taking Colin’s previously occupied seat on the couch across from you. 
“Oh, Mrs. Wilson said they were to be thrown away and I couldn’t bear the waste of perfectly good fabric, so I fashioned Hyacinth a new dress,” you display the work you had completed during your conversation with the third Bridgerton boy, trying to be prideful but fearing the response all the same. 
“How thoughtful of you,” Lady Bridgerton smiles and you secretly sigh in relief. Though you had never pegged Lady Bridgerton to be cruel or patronising in any way, some of your previous employers had not been as kind, so you always secretly fear the worst. Your letters to your mother would describe as such, the growing anxiety that every well-to-do mama that you serve under will be exactly like the last. As much as you continually remind yourself that the Bridgertons are different, those thoughts do love to linger. 
The afternoon sun brings a welcome break to your lesson with Hyacinth, who immediately insisted on wearing her new dress when presented with it. She looks lovely wandering around the garden, running across benches in the lightly patterned fabric which makes her easier to spot as well. Though that had not been your intention while making the garment, you have to admit it is a welcomed bonus. That child certainly has enough energy for all the ton twice over, so being easily seen is a necessity when she could run off at any moment. She had been dying to show you what she had observed in Gregory’s dance lesson and requested that you acted as the female so she could take Gregory’s spot. You curtsey as low as you can go before placing your hands on her small frame, bending at the knees ever so slightly so her hands can rest at a comfortable position. With no music to accompany you, Hyacinth takes to counting the steps out loud and you have to bite the inside of your cheek to suppress your laughter. One misstep has Hyacinth scolding you, though not entirely in earnest as the situation quickly crumbles into a fit of laughter between you both. The sweet girl sits next to you on the garden pathway, the two of you holding your stomachs as you laugh heartily. 
Colin stands at a window a floor above the gardens, overlooking the entertaining spectacle taking place before him. A persistent smile etches its way onto his face as his hands rest behind his back, grateful that you are down there and otherwise preoccupied so as to not witness his very obvious infatuation. He does not entirely know when his thoughts about you transitioned in such a way, he just hopes it is not as obvious as he feels it must be. Soon, he realises he is not the only person watching, as his mother has joined by his side, glancing down at what has captured her son’s attention so. 
“She has quite the way with the children,” his mother comments, continuing to glance at the two of you rather than addressing her son directly. 
“You chose well,” he agrees, looking quickly at Lady Bridgerton before continuing to smile at the sound of your laugh climbing its way up through the window. 
“A very kind soul indeed,” Lady Bridgerton sighs contently, turning then to look at her son. “With a rather large, loving heart as well. It would be a shame to let that go to waste”. With no further explanation, she turns and walks away, leaving her son in the sunlit spot on the carpet, confused. She did always have a way for reading her childrens’ minds, as well as their hearts, even when they could not conjure up their thoughts themselves. 
What a shame it would be, he agrees mentally. What a shame.
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portgasdwrld · 1 year
Strawhat reactions to a chiropractor or massage therapist joining their crew? (Sfw) I know they get injured and could use it.
I love those random ideas lately 😭helps me out if my writer block💕
📂Strawhat + chiropractor/massage therapist reader joining their crew
Mostly them reacting to you proposing them a session
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He’s so fucking excited. He’s jumping everywhere, begging to be your first client. He’s already laying down in your office to have his body cracked, but then you realize as you do it that his body is literally made of rubber and it’s impossible for you to work on him. When you tell him the news, he’s whining and tells you to try again😭 He’s all pouty so you decide to massage him and that put him out to sleep real quick. He went from sulking to sleeping. When he woke up, he commented about how good this was and truly he never felt this alive in a while.
He would totally refuse at first and complain about how he doesn’t need it and how he only needs to rest a little (a good nap), and he will be fine. But then you actually try to convince him to do it, as you saw how much his body had to go through with his training, the battles, his poor sleep position… He finally agrees only after Chopper tells him how it can better his performance and make him feel more relaxed. He barely admits that it did in fact made him feel better, but now he jumps to the occasion whenever you propose it 🚶🏻‍♀️
Nami & Robin
The girls are so freaking happy especially Nami. She pretty much asks you for a session whenever she feels sore after working hard on maps or when she had to fight. She chats to you about life and tell you some gossips. She loves to make conversation and treat it a bit like a spa day.
Robin was down to try it, but she usually use her devil fruit if she feels sore somewhere and need to release some built up tension, because of stress or battles. Basically, she never needed someone for that, but after Nami told her how amazing you were, she gave it a try. She’s mostly silent and take this time to relax her body and empty her thoughts.
He’s a bit scared at first because he heard some people talk about horror stories at the chiropractor. He heard some people got their bones cracked with no going back to normal or how some doctor were secretly psychopath 💀💀💀 To say the least, he really didn’t see the appeal to risk his life like this 😔 If you poke fun at his ego, he might do it just to prove it to you that he isn’t scared (his legs are shaking the moment he enters your office). He has difficulty relaxing which put you off , You have to wait for couple minutes, make him sips some relaxing tea. When it finally happens, he’s bragging about how cool it is and how everyone should do it🙄 there is legit nothing to be scared off pfff???
I don’t know why, but I get the feel Sanji would somewhat be shy 😭 When you ask him if he wanna have a session to help with his stress, he would just look at you like 😳?? He would try to make analogy to food, like it’s a bit like how he hit(?) the meat before cooking it so it’s tender, but in that case it’s gonna make him relaxed. You kinda just stare and nod because whut 😭 He honestly could use it with all the cooking he does and the fights. He loved it but he got flustered a lot. He was red-shy when he left 🚶🏻‍♀️
He’s a skeleton.
Finally FRANKYYY, this man was BORN for this. He is so excited and is so talkative. He asks you when you started and why did it became your profession. He pretty much tell you to only focus on the back of his body because it’s less solid than the rest of his cyborg body. So you went in for a massage and he’s really vocal through it. As it ends, he tells you he’s happy you joined and he will be a regular which makes you laugh because you two are literally on the same boat lol 😭
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essycogany · 6 months
SonAmy Headcanons
Because why not.
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This is how I personally see their relationship. I’ll try to keep it somewhat accurate to how they’d act canonically. I’d say where they are now is great, but I’d like to add a few things. Some of these may or may not be influenced by other amazing creators.
You are free to steal if you want.
Sonic and Amy mostly act like a couple in private areas or when they think no one is paying attention. They might tell a few of their friends, but often try to keep things discreet. Even if their overall relationship isn’t different in a third person’s perspective.
Tails: “You two sure you’re not still friends or are you actually together?”
Sonic And Amy: “Yes!”
Sonic’s the most chill and casual boyfriend and shows a good amount of affection. Amy is an overjoyed and loving girlfriend who shows a huge amount of affection.
Amy does her best to not tell most people about her and Sonic. Making an effort to call him her “best friend.” Sonic doesn’t mind it much, even saying it’s “not a big deal.” Leaving Amy confused.
Sonic tells whoever he feels like telling that Amy’s his girlfriend without thinking and thinks it’s funny when she’s shocked about it.
The hedgehogs are unsure of what normal couple standers are. They usually already know what works for them. Except who they should tell.
Sonic shows affection by kissing Amy on the hand and hugging her. When feeling extra, he carries her and takes her out on a run. Amy shows affection by constant cheek kissing, hugging, and ear rubbing. (which he pretends to not enjoy but does.)
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These and basically everything that happened between them recently are what I have in mind in terms of physical affection.
Instead of kissing they touch each other’s cheeks.
Sonic (being a casual boyfriend) puts his arm around Amy’s shoulder indistinctively in public.
Both hedgehogs forget how they got together. All they remember is it happening.
They enjoy having tea with Cream in order to hang out more. And to spend time with Cream of course.
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Amy instantly starts cooking more food after Sonic finishes eating.
Sonic and Amy love gardening and cooking together after defeating Eggman.
Amy admires Sonic’s knowledge about plants, guitars, and books. Sonic admires Amy’s optimistic side whenever she geeks out about silly stuff.
Their brief arguments stems to worrying about one another or what cake tastes better.
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Sonic’s favorite times with Amy are when he teases her and she chases after him.
Amy laughs at Sonic’s jokes. Even when they’re not funny.
They both find bungee-jumping romantic and relaxing.
Amy and Sonic plays with each other’s quills when they’re bored.
The best dates are when they’re on dangerous adventures. Sometimes dates aren’t fun when nothing crazy happens. On those days, they go find trouble to be satisfied. But normal dates can be cool if it means they get to travel together.
Amy mostly sends gifts on holidays and Sonic gives gifts when she doesn’t expect it.
Sonic only dresses up when Amy reminds him. Amy doesn’t mind if he forgets because she ends up buying him outfits. She even makes Sonic a red hoodie and he wears it a lot.
When apart for a long time, they write each other letters.
Sonic randomly comes over Amy’s place at any time of day without warning. She acts as if she doesn’t like it, but really enjoys the company of her boyfriend.
On movie nights, Amy and Sonic always forget how long Sonic stays and ends up sleeping on the couch together with one head on top of the other. The same thing happens when they go outside for a “short run,” and end up sleeping outside.
The blue blur’s way of saying “I love you” back to Amy is by using sign language or saying “right back at ya.” He’ll eventually start saying “I love you,” later on. Which surprises Amy to no end when he does it out of nowhere.
The romance Sonic and Amy have isn’t only romance, but an updated version of their friendship. The ability to still be their own people even when in different places. Sonic and Amy are a power couple whose love for adventure strengthens their love for each other. The hedgehogs are equally as happy as when they were close friends. That is what keeps them attached.
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That’s a rap! This most likely will never happen, but I don’t mind. Them officially being friends with crushes on each other is stellar and I’m satisfied with it.
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mayajadewrites · 6 months
Sweet Secret (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman x F! Reader CEO Levi Ackerman coming in hot. I've been wanting to write a CEO Levi/Sugar daddy Levi story for a hot minute. Enjoy! Summary: You needed a job. Ackerman Inc was hiring for an in house assistant for none other than the CEO: Levi Ackerman. He's known to be essentially the worst to work with, you decide to take the job and take on the challenge that is Levi Ackerman. Will your relationship remain professional, or will their be monetary value added to the stakes? Or possibly even... love? ao3 Chapter Ten: Falling
The next morning you and Levi find yourself at the breakfast buffet, the warmth of the sun kissing your tanned skin. You have 3 more days in paradise and you're soaking up all the warmth while you can. 
Since last night, Levi has been a bit softer with you. You woke up wrapped in his arms, feeling his heartbeat against your chest. You almost didn't want to get out of bed because of how peaceful he looked. You studied the dark circles under his eyes, thinking about how he probably doesn't sleep much. If he does, it's short lived.
"What did you want to do today?" Levi took a sip of his tea. You eyes scan down to his upper body - his chest dressed with a linen white shirt with two buttons undone.
"Hm..." You tap your chin with your index finger. "Can we look at the shops? I saw some cute trinkets there that I think my sister would love." 
Levi nods as he dabs his lips with his napkin. "Tell me more about your sister."
"What about her do you want to know?" You tilt your head to the right. Levi has never really shown that much interest in your personal life, besides things that he already knew. 
"Well, she's 18 and very independent." You take a sip of water. "She's always been rambunctious and causing trouble, but I'm always there to pick up the pieces. I've been taking care of her since she was 6."
"6? So that means you were 16?"
"Yeah. I... left my parents and took her with me." 
"That must've been a lot for you." 
"Some days I don't remember how we even survived, if I'm being honest. My only goal was to get Alexis a stable home. I finished high school and took college courses through computers at our library. We stayed at a shelter until I could find us a cheap apartment."
Levi is absorbing all of this information. His eyes never leave yours, making sure you know he's listening. "You're very strong." He paused and looked towards the water, the ocean air invading his nostrils. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."
"Nothing to be sorry about." You smile at Levi before pressing your lip gloss wand to your lips. Levi watches as you lather the clear, glittery substance on your pouty lips. His eyes wander to your curvy figure - your black sundress caressing every dip and curve on your body. "Did you enjoy breakfast?" You break his stare.
"It was... average. The tea could've been better." 
"Is there a place that always makes your tea right?"
"Yeah. It's in Japan." 
"Of course it is.
"Levi, look at this!" You walk into one of the shops in the hotel. This hotel has a fucking mall inside of it, something you never thought you would've ever experienced. "They have vintage teacups!"
Levi put his hands in his pockets as he browsed the teacups, taking in all of the detail. You've never seen him so focused on something, so you're proud of yourself for bringing him in here. You watch him, feeling your heart beat a bit faster. 
None of this is real.
This is a transaction.
Snap out of it.
"Do you see any that you want?" You bring yourself next to Levi. He glances down at you.
"I do. I'm having them sent to the house." Levi handed the cashier his black AMEX card. "I've only seen them in Japan."
"That's amazing." You smile at him. Your gazes catch each other and the both of you can feel your hearts skip a beat.
Levi clears his throat to break the tension that you're both feeling.
"Where to next?" 
"I saw some cute bags over there." You point at a store across the way. You know Levi enjoys the luxuries of life, so why not indulge a little?
As you walk in the shop, Levi's large hand presses to the small of your break. 
No affection outside of the bedroom, You remember him saying. You decide to test the limits- wrapping your arm around his bicep. His arms are a weakness of yours - the muscles look like they were carved by Greek Gods. Levi didn't move you, nor say anything. 
"Aren't you two a beautiful couple?" The saleswoman said. "Are you looking for anything specific?" 
"I like that bag." You point to a small, soft green structured bag thats in a display case. It was gold hardware, simple but so elegant. Levi nods in approval.
"We'll like that." 
"We do free monogramming/engraving, did you want to do that?"
"Yes." Levi answered for you.
You raise your eyebrows as Levi walked toward the register. "You stay here." 
As you wait, you watch Levi again. You feel your heartbeat quickening as his mouth moves when he speaks. You don't hear any words but you're engulfed in... him.
The slight tan in his skin, the way his shirt bellows over his muscles, the way his eyes are drawn to yours every other minute.
Is this what falling in love feels like?
Levi brings the bag over to you, smiling to himself.
"Why are you smiling?! What did you do!" You peek into the bag.
"Open it and see for yourself." Levi shoves his hands in his pockets.
You gently take the bag out of the bag, looking at the engraving that was done on the bag. 
You see a simple L in the center below the straps. "L for Levi?" You smile at him.
"Do you like it?" 
"I love it." You press the bag to your chest, unsure if this a moment where you should hug him.
"I'm glad." He nods. You put the bag back in it's bag, gazing into his eyes. You're both almost hypnotized by each other as your bodies get closer.
"Levi," You breath, almost feeling his nose on yours.
"Mm?" He whispers as he presses his hand to your hip.
"I thought you said no affection outside of the bedroom." Your big, doe eyes land on his.
"Today we can ignore that rule." He gently takes the bag from you as he pulls your body into his. His hand trails to your ass, giving it a squeeze as his face leans into yours.
Your lips touch and it feels like a fire has been lit inside of you. This isn't a frenzied kiss, nor is it a peck. Levi moves his lips with purpose, taking care of every inch of your mouth. He squeezes your ass again, massaging it gently after. You wrap your arms around his neck, fully letting yourself fall into him. He pulls away gently, kissing your lips, nose, cheek, and forehead before turning to be on your side. 
You still feel the ghost of his kiss on your lips and you know you want, no need to feel that sensation again. Your core is already feeling needy as he takes your hand and laces his fingers with yours. 
Levi leans down to your ear, pressing his lips against the shell of your ear. "You knew what you were doing with that sundress, hm?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." You giggle, pressing your hand to his forearm.
"If we weren't in public I would be-"
"Would be what?" You turn to him, pulling a hair behind your other ear. "Tell me what you want to do to me." You whisper, letting your lips hover against his as you turn to him.
"New rule." Levi pulled your hand as he started walking. "No dirty talk in public." He cleared his throat. 
"Why?" You pick up your face as you look down and see exactly why that new rule has been enacted.
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florencetypemaniacs · 6 months
How would the Ro's react if someone was flirting with Mc?
(In crushing and dating stage)
I already did the crushing stage right here.
💛 Marcel
It would depend; he trusts you completely, so Marcel wouldn't be bothered, but as soon as the other person gets too close or you look uncomfortable, he is by your side. 
"Excuse us, I need to see my girlfriend/partner/boyfriend for a moment."
Marcel's voice was tight but still quite friendly, even as his smile was almost tiger-like as he stared at the person who instinctively backed away a little. Marcel doesn't even wait for a response from the person, as he takes you by the arm gently until both of you are in private. 
"Are you okay, darling?" He touched your cheek. "They didn't bother you too much; I can go out and talk to them for you. Make them leave you alone." 
🧡 Margaret
It would take some intense flirting for her to notice, not because she isn't paying attention but because she wouldn't realize that the other person was flirting with you, but once she does, she is jittery, like she drank five cups of expresso due to her nerves. 
Oh, poor Margaret, she would awkwardly stand between you, hating how jealous she is feeling but just watching the conversation like a tennis match. 
She would place her hand in yours under the counter, worrying if you were going to leave her. 
If you were to flirt back, that would absolutely break her; she would have to excuse herself and go break down in the other room
❤️ Owen
Owen would just put his arm around you, which would be surprising. Owen isn't the PDA type, but he would be that day. 
The person looking at Owen's size and muscles backed away a little, but if they were to continue talking to you, he would just stare the person down as he kissed your cheek, hugging you from behind, and whispering in your ear. 
Every so often, he would say little jabs at the person, not overly aggressive but enough to make the person get the hint to hit the road before Owen hit their face. 
If you were to give him a worried or confused look, Owen would just raise an eyebrow at you as if acting this way was completely natural.
When the person finally leaves, Owen would go back to normal, leaning against the counter. If you were to question him about it, his only response would be
"I don't know what you're talking about, Lass/Duck/Lad."  
💙 Rosemary
If Rosemary and you are a couple, then she has gotten over her relationship truma, has complete trust in you, and doesn't feel the need to be the center of your attention, even if it bugs her just a smidge. So unless the person is making you uncomfortable or bothering you, she wouldn't do anything besides glare at the person flirting with you. 
When she saw a sign that you needed help, Rosemary would tell that person to get out. 
"Alright, sweetheart, I think it's time for you to go." Rosemary said, her voice dripping with something dangerous as the person backed away a little. 
"What? I just got here. Plus, me and this lovely-" 
Rosemary squeezed your cheek, interrupting the person. "Ah, they are sweeter than sugar, aren't they, but as they are MY lover, I say you should take rejection like a champ and get the hell out before I take you out by the ear like a kid." Rosemary said brightly, watching as soon as the person ran out of the shop. 
The next thing you know, Rosemary pulls you into a deep kiss. "Now that that is over, why don't we have a nice cup of tea?" 
🩵 Tai
Yeah no. That's not happening. Tai would be so jealous, like smoke coming out of ears jealous. 
Insults and berating about whatever the person was talking about would fly out of his mouth in such a way that it would leave you even amazed. Tai would have that classic, stoic look on his face before he drove the person away with his comments. 
If you were to question him about it, he would blush a bright red. "They were flirting with you as if I weren't standing right here; what did you expect me to do?" 
Tai would mumble about the person under his breath for the next hour about anything really—all negative comments, of course. 
💚 Zane
Honestly? It is likely the same as the crushing stage, where he tries to kill the person flirting with you. 
Although one thing is different, Zane isn't waiting for you to turn around before he gets in a person's face.
"Get out." Zane hissed like a snake. 
The person looked taken aback. "Excuse me? Dude, you can't just..." 
The white in Zane's eyes disappeared, replaced with black that matched the iris, making the person cower and jump back in surprise before running out of the store.
Zane then put you on the counter, placing himself in the middle of your legs before pulling you into a deep kiss then.......dragging you to the bedroom. 
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prettypei · 1 year
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plot: things they do that make you fall for them even more; fluff!
reader: gn! Reader
pairings: zhongli, childe, kaeya, itto, kaveh
warnings: none
(a/n): inspired by the lyrics of Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears!!!!!
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✰You and ZHONGLI were at a small cafe in Liyue, both listening to a storyteller telling tales about “the two brothers who buried their pet dog” and “the girl who didn’t cry”. The audience mostly consisted of small children, but you and your boyfriend didn’t mind. He’s sipping on a cup of oolong tea as he listens intently to the story, smiling in a peaceful manner, and you’re amazed at how calm he can be when he’s drinking his tea. He raises an eyebrow at you, noticing you staring at him. “Is something wrong, love?” “No, nothing at all.”
✰CHILDE’s smiling at his mother while he scrubs the plates for her. “No, really ma, it’s fine I’ll do the dishes for you.” You had just finished a meal with childe’s family in Snezhnaya, and Childe was offering to clean the plates. His mother smiles and pats his head. “What did I ever do to deserve a son like you?” She jokes, chuckling while going up the stairs and into her bedroom. Soon, there’s only the two of you in the kitchen. “I can feel you staring.” Childe says, his back facing you. “What? Is your hot boyfriend too much to handle?” “Nah. I think it’s cute you’re a mama's boy.” You grin. His ears turn red at your words.
✰You were out admiring the view of Mondstadt from starsnatch cliff when you feel someone cover your eyes. You shriek and tumble in the grass, while your mysterious attacker laughed as you brought them down too. “KAEYA????” You exclaimed. “Who else?” KAEYA chuckles, uncovering your eyes. “B-but I thought you were on a mission?!” “Ah, fuck that. You’re more important to me.” “You snuck out to see me?! Jean is gonna be so mad.” “Worth it though. I’ve been too busy lately, haven’t even see your face today, cutie.” “Well… thanks, cheesy.” You sit up from the grass and smile at him. “That’s so Kaeya of you, babe.” “I know, I know.”
✰it was another day in Inazuma with ITTO battling younger kids for beetles, but this time, surprisingly, he won. "HAH! Take THAT you little-oh god you're crying." Itto immediately rushes over to comfort the kid who'd he'd won against, assuring that he would bring him lots and lots of candy and lots and lots of toys while you watched in the distance with amusement on your face. "Hey-hey look, don't cry! I-it's just a beetle fight, not worth crying over." The kid keeps on crying. "U-ugh fine! I'll give you my beetle...." The child's eyes lighten up by the mention of this. "R-really?!" "I guess..." You see an elderly lady watch on in the distance, smiling. Itto then jogs to you who's sitting under a tree. "Ready to go baby? I've already lost another beetle to the kids due to pity..." He groans. You chuckle and get up, wrapping your arm around his waist. "That was nice of you to do that though." "What do you mean?! I'm ALWAYS nice!"
✰You were walking in Sumeru, searching for your boyfriend, KAVEH, only to find him arguing with a client. You wanted to surprise him with some books about architecture that you got for his birthday, but he seemed a little...busy at the moment. "I'm TELLING you that the door is designed to be like this! It creates a perfect symmetry with the roof!" "But, well, don't you think it's a little too...flashy?" "FLASHY???!" Kaveh exclaims with an incredulous look on his face. "Y-Y-You hire ME and-" "W-wait, isn't that your lover, (name)?" The client then points at you who was about to go. And Kaveh...boy, Kaveh eyes light up, and his demeanor does a one-eighty. "(name)!" He shouts, rushing over to you and engulfing you in a hug. "Hup! Oh-uh-Kaveh!" "Did you want to see me? That's so sweet of you!" "Actually, I wanted to surprise you with these gifts I got for you-" "Y-you did?" He's over the moon now, scanning through the books you got him. "T-these were the ones I told you about! I-You-I-" Kaveh is blabbering now, smiling and grinning at you. "I like your smile." You say. "what?" "Your special smile! The one you save for me." He then goes on to smile that smile again. "Hello? Guys? Still building my house?" The client says in the distance.
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foreverjustaplace · 3 months
The Bear, Season 3 PREDICTIONS
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OKAY! So with The Bear premiering slightly earlier now, I wanted to go ahead and get my predictions (and maybe some delusional wishes) out on here because I just saw the still where Syd and Carmy are drinking tea after Carmy gets out of the fridge and I definitely had Syd being there when he got out of the walk-in. I never did get my fanfic out before the new season (although who knows. There’s still time!) so I hope I’ll still be in the headspace to finish it after I see the new episodes!
I would LOVE to see everyone’s predictions, too, so add them in the comments or create a post and tag me!
My Predictions:
Let’s start with Sydcarmy first. Oh, hell. This season is going to be one that drags us through all of the emotions. It’s already giving angst galore from all of the promos. A lot of us are worried about this ship, but I have to believe that while Storer may have not initially been on the sydcarmy train, we have a believer in Calo and loves love. We’ll be okay but it’s not going to always be pretty. We’re about to go through it, 100%, but I think the arduous emotional jouney will be worth it in the end (the end perhaps not being this season…). 
As mentioned, I predicted to myself that Syd would be waiting for Carmy when he finally is freed the walk-in refrigerator before I saw the image. To add to this, I believe this will be a very tense moment. Syd is incredibly disappointed with Carmy, but we’re going to get a hellava moment between the two in the very first episode. This moment is going to show just how deep Syd’s love (and I actually do mean in the friendship sense here) runs for Carmy. Despite Carmy already fucking up by not get the fridge fixed, we will get to see Syd give Carmy more grace than he deserves. But she is going to be skeptical as hell of him. He is going to seemingly change overnight and ignore all healthy ways of coping and go straight into this maniacal version of himself. 
They are about to put us through a Sydcarmy fight for the ages after Carmy does his whole partnership shit. But when I tell you this is going to remind us of the most dramatic romances we read on our Kindles, I mean it. Imagine this trope as one of those whole ass agreement list things that one or both of the romance leads (in a friends to lovers, especially) have. The agreement is done when the friends have an insane, amazing friendship and there’s more there, obviously, but they’re afraid to admit it. Sometimes they truly don’t even know that they like each other! In the case of Carmy, he is so avoidant of all of his feelings, he doesn’t even allow himself to think he likes her in this way. And even if he does recognize it, he certainly doesn’t know how to properly channel that into a romantic relationship with Sydney but he is 100% cognizant of the fact that he doesn’t want to lose her. That he CANNOT lose her. This agreement is done under the guide of a professional work agreement, but what he is proposing sounds more initamiate this just a work agreement. I honestly think it’s going to be jarring because on one hand Carmy believes this will lead to a star, but on the other hand what he’s trying to do starts to look and sound more like a non-platonic relationship.  
There is going to be a DREAM sequence that will make sydcarmy shippers happy. I just have this feeling or maybe this is me in delululand. Look. There were one too many damn dream sequence jokes for me to not take it seriously. I’m always a big believer that dream sequences should go big or go home; in fact, I’m trying to go through all of the dream sequences I’ve watched before in my head right now. I can’t think of one that did not involve kissing OR the wake-up-right-before-they-kiss moment at least. Think back to last month’s Polin (Bridgerton). I hope we get the kiss but I’ll even take the latter. BUT I’m going to go big and say that this may not even be a all heated and sexy dream. Um. What if it’s a Sydcarmy wedding!!!  
Syd and Carmy will sit next to each other at the funeral. There will be some comforting hand holding that is going to put us in a chokehold. I think Syd cries and Carmy comforts her. 
Ya know how Carmy helped Claire move whatever the hell furniture last season? Yeah, we’re gonna see a parallel of the moving thing when he helps Syd. We’re gonna get a Sydcarmy moment inside Sydney’s apartment and they’re going to talk about the future. This will be a great scene and will be use in all the future edits for sureee. Fantasyland me wants Carmy to say some shit like, “Syd, I don’t even know why you didn’t just move in with me?” “Carmy, use your head. You have one bedroom ? ? ?” “I would’ve taken the couch, nbd.”
Carmy sees Syd’s tattoos. I hope!! Perhaps this is in the dream sequence? Or maybe they have an actual conversation. Carmy tells Syd what one of his tattoos means. She does the same. But, forreal, this is a headcanon for me. 
To end the season, Syd and Carmy forreal do something that makes it hard to deny they are 100% in the platonic love category. They kiss and there is a conversation that rivals the under the table scene. Richie is the one who helps them get to this point. 
Sydney makes the decision to step away from Carmy a bit. Does she go to Ever? God, I hope not. But I think her health problems are going to be crazier (PLEASE STORER do not make her sick!!! I beg you!) and she can’t deal with Carmy’s shit any longer. I honestly think we’re going to see the season span months and the angst will be rough. Hopefully it’s one of those, “Three Months Later” things so we don’t actually have to see it. LOL Just get me to the end. 
Carmy is about to piss everyone off. I think we’re going to see Tina, Natalie, Richie, Sweeps, even Pete get into it with him. 
There will be a good number of flashbacks this season:
*Mikey in his last few months, weeks, and/or days leading up to his death 
*But also we’ll see some fun, sweet memories involving Mikey. Moments with Richie, Nat, and Carmy.
*Carmy as a chef before The Beef/The Bear. I’m so looking forward to these! 
*We are finally going to see Syd’s mom in flashbacks! 
Emanuael and Carmy meet. Syd’s dad will not like Carmy. He’s not gonna be impressed at all. They are going to talk and Carmy is going to do everything in his power to convince Emanuel he will be better for Syd and that she’s everything to him. Emanuel is going to give him some advice to win over Sydney. 
Richie is going to start dating and at least semi-successful. I think his redemption arc is still happening and specifically related to his relationships. Not gonna lie, I do actually like the idea of Jess and Richie and so I’m going to keep that in the mix and say Richie is the one who sets up Syd with the Ever guy. Richie will attend Tiff and Frank’s wedding. 
Syd and Marcus grow so much closer. Syd is going to serve as a supporting, loving friend to Marcus. They’re going to bond over the dead mom club. It’s going to be wonderful to see their friendship.
Donna is there for Nat. Perhaps she goes into labor and Donna is there to ease her nerves. It’s a wild moment for sure but a pretty poignant one. 
Luca. Dude. I don’t even know. I LOVE his character. I want him to, like, I’d love for him and Marcus to hook up. That would be the absolute best. Hell, I’d really love for Luca to be Sydney and starting flirting with her and with get to see jealous!Carmy! (PLEASE!) but I’ll settle for some flashback scenes. I guessss. Perhaps Luca comes help out at The Bear? I’d love that.
I’ve seen a lot of people say that The Bear will struggle greatly and close. I cannot deal with this LOL. I don’t want this to happen so I’m not going to predict it, but I think there will be some struggling. 
Tina’s story is gonna be emotional. Her journey into the kitchen is going to be one that happens because she desperately needs a job. We’re going to see her with Luis’ father. We are going to see her with Mikey. We’re going to see that she has always been bright and so capable. 
Claire. Man. I don’t like that she is even in this season, but I appreciate a great story and don’t think we can fully wrap this whole thing up if the walk-in fridge breakup was it. Fak is starting to get on my last nerves with his matchmaking shit lol but I think we will see Claire in at least a slightly different and enhanced light. Chris Storer is intentional in everything he does and I don’t believe for one second this doctor can be so surface level. Carmy may have this guilt eating him up and his trauma keeping him from  wanting anything good, but ultimately Carmy doesn’t actually want her. She’s meant to represent this nice person and serve merely as (physical) relief. But I don’t even know. I don’t think she and Carmy are endgame at all. I want Claire to tell Fak to stop his nonsense. I want her to understand her worth and not go back to Carmy after he said all of this shit about her (and not just because I love Sydcarmy but because I’m for the girlies knowing their worth!). 
What I would really love to happen is Claire cursing Carmy tf out. I’d love for Claire and Syd to have a one-on-one conversation and Sydney says something that exposes how she feels about Carmy to Claire. Awkwardness ensues. 
Okay. Damn. I started typing and I couldn’t stop. It was as if I was ten years old again and typing my predictions for the upcoming Harry Potter book. Dang. Take me back to those days! Those prediction threads were unreal. Tell me your predictions! 
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trashboatprince · 6 months
I got a request for Fourteen and Shaun, and I've been looking for a good excuse to write something with them!
So, there will be mentions of books and audio stories because I LOVE the extended universe stuff for Ten and Donna.
As always, I write Fourteen with they/them pronouns.
On with the fic!
Shaun yawned loudly as he wandered down the stairs of the UNIT home his family was temporarily staying in. Donna was already off to work at this time, Sylvia was at her own home, same with Wilf, and Rose was at school.
Leaving Shaun, who didn't work until the evening, alone at home.
Not actually alone.
Because there was an alien inside the kitchen, staring intently at the toaster, as if it was challenging them. "Is there... an issue with the toaster again?"
"It burnt my toast." The Doctor pouted. "I put the dial on the exact timing for it to be perfect! And it came out black! Also, good morning, Shaun! Did you want any tea? Donna's got everything ready, you just need to start the electric kettle when you're in the mood!"
Shaun blinked, the mood changes on this guy still took him by surprise, even after a month of living with them. "Uhh... yeah, thank you. Also, you do know that this toaster doesn't have a timer, right? It has settings for how toasted you want the bread to be."
The Doctor looked at him before looking at the toaster. "Oh!" They slapped their forehead. "Dumbo! Of course that's how it works! Explains the little bread drawings around the dial, getting darker and darker..."
Shaun laughed and shook his head, activating the kettle and moved to grab some more bread for them. Toast sounded pretty good anyway, so he'd have a few slices too. "What are your plans for the day, Doctor?"
"Hm? Oh, uhh... I dunno. I'm still trying to get used to this whole slowing down thing, it's weird to figure what to do with my day! And Donna's got the TARDIS key and the TARDIS is on her side, she won't open for me!"
The Doctor was jumping in place, clearly annoyed with the lack of activities they were used to doing.
"Well, that's just how the normal life is, Doctor. Lots of boring things and not a lot of adventures. Well, unless if you make your life an adventure." Shaun shrugged, holding out the bread to them. "Donna's still got the key?"
"Course she does, reminded me this morning."
"She's a stubborn one."
"Always has been." The Doctor smiled brightly. "Wouldn't be Donna if she wasn't! Oh man, the amount of times that stubbornness saved me."
Shaun looked at him before grabbing the kettle, pouring himself a mug of tea. "Got an example? I'm sure you've got a lot of them."
The Doctor blinked twice. "You... want to know about our adventures?"
"Sure! Donna's mentioned some things, but she never goes into details, I'm rather curious." Shaun smiled.
"Brilliant! Let's get our food and then I'll tell you some stuff!"
Once tea and coffee were prepared, and toasts perfectly toasted, the two sat at the breakfast table and the Doctor was excitedly telling Shaun about some of the adventures from their past with Donna. They explained about the time that Donna and their tenth incarnation went to the 1990s to see Donna's favorite band. And that there was an alien invasion at the time that affected the band, but Donna was able to fix it!
And then there was the time that the world was in danger due to anger killing people, and how Donna stubbornness to do the right thing overpowered her fear of needles so she could save her grandfather, which allowed her and the Doctor to realize how to solve this with good deeds. Though Shaun noted that the Doctor seemed to skip over some things, as if it was something they weren't ready to talk about. But Shaun did learn that the Doctor hates planes, which was interesting to note.
"Oh, and there was that time that Donna and I were trapped in a giant, outer space apartment complex! It was... a lot, a lot! But it was amazing! Not sure how stubborn Donna was during that, we did a lot of running around and almost got killed a billion times, but it was all solved in the end."
"You two have had some strange adventures." Shaun pointed out. "Donna mentioned the other night while we were making dinner about you two visiting a water planet and her almost drowning because the... air dome was failing? And how she was annoyed you weren't carrying your phone."
The Doctor laughed. "Did she bring it up because I forgot my phone that day and didn't noticed she called me five times?"
The two of them laughed about this. "Ah, my wife is a wonderful woman, but she has a temper."
"It's part of her charm." The Doctor chuckled. "It can get on my nerves, but I'm happy that she does it cause she cares. Honestly, she knew how to put my past self in his place, because he needed it."
"Are your... different, what did you call it, regenerations, different from you?"
"Oh yes, in a sense. I mean, we're always the Doctor, but sometimes the personalities are different. Like, there was a me who was all angry eyebrows and cool guitar riffs, or the one was smiling a lot but was quick to... well... quick to cause a lot of trouble. Didn't help that my friend at the time was good with explosives. Still is. It's amazing what Ace can do. Anyway, if Donna had met them, she'd keep them from being as outlandish as they could get at times. She did for me when I first had this face."
"And she will for this face." Shaun pointed out.
"Of course, I wouldn't expect anything less." The Doctor smiled. "You know, we haven't spoken much, Shaun, but you can talk with me whenever. Doesn't even have to be about Donna! It can be about anything, except football. No offense, but while I'm decent at it, I've never really understood it. I'm more of a cricket fan, actually."
"Good to know!" Shaun nodded, picking up their plates before he stopped. "What do you know about cars?"
"Quite a lot, I used to own one and that got me interested in how they work!"
"Think you can help me fix up my cab? Was making a weird clicking sound last night before the shift ended and I want to see what's up. If you can help, that'd be great, much better than going to a mechanic."
The Doctor was grinning, pulling their sonic thingy out of their pocket. "Sounds like fun! Heck, if you want, I can upgrade it so that it saves petrol so you're not spending so much on it!" They babbled as they got up from the table, making their way for the door.
Shaun watched them, clearly excited to be doing some sort of fiddling with a device. Donna had said they enjoyed tinkering, hopefully they could fix the car and not, well... do what they did to the microwave.
"Uhhh, let's see what you do about the clicking before you do that, Doctor!" Shaun said, following him to the door.
I think Fourteen and Shaun would get along, Shaun seems like one of those guys that instantly becomes your friend. Plus, if he makes Donna happy, then the Doctor is happy.
I was gonna mention the Pompeii adventure, but I'm saving that for a one-shot where the Doctor goes to a museum with the Noble-Temple family.
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jennyandvastraflint · 10 months
No, actually, you know what I would write for Yaz/13/Mels? (WOULD being the imperative word here)
No fam, thasmin pre-flux. The Doctor is chasing through the Universe for the Division and doesn't tell Yaz anything and it is FRUSTRATING. And then one day she's like "You know what, we need a break. How do you feel about being my date to the wedding I'm about to crash?" And 'break' sounds amazing and did she say DATE? So Yaz agrees.
And then she has to deal with
The Doctor insisting on going as 'Sonya Khan' ("Deep cover, Yaz!" Yaz really doesn't want to think of her as her baby sister)
The Doctor staring longingly at: The bride. The groom. The random woman with the space hair who's there for like 2 seconds.
The bride getting up in the middle of the speeches and calling for the Doctor - who gestures at Yaz not to react despite the woman's pleas.
The TARDIS suddenly landing in the middle of the wedding reception
Some MAN coming out the TARDIS ("Is that... you?" "Long time ago, we need to make sure he doesn't realise who I am")
The Doctor dancing with the bride and the groom and basically anyone at the wedding but Yaz
The OTHER Doctor talking to her and oh wow it IS the Doctor it is HER and Yaz has thought she was exclusively into woman and WHY does she find him attractive anyway of all men this doesn't make sense also he's not HER Doctor but he IS and this is all too much. But he's nice. And a terrible dancer. (The Doctor is a terrible dancer too but Yaz knew that already). And he offers her a trip in the box, he might have some vacancies soon. (she declines for obvious reasons)
A woman arriving extremely late into the night, clad in biker gear and the Doctor going very still before basically flinging herself at the woman. The woman - Mels - flirting with her SHAMELESSLY despite meeting Yaz (and yes they are here as 'sisters' but honestly you don't react to sisters by flirting openly with both of them either even if they obviously aren't blood related)
Somehow ending up in the Doctor's arms for the one slow couple dance (How did that happen, they haven't danced at all that night and wasn't the Doctor practically making out with Mels just now? Also wow she is surprisingly not as terrible at slow dance)
Not making out with Mels but scoring her number "in case her and her girlfriend want to meet up sometime for tea or... other stuff" (she does not correct the girlfriend thing and it feels thrilling. Also she is pretty sure, Mels would have made out with her as well if she was a) a little more out the closet and b) a little more comfortable with making out with a stranger)
Being dragged behind some shrubs in the garden to watch mystery woman with space hair from earlier talk to other Doctor basically implying they are married and then disappearing and other Doctor getting into the TARDIS with the bride and groom and tbe Doctor being a mess from that point on and not getting better for a WEEK
After that week has passed: the Doctor commenting that she had always wondered why Mels hadn't killed her that night. "Turns out we were keeping her occupied." (Yes I know Mels claims not to have been at the wedding but COME ON. That didn't happen. Those are her best friends and her parents and she definitely does weddings. So she lied because she is embarrassed about not killing the Doctor earlier or we're deleting that dialogue or whatever)
Realising (after a LOT of probing) that the woman they spent the wedding with - the third woman in her life to make her realise that yep she's very gay - has killed the Doctor. Twice. But she got better so it's all good. "Keep that number, might come in handy."
Not getting a proper explanation for any of that either
Okay, yes, I know the Doctor wouldn't do this. (Also it does not really have enough Mels for my tastes but anyway). But we know she is going through it before Flux so who knows? She might? Just take a short trip down memory lane?
Also, yes, poor, poor Yaz. I know. But it would be delightfully chaotic, wouldn't it?
Okay first of all I'm so sorry I didn't read this earlier!
It sounds fabulous! Love me some Thasmin (also I realised right at the end the wedding was Amy and Rory's, not really quickly getting things today, are we)
Gosh, River, and Mels, and Rory, and Amy, great chaos for Thasmin. Absolutely agree it would be chaotic as fuck XD
Can't wait for you to write it! (btw I did read the hair braiding fic you suggested to me and it was most exquisite, fluffiest fluff <3)
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reccyls · 11 months
Sengoku Cat Cafe (Kasugayama edition)
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This is a translation of the bonus cat POV (!!!) stories that are from the castle gacha I got the above image from. There are 3 stories:
3rd party (starring Funiko ≽^•⩊•^≼, a cute little black kitten)
Kasugayama (starring Joururi /ᐠﹷ ‸ ﹷ ᐟ\ノ, a classy calico lady)
Azuchi (starring Kabutomaru /ᐠ ˃ ⤙ ˂ マ Ⳋ, a tough and proud tuxedo boy)
Kasugayama story
(This is the most popular tea shop in Kasugayama.) (My name is Joururi. And it's time to get to work today!) (The rest of you, to your stations. It's time to open up shop.)
Kenshin: There really are cats here.
Kanetsugu: It seems to get quite crowded in the afternoon, so coming here early was the right choice.
Yoshimoto: The cats here all have such lovely coats. They must be very well-cared for.
Sasuke: Mai was right when she said that this must be the origin of cat cafes. Sasuke: It must be very calming to be around all those cats.
Yukimura: There's so many cats here, how do you tell them apart...
Shingen: Let's enjoy this shop that our goddess recommended to us, shall we?
(These are the guests of honor from a while ago!)
Joururi: Meow, meow.
Yukimura: This one looks friendly.
(Their clothes are fine, they're handsome, and they look rich. Perfect!)
Joururi: Meow, meow... meow?
(Don't just stand there, do come in.)
Kenshin & Kanetsugu: This is...
Yoshimoto & Shingen: ...quite...
Sasuke & Yukimura: ...amazing.
(Aren't I? I'm quite the beauty, after all!) (Now, in you get.)
Shingen: Are you the store greeter? What a lovely lady you are.
(Hmph, don't think of me as a mere greeter.)
Yukimura: Well, she does have a pretty cute face.
(Just my face? Excuse me?)
Yoshimoto: Isn't her fur just lovely too? Come here...
(Ooh, this one has the right petting technique!) (I'll rank him number one, but don't worry, I'm sure the rest of you are nice enough.)
Sasuke: She looks very friendly with you already, Yoshimoto. She's already cuddling.
Yoshimoto: Hmm... "Joururi"? Look, her name is printed on this tag. Yoshimoto: The owner of this store must truly love the arts. You've been given a very beautiful name, Joururi.
(Note: Joururi 浄瑠璃 is a type of traditional musical theater)
Joururi: Meow~
Kenshin: I wasn't aware that cats could look so proud.
Sasuke: A beautiful man and a beautiful cat... I'm sure there are artists who would kill to paint this.
Yoshimoto: You try petting her too, Sasuke. Here.
(Glasses? ...Hm, men with glasses aren't to my taste. Hya!)
Sasuke: ! She batted my glasses off my face... Joururi, do you not like me?
(...Ooh! Very nice!)
Yukimura: First she hits Sasuke's glasses, now she's purring at him. What's with the sudden change in attitude?
Kanetsugu: Perhaps she hates glasses?
(This one isn't bad either. Very nice eyes, very sharp... very passionate...) (I'll be borrowing your lap now!)
Kanetsugu: Hey! Don't just jump like that, it's dangerous...
(Put down your tea on the table now. Pet me instead.)
Joururi: Nyaaa...
(He smells nice. I'll definitely make him mine.) (There isn't a man alive who could resist my charms- Eh? Wha!?)
Other cats: Meow~ Meow~~~
Yukimura: Whoa, all of them are swarming here.
Sasuke: They're all surrounding Kanetsugu.
Shingen: What a wicked man you are, Kanetsugu. What's your secret for capturing the hearts of so many fair ladies?
Kanetsugu: ...I think I know what this is about.
Kenshin: So what is it?
Kanetsugu: I think they smell Raizou on me. I was handling him earlier today.
(...Now that you mention it, he does smell kind of mouse-ish. So that's what it was.) (But! His face is still excellent!)
Joururi: Meow meow meow!
Shingen: Kanetsugu, pass her to me.
(Hey, wait!)
Shingen: Come on now, don't act like that. Being held like this isn't so bad, is it?
(Ah... Big hands... wide chest...) (...This man is dangerous. He's oozing with sex appeal.)
Kanetsugu: She seems to be enjoying it.
Shingen: Would you spare me some of your attention, pretty lady?
(Oho, I see that you've fallen for my charms and you're now head over heels for me.)
Yukimura: She's gone completely limp.
(Hmm. Pass on that one.)
Yukimura: Hey, Joururi.
(Speaking so casually to me? How impudent.)
Yukimura: What do you think of this?
Joururi: Mya!? Meow meow!!
Yukimura: It's pretty rough, but I think it turned out okay. It's a handmade cat toy.
Joururi: Meow...! ...Meow!!
(*panting*... You've got some nerve trying to bribe me.) (But... well, you are right. It's not half bad.)
Kenshin: And she's now licking her paw.
Sasuke: I suppose she wants to groom herself after running around after the toy.
Kenshin: Joururi.
Joururi: ! ...Meow?
Kenshin: Come here.
(W-what is this? There's something about his voice that's just irresistible...) (There's something about this man that just draws you in.)
Sasuke: She's purring quite loudly.
Kanetsugu: It's an honor for you to be petted by Lord Kenshin, Joururi.
(I don't know about 'honor', but it does feel very nice... I could get used to this.)
Other cats: Meow~ Meow~~
Kenshin: They've gathered.
Sasuke: So not even cats are immune to Lord Kenshin's charisma.
Kenshin: Mai would enjoy herself if she were here surrounded by all these cats.
(Don't pay attention to any of them, just keep petting me~)
Shopkeeper: Welcome, sirs. If you'd like to feed the cats, we have some food prepared here.
Kanetsugu: We'll take some. I suppose we just have to pass them out?
Shopkeeper: Yes, sir, of course... This little one is adorable, isn't she? Shopkeeper: She was originally a stray, but I couldn't help myself after seeing how cute she was, so I adopted her. Shopkeeper: And now I couldn't ask for a better partner.
(Well, I am the face of this store, after all.)
Sasuke: That's quite a smug look you have there, Joururi.
Yukimura: You like it when we give you compliments, don't you?
Yoshimoto: She is very beautiful indeed. There's much to compliment about her.
Kanetsugu: It's a good thing we were able to preview this place, Lord Kenshin.
Kenshin: It is.
Shingen: You'll probably be getting another guest very soon, Joururi. Do be nice to her, okay?
(I don't know who they're talking about... but well, it looks like they're all completely hopelessly bound by my charms.)
Joururi: Meow!
Yoshimoto: You'll let me pet you a little longer, won't you, Joururi?
Sasuke: I'll take off my glasses, so let me pet you too.
(Surrounded by handsome men and complimented all day... Ah, life is great.)
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madsmilfelsen · 6 months
You know it’s funny because Chevy has me daydreaming about them at the grocery store so that will have to be written, I really need them to argue about fresh vs canned fruit and Rust to teach Sugar how to make sweet tea :(
I have some incomplete stuff that I started and thought 1. Lazy writing warm up that does nothing (Maggie going to Doumain’s) 2. this would never fucking happen (circa early 2012) and 3. This is entirely too horny to put in a chapter with already exceedingly long smut (post stabbing recovery) lmao so here they are
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Sugar lost a coin flip and is on her knees under the bar for the afternoon. Rust does the bookkeeping for the next inventory order and Bob drinks himself face down onto the bar, the lucky bastard.
“Don’t forget to clear the lines,” Rust reminds her, too cheerfully, and disappears into the back room before she can tell him to go fuck himself. Sugar keeps scrubbing the fridge out, not stopping when she hears the front door open. Doumain’s can run on the honor system so she doesn’t get up to see which regular straggled in for their post-fishing refreshments.
“Excuse me? I’m looking for Rustin Cohle.”
“I don’t know anyone by that name, ma’am,” Sugar responds, voice echoing in the cool cavity she has her damn head stuck in until she can get the back corner clean.
“Oh,” she sounds disappointed, rather than irritated, which piques Sugar’s interest but not enough to look up. This woman, whoever she is, sounds polished and put together and Sugar doesn’t know why she’s in a place like this. “Well, if you see him—” Sugar stops herself from snapping at her— “will you let him know Margaret Sawy— Hart, Maggie Hart wants to talk to him?”
The bar rattles when Sugar bangs the back of her head hard enough to wake Bob. She’s holding the back of her head when she stands, meeting eyes so, so blue and wide in concern.
“Who’s the bird?” Bob asks, voice rough with sleep.
“Are you—?” Maggie asks as the same time.
Sugar can’t register either question and calls out, “Rust!”
Maggie quirks a brow that makes Sugar feel reprimanded enough to mouth a quick sorry, before patting Bob’s shoulder and tilting her head to the back room for him to follow her.
“I ain’t clearing those lines, you lost fair and—” Rust falls silent mid-step, halting in the doorway that was Sugar’s escape.
“Rust,” Maggie greets softly, “It’s good to see you.”
“Bullshit,” he replies, flat without any true menace. Sugar wants to be anywhere but here.
“I talked to Marty,” Maggie starts.
“I hear you talked to the cops, too,” Rust says, heavy with accusation, but he steps forward enough that Sugar can dart out.
“Yes, them, too,” she says. Sugar can feel Maggie looking at her when she pulls on Bob’s elbow. “How are you?”
“What’d Marty tell you?”
“Who is she?” Bob asks in the backroom, just out of sight.
“Maggie,” Sugar whispers back and his brows jump.
“He wanted to know what the police asked me about. He said he was helping you with something. That’s it. How long have you been back?”
“Hear you got a big house,” Rust says, choosing again not to answer her question, voice only slightly less hostile. “Marty says the girls are doing fine. That’s good.”
“Rust,” she says, the edge of pleading make Sugar and Bob exchange a look, “Just tell me it’s something that’s not gonna get him hurt.”
“Well, I can’t tell you that. It never sat right with me, and it doesn’t now, you asking me to lie to you about him. Now, get out of here. You’re classing the place up.” A stool scrapes the ground and the door opens and closes again but Sugar and Bob don’t move until Rust says, volume conversational, “Come on out.”
“You know how to hold a grudge, brother,” Bob comments first as he retakes his seat and Rust only grunts, watching the white SUV pull away before he grabs a bottle of whiskey and three glasses.
“I think I’m concussed,” Sugar mutters, rubbing the back of her head.
The lock jingles and Sugar looks up but doesn’t move from where she’s curled up. Rust swings his keys into his palm with a low whistle.
“What are you doing?” he asks, stopping mid step when he sees her on the couch.
“That’s not what I mean,” Rust says with a shake of his head, walks over without taking off his boots to hook a finger into her necklace. When he pulls slightly Sugar sits up straighter. “Get down.”
The embarrassment is a show, unfolding her legs slowly and not looking away from him to not miss any further instruction. Sugar sits on her heels, chasten on her knees and at this level she notices for the first time her bed is a few inches shorter than his. She’s about to snip about how he should just crate her when he goes to work if he doesn’t want her on the furniture, but his hand curls around her necklace before she can open her mouth. The chain and clasp are sturdy, on purpose likely, with how easy it is for him to hold her down by it. His curled knuckles press down on the back of her neck until her cheek is on the floor and holds her there until the lesson takes root.
“Daax,” he says, not stern but firm enough for her to not move. Heat flushes her cheeks even as she relaxes further onto her forearms and she stays, just like he said. Sugar might find this degrading if it weren’t for the absence of tension as her entire self decompresses.
Rust moves some things around in the kitchen cupboards, ice hits glass, a liquid splashes. He returns without saying a word and Sugar can hear him take a drink after he sits down, his leg bends over her lowered shoulders, boot near her flat hand.
Sugar carefully sits back on her heels as he told her to do.
Her first instinct is to stand but she swallows, putting her palm on the floor, one and then the other to crawl between his spread knees. She sits with her hands in her lap, poised to break at the first askance of compliance. Rust touches under her chin with a slight smile, “Gheli.”
Sugar can’t help it, she really can’t, when her hips cant forward— good.
Rust is awake and smoking already when she rolls over, her back to the room, sheets tight over the curve of her hip.
Her answer is a questioning hum.
“Can you do something for me?”
“What’s that?” she asks sleepily, rubbing her eye and twisting to look at him.
“Get on your hands and knees.”
He exhales, billowing and cloud-like, as she rises slowly, positioning herself as he requested, the sheet slips off and she’s bare. Sugar pushes her messy braid over her shoulder where it coils down her spine.
“Like this?”
“Yeah,” Rust confirms, taking his time in the next drag, “stretch your arms out, lower your chest— no, all the way, Sugar.”
Her eye, peeking over her bicep, doesn’t move from him.
“The fucking sight of you,” he mutters, “Now how can I keep you just like that?”
“What’s all this for?” Sugar asks, smile hidden behind her arm as she adjusts her hips.
“My health and safety,” he replies, deadpan, hand falling onto his stomach where the skin is still pink from having staples removed. Rust stands with a grunt, dropping his filter into an ashtray, before walking to Sugar’s bed. “Now, don’t move and just let me figure a few things out.”
Standing behind her, Rust pulls on one of her ankles and then the other until her knees are on the edge of her mattress. He yanks her hips back so her ass is where it’s supposed to be and smoothes his hands up her back, feeling her spine arch and stretch. Her body still loose with sleep in the morning sunlight. Rust covers her shoulder blades with his hands, holding them down into the mattress.
“Try pushing your hips back,” he says. She presses against his pelvis, the heat of her bleeding into his skin, and he smiles at the annoyed noise she makes against her sheets when she can’t move any further, “This might work— how much rope do we have?”
“I’m not some bitch who keeps killing her studs. I can stay still,” she promises with a laugh.
“You sound sure and all, honey, but it’s been, what, four weeks, now, and you’ve been eyeing me like you’re ready to pounce,” he states, standing straighter with his hands fitting to the curve of her waist. “Can you understand my trepidation of wrasslin’ you? I’m very fragile right now, Sugar.”
“The hell you are,” she scoffs, folding her arms and resting her cheek on her forearms while he rubs the heel of his palms into her lower back. “You moved a keg yesterday.”
“It was empty,” he argues, before he pushes her hips forward a few inches to look down between them, “have you missed me?”
“We’re together everyday.”
“That’s not what I mean—” Rust guides her hand to the wet spot on his briefs— “that’s you, honey.”
Sugar tries to hide her face but he’s already clocked the redness on her cheeks, light and splotchy between her shoulder blades.
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lawluaficionado · 1 year
HIII I just want to say I really love your Lawlu baby. It brings me so much joy and I read it 6 time already haha. Do you have more ideas for this amazing AU? Thanks you :D
I have no idea when this is from, I'm sorry!!
Thank you so much for reading and liking my AU!
~Lawlu Baby Things~
Well, they've since been named Cora and Ace.
Cora being older than Ace meant a few things. One, he had to make sure the dummy didn't get hurt. Two, he needed to share his food with him sometimes. Three, and he had to share his parents.
That was lotsa responsibility! He falls a lot! He doesn't want to share his food, especially the yummy meat! And, he wants attention too!
His daddy had said he was cranky because he had a temperature. And Cora thinks it's true, because his daddy is a doctor that fixes some people. His other papa was holding him while they sat on the rocking chair. "Cora, we can't be getting sick now, we have an adventure to go on tomorrow!"
"Gotta take Ace too?" he mumbles.
His daddy laughs, "Yes. Don't be so mad a him, it was an accident."
"He sneezed on me, his fault I have boogers now," he glares at his parents, but especially hard at the sleeping one-year-old in his dad's arms.
"You know, he gets that anger and spritefullness from you," his papa laughs, quite loudly too.
"It's spitefulness, Luffy."
Sanji loves babysitting his godsons, he does...truly. But when he needs to take care of them AND be in the same room as Zoro...well he'd rather eat unseasoned food.
"Could you please help me entertain them, I'm trying to cook."
"But this is entertaining," Zoro grins.
Ace is sitting on the counter trying to taste each and every ingrediant, including the raw eggs! No smacking of hands deters that one, Sanji just gets smacked right back. Cora has been sneaking candy into his mouth, most likely going to get sick of it and ruin his appetite. Okay that was a lie, kid can eat. They're not half of Luffy for nothing.
"Why are you even here?" Sanji glowers.
"Law said you'd be cooking, so thought I might join you. Free meal and all," Zoro shrugs.
"Fib! Fib!" Ace yells. "Papa said no fibbing!"
Zoro visibly redddens, "Did Luffy also tell you that kids that say fib, get bullied?!"
"No, but daddy did say you always stare at Uncle Sanji's butt. And that you two would probably get married before we get another baby sibling," Cora states.
"Oh that does it, both of you go play outside!" Zoro chases after the two boys, managing to wrangle up Ace just before running after Cora.
Sanji is left there speechless, and blushing. It is the first and only time he's ever burned a meal in over a decade.
"Aunty Robin, what is the quickest way to muder someone?" Ace asks in his most polite and respectful manner.
"Well, I am a visual learner, how do you grasp your knowledge better?" She smiles at her two nephews. They are sharing some tea and biscuits out on her patio listening to the thundering rain.
"Pictures are good," Cora answers and his brother nods.
"Now why would my two sweetest nephews need this information?"
"Papa is mad that this one lady at daddy's work is giving him all the bad work days. We don't get to see him no more," Ace's demeanor shifts to a rather pathetic gloomy appearance.
"Oh dear, that does constitute murder," Robin sympathizes.
"We thought so too!" Cora grumbles. "Can you help us? We're cute, we'll be out of Impel Down in no time!"
Law was lying on his stomach, head sideways on his arms as his youngest was coloring in his tattoos. Definitely a habit he learned from Luffy.
Cora and said husband were baking cookies as he and Ace watched a documentary on the most ridiculus crimes commited. Luffy said he knows the person who holds most of those spots. How he knows a ridiculous clown, he won't even ask.
"Dad,' Ace smacks his back to get his attention.
"What baby," Law turns a little to see him.
"You need more tattoos. I colored them all already."
"Why don't we just get you some tattoos?" The words are out of his mouth before he realizes what he'd done.
But Luffy heard it and started laughing his ass off, "Good luck!"
Yup, his boys were about to go crazy for removable tattoos.
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creative-kny-fics · 5 months
i have a good idea you should make the 14 trio Lee Muichiro ler Nezuko and Ler Senjiro (I think that his name if it is not then Rengokus brother) Thx!
AAAAAAH THE TRIO 14!! I don't remember if I've received any requests for the three of them together before, but I quite like the idea! A clarification, the events take place in an AU where Rengoku managed to survive... (it still hurts okay?!)
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Lers: Nezuko Kamado and Senjuro Rengoku
Lee: Muichiro Tokito
'Don't you think it's amazing Nezuko? Defeated two UpperMons, Rengoku-San miraculously survived and now you are immune to the sun!', Nezuko nodded.
They both were walking to Rengoku's estate, he wanted to spend time with him before training starts. Maybe it was a day or maybe hours away, but a quick visit wouldn't hurt, right?
'Tanjiro?' 'Huh? Ooooh Tokito-San! Nice to meet you, what a coincidence! Where are you going?'
'I don't know, I was planning on just wandering around until something occurs to me... And apparently, you're going to visit Rengoku-San, aren't you?', Tanjiro nodded and invited him to accompany them, something Tokito agreed to.
'Eeeeem, big brother... Were you expecting visitors?' 'Mmmmm?! Not really hahahaha! But I want to believe it's young Kamado!'
'Whoever it is, it seems they are getting closer. I'll show them in, give me a moment...', Senjuro stood up and walked to the door. 'Hi! Senjuro-Kun! Good morning, sorry we came without warning!'
'There is no problem... Good morning Tanjiro-San... Nezuko-San And... Eeeeem...', Senjuro smiled nervously and invited them in, he didn't know what to say at that moment.
His brother had previously told him how his friends are, but his nerves did not allow him to remember clearly.
'Young Kamado! Ooooh, I see you've brought young Tokito with you! How nice!' 'Yes hahahaha, we came to visit you, I will start training soon and I will probably be very busy. Although you too, right?'
'Mmmm I don't think so! That's something I want to go talk to Oyakata-Sama, but neither Senjuro nor father will let me hahahaha!'
How were they going to do it? They almost lost him and they were not willing to let that happen, what if during that training his wound opened? Or will it be hit? They didn't want to take risks.
Tanjiro had not had time to tell Rengoku how they defeated the most recent UpperMoon, of course, Mitsuri did, but he wanted to give his version. 'I see! And apparently that brought good things, didn't it young Tokito?! I see you happier than normal!'
'I guess... I don't know, Kocho-San says I'm still in the process, so I guess she's right...'
'How about you, Nezuko and Senjuro go play inside? After all, all three are the same age hahaha!'
Same age and they were so different, one was a hashira, the other a demon and the other was a simple boy.
Nezuko agreed and did not give Senjuro or Muichiro time to respond, because she ran in with them, she was excited to be with her friends.
'I brought you tea, water and some tempura... I'm sorry Nezuko, I don't know if you eat or drink, my brother hasn't been so aware of what's going on in the organization since well, you know that...' 'D-Don't worry!'
'Thanks... Hey, this tastes pretty good, you're quite talented at cooking', Senjuro smiled, thanking him.
After a while an awkward silence formed, neither Senjuro nor Muichiro knew what to say.
And Nezuko? Nezuko was playing with Muichiro's hair, mostly untangling it with her nails, apparently she liked it.
'So, what does it feel like to be a hashira? My brother says that it is a job that requires a lot of effort and dedication, but that despite everything, he feels proud to be able to help people'
'Yes, it is somewhat tiring, there are things that sometimes frustrate, like not being able to save to people and that. It is a job that requires almost all of your attention, so I don't allow myself to take time off, if I have it I spend it training. Although they have already scolded me saying that I should take advantage of my "youth" or "adolescence", but I have not listened to them...'
'Well, I understand that it is a job that requires a lot, but they are right, when my Brother sees that I work a lot, he takes me out of here and takes me for a walk. Haven't you done that with someone?', Muichiro shrugged.
Had he done it? Many times he has been dragged to some of the hashira "meetings" that Mitsuri, Tengen or Gyomei have done, which is mostly a lunch between all of them.
But since it was "against his will" he doesn't feel like he had fun, he felt obligated in a way.
'Well, if you like, we can go out sometime. My brother can accompany us so he feels comfortable...'
'I'm not a child, I can take care of myself.' 'Basically, we're all the same age, aren't we Nezuko?'
Nezuko nodded, starting to push Muichiro, urging him to get up to go for a walk, but he didn't share the idea.
Senjuro told Nezuko not to do something that would anger Muichiro, that there would be another day to do it, but Nezuko is just like Tanjiro, a stubborn person.
'Tokito-San, forgive Nezuko, she... I think...'
'No, it's okay. She's going to get tired at a certain point, so let's let her continue having fun until...-?!', Muichiro gasped, at what point had they picked him up from the floor?!
It was then that he mentally slapped himself, Nezuko apparently still maintained some of his demon strength, but apparently it didn't last for long as he fell back into the same place where he was.
'Well, at least you tried...' 'I d-don't g-give up!'
'What will you do then?', Nezuko looked at Muichiro from head to toe.
She had made Giyuu laugh, also Sanemi, even Obanai, she didn't think there would be that much of a problem in making Muichiro laugh, right?
The idea came to her mind and she whispered her idea to Senjuro, but let's say he wasn't entirely convinced, and he didn't know how Nezuko ended up convincing him, but she did.
'Muichiro-Kun!' 'Yeah? Hey hey hey! What are you doing?!' 'Come out with us!'
"This plan already smells like failure", Senjuro thought as Muichiro sighed and refused again, apparently Nezuko's finger movement hadn't even scared him. 'Well, come here!'
'Hey?! E-ehehehe!! Nehezukoho!!', well, forget what Senjuro thought, it worked.
And now the atmosphere was uncomfortable, Senjuro is used to being the one who receives the tickling, you know, tickle fights between brothers.
He had almost never managed to tickle his brother without help from his father, and well, he felt somewhat identified with Muichiro since he knew what it felt like to be in his place. 'Senjuro-Kun! C-come and h-help me!'
'Noooo!! Dohohon't hehelp her!!'
'I'm sorry Tokito-San, but if I don't help Nezuko, she will do the same to me too'
Muichiro couldn't even get angry with Senjuro, he wasn't even angry with Nezuko, and why did they ask them to stop? He was ashamed, maybe if it had been someone else it would have been different, he wouldn't be like this.
'If I do something wrong, tell me, okay?'
'O-okahahahay?! Ahahahahahahaha!! Not there!! Nahat therehehe!!', Senjuro stopped, not even a minute had passed and he had already "made Muichiro uncomfortable"
Nezuko realized this, and did the same as Senjuro, gently pressing his tummy, smiling when Muichiro took Nezuko's hands, without trying to push her away. 'Don't worry! You didn't do something to upset him! Apparently it's very ticklish here!'
'Eh?! NO! Thahahat's nohohot-!! Okay, okahahay!! It's truhuhue!!'
'You see it?! Come help me, take his knees!'
With more motivation, Senjuro accepted, squeezing his knees and smiling as Muichiro's body tensed, holding still because he didn't want to hurt him.
It didn't suit him, what would Kyojuro think? I will tell you in the form of a riddle, it starts with "t" and sometimes ends with "e" or "s", do you understand?
'Are you going out with us? Or should we continue to be persuasive?'
'Yehehehehes!! I will go out with you!! I cahahan't breahathehe!!'
'It's funny, don't you guys use breaths constantly?', Muichiro covered his face, nodding.
Nezuko questioned whether he would really go out with them, so she decided to continue just to make sure he wasn't lying, using only one finger to slide it around the walls of Muichiro's navel. 'Do you swear you'll go out with us?'
'Yehehehehehehehes!!! I promise!! I prohomisehehehe!!!' 'Pinky promise?'
Muichiro nodded, and with that, Nezuko stopped, laying his head on her lap, stroking his hair while Senjuro blew some air into him with a book he had near them.
'Tokito? Nezuko? Is-?' 'Shhhhh!!', Tanjiro covered Kyojuro's mouth, pointing to the trio who had fallen asleep.
Muichiro on Nezuko's lap and she on Senjuro's shoulder while he rested his head on Nezuko's.
Both older brothers had to get away from there before they screamed because it was the cutest thing they had seen that day.
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aredhel-erinti · 7 months
Love and Redemption Rewatch: ep. 1
I genuinely love and adore this show but with how little content there is for L&R, I had to made some for myself.
Beware of SPOILERS for the whole story! Seriously...
I'm so excited!!! The opening song is still so good and still so full of spoilers. Like really, Si Feng with the wings??? The creators were not afraid... it was a choice.
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Who do we have here? Yep, they have shown our bird and our monkey right off the bat.
The whole opening monologue is such a great misdirection! They even say it - one comes after the other! But the viewer expects two players, so this very suspicious setup is completely disregarded.
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Wow, they really show everyone, don't they? :)
The concept of soul AND primordial spirit was very hard for me to grasp the first time, but rewatch makes it quite clear.
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I swear I have seen this guy somewhere...
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Yep, it's this guy from The Journey of Chong Zi.
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This is ANOTHER great misdirect because we know that God of War and Star of Mosha are going to be reincarnated at the same time and OF COURSE Si Feng is here... so who could he possibly be, am I right? :)
And another great thing? The demons genuinely don't have the most important information either. :D
I almost forgot that they need Rahu Ketu's weapon to unseal the cup... all these macguffins to keep track of.
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And this ist how the story tells us that Xuan Ji and Ling Long are twins... pretty easy to miss.
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Ten months?? That's quite post-term!
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Ling Long is amazing from the start. Protective older sister is something I need more of... and Ling Long is fierce!
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The introduction of Min Yan is also on point: the only one who can keep up with Ling Long and never leaves her, but at the same time is always backed into some corner by her.
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He is regretting it already... :D
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Ling Long is talking about all these "handsome men" she gets to meet and Min Yan is not amused...
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I have questions! Are all of these golden winged birds?? If so, do they really cast out so many potential warriors? To fend for themselves in hostile world without their powers?? That's rough AND wasteful...
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I can't decide which picture sums up the Master of Li Ze Palace (does he have a name???) better, but I love him and his terrifying claws.
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The bird lantern! There truly is foreshadowing for everything, if you know what to look for!
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Yuan Lang's and Wu Zhi Qi's "friendship" is so interesting to me, because sometimes Yuan Lang almost looks like he means it... but the powerplay always comes first.
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Wu Tong goes from awestruck to smirking in 0,2 seconds and then proceeds to bully the sister of the girl he likes... it's actually quite realistic.
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I honestly can't remember when Si Feng stops stammering... I will have to look out for that.
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Ling Long isn't afraid to say it. :D
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Min Yan still isn't enjoying the whole "let's look for handsome mysterious guys" vibe, but Ling Long has him figured out.
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The relationship between these two is extremely enjoyable right from the start. :)
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I think this is the scene that made me definitely fall in love with Ling Long. She is determined, driven, protective and smart, and she is not afraid to use tactics like this - the crying and evocation of their mother is extremely well done and the way she immediately cuts her crying once she gets what she wants is hilarious. No one can mess with her sister, not even their own father!
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This is a very specific morning routine. It can't be easy to make your tea from dewdrops fallen from a plum tree... just saying.
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This relationship is off to a very bad start.
I already forgot how hostile Si Feng was at the beginning. I would feel bad for Xuan Ji, but she doesn't mind...
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Si Feng is repressed and Chuan Ji is absolutely clueless about everything and it's very entertaining to watch. :)
The candle dragon sounds are genuinely scary.
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This is a very impulsive decision on Chuan Ji's part and one she should have thought out better. She knows the rules, knows that the mask is important. What is she hoping to achieve by taking it off? It frustrates me a little, this lack of forethought, but the story needs it to get moving.
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And here is another clue... wow, that's quite a lot for episode 1.
One episode was enough to rekindle my love for most of these characters... this rewatch could get quite annoying unfortunately . :)
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mimisempai · 1 year
You can’t hide it
Even if he wanted to, Aziraphale couldn't hide just how infatuated he is. Especially not to his new friend Muriel, who's very good at worming the truth out of him.
The little we've seen of Muriel already makes me adore her, and I can just see her as a friend of Aziraphale's, gravitating into their little world. Only time will tell...
On AO3
Rating G -  802 words
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"Aziraphale, you're watching him again."
Aziraphale turned to his new friend, looking completely innocent, but inwardly annoyed because he knew exactly what she was referring to with her insatiable curiosity.
Muriel giggled and didn't answer, so obvious was the explanation to her.
They'd had tea and delicious scones, and he and Muriel were chatting amiably while Crowley had a long talk with one of his plants, one of whose leaves had had the misfortune to grow crooked.
They watched in amusement as Crowley pointed a threatening finger at the poor, trembling plant.
Muriel murmured, "Even with his plants, he's pretty grumpy, it has nothing to do with his demon nature, does it?"
Aziraphale was about to reply when Crowley walked over to them, looked down at the table and said, "I'm going to get a bottle of wine, shall I get you anything?"
The two angels shook their heads and Crowley, walking past Aziraphale, lightly brushed his shoulder.
Aziraphale followed him with his eyes, well aware of another scrutinizing look staring at him.
Muriel, her smile echoing in her voice, said in a slightly mocking tone, "My goodness, Aziraphale, you're actually drooling."
Aziraphale reflexively wiped his mouth and protested, "No, I'm not Muriel! You're just delusional!"
Muriel had another little laugh before replying, "Yeah, probably, because what's so special about the demon Crowley?"
Aziraphale, offended on Crowley's behalf, began to speak loudly and gesticulate, a vindictive gleam in his eyes, "Crowley is just amazing! Deep down, he's kind, smart, handsome, brave, and not just that. He makes me smile or laugh for no reason, he pushes me to think bigger than the box some people would like me to stay in, he's forgiven me even when I've trampled on his friendship. He's a force I can't live without-"
He was interrupted by another chuckle from Muriel.
He muttered, "Damn, I can't believe I fell for that."
When he turned to Muriel, his friend's smile had lost all trace of mockery and Muriel said softly, "You know he's not perfect either, don't put him on a pedestal Aziraphale, it wouldn't do you or him any good."
Aziraphale appreciated Muriel's concern and saw it only as the concern of one friend for another.
He answered Muriel in the same tone: "Oh, I know he's not perfect, but just his imperfections, he's not afraid to show them to me, he's never hidden them from me.  That's why he's perfect... for me."
Muriel nods before replying, "My... Aziraphale, you've got it bad, my friend."
Aziraphale rolls his eyes, then shakes his head, "No, not bad, just good." 
Muriel chuckled before replying, "I could say you've become so sweet, Aziraphale, but really you always were."
Aziraphale shrugged, knowing it was the truth, so he added without hesitation, "It's like that, he brings out the best in me." 
Aziraphale smiled softly, for it was only half a joke. Muriel nodded again and said in a soft, serious tone, "My, you're such a sweetheart, Aziraphale."
Aziraphale, cheeks slightly rosy, made no reply as Muriel stood up and leaned towards him, saying softly, "I've stayed too long, say goodbye to your demon for me, will you?"
Then she walked away with her bouncy little step under the gaze of Aziraphale, who felt blessed to have such a friend.
"So I'm not perfect?"
Crowley's voice startled him as two hands came to rest on his shoulders and slid down his chest.
"Crowley!" Aziraphale exclaimed before stiffening slightly, "Don't tell me you’ve..."
"...Heard everything? Yes, from amazing to perfect for you, I don't think I missed anything," Crowley replied, Aziraphale couldn't see him, but he was sure that Crowley was smiling cheekily and wearing an absolutely smug expression.
Aziraphale couldn't help but blush slightly, but he didn't think for a moment to deny what he had said. After all, he'd told the truth, even if he'd gotten carried away defending Crowley, he'd meant every word of it.
Crowley kissed his hair, "Don't be embarrassed, angel, it's rather nice to hear you praise me, although Muriel will be quick to tell Maggie and Nina and by the end of the day the whole street will know, are you aware of that?"
Aziraphale grunted as he imagined the multitude of jokes at her expense.
Then he tilted his head back to see Crowley's eyes on him, smiling tenderly.
"Hey there..." his lover said as he leaned in to kiss him.
Before allowing himself to be carried away by the sweetness of the moment, Aziraphale had seen the gleam of pleasure in his demon's eyes, and he told himself that he was willing to submit to the teasing of Muriel and her friends and neighbors as many times as it took, if only to have Crowley look at him like that every time.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here
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