#made me tear up a little ngl
lale-txt · 1 month
LALE, oh my god the build up??? OH MY GOD the happenings??? LIKE????? I adore i adore i adore everyone accept y/n is gonna be y/n and live that life. and they are her ROCK. its just 🥺♡
osamu my responsible king NOT being petty in this one tho?? he in deeeepppppp 😮‍💨
also just realized tumblr cut off my tags so im sending them to you here, you do not have to post this nonsencial but AHEM, please, this is how i lost my mind:
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,GIRLLLLL, GIRLLLLL, GIRLLLLLL< OH MY GAWD, BOKUTO GET HER OUT OF THERE, GET HER TO SPACE WHERE SHE CANT OPEN HER MOUTH OMG, THEOUAOU:HEW, THE GIRL IS COMING TO OSAKA Ohhh, fuckkkk, omgggg, KEIJI !?!??!?, so cute they do scheduled check ins ♡, always a seat reserved for you -- GIRL DO U NOT REaD THAT, LMAO how is osmau just gonna????, OSAMU DID JUST ????, how down bad is he omg, HE'S ON THE TO DO LIST, on the to do list, TO DO list, TO DO, t o d o list, TO DO LISTTTT, LMAOOOOOOOOOO , the boys can be so sweet bu UMM food wishes, umm i want a private jet, why won't u notice me sakusa, its fine ushi knows i exist, suna dont u play with me boy 🔪, that convo after the cake is pretty sweet? pretty tame?, pretty * loving * even, fake fiances UNITE, added that spwan from hell comment to hide FEELS, FUTURE WIFE, HE ALMOST SENT A BLACK HEART, 79 times, cool cool cool, totally normal,
April i will write 100000 Soft Launch chapters just for you
“GET HER TO SPACE WHERE SHE CANT OPEN HER MOUTH” might be the overall theme of the story
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sanji-screenshots · 2 months
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mistystarshine · 1 month
The end of your most recent MerAU fic. Why does Lilith save (I assume that's what's happening), Adam? He's clearly changed from the man she knew for so long, even when given a chance to leave by Lucifer, he tried to kill them still.
Emotions aren't logical. Someone can hurt you and still love you. You can be hurt by someone and still love them. You can hurt them back while desperately wishing that you weren't. Someone can hurt you and in the process horrendously hurt themselves, and you can be stuck watching, unable to do a goddamn thing, but still desperately wishing that it would not end like this. That there was something, anything, you could do to save them from the fate they are careening towards.
It did not make logical sense for Lilith to save Adam. But this is not about logic. There is a part of them that still loves each other and always will. That part of her couldn't stand by and let him die like this. It's not about the things that can never be forgiven, it's about the love that was there once and how it will always matter, no matter how hard you try to forget it.
...It's also worth mentioning that Lilith didn't just save Adam's life and let him walk home - she turned him into a siren. This is where the series really suffers from ending it where I did. She wasn't just saving him, she was punishing him. If he dies, it's done, it's over, he has an easy out. Now he has to live with the consequences of his actions and reckon with their inhumanity. He can never be a hunter again. He can never interact with any of his old friends, because the sort of people he associated with would turn on him in a heartbeat. As far as anyone knows, Lute would kill him if she saw him again, and while his own family aren't hunters, it's expected that they'd reject him. He's lost everything, become one of the very creatures he hates, and now he has to choose between becoming one of the killers that he used as an excuse to slaughter mers, starving to death, or turning to the people he tried to kill for help.
At the end of the day, it was more about saving him than punishing him. But if you asked Lilith, she'd lie. Even to herself.
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dandunn · 12 days
hey did you see they're doing a fancy 4k rerelease of watership down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T67u55jjMbY
I really hope I can get to see this in theatres it would make my month lol
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diazsdimples · 2 months
oh my god James, I am so sorry to hear you've been having such a hard time lately. I hope you're able to find some comfort and peace amidst the turmoil. ❤️❤️❤️ sending a lot of love your way.
Thank you 🥺🥺 I'm just now learning how much of support system I have so that's been really reassuring, but it's gonna be a long road
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amethystsoda · 3 months
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streamin Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor last night (thank u @kurtbrussels for the journal entry ideas)
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kalineas · 3 months
Thank you for single-handedly feeding the thomaru shippers with your amazing art 🙏
This made my day tbh 😭😭 sometimes I get discouraged cause I feel like I'm the only weird shipping them, sometimes I wonder if it's because it's not good enough, if I'm not good enough. Sometimes I want to give up, so reading someone is out there enjoying what I do means the world to me 🥺
TYSM friend 🥹
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anonymous-tals · 1 year
Buster cares a lot about Gob and while Gob kinda takes that for granted, especially given that no one else in his family is ANYWHERE near as willing to listen or care about him as Buster, I doubt he doesn’t realize how much Buster cares. He’s more-so just caught up in the fact that it’s embarrassing that it’s his baby brother, ew, he, like, totally hates him and thinks he’s gross…or something. Another reason I think Gob is reluctant to admit he gets along with him is what that says about Gob, himself. That he gets along with the weird sibling(a title he is as equally worthy of). He has things in common with the weird one…But he totally doesn’t, totally…But in reality, we see Buster is either first or second choice for Gob’s friends(out of a total of him and Michael). And although Gob doesn’t realize it’s Buster, when they build the Tiny Town together, they have a really good time. They do actually get along and understand each other. If it weren’t for Gob being so resistant to it, etc, etc, I think they could’ve had a similar bond to Lindsay and Michael.
But that got me thinking…What did Gob think when it turned out Buster had been the one to murder Lucille 2 and not only that, but without Gob’s knowledge, hid the body in his illusion? Buster clearly wasn’t intending on Lucille 2 ever being taken out. He just…put Gob at risk of being blamed for the crime by hiding her body in his illusion? Not that I think that was a malicious action or some way or taking revenge. Perhaps he even believed Gob would be okay with that. They’re friends, right? They were on the same page! Surely Gob would be okay with him hiding the dead body there!
What was it like to realize all that? To really be faced with the reality that his brother, who was always so kind to him, always so forgiving of his anger and spite, always willing to listen, was no longer just the innocent ball of nerves he used to be? To be faced with the fact that the one Bluth who might’ve actually had a kind heart murdered someone? And when had his brother changed? Had it been that day their grandmother died? Or was that just a fluke, an unfortunate childhood mishap gone horribly, horribly wrong, and he’d snapped somewhere further down the line?
It’s hard to figure out how to put it into words, like…Idk, I feel like Gob would feel so betrayed. Buster was supposed to be the good one. A weird one, but a good one nonetheless. And even though Gob wouldn’t admit it, they were kind of supposed to be the weird ones together…But…not anymore.
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ink-flavored · 1 year
soft asks! 🥀🌾 im so torn between saying pride and justice (and) or feriha just cause i love hearing about her too hehe
thank you!! i will help your dilemma and do one of each! :3
🥀 How would your OC decorate a notebook or journal? What kind of things are written in there? Could you give an example of a nice entry?
I'll do Feriha for this one. I think she'd decorate it with physical things, like dried flowers or scraps of paper as keepsakes, bird feathers, etc. etc. She'd use it like a daily journal, cataloguing her day and the things that happened very matter-of-factly.
🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them
This one is for the P&J fellas. Because they are in love <3 And I kinda wanna write this in their voices so here we go--
Pride, about Justice:
Oh, where do I fucking START? For a dude who flipped Heaven the bird, you'd think he'd have less of a stick up his ass. Can't go two minutes without getting a lecture about "manners" or "common sense" or "basic public decency." Yawn. Over it.
Like, I'm just saying. He's NOT in Heaven anymore, right? But he's still so fuckin' nervous about being a perfect little angel, can't go two steps without dropping everything to fix some random person's issues. Helping people is fine, whatever, but it's like he never gives himself a break. I want to shake him sometimes, you know? Lay off the personal responsibility for five minutes, you don't have Gabriel checking your quarterly reports this week, or whatever the fuck.
I don't know. Maybe him being nice to literally everyone isn't so bad. He's nice to me, even though he probably shouldn't be. It saved my life, so I guess I should thank him for it. He's also a huge nerd, which is hilarious. I can't believe he got fake glasses for fun, what a dork.
Justice... makes me feel like I suck. But in a good way? I want to... suck less, so I'm worth it for him. That's probably dumb. But I don't know what else to say. He makes me feel like it's possible for me to not suck one day.
Justice, about Pride:
Pride is... a handful. He's very loud, he can be inconsiderate, he can't ever admit he was wrong, and no matter how many times I tell him not to smoke in the house, he seemingly can't help himself from wearing his horns to bed and making everything in his room stink. Sometimes I wonder if he even listens to me.
He's been through so much pain, though. I try to remember that. No matter how annoyingly stubborn or impossible to talk to he can be, it's all because he thought for centuries he would always be alone. I can feel it all the time, this... constant guilt and rage in him. I can't hate him, I can't even try. It takes a lot of patience to understand him, but I don't regret a single second of it.
Because he's also fiercely protective of people he loves. He's passionate, he's encouraging, he does whatever he likes without thinking about what other people might tell him. All his choices are his own, for better or worse, and I admire him for that. He's slow to trust, but once he feels like he won't be hurt by you, Pride is a beautiful person. Someone worth abandoning Heaven for.
[send me a soft OC ask]
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yuriscout · 2 years
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Pearl update!
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cflight · 10 months
what kind of warmth are you?
comfort jacket
you're gentle, thoughtful in your kindness, and very careful when you're helping others. your warmth is obvious only to some──  but to them, it is life-saving. you don't think of your warmth as much. really, it feels like the least you can do. but you are providing something that no one else can. there are people out there that will not be helped by reckless optimism. but you see love as a risk, and when you take it, you will heal others (and yourself) in ways you didn't see as possible. you do not believe that people are good. really, you don't believe that you are good. they can be. you have been. no one is better than you at offering warmth to people who are difficult to love. i am asking you to offer that same warmth to yourself. even when you think you don't deserve it. especially when you think you don't deserve it.
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captain-hen · 1 year
neethu i need you to know that it's a goddam crime that your stunning gifsets don't have more notes!!!!
like the colouring!! the shading!! the fonts!! the transitions!! your creativity!!!!
anyway this got out of hand but i just wanted you to know how much i appreciate the work you put into the fandom <3
oh 🥺🥺🥺 this is so so incredibly sweet of you, anon, thank you so much for taking the time to send this lovely message! it's always disappointing when sets don't get more notes, but lovely and kind people like you make up for it 100x!! 🥰��
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You are such a neat and lovely human!!! Good luck on the Divorce/Marriage planning <3
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Thank you so much??? This is so sweet and I hope you’re having a wonderful day whoever this is <3
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the-cantina · 1 year
Hello it's @clone-anon and I noticed your Dogma tag and husband tag and thought I'd send something

Dogma was a bundle of nerves every time you were around. It wasn't because of anything you did. It was simply because he cared for you. He got less nervous as time went on, but there were always butterflies in his stomach when he knew he'd be seeing you. One day he admitted this to you and seemed a little ashamed.
"Dogma," you said, moving closer to him. "That is very sweet."
"You don't think it's... I don't know. You're so wonderful and I get so nervous."
"That's okay," you replied. "I get nervous sometimes too. It's only because I care about you and you're important to me."
He smiled and reached out his shaky hand toward yours. You took it and held it. He took in a deep breath and his hand stopped shaking.
"You're important to me too," he admitted.
He leaned down to kiss you, searching your face for any sign of hesitancy. Instead, you smiled and kissed him. He smiled and kissed you back.
"You keep me grounded," he said.
You snaked your other arm around his waist and he rested his forehead on yours, closing his eyes, and finding peace.
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Omg??? Dear @clone-anon you're a treasure 😭💖 I'm holding this so dear, so close to my heart. Dogma… Baby boy… Sweetest bean in this whole wide galaxy.
I hope your week will be full of pleasant situations and that you get to eat your favorite snack in the coming days, bc the happy this message gave me will fuel me for the next month I swear…
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thetorturedbolter · 1 year
timeless is so beautiful!! the story it tells and the feelings it provokes are incredible, and taylor sounds wonderful on it as well
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phonkscribes · 2 years
I originally came for the Tf2 fandom, saw the rules and you are not writing for it for now but I absolutely adore the way your write and you write for other fandoms that I really enjoy! So I’m very happy I found your blog! <333
Hello Haruka!
Thank you so much for the note, I’m really happy to hear that you enjoy my little blurbs <:)) and although I’m not taking any Team Fortress 2 requests right now, I might be taking them again in the future. My muse for the mercs just isn’t that strong right now. I hope that you’ll enjoy whatever else I put out that happens to be from the fandoms you like!
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