charliebillups · 1 year
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Yesterday was an important day for me. My son played his first-ever little league baseball game. This experience was new to me as I had never been part of a little league community. As I spent part of my day at East Austin’s Mabson field for the Greater East Austin Youth Association opening day, I was struck by the diversity of children, parents, and fans at an extremely well-attended event.
The images included showing a mother comforting her son after striking out in his first turn at bat, later to also be comforted by another mother of Hispanic background. To me, it was a such tender and loving act of support. Without a doubt this event made me recall Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech, “I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.” Austin Post #2
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fregget-frou · 2 years
Oooohhhhh first hyperfixation is coming backkk
First testament biblical mythology my beloved
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theroundbartable · 2 years
I watched one movie and one Episode of Star trek...
Me: *looks up ship dynamic on tumblr.*
Me: ah
Me: it appears my father has been watching gay shows before I was even born.
*sips tea*
Me: Interesting
Disclaimer: i say interesting, because he has repeatedly stated that he "wouldn't throw away the idea that being gay is a sickness*
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icouldntfindquiet · 7 months
Rob via GAEYA’s IG story, 25 February 2024.
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pizzapasta23045 · 1 year
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magnusrosen-blog · 1 year
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Vår Elefant konsert med den fina publiken samlade in 12.000 kr som Borås djurpark dubblade till 24.000 kr.Detta gick direkt utan mellanhänder till MARA Elephant Project: https://maraelephantproject.org
GAEYA, Anders Rane , George Keczan och Lena Brorsson, Anders Alminger som gjorde manifestationen möjlig samt Fässbergskyrkan samt Magnus Rosén 
Håkan Lager, Carina Svensson och Anneli Helldal som skönt gåvor till lottdragningen.Här bjuder vi på Hårgalåten, en Gammal vacker folkton från byn Hårga i Sverige
.#elefanter #elepantaid #boråsdjurpark #andersrane #fässbergskyrkan #gayea #lenabrorsson #georgekeczan#phantommedia #soundpollution#magnusrosen #bassplayer #ljuset #miraklet #basenimitthjärta #avelibooks #mrb #manneinstrument #manneguitars #ebs#understanding #thesea #sun #heavymetal
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ftlolbyexe · 3 years
woooooo proud artist moment
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Top left is Gaeya, Top right is Petemuto, Bottom left is Frostmaw, Bottom right is Jarin
Gaeya is a protector and was worshipped as a goddess by the humans of the Hollow Earth. She has since made it to the surface.
Petemuto is a destroyer and all military attempts to kill him have failed.
Frostmaw is Neutral. She doesn't deliberately destroy cities and usually avoids them, but she won't save humanity from any other titans.
Jarin is a protector of humanity and is in direct conflict with Ghidorah. Jarin has similar powers to Terra from TTG and is equipped with a flamethrower breath weapon. The flames can be concentrated into a destructive orange beam.
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shemakesmusic-uk · 4 years
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Getting to Know...
With a sound reminiscent of early Björk, Gaeya’s music marries the sounds of the natural world with immersive sonic paintings; landscapes formed from analogue synths and deep-rooted Nordic frequencies which provide the backing for vocals that seek to inspire sustainability and focus for a better world.
Inline with her mindful musical messaging, Gaeya also hosts the podcast tellUs, which focuses on sharing new ideas and solutions for the on-going issues mankind is facing from the results of long term misuse of the planet, its resources and its beings.
Gaeya has an unrelenting desire to affect change, underpinned by a profound respect for the planet and delivers this through the medium of beautifully captivating music. She is a truly exciting artist and is set to make a bold mark with the unique insightful message running through her debut EP Awakening which is out today.
We had a chat with Gaeya all about the EP, what she's been up to, her creative process and more. Read the Q&A below.
Hi Gaeya! How have you been?
"I’ve been good thank you. I know for many people 2020 has been a very different year but for me who lives out on a farm in the countryside, life has not been very different except for not playing any live shows in a long time. Which I miss a lot!
"Instead, I’ve spent most of my time creating. Working on new songs, which are now released, and tried to spend time in nature as much as possible."
You've just released your debut EP Awakening. What is the record about and what does it mean to you? What do you hope listeners will take away from it?
"Awakening for me is almost like a reflection on how it can be to wake up to a new perspective in life. To let ourselves go through the struggles and realise that we always have a choice of how we want to view different situations in life. Using challenging times as an opportunity to grow.
"The first track of the EP called ‘Contact’ is about the connection to oneself, to establish the link to yourself and your heart. Practice listening to our own “gut feeling”, accepting all aspects of ourselves and start to be conscious about our actions.
"The second one is ‘Truth’, which comes when you start to get connected to yourself. With this song, I hope people can feel energised to follow their own truth knowing that they have all they need inside. When we then start expressing our truth we do it with a humble heart and without judgment towards others.
"The middle songs ‘Aureola’ and ‘Micro Orbits’ I see like the development we can feel while learning something new and when we come to understand who we are and what we want in life. We can then start to set intentions of how we would like our lives or the world to look like. To fill our heart and mind with our dearest visions to help manifest a better world and from there change can occur. When we then let go of the things in life that no longer serve us, we open up new space for new opportunities and beauty to enter our life. Once we realise this potential awakening occurs.
"I hope that people can feel supported with this EP knowing that in any time of hard feelings or troubles we are never alone. And knowing that even those hard times will pass and in the end, make us grow if we let it."
Let's go back to the beginning for a moment.. What led you to make music? Who were you influenced by growing up?
"For as long as I can remember and what people have told me it’s always been music and singing for me and the most natural way for me to communicate. I started out very young to work with music. I’ve moved around in a wide range of genres with classical music and musical theatre through a long time of my early years. I always had an interest in getting to know my voice as much as possible and therefore I’ve never been afraid to try out new styles. So, in the end, I worked with jazz, hard rock, country and traditional folk music to name a few. So I guess the influence is as wide as that haha.
"But my love for nature and the sounds in the forest inspired me early on to want to combine the two. Though it wasn’t until later that the sound really started to shape new forms when spending a lot of time in native communities around the world and finding new ways of using my voice.
"To name someone that has influenced me from my childhood I guess is probably Sting. To mix styles and especially world music and traditional music with contemporary has always given me a lot of stimulants and kick-started my creativity. More recently an artist that I also felt inspiring is the Norwegian Aurora. She is a young artist with really beautiful songwriting skills."
Please take us through your songwriting/creative process.
"I write music with Anders Rane my producer and co-pilot. Usually we start with Anders having some chords and a nice riff and we just flow together. I like to be in “the zone” when I create and therefore most of the time the songs come more or less in one piece when we are improvising. I like the feeling of just letting go and letting the song write itself without me trying to tangle it. With both melody and lyrics.
"Sometimes it is like our song ‘Truth’ where the whole song came in one piece in the first run.
"But there are other times when it comes in pieces and my job gets to be putting the puzzle together into something that is flowing. When the song is written Anders put’s his magic into it and creates beautiful productions, I love to be in the production working too but he is really the one who makes magic happen."
Finally, what are your plans for this year? Will you be continuing your tellUs podcast?
"The plan is to continue our work with new music. Alongside the Awakening EP we’ve also created an acoustic EP called Awakening Reborn, which I long to release soon too.
"One thing I really hope to do soon is to start playing live shows at both festivals and with our Tipi Tour. I feel like I can’t wait to see people again, sharing music and fun together physically.
"TellUs will definitely continue during this year and we will bring in more international guests talking about sustainability in different forms. Bringing up some exciting projects that are taking place around the world. My plan is also to make some shorter episodes, where I will hand over some hands-on tips and tricks of how we can live more sustainably in our own lives and what kind of effect some things have on both ourselves and the environment.
"We’ve had some really lovely guests last year with deep insights into nature and I really looking forward to sharing more of those meetings with you guys during this year."
Awakening is out now.
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bluesdoodles · 4 years
Bringing you Musical Highlights Monday 10th Jan 2021
Bringing you Musical Highlights Monday 10th Jan 2021 video's, news and more from Steve Hackett - Mike Ross - DeWolff - Gaeya - styles are different but the beat goes on. Thank you for the music
Othello invites you to explore the music that is catching his ears, also he will be sharing any news that comes his way… He also on behalf of Team Bluesdoodles Healthy music filed 2021… Journey Under A Mediterranean Sky with Steve Hackett a perfect 5 doodle paw album – Steve Hackett on repeat will be a constant pleasure and perfect virtual travelling companion as we are locked into our tiny…
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is it at all significant that kaeya's japanese name is ガイア like gaia like the primordial deity of the earth?? and aether is the upper sky apparently.......does it all mean anything or am i going insane.....it's not like he's geo........
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charliebillups · 5 days
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Fall season of fall ball starts at at East Austin's GEAYA. Tigers win against Guardias 8-1.
It is still very warm in Austin, in fact 94 degrees Fahrenheit. The game was a well played game. Nico the starting pitcher hurled flawlessly through 4 innings. The Tigers managed to get on base and thanks to their impeccable running game scored 8 runs and cruise to victory. Here is a link to images from the game.
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fregget-frou · 3 years
Just finished watching Aviors video and
Anyways here’s the doodles I did while listening to cope
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amarald-hyv · 2 years
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Happy Pride Month!
Here's some Chaeya,,, hella gaeya. Do you pronounce ships with Kaeya's name with an kai or a kay? I do it with a kay so it makes more sense to me...
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Uh so you said your ask box was open so
Here’s my contribution to white haired Starlight
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Ok now I’m going to info dump >:]
They also go by Guy(their name looks like it’s pronounced differently but it’s just guy-uh)
They’re a drummer for a band called sphinx
Their 24 and a 3rd year at DAMN
They are cousins with my Freelancer OC and neither know eachother are empowered; Starlight grew up in in an empowered household and just assumed Freelancer was unempowered and Freelancer didn’t know any empowered until Gavin
They have a smug resting face and loves to annoy Avior at any chance.
Very poor impulse control and paired with with never ending curiosity leads them to do very dumb things
They’re very tall and can just pick Avior by the scruff of his sweater like a cat; Guy finds it hilarious as he flails trying to get down
Their love language is putting foreheads together <3 just feeling avior near them is their favorite <33
Has a very smooth voice and incredible breath control, almost angelic and almost like their humming! They’re in the middle-deep range but not masc? Can’t exactly explain voices all that well but they would be like a deeper octave to mitski a voice??
Ok that’s all thank you :]
them picking Avior up is a mental image that gave me butterflies- and they're a DRUMMER? i didn't expect to simp when i asked for more white haired starlights, but i must simp for Gaeya
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guiltycorp · 3 years
About Kaeya’s name! I really think it’s mainly a reference to Kai from the Snow Queen, a danish fairy tale by Andersen. Honestly I was a bit confused why the american fandom is so insistent on the ‘monsoon flower in hindi/bengali’ translation until I realized that it’s on american baby names websites... Idk, it’s difficult to find any specific sources but from what I’ve seen at best it could mean the ‘screwpine flower’ and pronounced Keya. While in Chinese his name is written and pronounced as Kai-ya.  So, in Snow Queen Kai is a boy who was abducted by the Snow Queen, motivating his childhood friend Gerda to go on a quest to save him.  There’re some really nice parallels there, most of them probably incidental but still fun to note.  Kai and Gerda ‘were not brother and sister, but they were as fond of each other as if they had been.’  Initially a kind and playful child, Kai’s heart was frozen by a splinter from the devil’s mirror - and another splinter went into his eye. When Gerda finally reached the palace of the Snow Queen where she found Kai trying and failing to form the word ‘eternity’ from ice shards... ..And in Genshin for his elemental burst Kaeya says ‘this moment will last for eternity’, translated as ‘this moment will be frozen in time’. Gerda hugged Kai and cried, her tears thawed his heart and he himself started crying, thus dislodging the evil splinter from his eye. ‘..it was so wonderful that even the pieces of ice danced around with joy and when they were tired and lay down, they formed the word eternity’
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Happy End! Anyway, aside from the parallels and the similar pronunciation (Kaeya’s name just has -ya added on) it also just makes more sense for his name to be derived from a nordic country since so far the names of Khaenri’ah characters are taken from german and/or germanic fiction. Another possibility is that Kaeya is just Gaia (after all that is the pronunciation in Japanese), the Greek goddess of Earth. Her name is sometimes written as Gaeya. One of Gaia’s daughters was Rhea, mother of Olympian gods. And Khaenri’ah is kan + rhea in Chinese... Also makes sense, especially since there are more references to roman and greek gods to be found in Genshin  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯    I like that a bit less though tbh.
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plasticflowering · 4 years
Top Ten Songs
I’ve gotta stay up until 7 p.m. KST for a fansign call (not with ONEUS, I’m not that lucky), so I’m finding things to hold my attention and keep me awake. One of those things is writing about my Top Ten ONEUS songs at slight length. 
10. “Hide and Seek” from In Its Time 
I love that dirty bassline, what can I say? As another Cosmic joint, I have to admit this feels like Now, the Sequel, but better (Now: ”Who are you?” Hide and Seek: ”I’m you, but funkier”) Bonus points for cute Ravn rap. Favorite part: The pre-chorus! What is UP, melodic subversion?? Also excuse me, hello to those ad-libs over the lead-in on the final chorus. Seoho, could you calm down for like three seconds, sir??
9. “Dead or Alive” from Lived
I could write essays on this song. Dead or Alive is what I desperately wanted from TBONTB. The vocal arrangement is risky, which is what I kind of expect from ONEUS at this point, and it is so satisfying for that. Not that I don't love TBONTB, but oh my ever-loving GOD, Dead or Alive!!! I only hesitate to rank it higher because I always try not to rank new songs too high without breaking them in for a few months (spoiler: another song from this EP ranked higher). If my ears do not deceive me, this song uses the full chromatic scale in the refrain, and that alone is worth like +500 points from me. And the storytelling in this song...? My heart!! The way it takes elements from every other song on Lived and rolls it up into one? Seriously think about THAT and then come back and tell me that Dead or Alive isn't the most incredible song on the EP. I could keep going. I could talk about this song for a long time. But I'll stop here. Favorite part: "Shigando geoseulleo galge" fucks me up every time because it opens my third eye about the lore of this whole EP. 
8. “808″ from 808
808 goes harder than JP releases usually have a right to, and I absolutely love it. I would say it's all down the production/arrangement (whoever had the idea to include epic violins in this song deserves all the money), but the chorus vocals are also legendary. Woong, Keonhee, and Seoho nail this song to the WALL. Favorite part: All that said about the chorus vocals, my favorite part of this song is simple but non-negotiable: it is definitely "sudeni ready to aim for the stars!" thank you Xion bb for my life. 
7. “ZigZag” from Light Us
I love cute poppy songs, what can I say? This song does great things with the melody, though. It really reminds me of an early MMM song - it's definitely RBW, and ONEUS brings something unique to it. Favorite part: The way the synths go absolutely crazy in the pre-chorus. 
6. “Dizzy” from Lived
My top ten is really dominated by the bright ONEUS songs, isn't it? I just feel like this is where they all shine as a vocal ensemble. Their personalities all come through in Dizzy, and I'm a sucker for that emotive sort of performing. Also, local Seojo trash continues to push Seojo agenda. Really though, how incredible does everyone sound in this song? Keonhee's honey vocals especially send me over the moon (hm... ToMoon... much to think about). Favorite part: The fact that you can literally hear Seoho grinning while he's singing before the last chorus. But also (this is a trend with me) Ravn coming through with the cutest rap in the world that still manages to have a killer flow. 
5. “Plastic Flower” from Fly With Us 
Give Xion more lines!! This song is proof that he is capable and adds a very interesting sound to the group whenever he's allowed to sing! Also I'm soft. I love this song so much I named my blog after it, okay? This was also, I remember very clearly, the first b-side of theirs that caught my attention (I started to stan and listen to full EPs with Lit), so I also have sentimental attachment. GOD Fly With Us is such a good EP, DANG. Favorite part: As previously mentioned, I'm Seojo trash, so of course it's "Annyeonghaseyo, jeo jeoneun Kim Young… :/ "
4. “Blue Sky” from Fly With Us
Oh my god, Blue Sky. Okay. This song defies classification to me. I hesitate to call it a ballad, because it goes so hard. The first time I heard it, I was blown away. It has some of my favorite vocals AND two of my favorite raps in their discography - I love Leedo and Ravn's "ballad raps" in general but these are my favorites. Leedo in particular sounds so amazing in this song, and Xion's lines!! Xion HAS lines, first of all, and he absolutely kills them. Favorite part: The entire last verse leaves me breathless every time. The way Ravn, Seoho, Leedo, and Keonhee's voices weave together is so powerful and unique, aaaaahahhhhhh.
3. “Lit” from Fly With Us
Everything a K-Pop song should be. Absolute king shit. It's well-structured, it's catchy from the first listen, it has an iconic refrain (whom amongst us did not immediately start singing along with "Eolssu! Eolssu!", I ask?) I've gotta say, this song may not rank as high if I'm talking from only the musical standpoint. But can we talk about the MV? Can I say how much this MV reflected their personalities and elevated the song because of it? I think it's a package deal, personally, Lit and its MV. Favorite part: Ravn's rap, yes absolutely, I owe it my soul. But more than that, going deeper (Inception noise), I cannot stay mad whenever I hear that little "yekki!" 
2. “BingBing” from Raise Us
So full of personality. Such an earworm. Emotional and kinda unsetlling lyrics. Xion speaking French? OKAY. It's title track worthy, for sure, but luckily this song seems to have legendary status among ToMoon. I'll admit, it took me a while to warm up to BingBing, but once I did it was like a tidal wave of appreciation for it. Another marvel of production - the layering of the vocals goes DEEP and gives it so much texture. Favorite Part: I'm a simple person. I cannot resist the "Neoneun gaeya? Neukdaeya?" There's so much attitude there. I know I say this a lot about ONEUS, but they didn't have to go that hard.
1. “Valkyrie” from Light Us
This song goes places. It's the one that made me fall in love with ONEUS and it's still my favorite, oops. The tempo changes are ridiculous and the song is so rewarding to get to know well. I should have known I'd be in deep for this group when I said "what the fuck" at least three times during my first listen to this song. It's produced SO WELL - I still find new things to hear in this song.  It also helps that the whole thing starts off with a guitar riff. I gravitate to good guitar and/or bass riffs. Favorite Part: The bridge on this song is absolutely jaw-dropping, and I'm a sucker for a good bridge as it is. 
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