#magnus bane loves alec lightwood
peupeugunn · 2 years
magnus: alexander, look, i made you this bracelet!
alec: you know, i'm not really a jewelry person...
magnus: you don't have to wear it, love
alec: no, i'm going to wear it forever. fuck off.
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you dont know that magnus’ magic is the same striking blue as alec’s eyes
you dont know alec’s eyes are the same color as the ancestors of a family so intertwined with his
you don’t know that magnus sees ghosts in the blue of alec’s eyes
you don’t know magnus is two inches taller than alec
you dont know that alec loves that magnus is taller than him
you don’t know that they dated in secret for months
you dont know alec’s wardrobe is absolutely hopeless and he only wears years old worn out sweaters with holes in the cuffs and magnus loves it
you dont know that sometimes magnus wears his worn out sweaters
you dont know that they didnt get married for years until alec became consul and they could get married in warlock blue and shadowhunter gold under his new law
you dont know they have two kids, before they ever married
you dont know their first son is named after alec’s brother max, who actually died during the war
you dont know that max’s skin is blue, and his eyes are just a shade darker than alec’s
you dont know that alec loved one man so much he changed the world for him
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graycious-tea · 5 months
All yall saying Tommy calling Buck Evan is disrespectful and like malicious clearly don’t remember my man, fellow bi icon Magnus Bane calling his pookie Alec Lightwood, Alexander at any given moment despite no one calling him Alexander except his parents who also suck like my man was gone on that shadowhunter and so is Tommy!!!
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bookholichany · 5 months
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It's actually quite self-explanatory
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Orange Peel Theory’s Got Nothing on Magnus Bane
“This whole thing sounds stupid,” Alec rolls his eyes at his siblings.
“That’s the point. It’s stupid but cute,” Izzy explains.
He thinks for a moment. “And Jace passed?”
“Jace passed,” Izzy nods.
“And so did you.”
“Yes,” Izzy smiles.
He’s not surprised, both his siblings are gone for their partners.
Alec doesn’t think a stupid orange peel theory is the true test of love but alas, mundane culture rarely ever makes sense to him.
“Alright. I’ll try it,” he sighs at their childish excitement, “but if Magnus doesn’t peel it and I have to get a divorce; I’m blaming you two forever.”
Izzy and Jace chuckle at him. “Okay, bro.”
Alec forgets about the stupid thing for the next few days. They’re busy and Magnus and he barely get any time together.
Then Izzy texts him one day, “Did you try it?”
Magnus comes out of the kitchen, with coffee for the two of them in his hands. Alec lets out a hand and takes one cup.
His husband sits on one end of the couch, his legs spread on the table in front of them. Alec sidles up next to him, closing any distance.
“Hi,” Magnus exhales against his mouth.
Alec smiles before kissing him. “Hi, baby.”
They spend the day lounging on the couch, trading slow kisses and touches. It’s been a while since they have got the time.
The kids are with Izzy and Simon today.
Then Alec remembers the stupid thing and decides to try it. He excuses himself and goes to the kitchen.
Do they even have oranges? He wonders.
He glances around the kitchen and finds a bowl of fruits with a few oranges in them.
Thank fuck.
He picks one up and walks back to the living room.
Magnus has a book in his hand now and his legs are stretched out on the sofa. He picks up the man's legs and makes space for himself, putting them above his.
He plays with the orange for a few minutes before he speaks, “Baby?”
“Yes, love?” Magnus looks up.
“I don’t feel like peeling this. Could you peel this up for me?” He asks, nonchalantly.
Magnus glances at the object in his hand and gives him an easy smile. “Sure.”
He hurrays himself internally and is about to pass the orange to Magnus before his husband snaps his fingers and voila—he has a plate in his hands with oranges peeled out and separated, displayed in quite a decorative manner on the dish.
Well, shit.
Alec huffs out a breath, picks up a slice and eats it, grumpily.
Magnus puts the book aside and shifts on the couch until he’s lying with his head on Alec’s stomach. He brings his hand to Magnus’s hair and runs them through it gently.
Another half an hour passes before Magnus comments. “You didn’t eat the oranges.”
“Well, he has magic, so I can’t blame him,” he points out to his siblings who laugh at the incident.
“Why don’t you try again?”
Alec rolls his eyes, “I have better things to do, you know? Like running the Clave?”
“Come on, just one more time,” Jace insists.
“Fine,” he relents because even he wants to see how it goes.
It’s a few days later when the chance arises. The boys ran them ragged this morning, shouting and complaining, not liking anything Alec made for breakfast.
It was one of those mornings when nothing either of them did was getting the boys to settle down. So, they’d accepted defeat and magicked them some ice cream.
Ice cream cures everything in their house.
They’re exhausted by the time they get to have their breakfast. At this point, Alec doesn’t feel like eating much, also he’s running late.
“Darling, what would you like for breakfast?” Magnus murmurs against his neck, his body a strong line against Alec’s.
He hums before picking up an orange, “I don’t know. Just peel this for me,” and hands it over to Magnus and continues, “I need to leave. I’m not very hungry, right now.”
“Alexander,” Magnus says in an affronted tone, “You know, how I feel about skipping breakfast. Not in this house.”
His husband drags him over to the coffee table and snaps his fingers. There’s a small set-up there now. A plate of pancakes with a side of berries. Bacon and sunny side up.
“Eat,” Magnus chides before he can say anything.
He smiles, shaking his head in affection before he starts eating. Then, Magnus speaks, “Oh, wait. I forgot,” before a magically peeled orange appears in front of it.
Alec groans.
“What?” Magnus asks innocently.
“Nothing. Thank you.”
Alec tries a few variations of the thing but the result is all the same.
He can’t test the stupid theory, not that he needs to, but because it’s fun and with each failure, his desire to get it done right increases tenfold.
His siblings can’t win this.
He’s competitive, fuck him.
There was a demon attack today and Magnus and Alec, as psychotic as it sounds, decide to make a date out of it.
They help each other get prepared.
Well, mostly it was Magnus helping Alec ensure that all his eight hundred blades were in place.
“Do you think demons feel anything?” He asks his husband as they portal to the location.
The warlock thinks for a moment, “I don’t know. I don’t think so. Why?”
A mischievous grin appears on his face, “Well, if they did; they wouldn’t be able to concentrate while you looked like that.”
Magnus chuckles softly. “Flirt.”
They both reach home two hours later, taking their time between bantering and flirting while the three shadowhunters along with them groan at their blatant flirtation.
Not entirely exhausted, but the right amount of tired, both of them crash on the couch as they enter the loft. They’re met with two very excited boys, who immediately sober up a little seeing their tired states.
“You okay, Daddy?” “Bapak, are you tired?”
They hug the boys close and kiss their temples, letting them know they are well.
“Hungry?” Magnus asks.
Then like an idiot, he asks the boys to bring an orange.
He flutters his eyes and hands it to Magnus.
“Peel,” it’s an order this time because Raziel, Magnus will know shit is up now.
“You just said you are starved. What is an orange gonna do?” Magnus raises an eyebrow.
“Just do it,” he whines.
“And they think I’m weird,” Magnus grumbles.
“Don’t use magic. You’re exhausted,” he warns.
Before he can pass off the orange to Magnus, Max comes running to him, snatching the orange. He snaps his fingers and there’s a plate in Alec’s hand again.
“Here, Daddy. I peeled it,” Max yells excitedly.
Internally, he groans like the biggest tragedy just occurred but outside, he can’t help but chuckle in response as he kisses Max on the cheek. “Thank you, baby.”
Fucking warlocks in his house.
The six of them are at the Tang Hotpot on a Saturday evening.
They switched Sunday brunch with Saturday hotpot for the day. Clary mentioned something about hotpot and Jace mentioned never having one and Magnus decided then and there, that it’s time to introduce the white assholes he hangs out with these days to culture.
“So, we put whatever we want to eat it inside this thing and it’ll cook?” Jace acts surprised.
Magnus rolls his eyes, knowing Jace likes to act like he doesn’t know anything about the mundane culture.
It’s always a 50-50 chance between Jace really not knowing something and him just fucking with everyone else.
“That is how cooking works,” Alec says sarcastically. “You cook what you want to eat and voila—“
“Not all of us have partners who can take us to any part of the world and have us taste world cuisine,” Jace grins.
“Clary can literally create portals,” Izzy points out.
There’s a large pot in the middle of the table, divided into two sections. One is the traditional broth while another is a spicier version of the broth with added garlic and spices.
Magnus prefers the spicier one.
Bowls of broth are placed next to the pot to be added as required. Next to them, platters of raw ingredients are present. There’s thinly sliced meat including beef, pork, lamb and chicken. Next to it is a plate filled with seafood—shrimp, and fish balls. Accompanied with it are noodles and dumplings of a variety.
And then there’s all the leafy vegetables.
The best part about a hotpot is that it is the only preparation with which the boys usually are okay eating vegetables. Most of it has to do with the fascination the cooking element of it brings but regardless, if his kids are eating vegetables, for whatever reason, Alec counts it as a win.
Magnus sits next to him, a hand dragging a random pattern on his thigh as Alec murmurs something against his ear, pulling a small grin out of the man.
“We are out in public. Stop with the obscenity,” Izzy grins.
Alec sticks out his tongue at her.
Years ago, Alec never thought it would be like this one day. He could never comprehend something like this.
An average Saturday dinner with his family and friends, as he sits next to the love of his life, his husband, Alec’s husband—like that very thought wouldn’t have made Alec throw his fists into a punching bag until they bled.
They’re waiting for the last of the preparations to arrive so they still have a few minutes. Alec looks up at Magnus and plants an unhurried kiss on his lips. When he pulls back, Magnus has the sweetest look on his face.
The food arrives so they all straighten up to get started.
Magnus picks up a few pieces of pork and dumps it in the broth.
“This one has improved,” Magnus teases as Alec pours some spicy broth into his bowl. “His white ass couldn’t deal with the spicier broth the first time we tried it.”
“Jokes on you. You married me,” Alec grins back.
“Oh wow,” Jace explains. “This is too good,” he adds before he chokes realising that he dipped his chicken too much into the chilli paste.
“Weak,” Clary chuckles.
“You try it,” Jace challenges her. Clary dips her shrimp into the chilli paste and pops it inside her mouth, all the while keeping eye contact with Jace.
She doesn’t flinch or cough at all.
“I am so attracted to you right now,” Jace comments.
Simon murmurs something against Izzy’s ear and she laughs, heartily before smacking his shoulder lightly.
This is good, he thinks.
Magnus nudges him and without even looking, Alec turns and opens his mouth as Magnus feeds him a bite of fish ball.
“Too sweet?”
He thinks for a moment before replying. “You could add some sesame oil.”
Magnus hums at that.
There are a few pieces of mushrooms in his broth which he doesn’t like at all. He picks them up and puts them on Magnus’s plate who rolls his eyes at him.
“Why do you take mushrooms if you never eat them?”
“I’m picking them out for you. The best mushrooms in the world for you,” he says in mock seriousness.
Magnus shakes his head in fond amusement before he picks up the plate of seafood and a few shrimps. He puts down his chopsticks and starts peeling the shrimp one by one.
When he is done, he transfers the plate to Alec who smiles at him. “Thanks, baby.”
It’s a fun night as they all relax after an exhausting few weeks.
“Alec, do you not know how to peel a shrimp or what?” Izzy comments.
Alec raises his head and frowns. “What?”
“Do you not know how to peel a shrimp?”
“I do.”
“Then why is Magnus doing it for you?”
Alec tilts his head to find Magnus peeling a few more shrimps and placing them on his plate.
“Umm, I like doing it for him,” Magnus adds nonchalantly.
Alec thinks for a moment. As long as he can recall, Magnus has been peeling shrimp for him.
He thinks about Izzy’s question and scoffs—of course, he knows how to peel a shrimp.
Then why doesn’t he do it himself?
“Yeah?” The warlock replies as he takes another bite of a dumpling.
“When did you start peeling the shrimps?”
Magnus raises his head at him in a quizzical manner. “Like twenty minutes ago?”
Alec huffs. “No, I meant like at all. When did you start?”
His husband frowns. “I don’t know. Maybe the first time we went out for a hotpot. You seemed confused by everything so I helped.”
The first time was almost five years ago.
“Okay,” he mumbles before he adds. He doesn’t know why but he can’t help but ask. “But why are you doing it still?”
Magnus gives him a small smile. “Because you like shrimps.”
He says it like it’s the simplest of things. And maybe it is.
He huffs out a laugh. “And you couldn’t peel those dammed oranges?”
The small smile turns into a huge grin as Magnus replies, “Well darling, you didn’t really like those oranges, now, did you?”
Alec breaks into laughter. “You knew?”
“After the first two times, yes. I had my doubts,” Magnus laughs.
“So all this while you knew?” Clary laughs. “You were just fucking with Alec.”
Magnus glances around the five of them. “I believe that I was playing all five of you and not just dear Alexander.”
“You are so annoying,” Alec comments, even though he’s laughing.
“I’m annoying?” Magnus teases. “You are the one who was testing my love through an orange.”
“And you failed,” Alec announces, feigning hurt. “My poor heart.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Should I stop peeling the shrimps too?” Magnus asks in amusement, and it’s entirely too enticing with a shrimp between his chopsticks.
Alec steals the chopsticks from Magnus’s hands and pops the piece inside his mouth. “Nope.”
They’re both home two hours later. Alec falls into the bed with Magnus on top of him, “Baby?”
“Yes, love?” Magnus runs his hands gently through his hair.
“You know what I realised?”
Alec kisses Magnus’s nose before he speaks. “Some stupid peel theory has got nothing on you.”
For Anh @carelessflower 🌻🌈
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fairdale · 3 months
kindly reminder that during their first date, magnus didn't remember jace's name and alec was like "oh, i'm... i'm alec" because he thought, since he didn't remember jace's, magnus wouldn't remember his name either. little did he know magnus was already a little in too deep. little did he know magnus found him more precious than anyone else.
(he then had the biggest smile on his face when magnus told he remembered his name)
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lislgtwd · 1 year
I wonder if anna would be proud of alec for dating magnus and being a revolutionary and openly homosexual consul or if she would be disgusted by his fashion sense
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carelessflower · 1 year
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Why you should not date Alec Lightwood-Bane (sold out)
submitted by an anonymous source, suspected to be published to counteract the "9 ways to the Consul's heart" guide last year
tag list (tell me if you wanna be removed or added):  @magnus-the-maqnificent @literallytypogod @ukisteria  @wildesummerchild @sociallyineptbibliophile @queenlilith43 @khaleesiofalicante @wandererbyheart  @raziyekroos  @onetimetwotimesthreetimess @alexandergideonslightwood @andrwminward @noah-herondale-lightwood @elettralightwood @dustandducks​@deliciousdetectivestranger​ @delightfullyterrible @letsgofortacos @kita-no​ @mxtthew-fxirchild-apologist  @thelightofthebane @secrettryst @pocketoffeels @cityofdownwardspirals @stupidfuckindinosaur @i-have-not-slept @rinadragomir @potato-jem @kasper-tag
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wikitpowers · 5 months
girls don't want flowers, they want magnus bane explaining to kit why love feels so painful at times but that it’s also supposed to make u feel like you’re coming back home after a long day and telling kit that he learned what true love was because of alec :[
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booksandmore · 9 days
reminder that the malec age gap does excist and does HEAVILY impact their relationship
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lurafita · 1 month
True love
Magnus stepping out of a portal, snapping fire to his hand: "Alright, incineration shouldn't take too long. Where is the body?"
Alec: "Why is there fire?"
Magnus: "You said you needed help hiding a body. I thought getting rid of it entirely would be a wiser choice. But if you need it to remain intact, I guess I could also transport it to an underground cave in antarctica."
Alec: "That's not what I meant, but for the record, I'm deeply touched that you would so readily help me hide a murder."
Magnus: "Then what kinda body do you need my help with hiding?"
Izzy's voice from somewhere outside the room: "Alec? I finished the second batch."
Alec: "Mine. Izzy got hooked on some mundane cooking channel and has been baking cookies ever since this morning. She is making us taste test. Hide me."
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helenofblackthorns · 1 year
love all the tmi couples POST tmi but in every single case the early relationship was in shambles like why is everyone pretending they cannot see red flags come on now. if they had friends who were actually involved and NOT each other they would be holding interventions and telling y'all to break up at every given opportunity. but no they're surrounded by people who spend their time making objectively worse romantic decisions so they do too. and yes this applies to everyone
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sky-neverending · 1 year
The Clave: Fuck the Downworlders
Alec: Yeah, fuck them
Magnus: *walks in*
Alec: Especially that one
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amrubrum · 1 month
hey so i actually need more sizzy content !
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margareturtle · 9 months
I love that Kit gets to live with Jem, Tessa, and Mina, don’t get me wrong,,
But it really funny to imagine if he had just moved into the New York Institute with Jace and Clary
Bc Kit is a great mix of Jace’s charm and sarcasm along with Simon’s humor, pop culture references, and nerdiness.
They would be a hilarious trio
Simon would get Kit to make fun of Jace with him
Jace would cry go Clary
Jace getting a taste of what his angsty pining was like from witnessing Kit pining for Ty (was I really that bad?? Alec: yup!)
Kit would babysit Max and Rafe,,
Kit, Magnus, and Simon would talk music together (Kit and Magnus go to 1989 tour together)
Magic lessons with Magnus
Being already established at the NY Institute when “Clary’s Nephew arrives”
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Prompt - Alec being mad at Magnus (something minor, some domestic dispute like not washing the dishes or eating the dessert he'd kept for later in the fridge) and being petty about it ;P
“Will you come to bed?”
He doesn’t get a response. Only a slight huff in return.
Magnus rolls his eyes and pursues his lips, “Alexander. It’s 1 at night. You had a long shift.”
His husband turns over his shoulder and replies in a petulant tone, “Oh, now you remember I had a long shift?”
“You are such a child,” he replies.
If Magnus were to tell the world about the kind of man he is married to, no one would believe him. If were to really tell the world the kind of man, Alexander Gideon Lightwood really is—they would scoff and their eyes would widen with shock and with disdain at Magnus for fueling baseless rumours about their consul.
Because the world knows Alec Lightwood as the stoic but just and fair Consul. Or the abomination.
They don’t know the man behind the doors. Inside their loft.
The shadow world knows Alec, the consul. They don’t know Alec, the husband or the father or the brother.
He thinks that the world is poorer for it.
For Alec like this, with his nose scrunched up and a huge pout on his face is a delight to be with.
“Wow,” Alec says in mock offence. “First you hide something so huge from me, and now you’re calling me a child.”
“Being a child is a wondrous thing, darling,” he teases, just to annoy Alec some more.
“I hate you.”
“For what?” He asks, voice laced with amusement.
“For being a deceitful person.”
“For lying about using magic?”
Alec stands up from the couch, pointing a finger across at Magnus. “No. No. Do not phrase it like I have an issue with magic.”
“Then what’s the issue?”
“I asked you to wash the dishes with hand so that the boys could learn. And you’ve been lying to me about this for the entire week.”
Magnus tries to contain the grin from his face but he fails.
“Max is a warlock and he deserves to learn magic.”
“He does. He also needs to learn how to move from one room to another without magic,” Alec huffs.
“It’s just dishes Alexander.”
“Deceit,” Alec says, exaggeratedly.
Magnus crosses the distance and winds his arms around Alec’s waist. “Come on, come to bed.”
“No. No, absolutely not,” Alec breathes, and releases himself from Magnus’s hold; albeit with great difficulty.
“Are you really going to sleep alone?”
“I love sleeping alone.”
“Without me holding you?” Magnus grins.
“Yes. You’re all over me and suffocate me. I barely survive the nights,” Alec points out, but Magnus can see the crack through his facade.
“Really now?” Magnus raises an eyebrow.
“Hmmm. I didn’t want to hurt your feelings so kept it to myself all these years,” Alec says, a serious pout on his face. “But now that I have found out that I married a liar, I have no reason to keep it a secret.”
“You lie to me plenty, sweetheart.”
“Name one lie,” Alec challenges.
“Yesterday when you said you were ready for round two because you’re so young and have a great body. But I clearly saw you use the stamina runs.”
Alec scoffs indignantly. “I did not.”
Magnus married the pettiest of humans and he loves that.
“Or that time when you told me you were perfectly okay after the hunt but I clearly saw the bruises on your back.”
Alec opens his mouth and then shuts up.
“Or that time when you accidentally said ‘fuck’ in front of Rafael and lied to me about it when he—“
“Okay. Okay,” Alec raises his hand. “Fine.”
“Can we go to bed now?” Magnus laughs.
Alec thinks for a moment before replying. “Fine. But you’re not touching me.”
“Just to be clear, you are allowed to touch me as much as you want, love,” he smirks suggestively.
Magnus drags him to their room because as much as he loves the bantering, he knows Alec is tired and needs to sleep.
His husband creates a wall between them with pillows, separating the two.
He snorts at the pettiness. “You are something else.”
“I just prefer not to bed with liars.”
Alec is relentless if not anything so Magnus gives up, fully knowing it’s going to barely take a few minutes before Alec drags his Magnus’s body behind his.
He lies on his side but immediately shifts closer to Alec, poking his fingers over Alec’s ears.
“Stop, what?”
He pushes a pillow from between and starts running his dingers through Alec’s hair, pulling a soft hum out of the shadowhunter.
“No touching.”
Magnus smirks because Alec’s body, like it always has, instinctively reacts to his touch and he shifts slightly closer to him.
“You need to sleep.”
“I’m trying. But you’re being annoying.”
He plants a loud kiss on the space right next to Alec’s mouth. “Come on.”
“I promise that I will reach the kids to wash the dishes with their hands. Even though, I still do not understand the need for it.”
“Are you lying again?” Alec huffs. “Once a liar. Always a liar.”
“Stop being a baby,” Magnus snorts.
“You’re baby.”
“I know,” he replies. “And you haven’t call me one in two hours and I’m feeling sad now.”
Magnus groans this time. “Alexanderrrrrrrr.”
“Please forgive me,” Magnus accepts defeat, content with the realisation that he’s okay being defeated if it’s Alec on the other side. “I promise to teach our kids good habits.”
Alec turns on his side and looks at Magnus. He raises his finger in his direction, “Pinky Promise?”
He chuckles softly. It’s a thing he started as a joke years ago but has fully become a part of their household now.
You do not break a pinky promise in the Lightwood-Bane household.
“Pinky-promise,” he entwines their fingers, brings their joined fingers to his mouth and places a soft kiss on them.
Alec nods. “I forgive you. You are allowed to cuddle me,” he replies, a grin turning on his face.
Magnus jumps on Alec, enveloping the shadowhunter’s body with his and peppers soft, warm, featherlight kisses al over his face. “Alexander, you are such a bitch sometimes.”
Alec breaks into laughter, squealing in between as Magnus keeps on attacking him with kisses.
“You love me.”
Magnus thinks for the nth time that if were to tell the world about this version of his husband, no one would believe him.
But that’s the thing. Magnus doesn’t want to tell the world, or anyone for that matters about this version of him. About the man inside their loft.
He wants to keep this all for himself.
This version of Alec Lightwood— the one who laughs, and cries and acts bitchy, the one Magnus is besottedly in love with, this, belongs to him and only him.
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