#luna mm
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saikowatermelons · 3 months ago
Luna (after separation)
Luna was able to meet Eclipse when he traveled through kingdoms and was absolutely smitten with the man. The sheer lack of care and the way Eclipse didn’t bother to give him proper or healthy attention made Luna want more of Eclipse, made Luna want Eclipse to harm him more. He was obsessed with Eclipse’s negative attention while Eclipse could care less about Luna and just wanted to be left alone. It came  to a point where that sick, disgusting dream slowly shifted to a cry of attention for Eclipse, whether negative or positive, Luna just craved the attention. He needed Eclipse to do anything just so that he was able  to do something back. Luna is  usually a horrible person, he will never get better and he will never truly understand love as well as never care for a single person, however he had a strange fascination with Eclipse that made his adrenaline pump. Eclipse just existed as a random guy on the streets, peculiar, liked books, liked to be left alone, a freak  who had a weird obsession with eyes and trying to “see” the future and yet those traits are what Luna seems to take interest in because Eclipse was just weird, like Luna. Sometimes, Luna would even try to kill some animals or people to scrape their eyes out to give to Eclipse, however he would refuse, demanding Luna to leave since Eclipse never even loved Luna in the first place. Luna and his twin were similar on so many levels but none of them would ever acknowledge it due to their burning hatred for each other.
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bashfulsimmer · 1 year ago
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I gave Luna Villareal a preppy/old money makeover. It's very pink....
dress | tights | socks | shoes | earrings
dress | tights | shoes
top | skirt | purse | tights | shoes
dress | shoes
top | skirt | tights | shoes | earrings
coat | shoes | socks | earmuffs | necklace | tights
top | shorts | bracelet | sunglasses | shoes
top | pants | boots
swimsuit | sandals | hat | earrings
Thank you to the amazing cc creators! @jius-sims @madlensims @caio-cc @arethabee @joliebean @sentate @serenity-cc @bluecravingcc @rustys-cc @aharris00britney @pixelglam @aladdin-the-simmer
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gael-garcia · 5 months ago
Gael García Bernal, Diego Luna and Eiza Gonzalez telling us to watch La Máquina in 2 versions:
English and (Hot version) Spanish
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dustbon · 3 months ago
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Gavroche often brings young people to feed of, but Eàrlas doesn't approve his partner's methods. He'll stick to his plasma fruits, thanks.
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months ago
Hello, hope you're doing well : )
Your posts have made me start another Ray route playthrough, and I had the thought recently (because of my own asthma) of what if an MC with asthma started having an attack in front of the RFA? How would the different members react? Especially the different aspects of Saeran, because I feel like they'd all have different reactions.
Apologies if someone else has already asked about this. And no pressure to answer. Either way, wishing you a pleasant day : )
Jaehee is well-versed in responding to difficult situations. It's a part of her job description at this point. Even if she doesn't know what she knows how to hold herself together long enough to find someone who does know what to do. She knows the worst possible thing she could do in a situation where someone is having a health episode is to panic, and not respond to the crisis. So, she takes a deep breath, runs through a mental checklist of what she needs to do, and goes through it because you need that.
It would take her a moment to identify the problem, but once she does, she's fast to sit you down and ask you to point her in the direction of your inhaler. If this is the first time you've ever had an episode, she's quick to call someone to help you. You won't have to worry about things getting out of hand with her around.
Yoosung shouldn't be too surprising for you. He's had plenty of time to train for health emergencies over the years thanks to his time with Rika. He's volunteered a lot, and he's learned plenty to help others in a crisis. Sure, he's dedicated his time to animals as of late, but that's not going to erase what he knows that can help people. He's gentle, even if you expect him to panic, because he knows better than to put his worries onto someone who needs him to be forthcoming.
He helps you locate your inhaler so you can slow down, take some air, and try to ease the pain in your lungs. If it gets too bad, he'll know the next thing to do is to get you medical attention. It's scary to know he can't do anything but sit with you and watch for the signs of anything getting worse, but he knows from his studies that he has to focus on what he can do instead of what he can't.
Zen... is the type to panic when his loved ones are going through something! It doesn't mean he's not good at finding a solution to help you when you need him to, but it just means his knee-jerk reaction isn't to think things through, it's to react and not always do the right thing because of it. His mistake would likely be trying to ask you questions when you ideally shouldn't be trying to talk.
He would piece it together not long after you make it clear to him that you can't do that, but that's the only hiccup you'll encounter with him. He's not used to anybody having issues with their health in his life because he's inhumanly healthy—so this is certainly opening his eyes to the fact that he needs to educate himself a lot more, not just for your sake, but any people he may interact with in the world. Leave it to him to learn something in the heat of the moment. His heart's in the right place.
Jumin has interacted with people who live with asthma before, and the topic has come up as a discussion point. His family is involved in the health care industry, after all, and while he doesn't have to be well educated in health conditions, Jumin is the kind of man who wants to learn as much as he can about something when it's presented to him. When you tell him you have asthma, he begins to discern what might be a possible trigger for your health.
Do you need dust cleaned up? Is it possible he may need to tidy up Elizabeth's hair more often? Twice a day instead of once? He's quick to make adjustments like that. He trusts you to know how to handle yourself in a crisis, but if it becomes too much, he's fast to call on a doctor to check you out and make sure you'll be okay. Thanks to his status, you always have a speedy response in an emergency. He isn't one to panic unless you panic.
Saeyoung plans for all kinds of crisis situations. He knows what he needs to do when his friends need him, and most of all, when you need him. He understands that you can take care of yourself when you need to, but... he's your defender of justice. He wants to be sure of your well-being even in a situation where he has no control over it. That's where his troubles always begin, wanting to control things he can't, and that's likely where he'll make a mistake.
He'll have prepared a full-proof plan for you whenever you have an asthma attack, but his plan might not be what works for you. He'll coach you through the motions but you'll have to shoo him away... because he's not helping, he's making it harder to relax. It's a blow to his paranoia, but this is a part of his self-acceptance journey. He can't always be right, nor can he always be a hero. Sometimes, he has to let go of control and let you push him in the direction you need him to be.
V has done enough volunteer work with Rika to know his way around a health episode. Sure, he may not have had as much time as say, her cousin did, but he knows when to look and listen. That's what people did for him when he spent time in the hospital after the house fire as a teenager, after all. He listens to what you need when you tell him he may need to grab your inhaler without question, or anything else you need to counteract an asthma episode. He knows it's better to take it as you say than to make assumptions.
Next to GE Saeran and Jumin, he's surprisingly gentle and steadfast to your needs. He won't look around for someone to do something to help you, he'll take your head and help you sit somewhere safe until it is safe for you to walk around. If it gets worse, he knows Jumin will be the first one to send for help on your behalf. He trusts his friends, and he trusts you to trust him with your safety.
Ray has detailed a full-blown plan for your health. He didn't know anything about asthma before he found you, but now he's learned everything he could about it. He knows what to do if you need him, and he hopes you'll never need him like that, because you being in pain isn't something he wants. But, he knows it's likely to happen no matter what, so it's better to have a plan. His plans are what would later tip off Saeran into knowing how to help you.
However, he is prone to fully panicking when none of his pre-planned methods work out. That's where he'll have some trouble trying to help you. He'll be able to help you sit down, but if your inhaler doesn't work right away, he might work himself up, too. He'll spend that time doing his best to comfort you, but by the time you're okay, he'll kick himself for "not being smart enough" to help you. He knows what it feels like to be sick, he just wishes you didn't have to experience it.
Suit Saeran reacts way faster than you might expect. At his core, he is somebody who needs to protect the people closest to him because that's the focal point of his existence—to survive as the strongest no matter what so Ray's hopes and dreams can be protected. He's well aware of your health issues if they were documented beforehand. If you had a major episode, he'd drop whatever he was doing and go to your room to make sure you have your inhaler. His toy can't die from something so preventable.
He makes you sit down, slow down, and do nothing until you can breathe again. If it gets so bad that you need someone who knows more than he does, that's when he would panic. He can't trust you with anyone because they'll likely give you the elixir and that... that won't help. It will make you suffer more, so he has to pray sitting in the corner will help you, and if it doesn't? He doesn't know what he'll do.
GE Saeran is the best during a health crisis. He's had enough time to work out a plan with you for what he might need during an episode... and in contrast, he's spent a lot of time asking you what you may be in need of when you're struggling, too. You've worked out plans for all kinds of situations over the past couple of weeks, and because of the work you put into seeing each other's needs, he doesn't need to feel panicked when you have your first full-blown episode since he's met you in front of the others. He planned for this!
He is gentle when he asks the others to do something for you, and he sits with you until the episode calms down enough for you to express yourself. He doesn't make you feel cornered. He holds your hands at the moment when you need him the most, and he helps coach you to conserve your energy and breathe.
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samtallchester · 1 year ago
Whenever I am listening to Hall of Fame, I just see my favorite characters as the lyrics pass by. It makes me emotional because even if they aren't real – or may be a pain in the backside sometimes – it reminds me of how much I love them for who they are.
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st4ngray · 2 years ago
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Inhibitor Lunae Dan Heng! 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️
Alt version
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lunasilverpelt · 11 days ago
Slowly building up a Madoka Magica OC gang... takin place b4 the series. Their good Incubator buddy Qu.
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Qu runs more on the logic of output > speed for gathering energies vs Kyubey's output < speed
Basically they'd try to keep the girls from just regularly dying, specifically saving them for becoming witches, even if it's slower.
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spiribia · 2 years ago
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they didn't. they ate gruel.
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kikitrait · 1 year ago
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aesrot · 1 year ago
*throws you a chunk of pie crust*
*jumps and tries to catch it in the air, misses it and falls on my ass but eats it from the floor anyway*
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saikowatermelons · 3 months ago
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
-Lunar and Luna-
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
Lunar (female) and Luna (male), two puppet dolls turned sentient by an alchemist  in order to test magic, discover new magic, modernize magic and revolutionize all of magic, creating a huge extravagant “neo” subtype of magic. Besides being test subjects, the two were supposed to be non-sentient as well as be able to not take a lot of damage to be available for constant magic intake, but that process didn’t succeed and made them close to humans in terms of sentience and durability  in an uncanny way. These two creations were failures in his eyes however, and so he hid the twin brother and sister from the world in his underground house  in order for them not to gaze at his disappointments. The alchemist tested magic onto these two puppets, and tested the limits of what magic is capable of without bothering if they would get hurt even if they were sentient. 
Demonic magic was tested on the older twin, Lunar, and one of her arms was cut off entirely from her body one day as punishment for rebelling, and once a huge surge of unholy magic got forced into her, the magic corrupted her and was able to regrow her limb, however that limb was controlled by a high rank demon from the underworld, and the only times she was able to move it is when the demon wasn’t active. Her weapon became that arm from that day on.
Forbidden moon magic was tested on Luna, and when he was tested on, it was always specifically during the night when the magic intake can be powerful enough to cause injuries to his fragile doll body, causing many permanent burn scars. The one thing that his isolated life was able to offer was a scythe that was able to reap souls, that scythe came from the most ancient temples dedicated to worshipping demons, that now became his weapon. He got said weapon in the alchemist’s room once he and Lunar were able to kill that old man and escape their hell. 
When the twins were tiny doll children, they had a very close bond, inseparable and did things together at all times. Their minds were in sync and they lived each day of their hellish lives being there for each other as they endured constant magic abuse. As time went on, they were able to  realize how much of a hell their life is, and once they got used to their magic and were able to control it, they ended up murdering their creator and escaping their home to finally be free and inhale fresh air of the moon kingdom. However, as they lived up at the surface, they argued often over petty things before it started getting even more personal. As the twins got older, they started falling out and hating each other, realizing how much they don’t get along any longer, they left to go on their own ways, filled with hatred even if they used to consider themselves as best friends. Their constant hatred caused both of them to become worse people to others, becoming more neglectful and rude for Luna, whilst Lunar was more quick to be angered and always ditched other’s feelings.
(the twins’ story is inspired by the Roman myth of Romulus and Remus in terms of the falling out)
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jade-weird · 1 year ago
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coopersphotos · 1 year ago
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Los Angeles, CA
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zombies-who-speak-simlish · 2 years ago
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Townie Makeovers - Luna- Sullivan Fam
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i-dont-read · 2 years ago
my July 2023 book ratings
# of books read: 2
Collided (LSU #0) by Becca Steele ★★★★★
Unlucky Like Us (Like Us #12) by Krista & Becca Ritchie ★★★★★
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