#maiden weiss
bridgyrose · 1 month
Weiss slowly brought a dress up in front of her as she looked over her reflection in the mirror, fingers clutching the fabric tightly. A small smile crossed her lips as she held the dress close to her body, glad that she had found one that Winter was throwing away. And for the first time in a long time, she felt like herself. Even if she had to hide who she was at home, this was enough to tell her that this was who she was. 
Her smile dropped as she heard a few footsteps on the other side of her bedroom door, quickly stashing the dress under her bed and moving the covers to keep it from being seen. Weiss turned around as she heard a knock on the door, voice cracking as she answered. “W-who’s there?” 
“Klein, Master Weiss,” Klein said from behind the door. “I have lunch for you.” 
“Come in.” Weiss gave a half smile as she watched Klein walk into the room pushing a tray. She was grateful it was just Klein and that her father wasnt following behind. She sat down on her bed and adjusted her tie as Klein made sure lunch was served. “You know you dont have to call me Master Weiss when Father isnt around.” 
Klein nodded and moved the tray to Weiss’s beside. “But you never know who he has watching you. After he found that skirt you purchased, I’m sure he has more of the servants around here watching to make sure you’re a model son for him.”
Weiss’s smile dropped as she let out a soft sigh and ran her fingers through her short hair. “Dont remind me. Though I’d wish he’d understand I’m not his son.” 
“I’m she he’ll understand it once you have the chance to leave home. You are still planning to go to Beacon in a couple years, yes?” 
“As long as I can pass the entrance exam and continue to convince Father that its in our family’s best interest that his heir also be a huntsman.” 
“I’m sure you’ll be able to.” 
“I can hope,” Weiss said quietly as Klein left the room, leaving her alone with her thoughts again. She waited until she couldnt hear footsteps near her door before pulling out a sketchbook with a few designs she had made for the huntress gear she wanted to wear once she started at Beacon. A combat skirt to allow her to move freely, a nice top and jacket to match in order to show her status as one of Atlas’ elite. 
A smile crossed her lips again as she ran her fingers over the sketch, already glad she was that much closer to making this a reality. The real challenge would be to place the order without her father knowing, Most of the tailors and dressmakers in Atlas reported any orders the Schnees made straight to Jacques, and trying to order anything like this from Vale or Mistral seemed out of the question without coming up with some sort of an excuse. Waiting until she could get to Beacon sounded like a better option, though explaining any of this to a roommate or even any future teammates felt like a bigger hassle than she wanted to. 
Weiss closed the sketchbook and tossed it to the floor as she laid down on her bed. With quiet words, she looked up at the ceiling above her. “I know this is what I want, but father… he’d never understand and I wish there was a way I could get him to.” 
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for just a moment, only to open them when she felt someone take her hand. In front of her was an older woman who gave her a smile, and her room had seemed to disappear in a realm of light.
“Please take care of this gift.” 
The woman and the room of light disappeared just as quickly as they came and Weiss fell out of bed as she felt a warmth in her chest as her heart pounded. Her eyes burned in a warm stinging no matter how many times she blinked to try to get whatever was in them out. And then she went still as she saw the floor under her start to freeze with a sheet of ice that almost seemed to grow on its own. She finally caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror, catching a blue fire in her eyes. 
She finally caught her breath as she watched the fire disappear and she slowly stood up, nearly slipping on the ice on her floor as she heard a knock on her door. 
“Weiss?” Klein called out. “Is everything okay?” 
“E-everything is fine!” Weiss said as held her bed to stabilize herself. “I uh… I scared myself… with… with a book! A horror story! Nothing more!” 
“If you’re sure.” 
“I am!” Weiss created a few glyphs to walk over the ice on the floor so she could make it to the door. She opened it just wide enough for her to slip out and nearly slammed the door when she closed it. “Though I think now might be a good time for me to take a walk. I know father keeps you busy, but… would you come with me?” 
Klein nodded. “Of course, Master Weiss. Where did you want to go?” 
“Through the menagerie that mother has,” Weiss answered as she started to walk down the hall. “Just need to clear my head and looking at the animals will help.” 
“Then I’ll follow your lead.” 
Weiss gave a soft smile as she started to make her way through the manor and to the menagerie. She slowed her steps as she walked by each portrait, her eyes lingering at how much like a boy they made her look. Even with her hair slowly growing out, she still looked enough like the son Jacques had wanted no matter how much she tried to change that. 
She stopped at one of the few portraits that had her whole family smiling, back before Winter left to be a huntress and Whitley had just been born. She reached out for it, her fingertips lingering against the frame for just a moment as she wished it all could go back to then. Weiss pulled back as soon as she saw a bit of frost start to run up the frame and quickly pulled out her scroll to look at her eyes. 
“Is everything okay-” 
“I-I’m fine!” Weiss said as she swatted Klein’s hand away from her shoulder. She took a breath as the flames in her eyes died down and adjusted her vest. “I’m sorry I pulled you along, but I’ve decided to go for my walk alone.” 
Klein nodded and gave a small bow to Weiss. “You know where to find me if you need me.” 
“Thank you, Klein,” Weiss said. 
She waited until Klein had left her sight before she started to walk again, taking her way out towards the front door instead of to the menagerie like she had wanted to originally. At least, until she passed by a painting of her, Jacques, and Whitlley. She stared at the painting, a reminder of how her father had wanted a picture of the men of his family together, the reminder of how her father and others would see her. 
Weiss didnt realize she had placed a hand on the painting or that it had caught fire, and she didnt care when she caught a reflection of herself in metal of a suit of armor as the fire in her eyes died down. She took a step back to watch the painting burn for a few seconds before rushing away from it. 
“F-fire!” she called out. “There’s a fire!” 
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rubyfunkey · 2 months
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half-maiden scribbles
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averagemrfox · 5 months
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Yea ok but if that really is the Summer Maiden behind them and she’s just a kid and they put these two in charge of training and guiding her
The mother who abandoned her own child and killed the prior Spring Maiden both out of fear and the sibling who was loyal to the wrong person until it was almost too late and was unable to save her baby sister… I’m sure they’re coping fine with that responsibility
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matt0044 · 22 days
Theory: The Summer Maiden will be Ruby's foil.
That is to say, the Summer Maiden will be young and terribly unsure of the duty she must fulfill. Additionally, she will find herself as a fan of Ruby Rose during the time she's presumed dead in seeing her as a more proper Maiden.
Seriously, I can see Salem's cronies hunting her down only for Ruby to ward them off. The Summer Maiden's first words to her idol?
"Can I have your autograph?"
Essentially, Ruby would find herself in this teenage girl who similarly has great power and too much responsiblity. Helping her would help her with her lingering issues from the Ever After.
It would also give Team RWBY full connections with the Maidens themselves. Obviously, RWBY's commited to not making the four main characters the chosen ones even with Ruby's Silver Eyes but the "chosen ones" are those they trust.
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weisscoldglare · 5 months
Winter maid weiss holding blake bridal aytle whole holding her in the sky above the kinging romantically watching the night sky together. Weiss energy trail morphs into hearts as blake kisses her cheek gentle and loving.
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Y'know winter maiden Weiss is just as tragic as the other AU's
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howlingday · 4 months
He keeps getting good another chaptrr
1ST / 2ND / 3RD / 4TH / PREV
"Honestly, can't you do anything right?!"
"I'm trying, okay?" Ruby whimpered after yet another of Weiss' 'honest criticisms' as she called them. Really, they were just Weiss yelling for about a half an hour. And it ended the same way, too.
"Well stop trying and start doing!" Weiss then stomped away, leaving Ruby alone in the dorm, yet again.
This wasn't what Ruby thought Beacon was going to be like at all. She thought she would be going on adventures, making friends, and having fun while learning how to become a huntress. But all she was learning right now was how out of her depth she truly was.
If only Yang was here, but it seems she had something better to do with Blake today. Just like yesterday. And the day before. And the day before that.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Ruby opened it to find Jaune standing there with sad eyes. "Is... everything okay, Ruby?"
"Yeah, just... me and Weiss are still trying to figure things out." Ruby said, clearly lying to cover for her partner.
"Oh, okay." Jaune said. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Not really." Ruby replied.
"Do you wanna... hang out with my team until your team gets back?"
"Yeah." Ruby perked up, making Jaune's tail wag. "Yeah, I'd like that."
"Oh, hello, Pyrrha~!" Weiss called sweetly, walking up to the more famous student. "How are you this afternoon?"
"I'm fine, Weiss." Pyrrha replied. "I'm just out grabbing medicine for Jaune while he's studying."
"At least your partner studies." Weiss said with a grumble. "My supposed 'leader' would prefer to play video games instead of putting in the effort to learn."
"I... see..."
"Excuse me, I didn't mean to vent." Weiss apologized. "But she can just be... so... frustrating!"
"Well, have you considered how she might be feeling?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, she's certainly younger than us, so maybe she's just not sure what direction she should go. You remember being her age, don't you?"
"I do, but she never had it as difficult as I did!" Weiss huffed. "She never had impossible expectations to live up to like I did."
"Really? What her home life like before coming to Becaon?"
"She probably goofed off at her old school, too."
"Probably?" Pyrrha quirked her brow. "Do you know what school she went to?"
"Well... No." Weiss admitted.
"Do you know why she built her weapon the way she did? Or who taught her before she applied to her old school." Weiss was quiet. "Weiss... Aside from her name, what do you know about Ruby?"
Weiss had no answer. She never considered Ruby to really be her partner. Until now, she saw Ruby as just some kid who lucked her way into being her partner, as if it were some cruel twist of fate as punishment for some crime she didn't commit. This was the first time she considered that maybe, just maybe, Ruby was just as unhappy with Weiss as her partner as she was with her.
"I... should probably ask her." Weiss then said.
"I think that would be a good idea."
"Hello, again~!" Pyrrha chimed as she opened the door to her dorm. "Oh, hello, Ruby."
"Hi, Pyrrha~!" Ruby smiled, sitting on the floor across from Jaune, books out and open between them. "Jaune and I are just studying."
"Oh, really?" Pyrrha stepped aside to reveal the icy glare of Ruby's partner standing behind her.
"Ruby," Weiss took a deep breath before speaking further, "would you like to study with me?"
"Um..." Ruby scratched her head. "I'm kinda already studying with Jaune."
"Oh..." Weiss wanted to say more, but she thought better than to start anything in someone else's dorm. And what Pyrrha said. "Then perhaps I could... study with you, too."
At this, Ruby looked to Jaune, who smiled, and she gave a smile in return. "Yeah, we can do that, too!"
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stoneillustrations · 1 year
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GIven recent events, I knew had to mark this special event. Rather than recreating it, I imagined it as...”The Kiss Heard Round The World”.
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rwac96 · 10 months
*Very few things made Pyrrha Nikos angry and feel hate towards a person, Cardin Winchester being one due to his actions and personality; while at this very moment, her ire was focused on a certain Saiyan*
Pyrrha: *scowling* "You thought it was a good idea to test...whatever this is--"
Shallot: "Super Saiyan."
Pyrrha: "ON JAUNE!"
Shallot: "Hey, don't snap at me! He agreed to help me train and perfect the form."
Shallot: "Hey, he has that Aura thing...until it...shattered." *grimaced*
Pyrrha: "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't strangle you!"
Shallot: *blinks* "It wouldn't work." *shrugs his shoulders* "Just sayin'."
Pyrrha: *eyes glow* "I have no idea why Weiss--." *stops, an idea forming in her mind* "--You know what, I should focus my energy on making sure Jaune's okay." *walks off*
Shallot: *blinks* "...Why do I feel like I've set myself up for somethin'?"
*Shallot was busy searching for nachos, smacking his lips*
Shallot: "Man, where is it? I know Ren hid here some--Hnngh!"
*Shallot groans, feeling that someone has grabbed his tail, slowly turning his head to--*
Weiss: *naked* "I suppose you were looking for food."
Shallot: "Oh, no! You're not gettin' me like--"
*The door locking can be heard*
Shallot: *furrowing his brows* "Oh, that conivin'--!"
Shallot: *far away* "PYRRRHAAAAAA!!!"
Pyrrha: "Oh...I am not sorry about that."
STATUS: Failed
REASON FOR FAILURE: Shallot had ticked off a certain (half) Fall Maiden by getting her Knight hurt and making her conspire with Weiss.
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heyahs · 11 months
team rwby as the four maidens
ruby as fall maiden
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weiss as winter maiden
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blake as spring maiden
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yang as summer maiden
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— ♡ —
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the tale of the four maidens is obviously the story of how ozpin met them. could it be that when he looked at the rwby team at the beacon academy he remembered his old maiden friends? 👀
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onewomancitadel · 1 month
Jaune and Cinder are matching Maiden-killers. Couples who slay together stay together!!
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bridgyrose · 16 days
Orientation went by quickly, and Weiss met a few of the other students attending. The one that really stood out to her was Pyrrha, the untouchable champion hailing from the kingdom of Mistral. Pyrrha was everything she had wanted in a partner: strong, smart, dependable… The two of them would certainly become a powerful team if they could manage to partner up with each other. 
Though getting a moment to talk to her about being partners proved to be more difficult than she thought. The first hurdle to get past was Jaune. For whatever reason, Pyrrha seemed to enjoy being near him and trying to get a moment to talk to her seemed harder than expected. And then there was initiation. With only a few hours between meeting other students, taking a tour of the campus, and then being led to the cliff side that stood above the nearby forest didnt leave a lot of time to talk to many people. 
So all she could do was watch as Pyrrha took her spot and got ready, trying to calculate how easily it’d be to find her once they were launched. If she kept an eye on Pyrrha, she might have a chance-
“Please make sure you are ready with your landing strategies,” Ozpin said as he made his way down the line of students. “And remember, your goal is to find the relics in the center of the forest. Grimm will stand in your way, however, keep vigilant. The goal isnt to kill grimm, but to survive.” 
“L-landing strategy?” Jaune asked. “What do you mean by a ‘landing strategy’?” 
Who doesnt know what a landing strategy is? Weiss thought to herself as she adjusted the positioning of her feet. She had practiced hers enough that she could do it blindfolded. But that didnt seem to calm her as much as she’d hoped. Her heart raced and her fingers tightened around the hilt of her blade as she stared out over the forest in anticipation. 
Ozpin ignored the question and continued to speak. “If you find a grimm that you do not feel you can defeat, running is always an option. Additionally, we do have professional huntsmen watching the initiation closely to make sure everyone will remain safe.” 
The sound of the first student being launched nearly made Weiss’s heart stop. She glanced out of the corner of her eye as she watched the next few students get launched. Her breath slowed and she focused on herself, waiting for her platform to send her into the air. The wait was excruciating, almost like waiting for the prick of a needle when getting a shot or the sharp pain of getting a piercing. 
And then it was her turn. 
The wind rushed through her hair as she was launched, eyes focused on the forest below. She muttered to herself, running through the steps that she needed to make sure her landing strategy was perfect. “Create glyphs like stepping stones as I fall. Create glyphs like stepping stones as I fall.” 
Weiss created a glyph under her feet to try to step on to start her descent from falling to running… only to miss the glyph she created. In a panic, she tried again, creating the glyph a little higher and as a slant. This time, as her feet touched the glyph, she could still feel the wind pressing against her, wanting to keep her going. It wasnt until she felt a burning in her eyes and caught the reflection of small flames that she realized that she was the one who had been controlling the wind. 
She lingered in the air as she took a few breaths to let the flames in her eyes die down while she created a few glyphs to start making her way down towards the forest. Her eyes darted as she looked for any sign of Pyrrha, not quite sure when she lost track of her. That didnt matter. Just as long as she could get back down to the forest floor, she could try to track the girl she wanted to be partners with. 
Each step Weiss took became faster than the last as she descended from the air, using her glyphs to try to reach the ground as quickly as she could. She’d already spent more time than she had wanted making her landing and she was losing time to find Pyrrha. She had to find Pyrrha. 
She finally stepped on the ground, eyes focused on the path in front of her as she pushed through brush. She kept moving as quickly as she could until she ran into Ruby once more, slamming into her when she couldnt skid to a stop quick enough. 
“W-Weiss!” Ruby yelled out once she picked herself up. “Are you okay?” 
Weiss nodded and groaned as she stood up. “I thought I told you to watch where you were going.” 
“I was.” Ruby dusted off her skirt and then extended her hand to Weiss. “But I didnt expect for you to be making your way through the forest as if you were running for your life. But I guess that means we’re going to be partners now.” 
Weiss shook her head and pushed Ruby’s hand away. “We’re not partners. I need to go find Pyrrha-” 
“But Ozpin said that our partner will be whoever we look at eye to eye first. And, well, I found you first.” 
“But he didnt say anything like that!” 
“He did right after talking about the landing strategies.” 
Weiss paused for a moment to try to remember. Of course she didnt pay attention to that tidbit, she was too focused on Pyrrha to worry about what Ozpin had said. She huffed and started to walk past Ruby. “We are not partners because I didnt look at you eye to eye. So you’ll have to find someone else.” 
“But that’s against the rules!” Ruby yelled out. 
And I dont care, Weiss thought to herself as she made her way forward, hoping to find Pyrrha. All that mattered was finding Pyrrha and becoming the power team she needed in order to be the best huntress in training at Beacon. She pulled back the branches on a bush as she stepped around a tree only to find-
Jaune. Of course it was Jaune.
Telling one person that she didnt want to be partners was fine, but avoiding a second… she couldnt risk any of the professors watching over call her out for breaking the rules like that. After making sure he didnt see her, she slowly turned around and made her way to Ruby. “Alright, fine, we’re partners.” 
Ruby paused for a moment. “I thought you didnt-” 
“Do not make me regret this,” Weiss said as she took hold of Ruby’s arm. “This is fine. Our teams will be made up of four people, so all I have to do is find Pyrrha with whoever she ends up with as a partner and I can still make my plan work.” 
“Your plan?” Ruby asked. 
“You dont need to worry about that. All I need you to do is not slow me down.” 
“I’d never slow you down!” Ruby said as she zipped past Weiss with her semblance. “I’m as fast as they come!” 
Weiss paused for a moment as her fingers closed around a fistful of rose petals. This was not how she wanted her first year of training to be.
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rubyfunkey · 2 months
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team rwby is winning in the mental soundness department. but not by much
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invincibleweasel · 9 months
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jayz4dayz · 1 year
Team RWBY will become the next generation of Maidens
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(Disclaimer, none of the edited images above are mine! I just found them on google lol. Also, SPOILERS FOR VOLUME 9!!!)
So this is kind of just a random theory of mine that I’ve been brewing for a while and I’m sure someone has mentioned it before, but I’m simply gonna explain why this would be the logical and plausible ending for the entire show. 
We know the identity of the current three maidens. Cinder Fall is the Fall Maiden, Winter Schnee is the Winter Maiden, Raven Branwen is the Spring Maiden, but we have interestingly never had a confirmation on the identity of the Summer Maiden. Some fans (including myself) speculate one of two things: the Summer Maiden is someone completely random/character we haven’t been introduced to yet, or... Summer Rose is the Summer Maiden. Now if this were the case, then that means Summer Rose isn’t actually dead. 
The very first scene in the final episode of Volume 9, we see a private conversation take place between Summer and Raven about a secret mission Summer embarks on alone. We aren’t sure about the details of the secret mission except for the fact she had lied to her friends and family about it. To me, that sounds an awful lot like she either faked her own death or nobody found a body when she dissapeared and assumed she was dead. I think Mama Rose is still alive somewhere (possibly lurking around in the Ever After which I’ll circle back on)
As for the transference of the Maiden Powers to Team RWBY, I must address the elephant in the room. A few of our beloved side characters must die. 
I’ll start with the obvious. Raven and Yang.
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This one is pretty self-explanatory. Raven takes a fatal blow in a battle either from Salam’s forces or possibly even a Cinder battle 2.0 or Salem herself. I know damn well the final person in her thoughts would be her daughter. Go ahead and tell me I’m wrong. She knows out of everyone, Yang is the most trust-worthy and deserving of such power. Even Ozpin himself had once told her “Your mother must trust you a great deal” when Raven told Yang about how Ozpin turned her and Qrow into birds. In this case, it will be Raven’s final act of protection for her daughter to assure she’ll have a better chance of survival. Not only this, the transference of powers scene between her and Yang would be the most memorable and meaningful moment between them in the entire series. (And gods, Yang out of all of Team RWBY would make the most sense to become a maiden. Her hair ignites on fire for crying out loud!)
Next we have Winter and Weiss.
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This one will be considerably more painful to witness considering how strong their relationship is and everything they’ve been through growing up together. My best guess is Winter will die battling Salem or possibly alongside Weiss in battle against a different antagonist, but I’m confident it will happen the soonest. And I mean like Volume 10 or 11 kind of soon. Winter and Weiss will likely be reunited in Volume 10 and near the end Winter will meet her fate, giving the Maiden Powers to her sister who will benefit the most from them. With Weiss gaining these powers, imagine her dust glyphs on steroids. She’d be a fucking unit against Salem’s forces (as I’m sure Winter would be too.)
Then, Blake and Cinder.
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I actually have quite a bit of evidence to back this one up. Cinder really doesn’t have anybody close to her that she would even consider giving up her powers for. She’s a greedy bitch and would probably think nobody would receive her powers if she just didn’t think of anyone when she died, only come to find out the final person to look into her eyes before her final breath is the one to take the powers from her. Ironwood once mentioned that it’s not uncommon for the powers to be transferred to an enemy who the Maiden faced in her final moments. Blake absolutely deserves the right to send Cinder to meet her makers and snatch up her Maiden powers. It would be so satisfying to see Cinder and Blake meet up in the holding space between life and death, but Cinder becomes furious when she realizes Blake will be the one to take HER precious power. It’s the ultimate justice and the best revenge Blake could ever obtain. (Also, Blake would become the first Faunus Maiden that we know of and she'd be such a girlboss for it ;p)
And finally, Summer and Ruby.
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In the end, I think it would be a wonderful way to wrap up the entire series by making all of Team RWBY into Maidens and would be the most logical way they could defeat Salem. Of course, this is also assuming they somehow are able to get all of the relics and use that to assist them in defeating Salem once and for all. Also, for shipping purposes, it pretty much sums up the soulmate parallels for the four of them to become maidens. Blake (Fall Maiden) + Yang (Spring Maiden); Weiss (Winter Maiden) + Ruby (Summer Maiden). I think it just fits all of them so well!
As I previously mentioned, Summer being alive and the current Summer Maiden would open the door for Ruby to receive Maiden powers. I’m not entirely sure how it would look and I could theorize for hours to try and explain it, so I’ll keep this short. My current belief is that Summer is in the Ever After which would mean at some point Team RWBY would have to return to deal with Neo’s bullshit and at some point come across Summer. In a heated battle, Summer knows her time to ascend has come. If we take a look at Ruby’s ascension, she technically didn’t even ascend at all. She chose herself which means she didn’t become a new person with no memories of her past or who she is. However, I’m fully confident that Summer will choose to become a different person. She knows she would lose all her memories of her family, her Team, and everything that makes her Summer Rose. This includes her Maiden Powers. It would make the most logical sense that she’d transfer them to her daughter Ruby as her final act of a mother’s love. It would be poetic and the perfect character development for both Summer and Ruby. Plus, imagine how much more powerful Ruby’s silver eyes will become. With Maiden Powers, her petrifying glow from her eyes might be powerful enough to trap anything that’s Grim, including Salem. She wouldn’t be dead, but she’d be imprisoned in stone and petrify for the rest of time.
[Another minor theory in relation to this: Summer is actually dead and passed on her Maiden Powers to Ruby when she was still an infant which means Ruby's powers would be dormant until the time is right]
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lovingdabeessss · 1 year
Ever wonder about how Yang knows she's probably gonna be the next spring maiden?
I do wonder however personally I don’t think Yang ponders the possibility of her being the maiden to often
Mostly in avoidance of the very complicated emotions that would come with ravens possible death and also because she believes in ravens ability to run and hide from danger
In yangs mind almost every death she’s seen is from people refusing to run away
either sacrificing themselves or being dedicated to an insane person like Salem or being obsessive and insane (Adam)
And Raven is not this kinda person she always runs at least in yangs mind she does and this might actually bring her comfort in the sense of her not dying
That’s why if she does die it’ll be like 5x more fucked up for Yang
AND there’s a possibility that yang doesn’t believe she would be who ravens thinks of last when she dies
She might not think Raven cares for her anywhere near that much
But WE know she’s (most likely) the next spring maiden if raven dies
And that’s something I LOVE to think about
Like my little brain came up with an au a while back where I was thinking about what if post Yang telling everyone Raven is the maiden they go on a little family trip together Raven and Yang and raven dies and Yang comes back and just says she left
In the sense of wanting to wait a little till she has to come to terms with her mom dying like maybe she says she’s “gone” and everyone assumes left and that’s why she’s upset and she can’t bring herself to correct them
And also what if they decide that to counter whatever cinders doing with trying to get all maiden powers they need to do that and winter needs to take all of that power
And it’s a really hard talk about how winter would need to kill yangs birth mother which would be a super terrible thing to try and reason to Yang but they’d have to (plus most people in that group hate ravens it’s just for yangs sake they really feel bad like Weiss hates her for bad parent solidarity and Blake loves her girlfriend and ruby loves her sister)
Not knowing that they’re actually talking about Yang who’s now the spring maiden
Like wouldn’t that be messed up?
Anyway yeah ignore my random stupid au thanks for the ask sorry for taking forever school is hard
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howlingday · 8 months
cauiten of hte blake and yang maidne au
And so it begins...
First / Previously
"And finally: Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long." The headmaster of Beacon waved his arm to the four girls, who then took to the stage. Standing before an audience under a blinding spotlight, Blake fought the urge to cover her eyes. Looking to her fellow faunus, Ruby Rose, she noticed she didn't feel such hesitation and raised an arm over her brow. "The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by... Ruby Rose."
More cheers and applause followed. Ruby dropped her arm in surprise, while Yang immediately squeezed her new leader, embarrassing her by lifting her off the ground and swinging her. Weiss was moreso shocked, likely expecting herself to be made the Team Leader instead. But Blake looked past her team and to the headmaster, who gave a solemn nod.
Soon it would be time to talk.
"Dad! Dad!" Ruby called into the screen from her seat. Taiyang, on the other side of the screen, shoved her dad. "Dad, did you hear me at all?"
"I heard ya just fine, kiddo." Her dad said with a yawn. "Ya got into Beacon, right?"
"I said that weeks ago!" She whined, her wolf ears going flat. "I'm here now, and I-"
"Made team leader, right?"
"Oh, so you were listening?" Taiyang said with a scowl. "We're both proud of you, Ruby."
"I was up late doing an important job for your headmaster." Dad gave a grin. "And he's wanting me to swing by in a couple months." At this Ruby squealed.
"Would you keep it down over there?!" Ruby winced as her partner shouted over the barrier between them. She'd been so caught up in the excitement of the day, she'd forgotten she wasn't the only one with family to tell the good news to. "Apologies, Winter. My team leader decided she just has to be as loud as she possibly can."
"Hey, by the way, where's your sister?" Dad asked. "Coulda sworn she was gonna tell us with you."
"She got called to the headmaster's office. I don't know why, though." At this, the two men looked at each other with concern. "I-I'm sure it's nothing serious! She's just, y'know, got, uh..."
"It's fine, Ruby." Taiyang sighed. "I just didn't expect her to go to see Professor Ozpin already."
"It's probably because of her previous record at Signal." Dad explained. "She was a bit of a troublemaker back there."
Aside from a few pranks, not really. Maybe a little anti-bullying violence after Ruby showed up, but nothing to the point where she'd have to go straight to the headmaster's office. What could have happened that required her to go after her initiation?
"Ms. Belladonna?" Blake looked up from her seat in the waiting room. The deputy headmistress, Professor Goodwitch, eyed her from her towering position over her. "The headmaster will see you now."
She and Yang had been called to the headmaster's office for some reason. At first, she thought it was in regard to herself being the Fall Maiden. However, the inclusion of her newest partner Yang muddied the conclusion. Could this be because Yang was now her partner, or something else entirely? Yang hadn't left yet, so she was still in there.
With a nod, she stood up and entered the elevator leading to the Beacon Headmaster's office. The large room at the top was massive, almost dome-like with it's ceiling nearly obscured by massive, moving gears.
"Good afternoon, Ms. Belladonna." Professor Ozpin formally greeted.
"Wassup, Blake?" Yang informally greeted.
"Now that you are both here," the headmaster began, "I would like to congratulate you both on passing initiation. And with that said, I would like you both to properly introduce yourselves to each other."
"Of course." Blake nodded, then turning to Yang. "My name is Blake Belladonna, and I am the Fall Maiden."
"No way!" Yang covered her mouth. "You're a Maiden, too?!"
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