#magento go shutting down
fandomxo00 · 6 months
X-Men: First Class rewrite - Part 2 -Erik Lehnsherr, Magento
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warnings; Violence, erik angsty
word count: 866 words
pairings: Erik x Nadine!OC
You were the daughter of a human and a Quareen creature. There was no love in the relationship and from a young age he left you and your mother alone. Your mother worked very hard and had so much determination to create a good life for you. Your powers came to you when you were nine years old. It was after a gym class where a boy had kicked a ball to the back of your head. It hurt a bit and you went to the nurse's office to get an ice pack. Later that day, your head began to hurt terribly, you were sensitive to sound, light and movement.  Then you started hearing all the voices and you started seeing their nightmares. You would wake up in the middle of night, your dream about your classmate being hunted. 
Then one year you showed your true Quareen form. You remember growing severely embarrassed by a child that you had grown feverish. Then you transformed into fiery dangerous natural figure of a Quareen. Your mother had pulled you from the school and you started going to school at the local church. She had been very strict about hiding your powers and wanting you to act normal. Then one day she had made you angry and you lit the house on fire, killing your mother in the process. 
When you met Erik it was a busy day in the office you worked at. You were a personal assistant always ridiculed and never thanked. ERik had noticed something different about you. You had come into the room, a fresh cup of coffee for your boss, the man had the audacity to spill the drink over your white blouse, embarrassing you. The coffee didn't burn your skin because you ran hot but your bra showed through the material of your shirt. 
Erik had been the one to make the man shut up, you quickly learned that Erik was coming after your boss to kill him. You hadn't stopped him and even showed him your powers. He had a fascination with you, the way you would focus on your victim, their heart beginning to face, sweat beaded on their forehead, their body trembled in fear. Erik had been turned on by your power, your victim fell to their knees, their hand clutching at his chest as his life was taken away from him. 
He had immediately asked you out for a drink where you shared your secrets and revealed your past. In the short time you felt as though you could trust him, and he decided to never take that for granted. 
The two of you were on a mission, you were in a fitting gray dress. Erik had worn a crisp gray suit, purple highlighted in his tie and handkerchief. To combat the cold, you wore a matching purple coat while he opted for a gray Hench coat and hat. Erik was there to present something valuable to the man, he would hopefully want this item and Erik will be able to gain information. He had sat the briefcase on the desk before opening it to reveal blocks of Nazi gold. 
"Possession of that gold is illegal. I should inform the police." The man started, though Erik was hardly phased as he blinked at the man. 
"Let's not play this game." Erik suggested. 
"Where did you get it?" 
"A friend. He recommended your bank most highly." 
"I see. Do you know our terms, sir?" 
"Yes, and you should know mine." Erik smiled at the man before reaching forward to look at the pictures on his desk. He sets them down, his face growing serious. "This is blood money, and you are going to help me find the bastards responsible for this." he paused, staring up at the man, you redirected your eyes to see Erik holding back the man from pressing what you assumed was a panic button. Erik clicked his tongue, shaking his index finger at the man. 
"Now you are going to hit yourself." You spoke in the man's mind as his hand went flying up to hit himself in the face. 
"Don't touch that alarm." Erik warned, as he stood from his chair and rounded the desk. "I want Schmidt. Klaus Schmidt." Erik hit at the man's chest. "Where is he??"
"Our clients don't prove addresses. We're not-." He started before Erik lurched forward. 
"Not that sort of bank, huh?" Erik's hand came up to the man's face, two fingers pinching together as the man began groaning in pain. "Metal fillings, eh?" he mocked, as he continued to pull with his magnetic force. "Not gold. Worried someone might steal them?"
"Argentina! Schimdt is in Argentina!" The man yelled. "Villa Gesel! Please!" Erik pulled harder, one of the metal fillings flinging to his hand. The man's hand came up to grasp his mouth. You moved forward as Erik said, "Thank you."
"I would love to kill you." Erik remarked. "So, mark my words. If you harm anyone, I'm coming...we will find you." He moved away from the man as you stepped closer.
You dipped your chin, connecting into the man's mind, "You will never speak of this, but you will never forget."
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mapimunoz · 10 months
X-Men: Days of Future Past
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In a dystopian future, mutants face extinction at the hands of the Sentinels, killing machines developed to detect the mutant gene and kill anyone that carries it. The Sentinels are part of the Sentinel program, created by Dr. Bolivar Trask in the 70s. The Sentinel program was approved following the assassination of Dr. Trask, which was carried out by Mystique. Following the assassination, she was kidnapped and her DNA was obtained and altered to advance the Sentinel program. With her powers of transformation, the Sentinels became more advanced killing machines, escalating the extinction of the mutants. The last of their kind, a small group of mutants fight off the Sentinels while Xavier and Magneto plot to alter history by preventing Trask’s assassination and Mystique's kidnapping. Kitty is able to send Wolverine’s consciousness back in time to 1973 to try and prevent Mystique from going after Dr. Trask. Wolverine wakes up in his younger body and he recruits some mutants to help him, among them Charles Xavier (Professor X), Hank (Beast), and Eric (Magneto). The plan fails, Dr. Trask survives the assassination attempt and he warns President Nixon of the danger of mutants and he approves the Sentinel program. During the assassination attempt, Hank and Mystique reveal themselves as mutants to the world and the Dr. Trask gets Mystiques’ DNA. 
The different identities in the film are established through the mutant gene which only few people carry. They are singled out and labeled as “mutants,” separating them from the rest of humankind. Mutants hide their abilities and the fact that they are mutants in fear of prejudice and hatred. The events that unfolded in the first assassination attempt on Trask helped push a narrative where mutants are considered dangerous and must be eliminated, therefore getting the approval for the Sentinel Program. Mutants are now hunted by human technologies thanks to the prejudice of one man, his creations, and the narrative he pushed. Before the technology developed for the Sentinel program, mutants were able to live peacefully and unnoticed among humans. The "aliens" in this world aren't easily identified through the typical corporeal homogeneous look because they don't have one. For example, Hank and Mystique look different physically, yet they don't look similar to each other.
In the final act of the film, Mystique once again goes after Trask at an event in Washington D.C. where the Sentinel program is unveiled. A fight breaks out between Xavier, Beast, and Wolverine who want to stop Mystique, and Magento who has taken over the Sentinels and intends to kill everyone at the event. Xavier persuades Mystique to spare Trask and she saves President Nixon from Magneto. This results in the Sentinel program being shut down, altering history and making Mystique a hero.
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I’m not done yet, I want to properly articulate how much the treatment of Toad in Trial of Magneto really pisses me off, especially in comparison with the treatment of Magneto himself.
And to be clear, I like Magneto as a complex figure, as a man who is capable of both great good and great evil.  I have no issue with that.  I just don’t like him being elevated while his sins against his followers are totally smoothed away.
So, we see Toad supposedly confess in Trial of Magneto.  We find out later that confession is false, and that Wanda actually killed herself with an enchanted object, so that she could go through the resurrection protocols and later use a spell allow the resurrection protocols to access ALL dead mutants, including the ones who died before Cerebro.  But apparently Toad was needed as a scapegoat.  Wanda’s death “had to” look like foul play for her to be resurrected, and supposedly they couldn’t let the Krakoans know that the “gift” of her spell came from the conspiracy between the two of them, or it wouldn’t be accepted.  So Toad supposedly “had” to be the fall guy.  Given that he confesses, I guess this was a voluntary sacrifice on Toad’s part, although Williams did not bother to make this clear.  We never get a scene with Magneto asking him to do this, or discussing the plan with him. 
But it all goes down like this:
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Why did they bring him in in a big ball of water?  So he could be all wet and gross for the trial, just in case anyone was too sympathetic towards him?
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Here’s Magento HIMSELF pressing for the harshest sentence, while Wanda at least calls for mercy.
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Boy, it’s a good thing no one asks any inconvenient questions about how Toad got that enchanted metal, isn’t it?  Toad, with no magic powers, somehow got rare enchanted metal and spelled it to attack Wanda all by himself, and no one questions this. 
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Of course, Toad has to be drawn at his very ugliest with his tongue lolling out as he’s dragged into the Pit!  I know Williams is setting up the surprise later, but we can’t let Toad have a moment of dignity here?  The dude is making a massive sacrifice for the good of mutantkind, or for Magneto and Wanda at least.
Then we get sad Magneto angsting:
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This is what pisses me off, this “heavy is the head that wears the crown” bullshit.  It looks like Magneto is totally distraught by what they just did.  But who is he crying for?  Toad?  Magneto has rarely, if EVER shown that he gives a shit about Toad, originally his most loyal follower, and the man that he repeatedly abused back in the old days.  Magneto seems much more upset about Wanda having to die (temporarily) than Toad being condemned to a living hell.  And frankly this scene makes Magneto look downright hypocritical.  Why did he press for exile for Toad at the Council meeting?  To keep up appearances?  Why didn’t HE take the blame for Wanda’s death and go into the Pit if it was so important to have a scapegoat?  No, once again he throws away his most disposable follower, and we’re expected to sympathize with him as noble man making hard decisions.
And shut up about the “Magneto does terrible things out of love,” BS, Williams.  Magneto does not love Toad in any way.  Magneto has done terrible things out of anger, hatred, and a misguided desire to protect mutants.  That’s fine, it makes Magneto a complex and interesting character, which I like.  Out of love?  I guess we could say he sacrificed Toad due to his love for Wanda.  Not sure how we’re supposed to sympathize with THAT.
The flashback scenes that show Magneto and Wanda planning this are all about them, at no point is Toad as scapegoat even mentioned, only implied.
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This is the only moment that implies Magneto went to Toad to be their sacrificial pawn.  Again, we don’t even get a scene of Magneto and Toad talking together - which we could have gotten, now that the secret’s out.  Just Magneto looking slightly regretful.
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Then Magneto looks all horrified while Wanda is all “Tee hee, don’t worry Daddy, it won’t hurt, and death isn’t a big deal for me!  Love ya!”  It’s all about Magneto and Wanda, which is....fine.  This whole story is about them and their relationship.  But there is so much more emphasis on Magneto’s grief over Wanda having to kill herself, and so little time spent on Toad that it’s very hard for me to believe that Magneto is actually crying over Toad in that earlier page. 
Basically, Toad gets the worst of this whole story, and the least amount of story focus.  Wanda comes back from the dead and gets to cast the spell that redeems her.  Magneto gets a lot of focus as sad man making tough decisions, but gets to be all lovey with his two daughters at the end.  Toad goes to a living hell for a crime he didn’t commit. 
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Honestly, this last scene kinda makes me sick.  I’m GLAD Wanda has been redeemed and she’s not gonna be the mutant boogeyman anymore.  It was terrible the way M-Day destroyed her character, and she’s been paying for it ever since, so if the X-Books move past that, I’m glad.  But I don’t wanna see Wanda the Redeemer telling self-aggrandizing stories to the kids about her  redeeming the dead mutants while knowingly letting an innocent patsy stay in the Pit.  I can’t really be happy for her here. 
Oh, and then there’s this:
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It WAS your fault, Wanda!  You set the whole thing up!  It’s nice that she says she’ll fight for Toad’s freedom, but, uh......you could easily do that by admitting the truth.  If they needed a scapegoat for mutantkind to “accept the gift,” now that the spell has been performed, the gift has been given!  Wanda can tell the truth, and she and Magneto can face the consequences of the QC being a little pissed off about the deception.  They’ll probably be willing to overlook it all, since Wanda has now added the potential to resurrection 20 million more mutant lives.  But instead, Wanda is going to continue the ruse of being a saintly murder victim who is fighting to help her killer.
I’m afraid this sounds like I hate Wanda, and I don’t.  Again, I’m glad that Wanda is moving past M-Day and won’t be trashed for it anymore.  She didn’t deserve that character assassination.  I’m just disgusted by the way she and Magneto used Toad, and were portrayed sympathetically the whole time.  Toad was just a plot device.  He got no real character exploration or dignity in this comic, even though he was making the biggest sacrifice of them all.  Williams didn’t seem to care, her entire focus was on Wanda and Magneto.  Magneto’s poor sad feelings were more important than how Toad, the actual victim in all this, feels. 
TL:DR - Trial of Magneto uses Toad as a scapegoat, and doesn’t even bother to give him any focus as a character while he makes this grand sacrifice, which makes it very hard for me to sympathize with either Wanda or Magneto in all this. 
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kurt-nightcrawler · 4 years
Scott Summers x Female Reader
request: OMG, I love your page so much. It’s so pretty and beyond beautifully thought out. 💕 i was wondering if I could please request a Scott Summers x reader. Something where she helps Scott adjust to everything when he first arrives and she’s always checking up on him to make sure it’s all good, they become quick best friends and on one of the nights where he’s most stressed, she takes him out to get his mind off of things. Thank you for your time and consideration! 🥰♥️
a/n: I am so sorry this request took so long! I am one of the slowest writers in history, I am so sorry! I hope you enjoy it
Word Count: 3.4k
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 Being the new kid sucked, everyone knew this. Even if you ended up popular as the new kid it sucked.
It was even worse if you had laser eyes that could kill people, and you had to wear sunglasses all the time. 
That’s how it was for Scott Summers, younger brother of Alex Summers. Scott was a mess— he just moved from Ohio to Xavier’s in New York, and he barely knew anything about it! His brother didn’t say much to him about Xavier’s— hell he wasn’t even around much. When he was though, he tried to spend time with Scott and be a good big brother, make his parents proud and crap. 
So when Scott got a mutation and destroyed the boy’s bathroom at his school, Alex picked him up and took him to New York.
Scott’s first night was rather… odd. He couldn’t see, and he bumped into some weird chick who could read minds. Not to mention the building shook during the night. 
Scott didn’t have a roommate, so he had no one to ask questions. No one to help him around the building. No one to be his friend. 
Okay, he wasn’t that lonely. He didn’t need a roommate to make friends at school. He just needed to get out. Except he couldn’t see.
The next day he was taken outside by Dr. McCoy. 
“I made you some glasses… They should help you reflect the beam and trap them in the ruby quartz, so you can see.”
Scott didn’t want to get his hopes up, but he was desperate. To see again would be a goddamn miracle. 
He slipped them on and opened his eyes. He saw the sky… the clouds… the trees— it was breathtaking. How he took everything for granted! He was a fool.
“Thank you, Professor. Thank you!” Everything was red in some way, shape, or form, but he couldn’t care less about that. He could see and that was the most important thing.
“I’m not a professor…” Hank mumbled. “Yeah, no, of course. Of course. I’m glad they worked.” 
“Dr. McCoy! Alex said you needed me.” 
Scott looked at her. She had all normal features, so her mutation had to be something mental or along those lines. 
“Did he say what for?” 
She didn’t confirm or deny his question. “He said you’d be outside with Scott and I had to help him out since he was new and stuff.” 
Does she think I’m a charity project? Does Alex Think I’m that dependent? “You don’t have to do that.”
“Uh, I kinda do… It’s either me or Jubilee at the moment, and trust me, Jubilee is not the match for you. You pissed her best friend off so now she kinda hates you.” 
“I’m sorry?” What did he even do? Was Jubilee’s friend the girl Scott ran into yesterday? 
“Jean Grey, you bumped into her yesterday. She’s over there by the tree.” (Y/N) motioned to the tree. 
“Oh.” Scott felt sheepish. He didn’t mean to snap at her. He just wasn’t in the best of mindsets. Also, he really didn’t want any enemies at his new school.
“We can go talk to her if you want. I’m sure she won’t be mad, just tell her it was a misunderstanding.” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah, come on,” (Y/N) made her way over to the tree and Scott followed.
“Hey, Jean.”
“Hey (Y/N).” She didn’t look up from her schoolwork. “Scott.”
“Hi. Hi, um… look I wanted to apologize—“
A group of smaller kids was standing a ways away from the tree, but near enough, so they could be heard. 
“Look, it’s her!” 
“Careful she might cause an earthquake!” 
“She’s dangerous.”
Scott saw the kids and thought they were afraid of him and his eyes, as he scared a couple of people yesterday. “Hey! It’s okay now. I got special glasses. I can see.” 
“It’s not you, they’re afraid of,” Jean stated. 
(Y/N) tried to hide her eye roll. “It’s not that bad. They’re little, they’re scared of everyone.” 
“What are you guys talking about?” Scott asked. “Wait… last night…”
Jean frowned, “Yep, that was me.”
“You made the building shake.” 
Jean nodded, “you’re not the biggest freak in school.” 
(Y/N) looked between the two. Did Jean have a crush on Scott already? He’d only been at Xavier’s for two days!
“Guess not… Um look, about yesterday—“
“It’s fine. I get it.” She waved him off.  “When your mutation first happens it’s a lot of stress and stuff.”
“Yeah but, I was a dick. I was wondering if we could start over?” 
Jean was taken back by Scott’s request. She never thought he’d apologize. 
“Oh, yeah. Of course, we can.” They shook hands and exchanged names. 
“And I’m (Y/N).”
“(Y/N), we know that…” Jean stated. 
“Yeah, well I wanted to feel included.” 
Scott, you had decided, was going to be so much fun. He knew his way around the mall and wasn’t half bad at Pac-Man. He liked Star Wars and cherry slushies, however, he could only see red due to his glasses, so you had to tell him which was cherry. 
Once you got back to the mansion… it was gone.
Everyone was standing out front, but as soon as you arrived it blew up and everyone was outside in the blink of an eye. 
Scott pulled over and jumped out of the car, running and screaming for his brother. 
“I got everyone.” A guy decked out in silver leather said. Scott glared at him. 
“Where’s my brother?” 
“I dunno man—“ 
“WHERE IS HE?” You had to hold Scott back from hurting the silver man. “No, no. No, no… No! NO!” 
Jean tried to soothe him with her telepathic abilities, but it didn’t do much, it just got him to shut up. You couldn’t even bask in the silence, as a military helicopter landed on the campus grounds. 
“Guys, hide!” Jubilee instructed. You all ran over and hid behind a hunk of stone wall. 
“Why are we—“
“Shh!” Jubilee put her hand over your mouth. The helicopter shot a sound wave of some sort, causing everyone closest to it to get knocked out. A man in military gear shouted at soldiers to collect certain people. He only wanted adults and you could only recognize one of them— Hank McCoy. 
Kurt got you all into the helicopter, but couldn’t get you out. You thought you were going to die, but that wasn’t the thing on everyone’s minds. 
Scott was grieving over his brother whom he presumed dead. He was crying silent tears. 
Comfort him. Jean urged you. You weren’t sure how, or if that’s what he needed, but you had no other options. 
You placed a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to show support and in return he hugged you tightly, still crying. You were slightly taken aback at first, but you returned the hug, rubbing his back to try and calm him. 
“He was supposed to do great things… Do something with his life. He shouldn’t have… He didn’t deserve to die!” 
“That’s not what he thought. He thought you were going to do great things, make something of yourself. Why do you think he brought you here?”
He wiped his nose with his sleeve, “How do you know that?” 
“Scott, he told me. He told Hank and Hank said I was the best kid to show you around, and then Alex went on and on about everything great about you and how smart and talented you were and how proud he was of you. He was so proud of you.” 
Scott wiped his tears away and nodded, trying to stop crying and pull himself together for whatever would happen next in the helicopter. 
Then Apocalypse happened. The fight with Apocalypse, where you were told to go batshit crazy with your mutations and fight. You felt alive, even with the weight of the world resting on you winning. 
There was so much happening, you couldn’t keep track of anyone but yourself. You had gotten hit badly a few times, but you had to trudge through. 
Jean and Xavier defeated Apocalypse with their powers— it was cool what Jean did. Scary, but cool. They both nearly passed out due to the strain it took on them. 
You ended up back at the pile of rock left of the mansion, most of the students in a state of panic, but all in awe when seeing everyone in the armor, mutations on full display. 
You didn’t want to get Scott’s hopes up, but you couldn’t find Alex, no matter what you did. He had to be dead, under the rock somewhere. 
You held his hand, giving it a caring squeeze. “I’m sorry.” 
“I’ll have to tell my parents once Jean and Magento finish rebuilding the mansion.” 
The mansion was almost finished, and there was no sign of Alex. You and Scott had given up hope, but for some reason, Hank persisted. “He can’t… He can’t be dead! This wasn’t supposed to happen!” 
And then you realized Hank wasn’t completely crazy after all. 
A body was trapped under the basement when Jean and Erik were rebuilding. Everyone thought it was Alex. It was Alex, but you weren’t sure if he was alive. 
“He’s unconscious, but he’s alive.” 
Scott jumped up and hugged Hank, thanking him for everything and for finding Alex. 
“He means a lot to us both. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him.” 
Obviously, an unconscious mind takes time to wake up, and Scott wasn’t allowed to stay at Alex’s side all day. Charles made sure he knew that wasn’t allowed, and he used you to keep track and make sure he wasn’t sneaking down at odd hours of the night or skipping class to see him. 
You offered to help Scott set up his room, mostly because you didn’t care much about yours for the time being. 
“You have a lot of old rock albums.” You stated while placing them all on his bookshelf.
“Most of them were Alex’s.” 
“That’s cool. Did he give you all his old stuff?” 
“Uh, yeah. Most of it, anyway. I have some of his old clothes— leather jackets and stuff, mostly.” 
“Oh, that’s really cool. I guess you guys were close.” 
He nodded, “Yeah, close as we could get, anyway, with the large age gap and all. I really care about him.” 
Peter, Scott’s new roommate and the silver guy who saved everyone from the mansion explosion, came in with some of his own stuff. 
“Hey, guys.” 
“Hi, Pete.” You greeted back. 
“Look, Scott—“
“It’s okay. I know what you’re going to say.” 
“No,” Peter shook his head, “I feel awful about it. Forgetting your brother like that. I’m so sorry. If it were me and someone forgot my sisters in a situation like that, I’d get super angry.”
Scott shrugged, “It’s okay. You got everyone else though— and that’s a lot of people.” 
“Alright… Friends?” He held out his hand for Scott to shake. 
They shook on it, and you tried not to laugh at how cheesy the motion was, but you still let out a comment. 
“You’re roommates. You kinda have to be friends.” 
“Huh, I guess so,” Peter mused. 
Alex woke up almost two months after the Apocalypse battle. You and Scott were the first to run down and see him. He was in rough condition, but he was alive nonetheless.
“Hey, Scott.” Alex croaked out.
Scott hugged him tightly, “You’re so stupid! I was so worried! Hank was worried, we all freaked out— never do that again.” 
“You don’t have to worry about me. It’s supposed to be the other way around.”
“You almost died! Of course, I’m going to worry about you.”
Alex mumbled something back, but you didn’t hear it.
Hank was there too, contributing to the conversation until Xavier came down and told you all to leave Alex alone so he could rest. 
As time went on, you kept an eye on Scott. You were in the same friend group, so that was inevitable. 
You got extremely close— closer than almost anyone else in the group, minus Jubilee and Jean. You told each other about your worries, secrets, past troubles, and your crushes. Scott, despite his persona of a douchebag with sunglasses, or token white guy in an action film, was sweet and empathetic, and smart. He took two AP classes and spent more time training than anyone else. 
“I just want to get control of my mutation and throw better punches.”
“I know. Just don’t overwork yourself.” 
He always said, “Don’t worry about me. I won’t.” But you always worried. He was probably your best friend at the mansion, of course, you’d worry!
Winter break came closer and closer with every passing day, which meant midterms were right around the corner. 
Everyone was stressed— downing immortal amounts of caffeine, watching the sunrise and set every day, and rereading notes until their brains exploded. 
Scott was not excused from this, and the night before his first final he was up way past any reasonable hours, studying. 
There was a somewhat-quiet knock on the door, and Scott barely acknowledged it. 
“Hey, dork.”
“Can’t talk.”
You huffed, “You’re no fun.” 
“Sorry, but I really cannot fail any finals.” 
“Scotty, you’ve been studying every second for the past month… C’mon…” You whined.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. You grinned, knowing you’d won. 
“Come on, 7/11 is open late. You can get some food and water. Relax from all this stress… Please?” 
Scott closed his book and got up out of his chair. “Fine.”
“Yes!” You cheered. 
“Let me grab my jacket.” 
You were thrilled you got Scott away from his books for a little bit. You needed a break and it felt like you hadn’t seen him as much as usual. 
You talked the whole walk down to the garage. Scott just listened. He liked listening to you speak— about your day, petty drama with your friends, plus anything and everything in between— Scott likes the sound of your voice, and even if you didn’t know what you were saying, it sounded right. Or it did to him, anyway. 
And that was a part of having a best friend, right? 
Scott couldn’t tell, but he thought so. He’d never been this close with a friend before, and he had also never had a real crush on anyone before. 
Crush? I don’t have a crush on, (Y/N). We’re just close. She’s my best friend…
But how many times had that cliche been fulfilled? 
“Scotty?” No response. (Y/N), also couldn’t read his face due to the sunglasses, so she really didn’t know what he was thinking. 
You chuckled a little, “You zoned out there, buddy.” 
“Oh…” His cheeks were tinted red. 
“You, okay?”
He nodded, picking out keys to one of the cars.
“It’s my turn to drive!” You told him. 
“Yeah, but it’s my turn to pick out the car,” He retorted. 
You rolled your eyes as he tossed you the keys and you unlocked the car. 
Scott climbed into the passenger seat and immediately turned on the radio. “So where are we going?”
“7/11. I want a slushie. Plus—“ You glanced at the clock for a moment. “—It’s the only place open.” 
Scott hummed in agreement. 
You drove in silence for a little bit until you caught Scott staring at you.
 He quickly looked away.  
“Is there something on my face?” 
“No.” He was curt with his answer.
“Why were you looking at me then?” 
“I’ve missed you…” 
You smiled. “I’ve missed you too, Sike.”
 You pulled up to the gas station. It was well lit, considering the late hour it was. There were only two or three cars in total parked there. 
“I’m gonna get some gas first,” You told Scott as you turned off the car. 
He stood there and waited for you. 
“What’s Mystique said about our next mission?” 
Scott sighed a little, “A lot… there’s a chance we’re going to Germany to bust up the mutant fighting ring, but nothing’s for certain.” 
You put the gas pump back in it’s holding spot. “Really? That’s pretty big…” 
“Yeah, but, we fought Apocalypse, so—“ 
“Not everything has to compare. Sure, we don’t have to go local, but we’re allowed to not stop every big bad. It’s just not physically possible.” You held the door open for him. 
“Thanks— It’s our responsibility. If we don’t do it, who will?”
You browsed the snack isles, not giving him an answer. Scott stood there, waiting for one, but knowing you probably couldn’t give it. 
“Oh! Um, look— you’re one person, Scotty, and we’re a team of like, 12 people. What we accomplish is huge! But we won’t win every battle. Losing sucks, I know, but you can’t stress yourself out over it…”
“I just don’t want to regret anything.” He finally picked out a bag of chips. They were plain as could be. 
“I get that, but you can’t spend your whole life doting on ‘what if’s’.” 
You put your items on the counter to be rung up. You pulled your card out of your pocket, but Scott stopped you.
“Here, I got it.” 
“You sure?”
“Yeah, it’s only a couple of dollars.” He handed his card to the cashier. 
“Do you guys need a bag?”
“No, we’re good. Thank you though.” You grabbed your drink and snacks and bid the cashier goodnight. Scott did the same.
“So, now what?” Scott asked once he got in the car.
“Let’s just eat in the car. It’s a change of scenery from the mansion.”
“(Y/N), this isn’t a change of scenery, this is a murder scene!” 
You laughed, “It’s not dark enough for that!” 
Scott huffed.
“Look, if you really wanna die, I can drive us to the park, or Target parking lot.” 
“No, no,” Scott said in between sips of his slushie. “This is fine— perfect actually.” 
You were smug. 
You ate your food in silence for a little bit, exchanging weird glances with Scott. 
“What?” You asked, laughing out of confusion. 
“You’re really pretty,” Scott admitted.
“Pfft…” You scoffed.
“I mean it… You’re a great friend too…” 
“Glad to know we’re best friends cause you think I’m hot,” You joked.
Scott rolled his eyes, knowing you’d never accept the compliment and it was stupid of him to say.
“You know who else is good looking?” You asked. 
“Who?” “Rob Lowe.” 
“From The Outsiders?” Scott asked in disbelief. 
“Mhmm.” You nodded. Scott chuckled. 
“Hey! You had a crush on Sara Anne from third hour for the longest time. You have no room to judge.”
“Yeah, and then we went on a date and I got over it… I also had a crush on Jean—” 
You nodded, and Scott swiped his drink back. “Yeah, but she’s dating Ororo…”
“Speaking of boys…” You laughed at Scott’s poor attempt to change the subject. “You went out with Warren for two months.”
“What’s wrong with Warren?” You asked defensively.
“Nothing! It was just weird, only two months.” 
“I told you.” Scott shook his head. “No? I thought I did. Well, anyway— He was like actually kind of into Jean, and like subconsciously in love with his childhood best friend… Her name was Candy South, I think?”
“Candy Southern?” Scott asked, leaning his chip bag over to you. You took a handful and set it on the center console.
“Yeah! That’s her name.”
“They’re dating right now, she’s nice.”
“Good for him.” 
You drove back to the mansion around midnight. You went up to your rooms quietly, trying not to wake anyone up and get caught sneaking in. 
“I’m sorry for being so busy lately.” 
You offered a sad smile, “Not your fault, Scotty.”
“We could hang out this weekend? See what’s at the movie theatre?”
“It’s a date!”
Scott’s mouth gaped open. Your eyes widened in shock. Why did I say that? 
“Uh… It’s not like a date date, but like we’re two people, going to the movies alone—”
“It can be a date if you want.” 
Your mind went blank. Surely you misheard him. 
“Uh, what?”
“I just meant, um, we could— never mind—”
“Do you want it to be a date?” You tried sounding confident in your words, but you were nervous.
“I don’t wanna ruin our friendship…” Scott looked down, avoiding your gaze. 
“Scotty, it’s okay.” 
He nodded, a little unsure.
“It’s a date.” 
“Yeah,” He decided.  “It’s a date.” 
Your face moved forward, lips slightly puckered. You placed a kiss on his cheek. Scott’s face turned red like a tomato. 
“See ya later, Scotty.”
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
House of M- Redone (part 4)
N/A: This idea came to me in a feverish dream. Ok, thank God I wasn´t with a fever...but the idea came as if I was so...anyway. I have an idea for the villain in this story, thank God again.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @tieflingteeth @muninandhugin @djinmer4
Genosha has rules. Genosha needs rules to function even though, some misguided people seem to relish on the illusion that "if you´re a mutant, you´ve got a free pass to do anything" which the royal family is doing their best to disprove that. King Magneto´s marks still can be felt and sometimes, only sometimes, the royal family has to admire the tenacity of their father. If nothing else.
Rules are needed and no one is above law. Kurt Wagner is one of those people that work to make sure power doesn´t corrupt, at the same time, making sure power doesn´t go impune. The Red Guard has a reason to exist and Kurt has reasons to fear excess of power.
If we ever oppress the oppressed ...how can we ever dare to call us as Red Guard?
Thankfully, right now, is one of those moments where his true nature shines. "Is everyone present?" his golden eyes goes to Bobby Drake, one of Piotr´s victims or almost victims, then goes to Kitty Pryde- too silent and too composed to let anyone read her expressions- and finally to Illyana Rasputin the sister of the culprit.
"I´m waiting for my lawyer" is Yana´s only replies and she´s a reward by Roberto da Costa entering in the main office of the Red Guard´s headquarters spotting an easygoing smile. Then his eyes lock on Yana and both start talking in a different language.
Kurt follows Kitty´s expression and it seems she´s lost as well. Roberto da Costa aka Sunspot is a lawyer and was born and raised in Brazil, therefore, is no wonder he´s speaking in his native language. His golden eyes watch the scene for a moment and land back to Kitty. She too appears to be clueless about what they´re saying.
Bobby Drake, however, seems to not mind this interaction.
"Ok, I´m apart of the situation" Roberto uses a more professional tone. "I´ll represent Yana, Kitty and Bobby" his eyes linger to the Ice mutant for a moment, asking for permission, and said mutant nods solemnly. "In regards to what just happened" and faces Kurt now. No more easy-going smiles.
Kurt can be professional as well. Is his job and his career. " Piotr Rasputin was arrested for attempted murder on Bobby Drake" the ice mutant is not happy about it and shows no inclination of forgiveness. "As well to Kitty Pryde" and Kitty looks too unreliable. He doubts even Kwannon would be able to get through her mind.
Maybe ...she´s from project X after all.
"The victims present charge against the mutant, but, no one here wishes him to spend his entire life in...Rockbell" Kurt concludes and Kitty looks at Yana only nodding softly. A message was sent and Kurt is clueless about it.
"No one here wants that, but, we want justice...so, what´s the alternatives?" Roberto begins with a very pointy inquiry. "The laws of Genosha are too absolute. So as everyone here already vetted out for Rockbell, the only remain options are Expulsion, blocking off their abilities, or SweetBells!" his tone is sharp and focus.
"And I ask you, Red Guard Nightcrawler if we really have any choice here"  Roberto tries again. Kurt sighs and is bound to speak the truth. If we oppress the oppressed ...what´s the point?
"Normally, that would be a choice linked only to the victims and the system, however, it comes to our attention that Piotr Rasputin has done something similar to a man named Pete Wisdom...while he was saved by a nick of time...is still an aggravating" and his golden eyes seem to shine even more in direction to Yana Rasputin. "His options are really trim here...your brother seems to have a severe anger issue and presents to be a problem to everyone around him"
Maybe it was harsh. But, also true.
Kitty rose from her chair in the exact moment Yana, muttering something in Russian, is hiding her face behind her hands. "Is my fault...I should have done something ...when Piotr tried to kill Pete...I was naive and stupid to think he would stop..." she confessed.
And Yana slams her fists on the table hard. Too hard to the point a crack is made. "Shut up, Katya. This is not your fault...if anything, it should be mine...I saw the signs...I saw what he was becoming but...I didn´t do anything" her tone is crestfallen for a moment until her eyes shimmer a hellish hue. "My brother has demons to face and that I can understand more than anyone in this room"
No one spoke against such a claim. Magik has a heavy story.
Roberto looks at Yana and nods. "A compromise can be made. Sent him to the SweetRock and his powers will be blocked until he´s deemed to be better. Justice will be served and everyone will be in agreement" Roberto suggests.
Bobby wants to complain. Bobby wanted to complain but Kitty´s eyes stop him.
"If that happens...your brother will be there for a long while" Kurt warned. The SweetRock doesn´t work like other institutions, Piotr may as well spend his entire life in that place.
"Yes, I know, and considering what he tried to do...that´s too good for him" Yana states. "Can I go see him? Can I show him how much this displease me?" her face twisted into something demonic and Kurt almost back down. Almost.
Kitty is the voice of reason. "Yana, don´t! Anger won´t solve more anger" and again, those two send secret messages and Kurt is curious about their past.
"If Katya says so...you feel safer this way? If you prefer him to be exiled and without powers...I´ll understand" Yana has to say it.
"I did consider this...but, no...SweetRock is a good option" for you, she mentally adds. The conversation is over.
"My client, Yana Rasputin may visit her brother in the facility?"
"Not after 2 months"
"That..." Yana nods at Roberto. "is agreeable"
And the conversation shifts to insurance policies. A mutant going crazy, for whatever reason, and trying to kill you does warrant you some compensation.
Once putting the laws aside, life goes on. Kitty is a teacher and has to continue to do her job. She can´t help feeling bad for Yana (imagine if your brother tried to kill two people in an angry fit!) and won´t lie by saying Piotr deserved worse, however, she wouldn´t dare to inflict more pain in Yana´s life.
Her nose tracks the strong scent of brimstone and turns right to see Nightcrawler again. "Hello?"
Nightcrawler is still with his uniforms. Kitty can look at him up and down and understand why he´s so popular, yet not understand why he´s here of all places.
"I came here to see you...Before the fiasco with Piotr...I wanted to tell you the Juggernaut´s case has been dealt...he won´t cause any trouble ever again" there´s conviction in his tone. Sure, Kitty will be thankful.
Kitty blinks at this and then snaps her fingers. "Oh, yes. I completely forget about this, thanks...I guess."
"And I´m also here to ask you..." and Kurt believes the best defense is a quick attack. "if you´re a subject from the program X"
Kitty is deadpan staring at him. Too pointy and too bemused for his like.
"No, actually I was part of the program WXYZ" and stares at him pointy.
"You´re making fun of me...aren´t you?"
"One of many qualities I learn in the WXZY is subtle" and wink at him.
"So...you´re not from Program X?"
And Kitty chuckles leaving Kurt behind. She needs to laugh. Kurt can pick a new theory.
Wanda Maximoff is one of the most powerful mutants in the world. A fact no one let her forget and also, a fact that often comes with lots of burdens. One of its perks though is how no one would dare to pick a fight with her. Not that Polaris and Quicksilver aren´t powerful, but, the Scarlet Witch is another level.
However, as she stares at the lifeless body of her biological father-Magento and her may share DNA. Django Maximoff is the one who raised her and is her and Pietro´s father for real- Wanda can´t help by biting her bottom lip and let her eyes be as crimson as the moniker Scarlet Witch suggests.
Lorna is the one to break the silence. "So, is really not Wakanda or Atlantis that is after us..."
Pietro looks down at his biological father- Django is his father for real- not daring to touch the body. Not daring to speak ill about the dead either. "...There´s a message here" and is no metaphor.
There´s a small message next to Magneto´s body.
Wanda waits for Pietro to read for them.
"I´m back to return what´s mine"
And Lorna´s eyes wide. "Wait...how many people know about the real history of Genosha?"
"Few people and fewer are still alive...Another case of Dad´s henchmen wanting revenge" Wanda is not happy. "And if they plan on attacking Genosha...it means they´re tired of living" is her final words as she uses her magic to change the coffin in something more proper to Magneto. "We have a funeral to do. Our Jewish father deserves this much"
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thepineapplejuicer · 5 years
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Title: Know It All
Chapter 7
Nightcrawler fanfic (I do not own the X-men or the gif).
Violet Ashbourne is a gifted human hacker in possession of a radio, a secret device that gains her access to a large underground information network and electronics all over the world. Human and mutant coexistence has always been her goal, but will the betrayal of her mutant mother and father- once partners to her rise to power- distort her beliefs? Will the X-men be able to save her from her own pride and ambition? Or will she sacrifice everything, including the only boy she’s ever trusted, for vengeance?
Kurt's Pov
Logan and Mystique fly the jet smoothly as Kitty, Evan, Toad and I sit behind them, eager to reach this man, Magneto, and his asteroid where he is holding our friends. I can't stop stressing about Violet. She wasn't at the mansion when we left and no one can get a hold of her. What if she gets hurt? What if she's trapped somewhere? Would I be more relieved if she was a mutant? I won't lie- I would be.
The jet's communicator starts to emit static. "What the?" Logan bangs on the controls to shut it off, but it's like something is overriding his commands. "Lo...loga...n?!" A female voice jumps across the frequency. "LLL...Logan! Stop!"
"Is that?" Evan perks up.
"Look down!" The female voice yells again.
We all glance out of the window as Logan tips the aircraft slightly. A figure is waving their arms frantically, standing on a red sports car that looks exactly like Scott's. "This kid is full of surprises," Logan mumbles as he already concludes who it is.
The jet is taken gently to the ground and we all turn towards the hatch to see Violet rushing in and taking a seat. "How'd you get out here?!" Kitty asks as we shake from the jet readying to take off again. "I was..." Violet catches herself mid-sentence, making eye contact with Logan, " I was looking for you."
"WE were looking for YOU." Evan corrects, "You were gone since this morning, we checked the subbasement and Forge said he hadn't seen you since yesterday."
Violet shrinks in her seat, "What does that matter!? We have to find the others, do you know where they are?"
Logan complies with her change of subject, " Magneto has them on an asteroid. He is trying to turn them against us by offering some type of 'evolution' to their powers."
"Magento?" Violet whispers, "He's still alive?"
Logan turns around, "You know him?"
Violet presses her lips together, "I've heard of him." She glances quickly at Mystique's judging eyes and back at Logan.
Logan squints, trying to detect her lie, but he just turns back and flies the jet higher.
Mystique, however, keeps looking at Violet like she wants to tear her apart. My jaw clenches and I shift so Mystique cannot see Violet.  
Logan briefs us on what to expect when we arrive, but I can't stop thinking about Violet until I get the nerve to turn around. She is squirming in her seat. I am not sure if it is from the secret she is trying to keep up with or...
"Not a fan of planes?" I ask trying to sedate my curiosity.
She nods, gripping the armrest tightly. I offer my hand to her and she takes it without a second thought, part of me actually believed that she didn't even acknowledge the three fingers.
Violet's POV
We arrive at a clear desert, shrouded in heavy clouds and monstrous sandhills. In the midst of scattered lightning, no doubt created by storm to guide us to their location,  a floating asteroid sends fear through my skin. Although I am relieved that my father did not act against the Xmen, I am worried about the others. If I get to close to one of them, they will be as helpless as I am. I've never gone into danger like this, not willingly at least; just thinking about it makes my eyes water. I let go of Kurt's hand so to distance myself from him. He looks at me immediately but does not say a word.
The jet hovers on top of the asteroid, preparing to land when two red beams shoot at us. The plane shakes violently and Logan struggles to pull up as we dive into the building on the asteroid. Everyone's yelling is sporadic until it meshes into unison. I catch a glips out the window and see Scott and his brother Alex grinning proudly, white hair flowing and free of any restrictions. Seeing Scott without his glasses, you can see how content he is but at what cost?
The crash was loud all at once and replaced by muffled voices coming from outside the jet. I groan from the pressure of my weight hoisted by my seatbelt. My neck cracks as I look around at the empty jet, the terminal controls sparking and seats are torn. Mystique is exiting the hatch above me, "They left me?" I mutter and unclasp my seatbelt.
I jump out the hatch, avoiding knots of loose wires and see the Xmen fighting the brotherhood and mystique lunging at Magneto. "Violet!" I hear Jean yell from the clear tubes that were holding her, storm, Xavier, and Rogue. I run to them, dodging the others. I lean over the terminal next to the tubes looking for a way to release them until I feel someone's eyes on me. I turn and see Magneto, shock, and disgust behind his helmet, "YOU!"
I knew he'd remember me.
Mystique jumps out of nowhere and roundhouses him in the chest, giving me a window to continue hacking. The tubes fall quickly and everyone runs in different directions except for Xavier, "there are other students here! Magneto has trapped them in another room, you have to find them!" Xavier grips my hand so that I don't miss a single word he said. I nod, terrified that he meant I had to find them alone. I look back and see Kurt knock out Blob in one teleported move, landing perfectly. I run past him, cut off my Logan and Sabertooth throwing each other around. I am a fish out of water here, watching my distance from each Xmen and from the Brotherhood's attacks. The ground under me throws off my balance, sending me to hit the floor. Lance sends another tremor towards kitty and spike. I stumble back up and hurry through the door, away from the fighting. I come to a hall, lined with steel doors, but which are the students behind?
I open each one, leaving once I couldn't spot anyone.
"Violet!" a student yells once I enter the room filled with trapped kids. I hurry to the terminal next to them, repeating the release process.
"This will be easy." Pietro's voice laughs from behind me, but before I can turn to defend myself I am hurled to the floor. "I don't need my powers to deal with you." he laughs from above me. I look passed my blurry white strands and roll on my back as Pietro tackles me. Struggling to keep his blow from my face I feel my sweat start to mix with my premature tears. "You don't think we remember what you did to us?!" Pietro starts to yell. I glance over at my watch seeing the circuits spark from the cracked glass. Piero's eyes were now enraged and all his natural strength leans on my small body. He spits at me, "I wanted to tear you apart the moment I saw you on that camp, but I'll settle for this."
I saw an opening while he was monologuing and connected the two wires and clicked twice on the silver crown. "AHH!" He yelled as electricity sparked in his face and he toppled over me. I pant, pushing his body away from me. The eyes of the students bring me back to reality and I quickly unlock their tube cages.
All of us run into the main hall, following the rest of the Xmen to the Xjet. We all gather in, waiting for Scott and Alex to make their decision; stay with magneto or the Xmen.
"Here they come!" Jean yells as she reaches out for Scott and Alex. Before they can hop in, the jet collapses with the hanger, everyone holding on to anything they can reach and bracing for impact. Logan pulls up last minute and we watch, powerless, as Scott and Alex fall from the sky. Two beams break through the clouds as they use their powers to land safely alongside the Xjet.
Crumbling boulders sink into the sand around us as the asteroid is sinking lower on our position.
"Ready, bro?" Scott grins and holds Alex's hand. "Ready."
I shield my eyes from the orange and red blast as they shoot the asteroid into dust.
We all exit the jet to find Scott and Alex laughing tiredly, their white hair replaced with their normal locks. They must have overloaded their evolved powers and returned to normal. Jean offers Scott his glasses, "I knew you would do the right thing." she smiled. "Yeah well, the white hair didn't really look good on us." Alex laughs, reaching over to tussle Scott's hair. Alex catches me in his sights, "Definitely looks good on you though." he purrs.
Scott smacks him on the head, "She's too old for you." he scowls.
I laugh half-heartedly and hold my arms close, afraid they will fall off. While everyone is counting their fingers and toes I back away from everyone. I still feel Pietro's rage on me; it brings back all of the guilt.
I did what I had to. Saying that usually makes it go away.
"Violet?" Kurt's soft german voice peels through the anxiety.
I smile, "I'm okay."
Lance's voice catches my attention as he speaks to blob and toad, "Two orbs escaped the asteroid before it exploded. Mystique and Magneto are still out there."
I look up at the night sky, its stars illuminating the clouds.
Magneto is one more enemy I cannot afford right now.
A couple of weeks have passed since our first encounter with Magneto and I think everyone is still a bit shaken up. Those kids have never been abducted like that, it must have been terrifying. I'm not saying I am immune to shock, not since Moriarty kidnapped me, but I understand the helplessness they feel. I've felt it all my life.
"You're up early." I groan, rubbing the crust from my eyes. Forge hides his jump and stares at me as I walk towards his workbench. "Yeah, I figured I'd work on the Xray configurations a bit more." He chuckles, returning to his work.
I stay at a distance and rub my arms awake, thinking about how harsh I was to him when we first met. "Listen, I appreciate you helping me so much."
Forge stares at me, blinking repeatedly perhaps to make sure he isn't dreaming. "I just figured you didn't want to stick around so much, that's why I've been working more."
"That won't be necessary."
He looks up, shocked at my cool composer.
There is no rush anymore, I now know my parents are against me, Magneto is against me, and Moriarty will most likely try to look for me to finish the job. This is the safest place I can be right now without putting Nisha, Bronco, and the growing population of Sanctuary at risk.
"You can take your time on it, I know you will come up with something. Plus I'd rather not have something blow up in my face due to your oversight. I'm sorry I was so hostile about results. I'm sure you could tell that I'm not very good with people."
"You made it apparent." He grins, standing up straight and took the chance to touch on a more personal question, "Your accent, you're from London?"
"Yes," I lean over his bench noticing he did not mind his powers being disabled. "Have you traveled there before?"
"No, I've always wanted to though. It always seemed so movie-ish to me. The food, people, and sights. A new adventure and someone to fall in love with around every corner."
"Well now, that's the romantic version."
"You don't like it?"
"Now I didn't say that." I begin to reminisce about my home before the radio came into my life. Cracked floorboards that croaked like a giant frog was living in the nearly flooded basement. A single flat with shedding paint and batches of cobweb bushels that replaced our food. My parent's worried voices staining the kitchen table and black coffee rippling in the mugs, echoing their failed job hunts. While most kids played with dolls and tea parties I became homeless, looking for pretty looking rocks to raise my parent's spirits. At age 10 I finally became useful and apprenticed with a fellow homeless man with a skill for hacking, but who eventually was too stoned to hack ATMs himself. After he taught me enough he was replaced by my regretful, crime resorted father who guided me to banks and personal computers in his temporary jobs. I was a natural, stealing money right from people's paychecks. When I think of how humble and guilty my parents USED to be, I don't regret what I did. I think that is when I actually became their tool instead of their child.
"I didn't exactly have an easy childhood," I admit to Forge, "Sightseeing is only enjoyable when you aren't trying to survive while you do it."
"I guess it is different when you actually live somewhere than visiting. Would you go back?"
"When the time is right."
We look at empty spots around the room, trying to come up with a new conversation starter while the window is still open.
"I was curious, the gadgets that you make, are there any for self-defense?"
"Uh, yeah a couple of prototypes."
I scope his workbench, too afraid to admit that Pietro's attack still made me uneasy.
"You can use my workbench to tinker with them if you'd like, I'll be in the Xray room for a while anyway." Forge gathers some tools and heads for the door, "by the way, I know you don't go to school like the others but there is a dance happening soon and I know a couple of people who want to ask you." he winks, "Just a fair warning."
The door shuts behind him. Is it wrong that I hope Kurt is among those people? It would definitely explain the dresses kitty texted me about- all blue ironically. I smile aware that coming to close to Kurt can be dangerous but keeping away from him would drive me insane. If my father used him against me, well, let's just say he won't have to worry about dying in jail once I get my hands on him.
I glance at Forge's workbench and see a damaged, retractable baton thrown to the side. It is more advanced than the ones police forces use, maybe army designed? The metal that makes up the baton is heavy, a pure, silver rod and deadly without a doubt. I wonder if an electrical addition will make it more effective.
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mrs-choi-aomine · 6 years
The File with a Photograph ( Wanda & Pietro )
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A lot of people messaged me about Nadiya’s backstory and wanted more context. SO instead of writing her whole backstory out.I’ll write out imagine. I’ve always wanted to write it this way but it’s the best way to show how important her relationship is in the Avengers. In this the x-men and the avengers know about each other
To find out more about Nadiya and more OCs click here: OC masterlist
Summary: Clint wants Nadiya to tell the truth about her past after finding a mysterious photograph fall out of her paperwork. Nadiya breaks down in tears while telling her past in front of everyone and leaving a few people in shock.
Warnings: Swearing, angst
“Nadiya? Are you in here?”
Nadiya looked up from her scattered paperwork on her bed, glasses hanging off her nose.
“Yes I am still in here” Her thick Ukrainian accent calling out to the door. She looked back down at her work, scribbling a few notes on a mission planner.
The door opened wide and walked in was Clint, holding the file folder full of mission reports Nadiya had given him a couple minutes before. “Um, can we talk?” He closed the door and the sound of clicking shot Nadiya’s head up.
“About what? You were just in here to pick up work and leave without any conversation. You decided to be social all of the sudden?”  Clint chuckled lightly as he sat on the edge of the bed. Nadiya smirked and took her glasses off. “What is up hawkbrain?”
Clint looked straight into her eyes and took a deep breath, ignoring her last comment. “You need to tell everyone what is in that file.” Nadiya’s eyes narrowed. She looked back at her paperwork and started to work again.
“I already told you and everyone else, that file is private. I had it encrypted for a reason” The file Clint talked about was encrypted by Hydra, per request. Tony and the rest confronted her about it many times, more in the beginning of recruitment to the team. Nadiya always denied the file as any importance to the team and that it would be appreciated if people would stop acknowledging it. People complied.
Clint opened the folder and pulled out a photograph. It was old, clearly has been through all the elements and ripped, right at the corner... He laid in front of her paperwork, on top of what she was writing. Nadiya froze, dropping her pen. Her hand began to shake and her mouth gaped slightly.
“You have to tell them the truth. Tell me the truth. Tell everyone the truth. I kept my family hidden for years. I had an agreement too. I understand what you are feeling. Why you are scared. But you cannot hide this forever. They. Need. to know.” Nadiya looked over at Clint, tears d=brimming the edge of her eyes. Clint was right. She knew she couldn't keep this forever. She’s kept it a secret for so long, too long. She’s been with the Avenger’s for a year now, a year too long for them not knowing.  Nadiya closed her eyes, a nodded her head. At that, Clint wrapped his arm around her and hugged her. This was the first time he had hugged her, in a year. A hug he kept saved for this exact moment.
“Mr.Stark, Nadiya requests your presence in the living room for an important meeting” FRIDAY called over the intercom. Tony was on his sofa, scrolling through his holo-pad. “Why? She comes up with a way to repay for the microwave?” Friday chuckled. “No, sir. However, you could pay for a new microwave yourself?” Tony closed his holo-pad and got up from the sofa. “Well, I could also program you to speak only when the microwave door opens but i’m not going to do that either. Thank you FRIDAY, tell them I’m coming”
“Yes, Mr.Stark”
Nadiya fidgeted on the coffee table she sat on, jumping every time one of the team members walked into the living room. Clint stood next to the table, rubbing her shoulder, trying to calm her down. “Nadiya, are you okay? You look paler than usual.” Natasha said, crouching down in front of her, placing her hand Nadiya’s cheek.” Yes, she does look different” Maria chimed in from her big chair she claimed in every meeting. “Maybe she’s sick?” Pietro spoke up, speeding into the room with Nasira in his arms. Nadiya’s head automatically shot up at his voice and gulped. “Everyone, please just sit” Clint raised his voice a little. Natasha pulled back and sat on the couch with Wanda and Steve. Pietro and Sam stood behind the couch while Nasira went to sit with Vision, Rhodey, and Kharqa, which was something Rhodey wasn't comfortable with. “Where is Stark?” Fury said, standing in the usual corner. “Right here, one-eyed willy” Tony appeared out of the elevator, always on time to make some type of smart remark. “Just. Sit down” Clint exhaled.
Tony sat down in a single chair. “Alright, what was so important, Nuke baby?” He said while sitting. Clint was ready to say something until Nadiya’s hand raised. “It’s okay” she whispered, standing up as well.
Nadiya took a deep breath and looked around at everyone. “I have been hiding something from you all. Something that maybe could ruin this team, could ruin everything that I created and tried for this past year.” She exhaled a shaky breath. “ I am no longer going to hide what is in that encrypted file from you all. As Clint said, all of you deserve to know.”
“Clint, you knew?” Steve, with authority all of a sudden in his voice, asked. “No, not everything. I am going to learn just like you are” Clint said, rushed. “Continue Nadiya, you can do it.”
Looking over at Clint quickly then back at her hands, Nadiya started again. “ All of you know, half of my past. The kidnappings, the bombings, Hydra. The X-men. In Between the X-Men and now, there is a gigantic gap, missing. No not missing. Hidden……. Locked….. Kept away in my mind, in my heart, in that file. “ Nadiya choked on her first words. “While I was with Charles Xavier in the school, back almost 30 years ago…..I fell in love with someone. Someone I am- was...still in love today. We were both special. He was the only one I could trust, other than Charles. He treated me like a regular person, not with pity like everyone else. He told me when i was being stupid or ignorant and he told me when he was worried about me. He showed me the world in different perspectives. One in a way that has gotten me like am I now, and another of how he wanted the world to be. His name was Erik. Erik Lehnsherr….Magento”
“You fell in love with THAT old guy?” Sam said, his face written in shock and disgust. He was leaning on the edge of the couch. Pietro hit him in the head. “HEY! Boy, i will -”
“Shut. Up” Clint said darkly. Sam raised his hands in surrender.
Nadiya frowned upon Sam. “Yes, I did. He was much younger then and much more naive. Erik, he saw that this world, needed a leader. This world needed to be punished almost. He blamed the world for his life. For Auschwitz, for the Nazis. For hydra. He saw the world as hell. But, he saw me as Sun. Meine grüne Sonne ;My Green sun as he would call me. “ Nadiya smiled in between her sniffles. “ A while after being together, I got pregnant. Erik...he was there for me through it all. I had a daughter named Lorna. Lorna Dane.”
“Polaris, the daughter of Magneto….” Tony stated. “ Always knew she reminded me of somebody.” Naidya smiled faintly again before it disappeared. “She was a troublemaker. Her powers were strong when she was young. Had to get hide the metal all around the school.But, Erik, as much as he loved both of us, his mission was his priority. His mission to punish and rule over the world that did him so cruel. He almost killed the President of the United States if it wasn’t for Charles, Mystique and Me. After we stopped him, he saw what he did. He saw a monster. He saw himself as a monster. He saw what i saw myself years ago. Erik left, he disappeared. Leaving me and Lorna alone with the school. I was kidnapped soon after he left. I hadn't seen Charles, nor Lorna in twenty years. Twenty years. i….i ..i had no clue if they were safe. If Lorna still lived at the school. If Charles was still alive, shit if Lorna was alive! I was alone for twenty years, tested as an experiment, and as much torturing i was getting, i couldn’t stop worrying about Lorna…..or Erik. “
“After the X-Men rescued me, Charles told me that Lorna was adopted. By another family that supported Mutants in the time that they were in living in. That she could control her powers, and discovered after her 22nd birthday, that she stopped aging. I still hadn’t seen Lorna after my rescue. But, Erik. He had came back. We met in secret at a place we went frequently 24 years ago. He apologized. Begging for him to take him back. He constantly tried to rescue me but failed and was a worried mess about Me and Lorna. He left because he saw himself as a threat. A threat to us. To me and Lorna. I accepted everything and took him back. A year later, i had two more kids……..twins”
Nadiya by this point was in full on tears. Her makeup was starting to run, as she constantly swiped her eyes. She didn’t dare look up anyone. No one spoke, to in shock and interested to say anything. Ears keening to hear to rest of her past.
“I was...I was so scared for their safety, the thought of Hydra or the Government finding them, gave me chills down spine just thinking about it. I knew..we knew. To keep them safe, we would have to let them go. “ Nadiya sobbed. “ Erik contacted Charles and we flew Lorna over to meet her siblings for the first time and the last. She started crying, blaming the world, just like her father, that we couldn’t have the family she’s always wanted. The family we’ve always wanted. “
Before Lorna flew back to the states, we took a family photo at a shop, to experience something “normal”...like- like  “normal” even was in our dictionary. We flew to Sokovia and traveled to friends of Erik’s that he trusted with his life, and gave them the twins. Be- before we left, I - I ripped the photograph in half and left one half with them and kept the other.” Nadiya reached into her pocket with her damp hand and pulled out the folded photograph. “For years, For the past 28 years….I have been wondering what life have they been living, were they living normal lives that we always wanted. I never thought i would see them again”
Nadiya looked up, tears pouring out of her bright green eyes onto her pale cheeks. She looked straight at Wanda. Wanda's face showed confusion, shock, sadness. Tears ran down her face with her mouth agape, catching the tears on the corner of her lip. Nadiya handed the folder paper to Wanda, her hand shaking. Wanda hesitantly grabbed the photo and opened it. There was a woman holding two children in her arms, next to her, another woman standing next to her, a painsakened smile on her face as she leaned her head on the woman with the missing head’s shoulder.  
“When i was brought here the first day, and I was introduced to you both” Nadiya looked at Pietro, who was staring in shock at the photograph. “I wanted so hard to run to you both and hug you, to tell you both how much I love you and how much i was sorry. How much I hate the world to force us apart. To apologize to you both. But i knew i couldn’t. I couldn't I couldn't ruin your lives you’ve created for yourself. I went into my new room and dropped to the floor and cried. I cried for hours. I cried tears of joy, tears of anger, tears of guilt”
Wanda turned around to Pietro, who quickly got the message and zoomed to Wanda’s room. Nadiya stared at where Pietro stood before then back Wanda, who stared at the photograph again, Pietro zoomed back into the room, next to Wanda, as she stood up. In Pietro’s hand held the missing piece of the photo. There was Erik, wearing his signature frown. Next to him, was the head of Nadiya. She looked different then. Shorter hair and her hair was all black,she had a skinner face as well. But it was Nadiya, it sure as hell it was Nadiya. Wanda looked up at Nadiya, tears in her eyes.
“ I am so sorry I’ve been keeping this from you” Nadiya whispered. Wanda gripped the picture and tackled Nadiya with a hug. Pietro followed right behind. Nadiya started crying again, this time Wanda not for behind her. On the couch, Natasha was crying along with Nasira and Steve. “‘So, what you’ve been keeping in that file, was that you were Wanda and Pietro’s biological mother.” Tony stated, exhaling in belief of what just happened. A new recruit happens to be two other recruit’s mother. It was shocker for everyone. Vision sat and comprehend everything. However, he had a hunch that they were related in some type of way, through facial structure. But he was going to keep that to himself.
Nadiya pulled back from the two. She put one hand on Wanda’s cheek and the other on Pietro’s. She smiled wide, a scene that none of the Avengers see on a daily basis. “Look at how much you both turned out, My Star and my little soldier.. I wish, you could have been safe, away from the torture that Hydra creates but, you two have your father’s genes, always did crazy things for the better of the world.” Wanda laughed, knowing that they volunteered after wanting to help the world, help the world away from Stark.
“This is great!” Sam said, still from behind the couch. “So when Pietro does some stupid shit, we can tell on his ass to Nadiya so he can get grounded” Everyone started to laugh, all the anxiety and tears drying away.
“Also, that means Vision and Nasira can’t play any games now, They have a nuclear mom and Metal welding dad and a metal and all of above older sister to worry about.”
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meireviewproduct · 3 years
Zapable Review
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fandomxo00 · 6 months
X-men: First Class rewrite - Part 3 - Erik Lehnsherr, Magento
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word count: 2.1k
warnings: violence
warnings: violence
Villa Gesell, Argentina
You never meant to match with Erik but he had been one to pick out your white flowy dress from a French boutique, you remember that night well, champagne, small talk, flirting. Then he had given you a red silk box and you saw the beautiful white material
"To match me on our next endeavor" Erik hummed.
"Aren't you worried about blood?" You questioned.
"They never get close enough, do they?"
Now you walk across the Argentina hills, Erik's Jacket around your shoulders.  His hand slipped in between yours. You could smell the river and cold coming of the mountains. Your black hair pin straight down your back. 
"Nadine." Erik spoke as we came upon the pub. "You listen to me, okay?"
'Always. you murmured, leaning in to kiss his cheek. He leans into you his thumb coming up to wipe excess lipstick away, a blush making its way on to your face. You walked into the pub, Erik taking the jacket off of you and hanging it up. Then he sat his hat above it and lead you towards the bar. 
"Afternoon, gentlemen." Erik greeted in german, as you felt lingering eyes on you that weren't Erik's as you sat down next to him. He continued to speak in german as he spoke to the man at the bar. 
"Hot out there. One beer and one martini, please." 
"Can you feel their stare?" you commented in Erik's mind.
"I do, my love." His voice seemed sharp as a hand possessively landed on your thigh. You catch Erik's line of vision as Klaus' picture came into vision; the open connection between you and Erik you, could feel his anger begin to boil. He blinked his eyes away from the picture as his beer and your martini was set down in front of you, " German beer? "Erik questioned. 
"Yes its Bitburger. You like it?" The man behind the two of you asked before erupting into laughter.
"The best." Erik chuckled, removing his hand from your thigh, he turned around to face the man. 
"What brings you to Argentina?"
"The climate. I'm a pig farmer." One of the men spoke, giving the man a charming smile, the bartender and the other two men laughing with Erik. 
The other man spoke up, "I'm a tailor, ever since I was a boy my father made the finest suits in Dusseldorf." You felt Erik's hand on your shoulder, and you turned to flash the men a smile. 
"My parents are from Dusseldorf." Erik replied, as he gets up from his spot with his drink in his before moving over to their table. You followed in suit, the pig farmer staring at your body and making you feel uncomfortable. 
"What was their name?"
"They didn't have a name." Erik clarified, before raising his glass to them. "It was taken away from them." You sipped your martini as Erik clinked his glass with the men. "By pig farmers, tailors..." All three sipped their beer while you leant forward, distracting the pig farmer and making him spill his drink meanwhile you invade his mind.
"Is that scary?" You spoke in his mind. "Having your identity stripped away from you?"
"Nadine." Erik murmured, catching your attention, and making you pause into digging into his subconscious mind. Erik turned over his arm to show the numbers branded on to his skin. The pig farmer goes for his knife, but you stop him, driving the knife into the table. 
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." You spoke, only he could hear you. "Now shut up and take your punishment." Erik takes the knife out of the table and reads the scribe on the blaed.
"Blood and honor. Which would you care to shed first?" Erik taunted, as the room filled with silence, Erik decided for himself.  "Blood then." The knife was bumbled into the man's hand making him scream out in pain. 
As the other man went to stand up you commanded him in his head, "Sit."
"Freeze, monster!" The Bartender threatened, gun in hand and aimed at Erik. This only made Erik's adrenaline pump up faster as he grinned over at the man with an evil smile.
"Come on, shoot." Erik dared, using his power he flipped the gun on the man. The pig farmer continued to wail and you've had enough of the noise.
"Shut up." You ordered, his mouth snapping shut. 
The triggers clicks as he pretends to shoot the tailor, making the man flinch. Then Erik slides the knife out of the Pig farmer's hand just before flinging it at the bartender. The pig farmer's eyes bulged as Erik stabbed the pig farmer's hand again. A silent scream poured out of his mouth, your powers preventing him from making a sound. Erik's eyes glazed over as he leant forward for his beer.
"Who-are you?" The pig farmer was able to croak out. 
"Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster and she-." He smiled over at you, "The bride, and I'm looking for my creator." Erik stands up, sauntering over to the wall with the picture of Klaus. The gun that had been pointed at the bartender floated over to you. Before you could blink, he had shot the pig farmer and tailor before he dropped the gun to the ground. 
You stood at the table, finishing off your martini as Erik walked over to you, his hand reaching out for your back. "Ready, Liebling?"
"Yes, Erik."
1955, New York
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Erik hadn't knowingly met a another mutant when he met you. Erik had been quiet the bachelor, so even after they met and sparks flew, they remained friends for a long while. You also weren't interested in a relationship, the man you've dated have stood you up, betrayed and lied to you. You never thought that your feelings for Erik would change so drastically, that you would fall in love with him. Something that he would never know til it was too late. The plans had been made and you supposed what happened later on was bound to. But eventually it became evident that Erik's feelings for you had developed and changed, he became protective over you, he cared for you deeply, you were his partner in crime of course. You gave up your control to him, something that he craved, but you knew he'd never give you control, never give you the final say. 
From the day you met him and found out his plan for revenge you had believed in him. As Erik explored his ideals and took down the men who had beaten and ruined his life. The nazi's, in specific, Klaus Schimdt, had taken not only his mother but his life away from him. Though eventually he was able to get out he still had scars and bruises that seemed to never heal, but he was sure of himself, and he would make a life for himself. As the two of you grew closer the mission became more important to you. 
1962, Miami Florida
You were able to sneak on to Klaus', you had to dress up in a very short dress and high heels. You were on champagne duty, as you tried to create distance between you and Schimdt, he had taking a liking to you. You also learned that he went by a different name now, Sebastian Shaw. Upon investigation you had found out about his little minions, Emma Frost, a telepath. Janos Quested was able to create waves and riptides with his mutation. 
You were tending the bar when you heard Shaw as he strutted on to the top, "Still drinking champagne, Bob?" Shaw nodded over at you expectedly. 
"I will pass." He replied, formly. 
"Okay, well so much for the pleasantries." Shaw leant by the bar right in front of you. "I was wondering who told you about little arrangement." he questioned as he brought a cigar up to his lips. 
"No one." 
"He's telling the truth." Emma revealed. 
"Good! I guess we're done here. Let's wrap things up shall we?" Janos began walking towards Bob swirling his hands and creating wind as Bob whipped out a grenade from his pocket. 
"Oh I knew better than to trust you." He said, confidently. "Now, you let me walk out of here with my money or I will pull this pin and we all die."
"Go ahead pull it." Shaw taunted.
You wanted to get inside of his head but you didn't want Emma to detect you, it would blow this whole thing. "I will do it, I swear to god." Bob threatened, as his fingers came up to the pin. Shaw stepped forward, reaching up his hand and covering Bob's.
"No, you won't." Shaw claimed, as he pulled it from Bob's grip. You were startled as he pulled the pin but quickly began absorbing the explosion with his power. The energy hummed as Shaw contained the blast before shrinking it into his body. 
"You're one of them?" Bob growled.
"Very astute of you Colonel Hendry. You want to guess what I can do? I've got the power to absorb energy-keeps me young. But that's the boring part." Shaw rambled. "The fun stuff is what I can do with it once I've got it." Shaw reaches out to touch Bob, slow quickly that Bob didn't have a chance as his body electrocuted before energy became him and he exploded. 
Acting as civilian, Shaw let you off the hook with the rest of the day, tending to duties below the ship rather than having to be confronted what they were doing aboard the top level. When everyone was retreating for to the shore for the night, you reached out to Erik to notify him that it was game time. The women on the late shift bumped into in the wall and you were diligent about sending her home with your powers, before taking over her shift duties. You wondered to the front as you felt Erik near closer before walking over to the champagne table to see Erik come into sight from the side of the ship. 
"Herr Docker."  Erik croaked.
"Little Erik Lehnsherr." Shaw mocked, before standing up from his spot and walking over to confront Erik. 
"He's here to kill you." Emma revealed, glaring at him you felt her psychic powers before they hit Erik and you were able to block her out of his mind. Just in time, Erik had thrown a knife towards Shaw, landing right next to Emma and breaking her out of her concentration, but she flashed right into a different form, a diamond one. Then you face riptide as he spun a storm towards you, picking you up from the ground and tossing you off the side of the ship. 
"I'm fine." You told Erik through your link, but he hadn't lasted very long, being flung off the side of the ship moments after you. That's when you felt another psychic presence that wasn't Emma, then you dipped into his reality, Charles. 
"I've lost-." Charles pauses, before his eyes widen. "Hello there."
"They have another psychic on board." You alerted. "I'm assuming you're from the ships coming towards us?"
"You assume correctly." Charles murmured, as you saw from his perspective, you swam closer to Erik. "I'm sorry, a telepath. This is incredible! I can feel you inside of my head." That's when you feel a force battle against yours, and Charles was quick to throw you out of his mind. 
"There's another telepath, not just Emma." You claimed. 
Your attention was pulled away from you as there was a ripple through the water from the wind that Riptide projected towards the other ships coming towards them. The water rose around you and Erik, and he reached out for you. That's when you saw the smaller boats coming towards Shaw's get flipped up into the water. "Stay near, my love." Erik murmured, as metal chains began to rise of the water. He was able to bring the anchors to the surface and they whirled through the air before hitting Shaw's ship. 
"Erik, there going underwater." You detected, as he looked around in the water before trying to stop it with his hands. But the submarine was going too quickly and he tried his best to swim after it but to not avail. 
You knew that if he hadn't tried to go after the ship he would be devasted and angry at himself for letting Shaw get away. You got into Erik's mind as you started swimming towards the shore. "Baby, we'll get him next time."
"I can't guarantee a next time, Nadine." He replied in his mind, as he dove back under water and kept swimming. You focused on getting back to shore before reconnecting with Erik's brain to try and persuade him to safety.
 That's when you heard the other's telepath's voice in Erik's head, "You can't. You'll drown. You have to let go. I know what this means for you, but you're going to die. Please, Erik, calm your mind." Charles begged. 
"Where are you?" Erik spoke to you aloud as they resurfaced. 
"At the shore, meet you there." You replied. 
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What Questions To Ask Your Website Designer?
Picking a Cyprus Website Design usually seems to be daunting and very complicated. But like a technical thing, there is so much going on behind the scenes a person with no technical knowledge would not be able to assess. Use this checklist to filter out the best option for Website Design In Cyprus to make sure that you get a nice, practical, website design that meets legit expectations.
 What they have done previously
This is the designer's shop section and should reveal a variety of different sites they have developed so far. Make certain that the sites they show are live - if the sites have been shut down, ask them their updated portfolio. If they only do some of it, review the actual site running online. If it doesn't, that's a potential sign that they are fabricating the facts. Digital Marketing Agencies sometimes fake their reputation but the real way to come on clarity is by asking the clients directly.
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  Are they updated with the latest technologies?
Whilst some company of Website Design Cyprus will give you looks for asking this question, it's an important one. New technologies come with updations which means they will be efficient alternatives. If your site is shop-based then ask the company to recommend something such as ZenCart or Magento but with creativity, unless your requirements are especially complex, they should be practicing WordPress, the market leader. Don’t forget to ask if they have professionals for Mobile App Design Cyprus because in 2021 app is a must to be successful.
 Will costing and communication be transparent?
Even though WordPress and other platforms they work on are free but that doesn’t mean their skill is also free. At this point ask about what will be included in the pricing; it includes the actual layout of the site - if it's a freely obtainable template then your designer should be transparent about the facts. Some less than ethical designers have been known to charge thousands for plans and layouts that they got at very cheap. Make sure you don’t fall into these traps. Check the Website Design Cyprus Prices and pick the best one.
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  Do they work on the parameters of search engine optimization?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is popular among the masses but only a few have the mastery of it
 Whilst it won’t be realistic to expect your website designer or even Mobile App Development Cyprus company to be thoroughly conversant with all the updates, tips, and tricks, there are some SEO components that work as the thumb rule which needs to be followed in all circumstances. Check that your website designer has the basic details about SEO and will make certain at least the page titles, meta descriptions, and headlines on your new website are as per the latest SEO details so that your website ranks. If they write the website copy then it must be verified by an SEO expert for being easily ranked online and attain customers.
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forgingblock · 4 years
What are the benefits of Decentralized Payment Gateway?
Most of the merchants round the world that are opening up to digital currencies is consistently increasing. the advantages of accepting digital currencies are numerous, and that they include fast transactions, increased security, privacy, low transaction fees, and more.
Blockchain-based crypto payment gateway platforms available within the market that utilize cryptocurrencies are getting increasingly popular and impressed more end-users round the world.
Several reliable cryptocurrency payment gateway platforms enable users to send and receive bitcoins and other altcoins. Here the highest 5+ platforms that we expect are best for cryptocurrency payment gateway platforms are discussed thoroughly during this article. Before that get some idea about crypto payment gateway & benefits!
An Introduction to Cryptocurrency Payment Gateways
A blockchain-powered crypto payment gateway platform that permits users to send and receive payments in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The aim is to make a crypto payment gateway platform that improves the payment process by avoiding the amount of third-parties involved. it's also expected to extend the regular use of cryptocurrencies on a daily basis.
So Why Use a Blockchain-Powered Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway?
By utilizing a Blockchain ecosystem as a search, crypto payments gateway platforms are highly encrypted then far more secure than traditional online payment gateway platforms. Also, it simplifies worldwide transactions in multiple cryptocurrencies between suppliers, distributors, businesses, and consumers, at a second of the value.
Smart contracts are wont to handle and shut payment agreements between transaction parties involved. Once a contract rule has been established, smart contracts will verify the efficiency of payment and accelerate it to the right counterparty. this enables for an intensity of automation, without the necessity for human intervention.
Smart contracts also are made accessible for audit purposes that increase the transparency of the payment process and add a layer of security.
Added high-end security will give merchants peace of mind when changing to a decentralized payment gateway and help them to urge decided with the platform much quicker. End-users will feel more convenient and are more likely to use a payment platform once they know that their payments are safe from attacks.
Benefits of Accepting Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin as a Payment:
Your business gets an alternate trustworthy payment method that works three hundred and sixty-five days and 24/7.
You can receive world-wide payments which you'll track in on-time.
Your business gets a worldwide customer base
Your business gets more profits, minor fees, fewer credit/debit card chargebacks, and cut-down fraud.
It gives your business a chance to stay some amount of your profits in BTC as an investment option. this might help your business within the long-term.
You and your business get the chance to 'Be Your Own Bank (BYOB)'.
Top 7+ Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway Platforms:
Here is that the list of 7+ best cryptocurrency payment gateways to simply accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as payment for merchants. These crypto payment platforms accept all major cryptocurrencies.
1.Coinbase Commerce
Coinbase is one among the most important Bitcoin exchange platforms within the world. But aside from trading and exchange Bitcoin on Coinbase, you'll also use it for Accept Bitcoin Payments Wordpress as a payment for your business. Coinbase features a trader app for business vectors to start out obtaining Bitcoin where you'll accept payments in Bitcoin and simply convert it into fiat to save lots of yourself from price volatility.
It is estimated as best and famous for the bitcoin market because it accepts and offers us a payment gateway for 32 countries. it's totally more secured compared to other platforms.
Insights of this Platform
No transaction fees for accepting crypto coins.
Send & receive the crypto coin during a fast manner at once
It is integrated with WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento, and OpenCart, just need to add a handcart plug-in.
For website owners, add a payment button to your website.
Email invoice to request payments.
It is integrated with advanced API.
A two-factor authentication system allows full security.
Bit Pay
Bit Pay is that the best Bitcoin payment processor based out of the us since the first days of Bitcoin in 2011.
With the Bit Pay app, you'll accept Bitcoin as payment for quite 50+ integrations with popular e-commerce & retail platforms and point-of-sale systems also as convert it into 8 worldwide fiat-currencies for bank deposits in 40 different countries. Bit pay also offers Bitcoin Debit Cards for straightforward crypto to fiat transactions. It's all features that are highly secured and advanced that you simply can use it for creating your payment by cryptocurrency.
Insights of this Platform
It has open-source plugins suitable for eCommerce & retail platforms.
All payment transactions are often wiped out cryptocurrency like Bitcoin.
It allows Bitcoin donations.
POS mechanism allows bitcoin to be become 8 fiat currencies.
Universally accepted and allows bank deposits in 38 countries.
Multilingual and supports quite 40 languages globally.
API platform offers an easy interactive interface.
A two-factor authentication system allows full security.
Multi-user facility.
There are options for transaction speed consistent with your requirements.
Suitable with all bitcoin cash wallets.
Transaction notification through email and mobile text messages.
Coin Gate
Coin Gate allows your business to simply accept Bitcoin/altcoin payments and receive pay-outs in fiat or digital currencies
It provides numerous solutions for various sorts of business requirements like plugins for E-commerce, APIs, and point of sale app with payment click buttons for various platforms like web, Android, and iOS. It also supports altcoin payments with Shapeshift integration.
The key fact about this is often that its values updated after 60 seconds. It supports and process Bitcoin and quite 40+ digital currencies. it's more advanced than the other crypto payment gateway because during which, you'll easily transfer a refund in Euro and Dollar.
Insights of this Platform
POS applications for various platforms like web browsers, Android, and iOS.
It comes with plugins for eCommerce platforms.
Shapeshift integration that supports numerous altcoins.
Real-time integration with e-commerce
Multi-user facility
Coin Payments
Coin Payments has been around 2013 and is that the most trustworthy cryptocurrency payment gateways out there. With Coin payments, you'll accept quite 1480+ cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin and lots of others.
Coin Payment offers many pre-made handcart plugins that you simply can use for your merchant store otherwise you can code it yourself also. Coin Payments offer a multi-cryptocurrency wallet which protects you'll store your accepted cryptocurrencies during a secure wallet.
Insights of this Platform
It allows merchants to simply accept over 1200+ coins for a 0.5% fee.
It offers plugins and tools for all the familiar web carts
Unique $tag (pay by name) to receive payments from all coins.
It Supports GAP600 quick confirmations to form Bitcoin payments faster.
Airdrops of latest coins and tokens.
Auto coin conversion and Multi coin wallets.
Spectro Coin is additionally one among the simplest Bitcoin payment gateways for merchants based out of European countries. they need a trustworthy customer base and offer a spread of options for businesses.
They aim to make alternative payment options for patrons and businesses round the world with their ready-made solutions like e-commerce plugins, Bitcoin payment processing APIs, and other payment integration tools.
Insights of this Platform
Supports quite 30+ cryptocurrencies round the world
It allows high deposit and withdrawal limits supported need.
It has e-commerce plugins like Magento, OpenCart, Prestation, VirtueMart, WooCommerce.
Offers a Bitcoin open-end credit.
Spectro Coin API allows you to shop for and sell bitcoins and other currencies.
Go URL is an open-source project that gives unique Bitcoin payment solutions for its worldwide users. it's based out of the Commonwealth of Dominica and provides ready-made plugins for E-commerce and APIs alongside free customer support for Go URL payment integrations.
Insights of this Platform
No Valid ID or checking account verification is required.
The wallet is 100% free without charges.
Go URL Monetiser which allows you to sell music, videos, URLs, images, and texts online for crypto coins like bitcoins, Ethereum, etc
Optimize your bitcoin box through JSON or jQuery.
Earn by selling your products or make bitcoins through downloads.
Allows third-party e-commerce plugins like WooCommerce etc.
Earn via site registration.
Earn via participation in affiliate & other programs.
Coins Bank
Coins Bank is blockchain powered payment gateway. It is often instantly integrated together with your open-end credit with just the press of your finger. The mobile app is out there for all Android and iOS phones.
Insights of this Platform
Fast deposit and withdrawal methods.
A two-factor authentication system to secure your wallet.
Easy exchange of funds in current market rates.
It supports all major fiat currencies like USD, EUR, GBP, Russian Rubble.
A 24/7 free transfer of currencies to friends and families.
A 24-hour customer network.
A worldwide exchange trade platform for patrons at minimum risks and maximum profits.
Some of the opposite cryptocurrency payment gateway platforms are:
BTCPay Server
Shopify Gateway
Finally, The Insights
Surely, our list of crypto payment gateway platforms isn't exhaustive - there are numerous more popular platforms which will corner their niches and obtain surrounded by the hype in 2020. Yet, our top 5+ choices are surely worth your specific attention, and it's up to you to settle on which one is that the best crypto payment gateway platform.
Ready to create your own crypto payment gateway platform like Coinbase, Bit pay? Whether it's a payment gateway application, cryptocurrency wallet development, or the other crypto or blockchain project you've got in mind, share your vision with our cryptocurrency development company, and we'll make it a reality.
About Develop coins
Develop coins is that the best cryptocurrency payment gateway development company that has rich experience in cryptocurrency wallet development and that we are highly skilled in developing new payment gateway for Bitcoins and other altcoins. Our prime focus is on the mixing of bitcoin gateway and another cryptocurrency gateway.
We provide custom-made, multi-currency, and secure web and mobile wallets with UI/UX design, for usage on a daily basis. We also provide crypto payment via QR Code, NFC, or URL options to your worldwide users. Our pool of development teams will assure that your hot and cold wallets are often integrated into the payment gateway platforms.
For More Info :- Decentralized Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway
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uniquesdata · 4 years
Magento Data Entry Services Makes Online Selling Easy
The onset of COVID-19 has brought drastic changes across all the industry sectors. The way we do business has completely changed. Earlier people were free to move around, shop, eat, meet people and travel without any fear but owing to the recent changes in the movement restrictions, lockdown and limited accessibility the businesses across the world is suffering. Lots and lots of businesses have either shut down or paused their work. One of the common things that we have noticed is that a majority of companies have moved their businesses, stores and services online in order to cope up with the change in the way customers are now shopping or ordering stuff in the current pandemic scenario. With so many companies coming up with an ecommerce or retail store, majority of these businesses use Magento as their ecommerce platform, the reason being this is an open platform and can be easily managed without any necessary technical expertise.
Ecommerce and e-retail stores’ one of the major concerns is the uploading and updating of products. There is always a constant need for regular updates for new and upcoming products and offers etc. There are thousands and lakhs of products posted online and updating them at once can seem a difficult task. Hence, for such special services companies usually outsource service providers that can readily upload bulk products without taking much time. Uniquesdata is one such company that offers wide range of data entry work and is one of the leaders in providing Magento data entry services. We have a huge team of experienced professionals who are well-versed with the Magento platform and have been delivering similar services to a number of companies. They are quite quick and always on their toes when it comes to uploading data or even editing or enhancing pictures or even putting product attributes and tags in place in such a way so that the web traffic and customer traffic is always high.  
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Uniquesdata offers wide range of Magento data entry services that are offered at ease with our company:
-         Product description writing – Here we also have content writers onboard who help to prepare a perfect description to your product that will ensure increased customer interest.
-         Photo editing – The product photo or image is one of the most important things for an product and it becomes one of the deciding factor for a customer to decide if they really want to go ahead with the product or not.
-         SEO tags – We also use the content backed by proper SEO so that the post can reach maximum audiences.
-         Offer updates – In case if there are any offers or sales or discounts, we can help you update the same on your relevant products.
-         Magento back office support – We offer complete Magento back office support so that you do not get stuck anytime anywhere on your website and can do seamless business.
A number of companies and businesses have benefitted largely by outsourcing Uniquesdata’s Magento data entry services and we are sure you will be able to do the same with your ecommerce store too.
0 notes
kurt-nightcrawler · 5 years
I’ve got a boyfriend
Request: could you possibly do a warden x reader where she’s like super sweet and innocent (has like nature/healing powers and in this au avengers are there) anyways the Avengers visit the mansion and peter meets reader and is like all heart eyes and she’s super sweet and he mistakes it as she likes him too and then warren returns from a mission or somethin and she’s happy and is like pitching him up and peter realizes and the avengers are like it’s okay kid and warren is all smug and like yeah mine. also with that warren x reader ft. peter request. bc she’s so in tune with nature and herself can her eyes kinda be like a mood ring and shift with her feelings. so it’s like a warm green or yellow for happiness and so peters like yeah she likes me but then when she’s with warren he watches them shift to like a soft pink. like literal heart eyes and warren teasers her a bit (in a good way)
Word Count: 2.3k
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Peter swung over to the Avenger’s headquarters on a Saturday. He always did this. 
“What’s on the agenda for today?” He asked Karen.
“Mr. Stark wants you to join the Avengers to Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.”
“Xavier’s? Where—  What is that?”
“It’s a boarding school in New Salem.” Karen didn’t say anything else, leaving Peter with lots of questions. 
“Why are we going to a boarding school? What’s at Xavier’s?”
 Steve and Bucky chuckled at his curiosity.
“This isn’t like any other boarding school… It’s like Area 51.” Tony said.
“Didn’t you buy Area 51?” Bruce asked.
“That’s beside the point. We’re going here to talk to The man himself, Xavier.” 
Peter still had a lot of questions, but he had no idea where to start. Area 51 the boarding school? Is that where Carol’s Kree friend’s kids went to school? Peter took his phone out of his pocket and texted Ned. 
PETER: What is Xavier's school for gifted youngsters?
NED: It’s some boarding school for really smart kids. Trey from Bio tried to get in but didn’t pass the exam. Why?
PETER: Mr. Stark is taking me there. He and a couple of other Avengers are like, visiting or something. Idk.
NED: DUDE! You gotta tell me everything when u get back! I bet there are tons of really hot nerd girls there!!
Peter snorted to himself. Of course, Ned would think of girls. 
But there was some truth in his statement. There probably would be tons of smart girls there. But Tony described it as Area 51… 
NED: If you can get a girl’s number from Xaiver’s we’d be super cool. 
PETER: Yeah. But Mr. Stark called it Area 51 the school. What if it’s full of aliens?
NED: Okay? And? Technically Princess Leia is an alien. 
PETER: She’s also fictional.
NED: And? You’re seventeen and never been kissed before. You don’t have room to be picky.
PETER: You’ve never been kissed either!! 
NED: Shhhhhhh This is about u, not me
PETER: *eye roll emoji*
Peter turned his phone off and gazed out the window. He saw trees. The trees eventually started to die down and the car slowed down. They came to a set of gates and a sign that said Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.
Once entering through the gates, Tony drove around and parked the car. Peter could see glimpses of the school grounds. He saw a few students and at first glance, they didn’t look like aliens. But Kree could shapeshift. Maybe they just shifted to blend in. 
Then he saw a kid with a tail.
Maybe not. “I thought this was a school for aliens.”
Everyone stared at him blankly. 
“Aliens?! Kid, we didn’t mean that literally. When I said Area 51, I meant it’s kinda secret. Not that it’s full of aliens.” 
“Oh.” Peter felt rather foolish. “So it’s just a normal boarding school?” 
“No.” Bucky slammed the car door shut. “It’s a school for mutants.” 
“Mutants? But like, I thought they were kind of a myth. I mean besides Magento and Mystique, but they were around in like, the 70s.”
“And they’re still around. Let’s hope Erik isn’t here. I don’t want any trouble like last time.” Steve said the last part while staring Tony down. 
“It’s not my fault he can control metal and I’m Iron Man!” 
Peter was super confused. Didn’t Magento try to kill the president? Was he evil?
Bucky killed a president, but he’s not inherently evil. I need to give Magento a chance. I need to give everyone at the school a chance. Maybe make some new friends— flex on Flash that my girlfriend has superpowers or something. Wouldn’t that be hilarious?
They walked up a few stairs out front and opened the doors leading inside. 
“Oh wow. Wow.” The building was old looking but had a few modern touches here and there. Every room was bustling with people— mutants, going about their lives. 
Peter saw all kinds of mutants and he had only been inside for a few minutes! 
“Oh wow, Mr. Stark… Where’s uh… Professor… Professor... uh—“
“Professor Xavier’s in his office.” 
The Avengers turned to look at the speaker. She had vines wrapped around her legs and arms, along with some flowers and leaves scattered in her hair, and her eyes were a bright yellow color. 
“Thanks, kid. We know where his office is.” 
She nodded, “No problem.” 
Tony glanced at Peter’s slightly pink cheeks and back at the plant girl. “Do you wanna come with us or are you sticking with Mother Nature?” 
“I can show you around if you want.” Everyone looked at Peter, anticipating an answer. 
“Yeah, sure. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” 
“Alright, have fun. And don’t forget to be safe!” 
Peter blushed again, trying to ignore Tony’s teasing remarks, already figuring out he liked the plant girl. 
“My name is (Y/N) by the way.” 
“(Y/N), Hi. I’m Peter. Peter Parker.” 
She smiled, “What’s your mutation, Peter Parker?” 
“Oh um, I don’t— well it’s not a mutation, but, when I was fourteen I got bit by a radioactive spider and I got spider abilities.” 
“Spider abilities?”
He nodded, “I’m uh, really strong and I stick to things. Plus I have this like weird sixth sense sort of, like a spider-sense.” 
“You’re strong and sticky?” Peter nodded, a little flustered. (Y/N) laughed. Peter laughed with her. “I’m sorry, but that’s a hilarious description.” 
“I mean— yeah, yeah… What can you do?”
“Oh! I’m really in tune with nature. I can manipulate plants, and my eyes change color based on my mood. Red is angry, blue is calm, green is happy, yellow is excited— there’s more, but those are the most common.” 
Her eyes are green and yellow right now. That means she’s happy and excited— they haven’t changed since we met. Maybe she’s into me. Oh my god! What if she’s into me? She might be into me. Play it cool Pete, play it cool. “That’s really neat!”
(Y/N) nodded, “Yeah. It’s fun, I guess. Kinda annoying sometimes but nothing awful.” 
“I know what you mean. One time my algebra textbook got stuck to my arm and it wouldn’t come off. I had to like, sleep and shower with it on all day.” (Y/N) laughed at Peter’s retelling of his sticky situation. 
“That must have sucked!”
“It did. Eventually, I got it to come off, but it was annoying to sleep with.” 
“Oh god, I can imagine. Sometimes I fall asleep and a fully grown watermelon or pumpkin is next to me in bed.” 
Peter almost snorted, but he held it back. “Free food, I guess.” 
“Yeah— a nice perk.” 
The two wandered aimlessly around the mansion, talking about everything— freshman, classes at their schools, hobbies, friends— everything. 
Peter was going to ask for her number. Maybe ask to see her outside of the mansion. Possibly on a date… If he wasn’t too nervous.
“Could I… get your number?” Peter held his phone in his hands tightly.
“Yeah! Yeah, totally!” (Y/N) recited her number while Peter typed it in his contacts. He shot her a message. 
“I texted you. So you have my number now.” 
“Cool thanks.” Peter felt his phone vibrate in his hands and he glanced down at it.
Mr. Stark: How’s it going with Mother Nature?
Peter: Great! I got her number. I might try to ask her out on a date. Will I be free on Friday?
Mr. Stark: You don’t usually come over on Fridays.
Peter mentally shrugged. Tony was right, Peter usually didn’t go to the Avengers HQ on Fridays. 
Mr. Stark: We’re gonna be leaving soon. I’ll let you know when.
Peter: Ok
(Y/N) was also on her phone. “Sorry! Mr. Stark texted me. I don’t want you to feel like I’m ignoring you or anything.”
“You’re fine. Jubilee was just messaging me.”
“About what?” 
Her focus went back to the screen. She gasped. “Oh my god! We have to go downstairs, come on!” (Y/N) grabbed Peter’s hand and sprinted down the halls. 
“Where are we going?” He asked.
“The Jet hanger downstairs. They’re back!” 
Peter frowned and furrowed his brows as they went down the stairs. “Who’s back?”
“The X-Men.” 
Peter was about 99% sure he shouldn’t have been downstairs. If the school had a level of secrecy to it, why would he be allowed to know all this stuff? To see the X-Men and their jet and training room and everything.
Then again, he was an Avenger.
(Y/N) and Peter weren’t the only ones in the hanger watching the black jet land. Professor Xavier and the other Avengers were there, along with a few other students Peter didn’t recognize. 
The jet doors opened and people started walking out. The first one was a young guy, no older than Peter, with brown hair, a blue suit, and a red visor on. Next was a blonde woman in a white bodysuit that was styled almost like a dress. She looked familiar, but Peter couldn’t remember why. Wit the blonde woman was a big, furry, blue man. He had on a suit similar to the boy from before, minus the visor. Finally, two more boys came out. One had silver hair, goggles, and his suit was a metallic ice blue with a white lightning bolt on it. 
The last guy had lines all over his face and giant, metal, wings. 
Peter turned to (Y/N) to ask who everyone was, but she was gone. 
“WARREN!” She engulfed the winged boy in a bone-crushing hug. 
Peter squinted his eyes a little in confusion. (Y/N) didn’t mention a Warren. Who was Warren? A friend? Her brother maybe even?
“Hey, baby. I missed you.” Warren placed a kiss on (Y/N)’s forehead. 
“Aww no love for me?” The silver-haired guy whined.
“Piss off Pete.” (Y/N) laughed. 
“By the way! There’s someone I want you guys to meet… This is Peter, and he’s an Avenger.”
“You’re an Avenger? My sister is an Avenger! Wanda, you know her—“
“Yeah, Wanda is really nice.” Peter was trying to take both the guys in and figure out (Y/N)’s relationship with the blonde.
Then Peter noticed it. Her eye color. It hadn’t changed all day, she was happy and excited to meet Peter. He thought maybe she was into him— but now…
Her eyes were pink. What does pink mean? 
“And this is my boyfriend, Warren.” 
Peter felt his heart drop, or maybe break. He wasn’t sure, but he felt his world get flipped upside down. (Y/N) has a boyfriend?! 
“Nice to meet you.” Warren and Peter shook hands. He tried not to seem too dazed. 
“You too… (Y/N) didn’t say she had a boyfriend…” Peter noticed the silver Peter was gone but didn’t press on the matter.
“Oh?” Warren rose his eyebrows and looked at (Y/N). “Trying to keep me all to yourself?” He teased.
“Maybe… You don’t know…” Warren chuckled and kissed the top of her head again. 
“Hey, Angel! We’re gonna do a write up with Beast and shower.” 
Warren rolled his eyes, “I’ll join you later Cyclops.”
“Mystique said now.” 
Warren huffed, “I’ll be back in like an hour, baby.” He pecked her lips before leaving. “Nice to meet you, Peter.”
 “You too…?”
Tony and the others walked over to Peter and (Y/N). “How’d you like the school, kid?”
“It was really cool. I like it here. It’s almost like a college campus or something.” Peter was still too focused on the fact (Y/N) had a boyfriend. A really cool, attractive, powerful, mutant, boyfriend. Peter couldn’t compete even if he wanted to!
Everyone walked back to the main entrance room. Peter walked slightly behind the group. (Y/N) asked Bucky questions about his arm. “Does it weigh a lot? Warren’s wings do. His posture isn’t great because of them.” 
Mr. Stark walked slowly to meet up with Peter’s pace. 
“Why’re you down? Sad we’re leaving?”
“No,” Peter mumbled. “It’s not important.” 
“Did someone say something to you? (Y/N)’s boyfriend? I can kill him if you want. I know his dad.” 
“I just… I didn’t know, (Y/N) had a boyfriend. I thought maybe she was into me, I guess. Most girls don’t like me and she said her eye color changes based on her mood and she was excited the whole time we hung out, but I guess it’s like that for everyone.”
Tony put his hand on Peter’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. “I’m sorry, Peter… There’ll be other girls though.”
He nodded, “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be fine. Just kinda sucks.” 
“I get it.”
“I’m gonna bake some brownies. I know Warren and Peter really like them and they’re probably hungry. Do you want to stay and have some?”
“Thank you for the offer, (Y/N),” Steve said. “But we really have to get going.”
She shrugged a little. “Alright, maybe next time. It was so great to meet all of you! You’re all really cool. Tell Wanda, Peter said hi.” 
“Will do.” 
They were all about to get in the car and go. 
“Bye Peter! I had a lot of fun today. If you’re ever in the area text me. We should really hang out sometime.” (Y/N) hugged him, and Peter hugged back, trying not to seem sweaty due to nerves.
“Yeah, definitely… Bye.”
The Avengers got in the car and drove away.
“I love you, but sometimes you’re a little oblivious.”
“Am not!” (Y/N) scolded her boyfriend. 
“Peter was definitely into you. He almost passed out when you said I was your boyfriend.”
(Y/N) poured flour into a bowl starting her brownies, “He was probably just intimidated by your wings.” Peter doesn’t like me… Right?
Warren kissed the top of her head before walking over to the fridge to get a drink. “You’re cute when in denial.” 
“Shut up!” She joked.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Tail au (part 16)
N/A: one last chapter and it will be done. Another completed fic.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead @everykurt
When Prof X envision the X-men it was, of course, an attempt to make the world a better place for mutantkind-sure, he has his own agenda. He wanted a better place for his son. Who passed away as his powers were too much and took a toll on his body and mind-and was so focus on his own narrow perspective that never considers anything else in this reality.
"Charles, we need to talk..." Ororo starts entering in his study room with a concern expression on her face-no, to be clear, she has a mix of worry and anger direct to Charles Xavier right now- and this is nothing new to the bald headmaster who let her in.
"What I can help you?" Prof X asked already knowing what she will say, no, he does not need to use his powers to know. Ororo is pretty vocal in some of his plans and lately, she doesn´t see eye to eye in some of his ideas and Wolverine is supporting her.
"Kurt and Kitty went to talk with me. Ask me why we fight a bunch of homeless teenagers that Magento and Mystique often negliget, so, Charles, why we fight them?" Ororo asked crossing her arms and Wolverine is waiting for the answer as well.
The man is silent. His respect for Charles or Chuck as he likes to call only goes so far and really...beating up homeless teenagers does not make Logan a hero. Magneto and Mystique are different stories through.
"Ok. Let me ask you this. How do you know those kids, teenagers into adulthood, can work in a society with humans?" is an easier question with many implications and Prof X is aware of all of them.
Ororo is also aware of its implication and is not happy. "And tell me something, what´s the difference between the girl in Cairo who steals to survive and the boy in the Brotherhood and has no option?"
Prof X narrow his eyes at this. "You´re different from them"
"Yes, and the fact you´re saying that proves how far fetched from reality you´re. Charles...I could have been like Lance or Todd, I was like them at some point until you give me a chance, why can´t you offer them the same courtesy?"
"I don´t don´t trust Magneto"
"Me neither" states Logan. "Trust me, I would be happy to kill the old bastard, but, the kids? there´s nothing heroic there Chuck. Nothing"
Prof X crosses his hands above his chin and is thinking. "and how this would go? I imagine you have a plan"
And now, finally, Storm has a smile on her face. "As a matter of fact..."
Amy is walking down to the corridor where the next class will happen and she does not want to get late-she needs good grades or else her parents will be very upset with her- and in her way there, she sees Kurt Wagner (the kraut, again, Amy is honest in her prejudice with Germans) talking way too friendly with Kitty Pryde.  Messing with her tail, well, not messing but gingerly touching it.
Makes Amy be even more certain that Kurt is not the right boy for someone like Amanda and in a moment of pure stupidity and cruelty a teenager can emulate she calls Kurt a Kraut and says how Amanda is better of without him.
In hindsight, it was stupid and she should have kept her mouth shut, but, now she has spoken Kurt Wagner looks at her a bit hurt and at the same time a bit perplexed.
"I was never interested in Amanda" Kurt answers confused until his mind recalls of the girl who was calling him excessively and sending messages asking how he is and if he´s alright.
"Whatever, Kraut, just stay away from Amanda" Amy speaks and Kurt looks at Kitty who is ready to charge at Amy and her fluffy tail is waving around angrily like a cat.
"I repeat, I was never interested in Amanda...even less so, because of this" and he removes his holo-watch showing his blue face. Amy didn´t scream, is not loving, nor hate.
"So, you´re not the human pet? Whatever just stay away from Amanda" and runs away.
"Kurt? Are you sure? You can still put your holo-watch..."
"Yeah, but...maybe I just want to be blue, you know, is my favourite colour as well..." and his now golden eyes look at Kitty for a moment. "will you be there with me?"
"Always, fuzzy elf. Always"
The absence of Amanda was noticed by her friends, who feared the worst, ask Info-Chan where is Amanda and the results are a new gossip to the entire school. Lance and Amanda are caught making out in a heated way. Headmaster Darkholme is not pleased by such commotion and Lance is not happy to see headmaster Darkholme -she was in a convention in Minessota and returns now. Her assistant was filling the gaps for her during this period- and she is the one scolding them.
Once alone, she looks at Lance with a bit of disgust and pity. "She´s human. What you think it will happen here?" her tone is iced and for a moment Lance thought in the German boy speaking in such a way.
"I thought...hey, she´s hot and I´m single...why not?"
"Magneto will not be happy"
"Magneto is never happy. And you´re never happy. So...why bother"
Amanda is not confused in regards to her own feelings. She´s trying to call Kurt, but, once again no one answers -it says her number is blocked- only when one of her friends updates her in regards the newest gossip is that Amanda falls backwards.
"He is a mutant all this time? And he´s fuzzy?" Amanda asked impressed. But she recalls the kiss, make-out session, she offered to Lance, and now is confused.
"Yeah, and he´s walking with Kitty"
"Of course he is"
"How are you feeling?"
"Is not as I thought it would be. No pitchforks so far" he jokes but holds her hand tightly. "is not how I imagined...which is good"
"I´m proud of you, Kurt"
"Thanks...you inspire me to do this"
2 notes · View notes
How to Make the Best Use of Multi Channel Fulfillment Process?
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Multi Channel Fulfillment at its most advanced format is also known to be as Auto Multi Channel fulfillment and is actively used by sellers that sell at multiple sales channels at a same time like Big Commerce, Shopify, Magento and others. Selling on multiple sales channels is just not an opportunity to a business increase its sales and revenue to a business at the same time, it offers massive protection to a business against sudden shut down of operation on a particular marketplace or an eCommerce platform due to suspension of account, sudden change of business policies and any other unexpected reason. However, going to multichannel has its own set of business advantages for a seller like:-
·Access to a huge and a wider base of clients
·Boost to a brand creation activities
·Market penetration into a newer and unknown zones
While switching to single channel to multichannel sales, the fulfillment is an area where the operations get complicated for a multi channel seller activities. The inventory management and tracking sales is the most complicated area that is required to be managed when selling across the multichannel. Auto Multi Channel Fulfillment primarily served by Amazon Multi Channel Fulfillment is the one of the most popular method used by sellers at present for fulfillment processes.
Most Common Methods used by Sellers to Fulfill Orders.
· FBA or multi-channel FBA:
· Self-fulfilled
· Outsourced fulfillment
.FBA or Multi-Channel FBA
Fulfilled by Amazon is Amazon Multi Channel Fulfillment Services offered by the eCommerce giant Amazon to the sellers that either along with selling on Amazon also sells from other third party eCommerce store. Or it is a fulfillment service that is offered to stores that exclusively sells from other third party stores but get their orders from Amazon Multi Channel Fulfillment. On the way to multi channel fulfillment there are plethora's of applications that integrate with third party stores like Shopify with Amazon Fulfillment Centers for the automated sync of orders. The fulfillment with the help of automated apps is known to be as auto multi channel fulfillment.
This is a sort of fulfillment in which a seller gets full control of fulfillment process through its own control over fulfillment process including steps selecting warehouse locations and shipping methods. A seller handles everything on his own from warehouse to carrier to fulfill an order to any place and location.  
Fulfillment Outsourcing
Here the role of 3PL third party logistics partner is of the optimum value. It presents a good balance between FBA and self fulfillment activities. A seller completely outsources its fulfillment services to a third party logistics parties like DHL, FEDx, etc.
Benefits of Amazon Multi Channel Fulfillment Services
Overall, a seller selling on a third party store has no better opportunity to fulfill his orders through Amazon Multi Channel Fulfillment or closely related Auto Multi Channel Fulfillment when the entire process is integrated through a third party App.  The foremost benefit of Amazon Multi Channel Fulfillment for a seller is like.  
· One-day, Two-day or Standard shipping
·  Front Page Listings
·  Customer Support
·  Warehouse Management
·   and Returns
Amazon MCF presents a business with a massive and huge scalability benefit for it to grow enormously and in a massive way. It helps a seller to diversify its inventory.  It is just not fulfillment Amazon also handles customer services as well as returns calls for a package. This all comes, no doubt, for a fee but the price for Amazon Multi Channel Fulfillment in the most competitive in the market.   The type of fees charge for auto multi channel fulfillment accounts to  
· Shipping option
· Size and weight of products
· Amount of products
· Length of storage
Thus in Fulfillment by Amazon a seller enjoys multiple shipping options for an inventory including Amazon. The inventory gets stored in the Amazon storage space without getting in touch with a 3PL provider with in an efficient and faster manner.
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