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atlatszo · 1 year ago
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uintaundead · 1 year ago
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Got the M85 and M70 running nicely now. Loving how mild 5.56 is out of the 85, as well as its ability to blow smoke rings when you bring the bolt forward after a string of shots, gonna have to get a vid of it at some point.
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fauslayer · 2 years ago
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i believe everyone should pick a kind of objectively absurd topic to make mspaint comics about and mine atm is mario creepypasta.
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attackcopterblog · 7 months ago
Stormwerkz has released their latest solution in optics mounting with the new RMR mount for the YUGO/ZASTAVA M92/M85. Stormwerkz state “StormWerkz SM-M92-03 mount for the Yugo/Zastava M92/M85 utilizing the interface for the Trijicon RMR footprint. The iron sights co-witness with the RMR. The mount body is completely CNC machined from aluminum bar-stock and comes with mounting screws and hex…
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0-plantaloons-0 · 2 years ago
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Cause you're ✨️breathtaking✨️
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kepeslajoska · 13 days ago
Halló főnök!
Jó reggelt, mi újság?
Semmi különös, tudja, mi építjük ezt az M85-öst.
Tudom hát. Bebizonyítjuk, hogy mi mást sem csinálunk, mint építkezünk, mert meg tudjuk csinálni!
Csakhogy van egy kis gond.
Nocsak. És mi az?
Az a helyzet miniszterelnök úr, hogy ez a pénz, amit erre szántunk így mindannyian, kicsit sok lesz és ebbe majd belekötnek a rosszakaróink.
Mondjátok, hogy ez kiemelt kormányzati beruházás, vagy 2x4 sávos út lesz és annyi!
De még igy is háromszor annyi, mint más országokban és mi nem szoktunk túlárazni.
Ha-ha, de vicces vagy! Van egy ötletem.
Hallgatom főnök.
Ha építetek egy alagutat is az útra, az jó magyarázat, nem?
Valóban, csakhogy ott nincs hegy, amin keresztülmenne az alagút!
Ugyan már, ezen akadsz fel? Akkor hordjatok oda egy hegyet is!
Az nem olcsó ám, akkor nem marad a csókosoknak! Ebből az összegből maximum egy dombocska jön össze.
Elég a kifogásokból! Csináld, amit mondtam, majd elnevezzük Dombi Alagútnak, ez lesz következő hungarikum.
Hiába no, zseni vagy vezérem.
Na, csak semmi hízelgés! Mimagyarok sohasem hátrálok meg, tudhatnád!
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the-gentleman-sockmonkey · 3 months ago
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Babygirl & I reached back into Taurus' classic era for this beauty, an M85 Spurless. The comfy handmade Braids holster really adds to the vibe.
She named him "Kojak"...
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zeroz2ro · 10 months ago
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Elkészült az M85-ös gyorsforgalmi út két alagútja a Sopron határában. A hegyet a 2. fázisban fogják feléhordani. "Most 4,5 milliárd forinttal drágult és már 44 milliárd forintba kerül az M85-ös gyorsforgalmi út Fertőrákos és Sopron országhatár közötti 4 km-es szakaszának tervezése és kivitelezése. Legalábbis jelenleg, hivatalosan, mert bennfentes értesülések szerint benne van, hogy hamarosan újabb drágulás lesz." - via Telex 4 km. 44 milliárd. Két alagút.
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WIBTA if I miss my grandfather's funeral because his wife is horrible?
My (F26) grandfather, N (M85), passed away from cancer a few weeks ago. His second wife, J (F79ish), has always been a piece of work, but we worked through our differences in personality and found a happy equilibrium. She also became much better... or so I thought.
She stood by him over the years as his sight deteriorated, his mobility became impaired, he got the cancer diagnosis and went through chemo, and then when chemo didn't work she tended to him as he declined, with the help of my mum (F46ish) (I'm terrible with ages), who effectively stopped working and moved in for a few months to help care for him and keep him company.
I found out mere hours ago that this whole time J has been... bad. Way worse than I ever could have guessed. She's been intensely jealous (and always was pretty textbook narcissistic), to the point where she turned away nurses sent to check up on him and wouldn't let me my mum be in the room with N without her permission. She also withheld pain medication from him when he was really suffering, until my mum secretly contacted the palliative care team asking them to investigate urgently (which they did, thanks to them his last days were comfortable). There's much more, including lying to N about his will and his children, and organising the funeral with her friends instead of people he cared about.
Before this, there was no question in my mind that I would go, even if I don't particularly like J and J's family and friends. Now I'm realising two things. 1) This funeral is not being put on for my benefit, it will be the J show, and we'll be props in her event designed to celebrate N's love for her. 2) The only person who will judge me if I go is me. If I go, it will feel like I'm silently sanctioning and legitimising what she did. But no one except my uncle, aunt, mum and sister, know that. (they won't speak out because they're worried J will drag the will into a protracted battle if they upset her, they want her gone so they can grieve. This is still their funeral too, in that they will be there, together, mourning. I don't want to mourn my grandfather on J's terms, after what she did to him, but... maybe it's selfish to put my morals and feelings before my family.
TL;DR: I found out a few hours ago that my step-grandmother was secretly narcissistically abusive to my dying granddad, so I want to silently protest by boycotting the funeral she organised (mostly for her friends and family) (if I say anything it could jeopardise the will).
WIBTA if I don't go?
Extra info: If I don't go, I'll still meet my close family before the funeral, but then I'll go to my bio-granny's grave to have my own solo ceremony. He wants his ashes to be buried with her anyway, so I know it's a meaningful place for him. Extra info 2: Honestly don't have room for this, but she has bragged many times about SCREAMING at her ex-husband's funeral, because his actual widow wouldn't let her be part of the coffin procession. It is CRAZY, I think she's reminding us now as a threat.
What are these acronyms?
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quiltofstars · 9 months ago
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M85 (center right) and NGC 4394 (center left) // Bart Delsaert
M85 is an elliptical galaxy, but one that has a complex series of shells and ripples. These features are thought to have been created some 4-7 billion years ago when it merged with another galaxy. It is currently interacting with the barred spiral galaxy NGC 4394, which might be supporting the shells' structure.
This galaxy was an original discovery of Méchain's in 1781 and is an isolated member of the Virgo Cluster, about 60 million light years away.
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helicrocfmp · 2 years ago
M60 “Patton” research
M60 “Patton”
The M60 is an American MBT that was designed in response to the soviet T-55 and was a direct upgrade of the M48 Patton. The reason I have Patton in quote marks is because it wasn’t actually made a part of the Patton series of tanks but it was a direct upgrade form a tank that was. The reason some tanks were called Patton is because there was a line of tanks named after the American second world war tank general George Patton. The M60 was armed with one 105mm M68 cannon, one coaxial 7.62mm M240 and one 12.7mm M85 antiaircraft gun on the roof. I think the M60 would make a good fit to the game as it was made to be a direct competitor to the Soviet T-55 which is the MBT I want to use for WTO so having it’s competitor be the NATO tank I think would be a good idea. 
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M48 Patton
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pmsticaret · 18 days ago
Ankara Ostim’de bulunan şirketimiz, Carraro, ZF, DANA ve diğer iş makinaları yedek parçalarının satışında öncüdür. Türkiye ve dünyada birçok müşteri tarafından tercih edilen firmamız, orijinal ve OEM parçaları hızlı ve sorunsuz bir şekilde temin etmektedir. Carraro ve ZF OEM yedek parçaları konusunda uzman olan ekibimiz, diferansiyel ve şanzıman parçalarında geniş bilgi birikimine sahiptir. Carraro OEM parçalar, orijinal parçalarla aynı kalitede olup, %50 daha uygun fiyatlıdır. Yedek parça ihtiyaçlarınız için web sitemizden veya sosyal medya hesaplarımızdan bize ulaşabilirsiniz.
ZF Somun (16)
0637 009 091 , 2944000M1 , 5585118 , PMSC086-621 , PMSC097-776 , AT254053 , 04434557 , VOE2050740 , A0049904151 , 0737.502.157 , PMSC121-264 , PMSC086-810 , 0737 502 030 , 0501 309 598 , 007098072 , 04602570 , 6915009 , 0737502038 , 14586748 , 0637009016 , 0637018031 , 0637002002 , 81397C1 , M12*1.5 , PMSC152-885 , 571063608 , ZM 2906420 , 6236972 , 0886737 , 5213951 , 0637 504 011 , 192300220167 , 0737 502 187 , VOE906637 , 42559630 , 0637.009.114 , 153318627 , PMSC086-611 , ZM 2286559 , 0637.006.105 , PMSC086-650 , 6116433 , A0019903252 , 5904657801 , 934649R1 , 190003881375 , 0737008027 , 7014194 , 0737.502.174 , 04/605440 , 4472348109 , PMSC115-785 , 0637512041 , 005232113 , 412400608 , 75311909 , 090002815 , 7382531 , PMSC125-677 , 0637.512.047 , 04602193 , 0637002051 , F285.100.150.150 , 0.010.3358.1 , T82529 , 1192220082 , F184100150080 , M50*1.5*18 , 884528 , N1011013122 , 0737.503.078 , PMSC105-565 , 1324303BETG14124 , 0637 009 150 , 7622530 , 5000288855 , 8054857 , 4699 302 127 , 0637.006.022 , 002050740 , 0737006162 , 5000241557 , R77353 , T168802 , 0637.002.033 , 8U-0728 , 2908614 , 951208 , 0637.010.035 , 83944751 , 4460.331.168 , 8025482 , VOE14558092 , 190003880300 , 81906200118 , 0899 321 454 , 0637 002 080 , 2283396 , PMSC086-682 , PMSC086-963 , 04/604726 , ZM 2291768 , 0637 011 017 , 0637009148 , 81314C1 , 4460331079 , 5W-1383 , 0637011580 , VOE2288816 , 0737.503.059 , L229020189 , A52070 , VOE11706790 , PMSC086-669 , 1668969 , 0737 300 035 , 0637 009 107 , 04603167 , 9P908254 , 0737008010 , 0637 010 052 , 0637 006 153 , 0637.018.029 , M85*1.5 , 0737.006.162 , 0737.502.169 , 104007181 , 1000002738 , 007099937 , 11080590 , 152556 , 509158 , 06.12115-0131 , 0637.100.139 , 04/604409 , 3311322 , 0.900.0281.4 , PMSC086-604 , 0637.011.530 , 8001970 , 6646516 , X428205401000 , 1874075 , 0009903260 , 14076340 , PMSC095-100 , 11365280 , 5227618 , PMSC121-550 , 4472347058 , 500729308 , 7085200997 , 5840333198 , 3148203700
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timestechnow · 2 months ago
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electronicsbuzz · 2 months ago
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downincmi · 7 months ago
Renewable Methanol Market: Fuelling the Green Revolution
Introduction to Methanol Methanol, also known as wood alcohol, is a light, colorless, volatile and flammable liquid with the chemical formula CH3OH. It is the simplest alcohol and one of the commonly used light alcohols. Methanol is produced both from fossil fuels such as natural gas and coal as well as renewably through processes like biomass gasification. It is mainly used as a feedstock for producing other chemicals, solvents and as a fuel. Renewable Methanol Production Pathways There are several pathways for producing methanol renewably without using fossil fuels: Biomass Gasification: In this process, any type of biomass like agricultural waste, forest residues or energy crops are gasified at high temperature in the presence of steam and oxygen to produce syngas a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. This syngas is then catalytically converted to methanol. WastetoEnergy: Municipal solid waste, sewage sludge or other waste streams can be gasified or biologically broken down to produce syngas which is then converted to methanol. This helps produce a valuable fuel from waste. Direct Capture of CO2: Technologies are being developed to directly capture CO2 from ambient air or industrial sources. This captured CO2 can then be combined with green hydrogen produced from renewable power to synthesize methanol. Renewable Hydrogen: Electrolyzers powered by renewable electricity such as solar, wind or hydropower can produce green hydrogen by splitting water. Combining this hydrogen with CO2 yields renewable methanol. Building out Renewable Methanol Infrastructure For methanol to scale up significantly as a Carbon Neutral Fuel, dedicated production, storage, distribution and dispensing infrastructure needs to be developed: Production Facilities: Larger demonstration and commercial scale plants are being built worldwide using biomass, municipal waste or captured CO2 as feedstocks. Methanol Bunkering: Ports are installing bunkering facilities for providing methanol shiptoship or from storage tanks to vessels replacing marine fuel oil. Fuel Stations: More M85 compatible vehicles require retail fuel stations with methanol dispensers along with compatible nozzles, hoses and pumps. CrossCountry Pipelines: Methanol pipelines can transfer product from production sites to demand centers avoiding logistical challenges of road/rail transportation. Storage Infrastructure: Underground salt caverns or above ground tanks offer large scale, low cost storage options for methanol supply logistics. Standardization: Industry standards are being developed for methanol specifications, safety protocols, handling procedures and measurements units. Conclusion Renewable methanol holds promise as a versatile, carbon neutral fuel and chemical feedstock of the future. Continuous technological progress, supportive policies and infrastructure buildout can accelerate its adoption worldwide helping mitigate climate change and transition to a low carbon economy. Sustainable production pathways combined with growing applications puts methanol in a position to play an important long term role in energy markets.
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azure-aeon-dragaeon · 7 months ago
Fun M85 fact: Lucas would've loved Tetris if he hadn't died before it released.
F in the chat for his gaming dreams
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