#maddie lost to doug?
bisexualbuckl-y · 4 months
i can't stop thinking about buck's future reaction to this new eddie storyline in like a best friend way, because i don't know how aware buck is of how much eddie is struggling with his mental health lol, like how long ago was the last time they spoke about shannon in relation to eddie? does buck think eddie is over her death? or maybe not over but at least he's come to terms with it? i feel like we'll see eddie trying to hide this thing with kim and buck will surely know something's going on but i don't think he'll ever imagine something close to what's happening, and then aside from the lying and bad feelings surrounding the situation he'll also feel awful because he just didn't know how this was still an issue eddie was having... yk?
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tommystummy · 5 days
kind of love that this season opener really said “know your herstory.” between what’s his face that killed Athena’s fiance, Gerrard, and Tommy, 911 does a lean on its own lore
They did briefly mention Emmett in 7x10 so I’m not surprised but also it is really cool that this whole season seems to be about reckoning with the past in order to move forward
I’m just hoping they do something with Eddie and Athena both dealing with the ghost of a loved one at the same time to make connections we don’t usually see.
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thehanfamily · 3 months
eddie this, buck that … the real problem with 911 is how they underutilize and ignore chimney han. the storyline with his father was shafted and was not given the importance that it deserved. we never got to see him process the fact that he died and that jee could have lost both of her parents within a year. he got encephalitis on his wedding day and had to confront the ghosts of kevin and doug and still there is no in-depth exploration of all the trauma that he has gone through. chimney as a character can’t take that next step until they give him some healing, like maddie got in season five because if you look at maddie before s5 and maddie after s5, the differences are clear. and chimney deserves that too.
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constance-dartagnan · 2 months
I'm not trying to Start anything truly I'm Not but after years (YEARSSSSSS) of hearing
"Abby is predatory for getting Buck's phone number from work/taking advantage of his mental state/dating a younger man"
"Maddie is a toxic sister for being trapped in an abusive relationship and running to Buck for help (after sacrificing her own safety for years to help him escape their parents)"
"Taylor is predatory for kissing Buck (taking advantage of his mental state) after Eddie got shot"
"Chimney is abusive/comparable to Doug for lashing out at Buck when he learned he had been hiding information about his severely mentally ill partner for a WEEK"
"Lucy is predatory for getting Buck drunk and then forcing herself on him"
"Natalia is predatory for dating Buck (taking advantage of his mental state) after he died"
"Eddie and Maddie and Chimney are all too violent and/or unstable to be good parents and therefore Buck needs to take their children away"
Too many other racist, homophobic, biphobic, and misogynistic takes to even list here, to say nothing of the abhorrent treatment certain cast and crew members have received on social media
it is LAUGHABLE to see people acting like the 911 fandom is suddenly a hostile intolerant environment and I'm not going to say there isn't any homophobia in the way people talk about Tommy or inappropriate comments being made about LFJ but it also isn't lost on me that many of the people who seem to think this is a new and unique issue had no interest in confronting the rampant racism and misogyny (and I would argue even homophobia directed towards more effeminate gay and bi men). I don't have a point here because two (or three or five) wrongs don't make a right I just felt like it needed to be said ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
**and before you say "well EYE never saw x" "I wasn't even in the fandom when y happened" etc please consider: maybe this post isn't about you**
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nqueso-emergency · 19 days
Glad to see you agree!
and also - yes, i’m so glad you mentioned how buck doesn’t go to eddie for moral advice. he talks to him, sure, but if you pay attention he does it so he can vent or sometimes ask for eddie’s opinion. but he doesn’t ask him what he should do or for any moral guidance. for that he has bobby and maddie. and hell, he’s happy to go to hen, too, and she talks to him in a way that clearly helps buck.
and also to go in a bit deeper on one of my points - it’s with things like this that their dismissal of maddie gets on my nerves. i’ve lost count of the amount of posts and even fanfics that put eddie and chris as being buck’s ’true family’ and that put maddie down consistently. even the ones that aren’t as bad has maddie acting as a distant relative instead of one of the main pillars in buck’s life.
my most hated take on this, actually, is when they always make a point of chris being buck’s anchor to reality or his reason to fight. and every time i see a scene of buck writing his will and leaving everything to chris, a fairy dies.
does he value eddie and chris? of course! but to say he loves and values them leagues above his sister, the person that raised him?? even when maddie left him, buck has shown to be deeply grateful for what she did for him.
maddie’s been his (platonic) person his whole life. and it’s so frustrating to see buddies denying or pushing down that relationship, as well as minimizing jee’s role in buck’s life as his niece.
maybe i am biased because the buckley siblings have my heart, but it gets on my nerves. they have one of the strongest bonds and whilst the series sometimes neglects to have scenes with them, it’s undeniable.
No you're so fucking right! I adore the Buckley siblings and I can't stand when people basically replace her with the Diaz family.
Look at everything Maddie has done for Buck and vice versa.
Maddie literally gave Buck his freedom while ultimately sacrificing her own. And then, instead of being resentful, she kept up with his postcards, and she even saved them. The most important thing imo that she did/does for Buck is that she never judges him or tells him he's stupid or dumb or anything to that degree. It's very similar to the way Athena approaches Buck as well.
Then we have Buck. Who always has his sister's back. When Doug found Maddie, Buck broke the law to take matters into his own hands to find his sister. Their bond is one I really hope we get to see more of because it's so important to showcase.
I really want a scene where they can both discuss how happy they both finally are, similar to that hamster wheel conversation.
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bidisasterevankinard · 2 months
Tease tidbit Tuesday
Who should write her wips, but in shower got amazing idea for break up/make up with presumed dead and amnesia in mix just half an hour ago? Me! Meet the fic that actually started with planned plot (but only till Buck loses his memories) and I even have a title why we lost each other on the way to out future?. Two little snippets I have:
"What's your problem, Evan," Tommy ask, feeling like his blood boils. He never was so angry on anyone like he's right now.Surprisingly not even with his dad or Gerrard. "You agreed to be friends."
"YES!" Evan screams with erratic hand movements, stop checking his phone. "Y-yes, I said it. Because I-I wanted to have you in my life at least as my friend, but I-I can't look at you being so...normal. So infuriatingly cool about everything."
Evan looks at his phone and then at the car that parked near them, he already opens the door, but before he actually sits, he stops and looks at him. Tommy swears his eyes shine with tears.
"I think you're amazing friend, Tommy. B-but I can't be around you when I fell in love with you and you went away like it's not hurting you so much. And I spent all evening looking at you, Tommy, you can't tell me I wasn't paying attention. You were cool as cucumber around our friends and when that guy flirtied with you."
Evan sits and his Uber takes him away and Tommy stays alone, looking at the car till it's not seen anymore.
Fuck. Why his life is so complicated? And why Evan's words about love hit so hard and deep?
"Hey, Maddie. Is he sleeping? Can I see him?"
Maddie takes deep breath and Tommy's gut tells him she has bad news. He suspects everyone around them feels the same.
"Buck," Maddie looks at her hands, shaking her head, " has really bad concussion and he thinks it's 2017 and he only started at 118. He thinks I should be in Boston with Doug, he was only on three shifts as probational firefighter, so he barely knows 'his captain and cool paramedics'. And he doesn't know who Jee, Tommy, Chris or Eddie are. I checked. He looked at me as I'm crazy."
Silence that everyone keeps suffocates Tommy.
"But it's temporary, right?" Hen asks.
"Doctors said they can't be sure, but they try to be positive as Buck lost only seven years. Now they want to be sure no cognitive abilities was lost and what to do with his broken wrist."
Tagged by @typicalopposite @wikiangela
Np tagging @queerbuck @queerdiaz @hippolotamus @bewilderedbuckley @diazsdimples @devirnis @watchyourbuck @epiphainie @evansboyfriend @evanbi-ckley @evnnkinard @eddiestummy @theweewooshow @theotherbuckley @repressedqueen @racerchix21 @pirrusstuff @perfectlysunny02 @apassingbird @aspecbuddie @saybiwithme @diazheartsbuckley @honestlydarkprincess @lavenderleahy @loveyouanyway @lonelychicago @cal-daisies-and-briars @bi-buckrights @bekkachaos @bigfootsmom @buckera @monsterrae1 and anyone who wants to
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realchemistry · 3 months
About Maddie's reaction to ~the incident
One of the things I think is important to point out, because I haven't seen or read anyone talking about it, is Maddie's reaction when Buck told her the truth about the basketball incident. When Buck first arrived, she was all smiles, probably happy to have Buck there. Then she asked about how Eddie was doing and Buck said he hadn't talked to him because what happened on the basketball court was not an accident.
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Buck confessed that he might have meant to hurt Eddie because he was pissed, felt left out, and he guessed he was trying to get Eddie's attention (I’m not gonna go Buddie here, but he legit literally said exactly this which !!!).
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Her face started to morph, the change in her whole demeanor, the horror of it all... she was really really mad. I don't think JLH got the proper credit for it. It's truly remarkable, her face spoke volumes about everything that was going through her head at the moment. You could see Maddie thinking about her past, about Doug, about how he hurt her and the terrible ways in which he justified that behavior as she was telling Buck that you do not hurt people to get their attention and not to do it again.
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The episode didn't make that connection explicit (they had her babbling about Sarahs instead, more on that in the last paragraph), and I KNOW that if roles were reversed, part of the fandom would've lost their mind, since they love to portray Eddie as violent and abusive towards Buck when there's nothing in canon to back that up, quite the opposite as of this episode actually. Since Eddie was the one who got hurt, it was no big deal, it was pretty much forgotten immediately after. I thought it was a huge deal, I thought tptb didn't really address how problematic that was. I thought the only one who reflected the gravity of the situation was Jen, maybe thanks to her character's past.
BTW, I don't think it's in character for Buck to do this, I think he does know better, and he really isn't and hasn't ever been the type to resort to violence. Having said that, that's what tptb decided to do on screen, maybe as a way to show he was struggling with his identity... But that’s kinda terrible, like, he’s confused at this point about his feelings so his first instinct is to harm his friend out of jealousy? Also, we didn't get to see anything else on the matter after. It was such an odd choice, tbh, cause yes, Buck and Eddie probably talked about it for a second and then made up offscreen, but to have a character be violent towards his friend just to push a storyline forward, a storyline about bisexuality of all things, disregarding everything about said character and then not acknowledging it... Some very bad choices were made. Once again, I think tptb prioritized moving the plot forward over making sense and that's just something I truly hate with my whole heart.
Characters cannot have their choices and actions dictated by the plot or, at least, it can't feel that way to the audience. That's just bad writing through and through. Tptb did this a lot this season, and I understand that time was pressing because of the strike and all, but they need to do better. They are professionals getting paid to do a job, the least they can do is actually make it all make sense for the fans and stay away from toxic portrayals of LGBTQ+ characters (Hen cheating, anyone?).
The whole story about the Sarahs was really kinda ridiculous, honestly, I think they just had to give Jen more to do but a follow up without it would've been much better. Of course, seeing as their intention was to completely ignore the gravity of the situation, they simply couldn't mention Doug at all cause that would've required Buck and Eddie discuss this seriously instead of completely forgetting about it.
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captain-hen · 4 months
I have been telling my friends that season 7 is a bridge. Also, that Tim had a plan and as he wasn’t in the last 2, the story isn’t as he planned so he spent the whole season taking the characters there. Meaning healing from last trauma to add new traumas and building the foundations for the next season, foundations he thought were going to be build.
For example:
- Chim and Maddie fostering Mara is the bridge to Maddie and Chim having another child, maybe adopting this time.
- Hen and Karen will adopt Mara, and I’m not quite sure about the next step because I’m thinking about Captain Hen but I don’t think it’ll happen in the next season.
- Bi Buck we know what bridge that is even if some people don’t want to accept it.
- Eddie, being bad written, is the bridge to prioritising and putting himself first for them establishing boundaries with his parents. (Kind of Buck did). Also, to discover himself and what he really wants. Healing.
- Bobby to realise he’s a hero and that his works wasn’t over, especially now that Gerrard is back.
- Athena hasn’t been a proper cop this season and both times (Harry incident and whatever the fuck was the Amir thing) she has used her power so I think something will happen there that’ll make her stop and think.
The reason why the wasn’t room for development is because for some stories, it was the end (Chim being traumatised in his wedding by Doug) and for other stories it was the beginning (the whole episode 7x10)
i'm sorry, i don't want to sound like i'm being dismissive of your opinion because you're entitled to it, but i don't agree with any of this. to start with, it's too bad that tim couldn't tell the story he wanted to after s4, but that's not an excuse for him to come back two seasons later, throw a temper tantrum and ignore everything that's happened since that isn't convenient for him. lol. as for the rest, let's break it down:
this sets up for maddie and chim having another child...except we don't actually KNOW how THEY feel about it. they've never talked about having more kids, let alone fostering. we never saw any of this from their POV, we were just up and told that they wanted to do it for henren. which is a beautiful thing for them to do, but we don't know what they feel about it, if they've considered the logistics of having a second child, about jee having a sibling—none of it!
my issue with henren this season was that they recycled the plot of them having trouble with expanding their family for, what, the...third time? it's so tired and feels like misery porn at this point (and let's not even get into the uncomfortable racial elements around the way mara was written in 7x05).
something as monumental as the bi!buck arc should have been explored better. sorry. aside from his conversation with maddie, we barely got to see buck do any kind of serious self-reflection about this major part of his identity and his relationship with tommy, has, well. it's just been written in a very strange and off-putting way post 7x05. sorry to say.
whatever happened with eddie is really not the way to get him to prioritize himself! think about it. for the first time he prioritized his own grief in trying to get catharsis with kim. and it backfired on him spectacularly. he hurt his kid. he lost christopher. i don't think he's ever gonna recover from this guilt. if anything, what's happened will only reinforce his belief that he should never prioritize himself, ever. the thing with kim didn't lead to any kind of healing, it made everything a million times worse. he was quite literally punished by the narrative for his grief and it's quite sickening. and given how things were handled this season i highly doubt it will be treated with any kind of nuance or care in the next.
this has not been the first time athena has abused her power—only the most egregious instance of it—and it won't be the last. if abusing her power in s1 and harassing a teenage girl then didn't get her to stop and think, i don't think this will. sorry.
my entire point, is that most of the things you've mentioned here was incredibly last minute. madney fostering mara. the eddie/kim plotline. eddie's conflict with chris. the bobby and amir plotline. everything in 7x10 felt like an afterthought. why is it that bobby's life was in serious danger and yet we barely saw anything of him? why didn't we get to see more the firefam being worried over him and holding vigil? how is it that eddie and chris didn't even have a single conversation before chris went away to a different state?
you don't use all ten episodes of a season just to set up new plot points for the rest without developing or concluding the stuff already going on in a meaningful manner that makes sense. sorry.
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hotshotsxyz · 2 years
these tangled threads
(buddie) (2.3k words) (6x11 spec) i've been back for five minutes and immediately decided i needed to write some spec fic so uh, here we are, have some coma!buck :)
Evan picks at a loose thread on his sleeve and stares at the screen in front of him. His latest in a long line of temp jobs has him feeling disquieted. Even more lost than usual, somehow. He wonders if it isn’t because he’s back in California.
It’s been years since he graced the west coast with his presence, and it’s hard to explain why he’s back now. 
It certainly isn’t for the work. Digitizing old files might be the worst job he’s ever had, and that includes the summer he spent digging drainage ditches in Florida. 
He’s felt restless, though, as of late, an itch beneath his skin that he can’t seem to scratch. Evan pulls at the thread again and a little more of his sleeve unravels. He lets the red string dangle and returns his attention to the file in front of him. 
June 22nd, 1985. 
Evan sighs quietly and flips the folder open. He arranges the sheets nestled inside by color. Red for fire, white for police, yellow for medical. He pulls the stack of red towards him and begins the process of painstakingly typing in each detail all over again. 
Twenty years of files and he hasn’t even made it through the first. 
He’s just begun working on the 26th when there’s a soft knock on the slightly ajar door to his closet-turned-office. A young woman pokes her head in and immediately wrinkles her nose. 
“Wow, I don’t think they could’ve found a darker room to put you in if they tried.”
“It’s uh– it’s… fine?” Evan ventures. 
The young woman snorts and pushes the door further open, allowing a small sliver of natural light to stain the carpet. 
“I’ll have to ask Eddie to find out for sure, but I’m pretty sure this is a fire code violation,” she says with a wry grin. 
Evan smiles, a little cautiously. “You’d know better than me,” he says, tapping the file in front of him, “my knowledge currently ends in 1985.”
The woman chuckles softly. “Anyway, a couple of us are going to grab lunch from the food truck across the street. You want to get out of this cave and come with?”
Evan bites his lip and glances at the stack of files to his left. 
“I’m May, by the way,” she says. 
“Evan,” he replies, but even as he says it, something about it feels wrong. Like the shape of his own name is unfamiliar to his tongue.
“Come on,” May says, backing out of the room but leaving the door wide open, “you’ll go crazy sitting in here all day.”
Evan stands before he’s consciously made the decision to do so. “You’re right,” he says. “Can’t stay here forever.”
The food truck reminds him a little of a postcard Maddie sent him a few years back, a generic one with no location and no return address. It’s funny, the way she’d flipped the script on him when she finally left Doug. 
He hasn’t gotten a new one in a few months, but who knows if the long string of forwarding addresses he’s kept is still intact. 
There’s a small group of blue and maroon polo-clad individuals huddled beneath a large beach umbrella nearby, and May leads him to them. 
“Hey guys! This is the new temp Sue mentioned yesterday, Evan,” she introduces him. 
Another wave of discomfort hits him and he frowns a little. He tries to wipe the expression off his face before anyone catches it, but at least one of them notices. His eyes narrow ever so slightly, but he doesn’t say anything. 
“Evan,” May continues, “this is Linda, Josh and Eddie.” She points to each of them in turn. 
Linda and Josh both offer him a warm greeting, but Eddie simply nods. He’s got dark circles under his eyes and a seemingly permanent furrowed brow, and Evan finds himself picking again at his frayed sleeve under the man’s scrutinizing gaze. 
Evan wants to look away, but finds that he can’t. 
The moment seems to stretch and pull into something more akin to molasses than time, slowly crystalizing into a shape that feels recognizable. Evan feels the urge to reach out, the inexplicable need to pull Eddie to safety. 
Eddie’s phone rings, and the moment shatters. 
“Excuse me,” he says, and Evan would swear he’s heard that voice before. 
By the time Eddie returns, Evan’s halfway through a taco and a story about his time as a ranch hand. The others seem interested enough, but Evan’s boring himself. He knows how the story ends – another place he couldn’t stay, another set of fraying loose ends. 
“Have we met before?” Eddie suddenly interrupts. 
Evan’s certain they haven’t, certain he would remember if they had, but there’s a nagging sensation in the back of his head that begs him to reconsider. “I’m not sure,” he says after a moment. 
“On a call, maybe?” Eddie presses. 
Evan shrugs helplessly. “I’ve never called 9-1-1,” he says. 
Eddie shakes his head impatiently. “I’m not a dispatcher,” he says. “I used to be a firefighter, though.”
An image flashes through Evan’s mind. It’s Eddie, but he looks younger. Or – maybe younger isn’t right. Less burdened. His posture is straight and he’s wearing turnouts and a warm smile. He has the look of someone who’s settled in his skin, someone who knows exactly who he is and isn’t afraid of that knowledge. He’s so incredibly familiar, but Evan knows they haven’t met. Not in this lifetime, anyway. 
He shakes his head again. “I’m sorry, I don’t think so. I haven’t been in LA in years.” Evan feels like he’s lying, even as he knows he’s telling the truth. 
Eddie’s lips twist into a small frown, a painful expression Evan is suddenly desperate to wipe away. 
“Who was on the phone?” he blurts. 
The question works, and Eddie’s frown fades into something closer to a tired smile. “My son,” he says, “Christopher.”
“Whoa, you got a kid?” Evan’s voice seems to echo in his own ears. 
Christopher, he’s seven. 
And super adorable. 
“One that’s growing up way too fast,” Eddie says. His tone is light, but the guilt in his expression says everything he doesn’t. 
He doing okay?
Better than me. 
Evan turns his attention back to his frayed sleeve, and realizes it isn’t just one string, it’s two, tangled so tightly together he’s sure they’ll never unwind. 
“Buck,” someone says, and Evan’s head snaps up so fast it hurts.
There’s no one there. He’s alone in his dingy longstay motel room, picking at a plate of microwave lasagna that makes him wish desperately that he’d learned how to cook somewhere along the way. 
The room shouldn’t feel silent, not with the buzzing air conditioner and thin walls, but it does and it’s oppressive. Evan flips on the TV and hopes it’ll be enough. 
A red headed reporter fills the screen, and something like anxiety twists in his chest. He reaches for the remote but freezes when the image changes. 
“...three alarm blaze that displaced multiple families was extinguished early this morning by multiple teams of firefighters. Incident commander Robert Nash commented at the scene.”
“Our team performed admirably tonight. We just wish you were there with us.”
Evan’s brow furrows and he sits back, watching as the camera pans to two paramedics bandaging the arm of a young firefighter with dark skin and a pained expression.
In the morning, a postcard from Maddie arrives. 
Strangely, the image on the front is of a small, nondescript house with three pairs of shoes set neatly by the front door. 
Evan flips the card over to read the inscription. 
We miss you. Please come home.
There’s no postage, and no return address. 
Evan shivers and grabs his hoodie from the bed. It’s only when he pushes his knuckles through the end of his sleeve that he notices his two strings have turned to nine, all varying degrees of tangled, though none as long or as tightly woven as the first two he’d noticed. 
His head aches, and he wishes more than anything he could follow Maddie’s instructions. 
Home though… he doesn’t know where that is. 
Evan finds himself at the pier with no memory of how he got there. It looks familiar but wrong, dotted with rides and attractions he knows are long gone. He looks to his left and finds a young boy staring at him, no older than eight. 
“You ever think about what you want to do with your life? What you want to be when you grow up?” the boy asks him. 
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Evan replies. 
The boy ignores him and continues speaking. “I hope you do find something you love,” he says. 
“I did,” Evan replies instinctively. He hesitates. “Or I thought…”
The boy looks at him, and suddenly he’s older. “It’s gonna be okay, Buck. The doctors can fix you.”
Evan gasps and stumbles back. There’s a roaring in his ears. He turns just in time to see the wave that swallows him whole. 
What am I supposed to do if you– you promised, Buck. Chris needs you, and I–
Evan sputters and coughs until a river flows from his mouth. He’s standing in a bathroom, in front of a mirror, covered in blood. 
The strings from his tattered sleeve wrap around his fingers now, difficult but not impossible to distinguish from the horrible stains on his skin. 
The door behind him swings open, and a man walks in. 
Immediately, Evan is comforted, though he doesn’t know why. 
“Everyone’s out there,” the man says. “Waiting.”
“Why?” Evan asks. 
The man frowns. 
“I was just the guy standing there when it happened,” Evan continues. 
“I need you to open your eyes, kid,” the man says. 
Evan blinks– once, twice, and he’s back in his office. 
The door swings open. 
“None of us are better off, you know,” a woman with a shaved head says as she steps into the room. “I know you think it sometimes, but we’re not.”
“I don’t understand,” Evan says. 
“Bobby’s a wreck. And Eddie… I’ve never seen him react like that to anything. Reminded me of you, actually.”
“You know me?” Evan asks, feeling more and more desperate. The walls around him feel like they’re closing in. 
“Point is, we don’t work without you. So I’m going to need you to wake up and come be a firefighter again, okay?” The woman turns on her heel and leaves. 
“Wait!” Evan calls, but it’s too late. 
He blinks again and finds himself in the middle of a grocery store, clutching a box of cat laxative to his chest. 
“Buck?” A man asks, striding towards him. He’s wearing a firefighter’s uniform and has a scar in the middle of his forehead. “Man, what are you doing here,” he says. It doesn’t sound like a question. 
“I'm just here to– to do some... some shopping,” Evan replies. 
The man shakes his head. “This isn’t right,” he says. “It isn’t supposed to happen like this. You need to come home.”
“I want to,” Evan whispers. “I don’t know how.”
The box falls from his hands, tearing at the red strings that no longer seem to come from his sleeve but from his skin instead. 
“Maddie’ll be back soon,” the man says. “She stayed with Jee overnight, but she’s on her way now. I know you’re not going to wake up for me, but maybe you could wake up for her? She needs you.”
The man claps Evan on the shoulder and spins him around, and suddenly he’s face to face with the sister he hasn’t seen in years. 
“Maddie!” Evan cries, throwing himself towards her. She catches him in a tight hug. 
“I miss you, little brother,” she says sadly. 
“I’m right here,” Evan says. 
“What happened to you,” Maddie whispers. 
Evan shakes his head. Tears begin to pool in the corners of his eyes. “I don’t know, Maddie. I’m scared.”
He’s flatlining again! 
Ma’am, please step back and let us do our jobs. 
That’s my brother!
And we’re doing everything we can to save him. 
Evan gasps awake in his motel room, alone again. Or maybe– he was alone the entire time. Just dreaming. It always feels so real. 
The TV is still on, but now it’s the weather. A grim meteorologist addresses him. 
“High winds and rain are in the forecast tonight, but the real danger is the lightning. Shelter away from tall trees and poles, and whatever you do, don’t go climbing any ladders.”
Evan shudders. The hair on the back of his neck stands on end. He’s in danger. 
The door swings open, and Eddie walks in. 
“Buck,” Eddie says, and though it isn’t his first time hearing the name, it’s the first time he understands that it’s his. 
Buck stands. 
“You have to open your eyes,” Eddie says, “okay? You have to.”
“I’m looking right at you,” Buck says softly. 
Eddie shakes his head and the meaning is obvious. You’re looking right at me, but you still don’t see.
“The doctor’s,” Eddie says shakily, “they say you might never wake up. But I don’t believe that, Buck. I know you. I know you better than they do and I know you’re not going to give up on us like that.”
Buck reaches out on instinct and lays his string wrapped hand over Eddie’s heart. 
In an instant, it all comes rushing back to him. 
“You have to wake up,” Eddie says. 
“I’m trying,” Buck gasps. 
“You have to, because I can’t do any of this without you, Buck. I don’t want to.”
Buck remembers the moment lightning struck him. He remembers the moment before the pain, remembers feeling, just for a moment, like he might be immortal. He remembers Eddie crying out his name. 
Eddie’s hands encircle his, and the red string tangles them together. 
“Please, Buck,” Eddie says, squeezing his hand. “Come home.”
With a herculean effort, Buck squeezes back.
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epiphainie · 1 month
s2 of 911 is so good, man. we get madney's angsty and sad af doug storyline, we have buck loving maddie so so so much and maddie loving him back, we have the angsty and sad af shandie storyline, the begins episodes are so good, buck missing abby and being lost about love is so good, athena and bobby's budding relationship and the complexities they face with the kids and michael are great, the earthquake season opener is probably the best only after s3's tsunami, taylor is so bitchy but so hot and her hair is gorgeous, chris is an adorable cutiepie baby boy, we have ocean's 911. the season of television ever
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Most embarassing/stupidest injury
Mal - she fell while attempting a parkour trick Jay has made deceptively easy and almost broke her tailbone. Jay will not let her live it down.
Evie - not an injury, precisely, but girlie took a noseful of hydrochloric acid. It DID make the brewing safety lesson her mother was halfheartedly attempting sink down.
Carlos - got too lost jn his own thoughts and walked into a pillar that wasn't there yesterday, really. Jane saw and insisted she takes him to the infirmary.
Jay - the Tremaines' cat scratched him senseless when he was trying to nick shiny things at the salon. He's since decided he dislikes cats.
Ben - bit through his lip when trying really hard to not laught and/or speak on royal council. I'm not taking criticism.
Audrey - oh she absolutely twisted her ankle when walking in absurdly high heels. Didn't deter her from wearing them again in the slightest.
Doug - went looking through Evie's stuff. Learned his lesson.
Jane - baby Jane helping her mother on school balls was bumped into a table pretty hard by a drunk prince, she bled and cried. Poor girl
Lonnie - Mushu bit her. He was trying to wake her up when babysitting and apparently she was sleeping really hard.
Uma - Harry's hook. It is very close to her at all times. She cut herself on it once when she was wildly gesturing. It was nothing bad, barely even bled, and Harry was more upset than she was.
Harry - there are WAY too many instances of "got distracted by how pretty Uma is and cut himself/walked into something/ tripped and fell". He will acknowledge none of them.
Gil - lost a bet with his brothers and had to do five squats holding Judge Frollo above his head. Dear Judge was not happy and managed to break Gil's nose while kicking-screaming. Gil did complete the dare, but Claudine was upset at him afterwards.
Harriet - CJ bit her. I don't think I need to explain that.
Ginny - kept touching stuff at the Apothecary and Maddy whacked her over the head with one of her porcelain dolls
Anthony - the cat. He thinks the cat hates him. Entirely unreasonable, if you ask him. Also, Ginny got way too loose when playing with poisons one time, and he had to be given an antidote in the Apothecary. Maddy yelled at him, he's still insulted.
Dizzy - she definitely burned herself on her hot-glue-gun.
Celia - she also touched Dizzy's hit-glue-gun. It was shiny. Other than that, there is a reason she gets a helmet when going into Hades' caves.
Freddie - got WAY too close to Ally's Wonderland contraptions. But hey, she didn't think an AK would have that bitey shit, she wouldn't get that close with anything the Hearts touched.
CJ - it'd be easier to name an injury this girl didn't give herself. But the most embarassing one, probably fucking with the Tremaines' dyes and ending up with half-burnt curles and blue-green dye all over her. It couldn't be washed out and it clashed with her colour scheme, she looked like a very angry christmas tree
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dazzle02 · 2 months
Buck and Maddie's relationship is one of the most interesting on the show to me personally.
She was nine, she lost her brother and gained a new one and suddenly she's not just an older sister, she's a parent too. She's nine years old and someone's Mother. While not being allowed to properly grieve the brother she just lost. Not even allowed to acknowledge his existence.
And of course she did the best she could, but she was a child raising another child. No parent has all the answers, but especially not a CHILD who never asked to have this put on them. So she of course got things wrong. One that really sticks out is her explanation about their parents worry when Evan falls off his bike. She kinda put the idea in his head that getting hurt is what will get him that love he craves from their parents. And that was NOT her fault. She was 12. And also living in this abusive household. But she was the one that gave him the idea to continue hurting himself to get attention. And there are likely other things that he learned from her that weren't actually healthy, due to her being a child trying to learn about the world herself.
And when she left for Boston, that would definitely feel like a parental abandonment for Evan due to her being the only parental figure he ever really had. But it WASN'T. It was a 19 year old moving out and going to School, which is what a lot of people that age tend to do. But to Evan, it would feel like the only parent he's ever known leaving him. And logically he'd know that's not the case. She's NOT his mother, she's his sister and she's supposed to live her life and she never asked to raise a child at such a young age. He was NOT her responsibility. But emotionally? That's the start of his abandonment issues.
And it's why Maddie can be kinda overbearing with him at times too. (Especially after the lightning strike...) It was ingrained in her from the age of nine that he's her kid and she has to take care of him. So as soon as she sees him suffering in any way, those instincts come back full force. She's gotta take care of him, make sure he's not going to die while she's not looking. AND make it clear she's not leaving him again.
They've had to figure out how to go from the relationship they had as kids where she was more a parent than a sister, to a new one now that they're adults where they're siblings.
And that's gotta be tough. And I would love more of a focus on that really. Just them still kinda adjusting to having to have this new dynamic. Because logically they both are aware that Maddie having to raise Buck was messed up and unfair for them both. But it's also just what's normal to them.
And any time someone comes for Maddie about not being a good sister it makes my blood boil. SHE DOES HER BEST! She was a child raising a child, and she's now an adult who went through abuse for pretty much her entire life! First the neglect from her parents (plus the parentification) and then her marriage to Doug for like 15 years! Of course she's not perfect. And as much as they both love each other, they ARE BOTH part of each others traumas. For Maddie a big trauma for her was having to raise him, and for Buck a big trauma for him was her leaving. And they've managed to work through that for the most part. It's always going to be there, they're both very defining for each of them. For Maddie having to become a parent at such a young age made her feel as though she couldn't be a very good one due to not being a perfect parent AS A CHILD. And for Buck, Maddie leaving was definitely the start of his abandonment issues. And neither of them are at fault for that, but they both have these issues that are directly tied to each other. It all comes back to their parents though. If they'd just done their jobs as parents, things would be so different.
Some of this may not make much sense as it is very hot here right now and I am not thinking right. But you get what I mean, hopefully. 🤣
I would also like to add to Supernatural fans, you can not claim Dean Winchester is just the best brother in the world for raising Sam and then turn around and claim Maddie is a terrible sister. Especially as Dean could be very abusive at times...
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wildlife4life · 10 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
Tagged by the lovely @exhuastedpigeon, @hippolotamus @wikiangela @disasterbuckdiaz @daffi-990 @jamespearce9-1-1 @jeeyuns @hoodie-buck @theotherbuckley and @ladydorian05 Thank you all so much!
I am in a very generous mood today, so for this tidbit Tuesday I am sharing several teases from different wips. Enjoy!
NFL Buck: Athena hits the intercom above the code box, taking note of cameras that swivel slightly towards her way. A deep voice seeped with weariness comes through the speaker, "What can I do for you officer?"
In the back seat of her cruiser, Eddie immediately perks up and cries out, "Buck! She arrested me and I don't like it and I swear those tiny humans put her up to it! But I didn't do it! I swear!"
4+1 Buck is too nice: Eddie is actually contemplating stealing Bobby's nice knife set away from the firehouse. Stolen knives for Eddie's stolen boyfriend. Seems fair. Sort of.
When in reality Eddie more than understands. Athena is working, Bobby is covering for Captain Royce, and trying to get any sort of non-familiar (free) transportation from LAX was a disservice to May.
Kidnapped Mpreg Buck: Eddie grips his tiny newborn daughter tight to his chest. Its too quiet. Buck is silent, no longer screaming in agony. Their baby has gone quiet after her first cries. Doug will never make a sound again, lying dead by the fireplace. He can barely hear Hen muttering under her breath, pumping her fist hard over Buck's chest. Chimney hasn't said a word since announcing the loss of Buck's heart beat, frantically working to try and stop the omega from bleeding out. And Maddie...is slumped against the wall near the bed where her brother lays dying, covered in blood from Doug, herself, and Buck. Catatonic. Quiet. Too quiet.
Parental Chimney w/ Teen Buddie: Chimney does a double take when he see's Eddie standing just a step inside the bay doors. The older teen is wringing his hands together, looking nervous and very lost.
Tapping Hen on the shoulder, he motions towards the kid and Hen nods in understanding. "Yell if you need back-up." She jokes somewhat serious.
Chimney rolls his eyes, "Doubt he's here to cause harm."
Hen shrugs, "Your new to this parenting thing, and so am I, so asking for help won't hurt." She glances over to Eddie, "Just don't be too hard on him. From my understanding, kids been through enough and losing Buck must feel like rock bottom."
Return of sperm donor kid: “Carson, Connor is your dad, okay?  I just-well-um” Buck was floundering to find the right way to explain to a beginning 5th grader how sperm donation works. 
“He’s not my dad! I heard my mom say so!” Connor shouted, anger and frustration starting to take over.
Buck raised his hands up in gentle defense, “Okay. Okay.  Let’s just,” He sighs in frustration, looking upwards.  Buck didn’t really pray, but he did believe in the universe and Eddie would be his entire paycheck that he was cursing it right now. “I’m calling your parents.”
Carson opened his mouth to object, but Buck immediately cut him off, “I am calling your parents, and that includes your dad, the same man who has fed you, clothed you, LOVED you since the day you were born. I am calling them and then we are all going to sit down and talk. Understand?”
Hope you all enjoyed!
Tagging (no pressure): @bekkachaos @prosperdemeter2 @spotsandsocks @malewifediaz @elvensorceress @bigfootsmom @watchyourbuck @jesuisici33 @thewolvesof1998 @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @devirnis @eddiebabygirldiaz @loserdiaz @spaceprincessem @thekristen999 @lizzybizzyzzz @homerforsure @sibylsleaves @spagheddiediaz @try-set-me-on-fire @monsterrae1 @lover-of-mine @rogerzsteven @eowon @honestlydarkprincess @911onabc @911-on-abc @cowboydiazes @vampbuckley @brokenribsdiaz @buck-coded @housewifebuck @arthursdent @glorious-spoon @buddierights @athenagranted @rainbow-nerdss @gayhoediaz @gayedmundodiaz
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123 for 🧟:
Buck feels relieved. She didn’t travel all this way not to have a support system in him. 
“Hershey didn’t get the worst of the outbreaks,” Maddie says. “Roads closed from Harriburg, and… Well, it was stemmed.”
Buck remembers that, from the early days. Before the internet went out. He’d tried to reach out. Even to his parents. 
“But everyone went into lockdown mode,” Maddie says. “At first I thought that would exclude me, being in healthcare. I thought I was needed more than ever.”
“Weren’t you?” Buck asks. 
“Oh, I think probably.” Maddie admits. “But Doug came home one day with new guns and told me neither of us was leaving the house again. Not without his say so.”
“What the fuck?” 
“I think he was happy, honestly. Society had gone to hell, and he didn’t have to be careful anymore.” Her eyes tear up a little. “He could do whatever he wanted.”
Buck’s blood goes cold. He knew Doug didn’t treat her right. Didn’t treat her well at all. But what she’s implying? If he had known… Oh god. He would have never left her. 
“Don’t say sorry,” she says firmly. “I worked hard to make sure you didn’t know, okay? It’s why… It’s why we lost contact.”
Buck’s head hangs a little. “I would have helped you.”
“I know. That’s why. He would have killed you.”
Buck sighs. “So what happened?”
“He got sick,” Maddie says. “Went out on a supply run one afternoon, came back sick. Infected.”
“Shit.” Buck hisses.
“So I shot him.” Maddie says, very quietly. 
“My god, Maddie.” Buck exhales. “I’m so sorry. That must have been awful.”
“It was,” she agrees. “But I wasn’t going to die there. Become infected or wait for him to fully turn and… Eat me.”
“I’m so glad you didn’t,” Buck replies. “I’m so glad you survived.”
“Me too,” she says, inhaling a little. Like she’s convincing herself. 
“Can I ask what happened to Mom and Dad?” Buck asks. 
They’re obviously not close. Never were. He hasn’t worried for them, the same way he’s worried for Maddie. But it’s not like he wishes them harm. Though, harm has come for most people anyway. 
Maddie shakes her head a little.
“I don’t know entirely,” she admits. “By the time I left and was able to check on them, the house was abandoned. No trace of them. No remains.”
Buck bites the inside of his cheek. So it will always be a question, then. 
“Sorry,” Maddie says. 
Buck shakes his head. “No, that’s… I mean, everyone has people like that, right?”
She nods. “I’m glad you’re not one of them, now.”
Buck throat feels tight. “Same with you.”
Buck starts his shift on cams after Maddie is asleep. He’s on from eight until two in the morning, when Bobby will switch with him. 
It sounds painfully boring, but Buck doesn’t hate cam shifts. He did at first. The stillness was grating. Drove him crazy. He learned to entertain himself, over the past months. He can’t read, really. He could miss something. But he can listen to music or audiobook CDs. Not just CDs, either. Karen’s iPhone is still in good shape, and it had dozens of audiobooks, podcasts, and music downloaded onto it. She leaves it in the cams room with a charger for whoever is on shift. So there is a lot for Buck to do to occupy his mind. Even if some of the podcast episodes and audiobooks start to get repetitive on the second or third listen. 
Tonight, he’s listening to a nonfiction selection of Karen’s. Something academic and a bit smarter than Buck. But the only way he learns is by challenging himself, so he’s trying to focus. It’s nearing ten o’clock. Most everyone has gone to bed. It’s been a long, tiring day. Full of activity. 
All this to say, Buck is surprised when he sees someone pop up on the security camera. Not just someone. Eddie. He’s walking, purpose in his step, down the hallway connecting to the front foyer, right out the big glass entryway doors. Oh. Well, that’s stupid. The doors lock from the outside. Bobby locks them before he goes to bed. Buck will have to leave his post to let him back in, which is annoying. 
He’s about to do as much, making the short walk to bang on the glass and let Eddie know, when what he sees on the screen stops him short. Eddie walks to the side of the building, leans against a brick wall, and starts to cry. 
Well, this is very awkward. 
And, hey, there’s nothing wrong with crying. Buck has cried twice today. One over the radio, once over his sister returning. No shame in it. It’s just that, Buck has all the off-cam good crying spots down. Including his private room. This poor guy doesn’t realize Buck can see him. 
He shouldn’t watch. Surely no zombies or other forms of villain will come in the next… Well, how long does it take to cry? Buck doesn’t know. He doesn’t know anything about this guy. Other than that he saved Maddie. Really, the polite thing to do would be to turn away and give him a minute. He’s going to. Definitely. 
Except, he finds he can’t look away. 
Something in his heart cracks, watching this guy. He’d seemed friendly and collected earlier. Steady. Not like someone hours away from weeping. Maybe that’s just a front. Maybe he wants to seem tough in front of his kid. Buck thinks he could understand that, despite not being a parent. 
The crying lasts less than ten minutes. Buck watches Eddie straighten himself up, rub his eyes, and turn back towards the entrance. Which is still locked. Shoot. Buck bounces to his feet, leaves the cam room, and jogs down the hallway towards the entrance. By the time he reaches the door, Eddie is trying the handle to no avail, a panicked expression on his face. 
Buck reaches forward and opens the door. 
“Sorry, man,” he says. “It locks from the inside. Safety.”
“No, right,” Eddie nods. “That makes sense. Thanks for letting me in.”
“Don’t mention it,” Buck shrugs. Really. He literally saved Maddie’s life. Buck opened the damn door. Not the same level of effort.
“How did you know I was here?” Eddie asks.
Buck’s cheeks go a little red. “Uh…”
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
How is it I've ended up in a situation where i end up writing two costume metas a week now 🤔😂😳 We are sneak peek meta'ing as there is some juicy stuff in the sneak peaks we've had!! First up,
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Lots of check - sooooo much check going on here!! the interesting thing about having both of them in check is how they contrast each other - I think we'll see that Maddie is more confused about things than Chimney is as the episode unfolds. Maddies jacket being a variety of check hints at confusion and danger on multiple fronts - I'd be prepared to put money down on Maddie not only reckoning with the Doug of the equation, but also there being further things for her in relation to her parents and some things around Jee-Yun as well. How exactly we'll see all that play out and how much detail they'll go into over it I have no idea, but I can see 2 possibly 3 different tweed chcks on her jacket, so there are likely to be 2 or 3 things that she has to face up to.
Chimneys Check has however been lurking there below the surface all season long and that very much plays into the longer arc we've seen for him this season. I would've loved to have actually seen the joint therapy session we were supposed to get at the start of the season because I'm sure it would've played into this underlying foreshadowing of danger we have for him, but I have a theory about why we didn't end up seeing it. Chimney's check has nearly always been close to his skin - by that I mean shirts rather than jumpers or jackets - and we've seen a lot of times where it is hidden under a plain jumper or jacket. I don't want to jump the gun too much by making crazy predictions, but as well as foreshadowing his season finale injury, I think we might be seeing some foreshadowing for Chimney keeping some stuff close to his chest that we will get to see play out in season 7 - its feeling very much like this season is setting up some sort of Chimney trauma healing arc that is bigger than the smallish stuff we've been given so far - it has always felt a little off that we never really got to dig into the stuff with Chimneys father more than we did and then with the Kevin stuff we got in the last episode, it feels like the show building towards something bigger for him and the costumes are aiding this subtext.
Eddie and Chris
there are all of the things going on here in this scene!! firstly as has already been mentioned - it is the same knit hoodie that Eddie was wearing in 5x14. We'll come back to Eddie though - I want to start with Chris!
This is the first time we've ever seen Chris in a denim jacket, in fact we've never actually seen him in a jacket at all, we've only seen him in hoodies up to this point. there is something about this being the first time we see him wear one - at Shannons grave side. Denim jackets are culturally tied to westerns, cowboys and to Texas. Christopher wearing one here would appear to be a visual way of tying him to the childhood he had with his mother - backing up the conversation about making s'mores with her when he was younger.
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We can't not talk about the striped hoodie Stripes according to my theory are all about change incoming - the theory hasn't yet been disproven by the wardrobe department and I get the feeling that here is no different. The idea that a change is coming in Christophers life is one that has been hovering around for a little while and the narrowing of the stripes would suggest that change is getting closer. I can't not mention the fact that the hoodie is also white and grey striped - the horizontal version of Buck shirt from the shooting. this is suggesting two things to me - one it is connecting Chris directly to the fact he nearly lost both parents - sitting at the grave of one parent while wearing something that echoes an outfit from the moment he could've lost a second parent. I also think there is something in the connection to Buck specifically in this - its directly connected to the will and that Chris has a third parent - I can't wait to see if I'm just clowning hard, or if the change the stripes Chris is wearing are foreshadowing some connetion to the will!
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I do want to touch on the fact that he has short trousers on here - I'm fascinated by them as a choice because again, they're not something we've seen Chris wearing before and my brain automatically went to Buck and the short trousers he has been wearing a lot of. The ones we see Chris in here are a bit shorter than the ones Buck wears but I do think it was an interesting choice - I hope we get to see Chris moving in them so I can see exactly how short they actually are, because if they are meant to mimic Bucks then that is very much a choice by the costume department - to connect Christophers past with his present and future!
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Back to Eddies greenish black hoodie. while there is very much the connection to Buck misunderstanding the assignment and the heart metaphors at play, there is another aspect to this outfit being worn again and that is his therapy session with Frank
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You get some weird screenshots from this scene from me because I want you to look at Eddies arm (this is literally the only vaguely decent shot of it I can get from the sneak peek!) and notice how Eddie is very much not wearing his watch - there is no watch to be seen work or home or fancy watch!!! this is very much saying that Eddie isn't racing against time here or any of the other time metaphors that are in play - other than Eddie has time, that Eddie has moved on and is at peace with Shannon now - something also supported by the choice of flowers at the grave.
I love flower meanings (if you hadn't already figured that out) and the bouquet of roses with some goldenrods is interesting! Goldenrods represent happiness and sincerity and are also associated with new beginnings. The roses are in dark red, coral orange, pale yellow and white. Roses are all generally associated with love, but each colour represents a different aspects or types of love. they do also have some other meanings attached to them. Yellow roses are symbols of friendship and they are connected with Dia de Muertos - the day of the dead, where they are a symbol of remembrance. The white roses are a symbol of innocence and purity, but also represent new beginnings (which is why they're often seen at weddings). the red roses are romantic love and the orange ones bridge the gap between romantic love and friendship - interesting that there is the most of these ones - suggesting that Eddies feelings towards Shannon sit more in the fond friendship and remembrance zone rather than the romantic zone - its saying that Eddie has and is moving on from her - that he will always think of her with love and affection, but that those feelings have subsided into something more like friendship. This is a clear symbol of Eddie being ready to move on fro her.
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Oh there is so much going on here that I can't even begin to tell you!!!
first up - her hand is bound in a handkerchief with what appear to be blue roses.
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Roses in general terms mean love - red for romantic, yellow for friendship etc. Blue roses mean unattainable love (because they do not occur naturally - only through artificial means) - so that would suggest that both love is unattainable for both Natalia and Buck in this direction but also that any feelings etc are not real - they can only be achieved through synthetic or artificial means - suggesting that any attempt at a relationship is going to be forced. Blue roses can also mean (especially the lighter shades of blue) emotions - specifically the finding of hope peace and tranquility. So with all of this in mind we end up with the concept of Buck finding what he’s looking for and that Natalia will help him get there, but that it isn't love, its the peace, tranquility and happiness that he's been seeking.
Natalia wearing a black velvet blazer is also a telling choice - here we have a connection to Bucks date not date outfit from 6x13. Not only does this jacket therefore tie into the idea of dates not actually being dates, that one of them may think that a potential date is a date, when it is in fact not one, but it also plays into the mixed feelings title from that episode as well. overall the jacket is playing into the idea of misunderstandings on some level (Buck continuing to misunderstand the assignment!)
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I know you're all staring at how pretty she is, but I want you to look at that necklace!! We have seen that necklace before!!
Sorry for the jump scare, but here it is;
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Now why on earth would you put Natalia in the very same necklace as Taylor Kelly unless it means something?!!! I wrote this in my 5x16 costume meta about that necklace and its meaning;
The chain she was wearing however - very interesting - well to me at least!! (you might have already read this part if you read my answer to an ask!!) So chains that look like actual chains (as this one does) are usually representative of bondage or incarceration - such as the chains of slavery or the chains worn by prisoners or the idea of chattel - the concept of possession - belonging to someone or something -such as historically when women became the property of men upon the event of their marriage (the ball and chain). non of the associations with chains are positive ones! There is also the location around her neck - its not worn loose or lower down it is literally like a chain collar around her neck - a noose like position. 
Basically all of this adds up to Taylor signalling that she is essentially making her self a chattel - staking her claim on Buck through the concept of her being the woman in possession. The thing is though that idea is outdated - Taylor herself is outdated (as in to be history soon) and there are so many quotes about breaking free from chains that bind you and that love frees you from your chains. So if Taylor is putting herself into the idea of being a chain - a noose about Bucks neck - the symbolism becomes as much about Taylors attempts to chattel herself as it is about the concept of Buck freeing himself of the chains binding him and the idea that Love will free him from those chains. Now because this is film/tv - the director will use that chain symbolism to point out the love - the audience knows Taylor is in a relationship with Buck so they will subconsciously connect that chain to him. But where Buck is located - that is where the love is and the audiences eye will be draw to that location - in placing Buck with Eddie and not having him come over to the conversation and therefore standing next to Lucy in any way - it is all done to show where the love that will set Buck free is - and that is with Eddie!!
I stand by all I said in that meta - it is all still relevant. However, the fact they’ve chosen to have Natalia wear the necklace we saw Tay Kay in in 5x16 for that very key scene (when Buck was off flirting with Eddie in the background) is less about Natalia herself trying to stake a claim on Buck and much more about what she represents as a death doula. She is a representation of death and this necklace is playing into the idea of death having a claim over Buck - of Buck feeling like death has a claim over him. It continues to play into the theme of Orpheus and Eurydice's that we saw at play through Carla in 6x11. the concept of Buck still wanting to look back rather than forward and the act of looking back pulling you back to the underworld. 
This is telling me that Buck is still drawn by death, that he is attracted to and and chateled or attached to death because he hasn’t yet dealt with any of his route trauma. 
The fact that we see the necklace on Tay Kay at the moment she has to reckon with who she thinks is the wedge in her relationship with Buck, may also be telling because reusing it here potentially has a similar theme at play - there is a third person/thing in any relationship they attempt to create - death that Natalia may end up feeling the same way as Tay Kay - not saying she’s going to be petty and weird like TK was, it is more likely she will recognise the wedge is bucks relationship with death - and it will be a catalyst to Bucks healing making progressI standby.
there is another connection that @theladyyavilee 's eagle eyes spotted - the necklace is also the same as a bracelet that Ana is wearing when Eddie comes across her in Jinx
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the meanings are similar to those I've already written about - with Ana the other more subtle connection is the reason Eddie bumps into her at all is because of Izzy Chainz - stuck up on his billboard.
The fact that we have Natalia connected to both Taylor and Ana in this way is in and of itself very telling - the connections to them is telling us that things with Natalia and Buck won't work out - as if we needed any further confirmation, the wardrobe department as always have our backs and just add their weight to all the other indicators. There is also the meaning behind Natalias name - birthday - specifically in connection with Christmas day and the birth of Christ - further tying into the theory that Natalia is going to help Buck move on from his death in some way and this will very likely also have some connection with the route of Bucks trauma - Daniel and the reaso he was born and allow him to get ever closer to finding happiness - it just won't be with her
Right that is quite enough going feral over the sneak peeks - hopefully it will tide you over until the episode airs and I can write my full normal meta!!!
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shitouttabuck · 9 months
ok stay with me here but: (loose) anastasia (1997) au
evan buckley: the missing, presumed dead, youngest child of the beloved/beloathed buckley family, all of whom were murdered when he was a kid—all except his older sister. except he’s alive, with the unfortunate downside of total amnesia, and nothing to tie him to anyone except a broken something that just reads: buck. so buck grows up alone, and it sucks, especially because it’s not all he’s ever known. he might not have his memories but he knows he's known what love is. home, love, family. there was once a time i must’ve had them too. home, love, family. i will never be complete until i find you.
maddie buckley: only daughter of the buckley family, fell in love with a bad man who tried to kill her whole family to get to her. got away and got safe. doesn’t know if doug’s alive. her brother’s probably dead. surviving’s not the same as living, and she’s been doing it for so long. but… have you heard… there’s a rumour in los angeles. she’s got the best and the brightest protecting her, and all that buckley family money. spreading them both thin could mean doug worming his way out of the woodwork but if there’s even a chance evan’s really out there? she’s already decided.
eddie diaz: conman, but more importantly, dad. there was a war, and then another one, and his wife left, and somewhere in there his parents took his kid from him. he does not have the money to fight them with lawyers, but he’s stubborn and not particularly respectful of the law and he’s heard that maddie buckley’s protective service team has means and money that allow for a) duking it out in court with his parents or b) getting his kid back in ways that are more uh legally grey. and it just so happens the rumours are that maddie buckley will do just about anything and pay just about any sum to find her long-lost brother. blond-haired, blue-eyed, missing at age 10—nearly two decades ago. he could look like anyone, now. sure, there’s the distinctive red birthmark over his eyebrow, but makeup and tattooing go a long way these days. oh, and conveniently, his partner in literal crime, however mild, has an old inside link with someone on maddie buckley’s bodyguard team. chim never shuts up about henrietta wilson—hen, he calls her—particularly when eddie’s fumbling a job and having to improvise and he feels the need to point out just how competent his previous partner steadfastly was.
if eddie and chim are holding illicit auditions for evan buckley lookalikes, and this massive beautiful man stumbles in apparently already having gone to the trouble of dressing for the part? who is eddie to look that gift horse in the mouth? the quicker they see this con through, the quicker he’s together with chris again.
except buck thinks eddie really believes he’s maddie buckley’s missing brother, and buck is warm and ridiculous and so genuinely curious about eddie’s own family, on this journey to find his own, and eddie can’t help but share christopher, and buck listens with bright eyes and holds the photographs so carefully in his big hands.
cons are never victimless, and eddie knows getting chris back takes priority over any moral quandary of identity theft here.
but buck asks about chris’s favourite things and stays up late on their crosscountry train to come up with plans for an accessible skateboard for a kid he’s never met. buck tells eddie he wonders if maddie’ll recognise him, and he hopes she does, because he’s never had anyone see him and know him before. buck asks eddie if he thinks they’ll stay friends, once they’re both reunited with their families. it’ll be nice not to have to miss anyone again, he tells eddie one night, quiet. missing who you don’t remember is one thing. missing who you know?
he trails off and falls asleep not long after, but eddie lies awake in the bunk below him for hours. his moral compass has always swung with whatever cognitive dissonance necessary to justify his actions because the final truth is: heart over mind. and chris has always been his whole heart. so falling in love with your mark has got to be the stupidest, most dangerous thing you can do.
even this is okay; he can handle breaking part of his own heart. but he didn’t realise he was holding so much of buck’s too, and now? he doesn’t know that he can survive breaking any of that.
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