#magnum pi best episodes
anotheruserwithnoname · 10 months
I don't think I've ever done a post on Castle before, but after having mostly ignored it during its 8 season run, I'm being reintroduced to it via reruns on CTV Sci-Fi. That was the first clue to me that this wasn't just a detective show; it's on CTV Sci-Fi because some episodes have some sort of sci-fi fandom type reference, while others cross into X-Files and Kolchak (google it) territory. Plus both Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic are Canadian so it probably satisfies some sort of Canadian content rule for CTV.
(For those not familiar, Fillion plays Richard Castle, a writer of mystery novels who, seeking inspiration for new books, is given the OK to do ride-alongs with Det. Kate Beckett, who quickly becomes the inspiration for a new series of books. Much to the chagrin of the cop establishment, he becomes not only a valued member of Kate's investigation squad, but her partner (in more ways than one).)
One thing I wasn't aware of was the intense ship between Richard Castle and Kate Beckett that built up over the first 4 seasons and finally became not only a full-out relationship but the two actually get married later in the series, which is a rarity. Now, it's obvious the two were destined to be a couple from the first episode so it's not really a case of shipper glasses being applied (this was also a given the moment they announced that the new Magnum PI would feature a female version of Higgins and that she and Thomas would have romantic tension. Big difference is while Magnum waited until technically its final episode to make "Miggy" a couple, Castle was only midway through its run when it officially launched the ship.)
I can see some similarities between Magnum (which was subsequently given an extra couple seasons by NBC, though it's now been officially cancelled) and Castle in how they incorporate the romance (and marriage in the case of Castle and Beckett) into the storylines without distracting from the crime of the week plotlines.
And yes, as a member of the crew of the S.S. Whouffaldi , I can't not also compare to the relationship with that of Twelve and Clara, since Castle is at times very Doctor-like (especially the "distracted by shiny objects" part attributed to Twelve early on).
Anyway, for people not familiar with Castle, I found a pretty good Ms Mojo list video looking at some of the best romantic and non-romantic moments of the series (spoilers, of course).
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go-to-two · 6 months
Do you think people gave up too quickly on trying to being heard about Jesse leaving and the writers taking a sledgehammer to Jay/Upstead? I always thought there is way more to that story than simply Jesse wanting to leave and a big part of that was he saw and liked a lot of rant tweets about him leaving. Angry rant tweets not sweet goodbye thank you tweets. He strikes me as someone who if it was completely his decision he would have tweeted out to the fans and been like guys I appreciate it but this was my decision in the first few weeks or even days afterward. And then in terms of the horrible writing, couldn’t we have gotten an upstead forever billboard and put it right in front of a bigwigs/NBC office or “Jay Halstead would never ghost his wife,” weren’t there big gestures we could have tried? Even if it didn’t work at least it was a big swing. I think a billboard is how fans got magnum PI resurrected for another season.
I'm sorry, I'm slightly entertained by the worry that people weren't loud or that it wasn't known that viewers were upset with the writing when Jesse left. Wolf Ent, NBCOC, and NBC couldn't post a thing without being whacked 😂. It was known.
The hard truth for fan campaigns to learn is that they rarely work, and they are rarely the reason for change. The decision is always going to be made in the interest of business. When a show is canceled and brought back by another network or an actor is invited back, they may say it's because of fan outcry, but that's almost never the whole story. It may help, but the reality is something happened or changed on the business side of things to make that adjustment worth it. If things aren't lining up in terms of money or negotiations, a billboard won't fix that.
Now, the situation with Jay feels a bit different because it would just be about getting him back for one episode rather than full time. It's something they've done numerous times with other actors under Wolf Ent, so it feels like the reluctance is coming more from a writing standpoint than a business one. I'm not sure why they've dug their heels in the sand so hard about leaving him out of the story. I have my guesses, but I don't know. But it's still known that lots of viewers want Jesse to come back. The cast knows, crew knows, and I would bet money that the execs know too. I always say social media is the best avenue if you really want to say something more. If they haven't been swayed yet, a billboard would not do it. Save that money!
Edit: just a logistical note. The writers rooms and production offices are not in a location that you could even place a billboard by. Unless you're breaking some laws. Don't do that either.
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magnumdays · 1 year
Magnum PI 5.10 ‘Charlie Foxtrot’ review
So lots of stuff happened and at the same time not that much stuff happened. Some rapid fire thoughts.
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We did get some Miggy heart eyes... never gets old!
For me I think the first 5 minutes and the last 5 minutes were the best.
I liked it but also preferred the season 4 ‘Higgy spy adventures - MI6 don’t care about you...I do’ mid season finale to this (I mean there was the x-mas one too but plot-wise it was the spy episode that was the season finale right?). Like IDK, more emotional impact in that one was better?
Maybe Magnum should have been the one that got snatched or shot here. Just saying.
Poor Cade! Like even though TC is the one that got shot and paralysed (:O) I feel worse for our poor baby Cade!
RIP Childs, you were just starting to grow on me. No funeral? Is that going to be the start of 5.11? Or do we just not care enough about Childs for there to be one?
Very little Miggy in this one, even if soft + banter was cute, I feel like it was a pretty quick flip from kind of feel-y end of 5.09 to start of 5.10 which was all banter though really was meant to be like what? half an hour apart?
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(Magnum being domestic and making Higgy food (or hot milk) and stuff has been like the running theme of this season and I want to nominate him for some boyfriend of the year award. Not just for the cooking but, you know, a little bit for that.)
(Higgy just keeps on going - seriously she was drugged and had crazy wacky nightmares like a few hours ago? This girl can not catch a break.)
Why is it so hard to make a villain still scary after learning their motives/backstories? 
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Higgy sharing recipes from childhood, Magnum being all ‘you’ve had a rough day, how about we take a break (from watching news stories about the lady who tried to kill you and totally drugged you up a few hours ago’ and stuff’ is adorable. We almost got the “why does Higgy not drink tea” story which now is a story I must know. Like come on! It’s almost as enticing as maybe one day learning what her tattoo is...
Juliet looking out the guest house window and noticing commandos - you cannot tell me that was legit not her worst fear coming true - and then our faves being all badass (that flip!), very much a good start.
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Then, because I’d somehow gotten it into my head we were going to have ‘Robin’s Nest under siege’ for like a good chunk of the episode, I felt a little bummed out. Because I wanted like hostage, drama, no police, gang vs, baddies. But I didn’t get that.
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Now, other than the fact that Rick is the person we’re looking for and TC is in the hospital, this case feels weirdly like just a normal case.
Don’t get me wrong, I liked it, but somehow it lacked a little of the ‘wow shocking! thrilling! excitement’ I’d hoped for in the mid-season finale. Maybe-just maybe because we kind of know Magnum, Higgins, Rick and TC and even Gordy and Kumu probably with 99% certainty aren’t going to die.
Which is nice.
But it also makes them being in danger less scary than for example say Cade had been taken or Suzy or even Childs (if he’d not gotten blown up.) Why Beth or Dennis being in danger is scarier than Rick. Because they could die. There is actual bad things that could happen.
I think that’s why Higgy in the mental hospital still felt scary and had lots of potential, because we knew she was going to be alive - we just wasn’t sure what kind of messed up visions, drugs, weird electro shock stuff that could have happened to her, right?
So I am kind of excited to see what they do with TC not being able to feel his feet/being paralyzed. Because you know, that is scary stuff, and super duper emotional and scaring to go through (good thing he rigged the chopper for Shammy to fly!)
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Bad guy (well gal) of the season instantly became less badass when she became an actual person, which is sad. If that was her backstory of falling for a terrorist, dead child or just how not scary she felt IDK. I just felt a little sad for her.
Did it all also go kind of fast?
Fast can be good, it means it’s entertaining enough the 42 minutes flew by fast. But it also maybe means it was a little unmemorable. Which I think is what this episode ended up being for me.
Also random small question - would anyone ever get found or saved or stuff figured out without Higgy’s hacking skills? Just you know, asking for a friend...
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(I’ve also been watching some K-dramas lately and IDK, I guess I wanted more melodrama and more cute-y feels and angsty accidental car accidents and evil CEO father figures than I got...)
Depressing for my Miggy heart, that this episode failed to really deal with Higgins ‘I’m scared Mangum will die’ worries and I doubt we’ll get it next “season”. Rather brought up Magnum’s worry about the gang maybe being broken up if TC or Rick didn’t pull through. Just because he said that and Rick made the video, I almost wondered if they would kill of Rick.
So when they didn’t it felt a little bland.
Mean of me to say, but that would have been pretty interesting and brave of them to do. Kill Rick I mean.
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Like that would have been something! Suzy getting that video and it would also maybe be a “ahah” moment for Magnum, making him feel a little of what Juliet have been feeling with Richard and why she’s so worried. It could have gotten us a Miggy ‘I love you’ moment too, because though we know our two idiots love each other they haven’t said it yet.
Yeah, Rick’s death would have made for character development everyone too, going forward. Like maybe suddenly super over protective Magnum in the B part of the season? TC being suddenly a sad boi and not himself and struggling with a depression sort of thing, freaking Cade out, making him consider moving with his family on the mainland, making it worse. Higgy feeling like she failed the guys and Suzy because she was too focused on Magnum’s safety. Suzy could just be a big mess and we could have Miggy babysitting moments? But it’d be sad because Rick is dead... So much potential for angst and stuff.
Whatever. I’m not considering writing a fic where Rick died. I’m really not.
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Anyways, I did like the ending with Cade and Higgy talking a lot. Higgy somehow being her normal ‘feelings?what are those’ while at the same time really saying awesome and uplifting things and just all around being the new spokes person for Happy Endings... 
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They guys all joining up and it feeling pretty hopeful was nice too. It was a nice place to end it, because while I got some angst and worries about the TC recovery plot, he’s alive and kicking and got his friends. And he’s TC! Come on, he’s going to big bear his way back to running after bad guys in no time. And if he don’t, he still awesome!
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(Though what happened to TC’s girl? Is she not his girl anymore? Did I miss something? Maybe she’ll show up in part B of the season!)
Yeah, over all I enjoyed the episode, but it did not feel super-duper much like a midseason finale. I’d also like to inform everyone that it’s 132 days until September 3rd. So basically forever! How will we ever survive!? I guess we do have some pretty epic Miggy fluff and content to re-watch...
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Anyone know when we’ll know anything about season 6? 
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the-nosy-neighbor · 5 months
TV from the Period of Welcome Home
TV from the period, continued.
There is a part 1 on the blog if you are interested.
So, three channels on a good day, and there were local TV shows, news, but also like around noon there was like a Farm and Ranch Report and some show I remember being suuuuper boring where old ladies with poofy hair would talk. Granted, given how women were judged as old at 30, they were probably younger than I am now.
As a kid, after school cartoons were a thing, but mostly old ones like Bugs Bunny, or Rocky and Bullwinkle or Hanna Barbera cartoons:  The Flintstones, and Scooby Doo for example.  There were cartoons on Saturday morning; they stopped around 11, and then it would either be Wild Kingdom or some old TV show like Land of the Lost.  There were also reruns, like Little House on the Prairie(!) and game shows (No Whammy!).  I watched more episodes of The Newlywed Game than was probably good for a child. 
My parents, however, had a very early form of at-home movie watching, the Laserdisc.  I have only seen this at my parents’ house. 
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In this image is the exact machine we had at my house.  Based on the pictures I found, this wasn’t as common as more of a cd type machine.  However, those things on top of the player were the movies.  They were kind of like cassettes in operation.  You took that cartridge (which was about 18”x18”) and you slid it into the machine.  The case would come back out, but the disc remained inside.  Eventually, we got curious and pulled the middle out of one, and discovered the disc on the inside.  The wild part was that there would be a pause as the disc came to the end of a side.  Yes, like a record.  Then you had to put the cartridge back in, and pull it out.  The disc was now in the cartridge.  Then, you turned it over (seems ridiculous in hindsight) and pushed it back in, and the cartridge remained.  I could still tell you exactly where that break is in The Great Muppet Caper. 
So, I mention this, as a rural kid with very little money and even fewer trips to the movies, because my parents bought us kids movies on this thing, and while there weren’t a lot, we had The Muppet Movie and The Great Muppet Caper.  Oh, and we had Hey Cinderella! and The Frog Prince (both on 1 disc) and Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas.  The Cinderella/Frog Prince was one of my favorites.  I still think the jokes are super solid in that one, as well as has good music.  We also had Watership Down, which we couldn’t get past the intro as it was too spooky.  We watched a lot of The Secret of NiMH, which was also spooky, but less bloody.  Plus that crow is hysterical.  We watched these over and over. 
Oddly enough, my parents had a few Mel Brooks movies, so I grew up on The History of the World, Part 1, though mostly just noticed the slapstick.  I didn’t get the jokes until much later.  We also had Young Frankenstein, which continues to be one of my favorite movies.  I must have been an oddball kid to be able to recognize Mel Brooks in The Muppet Movie. 
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Look!  James Frawley, Jim Henson, and Mel Brooks!
We lived in a community that was rural, like a subdivision 15 minutes from anything, and most of us could not afford cable.  I mentioned my dad was an electrician, so he somehow looped most, if not all, houses into cable through the rich guy’s cable.  (He had an indoor pool and a soda machine.  It was decadent.)  I’m not sure how that worked, because we weren’t limited to what the main house was watching.  I don’t know how long we had it before the cable company figured it out., probably close to a year.
TV shows didn't really try to appeal to children, as far as I can remember, so it was nights of watching whatever was on, because you had two choices:  either this or the other channel.  Plus, at the time, it was expected that the adults would pick the show.   I remember watching lots of crime dramas. Magnum PI, CHiPs, The Fall Guy, etc. When I was older, The Cosby Show was the best thing on TV.  But, the most amazing thing as a kid were the Special Presentations.
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If you saw this guy, you were in for a nice time.
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Not to be confused with "A Very Special Episode," which meant some lame thing where they had your favorite TV characters talking about something really depressing or scary, also known as an “After School Special,” though a lot of times those were not filmed with known characters, just really lame low budget deals.  The most famous example of this is where a character on Saved by the Bell was taking diet pills (so excited and so scared).  Definitely worth a watch.  I actually didn’t see this at the time, and only learned about it as an adult.  Two TV stations.  If Clown does “A Very Special Episode,” I will die.
So, Special Presentations were your really good things. It meant either you were getting something you didn't see a lot (Miss America), a once-a-year treat (Wizard of Oz), or cartoons (Holiday Specials!) I remember how excited we were to have the Wizard of Oz every year.  It seemed random when it happened, but I’m sure there was a schedule that I wasn’t aware of as a kid.  I don’t think we even got the TV guide.  However, there were TV listings in the newspaper. 
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Once a year treats included things like "Circus of the Stars." I had forgotten about it until I googled Special Presentation to get that graphic. Actual TV stars would learn to do circus stuff, like trapeze. I am going to drown in nostalgia. Here's a later one in 1992, (Downtown Julie Brown!) with Weird Al, because Weird Al is synonymous with TV. Apparently.
Also, the first home gaming consoles were coming out. I remember that we had an Intellivision, which was one of the earliest consoles.
Given we had that and one of the first home computers (Commodore 64), maybe we were more middle class than I realized, or my dad just liked technology.
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That's it for now. If i think of something that could be especially helpful in understanding the world of Welcome Home, I will add it, but for now, I am sure this is more than enough. I am working on a personal history post about The Muppets and Jim Henson as well.
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dragonnan · 1 year
list 8 tv shows for your followers to get to know you ★ i was tagged by @disappearinginq
Psych - My first true obsession since the X-Files went off the air in 2001. My biggest obsessions of the past were all WELL before streaming was a thing which meant you HAD to be in front of the TV when it aired or you simply missed out. For example, I missed the final episode of the OG MacGyver. I didn't get to see it until I bought the complete DVD box set decades later. (special mention of Monk which led me to Psych back in the great days of USA Network)
Sherlock - I was late to the party and didn't start watching until after the last season ended. This is, since 2017, my biggest current obsession. I have a strong attachment to detective shows and can't believe how long it took to finally watch. I love, in particular, the portrayal of the characters by Benedict, Martin, Amanda, Mark, Louise, Rupert, and Una (rip).
Fullmetal Alchemist (OG and Brotherhood) - Same, @disappearinginq! My love for this world never ends! Like you there are things I love about both versions. The way Brotherhood developed characters and the wider world (plus the ending) are so so good!! Meanwhile the first series handled certain emotional episodes SO much better!!! I'm sure you know WHICH one in particular. This was also one of the only times I took part in a writing group to help develop the multi-arc vision of a writer who goes by Heathenesque. I didn't write much as most has been created by her but it was so much fun! It still exists on LJ, as well as Mediaminer and The Pit (FFN).
Cowboy Bebop - The first anime anything I ever saw. My brother-in-law had it on VHS back in the day and was watching it at our house. I took an interest and was immediately hooked. I have lost track how many times I've rewatched episodes and there's a reason its considered one of the best anime series created.
Good Omens - WE NEED SEASON 3!!! Entirely quirky and initially feels like just comedy. But my GOSH there is so much depth under the humor and it poses very solid questions about faith and religion as well as friendship, love, what being human means, etc. And that was just the first season. I'm still not emotionally recovered from season 2.
Star Trek - Again, like @disappearinginq I love this show - TOS, TNG, DS9, and Voyager. I even had them on VHS back when cassettes were sexy lol. Star Trek was one of my earliest fandoms and I had such a crush on Spock.
Doctor Who - Thank goodness for streaming cause I watch this on repeat aaaaaall the tiiiime!! I consider it a comfort show and I don't get tired of it no matter how often I rewatch. It may be packed with, often, silly effects (particularly early on) and deeply questionable science. But I also haven't cried harder from the most wrenching scenes and emotion it triggers.
My Foundation - I'm dedicating this last one to the shows that built the tastes I'd have as an adult: MacGyver, Simon & Simon, Hart to Hart, Remington Steele, Scarecrow & Mrs. King, The A-Team, Magnum PI, Airwolf, Blue Thunder, Beauty & the Beast, The Fall Guy, Knight Rider, Moonlighting, as well as Saturday morning cartoons, The Electric Company, and Sesame Street.
Tagging: @sgam76 @theleftpill @mrs-n-uzumaki @mamahanu @villaniouslyawesome @ceruleanmindpalace @copperplatebeech @ariaadagio @aelaer
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halosluvchild · 2 years
What are your other wee woo show wecommendations?
buckle up this is going to be long
Chicago fire/med/PD -was my go to for a long time I stopped watching when fire was on season 5 I think but I've seen bits and pieces of the newer seasons and I would honestly still recommend it
911/911 lone star- 911 is better than lone star in my opinion but I do love both the queer and poc representation in both is amazing and I live for angst so if you do to these shows are for you
NCIS/NCIS LA/NCIS NO/NCIS Hawaii- Hawaii the newest edition to the franchise is my favorite simply for the queer rep but if you have time and want to go back and watch them, all 20 seasons of the original are binge worthy. LA is give or take in it's first few seasons but once it gets going its good, and NO was good except it's last season so all around the NCIS franchise is a must watch in my opinion
FBI/FBI international/FBI most wanted- fairly new FBI is only on it's fifth season international it's second I think and most wanted either 3-4th but I could see all three of these shows lasting for a long time
SWAT- I just really like how the characters were developed and how the crimes are solved but you also see their personal lives.
criminal minds- I mean this one is obvious criminal minds is one of the best wee woo shows that ever aired.
Hawaii Five-0(2010)- also one of my all time favorites it's fun trying to figure out if they are cops or not
Murdoch mysteries- if you like old timey stuff in a modern setting this is the show for you it's based in 1890's Toronto and follows detective and inventor William Murdoch as he tries to solve mysteries
Frankie Drake mysteries- again this one is if you like the old timey stuff but in a modern spin this time set in 1920's Toronto Frankie Drake is a private detective I also enjoy this one because of the topics the show explores like crooked cops, misogyny,and racism.
Will Trent - now I can't give a full extensive review because this is a new show and only two episodes have aired but I like what I see so far. if you have ever seen or heard of the show monk that was around in the early 2000's this show is like the 2020's version of that
Blue Bloods- who doesn't love family drama this show is full of it especially when you put the additional pressure of the father being the police commissioner the oldest son being a detective the youngest son being a beat cop and the only daughter being a prosecutor. (disclaimer out of all the wee woo shows on this list this one is probably the one that tries the hardest with the copaganda, although most if not all these shows are copaganda blue bloods covers topics like unarmed people getting shot,cops being terrorized by the public, cops looking like the bad guys,and most if not all the time they will side with the cop or find the cop did nothing wrong. So if you are a ACAB person like me the way I go into this show each week is reminding myself that it is copaganda and that they are aiming to make cops look good that is their goal and it's most likely their target audience is people who already don't see cops as bastards that it doesn't change the fact that ACAB)
Alert- again just like Will Trent this show just aired so I can't give a solid recommendation but I do like what I have seen from the two day premiere the show basically follows a task force set out to find missing people but with added drama suspense and what appears to be secrets.
Magnum PI(2018)- now my dad will tell you to watch the original but in my honest opinion the reboot is better and although CBS cancelled it NBC picked it up for two seasons. I honestly just love the shows where the "normies" are better at being detectives than actual detectives
CSI- it doesn't matter which one you can pick up one of the older ones and watch every season or you can watch the reboot I will never get tired of CSI
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chaoticornot · 2 years
9-1-1 s06e1 I am so late, but here is episode 1.
The title sounds very ominous, but let's go.
I have to admit that I knew what the emergency was going to be before I started the episode. I think the emergency itself was kind of underwhelming, but the thing with the girl was very impactful, and that is what I think made it tensive and, of course, the last-minute jump from Eddie. I love the Buddie teamwork. How did Buck know it was 3 feet, and how does Bobby know what 3 feet are from down there? Awesome Athena, and I love her teamwork with Maddie. Also, Buck just genuinely wants an answer, and Hen is only concerned with the fact that they don't have to be concerned about it. I just know that Buck is gonna research it. Aww, bathena, coming down from an emergency with some banter. Honeymoon??!! Excuse me, Bobby, say that again. I am very happy, but omg.
Love the banter between the team and Lucy, wasn't sure if she going to be in this season, but I don't mind that she is. Kind off excited actually, because she is great, just not as a love interest. Not immediately, Buck's insecurities popping up. The hurt in his eyes, and Bobby doesn't get it, and ouch. 
Buckley-Diaz family dinner, whoop. I love that instead of bottling it up, Buck tells Eddie while he is cooking dinner for his boys. Also, Chris piping up with the couch thing was savage, and I love it. And they are using the couch as a metaphor for Buck's partners. The eye contact. 
Jee is so big, aww. They are close, aren't they? Sleepover, maybe, huh? Told ya. 
That was not what I was expecting, love it, even though the man is dying now. Buck, baby, no. Please no. I love you, but no. Eddie's face, haha. So exasperated, he knows exactly what Buck is doing, and Bobby's confused face, haha. Why is Josh always spot on with the advice, and the teasing, like yeah.
Mayyy. Yesss, May. Crossover (Magnum Pi watcher here). Bobby is such a dad. I'll bet your ass there is going to be an emergency on the cruise. Friendship goals. Maddiee, let's go. Yesssss. Stupid Chim, dammit. Eddie admitting that it was not about Chris means so much. It makes me so happy. They made up, thank god. 
She is mad, run Buck. Oh no, Buckk. Bobby, you only realise now. I am so happy for Hen.  I have tears in my eyes because of the devastation on Buck's face. I love that he was immediately happy for Hen but still hurt. I do disagree with Bobby on the reason why because I don't think that the thing Buck needs is more life experience, I think he has got it, but Buck is not confident in his role on the team but also in his life to get over that he doesn't need life experience but just time and someone to talk things through with and to realise he is loved. To be fair, Eddie would make a better captain than Buck at this point, I don't think he will want it, and I think he is not in the right space for it right now, but Eddie is so confident in his abilities in the field, he doubts everything else but if he is in the field he won't, he will afterwards, also Eddie has nerves of steel. But to be fair I think that every single one of them deserves it, but I think for right now, Hen is the absolute best choice and what happens down the line comes then, but they will be all qualified then, especially after watching Bobby lead.
Adorable Chris and Eddie moment, but omg Buck just lifting that chair. Most of the time those things are heavy. Oh no, I was excited for them to go on their trip. I hope they are still gonna go. That sounds so mean, but they need a vacation.
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Elisha Cook Jr and Lawrence Tierney are roommates in a room with only one bed in Born to Kill (1947). Elisha was born in San Francisco and had 217 acting credits from 1930 to 1988 episodes of Magnum PI and Alf.
His ten entries among my best 1001 movies are Sergeant York, The Maltese Falcon, Hellzapoppin, I Wake Up Screaming, Ball of Fire, Phantom Lady, The Big Sleep, The Killing, Day of the Outlaw and The Outfit
His other honorable mentions are They Won't Forget, The Long Night, Don't Bother to Knock, and Shane.
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higgy-baby · 3 years
Magnum P.I (1980-1988) S06 E19
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This is sad news because Prodigy, despite being made for younger audiences, was in my opinion the best of the nuTrek series, and now it appears it could be the shortest lived Trek series (previous record holder in terms of episode count was the 1970s animated Trek series).
Due to aspects of fandom now reaching the point where anything with a certain person's name as producer is to be rejected outright, many have chosen to ignore this series which is actually the closest to what people actually wanted from a "nuTrek" but, sadly, quality is no longer being taken into consideration. This is due to earlier nuTreks such as Discovery and the first season of Picard "poisoning the well."
What's odd here is that Prodigy aired on Nickelodeon as its primary network and wasn't a P+ exclusive, but Paramount/CBS still owns the thing. The concern I have is despite S2 having been completed (part of a disturbing trend of shows being cancelled after renewal), there are media reports that it will not only be immediately removed from streaming but it will be a "tax write off", which has some people worried it might be destroyed (google the cancelled streaming series "Final Space" (voice actors included David Tennant) to see what happened with that). Trekmovie's report is actually the first I've seen to indicte that S1 may still end up in circulation if another network/streamer can be found (and at least the first half of Season 1 is on DVD and Blu-ray too). The big problem is (I can't avoid the spoiler but I won't give detail) Season 1 had a cliffhanger ending because a 2nd season was, they thought, guaranteed, so if they can't find a home for Season 2 that story will remain incomplete.
Not a good week for shows I enjoy: although it gave it a reprieve (technically running an extra 2 seasons, or rather a 2-part 5th season), the revival of Magnum PI co-starring Perdita Weeks has been cancelled too, though it's still expected to air its final episodes in 2024 and is unlikely to disappear off the face of the earth.
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I cannot stop laughing, Thomas and Juliet with a baby is gold 😂😂😂😂
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magnumdays · 1 year
Magnum PI 5.07 “Birthright” review
So the episode is called birthright and while I guess in a way that works, I think it was more an episode on regrets/feel when it comes to parents and children when things get tough.
The case, Higgy’s feels and TC and his mom all deal with the what-ifs and sacrifices and choices we have in life and especially in the relationship between parents and children. 
Did all the Magnum being #TeamHiggy (even if he has been for a long time), make me kind of happy? Yes, yes, it did.  
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I also wonder... did they tell Gordy about them? The gang clearly all know but I feel like we should have gotten something from Katsomoto if he’d know? Or not. 
Anyhow, I enjoyed the case and while I was pretty sure it was the ass-holey brother as soon as we met him I did really enjoy the twist with the daughter having actually already sold the necklace.
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It’s very on the nose ‘good person’ warning, but hey, I’d sell a necklace fancy family necklace if it meant it might get my mom a life saving operation too so maybe it’s not so weird. 
There was actually just the one case + side plot with TC and his mom this episode but the episode just flew by. I actually enjoy it more when there is a more main focus with one side story, because it usually feels more focused and less like you’re being pulled in so many directions. They’ve made “multi” plots work well but I think I prefer this style and focus. It also meant our favourite PIs working together which is also (as fun as other team ups can be) my fave.
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Yeah, because I’m pretty exhausted from life in general I just kind of let the episode wash over me in the best possible way and don’t have much to say or too many thoughts.  
Juliet feeling guilty about having made a tough choice about her mom and sharing those doubts with Thomas *chef’s kiss* I enjoyed that because it’s legit one of those super hard questions, when someone really can’t take care of themselves at all, are you truly only a good person if you give up your whole life to care for them? Would parents want their kids to do that? 
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No matter what you do, I think in those hard situations you’d have regrets; the life you could have led if you chose to give up and the regret of not having done enough if you entrust their care to professionals. Anyways, I enjoyed Higgy being emotional and talking a little of her past and feels, because we get it so rarely. 
Because her feeling connected and unsure wasn’t the focus of her/ the mains storyline, that little scene at the end felt plenty enough. The talk TC and Cade had about his mom was nice because that was that whole side plot maybe I’d have wanted a little more even though it was totally cute.
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 Even though we knew TC was going to talk to her, seeing sort of pissed TC was new and strange but yeah, I’d have loved to have had just a bit more of TC’s past maybe in his talk with Rick.
Over all, another freaking enjoyable episode which ended way too soon and can it be next week now thank you? I am actually more excited about the one after (5.09) with Higgy undercover but I think I already said that last week.
Now just because it’s good to be grateful for things in life, let’s collectively be grateful for the the good fortune and bounty of Miggy kisses this season as blessed us with!
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copperbadge · 2 years
So what do you think of Walker? (Husband and I like it for Mindless Procedural purposes, not unlike the Magnum PI reboot)
I can’t lie, I found it pretty unwatchable, BUT there are some factors involved in that. For a start, it feels like whenever I’m here they show the non-procedural episodes. So like the one we watched this time was about the horse race to decide who got the ranch, rather than a crime. So it wasn’t a normal episode and I probably would have been more invested with more attachment to the characters.
Also, I’m not very fond of the actor playing Walker, whichever one of the Js he is, and his acting is really...my mother said “He talks like he’s glitching out every couple of seconds” and that’s the best way I can think of to describe it. He did it as Sam on Supernatural, too, but it’s really ramped up as Walker. But I don’t know that anyone else would be as bothered by that as I am (clearly my parents aren’t!)
I don’t think it’s a particularly bad show, or rather it’s no worse than anything else on the CW, or honestly most of Supernatural. Just not my bag from what I’ve seen. 
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starseneyes · 2 years
Miggy - Magnum PI - S4 Ep 20
Those who read this blog know I love to break down ships and go in-depth with Metas. I’ve done the entirety of the first season of A Discovery of Witches. I’ve covered Theloise (Theo and Eloise) in Bridgerton Season 2, and today I want to do a MINI Meta of Thomas Magnum and Juliet Higgins in the Season Finale of Magnum PI.
SPOILER ALERT: This is a Meta, so I will spoil the entirety of this episode. Yes, I’m taking it from the Miggy point-of-view, and I’m obviously a fan. But, I’m also going to dive into the performances because I feel like Perdita Weeks and Jay Hernandez gave their all to this.
Considering his very vocal objections to this ship as anything other than a series finale send-off, I respect the heck outta him for not holding anything back from the performance.
Ready? Steady... Let’s Go!
“Juliet, do you want a romantic relationship with Magnum?”
Juliet starts her morning off running, her music turned up loud. But, despite the adrenaline rushing and the endorphins coursing through her body, she can’t distract her mind. There’s too much noise in there, considering the events of the day before.
Yes, it was one day earlier that Thomas Magnum stood nervously in the wine cellar, gathering his courage to extend a vague enough offer to gauge Juliet’s interest.
Yes, it was one day earlier that she shattered his heart with news that she had other plans.
Yes, it was one day earlier that she called up her therapist for an emergency session because she couldn’t shut out the feelings anymore.
Today is a new day... a day of action.
“It’s better than the alternative.” “Which is what?” “Saying no to what you really want.”
Juliet is at a standstill, which is so poetic. All season she’s been running... running from her thoughts. Running from her dreams. Running from the realization that Magnum, yes, THOMAS MAGNUM is the one she wants.
The words play back in her mind, and she comes to a terrifying decision... she’s going to do this.
Juliet takes a deep breath, then sets off-camera. She’s no longer running. She’s no longer drowning it all out. She’s ready.
Now, I want to pause for a moment to acknowledge that from what we’ve seen of Higgins and relationships, the early stages are not her forte. Even with Ethan, she was terrified of getting hurt, and even wanted to run a background check on him.
Thomas is not unknown in the same sense. She knows who he is at his best and his worst. She’s walked by his side when she could barely stand him, as they formed a functional partnership, and as they transitioned to best friends.
The unknown is what comes next.
If he wants to be with her, then they have to navigate their partnership, their friendship, their ohana, and their own emotions. If he doesn’t, then she will feel awkward and embarrassed for ever broaching the subject. If they try it and fail, they could lose everything.
But the noise is too loud for her to shut out any longer. She has to try.
“Thomas?” “Higgins.”
Juliet takes one more breath, then knocks before slipping into Magnum’s Guest House. It’s obvious from the get-go that she’s feeling extremely awkward. But, she’s committed to this. Let’s go.
“Uh, normally, you know and wait for a response.” “But some people use knocking as a heads-up.”
He smirks at this, but he can already tell something’s off. It’s not like the two of them seek each other out often without reason. The day before, it was him seeking her out to ask her out. Today, it’s her turn. Of course, he doesn’t know that, and she doesn’t know who he has in his bedroom.
Okay, I know that sounds more salacious than intended, but if you’ve seen the episode, you know it works out in the end.
“Are you okay?” “Me? I’m fine.”
Juliet feels completely awkward, here, but he’s also a little guarded. At first, we don’t know why, but a part of him must know that Higgy’s going to be caught off-guard to see Lia back in the Guest House.
“The reason I came over is... Well, I want to tell you something. I just want to make sure that I, that I get it right.”
She’s already avoiding his gaze, fiddling with her fingers. He’s intrigued, but guarded. There’s no way he can guess what she was about to say. In fact, he looks like he’s bracing for bad news.
“Thomas, have you seen my jacket?”
And every shipper shouted expletives in one voice, so loud the world briefly tremored with its power. Juliet, herself, feels the shock.
She backs away from the counter, putting distance between herself and the perceived couple on the other side. 
“Excuse me for a second.”
Lia turns to get some coffee (and for those who were paying attention, Thomas did have two coffee mugs out at the very top of the scene... a little early warning system I know I missed the first viewing).
Thomas walks around the counter, separating himself from Lia and trying to reconnect with Higgy.
He doesn’t know what she was about to say, but he can tell that whatever it was, the walls that came down to open her up to whatever it was are going back up fast.
“Higgins, do you want to talk privately?”
She can’t even look at him. What she was about to do was so hard for her... to muster the courage to risk everything... and here he is... with Lia.
“No, no, no. It’s fine. Don’t worry. It’s not important.”
She’s deflecting. It really is important—and she knows it—but she can’t go there, now. She has to retreat, to refortify, to recover.
“Bye, Lia. It’s good to see you.”
She takes the out.
Higgins retreats outside the Guest House, giving herself a moment to catch her breath. As she does, reality sets in...
She was too late.
“Nothing happened. You know, the only reason why she spent the  night is because she drank too much... I actually slept on the couch. So, like I said, nothing happened.”
Thomas is absolutely on the defensive. He knows that Higgy had a strong reaction to Lia, and he doesn’t know what it was.
“When Higgins saw her, uh, she had this look. It was, it was very subtle, but it was like she was disappointed. And I didn’t even do anything wrong!”
Thomas is perceptive. I remember at the beginning of the MI-6 story line I kept wondering when he’d sort the whole thing out. I was so happy when he did.
Thomas is capable. He’s not the world’s leader on emotions, no, but he’s a solid detective, and he knows Higgins better than anyone.
“I’d be thankful that you found out about Higgins and Cole before you said anything.”
The thing that stood out to me the first time I watched this scene was how casually the three of them were talking about his love life, even so far as Higgy was concerned. We all witnessed the confession to Rick, but at some point TC was looped in, as well.
It serves as a nice call-back to the end of Season 3 when TC and Rick were encouraging Magnum to shoot his shot with the newly-single Higgins.
Thomas nods to Rick’s declaration. So, he’s got it in his head that Higgins and Cole are definitely a thing. So, there’s no way he knows why she was really disappointed.
“Hey, um, about last night. I just wanted to say nothing happened. Between me and Lia. I know what it looked like. And, uh, yeah, nothing happened.”
Seizing his moment, Thomas wants desperately for Higgy to know that nothing happened between him and Lia. In the back of his mind, despite the “Cole” obstacle (that’s a non-obstacle), I think he’s still hopeful.
He’s hoping for some sign from Higgy that this is the source of her discomfort... some level of jealousy. But, she shuts him down with some nonsense about him being a grown adult.
“It just seemed like you were bothered or... maybe not bothered, but... something.”
Her defenses are on high alert. It took a lot for her to be vulnerable that morning, and her walls have snapped back into place. Firewalls upon firewalls. But, Magnum sees it as a brush off. He doesn’t understand the internal battle she’s experiencing. Instead, he thinks that she isn’t interested, so he lets it go.
“Good luck.” “You, too.”
It’s not that they don’t face dangerous situations all the time. They do. But most of them are spontaneously dangerous—being discovered mid-job by bad guys, getting ambushed, a situation turns on its head.
This time, they’re walking into danger headlong fully aware that none of them may make it out alive. It’s not the time for speeches. They’re both too professional for that. But this little exchange shows their headspace—they’re concerned for the other, but know they have a job to do.
And should we get a Season 5, I really think that’s the proper headspace for the pair of them going forward... but I’m getting ahead of myself.
Thomas finds Higgins and Whelan, and they tell him where Gordon’s gone.
There’s no hesitation on Higgins’ part. She’s a capable woman who can hold the position well no matter what comes at them. Gordon needs Magnum in that moment, and they both know it.
Again, there’s no hesitation on Magnum’s part because he knows Higgins has it handled. Their respect for one another is a huge component of what makes them work in a partnership. They’d hammered out a lot of the kinks in how they work together, and there’s a complete trust, now.
“Just... suddenly got a bit overwhelmed.”
Higgins has never been an overly emotional human. She tends to attack things in life with her head instead of her heart. We have seen before that it was hard for her to make friends, to make connections, to embrace her found family.
The events of the day have been overwhelming, and now everything is catching up to her. The walls that insulate her so well are feeling constricting, so she goes outside to catch a breath of air.
But Thomas is hyper aware of her right now, and he follows to ensure she’s okay.
“I’m lying. I’m not alright.”
This is always a huge admission for someone who usually brushes aside their emotions and keeps going. Even with MI-6, Higgins lied to Thomas and only told the truth when she was caught.
And she could have deflected, again, but in the emotional moment of reunion in the hospital between mother and child, and this ohana that has grown a little larger... the walls started to crumble.
Facing him, out here, alone, no interruptions, no other people, no reason to pretend... Juliet chooses to be vulnerable.
“I wanted to tell you something, but then I saw Lia there, and I just couldn’t.”
Higgy is avoiding eye contact during most of her confession. She feels uncomfortable and exposed.
 It’s a terrifying thing, to open yourself up completely to another person, risking very personal injury in the process. He doesn’t know it, yet, but he is about to have the power to hurt her in a way that can never be erased. The fear of rejection is one of the most debilitating fears, I believe.
But, Higgins pushes through.
“So, uh, I came to tell you... that I have feelings for you.”
She meets his eyes long enough to try to read him, to gauge his reaction. Shock registers on his face, absolute surprise that that is what she wanted to say to him that morning. It’s not what he expected to hear.
“I tried to deny it, and I just can’t anymore.”
Thomas starts putting the pieces together in his mind, a sly smile crossing his lips. No doubt, he’s thinking about the day before when he asked her out, and how confused he was by her initial reaction, then the backpedaling to the picnic with Cole. It’s all starting to make sense.
He thought she was in deep with Cole, but now it’s apparent that was never the case. He has a shot. He freakin’ has a shot!
Higgins misreads the expression because she has no idea what’s going on inside his head. (and, heck, I don’t know, either... but it’s fun to try to figure it out, right?)
“Yeah, right. I bet this is just doing wonders for your ego.“
I love this line. It’s so Higgins that even in a vulnerable moment she’s going to call out his ego.
She evades her eyes, again, waiting for the pain to come. Waiting for the rejection. Waiting for the inevitable moment where her vulnerability doesn’t pay off, but proves a foolish venture.
But, that’s not what’s happening here.
“No, no. It’s... It’s not that.”
He’s stammering here, gathering his own thoughts before looking back up to meet her eyes. She instinctively meets his, genuinely confused... but too afraid to hope.
“When you were in the wine cellar yesterday, I wanted to spend the day with you... because I wanted to say the same thing.”
I love his read on this.
The emphasis on wanting to spend the day with her is so important, because in the previous episode he brushed it off when she asked... It was because everyone else had things to do... Right? Just two friends hanging because it was there, right?
Here he’s admitting there was intent. There was an active decision. There was a reason.
“Wait... what?”
Look at her face. She’s watching him intently, now, no longer evading his eyes. The “wait” registers confusion, but on the edge of “what” there’s pain. The pain of hope. The expectation that she’s wrong, but that tiny sliver of belief that she’s understanding him correctly... that he’s saying what she’s secretly wished he would say for months.
Higgy’s still unsure of what he’s saying. She want to think that what she thinks she is hearing is true... but maybe it’s not what he’s saying. Doubt is at play here. Higgins has had plenty of time to fill her head with it while weighing the many cons of even accepting her own feelings, let alone sharing them.
He registers her confusion, and realizes he can’t beat around the bush. He can’t talk in circles. He has to just... go for it.
“I have feelings for you.”
The emphasis on this is so fun. The emphasis is on “I”. It’s not about feelings. Feelings are already on the table. She put them on the table. The emphasis is on the “I” because this is reciprocal. This is shared. This is returned.
The empty vacuum of vulnerability fails to consume Juliet. Instead, she’s gobsmacked by the words she’s hearing.
“I think I have for a while. I just didn’t know it.”
Watch. Her. Face. Watch the words sink in. Watch her try to think of what to say besides, “Oh.” She can’t. In her wildest dreams she was terrified to think that this could happen, that he would be on the same page in the same chapter of the same story.
A moment passes, each of them regarding the other, wondering what the next move is.
Higgins is the first one to gather her thoughts, but she’s had a lot longer to consider this. Yes, she’s been fighting valiantly against her emotions, but it has given her plenty of time to process and consider. Plus, the conversations with Dr. Ogawa have no doubt illuminated all her possible fears. It’s her default position—I need to think of what could go wrong.
“I mean, of course I have my reservations.” “So do I, yeah.”
I love how she meets his eyes again, on that. It’s almost, “Okay, so you’re scared, too...” She goes through the possible things that can go wrong... all the things they’ve both expressed to others, but never each other.
“... Maybe we shouldn’t go there.” “I think you’re right.”
She nods, but she also looks away. There it is. There’s the pain and heartache she was expecting out of this conversation. It’s right there, cutting into her.
“We probably shouldn’t.” “Right. Yeah.”
The line is drawn. Higgins’ walls are going back up. Thomas watches her, completely aware that that isn’t what she wants, either. Sure, it’s easier to never go there—but is that the right call, here?
He looks to her lips, then to her eyes. His own eyes slightly narrow as the choice is made. And I LOVE her reverse shot, because I’m 90% sure it’s from a different part of the conversation (Jay Hernandez’ jaw is moving in the shot, suggesting talking), but it’s edited in beautifully.
Editors are magicians. And good editors can change the entire flow of a scene to bring it to its best point before airing. I love bringing her eyeline back to his before Thomas makes the move to close the distance between them.
He holds her gaze the whole way, waiting for her to give him a sign she doesn’t want this. But, she can’t. She’s wanted this for so long.
Lips meet, but this isn’t some thin-lined kiss. His lips part automatically, and hers part to meet him in response as they feel their way through their first kiss. It’s the magic of a first kiss that has a bit of awkwardness to it because, in real life you don’t know how another person kisses until you’re actually doing it.
Think about it... the WhiteBell kiss at the beginning of the season feels perfectly choreographed, complete with bare-chested manliness, his utter control of the situation by moving her head where he wanted it, and every tongue in place.
This isn’t that. This is the real Juliet and Thomas meeting mouths for the first time. This is learning how another person kisses, and feeling your way through. By the second kiss, they’re finding a rhythm, and her hands move, first to his jaw, then to his neck.
She’s not holding on, yet. She’s not committing, yet. She’s cautious... but she can’t keep her hands off of him.
He deepens the kiss, and she responds, matching him move for move.
We know from Higgins’ relationship with Ethan that she can take control when she wants to. But, right now, she doesn’t want to be in control. To be completely vulnerable means the release of control, to an extent.
Right now she’s letting him take the lead because she’s the one whose scared and he’s the one who dared.
They pull apart, and he’s quick to check her... to look for her reaction. To see her response. She looks to him, nerves on high alert. Was this a kiss to what might have been? Or is this the beginning? She has no idea.
Her fingers drop off his jawbone, her hand falling away from his neck. He pulls away from her, but as he does there’s a smile on his face—a satisfied, excited, celebratory smile.
Juliet glimpses his face and cannot help but smile herself. The light falls upon her, and I swear she glows in that moment, basking in it. All the dread and worry of their conversation is replaced with a cautious hope.
As his footing settles, he’s clearly given her space... but they are closer than they were through the duration of the scene. There’s no going back.
We end the season on Thomas, pressing his lips together as he looks at her anew—as though seeing her for the first time.
What’s next? Heck if I know! I don’t even know if we get another season, at this point. I do hope we do. This was one of my favorite episodes of the season all the way around. The teaser was sensational and getting to see Gordon unravel was played elegantly by Tim Kang.
I do believe these two can sustain a relationship and keep the show going. Like Brooklyn 99, the show is not about this ship. It’s about the ohana and the cases and how they navigate life as this found family.
So long as that’s kept in view, I think that Thomas and Juliet can exist in a romantic relationship while remembering that they are each capable, intelligent, bad*ss people.
I mean, they proved with that final scene that these characters can still be true to themselves and share a romantic moment. Higgy commenting on his ego was perfectly in-character. Magnum drawing a line in the sand only to immediately, trample it is so him! It’s possible to do this right, I believe.
But, again, this is all just my opinion. I’m one fan in this sea! But, I’ve loved being on this journey with each of you. Thanks for reading.
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rainydayhues · 3 years
I see you reblog some posts of Magnum PI and the couple looks cute but I wasn’t sure if the reboot is worth the watch. Should I be watching??
Hey anon!
How would you feel if I told you the "couple" in those posts is not (yet!) a couple?! But they are a wonderful and gorgeous ship with tons of chemistry and so YES you should watch!
I never watched the original but the reboot has a bit of twist and flips the character of John Higgins into a woman - Juliet Higgins. The ship is everything - "enemies" to partners to best friends and I hope eventually lovers!
Jay Hernandez is SO charming as Thomas Magnum, a former Navy Seal turned PI. He's just handsome and funny and all around decent and good. Perdita Weeks as Juliet Higgins is so fun - she's pretty and badass and stoic but with a heart and story that'll get you every time. Their partnership and friendship is as fun and light as it is deeply emotional and they have each other's backs from episode 1. It continues to develop beautifully, all against the most incredible Hawaiian backdrops.
And if you're into found family - or rather, found Ohana, this is exactly that. There's a lovely friend group that rounds out the core cast and the way they very easily become a family is perfection.
Which is all to say yes, absolutely you should watch! Come talk to me about Magnum PI and/or Thomas x Juliet anytime!
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Morgan Fairchild (or Patsy McClenny as I call her).
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Pictured here with Tom Selleck and John Hillerman in the 1982 Magnum P.I. episode Ki'is Don't Lie. This is from early in the third season and is a great episode. It's light hearted in tone and followed on from the much darker story Did You See The Sunrise?.
This story was a crossover with another US 'private investigator' show called Simon & Simon. Watching it in the UK this wouldn't have been obvious as I don't think Simon & Simon had made it to these shores at that time.
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When the Magnum PI episode was first shown in the UK (my recollection is Friday nights on the ITV network, probably about a year after it was shown in the US) the case is all wrapped up at the end and the villain (no spoilers here at all) is caught. I've since found out that this was an 'alternate' ending shot so the episode could later be shown on its own as a repeat.
The original ending featured the villain escaping and continuing on in to the Simon & Simon episode Emeralds Are Not a Girl's Best Friend which was originally shown on US TV directly after Magnum PI.
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