#m!ik analysis
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umeji-writes · 1 year ago
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So what if Balam's hyperfixation with humans had to do with his ability Buzzer Imagine he was talking about humans with other demons, and when they would tell him that humans don't exist, maybe Buzzer would be somewhat triggered, not enough to signify that the person was lying, but enough to make Balam think that there was something wrong with that statement And you know, being a very curious child and being able to discern what was definitely true from what was definitely false, Balam became fascinated by myths about imaginary beasts, because they mixed together truth and fiction and he had to know, but couldn't
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kilfeur · 2 years ago
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L'une de mes relations préférés est celle entre Iruma et Kirio. J'aime beaucoup le contraste qu'il a par rapport à Iruma. Iruma étant traité comme un esclave par ses parents. Alors que Kirio était vu comme une merde à cause de sa famille. Sauf que contrairement à Kirio, Iruma a pu se construire grâce aux personnes qu'il a rencontré ainsi que sa propre liberté. Tandis que Kirio a trouvé que la souffrance des autres était bien plus plaisante et a trouvé sa propre liberté grâce à ça. Iruma a pu évoluer grâce à l'aide de son entourage et ainsi atteindre ses propres objectifs. Tandis que Kirio manipule les autres pour atteindre ses objectifs. Quand Kirio lui explique leurs plans concernant le monde des démons. Il lui dit qu'il sera le seul à l'accepter car il connaît sa vraie nature. Alors qu'Iruma souhaite le ramener avec lui au club malgré tout ce qui s'est passé entre eux.
Leurs souhaits s'opposent et Kirio n'est pas spécialement convaincu par ce dernier. Il ajoute que l'un de leur souhait s'exaucera mais pas les deux en même temps car ils sont destinés à être ennemis. J'adore comment l'histoire continue de montrer que ces deux là sont bel et bien l'opposé de l'autre malgré leurs similitudes ! Pour ma part, je pense qu'Iruma va échouer à faire revenir Kirio de son côté. A aucun moment ce dernier ne regrette ses actions. Il prend du plaisir à faire ce qu'il fait ou à être ce qu'il est. Donc je le vois mal se repentir, si Kirio meurt à un moment donné, j'ose même pas imaginer comment Iruma va se sentir.
One of my favorite relationships is that between Iruma and Kirio. I really like the contrast he has with Iruma. Iruma was treated like a slave by his parents. Whereas Kirio was seen as a piece of shit because of his family. Except that unlike Kirio, Iruma was able to build himself up thanks to the people he met as well as his own freedom. Whereas Kirio found other people's suffering far more pleasurable and found his own freedom through it. Iruma was able to evolve thanks to the help of those around him, and thus achieve his own goals. Kirio, on the other hand, manipulates others to achieve his own goals. When Kirio explains their plans for the demon world. He tells him he'll be the only one to accept him, as he knows his true nature. Whereas Iruma wants to bring him back to the club despite everything that's happened between them.
Their wishes are opposed, and Kirio isn't particularly convinced by Iruma. He adds that one of their wishes will come true, but not both at the same time, as they are destined to be enemies. I love how the story continues to show that these two are the very opposite of each other, despite their similarities ! Personally, I think Iruma will fail to get Kirio back on his side. At no point does he regret his actions. He takes pleasure in doing what he does or being what he is. So I can't see him repenting, and if Kirio dies at some point, I can't imagine how Iruma would feel
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nonbinarypirat · 1 year ago
physical affection and how it relates to iruma: part 1, parental touch
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iruma reads as someone who is touch starved and doesn't like/understand touch until he now has affectionate people in his life. His parents have probably never touched him besides the required amount when he was a baby and maybe a headpat or quick hug (which would more than likely just be a manipulation tactic to get him to do their crazy schemes). They left him alone for days on end, there's no way they even could have been affectionate with him. And it's not like he ever went to school, his "friends" at school couldn't even remember him because of how many days he missed.
Overall, Iruma reads as touch starved but doesn't know he's missing it since he never had it to begin with. Here comes the love trio, the misfit class, Balam and more. Suddenly he has a lot of people in his life who are comfortable with touching him, even want to as a sign of how close they are. And we can see iruma very much becomes happy with it in turn.
That's why Balam and iruma's relationship is important, a parental type person he trusts is actively choosing to be affectionate with him, not to manipulate him but just because he cares about iruma. He even told him the reason is just to bond and get to know iruma, not some sort of underhanded method. This is just Balam's way of connecting. And they are close to each other enough to be comfortable in each other's spaces. Whether Iruma reads balam as a parent or not, balam is very much like a momma bird, keeping him close and safe in his arms. And Iruma becomes more open to it as time goes on with them knowing more about the other.
This is also a great dynamic because balam gives him the affection that he doesn't recieve from kalego, someone he clearly holds in high regard. Almost every time iruma reflects on the people that matter the most to him, kalego is there. which i find fascinating because what is kalego to iruma? on a subconscious level, i think he views kalego as a parental figure to him as well, one of the first to give him clear and concise rules to follow. his parents were just a fucking mess, they barely parented. never really taught him life lessons besides "just say yes" and "run." Kalego clearly cares a lot while also helping iruma navigate the netherworld making it easy for him to project a father role onto kalego
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But kalego isn't an affectionate man from what we have seen. And even if he was, he is his instructor first and foremost so he may not feel comfortable being so with iruma (and also imagine the fucking annoying comments about favoritism from the other misfits LOL). Any touching has been fairly limited to him picking up Iruma like during the teacher dorm visits and Kalego's final hours as a familiar. Which honestly make these few scenes even more precious. Because he is actively choosing to be like this with Iruma. Affection does not come easy to Kalego like it does Balam. More than likely because of his upbringing and family beliefs (always needing to remain vigilant, dignified) and him as a person. So while he doesn't touch Iruma often, his one on one moments with him are extremely personal and parental in nature. And when he does interact with Iruma physically, the rarity adds to the specialness.
And then there's Opera. Opera has been especially more affectionate in the latest volumes with hand holding and hugs and all sort of touching. Which is very wholesome to see because Opera wasn't a character that had much of a strong relationship with Iruma at the beginning besides guarding him. I always got the impression that Opera didn't know how to feel about him, not to say they wouldn't protect him with everything they have. But the feelings and affection started up after the battler/batra Party when Iruma grabbed both Sullivan and Opera (though the care for him had been growing steadily before that). I have seen two main headcannons for their relationship, some see it more as a big sibling relationship while others see it as a parental one as well. For the sake of this post, I will be using it as a parent and child one.
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Opera has been right there with Sullivan watching Iruma grow more and more confident as time goes on. And through Iruma growing up, we see how proud of him Opera is. From a scared child to a more bold child, Opera has helped cultivate this in him. I also love that whenever Sullivan isn't around, Opera takes over for taking care of him, allowing the two to have solo family time. Obviously their relationship is more of a weird dynamic seeing as how Opera is a security devil, but that doesn't stop the story from developing their relationship. The physical affection for the two is started from both sides, Iruma hugging Opera or Opera holding out their hand to hold as they walk home. In this case, their relationship is the most parent like as the story progresses.
And finally, we have Sullivan who is the most affectionate of the four. Come on, you can't beat grandpa when it comes to love and devotion to Iruma. He is the first one to introduce Iruma to physical affection in the first place. Now granted, in a slightly overbearing way at first because Iruma is not used to this and Sullivan is too happy to have a grandson. But now, we can see the genuineness behind each of his interactions with Iruma. He very much acts like a doting grandfather, and he really does love him too. Touching clearly comes more naturally to him so it's his way of showing Iruma love which opened the doors for more people in Iruma's life to show this too. When Iruma first started touching Sullivan back at the battler/batra party, it highlighted that Iruma is now more comfortable with Sullivan to do so back. He has been taught by Sullivan this way of caring and cares about him in the same way too. There's a lot of mutual love.
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They have come a long way as a family unit. Sure, grandpa has always been Iruma's number one supporter, but at the beginning of the story it felt way too over the top? As the audience we were right there besides Iruma in feeling overwhelmed by Sullivan. This far into the story though, the emotional trust they have in each other is beautiful. They are no longer just two individuals thrown together by fate, they are two people who care about the other and their weird little family. And its even more wonderous when we think about Sullivan's past, having lost someone deeply close to him and has no way of knowing if he'll ever return (aka Delkira). From what we know, it seemed that Sullivan truly loved him like a son/grandson/family member and loosing him is still something he's grappling over. And yet, he was still able to create this, push through his pain to make a family with Iruma. He's not a replacement for what he lost, but somone he allows himself to care about in a similar way in the past. By pushing through the trauma, he has been able to give Iruma what he never had in his past life.
I see both Balam, Kalego, and Opera as parents who provide him with different styles of parenting (with grandpa also providing that but also being a "ill give you anything you want" guardian hehe). Through this, he can learn varied viewpoints and, more importantly to this post, the affection he never had as a child. Does it make up for never having grown up with it? No, it never could. But it's not about making up for what it lost, rather its about making new connections and love with what you have now. And displaying that love in small and bigger ways with touch.
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prettylittledollswork · 8 months ago
Opera-san from m!ik/wtdsik and illumi from hxh are really similar.
I feel like Illumi has traits that aren’t spoken about as much in the HXH fandom. like i feel if you two were married, he would come up to you and be like “you know (child’s name or killua) said that if you don’t kiss me that they’d hate you.” And you can just tell he wants some kisses but is too embarrassed or ask. I feel like he’d joke but you can’t tell if he’s serious or not with the stonic face.
With this, i feel Opera-San from m!ik/wtdsik is similar to Illumi in a way. Extremely powerful, stonicnface, joking with that same stonic face. Like they’d be similar to Illumi by saying “Iruma kun said if you don’t kiss me, he’ll hate you.” Leaking a sort of aura similar to bloodlust but harmless, and then if you say something like “no he wouldn’t” to either of them, they would just be like “hes my (brother/child) how would i not know?” Or opera-san would be like “wow so are you saying i’m lying, i live with iruma-kun 24/7 how would i not know.”
I also feel like those two would often ask for affection in discreet ways, you’re laying in bed next to them and they suddenly rub up closer to you, trying to hint at it. Or after a long day of work, you may just be sitting in the edge of your bed and they come and just lay their head on your lap. Opera-san definitely purrs, no doubt.
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astro-break · 10 months ago
I've been sitting on this ever since the chapters came out but Kiriwo vs Iruma and Azz was actually a really good section? Both from a technical and a storytelling standpoint it was top notch and is an excellent case study of how far Osamu Nishi's writing has come
First off, its the first time both Iruma and Kiriwo are meeting face to face after the events of the Battler Party. And it only took 300-ish chapters. Of course its going to be impressive, but I kind of want to focus on what I really really love about these two chapters.
From a technical analysis, I absolutely adore the double page spread with Kiriwo breaking the panel to lean over and devour Iruma. Demons are the most powerful when they are their greediest and not even the foundations of the medium can stop Kiriwo. I also absolutely adore how the hand pointing into his mouth lands right over Iruma's terrified face, the outstretched hand as well boxing him in with no way to escape. It breaks the natural flow of reading manga, forcing readers eyes to jump from the first panel to the last immediately. Even the speech bubbles which also break the panels to bleed into the next are boxing Iruma in, leaving only Kiriwo as the only option. He's right. Right here. Into his mouth. That's the only direction the manga allows him to go. Not even Azz, who is logically right behind Iruma on the other side of the barrier, can't be seen. Its just them.
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One thing that Mairuma likes to emphasizes is eyes. Nishi likes putting in a lot of close ups of the face but eyes specifically is something she puts a lot of focus on. Of course, eyes are the only reliable way to tell if someone has returned to origins but eyes also change according to wicked phase. They are the windows to the soul, and whenever a hype moment occurs, the eyes are almost always a focal point to enhance the action.
The latter half of 303 really ramps this imagery up as eyes become one of the main focus points of the sequence. Iruma's watery eyes when he asks if its really Kiriwo, the concealment and subsequent focus on Baal's eyes as he looms over Princes Shura revealing his motives (also Shura covering her face up till Baal "saves" her is an interesting symbolic choice i might write about), the ever present return to origin markings on Kiriwo's eyes after declaring his intentions, and that final page is all about eyes. My favourite is the hiding of Azz's eyes as he breaks the barrier only to reveal them as he boldly says he'll stay by Iruma's side, eyes finally coloured in when up till that point in the chapter it was left white.
Speaking of panels though, Kiriwo is allowed to break past the gutters and invade other panels. His single minded devotion to consuming Iruma allows him to bend the laws to manga and lean right over. So logically, the next page where Azz saves Iruma, Azz who is consumed by devotion and is perhaps even more enamored with Iruma would do the same, no?
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Despite everything, Azz is still trapped within the story and its confines. Not even his words break through the boundaries. The best he can do is close the gap between the gutters, squeezing the panels together as close as he can. He still lacks critical information and Kiriwo has and no matter how much he tires, without that he will always be a step behind his senior. Even all the power in the world will not change that Suzuki Iruma is a fragile, fragile human.
As if to rub salt into an already gaping wound, Kiriwo's speech bubble at the end of the chapter literally shuts down Iruma's protests. Kiriwo is in control of the situation and his words take over the page. He's also drawn to be taller than Azz who is canonically about 10-15 cm taller
Control seems to also be a big theme/determining factor for whose words are allowed to transcend the metaphysical boundaries boxing them in because who else would be the one to quite literally dominate the next climatic moment than the unpredictable agent of chaos, Clara herself? The ringtone from her call quite literally cuts both Iruma and Kiriwo's words in half, drowning them out in her silliness. I remember seeing that a lot of people were upset that Clara interrupted Kiriwo but I argue that Clara is the perfect person for this? Master of funtimes and such a wildcard that she managed to seduce Raim through pure innocence? You can not tell me that you didn't laugh at the stupid fonts that Misfit Scans used for Iruma's ringtone. (Thank you Flare, whoever you are. Because I laughed. So hard.)
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Also KiriAzz's faces when they look at Iruma? Peak visual comedy
Clara calling is also just the breather that the story needed. Yes, she inadvertently protected Iruma's secret, but she also the most emotionally mature out of the Love Trio which I think so many people forget. Clara is super smart when it comes to her boys, she knows that off on their own, they're bound to get caught up in their own heads worrying and agonizing in silence. Clara knew to call her boys after the Devilculum because it would had undoubtedly been stressful mingling among the upper ranks. Of course she was lonely and wanted to know how her soulmates were doing but even if she knows it or not, she is their emotional center and grounds them when they drift too far into their own self flagellation. But more importantly, she grounds the story in its genre. Lets not forget, Mairuma is a comedy series. Devilculum Arc was quite uncharacteristically somber for the series which runs on comedy of errors and misunderstandings galore. Sure, the beginning of the Arc was kind of funny but once everyone stepped into the venue, comedy became secondary to the plot.
Would it have been interesting to see what would have happened if Clara didn't call? Of course, yeah. But I think thats better left explored in fanfiction. At the end of the day, they're the Love Trio, they are a tripartite. Do not separate. And even unknowingly, Clara's protecting Iruma in her own way. And because of that, she is given the power to take over the page, filling it with images of Magitools Batara and her own silly creations, flower shaped speech bubbles framing the members as they work towards their own ambitions. She is the one that reminds Iruma of his own goals, who reminds him that there are demons at home who are waiting for him, and who he too is waiting for.
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On a more aesthetic note though, I do like how Iruma's necklace this arc mirror's Kiriwo's collar. Its a very nice parallel but also acts as a way for Iruma to be connected to the people he's attending Devilculum with. The frilled collar on Ameri's dress and the Amosdeus Clan's rose brooch that both Azz and Amu have on their suits.
Idk how to end this ngl but I am completely normal about ch 303+4 the writing and set up is so so so good. I remember Misfits being so mad that others were translating the human part and I agree. Its so vital for the Love Trio and their relationship that their secrets are theirs to tell and not anyone elses. And the way these dynamics are portrayed through diegetic story telling is just perfect, I will never get over how good the KiriIru double spread is. Like those two pages specifically is my Roman Empire. I think about those pages on a hourly basis. I love that spread so much but 90% of what makes it so great is the surrounding context and the proceeding events. One day Nishi will probably top this and make me slobber all over her artistic storytelling but for today, I will continue to be consumed with thoughts about these two chapters.
One last thing but the fact that Iruma's secret got cockblocked from being revealed twice because of a phone call is just hilarious. Once is good enough but Narnia prioritizing a work phone call over warning his brother about what he sees as a great evil? He's so silly actually.
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bittasol · 4 months ago
love trio is so fun to me bc i feel like whatever relationship hcs u could possibly have about them, i can fully see it?? every single time im like Yeah that checks out.
they’re each others first friends and thats so precious & special for them. it doesnt really matter how specifically one tunes their dynamic in terms of romance, they’re acting the same, dating or not!
of course, separately from love trio, i think it would be very funny for iruma to end up as aromantic after all the harem king allegations…
imagine a fic where perhaps everyone who has a crush (of various seriousness) on him (ameri, chima, clarazz, elizabetta, vine, eiko, etc etc) start a secret club to support each other but also they’re lowkey sabotaging each other (cuz demons/teens)?? it turns into a “who can woo iruma” competition.
hijinks get more and more intense… only to stop full force cuz he comes out as aroace (offhandedly ofc) and maybe theres some big feelings about it, but of course they spend the very last meeting of the Secret Iruma Crush Club working through it privately, and of course theyre very supportive of him!! and also the competition fizzles out bc no one’s gonna beat clarazz in the “who’s iruma’s best friend(s)” competition 😞
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jackdollnan · 2 years ago
Poro Analysis
i know this is an art blog mostly but on occasion i like to make it a graphic design blog. Behold with only the finest graphic design heres my poro unicorn lore board. Contains Spoilers for all of the Music Festival Arc, Heart Breaker, Deviculum
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I mostly was curious on what irl lore of the unicorn got added or adapted into poros creation. I'll go more specific about my points Under the cut. Lord i hit undo on this editor and it erased almost everything i wrotei had to rewrite most of the post :',C
Ars Goetia Amduscias Demon
The Ars Goetia describes Amduscias taking the Appearence of a Unicorn, as well as: all manner of Trumpets and Musical Instruments to be heard but not soon or imediately, and can cause the trees to bend and incline according to the Exorcists will. And Amduscias is often described as the one playing or in charge of the music that can be heard through hell, as well as having a thunderous voice and being asscoiated with thunder.
Poro's Character greatly tracks with the music Theme. Poro is shown to be a Sound and Music Specialist, giving Critique and concerning Invites to Students after their Performances. Poro's own Claim to Fame was being Delkira's personal Musician giving a battle Concert with Delkira.
Poro's own Character Design with that Piano lookin Cut, Cello Detail and Pinstripe Suit, Notes on the End of those side hair pieces, and carrying a Conductor's Baton
Poro's yells loudly once getting to the School about the Crime, according to Poro, of re-allowing the use of the Royal One(talk about a thunderous Personality). Poro at the End of the Arc, once convinced, and painfully, for Wett defects with Kirio and Wett of the Six Fingers who answer to the Thunder Lord, Baal.
The last bit about being able to cause trees to bend, in the last panel Poro with Kirio and Wett are seen entering Brush to exit Babylus. The thought of such tall dark Brush, despite atleast the spaced out Center of Babylus's Campus, covering an Individual as large and tall as Poro for a masked Exit- no Clue if controling Trees is part of Poro's Powerset but still an interesting coincidence alluding back to Amduscias.
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Qi Lin
I wish i had more historical/primaray sources to look from but alas modern feng shui websites will have to do
The Qi Lin has stories about the Rarity of its Appearences. The Qi Lin only showing up when a great outstanding Ruler is present in Time or when a great Sage(mostly Confucius mentioned) dies. There is also a legend that an Emperor of China was at the Yellow River and saw a Qi Lin on the Water, as it walked it cleared the River and Surroundings of all the Dirt and Stuff and the Emperor saw the Symbols on its Back and used them to create the first chinese writing System.
The Bit about the outstanding Ruler and Sage seems to match up well with Events and Characters. Poro being very Loyal, even to Poro's own Detriment, to Delkira as, when ever someone mentions Delkira most Demons admire Delkira in this demon Kingdom(?) Country(?).
It even matches with Iruma's Setup, Sully calling on Poro to see Iruma in hoping Poro will be impressed to rank Iruma. Plus we all know Iruma will become the next Demon King via the Prophecy, Poro is witnessing the fledgling King.
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Not that all Qi Lin have to have exclusively one Horn but with the overlapping Traits of its Dragon like Features, Poro's Design echos back to the Qi Lin with Poro's Tail having a smooth Underside, spikey hairy Outterside, not to mention the clattering Heels in lue of Hooves
As an aside the Ming Emperor, Emperor Yongel, was gifted a Giraffe, that was called, equated to, and or associated with the QI Lin, very smart on the gifters part. I thought this was so funny given Poro's size, no clue if Nishi intended to it to match up with Poro but lucky for Nish-sensei it works out.(3rd picture of section of court painting of said Giraffe)
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European Medieval Unicorns (i recomend skipping to the Poro paragraph and back reading this one)
Unicorns had a variety of many myths, associations, and metaphors attached to them but the Myths from Medieval Europe stand out most prominently here. Its been a variety of Animals over the Years, its Predessor being an Ox, the Re'em from the Bible, Goats,Asses (Donkeys), Horses, overall some sorta hoofed Creature and one Horn.
The first main Attribute to this Unicorn Myth is the Unicorn's Horn having Properties to purify the sick and ill, specfically treat and cure Diseases and Poison. Those who were able to successfuly find and hunt would gain such a treasure.
Later on it gained another Adaptation - The Unicorns purifying Power later becoming intertwined with the Purity of virgin Maidens, that a wild Beast would only allow itself to be near/in the Arms of a Virgin Maiden because the Unicorn could sense/was in awe of a Maiden's Purity(and or the maidens Purity matched that of the Unicorns), only for it to be a Trap, for a Group of Hunters to come out from Hiding to chase/capture and the slaughter with perhaps some Level of Immortality from the Unicorn for the Unicorn to not fully die after all that. Other versions of the story have the virgin naked and the Unicorn does some sorta sexual encounter with the Virgin.(i can't make this up)
Later the whole Saga became Metaphors for Sex/Love/Marriage. People being reigned in and tamed by the Love or down -badness of their Partner/Spouse as a wild Unicorn is tamed in the arms of a Virgin. People eventually settling down and finding Love. - no relation to the modern practice/notion of a 3rd person joining only in the sex lives of a married couple.
There also became a very Christian Metaphor to emerge along side the love Metaphor. The power/essence of Christ was reigned in by a virgin Mary, mirring that of a Unicorn being allured to a Virgin. That the whole Hunt of the Unicorn was a metaphor for the Crucifixtion and Ressurection of Christ, with wild purifying powerful Unicorn parralleling the Goddlyness of Christ, its Hunt for the Crucifixtion, Its slight immortality with the Ressurection from the dead, and circling back with the purifiying Power of the Unicorn being drawn as a Metaphors for Christ the Redeemer.( i also wish i couldve made this up)
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Lets get back to M!ik
Seeing Unicorns being described as wild Asses seems stunningly on Brand for Poro, with Poro's Abbrasiveness at times and trying to beef with kids this coincidence is pretty funny.
Poro's major Arc of the Music Festival is coping with the Loss and the never return of Delkira as Poro regrets never getting the chance to technically date Delkira and never being able to see him again. It's all the more highlighted when in Sully's flash back when Poro, in a sour Mood expresses how its been too long since Delkira's Disappearance. Despite finding more Comfort with Change after Iruma and Co's Performance Poro hard flips back into Copium once Wett talks about reuniting Delkira. this all reads to me of Poro being wild all around unless Delkira is present to be the one true love of Poro ala wild Unicorn and love Metaphor.
There seems to be a bit of confusion about Poro's gender based on Poro's Presentation and specifically language Presentation. English Pronouns i can't really say anything about not least since the manga is being translated from Japanese with different Features and Practices- no doubt this gave the translators some trouble on how to adapt the wording, maybe a bit more cumbersome to other Languages than English. For whatever its worth Poro mentions being a Maiden and a Lady in EN fan translation.
tho i did start a paragraph about Poro's Gender this speaks more about the Purity and maiden Aspect of the Myth with the Unicorns sensitivity of/purity matching that of a virgin Maiden's. The comparison feels most matching when Poro apprehends Wett after Wett tailed Poro and Poro goes(paraphrasing), I was feeling a yucky presence a maiden can sense that type of stuff, it's alluded to it being Poro's ability to hear the heart beat Pattern and read that off to the overall Mood and intentions (based on action) of a Person, but it also matches well sensing/reading Wett and the Antgonists' unpure Intentions and drive up their villiany Status.
this part is a bit more head cannon-y: Poro was doing a bit of maiden sensing on Eliza when she says, we'll pierce you with the finest sound, and Poro's own Quest/Hunt for Love, a kindred spirit to Eliza's, finding Love for Love's sake.
another head cannony one is Poro's lines crying, that Delkira despite not giving personal attention to the women around him, Poro still says he did eventually(and like a simp still be wanting Delkira). If Poro was reading Delkira's Purity or smth. This line kinda reads a little ambiguously with that whole maiden/purity sensing idea in the background, vs the idea that Sully had a secret love child with Delkira and it became Iruma. lmao you heard it guys Poro believes in the Iruma is a direct descendant of Delkira theory, just kidding. Too bad Poro couldn't sense Delkiras heart beat when Delkira ghosted them at the office.
a little incongruous to the previous point of Delkira being the one and only for Poro- is Poro's Preferences(not for Men in general) but the inclusion of the younger Students in Babylus, who are, i guess, Boys and, as Poro puts it, young Men.(Poro is so desperate for hitting on high schoolers at this age.) Poro seems quite Old being Contemporaries with even Sullivan and with the Students of Babylus seeming rather inexperienced with Romance it seems to track with the Myth, the Unicorn is sensing the purity of/allured by Virgins, or at least, those who have far less romance Experience. This is Unfortunetly why i argue Poro's influence to be aligned with this Version of the unicorn Myth, Poro's odd combo of a romance thru-line despite hitting on kids, and lines with equating to be a maiden it feels like it matches beat for beat of the medieval Unicorn myth.(Unless the qilin also has meanings of sex love and romance which it might, i could use more details).
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And now its time for the Jesus metaphor, Oh man you thought i was done.
Going back to the Christian Metaphor for the Maiden lures a Unicorn, only for a band of huntsmen to begin pursuit and the Unicorn gets Injured and kinda dies but then lives. The Europeans found a way to Pack in a Jesus metaphor with the Wild Unicorn and its purifying Power repping Christ the Redeemer, the Unicorn only appearing in the Presence of Virgins Of course Mary, the subsquent Hunt repping the Crucifixtion dyin for ya sins and purifying horn, and the Unicorn living cause semi immortality and Christ live-dying with god or what ever the point of that story was.
Guess who else was invited to do some ressurecting, it is part of Baals plans to recruit Poro for Delkiras "reuniting," for Baal just straight up power grab. (honestly i didn't know much about unicorns before hand was not expecting jesus or the virgins thing to come up.) Blehh that means Iruma, Ali and Delkira, could be like the unholy demonic Trifecta, (Delkira)the Father (Iruma) the Son (Ali) the Holy Spirit not expecting to see iruma with another jesus parallel.
crack theories: Poro cleared Kirio of his Debuffs. It'll be a race see who will get to Delkira first catch Delkira as a Deer, or Ali or Delkira go full vampire Mode.
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ok im done congrats for reading this far now you too get this cursed info
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nonbinarypirat · 5 months ago
Yeah, I don’t think they know who he is. I think after Delkira he cast away the title entirely believing no one would ever be able to outclass him anyway (and also being depressed that his life’s purpose was stripped from him). And since his identity was a secret anyway, no one would have reason to believe this random high ranking demon was him. Not to mention he changes ages too. As to how he became a crown, that’s tough to say. Did he sense that the Netherworld was changing and he wanted to get in on it? Did he hear a rumor about the trickster plan? Maybe he just wanted to change things up (after all it could get boring being immortal)? And if any of these options are true, did he just magic himself in order or…? Maybe he has been up to shit since then and just caught their attention as a potential candidate?
Either way, now Azami knows his full name AND title and uhhhh, that’s definitely not good for Iruma. They thought it was bad if another crown supported him? Now this is THE Kingmaker showing support. We can only presume he’s going to tell Narnia about who he truly is and I’m not excited for that! (I mean, I am cause this is good drama and plot but I’m scared for my baby boy.)
now that i think about it, everyone calls Mephistopheles "Mephisto", unlike demon king Dokfel who called him his longer name, as well as how he introduced himself as such only when revealing himself as kingmaker to Iruma and Delkira so like...maybe nobody else knows who the hell he even really is, especially since he hasn't shown up since before Delkira became king. If he wasn't well known even then, since Delkira didn't seem to recognize him, then maybe even the Three Greats don't know his true identity. Although they clearly sent an invite to him for a reason (although maybe some other magic is at play there?) and he supposedly appears in the memoirs of past demon kings, there's been little sign of anyone kissing up to him because of his kingmaker identity (i'm still of the opinion Iruma won't care about it though and will accept him as is)
All that's to say, maybe Narnia (and Baal, probably) don't know who he is, and thus only think of Iruma as (spoilers for 367) dangerously gathering high ranking demons around him. Which means that if Amy Azami reports that's not just the case, things could get soooo much worse. Kinda doubt they know somehow since they'd probably do everything to stop Mephisto from overseeing the exam in the first place if so, which probably means shit is really gonna hit the fan soon. I mean, would they have cared so much if it was a different crown overseeing it?
Anyway, it takes a helluva lot of mental gymnastics to think, ah yes, this boy is gathering high ranking, powerful demons around him which is why i should definitely attack him. this will have no consequences whatsoever.
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arianna-rsl · 17 days ago
You met RSL?!
yesss! it was amazing so here is a mini blog about my experience. (and a unsolicited photo dump)
so i flew in from canada just to see the play. i begged my mom constantly until she bought the tickets to shut me up (she was pissed lol). we ended up sitting in the second row in the left hand side which is really great because he was really up close to that side for half of the play!
after the play i was in the lobby and my mom said “is that rsl”, he looked like a npc and i didn’t even notice until she said that. he was talking to this guy and i was in shock, i did not know what to tell him but i was just watching them talk like a creep. he was yapping about god knows what (it was really loud) and i heard him swear it was amazing.
when it was finally my turn to speak to him i was DYINGGG. i was really quiet and just let him yap most of the time but he is a really good yapper and i got to stare into his eyes for like 15 minutes. and it was so cute how he switched to a family friendly kind sweet person when he started talking to me vs him swearing with that guy, it was the lamby tapes irl im not even joking that’s what it sounded like. first we just talked about the play and then he said “im so sorry how do you know me you look so young!”. like ok buddy calm down. in my head i wanted to tell him “it’s because your so amazing and talented how could i not” but i just told him i first watched house and dead poets society. then he started yapping about how he only watched 4 episodes of house and then told me the whole dead poets society neil-todd switch story. i knew that story already but he looked so amazing i just let him continue, he definitely didn’t think i knew who ethan hawke was but im not uncultured i swear 🙏
after that he asked what brought me to chicago and my mom said we were just looking around seeing stuff and we came to watch the play. he asked where i came from and he was shocked to hear it was from canada (i attached a video of him touching me during that part of the convo rahhhh). in the video you can’t tell but he was like “canada!? you came from canada?” STOP THE SLANDER BRO. FIRST MY AGE NOW THIS JUST ACCEPT THE FACT IM AWESOME AND A BIG FAN OK. i gave him a letter and he thanked me, we hugged 😏, he yapped more about the play, and then he broke my heart and we separated paths. (btw he told me he was gonna sleep for 12hrs when he got home).
anyways i wrote an analysis on the photos because they just need explaining P.S: ik im chopped in the photos with rsl (why universe, whyyy) but i’ve accepted that atleast rsl is in the same photo as me 😎
-in the first picture with the terrible angle you can see me and rsl side hugging 😊
-in the second you can see me staring at the love of my life speaking with some hooligan who is NOT as big a fan as me
-in the third photo you can see my mom catching me in 4k sending snaps to my bestie
-in the forth you can see us when we first came to the hotel (citizen M, it’s really close to a lot of things i’d recommend for one night)
-in the video you can watch robert sean leonard himself grab my armmmm 🤭
-and in the last photo you can see that he so generously signed my playbill AND wrote my name, i think im in love.. also he has bipolar handwriting .
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metis-iphigenia · 6 months ago
SOME DC RARESHIPS AND MY OPINIONS ON THEM(because this is supposed to be a yapping account but i wont be going on an analysis)
1)harpercass: my best friend got me into this ship and honestly they are very very cute. if it wasnt for stephcass they would be probably my favourite ship for cass for sure
2)timives: again, the same best friend got me into this ship but i have to thank them because this ship is a great ship
3)damimaps/mapsbird: i didnt look at them as a ship material but now that i do its a great ship made out of a great dynamic. i love my little detective duo <33 though i do prefer them as friends(robin twins)
4)stephrose: i think they would have been a very fun duo to read about in a platonic or romantic relationship
5)colindami: friends to lovers my beloved <33 they were very very entertaining to read and their bond was something i would like to see agian i wish dc would just bring back colin tbh but thats not gonna happen sadly :((
6)harlcativy: god gave us two(2) hands for a reason😈😈 also idk if this is a rareship but i didnt see anything about it so im assuming it is
7)darlasteph(idk their ship name): i smell lesbanism on them but darla being the reason steph became robin and darla dying because of stephs actions after she got fired is :(( it makes me cry ngl
8) taidami/greenbird: i honestly did not know this ship existed until a week ago and from my researches they are the same age(correct me if im wrong) if im right then artist lovers here i come!! i actually want them to be friends badly but i would also love an academic rivals to lovers arc with them(them being friends in their vigilante self but fighting in civvies lol) academic rivals to lovers because damian would love that trope imo(kinda canon with their manga)
9)tamsteph: i saw fanart of them today now i cannot get them out of my mind i think they would get along pretty well
10)babskori/starwatch: im a sucker for women leaving their ex and dating eachother instead they would have been a very nice relationship maybe it wouldnt work out tho?? who knows
11)jaderoy: idk how they are a rareship while being canon but i cannot find anything about them😭😭 doomed tragic yuri noo..😣
12)ghostcat: honestly this came out as a joke😭😭 i was thinking about ghostdemonbatcat(amazing ship ik😼) and i thought "this implies khoa and selina is also dating hmmm" and just went from there tbh
13) mara/maya(either m&m or r&y): no comment on this one because i dont know if their ages match the only reason i wrote it is because i wanted to tell people the ship name i came up for them😈😈
14)demoncat: they arent that rare but cat wives is all i wanna say
15)timtam: same with jaderoy, i cannot find content of them. they were very sweet imo
honorary mention to the ships i dont know well but my best friend does and she knows the best
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umeji-writes · 1 year ago
Okay, but let's talk about Balam's hair for a hot second
(Yes, it may have become one of my fixations) You know, the guy not only cut it radically - and we know it's because of Iruma - he also let it grow back, and now he grooms it much better than before. Why? While my wishful thinking headcanon is that Kalego offered to brush it after they declared their feelings for each other (they are definitely introduced as best friends, but c'mon, look at them here)
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...I also recognize this is not canon, so it can't be the actual reason. So I was wondering: why this difference? IMO it signifies personal growth, but what caused it, if Iruma led to the haircut? And then it hit me. Meeting Iruma, again - but in a deeper way than I thought at first. According to Balam's own words, he decided to cut his hair to appear more approachable. But why not brush it and style it as he's doing now? Everything we know about Balam's past points to him being treated like a weirdo and marginalized, not only because he likes picture books, he was also hyperfixated with the existence of humans.
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This went on all his life, from bullies at school to his own students. He was likely wounded, full of self doubt and possibly shame, so he withdrew into himself, and his hair was messy because why bother if people avoid you anyway. So imagine finally having tangible proof that you were right all along. That's life changing, not only because of the discovery itself - it can make you reevaluate your whole story, and yourself. A radical cut was a logical thing to do, to break with the past. But why letting the hair grow back then? I speculate that Balam is most comfortable with long hair after all, and he feels more like himself this way (I mean, he had medium-to-long hair in all flashbacks). I like to think that his personal grooming is a metaphor for his newly found self confidence and self love: he can be himself to the fullest, he likes the demon he is, and he's not afraid of showing it to everyone else now, by making his hair prettier. He was right all along, and everybody else can shut it.
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Such a small detail in the grand scheme of things, yet enormous for the single character. I love this manga so much ♡
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lilsilly1 · 4 months ago
Mario and Luigi Brothership related (no 'spoilers')
I CANT KEEP THIS UP!?!?@*@@&!?
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skarsgardsnark · 3 months ago
To your "Gustaf looks ike he fucks like an animal" response:
OMFG YESSSS! Always thought so too 😂 Like rough, dirty, nasty sex with loads of grunts and bloody hell 🥵 Here's how I think the others would be.
*Bill-needs loads of eye contact and reassurance he's fucking you up properly (which I mean he could kiss me and I'd cum all over myself lol). He'd want you to be vocal "you like that? Say my name!"
*Alex-Drinks and flirting first. He'd be into sucking your toes and giving massages. Then want to fuck you from behind while biting your neck
*Valter-Wants his dick sucked and watch you do it. He'd want direction during sex not bc he wouldn't know what to do but bc although he's a smart ass he loves being bossed around in bed 😂
*Gustaf- just to say it again he'd fuck like an animal not asking questions or taking directions. Yet knowing exactly what to do and when to do it. Not quite S &M but ya it'd be rough and sweaty
Don't think of Sam or Stellen that way" so nothing to add there.
Fuuucck I need a cold shower now lol It's Thanksgiving here tomorrow. So THANKFUL for the Skarsgard men 🙌
I agree with this analysis 😂. Very spot on. 😅 Stellan had 8 kids and lived a hippie lifestyle so you know he was dirty af too! He’s the OG 😂.
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nonbinarypirat · 5 months ago
What do you think about all this mess in chapter 365? The existence of hierarchy in the society of demons was not something new, but for me it was somewhere in the background, that is, we know that demons have a ranks system but there were social elevators in it. I am asking you because I am a fan of your analysis of the mairuma universe and I am sincerely interested in hearing your opinion.
Good question!! I actually LOVE the direction the story took for the Scala test because it felt like it was going a little too well ya know? I was excited when they turned to farming because as soon as we learned about the carrots I was like, oh they should start a farm that’s the next idea. But I was like, hmm it feels too easy now doesn’t it. And then BAM fascist. But anyway, this is a great question to talk about since I previously made a post about how one of the overarching theme in the story is fascism and fighting against it through education.
The reason why I love this direction for the story is that up until now, all of the subtle hints towards more seediness and corruption has been in the background. It makes sense narratively speaking that we wouldn’t get hit with it too strongly because we like the main character are slowly learning about the world. Iruma is growing up in a relatively safe environment with him mostly being at his house, school, or a safe area like the shopping district (with some obvious exceptions to this). Iruma, having grown up in the human world, has no reason to assume or believe that there is serious systematic problems going on. Instead, he is slowly becoming exposed to this as he gets older and out into more situations where he can no longer not see it.
The signs have all been there from the start with the ranking system being the first exposure. Especially with the introduction of Kirio. The simple fact that you can get better meals if you are a higher rank in a school lunch speaks volumes to how low ranked demons are treated. Especially since we later see this stays true outside of school with Ameri and Iruma going to a segregated high rank only restaurant. And we see instances of bullying/intolerance when it comes to how students treat each other. The notable moments I remember is how the Azz fan girls treated Iruma at first when they thought he was a low rank compared to when they learned he had a higher one than they originally thought. Or the student’s comments to Kirio since he was a low rank. Or how the girls at the party treated the low rank demon girl.
We also have had the vile police system introduced to us during the Walter Park incident and when we first learned about Narnia. Prisons and the whole system is already fucked up and corrupt in the human world but it’s definitely worse in the demon world. The fact that the prisoners have to constantly give their mana up to the park not to mention the fact that it’s located underneath the park to begin with always felt gross to me. And when we first learn about Narnia, the cards start to come together. Narnia is said to treat any injustice, anything at all, on the same level. And he is shown to be cruel and ruthless in the face of what he considers crime. So if you committed tax fraud, you would probably be considered on the same level of a murderer and treated just the same. How are those even on the same level? But Narnia doesn’t care, he sees it as an opportunity to “maintain order” within the netherworld and uses that as justification for his actions. In the end, he doesn’t care about the demons he’s supposed to protect, rather he cares more about maintaining the strict hierarchy.
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Add to that the fascist organization we have in the story that wants to control the netherworld to reshape it into their image. The introduction of Baal and learning about the organization kind of kicked started where the story will lead into. This has always been a story of fighting off bigotry and oppression, but it’s very subtly disguised behind what seems like a typical villain takeover plot. Because it’s subtle, we as the audience only start noticing when the themes become prevalent with the evidence stacking up higher and higher. And with the introduction of Azami, we can no longer not see what the story is trying to convey to the audience.
It’s crafted in a way to keep you unaware until we see Narnia being a full on fascist with his fascist cop buddy Azami. And the reason why it’s so effective is because the themes have always been there, just in the background. If we had all of a sudden had Azami or Narnia doing his little “maintaining order” speech without the small build up, it wouldn’t have fully hit as hard. But now that we have the Many-Ears race, a race literally known for being suppressed and subservient to higher ranks, we now see the cards fall into place. Some people wondered if the Many-Ears have done this to themselves, suppressing themselves when there was no need. But now it’s become clear that no matter how the Many-Ears came to live in this way, it’s clear that it’s not an issue of them doing this to themselves. Not fully at least. They are being used by those in power to keep them submissive to those they benefit the most. And the Many-Ears, believing they have no way of changing the system of powers, internalized and conformed to this idea as well. Being trapped in this mindset benefits the majority rule and keeps the “balance” in order. However, now they can see a better way for themselves. Now, they truly believe they have value and worth outside of being a worker for a strong ranked demon. Thus toppling over the hierarchy established.
Fascism feeds on a strict hierarchy where everyone knows their place. One cannot have fascism without it being built off the backs of those oppressed. And Narnia, being a fascist prick, has one dangerous weapon: power. He is a high rank, works within the demon border patrol, and now has become a 13 crown, one of the most powerful positions in all of the netherworld. He is almost untouchable at this current moment unless you are a fellow 13 crown (and we still don’t know how possible infighting works). The Many-Ears have no way of stopping someone like this and are basically forced to either fall into line or become seriously hurt. And even if they do fall into line, there’s no saying Azami won’t hurt them anyway. That’s the thing with cops, they can decide what goes with very little consequences (can you tell my feelings on cops?). Narnia knows, he uses this as a tool for oppression. If he has leverage, he will use it without a second thought to further his mission of control.
But here’s where education falls into the equation. The Many-Ears are no longer among the uneducated. Before, the oppressive power used their lack of knowledge to support the hierarchy. How will it work out for them if they no longer as unaware as they previously were? Once knowledge is spread, it’s hard to put a lid on it. You can’t go into their brains and erase what they know to be true. And now they are no longer fighting alone. This isn’t an us verse them battle. Fascism wants you to believe you are alone. It wants you to believe you are powerless. It wants you to believe that you are the only one that wants change. Why? Because there’s power in people, in community. No matter what happens in the next few chapters, they have people that care and want to see change too. And luckily for the Many-Ears, they have powerful allies too. One person alone can make change but a community of people can make an even greater change. And that is the reason why I love this story so much 🫶🏽
Sorry for how long this post was, I just saw this question and I’ve been dying to talk about this since the chapter dropped because I LOVE the themes of this story so much. And I love the anti cop mentality of both the main line story and the mafia story 🤭
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austinsastrology8991 · 2 years ago
> Issues I have with you/occult / world < *long post* do not read if you don't want to waste your time < a subjective analysis of Astrology, numerology, manifestation, and a subtle exposé of my life
I got issues... but more importantly i got issues with you. I do a lot of research n i hate being told what to do/ and the occult gotta habit of telling me who tf i am.
and Im better at telling myself who tf I am.
THIs is who i am. <^> stop googly eyin me; foo
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This is a fkn mess of a post > try your best to read; it was meant to be a story but im incapable > I just want you to have headache (me after reading this shit 20 times or whatever it is) i;m tired. now go away. or read. or die in a hole. all the same to me. astrology is a subjective subject. IDGAF how many books youve read or how many people you speak too; we are literally looking at a planet in space and are saying shit liek " oh im dat type of pretty (venus), im dominant over here (mars), and thats why my life sux (saturn) " meanwhile, the planet still just rotating and we like acting like we apart of its orbit. Its objectively a subjective subject... > its objective only in your natal chart - where the planets are etc.... but interpretations > subjective Sidenote- Im obsessed with astrology.... because my life sucks. and i need to like feel productive somehow - stfu i know this isnt productive, but tell me what you doing? don't act all jiminy cricket on me, when your soundtrack is that of a cricket beginning of rant Also: the mythology and practise of intepretating planets and asteroids, and well the complicated drama that is greek/roman mythology. while there is plenty of overlap, the sheer concept of 2 different intepretations created upon from, 2 seperate cultures, creates different texts and slight differences inherent within each story. this initself creates a subjective intepretation of aforementioned stories > not to mention other cultures who likely put their own narrative of these mythos > it allows us to also intepret it in our own way > it is all just imagination at the end of the day. Whilst the themes are uncannily similar, the form is always different, and thats why I like to intepret it in my own way, and i recommend you do tooo (Alike everything in this subject) ; however we need some clear rules, and guidelines, to make this subject actually palatable, but i fear this community would rather keep it confusing so we can treasure the secrets of the occult on our own. and to that I do understsnd, however, anyone reading tumblr astrology, I believe to already be taking that leap into the occult and should be granted at least some introductory access. and here is (1) problem
Astrology signs are the how, and the houses are the where, > yet you all describe 2nd house a whole lot like tuarus, 10th house lot like capricorn. I mean Ik its similar but yall acting like its different yet your intepretations aint all dat different from each other..... but if the how for you is the where for me, then how tf is it so hard for me to see the differences?… if there is such a startling difference like yall always claim.. to me the themes are so fkn similar whereby > i think its the same > degree, house, sign; same shit diff smell
This however made 4 years ago me, very insecure.:.. 😢I couldn’t figure out the difference and I felt dumb 🤧 but That was 4 years ago - I was noob…. made me realize things like: we got an attitude problem today - we youngins always apologizing, trying to make others comfortable about our bullshit (Anxiety skill issue), yet the old fucks are hella comfortable telling us what to do (authority skill issue), like bro. you dont even know me, and im supposed to bow to you, just so your gonna bread crumb me with some bs self professed 'useful' advice??? if you talked to each other youd realize you all have the same advice... and you too old to keep up with my problems, so stop acting like you know.....
and so like uh, its not bold of me to say that; if your a legit astrologer you know you can just read people. yes everyone has free will, and other explanations to undermine the importance of astrology, but we know whats going on > try me > *sales pitch noise*<
Tumblr astrology is good but not proffesional, just: posts about random asteroids, random observations, random sexytime, and the occasional ‘official’ astrologers bread crumbing us to incentivize us to pay for a reading…. Now I got nothing better to do with my life (nor do you clearly) so we all on here fucking around> but I made da sacrifice > I spent real money
And these 'readings' > dog shit I tell ya > oh don’t worry none of them were from tumblr people. But people in my city and they knew less than what I knew (from reading your tumblr shits)
So it turns out you guys lowkey experts - we done a million random astrology observations - and if your a lurker, you lowkey know more than some pros; and da concept of analyzing people in your life with astrology has made you a *drum roll* > an average astrologer. your not average, if the experts are only 20% better than you (lets say). so with this in mind your not that far off their expertise.. oh you cant measure it? tell me what i dont know < (tell me more) IM HUNGRY, MORE POSTS, MY FEED IS FUCKInG HUNGRY
Now however wasting my money > pissed me off… but its a blessing, becasuse i became >.....> not depressed!!! Finally I got my energy back >>> legs go...
So I learned to read astrology. I just kept reading these websites and interpreting them and well.. I think they overcomplicate a lot of things, and they say it like a report card, when obviously you and I are multiple planets, aspects, houses, degrees, house lords, persona charts, midpoints, asteroids, not to mention composite, synastry, transits solar return , and all da other fkn ones that I cannot be bothered mentioning. Yet there’s a whole fucking essay about one aspect… like bro you couldn’t make a summary? and im supposed to read each of my other aspects? (ofc i did) but like this is just trying to make me spend money (too much reading) and well Im a greedy little fuck so imma drain your resources and not give you a dime >t > SWIPER NO SWIPING <
and i hate watching people trynna act like they know shit yet eat their own words n adjectives like you aint a professional; you just labeled yourself one > wheres your doctorate at bitch? Had enough shitty readings to not trust another 'tarot reader', but its cool the 'psychologists' aint did much better > thank you mother for the birth of my existence but shi dis place a fkn willy wonkin fsctory - and its foul - most places that try to help you that is.... ' you need to be able to receive help' bitch stfu yall underestimsting my problems and overestimating your ability to make me feel better; BITCH I STFG you dont know shiiiiitiittttttttttt > and yall look happy dont you > "dont trust a bartender who dont drink bitch" - KanYe. Numeroloy 'master numbers' > So many sites only use master numbers from 11 > 22 > 33... but wheres the 44? the 55? the 66?????? dont tell me yall didnt realize that every 'master number' still reverts back to each number (9). > 11 =2, 22 = 4, 33=6, 55 = 1, 66 = 3, 77=5..... bro god stsyed outta this mess clearly..... and its always the ones that be inventing new gods that fuck everything too 🤫 furthermore annoyances of numerofuckology - because they reduce the number back down.. .e.g. you have life path 89 > which is simplified to 17 > then to 8.... why not use 89? why we dissin 9 ????? let alone the complete number??? why not intepret both numbers together???? yall just wanna do 1 because your simple with it. and 9 getting left out fr... and yall always celebrating how special 9 is yet he always left out (magic of math - adding 9 - always reverts back to original) honestly - sometiems its so obvious why yall became numerologists sometimes...... Dont even get me started on ANGEL NUMBERS i could neva stfu
i mean yall still trying to test how true it all is, but if you throw a fish at a pisces they gonna go all googly eye on you. tell a scorpio that you intimidated and now your their favourite informant... read their life path number, and you know what they wanna be doing with their life.... i mean it really is a key, and yall locks are looser than you think... watch yo back.. i wouldnt trust someone who can help me (what do they even want), let alone get help from someone who is useless; why would you? dont act like you dont have trust issues, its like our way of relating to each other at this point. your good at sex if you have.... what about the other person? i mean if you masterbate to yoself maybe.... but if a composite chart / synastry have say - chiron eros? pluto saturn? mars dejanira.... how much are you gonna be fucking yourself when you fucked a dirty fucka..... rip virginity - and rip yo self esteem - dangerous game to value your sex appeal as much as you do...... or maybe your living a fantasy on the internet, and that is healthier, but thoughts are manifestations.... oh shit what da fuck have i manifested oh shitttttttttt IM BEING SUCKED IN A VORTEX OF MY OWN SHIT, SOMONE CALL A MANIFESTOR AGHJH AGJJGH please dont be offended, i do like this community; im just a devils advocate... sometimes 👹
you guys put too muhc importance on manifeststion, and i mean if you think its facts, look at what the people around you are manifesting.... OH thats why you isolate so much. so your manifesting loneliness.... oh you try to help people, so your just a trash can for a rubish person.... you see what i mean, manifestation aint so clear cut as you seem to believe. I believe in it, but Im so used to receiving crap, I learned to enjoy eating shit (we all did) and what is "one mans trash is another mans soap" - fight club Oh and Pluto my favourite - every curse a blessing and every blessing a curse.... stop complaining > he gave you the sauce and the only way to show you was to make you cry > lil bitch > pluto profile pic winking at you rn natal > persona > midpoint > composite > synastry > transit > return charts this is the offical order governed by me- so much more imporatnt to understand yourself over what the world got installed / what your partner doing - work on yo insecurities rather than be worried about something you have no control ova
hmmm thats all the issues i have for now.... just look at me as the boy who cried wolf. they aint a wolf here yet; but they gonna be, and im warning yall > why people dont get it...its because there are too many contradictions > but i fully believe, ive had so many spiritual experiences where if i denied them, id be drinking alcohol and pretending i aint a alcoholic. and i do love yall, but sometimes your an eye roll 29th post requires. 29 degree typa energy - YOlo MOfo
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gurorori · 1 year ago
bein' completely honest here i have considered npd shu be4 soooo often cause the. the shoe fits (laugh please), i feel like his past & family environment cld really serve as a push, in the end cluster Bs r all jus' sets of survival & coping tactics ya adopt into yr personality as a result of unjust treatment & trauma <- this is true
nawt 2 armchair diagnose him but like we shall go over sum npd traits. cause we kno here it ain't jus' high self esteem (when the opposite is usually evident)
intentionally or nawt i feel like exvalk shu especially fits the npd mold like dat was his entire character conflict /lh (i miss him)
> a grandiose sense of self-importance
need i say anythin'. listen 2 like the first shu voiceline in ! it was literally 'i am the emperor of ymnsk academy'. .. doesn't he also go as far as 2 declare himself the god of this world? like ''kono sekai no kami da' i remember dat. oh & how much stronger & imposin' his timbre was compared 2 how much softer his voice is rn. he was very much self-focused even though it manifested thru valkyrie, he was distinctly treatin' the unit as his creation & his own creation only. the focus on the self is very real
> a preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
i feel like if ya know shu ya will nod away at every single one of these cause. pre-fall valk <- dat wasn' even a fantasy, i feel like he was really narc-thrivin' back then cause it was the reality, they WERE on top. (srry if ya came here 4 thorough analysis i don' do that round here i jus' show ya smth & we both nod solemnly) success, power, brilliance, beauty, even ideal love (shnz wink?) - exvalk shu is both a perfectionist & a maximalist i think he craved it all, an' even when he has achieved great success he jus' can't get enuff, leadin' him 2 get overconfident 2 the point where he was /dat/ oblivious 2 his own (& valkyrie's, but at dat time he saw valkyrie as himself only, & the rest as just an extension, a tool) imminent demise practically laid out in front of him.
> a belief that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions
this guy?
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the guy who calls the general public philistines & views ppl who don' adhere 2 the same high standards he holds 4 himself imbeciles?
> a need for excessive admiration
the 'go on, praise me more!' guy? it might seem at first like he'd b too prideful 2 outright ask 4 external validation but if ya really look a bit into it, he's very reliant on it.. i think it gets amplified by bein' an idol too, bein' very self conscious of yr image. ofc mr oshisan wld find himself in a field where the entire point is 2 b the center of attention & appraisal.
> a sense of entitlement
i think this jus' circles back 2 every other point i made...!!!! exvalk shu is control & acknowledgment hungry. he wants 2 step on n crush the skulls of every1 who is unworthy & soar thru the skies on the mechanical wings of valkyrie.. or wtv. he is intensely focused on his goal 2 the point of tunnel vision cause he fully believes himself 2 deserve the throne. no1 else can b above him. he despises 'commoners' & those below him yet who brought him all the recognition & glory? wats the expression? rest on yr laurels? dunno if 'm usin' it correctly!!!
i also hope i don' come off as dramatisin' too much. like ik marionette is literally jus' one story but i feel it dat much stronger, i guess. 4 (introject) reasons. i hope these things don' read as a huge stretch.
> interpersonally exploitive behavior
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> a lack of empathy
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> envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her
gettin' lazy. i feel like this cld jus' b self explanatory... i don' wanna go in depth into every single one 4 shu, esp cuz. ya don' need every single criteria 2 match. 4 a diagnosis. but if ya have any specific moments 4 this one feel free 2 add on 👍🏼
> a demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes
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