#maddie needs a break
burnin0akleaves · 2 months
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Ranger Gathering Day 9: Guilty
Maddie is a trooper when it comes to her permanent leg injury. Will is... trying his best.
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laxxarian · 7 months
Danny de-aged but he retains his memories
Danny was in Gotham with his family, it was all normal and everything when a villain came out and started blasting from left to right, turning some people young or old.
Now, Danny would love to go and rescue but he can't cuz he never fought off a real human villain, Vlad and the GIW doesn't count, they've got ecto guns and one of them is a ghost, deeming them to be strong to Danny.
But this, this is a human, no ecto or anything of the matter to protect themself from a ghost. And when his father almost got hit, Danny rushed in to take the blast, not like he's gonna die again anyway.
Now Danny turns into a young ten year old boy.
After a while, the vigilantes came, news to Danny that the effects will wear off and that everyone should be fine.
Except, Danny is a halfa, not a human. So the effects didn't wear off and that got the parents worry a little so they tried to find the vigilantes by having the boo-merang find the signature of this one vigilante that they could FEEL like it was a ghost but also not ghost.
So now, the Fentons found the Batcave, well, no, they didn't cuz the boo-merang stopped working right after banging at a wall so now the Fentons are looking all over where the "ghost" could be at.
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imadetheline · 11 months
absolutely fucking nothing could have prepared me for the sideways jaunt we take from the magical world of Howl's Moving Castle to real-life Wales in the middle of the book, not even the knowledge that Howl is Welsh I had absorbed from the internet. And don't even get me started on him quoting Shakespeare
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moonylouwho · 6 months
guys what if buddie’s first kiss is in the aftermath of a very serious emergency, possibly one that makes them realize life is too short to not be with the one you love, and they’re wearing their firefighter getup and they throw they’re helmets to the ground and just hold eachother tightly because oh my god they’re so in love
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bwabbitv3s · 2 years
Good Godfather Vlad AU - Part 3
Link to Part 1 , Part 2
@kaitouhime @krzys2000 @moobloomrights @spooky-fm
The brunch meeting ended up being a huge scene, but not overly embarrassing. A table is knocked over when Jack and Maddie rush over to Vlad. Luckily it did not have anyone eating at it yet. The children trailing behind them stopped to right the table. Vlad is unfortunately too slow to offer the fudge before Jack sweeps him up into a crushing bear hug.
“We have been terrible friends. How could you ever forgive us!” Jack cries as he lifts Vlad off his feet in a hug.
“We should have questioned why you never responded after all these years.” Maddie says hovering beside them.
“Dad, put him down!” Jasmine shouts. 
“Yeah, I don’t think he can breathe with you crushing him like that.” Danny adds in. 
If he did not have to breath all the time this would be very uncomfortable. Jack pulls him into an impossibly closer hug before gently putting him back on the ground and releasing him. A glare from Maddie at the gawking people has them hastily avert their gaze. His clothes are now rumpled a little from the bear hug. Vlad straightens a little before stepping closer to the pair. 
“It is not all your burden to bear. Despite how close we had been, I never reached out either after the accident.” Vlad says a little apprehensive. 
His hands nervously clutch at the box of fudge as he makes eye contact with Jack and Maddie. This was the hardest thing he had done in a very long time. He was still coming to terms and processing everything that had happened. In just a few short days he had a fundamental part of his past cast into new light. His lack of responsibility in trying to maintain his part of their friendship was a new glaring issue he had ignored for far too long.
 Maddie’s eyes crinkle as she sweeps forwards with arms outstretched. Unlike Jack she waits for the moment for him to step closer.   
“I can’t express how much I regret not tracking you down the first day out of the hospital.” Vlad chokes out as Maddie pulls him into a hug. 
“I told myself so many things about why you might not want to see us anymore.” her voice catches a bit as she speaks.   
“We never were very good about confrontation when it was about emotions. Always ready to jump into a discussion about science and engineering and tear into that” Jack added. 
“It might take some time and it won’t be the same but I would like to be in your lives again.” Vlad says.
“You are always welcome.” Maddie says softly.
“You are practically family!” Jack happily shouts. 
The tension drops a little as Vlad really sees his friends ready to welcome him back into their life. Without the haze of hate from before clouding his judgment. He sees the laughter lines in Maddie’s face and the gray in Jack's hair. They are not college students working towards getting a doctorate. Life has gone on and his friends have changed just like he has. 
“Now I hope this does not spoil the meal, but I have something for you.” Vlad says, offering up the fudge box. 
“Oh, is that what I think it is?” Jack crows in delight. 
He bounds forwards and takes the box from Vlad. Maddie lets out a fond smile and begins to usher the group back to their table. 
“I had some help but I believe this is a very nice fudge.” Vlad says with a wink at Danny.
“Ohh! I have heard of Miss Martha’s Marviolours Fudge.” Jack excitedly says. 
Vlad starts to walk to the table the family had been seated at. There is already an extra setting at the table. His step falters for a moment before he catches a supportive look from Jasmine. She gestures with her hands forming a cube shape. Danny gives her a confused look as he pulls his father along. Stealing a breath he keeps walking to the place set for him. 
“It has been a long time but I hope you still enjoy them.” Vlad says. Pulling the rubix cube out.   
“Vlad I can’t believe you remembered that!” Maddie exclaims in delight. 
She takes the cube and immediately begins to twist and turn it to solve the cube in a matter of moments. Then resets it and begins to form a classic trick pattern. 
“Whoa. How do you do that so fast, I thought they were supposed to be hard to solve?” Danny asks his mother. 
The rest of the brunch manages to pass with little fanfare after that. Maddie shows her son how to solve it and explains the mechanics behind it. Jack scrawls on a napkin the attributes of the fudge and hashes out the new top ten. Laughter and joy is had as ten years worth of catching up happens over the course of the meal. They manage to only break one glass. It might just be the nicest morning Vlad has had in years.
Now with a Part 4.
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fishyartist · 9 months
Danny phantom episode “Girls night out” deserves more hate. Like it’s the worst of season 3’s shift into more generic superhero cartoon plot lines imo, it’s gender politics are noxious. Something about the art is especially not working for me. ember and spectra should be trying to maul each other.
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july-19th-club · 1 month
like it's really genuinely not the buck show to me but i post about him a lot anyway because as a character he is simply hysterical. refers to himself in terms of 1.0 2.0 etc because he's like hyperaware of his own capacity for change but also doesnt really do anything on purpose he just sort of encounters things. got into the job he's obsessed with and has no friends or hobbies outside of more or less on accident. like it just happened. wound up dating a woman sixteen years older than him because they got crushes on each other over the phone and when he found out she was 42 was like oh nice! i wondered why you always call instead of text but that makes sense. spends six whole seasons not figuring himself out but going 'can it be for the girls the gays and evan? if it's not too much trouble?' hated his best friend slash crush slash situationship for a single day for being hotter and better at everything than him, then became insanely attached and within a year was more or less coparenting with the man. has NOT thought this through. once sued his department to get his job back after a career-altering injury and then after a couple weeks he got the job back and it was never an issue again. kind of figure-obsessed but also doesnt care at all. he believes in ghosts, full-moon madness, and curses. introduced as that one overly reckless guy in the company who disregards the rules for his own daredevil whims and then gets one lecture from his boss and becomes so responsible that he turns into that one overly regulations-conscious guy in the company who walks around with a list of memorized specifications and gets antsy when stuff isn't up to par. i dont even think he has a written character i think it's just oliver getting out there throwing on his best american accent and going to town on it
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what if i said i had the first wip being worked on for secret origins?
i have never been as excited for something like i am with this- maybe it's just because this fic is self indulgent and brings me back to my childhood lol; also please keep in mind, i haven’t actively written in a few weeks so i’m a little rusty- also just. new fandom lol
of phantoms and felines (work in progress)
First Installation to the five-part Secret Origins storyline!
Fandom(s): Danny Phantom, Miraculous Ladybug
With a stifled yawn, he made his way to the kitchen- still a bit groggy but he rubbed his eyes, attempting to pull himself out of the weird funk before speaking, “mornin’-” 
“Danny, sweetie, there you are!” Maddie exclaimed, giving her son a warm smile. She was dressed in a simpler version of her jumpsuit, clearly bustling about a little as she spotted Danny who was still in his pajamas. “Are you excited for the summer?”
“Mhm- I was hoping to go see Sam and Tucker soon,” Danny replied, only to pause at the sudden half-frown on Maddie’s face. 
“I didn’t tell you? Sweetie-” Maddie paused before continuing, “we’re going on a week long trip out of the country.” 
Wait, what. 
Danny blinked- a faint chuckle bubbled up from his throat, staring at his mom like she had suddenly grown a second head. Why hadn’t he been told about this sooner? Amity Park was his haunt, and he couldn’t just leave it behind.
“I don’t understand,” he got out, tilting his head in confusion. “What’s the occasion?”
“Well- there’s this event happening. We thought it might be interesting to attend,” his mom answered simply, giving her son a smile- even with the fact Danny still didn’t look too pleased by this aspect. “Vlad’s covering the whole trip, so we agreed to let him do it just this once!”
@engineersamuel I know you were interested in this crossover and so, this is what I have so far! It will need to be fleshed out later- and honestly, characterization is a pain sometimes but even then, I'm very excited for when I release the finished product!
So far, Adrien and Mari aren't in this- since it starts with Danny's POV but anything more than this would be spoilers! Hope all of you enjoy~
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People who write angsty storylines with ease vs the people who can’t handle a sentence of it (me)
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azural83 · 2 years
'wade should adopt shadow' 'the wachowskis should take shadow in'
Rouge is right fucking there
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asjjohnson · 2 years
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Part 6 of my poll adventure fic. Links: the beginning, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5.
It's mid-day Wednesday (at least for my time), which means a new part of my poll adventure fic, because I've been here for over a year and still don't know how to use this site effectively. :D (Oh wait, here, I made a poll about tumblr timing.)
Valerie walked toward Vlad through the rubble, hugging a hissing and clawing Maddie against her armor. "Found him," she said proudly, smiling up at Vlad. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Actually, there is. There's a malevolent ghost loose in Amity Park, posing a serious risk to my health, as well as to the city. I need him contained and brought to me."
Oh, cheese sticks with marinara dipping sauce! He had meant to do the responsible thing here—not ask a fourteen-year-old child who couldn't even hold a cat properly to risk her life in his stead.
...He really had become too accustomed to avoiding anything unpleasant.
"Sure thing, Mayor Masters!"
Maddie squirmed out of Valerie's hold with an angry yowl and ran off.
Well, he could still work with Valerie. ...If he truly wanted to. He was unlikely to succeed on his own, anyhow, if this older version of Daniel actually was as powerful as he'd heard.
But did he truly want to be a part of this endeavor? He was already dreading it, with only the thought.
He recalled what the older Daniel had said—that he let his emotions hold too much sway, and that in turn caused his plans to fail.
Which had been exactly the case when he'd felt some level of compassion for that ghost.
Thinking purely objectively, Vlad could still use the ghost if he could get him back under his control. And if Vlad were to have some part in the ghost's capture—in saving Amity Park—it would boost his ratings. He did need to keep his position as mayor of Amity Park for his contingency plans.
"Valerie, dear. Why don't we work together? I'm sure it's just misplaced guilt, but I can't help but feel somehow responsible for this situation. Ridiculous, I know. However, working with you on his capture would ease my poor conscience."
"Oh... uh, you've never suggested this before," Valerie said uncertainly, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, as though she was trying to think of some way that poor old 'Mayor Masters' could work with her. "But if that's what you want."
'Cheerleader' isn't, ah, a literal cheerleader. (Don't make me dress him up in a skirt.) It just means... like, advertising and cheering her on. More of a cheer-leader (...which is probably an even more literal meaning actually).
"Alert me when there's an update" list:
@charlietheepic7, @chrysanthemum9484, @mymadmedleyw, @dp-marvel94, @aikoiya, @whydouwantmyname, @cinturon-cadena, @freakofyournature, @satanicrutialspecialist, @danphantom80
(if you want on the list, specifically ask to be alerted for updates in a tag or comment. Ask again if I forget! If I can't tag you, I'll send a Message.)
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
abc should just immediately go canon with buddie by having them kiss at Eddie’s apartment after a stressful call - one or both of them has a near miss, they’re drinking beers after Christopher has fallen asleep, mention how terrifying the call was, especially considering the lightning strike just a few months before and the highway collapse, and next thing they know they’re stress making out on Eddie’s couch until Eddie gets up and starts clearly panicking over the Gay of it all, and Buck decides they should call it a night - and then have the season deal with the fallout of it. That way they can make buddie canon immediately in the viewer’s eyes, while still letting us see them develop into a relationship!
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Yeah I’m already writing drafts to defend Maddie and Hen😮‍💨
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My heart breaks for Buck to have to find out this massive terrible thing that your whole life has essentially been a lie and the fact that he realized he could get attention if he pulled dangerous stunts and got hurt so he did just to get their care and concern and the love he’s always been looking for. And I know Maddie says they’re not terrible people but they were terrible parents but I can’t help thinking they were both how do you treat your child that way I just cannot fathom…I know the grief of losing a child is like no other but you have TWO other children who rely on you and need you to be present how do you just shun him after the decision you made to have him like you don’t get to do that he was a CHILD he didn’t ask for this to happen for god sakes he didn’t even know he had a brother because you never let him get to know his big brother you never let him understand why some stuff makes you said or try to make up for the fact that you had him for all the wrong reasons and then never gave him what he needed in return I just wanna scream at them. Buck is such an incredible human being and deserves so much love and care and it’s a wonder he ever managed to get to where he is now although with a long way to go. I kinda wish Eddie could have been at their family dinners as an added support system for Buck I mean he is family and I think it would have been nice to have someone there who would stick up for him without fail because as much as Maddie loves him and has his back she’s trying to put something back together that never fit in the first place and Buck shouldn’t have to have the weight of that on his shoulders and I just think Eddie could’ve been more of a comfort to him than even Maddie in that situation.
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starry-storm-main · 11 months
do you think jack and maddie made hormones for their danny or do you think vlad did it. does it? look it's 23:04 and i just want to know where danny gets his t
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
All this talk around Buck's bad habits re relationships also has me thinking about how this thing with Natalia is so obviously doomed, and the biggest reason is that the show continuously, blatantly makes sure the audience is drawing a connection between her and Buck's previous relationships—going as far as to insert Lucy and Taylor right into the middle of it—and it even has Eddie say the quiet part out loud, that Buck going out with people he's met on calls never ends well. Idk tho what will be the push this time to get Buck to wake up and realize that he's making a mistake (Given that Natalia isn't actively awful like Taylor was and that Buck doesn't have a turbulent history with her that's gonna come back to bite him)
Personally, I think it would be GREAT for Buck to have a fun relationship that is just not fulfilling him the way he wants and ending it in good terms. I mean, with the strike and everything that's happening in Hollywood there's actually the possibility of Natalia getting the Ali treatment and just not being there once the season starts, but mostly because of the time jump we will get once the season starts, they will have been together for what? 6 months? if we get the usual 4 months time jump pre season, and at this point there's a level of expectation on a relationship that could get weird on a relationship that we can see as doomed with the parallels with Taylor, so it would be easier to just get a blank slate, but honestly, I think Buck needs to have an adult relationship that it's fun. I think he needs to learn that you should be having a good time with the person your dating. And I also think he needs a relationship that doesn't doesn't end in drama. Just two adults who tried something, had a good run but it didn't work out. No ghosting, no break of trust, just we weren't right for each other, we had a good time but we should go our separate ways.
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