cartoonlover87-2 · 9 months
Cringetober Day 10: Fake Manga Panal
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J: Sooo... That's Maeko..
W: Yep, and it looks like she brought company!!
(Maeko is from Doki Doki Extras by AjtheFunky)
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the-hobgoblins · 3 months
Who in your family do you view as a role model?
"Now, what is that big fancy word your lot like to use in the Department for tosh like this...? Entrapment? Come on—you can do better than that."
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bonkstimus · 8 months
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aurormax · 1 year
[ 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ] ― Maeko and Max lock eyes across the room (at the conviction of Richard and Isla Burke)
The defendants were guilty- of that there was no question. The Wizengamot had gathered, though, to debate the matter of their sentencing. Some were heavily in favour of a no-tolerance policy, punishing all Death Eaters and their affiliates with the Dementor's Kiss. Others argued that there were benefits in keeping them alive, and sane: In aiding psychology and criminology studies, for exchange of information, or simply to prolong their awareness of their own punishment.
Max had to attend every day of the Wizengamot's gathering, as a formality. It had been long, and gruelling, and a complete waste of time. Aside from the mountains of paperwork sitting on her desk that she was yet to complete, Max was awarded a promotion with the Burke's arrest. She was building her squad from the ground up, a combination of inflitration aurors to go undercover, intelligence operators to pass and process information, community outreach officers... It was a mammoth task, and Mac was keen to get on with it.
As far as Max was concerned, her role had finished the day she brought Richard and Isla Burke into custody. So it was a genuine surprise when she was addressed by a witch in the stands: "Major Squint," She said, and Max raised her head, standing. "Your report on the possibility of rehabilitation for the dependent isn't here. Is there a reason?"
Max cleared her throat, "Yes, ma'am. The defendants don't have a legal dependent. Maeko turned 17 on the day of their arrest." She flicked a glance to the girl, seated on the other side of the court room. Maeko Burke was glaring at her with an empty, icy gaze.
"Is there any evidence to suggest she's a risk?" The witch asked, and Max frowned slightly, turning back to the Wizengamot.
"... With respect, ma'am, Maeko Burke is not the one on trial. She was fully investigated- and vetted, by the Headmistress and Head of House at Hogwarts. Cleared of any wrongdoing. The Godric's Hollow Foundation has offered to sponsor her, if needed."
"We'll make provision for a Supervision order," An aging wizard said, straightening out the sleeves of his Wizengamot robe, "There's precedent for that. Thank you." He nodded, and Max sat, doing her damned best not to look at the teen in question, again.
"Do we have sufficient numbers for a vote?" The Chief Warlock looked to his right, to his administration assistant, who peered up at him through her silver-lined glasses, and nodded. He then turned to his left, and right, raising his brows, "We'll begin, then. All those in favor of administrating the Kiss, please raise your hand."
Max paid attention, then, looking up at the wix in deep plum robes. Slowly, each and every member of the Wizengamot raised their right hands. Max blinked in disbelief. It was unanimous: Richard and Isla Burke would have their soul sucked out by Dementors, and be thrown away in Azkaban until their bodies succumbed. The next vote was merely a formality, for the records: "And those in favor of not administrating the Kiss?" No hands were raised.
Max thought of her father. A pacifist, until the end. So determined to remain neutral in pursuit of peace, that it killed him. He'd roll in his grave.
The Chief Warlock's spiel at the conclusion of the trial was a blur, and Max found herself tuning it out. Years of work. Years of her life. Gone, like that. She blinked to attention when a hammer banged against wood, and someone nearby clapped her on the back, another offered a handshake in her field of vision. She shook it automatically, and then the others that were offered, turning her gaze to the space where Maeko Burke had sat in the dungeon court, now empty.
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cartyrs · 2 years
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i saw people were drawing vampires so ive doodled my black swamp lesbians as vamp babes
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maqqy96 · 2 years
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It’s been a rough year for me artistically, but I managed to find the strength to tell myself to stop drawing what other people wanted, and focus on what made me happy. And what makes me happy is girls with big tits and thick thighs. You’re all welcome.
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nesuimaru · 2 years
▪FUN FACT: Maeko's Favorite Animal are any type of bears
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sunlians · 9 days
the key of any good maeko story is that Touko MUST commit some kind of bloody atrocity, and while the rest of the party is like "what the Jesus Christ was that" she MUST look like this to Mae:
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dyzzythedemon · 2 years
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melody-inwonderland · 2 years
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I sketch my babies villain ~
They are Nephilim ~
First of all: - Who are the Nephilim? the Nephilim, are half angels and half demons, in the universe (YGOGX at this point)
 The nephilim were created by Light and darkness, and therefore they are the children of Light of distruction and Dark of distruction,
they use to have a conscience or to be cruel .
 This needs different powers but what unites them and which are shapeshifters. It is necessary to take on the appearance of whatever human or animal it is.
In the sect of Light, after the high priest, they are superior to their subordinates who are relatively lower in rank, which they are also assigned as mentors to keep an eye on them.
They have known humans for a long time by being immortal, they know their sins, what happens, and the dark things on earth, they are good at subjugating people except those who are immune to them.
Like every epoch, each nephilim uses a fictitious name and no one belonging to them knows their real names. I can only disclose it to those who really trust.
there are 75 sons and daughters like the princes of hell
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cherryboyvul · 2 years
▪FUN FACT: Maeko knows aikido and is practicing boxing.
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smallsimmer · 4 months
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Finally got around to updating Ezra's cousin Maeko 👍
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the-hobgoblins · 3 months
What’s your ideal meal?
"All I know is everything tastes pretty fuckin' fab when you burn as much spliff as I do."
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nonuel · 3 months
i'm doing a quick speedrun of noveria because i unfortunately have no saves on pc conveniently at the rachni queen decision mark and i want to catalog something, but god, i am reminded all over again how much i love this shitty corporate hell cesspool. you arrive on noveria and within minutes like 3 different people ask you to commit crimes for them, knowing you're a spectre. in fact they want you to commit crimes for them specifically because you're a spectre. no one does it like her (noveria)
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nightfoxqueen · 10 months
I was delivered a present this morning for my birthday 🤭
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But the real present is absolutely breathtaking 😍❤🦊
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Thank you again so much @maeko-kun !!!! I love this so much; it's so absolutely beautiful! My handsome fox prince, my Nokto Klein 🥰
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angrysheeproject · 3 months
Maeko Shiratori my DCMK oc...My beloved...my baby...
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I commissioned @dannydedoodles to draw her for me a while back and I'm now sharing her. She is me doing my part for the 'get Kaito more friends and allies that know he's KID' agenda.
She was trying to avoid the crowd at one of KID's heists when she accidentally ran into him in his all-black attire on an empty side street, recognized him, and blurted out his name. Catching a good look at his face and impulsively running after him when he tries to run away. A few days later, she finds out his actual name and identity because she was hanging out in Jii's bar when Jii greeted him after he walked in after class and once again said out loud that he was KID.
Hijinks ensue (when don't they?) and Maeko eventually secures a spot on the team as one of KID's assistants because she can get into smaller spaces and do more physical work than Jii can due to his age.
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