#lucy's so relatable
ssaraexposs · 6 months
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Very smooth, Lucy...totally...
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Lucy: When I asked for a spoon, I meant the utensil.
Natsu, hugging her from behind: Oh.
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sunlit-mess · 13 days
That person who'd asked if Alastor was your favorite or Lucifer, did you answer the question? Like I'm stupid- If you did then I haven't figured it out yet- Could you say it in words please 🥺 Alastor Or Lucifer
:3 Favorite of both... But in these sense:
- Down bad for Alastor. I'd eat him cannibalistically.
- Relates to Lucifer 100%
Merchandise and whatever physical collectables/stuff speaking... I'm in an Alastor simp competition and my competitor is Vox.
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tomurakii · 5 months
Also of course Kipperlily lost her shit about Kristen not taking the campaign seriously. She's a kid who gets passionate about shit and her "friends" use it to take the piss and make her mad on purpose. It reminds me of my own childhood or the treatment of other neurodivergent kids in primary school, where you'd say you don't like being touched or that you want your stuff organised a certain way or bring a fidget toy or something to school with you and some kid would come and harrass you and move stuff and take things out of your hands just to get you to have a meltdown or give them a reaction they can laugh at you about.
She cares about the presidency, and thinks Kristen is taking it to fuck with her on purpose just like Ruben did with their party name and countless shithead kids probably did in the past.
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oxavane · 5 months
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you all need to be nice to me because i forgot how to paint again and this doodle has been stuck in the ugly stage for so long and i just wanted to paint the anime man and ive legit been all too close to tears about this.
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suja-janee · 5 months
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I love Lucy Maclean, she’s such a sweetheart
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deerabigailhobbs · 6 months
Just finished watching the Fallout TV show
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xalonelydreamerx · 8 months
interactions between Coriolanus & Maude that didn't make it into the movie: 🧵
Coriolanus giving all the sweets to Maude Ivory:
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Maude Ivory recognizing Coryo:
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Maude Ivory guiding Coriolanus towards Lucy Gray's meadow:
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Coriolanus & Maude Ivory talking about Lucy Gray:
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Coriolanus bringing sweets again to Maude Ivory since he realized how much she loves them:
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Less of an actual interaction but Coriolanus chosing to remain with Maude Ivory & Lucy Gray rather than go swimming:
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Maude Ivory telling Coriolanus his name reminded her of a Covey one:
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Coriolanus being asked about the ballad of Lucy Gray (which was sang by maude ivory):
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And most importantly: Maude Ivory remembers every song, and Lucy Gray legacy is continued through her voice
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jesuis-assez · 2 months
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THE ROOKIE- 6.03 ➦ Trouble In Paradise
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booasaur · 2 years
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NCIS: Hawai’i - 2x15
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michaun · 6 months
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Lucy Tara in Serve and Protect
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ssaraexposs · 5 months
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Lucy my dear Lucy
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ana-cantskywalker · 1 year
Something about watching Narnia as a Christian
About how Lucy is always the first to see Aslan because it takes childlike faith
"Nobody else believed me" "Then why did that stop you from coming?"
About how Caspian is accepted and made king despite being a Telmarine, and how Eustace and Edmund are redeemed because it doesn't matter where you come from or what you've done, his grace is still sufficient.
"No matter how hard I tried I couldn't do it myself"
About how Edmund's betrayal is never spoken of again by anyone but himself, and he is never tempted by her again, even when Peter and Caspian are. His sins have been forgotten. How even though he isn't tempted, she still haunts his thought because sometimes even though we are forgiven we can't forgive ourselves.
About how Lucy struggles with trying to be like Susanne, but he has an individual plan for everyone.
 "In your world, I have another name. You must learn to know me by it. That was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there."
Ugly crying because you do know him by his other name.
Just something about Narnia as a Christian
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makorragal-312 · 6 months
So this might be an unpopular opinion (or maybe not), but as a bi woman, I would be fucking PISSED if Buck and Eddie ended up kissing or hooking up during the bachelor party.
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littlespoonevan · 6 months
I just wanna say if they are going there with bi buck (which, like, I don’t have a horse in this race I’m happy to see it play out however it does idc) it is absolutely hilarious to me if the circumstances that led to that were: they tried to bring lucy back, they Could Not bring lucy back, they brought back tommy instead, and then just went ‘well I guess we’re doing this now’ ashdhdkskjd
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