#made it himself for a ceremony he was once invited to
mopotatoes · 2 years
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Creature in the woods
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cutielando · 6 months
family | r.c.
synopsis: in which you give Rafe everything he has wished for
my masterlist
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Ever since he was young, Rafe had always dreamed of having a family. His wife, his children that he would raise whatever way he saw fit with his partner by his side. He wanted it all.
Growing up, he came to the conclusion that he would never have that. Who would want to love someone as damaged as him? Not even his family loved him, he couldn’t expect a stranger to do so. It would be completely unfair.
Meeting you had been Rafe’s lifeline from the very beginning. He couldn’t explain it, but he knew, from the moment you had first spoken to each other, that he would end up marrying you.
To some people, it might seem rash, or completely unrealistic. How could you think that you would be spending the rest of your life with someone you had known for such a short amount of time? Some even called Rafe delusional.
But he had been right in the end.
You saw Rafe for so much more than his family was making him believe about himself. He had so much potential to become such a great human being, a great CEO for his family’s business, an amazing partner and a reliable friend. He had all the qualities to be amazing, he was just being let down by his own family who didn’t believe he was worth any trouble. A fact which completely broke your heart.
You had vowed to yourself that you wouldn’t let his family dictate his life any longer, that you would not let them bring him down and make him think less of himself. You would show him just how much life had to offer and how much better off he would be without their control over him.
Rafe knew he had to get out. He would never have got better if he were to remain to live under the same roof as them or even be in the same place as them.
Which was partially the reason why the two of you moved in together on the mainland, not even 6 months after your relationship had officially started. Many of your friends thought it was too soon, that you hadn’t thought things through and were just acting up. Typical things coming from entitled teenagers.
Nothing about your relationship was ordinary. The circumstances in which the two of you had met, the very beginning of your relationship with each other, your interactions with his family and especially his father, your mutual decision to help Rafe escape from the toxic environment he had grown accustomed to. Unique circumstances, as your boyfriend had liked putting it.
Those exact circumstances were the reason why Rafe proposed to you on your 1 year anniversary dinner. He hadn’t told anyone he would be doing it, making sure you didn’t suspect anything that would ruin his surprise.
The wedding ceremony had been the one to go down in history books. You’d decided to go all out, inviting every last one of your friends, both of your families, a lot of people from the island, new friends you had made since the two of you moved, wanting the people you loved close to you on that special day.
Rafe had been skeptical of inviting his family at first, very familiar with the way his father made it his life’s mission to make his son’s life a living hell with any occasion.
Luckily, thanks to Rose, that hadn’t been the case at all. You didn’t even know he was there, that’s how quiet and invisible he had made himself out to be.
Being married to Rafe was amazing. You both had stable jobs, but you still made time for each other every single day. He would always bring you something when he would come home, either a bouquet of your favorite flowers, or some kind of jewelry that he had seen on the way home and made him think of you.
Everything was perfect.
But there was just something missing. Something both of you had been thinking about but didn’t have the courage to bring it up until one night.
A child.
“Baby?” Rafe had called out to you one night while you were doing your night routine.
“Yes?” you called out from the bathroom.
“Can we talk about something once you’re done?” his words made you a little bit nervous, figuring it had to be something important.
“Of course” you called back, now suddenly in a hurry to finish your skincare.
Nerves were gnawing at your chest, making all kinds of thoughts run through your head. Deep down, you knew you had no reason to be scared or anything like that. At the end of the day, it was Rafe you were talking about. Your sweet, sweet husband.
You walked back into your shared bedroom, noticing Rafe sitting in the middle of the bed under the covers, playing with his hands which rested on his lap.
Getting in next to him and cuddling with the mountain of blankets you slept with, you smiled at him, which he reciprocated but his smile didn’t meet his eyes.
“What did you want to talk about?” you asked, taking his hand in yours once you realized just how nervous he was.
He cleared his throat, turning around so he was completely facing you.
“I’ve been thinking lately, we’ve got a very stable lifestyle, you know? We both have good jobs, we really have a lot of money, we have a nice and big house, we have friends who support us, we’re doing really well, wouldn’t you agree?” he asked, making you nod. “I was thinking about it, and you can totally say no and I would completely understand if you think it would be too soon. But what do you thinking about starting to try for a baby?” by the time he had asked the question, his hands were shaking even more so than they were before.
You were shocked, to say the least. You had been toying around with the idea in your head as well, but you were skeptical of bringing it up because you had just got married, you didn’t want to pressure Rafe into having a kid just yet.
As it turned out, he had been doing the exact same thing.
“I think it’s time we started trying for a baby” you whispered, biting your lip once you saw how his eyes lit up.
“You do? You’re not just saying that for my sake?” he whispered, wanting to make sure you were truly on the same page about this.
You shook your head, smiling at him fondly.
“Truth to be told, I’ve been thinking about bringing up having children ever since our honeymoon ended, but I didn’t want to make you feel pressured to have a kid right away. Turns out I’ve been worrying in vain all this time” you chuckled, taking a hold of one of his hands.
Rafe chuckled alongside you and let out a big breath, feeling relief slowly taking over his body.
Silence fell over the room, you and your husband communicating through your eyes. There was an unspoken agreement between the two of you, an agreement that it was time for your family to get bigger, that you were more than ready to take this step together.
That you were ready to embark on yet another adventure.
Said adventure proved to come much quicker than the both of you were expecting.
After not even a month since you’d had that discussion and agreed that you would start trying for a baby, the blue stick that you had purchased at the pharmacy had shown a + sign, marking the beginning of your journey towards parenthood.
Telling Rafe had been your favorite part. You had gone out to the store and bought a little onesie and baby socks, deciding to put them in a small gift box along with the positive test you had taken.
When Rafe came home and discovered the gift, he burst out crying, sinking down to his knees and pressing kisses on your stomach, repeatedly thanking you for giving him such a huge blessing to love and care for.
For giving him a family.
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Falls First, Falls Harder [Scarabia & Ignihyde Edition]
Kalim Al-Asim
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: Kalim
Kalim has always extended a hand to you, being kind, open, and an overall ray of sunshine on a rainy day. You’re surprised he doesn’t have more people totally in love with him all things considered, as you weren’t exactly a special case. His overly friendly nature extended to everyone which left you with your crush on him feeling a little pathetic. For Kalim, the realization that he has romantic feelings for you is a slow burn, the flame slowly moving down the fuse until it suddenly reaches its conclusion and explodes into a cloud of emotion. Getting jealous when others keep your attention at event he invited you all to was one sign, but the impulse to invite only you was the real impactful point. You could just be living your very normal life as an NRC student, strolling to class when Kalim makes you very aware of his feelings, his confession loud and incredibly embarrassing if you’re the shy type. Now that he finally understood what he was feeling he can’t help but want to explore more experiences with you alone, eager to show you the beauty of the world and all things in it (and wanting to see what you could show him as well).
Jamil Viper
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: Jamil
The king of ignoring his feelings, there’s no chance in hell he’d indulge his own whims with all that he has going on. There’s a deep-seated fear that stops him from getting too close to you, one that whispers like a snake in his ear that he’ll never be enough. So, he decided he does not see you in this way, though it irritated him that Kalim always wanted you so close. It’s hard to ignore your feelings for a person when you were forced to see them every day, and while his constant babysitting of Kalim bred contempt, it’s not quite the same for you. While he did try his best to maintain that distance there’s something about fate that has you chained together, and it agitated him to no end when he thought too much about it. He can’t help but reach a boiling point when the obvious is pointed out to him so many times. So what if you love him? So what if he loves you back? What could you possibly hope to achieve by loving him? There’s a possessive side of him, one that wants to steal you away for himself. His dreams are filled with simplistic yet meaningful things; cheering him on during a basketball game, complimenting the sheen of his hair, laughing as you confessed you wanted his food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He was in too deep once those daydreams hit, the weakest points of his emotional barrier crumbling the more fate wrote in the stars that you were meant to be.
Idia Shroud
Falls First: Mutual
Falls Harder: Idia
The first time you’d ever noticed him was when you were at the opening ceremony, noticing a very interesting looking boy peeking at you from under his hood. When he noticed you staring he immediately tried to hide himself but you’d already caught a glimpse of blue flame and even bluer lips, so how could you possibly ignore him? You knew he had a bit of regret about drawing attention to himself, even from you, but you made it a goal to befriend the loner who’d rather immerse himself in technology than speak to an actual person. He made his pining worse when he tried to avoid you but your persistence paid off when Idia officially labeled you as a friend, seeming shocked you even wanted to earn the title. You at least find that Idia made time for you when you asked (which was for very select situations to not stress him out too much) and though he dreaded it, you being the one to invite him to school activities or social situations made it hard to deny. He still would on occasion but he at least balanced it out by inviting you to just spend that time with him in his room, the gentle pink glow the tips of his hair emit after realizing what he said leaving you with a bright smile as you wondered what it would take to get the full length of his hair to glow like that.
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hisui-dreamer · 7 months
omg omg !! HAPPY 2K RINNA <3 i’m so so proud of u and u deserve everything 💗 the event looks so fun hehe YOU ALRKEUADY JNIW WHI IN GONNANS ASK FOR
i really really love tulips so could i ask for lilia and tulips please? its meaning is perfect and deep love hehe CHEWS YOUR WALLS
good luck with your assignments and take all the time you need !! i love you and miss you mwahh
a crown befitting of you
Pairing: Lilia Vanrouge x gn!reader
Synopsis: his feelings had grown so subtly, so steadily, that he had not realised at all
Tags: fluff, developing relationship, reader eats lilia's food omg
Word count: 783
Notes: mil mil my favourite person ever!!💕💕💕 thank you so much ill work hard on my assignments 🫡 i hope you enjoy lilia hehehe >∪<
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flower of choice: tulip
tulips are commonly asosciated with perfect and deep love.
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Looking back, Lilia vividly remembers the day you arrived in Twisted Wonderland. Amidst the grand spectacle of the entrance ceremony, particularly with Grim's frantic attempts to avoid being captured, there was something about you that captured his attention. Maybe it was the distinct curiosity shining in your eyes, navigating through an entirely foreign world with a blend of composure and uncertainty. Whatever it was, he found himself wanting to reach out and make you feel welcome.
He started looking out for you without even realizing it. He began with small gestures, like offering help with your studies when he found you hunched over a book in the library or popping down from the ceiling to help you find a classroom. He enjoyed seeing your smile brighten whenever you grasped a new concept or conquered a challenge. It felt good to be there for you, to share his experiences and insights.
As time went on, your interactions blossomed into a regular occurrence. Hours seemed to melt away as you engaged in conversations about anything and everything, exchanging stories of your homeland and experiences while he eagerly recounted his adventures from various countries. Among the students, you were the only one to actively praise his cooking, willingly joining him in the kitchen. These shared moments became cherished moments for Lilia, feeling a connection forming between you that he couldn't quite explain.
But it wasn't until much later that he realized the true depth of his feelings. They had silently amassed over time, creeping up on him when he least expected it. Suddenly, he found myself thinking about you all the time, wondering how you were and yearning to see your smile once more.
Just as his thoughts drifted to you, a familiar laughter dances through the air, drawing his attention. Turning towards its source, he finds himself captivated by the scene unfolding before him. The sun bathes the school courtyard in a radiant golden hue, casting a warm, inviting glow upon everything it touches. There you are, seated on the grass with legs crossed, skillfully weaving delicate tulip flowers into a crown.
Curiosity piqued, he approaches quietly, not wanting to interrupt your moment of concentration. As he draws nearer, you glance up, your eyes shimmering with delight and a mischievous grin playing upon your lips.
"Lilia!" you exclaim, a hint of surprise colouring your tone. "What perfect timing! I've made something for you."
With a graceful flourish, you hold up the tulip flower crown, presenting it as if it were a priceless gem. Each vibrant petal seems to shimmer and sway in the sunlight, casting a spell of enchantment over the surroundings. The delicate blooms, ranging in hues from deep crimson to soft pastel pink, are meticulously arranged in a circular formation, creating a majestic crown fit for royalty.
"You made this for me?" he asks, a wry grin on his face. He can't help but think it suits you far better.
"Of course!" You reply, your grin widening. "Don’t you think it’ll enhance your cuteness?"
A huff of laughter escapes him as you delicately place the crown upon his head, adjusting it until it sits just right. He can't help but feel a rush of affection towards you, grateful for your kindness and the undeniable warmth you bring into his life.
As you step back to admire your handiwork, your gaze meets his, and time seems to stand still. He finds himself entranced by the sparkle in your eyes, the way your smile reaches all the way to your soul.
It is then, with the sun kissing your skin and the scent of tulips filling the air, that he realises just how deeply he cares for you. In your laughter, in your playful gestures, he found a love he hadn't known existed, a love that filled him with a warmth unlike anything he'd ever felt before. And as he looks into your eyes, his own heart overflowing with emotion, he knows that he has fallen completely, utterly in love.
"Rather than me," he begins, lifting the flower crown from his head and gently placing it upon yours. "I believe it enhances your cuteness far more effectively."
He watches with rapt attention as a delicate flush blossoms across your cheeks, like the soft petals of a rose responding to the morning sun. The warmth of embarrassment paints your features with a gentle hue, adding a touch of ethereal beauty to your already captivating presence. In that moment, your eyes widen slightly, reflecting a mixture of surprise and affection, like sparkling jewels illuminated by a ray of sunlight.
Truly, the deepest of loves.
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jdeclerc · 10 months
happy birthday, shadowsinger
pairing: azriel x reader
summary: it's the night before azriel's birthday and he can't help but want you all to himself, politeness and decorum be damned
author's note: i'm a self-proclaimed cassian girlie but az does something to me, i wanted my first fic featuring him to be a happy one...enjoy :)
warnings: smut
word count: 5,728
“Even you can’t slip out unnoticed during your own party, Azriel.”
Azriel can hear the smile in your voice from where he stands facing the kitchen window overlooking the ocean. He wordlessly sends his shadows away, commanding them to ensure the two of you are left alone.
“Who’s to say my plan was to go unnoticed?”
He turns, drinking in your form from where you stand in the kitchen’s doorway.
He had almost been brought to his knees when you exited your shared dressing room hours earlier. Azriel had gone with you too many times not to recognize the pieces you wear as being custom-made by your favourite designer in the rainbow.
The top is made of the most beautiful lace Azriel has every seen, a band of black underneath is the only solid piece. The neckline raises high enough to circle your throat, he had found himself picturing his hand replacing that particular part more times that he cares to admit.
The high-waisted black pants flow down your form like water over rock, two slits running up both sides until they stop near the tops of your thighs. Throughout the night his hands had used every opportunity to slip themselves beneath the fabric, your skin against his own being a feeling he will chase for eternity.
But it is the vision of you now that has him thinking himself the luckiest male in all of Prythian.
You had removed your shoes at some point throughout the night, the intricate style of your hair had been replaced by a beautifully messy knot at the top of your head, and your jewellery had been abandoned in various places, the only piece remaining being the band he had placed on your finger two centuries ago.
You embody everything he deems to mean home, to mean comfort and safety.
“What if my plan was this? To have you all to myself?”
The kitchen is empty save for the two of you, the only noise being the music filtering in from the sitting room.
“You have me Azriel…any way you wish, any time you desire, I am yours.”
He can’t help his smile as he extends his right hand out toward you, a silent invitation for you to approach.
“Dance with me?”
Your eyes don’t stray from his as you close the distance, your left hand meeting his right. He takes your right hand and places both around his neck. His arms come to circle your waist, drawing you in as close as he is able. His wings follow suit, framing the two of you where you stand.
Azriel begins slow movements as he rests his head atop where yours is tucked under his jaw, brushing his lips across your forehead. A song he recognizes as one from your mating ceremony begins playing in the other room. After a moment he begins singing for only you to hear.
Azriel has let only those in his immediate family hear him sing, them being the only fae in existence aware that the ‘singer’ portion of his title rings true. He has only sung for them a handful of times, usually only doing so when faerie wine has gotten the best of him.
It was the expression on your face after the first time you heard him sing that erased any fear he held about your reaction. From that moment he never once denied your requests to hear him sing. You know him too well to ask in front of the other members of the Inner Circle, asking him only in the sacred space of your shared home. He will never get used to the waves of love and adoration you send down the bond when he sings for you.
As the song ends, Azriel begins quietly humming along with the one that follows, pulling both of you further into a moment meant only for the two of you. Neither of you dare to break the cocoon of quiet that surrounds you, moments such as these happening not nearly often enough.
Azriel isn’t sure how much time passes before you break the silence.
“I’m sorry if the party is too much, Cas and Rhys insisted on a night of revelry and debauchery…a gathering, at our house, with just our family, was the best I could get them down to.”
Your voice comes out hushed, like speaking at a regular volume would break the spell of the moment.
“I’m not even sure I want to know what it took to change their minds.” Amusement laces Azriel’s response. “And for it to be on the night before my birthday rather than the day of? You must be a sorceress.”
“It wasn’t quite that dramatic…I simply began telling them how I plan for the two of us to not leave our bed on your birthday, and of all the things we would be getting up to. That seemed to lessen their resolve.”
You can feel Azriel’s hands tighten where they rest on your waist, his head lowering until you feel the brush if his lips against your ear.
“I imagine it would…care to let me in on the details of what you told them?”
“I only got to tell them that I would be too sore for training the following day and that my voice would be strained from screaming your name before they feigned retching and begged me to stop.”
Azriel’s laugh is impossibly deep, the tone causing an involuntary wave of desire to shoot from your end of the bond. The air almost instantly changes, the scents of your respective arousals twisting and twining in the air around you as your gazes lock.
Azriel’s hands move to the backs of your thighs, lifting you into his arms and wrapping your legs around his waist. He moves forward until he can set you down on the closest counter, positioning himself between you and the doorway leading out of the kitchen. His look is nothing short of predatory as he stares down at you.
His right hand comes to rest on your jaw, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip. His left moves from your waist and begins toying with the base of your top, the small, black buttons being the only thing that stands between him and your bare skin beneath his hands.
Your hands tighten their grip on either side of his neck as you bring your lips against the base of his ear.
“Damage even one button and I will cut you down…the Night Court will be in need of a new spymaster.”
Azriel leans far enough back to meet your eye and gives you a scandalized look in return. Despite his look his hands retreat to either side of your waist, his thumbs brushing beneath the hem of your top.
“So very violent…I would never dare to do such a thing, my love. Do you think so little of me?”
You respond with a raised eyebrow, both of you knowing his accounts list numerous trips throughout Velaris to replace the articles of clothing he had been too impatient to remove without ripping them.
“Shall I start counting how many pairs of undergarments I’ve lost to your impatience?” You stare up at him through your lashes, choosing your next words knowing exactly what they would do to your mate.
“Or is there something else you’d prefer my mouth to be doing?”
“Fuck me.” He says it so low that you know he’s saying it more to himself then you. His hunger is evident in the way he searches your eyes.
Azriel’s grip tightens around your waist. He moves forward spreading your thighs further to accommodate his form towering over your own.
Wordlessly you begin undoing the buttons of his shirt, reaching halfway before running your hands over his chest. You trace his tattoos, taking in and appreciating the beauty of your mate. You can feel him tense under your touch as your hands move under the collar of his shirt, stopping at the base of his neck to toy with the hair that had grown longer than normal after his last mission.
You look up at him through your lashes and it’s as though his world stops.
Nothing exists outside of this moment for Azriel as his lips meet yours. His right hand moves to the base of your neck, tightening his grip to tilt your head back, allowing him the angle he needs to devour you.
The kiss is the exact opposite of his outward, quiet demeanor. It’s demanding, he is a male with a singular focus, a hunger that only you can satiate. His hands move to your thighs, holding them with a bruising grip as he pulls them higher and tighter around his waist. Every part of him meeting every part of you.
It’s when you reach and beginning running your hand along the length of him over his pants that he pulls back, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth as he does. He rests his forehead against yours, both of your breaths laboured.
“Here or our bedroom?”
“Wha –”
“I plan to be inside you before the clock strikes midnight Y/N.” Azriel’s tone is severe, determination lacing every word. “It can be here, with our family in the next room, or I can spread you out beneath me as you grip the satin of our sheets…tell me where and tell me quickly.”
A mischievous grin spreads across your lips before you respond, and it takes everything in Azriel not to capture your lips with his once more. Your words come out as a whisper.
“Your birthday, your choice.”
Azriel emits a low groan at your words. With a practised ease he lifts you from the counter, keeping your body tucked close to his. He turns and carries you through the doorway of the kitchen, toward the stairs leading to the second floor of your shared home.
Only Amren notices the two of you as you pass by the sitting room. She gives Azriel a knowing smile and it’s the slight bow of her head that tells him she won’t alert the rest of the Inner Circle to your joined absence.
As he reaches the second floor, he carries you through the double doors that sit directly opposite the stairs. He removes a single hand from you only long enough to close both doors, sealing the two of you away from the world once more.
It takes you no more than a moment to know where your mate has taken you.
“The library? Interesting choice.” Amusement is mixed into your loving tone.
“My birthday, my choice, remember?” He moves forward, your back meeting the closest bookshelf. “I bolted these shelves to the floor for a reason, my love.”
Your eyes widen, your mate having left that particular piece of information out when explaining to you how he planned to make changes to the library when the two of you had moved in.
“Azriel…you did not!”
“Oh, but I did, my dear. Do you not remember what happened the first day we moved into this house?”
You both can’t help laughing at the memory. What started as a simple kiss ended with the two of you surrounded by a broken shelf and books scattered every which way. It had been your favourite room in the house ever since.
The library holds such peace and tranquility for both of you. Your respective offices both have doors leading into the room. Azriel can’t count how many nights you both have fallen asleep in front of the fireplace, still holding your books. He also can’t count the number of heated moments that passed between you within the walls of this room, your books, in particular, being the starting point to more than a few of those moments.
Azriel lowers you to the floor and takes your hips in his hands, turning you around. He moves both your hands to rest on the shelf just above your head.
“Keep them there.” His tone leaves no room for discussion or argument.
His hands move to either side your neck, his thumbs brushing the base of your jaw before moving to the first of the buttons that rest there. He undoes each one with painful precision, your arousal growing with each that comes loose.
It seems as though an eternity has passed before the last button comes free. He lowers your hands and pushes the top past your shoulders and down your arms. He sets the top on the empty portion of shelf behind him. As he turns back to face you, he moves your hands to rest on the shelf once more.
He presses a kiss to your left shoulder, leaving a path of searing skin in his wake as he settles his lips at the base of your ear. His fingertips brush across your skin from your hips until both hands come to rest beneath your breasts.
The tightening of your grip where it rests and the shiver that runs through you as he brushes his scarred thumbs across your nipples doesn’t go unnoticed by the spymaster. The cool air of the empty room has formed them into sensitive peaks, and he relishes in the stuttering breaths you let out as he continues the movements of his thumbs.
Azriel’s right hand comes to rest between your breasts as his left moves down your stomach, stopping just short of where he knows you want his hands most.
Your words come out weak, pleading.
His hand undoes the buttons of your pants with expert precision. You can’t help the whimper that escapes as both of his hands leave your body to slide the garment down your legs. He repeats his earlier actions, your pants now resting with your top.
Azriel’s hands find their place once more as he presses your bare form into his fully clothed one, the friction causing another shiver to rake over your body.
His left hand continues its previous path downward until his fingers brush against the most sensitive part of you. It’s his turn to let out an involuntary groan at what his hand is met with.
“So wet for me already Y/N. I’ve barely touched you…are you that desperate for me?”
Rather than give him a response, your body does its best to grind against his hand, searching for some form of friction. His right hand tightens where it rests on your sternum, halting your movements.
“You’ll have to do better than that Y/N. Use your words…tell me exactly what you need.”
His lips are pressed to your ear, his voice so deep it is the accelerant to the fire raging within you.
It takes a moment for you to respond, your words coming out broken.
“I need you…I need you inside me, Az. Now.”
Your words pull him from the haze of his arousal. Very rarely do the two of you move forward without some form of preparation to make the experience more enjoyable for you. Azriel isn’t ignorant to his size, he is acutely aware of the discomfort he has unintentionally caused you in the past. Very rarely does your need outweigh the pain you feel as you adjust to him.
“Be sure Y/N. Please.” His words are desperate, the need to have your intention clear necessary for him to move forward.
You turn in his grip, bringing your hands to rest on his chest as you meet his eye. Your left hand raises to rest against his jaw, your next words giving him the reassurance you know he needs.
“I’m sure Az…I want every inch you have to give me.”
Your hands become desperate, reaching to undo the buttons beneath each of his wings. Azriel can’t help but let out a low laugh as you struggle to pull his shirt from his body. He grasps your wrists and places them on his waist before reaching overhead and pulling the garment off himself. He tosses it to the side, all the care he showed your clothes has been thrown into the Sidra.
He looks down and watches as you pull his zipper down, his breath hitching as you sink to your knees before him, the sight never failing to bring out his base desires. He steps out of his pants when they reach his ankles. His hands move to cover yours where they grip at his thighs when they start to move.
“You’re not the only one that needs me inside you, Y/N.” His voice is gravel, almost pained as he pulls you to stand once more. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth in the beginning of a pout.
“It’s your birthday Az, this is about you.”
His hands encase either side of your neck with a firm grip, ensuring you hear every word he has to say.
“If it’s about me then it’s about you.” His voice goes impossibly deep with his next words. “You should know by now that nothing gets me off quite like the sounds you make as you cum around my cock.”
He says nothing more before he captures your lips with his own and lifts you into his arms. He parts from you just long enough to brush his cock through your folds, lining himself up. You both let out a low groan as he pushes into you, your head falling back against the bookshelf and his coming to rest against your chest.
Azriel doesn’t dare move, savouring the moment. Your hands brush back the hair that has fallen over his forehead, tilting his face up to meet yours. You both refuse to break the eye contact as he draws his hips back and moves them forward once more, working himself deeper.
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, and he can see your eyes begin to water as he bottoms out inside you. His heart breaks at the sight, but you don’t give him a single second to fall into self-deprecation as you pull his lips to meet yours.
The kiss is different than the last, it’s fueled by care and adoration. A love so deep neither of you can quite comprehend it most days.
Azriel tucks his head against your neck as you tighten your arms around his shoulders, his lips paying special attention to the spot just beneath your ear that has you clutching him, your nails surely leaving marks.
His first movements are slow, measured. He plays you like a song that he has practiced his entire life, knowing just what you need. It’s when you bring your forehead to rest against his that he knows you need more, knows you want him to give you everything he can.
His pace becomes burning, pulling sounds from you that would have him offering up whatever he needed in order to hear them just one more time.
“That’s it Y/N/N.” He pulls out to the tip before beginning to push back in, painfully slow. His pace quickening again as he snaps his hips into yours. “I want to hear you take every inch like the good girl that you are.”
It’s his words that send you barreling into an orgasm that has you seeing stars. His right hand moves to circle your clit, causing you to cry out as he carries you through your release. Your left hand grips his forearm, attempting and failing to halt his movements.
“Az, please…”
Your words are more desperate than he knows you wish them to be. Azriel gradually slows his movements, and he can feel your body coming back from the over-stimulation. He doesn’t give you time to fully recover as he moves to lay you down on the couch that is centred in front of the dormant fireplace.
Azriel takes a moment to admire the sinful beauty of you beneath him, it’s a sight that he commits to memory each time he is graced by it.
Your hands grip his biceps as he lowers himself to hover above you, his arms resting on either side of your head. His lips meet yours in a kiss that is nothing short of devastating. He pushes every bit of need he has for you down the bond, ensuring you know he is worshipping before his chosen altar.
He hooks his left arm under your knee, raising your leg and pushing himself even deeper inside you. He relishes in the expression that passes over your features at the new angle. Your body is pliant under his, ready to take whatever he gives you.
Azriel doesn’t have many words to say but he wishes he could give every last one to you in this moment.  Wishes he could find the words to properly describe the effect you have on him, his feelings so consuming it terrifies him.
A squeeze on his forearm pulls him from his thoughts, he glances up to meet your questioning expression.
“Care to tell me what has that beautiful mind of yours thinking so hard?” Your words are gentle, barely coming out above a whisper.
Azriel brushes his thumb along your jaw.
“Nothing you don’t already know.” He smiles to himself. “Just that I am hopelessly, endlessly, devastatingly in love with you.”
“Keep talking like that, Shadowsinger and I won’t even need you to move. Your voice is all I need.”
“Then maybe I shouldn’t be doing this.” He pulls out to the tip and pushes back in, hitting every last spot that has you clenching around him and arching your chest into his. “Or this.” He leans down, closing his mouth on your pulse point, leaving his mark on you. “And I really shouldn’t be doing this either.” His mouth resumes its position, and his fingers start moving over your clit in the way only he knows how.
“But we both know it doesn’t matter what I do when I’m the only that can have you like this, the only one that can give you what we both know you’d beg for.” His fingers stop their movements, leaving you to clench around him, wordlessly begging for him to do something, anything. The sound that comes from you at the loss is nothing short of primal, so involuntary Azriel can’t stop the pride that washes over him.  
He starts moving again, varying his pace until he finds the one that has your head falling back onto the couch and the nails of your left hand digging into his back, just below where his wing meets his skin. Azriel can’t help the moan that leaves him, the scrape of your nails only heightening the euphoria beginning to consume him.
Your right hand blindly grabs for the hand he has anchored next to your head. He interlaces his fingers with your own, your knuckles turning white with the force of your grip, desperate to maintain your hold on him.
“Fuck, Az…don’t stop.” He can barely hear the words as you choke them out, each sounding more strained than the last. “Plea...please.”
You’re close; he can hear it in your breathing and feels it in the way your body tenses, as though you’re a rope about to snap.
He doesn’t let up in his pace, even though he can feel himself barreling toward his own release. Azriel is determined to hold out long enough for you to fall over the edge first.
“Such good manners.” Azriel grips the back of you neck with his right hand, forcing your eyes to open and meet his. The expression across his face has you letting out a whimper, the fire in his eyes unmistakeable. “But what did I say about telling me exactly what you want Y/N? Use your words.”
He can see you struggle to form the words, so lost in your pleasure it takes more than one try for them to cross your lips.
“Please, Az, I want to…need to cum on your cock.”
Your words break the last of his resolve. His hand moves from your neck to resume its movements on your clit, moving against it slowly, in such stark contrast to the burning pace set by his hips.
The dual sensations have you crying out and Azriel responds in turn, with a needy groan falling from his own lips.
He leans down and places his lips against your ear, his voice sinful as he whispers the exact words you need.
“Then do that for me, love…cum for me.” His fingers quickening their pace only slightly.
That all it takes for your vision to flash white, your orgasm ripping through you with such delicious ferocity. You can’t help the trembling of your thighs as Azriel’s pace doesn’t slow, drawing sounds from you that only he’s ever been able to do.
His release quickly follows your own as he bites down on your neck, pushing his hips harshly into yours as he cums. You can feel him tremble under your touch as you cling to him, the reaction a direct contrast to the deep moans coming from him.
Azriel’s thrusts slow, anchoring you both as you come down from your respective highs. The sound of your combined releases nearly sending you into a third orgasm.
Azriel isn’t sure how long it takes for your respective breaths to even out. All he knows as he stares down at the look of pure bliss on your face is that he will never get used to this, will never stop wanting to be the one that gets to see you like this.
He waits a few more moments before slowly pulling out of you, a small gasp leaving your lips at the loss. Azriel rests his head on your chest, giving himself a moment to truly come down from his high.
Your hand brushes the sweat-soaked hair from his forehead, a truly contented smile forming as he lifts his head and closes his eyes with the movement of your hand.
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence for a few moments before the clock that sits on the fireplace mantel gives out an almost silent chime.
“It’s midnight…Happy Birthday Azriel.” You whisper the words, sending every bit of love you can down the bond. “Hopefully you’re not disappointed with how your day is beginning.”
He leans down to kiss you rather than respond, exploring your mouth with slow precision. When he breaks it his forehead rests against your own.
“When I say this is better than anything I could dream, please believe every word. I thank the cauldron every day for gifting me with you as a mate.” You can tell his next words are said to himself as his eyes search your face. “I will never deserve you.”
“You wish for me to believe your words…believe mine in return.” Your hands grasp either side of his face. “You deserve everything you have, my love. The life you have built, your family, me, all of it.”
He lets out a low hum of acknowledgment, leaning down to kiss you. It’s slow, patient – allowing the both of you to bask in the feeling of each other.
You break from the kiss suddenly, unable to stifle the yawn you let out.
“You’re tired Y/N.”
“No, I’m here, I’m –” Another yawn interrupts your words.
Azriel lets out a low chuckle, shifting so he rests on his side facing you. His wings relax over the edge of the couch, and he allows them to brush the ground rather than devote the concentration to keeping them raised. He reaches over you and pulls the blanket folded over the back of the couch to cover your entwined bodies.
He wraps his arms around your waist and rests your head against his chest.
“Sleep Y/N, you’ll need rest if you’d like us to live out the day you scarred Rhys and Cas with as you described it.”
You smile and let out an amused hum as your eyes begin to close.
“It would be a perfect day, Cas and Rhys be damned.” The words come out in a whisper, and it doesn’t take long for Azriel to hear your breathing leveling out.
He waits long enough to ensure you’re truly asleep before gently untangling himself from you. He looks down as he stands and finds his shadows have returned. They skirt around the bottom of the couch, holding true to their need to keep you safe at every turn.
He silently thanks them, only now realizing just how long your shared family had gone without interrupting the two of you.
Azriel crosses the short space to the bookshelves, retrieving his pants and pulling them on, not bothering to button them as he knows they’ll be on his bedroom floor in a matter of minutes.
He faces the couch once more and pulls the blanket tighter around your form before lifting you into his arms. Even in sleep, you burrow further into his hold, tucking your head tight to his chest.
Azriel can’t help the smile plastered to his lips as he exits the library, vowing to himself that the two of you would be back in this room later in the day, continuing this evening’s activities.
“Where did they go Rhysie?”
Rhysand can hear the pout in Cassian’s voice as he asks the question.
“They didn’t leave the house so I’m sure they haven’t gone far Cas. Don’t worry, we’ll find them.”
He tightens his grip on Cassian’s arm as his massive form sways during their ascent up the stairs.
“We better, they’re too important to me to lose.” His eyes are taking on a glossy glint as he continues. “What if something terrible’s happened?! I’ll kill anyone who dares lay a hand on them!”
It’s in that moment that Rhysand thanks the Mother he insisted they all come unarmed tonight. A drunk Cassian is one matter…an armed drunk Cassian could end in catastrophe.
Rhysand can hear a slight shift from down the hall as they finally reach the top of the stairs. He looks ahead and spots two of the few fae who permanently reside within his heart.
Cassian moves before Rhysand can pull him back. His massive form taking the most ungraceful of steps to reach his friends.
“Thank the gods you’re okay!” Azriel quickly hushes the General, his tone having crossed from its previous whisper to the beginning of his normally boisterous, energetic tone. “I was so afraid something terrible had happened when neither of you came back!”
Azriel eyes dart to Rhysand’s, his eyebrows raising in question. Rhysand shrugs in response, slipping into Azriel’s mind after he lowers his shields.
“He refused to leave until he laid eyes on the two of you, his concern so great he turned down every reassurance I tried to give him.”
“Just how much did he drink?” Azriel’s amusement is evident, no anger imposes on his tone.
“Please don’t make me answer that, he winnowed to the wine cellar before I could stop him. Feyre’s in similar shape but Amren was able to get her home, I clearly haven’t had such luck.”
Azriel nods at his High Lord in understanding and turns his attention to Cas once more.
The stretch of silence has given the General an opportunity to move even closer to the two, his eyebrows furrowed in worry as he looks down at Y/N.
“She’s not hurt Cas, she simply sleeps. You wouldn’t want to wake her, would you?”
Cassian shakes his head.
“Can you do me a favour, brother?” Cassian nods in response.
Rhysand can see from where he stands that the expression Cassian gives Azriel is nothing short of one filled with utter love.
“Y/N had a headache earlier today and she misplaced the tonic Majda gave her in the House of Wind after our meeting. Can I trust you to find it for her? It would make her so happy to have it back.”
“For Y/N? Consider it done, brother.” Cassian’s tone is as serious as it is when he walks into battle. The two of you had been close since the moment you met, the General declaring himself your protector.
He stares at Azriel for a moment longer before taking his face in his hands and kissing both of his cheeks. And it’s as he leans down to give Y/N the same treatment that Rhysand finally takes in the scene before him.
He observes Azriel’s half-clothed state and his quick adjustment to the blanket covering you, pulling your body in closer to his own.
Rhys realizes just what he and Cassian have interrupted and curses his less than sober state for not realizing earlier the most obvious reason two mates would slip away at one of their respective birthday celebrations.
“Cas, let’s go find that tonic. We wouldn’t want Y/N to wait any longer than she has to.” Rhysand crosses the short distance and moves to turn Cassina away from the mated pair.
Azriel shoots him a grateful look, his thanks clearly evident.
Cassian allows Rhys to lead him away but abruptly turns back just as they move to descend the stairs.
“Yeah, Cas?”
“Tell Y/N Happy Birthday from me when she wakes up, I want to be the first one to say it.” His smile is beaming at the thought.
“The second she wakes, she will know.” Azriel’s words are filled with amusement, letting out a low laugh at the General’s words.
Cassian gives him a triumphant smile, turning back toward the stairs without another word.
Rhysand gives Azriel one last apologetic look before leading the General down the stairs and past the wards that guard the home.
“Y/N must’ve gotten hot before she fell asleep.”
Cassian’s words have Rhysand pausing.
“What makes you say that, Cas?”
The General’s words fall to a whisper, as though somebody may be listening.
“She didn’t have any clothes on under that blanket. She was in front of a fire and got too warm, Azriel didn’t want us to see so he put the blanket on her, I’m certain of it.”
He speaks like he’s privy to confidential information and has finally chosen to let Rhysand in on it.
Rhysand grips his brother’s arm, giving him an endearing smile as he begins to winnow them to the House of Wind. Cassian’s face conveying unending pride at Rhys' reply.
“You must be right Cas…there’s absolutely no other possible explanation.”
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lovelyiida · 4 months
(NF) Hey lovely, I saw that you want requests. Could I request a iida x fem!reader fluff? I even have a prompt! You know how in MHA it’s winter break and everyone is bored at the dorms? Someone gets the idea to throw a whole fake wedding and invite all first years/the whole student body. The girls of 1A vote the bride and the guys vote the groom and reader is the bride and iida is the groom, which is good because they secretly like each other, y’know the drill. Iida and reader do the ceremony with vows and the rings and the kiss and all that. Also, there’s lots of cake and a huge party at the end with fireworks!!
That’s the cutest shi I’ve ever cooked up and I want someone talented to write it. If you could tag me to, that’d be awesome!
Love, psi kid 🎀
OHHHHHH MY GOD I FUCKING LIVE FOR THIS, this is seriously so cute. God, why can't I think of these ideas by myself??
꧁★𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝟏-𝐀 𝐖𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆★꧂ — afab
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Snow falls gently outside, the world a picturesque white. The students of class 1-A lounge around, boredom plastered on their faces. It's a snow day, just great.
Ochaco twirls a strand of hair and glances at her friends. Even the lively Kirishima looks lethargic on the couch. Denki was about to sink into the floor if he couldn't find a way to annoy his fellow comrades.
Then, an idea sparked.
Ochaco's eyes spark with a twinkle and her lips curled into an intriguing smirk. "We need to do something fun, how about a fake wedding?"
The class exchanges intrigued looks, murmuring amongst themselves. Mina's eyes spark in excitement at the idea. "Yeah! We can vote and groom for our class. It'll be totally adorable!" She squealed.
Everyone nods in agreement as chatter bursts across the common space for today's event.
The entire Class 1-A along with various first years assemble outside, enveloped by the festive atmosphere. Electricity fills the air as the class has been sectioned into two groups to help figure out who will be the bride and the groom.
And out of the corner of your eye, you noticed IIda standing awkwardly in the midst of all this, glancing quick looks at you with a light blush. You couldn't help but chuckle to yourself and your friends at the act.
Later into the evening, the room now transformed with makeshift decorations and fairy lights strung everywhere (you can thank Momo for that). The class sat excitedly as Ochaco and Tsuyu held envelopes, ready to announce the lovely couple in waiting.
Standing at the improvised altar (standing on top of a table), they spoke with a grin.
"The results are in! The bride-to-be is... Y/n!"
The class erupts in cheers as you sit in shock of the results, slowing picking yourself off your feet, you stand in front of the "altar," as your face flushes in excitement. Tsuyu then spoke:
"And the groom-to-be is...Iida!"
Iida goes stiff, and his face turns crimson. The boys laugh and nudge him forward. Standing from his feet, he nears himself towards you and bows politely. You send him a wink of encouragement before whispering, "don't be so nervous. I bet you'd make a great husband."
Iida smirks at your words before whispering back, "and I know you'd make a wonderful wife."
As so, a makeshift ceremony begins!
Iida and you stand at the altar with hands intertwined. Wedding dress and suit on (thanking Momo once more!), looking like a match made out of heaven. Everyone watches eagerly as the both of you stand awkwardly, awaiting each other's vows.
"Don't chicken out, four-eyes," Bakugo chuckled. Iida side-eyed the blonde before clearing his throat and pushing up his glasses. "Y/n, ever since the first day we met. I knew you were a woman who I could spend the rest of my days with. You're kind, smart, beautifully-spirited, and one of the best teammates I could see fighting with me to the death..."
The class is swooned by Iida's words, you couldn't help but stand there in shock at the blatant confession thrown in your face.
"Y/n, I vow to always support and protect you...in sickness and in health...even in this mock wedding."
The class erupts in cheers as they hear Iida's beautiful poetic vows.
You chuckle, softening the moment once more.
"Iida, you're someone who I trust and care for deeply, you are a pinnacle in everyone's life and without you, I would be nothing. Your presence keeps me motivated and ready to take on whatever is ahead of me...because that's what you are and I deeply admire you for that."
"You're smart, you're hardworking, and super handsome..."
Iida quickly reddened at your words, your voice sounding like music to his ears. Oh, how he wished this was real.
"And I vow to always support and protect you...in sickness and in health...even in this mock wedding, or out of it."
As you finish, the class erupts in laughter as Iida and Reader exchange playful glances. Holding out your paper-made rings, you change and slide them onto each other's fingers. Ochaco and Tsuyu, beaming with joy, declare them fake husband and fake wife.
"You may now, fake-kiss the bride!"
You'd begin to go in for a simple kiss on the cheek, but suddenly Iida grabs a soft hold of your waist and scoops you down. Planting a soft kiss on the corner of your mouth.
A respectful man, we love!
Claps were heard around the room, but the moment between the two of you felt as if no one was there and the room was fading into black. As if nothing mattered but the to of you.
Mina teasingly claps before yelling, "I now pronounce you fake husband and fake wife! You may now fake-party!" The room transforms into a lively celebration, with music playing and students dancing joyfully.
Iida and Reader sneak glances at each other, their fake smiles turning into genuine ones. Photos and videos were taken throughout the night of the heartwarming moment between the class.
And as the night grew young, and the slow subsides. The both of you stand outside and look at the breathtaking array of stars that light up the night sky. Your hand tangled into his, as your head fell softly against Iida's broad shoulder.
Iida couldn't help but play with his makeshift ring, smiling to himself about what the future holds, and how he wanted this future to be a potential reality. Your head suddenly moves from his shoulder, which earns a soft hum from Iida.
You look at him with a light blush as you speak, "this was amazing... thank you, Iida." You spoke softly with a warm smile. "No thank you, Y/n, this night wouldn't have been the same without you."
You hum in response before placing your head back on his shoulder.
You share a quiet, perfect moment as the stars illuminate your faces as a "newlywed couple." Only for the moment to be laughed upon in the future, when your real wedding comes to fruition.
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When someone who gives me a tenya rec tells me to jump, I'm gonna JUMP!!!!
— 𝓁ℴ𝓋ℯ𝓁𝓎𝒾𝒾𝒹𝒶 ❤︎︎
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riminiscensce · 3 months
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CHARACTER … neuvillette
SYNOPSIS … neuvillette starts to learn more about wedding ceremonies all because of you
NOTES … my last post about this man wasn’t enough
CONTENTS … sfw , angst , you’re called as bride , not entirely proofread
Word count … 1491
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Neuvillette doesn’t know much when it comes to wedding customs.
Throughout the past years he remained in Fontaine as the Chief Justice, he had never attended a ceremony wherein people vow their amour for the one whom they devote their love to. It wasn’t like he never received an invitation for an occasion as such, he just never had the time nor the knowledge on how to.
The closest Neuvillette got to a marriage was a few that regarded an offensive case that he had come upon to adjudge in court. Not really a flattering way to introduce the concept to him.
But ever since you’ve been engaged, Neuvillette always found himself ogling at the perfectly sized ring around your finger. How can he not? It always glistened so beautifully underneath any light’s dazing glare, it was hard not to look at it when you were the one now in possession of it. Neuvillette always feels a sense of wistfulness whenever his eyes catch it, a poignant smile following after.
He is truly happy, he tells himself that.
The engagement was an open window of opportunity for Neuvillette to learn more about this custom, no longer looking at it from the perspective of crimes and judgment, but more on a sentimental view.
Neuvillette knows weddings are a big deal, especially in a city filled with romantic concepts of culture and history. From the charmingly expensive wedding closet, to the tasteful selection of cookery that was specifically made for such a matter, it was something the people of Fontaine always enjoyed preparing for.
Expectedly, many people will also attend. Not only your friends and family, but most likely some people who have worked in the Palais Mermonia with Neuvillette. You and him have known each other for a long time, the people were curious how a wedding with the Chief Justice’s aide will turn out. For what sounded like a mere canard, it started to become true.
Then Neuvillette caught you while you were carefully folding shut an envelope in your hands, soon sharing it to the melusines just outside of his office. The wedding was one of the things that stayed in the melusines’ mind throughout the week. He can’t help but smile at your gesture, welcoming the melusines he cares for, he didn’t even need to tell you about it. The friendly bunch always expressed their excitement whenever they would pass by Neuvillette.
Then one of them gave him the envelope you made, his eyes carefully scattering over the soft trails of elegantly trailed ink once the paper inside had been unfolded. It was kept simple yet opulent, something Neuvillette realized that he really liked. He wonders if you made it specifically for his own preference, likely not, perhaps it was just the standard way of arranging an invitation for wedding ceremonies; Neuvillette didn’t know.
He decided to keep a copy of it in his office, something to be kept as a reminder for when he has the time to reminisce in rue in the future.
The next thing Neuvillette knew about was the buffet. A wide selection of delicacies of the city and even of other regions. It was him who joined you on the day when you were to meet with a chef about your own preference for the food. You sat beside him in a lavish room with two servings of pastries on the glossy table.
For the rest of the time, it was you who mostly decided. Neuvillette didn’t want to influence much on it, though he gives his own opinion whenever you would kindly ask him what he personally thinks.
Neuvillette found himself to be amused whenever you’d have such a difficult time picking on which would end up on the wedding. You didn’t have the heart to pick only a few when there were many choices to choose from on the table. That was when Neuvillette suggested picking everything.
At first, he thought he must have done something wrong when your face of shock made itself apparent to him. But it wasn’t until you expressed your bashfulness at this, considering that it was Neuvillette paying for the food. In the end, he insisted, treating this as one last gift from him before the wedding.
The next thing he heard you were going to check upon was your wedding gown. That time, Neuvillette didn’t come with you to the tailor, he figured that your dress was something to save for the actual occasion itself.
After you had gone, Neuvillette was left to muddle over his own attire for the ceremony. What should he wear? It would have to be something equally as attractive as your gown, though not as much as he doesn’t want to be the main focus of the wedding. That should be you.
Then the day finally came.
It wasn’t until then that Neuvillette found out that the bride and the groom were to not see each other before the actual ceremony started. It was Furina who told him that, as well as the melusines who kindly helped him get ready for the event. That morning, Neuvillette finds himself unable to see you.
When he was getting ready, that was when Neuvillette learned a lot more about weddings. How the order of people would be lined up, who comes after who, certain roles like bridesmaids and ring bearers. In a way, he took the time to learn about it as much as possible that time, maybe because he has already decided this would be the last time he’d entangle himself with a custom like this.
“You look extra fancy today, Monsieur Neuvillette!” One of the melusines greeted him, they were already making their way to the front entrance. “We’re so happy for the bride! You must be really happy too!” Yes, he truly is.
A few family and friends of yours greeted him by the entrance, surprised and honored courtesies were exchanged. You still haven't arrived yet, perhaps only after everybody is inside will you get there. Other guests started to greet him politely, expressing how his presence in this wedding was one that many of the people will forever remember. Though Neuvillette thinks this was rather an exaggeration.
Then the music inside the venue started to play, it was something Neuvillette liked as well. He realized that you must have taken his suggestion on having the venue to be indoors rather than outside. Everyone knows how unpredictable Fontaine’s weather can be, this helps a lot. He likes it this way as well, not just because of his own preference, but for convenience’s sake.
He wouldn’t want to ruin the wedding with heavy rain coming down, befalling on every corner of the land. As much as Neuvillette doesn’t want it to happen, he can’t help but feel a forlorn as the corner of his eyes catches the other attendees. He could feel a pensive bubble building up in his chest, wanting to escape through his throat in a form of a quiet cry.
Then you arrived. That was when Neuvillette could feel how misty his eyes had become. But no tears fell, rather it was rain. This continued as you walked down the aisle with a bundle of flowers native to Fontaine. He was thankful that the music was able to cover the heavy pounding of the rain outside, relief also washed through him when he realized no eyes would fall on his figure; every attention was on you.
The wedding vows and the slipping of newlywed rings was something that passed by so fast in his eyes, though in reality, Neuvillette didn’t intend to pay full attention to it. But he felt like he needed to watch you promise your everlasting love. He felt like he needed to as your friend. At the same time, he desperately didn’t want to feel like a weep would break out anytime he would breathe.
Before he knew it, it was finally time to take pictures. An image to be kept for whenever you would reminisce in revelry in the future.
He heard the shuffling of your family and friends around, he was also included in by the other guests and the melusines. He even wonders if he’s proper enough to be suited for a wedding picture. Neuvillette smiles before the bright flash of the camera flickered before the sound of the device snapping.
Finally, it was time for the bride and the groom to take their own picture.
Neuvillette smiles. Something he found odd considering he wasn’t included in the picture this time.
What was the sound of the camera snapping and the people cheering, only the sound of heavy rain was what Neuvillette could hear during that time. What was accompanied by a whimsical ballad of the piano’s romantic notes, only a tearing sonance befriended Neuvillette. It was neither a longing breath nor a regretful grieve, it was only something that the heart could make.
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rimi’s notes
haven’t posted in a while because I was focusing on my senku fic omg but like I just had this idea for neuvi and wanted to write it
tbh i started to drop genshin and hsr and focused on my other hobbies so that’s also why 😭
hearts / reblogs / follows are very much appreciated !
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runesandramblings · 1 year
I Just Want You
Word Count: 1400
Pairings: Fili x reader
Warnings: None
Description: Royal wedding plans begin to take their toll, but there's only one thing you require to make the day perfect.
Requested by anon so I don't have a way to tag you I'm sorry! But I hope you enjoy. 😇
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“What do you think, nâtha? The lilies or the orchids?” 
You buried your face in your hands. The pounding against your temples, something that had become a familiar sensation as of late, began to worsen as you tried to piece together any coherent sentence. There were only three words that came to mind, the same three words you’d uttered countless times over the past several weeks. 
“I don’t know.” 
The joy of yours and Fili’s engagement had subsided the moment you’d broken the news to your families. With FIli being the crown prince and heir, there was no way Dis and your mother would let it be a simple affair. Invitations had already been sent out to every corner of Middle Earth, and you’d been occupied from sunup to sundown every day with planning. The dress, the flowers, the food… 
You were from a simple merchant family. The pomp and ceremony of royalty made no sense to you. Where you’d grown up, weddings were a simple affair. Most couples in your small village chose to elope rather than go through the bother of an elaborate ceremony. You’d have been more than happy to do the same. However, your mother and future mother in law had both been quick to dismiss the idea. 
“It’s no matter, dear. We have time to decide.” Your mother pulled several small scraps of fabric, ranging from the purest snow white to the creamier shades of ivory. She laid them out against the table and gestured to each. “Which color do you think for the dress? We’ve got to begin sewing soon if it will be ready in time.” 
Before you had the chance to respond, Dis laid out several different styles of gold and silver fabric beside the scraps your mother had laid down. 
“And what of the trim? You’ve got to decide if you prefer gold accents or silver. But I do suppose that would have an effect on the choice of flowers…” She trailed off, lost in her own world of thought. 
You could feel your pulse radiating against your temples as the migraine that had been forming worsened. This was the issue exactly. It wasn’t just selecting a dress. It was selecting a type of fabric, a trim, lace… And that had to coordinate with the flowers or else…
Or else what, exactly? Would the world cease to exist if the flowers and trim didn’t go together? Would Mahal himself descend from the sky if the food and the wine didn’t pair perfectly? 
You looked from where you sat at the head of the long, carved wood table to the opposite end. Fili sat on his own, silently working through a stack of parchments Thorin had given him. He hadn’t been overly involved in the plans, as your mothers had taken over almost immediately. But you’d expressed to him how stressful the process had been, and he’d decided to come sit with you for moral support. He met your gaze and gave you a gentle smile. It sent butterflies through your stomach, as it always did. He was all you needed, truly. You could get married in the same, tattered old dress he’d met you in carrying a bouquet of wildflowers for all you cared. As long as he was there, it was all you required.
Your mother’s voice brought you back to the less desirable reality. She and Dis were both staring at you expectantly, the colored swatches of cloth still spread out across the table in front of you. 
“Silver or gold-”
“First, she has to decide on a shade of white. Which shade do you prefer, (Y/N)?” 
“Well it might help to decide on the accent first, then she can pick a white that goes with that.” 
As Dis and your mother began speaking over each other you buried your face in your hands once again. The pounding against your temples became rhythmic, a steady thump that seemed to grow louder and louder as their voices overlapped. You felt as though you might go mad if the pounding and the questions didn't stop soon.
“(Y/N)-” Dis started. 
“I don’t know!” You cried again, finally raising your head to look at the two of them. “I don’t know, okay? And I don’t care. Just pick a color. Whatever you both want.” 
You flung yourself back in the chair, crossing your arms over your chest. It was unlike you to have such an outburst, but you were exhausted. There were too many questions, too many decisions. You’d be more than happy for them to make the choices and just tell you when and where to show up on the day of. 
“And what do you want, amrâlimê?” 
The three of you turned your attention to the end of the table as Fili piped up. He’d laid his parchments to the side. His eyes were not on either of your mothers, but on you. You could see the genuine concern etched in the lines that furrowed between his brows. He knew the planning had begun to take a toll, and now he was able to see the full amount of stress that you were under. 
You felt tears begin to sting the corners of your eyes. 
“I just want you.” You said quietly, your voice barely above a whisper. 
Your mothers exchanged shameful glances across the table, finally seeming to realize just how much they’d piled on you at once. FIli’s expression softened as he continued to look at you, his eyes never breaking away to look at anyone else in the room.
“Could you leave us for a moment?” He asked. 
Dis and your mother stood silently, collecting the fabric and other wedding items they’d strewn across the table. You felt Dis place a hand apologetically on your shoulder as she followed your mother from the room. 
Once they’d gone Fili’s smile widened. He extended his hand to you, gesturing for you to come join him at the end of the table. You stood and quickly walked around to where he sat. Once you were within his arm’s reach he grabbed you, pulling you down by your waist and plopping you into his lap. As soon as your legs touched his he stretched his face up to your neck, peppering light kisses up and down your collarbones. You giggled as his mustache braids tickled the exposed skin of your neck, his lips working their way up to plant kisses along your cheeks. He finally found your mouth and pressed his delicately against yours, making it the gentlest and sweetest kiss of them all. 
You felt a contented sigh escape your lips as he pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. You rested your chin on top of his head as your fingers began to slowly brush through his hair, careful as always not to disturb his perfectly placed braids. The feeling of his arms wrapped snugly around your waist had already alleviated the nervous pit in your stomach, and you wondered how it could have only been moments ago that you were stressed to the point of breaking down in tears. He was your safe place, your calm within the storm. 
“We don’t have to make it into a spectacle, you know.” He murmured into the collar of your dress. “It can just be the two of us, whenever and wherever you want.” 
“We can’t.” You said, wistfully. If only it were that simple. 
“And who says so?” 
“You’re the prince-”
“To hell with that.” He said, pulling back just enough to look up at you. “Thorin’s already given his blessing for us to skip the whole affair.” 
“But our mothers-”
“To hell with them too.” His expression quickly changed from confidence to one of fear as he looked over his shoulder. “Don’t tell them I said that.” 
You giggled again, pulling him closer to you as he nuzzled his face into your neck once more. 
“Amrâlimê, I will go get Balin right now and have him perform the ceremony in this very room.” He continued. “I don’t need the flowers or the food or the party. I just want you, too.” 
You pulled back again, just enough to look down into his eyes. He was smiling up at you, his eyes sparkling with the same joy as they had the first day you met. He was all you needed, now and forever. 
“I think that sounds absolutely perfect.” You said, brushing back a few loosened strands of his golden hair. “On one condition.”
He looked at you expectantly as you continued. 
“You have to tell our mothers.”
nâtha - daughter
amrâlimê - my love
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unluckywisher · 7 months
So @exactlycleverpirate had an idea for an angsty fanfic: How would the guys react to being invited to MC's wedding, if she married another man?
Well, here's my take.
Zayne arrives at the wedding, gift in hand. He's dressed in a plain suit, not wanting to stand out, but he's also wearing the cuff links you bought for him once. He's not sure what kind of statement he's making by wearing them. As soon as he spots you, it's like there's no one else in the room. His breath catches in his throat, but the feeling is quickly replaced by a tightness as he remembers he's not the one by your side. He recovers his composure and approaches you, smiling. He forces himself to look at the groom as well, which he manages, but he looks away as he wishes both of you happiness. He gives you a kiss on the cheek and squeezes you hand, not able to meet your gaze, and gives you his gift, turning to leave so you can greet the other guests. Or that's what he tells himself, as he leaves the ceremony all together. He looks like a good man, he'll treat her well, he thinks, a void growing in his heart. The truth is that he doesn't trust anyone but himself to look after you, but he has no choice. When you open his gift, you see a pair of earrings made of unmeltable ice, small snowflakes shining inside of them.
If you marry Xavier, he'll wonder if he didn't express his love enough. If you marry Rafayel, he'll wonder if he wasn't bold enough. In any case, he continues being your doctor, because he still wants to take care of you in his way, even if it hurts to see the ring on your finger every time you come for an appointment.
Rafayel arrives late at the wedding. At first he wasn't going to show up, having burnt the invitation to dust as soon as he received it in the mail, but in the end he decided he had to see it for himself. He appears after the ceremony, at the banquet hall. He looks his best, if anything, he's trying one last time to win you back. He approaches your table and congratulates the groom with a tone that would make anyone think he was insulting him. Then he looks at you. And he's angry. But you look so beautiful and so happy. So he smiles and leans closer, wishing you the best in a soft and honest tone. He turns away and sits at his table. His eyes are on you the entire evening, and by the time you're doing the first dance with your now husband, he has finished two bottles of wine by himself. He leaves shortly after, unable to stand it any longer, his face flush from the anger and the alcohol. A few days later, his gift is delivered to your house. A portrait of you underwater, smiling as a fish nuzzles your cheek.
If you marry Zayne, he'll curse himself for being so carefree about his relationship with you. If you marry Xavier, he'll curse himself for not being there for you more often. He'll tell you he doesn't need you as a bodyguard anymore, stating that he wants you to enjoy your married life, but he'll make as many drawings as his hands let him if you ever visit the beach near his house, observing you from a distance.
Xavier didn't sleep well the night before the event. In fact, he shows up with tired eyes and an even more tired smile. He remains still during the ceremony, his stomach curling into a knot as he hears you exchange your vows. At the banquet, he leaves his present with the others, in a corner, now worried that it might not be good enough. Since he doesn't want to bother you, you are the one that has to approach him to say hi. He smiles broadly and gives you his blessings, indulging himself in one last hug as he gently embraces you. He instantly pulls away as the groom appears by your side, nodding at him as a greeting and to congratulate him. Later, when everyone has finished dining and is now dancing, he stays at his table, fidgeting with his napkin. You invite him to dance with you, unsure as to why he looks so out of it today, but wanting him to have a good time. This only manages to make him self-conscious, because you're worrying about him instead of enjoying the party. He excuses himself, saying it's late and he's getting sleepy, and leaves the party with a smile. His gift is a brand new weapon that you had said you wanted a few months back.
If you marry Zayne, he'll think he wasn't good at protecting you anyways, and surely you'll be better with him. If you marry Rafayel, he'll think he wasn't as fun and engaging, so of course he's a better partner for you. He thinks about moving away, picking up a new job, but he finds himself unable to do so as he sees you again the next morning.
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nataliawrites · 2 years
Crowning Glory // Max Verstappen
Max Verstappen x Princess of the Netherlands!Reader
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Max prided himself on his control. His job depended on it. His life depended on it.
Even when he briefly lost control — and he really doesn’t regret the infamous pushing incident — it was always of his own doing.
Until you came into his life.
A knock on the door to his driver’s room started Max. It was race day and it was rare for him to be bothered when he was preparing on his own. A home race meant that everything was heightened. The adrenaline thrummed deeper. The cheers were louder. The Orange Army was nearly blinding in the stands.
“Max,” the familiar voice of his team principal filtered through the door after another knock, “I have someone who would like to meet you.”
“Can’t we do this later, Christian? I know you know my routine by now.”
“Just open the door. I think you’ll be happy to change up your routine this once.”
Max heaved himself off of the small couch and went to send the Brit and whatever guest he brought along away so he could continue to focus on the race in peace.
He opened the door, prepared to shut it in a second, but stopped short when he saw who was standing next to Christian. The guest in question was wearing an elegant summer dress in a bright shade of orange sure to be similarly reflected upon thousands of Dutch fans around the track.
She was also the subject of his long running teenage crush. A crush he thought he had gotten over until he was staring open-mouthed at her right in front of him.
“Hallo,” she takes the initiative to greet Max considering he was still making somewhat of a fool of himself in front of her, “it is a pleasure to finally meet you.”
Max bends into a hasty bow, unsure of the protocols for meeting someone he had only ever seen on the news and the pages of magazines, “Your Royal Highness, I am so sorry.”
“Don’t be. I’m the one intruding on your preparations,” she waves his apology off. “I just wanted to stop by and wish you luck before the race. It is my first time attending a Grand Prix in-person but my family and I have been fans for a long time and started following your career when news of an incredibly promising young driver racing under the Dutch flag first made its rounds.”
“I-thank you, Your Highness. I am honored.”
“Well, I will leave you to continue getting ready. Mr. Horner promised me a tour of the garage. Good luck again, you do your country proud.”
Max remained frozen in the doorway, watching the heir apparent walk away with the Red Bull team principal, bodyguards seemingly materializing from the walls to surround her as they made their way into a public area of the F1 Holzhaus.
Max managed to get you out of his head once the race began. The second he got into the car, nothing else mattered. Everything beyond the track ceased to exist as he pushed the car to its limit and passed the chequered flag for yet another home win.
But when it came time for the podium ceremony, there you were front and center, ready to present trophies to the three drivers. Max swore he could feel a spark travel up his arm as your fingers brushed his while handing him the trophy. “Well done! Tonight we celebrate.”
Turns out the celebration was a far cry from the ones he was used to. Instead of a club, Red Bull team members were invited to join you at a nearby royal residence for dinner and drinks. Max listened to you explain why from his seat next to you at the long dining table as you waited for the first course to be served, pleasantly warm from champagne already, “I used to love going out. Tried to have a typical university experience, you know? But I was almost kidnapped last year and despite security stepping in on time I have been forbidden from doing so again. Too much risk.”
And there it was. The reminder of just how different your lives wore despite both being Dutch public figures. One day Max will retire and can live a relatively normal life if he so chooses while you will ascend to the throne and lead a kingdom.
He didn’t exactly pity you — royalty was royalty at the end of the day — but he did sympathize with the constraints that it placed on you and how you lived your life.
Max clears his throat, “I’m not exactly sure how this whole thing works but I would love to take you out.”
He waits for a response and nervously cards his fingers through his hair when he doesn’t get one, “only if you want, of course, Your Highness. I have a sailing boat on the coast not too far from here. It’s not a yacht, though you are welcome to join me on that too if you are ever in Monaco, but I promise that it is peaceful and private. I just thought you would like to get away from all this,” he gestures around the room of mingling Red Bull staff and dignitaries, “for a little.”
“Are you sure?”
You ask again, “are you sure?”
“Sure about what? That I would like to take you on a date? Quite sure.”
“Any privacy we have won’t last long.”
“I know.”
“The press can be brutal.”
“So I’ve learned. I don’t particularly care.”
“There are rules …”
“I will learn them.”
“Okay,” you finally allow a shy smile.
“Yes, Max. I would love to go on a date with you.”
“Yes. But if we are to date you have to call me Y/N.”
“Gladly … Y/N,” he tests out how your name feels on his lips for the first time.
“Oh and you will have to meet my parents.”
That gives him pause. “Your parents?”
“As in the King and Queen.”
“I have to meet the King and Queen?”
“It’s all still a bit old fashioned, I’m afraid. We will need their approval.”
You’re quick to reassure him when you see how quickly the color drains from his face, “my father is a big Ferrari fan but he has a soft spot for you. You need not worry.”
“Your father is the King.”
“My King.”
“Yes. And he’s my father. You’ll have to get used to it if you see us going anywhere.”
“Right. Of course …” A few seconds pass. “But he’s the King.”
You pat his hand where it’s splayed on the table, “you’ll be fine.”
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holdmytesseract · 2 months
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moodboard by @mochie85 divider by @fictive-sl0th <3
Summary: It's been a long time coming... But now the day for you and Loki to say 'Yes' and enter the bond of marriage has finally arrived. A covenant for eternity.
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Chapter Five - An Otherworldly Celebartion
Warnings for this Chapter: fluff, alcohol? Partying, tooth-rotting fluff and so so much romance
Word Count: 5,9k
a/n: Let's get this party started! 🥳 Next chapter will be already the final one - which is kinda crazy... What a journey this has been... And you better fasten your seatbelts for next week, because it's getting hot! 🔥
This chapter's shout outs: Huge thanks again to @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 for the beautiful party edition of the wedding dress! Thank you, @muddyorbsblr for chosing Loki's suit and Thor's outfits! Another thanks to my flower girl, @fictive-sl0th ! @lokisgoodgirl & @mochie85 made a wonderful team in planning the party entertainment - thank you so much! Just like @lokiforever & @brokenpoetliz - thank you for this location as well! @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic is the DJ - thank you, friend! And of course @aagn360 for designing the wedding cake! Thank you!
💍 Chapter Four °☆• Chapter Six 💍
Baby Fever Masterlist °☆• A Covenant for Eternity Masterlist (coming soon!)
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Rose petals rained down on you and Loki, as you walked hand in hand on the white carpet towards the awaiting carriage. Everybody was lined up at the way; cheering and smiling, all the while throwing the beautiful flowers your way.
Before it was time for celebrations, you and Loki would tend to another Midgardian wedding tradition... The release of white doves.
Behind the emerald green curtains at the end of the aisle, three big cages with doves awaited you. In two of them was only one dove; in the third quite a few more.
Once everyone had gathered around you, Loki and the animals; one of the royal keepers stepped forward to guide you through this beautiful tradition. He opened one cage and gently grabbed the bird; handing the stunning creature over to Loki, who took it just as gently in his hands. Then he showed you how to hold your dove.
"There you go, your majesty." Majesty... You almost fainted at the words of the young keeper. This was all still a bit surreal for you... "She's very kind, but you have to be careful with her wings. If you hurt her, she might pick after you," the Æsir instructed you, just like he instructed Loki. You nodded. "Alright. Thank you." Carefully he handed you over the dove and you took her carefully - not to hurt her in your hands. The keeper nodded at you, "Whenever your majesties are ready, just throw them gently up in the air and let go. They'll fly away." and took a bow; stepping aside.
All eyes were once again, of course, on you and the prince. You exchanged a look with your husband- husband... sounded very surreal in your head as well, and he nodded. "On three, my love?" "On three." Loki gave you a nod as well and started the countdown. "One, two, three!"
On three, both you and him threw the doves gently in the air and let go; watching the beautiful animals fly away into the sunny autumn sky. Then you immediately went to the third big cage and released the other white doves together; opening up the cage. They followed the other two birds; accompanied by claps and cheers of the people around you. Family, friends, colleagues - and the royal staff... Maids, guards, servants, cooks, the keepers - basically everybody who worked in the palace. You had been adamant that they all were invited to the ceremony as a thankyou for all the hard work they performed for this wedding.
After everyone had watched the doves flying away and the cages had been removed, you and Loki got awashed with congratulations left and right. Thor was the first. He had just pushed his way to the front. "Brother!" The blond god called out - and before Loki could even react, he found himself in a bone crushing hug. "I'm so indescribably happy for you and Lady Y/N! Congratulations!" Loki could only wince in return; the hug being definitely a bit too tight.
Once Thor let go of him, your husband had taken a few very deep breaths first. You just tried to hold back the giggle bubbling up in the back of your throat. "Thank you, brother," Loki almost panted. "But if you ever hug me that tight again, I am going to stab you." Thor smiled brighter than a Cheshire cat; slapping a meaty hand on his younger brother's shoulder. "I do love you as well, Loki."
While Thor congratulated you, Jane did the same to Loki.
Odin was next, of course, being his father and your father-in-law. The royal family had the privilege to congratulate the newlyweds first, for sure, therefore was Frigga following after her husband.
"Loki..." She smiled brightly; blinking away a few tears and cupping her son's cheeks despite his horned helmet. "I am so very proud of you. My little boy, married. I cannot quite believe it yet. I am beyond happy." Loki smiled back at his mother; a tear escaping his eyes. He gently took her hands in his and pressed a kiss on her knuckles. "Thank you, mother. Without you, I would've never gotten this far. I love you." Frigga moved to tightly hug her son. "And I love you."
You watched from the sidelines with tears in your eyes as well. You loved the bond Loki and his mother shared. It was beautiful.
Then Frigga turned to you; hands cupping your cheeks as well. "Y/N... Congratulations. I'm honoured to call you my daughter-in-law now. I am grateful for you. I truly am. You showed Loki what he needed the most... Love. Appreciation. Acceptance." She placed a motherly kiss on your forehead. "Thank you."
You didn't even know what to answer; being utterly overwhelmed by her words and speechless. So instead, you wrapped Frigga up in a hug. Sometimes gestures said more than words ever could.
All your friends and colleagues were next; including Natasha and, of course, Nick.
"Congrats, kid," Nick said with a smile and embraced you as well. "I'm happy for ya. Even though I would've chosen someone else and not exactly a war criminal, but hey... Love is strange, right?" You knew that he was teasing you, so you played along. "Noted, boss. In my next life I marry America's ass, not Asgard's ass." A hearty laugh left the older man's lips, who had exchanged his signature black coat for a black tux. "I take you by the word."
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After everyone had congratulated you both, it was time to head back to the palace. While the royal staff was already on the way back, in order to start some last minute preparations (and especially to cook), at least ten open carriages waited for you and your guests to transport you back. They were beautifully decorated with white lilies and roses - fit for a wedding.
You and Loki took a seat in the very first carriage, of course; sitting beside each other. The god immediately reached for your hand and intertwined your fingers. You looked up at him; smiling. A gesture which he returned.
Once everyone has found a place in the carriages and was seated, the caravan started to move. This time, though, you took a different road. Not the one through the nature and woods of Asgard, no. The other one, which led through the city and heart of the realm. It was tradition for a royal bridal couple to make their appearance in front of their people. And so, Loki and you - just like Jane and Thor when they had gotten married, settled for a little parade through the city.
The Æsir were welcomed to go on the streets and stand by the sidelines to watch the royal wedding caravan make it's way to the palace. Since you had already liked this at your brother-in-law's wedding, you asked Loki if this could be done at yours and his wedding as well... He agreed happily. Besides, it was tradition. Plus, it allowed you and Loki a few minutes of some privacy, before you'd reach the city...
"Are you warm enough, my love?" Your husband asked; while making sure that the white cloak was draped neatly over your almost bare shoulders and arms. You nodded, "Yes, I'm good, thank you." and gave him a smile; placing your hand on his leather clad thigh. An offer the god couldn't resist. He took you hand immediately in his and started to caress the soft skin on the back of your hand with his thumb.
A few beats of silence passed, until a soft laugh from Loki cut through the air. "Darling, can you believe this? Because I can't. We are married now. Married. This is our wedding. It's happening right now in this very moment." You shook your head; squeezing his hand. "I can't, babe. It feels like a dream." "Indeed," Loki said and turned his head to look at you; deep blue eyes gazing into yours.
It almost took your breath away.
Then he lifted his free hand and cupped your chin gently between his thumb and forefinger. "A dream I never want to wake up from," he whispered and before you could even answer, were his soft lips on yours; kissing you with so much tenderness and love.
You practically had no other choice than to melt into the kiss.
"I love you," you breathed against his lips; unable to resist kissing him a few more times. "I love you even more."
At this point, you and Loki had to watch out that the harmless kiss it started with, didn't turn into a makeout session - which tended to happen quite fast, when your man is called Loki Laufeyson...
"Babe..." You gasped; palm on his chest and gently pressing him back. "W-We have to stop this. The city-" "I know," Loki interrupted you; thumb caressing the apple of your cheek. Then he turned to face the path to your feet; nodding ahead. "Look." You followed his gaze; witnessing how the sun already sunk deeper in the Asgardian sky. Days were shorter now here as well and soon the night would settle over the realm.
"Wow... It's beautiful." "Yes, it is. One of the reasons why I love autumns on Asgard." You just smiled at Loki and rested your head against his shoulder.
The minutes you had in silence did you and Loki definitely good, but then you got thrown right back into the wedding fever which had engulfed the whole city. Hundreds of people were on the streets and cheering for you and Loki; celebrating this wonderful event with you. It was overwhelming - in the best way possible. You waved left and right; giving each and everyone a smile. The warmth, love and acceptance the people - your people were giving you didn't fail to warm your heart.
And Loki's as well...
You could see it in his oceanic blues. He was overwhelmed and certainly didn't anticipate that so many Æsir would go on the streets... For him. Probably for the first time in years - centuries, he felt truly accepted and above all... loved.
Arrived at the palace, the carriage came to an halt. Loki was the first to get off and like the gentleman he was, he stepped around and helped you down the three little steps. "May I help you, my darling wife?" The word 'wife' out of the god's mouth sent a pleasant, tingling shiver down your spine.
You smiled brightly and laid your hand into his; gladly taking the offer. "Very kind of you, dear husband." Loki couldn't help but smile proudly and helped you to dismount the carriage.
While your guests arrived at the palace and got led into the throne room by the guards and the king and queen in person, you and Loki had vanished into his personal chambers; accompanied by a few maids in order to get changed for the festivities.
You exchanged your pompous ceremony dress for a similar version. It allowed you to move more freely and was certainly better for dancing and partying.
Your husband changed from his ceremonial armour into a wedding suit - a Midgardian homage. Plus, a suit was also more suitable for a party than an armour.
All that was missing on his perfectly fitting outfit was the boutonnière. You took it from the little table where one of the maids had placed it and made your way to Loki, who was in the other room; currently standing in front of the mirror and tying the golden tie around his neck. You smiled; walking up to him and gently pinned the boutonnière on his emerald green suit jacket.
Loki looked at you with a smile; watching your fingers work. "There you go. Perfect." He took your hand in his; brushing his lips over the back of your hand, before his eyes took in your 'new' look.
"My love, you are beyond beautiful. Nothing less than a goddess." You smiled and blushed; free hand searching for his. "So are you. The most handsome man I've ever seen."
Your husband answered nothing; instead dipped his head to kiss you softly and slowly, but intimately.
"We should join our guest and welcome them properly." He nodded in agreement, even though the god would love to just keep you for himself in here for the rest of the day. "We should, darling." A last kiss was shared, before you made your way together to the throne room.
Once you and Loki's return was announced - in the most royal way, of course, the big, golden doors to the throne room got opened for you to step inside. Again you felt all eyes on you, but this time you weren't alone. Unlike you, Loki was used to this - kind of. Therefore, he immediately felt your nervosity and gave the hand which rested in his a reassuring and comforting squeeze.
Perhaps it wasn't all the people who made you nervous, though. Perhaps it was the welcoming speech the newlyweds had to held. Speaking in front of the Avengers or a group of SHIELD agents? No problem. Speaking in front of (royal) wedding guests? Turned out to be a problem. But to your sheer luck, you had Loki, who guided you through this...
"Dear friends, families and colleagues," Loki started, once the two of you had made your way up to the podium where Odin's throne stood, but today was converted into a stage on which the live band could play. "We wish to welcome you all and invite you to join us in celebrating our wedding." Loki's head turned to face you; gently urging you on to continue the little speech.
You took a deep breath, "Thank you for being a part of this. We are happy to share this wonderful moment in our life with you all." and felt how Loki softly squeezed your hand again. "Now, I think there's nothing left to say than enjoy the festivities, entertainment program and the other fun things you can find all around," you gestured to the French doors. "Oh, and... The buffet is open, just like the candy bar!"
And again sounded loud claps, cheers and even some whistles through the room. Happiness was all round; the atmosphere almost vibrating with positive energy. You exchanged another look with Loki; the both of you smiling brightly - and of course you couldn't let that chance slip and leaned in for a kiss, which your man returned happily.
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For sure were the bride and groom the first ones to 'storm' the buffet and get some of the delicious Asgardian food the kitchen had prepared. After the two of you, Thor, Jane, Odin and Frigga followed and then the rest of the wedding party was allowed to get something to eat.
You took your place beside your husband at the beautifully decorated table. They were all circular with a capacity of eight guests per table - except the one at the top... 'The royal table,' on which you, Loki, Thor (Who had changed into a burgundy suit by now as well.), Frigga and Odin were seated. The five tables behind you were for all the other guests.
The tables itself were covered in fine Asgardian silk with green and golden bow ties. On top of each table was a bouquet with black roses; bordered with golden lace.
While eating, you had for the first time the chance to properly look around and take in how perfectly redecorated the usually empty throne room looked...
Stepping through the main doors, the six tables were almost right in front of you on left. On the right was another single table, but smaller; reserved for the wedding cake later. A few steps away was the 'food corner'. The candy bar and main buffet, together with the actual bar for cocktails and other delicious drinks. It was your idea to bring a candy bar to Asgard, since a lot of Æsir didn't even know what proper candy was!
The huge free space in between the bar and tables, and the 'stage' for the live band would be used as the dance floor.
Before your eyes travelled to the French doors, which led outside into the gardens, where fire bowls, bar tables, loungers and a photo-booth (One of your personal highlights.) awaited you, Loki and the guests, your eyes got stuck on another small table. A big, beautifully crafted box sat on top; filled to the brim with... You smiled. Batches. As far as you could tell. It had been Pepper's idea.
You focused your gaze on some of your guests; noticing that a few of them wore the batches already... Small, circular and pinned on to the suits and dresses. 'Team Bride' and 'Team Groom' was written on them, alongside some cute details of the wedding..
You didn't think Pepper would really do it, but she did, causing you to smile more.
You didn't notice how lost in thoughts and your surroundings you got; just picking at your food instead of eating, until you felt Loki's hand on yours. "Darling, is everything alright?" Concern swung in his voice. You blinked; falling back in the here and now.
"Yes, sure," you gave him a smile, "I was just a bit lost in thoughts and admired how beautiful all of this..." and gestured around. "...is." He nodded, "Once more I can only agree with you, my love." and lifted your hand up to his lips, in order to bestow a gentle kiss upon your knuckles.
"I love you." The three magic words just slipped past your lips. You couldn't hold them back. You wanted to shout it from the rooftops. "And I love you." Loki's eyes literally shone with love and adoration. The both of you exchanged a few short, but sweet kisses and continued to eat.
Your surroundings weren't the only thing you could properly take in for the first time... Your husband's hairstyle for example (What a shame!) - now that you saw his side profile; not concealed by his horns. It almost took your breath away.
Some of his raven curls were bound together into a bun, with quite a few curls still hanging loosely over his shoulders. The curls on his sides were braided into small plaits, which disembogued in his man bun.
You knew that it was a traditional hairstyle for Norse men on their wedding and Loki had told you about it, but to see him actually having it was entirely different, and you couldn't deny that it did things to you. He was breathtakingly gorgeous.
"You should take a picture, darling. It lasts longer," Loki suddenly spoke up; a mischievous smirk on his face. "Who says I won't?" You answered; referring of course to the photo-booth. The god only winked and gave you a smouldering look, which caused you to giggle like a schoolgirl.
Gods, you were so in love...
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About an hour into the festivities, everybody had quenched their hunger. It was clearly noticeable. The conversations around you got louder and the candy bar plundered. From the corner of your eye, you saw how Odin and Frigga exchanged a look and a soft smile. Before knowing what was happening, the Allmother stood up and graciously made her way towards the podium, on which the live band played quietly in the background during dinner. At her sign, they stopped and parted ways for her, so she could step up to the microphone.
All Frigga had to do was to subtly clear her throat and all eyes were on her; the laughter and conversations dying down.
"Dear wedding guests, I'd like to sincerely welcome you to the festivities of this beautiful union of love," she started; spreading her arms in a welcoming gesture. "Now that dinner was served and everybody's hunger quenched, it is time for another wedding tradition... Midgardian and Asgardian." The smile on her lips widened. "The wedding dance!"
At the announcement, she received loud claps and cheers, while you felt the nervosity punching you straight in the face - again. Sure, you and Loki had practised every step at least a trillion times, but... That wasn't a training session. That was the main event.
"Y/N, Loki..." Frigga spoke to the both of you directly now through the microphone. "Would you do us the honour?"
I looked at Loki; seeing him smile brightly. He nodded at you and stood up; offering you his hand. "May I ask for this dance, my lady?" You couldn't suppress the small, excited and yet nervous giggle which left your lips. "Yes, my prince," you accepted - of course, and placed your hand in his.
Frigga left the 'stage' and gestured for everybody to stand and line up at the sidelines, Loki led you onto the dance floor.
"Are you ready, love?" Your husband whispered; making sure you were alright, while all the guests were still moving around. You nodded. "Y-Yes. Just nervous..." He gave you a reassuring smile. "We got this. Trust in my lead and enjoy this wonderful dance we are about to share." Again, you gave him a nod and smile.
Once you got the permission from the Allmother to begin, the both of you took a step back and got into position.
Loki crossed his arms formally behind is back and took a bow, while you curtsied. When the music started to play, Loki and you stepped closer to each other again and begun the Asgardian part of the wedding dance - which felt somehow taken straight out of a fairytale. It was elegant, noble and consisted of a lot of 'handwork', but not very much body contact.
The first steps were almost the same as the last; palm against palm and forearm against forearm, with the other arm neatly tucked behind your backs. In time with the music, you took steps to turn in a circle. Loki had taught you that it was important to maintain eye contact - so you tried to focus just on him and this dance.
You got more and more confident when the first minute of the song was over and everything had gone smoothly so far. It gave you enough boost to do what Loki told you... Trust in him and enjoy this.
Even the one lift in the dance failed to scare you like it always did before. Effortless, you placed your arm around Loki's shoulder, while his arm wrapped around your waist; lifting you up off the ground gently and slowly turned in a circle. Your eyes were not leaving the other's for even a second.
When the music picked up pace, you and Loki did the same. The dance moves got more rhythmic and powerful, but never lost its graciousness.
With the last beat of the music, the both of you got into the final position - but there was not much time to catch your breaths...
Since your wedding dance consisted of two parts, you merely had a few seconds, before the sounds of the chosen Midgardian song echoed through the big throne room; played of course by the live band.
'a thousand years' by Christina Perri.
Choosing this song was a hard, long process. You remembered discussing for hours with Loki. After all, this was an important decision and you had about ten songs in mind, which had been fitting for a wedding dance. It had to be something special. A song that represented your love for each other - and 'a thousand years' did...
At the first sounds of the piano, you felt how your husband's free hand came to rest on your waist; gently pulling you in closer. The hand which rested against yours shifted, so that he was holding your small one in his bigger palm.
In time with the rhythm of the song, you started the second part of your wedding dance... The waltz.
Loki led you over the marble floor; eyes locked on yours. You felt like floating. It was such an intimate dance - way more than the Asgardian one.
You were closer; almost chest to chest. You could feel Loki's breath against the skin on your face; his intoxicating scent hitting you full force. You never wanted to let go.
From time to time, the god twirled you gently in a circle - only to catch you seconds later with his strong arms. You could practically feel Loki's eternal love seeping through his hands and invading your body. You never wanted to miss it. Him.
By the end of the song, you had wound your hands around Loki's neck, while he had his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. Now you were really chest to chest. With the last sound, all the guests started to applaud and cheer, but for you it was just a rushing in your ears. A side noise. Your focus was fully directed on Loki - as his soft lips moved in sync against yours.
Unfortunately, the moment of intimacy didn't last long, since the band started to play the first 'proper' song of the evening, causing most of the guests to storm the dance floor all around you.
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By now was the party in full swing. Everybody had obviously fun and was well entertained. Be it by the candy bar, dance music, photo-booth - or Scott, who roamed the tables as a magician. Loki wasn't very impressed about all that, but he at least thought that his colleague was a little bit funny. Scott though, was completely enthralled; had even changed from his normal suit into a magician costume. And of course - as it should be, you and Loki got the first performance...
"Okay, okay, now, Y/N... Draw a card!" You did as he told you and drew a card from stack. "Perfect! Don't show me the card, though. You can show it Lokes but not me." You nodded and happily showed Loki your card. The king of hearts.
"Now stick it back into the pile." You followed his command again. "Alrighty! Now..." Scott started and shuffled the cards. "You both can see that I am shuffling the cards. I have no idea which card you drew, but I believe..." He closed his eyes for a moment and drew a card from the pile as well. "...it's this one!" He turned it around - and you gasped. "The king of hearts. Am I right?" You nodded. "Oh my gosh, yes!" Scott beamed proudly, "Hurray!" and reached into his trouser pocket; throwing some confetti in the air. It rained down on you and Loki.
While you giggled excitedly and clapped, Loki just took a deep breath, crossed his arms over his chest and leaned closer to your ear. "You know, love, that trick isn't even difficult. All you do is- Oof..." You elbowed him in the side; signalling him to shut up. For good measure, you threw him a warning gaze. Scott was so proud of himself and put a lot of effort in this and you knew he loved to do it, so you didn't want Loki to make Scott sad. Plus, all the other guests loved him and had a lot of fun.
Now Loki was standing at the bar, slurping his drink. His gaze was, of course, lingering on you. He watched you on the dance floor, as you danced with Romanoff to a Midgardian song which he believed was called 'Riptide' from a man named Vance Joy - or so; laughing and visibly enjoying yourself.
The god smiled; feeling his heart pump pure love for you through his veins. But a sudden, rather harsh clap on the shoulder ripped his eyes away from you and he turned his body on the bar stool. Thor stood behind him in his impressive burgundy suit; ale in hand and smiling like a Cheshire cat.
"Ouch, brother..." Loki grumbled and rubbed his shoulder. "I've got ears, you know. You can just say my name instead of almost beating me up every time you wish to talk to me."
Thor didn't even seem to hear Loki's words, as he squeezed himself between the bar stool Loki sat on and the one to his left. "I am so proud and happy for you, Loki." The blond boomed and laid one arm around the raven haired man's shoulder. "Look around, brother. We are celebrating your wedding! I never thought this day would ever come and yet here we are..." The older prince pulled the younger closer; hugging him in a kind off awkward angle, but it was a hug nonetheless. "Look how far you've come. Not only have you reached the status to be called an Avenger, no, you are a husband now." Thor smiled brightly at his younger sibling. "I am proud of you, brother - truly. I am."
Loki felt that this affection of Thor was honest and pure in heart. He truly meant it - and Loki couldn't help himself but to smile and hug Thor as well.
"Thank you, brother. This means a lot to me. I know very well that I am not the best at showing you my affection and brotherly love, but know that it's there."
Thor chuckled, "I do love you, too, brother." and squeezed the raven haired man tighter; making it hard to breathe for Loki.
At some point, the younger god started to pat his brother's shoulder rather frantically. "Brother. Can't. Breathe."
That was the moment the blond noticed and he immediately loosened the bear hug. "Apologies, brother." His cheeks turned pink, and he clapped Loki a last time on his shoulder. "Now I won't bother you any longer. Keep admiring your lady. Besides, I have promised Jane to try out that funny photo carton thing. See you, brother."
As fast as Thor appeared, as fast vanished he again.
Loki emptied his drink and decided to make his way over to you...
You were still on the dance floor with Natasha; having fun just like the other people around you.
You saw your husband approaching the both of you and smiled brightly. "Hey, babe!" You almost shouted through the music; waving at him. Loki couldn't help but chuckle at your ridiculously sweet behaviour. You were happy - and that's what mattered to him. Your happiness was his glorious purpose.
"Miss Romanoff," the god addressed the Russian beauty politely; taking a bow. "May I steal my wife away from you?" Natasha giggled, "Only this one time, Laufeyson." and winked at him, before turning around and finding Tony to dance with instead.
You had watched the scenario with a smile on your lips. "You're a bad boy for just stealing me away, you know. The song isn't even over yet," you teased Loki; crossing your arms over your chest. But the god just shook his head; smirking wolfishly with mischief glimmering in his oceanic blues.
"Wrong, darling," he said; getting so close that he was able to wrap his arms loosely around your waist. "I only took back what is mine." With those words he literally yanked you towards him; causing you to stumble forward and literally crashing against his strong body. "Lokiii!" You giggled with both palms on his chest.
"Yes, princess?" He chuckled and started to sway you to the song. "It's the truth isn't it?" You just shook your head but couldn't stop yourself from standing on your tiptoes to kiss him. Just in that moment the music changed. The happy dance song turned into a rather sad, but powerful and especially catchy song... 'Won't Go Home Without You' by Maroon 5. One of your favourites. The live band definitely knew what they did and delivered an amazing performance.
As soon as you recognised the musical masterpiece, you pulled away from Loki's sinful lips and wiggled around in his embrace excitedly.
"On of your favourites, am I right?" You nodded with a bright smile and wrapped your arms around your husband's neck; starting to sway to the beat. "I love it!" Loki smiled and moved his palms to let them rest on your hips and joining you in your dance movements.
"Every night, you cry yourself to sleep; thinking, why does this happen to me? Why does every moment have to be so hard?" You started to sing the lyrics alongside the lead singer of the band; knowing it by heart. "Hard to believe that. It's not over tonight. Just give me one more chance to make it right. I may not make it through the night. I won't go home without you!"
Loki watched you with love and adoration in his eyes; totally enchanted by you and your beautifully happy nature. The god was so in love, he wasn't even able to put it in words.
"It′s not over tonight. Just give me one more chance to make it right. I may not make it through the night. I won't go home without you!" You kept on singing as Loki spun you in a circle, only to catch you in his arms mere seconds later.
"And I won't go home without you," you shook your head; singing. "And I won′t go home without you. And I won′t go home without you," you pointed at your husband; finger digging softly in his left pec.
"You won't go home without me, darling," Loki answered as the song ended; pulling you once again closer against his body. "You will never go home without me." You giggled. "I hope so."
The god's thumbs started to caress your sides. "I promise. I'll always be by your side. No matter what."
You smiled; feeling your heart speed up. "I love you," you breathed against his lips and kissed him again.
"I. Love. You. Too," Loki mumbled in between kisses; not letting go of you.
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Later on, some servants rolled the absolutely deliciously looking cake into the room; crafted by the best pâtisserie in downtown New York. It was majestic; fitting for a royal wedding. The three-tier wedding cake was completely in white with beautiful gold decorations and flowers.
Together, you and Loki cut the cake and manoeuvred the first slice on a plate. Of course you shared the slice.
"And?" You asked your husband after you had fed him the first spoonful of cake. Loki hummed; munching on the delicacy. "It tastes heavenly," he stated, "Try it, love." and gave you a spoonful as well. It was the top cake, so the flavour of mint and chocolate hit your taste buds. "Mhm, yeah... It's okay." Loki pouted, "Just okay?" and you giggled. "Babe, you know that chocolate-mint wouldn't be my first pick." The god sighed dramatically. "It was worth a try..." You giggled again and took another bite. Loki smiled.
The other cakes were definitely more to your liking. Of course, you had to try all three. It was your wedding cake after all...
The party was in full swing for hours and hours. You probably had the best time of your life - as it should be.
After dancing, eating, drinking, taking several funny, sweet and romantic photos in the photo-booth and even playing some wedding games, it was time for you and your husband to call it a night.
It was way past midnight, when all your guests lined up and created an aisle for the two of you to walk through. Everybody held sparklers in their hands; waving you off into your wedding night. It was a magic moment.
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I won't keep all the creative works from you this time either! 🤗
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Tags: @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jaidenhawke @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @jennyggggrrr @multifandom-worlds @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @herdetectivetheorist @chennqingg @hisredheadedgoddess28 @princess-ofthe-pages @km-ffluv @brokenpoetliz @huntedmusicgardenn @lokiforever @stupidthoughtsinwriting @loz-3 @jaguarthecat @icytrickster17 @eleniblue @yourfriendlyslytherinhc @kimanne723 @lou12346789 @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic @smolvenger @isaidoop @lokisgoodgirl @lokisrealpurpous @aagn360 @cakesandtom @glitchquake @alexakeyloveloki (Continuing in the comments!)
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creedslove · 1 year
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Pedro Pascal x f!reader
Summary: Pedro invites you to be his plus one for the night but his attention is caught by another woman and leaves you with a broken heart
Warnings: fluff, like, a lot of fluff, implied age gap, mentions of death, and descriptions of a catholic wedding (I just wrote down how they go in my country, but no, it's not *the* wedding you're thinking about) and mentions of smut
A/N: Just one more chapter and we wrap up this story!!! I hope you guys enjoy this one because I know my heart melted while I wrote it!!!
A/N part 2: still can't manually tag people on the works because I use the app and it won't let me do it, that's why I don't have a tag list at all!
3.4k words
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One year later
You stood at the altar feeling excitedly but also a little anxious. A bunch of familiar faces stared at you taking in all the details of the ceremony that was about to begin.
You could even spot Pedro among the guests, he looked handsome, as he always did, his hair was a little longer now, making it wilder in a way it made him sexier than before. He noticed your eyes on him and winked, as if he encouraged you in that situation
And that's why being a bridesmaid was so fun. While the focus wasn't necessarily you and your group of bridesmaids, you were all in the spotlight while the bride took long to arrive.
You could practically hear all the thoughts crossing people's minds, how they judged the dresses, the makeups and the hairstyles. It always happened and you wouldn't be any exception, but not that you cared very much about it, as you were so happy for your best friend Nat tying the knot with her dream guy, nothing would bother you at all.
As you felt Pedro's gaze on you, burning your skin, you thought of everything that happened this past year. It didn't even feel real, after you left his home that morning, you never returned. And he kept his word of not coming after you, which was all you needed in order to get your life back on track.
The first thing you did when you got home was to change all the locks to prevent anyone from breaking into your house. It didn't matter if it was Liev, a burglar or Pedro himself. You never wanted to walk into your home, a place you assumed safe and find someone uninvited there. Then, your second part of your action plan was to look for another gym, so you could train without having to change your schedule every single time you didn't want to run into someone in there. You wanted to exercise, to see people, to feel the endorphins flood your body and not step on eggshells all the time. Needless to say, it was a good decision.
Then, you just focused on yourself.
You finally finished your studies, you found a job that made you happier and paid well too. You took short trips here and there, getting to know new places and you also looked at yourself in the mirror and realized you were more beautiful than ever, and that was why you were loving yourself, you took care of yourself and you put yourself in the first place, just like it should've been from the beginning.
You still had feelings for Pedro, of course, but the distance helped manage it, some days you were able to go by without even thinking of him, and others you missed him deeply. You didn't know if his feelings for you changed, but you weren't as close as you once were. However, you weren't estranged either. It was just that your lifestyles got simply too different and your lives took different paths, making it so hard to be around each other.
After Pedro's career took off he became almost impossible to reach - physically at least.
He was already well-known when you two had all that story going on, of course, but now it had reached stratospherical levels. He was a big deal, he was a big celebrity, all your social media was flooded by videos, his interviews and his pictures. You began following his career, from afar, admiring him, how far he'd come, feeling your chest burst with pride every time he was nominated for an award or you saw him walking down a red carpet. It was still disturbing to you to see how much he was harassed by the media, how he couldn't walk down the street without being photographed and how they picked on the whole daddy thing. Sometimes it was a little funny though, seeing him blush and her visibly embarrassed at that. You often chuckled to yourself when you eventually saw his fans writing the sweetest things about him, how they called him their boyfriend or future husband, if only they knew your story, they'd call you crazy for turning him down. Because to them, Pedro was perfect, a prince charming. And to you, he was just a human being, with flaws and qualities, like everyone else.
You two didn't go the whole year without speaking, quite the opposite, your phone would buzz eventually, receiving a text or two from him. And you would often text him as well. Just simple things: birthday messages, wishing each other happy holidays or checking up on each other. Nothing too intimate, but enough to show you still cared and worried about each other.
He watched your stories and liked your pictures, and you did the same. Being there, even if you weren't there anymore. It was confusing, but it worked for a while.
When you realized you were able to see his pictures with fans, co-stars and women you had no idea who they were and your whole body didn't heat up in anxiety and jealousy and your heart didn't drop at your toes, at the mere thought crossing your mind of them being his lay for the night, you knew you were ready to let him in.
Not exactly let him in, you didn't know if he still cared about you like that, or if you would still have anything in common, or if he would even bother becoming your friend again now that he had met some many different people. But you still decided to text him, best case scenario he would reply and you would have a conversation, worst case scenario he would leave you on 'seen' and you would move on with your life, because you lived for yourself now, and not for Pedro.
Of course he replied to your message right away. He smiled big when he read it and couldn't even believe after all that time you were the one engaging in a conversation with him. God knows how many times it took all of his willpower to erase the gigantic texts he wrote you and just drop a 'Merry Christmas' or 'Happy Birthday, mariposa' he'd promised you he would let you live your life, and just like a butterfly, he let you be free but now you were flying to him again - maybe, that was what he hoped at least, so he allowed himself to daydream.
You'd sent a simple text telling him how much you enjoyed his new series, and if he had time next time he was in town, maybe you could go for drinks. He replied almost immediately, saying he couldn't wait.
And your conversation began.
Slowly, you would text through the day about many things, while he was away and lonely, he told you all about his shooting routine and what he did for fun so far away from home.
You updated him on everything knew in your life, seeing how proud of you and happy he really got. You briefly mentioned you were thinking of learning a second language, to which he quickly suggested Spanish.
But when your uncle died you didn't get a text from him. Instead, Pedro managed to get a short break from filming and hopped on a plane. He wanted to be there for you, it didn't matter to him if he was going to be there as a friend or as a possible boyfriend, he just wanted to hold you while you cried because he knew how important family was to you. He wanted to attend the funeral by your side, to dry your tears and tell you comforting words. And that was exactly what he did.
You couldn't believe your eyes when he showed up there, in black and pulling you into his embrace, which reminded you it used to be your favorite place in the world and at that moment, it became your favorite again.
You had no strength to discuss feelings with him, and he wasn't after that either. He just wanted to try and make that moment a little less miserable for you.
But the moment the funeral service was over, Pedro would have to come back to his work again. He apologized a hundred times for not being able to stay longer with you, but you assured him it was alright, not forgetting to thank him for coming all the way just to be with you.
He said goodbye with one of his warm hugs and a peck on the cheek, that landed way too close to your lips, it didn't matter if it was on purpose or not. The damage had already been done.
From the moment you realized he had left his job - the thing you assumed he loved the most in life - for you without expecting anything in return. That familiar warmth in your chest appeared after months and months of it being dormant. It was hard to deny how much you loved Pedro.
You had always heard horrible stories about women who agreed to becoming bridesmaids and had to deal with the infamous bridezilla. You were sure it wouldn't be Nat's case, but those women were not exaggerating when they said you would have to put a lot of effort, energy and even money to a moment that wasn't even yours.
While all the guests were comfortably sitting down, you along with the other girls and the bestmen had to stand up the whole ceremony. You knew the priest was probably saying beautiful words about love and stuff, as you could see the emotion in some people's eyes and how some of them even sniffed and shed one or two tears, but you were just not paying attention. Church services weren't really your thing, you tried really hard not to get bored, but it was too late, you were already bored.
That's why your eyes scanned the whole place, not really focusing on anything in particular, you just hoped time would go by faster and you wished you would all skip to the reception, because there were other things you wanted to do and mostly other people you wanted to talk to. You looked all over the church decoration and though it looked very beautiful and elegant you thought about how you would never have a wedding in a place like that. Then you watched Nat's wedding dress closely. Of course you'd seen it a couple of times already since the early stages of planning and preparing the wedding, but at that moment it looked different and you couldn't stop yourself from wondering if you'd ever get married at all and wear a pretty dress like that. You shook those thoughts away from your mine and looked at the guests absent-mindedly, not watching anything in particular until your eyes locked with Pedro's.
He didn't even blink and sustained your look, he was completely oblivious to a wedding happening just a few feet away from you, as you were really the only thing that mattered to him.
After flying to you for your uncle's funeral, you weren't able to meet again, as he was more and more caught up at work and you also had your own life. So when he got the invitation to the wedding, he didn't think twice before confirming his attendance, though he didn't really care that much about the bride and groom, he was still thankful to them.
You blushed softly and smiled big at him, he wasn't too distant, just a few rows away from the altar, close enough for you to see when he mouthed 'hermosa' making you look down in shyness. You knew Nat and Pedro had seen each other maybe five or six times and the only times she talked to him was to tell him how much her boyfriend - and now husband - loved Mandalorian. So you knew she had only invited him because of you and Pedro had only showed up to the wedding because of you as well. It felt quite good, you had to admit and for that, you even forced yourself to pay attention to the ceremony again.
Once the reception started you thought the fun would start as well, but you were wrong. Now, the bridesmaids duty kept you busy each passing second. First you had to follow the bride and groom to the photo session, then you had to assist the bride to make her big entrance, and after it you had to help her go to the restroom, which was the most chaotic part: four girls helping another lift up layers and layers of cloth in order to be able to pee.
And when you realized, it was already dinner time. As the food was served people stayed at their tables, usually guests were starving after the whole marathon of sitting through a long and tedious ceremony, then endless waiting until the bride and groom showed up.
The whole time you and Pedro exchanged looks and smiles, he even texted you in hopes to talk to you, but you were way too busy to check your phone, at the same time as soon as some guests recognized Pedro, he was bombarded with requests for selfies, autographs and girls throwing themselves at him. And he was way too nice to decline those requests even if it bothered him - though he declined the girls right away.
You thanked the heavens when dinner was finished, you knew the dance floor would be finally open to the guests until you remembered a very tacky wedding custom.
The bride was going to throw the bouquet. You pinched the bridge of your nose in embarrassment, you've always hated that moment, ever since you were a kid and your parents dragged you to relative's weddings.
Just a bunch of women going all savage over a couple of flowers made you cringe to the core, so you stepped aside and waited for the small crowd to gather. You tried to brush it off at the insistence of some people, but when Nat cleared her throat and gave you accusatory eyes, you even tried to argue. But she motioned her head towards Pedro and you saw him waiting for you to get in the small commotion. He had his hands inside his pocket and a dirty smirk, he couldn't wait to see you pick the bouquet, he was sure you'd look gorgeous.
You on the other hand felt embarrassed and awkward to stand there, Nat got in position and showed all the single ladies the bouquet, making them all shout in excitement. She looked at you and winked softly, and you gulped. Oh no, there was only one thing worse than fighting over a bouquet of flowers in front of a crowd of people, and that was definitely receiving the bouquet out of pity.
So when she threw it towards you, you stood still, making absolutely no move and watched it as it flew right past you.
You turned around and saw when two women were almost on the floor, struggling to get the bouquet. Nat frowned at you, confused as to why you didn't get it, you just shrugged at her. You didn't want to get married, there was only one thing you wanted to do, and when you thought you were finally able to do it, the DJ announced it was time for the waltz.
You rolled your eyes, as annoyance spread through your body. It had been hours all you were trying to do was to exchange a couple of words with Pedro, but that seemed impossible.
The guests all gathered around the bride and groom as they showed their rehearsed steps, some people swooning over them but you just looked around, trying to find Pedro, needing to see him and talk to him. But he wasn't there anymore.
Had he gone home? You knew he enjoyed parties, but you weren't sure about wedding parties, especially the ones where he was harassed every five minutes by people who insistently wanted pictures or just goof around a movie star.
But he wouldn't just leave you without saying goodbye, would he? Over the months your relationship became stronger even if you weren't physically close.
You were deep in thought as you felt someone touching your wrist, making you jump a little at the sudden touch and turned around, seeing Pedro standing there.
And he looked good. Very good.
He was wearing a dark suit, all in black. It hung tight to the right places as he looked absolutely like sin. His hair was messy like always and you caught a few gray streaks on his beard and that made you weak at the knees.
You smiled big and held his hand "Pedro! I thought you'd left!"
He raised his eyebrow and chuckled "do you really think I'd sit through a whole wedding and then leave before talking to the only reason why I'm here in the first place?" He held your hand and eyed you up and down, not even hiding how much he appreciated your looks "I don't mean to be one of those bitchy people who come to the party and trash talk it, but when we get married we'll have a lot less church and a lot more party"
Pedro's words stirred something inside of you, even if it was a joke, you felt yourself blushing.
"Too bad it won't happen, I mean, I didn't catch the bouquet so…" you replied in a shy way and made him laugh as well
"Yeah, well, we can figure this out later, right now I'd like to have a dance with the most beautiful girl at the party?" He offered his hand to you, and you hesitated at first
"It depends, Pedro" you saw his confusion, finding it quite amusing
"It depends on what, hermosa?" He questioned curiously
"Where's your plus one?" You saw how he frowned not really getting where you were going
"What plus one, Y/N? I came alone…"
You laughed softly and nodded, taking a step closer and accepting his invitation.
"I was just making sure, you know, I was friends with a guy once and he pulled such a jerk move, where he invited a plus one to a party and ditched her to dance with another girl and ended up taking this other girl home and left his plus one really heartbroken"
A deep shade of crimson spread through his face as he was at a loss of words for a while. He cleared his throat and swallowed hard.
"H-he sounds like a real dick" he replied a little self conscious, not sure if you were joking or playing games
"He really was, but I heard he managed to change into a better person and his plus one even forgave him after all"
His smile was wide and the relief in his eyes was visible as he wrapped his arms around your waist and glued your body to his. It was a slow ballad and you wrapped your arms around his neck at the same time you swayed your hips together.
"Thank you for forgiving me, I really missed you" he whispered against your ear, your faces were inches apart and you closed your eyes, his cologne lingering on your skin. You took your hand to the back of his neck, stroking his hair and feeling it softly between your fingers.
"We needed this, Pedro… I guess now we could start things over" you said and welcomed his lips against yours, as they crashed in a needy contact. You moaned lowly at the feel of his tongue against yours. His hands squeezed your waist and if you could get any closer to him, you would have, because you could swear that was not enough.
His kiss was intense and unlike the other times, he wasn't trying to overpower you and make you accept him playing dirty with your hormones, he was kissing you, feeling you and taking you as his. And you wanted it as much as he did.
When you broke the kiss, he nibbled your bottom lip, caressing your cheek and not giving a care in the world if someone filmed or photographed you.
You danced as if there was no tomorrow, as the ballad was over, you danced with Pedro to any kind of songs that came in the playlist, you had fun and when sexier songs came up, you dance even more, loving how you rubbed your body against his and Pedro never spared any neck kiss or groping your body.
By the time you could feel a tent against your ass, you turned to him, kissing his lips again.
"I guess it's time to get out of here, princesa" he whispered into your ear and squeezed your ass. You moaned against his lips as you couldn't agree more.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did, it was just so easy to write I was really into it. I loved it so much and I can't believe this series is almost over 😞 also, if y'all don't go soft on Pedro now I don't know what to do, LMAO
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Can I request headcanons about Jason when he start organizing everything for his wedding with the reader? Not that specific day, I mean when the reader agrees to marry him and this man starts planning everything, I wonder what it will be like 👀
This got a bit long, but I hope you enjoy :)
Jason is SO FUCKING EXCITED to plan your wedding?? I mean the guy likes creating and organizing things, and so your wedding is like the magnum opus of all of the things he's ever wanted to do, especially because he gets to do it with you. As I have said before though, in any request about marrying Jason, your wedding is going to have to be pretty big. Jason has a reputation he's made and clawed his way up to the higher class society of the Underworld, and there are quite a lot of higher class demons and eldritch beings expecting invitations to your wedding once it's announced that the two of you are engaged. However, now that this thought is finally occurring to me, I think if you'd like to have a secret smaller wedding first with just you two and your closest friends and families, he's absolutely fine with that and would plan accordingly. He's very put together and mature about how he handles things, and he has such an eye for details that he wouldn't forget anything or let anything slip past him and end up incorrect.
Due to this, for the big wedding, Jason ends up quite particular. I've always seen the reception in my head happening in a very large and open ballroom, and I think he'd like the actual ceremony to be in a beautiful, open field with lots of flowers and trees surrounding you. I think he'd want the wedding colors to be red and black, but if you'd like different colors Jason is also fine to do a split theme. He does ask your opinion on literally everything he does because as much as he loves planning things, it is your day as well. When it comes to the flowers, I think he'd actually default to your opinion. He may want a say in the color, but when it comes to the actual flowers he wants them to be your favorite flowers. If you suggest doing half your favorites, and half of them his favorites, he feels quite flustered and happy about that and is very willing to go with that idea. I feel like he would also leave most of the menu up to you as well. It's taking place in the Underworld, but if you want all of your favorite human dishes to make up the entire menu, he wouldn't mind, as he'd want you to be able to eat and enjoy every single food item the two of you would have there.
When it comes to desserts, I think he'd want the entire wedding cake to be for just the two of you. It's something I personally have seen at a couple of weddings, and I feel like Jason would absolutely love it. When it comes to the guests, you can have separate cakes and other desserts for them to enjoy that the two of you could also partake in, but the actual wedding cake Jason feels would be more special if the two of you picked a flavor you both liked and had a small, personal cake of for the two of you to cut and eat together. Jason would also TOTALLY hand make little wedding toppers that look like the two of you. When it comes to the outfits the two of you will be wearing, Jason wants to definitely make his own outfit himself. When it comes to yours, if you'd indulge him and be okay with it, Jason would really, truly love it if you'd let him make your own outfit so the two of you could match. However, if you insist it has to be a secret from him, he would probably request that you allow Trender to make it (as Trender is pretty much one of the only fashion designers in the Underworld Jason trusts), and he'd give Trender Jason's plans for his own outfit, that way even if it's not exactly what Jason wanted, the two of you could still match (I would just let Jason do it personally though if you really could). When it comes to music, he'd let you both go 50/50 on the playlists, and I think he'd let you choose the first dance song. While Jason wants creative freedom in the wedding, he's definitely not a groomzilla of any sort, and he is very fair and open with whatever you might like to be in the wedding as well. He views it as a day for both of you and thinks you should both be equally happy with the ceremony and reception. He loves you more than anything in the entire universe, and he truly just wants the wedding to be done and over with so he can call you his spouse both emotionally and legally, and get started on spending the rest of your lives together.
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charliedawn · 6 months
Hiya Charlie! I missed ya! I’ve been busy with college. I finally changed my major to American history and I’m happier.
Anyway I have a request for you! Idk if you do AUs or anything, but I thought it’d be fun. How about a Hannibal royal family au? I’ve been reading a lot about knights and princes and princesses lately, and this idea wouldn’t leave my brain!
have a lovely day Charlie!
You were but a villager.
In no way were you expected to attend any royal ceremony or to even set foot into the palace…but, you had still received a letter one morning—inviting you to the castle. You had believed in a hoax at first—a joke. Or maybe even a mistake. But, the letter had your name on it—written in pretty cursive.
You were hence invited to the castle of the royal family. Once confirmed, you began to be frightened. Many rumours went about that place…And some of them were gruesome.
Tales of man-eating monsters and bloodthirsty creatures hiding within the castle.
You didn’t know why you had been invited—but you knew that you had no choice but to accept the invitation or some misfortune might befall on you. You hence stepped within the walls of the dark castle where many had stepped in before—only to never return…
You knew you ought to bring a gift for the family, and hence chose to pluck flowers from your garden and bring them with you—hoping they would be enough to change your destiny.
Fleur de Lys.
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For the king, you had brought magnificent fleurs de lys—the royal flower. It was said to bring peace and prosperity to a kingdom. You entered the throne room and sure enough, here was his majesty the king. Your knees started shaking as you made your way into the throne room and bowed deeply before none other than King Hannibal Lecter. His eyes seemed to bore into yours and he didn’t talk for a moment—until his eyes landed on the flowers.
"…Are those for me ?" He asked and you nodded before taking a step forward.
"Yes, my king." To your utter surprise, king Hannibal himself stood up and walked down the stairs of his throne to you. He then took the flowers in his hands and smiled.
"…Ah. Fleur de Lys. How thoughtful. A worthy gift. Such a lovely one at that." His eyes looked down at the unfortunate creature who had come into his castle for the sole purpose of being hunted.
"Tell me, my dear child. Why bring me flowers ?"
He was genuinely curious and you smiled before slowly looking back up at him.
"You and your family have been protecting this land and our way of life for as long as I can remember. And I knew that if I was to meet a king, then I was to bring a gift to show my gratitude as to this unexpected invitation."
Hannibal Sr looked at the villager curiously. It was rather odd. No villager had ever brought a gift with them before…But, it wasn’t unwelcome. He smiled. It was even quite touching in a way…He gave the flowers to a servant for them to put them in a vase. He then looked back down at the villager.
"What is your name, child ?" He asked—his voice authoritative and loud enough to echo all around the throne room like thunder.
"…Y/N. My king." You replied before looking up at him and he smiled as he looked at you curiously. You were intriguing. He hummed before returning to his throne to sit back down.
"How about I offer you a job, Y/N ? Would you like that ? Would you consider to work under my service ?" He asked and your eyes widened at the offer.
"Sir…I would love nothing more."
And just like that, you had now been hired by the royal family as a servant. And for the first time, the villagers saw one of their own return to the village. You quickly packed your bags and left—unaware the fate that you had miraculously escaped.
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When you approached the gates, you could already see the guards staring at you with knowing smirks. You gulped. They seemed to know something about the purpose behind your visit and the way they looked at you made you involuntarily shiver…You looked at the roses in your hands. Perhaps your gift would spare you punishment, or even death ? You shook your head at the dark thoughts plaguing your mind before stepping inside and making your way to the throne room…You were expecting to meet with the king.
But instead, the Prince Regent was sitting there—his piercing gaze staring at you intensely as you approached.
"M-My prince…" You greeted him politely before bowing respectfully before him.
"…I was made aware that you had a gift for me, is that correct ?" He asked and you bowed your head deeply before offering the roses to his gaze.
"Yes, my prince. Roses." He scoffed before standing up to look at the roses closely.
"I have many roses within my kingdom, why would you bother bringing me such a gift ?" You stayed completely still and didn’t know how to answer.
"I…I just thought that his majesty would appreciate them. I have grown them myself and I thought that you would be able to appreciate a gift as this one because I heard you valued hard work and dedication. I only wished to prove myself to you."
Hannibal Jr smirked before grasping your chin and slowly tilting it up to look into your eyes.
"Very well…And what can you do for me then, little flower ?"
You started thinking about it before replying confidently.
"…Anything you want, my prince."
He studied your answer and smiled as his eyes didn’t leave yours for a second. He finally released your chin and seemed pleased by your answer.
"Anything you say ? Interesting."
Maybe…Would he keep that one ?
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Once you had entered, you followed your instincts to give you the path to the throne room, as no one seemed to be around to guide you. You started walking until you reached a magnificent door with lovely gold patterns. You thought it was the throne room and opened the door—only to end up in a library. You looked around curiously. The village didn’t have books such as these—not as many anyway…And besides, only a lucky few knew how to read. And they didn’t share their knowledge unless they were paid…
Then, your eyes landed on a book that was open on the table. You knew you better haste and find the throne room before your time was up but…Curiosity got the best of you and you slowly made your way to the book. You hoped there would at least be pictures for you to look at…Once close enough, you looked at the pages and found it rather curious to find the illustrated representation of a rabbit wearing a waistcoat and holding a pocket watch…How curious.
As the pages were flipped, more incongruous and confusing characters came in, all the more interesting as the pages went along…You couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of a smiling purple cat. You then wondered who that book might well belong to ?
Suddenly, you felt a presence behind you and before you could turn around—you felt the hand of a stranger at the back of your neck and forcing you to remain in the same position…bent over the book.
"…Do you like it ?" He asked—his voice merely a whisper in your ear and you gulped as you started becoming nervous.
"I…I didn’t mean to look at it. I am sorry, sir. Please. Forgive me."
He tsskd in disapproval before digging his fingers into your skin.
"Answer my question, little mouse…or your last words will be the apology."
And with that threat, your tongue started working on its own.
"Y-Yes. I like it. I love the pictures and the funny animals. I just…I would just like to understand more. I have trouble understanding the story. I am sorry."
He hummed behind you before sitting down next to you. That is when his face came into view and your eyes widened as you recognised the first prince…You wished to escape—but his grip hadn’t loosened as he took the book and opened it on the first page.
To your utter shock, he started reading it to you. His voice was cold, but poised and rich like cinnamon and melted sugar…After a while, you decided it was best to just listen and enjoy the privilege of being read to. You didn’t even notice when his grip on you finally loosened completely and he instead started circling the side of your throat with his thumb—seeking your pulse and wondering if you were afraid.
He searched for fear. He found none…His eyes settled on the flower pot you had brought with you…pansies. You had brought pansies to the castle and he held back a laugh before continuing reading to you.
You had no idea of the fate awaiting you.
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"HELLO, PRECIOUS !" You were stunned when the doors of the castle opened wide and none other than Prince Kevin came out with a big grin on his face. "Come in, luv’. Make yourself at home !"
He took your hand and before you could as much as let out a squeak of protest…You were already in. He dragged you all the way to—what you assumed to be—his bedroom. It was a great room with all the luxury one could afford…but what truly struck you wasn’t the fine furniture and incredible gold, silver and emerald green designs worthy of such a man…No.
It was the paintings.
Hundred of them. They were covering the walls and for a simple villager, it was like walking inside a great museum. You had never seen so many paintings, or even held a brush before. But, you couldn’t but to marvel facing all those reproductions of people you had met, people you had never met, places you had seen and other unseen…It put into perspective all the things you knew and didn’t in such a beautiful way.
The prince remained silent—observing you with a slight tilt of his lips. He was holding back a smile as he saw the admiration in your gaze…The middle prince was foreign by what the rumours said about him—from a country far away surrounded by water and where dark creatures resided. But, his smiling face was a complete contrast with what you thought your first meeting with royalty would be.
"Not bad, eh ?" He asked and his accent rolled off his tongue in such a way that it inwardly made you smile for some reason.
"Those are…incredible, my prince." He chuckled at your compliment before looking down at the flowers in your hands.
"Are those for little old me ?" Before you could answer, he took the flowers from you and smiled at the daffodils. He then did something unexpected and threw the flowers on his bed. You were about to ask the reason before he wordlessly guided you to the bed and laid you down carefully. He then started placing the flowers all around your head—as if putting together an art piece. When he was finished, he smiled.
"Don’t move." He then quickly grabbed brushes, colours and a canvas to start painting. You didn’t dare move as he put himself to work and silent fell all around you—except for the occasional sounds of the careful strokes of his paintbrush on the canvas and your breathing. After a while, you dared to glance at the prince and observe him as he worked. He was…quite handsome. His eyelids lowered and his eyes focused on his work. You didn’t know the reason for your summoning, but you would have never thought it was to be the model for the prince’s next art piece.
Suddenly, his eyes met yours and he smiled knowingly—for a moment resembling his own art in the perfection of his traits.
You smiled back.
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Peter was bored. His father and brothers were all busy with their duties and he wasn’t allowed outside the wall of his room. He sighed and was staring out his window. He wished for a friend…a friend to come and cure his boredom. And as if his prayers had finally been answered, someone entered his room—someone new. He had first expected Morgan or Kevin, but his eyes lit up when he realised that it was someone he had never seen before…
"Oh. My apologies. I…I am afraid I am a bit lost."
His mouth was about to speak up when they landed on the sunflower in your hand instead. A sunflower ? You had brought a sunflower ? He stared at it and you noticed. You smiled before giving it to him. He was surprised, but smiled at the gift that he eagerly received and stared at…
"Could you please tell me the direction of the throne room ?" They asked with an incredibly sweet voice and Peter was stunned for a few seconds. The throne room ? No…So, they were the next meal ? The next one to be served as dinner for his family ? He looked them up and down and in a matter of seconds—took a decision. He stood up and went to the door to lock it. He then remained with his back facing you for a while before slowly turning back towards you with the biggest grin on his face.
"C-Could you play a game with me ? Just the two of us ?" You blinked twice in astonishment at his request before chuckling nervously.
"Hum…I am not sure, my prince. I think I ought to go to the throne room now before I arrive late…"
"Just one. PLEASE !" He pleaded and you knew that he wouldn’t take no for an answer, so you smiled and nodded in agreement. "Sure. What is the game then, my prince ?"
He giggled and his face got closer to you before he replied:
"Listen to me and do everything I say or…you die." You were taken aback for a moment before you huffed a nervous laugh.
"…What ?"
Suddenly, his jovial smile disappeared—replaced by darkness in his eyes.
"You heard me. Do as I say or…my papa and my brothers will find you and eat you. But, I can keep you safe. I can help you. All you have to do is promise to be my friend !" At that last part, he grinned again and you knew better than to ignore such words. They were no laughing matter—especially that you knew you hadn’t been the first to be summoned and to never return. You realised that he wasn’t kidding and you gulped. What choice did you have ?
You bowed.
"Yes. Thank you, my prince."
His grin widened before he hugged you tightly.
"You and I…we’re gonna be best friends. You’ll see. And I’ll love you and you’ll love and it is gonna be so great ! You’ll see…"
Indeed, you would…
You thought before a petal of the sunflower fell to the floor.
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erinkeifer · 10 months
ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝕞𝕪 𝕔𝕠𝕕𝕖 - ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕍
[Anakin Skywalker x Padawan!Fem Reader]
Masterlist | Wattpad | AO3 Not My Code Masterlist
Summary: On the day of your knighting, you find yourself forced to confront someone you absolutely do not want to see—at least not in Anakin's company. The presence of your Master's ex-wife at the ceremony has a hidden agenda, but whatever she aims to achieve, you want to be one step ahead.
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Warnings: angst | jealousy | kissing | satisfying ending Author Note: This time, there won't be anything spicy, but let's raise the suspense a bit! We'll delve into some intrigue, but in the end, I hope the conclusion will be satisfying.
Word Count: 3k
The absence of your Padawan's braid behind your ear was a strange feeling, but even though you often complained about how it irritated you and visually ruined your best hairstyles, you held it in your hands with a hint of nostalgia. It marked the end of a very significant chapter in your life, but also the gateway to something, you hope, much better. The ceremony was beautiful and atmospheric, with surprisingly many guests—not just those you invited through your friendly droid, but also a few important senators, the Chancellor himself... And... Well, speaking of senators... You knew Padmé Amidala would show up at the ceremony—it wasn't a surprise to you. However, you consistently pushed that awareness to the back of your mind, not allowing thoughts of that 'first encounter' to trouble you. You didn't look in her direction during the ceremony—your gaze was probing Anakin, who, in turn, didn't even turn his head toward her, which buoyed your spirits. After the ceremony, you exchanged handshakes and accepted congratulations from guests alongside your Master, who proudly accompanied you throughout. Once you made sure to thank everyone for their attendance, you directed your guests to Dex's diner, reserved for you and your party that evening. "Are we not all going together?" Obi-Wan asked, standing with Anakin in the temple foyer. "Go ahead, I'll catch up with you in a moment; I just need to change into something more comfortable." you replied with a smile, gesturing to your elaborately adorned, albeit uncomfortable, outfit worn during the knighting. "Ten minutes, and we'll be toasting without you, Ma'am." Kenobi summarized, eliciting laughter from you and Skywalker, before slowly making their way toward the exit. "Um, Anakin!?" you called out while the two were still within your reach. "Yes?" Skywalker turned toward you. "Do you have the reservation confirmation with you? Just in case." you asked, and Anakin pulled a paper badge from his belt. "Better safe than sorry." he replied with a smile, to which you nodded and smiled back. With this brief exchange, you went your separate ways. .................................................................................................................. Obi-Wan and Anakin walked in silence until they entered one of the lifts in a spacious corridor. "What was that?" Kenobi suddenly asked, pulling Skywalker out of his reverie. "What do you mean, Master?" he asked, trying to figure out what had caused such a puzzled expression on Obi-Wan's face. "You didn't insult each other, neither of you called the other an idiot or showed the middle finger, and to top it off, it's the first time I've heard her call you by your first name." Kenobi clarified, crossing his arms in an 'appraising' manner. "Did I do something wrong?" Skywalker asked rhetorically. "No, but any deviation from the norm—in your case, Anakin—especially surprises me." Obi-Wan replied, maintaining his posture. "I'm just putting into practice what you taught me, Master." added Anakin, smiling proudly at Kenobi. "Should I be afraid?" asked Obi-Wan, even more bewildered, though surprised. "Who knows?" Skywalker added with a hint of irony as the lift doors began to open. The two walked through the deserted ground floor of the temple, which was a straight path to the exit. "I had something to ask you... How are you feeling?" Kenobi suddenly inquired, taking advantage of the moment. "I don't quite understand." Skywalker expressed confusion this time. "It's the first time in a very long time when, you know... the Senator is our guest. I know you've been through rough times, and..."
"Answering your question, Master... I feel better than ever." Anakin interrupted, surprising Kenobi slightly, but internally delighted because the answer to this question—especially recently—hadn't been an easy one for his apprentice. Obi-Wan regularly posed this question to him, but today, for the first time, he received a determined answer, a response he had been waiting for a long time, perhaps signaling that a painful phase in Anakin's life was finally becoming clear. "Well... So I guess we'll raise a toast for that as well today." Kenobi added after a moment of silence, and Anakin turned towards him, exchanging a subtle smile. Soon, the duo reached the exit of the temple, and before them stood the crew waiting by the doors, ready to accompany the two Generals to the diner. "Finally, so, are we ready to roll?" Rex shouted, gesturing towards Anakin and Obi-Wan. "This is where the fun begins." Skywalker whispered to Kenobi, and both with smiles, headed towards the crew. ..................................................................................................................
In the meantime, in the absence of the others, you managed to change your outfit in Anakin's quarters, where you had left your more comfortable attire the day before. Along the way, you decided to bring R2 with you, who had been on guard duty. Once you had smoothed your hair and touched up your nose for the rest of the evening, you closed the door behind you and the droid. With brisk steps, you made your way along the corridor leading to the lifts. At a certain point, you noticed that the door to one of the guest quarters was ajar, and the dead silence in the hall allowed you to hear the conversation emanating from it. Intrigued by the sound, you stopped. Perhaps you wouldn't have done so if the feminine voice coming from the room didn't sound so dramatic, and perhaps you wouldn't have done so if the room for the night didn't belong to Padmé.
"Maybe you should at least try? If you don't try, you'll never know."
"But how? I can't just approach him and say, 'Hey, let's try again.'"
"But we both know you came here today just to talk to him."
"I know... But I was hoping he'd be the one to approach me first, but he didn't even look at me."
"You can't keep thinking this way forever..."
The eavesdropped conversation ended at this point, and you couldn't steady the trembling of your hands. The overheard words made your blood boil, and you prayed just to manage to keep that feeling inside because Padmé and her handmaiden, with whom she was conversing, were just coming out of the quarters. "Oh... Hello, it's been so long..." Padmé said with a slightly surprised expression when she saw you standing a few steps in front of the door from which she emerged. For a long time, you had the habit of bowing, greeting formally and respectfully when it came to politicians - but now, you didn't even blink. "Do you happen to know if Anakin is in..." "He's not there." you replied before Padmé could finish her question, to which the woman next to her reacted with a somewhat confused expression. "Oh, I see... Were you looking for him too?" she asked, aware that not everyone had the right to enter private quarters in the Temple. "I came to get R2." you replied with a stony face, beneath which a hint of pride could be discerned, a pride that only you could feel. "Oh." Padmé let out a short sigh, tinged with a hint of uncertainty, and being sure that this was all the senator needed from you, you moved ahead. "Uh, wait, please..." even though you would rather keep going, not wanting to build such a dramatic aura around you, you stopped and turned your head toward her. "Congratulations on your new title. I always knew you were capable." You paused for a moment, hearing those words, and forced a fake smile, looking at both women. "Sure. I mean... Thank you. And now, Senator, I apologize, but I have to go. They're waiting for me." Without waiting for 'permission,' you moved away, and Padmé just nodded, slightly embarrassed, and went with her handmaiden in the opposite direction. Walking, you replayed Amidala's words in your head. Nasty lies that you wouldn't even buy as a child, because you knew well that she never cared about your development under Anakin's wing. All that concerned her was his time spent with you, the energy she claimed you were "stealing from him," and the attention she expected but never reciprocated. Jealousy mixed with fear gnawed at you from the inside – you tried to be confident, tried to think about how Anakin ignored her – but you couldn't stop entertaining dark scenarios. What if he yielded? What if he gave her a chance? What if her plan was cleverer than yours? The one you were just putting the finishing touches on in your mind because, after all this, you have to prove who's playing the first violin here. Oh, you didn't even care how dangerous it was in terms of the Jedi Code at the moment; why should it concern you now? Are you supposed to give up and not sleep peacefully? No way. ..................................................................................................................
Your little 'after-party' helped you calm down significantly. When you entered the venue, Anakin sensed your conflicting emotions, but as you sat next to each other, unnoticed by others, he subtly ran his finger along your thigh, signaling that everything was okay and you shouldn't stress. Of course, he didn't know the exact reasons for your mood, but he felt enough to help comfort you. The reception went in a truly festive atmosphere—there were 'uncle' jokes from Obi-Wan, who, after a few deep glasses, had everyone in tears of laughter, and toasts in honor of you and your master, which you lost count of after a few hours. Everyone was getting themselves together and extending their stay, led by Kenobi, whom Rex was helping to stand on two legs. However, you and Anakin decided to slip away to the temple quarters. "But promise me it's nothing scary!" you said, laughing, as you ran after Anakin to his apartment. "I promise, I promise!" Anakin replied, amused by your suspicion. Your hasty escape from the party was initiated by Anakin—he told you he had a gift for you and had been waiting for this day specifically. Throughout the journey to the temple, you kept bombarding Skywalker with questions to which he didn't want to answer because, after all, it was a surprise. "Ugh! Can you at least tell me where we're going?" you asked impatiently and breathlessly, trying to keep up with Anakin's brisk pace. "To my quarters!" he replied, winking at you. "Really? I was there before the reception, and I saw nothing..." "That means the hideout was a success." Anakin replied, maliciously picking up the pace. "Damn it!" you muttered, running after your master and catching your breath every now and then. When you reached the door and the squealing R2-D2, who was also experiencing a pace crisis today, Anakin quickly opened the door, and everyone enthusiastically stepped inside. "Okay, now just stand here and turn around... Unless I blindfold you with something." Anakin said, pointing towards the corner by the door where you were supposed to stand facing away. "Okay, I'd rather just turn around. Let's save that for another occasion." you said with a cheeky smile, which Skywalker reciprocated, and you did as he instructed, turning around and putting your hands behind your back. Anakin stepped back, ensuring that you weren't peeking. Satisfied that you were obedient, he approached one of the hidden compartments in his apartment. You heard behind you the sound of... metal? and heavy, lowering doors, but you patiently waited for the signal to turn around. "Ready?" Anakin asked, his voice filled with excitement. "Like never before." you smiled widely but still kept your eyes on the wall in front of you. "So?" Instead of giving a command, Anakin came over to you. With a gentle move, he grabbed your arms, maneuvering your body so you could turn around and see what he had prepared for you. "Congratulations, Jedi Knight." he whispered tenderly into your ear, and your eyes widened at the sight of the gift. "Is this... QT-KT?" you put your hand over your mouth, unable to believe what you were seeing. "In the flesh." Anakin replied, joyfully watching your reaction. "What did you..." you started, approaching the droid, which was slowly activating. "I tinkered with it a bit, gave it some attention, polished it a bit... Well, and I reprogrammed it just for you." Skywalker answered before you could finish your question. "Are you telling me you did this... for me? Am I to understand that this is my droid?" you asked, looking at your master with immense surprise and affection. "Yes, indeed. I've been planning it for some time and decided that today would be the right day to give you this little surprise." he replied, joyfully watching you test the functions of your new droid. Finally, you stood up from a kneeling position, and still in disbelief, you took a few steps toward the large window in the room.
"Anakin... I... I don't know what to say..." you held your head, turning to Skywalker with a broad smile. Without saying anything, Anakin came over to you and, turning you towards him, embraced you around the waist, and at that moment, your foreheads touched. "I really don't know how to thank you." you whispered, looking into his eyes, and Anakin hugged you very tightly—due to your height difference—almost lifting you off the floor. "Just... Be here... With me." hearing those words, not knowing why, you pulled away from Anakin's arm to look him in the eyes. "Do you mean... Today?" you asked, wanting to dispel your doubts. "Today..." he left a single kiss on your lips. "Tomorrow..." he kissed your lips twice. "Always." he concluded, pressing his lips to yours in a overwhelming, long kiss. Your heart pounded like a hammer hearing those words... Or rather, THAT word... Your embrace was still very strong, but suddenly you looked aside, through the glass where until now you could mostly see the beautiful, night sky of Coruscant, illuminated by many stars. Without saying anything more, you gently released yourself from Skywalker's embrace and stood by the window, collecting your scattered thoughts. Anakin's words not only ignited you from the inside, not only melted your heart, but also indicated that the time had come. The time to execute your plan. "Can I...?" turning your head to Anakin, you pointed to the open entrance to the terrace. "Sure." Skywalker smiled, gesturing as if to say 'make yourself at home.' Returning his expression, you went to the terrace, and although for the first few moments, you looked around at the starry sky, your goal was entirely different—and you had it in the palm of your hand. Anakin was still inside, clicking something with your new droid when you had a moment to look around on your own. It didn't take much for your muscles to tense with determination—your eyes landed on the guest terrace, which for the night was at Padmé's disposal, and it was none other than Amidala standing outside, leaning against the railing, watching the movements of night Coruscant. She didn't see you. Not yet. But your plan was clear and straightforward—she had to see you, and you had to act. Now or never.
"In moments like these, I truly appreciate this place... It can be genuinely beautiful here. Despite the war... the fear..." you began speaking slowly, trying to capture Anakin's attention as his slow steps approached you. He walked with his hands casually folded behind his back, a smile on his face, and you heightened your senses. You were waiting for the moment when you'd feel the gaze on you—this time not Anakin's but from the nearly adjacent terrace. Your ability to sense glances was always highly developed—you excelled in it even more than Anakin himself, so at least in this regard, you sometimes managed to protect him on the battlefield. Now, you felt somewhat like you were on a battlefield, waiting for the right moment to use it and do it in the best possible style. But to gain it, you needed to first capture attention. "Today is exceptionally beautiful here." Anakin said, gently embracing you from behind. "Because you're here." You grabbed his hands, which were tenderly spread over your stomach, and your eyes almost sparkled from the heard words. Suddenly, you decided to turn face to face with Skywalker and placed your hands on his neck. "I'll be by your side..." you whispered, watching his eyes scan every inch of your face. "As long as you want." you finished, being so close to him that you could feel his every breath on your lips. This moment was so priceless for you that you momentarily forgot about your plan, but when it returned to your mind, you once again heightened your senses. Touching Anakin's face and looking into his hungry-for-kisses eyes, you began to take small steps backward, as if you were about to lean against the fountain wall in the middle of the terrace. However, none of your movements were without purpose. Already almost leaning against the stone wall, you initiated stumbling over the flat platform separating the fountain from the rest of the space. Hitting the surface with your heel, you produced a dull sound that, you were sure, reached not only the ears of the two of you. You didn't have to lower your eyes from Anakin to know. To feel that HER gaze landed at the source. That she's already onto you. "Kiss me." you whispered to Anakin, when he, taking advantage of the new position, leaned you against the fountain wall and threw himself onto your lips in a passionate kiss. Padmé froze, not believing the sight before her eyes. Not believing that her mission failed so miserably. She watched. She watched as her ex-husband kissed you with a passion he might never have given her. She watched as you touched him as if he were yours, and he touched you as if you were his. When she almost ran inside, you smiled in the ongoing kiss, knowing that your intrigue had succeeded. You touched him as if he were yours. He touched you as if you were his. Because you were his. And he was yours.
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sausagepastry · 1 year
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Wanna share a couple of my rnnk headcanons! Sorry for the mistakes, my english is SUCKS, but i still want to show it (and hugging boys too) There should have been a little more of them, but I cut out some 1) Rinne and Niki are married! This marriage is not registered in any way, of course, but! they still had a small home wedding ceremony (where only Hiiro was invited) with traditions from the Amagi's village. As wedding rings, they used those rings that Rinne always wears on his hands 3) Rinne always wears a ring, and Niki not. He doesn't want to lose or spoil it while working, so he keeps it in his wallet 5) Despite the ban on kissing before the wedding, they have already kissed at least once purely because of teenage interest (hi 1417 rinnk), but this "does not count as a real kiss because it was before the wedding" 6) Niki and Rinne are both VERY tactile, so any physical contact is an integral part of their lives 7) Despite Rinne's rather vulgar character and the way he sticks to Niki, when the Shiina himself begins to take the initiative, there is a "boom" in Rinne's head and he feels embarrassed ( liomgomgomghessuchcuteilovehimilovehiiim) 8) Rinne likes to hug Niki from the back most of all 9) Rnnk 1417 is back. Before they became idols, Niki often took Rinne to karaoke because he saw his interest in this and wanted to makes him happy 10) Rinne stumbles into the cafe where Nicky works just because he missed him and wants to see his cute wifey 11) I think Rinne very quickly begins to miss Niki, like a dog. Sometimes Niki need to turn off the phone, because Rinne literally throws him texts and calls, which prevents him from working 15) Rinne may seem to those who do not care about anniversaries like "the day when we first met/kissed", but in fact he remembers it well and attaches great importance to all these days, and indeed to any little things if they are related to Niki 17) 1417 rinniki yeah. While living together, they often played games together and watched movies. And Niki was very bad at this 18) Niki has some form of "sleepwalking", he can start chewing, sucking and drooling in his sleep. Usually these are pillows and blankets, but if he sleeps with Rinne, then Niki use his hair and hands 19) Rinne often gives Niki toys from vending machines 20) Niki is not a fan of alcohol, but sometimes he doesn't mind drinking if it's together with Rinne 21) Drunk Niki becomes even more tactile, and also falls asleep very quickly, so when they drink together, it usually ends with Niki hanging on Rinne's shoulder and falling asleep right on him 22) Rinne is attention seeker, especially from Niki 23) For this reason, he is a little jealous, he does not like it when Niki praises someone else. When this happens, he immediately begins to ingratiate himself with his boyfriend and beg for praise and affection 26) Rinne likes to use colognes, Niki doesn't really like these smells. He likes Rinne's natural body odor much more 28) Rinne loves Niki's hair. He would be horrified if he found out that he was going to get a haircut (even he wanted to make him bald at night club). In general, he likes not only to pull his ponytail, but also to rummage in his hair. Rinna really likes to braid Niki and do his hair. Sometimes he helps Niki to put her hair in a ponytail (and they also smell very nice and soft to the touch. Rinne's hair is much tougher) 30) Rinne has Niki's photo on his pjone wallpapers. He really likes to take pictures of him, so Rinne's gallery is just teeming with photos of Niki. Niki himself has only photos of food on his phone, sometimes there are joint photos with Rinne (made by Rinne). Although sometimes he takes pictures of Rinne when he looks funny and silly 33) Rinne sleeps in her underpants, and Niki in her pajamas. But when it's cold, Rinne steals Niki's pajamas, even though they are a little small for him. And Nicky has a lot of clothes with food prints, including these pajamas, so one sleeps in bacon, and the other in scrambled eggs
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