#magic kaito 1412 headcanon
kori-nakamori · 2 years
Okay yes, technically Saguru is the more “responsible” one in the relationship, but I refuse to believe he don’t have his own 😈gremlin side😈
He’ll spend hours on cases because he knows his wild hypothesis is right and he is winning that bet with Hattori-san
Kaito finds him hoarding pretty rocks and cutout magazine pictures of brown and yellowish cats just. Because. To make him feel better Kaito shows off his own collection of thousands of playing decks and pictures of gems and mini plushies (the not-so-mini plushie discussion is left for later in the relationship iykwm)
He zones out staring at fires and at waterfalls. No matter how cold the water is he WILL get in it as soon as he’s allowed
His hands used to shake a lil so he started always taking multiple doubles of the same pics in hopes that at least one of them wouldn’t be blurry. Even though his hands don’t shake much anymore, he still takes duplicate photos. Sometimes he deletes the dupes, sometimes he doesn’t (he never deletes them if they’re of Kaito)
He blasts his music so loud that the entire Ekoda gang worries for his hearing
He has an inordinate amount of silk in his wardrobe, he has a fixation with the fabric
And it’s just canon that he will make and break eye contact at the least opportune times
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writing-in-sin · 1 year
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This right here, is one of my favourite scenes of Kaito. I really like his expression here and it's inspired many ideas for me
I'm bias when it comes to Kaito, which i think many might've noticed by now. He has limitless potential, known to be someone who can and has outsmarted Shinichi (who's a genius too that has earned the respect of those who are older and more experienced than he is)
Perhaps it was for plot reasons, but i find it interesting that Kaito didn't hesitate to become a criminal to enact a vengeful sort of justice. Most would hesitate to work against the law even if they're willing to break or bend it when necessary but not Kaito which tends to make me see him as the darker side of the DCMK, contrasting with Shinichi
He's technically the first of the Gosho Boys, sharing many traits with Aoyama-sensei himself which makes me think that Kaito might've been Aoyama-sensei's favourite at one point
This scene really made me think that Kaito has the potential to be the smartest, craziest and most dangerous chara in the DCMK world and to me, he's the mad genius within it
Unhinged and unapologetic
And he's downright unashamed of that
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kakapim · 4 months
One of my dcmk headcanons: After that one heist in the beginning of magic kaito, where he accidentally gets his face seen by Inspector Nakamori, Kaito will now always use makeup to change his look a little. This is why he's gotten comfortable getting close to cameras and people.
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lavenderleavened · 8 months
The most important thing to remember when drawing Hakuba Sgauru is that he is a man kisser and thus dresses like one
He's the flamboyant gay type. If he's gonna be wearing shorts, they'll be paired with dad-socks, garters, and a gaudy ascot
You should be able to look at him and tell, "Oh yeah. That's a homosexual."
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Guess who's accepting requests again?
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phantomposter1412 · 2 years
Headcanon that Kaito loves playing with Saguru’s hair when they’re alone
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kawarikisaki · 1 year
I hope you’re including Aoko because I really like their interactions would really if the admiration wasn’t just one sided.
Okay So this one is gonna get weird. And there's going to be a lot more stuff that feels like guesswork here. Even though Aoko and Hakuba are native to the same story, we don't really see them interact much, at least not in super meaningful ways.
Anyway, I'm going to start by saying Aoko is smart. She's often put into a position where she's the butt of a joke or playing the fool, but she is established from the beginning to be very intelligent, at the very least she's shown to be able to keep up with Kaito academically.
So time for another headcanon with barely any substantiation- their class is an advanced class. After all we already know that Aoko and Kaito are both very smart, and Hakuba is also smart and was very intentionally transferred into their class.
But more on the relationship between Aoko and Hakuba.
To begin with Aoko is a fan of Hakuba, but mostly just on a shallow level, she doesn't give off the impression of having been a fan for a long time, but she is interested enough after seeing him on tv to start quoting his catch phrases (which changes a bit depending on what we're taking as canon, with it being "Why did you do it?" in the original manga, and "the truth has come to light" in the 1412 anime).
Despite this in their first actual interaction she's not all that excited when he flirts with her- talking with her friend later she doesn't even really acknowledge that she was asked on a date, just that if Hakuba wins the bet she'd be going to a concert with him. And I'd like to think that her reaction is that way because she saw the original offer for what it was- not a legitimate attempt to woo her but rather just a move to rile up Kaito.
Every move that Hakuba makes in that introductory chapter is directed at Kaito, but that doesn't mean he's just ignoring Aoko. Perhaps this is me having an idyllic view of him, but I think he's very empathetic; he sees Aoko and he sees that she's like him in that she's kind of forced into the shadow of her father, he sees her interaction with Kaito and is able to understand that she wants to go with Kaito but with the way things were playing out Kaito was going to get away with acting like he didn't care... and that would have only hurt Aoko. So what does he do? He interferes; he puts himself in the villain role and shows Kaito 'if you don't care about her then sooner or later someone will come along that does', and he does it this way for the dual purpose of antagonizing Kaito (who he already suspects may be Kid) and also trying to help Aoko. And during the heist he takes it very seriously, commiting to the bit as it were. Did I explain that last point well? I don't think so. Is it a bit of a stretch? Absolutely. Do I care? Not really. This is how I see it.
The next time Hakuba is taking the stage (A Gift from Akako) he's also very much focused on Kaito not Aoko, which makes sense, Magic Kaito is Kaito's story after all so of course we really only ever see Hakuba and Aoko interact when it's serving Kaito's narrative.
But what we do start to see is Aoko and Hakuba seeming to get along well in just a casual way. Additionally in that case there's a clear change in Aoko, previously she's always stayed on the sidelines just waiting to hear the news of results, but this time she actually requests to come along to help catch Kid- and I would like to claim that the one responsible for this change in her is Hakuba. Perhaps she sees that Hakuba is inviting Kaito and opens up the idea that she can be there too, or maybe she thinks that if the son of a police superintendent can be there then the daughter of the inspector on site can be there, or maybe she has an inkling of Kaito's identity and is coming along to help... whatever it is the one that gave her the push is Hakuba, and after that heist she starts showing up at them more regularly.
The two are both present again for the Dark Knight heist, but unfortunately they don't even so much as look at each other, so no notable interactions there... Which brings us to Midnight Crow.
When Akako and Hakuba are both approaching Kaito with their own thinly veiled 'hey I know you're Kid, good luck, I'm actually rooting for you here' bits, Aoko comes up and once again plays the fool changing the flow of the conversation and- doing almost the exact same thing they were by giving Kaito the exact information that he needed through a barely connected anecdote. (Yes I think that at this point Aoko also knows, and just is fully acting oblivious.) And that's all she does in Midnight Crow in the manga, however, in the 1412 anime there's a bit more; she also forms a detective team "to catch Kid", that motive ringing somewhat hollow when she herself said that she was on neither side, and Hakuba admits that he's relieved that Kid didn't lose. The purpose of this team doesn't really seem like it's genuinely to catch Kid but rather Aoko making an excuse for the four of them to be able to talk directly about Kid without there being any suspicions. Then once again they're both present in Sun Halo but don't interact with each other at all.
So what does all of this tell us? They're friends. In a very normal way.
Aoko seems to respect Hakuba's skill. Early on she bonds with him over their mutual distaste for Kid, but overtime that changes and they still care a lot about each other without needing there to be an undercurrent of aggression directed at Kid in order for them to see eye to eye. And Hakuba for his part clearly enjoys spending time with her. And absolutely cares about her feelings given that even though he knows Kaito is Kid he never tries to tell Aoko that, not wanting to to potentially hurt her.
And that's about the gist of it. This one kinda feels like I'm saying a lot of words but not really expressing much... a lot less focused than the other rambles I've done so far but eh.... it's a less focused topic. When I try to simplify things down to the facts of what we see- well these two barely even interact with one another, but even so the vibe is that they're friends, which is good because I get the feeling that Hakuba doesn't really have many of those. Anyway.
There is one more thing that I want to bring up about the connections between Aoko and Hakuba, and for that I'm going to talk about Nonchalant Lupin.
Nonchalant Lupin being the sort of one-shot/prototype that got polished and eventually evolved into Magic Kaito. I'd recommend reading it if you haven't but for now I'm gonna give the cliff notes version just in case.
The one shot stars Lupin Kaito a young magician that steals for monetary gain, Holmes Aoko the kind hearted and self sacrificing detective love interest, and the antagonist Gurikouji Ken who is the son of a mob family who blackmails Aoko into marrying him using pictures taken of Kaito in the act of stealing.
Now obviously Lupin Kaito became Kuroba Kaito, and Holmes Aoko became Nakamori Aoko. And a lot of people would say that Ken is the prototype Hakuba, which I think there is some truth to that, but not the whole story- because I instead propose that both Holmes Aoko and Gurikouji Ken were the bases for Hakuba.
Nakamori Aoko got Holmes's role as childhood friend and love interest, and Hakuba actually got the role of detective and the morality from Holmes while taking an aggressive approach and cocky confidence from Ken. Not that Holmes is cleanly split up between the two of them, but even so I like to think that the Aoko and Hakuba we know were at least in part cut from the same cloth, and that's why even though we barely ever see them interact they do genuinely fit well together in a way that just feels correct.
Does that make sense to anyone but me? Who knows.
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Finally I found another dcmk blog 🥳. Btw can I request hc kaito and shinichi (separate) as husband, and they expecting the delivery of the 1st baby. Thank you!
Headcanon - Kuroba Kaito as Your Husband
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Pairing(s): Magic Kaito | Kuroba Kaito
Notes: Here is it, @itsao-mine. Sorry it took some time, I was studying for my exams. Shinichi’s one is here.
Summary: Kaito as Your Husband, and is expecting the delivery of your first child
+ Kaito is a very sweet husband to have.
+ When his s/o told him the two of them will be having their first child, he would give his ludicrous ‘Kuroba Kaito's’ grin.
+ He would dote on his s/o so much, kneeling to their feet, gently caressing and massaging them whenever they feel tired or sore. He would kiss their bump, prepare full-course meals for them, and even carry them around the house.
+ Kaito would most definitely talk to the baby, he would have an entire conversation with them whenever he could. He would tell them about his day, how he would teach them magic tricks, and even threaten them not to burden his s/o.
+ He knew that pregnant women will experience mood swings and all, so he took it as his responsibility to make sure that his s/o is always happy. Doing tricks and giving treats for them.
+ Kaito is excited but is also terribly scared. What if he failed? After all, he couldn’t possibly be as great as his father was. So he would call Jii-chan, asking the retired old man for guidance.
+ Kaito was in shock. His s/o were there at his heist, sitting on a bench at the furthest corner. He could feel how the whole world silenced as he caught the way his s/o eyes widen, looking down as a trail of liquid trailed down her leg.
+ Ignoring the fact he’s still KID, in his pure white cape, he would scoop his s/o up in a bridal position, and leaned her body to his chest. He would listen to their heartbeat to calm his racing heart down.
+ And when he rushed them to a hospital, now as Kuroba Kaito, he would hold his s/o’s hand and be by their side for the entire time.
+ Be prepared for some snarky remarks though, this boy sometimes can't read the situation
“Ouch… That hurts, [Name]. Don’t grip my hands so much, it’s going to be bruised!”
+ But don’t worry, he just loves his s/o so much that he can’t express it.
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hexfloog · 3 years
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Alt version of this draft I posted last night, since I had time to think on daydreamed about it a little more today~
Internal screaming hours below the break (more speculative than usual fwiw):
I am of the opinion that anyone who dons the Kaitou Kid moniker is, whether they want to be or not, a subconscious wielder of white magic. Since the definition of white magic is so subjective (or so I'm told), it's enough for that magic to be as simple as the joy Kaito spreads as a teen magician or the mischievous KID, as campy as it is. The idea of some kind of inherited supernatural element in the moniker itself is very intriguing to me, whether it's familial-- the lingering spirit of Toichi, perhaps, vengeful or paternal or protective or all of the above-- or just something that comes with the package, like a divine prank.
MK1412 teases us with some light Magic Lore, with Jii explaining how Magicians and Sorcerers are natural enemies and that there are colors which differentiate the types of Real Magic (if I'm remembering correctly, anyway). Akako repeatedly makes passing comments about how she is at odds with tricksters and illusionists. I desssperately want expansion on this lore, even if just a little... at least tell us what the different colors mean in this world PLEASE I AM BEGGING-- *grabby hands*
So on the subject of divine pranks, in the last iteration of this image I briefly mused about what kinds of doors the supernatural element of Kaito's world opens for us, especially those concerning his father.
Hereditary or not, Kaito's real curse with the KID moniker is, I think, the eternal pursuit of something which may or may not exist. Kaito himself has been shown to be a skeptic of Pandora's existence, and yet he willingly commits himself to this charade in hopes of foiling his father's murderers. (On that note, I wholeheartedly do not subscribe to the idea that Toichi is simply MIA, he is deader than dead and Corbeau was absolutely his ghost come alive with the help of some other sorcerer on Chikage's behalf to caution him about the inevitable end should he continue--)
I wonder if he's aware of the scale of his situation-- and he has to be tbh, having cheated death more than once??-- and whether he's thought about what Toichi would think. Kaito's relationship with his father is THE driving force of his character and his motivations, he clearly takes after him in several respects beyond that of magical prowess. He obviously became the next Kaito Kid to lure out The Organization for purposes of revenge-- and maybe to emulate his father, to know him as best he could (like how Ran used to dip her toes into detective work to get closer to Shinichi, so to speak)-- but was he always fated to become the next KID anyway? Even if Toichi hadn't died? And in that vein, if that's the case-- if that's the supernatural element-- to what extent does Toichi live on through his son?
The iteration above suggests a slightly different answer than the last:
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(I can't choose between them skjdhfskjdf. I will finish both versions probably)
Anyway,,, coming back to the whole unwilling wielder of white magic thing,,, I want to believe Toichi watches over his son from beyond the grave as he pursues Pandora. He might be dead but he is still very much present. From a visual standpoint... if he manifests in any way, given my earlier musings, I definitely think he'd manifest as white magic. And "manifesting" is a vague term, here - he could be in the ambition of Kaito's next trick, the emotion behind a change of heart, or the decision not to pull the trigger. How free is Kaito from the curse of KID, or the influence of his father?
I'm not really suggesting Kaito's trapped in identity hell in the same way I think Shinichi is with Conan. Rather, Kaito's story has always had more to do with fate and what it means for him to willingly choose to follow it and I'm excited to finally start having Real Thoughts about it~
(I may or may not owe the spark of inspiration to the song Hell's Coming With Me by Poor Man's Poison, which I quoted in the previous post. It is firmly cemented in my mind as a Toichi revenge song, though it could easily be a Shinichi revenge song too kdhfsjdgf. Both Kaito and Conan are both in their own respects breeds of phoenix UGH ;.; <3)
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defectiveconantoy · 3 years
Heya! Can you do a fandom random questionnaire for KaiAo?
Last week’s questions? Sure!
Who said “I love you” first?
Kaito and with a cute, private magic trick.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background?
Kaito. It’s a shocked Aoko who didn’t expect a picture to be taken.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror?
Kaito, who makes me wonder if he uses illusions and special effects.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts?
Who initiated the first kiss?
Who kisses the other awake in the morning?
Who starts tickle fights?
Aoko as well, but Kaito eventually overpowers her because she looks so cute when tickled.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower?
Both, depending on who’s in a rush.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch?
Who was nervous and shy on the first date?
Both. Detective Conan and Magic Kaito has lots of adorably awkward characters.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk?
Kaito. That’s seems like a Kaito thing to do. Aoko would be more of a cute drunk.
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kori-nakamori · 2 years
Hakuba has way too many skin and hair care products— like a whole shelf of ‘em, the first time Kaito comes over to stay the night he’s lowkey horrified and lowkey impressed
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writing-in-sin · 2 years
Kaito is one of the few who doesn't see Shinichi's tendency to run into murders as 'bad luck'
Now i dont know or remember if Kaito ever teased Shinichi about being a corpse magnet, a shinigami or bad luck in canon but I think Kaito can never see it like that
If asked why, Kaito would fall quiet with a terrifyingly blank look on his face as stares back at anyone who asked before finally replying in a voice that never fails to bring a chill down people's spines
"Have any of you had a loved one murdered before? I have, and I would've given anything to have someone like Shinichi to be at the right place, at the right time."
Because Kaito knows grief, knows its hollow shape. Knows the agony and the endless 'whys' that went unanswered for years. Knows the traumatic nightmares of seeing his father burning alive that haunted him even in his waking hours. Knows the pain of a reopened wound, the festering hate in discovering that someone he loves so much was robbed from him. The wrath in knowing that the murderer got a way for years, had it all covered up as a so called 'accident'
So no.
To Kaito who knows all of this, he can never see it as a curse or bad luck. All he sees is his heaven sent detective, laying wounded souls to rest and giving the closure to bereaved families
To kaito, shinichi can never be 'cursed'...not when he's always been a blessing
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roxymadn3ss · 3 years
"A clover's misfortune" is finally out, this is my first fanfiction of magic kaito and i hope you'll like it, for now this is the prologue and it's based of some of my personal headcanons if you had any question about feel free to ask
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lavenderleavened · 8 months
Hakuba has got that T boy swag
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Reminder that reblogs help the creator more than likes<3
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Magic Kaito, 名探偵コナン | Detective Conan | Case Closed Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan/Kuroba Kaito | Kaitou Kid Characters: Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan, Kuroba Kaito | Kaitou Kid Additional Tags: One Shot, Short One Shot, Established Relationship, Post-Conan Kudou Shinichi, Crossdressing, genderfluid!Kaito, this is a drama-free zone, despite Shinichi's best efforts, No Plot/Plotless, Fluff, mild swearing, Don't copy to another site Series: Part 10 of Dove Chocolate One Shots Summary:
100% tooth-rotting fluff while Kaito is dressed up pretty. I mean, that’s really all this is.
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