#lucifer preference
kermahillway · 8 months
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I've been none stop drawing this fucking dumbass since yesterday... I need somebody to come help me!
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taijahfern · 7 months
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the revenge
part 2 of this post
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starkspi · 16 days
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Again source of inspiration and joy is "Managerial Liberties" on AO3 (i reeeally don't like the coloured version of this at ALL so i had to do it) [but truth be told, i just want @miribalis to break into my house]
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morningstarwrites · 2 months
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thank you for your suggestions! i picked these and made my own designs for each AU 🤩
Human [1920's]
Role-Reversal [King Alastor x Sinner Lucifer]
Of Saints and Sinners [Fanfic]
Heaven [Angels]
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lambmotifz · 3 days
the reason why sam and dean’s unhealthy dynamic doesn’t need to be fixed is because they both (unconsciously) crave power imbalance but for completely different reasons
dean didn’t have much power when he was younger since john took his control away from him. which is why he seeks power/control via hunting, violence and his relationship with sam. dean’s repressed sadistic tendencies, his love for hunting, his enjoyment of torturing & killing souls in hell come from his repressed need to be in control
and sam, as jared said, wants to restrain his physical power. not only because he doesn’t feel comfortable in his body, being too big and intimidating on the outside but feeling smaller and craving safety on the inside. but also because of his guilt and wanting to prove to himself, and to dean, that he’s good. that dean can trust him. it makes him seek comfort in being punished, in being restrained and feeling smaller than he is, but dean is the only person who can give him what he needs because dean is also the only person sam trusts and submits to. as twisted as it may be, but dean’s control over him is the only thing that gives him a feeling of safety he’s always craved
they complement each other in this fucked up way, that’s why their dynamic cannot exist without a certain amount of power imbalance
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lanabitch2 · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss scenarios:How you guys met
Charlie:(Time Line: Pilot
So you were good friends with Alastor or he owned your soul so he just spawned you to help out with the hotel and Charlie was nothing but sweet to you which was why you guys became close friends
Vaggie:(After Charlie found her)
So you are Charlie's sibling and Charlie wanted your help to get Vaggie better to which you did help ,and you and Vaggie bonded during that time which lead to her being a protective friend
Alastor:(During the show,before the Pilot)
So before the pilot he knew because once he became a overlord and came to the overlord meetings he met you another overlord and he didn't talk to you at first so you talked to him first which you and him become with besties especially with Rosie!(wait I should make a group of Alastor, Rosie,and Overlord!Reader!)And now to the show so during the overlord meetings you see him after 7 years while you and Rosie were chatting and she basically pushed you to talk to him again to which you do and you guys became close friends again!
Angel Dust:(Pilot)
You were a sinner who wanted to be redeemed so you helped Charlie with her hotel and in scene where they were in the car,Angel Dust was flirting with you the whole time even if Vaggie was screaming(?) At him,he didn't care
Husk:(Before He lost his soul to Alastor,and the pilot)
You knew him once again because of overlord meetings!You are a overlord again,You and him became friends fast and you would sometimes go to his casino and play cards with just for fun and then Alastor showed up and then Husk lost his soul. During the pilot Alastor has you help to which you do and while at the bar you meet Husk again, his is grumpy towards you but he secretly is glad that he can see you again!
Nifty(THIS IS PLATONIC!):(Pilot)
It was when Alastor just got her out of the fireplace or oven(I've heard both)and she started cleaning the place and at one point she just looked at you and then giggled and then started cleaning again, You knew she was something different
Sir Pentious:(Show)
It was after"It starts with sorry" you 2 didn't really pay attention to each other at first but he then started to try and talk to you which he was super nervous and would say the wrong thing but you were nice to him(cause duh he is sir pentious)and became his friend
Cherri bomb:(Show)
When she just blew up the wall in the hotel and Charlie gave her money to the bar(?),so when you guys were there you started talking to her and she was kinda rude bur in teasing way and after a while she was acting like your best friend
So you needed a job so you went to his studio and you didn't even half to say"Can I have a job here." He just goes"Do YoU nEeD a JoB?"*And you just nod so you gave your soul go him and stuff <3
You are just a powerful overlord who works with the Vees and Vox grew a liking to you and was kinda weird but you didn't really care about it and deal with it but you guys are friends(you replaced Alastor?)
Velvette(MA QUEEN!):Anytime
So you were one of her models and she didn't really care for you at first until she saw how much talent you had and she was awestruck so she then started showing favoritism towards you
Adam:(Earth garden of eden)
So after he lost both of his wives to Lucifer,God made him a new wife(or husband but it might start just becoming a female if so then sorry!),you were loyal to him and loved him no matter what(MY HEART OF STONNNNNNNE!)
Lute:(Anytime,and so this reader is female it just makes since of what I'm about to for the reader)
So your are a exterminator and she used not care for you until Adam started talking about you to her and she then started to pay close attention to you,which you noticed after a while and asked her"What?"and she was pissed until she chilled out started talking to you and you guys were chill
Emily(My bestie loves her):Anytime
You were a Seraphim to(I REALLY HOPE THAT NOT ALL SERAPHIMS ARE REALATED!)And she always talked to you when she just wanted to but you guys never really were friends she talked to you when she didn't think Sera would understand so at one point you were like"Wanna be friends?"and she would squeal and be like"YES!YES!"
Saint Peter(I love him and "OH!~"):Anytime
You were a Seraphim and he would sometimes see you when he would see Sera and Emily but you guys never really talked so at one point when you were just alone,he started talking to you which made you guys close
(End of hazbin hotel but if you want me to add more people than you say who)
Helluva boss
Blitzø(Mwah):(Before the whole Blitz and stolas fucking thing for the book)
So you needed a job so you saw IMP and thought *Murder >:)* so you when to work there and he had you meet him in his office and he was like "who do you want dead?"until you telled him you wanted a job and hired
Millie(THICK-um sorry and her and Moxxie are not married atleast not in these preferences but you can request them together!):season 1 episode 5 Harvest Moon Festival
So she knew you from her childhood back in the warth ring and once she saw you again at The Harvest Moon Festival she was overjoyed and so were you and you guys started catching up you ended up just going back with her and started working at IMP
Moxxie(Possum!):Harvest Moon Festival
So you also knew Millie and she introduced you two to each other and he was kinda nervous but you were kind for him to trust you and like the last preference you went to IMP to work there
Lonna(Goth queen):Anytime when she was with Blitz
So you got a a job at IMP and you tried to talk to her but Moxxie is telling you to not so you didn't for a while until you just did and she at first wasn't listening to you until she found out you like some of the same stuff as her and she kinda became your friend
Stolas(Birdy :<):Loo Loo land
So you worked for IMP and Blitzo had you and M&M to come along to protect Stolas and Octavia at Loo Loo Land,After a while Stolas started taking a liking towards you and was like "Blitzy give that one and you still have the book"
You were a servant/maid for the Goitia family and she was kinda nice to you but was still a bitch
Stirker(I mean!~):Teen times
You were Millies sibling and knew him some what around the ranch and his father so at one point when you were trying to get on a big ass horse and kept falling,he walked over and was kind(I think he was a weet heart in his childhood and teens but his dad messed it all up)and he said"Do ya need help?" He smiled and helped you up and you guys started talking after becoming friends
So you were a stripper for them and they never really noticed you until you pulled a amazing stunt(?) So after they had a talk with you and started saying how good you are and that you are probably the best stripper which you became close to them
You one of her BIGGEST fans in hell and on time at her concert when you were shouting "I love you!" She winked at you and after the concert she had you come back stage and she had you join her little group
So you were part of Verosika's little group,he never really payed attention to you but at one point you started flirting with him and he was pretty chill about it and was screaming on the inside and after that you guys became close
Mammon(Fat Christmas tree that I love!):Anytime
So you performed for him at one point which he really liked you and your style so he had you like work with him and now you are the SIN OF GREEDS pet.Maybe?
Beeulzubub(slay queen bee!):anytime
You were at one of her party's and she started talking to you and was like acting like your best friend and after she like gave you her number,you guys started hanging out
So I forgot Lucifer so!
Lucifer(eat me out please):when he visits the hotel
So when he visits he noticed you were like a parent to Charlie and he wasn't mad about it because she needed a parent figure(Alastor:I'm a roach-wait no nifty!)*and he stared talking to and was like "new Lilith?" In his head
My oc's
So you came to her bar and she caught interest in you and would start talking to you and be kind flirty while also being a sweetheart and then you guys meet again at the hotel
You were also a model for Velvette like her and she noticed how good you are and wanted you to teach her and so you did and then you guys met again in the hotel
THANK YOU FOR 57 LIKES( Is that what their called?)
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cyath · 9 months
Never drawing this bitch ass or his complicated clothes EVER AGAIN
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allastoredeer · 3 months
I have no problem with al being a bottom, I just have a hard time with bottom king lucifer as a top. May I have examples to try and see your side?
Exhibit A:
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Dat smirk.
Exhibit B:
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Soft Top Lucifer
Exhibit C:
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Demon Top Lucifer
Exhibit C:
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That sexy shoulder bop
Exhibit D:
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Look at this guy.
Exhibit E:
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Obvious one.
Exhibit F:
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I just wanted to post this one cuz I like his smirky little face.
LOL no, seriously though, there's no specific way a character has to act or behave to be deemed a top, bottom or switch. It's a preferred sexual position that isn't dependent on outside factors, it's just what a person enjoys, and what the reader/viewer wants that character to be. That's essentially what it is. It's not based on logic, it's based on what position the fan prefers for them to be in.
Lucifer could do his sexy little shoulder bop and still be a bottom. He can give the most suave, seductive smirk and still be a bottom. It's different for everyone.
But as for why I like top!Lucifer, here are a few reasons:
A) I really like it when shorties top. So often, in almost all fandoms I've been in, the default for a popular ship is the shorter one bottoming and the taller one topping. As a shortie myself, I just...ugh, I get so tired of it. Especially since the bottom is typically softened, UwU-ified, and turned into this delicate little flower. Bringing personal feelings into this, I've been very short and very thin all my life. I've literally been described as "delicate" before, and as someone who enjoys sports, running around, and is just a loud, rough and tumble person by nature, I absolutely hate it. It's given me a lot of mental and emotional issues, and a lot of the treatment and comments I've gotten has made me feel belittled, vulnerable, and weak. So, while being a bottom doesn't mean you're any of those things, short characters have been treated like that for a majority of the fandoms I've been in, no matter what their personality, stature, behaviors, or attitude was, and seeing it brings out of love of dark and negative feelings that I'd rather not re-live when I'm trying to enjoy myself in fandom. (Which is another reason why I dislike so much bottom!Lucifer because he's so often softened down and turned into this naive, dare I say, helpless little lamb. The moment Alastor overpowers him or easily manipulates him into a deal, I am outta there.)
B) Lucifer has that top energy. Can't explain it. He just does. To be clear, I don't see him exclusively as a top. He's a switch. But I do headcanon Alastor as exclusively a bottom, so in any radioapple relationship I write or draw, Lucifer will top.
and C) the most important reason: I like seeing Alastor get railed.
Alastor bottoms in all the ships I have for him and Lucifer is no exception. Besides, I find a lot of versatility and potential in Lucifer being with/fucking a sinner, especially considering his distaste of them. Makes for a good hate-fucking scenario, or a very emotional and in-depth character deep dive of him coming to terms with his own bias and internalized hatred of them and finding love and companionship in one of the very people he despised. That's some delicious mental turmoil and the perfect opportunity for character development.
(LOL there's a lot of talk of Alastor not bottoming because of his ego, and yet nobody considers that maybe Lucifer wouldn't bottom for Alastor because he's a sinner. He is the embodiment of pride after all. So, combining that with his disdain for sinners, would he really "stoop" so low as to let one of them fuck him? Food for thought).
But seriously though, when it comes down to it, I just like Alastor bottoming and Lucifer topping. Yes, bottom!Lucifer and top!Alastor has been soured for me due to popular fandom depictions of it, but even before those were popular, I simply preferred Alastor bottoming. I enjoy it more, not just for his character, but just...because. I just do.
Thing is, I don't think there has to be a list of reasons for why you prefer a character topping, bottoming, or switching. People are allowed to do whatever they want with these characters. It's fandom. This is a playground. We don't have to have a reason, we're just here to have fun.
If you can't see Lucifer as a top, Anon, that is a-okay 👍👍Thanks for asking for a different perspective though, it's always awesome when a person seeks to understand someone else's point of view. I don't know how well of a different perspective I offered, though. I have a hard time answering questions like these bcuz they just don't make a lot of sense to me. It's hard to say why I like something when I just...do. I just vibe with it.
To boil it all down, my examples/answers are all based on what I like and how I feel. I like bottom!Alastor cuz I enjoy it. I like top!Lucifer because I love seeing Alastor get railed - especially by a big, powerful demon king. Very yummy.
Also, LOL, considering Alastor is exclusively a bottom to me, anyone I do ship him with will automatically be the top, regardless of who they are XD So I guess that's an important factor to consider too 😂
I don't know how well I did with answering this, but I do want you to get the perspective you were looking for, so! My fellow bottom!Alastor truthers who are reading this, drop why you like bottom!Alastor in the comments below for our lovely Anon!
I'm curious about what you guys have to say too.
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cloudysfluffs · 6 months
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alastor, after knowing lucifer for less than 14 seconds: ohhh i can't NOT wreck him
~kink/nsfw blogs please dni!!~
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cringefailvox · 2 months
applemedia dynamic where vox is the hinge... mf was built to be a polyamory manager
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projectcaramel · 4 months
Obey Me! Random Headcanon #7
The Brothers' Favorite Anime
Well-Known - SPY X FAMILY; he thinks it's cute and appreciates the sentiment of being able to live in a happy family despite the secrets hidden away. For obvious reasons, he relates to Loid the most.
More Obscure - THE CASE STUDY OF VANITAS; he likes the portrayal of vampires and likes to compare it to Bram Stoker's Dracula. His favorite character is Dominique de Sade, whom he refers to as "tragic and feisty."
Well-Known - ONE PIECE; he's just one of those people that loves to scream "THE ONE PIECE IS REAAAALLLL" and likes the treasure-hunting aspect combined with the camaraderie.
More Obscure - BLUE EXORCIST; funny, right? He used to mock Satan every time his name popped up until the couch was destroyed. He thinks Rin is cool and argues with Lucifer all the time that he's better than Yukio.
Well-Known - SWORD ART ONLINE; Levi likes the concept more than the characters if he's honest, but he thinks Heathcliff is a total boss.
More Obscure - THE EMINENCE IN SHADOW; like many people who watch Isekai, Levi thinks the tropes start to get a little too copy-and-paste after a while, and he appreciates the parody. He loves Cid and goes into great detail to explain why the anime is genius.
Honorable mention - SAO ABRIDGED because Levi also loves it 10x more than the original even if it's fan-made.
Well-known - BLACK BUTLER; A revenge plot mixed up with detective stories and a cruel demon butler that loves cats? He vibes with Sebastian and would like him *just a little more* if Levi hadn't pointed out that he looks like Lucifer.
More Obscure - MORIARTY THE PATRIOT; it's Sherlock but anime; what more could he ask for? When asked who his favorite character is, he usually can't decide between the Moriarty's because he likes all of them for different reasons and usually says William by default.
Well-Known - INUYASHA; Loves it for the romance and thinks Inuyasha and Kagome make a great couple. He even likes the "Inuyasha... Kagome... Inuyasha! ... Kagome!" moments.
More Obscure - KAGUYA-SAMA LOVE IS WAR; Wants to kiss half of the cast because they're beautiful and will sometimes yell at the screen when Shinomiya and Shirogane misunderstand each other (he ships it hard).
Well-Known - VIOLET EVERGARDEN; he cries every single time, but he loves it because Violet reminds him of Lilith, and he likes how it has a hopeful ending.
More Obscure - FOOD WARS!; It's literally a cooking show, and he couldn't be happier. The fanservice often goes over his head until one of his brothers mumbles something about it, at which point he might feel embarrassed.
Well-Known - JUJUTSU KAISEN; he likes it because it's more on the dark side; his favorite character is Mahito and has remarked at least once that he thinks it would be fun to carry humans in his pocket like that (he said this specifically to scare you).
More Obscure - MAOU-JOU DE OYASUMI; he loves this series because it's all about his favorite past-time. He often writes down what Princess Suyaris says, muttering "wow, I never thought about doing that..."
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-- Caramel: I have watched a lot of anime. It was difficult to narrow down a list of more than 80 to 14, but I hope you enjoyed! --
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420technoblazeit · 4 months
been thinking about season 5 recently. isnt is so fucked up that lucifer was the only angel to treat sam with any kind of respect? and to let him make his own decisions and never threaten him into agreeing to be his vessel? isnt it so fucked up that when he said he'd never lie or trick sam into saying yes he actually meant it? the angels try to get dean to agree to be michael's vessel in a hundred different ways. they torture him, send him to alternate doomed timelines, threaten and hurt his family, and try every trick in the book to break his spirit. but lucifer never even lays a hand on sam. do you ever think about that
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keets-writing-corner · 6 months
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Legit obsessed with this moment
Everyone else is injured, tired, covered in blood, their clothes are ripped, and Lucifer's perfectly fine, uninjured, not stained, not tired ass "YOOOO that was a tough battle, I bet everyone is hungry. What do people eat? Pancakes? I can make pancakes WHO WANTS PANCAKES??"
And Charlie's suffering from second hand embarrassment like "Dad... read the room..."
Lucifer sweetie darling I love you A for effort but F for execution
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starkspi · 4 months
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will i ever finish this whole scene (which is my absolute favourite by the way) from @morningstarwrites fanfiction? we shall see
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australet789 · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel fandom
can we find a platonic ship name for Lucifer/Alastor?
Because i know Radioapple is the romantic ship name and i dont like that a lot of the stuff i have seen in the tag (mostly on twitter) erases Alastor aroaceness. I love Lucifer's and Alastor's dynamic but because they hate each other and it's fucking funny
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lambmotifz · 7 months
thinking about how the original plan (had the writers strike not taken place) was for sam to use his powers and save dean from his deal & castiel wasn’t even supposed to be in the show because eric kripke did not intend to include angels…
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