#lumberjanes rosie
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So, uh, guess who’s going back to the Lumberjanes fandom?? Here have a quick sketch of some Rosiegail for your hearts 🌹🥀
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Honorary Butch Round4
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Final poll for the honorary round!
Who has more butch swag?
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smile-files · 2 years
lol i'm seriously considering giving camp keshet a complete overhaul AGAIN... like y'know how it used to be universally bird-themed? and then i scrapped that when i made the theme flight generally speaking, thereby making each character's theme individual to their personal interests? and now i want to make it universally butterfly-themed???? like goodness gracious i need to stop
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sherwood-cabin · 2 years
Lucille from chnt 🤝 Rosie from lumberjanes
Camp directors who love weapons a bit too much. Also hiding a lot a lot a lot
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lumberjanes · 1 month
No "see results" - if you haven't read the comics/books, just wait for the poll to be over, please :)
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re-readingcomics · 1 year
Comics Read 06/14- 25/2023
Over this period of time I read the first two collected volumes of Lumberjanes, “Beware the Kitten Holy” and “Friendship to the Max”. These written by ND Stevenson and Grace Ellis, the art is by Gus Allen, colors by Maarta Laiho and letters by Aubrey Aiese. Shannon Watters is also credited as a creator.
This is an example of series that I know I am supposed to love, but I don’t really like. I read the first four or five issues as floppies as they came out back in 2014. I did not love them and wondered why. Was I just too old for this all ages comic? Did having to wait a month between issues take from my enjoyment because I did not feel things cumulatively? I gave the first issue away to a kid I was baby sitting to see if it was an age thing. She declared it “too scary” and lost the physical issue. I sold the rest in my eBay store  and decided to trade wait to see if it was more enjoyable without the monthly issues. While I did buy these two volumes, part of me thought this was silly and didn’t continue and then waited almost a decade to actually read them. I should just accept that there are some popular things that I don’t like. 
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Now that I am even older, I am better at admitting that. Between then and now ND Stevenson’s other Nimona, and I think some of the things that rub me the wrong way about Lumberjanes were also present there. The characters act like they are fans of the series in which they are staring. They get excited about upcoming plot points like they would for reading or watching something, not as something they are going to live through. Part of why I find this off putting is they get excited like this so early that I have not gotten to a point where I care enough to be excited.
The format of each issues is to start with a page of the Lumberjanes Handbook. This handbook page ends mid sentence and then the story begins in media res, though not necessarily picking up where a cliff hanger left off. The final page of the issue also has a page of the handbooks this time with photos of the campers. The floppy versions included playlists created by the characters, but that did not get included with my trade paperbacks.
The plot of these volumes involves campers, their counselor who they always frustrate, and something supernatural going on in the woods. When the cause of these magical events  is finally explained it felt like an excuse for action without plot. It must be fun for someone else. 
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Allen’s art style is very like Stevenson’s. It is purposefully simple and child like. The colors are vivid and include a pretty wide palette for mostly flat colors. (That’s not a criticism, building depth through color would have been wrong for this kind of art.) The character designs are distinct enough to that various artist did impressive cover variants collected in the back that are all in their own distinct styles. But for the most part I didn’t feel like the characters were stood out as individuals. They are broadly drawn, but we learn so little of them in these volumes. Maybe this is a result of the issue structure? Also there is a reoccurring bit about Jen, the counsellor and only Black character in the book, being incorrectly named by Rosie the head of the camp. This is like the joke on Fringe about Walter never calling Astrid by her correct name, that the actress Jasika Nicole later admitted made her feel awful as a minority. It seems like it comes to a stop a the end of the second volume. And I hope it did, because it’s not fun to read.
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good-or-bad-luck · 2 years
hi um request would you draw a lumberjanes. uh crossed over/ au'd with those genshin impacts you like so much :)
im so glad you asked
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diane and molly are from sheneznaya and when molly ran away diane was asked to find her but oops! followed her and became "justy besties" instead. molly met bubbles a little after her escape after he tried to steal her vision (almost let him) and they hung out together trying to go through genshin russia. diane uses her dillousion a Whole Lot but due to some non human blood it doesnt affect her nearly as much as it should. molly got her vision a little before running away from home. diane doesnt remember when she got hers.
jo is a student in sumeru and WAS trying very hard to ignore all the weird shit happening but was rightfully skeptical of the akasha terminals and is maybe on the run from the college government. her dads think she is just living her best life. jo, crucially, is still able to dream. april cannnot. april is her girl bestie who got too upset about how the school does shit so she became a forest watcher and she is the BEST mind you. jp got her vision when she was very little, before april got hers, she doesnt remember the exact circumstances--its just been too long. april's vision used to be her moms but she woke it back up after a while, they are both pyro users.
emily is also a forest ranger/watcher :) she got her vision following a weird robotic creature into the forest alone and into a withering zone and almost DIED but thats okay because she got her vision after she made it out alive :). barney is from liyue but joined the forest rangers after traveling to sumeru because its just more their style. met marigold as a baby tiger and when she grew up everyone was horrified except for barney :)
hes and mackenzie are traveling adventurers from liyue harbor who like to help out people in anyway they can. heard rumors of a fatui harbinger and a rogue cryo user out in the wild and instead found worlds angriest deer and a girl holding a weasel by the armpits. hes got her vision when traveling with kenzie, they got ambushed by treasure hoarders and hes just jumped in to protect kenzie, didnt realize she got a vision until after. kenzie got hers during a turnoment for non vision users, she almost lost but at the last moment got her vision and it helped her win. no one was happy that day </3
mal and wren are gay and like music. both live in mondstadt and got their visions there but wren is from fontaine. there are SO many fuc,ing bards in mondstadt, why not two more. i dont know how these two got their visions, they are gay and like music what more do you want from me.
ripley and jen are knights of favonius! well, jen is. ripley is not TECHNICALLY a knight since she is too young but shes around them all the time. she wants to be an alchemist like jen and keeps bugging her to take her on adventuers but jen keeps saying NO which is CRINGE (ripleys words). jen got her vision pretty anti climatically, it just happened while she was doing work and studying stars. simple but nice. ripley doesnt have hers quite yet but in the future it will be an anemo vision. maybe on one of the first adventuers jen takes her on.
others notes uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bearwoman has no vision (does not say how she lost it). rosies vision is hidden from all of them but its cryo, she got it after her and abigail had a divorce. abigail has an electro vision that she got after everything that happened between her and rosie. texas girl doesnt have a vision but she can also have a gun
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One of the biggest Lumberjanes critiques I've seen from people is how the story doesn't explain anything. We don't see the Roanokes seeing the Bearwoman and deciding to sneak out just prior to issue 1. We don't get told what's behind the waterfall, we don't get told what the whole thing with Molly's aura is. We don't know why there's cryptids in the woods, or why time is so messed up. Adventures just kinda... happen. And there's no reason why, why Roanoke, why these five, why these woods. There's no explanation, Rosie never sits them down and answers all their questions with a nice little bow on top of her perfectly worded explanation. Heck, we're lucky if Rosie answers a single question clearly in the entirety of the series.
But honestly? It adds to the charm of it. You get thrown into these disorienting adventures with the girls, and you don't really get to understand everything all in one summer, because there isn't a real explanation given for anything at all. The adventures just happen, and as a reader you're along for the ride.
And yes, it drives me NUTS that we don't get any sort of explanation for some of these things. That camp just ends abruptly after the voice goes away, that all the build up in the first few issues tends to fall flat after a little bit. But the way the series is written, and the haphazard nature of everything doesn't really bother me. It makes it feel... I dunno, more real? Like, if the cryptids and magic were real, this could happen to anyone. You don't need something special to go on an adventure and have fun. You just have to experience life to the fullest, the adventures just go along with that.
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maulie-dyke · 4 years
I was thinking about tea, so have a list of how I think our Jane’s take their caffeinated drinks (or coffee/tea) and their coffee shop orders.
April drinks exclusively black coffee (see stone cold arc). Whenever Jo isn’t paying attention, she drinks pure espresso shots. After 5 cups of coffee she insists she can see god and they’re a gnc deep sea marine animal. She always orders an iced latte with 4 shots of espresso.
Jo will drink either, depending on the circumstances. Normally she drinks tea (she likes cinnamon), but when she’s in the midst of exams or big projects she drinks coffee (2 sugars and oat milk). She orders either a hot tea or a hot lavender chai.
Mal + caffeine is normally a bad idea with her anxiety, but during school she’ll sometimes drink energy drinks if she’s just pulled an all nighter. She tends to go for hot chocolate more often than not.
Molly was raised on tea (haha rich parents), so she’s partial to good tea, but she doesn’t mind coffee. She just finds it weird that April likes it so much and can drink it black. She orders a hot caramel latte, or if the shop has it, a butterbeer latte!
Ripley isn’t allowed to have caffeine (her parents and Jen both agree on the fact that that would be a bad idea) but she is allowed to have hot chocolate, so she normally has that or some sort of fruit juice. When she gets older, she drinks almost exclusively energy drinks and orange juice.
+ Jen drinks coffee solely because she is a tired college student and a mom (TM) if five girls with seemingly no regard for their safety who seem to prefer jumping headfirst into mystery because they’re curious. She drinks her coffee black because she Does Not Care.
+ Rosie is a mystery. Nobody knows what is in her tumbler. It is a common theory among the campers that she drinks straight vodka. Jen knows what’s in it but refuses to tell.
+ Abigail drinks the blood of her enemies. Rosie had tried to get her to switch to coconut juice because it had the same properties as blood, but Abigail refuses on principle.
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sporadicsprinkles · 4 years
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@ask-lumber-yard-day-care The ask box is open! 
Whoooo, after a lot of work and thinking, I have this new ask blog. It’s an AU where Mal and Molly work a day care- run by Rosie and Jen, and every cabin are now small children. There is some story in it all, but go ahead and ask!
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What going on right now?
Well, Molly is putting out a fire, Mal is running around getting the kids away from it. And I’m signing the paper work for Jen to be here.
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Honorary Butch Round2A
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Who has more butch swag?
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transxfiles · 2 years
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making these lumberjanes textposts memes is so much fun :]
+ bonus
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ohmykittenholy · 3 years
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i have one (1) skill
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Jen, to the Roanokes: Don't MAKE me turn this hero's journey around!!
Rosie: Aw, is somebody still in 'refusal of the call'?
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miscellaneoustenten · 3 years
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Squishy bear cheeks! “Boof”
From Lumberjanes vol. 19
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