#magic tree house
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autismdogg · 1 year ago
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Magic Tree House #1-10 (1992-97)
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haveyoureadthisbook-poll · 10 months ago
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cams-cozy-corner · 11 months ago
Day 3 of 25 moodboards: favorite kids book!
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I’ve already done so many Percy Jackson character boards I did magic treehouse :D
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book--brackets · 9 months ago
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violetwolfraven · 3 months ago
A Curated Selection of Kids Books/TV Shows I Would Actually Be Okay With Them Getting An Edgy PG-13 Live Action TV Adaptation:
The Magic Tree House Books. CW Magic Tree House where Jack and Annie are now adults. Tell me that wouldn’t slap. You can’t because it would. They’d basically be a more whimsical Dr. Who. Bonus points if they cast Katie McGrath as Morgan Le Fay.
Wild Kratts. Just imagine it. The CGI would be horrendous. The props and costumes would be award-winning. The real Kratt brothers could still do little intros and outros with cool animal facts. At some point the team has to take the Tortuga and go on the run bc one of them killed someone. It was probably either Chris killing an unnamed animal trafficker played by an extra or Aviva shooting Zach point blank in the chest. With so much horrendous CGI it’s a show that leans heavy into character arc and social commentary and they cast actors that deliver Oscar-worthy performances. It would still probably only make it 1 or 2 seasons tho tbh.
Danny Phantom. I’m sure I don’t need to explain this one.
The Sisters Grimm. Okay this one needs to come with the caveat that I’d want it rated a little lower. Maybe like TV-PG. So that they could cast age-accurate actors without traumatizing them. Maybe they could bump it up to TV-14 in the later seasons but come on. If you’ve read these books you know this would hit if done correctly. It would be like Once Upon a Time meets literally any tween coming of age show. Don’t tell me watching Sabrina’s anger issues play out wouldn’t heal something in your inner 12-year-old’s soul. If it made it to season 3 Jake would become a tumblr sexyman. It would be amazing.
LEGO Ninjago. Okay I might be biased on this one bc I loved it so much when I was 10 but it would be so camp. I imagine it as basically a shot for shot recreation of the cartoon but with some added scenes to flesh out the characters and lore a bit more and also they’re allowed to swear. There would be so many plot points that are absolutely horrifying if you think about them too hard and a bunch more that are just a bit cringe but only if you’re too much of a coward to embrace them. Plus if they did it right it would probably have a majority-Asian cast and as a Wasian I’d really dig that.
All of these are just my opinion and y’all are free to disagree :)
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best-fictional-pterosaur · 1 month ago
Old Male Ornithocheirus [Walking With Dinosaurs] vs. Henry [Magic Tree House]
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Propaganda (if any) under the cut! Please be civil, and feel free to reblog!
Propaganda for Old Male Ornithocheirus [Walking With Dinosaurs]:
"Since the Prehistoric Planet pterosaurs have been submitted, I feel this old male deserves a spot in the tournament too. His journey in the documentary is absolutely fantastic."
Propaganda for Henry [Magic Tree House]:
"this is the same character, just in the anime movie adaptation: https://64.media.tumblr.com/d086921e44422e7697ab8d4f3907c49b/tumblr_inline_p7ggnbB3Dt1rek804_500.png https://64.media.tumblr.com/d89b67bc56cfb4e46fd2f4f9e5b349fc/tumblr_inline_p7ggnc2NQY1rek804_500.png"
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dailybigbro · 4 months ago
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Today’s Big Bro is Jack from Magic Tree House! He loves his little sister!
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Jack Smith and Annie Smith from the Magic Tree House Series are Forklift Certified!
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justa-lil-guy · 6 months ago
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digitalzealot2 · 5 months ago
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The tree house returns...
Felt nostalgic and wanted to make a picture of Jack and Annie from "The Magic Tree House" books, when they see the tree house again in their teen years 💚💛
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catihere · 8 months ago
Assigning random PJO characters book series from my childhood because I’m feeling nostalgic. These are all illogical and merely based on vibes (most of them probably wouldn’t enjoy reading that much because of dyslexia and ADHD… but eh)
Silena - Dork Diaries. Totally.
Chris - Diary of a wimpy kid. Say what you will about that damned book series, but I must honor my very brief interest in it somehow (sorry, Chris)
Annabeth - Warrior Cats! She would have loved it at 8 years old or so, and Luke would have managed to get them for her to read.
Charles - The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. (My beloved)
Piper - Those graphic novels by Raina Telgemeier I think, I loved them as a kid.
Ethan - …also Warrior Cats. Idk it just fits.
Katie - Magic tree house. I guess
Clovis - Those animal books by Holly Webb. You know the ones
I’ll add some more later, bye y’all
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neon-in-the-night-time · 1 year ago
kids who read the magic tree house as a kid when they grow up and consume other arthurian legend inspired media and morgan le fay is a villain character: 😮
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book--brackets · 11 months ago
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burymeinmelodies · 7 months ago
I'm offering writing commissions in exchange for donations to certain GoFundMe's for people in Gaza--
I'm Mel. I write a lot of fanfiction, primarily for Percy Jackson, and have been posting for a few years now. Recently I've been getting asks from people living in Gaza who need donations to evacuate or get medical care. I'm not currently able to make such donations myself, but I know how to write, so I'm going to try to use that skillset to help out as much as I can.
How do I request a commission and what will it look like? If you're interested in commissioning me, you can DM me (not send an ask) to let me know what you're looking for. I write a lot of found family and platonic relationship stories but I'm flexible. Once we agree on content and length, I'll get to writing. I'll send you a PDF of the finished product and, if you're okay with it, post it on AO3 as well.
How much do commissions cost? My baseline is $10 per 1k words. I don't feel that anything less than that would be a productive use of my time (except maybe in the case of a very long fic). If you are able and willing to pay more than that, it would be greatly appreciated. You will pay by donating the agreed upon amount and then forward me the email receipt.
What fandoms can I request fics for? Below is a list of fandoms that I am familiar enough with to write for. I would also be open to writing original works or nonfiction, if anyone is interested.
Main fandoms (have written for and participated in extensively)
Percy Jackson (and other Riordanverse books)
Our Flag Means Death
The Raven Cycle
The Hunger Games
Pokemon (the anime specifically)
Some other (mostly small and weird) fandoms that I could write for
These Thems (YouTube series)
Magic Tree House
Magic School Bus
The Scholomance trilogy
The Penderwicks
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Firefly (TV series)
Little Women (or other Alcott novels)
Some fics I've written below the cut, so people can get a sense for my style:
A trans!Ash Pokemon fic ^
Some early interactions between Beckendorf and Drew from PJO ^
Deleted scene from These Thems webseries ^
Bianca di Angelo and her boarding school buddies ^
Reblogs are much appreciated!
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I’m curious about stuff again specifically for people who like to read.
I put both girls and boys just to see if there’s a difference. And if you are trans or genderqueer please do think as to what gender you considered yourself at the age you started reading and not your current chosen gender.
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1000-silverfish-in-a-hoodie · 10 months ago
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I think he made me transgender
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