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ge · 3 months ago
a lot of tangbo in this chapter !!!!! but apparently from what i saw in a korean tweet they didn't add the scene?/context for? where cheongmyeong waited for tangbo to match his steps so they could walk together :((
I LOVED TODAYS EPISODE SO BAD.. is that so.. now that u mention it, i assumed they did add it in but it wasnt the focus? when chung myung had walked away from the ledge and stopped walking so tang bo could catch up, was that not him waiting? AH WELL..im not too upset about it since i know in my heart they did it anyway.. im still reeling from how good this ep was otherwise
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alienandrogyny101 · 11 months ago
So the number of people Cheonma and the Magyo killed is never specified (to my knowledge), but they had to have killed *a lot* of people for there to still be weakness a century later. We don’t know the population of China/Kangho, but could it be bubonic plague numbers? Or maybe even Genghis Khan numbers? Like, OBVIOUSLY the Magyo don’t reach Mao Zedong numbers, but they probably killed off a chunk of the population, right?
Anyway fuck the Magyo. RIP 13th gen cheongja and tang bo and those other guys
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womeninfictionandirl · 1 year ago
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Ginny Weasley by Magyo Kun
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tosahobi-if · 11 months ago
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Misfortune begets misfortune; evil will prey upon itself. Just as how the fox cannot live without the rabbit, the predator must understand what rises will fall.
Long before you were born, the Great Calamity, a calculated effort by Magyo cultists nearly wiped out the entirety of the Jungpa sects. If not for the noble sacrifice of the peerless Sword Saint of the Mount Hua Sect: the Divine Blade, Yeo Jinhu, demonic forces would have rent the heavens and the earth asunder.
Despite his triumph, nothing would ever be the same – the losses were staggering, the task of rebuilding the sects to their former glory seemed to prove an insurmountable challenge. Yet nearly two decades after his death, peace returned to the land once more.
After the death of your parents, you lead an ordinary, if not monotonous, life as the playmate of the spoiled young master of the Mount Hua Sect. However, all is not what it seems. Following the mysterious arrival of an amnesiac with strange abilities, whispers of a plot brewing in the shadows start to surface, and the world as you know it begins to fall apart around your feet.
Suddenly confronted with the uncertainty of the future, you must unravel the tragedy of what truly conspired all those years ago before you risk losing all you hold dear.
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tosahobi (18+) is a muhyeop choose-your-own adventure game centered around elements of korean folklore and taoism in a tale of family, grief, and heritage.
play as a customizable main character: choose their physical appearance, gender, pronouns, sexuality, and more.
explore different relationships: from platonic to romantic to familial, build a variety of relationships with the cast (and hopefully make more friends than you do enemies.)
choose from different skill sets: pick between medicine, weaponry, tactics, and hand-to-hand combat. each field comes with its own advantages and disadvantages that affect multiple scenarios as the story progresses.
choice-driven story: with several routes and (many) choices, fail or succeed and find your way to an ending (whether it be happy or not.)
something is incredibly wrong: can you feel it too?
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Yeo Jinwol of the Mount Hua Sect, is the youngest son of the sect leader. Contrary to his charming public demeanor, he has a childish side and can be extraordinarily stubborn. Having grown up in the shadow of his elder brothers he is fiercely protective of those he considers precious to him and struggles to measure up to the expectations placed on his shoulders. Assigned his playmate at a young age, whether you consider it fortuitous or not the two of you have been stuck together for years.
Yul is your sajae, a disciple under the same master as you. Despite their amnesia, they're preternaturally talented at whatever they set their mind to. With strange yet unexplainable abilities that seem to stretch far beyond the scope of their powers, their missing memories may be the key to unlocking the answers you seek. Reclusive yet dedicated you'd almost think they were far, far older than their age if not for their intense sweet tooth and their tendency to follow you around like a very clingy second shadow.
Baek Iseul, the Frozen Blade, is the rising star Emei Sect and has long been hailed as the next Sword Saint. Contrary to her cheerful personality you've never met anyone with a sharper gaze before. Hailing from obscurity, her power rivals even those who have trained for years and years, and has amassed an ever-growing collection of heroic feats under her belt. Popular and well-liked with a mischievous streak, you're really not sure why someone with such a promising future has taken a liking to you.
if to transcend means to leave the world behind, bind me to the soil so even long after my death, long after my body has turned to dust, i can find you once more.
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prettyallfriends · 4 months ago
PARINS A GAMER WE WONNNNNNN. ...unless its just bamco games lmao. We Shall See. nyways some key points from everyones individual debut streams
they each have mascots. mehs is a sheep named jack, parins is a chick named mofutarou, mierus is a frog named marukerotto
mehs fanname is ま行 (magyo), referring to the row of the jp alphabet her name is from (mamimumemo). parins is tamagochan (egg-chan), since her theme is an idol who is reborn from an egg every day or something. mierus is mietami, from a phrase about seeing a future of supporting her (famieru was better 😡😡😡)
mehs fav idols are akari and soleil, fav songs start dash sensation and shining line. parins fav idols are rola and soleil, song start line. mierus fav idols are ichigo, yume and rei (and many more, her teacher told her to limit it to 3), songs are start line, music of dream and barefoot renaissance
theyll each have a unique activity for their streams. mehs schedule includes board games, parins includes video games, mierus includes... a relaxed chat..... yeah.......
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quuerbee · 4 months ago
Spoilers for up to chapter 1045 (some analysis)
I think there is something to be noted on how different chung myung handles the demon cult before and after his death. Like I might be remembering it wrong because it is definitely past the time I should've gone to bed, but despite the hatred he showed in the past for them, there was always a sense of apathy towards the demon cult? That this was just a horrible thing that he had to deal with and then get on with his life (until the later battles ofc). I remember a chapter that focused on him and tang bo fighting a bishop and, while a good chapter that I love very very much, it basically consisted more of a tangchung hangout moment than a battle with a bishop (WHICH I LIKED <-tangchung enjoyer).
The difference is so stark, especially with chapter 1044 and 1045. In these chapters, you can FEEL the rage, the grief, the bloodlust. Chung myung is described as the opposite of how he normally fights. While his eyes are still cold, yes, he's baring his teeth in an imitation of a smile while howling with what could be mistaken as laughter. There is so much emotion in this fight for him. The last time he fought the magyo (the north sea doesn't really count, because according to not only him but many others, the faction at the north sea was withering away and not nearly comparable to the demon cult of the past), he saw the majority of his sect get killing, along with himself. This causing the downfall of mount hua for the next 100 years until his return. Chung myung himself describes slipping back into his war mindset, of feeling but not feeling. Kill or be killed. Having his already incredibly lethal way of fighting (war time version) getting mixed with the now incredibly personal aspect of this fight makes for one terrifying fighter.
Just another note about that "you shouldn't of forgotten me, right?" comment. Throwing up blood. The world's biggest mistake was forgetting about the demon cult, but the demon cults biggest mistake was forgetting about CHUNG MYUNG
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lisisko · 11 months ago
how tragic would it be if literally the only people who can recognize chung myung in this lifetime would be magyo, his worst enemies, who remember who killed the last heavenly demon
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kivrinlaroche · 2 years ago
LA MAGIA DEL SANGUE (capitolo tre)
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Dal bordo di una sporgenza, situata più in alto rispetto a loro, un paio d’occhi guardava e osservava, semi-nascosto da un masso. E aveva sentito tutto.
Il vecchio vestito di stracci si voltò ed entrò zoppicando nella caverna alle sue spalle appoggiandosi ad un bastone. Camminò nelle viscere della montagna più in fretta che poteva, impaziente di dare la notizia a sua moglie, finchè non raggiunse uno spiazzo illuminato.
“Non ci posso credere! Stavo cercando la capra per portarla dentro e li ho visti. Sono proprio loro!” disse il vecchio allegramente, rivolto ad una figura seduta dalla parte opposta di un focolare acceso al centro della caverna. Si sedette su uno sgabello sgangherato, di fronte al fuoco scoppiettante, poi si rialzò, fece qualche passo e gettò due tronchi tra le fiamme poi sedette di nuovo. “Mi hai sentito, moglie?” “Non sai dove fare l’uovo, marito? Non sono sorda! Cerca di calmarti, vecchio bambino. Lo so. Ho sentito un fremito nell’aria quando hanno raggiunto il prato.” rispose la vecchia dagli occhi opachi per la cecità.
Teneva in mano una ciotola di legno dove rimestava con cura una poltiglia rossastra.
Appollaiato su un trespolo e nervoso come il vecchio, un corvo a tre occhi sbatteva le ali e faceva un baccano tremendo. “Zitto corvaccio! O ti faccio diventare un piccione!” fece la vecchia alzando la voce. Il corvo ammutolì.
“Finalmente anche il nostro fato si compirà, marito... Abbiamo aspettato tanto!”
Tentò di alzarsi e con una smorfia di dolore si sedette di nuovo. “Ahi! Mi fanno male i piedi. Non riuscirò mai ad arrivare fino al prato...” “Per favore pensaci tu, Akkar. Accompagnali qui … Mi raccomando, non spaventarli!”
“Sarà fatto, mia signora! Tutto quello che desideri io lo farò avverare. Se vuoi ti posso portare in braccio fino al...” rispose il vecchio canzonandola.
“Bada bene, marito!” troncò lei. “Non usare quel tono con me oppure potrai dire addio alla tua dose quotidiana di rimedi per l’artrite!” ribatté con un sorriso sdentato.
Tutto dolorante, il vecchio si alzò, si avvicinò a sua moglie e le posò una mano sulla spalla.
“Mi chiami sempre vecchio ma ho solo qualche centinaio d’anni più di te, moglie mia. Lo sai che non potrei mai fare a meno del tuo amore figuriamoci dei tuoi impiastri!” scherzò lui.
“Ora vai e fai il tuo dovere, Akkar, non abbiamo molto tempo!”
Il vecchio annuì e uscì di nuovo dalla caverna. Prese un minuscolo sentiero che lo portò direttamente sul prato dove Daemon e Rhaenyra chiacchieravano. Si piazzò in bella vista di fronte a loro, appoggiato al bastone, e li guardò.
“Cosa ci fate sul mio prato?”. Le due sagome di luce sollevarono la testa di scatto, sussultando alla vista di quel vecchio. Per tutti gli Dei, li ho spaventati. Mia moglie mi ammazzerà! pensò Akkar.
“Gua… guarda Daemon, ci vede!” sussurrò Rhaenyra indicando la figura.
Anche Daemon era sbalordito: durante quel lungo viaggio avevano incontrato centinaia di persone, erano passati persino in mezzo alla gente delle grandi città e nessuno si era mai accorto di loro.
“Chi sei, vecchio? Come mai ci vedi?” chiese Daemon fissandolo con sospetto.
Akkar sollevò gli occhi al cielo. “Ti sei per caso messo d’accordo con mia moglie, giovane principe?”
“Come fai a sapere chi son… chi ero?”
“So chi sei tu e so chi è tua moglie, ragazzo. E lo scopo che vi ha portato in queste terre. Io sono Akkar e vivo qui con mia moglie, Daer. Siamo due magyos e da tanto tempo ci siamo ritirati tra queste montagne. Se volete seguirmi e scoprire qualcosa che vi riguarda potrete fare una chiacchierata con lei. Non abbiamo molto tempo...”
Daemon e Rhaenyra, incuriositi, si guardarono e annuirono all’unisono.
Il vecchio scosse la testa e bofonchiò “Oh, stelle del cielo! Sono proprio loro!”
Le due figure di luce, mano nella mano, seguirono Akkar fin dentro la caverna rischiarata da un fuoco.
Appoggiate a una parete c’erano quattro rastrelliere di legno da cui pendevano mazzi di erbe poste ad essiccare. In un angolo a destra era posizionato un rozzo letto coperto da pellicce e poi tavoli, sgabelli e panche occupavano la parte sinistra della sala.
Su un rozzo trespolo un magnifico corvo a tre occhi si lisciava le piume con l’enorme becco.
Al centro di quello spazio, al di là del focolare, Daer posò la ciotola che aveva in mano e con una smorfia di dolore si alzò in piedi. “Daemon e Rhaenyra Targaryen, fratello e figlia primogenita di re Viserys, siete i benvenuti.” annunciò la donna.
“Anche tu ci vedi?” chiese stupita Rhaenyra.
“No, io sono cieca, regina degli uomini, ma vi sento." rispose Daer portando una mano al petto. "Percepisco la vostra presenza, e l’amore profondo che lega l’uno all’altro.”
“La prima parte del vostro destino si è conclusa ma non per gli Antichi Dei che hanno in serbo ancora qualcosa per voi. Avete deciso spontaneamente di intraprendere questo lungo viaggio, di fare il passo che vi ha condotto qui. La scelta che avete fatto ha già innescato una catena di eventi, come una cascata, affinché in futuro possiate riunire i vostri corpi e i vostri spiriti.”
Seduti intorno al fuoco Daer spiegò la magia del loro sangue valiriano che non riguardava solo l’aspetto esteriore ma qualcosa di più profondo che trascendeva il tempo e lo spazio terreni. Con un cucchiaio di legno prese un po' di quella poltiglia rossa e la diluì in una ciotola d'acqua. Poi ne bevve qualche sorso. Dopo qualche minuto, in una specie di trance, lesse la loro vita come fosse un libro aperto.
“Non so perché siete stati scelti e forse non lo saprò mai ma siete destinati a bruciare insieme e non solo per mero desiderio fisico.
Il sangue di drago che scorre nei vostri corpi di carne è come la fiamma di questo fuoco, indomabile, ma è anche quello che vi permette di ritrovarvi quando quei corpi si allontanano oppure finiscono nella parte sbagliata della terra. Non potete vivere l’uno senza l’altra, non vi è consentito.” fece una pausa per bere un altro sorso e proseguì.
“Negli anni avete sperimentato la separazione e siete morti dentro. Separati, i vostri spiriti si sono lacerati. Vi siete persi perché non eravate insieme fisicamente, non eravate interi e completi, e questo ha alimentato la rabbia e la frustrazione.
La felicità nel vivere con altre persone, nell’avere figli da esse era solo apparente. Un inganno che vi siete costruiti per evitare il baratro della sofferenza.
I pensieri erano sempre e comunque rivolti all’altro ed era impossibile per voi farne a meno perché nei vostri cuori sapevate chi era il vero amore, chi vi avrebbe reso veramente felici e soprattutto liberi.
Nelle prigioni che avete innalzato si è poi aggiunta la vergogna poiché vi sentivate in colpa. Con quei pensieri, perennemente rivolti alla persona che realmente vi stava a cuore, temevate di ferire quelle più vicine, che a modo loro vi amavano. Un amore che però non potevate ricambiare... e siete entrati in una spirale di profondo sconforto.
È stata una lotta per la sopravvivenza. Avete dovuto imparare a dominare e reprimere i sentimenti che vi legavano, mentre il baratro si avvicinava sempre di più.
I vostri spiriti anelavano l’unione, come un assetato brama quest’acqua.” disse sollevando la ciotola. “I vostri corpi si cercavano e niente o nessuno vi avrebbe fermato, neanche la morte.”
“Quando, dopo tanto tempo, vi siete incontrati al funerale della principessa Laena Velaryon, il sangue dei draghi che condividete ha fornito la scintilla. Quella notte non sono stati solo l’amore e la lussuria a guidare i corpi, ancora una volta sono entrati in gioco i vostri spiriti, e questo è molto più appagante... È l’essenza stessa della felicità. Dell’amore più profondo e sacro...” concluse la maga.
Daemon e Rhaenyra ascoltarono quelle parole come ipnotizzati. Daer aveva portato alla superfice delle loro coscienze qualcosa che intimamente percepivano da sempre.
Lei si alzò dallo sgabello e gettò tra le fiamme quel che rimaneva della poltiglia rossa insieme alle erbe essiccate che gli porgeva Akkar. “Che gli Dei vi guidino nelle scelte future.” aggiunse Daer sollevando le braccia, come in una benedizione.
Dal focolare si sprigionarono volute di un fumo denso e appiccicoso. Tracciò dei segni nell’aria, mormorando una litania incomprensibile.
Il tempo rotolò in avanti e iniziò ad accelerare.
La caverna scomparve e la luce del sole li abbagliò. Sentirono nella mente le ultime parole della vecchia.
“Ora! Svegliatevi!”
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oquevejoemvoce · 4 years ago
queria eu ter a sorte que o sol tem de poder todos os dias te iluminar pela janela do seu quarto.
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daniarts-andstuff · 5 years ago
Magyo appreciation post
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I just really loved their sudden friendship
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galaxy-of-me · 5 years ago
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ge · 1 year ago
if rotmhs was more xianxia leaning, sentient fierce corpse chung myung (wen ning style) would be such a cool concept
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magyokun-blog · 4 years ago
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Magyo Chibi version.
April 2020
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zumwohl · 7 years ago
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Magyo Embroidery
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tosahobi-if · 11 months ago
What can you tell us about MC's background? It is to my understanding that their parents must've been important retainers if the Yeo clan allowed their kid to be childhood playmates with Jinwol, but like... how important are we talking about? Also, is MC the last one of their family?
AHAHAHAHAHA.... can i plead the fifth here... (jkjk)
the mc was brought into the sect at age five and was told that their parents, who were disciples of a minor sect and friends with the yeo clan, were killed by magyo cultists. out of respect for their friendship the mc was rescued by jinwol's father and brought under the hua sect's protection where they would be able to grow up safely.
their position isn't one of high standing because they're an orphan and not from a prestigious family, but since they were taken under the yeo clan's wing they're treated with a very basic modicum of manners by the other members of the sect. (at least treated well in public. privately however...)
and yes, as far as they know, they're the last one of their family!
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ali-sama-13-blog · 7 years ago
Taiyou no Ie
Author: TAAMO
Chapters: 71
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Taiyou no Ie starts off more like a mild psychological manga. The main character, Motomiya Mao, sometimes called “Magyo”, grew up in a household as a single child, both of her parents constantly working and leaving her home alone. She comes back home early one day, and catches her mom walking into the house with a man she’s never seen before. Not long after, her parents get a divorce, and she decides to stay at the house with her father, rather than follow her mother, in order to not leave her neighbors behind.
Mao’s neighbors, the Nakamuras, are a family of five consisting of the two parents (whose first names are never specified), the older brother Hiro, the middle son Daiki, and the youngest sister Hina. Hiro is 14 and in middle school, Daiki and Mao are in primary school, and Hina is 4, putting ten years in between her and her oldest sibling. Mao spends most nights in the Nakamura household, eating dinner with them. But suddenly, the two parents pass away in a car accident on their way home with a present for Hina. Daiki and Hina are both sent off to two different unspecified aunts, but Hiro stays behind to to protect the house they lived in, a house he asked his parents to move into, and something he knows his parents poured all their savings into. 
Present day, Mao (17), who writes a mobile novel called Taiyou no Ie, or the House of the Sun, feels as isolated from her dad as ever with her new step-mom and step-sister, Yui around. Leaving the house where she feels like she doesn’t belong and buying a convenience store bento to eat outside the shrine she frequents when she’s feeling down, she runs into Hiro (24), whom, upon seeing that she feels unwelcome in her own home, offers her a room at his house to live. Unannounced, she heads over to his house and spends the night. The next day, in an attempt to make up with her dad, he makes it very clear that if she wants to spend so much time at the Nakamura household, she should just live there forever, and he will send monthly living expenses to Hiro; this pushes away Mao, leaving her heart broken, and thus she begins her life living in the Nakamura household.
Over the next year, Mao learns to do household chores such as cooking and cleaning, gets confessed to by the most popular guy in her grade who her best friend has a crush on, and learns from Hiro that his dream is to bring Daiki and Hina back to this house someday to live with him. However, his dream so far has been unattainable. Daiki has very clearly expressed his desire to never return top him, and Hina almost never responds to his messages in the first place. With Mao’s help, Hiro is able to bring Daiki back to the house, after he stays for a short visit during a school break. When he goes back to his aunt’s house and he tells her he just suddenly wished to go back, she reads through his lies and knows that the real reason he wants to back is because he fell in love - unbeknownst to her, this girl is Mao. And so, Daiki moves back into the household.
At this time, around winter, Mao has already confessed her feelings of love towards Hiro, but seeing him act so uncomfortable, she plays it off as a joke, hiding her feelings deep in her heart. She has also met her number one fan of her novel in real life, who unfortunately is not only a coworker of Hiro, but she has pretended to be the author of the novel in front of him because she wanted to get his attention after she learned that he read the novel, too; Mao is at a crossroads when she learns this coworker, Sugimoto Ai, loves Hiro, too.
There are a lot of love triangles so far. Daiki loves Mao, but so does the popular classmate, Oda. However, Mao’s friend Chii likes Oda. But Mao only likes Hiro, the most dense man on the planet, who is only focused on getting Hina home. And to make it even harder for our main character, Hiro’s coworker Ai is pretending to be the author of Mao’s novel in order to get Hiro’s attention. At one point, it’s hard to keep up; until people start confessing and get rejected. Mao rejects Oda, but then Oda rejects Chii. However, neither give up. Further along the line, Mao rejects Daiki, and Hiro rejects his coworker Ai. Chii then confesses once more, and Oda accepts her confession. 
Now, Mao is trying her best to stop running away from her father and move back into her own house. She slowly but surely begins staying a few days at a time every so often, and she gets along swimmingly with her new mom and little sister. The Nakamura and Motomiya households decide to go on a trip together to Sendai, where Hina lives. The aunt that Hina lives with makes a sudden impact on her unintentionally; Hina sees an old toy cooking set, remembering her parents, and subtly informing the reader that the reason Hina doesn’t want to go back to the house is because she feels responsible for the death of her parents. Her aunt announces she is pregnant, and Hina asks if she’s okay with having the baby at such an old age, because she could die. Expecting the aunt to not be okay with this, Hina is shocked when her aunt tells her she doesn’t mind risking her life to watch her child grow up. This strikes a chord in Hina, and she realizes all she’s ever done is push people away. She calls Hiro to let him know she wants to go on the trip as well.
While on the trip, in the hot springs with Mao and her step-mom, Hina confesses that she “killed her parents”. In the moment, Mao had no idea how to respond, and she left feeling distraught. The next day, while waiting for the subway, the step-mom tells Mao’s father about what Hina said, and that Mao has been depressed since. Surprisingly, Mao’s father understands Hina’s train of thought. So far, everyone has been comparing Mao and Hina together, because they both hide their feelings and keep to their close circle; but Mao’s father realizes Hina is a reflection of himself. She created something to loather - herself - so she wouldn’t become swallowed in sadness. Mao’s father outwardly seems to hate Mao, seeing his ex-wife in her eyes, but in reality Mao’s father hates himself for not being able to stop either of them from leaving him. Mao’s father walks over to Hina and tells her that her parents would be devastated if they knew she blamed herself. He even goes on to tell her he was jealous of their perfect family that always got along. 
“Listen, Hina-chan. A child’s selfishness is a parent’s happiness.”
Mao’s father then tells Hina something her own parents never did; The “Hi” in her name is supposed to represent the sun, because she used to always be so bright and cheerful. Without her at that house, it could never go back to being as bright and cheery as it was before. Hina admits she doesn’t even know how to smile anymore; she lives in fear that Hiro and Daiki will blame her for the accident; that when they are nice to her, she feels guilty; but she does admit that she truly wishes to return home.
Afterwards, the two families drive past a festival, and stop to take a quick look. After everyone divides into groups, Mao and her father are the only two left. Nervously, Mao follows her father around the festival, where he teaches her how to do target shooting, and she teaches him how to catch goldfish. In the moment, Mao thanks her father for talking to Hina. He becomes annoyed, saying the Nakamura family is always more important to her. When Mao tries to apologize, her father tells her that she just cast him aside, like her mother did. Only then does Mao realize what she has truly done. Mao’s father interrupts her stuttering apology to admit that he pushed her out, and was only running away; he would understand if Mao hated him. Mao admits she felt the same way when her step mom and step sister “took him away”. They both silently realize their similar foolishness, and as the rest of the group finds them and approaches them, Mao’s father asks Mao to come back home.
So finally, Mao is back home. But the story isn’t over yet. Mao tries to confess to Hiro, but he stops her and tells her he will be the one to confess. They set a date to meet, and Mao anxiously awaits the day.
On the day of, while Mao is leaving her house, she is speechless when she runs into her birth mother, who is hanging out outside of her house. Mao cancels the date, and goes out to chat with her birth mother. Mao continues to meet with her mother a couple more times, where her mother tells her that she wants Mao to move back with her, because she is now alone, and she has been saving money for it. Everyone around Mao can tell something is amiss, but she won’t tell anyone what’s wrong. Before the “final meeting” with her mom, Mao tells Chii about meeting her mother, admitting that she wants to stay behind, but she knows what it’s like to be lonely, and doesn’t want her mother to be lonely. Chii says she doesn’t know what she would choose, but she supports whatever decision Mao makes. Mao also brings it up with her stepmother but in the form of a hypothetical question. Her stepmother shares her honest opinion, stating that when HER mother, Mao’s grandmother, found out they were both bringing kids from different marriages, she was completely against them getting together. In the end, she chose Mao’s father over her own mother. Before she left, her mother gave her a lunch box to eat on the train, signifying that she didn’t accept the decision, but no matter what happens, she will always be her daughter; that they would be family even if they were apart.
Meanwhile, Ai, still feeling guilty about not having confessed that she is not the author, rereads the novel from beginning to the present one last time. In doing so, she realizes that this novel is a love letter, and what she has done is more terrible than she thought. Hating herself for having stolen something so precious, she meets back up with Mao after a long time. Mao goes into the meeting expecting Ai to confess that she still has feelings for Hiro, or that they started dating since she has been avoiding him to meet up with her birth mother. Ai tells Mao that she has finally gotten the courage to tell Hiro that she is not the author of the novel, but she is also curious why she never ratted her out. Mao admits that she just wanted to be friends with Ai, and didn’t want to ruin their relationship, which takes Ai by surprise. They part with both hoping they can meet back up again and restart as friends one day.
Mao meets up with her birth mother, who tells Mao that she will definitely be happy moving in with her, and all the preparation she has done. Mao buts off her tangent to tell her mom that she is not going to move in with her, but she will always be thinking of her, always. Mao’s birth mother admits she didn’t expect Mao to decline her offer, and tells her she’s grown up into a fine young woman. They hug for a final time and depart.
When Mao comes home, her stepmother is surprised to see her return, implicating that she knew the hypothetical question was meant to confuse her, and she also expected Mao to leave with her mother. With a smile on her face, Mao’s stepmother serves out dinner to the whole family, painting a beautiful picture of a complete family, one that Mao has always wanted.
Hiro, in the meanwhile, is at work, clocking in over-time because they lost a lot of data and will probably be working all night along with his division. While leaving to get a snack, he runs into Ai in the hallway, where she admits she is not the author, but does not tell him who the author really is. She tells Hiro that if he reads the novel once more, he will understand everything. After a long night of work, at six AM, Hiro’s curiosity gets the better of him, and he begins re-reading the novel. Doing so, he realizes a few things. One, two of the characters names in the novel, Takashi and Kaoru, are the names of two characters in a historical drama Mito Koumon, a series Mao likes to watch. Second, he sees there is also a character in Mito Koumon named Croquette, which is also the name Mao gave to the Shiba Inu Hiro bought near the beginning of the manga. And lastly, the authors pen name, Kuukai (which he has been misreading as Sorami until Ai corrects him during her “author” confession), is the name of a buddhist monk from the Houkai period, whose given name was Saeki “Mao”.
While at school, Daiki overhears Mao telling Chii that Hiro hasn’t replied to her message, which only her knows that is because he worked all night. Daiki sets up a surprise meeting for the both of them and tells Mao to go walk Croquette, since Hiro and himself would both be working late. Mao heads there straight after school. However, Daiki meets Hiro at Daiki’s work, a historical bar that Hiro’s work friends frequent. Daiki, annoyed that Hiro “ruined it”, convinces Hiro’s boss to let him leave, ordering the confused Hiro to return home. Doing as he is told, he finds Mao has accidentally fallen asleep on the couch. Mao wakes up and screams, scared by Hiro’s sudden appearance. Mao finally tells Hiro about her real mom appearing, and tells him that she decided not to go with her. Catching her off-guard, Hiro tells her that Ai had him re-read Kuukai’s novel. In the middle of trying to confess, he falls asleep, so Mao puts a blanket over him and returns home.
Over text, Hiro asks Mao out on a date, which she accepts. Her stepmom helps her decide that they should go ice skating together. After ice skating, while out eating, Hiro wonders what his life would’ve been like if he never invited Mao to stay at his house; Mao wonders what Hiro was going to say before he fell asleep the other day at his house, and if he even remembers they had a conversation. They later head out into the streets, and Hiro suggests they ride the ferris wheel. Hiro thanks Mao, saying if it wasn’t for her, Daiki and Hina never would have come home. He is also happy to find out that she is the author of the novel, and finally confesses his love. Mao reciprocates his feelings, taking back the lie she told when she first confessed so long ago, but then played off as a joke. They share a heart-warming kiss at the top of the ferris wheel.
There is a time-skip to the beginning of Mao and Daiki’s final year in high school. After school, the two head home, where Hina has finally moved in after so long. Hiro shows them all the new six-person table he bought for the house, and they all reminisce about the past. All four of them visit the Nakamura parent’s grave. Mao tells the parents that Hiro’s dream came true, and Daiki and Hina both have moved back into the house together. She also admits her failures to them, about how she relied on Hiro too much and had lost her place for too long to the point where she didn’t even know the point of her existence. She says its all thanks to Hiro that everything came together, and she owes her life to him, so she wants to, from now own, protect him. Daiki and Hina go off together, and Hiro offers Mao to visit the shrine she used to frequent. Mao tells him that he always saved her, so since his dream has now come true, it’s her turn to protect him, as thanks. Hiro says his dream hasn’t actually come true, though; since what he really wants is a family. After beating around the bush and Mao not getting the picture, Hiro “proposes” to Mao, saying he wants to become a family with her, some day. The two head home, and throw Hina a welcome home party, celebrating the rebirth of the Nakamura family.
In the afterwards, they also give love to Ai, and they show Hina and Daiki making a bet to see who can get a significant other the fastest by this time next year. The also show a little girl in a big house hear the front gate open, and rush to the front door to welcome someone we can’t see home. Since the little girl has very long hair, and Mao has very short hair as a child, is it most likely Mao and Hiro’s daughter, letting the readers infer that they did eventually get married and start a family.
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