#lydia hatch
Well. People seemed surprisingly enthusiastic about my Billy/OC fic. Ask and I shall deliver!
You can also read the fic on AO3! I have a lot of ZZZ oc things in mind, and you'll be able to find them all in one place over there!
As fate would have it, the biggest Starlight Knight fan-droid in all of New Eridu meets one of the artists behind the series! Luckily for him, she finds him quite endearing (and honestly really hot).
Waterfall Soup was wrapping up lunch rush during bright and sunny afternoon on New Eridu’s Sixth Street. Its owner, General Chop, noticed the last customer of the hour from the corner of his eye. 
A young woman with deep purple hair and a turquoise varsity jacket held out her bowl, completely empty except for a small puddle of broth. 
The short, stout man with bright red skin exhaled a small laugh from his nose. “You don’t have to try handing me the bowl every time, Lydia. I can grab it no problem,” Chop insisted as one of his mechanical bamboo arms extended and swiped the bowl out of her hands. 
Lydia rolled her silver eyes with a playful smirk. “Well excuse me for wanting to be a considerate customer.” 
“Hey, now. I never said it wasn’t appreciated.” Chop grinned with a light shrug. “I’m guessing you’re gonna spend the rest of the afternoon on Sixth Street?” 
“That’s the plan!” The purple haired woman stood up from her seat, grabbing a silver tablet lying on the counter. “I wanted to browse Box Galaxy to see if they still have a figure in stock, and try sketching some of the cats that congregate around— here…” Lydia’s pleasant expression froze into slight concern. She unfolded her tablet’s keyboard case, shuffled through her small backpack, then used a stool to support herself as she crouched onto the ground.  
“… Is something wrong?” 
“Nothing too major, at least not yet,” Lydia bit her lower lip. “My tablet pen must’ve fallen when I got my food. It couldn’t have rolled off too far, do you think?” 
General Chop’s face scrunched up, unsure. “Do you have a clue what direction it went?” 
“Well… given I sat on the very end here, and pens like to roll in circles…” The woman traced a rounded line from right to left. “I’m guessing it’s down by the newsstand or arcade. I just hope someone didn’t pick it up or trip on it—“ 
On cue, the loudest clang and crunch erupted from across the street. Most of the civilians nearby, Lydia and Chop included, covered their ears and/or slightly flinched. 
“What the— did someone drop an anvil or something?!” Long, purple waves swung side to side as Lydia tried to find the source of the noise. The only thing out of place were… a pair of legs sprawled out behind Howl’s newsstand. She couldn’t see who they belonged to, just the black jeans and slip-on shoes they wore— a lone silver knee pad on the right, nothing wrapped around it. 
General Chop inhaled through his teeth. “Definitely some heavy metal, I can confirm that much. That snapping sound doesn’t bode well, either.”
“It really doesn’t…” Lydia put her tablet back in her bag, swinging it across her shoulders. “Let me check it out. If they need to be propped up, can I bring them here?” 
The stout chef crossed his own arms, one of the bamboo ones giving a thumbs up. “You don’t even have to ask.” 
The woman nodded with a small salute before dashing across the street. She rested one hand on the newsstand building, the other stretched out to whoever fell down. “Hey, you ok? You need an ambulance or—“ 
The arm she held out fell slightly limp. 
In front of her, on the ground, was a robot. As real as real could possibly get. It wasn’t too rare to see androids around New Eridu— but not one roaming the city streets on their own! Aside from a body and face of jet black metal… they looked mostly human. Platinum white, synthetic hair styled up high and flashy, a bright red jacket with a small sheriff’s star pin, pale gray and shockingly toned abs— Wait, why did a robot have abs? Why was this guy (given the pretty masculine appearance) walking around practically shirtless? Not a complaint by any means, just… surprising. 
Lydia blinked, shaking her head. For the love of— don’t ogle someone’s abs when they might be knocked out! She stepped around, sitting on her knees to look the android over. No real nose or mouth… but the obvious eyelights shut off. Definitely not a good indicator. Pursing her lips together, Lydia tapped the android’s shoulders, then his forehead. Without any response, she exhaled a small, stressed huff. It felt weird to say, but robots had some sort of power button or something, right? Maybe he just needed to be turned back on again. 
Sure enough, Lydia spotted a large, golden button shaped like a diamond. Right in between jet black pecs and those silver abs. Her eyes widened, cheeks slightly flushed. “Oh no… don’t tell me…” She held a hand to her face, taking a deep breath. “It’s not weird! I’m just checking if the robot’s conscious. I’m not gonna fondle his chest, or anything like that! Just press the button and see if something happens. And hope I don’t reset him somehow.” 
Lydia shook out her hands, slowly moving one of them towards the button. Two fingers swiftly pressed down, instantly coming back to her chest. 
Finally, after agonizing seconds of anticipation, bright golden eyes flickered on. They narrowed in confusion and slight pain as the android sat himself up. “Woah, man. I did not expect to fall that hard,” He glanced behind him at the ground, an expressive voice coming from… somewhere. 
“Holy shit, it actually worked.” 
The robot’s shoulders jumped up slightly, his head whipping back around to see the source of the new voice. The first thing he noticed were two star-shaped clips holding up a small portion of dark purple hair, the rest in a low ponytail. Some loose strands around her forehead framed a lightly tanned face with dumbfounded, silver eyes. The kind of silver you’d see in the stars… 
Was this woman sitting by him the whole time?!
A jet black hand slowly rose up with a light wave. “Uh… hi.” 
Lydia waved back. “Hi. Are you… feeling alright?” 
“Yeah, I would say so.” 
“How far back can you remember?” 
“Huh?! Well… I don’t know if I can unpack all of that on the spot, but—“
“Oh thank god, I didn’t give you amnesia!” The purple haired woman nearly sunk into the street, her hands clasping at a purple tie wrapped in a loose bow at her chest. “I guess when you fell, you were unconscious for a minute— I just saw the button in the middle of your chest and prayed it might get you up and running again.” 
The android looked down at the said button, then back at his apparent rescuer. “So… you turned me back on?” 
THE PHRASING. Lydia inhaled tightly. “Yyyyep! That’s all I did though! I didn’t touch anything else, I swear.” 
“I mean, I don’t feel anything else… ‘xcept for my butt being a little sore.” 
“Ah geez, I can only imagine— hold on. You can… feel touch? You can feel pain?!” 
“Mhm. As you can probably guess, I’m pretty durable, so it takes a lot to actually hurt me. I usually wince out of surprise more than anything.” 
“I see… So you’re pretty sure you don’t have a concussion or anything?” 
“I don’t think I can get concussions.” Jet black fingers with crimson joints ran through platinum white hair. “But I appreciate the concern! Uh… Miss?”
The purple haired woman let out a small laugh. “All of this and I didn’t even tell you my name yet!” She pushed stray hair out of her face before offering out a hand. “I’m Lydia.”
“Lydia… that’s a pretty name,” The android nodded slowly, just kinda. Staring at her. 
“Um… Aren’t you gonna tell me yours?” 
“Oh, yeah! It’s Billy. Billy Kid.”
“Huh. Cuter than I expected,” Lydia muttered to herself as Billy finally shook her hand. Yep. That’s a robot hand if she’s ever felt one. A very firm… yet gentle grip. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Billy! Here, let me help you back up—“ 
“No, no, I’m fine! I don’t want your arms to fall out from pulling too hard.” 
“Are you really that heavy? I guess you must be if your fall was so… loud…” Lydia paused as she realized she was back on her feet, Billy holding both of her hands. The only thing breaking the awkward silence was the soft whrrrrr of fans. 
Holy shit, he was tall. She only stood eye-level to the button on his chest… which was only inches away from her. Lydia did her best to look away and not seem so perverted— but in her defense, she noticed something. Slightly covered by his jacket was a small, yellow emoticon with a cartoony dead expression and blood spewing out its head, “HEADSHOT” written below it in sharp, capital letters. Guess that meant even robots could get tattoos? 
Only when Lydia looked up to see Billy gazing back down at her, he finally broke away. And by broke away, he shoved himself back with his arms practically flailing. “S-sorry about that!” 
“No, you’re good! You got me back up all on your own, I was just. Surprised it happened so fast.” Lydia rubbed the back of her neck with a sheepish laugh. “But don’t move around too much though. Tripping again wouldn’t be fun.” 
“You’ve got a point there… what did I even trip on, anyway?” The android looked back down on the ground to see… something thin and silver, perfectly split in two. Well, save for the microchips unsheathed. 
Lydia’s shoulders dropped. “Ah. That’s where my pen went.” 
“Wait— that’s yours?!” Billy immediately pressed his hands together over his head with a deep bow. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” 
The purple haired woman held out her hands in reassurance. “Hey, it’s ok! I’m sorry it made you trip!” Lydia kept a calm smile as she crouched back down and picked up the remains of her pen. “It sucks that it broke, but I can buy a replacement no problem.” 
Billy froze, hesitantly fidgeting with his hands. “Uh… how much would a replacement be? Admittedly I don’t have much money on me right now, but—“ 
Lydia pointed at him with one of the pen fragments, a pleasantly stern gleam in her eyes. “You’re not paying me back for an accident, mister. Not a single denny!” She looked back down at the pieces with a small shrug. “I can get one on my way back home later tonight. Guess I won’t get to sketch the kitties, though.”
The robot tilted his head, oddly doglike. “You draw?” 
“That I do!” Without much warning, Lydia turned on her heel towards the closest bench, motioning Billy to follow. While he hesitantly sat down next to her, she moved her backpack onto her lap, getting her tablet back out. Lydia patted closer to her as she handed him the device, the screen illuminated with all sorts of sketches of dynamic poses, casual passersby, and several adorably squishy bangboo. 
Awkwardness instantly melted away as Billy grabbed the tablet for a closer look. “Woaaaaaaaaah, these are all so good! Y’know, some of these poses kinda remind me of—“ Whatever he was about to say next was interrupted by the loudest gasp Lydia ever heard. He pointed at a series of sketches on screen, of several figures in superhero costumes and star-shaped helmets. “YOU’RE A STARLIGHT KNIGHT FAN TOO?! Holy moly, it’s like they’re living on the page!”
“Aww, thanks! I would hope I can draw them pretty well, considering that’s my whole job.”
The android dropped the tablet into his lap. “… Your job is to what?” 
“Oh— well, I’m a storyboard artist! Also an art director, but—“
“No way. No! Way! You’re Lydia Hatch?!” 
“You remember my name from the credits?!”
“Of course I do!” Yet again, Billy’s expressiveness radiated through his entire being. Sparkles practically grew off him as he grabbed Lydia’s hands together. “I can’t believe I’ve met a goddess of creation! I know this is super sudden but can I please have your autograph? You can do it right here! On my jacket! Anywhere’s fine!” Just like that, he took the jacket off, his metallic arms and torso in all their lean and shining glory. 
Lydia’s jaw hung open for. Several reasons. 
A hot robot man called her a goddess… Pretty damn good trade-off for a broken pen. 
Solid yellow eyes drooped just slightly as Billy sheepishly brought his jacket closer to his chest. “Uh… you ok? Sorry, was I too mu—“
“Oh— no, you’re fine!” His newfound goddess shook her head, shyly running her fingers through her hair. “I was just surprised by your enthusiasm— not in a bad way at all, though! I’m really honored you like my work on the series that much. I don’t want to get your jacket stained with ink, and I don’t have any fabric pens on me… but I can definitely jot down my signature real quick.” 
Lydia snatched her tablet off the robot’s lap, placing it back in her backpack. She rummaged through it for a moment, pulling out a small notebook and stationery case. Opening to a fresh page, then unzipping the case for a lining pen (the kind with actual ink this time), she sketched out line after line, shapes building rapidly on top of each other. 
Billy slowly scooched closer, peeking over her shoulder as he put his jacket back on. If watching her draw wasn’t enticing enough, the way those starlight silver eyes kept glancing up at him, and then back down at the notepad was… almost like a tease. 
It took him longer than he’d like to admit to realize who Lydia was drawing. “Is that… me?” 
“Yep! It’s not as clean as my usual stuff since this is more on the fly, but how could I not draw someone as striking as you?” 
She thinks I’m striking?! 
The gentle hum of fans whirred once more, Billy’s vision glazing over slightly as Lydia jotted actual writing down next to her quick portrait of him. She cleanly ripped out the page, offering it out to him with a dazzling smile. “Here you go!”
Metallic hands trembled, slowly reaching out for such an invaluable artifact. When he finally grasped the paper in his hands, Billy’s entire body began to vibrate from sheer elation. 
Lydia blinked, gripping the bench a little harder to prevent bumping off of it. “I’m… guessing that means you like it?” 
The android pressed the note to his cheek, snuggling it tightly. “I love it! I love it, I love it, I love it so much!! It’s like looking in a mirror! But even cooler! I’m gonna frame it as soon as I get back ho—“ Billy paused, pointing at the paper’s lower corner. “What’s all of this scribbled next to your autograph?”
Silver eyes shifted into an amused blank stare. “That’s. My phone number. Plus my internet and inter-knot handles.” 
“You’re giving me your contact information?!” 
“Of course! You’re very sweet and fun to talk to,” Lydia shrugged with a soft hum. “Plus, we’ve chatted for this long. I'd say it's the start of a friendship.” 
Some sort of sound escaped the robot man— it was hard to tell what kind, though. Billy quickly shoved a hand into his jacket, rummaging inside it before grumbling. “Ah, crap. Nicole hasn’t printed out new cards yet.” 
Business cards, perhaps? He actually worked somewhere? 
Lydia chuckled softly. “You don’t need to hand me anything that professional. Just shoot me a message letting me know it’s you.” 
“Oh… uh, ok! I can definitely do that!” Metallic hands gave confident thumbs’ up before flinching at a sudden burst of… the Starlight Knight intermission jingle? Billy whipped out a smartphone from small brown bag strapped to his leg, his eyes panicked for a moment seeing whoever was calling him. Nonetheless, he responded as cheerful as ever. “Yo, Boss!” 
“Billy, you were supposed to meet our client at the cafe 5 minutes ago!” Another woman’s voice, presumably this “Nicole” he mentioned, blasted from the phone’s speaker in frustration. “You didn’t sneak off to Godfinger again, did you?” 
“What? No, I’d never do that! … Again!” The android glanced down at Lydia, his other hand clenched slightly. “I just— I ran into something. And someone. But it’s settled now! I’ll head to the cafe asap.” 
“You better!” Nicole huffed before hanging up, leaving Billy to shyly scoot off the bench. 
“Uh. I gotta go…” 
“That’s fine! I wouldn’t want to keep your client waiting more than I already have,” Lydia snapped a finger gun with a small wink. “Good luck, ok?” 
Oh, if only someone could pinch Billy properly. He nodded his head rapidly before jumping off the bench. “If I’ve been blessed by a Starlight Goddess today, my luck is already through the roof!” He gave a small salute with his fingers, clearly copying the SK sendoff-pose. “I’ll send you a text as soon as I can!” 
“I’m looking forward to it!” Lydia waved as the android dashed for Sixth Street’s coffee shop. It honestly sucked he had to leave so soon… but watching him go was a pleasant surprise. 
The captivated smirk fell from her face when she actually processed her thoughts. Goddamn, when was the last time she was this attracted to someone?! Of all the people she’s been curious to date, the robot got her going the fastest? 
Lydia looked at the broken pen pieces in her bag, digging them back out. She laughed to herself, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. “Well, I’ve always been into dorky studs.” 
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eliotbaum · 11 months
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At her call.
(Lydia Petrovna/Fiona Wachter)
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fenth-eiria · 1 year
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So I just found out that there was such thing as a spider beetle!!
How cool is that!!!
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trendfag · 5 months
am i just super autistic because if people are beefing but its funny i will genuinely think theyre joking and being funny with each other on purpose. why is anyone getting mad about “teach me about tax fraud king!” or “shes not that nice!” like these are things gay people would say to and about each other while making out
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bl4nchetts-lvr · 3 months
Teacher's pet PT.2
lydia tar X student!Reader [SMUT]
word count: 545
genre: smut
warnings: 18+ content
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The older woman looked mockingly at you, laying beneath her all worked up.
She loved the way your eyes were half-closed. She enjoyed the way you were breathing all hatched. She enjoyed being the one making you feel like this.
Her hands were already exploring your most intimate parts, her rough fingers circling your extremely sensitive bud, slick with your arousal.
She didn't break the eye contact, just in silence doing all of this as she thought about the way you would beg for her to go harder, or, in another scenario, to go softer (which she won't, unless you cry).
Her long fingers went inside of you, it was easy considering how wet you were for her.
'So wet..' she said quietly, perhaps in amusement mixed with mocking.
She smirked as she heard you whimper and saw your legs tense up with the penetration. She continued like this for a while, surprisingly being gentle with you while stretching you out. She then leaned closer, her face between your soft thighs.
The tip of her nose touching your bud as she inhaled the scent of your arousal, getting turned on. She put her tongue out, giving you the so-called 'kitten licks'.
She heard you let out a shaky breath, which made her smirk and tease you more. She licked it faintly, feeling the slight flavor of your arousal. She held your thighs open, squishing them with her hands. It hurt a little, but the sheer amount of anticipation of what's gonna come next built up in your body made the pain seem less.
When she started eating you out the way she always does with other women, so rough, needy, messily, it made your back arched. She heard you moan out her name, which made her moan into your cunt herself.
She was licking your cunt like there was no tomorrow, like the woman had starved for months.
She needed this as much as you needed, but for her, it didn't mean even half of what it meant for you. For her, this was just another girl she would use for her satisfaction. If she liked this, she may use you again. But for you? You needed this. This was your last chance to make her like you the slightest bit more, so that she won't kick you out from the orchestra, so that you get the job in your dream place.
When you felt the orgasm build up, your eyes rolled back as your shaky hand went to hold onto Lydia's slightly messy hair. You held onto it for dear life, the pain of getting her hair pulled made Lydia moan into your cunt yet again.
When you finally reached your high, you felt the way Lydia licked the whole arousal off after opening her mouth to take it all in.
Your heart was beating fast, your vision blurry. You needed this. In some way, you thought that even if you didn't get the place in the orchestra, you could still remember this experience of making love with the Lydia Tár. The woman leaned back, some of your arousal being on her chin and nose.
She smirked at you, her blue eyes cold and full of satisfaction, dominance, and confidence:
'We are not done yet.'
sorry for writting this such a long time after. had exams and more stuff in life.
hope you liked it!
stay hydrated and eat well🫶🏻
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yennefer-x-tissaia · 1 year
Yennaia bits in ep 3.05 (Part 2)
So, after her conversation with Philippa, Yen bumps into Istredd. Istredd tells Yen about some ancient magic book that conveniently allows time travel. Don’t start thinking about how Yen might misuse that after certain ~events later in the season @thegirl20​, just stoppit now
Anyway, Istredd and Triss tell Yen that the book is in Stregobor’s office and somebody needs to get it. Yen agrees.
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Meanwhile, Vilgefortz and Geralt are talking and Geralt is seeing several clues that will come into play later. They see Istredd and Yen talking and Vilgefortz ~casually mentions that Tissaia told him that Yen and Istredd used to get up to naughty stuff in Tor Lara as youngsters.
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 (Why on earth would he and Tissaia be talking about Yennefer’s teenage love life??)
Yen and Geralt meet and then there’s a dance that Geralt has never heard of, but knows the moves to. During the dance, they hatch a plot to retrieve the important book, by causing a distraction.
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Tissaia watches them dance, smiling. 
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After the dance, Yennefer goes to speak to Artaud and gets him in on the plan.
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Geralt challenges Istredd to a pretend fight to serve as a distraction. Tissaia watches, but does not intervene.
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She does appear to shield her girls from it though. Even though she is tiny.
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(Either that or she’s getting ready to blast them both into oblivion for spoiling her girl’s party.)
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Yen goes to Stregobor’s office, and finds evidence of the missing girls there. Meanwhile Geralt calls for a truce, which is a signal for Artaud to fall into a pile of glasses, delighting Sabrina.
Tissaia and Triss go to comfort Istredd, which I only wanted to show because of how little Tissaia is.
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Stregobor comes in and finds Yen snooping and they argue, but everyone else comes in at that point and we have a Scooby Doo-esque unmasking scene where Yen, Triss and Istredd tell everyone that Stregobor is behind everything.
Yen says he tried to kill her.
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And Tissaia looks like she wants to incinerate him on the spot.
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They get out the time travel book and tell everybody that Stregobor stole it so he can rid the world of elves. He tries to plead his case but Tissaia cuts him off.
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This is very gracious of her, considering the last time she wanted him to be punished she basically had to come back to Yen and say ‘Ummm, they’re not going to do anything to him, also they think you’re a traitor and you’re going to have to kill Cahir to prove you’re not’.
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He’s taken away to wizard jail protesting his innocence and Tissaia says ominous, fate-tempting things.
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She thanks Yen (and Geralt as an afterthought) for saving the evening.
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We don’t see what she does with the book, but we can assume that it will definitely fall into the wrong hands at some point. 
Yen notices Chekov’s Tissaia’s bracelet on the floor and picks it up.
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Everybody goes back to the party and Tissaia makes a toast to peace, and to Yen and Geralt, but mostly Yen.
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Geralt tells Yen he loves her, she doesn’t say it back. (Like Tissaia didn’t say it back to Vilgefortz in ep 2.) And they kiss. Tissaia smiles.
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The party ends and Geralt and Yen go back to their room and reminisce about all of the events while in the bath and then while having sex.
In the morning(?) they’re getting dressed and they start to discuss Philippa’s weird warnings, leading them to discuss Lydia, which makes Geralt ask about Tissaia’s bracelet.
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Now, I don’t mean to be sexist here, but I have never known a man to glance at a set of earrings and take note of what they were made of. But apparently Geralt did.
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They know what it is made of and where it is mined. Conveniently.
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Then they discuss a painting Vilgefortz showed Geralt, and Yen says that’s where her dodgy portal took her. Vilgefortz is not subtle. And neither is the writing of this scene.
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Suddenly, Phillippa’s warning makes sense.
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They spring into action, Geralt picking up his sword and Yennefer chanting over Tissaia’s bracelet.
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Yen is doing a location spell to find Tissaia, to make sure she’s safe.
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Yen does not take kindly to being told she doesn’t have time to care about Tissaia’s safety. She vehemently tells Geralt that she’s not abandoning Tissaia.
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And goes back to trying to find her.
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Geralt heads out into the hallway where we hear that something bad is happening.
And that’s the cliffhanger!!
(Apologies if I missed a whole strand of storyline - it was difficult trying to do this in a linear fashion!!)
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tulipsnflowers · 3 months
AS our resident ghost type enthusiast, I ask you:
*holds out microphone
Ghost types. Tell us more. Your thoughts?
Well I'm very glad you asked
(takes the mic out of your hands)
.... Fricking. Ghost types.
Okay so let's start from the beginning, I fricking hate Ulzar but I have to at least half take it into consideration
Bastard said that each of the 7 had their own offspring being Nexomon and that's how they came to be.
How true this is is up to debate, but, still. CoO made nexomon that carry their element, checks out.
No 2 is actually Jin/Atlanta/Lydia. I forgot who says it but I know it's said Jin sealed Fen off so that no more tyrants can be born. And that when Lydia knows you have an egg she immediately tells you to go bother Nadine.
Therefore, I'm going to assume that one must need element powers to hatch tyrants, more specifically laylines. And this makes sense! (Not your post Byeol go to the corner.) I mean, the Plant type tyrant is literally Tikala, who was a warden, because Deena probably wouldn't have. And there's no Psychic because I mean, Solus was a child, nobody came up to them like "hey kid you wanna bless this egg with psychic powers"
... So then. Ghost. Fane.
Where did they come from, genuinely. It can't be Ziegler, he's a normal type. Even if he wasn't it'd still have weird implications.
We have this whole lore and world building about this being the case, and then ghost shows up.
It's the only type without a primordial! How did you exist if you had nothing to come from???
It even has shards and traps! Normal doesn't have shards and traps!!!
So where did you come from??
It has to be something, somehow. I just- it's do weird, AND it's gone in n3!!! It just stayed around a bit and then left, what the heck!!!!!
This is why I have Aster (I promise I'm working on this) and Sasha(This kangaroo won't leave me be istg-) among others. I need reason as to why Ghost is a thing.
I obviously don't think Aster is a thing that canonically happened, so, here's some:
1. Ghost came from Hilda screwing on about, and her curse effecting Nexomon, I'm only willing to accept this if there's 0 ghosts in n3
2. Ghost came from Amelie trying to stop Tyrants. Because imagine pre Solus for a second. Normal was an unstoppable force as far as elements went. No counters, no nothing. So maybe she just fucked about (her or Malk, because James' steppdad would probably have his blood or something from being a scientist and making sure that glass ball has his rabbies shots) making Ghost on accident. If anyone's doing this I expect a Ghost type primordial design on my desk by 5. Because they existed for at least a moment
3. Deena's scrapped plotline of having a different kid first. This fucks up her characterization just a little bit (a lot) though so thread carefully I guess.
4. The abyssal person did it because we still don't know what they are. Seer? Probably. But maybe they're related to Omnicron or something who fricking knows, not me. Also no I don't think it's James sorry other theory person. So maybe it's Kroma? Like the first real Ghost type, I mean I even have a human design, she'd just need some gold...
5. It's Normal decaying at different speeds. Ghost is sometimes described by Decay after all. This one I might have to take in n3, considering I don't think it'd ever get resolved
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whitedahlia13 · 4 months
That’s Where You’ll Find Me
Chapter 6: Once in a Lullaby
Fandom: Teen Wolf / The Wizard of Oz AU
Characters: Stiles + Lydia, Prada, Kira Yukimura
There's a land that I heard of, once in a lullaby - Over the Rainbow by Harold Arlen and E. Harburg
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The Jeep is nearly perfect. It’s the same model as Stiles’s – a CJ5, possibly manufactured in the early 1980s. It has a robin egg blue exterior with black doors and a hard top. There’s dried mud on the rims and a few dents here and there. It looks used and abused, but most of all, loved. Lydia can tell by the way Noah glides his hand across the hood on his way to open the passenger door for her.
She climbs in, wave of nostalgia rising with the scent of aged leather and motor oil. It makes her pause, seeking other signs of familiarity. She finds them in the AM FM radio with the cracked tuning dial, the scuffed-up console, and the glove compartment hatch that’s being held shut with a piece of duct tape.
There is only one thing missing. A police scanner. Its absence makes her wonder about Noah’s dad. Maybe he never installed one in the Jeep. Maybe law enforcement officers have some other means of communication. Maybe he isn’t even the sheriff. Maybe...
“Is everything all right?” Noah asks.
“Yeah, just...taking it all in.” She thinks she must have tears in her eyes because his face has become blurry.
“You must be wondering what you got yourself into,” he says. “I know she looks rough, but I promise she’ll get us to Emerald City. I can fix pretty much anything that breaks down, and if all else fails...there’s always duct tape.”
She snickers, uncertain whether it’s a laugh or a sob tickling her throat. “Yeah, there’s always duct tape,” she echoes with a smile.
He makes sure she is comfortably situated with Prada on her lap, before closing the door and striding around to the driver’s side.
“So, I had this idea,” he begins, tossing his jacket on the back seat.
“First, I need to know how adamantly opposed you are to theft.”
Keep reading: ao3
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empressofthelibrary · 5 months
Tell me about Jamie and Rachel
......Okay, I've been trying to keep my mouth shut about them because I'm worried I'll lose the motivation to write if I spill the beans, but... When I look at the pace I'm actually writing at, I might not get there until I literally retire. So... Here we go. Spoilers ahead, obviously.
Long story short, they're Bailey and Dick's daughters. I'm not sure how obvious that was, but I'd be shocked if nobody had put that together yet, honestly. And they might be from another dimension. They hatched from eggs that grew from a plant Bailey got as a wedding gift from the girls' fairy godmother.
...I'm gonna explain everything, but it's a helluva ride, so buckle up. Time travel is heavily involved, so be warned. It gets confusing.
The earliest seeds of this start not in Bailey's relationship with Dick, exactly, but with a cryptic warning from a random blonde girl with a very strong grip and intense orange eyes. She tells Bailey to "stay away from the peacock man" and... Vanishes back into the crowd.
Bailey brushes it off as a prank from some weird kid.
Fast forward a little bit, and Bailey gets called in to body-double for Princess Lydia of Valdania. The country is in political turmoil, Lyd is announcing a marriage of state, the risk of assassination attempts is high. There's a masquerade ball involved, because what's the point of fanfic if not self-indulgence, and Bailey encounters a man dressed as a peacock. She has completely forgotten the warning from the weird kid, but her "bodyguard" steps in before she can accept this wierdo's request for a dance. That becomes important later, I promise.
At some point, through some kind of Star Trek Bullshit, I'm sending Bailey into the 30th century. Someone else needs to be with her; it can't be Wally, for obvious reasons. She gets back with the help of Cary Wren, the GL of the time, but... Cary misses the target by about a decade. Bailey lands about ten-to-fifteen years ahead of when she left, practically in the lap of a twenty-something Lian. (Lian is growing up normal, fuck canon, this whole "Shoes" thing is stupid.) Bailey panics once she realizes she's not when she's supposed to be, and who she's looking at. She's familiar enough with the scifi genre to know that finding out your own future is bad. Lian is trying to do damage control, making sure Bailey learns as little as possible, while still getting her home. But she can't keep a perfect lid on things, and Bailey comes face to face with a very curious child -- One with red-gold curls framing her freckled face, a gaptoothed grin, and giant, almond-shaped eyes, blue as cornflowers.
Everyone freezes. Chris -- now also an adult -- scoops the child away as fast as he can. Bailey does not understand the tension in the room. She has a niece, clearly. That kid looked exactly like her nephew Aiden did at her age. Obviously Phoebe had another kid. Why a civilian child is here is a mystery, but she's trying really hard not to think about that.
The other person on the adventure with her points out the obvious. Bailey laughs it off -- It's pretty much physically impossible for her to have kids. And who would the dad even be? She'd be an awful mother besides. Nah, no way. That cycle ends here. (The thought had crossed her mind, but it scared the shit out of her, so she shoved it down deep.)
Fast forward a bit. Bailey freaks out and runs away from an actual relationship beginning with Dick, because change is hard and scary and good things never stay and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah commitment. I've talked about this a little.
To be more specific, she runs away to space with Kyle. While in space with Kyle, the party runs afoul of a Black Mercy. Bailey gets sucked into a dream. She's married to Dick, and has been for fourteen years. They're both going gray, getting old. Together. They have a little yellow house with a porch swing and a picket fence. There's a shelter cat, a cranky old-as-hell ginger tabby with one good eye. The sidewalk is covered in chalk drawings.
And they have two fantastic, adorable, smartmouthed daughters. Jamie's older, eleven, and already almost as tall as her father. Rachel is six, and steals the chocolate chips from the pancakes Dick makes on Sundays. They're both bright, compassionate, opinionated girls, so full of light and life and joy. Jamie has Bailey's righteous anger and outspoken nature. Rachel has Dick's quick mind and mischievous tendencies. Bailey loves them, loves this life, so much. It's everything she's ever wanted. Everything she didn't realize she wanted. Everything she was afraid to let herself want.
But she does. She wants it so, so much.
And then Zyzzanyx, the imp she'd... encountered... previously (that's another post) pops in. Explains that she's gonna die if she doesn't make herself wake up -- that Kyle and Laney and the others are gonna get hurt if she doesn't help them. And Bailey has to let it all go.
(The Man Who Has Everything did not do enough exploration of the long-term psychological ramifications of this concept to suit me, okay?)
Bailey is deeply shaken by this dream. She starts to realize that she does want to be a parent, but the idea of stability and putting down roots still scares the hell out of her. It takes someone else pointing out that she's already basically adopted Lanos, the amnesiac navcom AI who is from another Earth, for her to really start to come around to the idea.
...This is what leads to her freakout that has her knocking on Ollie's door at four in the morning, unleashing a wall of text, and recounting the whole tale so far over several bowls of chili.
Unfortunately, Laney leaves. Bailey doesn't really have a stable place to share with a teenager, and... Lanos has a big sister to get to know, and a whole new universe to explore. They stay in contact, but it's a bit like sending your kid off to boarding school.
Shortly after that, she leaves for Los Angeles. She doesn't really have anywhere to stay, having lost her apartment while in space, and she's been couch surfing. Bette offers her a proper room in her penthouse apartment in LA, and a chance to rebuild the Titans West. Bailey takes her up on it. Staying in the Gotham/Metropolis/NYC area was too close to Bludhaven and Dick anyway; the further away she could get from him, the better.
From there, the next big chapter we get in this saga is what I refer to as the Little Mercies Arc. And this one I need to do a lot of research before I write, I know. But essentially, someone is making designer drugs derived from a Black Mercy they got ahold of and embiggified to a truly dangerous degree. You know those century-old rhododendron bushes that are the size of a small car? It's like that. But Bailey and Jason take this person down, and burn the stash.
...Or. Most of the stash, anyway. Bailey picks up a single sleeve of the Little Mercies. She tells herself it's for research. Study. Finding out how it was made. But it's not. She knows it's not.
She misses her daughters. She misses the life she could have lived, if she hadn't fucked things up with Dick. She's only human, after all.
You can see where that's going.
Bailey stabilizes, gets some help, starts getting better. She gets more involved with the local community, doing volunteer work and stuff; that was Ollie's idea, and it's a good one. She forms connections with people, even starting a new relationship with an old acquaintance, Jonah Pavoni -- a nurse, formerly from Central, who helped her decide to take up being a superhero.
...Cut ahead about... Twentyish years or so. Metropolis. Four teenagers in spandex are in hot pursuit of a man in a peacock-themed outfit. They are:
A speedster in green -- Kickstart, also known as Trenton Swift; currently the second-youngest ward of the West-Allen clan, until his parents can be found.
An acrobat in blue-and-black -- Madcap, Blythe Phillips; daughter of forcibly-retired minor-league supervillains Punch and Jewlee, seeking to redeem her family name through vigilantism.
A blonde Kryptonian girl with orange eyes -- Liora of Kandor, once Liora Tyr-Van; an escapee of the bottled city, hoping to find a way to unshrink her people before their resources run out. I'm leaning towards Spitfire for a name.
And at the front of this quartet, a young archer, black-haired, blue-eyed, and both enraged and terrified. Rachel Marion Grayson-Adler, Fledgling, third-generation superhero. She's eager to prove herself, and desperate to stop the man ahead of them.
He's headed for the Jules Verne Museum, after the time-bubble Clark donated, the one he used to visit the 30th Century growing up. If he gets ahold of it, if he jumps back to when he wants... It could literally wipe her family out of existence.
Unfortunately, they don't make it. The guy gets away with the time-bubble. So what do a bunch of 15-17yos do to solve this problem?
Steal the other time-bubble from the Flash Museum, obviously.
They leap into the timestream after him, but none of them know how to pilot the dang thing. Ray and Liora are trying to shoot the other bubble down. Blythe is hitting random buttons because one of these things has to help, right? Trent is just trying to steer while the three girls move around the tiny, cramped ship.
...Both bubbles crash. All five time-travellers are now scattered along the timeline. And this is where it gets confusing, so stay with me.
Blythe lands on a random rooftop in Gotham, just before the whole thing with the dragon-wizard from another dimension. That is also its own post. But that happens after Bailey gets back from space but before Laney heads out.
Liora tumbles into the middle of Bailey's team-up with Kara, Bette, and Shayera. She helps, but she also has to gtfo because the giant robot dinosaur they're fighting is kryptonite-powered.
Trent... Actually snaps back to the time they left, and goes for help in the form of the Team's Designated Older Siblings, Jamie and Wade.
Rachel crashes into the middle of the West-Park dining table, appearing out of thin air, at roughly the same time Bailey is getting her head back on straight.
And the other guy, the one they were chasing? His bubble lands in the wrong time, but not too far off the mark. He's outside a small volunteer clinic in Keystone City. It doesn't take much use of his touch-telepathy to steal the knowledge, training, and clothes of an unlucky nurse, a witness to the crash, and he slides in seamlessly. He's now Jonah Pavoni, RN.
Jonah's plan all along was to steal the time-bubble and go back to before the love of his life -- the woman who saved him, the brilliant, shining angel, the ethereal wonder he's loved since childhood -- before she married some asshole who didn't deserve her. When he crashed in the wrong place and time, he didn't know if he'd ever find her again. But three days later, the Pied Piper drags her in. She's injured, but the wounds are more mental than physical. Of course -- his goddess couldn't be brought down so easily. She just needs... A little encouragement. A nudge or two. He can help with that.
It's like fate brought him exactly when and where he needed to be, placed him in an even better position to convince Bailey of his devotion. Now nothing could keep them apart -- not the misalignment of their ages, not distance, not that stupid neglectful jackass. No, now he could be here for Bailey, from the very beginning, building her up, adoring her, showing her the worship she deserves. Finally, he could be hers, and she could be his. As it was always meant to be.
...Man's a little bit not right in the head.
Blythe and Liora are trying to find their friends, and worrying about Jonah later. Liora crosses paths with Bailey once, and in the interest of still having her best friend to find, tries to warn Bailey to be careful. It doesn't work that well.
Rachel, however, needs to find Jonah right now immediately. While also keeping her identity secret from her extended family and avoiding the hell out of anyone who might recognize her, so she doesn't Marty McFly herself out of existence. She's a walking ball of anxiety, my poor lanky dorito girl.
Wally would like to help, but she keeps saying she isn't allowed to talk to him about it and there are time-travel rules and he has no fucking clue who this sassy lost child is but she called him Uncle Wally so clearly she's family of some kind. But his family is really damn big, and he doesn't know who he's supposed to help her avoid. She's an archer with super strength, she might be Roy and Donna's kid? Somehow? But she also used the phrase "Uncle Clark," and her eyes are really blue, and she has that dorky little forehead curl -- Kon has weird time-travelling clone daughters, right? And... He and Bart are close...?
While all that is going on, Trent, Jamie, and Wade arrive in the present day. They're in Gotham. It's a full moon. On Friday night. Naturally, things are going sideways all over the city. The addition of two speedsters and an acrobat are easy enough to hide. ... For a bit. Eventually they get spotted by the local nosy busybodies. Wade is completely unfazed by the arrival of the bat, Trent is mildly shocked to see Mr. Wayne still in the suit, and Jamie is dying because that's her grandpa how could this go any wronger.
More bats show up, that's how. Including Dick.
They eventually nab Blythe -- who has been having fun stopping criminals, harassing the local vigilantes, and bonding with Steph in the few months she's been stranded -- and as they're trying to leave, Dick puts it all together. He has a daughter. From a future that, after Bailey literally left the planet to avoid putting a name on whatever was happening between them, seems unreachable.
Things get emotional, obviously, and moreso when they part. Jamie can't stick around, she has to find the others. No, Dick can't help, he's already figured out too much and putting the fabric of spacetime at risk. Or something.
Dick, reluctantly, lets them leave to go find Liora. I'm not totally sure where she's been during all this, but I'm batting a few ideas around. They grab her and set to finding Rachel.
While all this is happening, Jonah reveals the full truth to Bailey. He's the kid she saved in her latest adventure. He's been in love with her for two decades, since that fateful moment. He's crossed time and space and warped the laws of reality just to be with her. He'd planned to just come back to this point, but what he'd gotten -- this chance to get to know her, to watch her become the hero he always admired -- it was more than he ever could have dreamed.
And now, now they could be together. He's finally repaired the time bubble. They can sweep away to the time he left, have a life together. He's waited for her for so long, can't she see how much he adores her? Won't she be his?
...Bailey, on her end, has had a series of bombs dropped on her. By a guy she's not even sure she can call her boyfriend yet. Ending in what sure as hell sounds like a proposal? And he... Might be a kid?? She says no, like any sane person would, with a few expletives thrown in.
Jonah does not like this answer. He didn't want it to go like this, but... He reaches for Bailey. If she won't love him willingly, he'll just make it happen.
Suddenly there's an arrow sticking through Jonah's palm.
"STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HER," Rachel screams, barely clinging to her vantage point.
A fight naturally ensues. I don't have it choreographed well, but we wind up with all three parties -- Bailey and Jonah; Rachel and Wally; Jamie, Wade, Trent, Liora, and Blythe -- all in the same space. During the chaos, Rachel falls from some great height, while injured. Bailey dives after her.
It's too great a fall for her to survive, if she can't recover. And with her wounded -- maybe Jonah has, like, feather-shaped daggers and he stuck one in her side? -- she can't do much. Bailey is trying, but she can't quite reach --
-- and then two feathered wings, shining a brilliant gold, like flame and sunrise, unfurl from Rachel's back.
Ray scrambles to pull up, flapping awkwardly, moving on instinct alone. She pulls up, rising into the air, crowing and laughing and on one hell of an adrenaline high. Bailey helps her get back to the others. Ray gets patched up. There's celebration and relief and joy. Someone makes a "Literal Flying Grayson" joke. Wally still wants an explanation, please and thank you?
Once all that gets shook out, Bailey turns to Jonah. He tried to kill her daughter. He is a threat to her girls, and he won't stop until he's stopped permanently. Clearly, there's only one thing to do.
Wally steps in, trying to plead for mercy. Bailey laughs, and agrees. She'll show him mercy, alright.
...Remember that giant mega Black Mercy? It went into the care of one Dr. Pamela Isley, retired since her wedding to Harley, and considered mostly rehabilitated. Her indoor garden has a real nice skylight.
So yeah. Bailey can show him a little mercy, alright.
There's a whole lotta crying as the time-travellers make their goodbyes. Bailey tries to put on a brave face, because you gotta for your kids, but she doubts she'll ever see their future. But she's so, so proud of them, and she loves them so much.
Fast-forward a bit again. Throughout Bailey and Dick patching things up and figuring out a relationship for real, there's a whole lot of dramatic tension as they both try to keep their mouths shut about the possible future they've both seen, but don't know the other one knows about. Bailey is scared to death that Dick would be with her for that future -- only a possibility she doesn't even know how to reach -- and not for anything inherent to her, and Dick doesn't want to put any pressure on Bailey and make her run away again. It's a whole thing! But they do work it out, and... Well, wedding bells do ring.
And Bailey gets a very unusual wedding gift from Zyzzanyx, her old ally. A small chest, containing what sure looks like two tulip bulbs. Zazz explains that these'll grow into the girls, so... She and Dick can plant 'em when they're ready. It's old magic, and it'll take a drop of blood from each parent, but, well. She's fond of the little rugrats too, she guesses. And watching Bailey be miserable about not having them is, y'know, depressing or whatever.
Bailey thanks Zazz for this, and releases the imp from her life-debt. (Like I said, that's it's own post; this is already a mile long.)
The girls eventually happen. Jamie is roughly of an age with Wade, less than a year younger. Ray is born about five years after that, I think. They grow up safe and happy and loved, with a phenomenally huge number of aunts and uncles and grandparents.
There are many arguments and discussions regarding youthful vigilantism and sidekickery, but once again, Bailey cannot stop the future. It's allowed, but under very strict conditions regarding school and social lives. Jamie begins training at age fifteen, taking on the name Dawnbird, and patrolling with her dad.
Rachel learns archery from Aunt Cissie, and then from Uncle Roy and Grandpa Ollie, when she won't be deterred from masking up once she turns fifteen. She uses Fledgeling as her moniker, one of her mother's nicknames for her, as something of an olive branch. Bailey relents and lets Ray be her partner.
I could go on, but I think this post is long enough as is. Most of the rest of what I have is bits and pieces and fun facts anyway. If there's anything anyone's curious about or wants me to elaborate on -- or if you need a diagram, 'cause I got a little Charlie Day here -- my askbox is open!
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bumblee-stumblee · 2 years
Please help me share, I'm sorry it's in Spanish I could not find an article on the case in English.
No prob Anon.
4 men plead guilty to conspiring to rape drugged wives after exchanging wife-sharing fantasies
Lydia Lam
31 Oct 2022 05:15PM (Updated: 31 Oct 2022 08:44PM)
SINGAPORE: Four men who met on an online forum and discussed wife-sharing fantasies later put their plans into action by raping their accomplices’ drugged wives.
One woman was raped multiple times over at least seven years by different men while she was unconscious. This was while she was blindfolded and drugged by her own husband.
The case came to light when this woman discovered images of herself naked in a chat on her husband’s phone.
The four men, who cannot be named due to gag orders imposed by the court, pleaded guilty on Monday (Oct 31) to two charges each of conspiracy to rape, with various other charges taken into consideration. They are: K, L, M and N.
K, 44, was married with no children and was working in business development at the time of the offences. L, 52, was a business development manager and had three children with his wife at the time.
M, 45, was a company director at the time. He had three children with his ex-wife and lived with her at the time, even though he had remarried. N, 37, was a food deliveryman at the time and is the only one of the four who was single.
The main accomplice linked to their cases is a fifth man - J, a 41-year-old who married his wife in 2008. They have four children together.
The court heard that the men met their respective accomplices online as early as 2010, on the forum Sammyboy and other platforms for wife-sharing fantasies.
The court heard that the men discussed various wife-sharing fantasies, exchanged details of their sex lives and would share explicit images and footage.
J previously tried to show his wife pornographic videos to check if she would be willing to engage in a threesome.
His wife scolded him and told him that he was crazy, so he knew she was against the idea.
After this, he allegedly hatched a plan to sedate his wife for other men to have sex with her.
J got to know K on Sammyboy between 2010 and 2011. They agreed to use a sedative to sedate their wives, so that other men could rape them. After doing some research, they settled on a specific drug which they understood could make someone unconscious.
Using the drug that he had obtained from J, K spiked his wife's alcohol sometime before 2012. He blindfolded his wife after she fell unconscious and told J to come over.
J then raped K's wife while K watched and took photos. They did this again on a second occasion in 2012.
In February 2013, J's wife said she was feeling sick, and J took this chance to give her the drug before letting K rape his wife.
J installed a closed-circuit television camera in his bedroom to livestream images of his wife in the nude, as well as to showcase his sexual activities.
K also had a webcam in his bedroom for livestreaming purposes. After watching, the men would sometimes commend each other on putting on a "nice show", prosecutors said.
After their crimes, the two men shared images of the rape and sexual assault and "continued to reminisce" about what they did, the prosecutors said.
The chats between the men resulted in J's wife discovering the crimes in January 2020.
J was sleeping then when his wife noticed that his phone was playing a video. She picked it up and chanced on his Skype chat with K.
In the messages, she saw explicit images of herself and as she scrolled down the messages, she discovered that the men had been exchanging their wives for sex.
Shocked, J's wife slapped him awake. He deleted the incriminating chats and took his wife to K's home at her request. During the confrontation, K admitted having sex with J's wife while she was unconscious.
K also admitted to making his own wife unconscious for J to have sex with her. J's wife lodged a police report on Jan 2, 2020. Incriminating photos and videos seized from both men led to the identification of other accomplices.
In their chats, K told J that K's wife was "always yours" and said it would be nice if J could "manage to knock (her) up".
J and K also spoke of plans to get their wives to be raped and impregnated by other men, the court heard.
An excerpt from their Skype chats was read out in court. J wrote to K in April 2015, saying that women like their wives, "no matter how smart they think themselves are", will eventually get "outsmart by her man".
J also referred to their wives in crude language and said he bet both their wives still thought they were "chaste and loyal".
On top of these incidents, K also took explicit photos of his wife in various states of nudity in public places. He shared the images with other people including J and L and maintained a blog from 2010 to 2018 where he published the explicit images.
After his arrest, K was examined at the Institute of Mental Health and diagnosed with voyeuristic disorder. However, he was fully aware of the nature of his illegal acts, the court heard.
Another man in the group of four - L - first got to know K online around 2010 to 2011. L became acquainted with J after arranging to provide some sleeping pills.
They later began sharing their wife-sharing fantasies and would meet several times for drinks. J's wife also went along.
In 2013, J sedated his wife with a drug before asking L to come over. While the children and helper were asleep, L raped the wife as J recorded the act.
L became acquainted with another co-accused, P, in 2010 and became close in 2015 as colleagues. They also began talking about wife-sharing.
While having drinks with his wife in August 2017, L drugged her before telling P that his wife was "ready". While his children and maid were sleeping in another room, L initially asked P to come over to watch them.
But when L was unable to perform the act, he asked P to rape his wife.
L's wife regained consciousness and realised someone other than her husband was attempting sex with her.
She later insisted that both L and P write confession letters, and they did. P was sentenced for his involvement in January.
M lived with his ex-wife and their three children in his mother-in-law's flat, even though he had remarried in 2011.
M met J on Sammyboy around 2010 and later expressed interest in having sex with J's wife.
In 2010, when J's wife told him that she was feeling sick, he took this chance to give her a drug, pretending it was medicine. His wife trusted him and took the drug.
When she was unconscious, J called M over and M raped his wife.
In August 2018, M told his ex-wife that they would visit J for networking purposes, claiming they were in the same industry.
They went to J's master bedroom, where J offered them both drinks. He had spiked the ex-wife's drink. She became drowsy and began slurring in her speech.
J then molested her and raped her.
The fourth man, N, was a food deliveryman who lived with his father and was single. He would meet J at coffee shops to discuss the "perverse sexual fantasy" of wife-sharing, the prosecutors said.
He raped J's wife between 2017 and 2018 after J drugged her.
The prosecutors called the cases "unprecedented" and "abominable".
The three prosecutors who handled the cases called for between 19 and 23 years' jail and 24 strokes of the cane for K and M. They asked for between 11 and 16.5 years' jail for L, with another six months' jail in lieu of caning.
They will be asking for between 17 and 21 years' jail and 24 strokes of the cane for N, who had no partner.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Gail Wong said the facts of the cases are unprecedented and involve "a gross betrayal of trust by husbands conspiring with other men against their partners".
"When a woman enters into marriage, she entrusts herself to her husband: She trusts that the man she sleeps beside will not harm her every night as she sleeps, she trusts that in sickness, the father of her children will not poison her with drugs passed off as medicine, she trusts that her husband will keep private their most intimate sexual moments together," she said of K's case.
K is represented by lawyers Mr Wilson Yeo and Mr Ang Boon Yaw, while L is represented by Mr Chua Hock Lu. M is defended by lawyer Mr Suang Wijaya and Ms Sophia Ng, while N is represented by lawyers Mr Shashi Nathan, Ms Laura Yeo and Mr Jeremy Pereira.
Mr Yeo asked for 17 to 18 years' jail and 24 strokes of the cane for his client K.
He said there was "absolutely no excuse or reason for the crimes our client has committed", saying they were not only serious crimes, but also crimes committed against the "one person he loves the most".
However his client has admitted that he has "a serious problem" and is "not only remorseful but ashamed about it" and accepts that he cannot go unpunished and reaps what he sows, said Mr Yeo.
Mr Chua, who defended L, said his client is remorseful and penned his remorse since 2017, clearly incriminating himself when he wrote the letter of confession.
He said his client "maintains a good relationship" with his wife now and looks forward to returning home. He asked for no imprisonment in lieu of caning for L, who is above 50 and cannot be caned.
Lawyer Mr Suang Wijaya, who acted for M, said the drugging of M's ex-wife was done by J. He asked for not more than 18 years' jail, comparing the case with another similar past case which drew more than 19 years' jail.
The judge adjourned the cases to a later date, as the court was still in session at 6.15pm. Lawyers for N had not yet begun their mitigation, and the case was adjourned for them to mitigate, as well as for any replies from the prosecution.
There are a total of 7 men involved in this series of cases: J, K, L, M, N, O and P.
The cases for J and O are pending
The original article anon supplied in Spanish
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nayvwriter · 8 days
Thoughts an the Renegades from extinction? Do you have a favorite?
Hi hello yes I have many thoughts
(n2 spoilers)
I have many many thoughts on the Renegades. We're going to need to talk about what the word means, to start with. It's one of those times when I know what the in-game explanation is and usually ignore it?
Lydia says that being a Renegade isn't about owning a Tyrant, it's about not following the Guild's rules. This has the fun implications that Lydia is using a different definition for the word than everyone else but is still applying it to herself on the basis that she knows she's working against the Guild.
If that's the original reasoning behind the word, then how did it get changed? Just a coincidence, that the Renegades found Tyrants? It also gets implied that the Renegades were the ones who were working on the dragon project.
So that's the official explanation for what the word means. It's fun for Lydia's character arc, but - as you can see from the entire fic I wrote based off the concept of Renegades - I usually ignore it and go with the other meaning.
A Renegade as someone with a Tyrant. But more specifically...
A Renegade as someone with a Tyrant, who can command their powers. If anyone argues with me here, I will gesture to New Ignitia. Lydia is shown creating a whirlwind that blows away Jin and Mulcimer, without the use of any Nexomon. So she clearly has wind powers, and her Tyrant is wind type.
(This is especially impressive given wind is weak to fire. Unless Jin and Mulcimer allowed this to happen so they wouldn't end up in prison, which is certainly one theory to explain Lydia's hunting of the Renegades.)
I will also gesture to the protagonist, their 'egg' that 'gives them powers', and specifically the Renegades' reactions to it.
We know the Renegades aren't aware of the Solus plan from some of the things that happen in the revivals. Atlanta, for example, has no idea what you are talking about. I don't remember it that well, but I don't think Celine does either.
In New Ignitia again, Jin hears Coco mention using an egg and sees the protagonist use fire, and comes to the conclusion that the protagonist is hatching a Tyrant. This really makes it seem like the whole 'egg with powers' thing is not something Deena made up, it's an actual thing that could happen? Or at least, Jin thinks it might be.
Celine doesn't hear anything about an egg, and when the protagonist shows use of powers, she immediately comes to the conclusion that the protagonist has a Tyrant. So presumably that's more likely than Egg.
How do the Renegades harness the power of their Tyrants? It's really not stated, but I have to assume there's some sort of connection there, otherwise anyone nearby could use it. I've seen other people use a 'Tyrant-Renegade telepathy' sort of idea, so I'm clearly not alone in thinking of a connection here.
I am, however, the only one who's gone this far with the whole idea (gestures at my entire fic). Read Hope's Renegades if you want to see me going insane over the potential of Renegades as an idea. And also other things, this fic is not just about the idea of Renegades (but it's mostly about the idea of Renegades). I had so much fun.
I thought about how a connection like this would happen, and what the implications would be. I don't want to say too much because I don't want to spoil my fic (and also because it's better explained in said fic, I find it easier to write stuff than talk about it). But the way I interpreted it in that fic is definitely not the only possible way. Just the one I really really liked.
And yes I have a favourite Renegade. It's Lydia. She is so cool I love her. Behind that is Atlanta, then Celine I think? But they're all cool and I like them all.
...I have no idea if this is what you wanted as a response, but I haven't actually made a post that's just talking about the concept of Renegades yet, so I figured this was a good time.
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scerek · 10 months
Do you have any himbo Scott fics?
My dramatic ass had to get all fancy with it. I tried finding as many of them as I could, mostly just looking up ones tagged "Himbo Scott". Hope this helps.
The Drought (Scott/Derek | Gardener Derek | Explicit | 9.2k)
"Uh uh, listen here, Scott," Stiles said as he jabbed a finger into Scott's shoulder. "You are one-thousand percent, morally- and legally-obligated to fuck your new, hot, sweaty gardener when you're in a dry spell."
Drabbles & Doodles #1 - Canceled Practice (Scott/Derek/Theo/Liam | Lacrosse AU/Coach Derek Hale | Explicit | 2.1k)
Scott accidentally gets caught in the net during lacrosse practice and Coach Hale orders Liam and Theo to help him out. However, none of them can resist that fat jiggly himbo ass.
Drabbles & Doodles #10 - Knot a Problem (Scott/Derek/Parrish/Eli | Canon Divergent | Explicit | 2.2k)
Scott catches Eli, Derek, and Deputy Parrish in a compromising position, but he still seems confused over what just happened. Sex ensues.
Kinktober 2021, Day 12 - Public Sex (Papa Hale/Scott/Theo | Alpha Papa Hale AU | Explicit | 1.8k)
Theo hatches a plan to get the attention of his alpha, Dominick Hale, by using Dom's airheaded and slutty mate Scott McCall.
Kinktober 2021, Day 17 - Stuck In a Garage Door (Scott/Theo | Halloween/Ghostface AU | Explicit | 2.1k)
Scott and Stiles attend Lydia's annual Halloween party. When Scott runs off to get more beer in the garage, someone in a Ghostface costume is there to take advantage of him.
Kinktober 2021, Day 20 - Dildos / Sex Toys (Scott/Rafael | Dildos/Sex Toys | Explicit | 1.8k)
Scott finds a brand new dildo in his mother's closet, never been used, and decides to sneak away to use it for himself. Only to discover that the dildo in question was molded from someone he knows...
A Very Teen Wolf Valentine's Day, Drabble #1 - Cupid's Bow (Derek/Scott/Stiles/Parrish | Stepfather AU/Deputy Derek | Explicit | 2.8k)
Scott and Stiles have some car trouble on the way to Lydia's annual Valentine's Party and have to call their stepfathers, who are also deputies, to come pick them up.
I Saw Derek Fucking Scott Underneath the Christmas Tree Last Night (Derek/Scott | Christmas AU/Voyeur Stiles | 3k)
It was the night before Christmas and not a sound for miles. Not a single creature was stirring, not even a Stiles...
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lodichi · 4 months
(Lodi's) Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden - A Primer
The year is 1497 DR on the continent of Faerûn. Approximately three years ago, a group of adventurers called The Dawnbringers unwittingly unleashed a group of evil beings called The Dark Powers, who had been previously trapped in a series of pocket dimensions called Domains of Dread.
Shortly thereafter, thousands of miles to the north, the Icewind Dale became ensnared in an endless winter, caused by the goddess Auril the Frostmaiden for reasons yet unknown. Though the Dawnbringers were able to defeat the Dark Powers and bring relative peace to southern Faerûn, Icewind Dale remained trapped in the dark, cold embrace of Auril's winter...
Party members below the cut! All character art is courtesy of the lovely and talented Lydia, who plays Maydene.
The Party
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Dahlia Tidesong: a half-elf cleric and sister to Kairos, Dahlia has lived in Ten Towns all her life. Originally from the town of Lonelywood, she and Kairos moved to the much larger city of Bryn Shander after the death of their parents. While there, she encountered a group of traveling worshippers of Lliira, the goddess of joy. She quickly became a convert. As her day job, she works at a tavern called The Northlook.
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Kairos Tidesong: a tiefling ranger and brother to Dahlia, Kairos has likewise grown up in Ten Towns. He is Dahlia's younger sibling. Rather than take up a traditional job like his sister, Kairos became a ranger, traveling from town to town doing odd jobs, though he always knew he had a home in Bryn Shander. During one of his more recent hunting trips, he came across a strange egg half-buried in the snow, which hatched into the large lizard-like creature he named Thorn.
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Nevarth Elverquisst IV: an astral elf mage who fell into Icewind Dale after the moon was destroyed due to actions caused by the fight between the Dawnbringers and the Dark Powers, Nevarth is VERY proud of his lineage. Refined and more than a little entitled, Nevarth detests the poor living conditions in Ten Towns, and he quickly ran out of the (sizeable sum of) money he had on his person when he was displaced from the moon. He runs a magical curios "shop" in Bryn Shander. A little less than a year ago, he encountered Maydene on the verge of death in the snow, and took her into his care. She now works as his "assistant".
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Maydene: a Drow mage who stumbled into Icewind Dale after leaving the Underdark. Before she could freeze to death, Nevarth happened to find her, and she now "works" for him. Quiet and reserved, the only person who knows much about May is Nevarth, and even he doesn't know much. The other creature who knows May well is Luna, the small black cat who is Nevarth's familiar. Though she has not revealed this to the party, May appears to be plagued by some kind of strange visions.
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Lorelei Longuemare: an Eladrin gunslinger fighter who fell into the Icewind Dale through mysterious circumstances. We know that she came from The Feywild, the parallel plane that sits above the Material Plane, and that something had been chasing her when it happened. Though she is one of the older members of the party, she is strikingly naive about the social mores of the Material Plane. Even worse, ever since falling into the Material Plane, she has struggled to keep her season in check, and has been flipping wildly between spring, summer, autumn, and winter forms.
In addition to the player characters, two other people are currently traveling with the party.
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Vee: a mysterious man that the party found trapped in an iceberg. He was still alive after they unthawed him, but he had no memory of who he was, how he got there, or even what his name was. He was also completely naked save for a necklace around his neck, which had a charm with an intricate magical rune etched into it. Without anyone else to turn to, he decided to travel with the party. After a short time, he came to believe that his name must started with the sound "V", and the party has been calling him that ever since.
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Cain: a nomadic warrior who encountered the party when they visited a Reghed Tribe's camp. Apparently, Cain used to be a member of the Wolf Tribe, but he has since been outcast. He originally joined the party only temporarily in order to help neutralize the threat of a raging Yeti, but was tricked into staying with the group when Lorelei asked if he was too chicken to explore a mysterious ruin. For some reason, he just hasn't left yet.
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themultifandomgal · 10 months
Tyler Hoechlin Our Love
TV Equals Interview
July 2013
Finally it's time for our panel interviews. The interviewer welcomes us all. I sit down in between Tyler and Daniel waving to everyone
"Ok first things first, Jeff. Coming into season 3 what was its you wanted to accomplish in the first handful of episodes?"
"Errm we really wanted to premiere in a big way. It was nice to see the ratings go up and it was really nice to introduce new characters especially our twins here" Jeff looks over to Charlie and Max
"So in Mondays episode we were introduced to the idea of the true alpha. Tell us about it"
"The idea was that, what if a bata could rise to become an alpha just because of their own character. The idea is that Scott is just such a good person that he doesn't need to steal the power from anyone" the audience whoops in response.
"Tyler H. We saw that someone from Derek and Stella's past comes to try and still your girl away. How's Derek dealing with this?"
"He's got no chance" Ty says making everyone scream and me me laugh
"YN your thoughts?"
"Honestly same. We learn Derek is quite a jealous person, but Stella won't let her eyes wonder. I think this season will test there relationship to the max. It's not going to be smooth sailing, but they still love each other and will do anything for one another" I say
"Jeff are we going to have a Derek and Stella wedding?" Jeff just shrugs his shoulders in response.
"Ok so Lydia. What is Lydia? Any guesses?"
"I remember saying this once before but I'm going to say she's the Hatch from lost. That's what I'm going with"
"So your saying Lydia is an inanimate object"
"With winning lottery numbers on the door" Holland laughs
"Let's talk about that. We saw Stiles try to figure it out. When do we get to find out what Lydia is?"
"Episode nine" Jeff replies
"Can we just talk about YNs acting when she watched Derek get 'killed' that performance I think had all of us in tears"
"Thank you... I think" i reply with a smile "it was nice to let everyone see this side of Stella. She's used to looking un phased in front of everyone except Derek so for them to see her in tears, struggling to deal with that, thinking she'd lost her soulmate, I think everyone's realised she truly loves him and needs him"
"Even for us hearing YN scream like that, we genuinely thought she was hurt or something" Crystal says
"The next episode is Motel California which Lydia and Stiles took down Motel California in a big way"
"We tried" Holland says giving Dylan a side hug from her seat
"Let's just take a minute to commend Dylan's performance in that final scene" we all cheer and clap. Dylan then talks about the scene and how real it felt for him.
"Let me ask you this Jeff. When all of this started and Stiles figured out it was virgins who were getting sacrificed, Stiles was very concerned about his safety. I feel like we're not addressing the fact that someone needs have sex with Stiles immediately. I don't know if there's any volunteers or anything" everyone in the audience starts screaming while we all just sit and laugh at an awkward looking Dylan
“We will pick a winner” Posey laughs
“Is this still a factor in the world of teen Wolf that there are these sacrifices. Should there be concern for anyone who hasn’t been there yet?”
“I would say the virgin sacrifices are over, the question of Stiles virginity is yet to be answered and will be answered in an upcoming episode”
I feel I shift next to me and notice that Ty has put his arm over the back of my chair. I give him a little smile then hear the audience squeal and awe at us while Crystal is talking about Allison in the upcoming episodes.
“Tyler, YN I have to ask what’s it like working together as an on screen couple? Do you ever get sick of each other?”
“No” Ty laughs shaking his head “I like to think of it as we’re lucky”
“Definitely. With what our job is, I think it would be hard if one of us was working on a different show or film. On top of that if one of us weren’t playing Stella or Derek we wouldn’t be dating”
“I think it’s great how Jeff makes sure we have scenes without each other as well that was our characters are given opportunities to explore different situations”
“On Monday we are getting a huge Derek and Stella flash back. Jeff what can you tell us to expect?”
“We’re really proud of this episode. It takes us back to Stella and Dereks past. We see how there friendship took a big turn. A lot of questions are answered to do with the Hale family and also Stella’s family because we currently don’t know much about her. She’s very secretive about her past and for good reason. So yeah really proud of this episode”
“Like Jeff just said, YN your past is a massive secret what can you tell us about Mondays flashback”
“All I can say is we learn why YN and Dereks eyes are blue. And have tissues”
Daniel talks about working with Posey and Issac living at Scott’s house
“It’s nice living with a loving family for once”
“Hey it wasn’t that bad with us” I say nudging Daniels arm
“Imagine living with your mum and dad who are always all over one another”
“Ok ok Stella and Derek aren’t always all over each other” I say but I’m given a look off Daniel almost saying ‘are you serious?’
Max and Charlie talk about their characters and what it was like for them to join our casting. Dylan and Holland then talk about their kiss scene. Finally we answer questions from the audience before it’s time to leave.
Another Comic-Con is over and it’s back to filming the rest of Season 3.
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metagalacticx · 2 years
🎶👽🥇 for mason, theo, and corey
headcanon about music
mason: he can play the piano but he’s not proficient. he listens to everything basically but especially hip hop and pop and he is a casual swiftie. he claims he doesn’t know any post-red era songs (but he still sings them when they come on somehow)
theo: secret emo music enjoyer, still listens to taking back sunday and one of the first things he does when he leaves beacon hills and tries to be a real boy is save money to go to a concert. he ends up at some indie band’s show and falls in love with the music by the opening act and rinses thei]r music religiously after that
corey: he listens to dubstep. and he enjoys it. mason finds out because corey has to play music while showering and after the honeymoon phase of playing pop songs bc you’re not sure what your boyfriend will think of your true taste in music he decides one day to just go full corey and he’s blasting dubstep and mason’s trying his best to keep his face neutral and when corey’s done showering mason just says, "let’s not tell liam about this…" and of course he deflates because the mortifying ordeal of being known and not being accepted like it hurts but then mason takes a deep breath and is like, "promise you won’t tell liam about this" and corey’s like yes sure anything for you of course but he’s so sad now and mason notices and immediately blurts out, "liam had a phase and by phase i mean he wanted to be a dj when he was 13 and i love you both but if this information rekindles that dreadful flame i might have to do something drastic like keep you guys away from each other forever. separate holidays and everything." corey laughs and he feels triumphant in a way because liam likes dubstep unironically?? can’t wait to lord this over him but of course he can’t because mason swears him to secrecy and corey loves mason more than he’d love to tease liam dunbar about his loserfuckboytendencies.
headcanon about a weird quirk
mason: talks a lot when he’s happy, literally won’t shut up <3
theo: washes his hands an insane number of times every day for no reason
corey: sings very badly but loves singing soooo much
headcanon about what they’re best at
mason: what can i say he’s good at everything. he always wins at scrabble everyone hates him he’s like ‘challenge?’ and everyone just sighs and says no in the most defeated voices but liam hatches a plan to get lydia to join them at one of their games nights with corey and theo but he regrets it because lydia and mason just drag everything out for too long and corey’s not even paying attention and mason’s not losing and theo’s good too but not as good even though he clearly thought he was before the game started so liam’s plan is a bust and he just wants to watch movies now but no one’s paying attention to him and mason doesn’t lose the game never technically ends because it gets late but yeah mason is scrabble king
theo: such a good listener number one everyone’s suspicious at first when they realise how easy it is to talk to him but eventually everyone finds themselves calling or texting him when something’s up and he listen so well he’s so good at that
corey: wins best smile for their grad year. also wins sunniest disposition despite the horrors and the terrors <3
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jax-and-winstrate · 10 months
//Jax is going to the Blueberry Academy! This is the PERFECT time to post his team, their levels, abilities, and moves! There's a lot of stuff, so I'll put it under a read more thing
Some Pokemon that Jax has don't have their levels, abilities, and moves because I can't make them in Showdown
Starter Pokemon: Skipper the Swampert, level 65, ability is Damp, can mega evolve. he knows: Liquidation, Earthquake, Rock Slide, and Power-Up Punch
Gift Pokemon (or second starter): Sparky the Jolteon, level 64, ability is Volt Absorb. he knows: Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Stored Power, and Calm Mind
Caught in the wild in Paldea: Oro the Gholdengo (with Gimmighoul buddy), level 64, ability is Good as Gold. it knows: Make It Rain, Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, and Nasty Plot
Escaped from shiny mill: Queso the part shiny Cinderace (picture below), level 63, ability is Libero. she knows: Pyro Ball, High Jump Kick, Acrobatics, and Bulk Up
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Caught in the wild in Paldea: Lydia the Tinkaton, level 62, ability is Own Tempo. she knows: Gigaton Hammer, Play Rough, Fake Out, and Swords Dance
Gift Pokemon: Leona and Laura the Tinkatons (Fairy/Grass)
Caught in Area Zero: Pillow the Slither Wing, level 65, ability is Protosynthesis. he knows: Leech Life, Close Combat, Acrobatics, and Bulk Up
Gift Pokemon: Chi-Yu, level 60, ability is Beads of Ruin. it knows: Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Ruination, and Nasty Plot
Caught in the wild in Hisui: Blissey, level 64, ability is Serene Grace. she knows: Tri Attack, Psychic, Shadow Ball, and Calm Mind
Caught in the wild in a past paradox world(?): Blanket the paradox Zoroark/Hiding Illusion (Dark/Ghost)
Soulbound: Coffee the Cofagrigus, level 62, his ability is Mummy. he knows: Shadow Ball, Body Press, Dark Pulse, and Calm Mind
Caught after getting possessed: Peanut Butter the Nihilego, level 63, its ability is Beast Boost. it knows: Power Gem, Sludge Bomb, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes
Escaped from shiny mill: Hattie the Hatterene, level 63, her ability is Magic Bounce. she knows: Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Giga Drain, and Calm Mind
Caught in an abandoned building: Remy the Raticate, level 63, his ability is Guts. he knows: Facade, Crunch, Zen Headbutt, and Swords Dance
Caught... somewhere: Audio the Audino, level 62, his ability is Regenerator, can not mega evolve yet. he knows: Hyper Voice, Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, and Calm Mind
Caught in space-time distortion: Sneezie the Hisuian Sneasel, level 38, his ability is Inner Focus. he knows: Poison Jab, Close Combat, Shadow Claw, and Hone Claws
Soulbound after pmd adventure: Eevee (or Jeevee), level 70, his ability is Adaptability. he knows: Extreme Evoblast (80 special, 10 pp, always does super effective damage), Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, and Double Team
Hatched from gift egg: Shiver the Froslass, level 52, her ability is Snow Cloak. she knows: Ice Beam, Hex, Psychic, and Will-O-Wisp
Hatched from gift egg: Sapphire the Latios, level 53, his ability is Levitate, can't mega evolve yet. he knows: Luster Purge, Dragon Pulse, Surf, and Calm Mind
Hatched from gift egg: Fwoofy the Cosmog, level 32, its ability is Unaware. it knows: Teleport and Splash
Hatched from gift egg: Torchic, level 10, its ability is Speed Boost. it knows: Flame Charge, Quick Attack, Scratch, and Growl
Hatched from gift egg: Torchic (Fairy)
Hatched from gift egg: Lavarus (fakemon Salen legendary)
Hatched(?) from gift egg(?): Knight the paradox Ralts/Iron Bowl (Fairy/Fighting)
Gift Pokemon: Shiny Midnight Lycanroc, level 59, her ability is Keen Eye. she knows: Rock Slide, Brick Break, Shadow Claw, and Bulk Up
Caught in the wild in a different world(?): HP Forme Deoxys
Caught in the wild in Hoenn: Giant Muk, level 58, her ability is Stench. she knows: Poison Jab, Ice Punch, Lunge, and Toxic Spikes
Caught in the wild in Kanto: Goopster the Ditto, level 48, its ability is Limber. it knows: Transform
Caught in the wild in Kanto: Floofster the 'M
Caught in the wild in Hoenn: Hokey Pokey the h POKé, can mega evolve
Gift Pokemon: Miku the Shiny Meloetta, level 50, her ability is Serene Grace. she knows: Relic Song, Psychic, Drain Punch, and Return
Hatched from gift egg: Albino Mew, level 3, its ability is Synchronize. it knows: Pound and Reflect Type
First AI then coded into a Porygon and evolved: Winstrate the Porygon2 (picture below), level 64, its ability is Download. it knows: Tri Attack, Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, and Substitute
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