transxfiles · 2 years
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making these lumberjanes textposts memes is so much fun :]
+ bonus
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ohmykittenholy · 3 years
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Abigail: Have I ever told you that you cook well?
Rosie: Aw, no you haven’t :)
Abigail: So why do you keep cooking??
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hattersarts · 5 years
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morning warm ups
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catboy-joyfriend · 4 years
A (I love it!)
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feypact · 8 years
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in the mountains. of course they're in the mountains
friends to something more to enemies to lovers; giving these sad gal pals a happy ending (playmoss) (stayed up all night) (8tracks)
art / lesbian mountain women post
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roanoke-cabin · 9 years
Could you do Rosigail for the otp ask?
(I got your other ask but don’tstress, I’m not really in the mood to enforce any rule that keeps me fromthinking about my otps and this gives me a perfect excuse to think aboutfriends to lovers Rosigail and I am the worst kind of trash for that trope)
Who stealsfrench fries off the other’s plate?
When they’re kids fresh out oftheir first summer at camp, it’s Abigail. Rosie’s still so nervous with her, quietand jumpy and hopelessly in love without any idea of where to find the word. Andsitting in the back of some grease covered diner (roughly half way betweenRosie’s town and Abigail’s city, five minutes off a major highway and not oftenhost to a couple of girl scouts) she goes red as her hair at the easy wayAbigail’s fingers pick stray fries from her plate, almost swallows her tonguewhen Abigail grins before biting down. Afterwards, staring at the salt clingingto Abigail’s bottom lip, Rosie thinks she might just give her right arm for thechance to kiss it off.
Years later, after theGrootslang, after apologies, after slow and careful reconciliations that haveleft them somewhere in the no man’s land between allies and friends, Rosietakes Abigail out for burgers and fries and makes a point of returning thefavour.
Who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asksif they’re a couple?
Abigail. It only happens once,their second year at camp. They haven’t seen each other in months and they’vealready got their arms round each other when a girl in the Roswell cabin asksin passing. Abigail answers without a second thought, peppers Rosie with kissesand earns a laugh for her theatrics. But afterwards Rosie won’t look her in theeye and Abigail realises that maybe she’s blown her shot before it started.
All the while Rosie’s worriedthat Abigail will always think the idea of them dating is an absolute joke.
Who has to bust or bail the other out of jail?
I’m not sure they’d have thechance given their rather messy falling out, but probably Rosie. Abigail wouldget arrested at a protest or something similar and Rosie wouldn’t waste asecond from the moment she got the call until Abigail was back home safe and sound.
Abigail grins when she arrivesand says “My hero” and Rosie calls her an idiot even as she goes bright red.
Who gives the other advice/comfort about datingissues?
When they’re young and naiveand floundering under the misguided belief that their feelings are anythinglike unrequited, Rosie goes to Abigail. She tries to be as vague as possible,begs for help without even mentioning a pronoun, and Abigail does her best tooffer guidance while brimming with jealousy and hate for whoever it is that’sthe incredible luck of winning Rosie’s heart and the incredible stupidity ofnot realising what a gift that is.
Later, much later, she thinksback to that enemy made of straw and laughs at how complately blind she was.
Who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over tocover the other’s eyes?
Both of them, all the time.
Who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk?
Probably Abigail, but it’s amoot point once you realise they spend every other night curled up next to eachother telling whispered stories in the dark and mapping out constellations in the freckleson their skin.
Who starts and who wins the pillow fights?
Abigail starts them but Rosie always wins.
Who says “your pants would look better on theirfloor” to the other’s potential crush?
Probably Rosie. She doesn’tmean it. She absolutely hates herself for it later. But she sees Abigailtalking to some girl, sees her smiling and quipping and assumes, from thebottom a hole dug deep in denial and self-pity, that that’s who Abigailwants, and that Abigail could never want someone like her. 
So she says it.
And afterwards she so busyhating herself for it she doesn’t notice how hurt Abigail is that Rosie thinksshe could ever have feelings for anyone else.
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transxfiles · 4 years
my favorite thing about the abigail/rosie dynamic as at first it’s all like “well clearly abigail’s the distinguished lesbian who’s got all her shit together and is some incredible adventurer, and rosie’s the disaster lesbian who’s still trying to wrangle the roanokes” but then, like, less than ten pages later you realize abigail’s basically trying to kill a giant crocodile/elephant/god thing with nothing but a fucking shotgun meanwhile rosie’s successfully running a camp of ~300 kids in the middle of a fucked up haunted enchanted forest and it’s like. okay lumberjanes writers, you had me in the first half i'm not gonna lie,
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Jen: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
Rosie: A broken heart . . .
Abigail: I almost died twice.
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Rosie: Hey Josephine, want to hear a joke?
Jen: . . . sure?
Rosie: My ex-wife still misses me!
Abigail: *fires shotgun, bullets graze Rosie’s ear*
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Abigail: I swear, if you don’t stop that right now, I’m gonna kiss you!
Rosie: You’re gonna kiss me?
Abigail: I meant kill, stupid autocorrect.
Rosie: Abigail, this is a verbal conversation.
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transxfiles · 4 years
Abigail thinks about Rosie.
Not often enough to count, in her opinion. Just every now and again. Every other month. Every other week…. Maybe every other day. Maybe more often than she’d feel comfortable saying out loud. But she can’t deny that she does it. When she’s in her study, working, or reading in her library, drifting off into sleep in her large wood cabin in the middle of the forest, her mind just wanders.
And more often than she’d like to admit, it wanders to… her .
They were in love, once. It was long ago, but Abigail remembers it. She wonders, sometimes, how long ago it actually was. Time works funny, in these woods. She can barely remember where she lived before she came here. She can barely remember who she was before she came here. What was her last name? She can’t have forgotten. What letter did it start with, at least? Was it at the beginning of the alphabet, or the end? A ‘W’? A ‘C’?
She shakes her head. She sighs.
She’s been trying to remember for years, but she still doesn’t know.
But she remembers her. She remembers Rosie.
How could she ever forget Rosie?
They were in love, once. She remembers it so clearly. How they held hands underneath the starry sky, shared a tent on hiking trips, shared a kiss when no one was looking. Those memories are sharp, unlike the others, the ones blurred by too much time spent in-between time. In-between worlds. Abigail would like to get back to her own world, she thinks, if only she could remember where it was. She’d bring Rosie back with her, if Rosie would come.
But Rosie would never come.
She’s so stubborn, Abigail tells herself, so stupid. She lets those girls traipse around in the forest without teaching them how to defend themselves, at least how to knock out a yeti. And then she puts her face in her hands, and shivers. When did she start sounding so much like Nellie?
Well, maybe Nellie was right.
About some things.
The creatures in the forest are dangerous. They’re bloodthirsty and savage and, dear stars above, who ever thought it would be a good idea to have a summer camp here? Not that the girls aren’t sensible - from what Abigail’s seen, they can handle themselves. Jen could handle herself. But that didn’t make it right to put Jen in danger, again and again. It didn’t make it right to put any of those poor girls in danger.
Abigail was one of those girls once.
Except all of the other girls got to go home at the end of the summer. And for whatever reason, Abigail didn’t. It’s not that she didn’t want to - she begged the forest to go back. But it didn’t let her. It wanted her to stay.
Maybe it was revenge. Maybe it was fate. She tries not to think about it, much.
But at the end of the summer, she was left in the forest, alone.
It was just her.
And Rosie.
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Rosie: I love murder mysteries.
Abigail, trying to impress her: I’ve been a suspect in four murder cases.
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Abigail: This is my ex-girlfriend, Rosie.
Rosie: Please stop introducing me like that.
Rosie: I’m her wife.
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transxfiles · 4 years
For the fandom ask game: Lumberjanes
the first character i ever fell in love with: Jo!! a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Hm... none of them? I love them all.  a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: Mally - I still enjoy the ship a lot, but not as much as I used to? I guess I'm not a fan of how their arcs have become so combined into one, and how their relationship tends to eat away at Mal’s personal arcs until they just become Mally arcs. But they were still so important to me when I first read Lumberjanes for the first time, because they were the first canon wlw couple I ever saw, and that changed my life. my ultimate favorite character™: JO!!! prettiest character: Jen... my most hated character: Apollo. He’s annoying as hell. my OTP: ...oh theres so many good ships in these comics...uh Jo/April is cute...love Diane/Hes...Emily/Wren...whatever’s going on with Mackenzie and Feryal...gosh I cannot choose...and also do not come after me...but Jen/Vanessa has consumed my soul... I know we never see Vanessa in the comics shut up shut up I love her. my NOTP: idk I guess I've seen some people shipping Barney and April and I didn’t like that one?  favorite episode: Favorite comic is definitely the first one. I genuinely cannot think of a better way to introduce the Roanokes. A+ art and writing.  saddest death: ...trying to remember if anyone dies I do not think anyone dies?? favorite season: My favorite arc is the Out Of Time one!! We get lots of great Jen time and we’re introduced to Abigail and we get so much backstory + snow!! least favorite season: I really disliked Band Together... I understand the importance of having an arc where April comes to terms with how sometimes her determination and drive can have a negative effect on her friends, but sometimes it was just so hard to read bc I’d be like “Oh no. Oh no this is gonna backfire so bad. Oh no it’s backfiring. Oh no-” character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: None of them Lumberjanes fandom shares one brain cell. my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Diane :) pre redemption arc. If she doesn't count, then Nellie. my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Barney... my child...  my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: None. my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Rosigail.
(send me a fandom and i’ll tell you...)
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Jen: What cute names do you call your girlfriend?
Rosie: Abigail.
Jen: Adorable.
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