#madwheeler supremacy
starsarefire824 · 1 year
For @wheelersboy @foodiewithdahoodie my madwheeler besties. 🖤 @perexcri tagging you too Babe cause Reasons™️.
Based off of @wheelersboy’s post from a few days ago. 😩
Kind of Best Friend
Hey Mike,
I'm not going to call you Shitface like I normally would, since, if you're reading this it probably means I'm dead or passed on or maybe just stuck in some agonizing hell with Vecna somewhere. I won't really know, will I? But the truth still is, if you're reading this, it means I'm not here anymore. And that's okay.
I mean I’m scared shitless right now, but you know it's like you said. Remember that one night at the quarry late last summer when the rest of the Party ditched us to go see Ferris Bueller for the four hundredth time? I had just broken up with Lucas and you were missing Will really badly and I was missing Billy. And we both were missing El. You had your feet hung over the edge of the quarry and I was scared I was going to fall. You threw your arm around my shoulder and chucked a rock into the pit. Then you drunkenly told me that every atom in our body was a billion years old and that if you really thought about it, it meant that we were made up of energy and that it would always be bouncing around the universe until the end of time. And you said that that really helped you when you couldn’t get Will being pulled out of the quarry out of your head.
Sometimes I think about that when Billy’s in my dreams too much.
And so yeah, if you're reading this maybe my brain isn't here and I can't fight you on any of your stupid ass plans anymore. And we can't sneak out of the lunch room to the alley between the art and science wing and eat lunch by ourselves when Eddie is being too insane. But maybe I'm still here somehow. Like the swirl of cream in your coffee in the morning or the wind kissing your hand. Like when you hung it out your dad's car window that one night when he picked the four of us up from the mall, and we were all too high to risk talking out loud. I watched your fingers glide through the air from the backseat and wished I thought anything else was as pretty as when the sky was periwinkle purple and the lightning bugs rushed by.
We never talked that night, after we had that awkward conversation in the parking lot while Dustin and Lucas were in the video store. We just sat in silence and watched two stupid comedies until one in the morning because you knew I didn’t want to go home. It was the nicest thing you ever did for me. I get that you like the quiet sometimes. I'm not Will. I know that. But I want you to know that you've weirdly become one of the best friends I've ever had. And I guess we can thank Mrs. Kelly for sitting us next to each other in 10th grade math for that. Who knew that getting high off sharpie markers and planning various murder plots to off Troy could be something to bond over.
I mean, you're still a total idiot, and you've been way too moody and a complete asshole to pretty much everyone since El and Will left. And you really do need to clean up your fucking armpit of a basement. Seriously Mike...if Hawkins isn't totally destroyed and you and Lucas and Dustin and the rest of them somehow make it out of this. Please, for the love of god, can you clean your basement. And afterwards, get everyone together, eat too much pepperoni pizza, and play a campaign for me. I'm sure Eddie can help you with that. And tell Dustin I’m sorry for making fun of him when he asked to sit in for Lucas. The truth is I wanted to play—but you know. I just couldn’t.
And speaking of the truth. Please! Do not waste any more of your or my time not being honest with yourself. I am El's best friend. I would kill you for her in a split second. You are aware of this right? But I know you Mike. I know the real reason why you've been so sad since the Byers moved to California. And now that I'm dead I can say this. It doesn't matter what it means. You need to be honest with yourself and be honest with Will and El.
You need to be brave Mike. It's fucking important. It really sucks, but it’s true that you never know when you might find out your life is over.
Don't do what you think is right. Do what your heart really wants. El will understand. El doesn't need you.
But Will does. So fucking fix it.
And also...just….thanks. For sitting with me when no one else would.
Your kind of best friend,
Mad Max
PS. My mom was wasted one time and told me you were her favorite friend of mine. And also, I am sorry for that one time when you slept over my house after we drank at the quarry. I was lonely and sad and way too drunk. But yeah, El and Will are lucky to have someone as nice as you…. with noodle arms that turns out are great for hugs.
When you're not being a whiny bitch anyway.
Also if you ever tell anyone about that night. Or for that matter, any of the nice things I just said about you in this letter... I WILL KILL YOU. I DON'T CARE IF I’M DEAD.
Mike chuckles a broken sob and sweeps a tear from the lined notebook page that Max has splattered with her bubbly handwriting in blue ink. It smears some of her words and he curses.
"Shit!" he hisses, wiping his snotty nose with the back of his hand and shifting quickly to spread the paper out flat on his bed. He tries to iron out a few of the creases and rereads some of his favorite lines, laughing all over again. He can hear her voice as she makes fun of him, can see the crease at her brow and the disgusted squint of her blue eyes. Eyes that flashed at him with hatred one minute and humor the next. His laugh grows thinking of her face, red hair wild and staring up at him from whatever short person's world she inhabited. Mike laughs to himself until he can't breathe. He laughs and laughs, until those laughs turn to sobs and the tears flow down his face and drip off his nose. He never expected it but the hole ripped open inside his chest at the thought of Max being gone forever is utterly agonizing.
Eventually, his lungs find air again and the tears stop falling. His body is completely exhausted and his eyes are red rimmed and raw. He dries his face and knits his brow together with determination, squinting over at the radio he left lying on his desk before he left for California. She's not dead, he thinks with determination. Max is lying in Hawkins Hospital, broken and sleeping. But not dead.
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
mike and max butt heads, but they’ll also die for each other and that’s because they have cat personalities. mike is in a way like “this was my territory first” and max in a “was once feral and is still adjusting to living in a house” kind of way so there’s a lot of stepping on each other’s toes. but they they both know that the other has been through shit and sense that they’re both the kind to keep things bottled up so others don’t have to deal with their problems and they bond over that by going to each other.
so when one of them is having a bad day they are incredibly defensive of each other and glare at anyone who so much as looks at the other funny. if it’s a really bad day they’ll spend the day with each other at the wheeler’s house and do not leave each other’s side. they cling to each other so much and can not be separated.  
will and lucas will come back to them cuddling under a massive comforter, gripping each other with white knuckles and heads buried into the side of each other’s necks. they’re still not used to seeing this part of the relationship between the two and just kinda look back and forth between each other like “uh...what are we supposed to do about this? it’s been 14 hours” they try to pull them apart only to get growled at, like actually growled at. will and lucas jump back and look at each other like “did they just growl at us?” so instead of pissing off their boyfriend/girlfriend they go get some snacks and drinks and leave them on a side table and turn the light off as they walk out of the room to leave them be until one of them (max/mike) is sure the other feels better and  is okay again
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What about an AU where Max comes with Mike to visite El in California?
Actually, I have this story outlined 😁
I just need some time and energy to write it.
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bylerxv1cy · 2 years
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Max has become comfortable at Mikes house. Whenever she can't stay in her own home, she ends up there. Karen is very understanding. She has to deal with some of Mikes teasing, but Max and Nancy tease him worse. She also very good with kids, so Holly drags her on many adventures.
i love that. i think karen would remind max of how susan was before n*il left. she was there for max before. but karen also reminds max of susan because of how distant she’s become with mike. max and mike both drifted away from their mothers, and they’d only recently began to rebuild what was broken.
i need a max and holly friendship RIGHT NOW. i’d love max encouraging holly’s little shit tendencies, and them ganging up on mike together. i’d also love max and mike bringing holly out with them sometimes. maybe even buying her some ice cream.
now i’m imagining mike, max, and holly pranking ted while he’s asleep in his chair. holly muffling her giggles and mike and max pulling her along as they run for their lives.
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on a stranger things rewatch rn and LISTEN-
the scene where el is jealous of max and knocks her off her skateboard is SO uncalled for but like can we talk about how lowkey amazing it is for madwheeler's friendship like 😭😭
listen mike is fr BEEFIN w max here but like AS SOON as she falls mans goes "JESUS! R U OK?? 🥺" like just the way he says it had me SOBBING
like u r so adorable u cant even beef w a mf right 😭😭 s2 mike supremacy fr fr
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demobatman · 2 years
Am unwell with thoughts. Byler spies are forever au. The full musical is on YouTube and g-d. It's. The lovers to enemies is so juicy and will absolutely deserves to be both dramatic and evil. As a treat. Also plenty of madwheeler supremacy. Bestieship between the badass red head and the gay himbo. So much opportunity. Alps Joyce as Cynthia has so many layers pls wtach this musical
i will literally have to watch this and get back to you if theres any madwheeler relations its gotta be a must watch for me i fear.....
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greenhammiee · 2 years
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ok fine
*makes all the characters trans instead*
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Who I headcanon to be besties in Stranger Things
Lucas and Eleven I feel like after Lucas got over whatever it was in season 1, and after El came back, they were really good friends. They definitely called each other a lot when El moved to California. The hug in episode 9 confirmed this bestie-ship for me, and I am sorry that I don’t have more evidence for it as it is just a hunch.
Dustin and Will Never a dull moment with these two. Dustin, being the icon that he is, was the first of the party to figure out that Will was gay. (He did so by watching Will’s reaction to bullying). After he proved that he could be trusted, Will told him about his crush on Mike. (Lucas figured out soon after). That formed a bond different from the others because they were the only ones who really followed the Party’s golden rule of “friends don’t lie”.
Max and Mike  We all knew this was coming. I am a firm believer in Platonic Madwheeler Supremacy. After season 3, Max started becoming more reclusive, and Mike could relate because he did the same thing when he lost El the first time. They bonded over stories of El and ways to cope with loss, and they went from hating each other, to tolerating each other, to begrudgingly liking each other, to basically being siblings.
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starsarefire824 · 1 year
So I have a lot of works in progress, and am feeling a little conflicted on what I should update next! I'm feeling a bunch of them! I thought it might be fun to do a poll!
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