#feminine syo
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fuckyeahkurusushou · 3 months ago
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{U T A no P r i n c e-s a m a} + B e l o v e d T a l e s J e w e l r y: {S n o w K I N G} E v e n t S t o r y
"{G E N D E R} IS I R R E L E V A N T" - T O K I Y A
Cap'd by Me / {f}yeahkurusushou {Do Not Re-p o s t} {Do Not C o p y} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!} [*Including for @.I. Usages] (A S K to Use!)
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(Please Do NOT I n t e r a c t if you dislike ST☆RISH, Haruka, Cecil, Natsuki, or Syo and Natsuki’s canon f r i e n d s h i p!!)
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shsl-hubris-guy · 4 months ago
So recently I made a post about why I think Chihiro makes the most sense within the context of her own story as a transfem. It was a post made right after an all nighter, so I'm honestly surprised how coherent I was able to make it lol, but anyways, I wanted to keep talking about it. I think I covered pretty well about why Chihiro being trans is more impactful for her, but not so much why transfem specifically, and not transmasc. Basically, the goal of this post is to explain why I think a lot of people are weirded out by the transmasc headcanon in a way that hopefully doesn't feel like an attack
I'm well aware that a lot of people that enjoy transmasc Chihiro are transmasc themselves, and see themselves in said interpretation. This is generally true of a lot of trans interpretations of characters, but especially here, as the canon explanation of Chihiro's character is "he feels immensely uncomfortable pretending to be a girl so people won't make fun of him." I myself used to adore the transmasc headcanon. I hc'd Chihiro as wearing a packer, that Kyoko could tell it was an artificial dick, and everything that followed was the class being Super Cool about trans people because it just seemed like the easiest out for all the transphobia within her story. Besides, I quite liked Chihiro, and 'boy who feels like he must dress like a girl for people to assume his identity' was something I related to a lot.
The thing is, the more I looked into that interpretation, the less sense it starts to make. Again, as a GNC trans man, I like to wear skirts and things like that. Clothes don't have gender, after all, and they can be way more comfortable than pants, especially when you don't shave. But Chihiro isn't GNC. Her story as it's meant to be interpreted expressly says feminine clothing makes her feel lesser than. She's described (by Monokuma ofc) as hating said femininity. It makes her feel weaker, like those skirts and female identity is an inherent weakness. And that's what I think the main problem is; even when under the guide of being a trans man, Chihiro's story still falls as one rooted in misogyny as most logically presented.
The story presented in chapter 2 is inherently male-centric, to the point where its title is "Boys' Life of Despair". It's a story about men, questioning the identity of men, and focused wholly on men. The one (canonically) fem character that's important to the chapter's plot is Toko, and only to perpetuate an ableist trope as a red herring. Even then, when Syo reveals herself, all her dialogue is explaining why men are so important to her. I don't think having a subplot that focuses on male characters or the concept of masculinity is a bad idea on paper, especially not when within the confines of an overarching plot that very much does utilize women as leading characters, but in practice, the plotline about toxic masculinity is used *at the expense of* women, rather than existing in tandem with them.
Throughout the entire chapter, it's established that women are weaker via Chihiro. When Mondo says that women are naturally weaker, Chihiro starts crying, and Mondo is made to apologize. HOWEVER, the reason he apologizes is not because of the blatant misogyny of the statement, but rather, because he yelled too loud. Even when Hina and Sakura are involved in the conversation, neither of them seem to care about the sexism. Even in the stage play, when Sakura DOES take offense to it, it's shrugged off as a gag, with Mondo saying she's 'special.' Sakura is held as an exception to the rule. AT NO POINT IN THIS CHAPTER IS THE ASSERTION THAT WOMEN ARE INHERENTLY WEAKER THAN MEN EVER CONTESTED. Later in the same chapter, Makoto (the player character whom we're supposed to be projecting onto) says that Mondo was right, and that girls aren't strong.
Chihiro's backstory and the way she views herself *as presented by others* only reinforces this idea. The parallels between Chihiro and Mondo are a story about strength and weakness. Chihiro is physically weak but mentally strong, and Mondo is physically strong but mentally weak. This is the point of them being paired together, and the foundation upon which everything else found in the chapter is built on. So when you have Chihiro, a canonical man who wears skirts, and give her an inferiority complex about her weakness that's inherently tied to how similar she is to women, you end up with an inherently misogynistic narrative. According to Danganronpa, Chihiro is weak BECAUSE of her similarities to women, as is enforced by the language used and the presentation of Chihiro's identity. Similarly, the assertion that Chihiro makes to Mondo defining her 'mental strength' is the assertion to no longer be fem-presenting, to destroy everything feminine about her and to become a 'real man' like how she perceives Mondo. This part by itself could be interpreted as transmasc, but when paired with the rest of the chapter's insistence of the weakness of women? It's not transphobic anymore, sure, but it still has that inherent core of misogyny, without any real acknowledgement or deconstruction of it in the way that the transfem headcanon does.
Ultimately, fiction is meant to be interpreted by those who consume it, and you can fanonize as much as you want. Just don't be too surprised when women, especially trans women, don't like the way you're interpreting it. It is always worth deconstructing your own biases and the way you consume media
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funishment-time · 11 months ago
for the ask game, Toko Fukawa :D
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you got it! i'll include Syo as well. this is a bit Incoherent, but with any luck you all can Parse what i mean
Sexuality Headcanon: Toko's...tough, because she's got so much going on. regardless, i think if you strip everything away she's genuinely Bisexual, as is Syo. they lean towards Men, but Komaru is special. additionally, i say "comphet" for a lot of the girls, but in Toki's case it's a bit different: hers was less societal and more the abuse of her peers and parents. had she never met Komaru it may have never occurred to her that she could love and partner up with a Woman.
brief aside on this: i don't think Toko would ever identify as gay or queer or anything remotely accurate or healthy (ha). nor would Syo, but Syo would probably use a Slur as a label to get a rise out of people, avatar of rebellion and grunge that she is. Toki in particular is on my list of personal "what are you, gay or something?" characters while actively being married to a woman, next to Miu and a few others. good times
Gender Headcanon: okay, hear me out on this one, and sorry if this doesn't make sense, but...
the Fukawas are generally cis to me, though i've imagined a few scenarios where they're trans. when they're cis, however, i headcanon that, if they're with Komaru, only Toko ends up actually being cis. Syo becomes a sort of...genderweird she/her because she sees herself as the fantasy-masc Byakuya to Komaru's femininity. for lack of a better term: Syo thinks of herself as Komaru's husband (hersband...) a lot.
i have no idea how else to explain this without getting mildly NSFW. my thoughts on it aren't really pornographic so much as, like, Psychosexual? you know? and i want to keep the blog somewhat PG-13, so i'll leave it there!
A ship I have with said character: i am a diehard Tokomaru shipper and they're probably the one OTP i don't like splitting up in the whole franchise. they have a game together. they are the Girls of all time
A BROTP I have with said character: i've always loved the idea of Komaru being the entryway into Toko genuinely befriending (or at least earning the tolerance of) a lot of her fellow survivors in the main timeline. i do think Makoto would sincerely be Toko's pal, though, and i adore positioning him as the sweet bachelor brother-in-law in their nasty little family
A NOTP I have with said character: are there people out there who genuinely ship Fukawa System x Byakuya? if so...i'm sorry, but why? whyyyy. again, i try to Live and let Live in this fandom, but lorda mercy you chose poorly in this case, no offense
A random headcanon: to expand on my previous point...i will add, however, that my Fukawa Headcanons generally don't exclude Byakuya. i've said before that, for me, the Fukawas never really lose their crush on him, but it becomes purely, well, NSFW. if you excuse me being blunt for a moment: they still want to rail him, he figures in many of their fantasies, but they don't want to wake up next to him, and they certainly don't want to have his kids or make him breakfast.
Komaru, however, is the Fukawas' WIFE. she is Love, she is Healing, and she is their very best friend at her core beyond all the romance. she is pancakes and shitty manga and joy. Toko (and Syo) may not dream of Komaru kicking them around, but they do dream of creating a peaceful life with her. well...as peaceful as things can get in that timeline. some shit is always Happening
anyway: and Komaru just accepts this, because she knows she's got the girl(s) in the end!
General Opinion over said character: 10/10 i love my Toki so very much. Toki kinnie 4 life. stinky little insect creature. vile and perfect and lovable
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review-anon · 3 months ago
Since we're doing THH, how about I just throw you into the minefield and ask about Chihiro?
Are we seriously gonna go through Trigger Happy Havoc characters in order of how they died? Because it seems like that's your method Anon.
Now Chihiro is easily my favourite Trigger Happy Havoc character. While physically he, yes I'm using he/him pronouns and I will explain why, is one of the weakest, that's on the physical side. Mentally though? Chihiro is easily the strongest person out there. As it takes real guts to see your secret be about to be exposed but rather then bulk under pressure decide that no he wasn't gonna hide anymore, and he was gonna to get stronger so he could face the secret.
He's also a super helpful character as while he dies in Chapter 2, thanks to his talent he's left a Alter Ego of himself behind which extends the lifespan of the character tremedously and also gives interesting character moments between Makoto and Kyoko. While his "death" in Chapter 4 was sad, it diid mean he was able to save Makoto in Chapter 5's execution and then once the survivors got out he became the main AI for Future Foundation so yeah, short physical lifespan but bro left a legacy. Plus his work is why literally every AI character can exist. Chiaki? Usami? Heck if you go into the Another series both Mikado and Sora can be arributed to this smol programmmer. That is a sizable impact someone can leave on the franchise as a whole.
Of course we need to address the massive elephant in the room and that's Chihiro's gender identity and for that I say one thing; Westerners fucked up big time as you guys did a epic fail on Japanese culture. Under the cut because this is gonna get spicy
All of the Trigger Happy Havoc cast are based on various subcultures that existed in Japan during 2008-2010 (when the game was being made) and in the case of Chihiro his subculture was Otokonoko which is where men who had feminine qualities would dress up as women. This wasn't done because they idenified as female, but because gender roles in Japan are still quite strict and if one exhibited "unmanly" qualities they would be bullied so one would crossdress to prevent that. And that's precisely what happened to Chihiro, he was quite feminine, everyone picked on him so he dressed as an girl to avoid the bullying. But at no point does Chihiro see himself as female, in fact if you gift Chihiro feminine gifts during FTEs he gets quite angry with them, which is a major red flag for him not being actually trans.
A common argument I see is that trans wasn't a topic discussed at the time the game came out and that's why its so seemly offensive, but unlike the West, Japan doesn't have as many issues with trans people because of the whole social harmony. Due to how strict gender roles are, if one was to transition from male to female, it would be as accepted as a homosexual would in the West. Heck there's plenty of icons in Japan such as Birdo and Vivian who are confirmed to be trans and they are nothing like Chihiro is. Bear in mind these character have been around longer then Chihiro. So its not like Japan doesn't know the difference, they do. Its just they know when someone really is a boy believing they are a girl and not a boy hiding from bullies by pretending to be a girl. That is what Chihiro is.
The real message of Chapter 2 is how toxic gender roles can be as the strict gender roles not only lead to Chihiro dressing as a girl, it also led to Mondo having a lot of anger issues because he couldn't process the very real grief of losing his brother since "real men don't cry." Heck Genocider Syo's whole thing could also be gender roles being bad as she targets young handsome men exclusive.
So how come Chihiro became the target of a trans storm and toxicity? As I mentioned the message of Chihiro's character didn't translate very well overseas since unlike Japan, gender roles are a lot looser over here so as such people thought Chihiro was trans as that was the only point of reference they could identify with. Of course not only is this wrong but its insulting to both Chihiro and actual trans people.
Then my least favourite Youtuber decided to throw nuclear waste onto the topic and make the worst video I ever seen in my life on the matter which just reeks of Western imperalism, bias, and is allergic to criticism on the matter. Honestly people like them are part of the problem, most people are misinformed on Chihiro being trans and just a little knowledge into how Japanese subcultures and how gender roles are really much stricter out there then here could help matters greatly. But you always get the ones who decide to be toxic about it.
I do think this problem isn't as bad as it was in the past as most of the really toxic bastards have moved on or don't use Tumblr, and more people accept that Chihiro was never meant to be a trans representive. That and people are just more informed now.
I'll be honest there was a point I was scared to talk about Chihiro due to the fact I didn't want to get doxxed and death threatened by people, especially since I come from what is known as "TERF island" to these people. But now I realise people who start shit like that are losers and I don't need to worry about them anymore.
Either way, I will be okay talking about Chihiro when I do the Valentine's Day review and I have some big plans for him.
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beehiveofblorbos · 11 months ago
hair with the ronpas…
hiyoko - i love what hair means for her character design. it’s devil’s horns and childish, innocent blond pigtails all at once. it perfectly encapsulates the brilliance of the contradiction that her character capitalizes on: sugary sweet childish innocent and rough, ferocious, violent and rude wrapped into one
Mikan - the way her hair is all choppy and uneven really adds to this sense that you get when you meet her that no one really takes care of this girl and she is the only one even trying for herself. it also later gives her a fun chaotic bent that her breakdown sprites are able to take advantage of
Touko - as ever, I always favor THH Touko. In this case, it’s how reticent her braids are, she’s so hesitant to take up space even with her hair AND ON TOP OF THAT they’re in two long sharp lines which effectively serves as blade/scissor imagery (hello syo!) and just the general prickly aura Touko has to her.
Miu - her hair is almost an intrinsic part of her personality to me. it emphasizes so heavily (a) her femininity which is really key to her character and (b) gives you some insight into how strongly/deeply Miu is feeling whatever emotion, as even her anxiety/fluster can reverberate all the way out into the tips of her hair
Maki - I could talk about her Really Angry sprites, but I’d rather talk about her scrunchies. Unlike everything else about Maki, they’re very soft, plump, and fluffy… maybe the only item on her that would agree with the talent of Ultimate Child Caregiver. They do a great job at helping Maki walk her ever so crucial line between sharp rudeness and sweet schoolgirl.
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aurorscorv · 8 months ago
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✧ ⸻ㅤㅤindependent, private & highly selective reign for lilith altalune, the pandemonium's dawn empress.ㅤ learn of the knowledge of this beautiful world, be careful with the thorns and follow the signs before approaching the sun's reverie.ㅤㅤcursed with a beating heart by yours truly, serin.
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 ㅤ   try and find the voice to bring all the feeelings no one dares to sing,
 ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ  ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ| ㅤcarrdㅤ ㅤ | ㅤpinterest ㅤ|
fightning for a paradise with: @lycorisxblood.
 ㅤ could it be some kind of sign that my world is about to change ?
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 ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ  I̶ ̶ㅤA̶M̶ ̶ㅤT̶H̶E̶ ̶ㅤL̶I̶E̶ ̶ㅤT̶H̶A̶T̶ ̶ㅤY̶O̶U̶ ̶ㅤA̶D̶O̶R̶E̶
✧ the tapestry of tales unspoken of: the impecration of guilt, the tale of star crossed lovers, the sacrifice & the saint, the hopeless romantic, to rot in your own body, to love the painted portait of love & hate, the crow's murder, femininity as the most sharp weapon, beyond myths and their tattered veils.
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going iconless for most of the posts, sorry. lilith doesn't have any good fc for me to picture her tbh.
"your highness, your highness, how low will you go?"
she's my pookie and i love her very much thank you !!
silver eyes, plum hair
suffers from aether backslash everyday ( powerful women can't catch a break in ce ) ... ice and air wielder.
triangle downwards in each cheek represents her altalune lineage which means the blessing from the goddess of life.
old lady ( she's on her 30s early - 40s physically )
empress of pandemoium / dawn empress, feminist icon agaisnt the old laws established by the olds. queen of crows, madam of hearts, ruler of the north and cradle of the sun.
multiship. sadly the 99% of her heart goes to her offspring: enjel, leo & sylvain. misha is there too. sometimes she talks about rexus and syo for disappointing her.
hard to ship tho, she's rlly complicated.
mature, loyal, responsible, empathetic / honest, independent, observant, practical / stubborn, impulsive, defensive.
the caregiver / chaotic good / melancholic sanguine / isfj-t: the defender / type 2: the helper.
has a really nasty habit of bitting her nails until they bleed.
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beehiveofblorbos · 5 months ago
Yeah I should say that my thoughts on Pyro and Electro in particular are probably the least defined and most shaky
Yeah I definitely see where the archons are really standout examples of their elements. I’ll explain a bit why I came to those conclusions with some examples of the characters that I think of
Your thoughts on Anemo and how it’s linked to the past + future and how that’s linked to the elements overall idea of time is really cool!! It almost leads me down the direction of like, the legacy you’d like to honor and the legacy that you’d like to create. (And that makes me understand your thoughts on Anemo as hope and how Makoto could connect to it more, though I stand by Dendro Makoto).
When I talk about creativity with Pyro, I think a lot of the Pyro characters have an element of like nonconformity or their extreme desire viewing things in a very unconventional way. Diluc became the Dark Night Hero (smthg like that lol) instead of continuing as a Knight of Favonius. Yoimiya sees fireworks as her own version of “eternity”, in a way - looking at the transience instead of the permanence in a way very like Makoto. Xiangling’s dishes are delicious even though she makes them with some crazy ingredients, and Hu Tao has a much less somber view on death than the average.
Yeah I think where we differ in understanding Hydro is that I understand it as “duty”, whereas you understand it as “justice”. I think of how Barbara has her duties to the church, Neuvi’s duty to the laws/impartiality, Furina’s duty to her endless solo performance, Xingqiu as the son of Feiyun Commerce Guild, and even Kokomi’s role as the Divine Priestess. Even Childe has his role as the 11th Harbinger.
With Cryo, I don’t really think of the element as “love” based yet, though the potential exists. Ik the Tsaritsa’s ideal at some point was “love”, but I think probably at this point it’s her own contradiction: the god of love with no love left for her people. We’ll see how that evolves when we actually meet her.
Yeah I get that double vibe for Dendro��� like you I don’t really know how to be any more specific without feeling just like I’m describing Nahida XD
Yeah I could understand Cryo Touko+Syo too. If we had the choice of only one Vision for the pair of them, I would prefer it to represent Touko alone.
That’s fair! I do think Oogami has flexibility (she could also be Hydro as well as Geo) but Cryo Oogami would probably also emphasize the way people perceive her and the way she’s had to uphold herself as a mantle, but then she also cares deeply about being seen as feminine, even though many may view that as directly contrasting her mantle as the daughter of the Oogami Clan and Strongest Human Alive.
I can see Electro Togami and Electro Celeste, Celeste moreso than Togami (and she’d like Electro more too whereas he’d like the connection to the God of Wealth).
I just think Geo Celeste is more fun than Electro Celeste. If Celeste were Electro, she’d be proud of it. What an elite ability, yknow? She can summon lightning. She’s truly a master of the incredible.
But no, Celeste- no, Taeko - isn’t that. She gets a Vision, she gets what she always wanted - to be someone closer to ascending to the status of godhood, someone who can wield the elements… and she’s Geo? And then looking to other Geo characters… oh she’d hate that. Which is why I preference it as an interpretation.
Why thank you (in regards to Anemo Kirigiri, seeing the vision of Geo Impostor)
Soooo, what genshin visions do you think DR characters would have? Especially the DR2 cast?
Some current thoughts:
Hinata would be visionless for obvious reasons, while Kamukura feels electro-coded but would probably have some ridiculous artificial vision (maybe a delusion) that can control everything. Postgame Hinata therefore has it too, or maybe it would be upgraded to a genuine vision that causes no problems when used.
Komaeda is EXTREMELY anemo. He'd out-anemo the anemo archon. Someone give this man the gnosis.
Relatedly, Naegi starts visionless but gains an anemo vision in ch6/whatever the narrative equivalent would be in an au.
(DR2) Nanami could be hydro; the element seems to have themes of performing a role and having a strong sense of morality. I could also see dendro thematically (something something cooperation for the greater good as one of its vibes??) and it has computery aesthetics. Actually the more I think about it the more I'm seeing the latter more.
Sonia's definitely hydro for the same reasons; she'd look amazing with some graceful flowy hydro burst. Imposter could be hydro too.
Owari's very pyro. Nidai could be too, but you could also argue for anemo based on his backstory.
My first Saionji thought was electro, but maybe she could be geo because of the way she upholds tradition through her talent. For some reason geo + Saionji's personality is really funny to me. Koizumi is dendro.
Cryo Kirigiri? Something something internal conflict over her familial love.
Kokichi is also cryo and will aggressively pretend love isn't a big theme for the cryo archon whenever it's brought up. It's the element of being a supreme leader, just LOOK at the Fatui??? Then again, maybe hydro fits him really well too because it's about performativity + he has a strong moral code internally?? @ kokichiheads what do you think
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shslskaterboy · 2 years ago
Anon who asked your faves here- Good choices!!! :D all amazing characters. Will you tell me more about why you like them? :3c (i want to hear your thoughts and give you the chance to talk blorbos!)
O_o you honour me anon, I’m really about write a whole essay Godspeed 🙏
I love Sakura and Mondo because I am, and always have been, a complete sucker for buff people who are actually so soft. Mondo really made himself cry when he talked to Makoto about his dog and I will never be able to get over that. Sakura is the ultimate martial artist and people are always terrified of her at first glance but then it turns out she’s sweet and soft and feminine and cares deeply for her friends and her moral principals. Also they’re so gay so like that automatically gives them a million points
MAKOTO my darling dearest boy is so delightful, so optimistic, and also such a little freak (affectionately). He is truly the glue that holds the group together, he is so relatable, he’s secretly a snarky little bitch, and he’s the littlest guy ever in the world 🥰 Also something else that not only pertains to him but also the other protags as well that I love is the journey from being so insecure so realizing their true capabilities, which I just love for them
Gundham my beloved, was instantly so high in my list because he is A Goth, he has Hamsters, and he is so unapologetic about who he is. He wears all black, he loves eyeliner, he loves animals, he Talks Like That, he knows who he is and he likes to have fun, and he really does come to love and care for his friends and classmates by the end. He makes connections. He’s so autistic but that doesn’t stop anyone from loving him. He is everything to me ❤️
Keebo was immediately my fave in v3 because he is also such an autistic representation and he is immediately so sassy in scene 1, he is straightforward and intelligent, and his whole existence raises so many interesting philosophical questions about AI which I will probably talk more about in its own post, and he’s just so pure, so lovely. I love him. Best boy.
Shuichi baby. How can I even do him justice. He’s shy, he’s insecure, he’s a little emo boy (I see all black and I pass out and hit reblog), and he just needs a hug so bad. Also his arc is so satisfying to me, he undergoes grief, anxiety, depression, and he still comes out the other side stronger than he ever was. Also sassy, he has that signature protag sass and I love it.
Miu was a fave because she’s literally sooo annoying like why is she like that? Is she insecure too? Probably! But her methods of coping are so opposite to anyone else in the series (apart from toko/syo who I also like for the same reasons) that it’s just so comical. She hilarious, she’s also unapologetic, and she’s really out here just saying whatever. We love to see it.
Hajime and Nagito are so prevalent in my mind that I don’t even know where to start. There’s so much to say, and so much of it has been said already, but that won’t stop me from trying. They are mirrors, they are complimenting colours, they are victims of circumstance, they are the only ones who understand each other. They are so snarky, they’re smartasses, they’re simultaneously the smartest and dumbest people in the room at any given moment, they’re so insecure it hurts, but they’re so strong in their convictions that nothing short of the end of the world can shake them. As characters they are complex, they are funny, they are tragic, they go and in hand like chilli and dark chocolate, and that I think is what makes them each compelling as their own individual people as well. I have so many thoughts I cannot even hope to articulate. They’re just so. Soo. AAHG. Ya know?
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fma03envy · 2 years ago
Bored so I'm stating my thoughts on every DRS swimsuit sprite
(Part 1: THH)
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Makoto: it's like. Fine lol. Kind of generic but totally fits with his "totally average high school student" thing
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Taka: Accurate. Next.
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Byakuya: Torn between "this looks stupid" and "it's Byakuya we're talking about here, of course he'd wear something stupid and think it would make him look more refined ". Like this looks bad but it's absolutely in character
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Mondo: Eh. Feels almost kinda young for him but I don't really have any better ideas and it does fit his color scheme well
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Leon: Flaming hot cheetos vibes but I'll take it
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Hifumi: Fitting but makes me even more mad that he's stylized Like That. All the other characters had plausible proportions I'm SURE you can do that for a fat character too. Either they all should be cartoony or none of em should be
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Hiro: I guess I get what they were going for but this is too patterned and also not his color scheme at all. Maybe I'm just saying this bc I think orange and green basically never match but yeah
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Chihiro: BEAUTIFUL AMAZING SHOWSTOPPING PERFECT. My favorite outfit so far. Dr may have utterly failed in basically every aspect of Chihiro's writing but they did not fail with this outfit she looks amazing
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Sayaka: This looks dumb sorry. Idk what they were going for but like. Why. The top and bottom of her suit don't even match? (Admittedly her hair being draped over her shoulders weirdly like that is just for this sprite not all of them but still)
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Kyoko. Like. Technically it's better than Sayaka's aesthetically in that at least it matches with itself and her hair ties (in most of the sprites at least. For some reason they're discolored in this only fullbody one.). Still. The thing about me is that I have trouble imagining Kyoko wearing literally any feminine clothing ever so I see this and my mind just goes "OOC" even though she literally also dresses fem in canon
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Hina: Worst one yet. She's literally ultimate swimmer why would she wear this it's impractical and dumb. Also the color scheme is soo different from the normal desaturated red+white+blue she normally wears. The bandaid is an ok touch but that's the only good thing about this design
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(I'm sorry Toko's expression is like that; this is the only close-to-fullbody DRS sprite on the wiki)
Toko and Syo (kind of the same outfit so I'll judge it together): I really like this one! Toko having a skirt thing so no one can see her tallymarks but Syo taking it off is a good touch. I wouldn't have thought of blue as her color but it actually really works (and reminds me of Komaru's uniform...)
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Sakura: Cute! Tbh a bit more frilly/cutesy than I would have expected but she looks nice :)
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Celeste: SECOND FAVE AFTER CHIHIRO I <3 IT. Generally Celeste's aesthetic fucks so hard (only tiiiiny criticism I have is that the lace on her suit would look nicer if it was matching in size with that on her headdress)
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Junko: Why so plain??? Like it really doesn't seem to fit with the gyaru aesthetic at all (admittedly I don't know much about said fashion subculture though so I def could be wrong it just looks very different to my eye). Like I feel like this is what Hina should have worn it looks like smth actual swimmers would wear in a race
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Mukuro: REAL LIXED FEELINGS HERE. On the one hand, this is very fitting for someone pretending to be the ultimate fashionista; you've perfectly captured that vibe. On the other hand, why should she have to pretend to be Junko in this context whyyy. (So like generally this aesthetic is good she's getting a good grade in Junko mimicry but the "Mukuro is butch" part of my brain is NOT a fan she shouldn't HAVE to wear that)
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Monokuma: Sure lol. this is fine. Why do you need a swimsuit when you're normally naked
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sheriffslop · 3 years ago
✨ Lop’s Sexuality Headcannons For Danganronpa; Trigger Happy Havoc !! ✨
( Reminder that these are just my opinions, some of them might be unpopular, and y’all don’t have to agree with it, and they might not be super exciting in comparison to some others, but hey, here they are. ✨ )
Makoto Naegi ; Makoto’s straight, but has definitely done gay shit before. The epitome of “ Wow, it’s gay to kiss the homies goodnight ?? 🤔 “
Byakuya Togami ; Definitely straight, I feel like his family’s homophobic too, but I do believe that Byakuya himself doesn’t generally care if someone’s LGBTQ+ or not, they’re all beneath him. 💅🏻
Yasuhiro Hagakure ; Hiro definitely seems down for whatever, so I don’t see him really labeling himself, but this is a labels list, so I’m gonna go with queer. 💕
Kiyotaka Ishimaru ; I think we’re all in agreement that we don’t trust anyone that doesn’t ship IshiMondo. Taka is gay, but hasn’t figured it out yet. 💃🏻
Mondo Owada ; On the other hand, Mondo has definitely figured out that he’s gay and is experiencing lots of internalized homophobia, which is why he acts so aggressively masculine. 🥂
Hifumi Yamada ; Straight, but definitely has warped standards due to anime - although I think he would absolutely be a sweetheart in a relationship and y’all are sleeping on him because he’s not a hot anime boy with pretty eyes and shredded abs. 🥂
Leon Kuwata ; Bi with a femme lean, but also hasn’t figured it out yet. I have a feeling that it wouldn’t be a big deal to him once he did figure it out. It’s whatever, men pretty, girls pretty. 💕
Kyoko Kirigiri ; Also probably straight, but she does not have time for a relationship, she is a strong, independent woman that don’t need a partner. She definitely thinks a romantic partner would just be getting in the way of her living her life. 🥂
Aoi Asahina ; I know everyone loves the idea of Lesbian! Hina, but I see her being bi with a femme lean. She has lots of problems with romance and relationships, and it’s canon that she has problems with her femininity. She definitely thinks girls are gorgeous, absolutely for sure, but it did come as a shock when she found that she thought boys were attractive too. 👀
Sakura Ogami ; Also Bi with no lean !! I think Sakura could go either way, and wouldn’t mind. I feel like her issues lie more with men either fetishizing her ( “ big strong lady that can squish me between her thighs makes me go Awooga “ ) or finding her too intimidating because of fragile masculinity. She just wants to be loved in the relationship, not seen as “big hot Amazon girlfriend”, not as competition to make you more manly, just Sakura. 💕
Chihiro Fujisaki ; Yeah, I’m grouping her down here with the girls because this is a TransFemme! Chihiro support blog, but Chihiro is definitely somewhere on the aro and ace spectrum. Like Kyoko, I don’t see Chihiro finding importance in romantic relationships, she just doesn’t seem like the type that would, but I see her loving her friends and finding a lot of meaning in platonic friendships. 💕
Toko Fukawa / Genocide Jack / Genocide Jill / Genocider Syo ; Now Toko is definitely either a lesbian experiencing comphet with Byakuya or bi. While I can totally see her as both, I really like the idea of comphet lesbian Toko, because I feel like her relationship / crush towards Byakuya is her processing her trauma through liking someone who treats her awfully, since that’s how she was raised, in a house of abuse.
Celestia Lundenberg ; Yet another homosexual. Yes, she’s the only one I perceive as a lesbian out of all of them, and I don’t think she’s incredibly open about it. She doesn’t feel as if it’s an important part of her identity, or at least, doesn’t attempt to make it her entire identity. ✨
Sayaka Maizono ; She’s straight, and I feel like she kind of has lots of regular straight girl tastes that make everyone else around her just “ 🙄🙄🙄 girl, you’re basic “. Very vanilla.
Mukuro Ikusaba ; Straight, but I see her, like Hina, having lots of problems with femininity / femme beauty standards. She’s the kind of girl that feels like she has to put on her female costume every morning, even though she’d much rather wear pants / more masc clothes. Tomboy energy. 💃🏻
Junko Enoshima ; Murder. /J !! But if we gotta put a label on her, she’s AroAce, but I definitely see her putting herself into relationships, especially toxic ones, running herself through the gutter and throwing herself into hurricanes just to make herself feel despair. 👀
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thechaosofhope · 3 years ago
Part 2 of the Mask users of Class 78!
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User #07: Aoi Asahina-(wears the mask after finding it in the school pool) Aoi in her masked form is a very sassy but considerate person. She also makes plenty of pool/beach related puns! She and Masked Sakura are close friends and are often see as a duo.
User #08: Sakura Oogami-(wears the mask during an attempt to protect Makoto) Masked Sakura is very feminine in personality and appearance but is still as powerful when she attacks. She is the strongest mask user in terms of physical strength. She, Toko, and Aoi are good friends in masked form.
User #09: Celestia Ludenberg-(wears the mask after it falls out of the library case) When masked, Celeste is very persuasive to a dangerous point. She also have aHer fashion is shiro lolita, in contrast to her usual gothic lolita fashion. She can easily beat someone in any board game or card game of any kind
User #10/#11: Toko Fukawa and Genocider Syo: (wears the mask as an attempt to find out more about masked Byakuya) Toko, when masked, is a lot more social. She often carries a pencils that is used for many running gags. Masked Syo can transform her scissors into the weapons as big as she desires and is more flirty with Komaru than Byakuya.
User #12: Hifumi Yamada: (wears the mask out of jealousy of Leon during a fight) Masked Hifumi can tear someone verbally by using speech bubbles as an attack form. He’s also known to make many 90’s-2000’s allegories. His body is flexible and can stretch and squash as much as he wants, making him the most durable user in class 78
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toko-writing-imagines · 4 years ago
THH girls reacting to their s/o giving them a bouquet of flowers
My overall favorite game (minus udg) and with my favorite girls as well
Anything that has Toko or Syo is my favorite
I might do more of these kinds of mini series, but if you have any ideas then do let me know! (also junko is non-despair if that isn't obvious-)
V3 version | SDR2 version
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【Sayaka Maizono】
• This girl probably had mutiple people given her flowers and gifts during her career
• I mean, who wouldn't? Sayaka is a pop sensation, known for her music, and is also super cute
• But you suddenly gifting her flowers? She never felt more special in her life
• So in short, she loved them!!
• Often times you can see her just staring at the flowers and just having those dreamy eyes
• But she would also gift you something in return!!
• Whether it be new clothing, tickets to her newest concerts, candy, or something you been wanting for a while - she'll get it for you!
【Kyoko Kirigiri】
• Don't expect much of a reaction from her
• It's not that she doesn't like it when you give her anything, or whatever your love language may be
• This detective just has trouble voicing her feelings properly, even when it comes to you
• But she takes the flowers anyway
• And you get to see that rare smile on her face, something that can go unnoticed unless you are looking close enough
• Afterwards she'll take the flowers and plant them either outside or is a cute little pots, making sure they get enough sunlight and water
• She smiles once more as she looks at the now planted flowers
• She thought of you
【Toko Fukawa】
• Alot of mixed opinion will be going on in her mind
• One would think about how this is probably some way to soften her before you do something worse
• Another would be swooned because well, you, her s/o who "puts up" with her, is giving her flowers
• But she would begrudgingly take the flowers and say some mean comment out of habit, albeit you don't take any personal offence to it
• Later though, she would end up writing about the interaction while the flowers sit infront of her in a clear vase
• She can't help but feel lucky to have someone as caring like you to be dating someone like herself
【Genocide Jack/Syo】
• Kinda the same with Toko's reaction
• But she just laughs
• Not because she finds anything in particular funny, but because you are giving a literal (former) serial killer flowers
• You laugh with her because you expected this reaction from your girlfriend
• She takes the bouquet, but then messes with it - or more so ruins it
• She laughs again, you just smile
• Maybe flowers arent the best option, but that doesn't mean you won't stop trying until you find the best gift for her
【Aoi Asahina】
• The happiest out of all the girls here
• okay maybe she would have preferred donuts as a gift rather than flowers
• But she cherishes any gift you decide to give her!
• She would give you a bunch of hugs and quick peppered kisses because she's just so happy!
• Would probably proudly carry the bouquet of flowers everywhere with her that same day just so everyone can see what an amazing s/o you are
• Will later talk all about the interaction to Sakura, going on and on while she listens to her rambles
• She waters them everyday right after swim practice, so they can stay beautiful forever!
【Celestia Ludenberg】
• A calm and composed face is what you will receive
• Even towards you, Celeste keeps on her calm facade but that smile you love so much creeps up on her face
• Roses, beautiful roses that match her aesthetic
• She thanks you of course, loving every gift you give her (though is that a lie? you cant tell)
• She plants a kiss on your cheek, as that is your payment for the gift
• May try to incorporate the roses in her outfit, but will most likely use one as like a pocket rose
• It fits her perfectly
【Sakura Ogami】
• You got her two things
• A bouquet of flowers and a cute little cherry blossom bonsai tree
• You may or may not have gotten her the bonsai due to her name
• But she loves the gifts either way, I mean who wouldn't?
• Will definitely ask you to braid the flowers in her hair if you can
• It makes her feel more in touch with her feminine side
• Will also do what Hina did, but vice versa. She will calmly tell her swimmer friend about the interaction and you can bet Hina was super happy for her
【Junko Enoshima】
• Another famous girl who probably recieved a multitude of gifts from her fashion career
• But does that stop you from showing Junko with gifts whenever you can? Absolutely not
• This time, a simple bouquet of flowers
• Oh man did Junko just adore it
• She basically smothered you with gifts and kisses in return while proudly holding your gift in her arms
• She goes all out with anything, and in all honestly, what else did you expect from her?
• This is Junko Enoshima after all
【Mukuro Ikusaba】
• She didn't know how to react
• You been dating Mukuro for a while now, and learned that she tends to appreciate the more simpler things in life
• So you just giving her a bouquet of flowers basically out of the blue, she didn't know how to handle these emotions
• It didn't matter how long you two would be dating. You two can be married and she would still not know how to react to gifts and handling her emotions
• But she loved them, oh did she love them
• Every gift you give her, big or small, makes her feel seen and appreciated
• And you continue with it, giving her gifts and doing many other things to let her know that you appreciate her
I kinda tried something new with my writing, idk if you can tell or not but it's there - albeit subtle
Glad to finally finish this little mini series! If anyone has and ideas for more mini series like this then do let me know!!
Take care everyone
~ Mod Toko 💜
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ask-utapri-world · 2 years ago
If STARISH are girls, What are your female names?
hi! mod Ren here back from the dead after a long time!! I dunno how to answer this in character so ima just dump my headcanon names here: I think Natsuki's name would be the same since his name is already leaning on the feminine side for Tokiya, i think his name would be Tokina! for Cecil, I'm getting Celia vibes from him..
with Ren's name, i think it's proably gonna stay the same too since it's pretty unisex :D
for Otoya's name, Otoka vibes well!
Syo's name could possibly be Syokou!
and last but definitely not least, Masato!! I think as a gal, his name would be Masami!!
thank you so much for the ask!!
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ultradespairgay · 3 years ago
So, I’ve decided to share my gender/sexuality headcanons that I have for the DR characters. I’m going in game order, starting with the first game.
I’m gonna preface this by saying that if you don’t agree with my headcanons, that’s totally fine. However, don’t try to hijack my post & please respect my headcanons. If I did write something problematic though, please bring it to my attention via DMs or the askbox!
Without further ado, let’s get started with the Trigger Happy Havoc cast!
1) Makoto Naegi: Trans Man {He/Him, doesn’t mind They/Them}. Bisexual, with no lean.
2) Sayaka Maizono: Cis Female {She/Her}. Bisexual, leans more towards men/masculine identifying people.
3) Mukuro Ikusaba: Demi Girl {She/They}. Bisexual, with no lean.
4) Leon Kuwata: Demi Boy {He/They}. Pansexual, leans more towards women/feminine identifying people.
5) Chihiro Fujisaki: Non-Binary {They/Them}. Panromantic Demisexual, with no lean.
6) Mondo Oowada: Cis Male {He/Him}. Bisexual, leans more towards men/masculine identifying people.
7) Kiyotaka/Taka Ishimaru: Trans Man {He/Him}. Gay, also attracted to masculine identifying people.
8) Hifumi Yamada: Cis Male {He/Him}. Heterosexual.
9) Celestia/Celes Ludenberg: Gender Nonconforming Female {She/Her}. Lesbian, also attracted to feminine identifying people.
10) Sakura Oogami: Cis Female {She/Her}. Lesbian, also attracted to feminine identifying people. Previously identified as Bisexual before realizing she was a Lesbian.
11) Junko Enoshima: Cis Female {She/Her}. Pansexual, but also has “yes I’m gay, yes I’m homophobic, we exist” vibes.
12) Kyoko Kirigiri: Non-Binary {She/They}. Biromantic Demisexual, with no lean.
13) Byakuya Togami: Cis Male {He/Him}. Heteromantic Asexual.
14) Toko Fukawa & Genocider Syo: Toko is non-binary {She/They} & Syo is GNC Cis Female {She/Her, doesn’t mind They/Them}. Toko is Biromantic Asexual, leaning more towards women/feminine identifying people. She used to lean more towards men. Syo is Bisexual, leaning more towards men/masculine identifying people.
15) Yasuhiro/Hiro Hagakure: GNC Cis Male {He/Him, but usually when asked what his pronouns are he just shrugs his shoulders}. Bisexual, with no lean.
16) Aoi/Hina Asahina: GNC Cis Female {She/Her}. Lesbian, also attracted to feminine identifying people.
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memoriashell · 3 years ago
got my rollerblades on ( and skate circles around my heart )
Characters /  Pairings: Chihiro Fujisaki / Sayaka Maizono; ft. mentions of most of the 78 gals ( and Syo )
Notes:  this is for @gaypewter​ as part of @collaberonpa ’s share the love exchange! thank you for letting me participate in this fun event!
sorry this is as late as it is, a few things came up last moment! i had a little difficulty figuring out what to do, so sorry for straying away from the prompt suggestions but!! i hope that this is still enjoyable for you nonetheless. wlw chihiro is my favorite chi and fujizono is so cute and valid…though this really ended up being more just pining on chihiro’s end rather than anything explicitly romantic! 
my apologies in advance if a few they/thems were used in passing to refer to chihiro ( and syo ), i think i caught everything for the former since…transfem chi only here. also sorry for making dysphoria real for a good chunk of this,,, sometimes u just need ur gender to be validated by a cute girl :pensive:  i think that’s the only thing that would need a content warning!
oh also disclaimer i know i frame this entire thing as a ‘girls outing’ sort of thing but for the reccord i would like to say i would not consider all the characters featured here as like. women. or like gender conforming in the slightest it was just the framework i ended up sticking to for this fic. ( by extension, there are other characters not featured here that i would consider femininely aligned but that’s not really what the point of this fic is + respectfully this is a giftfic and not for gender exploration )
Summary: well, at least if she dies from embarrassment in this moment— at least chihiro can go out on a high note, being held by her crush.
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lettersbytokoandsyo · 4 years ago
Self Introduction + Blog Introduction
Hello everyone! My name is Charlie, and welcome to my blog! Before you actually enter my blog, I'd love if you could just read my little about me section! Thank you all! :D
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As stated before, I'm Charlie! I'm a guy with he/they pronouns, 22 years old, and dating my lovely girlfriend who happens to have a blog on here, @danganronpa-x-reader . I'm a proud supporter of anything LGTBQA+, so if you find yourself in that community, don't worry at all about acceptance here!
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I won't lie, I come off as pretty girly to some people, sort of fem boyish, and that does kind of sum up my personality! While I am still a guy, I do have more submissive and feminine qualities, as well as looking a bit effeminate IRL (in real life), so if I ever sound more on the girly side of things while taking to you on here, that's why.
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I'm a big Toko/Syo kinnie if you couldn't already tell! So if you request something from Toko/Syo, you can expect a spot on in character response back.
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These are requests I'm willing to do (all Danganronpa, of course):
• Stim boards
• Mood boards
• Sprite reaction edits
• Icons (manga, aesthetic, sprite icons, etc)
• Wallpapers
• Oneshots (I'm alright with writing smut and angst, but not triggers such as rape and paedophilia. I'll do Character x Reader or Character x Character. No poly ones though because I have trouble writing them)
• Headcanons (give me a character and I'll list my headcanons for them)
• Opinions (give me a ship, character, or scenario, and I'll rant my opinions on it)
• Memes
• IC asks/role-plays as Toko or Syo (ask Toko or Syo something or do a little roleplay with them)
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My two rules are for you to be 17+ of age and to be patient with me! If you're under the age of 17 or rush me to finish a request super quickly, I will most likely block you. Also feel free to request up to 15 things a day!
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The images I'm using for my posts as reaction sprites and for my blog theme were made by my lovely gf @danganronpa-x-reader !
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Please send requests my way! I'm super bored and my girlfriend is busy doing stuff for her cosplay panels.
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