#mahathir mohamad
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tomorrowusa · 2 years ago
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Having a president who isn’t exciting is underrated. The president is the chief executive of the United States; essentially that’s like a federal CEO. A dull Tim Cook has done far more for Apple than an exciting Elon Musk has done for Twitter.
Gerald Ford, though younger, was probably the closest GOP equivalent of Joe Biden. Like Biden, he spent decades on Capitol Hill before becoming VP and then president. Ford was the last truly moderate Republican president. Except for his pardon of Richard Nixon, his record doesn’t look terrible.
Ford appointed one of the best SCOTUS justices of the late 20th century – John Paul Stevens.
The inflation rate the year he took office (1974) was 11.03%. In 1976, Ford’s last full year in office, it was down to 5.75%.
Under Ford, the US negotiated and signed the Helsinki Accords which recognized the integrity of international boundaries in Europe. This treaty was the basis for peace between countries* in Europe for 47 years – until it was violated by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
Like Ford, Biden restored calm and decorum to the presidency after succeeding an impeached wacko president. 
Joe Biden may personally be even less flashy than Gerald Ford. But he has brought the country back into scientific normalcy on climate change and has put the federal government firmly on the side of LGBTQ rights and reproductive freedom. And even before Russia’s illegal invasion, he placed the United States on the side of supporting the independence and freedom of pro-democracy Ukraine.
Dull but competent trumps exciting but catastrophic.
This is from a piece by Dylan Matthews published at Vox in March prior to Biden’s announcement.
Joe Biden is pretty good at being president. He should run again.
Biden deserves a lot of credit for that state of affairs — more than the credit or blame that presidents usually deserve for the state of the economy.
Learning from the overly tepid fiscal stimulus enacted by the Obama administration in response to the 2007-2009 recession, at the start of his term Biden ushered through a massive $1.9 trillion package, the American Rescue Plan, that kept progress on jobs and wages from stalling out as Trump-era measures faded.
The package overshot significantly; he made the opposite mistake that Obama made in 2009. But his was the better direction in which to err: the inflation that resulted, while painful, was less painful than the many years of excess unemployment and depressed demand that resulted after 2009. In the meantime, the measure plunged child poverty to a record low by expanding the child tax credit.
Much has been made of the ways in which moderate Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) frustrated Biden’s grander ambitions. It’s certainly true that Sinema blocked his plans to tax high earners more heavily, and Manchin kept the child tax credit improvements from being made permanent.
But looking at what actually did pass during Biden’s first two years, one gets a different picture. Biden signed the largest investment in R&D and deployment of clean energy in US history into law; the head of the International Energy Agency termed it the world’s most important climate action since the Paris accords.
Separately, Biden signed into law hundreds of billions in new science funding, passed on a bipartisan basis as part of an effort to strengthen semiconductor manufacturing. After the Trump administration’s famous failure to pass an infrastructure bill, Biden did it.
Looking abroad, the administration’s handling of the Ukraine war has been outstanding. Choosing to release intelligence showing Russia’s invasion plans in the weeks leading up to the attack was a masterstroke, denying Russian President Vladimir Putin any ability to claim that Ukraine provoked him. Biden has kept his G7 counterparts aligned in imposing sanctions on Russia, denying it oil revenue, and supplying weapons to Ukraine.
The result is a war that is already vastly more costly than Putin bargained for, without US or NATO troops being dragged into the conflict, and backdoor progress on something US presidents had been fruitlessly pursuing for years: increased European military spending.
[ ... ]
Taking the good with the bad, Biden looks like a fairly successful president, overseeing an unusually good economy without US troops in danger. That’s not normally someone you want stepping aside.
As for age, I don’t care if Biden is 80 or 180. His mind is working fine and he has successfully coped with a stutter since childhood. Having thrived despite a disability is a sign of strength rather than weakness.
There have been a number of leaders who have done just fine in old age.
Konrad Adenauer became chancellor of (then) West Germany at age 73 and remained in that position until age 87. Adenauer was one of the founders of the EU. Dr. Mahathir Mohamad stepped down as prime minister of Malaysia in 2003 at age 78; BUT he later came out of retirement and served again as prime minister from 2018 to 2020 when he left office at age 94. Queen Elizabeth II was carrying out her constitutional duties to the very end. Just two days before her death at age 96 she met with Liz Truss to formally appoint her as prime minister.
People in their 80s and 90s may be a bit slower, but that makes them less impulsive too. Does being a sprightly 45 years old automatically make Ron DeSantis somebody we’d trust with his finger on the nuclear button?
________________________________ * The Balkan Wars of the 1990s were primarily internal.
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misspeppermint2003 · 10 months ago
⭐️ Weekly Fandom Vote (Round 19) ⭐️
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suara-rakyat-blog · 3 months ago
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𝙒𝙀𝙁 𝘿𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝘼𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙖: 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙒𝙚𝙖𝙥𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙊𝙛 𝘾𝙝𝙤𝙞𝙘𝙚 1. Pengubahsuaian Cuaca: Bencana buatan direka untuk membiarkan seluruh populasi kebuluran. Tanaman, rumah, nyawa dihapuskan dalam semalam.
2. Imigresen Haram: Ini bukan tentang menyambut pelarian. Ia tentang merosakkan sistem, membebankan sumber, dan memaksa keruntuhan masyarakat. Kurang kestabilan = kurang kelahiran.
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3. Fluorida: Mereka mendakwa ia untuk kesihatan anda, tetapi pendedahan jangka panjang menurunkan IQ dan kesuburan, melemahkan seluruh generasi.
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4. DEI (Kepelbagaian, Kesaksamaan, Inklusi): Ia bukan tentang kesaksamaan. Ia direka untuk memecah belahkan, meruntuhkan nilai-nilai tradisional, menghancurkan perpaduan, dan melemahkan pertumbuhan populasi.
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5. GMO: Makanan yang diubah secara genetik bukan sekadar sains pelik—ia telah dijadikan senjata. Penyakit kronik, ketidaksuburan? Bukan kebetulan.
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6. Pewarna Makanan: Dipenuhi dengan racun dan karsinogen, ia adalah racun perlahan yang memastikan kematian awal anda.
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7. Bahan Kimia Rambut: Pernah terfikir kenapa kadar ketidaksuburan meningkat? Ia terdapat dalam produk anda, diserap melalui kulit anda. Mereka mahu anda tidak subur. 8. Chemtrails: Disamarkan sebagai “penyemaian awan,” semburan ini adalah toksik. Mereka menurunkan kematian, mengurangkan jangka hayat dan populasi.
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9. Jejak Karbon: Dasar "pengawalan iklim" hanyalah satu lagi alat untuk membuat anda kebuluran, mengawal tenaga dan sumber, meninggalkan orang ramai dalam kemiskinan.
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10. Manipulasi Ekonomi: Melumpuhkan ekonomi adalah taktik yang disengajakan. Kemiskinan bermakna kurang anak, lebih banyak kematian. 11. Senjata biologi: Melepaskan penyakit yang secara khusus menyasarkan kumpulan tertentu, mencipta kekacauan global dan kematian beramai-ramai.
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12. Media/Hiburan: Bukan kebetulan mereka mengagungkan gaya hidup tidak sihat, nihilisme, dan kemerosotan. Mereka menggalakkan penyakit mental dan mengurangkan pertumbuhan populasi. 13. Racun Alam Sekitar: Pencemaran? Tidak—agen kemandulan yang disengajakan, tersebar luas. 14. Kawalan Kelahiran: Langsung. Berkesan. Menjaga populasi dalam kawalan. 15. Farmaseutikal: Pil yang mereka berikan kepada anda direka untuk melemahkan sistem imun anda, memendekkan jangka hayat anda, dan menghentikan anda daripada membiak. 16. Racun Vaksin: Disamarkan sebagai kesihatan awam, tetapi sebenarnya? Ejen kemandulan, terus ke dalam aliran darah anda. 17. Pemusnahan Tanaman melalui Pengubahsuaian Cuaca: Kemarau, banjir, cuaca ekstrem—ia bukan kemalangan. Ia dirancang, memaksa seluruh populasi menuju kebuluran. 18. Kawalan dan Peraturan Tanah: Mengehadkan tanah pertanian, mendorong kekurangan makanan untuk membiarkan orang ramai kebuluran. Mereka mengambil tanah itu untuk agenda mereka sendiri. Semua ini bermula dari Rancangan Pengurangan Populasi Global 2000, yang dimulakan semasa Pentadbiran Carter. Genosid global ini berakar umbi dalam Club of Rome dan dirancang seawal tahun 1972. Mereka telah melaksanakan ini selama beberapa dekad, menarik tali dengan senyap, dan kini ia muncul ke permukaan. Agenda ini tidak lagi tersembunyi, ia berada tepat di depan kita—dan ia semakin cepat. Dari Porton Down ke deposit Litium di Wyoming dan North Carolina, mereka telah merancang ini selama bertahun-tahun. Klaus Schwab telah dilatih oleh Henry Kissinger, seorang pengikut Rockefeller, untuk melaksanakan rancangan pengurangan populasi ini. Bapa Schwab, seorang kolaborator Nazi, membantu membentuk warisan menakutkan ini. Hubungan ini tidak dapat dinafikan—semua jalan membawa kepada kawalan global dan pengurangan populasi. Bangunlah, mereka tidak menyembunyikannya lagi. Badai sudah tiba!
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radioshiga · 4 months ago
Ex-premiê da Malásia, Mahathir, recebe alta hospitalar
Kuala Lumpur, Malásia, 30 de outubro de 2024 – Agência de Notícias Reuters – O ex-primeiro-ministro da Malásia, Mahathir Mohamad, recebeu alta hospitalar nesta segunda-feira (28) após ser tratado de uma infecção respiratória. Aos 99 anos, o veterano político havia sido internado no início do mês em um hospital de Kuala Lumpur. Segundo seu assessor, Mahathir encontra-se agora em condição estável.…
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ukhty-nur · 1 year ago
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indizombie · 2 years ago
Adani’s trajectory instead seems to follow the kind of capitalism that prevailed under Marcos, Suharto, and Mahathir. In these cases, the ruling strongmen had extremely close ties with select businesses. Marcos had Antonio Floirendo, the banana king, and Eduardo “Danding” Cojuangco, the coconut king. Suharto had Liem Sioe Liong, Mohamad “Bob” Hasan, and other tycoons who formed business relationships with his children, making the partnerships mutually beneficial. Mahathir had Tajudin Ramli. These businessmen prospered while the going was good and supported the long political reign of their patrons. As a result of their closeness to the ruling governments of the time, these Southeast Asian tycoons often received contracts that created monopolies through patronage.
Salil Tripathi, ‘Gautam Adani and the New Indian Capitalism’, Foreign Policy
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senigayungfatani · 5 months ago
Kejohanan Silat Piala Merdeka 2024: Memperkasa Seni Silat Sebagai Warisan Budaya Malaysia dan Sukan Antarabangsa
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marjukadotcom · 6 months ago
when did mahathir mohamad graduate from singapore
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Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, is a prominent figure in the world of politics and a respected leader in Southeast Asia. His educational background and achievements have always been a subject of interest and curiosity for many. One of the questions that often arises is: when did-------------------- More
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satiricaily · 1 year ago
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The West, the US and its lapdog ally the United Kingdom, lie and misled their people into supporting their wars. The lie about the weapons of mass destruction is testimony to the extent of their deception and propaganda to justify their aggression and the result were the murders of millions of innocent Iraqis. Without remorse of shame, new leaders who had taken over the rule of these belligerent nations now support Israel's genocide of Palestinians and inevitably, Israel's efforts to take over whatever is left of the Palestinian land. (...) I have been asked, surely the leaders of US and UK, leading nations of democracy and human rights, could not be that evil in their considerations. I cannot fathom their inner thoughts but I can assess what they do and I do believe that they are only concerned with democracy and human rights if and when it serves their interest.
Speech by He Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad for Global Solidarity and Rally for Free Palestine on November 4th, 2023
(full video here)
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stephanspiritual · 4 months ago
35 years after The Satanic Verses controversy, newly unearthed letters reveal some uncomfortable truths
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nismunc-ipc · 1 year ago
FEATURED ARTICLE: The Question of Free Speech on Social Media in the Dewan Rakyat 
by Cheong Chenxi of Kyodo News
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Pictured above: Malaysian MPs discuss free speech in the era of hate speech and misinformation
DEWAN RAKYAT: In today’s Dewan Rakyat sitting, YB Pagoh of the opposition stated that putting pressure on Social media platforms such as TikTok and Facebook to remove offensive posts is necessary and that lack of compliance from said Social media platforms will result in a ban from being used in Malaysia. 
A special chamber was subsequently held during which this topic was discussed further. 
During the special chamber, YB Gombak mentioned that “Former and current members of parliament should be held accountable for speech that may disrupt the racial and religious harmony”. He presents the case of former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, who has stated his opinion that non-Malays do not belong in Malaysia, yet received no punishment for expressing said sentiments. 
YB Bintulu has also brought up a case of the dangers of Social media, citing that during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, misinformation spread on Social media about the legitimacy of SINOVAC vaccines has influenced the decision of the Malaysian government to import Pfizer and other vaccines from the west, but not the SINOVAC vaccines from China, which he claims to be equally as safe. 
Meanwhile, YB Marang of PAS states that harmful western agendas, such as that of LGBT, should be banned in Malaysia. However, the spreading of Islam in Malaysia should not be banned nor hailed as extremist. 
This matter continues to be discussed after the special chamber and a bill has yet to be passed to address said issue.
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stele3 · 1 year ago
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daloy-politsey · 1 year ago
Ghana’s first President, Kwame Nkrumah succinctly explained Neo-colonialism in 1965:
The essence of neo-colonialism is that the State which is subject to it is, in theory, independent and has all the outward trappings of international sovereignty. In reality its economic system and thus its political policy is directed from outside. The methods and form of this direction can take various shapes. (Most) often, neo-colonialist control is exercised through economic or monetary means. Control over government policy in the neo-colonial State may be secured by payments towards the cost of running the State, by the provision of civil servants in positions where they can dictate policy, and by monetary control over foreign exchange through the imposition of a banking system controlled by the imperial power.
This description of neo-colonialism still rings true today, with indigenous cultures all over the world experiencing what Nkrumah described in its various forms. Most recently, Chinese neo-colonialists have flowed into indigenous lands, promising to lift us up with their wealth. Their investors, bankers, traders, lenders, developers and charities all promise to improve our lives for the better.
African countries are especially incurring massive debt to Beijing, offering up their land, oil, gas, minerals and other resources as collatoral for every new billion-dollar loan they take out. When they inevitably default on these unsustainable loans, China will seize the collatoral and strip the continent of its natural wealth. Malaysia recently realized the dangers of this debt trap and pulled out of Chinese development deals. Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad warned the world, “there is a new version of Colonialism happening.”
ziq, Indigenous Anarchy & The Need for a Rejection of the Colonizer’s “Civilization”
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suara-rakyat-blog · 4 months ago
Kita Flashback balik mengenai ucapan Tun Dr Mahathir pada Persidangan Antarabangsa 9 Mac 2015 bertajuk "The New World Order - A Recipe of War or Peace!" Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad memberi amaran bahawa 'Elit mahu mengurangkan populasi dunia kepada 1 Billion' dan akan melakukan apa sahaja diperlukan untuk mencapai matlamat mereka.
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Dan realitinya, melanda kini sudah jelas menuju dunia The New World Order dan hari ini kita diasak dengan terma ‘kehidupan baru’ sebagai satu proses halus ke arah New World Order (NWO). Dunia masih normal, namun tidak normal adalah pemerintahannya.
Inilah sedang kita tuju bahkan mereka juga akan menyingkirkan sesiapa sahaja bakal menentang mereka. Kita boleh lihat bagaimana ‘kuasa ghaib’ menguasai masyarakat dunia dengan menentukan apa boleh dan tidak boleh menjadi.
Soalanya disini
Adakah Tun Mahathir juga adalah sebahagian dari kalangan Elit Global. Kenapa Mahathir boleh tahu perancangan Elit Global. Lu pikirlah sendiri?
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brookstonalmanac · 7 days ago
Events 2.24 (after 1940)
1942 – Seven hundred ninety-one[25] Romanian Jewish refugees and crew members are killed after the MV Struma is torpedoed by the Soviet Navy. 1942 – The Battle of Los Angeles: A false alarm led to an anti-aircraft barrage that lasted into the early hours of February 25. 1943 – World War II: First large-scale protest march resulting in clashes with the Axis occupation forces and collaborationist police in Athens against rumours of forced mobilization of Greek workers for work in Germany. 1945 – Egyptian Premier Ahmad Mahir Pasha is killed in Parliament after reading a decree. 1946 – Colonel Juan Perón, founder of the political movement that became known as Peronism, is elected to his first term as President of Argentina. 1949 – The Armistice Agreements are signed, to formally end the hostilities of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. 1966 – Ghanaian coup d'état by National Liberation Council overthrows Kwame Nkrumah's Government. 1967 – Cultural Revolution: Zhang Chunqiao announces the dissolution of the Shanghai People's Commune, replacing its local government with a revolutionary committee. 1968 – Vietnam War: The Tet Offensive is halted; South Vietnamese forces led by Ngo Quang Truong recapture the citadel of Hué. 1971 – The All India Forward Bloc holds an emergency central committee meeting after its chairman, Hemantha Kumar Bose, is killed three days earlier. P.K. Mookiah Thevar is appointed as the new chairman. 1976 – The 1976 constitution of Cuba is formally proclaimed. 1978 – The Yuba County Five disappear in California. Four of their bodies are found four months later. 1981 – The 6.7 Ms Gulf of Corinth earthquake affected Central Greece with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe). Twenty-two people were killed, 400 were injured, and damage totaled $812 million. 1983 – A special commission of the United States Congress condemns the Japanese American internment during World War II. 1984 – Tyrone Mitchell perpetrates the 49th Street Elementary School shooting in Los Angeles, killing two children and injuring 12 more. 1989 – United Airlines Flight 811, bound for New Zealand from Honolulu, rips open during flight, blowing nine passengers out of the business-class section. 1991 – Gulf War: Ground troops cross the Saudi Arabian border and enter Iraq, thus beginning the ground phase of the war. 1996 – Two civilian airplanes operated by the Miami-based group Brothers to the Rescue are shot down in international waters by the Cuban Air Force. 1999 – China Southwest Airlines Flight 4509, a Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft, crashes in Rui'an, Zhejiang, China. All 61 people on board are killed. 2004 – The 6.3 Mw Al Hoceima earthquake strikes northern Morocco with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent). At least 628 people are killed, 926 are injured, and up to 15,000 are displaced. 2006 – Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo declares Proclamation 1017 placing the country in a state of emergency in attempt to subdue a possible military coup. 2007 – Japan launches its fourth spy satellite, stepping up its ability to monitor potential threats such as North Korea. 2008 – Fidel Castro retires as the President of Cuba and the Council of Ministers after 32 years. He remains as head of the Communist Party for another three years. 2015 – A Metrolink train derails in Oxnard, California following a collision with a truck, leaving more than 30 injured. 2016 – Tara Air Flight 193, a de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter aircraft, crashed, with 23 fatalities, in Solighopte, Myagdi District, Dhaulagiri Zone, while en route from Pokhara Airport to Jomsom Airport. 2020 – Mahathir Mohamad resigns as Prime Minister of Malaysia following an attempt to replace the Pakatan Harapan government, which triggered the 2020-2022 Malaysian political crisis.[35] 2022 – Russo-Ukrainian War: Days after recognising Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states, Russian president Vladimir Putin orders a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
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kazifatagar · 7 days ago
Two years later, no evidence from Anwar that I stole money: Mahathir
𝗕𝗢𝗛…𝗟𝗔𝗚𝗜1. Anwar masih cuba gambarkan anak saya adalah billionaire kerana kononnya memiliki aset berjumlah 1.2 billion.2. Sebenarnya angka ini tidak betul. Yang pertama jumlah ini adalah bagi dua anak iaitu Mirzan dan Mokhzani.3. Dan RM1.2 billion ini tidak sama…— Dr Mahathir Mohamad (@chedetofficial) February 24, 2025 Dr Mahathir Mohamad has refuted Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s claims that…
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