#m. v. raman
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Vyjayanthimala in Bahar (1951)
| dir. M. V. Raman
#bahar#bahar 1951#m. v. raman#vyjayanthimala#indian cinema#hindi cinema#bollywood#cinema#movies#films#world cinema#classic cinema#old bollywood#cinematography#1950s#south asian cinema#asian cinema#indian movies#hindi movies#bollywood movies#indian films#bollywood films#hindi films#cinephile#film scenes#movie scenes#bollywood songs#indian actress
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Interesting Papers for Week 8, 2024
Sensory prediction error drives subconscious motor learning outside of the laboratory. Albert, S. T., Blaum, E. C., & Blustein, D. H. (2023). Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(2), 427–435.
Working memory load impairs transfer learning in human adults. Balter, L. J. T., & Raymond, J. E. (2023). Psychological Research, 87(7), 2138–2145.
Objects sharpen visual scene representations: evidence from MEG decoding. Brandman, T., & Peelen, M. V. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(16), 9524–9531.
Specific patterns of neural activity in the hippocampus after massed or distributed spatial training. Centofante, E., Fralleoni, L., Lupascu, C. A., Migliore, M., Rinaldi, A., & Mele, A. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 13357.
Hormonal coordination of motor output and internal prediction of sensory consequences in an electric fish. Fukutomi, M., & Carlson, B. A. (2023). Current Biology, 33(16), 3350-3359.e4.
Subcortico-amygdala pathway processes innate and learned threats. Khalil, V., Faress, I., Mermet-Joret, N., Kerwin, P., Yonehara, K., & Nabavi, S. (2023). eLife, 12, e85459.
Neural mechanisms underlying uninstructed orofacial movements during reward-based learning behaviors. Li, W.-R., Nakano, T., Mizutani, K., Matsubara, T., Kawatani, M., Mukai, Y., … Yamashita, T. (2023). Current Biology, 33(16), 3436-3451.e7.
Monkeys exhibit human-like gaze biases in economic decisions. Lupkin, S. M., & McGinty, V. B. (2023). eLife, 12, e78205.
Widespread coding of navigational variables in prefrontal cortex. Maisson, D. J.-N., Cervera, R. L., Voloh, B., Conover, I., Zambre, M., Zimmermann, J., & Hayden, B. Y. (2023). Current Biology, 33(16), 3478-3488.e3.
Synaptic variance and action potential firing of cerebellar output neurons during motor learning in larval zebrafish. Najac, M., McLean, D. L., & Raman, I. M. (2023). Current Biology, 33(16), 3299-3311.e3.
Novelty and uncertainty differentially drive exploration across development. Nussenbaum, K., Martin, R. E., Maulhardt, S., Yang, Y. (Jen), Bizzell-Hatcher, G., Bhatt, N. S., … Hartley, C. A. (2023). eLife, 12, e84260.
Ants combine object affordance with latent learning to make efficient foraging decisions. Poissonnier, L.-A., Hartmann, Y., & Czaczkes, T. J. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(35), e2302654120.
VIP interneurons in sensory cortex encode sensory and action signals but not direct reward signals. Ramamurthy, D. L., Chen, A., Zhou, J., Park, C., Huang, P. C., Bharghavan, P., … Feldman, D. E. (2023). Current Biology, 33(16), 3398-3408.e7.
A stochastic model of hippocampal synaptic plasticity with geometrical readout of enzyme dynamics. Rodrigues, Y. E., Tigaret, C. M., Marie, H., O’Donnell, C., & Veltz, R. (2023). eLife, 12, e80152.
Sequence anticipation and spike-timing-dependent plasticity emerge from a predictive learning rule. Saponati, M., & Vinck, M. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 4985.
Statistical inference on representational geometries. Schütt, H. H., Kipnis, A. D., Diedrichsen, J., & Kriegeskorte, N. (2023). eLife, 12, e82566.
High-resolution volumetric imaging constrains compartmental models to explore synaptic integration and temporal processing by cochlear nucleus globular bushy cells. Spirou, G. A., Kersting, M., Carr, S., Razzaq, B., Yamamoto Alves Pinto, C., Dawson, M., … Manis, P. B. (2023). eLife, 12, e83393.
Using occipital ⍺-bursts to modulate behavior in real-time. Vigué-Guix, I., & Soto-Faraco, S. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(16), 9465–9477.
Octave illusion: stimulation frequencies can modulate perception. Whittom, A., Couture, F., Chauvette, L., & Sharp, A. (2023). Psychological Research, 87(7), 2183–2191.
Completeness out of incompleteness: Inferences from regularities in imperfect information ensembles. Zhu, J., Xu, H., Shi, B., Lu, Y., Chen, H., Shen, M., & Zhou, J. (2023). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(9), 1203–1220.
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Andrei Rubliov al lui Tarkovski . Pe youtube la hi-res. Merită revăzut din când în când. Genială frescă istorică. Asediul orășelului rusesc de către tătari (din partea a 2a), cu ajutorul trădării unui creaz rus este poate cea mai realistă de gen. Fără să apeleze la artificii cinematografice pentru creșterea dramatismului, masacrarea localnicilor și distrugerea orășelului are o incredibilă scară umană... Chiar pornirea la atac începe cu o veselie nemaipomenită din partea liderului tătar. Parcă e un reportaj din epocă... Cu atât mai fascinantă este scena următoare, de iarnă, în care un alt grup de războinici tătari apar în curtea mânăstirii unde trăia Rubliov, foarte veseli și deloc puși pe harțag. Chiar trezesc simpatia unei rusoaice pe care unul din ei o ia cu el să-i fie nevastă. De remarcat atenția deosebită la echipamentul militar și la decoruri. NU mai zic de episodul turnării clopotului. Sunt de savurat fiecare secnă. Atâta atenție pentru detaliu eu n-am văzut în multe filme...Ireproșabile Filosofia ”mesterul Manole”. Iar cruzimea nu era epică.. Aproape nici tragică.. Era firească ca respiratul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JpnrdEOAcM Tătarii din Hoarda de Aur, din Crimeea erau mongoli sadea. Hoarda de Aur s-a format din resturi ale mongolilor din 1240 care nu s-au mai întors în Mongolia după ce au devastat Rusia si Europa. Si acolo au rămas până când i-a deportat Stalin mai pe toți. Nici vorbă ca tătarii din Crimeea să fie urmași de cumani sau alți turanici. S-or fi corcit cu alte neamuri de stepă din zonă, dar baza e mongolă. La un moment dat tătarii au trecut la Islam. După acest moment au început să folosească limba turcă...Vezi aici mai multe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Horde Mi se pare stupid să spui ”Ce dovezi există că tătarii crimeeni ar fi fost mongoloizi?” când tătarii rămași azi încă în zonă sunt genetic mult mai apropiați de strămoșii lor din Orientul îndepărtat decât alte neamuri turanice, urmași de avari, cumani, pecenegi ce-si au originea în Asia Centrală, cu mult înaintea apariției mongolilor în zonă. Un exemplu care doar aparent e în favoarea teoriei tale e marele războinic Timur lenk-Tamerlan, căruia i s-au făcut studii antropologice în anii 40 (pe scheletul lui). S-a dovedit că era un metis între mongol și populația caucaziană din Transoxiana (Azerbaigean, Uzbekistan). Totusi, ai dreptate într-o oarecare măsură. Dar ca aspect tătarăă sunt foarte mongoloizi. Adica la fel ca si uzbecii sau turkmenii http://www.iccrimea.org/reports/genographic-results.html Ai vazut scena cu tatarii din curtea manastirii și fata blondă, iarna? Parcă e reportaj. Fascinant cum îî ignorau pe călugări și se distrau hrănind câinii cu carne de cal... Ai început cu partea 1 a filmului? E cam lentă si monotonă . Partea a 2-a e mult mai dinamică si mai faină. nu conteaza ordinea. Caci povestea e doar vag liniară. Fiecare capitol are valoare independent. -----------------------------------------
Unul din cele mai bune articole despre ortodoxie pe care le-am citit. Un articol cu niste teme care m-au preocupat de mult timp. Care e problema cu Biserica ortodoxa (greaca, rasariteana) ? Inainte de a te scandaliza, dragă cetitorule, fi înţelept şi aruncă--ţi ochii un pic.
" ...Mai ales ca in viziunea ortodoxa, preotul este legatura, intermediarul intre oameni si Dumnezeu si singurul in masura care sa ii interpreteze cuvantul pentru semenii lui. Un lucru periculos daca avem in vedere ca preotilor romani de-a lungul Evului Mediu si chiar si in epoca moderna timpurie le lipsea stiinta de carte. Ei se multumeau cel mult cu memorarea mecanica a Bibliei si mai important, a traditiilor bisericesti, negasind necesar sa reflecte asupra lor...
Daca in Occident, stiinta a crescut la sanul Bisericii Catolice, ortodoxismul a reprezentat o piedica, deoarece intr-o lume in care totul ramane constant si ramane vesnic acelasi, nu exista nevoie de schimbare. Din aceasta cauza, nu biserica ortodoxa, dar carturarii greco-catolici ai Scolii Ardelene, educati in scolile catolice ale Occidentului au produs cel mai mare act de transformare culturala pe care l-a cunoscut acest popor. Ei au reprezentat motorul trezirii unei constiinte romanesti si cei care au condus primii lupta de emancipare a romanilor. Lor le datoram multe dintre reperele culturale pe care astazi le consideram caracteristice. https://ziare.com/social/religie/ortodoxismul-romanesc-motivul-inapoierii-noastre-opinii-1340383?
>> Ca unul caruia ii place istoria, am simtit de multi ani ca ortodoxismul are ceva vina in ramanerea in urma a romanilor (a unora, caci la greco-catolici se vede schimbarea). Cu timpul am colectat numeroase informatii istorice legate de retardul cultural, educational si implicit social motivat de filosofia ortodoxismului. Numai ca tipul asta a construit un articol coerent in care a adunat in cateva cuvinte esenta acestei proibleme. >>>Omul nu poate trai fara religie. E fapt dovedit. Dar trebuie ca aceasta Religie sa faca bine omului nu doar sa ZICA ca face bine.. Omului de azi. Nu celui din evul mediu. >>>>sasii aveau scoli si inaintea reformei lutherane. Majoritatea bisericilor sasesti aveau scoli pe langa inca din sec 15... Lutheranismul a catalizat mai dihai acest trend deja existent. Nu stiu daca de vina era catolicismul sau spiritul intreprinzator al sasilor >>>>Articolul nu e scris de un teolog, dar chiar daca nu e perfect documentat atinge cateva adevaruri de necontestat. Si intr-un mod in care nu s-a mai spus, desi multi dintre noi am simtit, dar nu am stiut de ce. Inca din evul mediu, de la Sf Grigore Palamas (http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grigore_Palamas ) , biserica "greaca" a fost preocupata exclusiv de apropierea cat mai mare de divinitate prin isihasm, rugaciune( http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isihasm ) , izolare, umilinta, suferinta, dispret fata de om, de cunoasterea lumii inconjuratoare. Fiindca, spuneau ortodocsii, Dumenzeu nu poate fi descoperit prin Cunoastere, in sens de Stiinta, Educatie etc...Varlaam Calabrezul (care reprezinta oarecum atitudinea bis vestice http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varlaam_Calabrezul ) in disputa acestuia cu mai sus-numitul Sf.Grigore spune ca dimpotriva, pt a-l cunoaste pe Dumnezeu trebuie sa studiezi lumea, stiintele, sa te educi. Asta e in esenta diferenta intre orientul ortodox si vestul catolic/protestant. Pt doritori de teologie un articol interesat (chiar daca tine-evident-partea ortodoxiei) http://ziarullumina.ro/.../controversa-isihasta-sau-cum... . E bine sa intelegem de ce bis ortodoxa are o gandire perdanta in lumea de azi, iar filosofia ei, predata copiilor nu duce la nimic bun. Doar la perpetuarea intolerantei, suficientei, atitudinii anti-Stiinta, Anti-Educatie, a resemnarii si umilintei, si a multot alte tare.... ------ Înţeleg că nu vă pasă dacă această confesiune a îmbunătăţit în vreun fel viaţa credincioşilor şi dacă o face în prezent. Nu stiu in ce fel iti face viata mai buna faptul ca o data botezat esti crestin (adica cum?) pana mori... --------- Nu te lăsa păcălit de faptul că ortodoxia nu a avut Inchiziţie sau Cruciade. Întâi, grecii, bulgarii, sarbii, rusii nu au putut sau nu a avut ocazia sa se foloseasca mai mult de religie in politica lor. Cand au putut n-au ratat ocazia. Imp Bizantin s-a luptat cât a putut împotriva musulmanilor. Acele războaie le poti asimila cruciadelor. Ca şi cele la târzii la care au participat şi principii români( ex Cruciada de la Varna). Inchiziţie nu au avut ortodocsii, e drept. Fiindca nu au avut nevoie. Ortodoxia nu a avut universitati sau academii de unde sa apara intelectuali care sa puna in balanta "adevarurule" religioase. Tarile ortodoxe au fost pana mai ieri preponderent rurale, sufocate de superstitii pagane, cu preoti majoritar analfabeti. Ce tribunal s-ar fi apucat sa curete satele rusesti sau sarbesti, bulgaresti sau grecesti (aflate sub otomani) de "vrajitorii si superstitii"? Desi cred ca pe vremea lui Ivan cel Groaznic, la Moscova, nu ai fi fost tratat cu toleranţă dacă ai fi fost acuzat de vrăjitorie...(Recomand filmul "Ţarul" ca fresca a unei tari ortodoxe in Evul Mediu... Ca o completare la Andrei Rubliov, muult mai bun). Sa nu idealizam ortodoxia!! ---------
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The son and the daughter are equally entitled to inherit a share of the property by birth as coparceners.
Yagnaseni Patel v. The GM Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd. & others
WP No. 28534/2020 before Hon’ble Orissa High Court
U/A 226 & 227 of Constitution of India
Writ Petition Allowed on 22.06.2023
By Hon’ble Mr. Justice Dr. B R Sarangi J & Hon’ble Mr. Justice M S Raman J
This is a case where daughters claim equal share in the property of their late father. After the death of the father petitioner’s 03 brothers got property mutated in their name in the Revenue Record. Petitioner and her 02 other sister filed Mutation Appeal before Sub Collector, Sundargarh. Sub-Collector directed Tehsildar to record the name of 03 sisters in the Record of Rights (RoR). Name was recorded in RoR along with their 03 brothers. Daughter’s than claimed equal share in the property before Claim Commission being daughter of the Coparcener are entitled to get equal share as that of her brothers irrespective of the date of death of her father. Brothers disputed on the basis of the Judgment of the Supreme Court namely Prakash and others v. Phulabati and others & Mangammal @ Thulasi and another v. T.B. Raju and others. In these cases, it was held by the SC that daughters are not entitled to get the benefit being not the co-sharer. Claim Commission decided the matter against the petitioner on 04.01.2020.
Contention of the Petitioner
Judgment, basing upon which the Claims Commission decided the matter, had been referred to the Larger Bench and the Larger Bench decided the same in the case of Vineeta Sharma v. Rakesh Sharma and others, 2020 (II) OLR (SC) 569, which was in favor of the petitioner.
Being daughter of the Late Kulamani Patel stand on the same footing as are the sons.
In view of the decision of the larger Bench in the case of Vineeta Sharma v. Rakesh Sharma and others, the decision of the Claim Commission is not sustainable and it be quashed.
Contention of the Respondent’s
Since the parties (Petitioner Daughter) approached the Claims Commission for adjudication of the matter and the same was decided on the basis of the law applicable at the relevant point of time. Wherefore, the present Writ Petition be dismissed.
Writ Court exercising a limited supervisory jurisdiction constitutionally vested under Article 227 should abhor to undertake a deeper examination in such matters.
Hindu Law & Amendment in Hindu Law (2005)
In Hindu Law Succession of property in a Hindu Undivided Family is governed by two schools of law 1. Mitakshara 2. Dayabhaga. Mitakshara entitles a son to a right equal to his father in the joint family property by birth.
All the male descendants of a Hindu in the male line up to the fourth degree of generation are his sons. The adopted child also gets a right equal to the right of his adoptive father in the joint family property from the date of adoption. The daughter is not given a right by birth in the joint family property.
The Parliament, being inspired by the amendments in four States namely Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra & Karnataka, passed The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 for the whole of India.
The amendment is that even in a joint family governed by the Mitakshara law the daughter of a coparcener is made as good a coparcener as a son. She has the same rights in the coparcenary property as she would have had if she had been a son. She has a right to agitate in respect of her share in the joint family property.
Decision of Larger Bench of the Supreme Court in re Vineeta Sharma v. Rakesh Sharma and others.
The finding of the apex Court (Prakash and others v. Phulabati and others & Mangammal @ Thulasi and another v. T.B. Raju) that daughters are not entitled to get the benefit of equal share being co-sharers in the ancestral property, no more remains res integra in view of the Larger Bench judgment of the apex Court in the case of Vineeta Sharma v. Rakesh Sharma and others.
In the case of Vineeta Sharma, Section 6(1) of the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 was under consideration and a question was framed “does the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, which gave equal right to daughters in ancestral property, have a retrospective effect”.
The Apex Court, answered the same in affirmative, held that daughter shall remain as coparcener (one who shares equally with others in inheritance of an undivided joint family property) throughout life, regardless of the question as to whether her father was alive when the law was amended in 2005 or not
Sons and daughters of a coparcener become coparceners by virtue of birth.
Observation of the Orissa High Court
In view of the decision dt. 11.08.2020 of the Apex Court in Vineeta Sharma v. Rakesh Sharma and others., Claims Commission has committed error apparent on the face of the record by passing the order impugned denying benefit to the daughter.
The earlier judgement of the Supreme Court namely Prakash and others v. Phulabati and others & Mangammal @ Thulasi and another v. T.B. Raju has no effect in view of the subsequent decision of the Larger Bench.
The daughter has a right to get the property of her father from the date the Amendment Act came into force.
The Writ Petition was allowed and the order dated 04.01.2020 passed by Claims is not sustainable in the eye of law and was quashed. However, the matter was remitted back to the Claims Commission for re-adjudication.
Seema Bhatnagar
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We are excited to celebrate ALOHA: AN ANTHOLOGY FOR MAUI is on sale for $2.99!
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ALOHA is a charity romance collection of swoon-worthy, never-before-seen short stories from over FIFTY of your favorite bestselling authors, all with a twist of Hawaii. All royalties from the collection will be donated to Maui Food Banks and the Maui Fire Relief Fund to help support the survivors of the devastating fires. ALOHA will only be available for a limited time, so one-click your copy before it's gone.
AUTHORS INCLUDE: K.A. Linde, Adriana Locke, Alessandra Torre, Penny Reid, Rachel Van Dyken, Willow Winters, Brittainy Cherry, Aleatha Romig, Heidi McLaughlin, Crystal Perkins, Helena Hunting, Jessica Ashley, L.B. Dunbar, Ren Alexander, Skye Warren, Tara Brown, Tia Louise, Diana Peterfreund, Jamie K. Schmidt, Alexandria Bishop, Maria Luis, Kasey Metzger, Julia Kent, Karina Halle, Trilina Pucci, Carly Phillips, Aarti V Raman, Jill Ramsower, Amber Kelly, Eric R. Asher, Julie Leto, Lucy Eden, Kimberly Reese, Kayti McGee, Lauren Rowe, Pepper Winters, M. Robinson, J.L. Baldwin, Brittany Holland, Angelina M. Lopez, Jiffy Kate, Lex Martin, MJ Fields, Emma Louise, Catalina Snow, Dee Lagasse, Cary Hart, Aly Martinez, Fiona Cole, Jay McLean, Jana Aston, Emma Scott
All royalties from this project will be donated to organizations working in Maui to bring relief to the survivors of the Maui fires. We aren't affiliated or endorsed by these charities. We are authors who are helping the best way that we can.
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Aloha, a charity anthology in support of Maui, is now live!
ALOHA is a charity romance collection of swoon-worthy, never-before-seen short stories from over FIFTY of your favorite bestselling authors, all with a twist of Hawaii. All royalties from the collection will be donated to Maui Food Banks and the Maui Fire Relief Fund to help support the survivors of the devastating fires. ALOHA will only be available for a limited time, so one-click your copy before it's gone.
AUTHORS INCLUDE: K.A. Linde, Adriana Locke, Alessandra Torre, Rachel Van Dyken, Willow Winters, Brittainy Cherry, Aleatha Romig, Heidi McLaughlin, Crystal Perkins, Helena Hunting, Jessica Ashley, L.B. Dunbar, Ren Alexander, Skye Warren, Tara Brown, Tia Louise, Diana Peterfreund, Jamie K. Schmidt, Alexandria Bishop, Maria Luis, Kasey Metzger, Julia Kent, Karina Halle, Trilina Pucci, Carly Phillips, Aarti V Raman, Jill Ramsower, Amber Kelly, Eric R. Asher, Julie Leto, Lucy Eden, Kimberly Reese, Lauren Rowe, Pepper Winters, M. Robinson, J.L. Baldwin, Brittany Holland, Angelina M. Lopez, Jiffy Kate, Lex Martin, MJ Fields, Emma Louise, Catalina Snow, Dee Lagasse, Cary Hart, Aly Martinez, Liv Morris, Jay McLean, Jana Aston, Emma Scott
All royalties from this project will be donated to organizations working in Maui to bring relief to the survivors of the Maui fires. We aren't affiliated or endorsed by these charities. We are authors who are helping the best way that we can.
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Aloha, a charity anthology in support of Maui, is now live!
ALOHA is a charity romance collection of swoon-worthy, never-before-seen short stories from over FIFTY of your favorite bestselling authors, all with a twist of Hawaii. All royalties from the collection will be donated to Maui Food Banks and the Maui Fire Relief Fund to help support the survivors of the devastating fires. ALOHA will only be available for a limited time, so one-click your copy before it's gone. AUTHORS INCLUDE: K.A. Linde, Adriana Locke, Alessandra Torre, Rachel Van Dyken, Willow Winters, Brittainy Cherry, Aleatha Romig, Heidi McLaughlin, Crystal Perkins, Helena Hunting, Jessica Ashley, L.B. Dunbar, Ren Alexander, Skye Warren, Tara Brown, Tia Louise, Diana Peterfreund, Jamie K. Schmidt, Alexandria Bishop, Maria Luis, Kasey Metzger, Julia Kent, Karina Halle, Trilina Pucci, Carly Phillips, Aarti V Raman, Jill Ramsower, Amber Kelly, Eric R. Asher, Julie Leto, Lucy Eden, Kimberly Reese, Lauren Rowe, Pepper Winters, M. Robinson, J.L. Baldwin, Brittany Holland, Angelina M. Lopez, Jiffy Kate, Lex Martin, MJ Fields, Emma Louise, Catalina Snow, Dee Lagasse, Cary Hart, Aly Martinez, Liv Morris, Jay McLean, Jana Aston, Emma Scott All royalties from this project will be donated to organizations working in Maui to bring relief to the survivors of the Maui fires. We aren't affiliated or endorsed by these charities. We are authors who are helping the best way that we can.
Download today on Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, and Kobo!
Amazon: https://geni.us/AmazonAloha
Apple Books: https://geni.us/AppleAloha
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Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3rc8HxS
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BPSC Teacher Mock Test Free- 5
Welcome to the fifth edition of the BPSC (Bihar Public Service Commission) Teacher Mock Test! This test series is designed to assess your knowledge in various subjects relevant to teaching and general awareness. It will evaluate your understanding of historical events, literature, and notable personalities that have shaped the cultural and educational landscape of India.
Test Instructions:
Carefully read each question and select the most appropriate answer.
Choose the option that you believe corresponds to the correct answer.
After completing the test, you can review the correct answers along with explanations.
Let's dive into the questions:
Question 1: Who authored the renowned book 'Brihat Katha'?
सर्व वर्मन
Question 2: The famous book 'Brihat Katha' was written by Gunadyha, a distinguished scholar in the court of Satavahana King Hal.
वैदिक युग
मौर्य युग
गुप्त युग
मध्यकालीन भारत
Question 3: During the Mauryan Empire, who was responsible for overseeing markets and investigating corrupt practices?
सीता अध्यक्ष
Question 4: Which Brahmin scholar stated that 'A wife is half of her husband'?
शतपथ ब्राह्मण
ऐतरेय ब्राह्मण
गोपथ ब्राह्मण
तैत्तिरीय ब्राह्मण
Question 5: With which dynasty did the Shaka rulers initiate the Kshatrapa system of governance?
Question 6: Which Mughal Emperor was ruling Delhi when the Vijayanagara Empire was founded?
फिरोज तुगलक
सिकंदर लोदी
गयासुद्दीन तुगलक
Question 7: Which Mughal Emperor is also known as "Padshah Ghazi"?
Question 8: Which Mughal Emperor earned the title "Padshah Ghazi" and sat on the throne?
Question 9: In the Mughal period, who were the officers responsible for revenue collection and maintaining accounts?
गवर्नर जनरल
Question 10: During which event did Indians have their first contact with Islam?
Arab invasion of Sindh in the 7th century
Turkish invasion in the 11th century
Arab traders along the Malabar coast
None of the above
Question 11: Whose name is associated with the foundation of the revolutionary organization "Anushilan Samiti"?
Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
Aruna Asaf Ali
None of the above
Question 12: Which Indian literary figure is closely linked to the poem "Bidrohi" (The Rebel)?
Rabindranath Tagore
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
Kazi Nazrul Islam
Shambhunath Pandit
Question 13: Who was the first Indian woman to preside over an Indian National Congress session?
Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
Aruna Asaf Ali
Sarojini Naidu
Question 14: Which Governor-General implemented the "Forward" policy towards Afghanistan?
Lord Dufferin
Lord Mayo
Lord Elgin
Lord Ellenborough
Question 15: Which Bengali poet wrote the famous poem "Bidrohi" (The Rebel)?
Rabindranath Tagore
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
Kazi Nazrul Islam
Shambhunath Pandit
Question 16: Who was the first Indian to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature?
Rabindranath Tagore
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
Kazi Nazrul Islam
Shambhunath Pandit
Question 17: Who was awarded the first Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award?
C. Rajagopalachari
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Jawaharlal Nehru
M. Visvesvaraya
Question 18: Which Indian scientist is known as the "Missile Man of India"?
C. V. Raman
Homi J. Bhabha
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
Srinivasa Ramanujan
Question 19: Which river is known as the "Sorrow of Bengal"?
Question 20: What is the Indian equivalent of the Nobel Prize?
Bharat Ratna
Padma Shri
Param Vir Chakra
Ashoka Chakra
Question 21: Which Indian state is known as the "Land of Five Rivers"?
Uttar Pradesh
We hope you find this test informative and beneficial for your BPSC Teacher exam preparation. Best of luck in your journey to becoming an educator and making a positive impact on the lives of students!
You can mind more questions and answers in Mindbanker
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Imdb Link: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls568080444/ P.S. All the Directors selected for this most august of captain's lists, have delivered atleast 1 film ranked in the All-Time Top ~450 Biggest Bollywood Blockbusters List, at helm! Full List-
.Shakti Samanta
.Raj Khosla
.Manmohan Desai
.Asit Sen
.Bimal Roy
.H.S. Rawail
.Sohrab Modi
.Yash Chopra
.Kishore Sahu
.Raj Kapoor
.Lekh Tandon
.Chander Vohra
.B.R. Chopra
.K. Balachander
.David Dhawan
.D.D. Kashyap
.Narendra Bedi
.Mahesh Kaul
.Ashok V. Bhushan
.Ravi Tandon
.Vijay Sharma
.Hrishikesh Mukherjee
.Prakash Mehra
.Subodh Mukherji
.Aravind Sen
.Ram Maheshwari
.Sooraj Barjatya
.S.S. Vasan
.A. Bhimsingh
.Ramesh Sippy
.Nandlal Jaswantlal
.Mukul Dutt
.Babbar Subhash
.Basu Bhattacharya
.M. Sadiq
.Gajanan Jagirdar
.Vijay Anand
.Mehboob Khan
.A. Subba Rao
.Guru Dutt
.C.V. Sridhar
.Jayant Desai
.Tarun Majumdar
.Lekhraj Bhakri
.Chimanlal Luhar
.Atma Ram
.Chandulal Shah
.Kidar Sharma
.Nitin Bose
.Shaheed Latif
.V. M. Vyas
.Mukul Anand
.R.S. Choudhury
.Ramanand Sagar
.R.K. Nayyar
.Mohan Segal
.G.P. Sippy
.Mohan Kumar
.A. R. Kardar
.M.A. Thirumugham
.Prem Narayan Arora
.Devendra Goel
.Vijay Bhatt
.Hemchandra Chunder
.L.V. Prasad
.Nasir Hussain
.Ravikant Nagaich
.J. Om Prakash
.Bhappi Sonie
.Dulal Guha
.Gyan Mukherjee
.Naresh Saigal
.Dasari Narayan Rao
.Muzaffar Ali
.Raghunath Jhalani
.O. P. Ralhan
.B.R. Panthulu
.Hiren Nag
.Sai Paranjape
.Naresh Kumar
.Rakesh Roshan
.Samir Ganguly
. Tulsi Ramsay
.Shyam Ramsay
.Ramesh Saigal
.Kamal Amrohi
.P.L. Santoshi
.Manoj Kumar
.K.S. Prakash Rao
.Krishan Chopra
.Sachin Bhowmick
.Arjun Hingorani
.Amiya Chakrabarty
.Sikander Bharti
.Bibhuti Mitra
.Phani Majumdar
.Shammi Kapoor
.B.R. Ishara
.Pramod Chakravorty
.K. Shankar
.Karunesh Thakur
.Trilok Jetley
.Ravindra Dave
.Homi Wadia
.K. Bapaiah
.Raja Nawathe
.Mansoor Khan
.Chaturbhuj Doshi
.K.B. Tilak
.Esmayeel Shroff
.V. Shantaram
.Girish Trivedi
.Moti B. Gidwani
.Hemen Gupta
.Girish Karnad
.Devare S. Gajanan
.Debaki Bose
.Shaukat Hussain Rizvi
.Vishnupant Govind Damle
Sheikh Fattelal
.Yakub Hasan Rizvi
.K. Asif
.Ashutosh Gowariker
.Tinnu Anand
.Nanabhai Bhatt
.Kedar Nath Agarwala
.Sunil Hingorani
.Vijay Sadanah
.Akhtar Hussein
.Basu Chatterjee
.Chetan Anand
.Raj Sippy
.S.N. Tripathi
.Surendra Mohan
.Aditya Chopra
.Anil Sharma
.K.S. Sethumadhavan
.Ram Dayal
.Ashok Roy
.Govind Saraiya
.Kanak Mishra
.Dada Kondke
.K. Raghavendra Rao
.J.B.H. Wadia
.M. L. Anand
.Radhu Karmakar
.Prayag Raj
.K. Babuji
.Khalid Akhtar
.Franz Osten
.Rajkumar Hirani
.S.S. Ravichandra
.Satyen Bose
.Ambrish Sangal
.Sanjay Leela Bhansali
.Rajkumar Kohli
.Raman B. Desai
.Shantilal Soni
.Joy Mukherjee
.Sultan Ahmed
.Balu Mahendra
.Vijay Kapoor
.Mohan Bhavnani
.Biren Nag
.Roop K. Shorey
.Ismail Menon
.Dhirubhai Desai
.Jyoti Swaroop
.K.S. Gopalakrishnan
.Kiran Ramsay
.P.C. Barua
.Amit Mitra
.Sombhu Mitra
.Shibu Mitra
.Raj Tilak
.Kailash Bhandari
.Rakesh Kumar
.Master Bhagwan
.Ismail (Rangeela Raja, 1960)
.Deepak Bahry
.Yeshwant Pethkar
.Baburao Painter
.Amar Kumar
.Jaishankar Danve
.S. Shankar
.Mani Ratnam
.Shah G. Agha
.Rajat Rakshit
.Anand Prasad Kapoor
.N. Buli (Nakhrewali, 1960)
.J.J. Madan
.Rajinder Singh Bedi
.Subodh Mitra
.K. Amarnath
.Raj Kanwar
.Hira Singh
.Rajendra Bhatia
.Fatma Begum
.Chawla (Shair, 1949)
.Ashok V. Bhushan
.T. Prakash Rao
.Kolli Pratyagatma
.Brij Rani
.Joginder Shelly
.Prakash Arora
.S.P. Rajaram (Gharwali Baharwali 1988)
.Ram Daryani
.T. Rama Rao
.Kawal Sharma
.Babubhai Mistry
.Shyam Ralhan
.Najam Naqvi
.K. Viswanath
.Vishwamitter Adil
.M.V. Raman
.J.K. Bihari
.Zul Vellani
.Homi Master
.Kalipada Das
.Mohan Sinha
.Kedar Kapoor
.Satyajit Ray
.Mohd Hussain
.Rahul Rawail
.S.D. Narang
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Alwarpet is home to prominent personalities like M. K. Stalin, Sir C. V. Raman, T. N. Sheshan, etc. The Alwarpet residential area is placed just close to Poes Garden, which is home to the most important personalities of Chennai, Actor Rajnikanth and J. Jayalalitha, late Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. The Boat Club is well maintained with wide roads, dotted with trees and palatial Bungalows making Boat Club the costliest residential area of South India,. Also, areas adjacent to Alwarpet and Raja Annamalai Puram is the most expensive locality in Chennai and high-end in South India.
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63 Years of Bhai-Bhai (20/04/1956)
Bhai-Bhai is a 1956 social family drama directed by M. V. Raman for A. V. M. Productions. It had the screenplay by Jawar N. Sitaraman, with Hindi screen adaptation of the Tamil film Ratha Paasam directed by C.V. Sridhar. The music director was Madan Mohan, with dialogues and lyrics written by Rajendra Krishan. One of the popular songs from the film was "Ae Dil Mujhe Bata De", sung by Geeta Dutt, "in an unabrasive fast tempo". The song became one of Madan Mohan's earliest hits, and the music of the film in journalist-author Bharatan's words went on to "conquer the box office".
The film starred Ashok Kumar, who played the lead role, and Kishore Kumar (real-life brothers) as the two brothers, with the film being referred to as one of Kishore Kumar's prominent films. The cast included Nirupa Roy, who played the role of Ashok Kumar's "homely" wife, while Shyama played the "seductress". The film co-starred Nimmi, Om Prakash, David, Daisy Irani, and Shivraj.
The story is of two brothers, with the younger brother running away from home at an early age. The older brother gets entangled with another woman, leaving his wife and child at home. This situation leads to the meeting of the brothers, with the older one mending his errant ways.
#Bhai Bhai (1956)#M. V. Raman#Jawar N. Sitaraman#C. V. Sridhar#Madan Mohan#Rajendra Krishan#Ashok Kumar#Kishore Kumar#Nirupa Roy#nimmins#om prakash#dav#daisy irani#shivraj#bollywood#bollywoodirect
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Everything is pretty in Jaipur. You're walking on a road full of modern shops with Raymond, Lee, Manyavar, Calvin Klein, you get it, and then you find in between them this. Look at these detailed designs, aesthetic. This is on MI road, short for Mirza Ismail Road, named after Sir Mirza Muhammad Ismail who was the Diwan or Prime Minister of the Kingdoms of Mysore, Jaipur and Hyderabad. In that order. These are three Kingdoms and this person became Prime Minister of these three Kingdoms one after another. What kind of influence, intelligence and awe must this man have possessed in that era. His Long-time friend Sir C. V. Raman remarked, "Sir Mirza's accessibility and personal charm coupled with his depth of knowledge and his keen sense of human and cultural values made him a great and highly successful administrator"
To think we know nothing about this man in our popular culture/history - shame and obscene.
Oh btw, MI road isn't just any other road. In Diwali it is the most lit road in entire Jaipur and around it. People come here just to see lights on the road. And the whole city of Jaipur was designed in such a way that all major roads of other areas eventually leads to M. I. Road.
About Mirza Ismail, it was Sir M. Visvesvaraya who recommended him as Dewan to Mysore Kingdom. Bangalore's famous Town Hall was designed by him and so was the implementation of first rural electrification programme in India. Jaipur's industrial revolution began in his term...
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Interesting Papers for Week 37, 2024
Simple spike patterns and synaptic mechanisms encoding sensory and motor signals in Purkinje cells and the cerebellar nuclei. Brown, S. T., Medina-Pizarro, M., Holla, M., Vaaga, C. E., & Raman, I. M. (2024). Neuron, 112(11), 1848-1861.e4.
Disentangling the effects of metabolic cost and accuracy on movement speed. Bruening, G. W., Courter, R. J., Sukumar, S., O’Brien, M. K., & Ahmed, A. A. (2024). PLOS Computational Biology, 20(5), e1012169.
Two Prediction Error Systems in the Nonlemniscal Inferior Colliculus: “Spectral” and “Nonspectral”. Carbajal, G. V, Casado-Román, L., & Malmierca, M. S. (2024). Journal of Neuroscience, 44(23), e2327232024.
In and Out of Criticality? State-Dependent Scaling in the Rat Visual Cortex. Castro, D. M., Feliciano, T., de Vasconcelos, N. A. P., Soares-Cunha, C., Coimbra, B., Rodrigues, A. J., … Copelli, M. (2024). PRX Life, 2(2), 023008.
Visual working memories are abstractions of percepts. Duan, Z., & Curtis, C. E. (2024). eLife, 13, e94191.3.
A scalable spiking amygdala model that explains fear conditioning, extinction, renewal and generalization. Duggins, P., & Eliasmith, C. (2024). European Journal of Neuroscience, 59(11), 3093–3116.
Mesostriatal dopamine is sensitive to changes in specific cue-reward contingencies. Garr, E., Cheng, Y., Jeong, H., Brooke, S., Castell, L., Bal, A., … Janak, P. H. (2024). Science Advances, 10(22).
Astrocytes as a mechanism for contextually-guided network dynamics and function. Gong, L., Pasqualetti, F., Papouin, T., & Ching, S. (2024). PLOS Computational Biology, 20(5), e1012186.
Ventral Pallidum and Amygdala Cooperate to Restrain Reward Approach under Threat. Hernández-Jaramillo, A., Illescas-Huerta, E., & Sotres-Bayon, F. (2024). Journal of Neuroscience, 44(23), e2327232024.
Choice overload interferes with early processing and necessitates late compensation: Evidence from electroencephalogram. Hu, X., Meng, Z., & He, Q. (2024). European Journal of Neuroscience, 59(11), 2995–3008.
Decision-related activity and movement selection in primate visual cortex. Laamerad, P., Liu, L. D., & Pack, C. C. (2024). Science Advances, 10(22).
Intrinsic and synaptic determinants of receptive field plasticity in Purkinje cells of the mouse cerebellum. Lin, T.-F., Busch, S. E., & Hansel, C. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 4645.
Effects of post-saccadic oscillations on visual processing times. Llapashtica, E., Sun, T., Grattan, K. T. V., & Barbur, J. L. (2024). PLOS ONE, 19(5), e0302459.
Cholinergic Neuromodulation of Prefrontal Attractor Dynamics Controls Performance in Spatial Working Memory. Mahrach, A., Bestue, D., Qi, X.-L., Constantinidis, C., & Compte, A. (2024). Journal of Neuroscience, 44(23), e1225232024.
Binocular receptive-field construction in the primary visual cortex. Olianezhad, F., Jin, J., Najafian, S., Pons, C., Mazade, R., Kremkow, J., & Alonso, J.-M. (2024). Current Biology, 34(11), 2474-2486.e5.
Behavioral strategy shapes activation of the Vip-Sst disinhibitory circuit in visual cortex. Piet, A., Ponvert, N., Ollerenshaw, D., Garrett, M., Groblewski, P. A., Olsen, S., … Arkhipov, A. (2024). Neuron, 112(11), 1876-1890.e4.
Exact Distribution of the Quantal Content in Synaptic Transmission. Rijal, K., Müller, N. I. C., Friauf, E., Singh, A., Prasad, A., & Das, D. (2024). Physical Review Letters, 132(22), 228401.
Phase-dependent word perception emerges from region-specific sensitivity to the statistics of language. Ten Oever, S., Titone, L., te Rietmolen, N., & Martin, A. E. (2024). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(23), e2320489121.
Temporal interference stimulation disrupts spike timing in the primate brain. Vieira, P. G., Krause, M. R., & Pack, C. C. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 4558.
Theoretical principles explain the structure of the insect head direction circuit. Vilimelis Aceituno, P., Dall’Osto, D., & Pisokas, I. (2024). eLife, 13, e91533.
#neuroscience#science#research#brain science#scientific publications#cognitive science#neurobiology#cognition#psychophysics#neurons#neural computation#neural networks#computational neuroscience
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We are thrilled to reveal this gorgeous cover for ALOHA: AN ANTHOLOGY FOR MAUI coming September 12th!
Preorder Links: ✦ Amazon → https://geni.us/AmazonAloha ✦ B&N → https://geni.us/NookAloha ✦ Apple → https://geni.us/AppleAloha ✦ Kobo → https://geni.us/KoboAloha ✦ Google Play → https://geni.us/GoogleAloha Paperback coming soon!
ALOHA is a charity romance collection of swoon-worthy, never-before-seen short stories from over FIFTY of your favorite bestselling authors, all with a twist of Hawaii. All royalties from the collection will be donated to Maui Food Banks and the Maui Fire Relief Fund to help support the survivors of the devastating fires. ALOHA will only be available for a limited time, so one-click your copy before it's gone.
AUTHORS INCLUDE: K.A. Linde, Adriana Locke, Alessandra Torre, Penny Reid, Rachel Van Dyken, Willow Winters, Brittainy Cherry, Aleatha Romig, Heidi McLaughlin, Crystal Perkins, Helena Hunting, Jessica Ashley, L.B. Dunbar, Ren Alexander, Skye Warren, Tara Brown, Tia Louise, Diana Peterfreund, Jamie K. Schmidt, Alexandria Bishop, Maria Luis, Kasey Metzger, Julia Kent, Karina Halle, Trilina Pucci, Carly Phillips, Aarti V Raman, Jill Ramsower, Amber Kelly, Eric R. Asher, Julie Leto, Lucy Eden, Kimberly Reese, Kayti McGee, Lauren Rowe, Pepper Winters, M. Robinson, J.L. Baldwin, Brittany Holland, Angelina M. Lopez, Jiffy Kate, Lex Martin, MJ Fields, Emma Louise, Catalina Snow, Dee Lagasse, Cary Hart, Aly Martinez, Fiona Cole, Jay McLean, Jana Aston, Emma Scott
All royalties from this project will be donated to organizations working in Maui to bring relief to the victims of the Maui fires. We aren't affiliated or endorsed by these charities. We are authors who are helping the best way that we can.
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Introduction to CVD and Women’s Health
What do you think of when someone says heart attack? What about heart palpitations, coronary heart disease or stroke? If you are like most of the population, odds are you did not think of women. However, cardiovascular disease (CVD) continues to be a leading cause of death among women in Canada, second only to cancer (Statistics Canada, 2021), and the single greatest cause of death for women in the United States (Bairey Merz et al., 2017). Despite this, most people are not aware of the implications of cardiovascular disease in women's health. For example, a study in the United States found that only 45% of women surveyed were aware of CVD being the number one killer for women (Bairey Merz et al., 2017). Obviously, there is a need for increased awareness surrounding women's health and cardiovascular disease. That’s where we come in! Women’s Vital is a blog aimed at advocating and raising awareness for women's health and its specific connection with cardiovascular disease!
Let’s begin with some quick facts about CVD in women:
Women are less likely to report symptoms associated with heart attacks, coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular pathologies (Merz et al., 2017)
Physicians are less likely to screen women for potential cardiovascular abnormalities (Bairey Merz et al., 2017) 👩🏽⚕️
Cardiovascular research in women lags behind men! This leads to poorer understandings of the unique ways CVD can present in women and its causes (Bucciarelli-Ducci, 2020) 🤕
Women are, on average, 10 years older than their male counterparts when they suffer a cardiovascular event, such as a heart attack (Stramba-Badiale, 2006) 🚩
Women are more likely to experience shortness of breath, fatigue, indigestion or nausea, back or neck pain, and chest discomfort (but not sharp pain) related to heart disease (Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada)! This is a different profile compared to men! 🙍🏼♀️
Before 1986, research in females that did not concern reproduction received little attention (Thomas & Braus, 1998). This decreased the amount of information available regarding women's health, and still contributes to the lack of awareness surrounding women's health and their risk for cardiovascular disease! Before research was done within women populations, CVD was largely regarded as more frequent in men (Thomas & Braus, 1998). However, recent knowledge has shown the opposite is true, and it is important to raise awareness surrounding the issue, with the potential to save lives!
P.S. Press keep reading for a full list of references!
Bairey Merz, C. N., Andersen, H., Sprague, E., Burns, A., Keida, M., Walsh, M. N., Greenberger, P., Campbell, S., Pollin, I., McCullough, C., Brown, N., Jenkins, M., Redberg, R., Johnson, P., & Robinson, B. (2017). Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs regarding cardiovascular disease in women: The Women's Heart Alliance. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 70(2), 123-132. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2017.05.024
Bucciarelli-Ducci, C., Ostenfeld, E., Baldassarre, L. A., Ferreira, V. M., Frank, L., Kallianos, K., Raman, S. V., Srichai, M. B., McAlindon, E., Mavrogeni, S., Ntusi, N. A. B., Schulz-Menger, J., Valente, A. M., & Ordovas, K. G. (2020). Cardiovascular disease in women: insights from magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 22(1), 71. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12968-020-00666-4
Codex Anatomicus (2018). Heart Anatomy Floral White [Photograph]. Codex Anatomicus. https://codexanatomy.com/collections/heart-anatomy-wall-art-prints/products/heart-anatomy-floral-watercolor-white
Leading causes of death, total population, by age group. (2021). Statistics Canada. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1310039401&pickMembers%5B0%5D=2.1&pickMembers%5B1%5D=3.3&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2015&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2019&referencePeriods=20150101%2C20190101
Stramba-Badiale, M., Fox, K. M., Priori, S. G., Collins, P., Daly, C., Graham Ian, Jonsson, B., Schenck-Gustafsson, K., & Tendera, M. (2006). Cardiovascular diseases in women: a statement from the policy conference of the European Society of Cardiology. European Heart Journal, 27(8), 994-1005. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehi819
Thomas, J. L., & Braus, P. A. (1998). Coronary Artery Disease in Women: A Historical Perspective. Archives of Internal Medicine (1960), 158(4), 333-337. https://doi.org/10.1001/archinte.158.4.333
Women and heart disease. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. https://www.heartandstroke.ca/en/heart-disease/what-is-heart-disease/types-of-heart-disease/women-and-heart-disease/
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