#lucinda and gene
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travis-enthusiast · 11 months ago
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valentinexday · 2 months ago
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some more mcd body headcanons :P
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cuppapoo · 3 months ago
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Mystreet rewatch got me going crazy
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thefishywizard · 2 months ago
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Dante is my favorite character.
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thevyladsafespace · 4 months ago
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I lived btch - V 2k24
Behold- I now disappear for another 80 years
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jackie-mae · 6 months ago
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Mystreet Incorrect quotes pt.2 Electric boogaloo
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i made more :)
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thewizardyfish · 9 months ago
Thinking about mcd ages since i am watching through season 1 for the first time in 9 years and these are the ones I’ve been settling on so far:
Aphmau: 26. It’s how old she actually was at the time the series started and it feels like it fits. Perfect. No notes.
Garroth: 27-28. Hes older, more experienced. Lots of shit has happened to him and he acts older and wiser than most of the cast. But he's still young, something aphmau comments on when she sees his face. And it makes sense in relation to zenix’s age.
Zenix: 19. He acts volatile and erratically like a teenager and he would’ve been 11 or 12 when garroth found him as a kid.
Laurence: 25. Just a little younger than aphmau. Acts a bit immaturely (flirting Casanova ladies man) but mature enough to deal with his problems like an adult. (Mostly)
Dante: 22. i feel (especially with how shocked garroth and Laurence are later that he kicks their asses in the 15 year time skip) that he is the younger brother of the trio of guards. While Dante is mature he also was forced to grow up fast so it doesnt contradict his younger age. Also with his backstory of gene fucking up his whole life when he was 12 i dont want him to be without a family for too long ;;
Gene: 29. I think he was 19 when he ruined Dante’s life. so however old Dante is, Gene’s 7 years older.
Zane: 23-24 at first i was gonna have him the same age as aphmau because the two of them are parallels, but a young little shit who thinks he’s wise and drunk on power is better. Also, If hes younger than Laurence it makes that moment in the S1 finale where he called him “little Laurence” really funny.
Vylad: 20-21. he;; He’s just a babey;;; gone too soon;;;
Katelyn: 25. Same age as Laurence. Still young enough that rage and power come naturally to her, but with the energy to back it up.
Nichole: 21. I think that her and garroth were getting arranged to be married during a time where the age gap was really uncomfortable (14 - 20) which would add more layers to why both of them were so staunchly against it.
Lucinda: 27. This is apparently confirmed according to the wiki and i agree i think thats a good age.
Kawaii-Chan/Nana: 24. naive but utimately skilled at her craft that would take years to master.
Zoey: 900+. fuckin old. I love gilfs
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kitzuukts · 1 month ago
a round of MCD headcanons for my eventual rewrite project:
Laurance never regains his sight. His face is mauled with void burns from Ungrth tearing the boundary of the Nether and the Overworld. In fact, he can only see when in shadow knight form :)
Garroth x Laurance x Aphmau frfr
Werewolves actually don't exist. They are replaced with Lu'pines, the wolffolk, who cannot turn people and morph between a teue wolf and wolf-ish human (think mystreet werewolves, leona, etc).
I lied. There are werewolves. But they are not the lu'pine. They were led by the Ultima, a cursed man, but were all slaughtered by decree of the High Priest of O'khasis.
Only two survived. The red-eyed ultima and a lu'pine-werewolf who follows him whispering that their cause is just and that they are the perfect lifeform and the ultima should turn or slaughter everyone in their path. The ultima is not pleased.
Witches and warlocks are not a weird seperate species of people. It's a profession, some have immense talent, but it's not a birthright.
Aphmau, Garroth, Lucinda, Laurance, Travis, and Aaron are reincarnations of Irene, Esmund, Menphia, Kul'zak, Enki, and Shad. Aphmau is NOT Irene.
The Irene Dimension is actually limbo. That constant chiming is actually to keep those inside from losing themselves in the nothingness.
Aphamu's total love interests are Garroth, Laurance, Zoey, and Aaron. No one else.
Garroth and Laurance treat Dante like a son. He's only a couple years younger than the two and HATES this.
The process of becoming a shadow knight is essentially being maimed, killed, and injected with shadow knight blood. Once ressurected, the knight is essentially undead, bloodlusted, drawn to the Nether and Void, and briefly physically weak. During that period of weakness, initiates are often abused and beaten in any way the others see fit to "break them in."
Zenix and Vylad were taken prisoner by the shadow knights to transform. They were frnding off the knights to save a small village and let them escape. Vylad sacrificed himself as a chance for Zenix to get away, and he ended up tripping and getting captured anyway.
It tooks years for Katelyn to get over Jeffery's death. She went into the Irene dimension to protect Abby and was horrified to learn that Abby had to geow up without her. It haunts her to this day.
Hyria knew the moment Lucinda was born that she was Menphia's reincarnation. She taught Lucinda magic against her father's wishes because of this.
Laurance is a meif'wa. It's funny.
Laurance can speak wyvern. After Ungrth's passing, he speaks with Raven for a long time about the event. Raven joins the trio's cuddle pile that night.
Zoey loved Aphmau. Aphmau might have loved Zoey, too. But after she was trapped in the Irene dimension for so long, Zoey realized that her love had not only weakened her but was futile, she had maybe three years left to live. She gave up, dying of a broken heart a mere year after Aphmau returned.
One day is eight in the Nether. One day in the Irene dimension is one year in the Overworld.
Levin and Malachi are about ten at the beginning of season one, and around 14-15 at the end of it. The gang is trapped for 7 years this time.
The gang trapped is Aphmau, Garroth, Laurance, Zane, Katelyn, Travis, Lucinda
Zane might have actually loved Kiki if he stayed long enough. They had sex, it wasn't a weird pendant that made Kiki pregnant :/
Alina is Aphmau and Garroth's daughter. Lillith Garnet is hers and Laurance's. It shatters Shad Aaron that Irene Aphmau chose them over him. He succumbs to the latent destruction of his nature.
The Divine Warrior's poweful magical prowess has also cursed each of them. Shad became a werewolf, the Ultima. Irene would always lose her emotions, in each lifetime she lived. Esmund would be last to die, alone and hated, unable to keep his family safe. Enki would lose his sanity to the demon Micheal he had sealed away in his mind. Menphia would suffer the same curse as Shad for defending him, as the first vampire. Kul'zak would be blinded to the knowledge he thirsted for, each and every time.
In modern MyStreet, "werewolf" is synonymous with lu'pine. The Ultima is a myth. Something of note is that there are also rumors that a Maxima meif'wa would exist, with eyes of silver-blue.
Sasha claims shadow knights don't feel, but she lies. She still loves Kenmur. She still looks up to Candenza. She still sees Laurance as a goofy older brother. She pretends she doesn't.
Gene did do all those horrible things. He probably kissed Laurance at some point too.
Much more species diversity, lore and overall explaining. Currently, we've seen humans, lu'pines, meif'wa, wyverns, vampires, ghosts, and elves in the series proper.
Her name is Nana Ashida.
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mcdgarroth · 1 year ago
If Minecraft Diaries had Twitter
Part 7
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Part 1 Part 6 Part 8
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lucindasthighs · 4 months ago
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cuppapoo · 8 months ago
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My street more like FREAKY street!!!!!
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soupkingo3o · 9 months ago
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Some requests from insta!
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aphtwitterau · 6 months ago
(6) Daily thirstings
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p0pcorn-hearts · 10 months ago
Aphmau characters full names
Most are my headcanons btw
Aphmau Ramirez-Ross (Ramirez is Sylvanna’s last name, Ross is Zach's)
Aaron Lycan (canon)
Katelyn Murphy
Travis Valkrum (canon)
Garroth Ro'Meave (canon)
Kim Adams
Zane Ro'Meave (canon)
Kaneko Hanami
Lucinda Incanto
Ivy Love
Adachi Michi
Adachi Mikai
Sasha Petrovna Lebedeva
Zenix Moore
Gene Hernandez
Dante Hernandez
Ein Ross
Dottie Collins
Daniel Evans
Blaze O'Hara (canon)
Also I know Aphmau’s last name is believed to be Shalashaska but I say nuh uh
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doomed-by-the-narrativ3 · 1 year ago
Now that everyone is older and there's already an aphmau rennaissance on TikTok... WHERE ARE ALL THE BITCHES WRITING THE ARTSIEST AND ALSO MOST DEPRAVED OF FANFICTION.
I need you and I will start myself if I must !
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