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dj-george-costanza · 8 months ago
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Playing tonight in LA.
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lostinmac · 5 months ago
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Lost Soulz (2023)
Dir. Katherine Propper
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charliebillups · 2 years ago
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Yesterday was an important day for me. My son played his first-ever little league baseball game. This experience was new to me as I had never been part of a little league community. As I spent part of my day at East Austin’s Mabson field for the Greater East Austin Youth Association opening day, I was struck by the diversity of children, parents, and fans at an extremely well-attended event.
The images included showing a mother comforting her son after striking out in his first turn at bat, later to also be comforted by another mother of Hispanic background. To me, it was a such tender and loving act of support. Without a doubt this event made me recall Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech, “I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.” Austin Post #2
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nidothings · 4 years ago
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blessedrestlessness · 5 years ago
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Brock Peoples, on O Mabson Southard
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ochoislas · 3 years ago
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en mi botiquín una mosca invernal murió de vieja
In my medicine cabinet the winter fly Has died of old age
Jack Kerouac
relámpago... del susto las magnolias se ponen más blancas
The sudden thunder Startles the magnolias to a deeper white.
la lluvia justa para que huela la seda de los paraguas
Just enough of rain To bring the smell of silk From umbrellas.
Richard Wright
estrellas ventosas... la gasolinera a lo lejos se apaga
the windy stars— the distant gas station lights go out
Cor Van den Heuvel
agria mañana: gorriones en la rama acogotados
Bitter morning:  sparrows sitting    without necks.
de los piscardos del soleado regajo la mitad no están
Half of the minnows  within this sunlit shallow    are not really there.
James W. Hackett
al moho de la frasca un pétalo de sanguino baja la luna
Down to dark leaf-mold  the falling dogwood petal    carries its moonlight
O Mabson Southard
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intoxicatingimmediacy · 5 years ago
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Film Scoring, Modular Synths, and Clipping. - an Interview with Jonathan Snipes
[...] Now, let’s talk about clipping. How did this project come about? All of you (Jonathan Snipes, Daveed Diggs, William Hutson) have known each other since childhood, is that right?
JS: I’ve known those guys for almost 20 years. They have been friends about 10 years longer than that, so I still feel like the new guy, which is a bit ridiculous. Bill and I went to college together, and Daveed would come crash on our couch during the summers or whenever he was on a break and we weren’t. We had made a handful of tracks together over the years. Bill & I had a variety of one-off noise projects. Bill used to have a project with our friend Kyle Mabson called “Beach Balls” that was this pretty silly party noise thing that I loved immensely. One of their releases included a track called “case sensitivity” that I think Bill made on his own. It featured a Yin Yang Twins acapella set over these really punishingly high pitched clicking sounds, and I thought the whole thing was so elegant and beautiful. I kept saying to Bill, “this is a whole genre - you’ve gotta do more of this.” But they were done doing Beach Balls for whatever reason so I said, “Well if you’re not going to do it on your own, let’s do it together as a remix project.” So we started taking existing rap acapellas and making new beats for them in that style. The rules were no drums, no pitched/melodic material, but they still had to be highly composed/rhythmic/intentional - it couldn’t just sound like noise jamming over the acapella. We made a handful of those (I think they’re still on soundcloud) and called the project “clipping” - we played a handful of shows playing those remixes. Around that time Daveed moved to LA and heard what we were up to and said, “you should make an original track, not just a remix.” That song was “Loud” which ended up on the midcity album. I think we did one show at Pehrspace (RIP) where Bill & I played a handful of remixes, then Daveed came out and did “Loud” with us at the end. After that we said, “ohhh, this should be the project. It should all be original songs.” So we made enough for a full set.
[...] On the latest clipping record There Existed an Addiction To Blood you also have the track called “Piano Burning” which, I believe is a performance of a piece originally composed by Annea Lockwood? How and where did you record it? What was the intention to close the record with this composition?
JS: Yeah, that was Bill’s idea. We were trying to think of a piece to use that would feel appropriate for the horror theme, and often horror movies end in a fire. It felt cleansing and spooky at the same time, as well as keeping in line with our tradition of ending albums with recordings of specific pieces of contemporary music. We love Annea Lockwood in general, so this really checked all the boxes. We recorded it with Christopher Fleeger (we collaborate with him a LOT) out in the desert at an undisclosed location our friend Cristopher Cichocki found for us. 18 channels across 3 different recorders, timecode locked. It took hours to set up and test everything. We lost eight microphones in the process of recording. Fleeger and I used it as an opportunity to thin out some of the cheaper/crappier mics we owned. It was worth it.
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ustribunenews-blog · 6 years ago
Severe Thunderstorm Warning Released By The National Weather Service Affecting Henry, AL; Dale, AL
Severe Thunderstorm Warning Released By The National Weather Service Affecting Henry, AL; Dale, AL
The National Weather Service (NWS) issued a severe thunderstorm warning for Henry, AL; Dale, AL starting on 9/4/2018 1:46:00 PM. This event has already been observed and the event is categorized as ‘severe.’ (more…)
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tasty-bitch-nugget-666 · 6 years ago
Literally every dry ass person within a 5 mile radius: hmmmm I LOBE Marilyn Mabson >:)
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everythingisterrible · 6 years ago
The Art of The Great Satan show closing party is tomorrow 8-11pm at Iam8bit Gallery in LA! Show is open through Sunday! This is your last chance to come see all the costumes from The Great Satan tour and to buy limited edition prints by The Art Of Skinner + Alex Pardee Art + Flesh Dozer + Future Fantasy Delight + Deadly Prey Gallery + more! Plus FREE DRINKS and DJs Dimitri Simakis and Kyle Harringer Mabson!
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dearpercocet · 4 years ago
Im gonna die if I don’t purchase this shirt
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fattonyrap · 7 years ago
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me & mabson made a new @chargegame album. it's out early 2018 on @ghostramp. our Urban Hall of Fame EP is out now. (at Downtown LA)
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ju1ian · 7 years ago
i took a ‘which fallout 4 character are you’ quiz and got Elder MaBson so....  but i also took a ‘which fallout new vegas character are you’ quiz and got Daniel from Honest Hearts so.... bad stuff all around lads. 
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kenaim · 8 years ago
GLOB is going on it's first tour with our beautiful friends Treasure Mammal!! Summer Slime 2017 Tour Dates  7/27 Phoenix @ the Lunchbox  W/ Treasure Mammal 7/28 Los Angeles @ the Smell  W/ Treasure Mammal, Margot Padilla, and Kyle Mabson  7/29 San Francisco @ the Pleasure Palace  W/ Treasure Mammal 7/30 Oakland ?  7/31 Portland @ the Adventureland Ballroom (House Show) W/ Treasure Mammal and Body Academics  8/1 Portland @ Valentines  W/ Treasure Mammal 8/2 Seattle @ The Moon  W/ Treasure Mammal 8/3 Driving, chilling, and meditating 8/4 Las Vegas @ Hard Hat  W/ Treasure Mammal & Decaying Tigers  8/5 Flagstaff @ FU House (House Show)  W/ Treasure Mammal, & Sweaty Palm Trees
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luizacarvalhocardoso · 6 years ago
Tatuagem de planetas: 40 desenhos para as amantes de astronomia
Já pensou em fazer uma tatuagem de planetas? A ideia, que representa muito bem as amantes de astronomia e de todo o misticismo e mistérios que envolvem o universo, possui um resultado bastante delicado e um tanto quanto mitológico.
Não importa se a arte traz uma galáxia inteira ou um pequeno planetinha, a grandiosidade desta tatuagem estará em sua figura, e não em seu tamanho. E se você quer se inspirar com alguns trabalhos incríveis, que tal conferir a lista a seguir com 40 imagens de cair o queixo?
1. Saturno está muito bem acompanhado de alguns astros nesta tatuagem delicada na mão
Aline Nunes
2. Enquanto este sistema solar completo nas costas chama bastante a atenção
Deborah Soares
3. Um desenho de traços lúdicos é apaixonante, não acha?
Karine Keingeski
4. A Via Láctea todinha em suas mãos, literalmente
Daniel Vicente
5. A tatuagem de planetas no peito fica bem feminina
Michael Galdino
6. Sua tattoo pode ganhar uma ideia personalizada carregada de significados
Joice Carvalho
7. Esta galáxia foi pintada somente com tinta preta
Jeferson Diedrich
8. Enquanto esta contou com contornos simples e pontilhismo
Larissa Kivia Dias
9. Nem a Lua rodeando a Terra foi esquecida nesta tattoo no braço
Eder Carvalho
10. Esta tatuagem 3D do universo não ficou incrível?
Nathália Corrêa
11. A Terra aquarelada e seu formato mais minimalista
Playground Tattoo
12. Estes planetinhas estão entre a Lua e as estrelas
Evelyn Hell Tattoo
13. Aquele detalhe fofo no tornozelo
Little Tattoos
14. Ou pertinho do cotovelo
Witty Button Tattoo
15. Cada detalhe desta tattoo é impressionante
Laeviv Tattoo
16. Este astronauta encontrou seu lugar ideal em Saturno
Samarone Palheta
17. Esta arte recebeu cores caprichadas
Qiqi New Tattoo
18. Enquanto esta ganhou uma atmosfera toda mística
19. Aqui, as constelações e o Astro Rei não foram esquecidos
Mabson Tattoo
20. Quando os planetas se tornam um incrível sorvetão
Dyco Tattoo
21. Não tem quem não goste de Saturno, né?
Searhorse Tattoo
22. Nesta ideia genial, os planetas estão acompanhados de foguetes e meteoros
Bona Sunama
23. Cada um em sua devida rotação
24. Quando os livros te levam ao conhecimento infinito
25. Algo assim realmente deve ser muito bem observado
Sin Melon
26. Um realismo impressionante
Delipe Reyes
27. Cabe um universo inteiro na mente humana
Santiago Espinozza
28. Repare no detalhe da lua na nuca
Dineth Lahshan
29. Aqui os planetinhas surgem em meio a uma porção mágica
Victor Irv Ink
30. Enquanto nesta arte, eles rodeiam uma figura humana
Charles Cenci
31. Que tal uma tattoo de planetas na cintura?
Cheila Artes Tattoo
32. Este planeta Terra no antebraço também ficou bem legal
Victor Calil Fluir
33. Falando em antebraço, esta ideia preencheu toda a região
Larissa Kívia Dias
34. Fazendo uma incrível referência ao tempo
Carla Torre
35. Esta ideia ficou superdiferente e original
Stil Dos
36. Como se fossem átomos
Semir Aouaj
37. Para aquelas que buscam uma ideia para ser executada em parceria
Portal Chile Tattoo
38. E esta lindeza minimalista no pulso?
Demi Adventure
39. Neste desenho a matemática não falha
Gui Santos
40. Um fundo colorido para uma galáxia inteira
Circo Tattoo
Agora que você sabe que existe um universo inteiro para te inspirar, que tal marcar a data de sua sessão com aquele tatuador de confiança para fazer a sua própria tatuagem de planetas?
O post Tatuagem de planetas: 40 desenhos para as amantes de astronomia apareceu primeiro em Dicas de Mulher.
Tatuagem de planetas: 40 desenhos para as amantes de astronomia Publicado primeiro em https://www.dicasdemulher.com.br/
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trapangeles · 6 years ago
Rich The Kid - Leave Me
Subscribe for more: http://smarturl.it/RichTheKidYT “The World Is Yours” out now! http://smarturl.it/TWIYRichTheKid Directed by Daps
Producer: Sara Lacombe Production co: Creative Row DOP: Joshua Reis Art Director: Juan Mabson Stylist: Rasheeda Ameera Editor: John Holloway Colorist: Robert Currer
Follow Rich The Kid: http://www.facebook.com/richforevermusic http://www.instagram.com/richthekid http://www.twitter.com/richthekid
#LeaveMe #RichTheKid
Music video by Rich The Kid performing Leave Me. © 2018 Interscope Records
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