The motion to repeal Net Neutrality has been passed in a 3-2 vote
Before everyone losses their shit, I will like to urge everyone to talk a deep breath and focus on the following:
1: This cannot go into immediate effect.
2: There is still many issues that WILL be addressed by the Congress, Supreme Court, and many other government officials have a current say in the false comments, stolen idenities, denial of public hearings, and many other issues that the FCC did not address.
3: CALL. YOUR. OFFICALS. Do NOT give up, just because the vote has passed, don’t you DARE stop. Make this shit go front-page, make some NOISE.
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Take a deep breath and repeat after me:
We will not lose open internet tomorrow. Even if the repeal goes through, we will not lose our open internet tomorrow. The process is longer than that. I’m posting this again, because there are a lot of people who are under the impression that if the vote goes through tomorrow that we won’t have access to the sites we love, which can happen, but tomorrow’s vote is the beginning of a long war.
Please take a deep breath and keep calling your reps.
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Guys I think we actually won.
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Henlo friens! Another update for you to further excuse my pathetic ass:
I have a job now! I’m becoming an independent person and figuring out my life and doing things (kinda) on my own! I’ve also started taking care of personal life things better so things should be better from now on o3o
In other news, I’ve done a tad bit of cleaning up on my blog! I gave different nicknames for a few different skels and added a list of my self-ships onto the Character List in case anyone was curious about those. I accept asks for those too if you’re curious enough!
Also I wanna see if I can get myself to finish the asks in my drafts still. Yes, they’re still there. If I can’t bring myself to finish them, then I’ll just delete them (sorry to those of you who’ve been waiting so patiently). Either way, please fill my askbox with more asks to motivate me to practice my writing skills!
Thanks guys!
Pending requests: 8
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Mafia! or Underfell! Sans offers a proposal :3c
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Never in my life did I ever think I’d say a sexy skeleton pun, I love voice acting.
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attention all Officials, all Tumblr users, whoever the fuck you are.
This is severely important.
Ever sit down after a stressful day, watch your favorite youtuber, do commissions, etc.? Well in FOUR DAYS, that can all be taken away very easily. We’re so close yet so *far* from possibly saving the internet, and those who’s lives depend on it. Within this blog, there will be a link to a petition to stop net neutrality from being killed. There are many people who’s jobs are online. online schooling. the internet is extrememly important, and we can’t let the FCC take it away! Instead of just merely liking this post, sign the petition and reblog this post!
>> Here’s the link. <<
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So uh, guess what I finally got? I actually got this like two weeks ago, I just kept forgetting to post about it :B
Anyway I’ve named him Twitch and I love him
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attention all Officials, all Tumblr users, whoever the fuck you are.
This is severely important.
Ever sit down after a stressful day, watch your favorite youtuber, do commissions, etc.? Well in FOUR DAYS, that can all be taken away very easily. We’re so close yet so *far* from possibly saving the internet, and those who’s lives depend on it. Within this blog, there will be a link to a petition to stop net neutrality from being killed. There are many people who’s jobs are online. online schooling. the internet is extrememly important, and we can’t let the FCC take it away! Instead of just merely liking this post, sign the petition and reblog this post!
>> Here’s the link. <<
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Quick update on how I’m spending my time
Gmod with @syntheticderpy is marvelous
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👀 hewwo u h y i s,, if requests a re ope n,, may i wequest ut and sf sans with a very awkward s/o who's shit at words but very cuddly and loving. and when they say 'i love you' they get super quiet and shy and flustered and fkdbfk i m flustering myself no w help
hallo, ye i gotchu o3o (soundslikesomethingiddotbh)
Snasy boi:
Oh my god you’re so adorable. How is this possible for someone to be this cute??? He doesnt mind that you arent too good with words, but when you give him cuddles, he’s gonna try to make you get flustered as best he can to be able to see you get red and shy. Especially if it’s when you say you love him, he’ll make a little scene to be able to get you even more flustered cause jfc its the highlight of his day to see it.
Blackberry Bab:
He’s not too good at words either tbh, so it’s no problem, the cuddles on the other hand make him go a little purple, but he likes them so much that youve never heard a complaint from him once, he lowkey really enjoys the fact that you’re so loving, cuz damn he adores it about you. The second he hears you say “i love you” and get all shy and flustered, it’s now his mission to see more of that. Don’t ask how he’s gonna do it, but he’s gonna do it somehow
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So hiya again o3o Uh, just updating again because I haven’t been posting cause I’ve been getting shit done irl, such as finally getting a job! I snagged a decent job and my first day is today so wish me luck -3-;
Also, I finally named my many self-ships with my favorite skels, so if you’re curious about that, just send in an ask and I’ll tell you my super trashy self-ships (theresalot.3.)
So hopefully since I’m gonna start being an actual productive member of society, my motivation for writing will come back so I can work on those imagines that have been sitting in my drafts for like half a month .3.;
But yee, just wanted to update you guys and let ya know I’m doing alright and I’m getting shit figured out and finally starting to be a human again. Thanks for your patience, things have been kinda wild but I’m doing pretty alright now
Don’t know when I’ll be doing imagines again, but hopefully soon
Pending requests: 8
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@ all of my followers who use the mobile tumblr app!!!
please go to “General Settings” then to “Dashboard Preferences” and turn off “Best Stuff First”. This is killing artist exposure! Please, please, PLEASE, turn it off if you really do love the artists you follow! You’d be helping us so much! Please reblog this so that more people may know!
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Okay here's a scenario:  The s/o is a Shadow demon  MT UT US UF and HT Sans didn't know that until they followed their s/o who was acting weird into a forest. The s/o really loves their bonefriend and didn't want to scare them off but they were hungry. The boys catch them eating a deer they just got in their demon form. Next to the deer was a human body. Alive yes. What would they do?
Mafia snasy:
He’s not sure what to say. He’s shocked you didn’t tell him, he wouldn’t have disapproved or anything, he would just be extremely curious as to what you could do. He wont confront you about it right away until a while later, then when he does bring it up, he does it as subtle as possible. “So, uh, know anything or anyone who knows about demons ‘n shit?” Yeah. “Subtle”. If you chose to tell him, he’s gonna be really happy from the fact that you told him what he needs to know, now he knows how to help/protect you when he needs to
Snasy boi
Whut. What did he just see? Why is there a person there? Can he please have an explanation? He’s literally made of confusion by now, so the more time goes by, the more cautious he gets around you, he doesn’t want to do anything that might upset you in any way, so he stays quiet about it until you decide to share with him yourself. Once you do bring it up, he freezes up and eventually just tells you, he tells you tha he’s not upset but he just doesnt know how to take care of you, is there anyway he could help you eat better? He’s taking it pretty well, he thinks it’s nice, but he wishes he knew sooner rather than later
Blue boi:
S/O!! What did you do to that person? He confronts you immediately to try and figure out what is happening, when you proceed to explain, he doesnt exactly know how to take in this information. Does he try to figure out how to help you or does he figure out something else? Give him some time to take it in, he is just a little shaken up by the fact that he hasn’t been told this before, but after he accepts it, he continues his affections and sometimes asks what type of stuff you can do since you’re a demon, he likes it and it just makes you all the more special!
Red boi:
What the hell s/o? Why didn’t you tell him sooner? He doesnt need an explanation, he just stomps right up to you and asks if you need help getting anything else to eat, which if you agree to let him help, he’s gone in a matter of minutes to go search for something for you to eat. And the person you had next to you? He’ll finish them off for you if it makes you feel any better, anything to make sure you’re eating whatever you can. No, it doesn’t bother him, he thinks its fascinating, so he doesn’t mind it at all
Hatchet bby:
He walks right up to you and just blankly says, “Want anything else to eat babe?” He doesnt really react to it, if you were hungry, thats fine, he understands what it feels like to be hungry like that. He gladly brings you whatever you want to eat, whether it be human or animal, he already has it covered. Don’t ask where he gets it from, he will give you no response, only a shrug. Otherwise he’s going to figure out what you’re favorite type of thing to eat is and bring you that instead more often
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Uf and Ut bros with a SO that loves sewing and knitting and loves making them gifts like a blanket or pillows and sweaters. Please and thank you!!! Have a nice time!!! -☆-=
-smol gasp- thatsoundsglorious,anonifyoudothisyouareagoodbab;3;
Red boi:
-He’s really grateful for each gift you give him-Make him a sweater? He’s wearing it the second you give it to him, constantly snuggling it-blankets and pillows? YES-you will find him cuddling them when you aren’t around if youre lucky enough-if you call him out on it, he’s going to bring anything you made him with him wherever he is to show off that he loves it more than you thought-sometimes he’ll even ask if you could maybe teach him a thing or two about knitting since he’s mostly only good at sewing
Edgy boi:
-Wh? Whats this for S/O?-he’s confused as to why you’re giving him these things-he’ll take them, and he’ll use/wear whatever you give him proudly-anyone who tried to tell him that he shouldnt be using them is getting punched-He really likes the blanket, he brings it around with him everywhere, he’s really happy to get to have something that you made for him, so now he’s going to use it all the time-he’s really happy to have a talented S/O like you!
Snasy Boi:
-yespleasehewantsallthenicethingsyougivehim-he’s gonna be wearing the sweater and using the pillow and blanket at the same time-its just so cozy?????-you literally can’t tell him to not wear it cuz he’s going to have it on under his hoodie to hide it-he just thinks that your skill is really cool and he likes the things that you made for him!-you could probably even catch him snuggling whatever you made him anywhere, he brings at least one thing you made along with him to be able to have a reminder of you when you arent near
Pure Papy:
-Oh! Thats very kind of you to make those things for him s/o!-he’s always excited to see what you’re making next-but as soon as he gets what you have made him, he’s already hugging you and the gift as tight as he could-he’s going to take it everywhere just like how he does with his battle body-he loves the gift very much and will try to make stuff for you in return for the lovely things you’ve made him-plus the fact that you get twice as many smooches from him than you usually would
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