#magick in practice
fluidity-stupidity · 2 months
Beginner Witch Things to Research
So many older - more experienced - witches tell beginner - baby - witches to start with researching things like protection spells, grounding, cleansing and warding but what do you research afterward? These are just a few things that I would recommend every individual to research, regardless of how experienced you may think you are.
Carl Jung's Map of the Soul This is where the archetypes stem from, a what a lot of witches dread doing - Shadow Work. Shadow Work is uncovering not just traumatic ventures of our pasts but also revealing what made and makes us who we are today. Studying where it all started makes working through your own shadow a lot less stressful and a lot hammering on the soul, it also leads to a lot less martyrdom in the spiritual community.
Honing in on your psychic abilities and Intuition Gaining the ability is easy, everyone has these abilities, you just have to work to get them to where you want them to be. Remember a spiritual practice is still a practice, you have to put in the effort to get better, just as you would a physical sport or an instrument.
Egregores and Amalgamations vs. Deitys vs. Pop Culture Deitys Egregores and amalgamations exist solely in the astral plane and can (and will) mimic, imitate, and parody deities. Being able to decern these, especially with your intuition will always provide useful. Learning that Lucifer from Dantes' Inferno is reaching out to you versus aspected, epithetic source Lucifer will give you a much better relationship and outcome in your practice.
Deity Work vs. Deity Worship Offering play a key role when learning to decern these from each other. You can in fact, do both, but be warned deities get jealous of each other.
Find what you love and surround yourself with it Incorporating things that you love into your practice and not actually doing what you love about your practice is one of the key differences I saw in my practice when I learned how to differentiate them. I found incoporating pop culture media into my practice made me get burnout from both that piece of pop culture and my spiritual practices.
Finding a form of divination that you are most comfortable with Everyone likes using cartomancy, divination using cards or pieces of paper, is the most common form of divination, but learning your favorite form of divination will help avoid burnout and creating tension for yourself in your practice.
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notdelusionalatall · 1 month
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Blessed Full Moon, witches!
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interstellairs · 5 months
☁️ ⋆ magical girl concept advice .ᐣ.ᐟ
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NOTES 。this is NOT a roleplaying account, nor is this a form of delusion. the owner of this account is a practitioner of witchcraft, and IRL magical girls fall under the chaos magic and pop culture magic aspect of witchcraft.
at the beginning of our journey as magical girls, or magical girl to-be's, we often pick for ourselves whether we want to be a magical girl from a pre-existing magical system or if we want to branch off into something that is more original.
although some of us may struggle with choosing and can be faced with a crossroad of magical possibilities, oftentimes called a concept crisis or a concept dilemma. this may cause some people who are new to their magical girl journey to feel lost and lacking direction, this is because a concept determines what kind of magical girl will you live as.
personally, i've encountered plenty of magical heroes who had been in a concept dilemma at least once in their journey, and myself including albeit it was just me bouncing between two concepts before i settled on a concept that i think fits me; i used to be debating with myself whether it's good to be a puella magi or a dreamcatcher cue to kyubey who still visits me sometimes. although it is not entirely impossible for you to find a concept that fits just right.
but how can one do it? how can someone figure out what kind of magical girl they should be or what they want to be? for that, we should take a few steps backwards and observe ourselves, taking on introspection and getting to know ourselves better.
this is the advice that i recommend the most because i've seen some magical heroes, and myself as well, force themselves into concepts that may feel uncomfortable or they may feel out of place in.
why do you want to become a magical girl and what type of goal do you want to achieve with it? what are you fighting for, or what are you willing to fight for? what made the idea of being and living as a magical girl fascinating for you? are you willing to go through great lengths to work towards being a magical girl?
what are your personality strengths and weaknesses, and how can you use this to your advantage when picking a concept? do you think or are you confident that you'll be able to handle and endure the responsibility of balancing civilian life and magical life despite your personality? will you be uncomfortable with your future as a magical girl? what resonates the most with you?
what kind of life do you want to lead as a magical girl, and will you be loyal to it? will it be something that is lighthearted or healing, would you like to strengthen and encourage yourself through it? do you want it to be peaceful with a life focused on helping with earthly matters, or do you want to engage in combat? do you want it to have rules? do you want to have a sense of orderliness through setting up a magical system of your own, or do you want it to be vague so that you'll find out about it as you go?
what kind of motifs do you think best represents you, or what kind of motifs can inspire you? what symbolisms feel close to your heart, what are you psychologically connected to? what themes that are recurring in your life and personality can be used as an inspiration for your motifs and magical life? what things do you want people to associate you and your concept with?
is there a way you can integrate your hobbies and interests into your concept? in what way can your hobbies and interests influence the way that you visualize the type of magical life that you want? do you want to personalize it to your own comforts and wishes or keep a magical system that is open for everyone?
considering your physical and psychological abilities, how can you apply these to your training, whether that is a physical training or magical training? what are your physical or psychological weak spots, do you have any physical disabilities that you want to improve on through magic? how can you use being a magical girl to your advantage in reinforcing your own physical and psychological weaknesses? do you want to highlight certain aspects of these as magical abilities?
overall, this can be interpreted as a self-evaluation in order to understand your desires better and know how to fit them in a better, more efficient, or personalized magical framework.
this is important in my opinion because there may be some magical girls who have forgotten why they wanted to be a magical girl in the first place due to getting lost in concept dilemmas abd trying to fit in certain systems, and i think that it can be significantly helpful to the person if they were to pause and rethink for themselves.
if you feel like you don't belong or fit into any concepts, there is definitely no harm in creating one from scratch or modifying a pre-existing concept. there are plenty of materials to work with and you can piece together the ideas that you want from the concepts you like, and your number one tool for finding a good concept, of course, is yourself.
( may 08, 2024 | wednesday )
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theflintwarlock · 11 months
I met someone yesterday who was selling fancy grimoires and dipping ink pens and she said to me "you can't have a grimoire without the right stationary" and I know she was trying to sell me a product but I wanted to talk about it because this is something I see echoed in other aspects of the Witchcraft community:
The idea that Witchcraft has to have a certain level of aesthetic value in order to be valid. This is often also tied into capitalism and buying witchy products, but it can also be something as simple as using a fancy notebook rather than a regular or home-made one for your grimoire/book of shadows.
This is Bullshit.
You can practice Witchcraft without spending any money, by using the products you already own and making and growing what you need. Recycled jars are not inherently less magical than pretty jars with corks you buy in a metaphysical shop. A grimoire in a regular ass notebook is not less magical than one in a leather bound book written in oak gawl ink. A crystal you bought is not necessarily better than a crystal you found at the beach or a river. A spell bag sewn yourself from fabric scraps is not less magical than a spell bag you bought for that purpose. In fact I'd argue in the latter case that sewing it yourself is far better than buying things you have little connection to.
It is important that we de-commercialise our practice, to show working class, disabled and disadvantaged baby witches that Witchcraft is not something you buy. It is something you practice.
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🔮 spirituality vs witchcraft ✨
many people (especially beginner witches) confuse these two a lot. but where are the differences? what makes one spiritual, when are you a witch?
let's start with spirituality.
spirituality is your very own belief system. that system can be influenced by your religion, your local folklore or the belief in chakras for example. spiritualists believe in the human soul and negative/positive energy. your own way of looking at spirituality may also be different depending on where you grew up; your culture, your family.
HOWEVER, spirituality does NOT equal witchcraft.
witchcraft is, as its name already says, a craft. a personal practice. while witchcraft can be based on culture and religion too, it's more than just a belief in a higher being or magic; it's the combination of that belief and the actual physical practice (such as spells, rituals, chants, ceremonies, kitchen magick, herbal magick and so on).
so in conclusion: being spiritual doesn't automatically make you a witch. being a witch requires a physical practice. and being spiritual for many years doesn't mean that you have the actual experience to call yourself an advanced witch, please keep that in mind!
many spiritualists don't even touch witchcraft. really, it's up to you - find your own path without appropriating and westernizing cultures you don't belong to. always keep that in mind 🖤
also: wicca and witchcraft ARE NOT necessarily the same. wicca is a nature-based religion, witchcraft is the general name for any practice!
/ written by @occultem
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neptuneslavica · 1 month
what do busy witches do to feel connected to their practice? i feel like i have so much to do in a day that i rarely have time for research, nevertheless magick. any advice?
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wytchoftheways · 7 months
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question for the witches of tumblr:
are there any free online witches' almanacs? these can be websites, tumblr blogs, ebooks, anything. I'm doing the 2024 grimoire challenge on tumblr but i'd like something more like those almanac books i see all over the place, with activities and information etc. for every day / week. i'd like some sort of external structure to base my craft on because i'm trying to develop a daily practice but it's hard to do on my own. i've been looking for something like this for ages but for some reason i can't find anything. if anyone knows anything like this please let me know, it'd be greatly appreciated. thanks! :)
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lionheartapothecaryx · 6 months
| shop spiritual wares, oils, waters & curio 🌛🔮
Spiritual Properties of Violet
Planetary Ruler: Venus, Moon
Element: Water
Associated deities & religious rites: Ostara, Spring Renewal, Aphrodite, Io, Orpheus, Venus, Attis, Ares, Persephone
Magical Uses: Love, Attraction, Protection, Rebirth, Healing, Faith, Love Offerings and more
One of my favorite plant allies, in my personal Venusian practice.
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ome-magical-ramblings · 2 months
(Practical) Making Holy Oil with Psalm 23 and χ
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If you want to hear my rambling version of this, go here. This is not a normal holy oil or an oil I recommend using daily if you don't want an initiation, there's a current attached to this procedure and it is a lot less of a magical lodge and more alongside the thought of "soul of the world" sort of initiation. I recommend taking the time to think if you want to follow with this procedure or not. There's layers to it and you're welcome to explore it yourself. I recommend for this:
A white bowl.
Two white cloth(one for table and one to cover the bowl)
Four (tealight) candles and one yellow candle.
Psalter or a Bible.
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Note: You will be doing this whole procedure(for 7 days) on a strict vegetarian diet or vegan diet. Where you won't anything that have a soul or came out of a soul. This will start from Sunday to Saturday.
Light up the yellow candle on a separate table(altar for jesus is better if you have one) asking help and praying to be guided toward the light and proper way to approach this. A sincere prayer from the heart of your choice. (NOTE: this step can only be done once at the start, it doesn't need to be repeated for the rest of the period)
Set up the main table/altar for this working it will not be disturbed for next seven days with white cloth, 4 candles, and bowl of olive oil in the middle covered by a white cloth. Make sure that the direction is east.
Don't light up the candle now!, recite psalm 23 on the bowl filled with olive oil and then cover it carefully with a white cloth.
After covering the bowl with a white cloth light up the candle in clockwise manner starting from top, right, bottom, left.
Let it burn completely and repeat the procedure again daily until the period end.
Once you're done with the week of consecrating that oil with psalm 23 then you can pour it in a bottle with a funnel and bottle it in smaller containers and use it for yourself anointing yourself daily with it day and night slowly you will start to see stuff shifting and your spiritual practice to have a definite refinement to it.
Before I end this, olive oil could be expensive for you. I recommend to use whatever oil you found suitable for you and within your means because the original word for the oil in the psalm wasn't exactly "olive oil", it just said oil. Look into coconut, Sesame, or other good oils that you can use.
May the peace of the lord be with you .
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spookyxspells · 2 years
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notdelusionalatall · 10 months
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interstellairs · 4 months
🌙 ⋆ dream work and magical heroes ᵎᵎ
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NOTES 。this is NOT a roleplaying account, nor is this a form of delusion. the owner of this account is a practitioner of witchcraft, and IRL magical girls fall under the chaos magic and pop culture magic aspect of witchcraft.
as a practitioner whose main practices include the usage of dreams in my own magickal workings, i certainly do believe that it's possible to use them in the process of becoming a real life magical hero. this type of magick that i perform is referred to as dream work, and it's something that i think can go hand-in-hand with astral work, which is the secondary center of my witchcraft activities.
in this blog, i'll be discussing in length what dream work is, how it can be used by those who aspire to become magical heroes, and how it can also be used by non-magical heroes who practice witchcraft as an addition to their activities. in general, this will serve as a lengthy discussion to the magic and psychology held within the realm of dreams.
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i think that everyone already knows what dreams are, but i'd like to expand further about them. dreams are believed by sigmund freud, a neurologist, as the unconscious' way of expressing itself in order to resolve repressed or unwanted emotions, experiences, and aggressive impulses. some experts suggests that having good dreams is related to good quality sleep.
in psychology, dream work is like what the name says; working with dreams to uncover secrets about ourselves, to explore the numerous images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that the dream presents us, in an attempt to discover how do these dreams manifests itself to us. those who work with dreams often thinks that a dream could have more than one meaning depending on what is being learned about and explored in the dream.
in gestalt-based dream work, it's suggested that all elements in a dream; the characters, the setting, basically everything that's seen, represent an aspect of the dreamer. it represents a part of the self, it shows you an inner dynamic.
the method in gestalt-based dream work is to revisit the dream from each perspective, to re-experience the dream as if you're each of these characters you saw in the dream, and as a result you can get a clear view on what is actually occuring with its underlying context, you find out what is actually going on within you, and at times dreams could be a reflection of our own reality, of what life is like to us.
in jungian-based dream work, it's believed that dreams are a way for the unconscious mind to communicate with the conscious mind. while freud thought that dreams hide their meanings, jung thought that dreams directly tell its own meanings through symbolisms and metaphors, placing heavy importance on the vivid mental images and symbolisms that these dreams shows us.
but if you're someone who's acquainted with your own dreams, such as being a lucid dreamer or dream work practitioner, you'd be able to achieve certain feats; from being able to remember your dreams in vivid detail, to being capable of tampering with it, communicating with entities through it, and even down to like setting up the dream realm as a place to perform certain spells and rituals without anyone knowing in the real world. we can also attain our goals of being a magical hero and communicate with our familiars through dreams.
in witchcraft, practitioners can use dream work as a way of entity communication, dream divination, dream interpretation, dream incubation, astral projection, and so forth. the following list includes the aforementioned activities and i'll explain how magical heroes can use these too.
dream work activities .ᐟ
dream interpretation: this is the process of assigning meaning and significance to a dream. dreams are subjective to each person, and even if there are shared meanings, it is best to look at the symbolisms from a personal point of view in interpretation.
some elements of the dream can have importance that is personal to the dreamer, while to others it does not, hence the subjectivity. for example, you dreamt of a red apple, and even if there are things online that you can use to base your interpretation off of, it's best to look into what a red apple would mean to you. in addition to that, dreams can be interpreted via intuition.
as a magical hero, sometimes we can get signs that are derived from the symbolisms and metaphors that we see during sleep, and i've witnessed some magical heroes be assigned a concept through a dream.
dream divination: also known as oneiromancy. it's a type of divination that focuses on gaining clarity and information derived from a dream, and this is something that is done alongside dream interpretation. this can be based on the belief that dreams sometimes come from entities, and to understand those messages, one must decipher what they dreamed of.
as a magical hero, this can be used as a way of communicating with your magical familiar or any other magical entity you'd like to get in contact with. personally, i met my familiar during a dream where they introduced themselves, and at times, me and my familiar would talk to each other in a dream.
dream incubation: dream incubation is the act of inducing a dream or intending for a specific thing to happen in a dream. this is a practice that had existed in ancient greece and ancient egypt. this can be done through placing a sigil/cartomancy card representing the dream that you want under the pillow you sleep on, affirmations and manifestation, or by talking to an entity and asking them to provide you a specific dream.
as a magical hero, i've witnessed others achieve their goals and be capable of transformation through a dream induced via dream incubation. for example, many puella magis performed the contract through a dream where they aren't lucid.
lucid dreaming: lucid dreaming is the act of becoming conscious in a dream where no one would normally be aware in, this can be by accident or intended. and in a lucid dream, you can set up the ambience and atmosphere of a dream into one where you'd be able to perform your ideal rituals, spellwork, or invite specific entities.
earlier, i mentioned how some magical heroes used dream incubation in order to meet their goals of becoming a fully pledged MH, but another alternative to that would be lucid dreaming where you'd be able to invoke the presence of a magical familiar or your transformation device.
astral projection: astral projection is the act of separating your astral body from the physical body. in a state of dreaming, the body is under sleep paralysis and therefore wouldn't be able to resist or react if the astral body separates itself via a dream. you can use the method of lucid dreaming in order to astral project.
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i currently have plans on writing tutorial blogs that cover the topics of dream incubation, lucid dreaming, and astral projection, as methods to become a fully pledged magical hero. now that i'm on break from my civilian duties like being a student, i'm hoping that i'll be able to post more! still, i'm happy that i got a chance to ramble about dream work/dream magic because it's something i do a lot.
thank you!
( june 10, 2024 | monday )
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foodandfolklore · 4 months
Kitchen Altars - Placement Pros and Cons
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For those unaware, an Altar in Witchcraft is a surface where you do most of your magical or spiritual "stuff". It helps you focus your intentions, harness power, and is your general working space. I see a lot of Kitchen Witches making or wanting to make altars to have in their kitchen. It can give them a space to charge items, to leave offerings, to gather energy and power, ect. They may also use it to invite a specific deity or entity into their kitchen. So what or where can be your Altar? Here are some ideas depending on your needs.
The entire Kitchen This is the route I think many traditional Kitchen Witches Take. An altar is meant to be a working space. Your kitchen is like a swiss army knife of working space. If you want your entire kitchen to be your altar, don't be afraid to add things to Up it's magical energy. Kitchen/Cottage Witch Poppets, Decorative Crystals, Important Symbols, hand made garlands, charms, Whatever.
However, the down side to this is: first, It's harder to stay in the broom closet the more you have on display. I am very lucky in that I don't fear any kind of persecution from family, friends, neighbors, ect. But not everyone feels as secure openly practicing. Second, if you are someone who shares a kitchen with many people like roommates or extended family, you may not be able to set up or decorate the kitchen exactly as you want. Additionally, All these extra people coming in an out at different times with different moods can throw off the energy in the space. So having something separate might work better for you.
Counters Probably the most popular place to set up an altar in a kitchen as it's the most obvious. You may want to set aside a small section of your counter and dedicate it to an altar. A shallow wooden box or tray for you to put your altar in may be a good idea. This is because the main downside to having an altar set up on your counter is you lose counter space. Which can be very valuable. So by building your altar on or in a tray allows you to move it temporarily should you need the extra counter space.
Cupboards or Drawers This is a little more broom closet friendly. You can set up an altar in an obscure cupboard shelf or unused drawer, then open it up when you want to use it. Then when not in use, it's closed up out of sight. Since it's closed off, you don't need to worry as much about dust or kitchen grim. However, the downside is your altar is either taking up valuable storage space or it's in an awkward to get to area. Like that corner cupboard that you need to get on a chair in order to reach the back, or that drawer that can only open when you have the oven door open. If it's a pain in the ass to get to, you're less likely to use it.
Kitchen Table If your table is large enough to hold a bowl or basket as a decorative center piece, consider building your altar in that bowl or basket. This tends to be a great option for those with their foot in the broom closet since the altar can be written off as a decorative piece. It's also good in that it doesn't take up work or storage space. And since it's in a basket or other container, you can move it when you need the space.
The downside is for us witches who are a little more...chaotic...in our organization style. Stuff gets dropped on the kitchen table to be dealt with later, only for later to never come. Mail, clothes, documents, drinking glasses; things just get lost in the layers of time. Your altar may end up lost or damaged.
Windowsill Another popular choice for Kitchen Witches who like to grow herbs or plants. They'll set up their foliage by the window and base an altar around that. Space tends to be a bit limited in these cases, so make sure any additions are small. Also be carful when setting up crystals in your windowsill. While sunlight is great for plants, it can be harmful for some popular crystals like Amethyst and fade the color.
Also, pay attention to how your window opens. If you want to open the window and it slides, or you need to crank a handle, you don't want anything to block the window from opening. And on the flip side, you don't want to damage your altar items if opening the window causes them to fall.
Shelves Specifically shelves that are separate from the kitchen cupboards. You may want to install a floating shelf or just get a corner shelf stand. You can build your altar on one (or all) of the shelf surfaces. It's great as it can be set out of the way but still in an area that's convenient to get to.
The downside tends to be cost and installation. Floating shelves tend to be cheaper than a standing corner shelf. You can find some nice wooden floating shelves at second hand stores or flea markets for anywhere between 10 to 60 dollars. But when you install them, you want to make sure you drill part of it into a wall stud. This helps stop them from falling down. This is assuming you CAN drill into a wall, as many rental agreements don't allow you to put holes in walls. A small, standing shelf is a good alternative and renter friendly. However, you tend to need to buy these new and can cost several hundred dollars. If you or someone you know are good with carpentry, maybe you can build a custom shelf. But new wood is still very expensive.
Fridge Close the fridge, we're not putting it inside. I mean you can; but that might be messy. Most fridges have at lest 1 magnetic surface. And did you know there are a lot of things you can get with magnets attached? Magnetic Jars or Containers, Magnetic shelves, Magnetic hooks- Not to mention the plethora of decorative magnets. I've seen tarot card magnets, moon phase magnets, Astrology magnets, ect. You can arrange your fridge to be a vertical altar.
The downside here being most of these items will probably be bought online, and the quality of the magnetism can vary. Make sure you read reviews and make sure something won't just fall off one day. And avoid pushing the strength of things like Magnetic shelves by loading them up with heavy objects. Another downside may be your fridge doesn't have a magnetic side exposed. Stainless steel fridges tend to not be magnetic on the front. Something about the metal used. They are magnetic on the sides, but if your fridge doesn't have exposed sides due to placement, you may be SOL for a fridge altar.
Outside the Kitchen Lastly, remember that just because you practice kitchen magic, doesn't mean you need to restrict yourself to the kitchen. Kitchen witches are allowed to practice other kinds of magic in addition to kitchen magic. You may want an altar for these situations. So set one up in the living room, dining room, bedroom, backyard, bathroom, wherever works for you. And if it doesn't work for you, don't be afraid to move it!
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occultwaters · 6 months
Hello loves, welcome to my blog. Below you will find the links to my posts, feel free to browse. I hope you enjoy your visit. Make sure to read the disclaimer at the bottom before requesting anything!
Observations: I II III
Painful placements: I
Vedic: Coming soon
Extra stuff:
Introduction + free readings (closes April 12th 2024) (FREE READINGS CLOSED FOR NOW)
Just to put this out there so we are clear, divination should not be used as a replacement of legal, financial, and/or medical advice etc. Though I do readings on these topics, it is not to provide professional advice. I very much believe in divination, however I am not responsible for any actions done by anyone on the basis of my readings. Take it with a grain of salt, energy is ever changing.
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https-witch · 3 months
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🕯️How to use your leftover wax🕯️
💨from candles that don't light anymore 💨
Here are a few techniques :
Bring water to a boil & pour it in your candle container. I've tested with & without covering, but haven't noticed much of a difference.
Pros: when it solidifies, it gives you a nice slab of wax. It only requires a kettle.
Cons: some candle require to do this process multiple times & there is some wax left in the container that you need to wash out.
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Fill a pot with a little bit of water, put a bol on top of it (no plastic). Remove the wax from your candle container as best you can & put it in the bowl. It will slowly melt.
Pros: Allows you to pour the wax in a new container easily. Allows you to add ingredients to your candles while the wax is liquid.
Cons: Requires a pot & a bowl. You can burn yourself. You need to clean the bowl afterwards.
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I don't use this, but I guess it works. You should scrape the inside of your candle to put the wax in a microwave safe bowl. Cook slowly, 10 or 20 seconds at a time. Pour in another container once melted.
Pros: I'm not sure honestly. I guess it's convenient? Efficient?
Cons: Might mess up a bowl. You'll have to clean it. Might take a long time.
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Keep me updated if any of you try these for the first time! I hope this helps!
Tip me
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