#lying down rn
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the-perfect-scientist · 2 years ago
((Oh heck its fathers day. I totally forgot that applied to ceec and carlo xD
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peanutseagle · 1 year ago
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imagine being obsessed with drawing your crush haha couldn't be me 💕
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zuzu-romeave · 1 month ago
lovelovelove the helena/helly debate cuz i can fully see both sides. like, yeah, it makes sense that the lying, the insistence that innies and outies are two separate people, the reassurance that there are no cameras or microphones, the fumbling with the computer switch, and her hesitation/confusion when mark hugs her would all be helena trying to fit in and have them trust her so she can find out anything else lumon doesnt already know about. on the other hand i can totally see helly being absolutely devastated to find out that she’s the cause of her suffering in an even more involved way than all the others and wanting to hide that fact. her family built lumon from the ground up, her father is the one who came up with the severance procedure, and helly herself encourages others to become severed. it must be soul crushing to learn that You and your whole family are the cause of your suffering AND your friends suffering. it would make sense for helly to being acting strange because of that revelation and it makes sense that she would want to see outies and innies as two entirely separate people. its just very neat i like it a lot its very fun to me :3
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padfootastic · 2 months ago
i just remembered that canonically, sirius got to godrics hollow after hagrid.
which means that after he had his godson taken away from him (bc lbr that’s exactly what hagrid and dumbledore’s orders basically did) then he went into the house and saw james and lily’s dead bodies alone. no buffer in the form of harry crying out for his parents or even the godfatherly instinct of making sure his kid is alright.
he was there, with his brother and friend’s cooking body, all alone. stewing in grief and pain and rage and guilt. ALONE.
do we even know how long he was there? for all we know, he could’ve been catatonic right there besides james all day.
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pseudophan · 4 months ago
hi sorry i’d been avoiding tit spoilers and i just got out of the Tysons show and i’m still REELING from the bed sharing conspiracy??? The fact that they said “yes we shared that bed” right in front of god and everyone???? INSANE behavior i didn’t realize that they had been HARD LAUNCHING every time an audience chooses the tour bus option
IT'S SOOO GOOOOD. fucking insane thing to tell people ON STAGE. the adrenaline rush i felt at the antwerp show when they said it was true will stay with me forever. the thing is though technically it's not even a hard launch cause they shared that bed surrounded by a crew they were telling they were just Good Friends like 😭 i think just the fact that they (allegedly but i believe them) didn't know about the one bed until they got the bus gave them plausible deniability to share it without it being a thing. and then they denied it to their audience and successfully made it A Thing. now did they have available bunks they could sleep in? well yes. but. um. god i need to hear that crew's gossip so bad
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taitavva · 1 year ago
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another coggoro sae palace au that never panned out + dog :)
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devotion-disorder · 4 months ago
homicipher.........i am looking.................
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hamishlinklaters · 7 months ago
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Lucinda Rose Linklater you are my hero god bless
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temeyes · 1 year ago
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just a ramble dood but i woke up in this exact position earlier and it was like,, the best sleep i had in weeks (so sorry plushie soap for suffocating u,,,)
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turrondeluxe · 2 years ago
Seeing ur Lovers Rock art made me ship them more than ever before. (I saw them first on Twitter)
I would like to nominate 2 other Spideys for Mirage and Ronin Mikey.
Spider-Man Noir for Mirage
Spider-Man 2099 for Ronin
Plz consider 🥺👉👈
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 16 days ago
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day 513/639 of yoongi's military service
this selca was posted on 200510 with the caption:
Lying down is the best! ARMYs try lying down today too #BOTD #BTS_OF_THE_DAY
(trans cr: Denise @ bts-trans)
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faaun · 4 months ago
this feels so delicate
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daughterofhecata · 1 year ago
At this rate the boys shouldn't be able to do any undercover work, they have been on the news SO many times, literally all of California should know their names and faces by now
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bunnieswithknives · 16 days ago
Are you still in the YHS reboot fandom or not?
Ummmmmm, as of right now I'd say probably not. YHS will always hold a special place in my heart regardless of anything, but at least for now I do not plan to participate in or make anything YHS reboot related
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patchwork-crow-writes · 3 months ago
94 - At Cross Purposes
...I want you to know that I'm not mad at you, okay?
...I'm not.
As I see you stand before me, your eyes looking anywhere except the space I occupy, I suppose that you must have a reason for doing what you've done. And it must be a very, very good reason, to have risked the threat of the Roaring in your very own home.
I don't doubt that for an instant, my light. But it doesn't change the fact that you completely disregarded everything I warned you about not a day earlier. And I'm not going to lie - that fact pains me to my very soul.
It hurts because I thought that you, of all people, would at least have said something to me about your intentions... that you would have at least had the courtesy to let me know that you had heard me, and that you had understood me.
I need you, my dear - I need you to remember that your choices. Do. Matter. Okay? I meant it when I said that to you, I did. But with those choices must also come responsibility. Would you have been ready to face the consequences, had the worst happened? Would you have had the strength, the will, to accept your role in that mistake?
I want to say I believe that you could, but... I honestly don't know. It is only thanks to dumb luck that we do not have to deal with those problems right now... but next time you decide to be so reckless, we might not be so fortunate.
Never forget - you're a hero now, whether you like it or not. It's time for you to start acting like one.
The Dark Menagerie No. 94
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Eren Jeager. This mf is like a wildfire, burning through my thoughts 24/7. I'm down bad, like head-over-heels, can't-stop-thinking-about-him bad. Eren Jaeger wreck my emotional landscape any day. I'm talking deep-down, dirty obsession for that guy – he's a walking, talking damn fantasy that I can't get out of my damn head. The dude's got a jawline so sharp; it could cut through the chaos he brings. I am so insane about this guy, i don't think there is enough words in the english dictionary to describe my feelings for him. Pure freaking chaos. I'm so down bad for him; I'd do some crazy shit, like drinking his bathwater. PLEASE SPARE ME ONE GLANCE. Seeing this dude makes my mouth straight-up water, man. I'm not even kidding – it's like a Pavlovian response to his existence. I start shaking, and it's not nerves. Plus, hear me out – I'd willingly let this man wreck me, body and soul. I'm talking about offering up everything, letting him bulldoze through me until I'm just a pile of dirt. Eren, if you're out there, bring on the ruin. I'm ready to be reduced to nothing but a damn mess for you. I love hobo Eren, short haired Eren, titan Eren, sauna Eren, summer Eren, winter Eren, spring Eren, bald Eren, 7 minutes Eren, modern AU Eren, pink suit Eren, golf player Eren, manbun Eren, PATHS EREN, guitarist Eren, CABIN EREN, hair down Eren. I LOVE IT ALL. Every damn day, I find myself praying to the heavens, begging God to send Eren to me. The mere thought of Eren consumes my mind, and I'm on the brink of losing it. I'm so down bad for him. I'm foaming at the mouth and i can not stop myself. I'm telling you, I'd go to the ends of the damn earth for every version of Eren. If he showed up at my doorstep Hobo Eren fashion, asking for beer money, I'd practically hand over my entire existence. I'd throw my bank account at him, grab those beers, and just fucking chill and roll joints w him or something. It's a level of down bad that's bordering on absurd.
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