#m-spec pride
cloudydayjoy · 1 year
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Including bi/pan/m-spec & he/him lesbians, she/her gays, a-specs, people who use the SAM, neopronouns, it/its pronouns, and anyone else who needs to hear that they’re welcomed!
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shk0lstun-flagz · 1 year
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FtM4FtM / T-M4T-M
( or mtm4ftm / mtm if some trans men prefer that label over ftm )
for any achillean mlm trans men that prioritize their attraction to other trans men / men-aligned people
- does not have to be exclusive, it could just be a preference
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januscorner · 7 months
Bi Lesbian Stimboard
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👁️🍥⭐️ 🧁👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🖌️ 🍧🎨🏳️‍🌈
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crappyheadcanons · 21 days
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Persona 5 Royal M-spec gay and lesbian icons
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lgbtq-userboxes · 1 month
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Requested by lilqu33rboi
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Femarsic Pride Flag
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Femarsic, femmarsic, femmascic, masfemaric, femasric, or mascfemaric: an umbrella term for those attracted to men and women; being both mascic and femaric (either fluidly or simultaneously).
This includes those who are, for example: ambisexual/ambiromantic, abrosexual/abroromantic or otherwise m-spec; womasexual maromantic or masexual womaromantic; centriorientation and multiorientation of gyne- and andro-.
The flag was designed by duwang-flags-inc. The term was coined by me. Not to be confused with femascic or marsic.
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We need more cheesy shit for the queers man! when will we have a shitty rom-com!? that's what I call true equality 🏳️‍🌈💅 give me the dumbass love-dodecahedron between the whole alphabet that we all hate and make it an intensely interconnected web of drama, "dont get back together", alphabet maphia and at least 3 will-they-wont-they's that we all know will end up together. Maybe the aros & aces have a B-plot of trying to advise all the allos to not be dumbasses. Not that I'd even watch it tbh but it's nice to have the option tho 🤷‍♂️
it's nice not having everything be serious/about how all of us have anxiety or depression or etc. I mean like- alot of us do but still! Wheres the gay how I met your mother or something and the gay shows we can hate watch together for fun cause their purposely bad 😂
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[This is not a discourse post, exclusionist DNI.]
Orientation is as real as gender. Yes, what people feel is real but how it is labeled is not, it’s just something humans made up.
The only exception is if you are using your sexuality to misgender people. (I.E. being a lesbian who likes trans men but not cis men because you see trans men as women or being a gay man who only likes men but also includes some non-binary people, not because some of them are men, but because you don’t think their genders really count.)
Everything else is fine.
It does not matter if it’s a common or uncommon label, or if it is the common historical meaning, or the common modern one, or neither, or if you use it in a way people do not expect you to.
Use one term, use some terms, use many terms, use different terms depending on the context.
It’s all fine.
Gender is fake, orientation is fake, sex is a social construct. Just be kind to yourself and others.
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pride-database · 1 year
The Multiple-attraction spectrum/M-spec.
Bi flag, by Michael Page:
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According to the author, pink represents same-gender attraction, blue opposite-gender attraction, and purple the intersection and overlap of the two.
Meaning of Bi (—often followed by the type of attraction it refers to: sexual→bisexual, romantic→biromantic, and so on):
The most comprehensive definition of this orientation is attraction to 2 or more genders/to more than one gender.
Bi can overlap with other orientations that exist to refer to attraction to multiple genders, such as Pan and Ply (which you can find below). When going by the above definition, Bi can be seen as an umbrella term containing these: some people refer to this as the Bi+ spectrum, which is synonymous with M-spec.
Other definitions of bi in use are:
attraction to both one's same gender and at least one different gender;
attraction to men and women;
attraction to two genders (that can be any two).
These last three definitions don't apply to all bi people, but are nonetheless used by some.
Things you should know about bi people:
Bi people aren't just "confused", or "can't pick a side".
Coming out as bi shouldn't be assumed by other people to be just "a stepping stone towards identifying as gay".
Bi people are not "half gay, half straight". In fact, some may even have a preference for one gender above the others, and it doesn't make them "less bi".
It is also incorrect to refer to them as "straight" when they have a partner of the opposite gender, and "gay" when of the same gender. Bi people are always bi, no matter who they're in a relationship with at the moment.
Not all bi people are duogamous (=having two partners simultaneously, one male and one female). It doesn't make them less valid as bi.
A common misconception is that bi people are "promiscuous", or will cheat on their partner with someone of a different gender; these are harmful stereotypes. Just because bi people have more choice in partners, doesn't mean they get laid more often than people who only like one gender (and even then, there's nothing bad with having an active sex life). And many straight people cheat as well, but no-one goes around saying "straight people are naturally cheaters"!
Additionally, someone's bi identity intersecting with being polyamorous (being in a relationship involving more than one partner, with knowledge and consent from all people involved) shouldn't be a reason for shaming. Bi polyamorous people aren't responsible for creating or perpetuating these negative stereotypes.
A note on "bi" and non-binary exclusion:
Despite what the root bi- (meaning "two" in Greek) would make it seem like, this label has never necessarily implied a gender binary (the belief that there are only 2 genders, male and female).
In fact, the 1990 Bisexual Manifesto says «Do not assume that bisexuality is binary or duogamous in nature: that we have “two” sides or that we must be involved simultaneously with both genders to be fulfilled human beings. In fact, don’t assume that there are only two genders».
Pan flag, by Jasper Varney:
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The pink stands for women, the blue for men, and the yellow for non-binary people.
Meaning of Pan (—often followed by the type of attraction it refers to: sexual→pansexual, romantic→panromantic, and so on):
There are two common definitions in use:
1) attraction to all genders
2) attraction to people regardless of gender. In other words, gender does not play a role in the attraction; rather, there are other elements a pan person's attraction focuses on.
Difference with bi:
Whereas bi means "attraction to 2 or more genders"—which practically means bi people can be attracted to from as little as 2, to as many as all genders—pan always means "attraction to all genders". It is less ambiguous, so some people prefer it over bi to specify this.
Also, following the second definition of pan, it usually excludes the possibility of having a gender preference, since pan people often refer to their attraction as "gender-blind". (Note: that does not mean pan people don't see people for what gender they are; it's only in terms of potential attraction).
Things you should know about pan people:
Pan people aren't attracted to "anything that moves"; pan isn't synonymous with paraphilias. The meaning of the Greek root "pan-", which translates to "all", stands for "all genders", nothing else!
Don't refer to the pan orientation as "attraction to men, women, and trans people". Trans men and women aren't a third gender!
Pan people aren't just "bi but trying to feel special". The choice of the label pan over the label bi is purely a personal preference; they also convey slightly different meanings. Some people even use both simultaneously!
Pan people at large don't think bi people are transphobic. This has been a long debate, and hopefully it's been sorted out for good: "pan" is more explicit about there being more than two genders, so some people feel more comfortable with that, but that doesn't mean they don't understand the history of the bi community and how it has always included non-binary people!
For other common misconceptions, refer to the ones about bi people.
Ply (a.k.a. Poly) flag, by Tomlin:
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The pink stands for women, the blue for men, and the green for non-binary people.
Note: "Ply" is usually preferred to "Poly" as the shortened version of Polysexual/polyromantic/etc., because poly is usually short for Polynesian.
Meaning of Ply/Poly (polysexual/polyromantic/etc):
Attraction to multiple, but not all, genders.
Not to be confused with polyamory.
Difference with bi:
Ply people, like bi people, are capable of being attracted to more than one gender. However, bi people can like up to all genders, while ply people specify that they don't like all genders, only some.
For example, a ply person might be attracted to men and non-binary people, but not to women. Each ply person's range of possible attraction is different, so it is best to ask.
Omni flag, by Pastelmemer:
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The meaning behind the colours weren't explicitly stated, but a common interpretation is that the different shades of pink represent the spectrum of feminine genders, the shades of blue stand for the masculine spectrum, and the dark purple for all other gender identities.
Meaning of Omni (omnisexual/omniromantic/etc):
Attraction to all genders, where gender plays a role in your attraction.
Difference with bi:
Same as the difference between bi and pan.
Difference with pan:
Both pan and omni people are attracted to all genders; however, whereas most who use the label pan are "gender-blind" in terms of attraction, meaning the attraction feels identical for any gender, people who identify as omni feel that gender plays some kind of role in their attraction.
For example, they may feel their attraction is stronger towards certain genders compared to others (also called having a gender preference), and they may want to highlight that by using a term that more unambiguously reflects that possibility in its definition, unlike pan.
The distinction may seem minor, but it matters to some. The choice between pan and omni, like any other label, is based on individual preference and should be respected.
For common misconceptions, see the ones about pan people.
Hopefully this helps clear out the distinction. Shout-out to all my fellow m-specs! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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anam-mana · 1 year
The Astarion debate is taking me back to the days of the Mass Effect Andromeda fandom when people were harassing women, (many of whom were queer women) for romancing Reyes Vidal because they were taking him away from gay players…somehow?
Baldur’s Gate fandom, all I ask is that you be better than the Andromeda fandom.
I promise, it is a very low and easily surpassed bar.
And on a side note: also don’t lump in people making normal ass sexuality headcanons like characters having preferences within their canon sexuality or having intersecting identities with people who are actually being weird and monosexist. Most mspec people have preferences within their sexuality, and many have intersecting identities on other spectrums of gender and sexuality too. It’s not wrong to explore that through fictional characters .
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lilliaace · 4 months
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I'm going to put this as nicely as possible.
You're fifteen, according to your bio/pinned post. I'm 30. I have been alive literally twice the time you've been alive in this world. You are a baby queer. I don't mean that demeaningly. I mean this as to say this - you don't know smack about the LGBTQ world beyond the walls of the internet, maybe a queer club at your local school (high school if you're in the USA).
The online and club spaces for the LGBTQ world are so incredibly sanitized, period.
No, bi lesbians and their sister labels (pan lesbians, omni lesbians, polysexual lesbians, straightbians, fagdykes, lesboys, asexual lesbians, aromantic lesbians, etc.) ARE NOT putting their lesbian/dyke sisters in danger, period.
Pushing that the idea of "m spec lesbian" is somehow damaging...
victim blaming for ladies attempted to be 'forced converted' by straight men
Xenophobic towards MANY global gender IDs that are specific to certain cultures (2-spirit for indigenous USA tribes, Hijra in India, etc.)
Shifts the blame from the rapist to the victim, regardless of circumstances
Also minimizes the fact that asshole men are going to be asshole men, regardless of whoever they're being a jerk to. A jerk is going to be an asshole, regardless.
The idea of a "m spec lesbian" has been around FOR YEARS. Documented since at LEAST the 1950s.
I strongly recommend reading "Stone Butch Blues" and "The Stonewall Generation" as well as "PoMoSexuals: Challenging Assumptions About Gender and Sexuality"
You might get lucky and find them at your local library. There's a free PDF floating around of Stone Butch Blues. I got Stonewall Generation by going to a LIVE PRIDE event that was local. You should be able to find them on Google Shopping, Amazon, Ebay, and/or Mercari.
Human sexuality is complicated, period. Many women who were exclusively (or almost exclusively) attracted to other women often paired up with men for the sake of affection, protection, and companionship rather than genuine attraction (Elenor Roosevelt and Virginia Woolf are the first two famous people who come to mind). Also, Kristen Stewart recently came out as a bi lesbian in a recent interview.
We exist, period. NO ONE is helping by LGBTQ identity policing. Y'all are only hurting yourself. PLEASE talk to real life queer people face to face, beyond the safety net of social media and school clubs. You will learn so much.
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i-like-her-like-that · 4 months
Pride month is rapidly approaching, and as such..
Do not exclude anyone from pride. [ Save for harmful identities, of course. ]
We are here to be here, and we are here to be queer. We are here to be proud of who we are, and pushing people out of what's supposed to be an accepting community defeats the whole purpose.
You might see "straight" couples at a Pride march. Don't exclude them. Either of them could be:
a different gender to how they seem to present.
allies !
just at pride. literally just at pride. deal with it, honestly.
anything else.
Also, just on that. Appreciation to:
transgender people who don't pass.
feminine trans men.
masculine trans women.
nonbinary people who don't look androgynous.
those who are questioning.
he / him lesbians.
she / her gays.
non-binary lesbians / gays.
any controversial identity that is not harmful.
aromantic allosexuals.
people using microlabels.
people who don't fit the stereotype.
people who do fit the stereotype.
people with so many labels they feel like they're not valid, or everyone will laugh at them.
people who can't present the way they want.
those who have just come out.
those who are never going to be able to come out.
those who want to come out.
those who feel like they need to be accepted, and want other people's validity.
those who just are fine with who they are.
religious queer people.
those who don't want to come out.
queer youth.
queer elders.
anyone who has said they are unlabeled.
agender people.
multigender people.
all of you ! everyone ever ! you're all valid, i love you, and i'm here for you. <3
Reminder: You don't owe anyone anything at all. You are you. And I love you for who you are, even if no one else does.
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crappyheadcanons · 24 days
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M-spec Fujiko Mine
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oceancoins · 10 months
EVERIQUE (Updated Flag + Carrd)
Original Post Here [link] | Term Carrd Here [link]
NOTE: The Carrd site is not mobile friendly at this time. I plan on updating it soon to be more accessible for mobile platforms.
Everique is a term to describe when one views their entire identity as queer, and thus views all of their attractions as such. It can be used as a modifier alongside other labels or as a term on its own. There could be a multitude of explanations for this, some of which are (but are not limited to):
Being trans and having a complicated relationship/history with your sexuality because of that.
Being multigender and/or genderfluid and therefore experiencing queer attraction regardless of who you're attracted to.
Being non-binary and not fitting binary definitions of queer vs. not queer.
Being m-spec and feeling as though all of your attractions are queer because you are m-spec.
Being a system/collective where the line between individual identities is blurred.
Being angled a-spec and experiencing "straight" attraction through a queer lens due to being a-spec.
Simply being queer and resonating with the term's meaning.
Many, many more.
This term is meant to encompass everyone in the community. If you feel this applies to you, use it. There are no limits to this term. This term is inclusive of m-spec lesbians and gays, lesboys and turigirls, romeogirls/darcygirls and julietboys/bennetboys, multigender and genderfluid individuals, gaybians/velaurians, loveless individuals, non-traumagenic systems, etc.
The new flag is very reminiscent of the original, but with a few alterations and added meaning to the design.
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The descending rainbow for each of the bigger stripes are supposed to resemble the whole of the queer community and how everyone is included under the label Everique.
The white is supposed to resemble the 'everyone inbetween'. The identities that are often left out of discussions and pride, the identities that are often forgotten, dismissed or attacked even by members of their own community.
The purple in the middle is to resemble unity and togetherness for all queer people, meant to be a nod to the chevron queer flag.
Everique has a new symbol, that being a rose. It symbolizes love, happiness, positivity and (again) unity. Each petal of a rose is still connected to the same bud of the flower, much like how all queer identities are still connected under the shared experience of being queer, regardless of their differences from each other.
Here are some transparent images of the term's symbol, but any rose can be used to symbolize Everique.
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The love this term has gotten has meant the world to us, but it was our first term ever. The original flag, while cute and charming, was made with very little flag-making knowledge. None of the colors held significant meaning.
You are still more than welcome to use the original flag if you feel it fits you best, but this is the one that has resonated with us the most and we feel encompasses what Everique is.
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Multi- Veldian Pride Flags
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Omni Veldian (omnildian, not to be confused with omnigay/omniveldian): someone experiencing attraction to all genders and being gay for men.
Ply Veldian (poly- veldian/polyveldian/plyveldian/polyldian): someone attracted to various genders, not necessarily all, while gay for men.
Pan Veldian (panveldian): attracted to people regardless of gender, while gay for men.
Bi Veldian (biveldian/bildian): encompassing the attraction between two genders and all genders, while gay for men.
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