#madeline rambles!
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kazthropology · 1 year ago
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On love
Eurydice (Sarah Ruhl); Liana Rādulescu ; “Spending More Time” (Ron Hicks); Song of Achilles (Madeline Miller) ; It’s Been a Long, Long Time (Harry James, Kitty Kallen); Unknown ; Romeo and Juliet, Act 1 Scene 1 (Shakespeare); Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo); Unknown, Quora ; Eurydice (Sarah Ruhl)
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cowchickenbeefpork · 6 months ago
I love how consistent iwtv is with how vampires work when it comes to the storyline. There’s this fucking line I’m too lazy to screenshot where Armand tells Daniel that since he’s over 500 years old the sunlight doesn’t hurt his skin as much as it would for younger vampires.
When it came to the execution of Claudia and Madeline, since Claudia was a vampire of over 30 years and Madeline had only been one for a few days, Madeline died first, leaving Claudia to die only a minute after her.
idk, this is just a interesting thing I noticed, wonder if anyone else did too
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dootznbootz · 11 months ago
Hi. I'm cyberbullying a long dead poet because of his shitty fanfic. Enjoy. I'd love it if you joined me.
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(Before you get mad at me, yes, I know Eugammon of Cyrene is an important figure and all that. I'm sick with some sort of flu. Let me cyberbully an ancient dead fanfic writer in peace.)
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kalopses-sonderes · 11 months ago
Hyper anon: well since you're here...and you're back from your break let's go ahead and restart the silly adventures of a certain...baker.
Ok so hcs request to welcome ya back...unless you'd rather do a one shot but still...to give you context:
The Cookies finally bringing their baker into the world who I can imagine at first would...be very shy and nervous...like hiding themselves due to habit and stuff but once the cookies pry open the baker's shell and make them learn that they love the baker and can feel safe around em...they show off their boundless energy so they go from a shy, nervous, quiet baker to a bouncing off the walls, energetic, happy go lucky baker!
A/n: HYPER BAKERRR, the literally pride and joy of my blog! Just something small to get me back into writing
LETS SET THE SCENEE, as always, gender neutral pronouns unless stated otherwise😋
• Hyper! Baker who turns out to be the complete opposite of the scripture once they arrive to the kingdom. They were ment to be lively, full of energy, and can light up room with a smile— Instead they hide on top of fridges, run away every time a cookie tries to talk to them, and just so shy!
• When Pure Vanilla host parties in the bakers honor, they usually hide in the corner! They just get so nervous and don’t know what to do!
• Once the baker does finally come out of their shell, they didn’t realize what they were getting themselves into-
• Hyper! Baker is running up and down the walls, collecting rubber duckys (if you know yk), and their favorite thing: running through walls :D
• One second Bakers there, the next they’re swinging on the castles chandelier (IF YOU KNOW YK)
• Hyper! Baker was literally a leash child when they were younger, I whole heartedly believe that
• The cookies are on babysitting duty to make the Baker doesn’t end up lost in the forest and find Millennial Tree.. Pure Vanillas biggest rival :0
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internetgiraffekid1673 · 2 months ago
Some Fun Facts About the Wonderlandians from the EAH Books
Maddie and Kitty can hear the narrator, but Lizzie can't. This is because, as queen, it's Lizzie's job to be bossy and bring some order to the chaos of wonderland. She "reminds things what they are when they forget." No word one way or the other on the White Queen, but I'd assume she has a similar problem.
Kitty CAN hear the narrator but spends most of her time pretending not to because:
Kitty does not like being narrated. She actively conceals her thoughts and feelings from the narrator most of the time and they have to guess based on her actions. She does have some tells though, like how she's always thinking about cheese when she licks her lips and looks up. She's also far from infallible and leaves her thoughts exposed whenever she's distracted.
Kitty has also managed to scratch the narrator before, despite them being an invisible bodiless being.
When Kitty turns invisible, she goes to a place called "Between" which is some sort of shadowland behind reality. She describes it as "a little like running, a bit like dreaming, and a lot like swimming." There is no collision In Between---you can freely move through walls and objects---and no significant gravity, since you can float. It also enables you to fast travel (1 step In Between can equal around 50 steps in reality).
It does however, make you feel weird and sleepy if you stay there for too long, and Kitty has an uncle who actually spent so much time Between that he became a permanent shadow.
The Mad Hatter can see Kitty when she's In Between. Or rather, in the words of the narrator: "He's just mad enough to THINK he can, which turns out, is very nearly the same thing."
The White Queen has a poor understanding of linear time, since it isn't linear in Wonderland. Her voicemail message says "I'm busy, call back five minutes ago."
While all three wonderlandians experience intense culture shock, Maddie has it the worst. Kitty and Lizzie are both very aloof and don't really have friends (outside each other and perhaps Maddie), but Maddie is sweet and kind to everyone, and so she has the most chances to experience Ever After's very different idea of manners. For example, Maddie was convinced for years that everyone in Ever After had really bad table manners because nobody had ever started a food fight.
Lizzie has an incredible memory, especially for things she reads, and was able to memorize the entire script of a play within 24 hours.
Lizzie has a deck of playing cards that her mother gave her with advice on them instead of numbers. Lizzie lives or dies by this advice, even when it doesn't make much sense in context, until she goes through some character development.
Sleep magic doesn't work on Maddie because she's crazy enough that her brain assumes a) she is already asleep and reality is just her dreams or b) her dreams cause reality.
Lizzie can build anything out of cards. Literally anything, and almost immediately. It's magical. She's built an entire wall out of them before. I can't remember if she has, but she definitely could build a functional bridge out of them.
All 3 Wonderlandians consider Cedar Wood a friend (best friend in Maddie's case), and would fistfight people for her.
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nexo-nex · 5 months ago
Briar and Apple being BFFAs at the beginning of the show but started drifting apart as time went on the series that they're barely seen with each other in the later seasons vs Raven and Maddie sticking together most of the time throughout the show despite everything....
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biboomerangboi · 1 year ago
The Fall of House Usher was so good because every single woman is this tweet:
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xbomboi · 10 months ago
there are two categories of Ever After High lexicon
and no they aren’t phrases and proper nouns.
the first category is universal dialect. this encompasses all of the common words or phrases that everyone uses. this includes proper nouns like celebrity names (tailor quick, one reflection), locations (castleteria, charmitorium), sports + events (thronecoming, track & shield), items (mirrorphone, bookball), etc. this also includes commonly used words or phrases, such as “wait a spell”, “what the hex”, “charm/spell you later”, “fableous”, “spelltacular”, “fairest”, “B.F.F.A.”, and the list goes on.
the other category is for words or phrases that are either character, story, place, or species specific. these are the things that not everyone is going to use, typically being used by only one character. though, it wouldn’t make sense if they were to be used by others. one of the first and blatant examples comes in the form of some of what maddie says (aside from speaking riddlish). she says things like “hat-tastic” or “tearrific”, which are puns with a mad hatter theme. off the top of my head, another instance of this is cedar’s use of the word “splinter”. other examples not limited to a certain character and/or story but rather an uncommon trait include winged characters using phrases that reference wings, villainous/characters who come from villain parents using terms or phrases that you’d associate with an evil connotation, and a lot of the wonderlandian slang. then there are words or phrases that may be used at any given moment by the character(s) it applies to, but when in the specific location they come from or in reference to their particular story, may be used by other characters. easy example is the word “wonderlandiful”. while this is wonderlandian slang, when either referencing wonderland or something to do with it, or being in wonderland itself, a non-wonderlandian might describe something as wonderlandiful.
i just thought i’d share that observation.
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tamaruaart · 4 months ago
Your daily reminder that Kirke didn't turn Odysseus's sailors into pigs because they were men or because she wanted to protect her nymphs, she did it because she was bored. She would've turned them into pigs if they were women as well
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ratticus-the-emperor · 6 months ago
yes, i could write a long and convoluted essay about how it irks me that zeus gets a lot of hate, and though a lot of it is “justified” most of it comes from a place of putting modern values and expectations on an ancient deity, not fully understanding the cultural context of Zeus’s identity, and the overall futility of holding a deity to the same standards as you would a modern human but—
i am totally and completely incapacitated by my adhd.
but don’t get me wrong, that’s not to say i approve or like Zeus in any way. i do believe using the gods and the perceived dynamics of olympus to tell stories about abusive families, fatherhood, the corruption that pervades the souls of people in power is good for storytelling, but you can tell when people just don’t understand. and this when the adhd monster strikes and drags me away because this is the segue to why i believe that ‘circe’ by madeline miller should’ve never been written.
how does this tie in to me being irked at the perception of zeus in modern media? oh, it doesn’t. but it ties in loosely to the idea of enforcing the modern on the ancient. but what irks me most about circe is the perception of odysseus. odysseus is not a hero, he’s just a man. but he’s also not the sexist or misogynistic monster some media portrays him as. he was just a man, and on top of that, a man who wanted to get home. circe follows the telegony which was composed centuries after homer, so there’s debate on whether or not it’s even canon in regard to the overarching story of the Iliad and the Odyssey, but personally i believe it isn’t. (edit, march 15, 2025: so i was wrong, the telegony has existed for a long while and was composed closer to when the odyssey and the iliad was than i originally thought. greek mythology contradicts itself a lot so my issues with this text are more personal than objective. ^^ my critique of circe, ignoring this part, still stands though)
the story that miller wanted to tell was a feminist one but using circe and odysseus was her first mistake. especially because odysseus himself is a victim of SA and the characterization of him as sexist and misogynistic is just… not true. there are countless of heroes in greek mythology who are, and miller chose one of the few who wasn’t. it shouldn’t have been circe. it should’ve been ariadne, because theseus is the bad guy people who subscribe to the image of odysseus make him out to be.
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bitterbloodkiss · 18 days ago
hey this is an iwtv quiz i made a while back if anyone wants to do it :))
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lampyoil · 12 days ago
Electric dreams spoilers in case you haven’t watched,,
Something about the end of electric dreams that keeps me up at night is that Edgar did consider the possibility of them all just loving each other but instead chose to ‘give’ Madeline to Miles because “love is giving and not taking” and “it’s a game for two” and that really hurts me
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artificialroux · 19 days ago
nothing just maddie and lottie both bonding over being unmedicated in the wilderness
like wdym a girl who has schizophrenia and thinks her visions are real and wants to help and a girl who has anxiety and panic attacks and seeks guidance and comfort in any way ??
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nevermoredragon-main · 3 months ago
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The things I have drawn so far for my ever after high/metaphor refantazio crossover au. Strowill adopts Raven. I’m thinking about making it strowill+louis (I am but I have no drawings of it yet). Was gonna make some notes below a cut but I’m way too sleep deprived for that right now.
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coolunspokenforname · 3 months ago
Emma-May Dixon has the potential to be one of the most tragic characters in Gravity Falls, and we barely know what she looks like.
Think about it! If we go with her being related to Madeline Dixon, her family member (sister, mother, cousin, whatever) joined cipherology (a cult run by Bill Cipher) when Emma-May was very young. Heck, SHE could have been in the cult at one point. Then that cult is destroyed, killing at least one family member, and the place she was born is now called Billville, for some reason. Decades pass, and she moves from Kansas to California. She builds a life for herself, gets married, has a kid, and the cult stuff is behind her.
Then her husband's college friend asks him for help I his research. And now she only sees him once in a while, until he stops showing up all together. She's expected to raise their son alone. When she goes to serve the divorce papers, he's gone off the deep end, but one thing stands out. A triangle with an eye, drawn everywhere. On papers, walls. The exact same symbol of cipherology.
So she turns her back on him. She truly did live him, and she had hoped her going to him would finally make him come home. But it didn't, and she has a life to live, a son to raise. Cipherology had taken enough family from her, she wouldn't let it take her from her son.
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thilsiktonix · 9 months ago
So like, it actually genuinely hurt me. Lol. Like, the ending of it made me go ??!!!!! because it was so out of NOWHERE??? LIKE. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THAT'S THE RESOLUTION?!!!!
and Miles was genuinely tbe most infuriating protagonist of any show or movie I've ever watched /srs
anyways outside of that. I think I need to get better at tumblr. and make more robot OCs. more WILL come.
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